Pegasus Post: May 03, 2016

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FREE<br />

TUESDAY MAY 3 <strong>2016</strong><br />

<strong>Pegasus</strong><br />


379 7100<br />


<strong>Post</strong><br />

Proudly locally owned and<br />

published by Star Media<br />

Award winning publishing group<br />

SHOW<br />

1ST-3RD JULY <strong>2016</strong><br />


Linwood, Avonside, Richmond, Shirley, Burwood, Dallington, Wainoni, Bromley, Aranui, Avondale, Bexley, New Brighton, Northshore, Queenspark, Parklands, South Brighton<br />

DETERIORATING: The city council wants to spend $4 million raising stopbanks and replacing sandbags along the Avon River to help prevent flooding.<br />


$4m flood mitigation project planned<br />

Temporary stopbanks need raising and sandbags replaced<br />


The height of temporary<br />

stopbanks along the Avon River<br />

from South New Brighton to<br />

Kerrs Reach could be raised and<br />

sandbags replaced under a $4<br />

million project.<br />

A report will go to a city<br />

council committee on Thursday,<br />

recommending “urgent” sandbag<br />

replacements and higher<br />

stopbank levels, in a bid to<br />

reduce instances of flooding.<br />

The temporary stopbanks were<br />

constructed under emergency<br />

legislation following the February<br />

2011 earthquake to mitigate<br />

tidal flooding.<br />

Because the stopbanks<br />

were only designed to have<br />

a “life of five years” and not<br />

designed to withstand high<br />

magnitude earthquakes, the<br />

report said urgent solution was<br />

required.<br />

The Valentine’s Day<br />

earthquake exacerbated the<br />

problem with<br />

five locations<br />

along the Avon<br />

River affected<br />

with increased<br />

seepage, and<br />

cracking.<br />

If approved<br />

construction begins in July.<br />

The news comes after <strong>Pegasus</strong><br />

<strong>Post</strong> reported in February<br />

that Southshore Residents’<br />

Association and the South<br />

Brighton Residents’ Association<br />

INSIDE: • Fifty years of plumbing, p6 • Views on fireworks moving elsewhere, p7<br />

were concerned about the<br />

deteriorated state of the<br />

temporary stopbanks.<br />

City council staff have<br />

recommended that $4 million<br />

be spent on the detailed design<br />

and construction of raising the<br />

stopbanks between 40cm and<br />

50cm and replacing sandbags.<br />

But South Brighton Residents’<br />

Association chairman Hugo<br />

Kristinsson (left) who has<br />

lobbied for a solution, said the<br />

city council’s solution does not<br />

go far enough.<br />

“That budget ($4 million)<br />

is concerning. When they are<br />

fixing the surface, they are<br />

missing the problems which<br />

are in the ground. This is just<br />

cosmetic fixing, it’s like a<br />

makeover for a person with a<br />

black eye. The problem is still<br />

there,” he said.<br />

“They just want to get the<br />

extra 20 years to push it away.<br />

They just want to get us off their<br />

back,” he said.<br />


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* Conditions apply. Normal lending criteria, booking fee and annual account fee applies. Limited stock.<br />

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Mon - Fri<br />

8.00am to 5.00pm

2<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> 3 <strong>2016</strong><br />

Community<br />

Events Email<br />

Christchurch Waste Free<br />

Parenting Week Event<br />

Thursday <strong>May</strong> 5, 7-9pm<br />

Throughout Parenting Week<br />

$10,000 worth of prizes will be<br />

up for grabs. Every ticket holder<br />

will get a goodie bag with lots<br />

of offers and free items. The<br />

week is about educating parents<br />

about how the choices they<br />

make will have an impact on the<br />

environment. The evening will<br />

have lots of entertainment and<br />

education including spot prizes<br />

and games. There are only 100<br />

tickets available for each event.<br />

Go to eventfinda.co.nz for more<br />

information<br />

North New Brighton Community<br />

Centre, 88 Marine Parade.<br />

$16 entry<br />

Music Month - Candice<br />

Milner<br />

Friday <strong>May</strong> 6, 4-4.30pm<br />

fraser.walker@starmedia.kiwi<br />

by 5pm each Wednesday<br />

Enjoy a performance by the<br />

wonderful Candice Milner, a<br />

17-year old folk singer and songwriter<br />

from Lyttelton.<br />

Shirley Public Library, 36<br />

Marshland Rd<br />

Linwood Village Market<br />

Saturday <strong>May</strong> 7, 9am-1pm<br />

Visit for some festive family<br />

fun, featuring fresh produce,<br />

books, antiques, bric-a-brac,<br />

retro items, vintage clothes<br />

and household goods, as well<br />

as jams, crafts and more.<br />

Refreshments are available. For<br />

more information, call Dee on<br />

021 023 33167.<br />

Linwood Community Arts<br />

Centre, 388 Worcester St. Free<br />

entry<br />

Golden Oldie Movies - <strong>May</strong><br />

Every Monday from 1pm<br />

Every Monday visit the New<br />

Brighton Museum for a movie,<br />

a cup of tea, a biscuit and a chat.<br />

The movies for this month are:<br />

On the 2nd: Zorba the Greek.<br />

On the 9th: Hue and Cry. On the<br />

16th: East of Eden. On the 23rd:<br />

Lili. On the 30th: The Great St<br />

Trinians Train Robbery.<br />

New Brighton Musuem, 8<br />

Hardy St. $2 donation.<br />

Short Ride for New Cyclists<br />

Sunday <strong>May</strong> 8, 2pm<br />

New to cycling? Join a free<br />

short ride for new cyclists to<br />

gain confidence. Number of<br />

participants is limited to around<br />

10 new cyclists. To secure a free<br />

spot email GoCycleChristchurch@gmail.com<br />

with name of<br />

participant, date of ride and your<br />

experience riding on roads.<br />

Linwood Community Arts<br />

Centre, 388 Worcester St. Free<br />

entry<br />


Adopt the Avon - the Mother<br />

of all Clean Ups<br />

<strong>May</strong> 7, all day<br />

The Avon-Otakaro Network<br />

is co-ordinating the Adopt the<br />

Avon effort on the Avon River<br />

from Barbadoes St bridge to<br />

Bridge St bridge. To adopt a section<br />

of the river for the clean up<br />

or register interest, visit www.<br />

avon.org.nz/adopt.<br />

Visit the website for more<br />

information. Free entry<br />

The Original Gypsy Fair will be back for their 25th year in Richmond. It will come back on Saturday <strong>May</strong> 7,<br />

from 9am-5pm. They will return to their usual spot on the Richmond Village Green. As in the past they will<br />

bring an interesting range of hand-crafted products sold exclusively at the original gypsy fair, many of which<br />

are made right before you. There will be glass blowing, wood cutting, leather work, tattooing, face painting,<br />

hair accessories, handmade jewellery, segway rides and much more. Come to the Richmond Village Green,<br />

on Stanmore Rd. Free entry. ​<br />

ContaCt us<br />

General Manager: Steve McCaughan<br />

Communities Editor: Shelley Robinson<br />

Sales Manager: Joan Smith<br />

Circulation: Mark Coulthard<br />

P: 379-7100<br />

NEWS<br />

Fraser Walker-Pearce<br />

Ph: 364 7424<br />

fraser.walker@starmedia.kiwi<br />




Drop off or buy<br />

2 family stores in your community<br />

30 Main North Rd,<br />

Ph 352 4581<br />

520 Cranford St,<br />

Ph 352 0515<br />


Gail Henry<br />

Ph: 364 7450<br />

gail.henry@starmedia.kiwi<br />



SHOPS AT:<br />

14 Yaldhurst Rd, Ph <strong>03</strong> 341 5379<br />

251 Ferry Rd, Ph <strong>03</strong> 381 3089<br />

94 Victoria St, Rangiora, Ph <strong>03</strong> 310 7421<br />

Open: Mon-Fri 10am-4.30pm, Sat 10am-2pm<br />


320 Manchester Street (Bealey Ave end)<br />

Phone <strong>03</strong> 365 2051.<br />

Clothes, shoes, whiteware, furniture,<br />

linen and homeware.<br />

Open: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 9am-3pm<br />

Donations of furniture and homewares<br />

welcome during shop hours.<br />

Do you have a great idea for a Heritage Week event?<br />

Be a part of<br />

Heritage Week<br />

and celebrate<br />

with us<br />

Beca Heritage Week is returning from<br />

14–24 October this year. Community groups,<br />

businesses and individuals are invited to hold<br />

events during the festival.<br />

Come along on 11 <strong>May</strong> to hear more about<br />

Heritage Week, or you can view this information<br />

online at ccc.govt.nz/heritageweek<br />

When: Wednesday 11 <strong>May</strong>, 5.30–6.30pm<br />

Where: Christchurch City Council Civic Building<br />

53 Hereford Street, Christchurch<br />

(Hereford Street entrance)<br />

Any enquiries please email heritage@ccc.govt.nz<br />

Tea, coffee and refreshments will be provided<br />


PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> 3 <strong>2016</strong> 3<br />

neighbourhood NEWS<br />

News tips? Email fraser.walker@starmedia.kiwi or phone 364 7424<br />

Your opinion? Facebook us on https://www.facebook.com/pegasuspost<br />

Land sale will break ‘agreement’<br />

Campaigner<br />

has proof that<br />

QEII land<br />

cannot be sold<br />


Community campaigner Garry<br />

House has his sights set on<br />

proving the partial sale of<br />

QEII will break a 53-year-old<br />

agreement.<br />

Mr House says he has a document<br />

which will prove that the<br />

city council cannot<br />

sell land for Shirley<br />

Boys’ and Avonside<br />

Girls’ development.<br />

It relates to<br />

what he says is an<br />

agreement between Garry House<br />

the city council and<br />

the former owners of the land –<br />

the now defunct New Brighton<br />

Trotting Club.<br />

Mr House said more than 50<br />

years ago the land was sold to the<br />

city council at a cut price on the<br />

condition that the land was only<br />

ever used for recreation and sport.<br />

“It is stated quite clearly that<br />

the council would use it for sport<br />

and recreation only. They would<br />

maintain it under this environment<br />

in perpetuity,” he said.<br />

But the city council says there<br />

is “no evidence” of any such<br />

agreement.<br />

“We have done extensive<br />

research into this and there is no<br />

evidence or documentation to<br />

support the claims . . .” said a<br />

city council spokeswoman.<br />

However, Mr House said he<br />

will fight to ensure the city council<br />

honours the agreeement.<br />

Mr House is the chairman of<br />

Standards New Zealand and<br />

works as an engineering consultant.<br />

He successfully lobbied to<br />

stop the city council installing<br />

pressure wastewater systems<br />

septic tanks on residents’ properties<br />

in Parklands and North New<br />

Brighton.<br />

Mr House is also the secretary<br />

of the New Brighton Returned<br />

Services Association.<br />

When he tabled the document<br />

he found last year while in Wellington,<br />

searching land records<br />

at the Land Information New<br />

Zealand at the hearing on the<br />

QEII land sale last week.<br />

He said it was met with<br />

“shock” and silence.<br />

City councillors ​Yani Johanson,<br />

Glenn Livingstone and<br />

David East are on the panel.<br />

After listening to Mr House’s<br />

submission, Cr Johanson requested<br />

that city council staff<br />

investigate the matter further.<br />

Cr Johanson said a decision on<br />

the sale would be made after the<br />

hearing panel made a visit to QE<br />

II Park this week, and after all<br />

relevant information had been<br />

passed on by city council staff.<br />


Five small-scale ‘tiny huts’ are<br />

headed to New Brighton this<br />

summer and the city council is<br />

holding a competition on what<br />

goes in them. The tiny huts are<br />

based on English seaside beach<br />

huts, each are 2 sq m. They are<br />

to be placed in New Brighton’s<br />

town centre in summer to liven<br />

up the community’s public<br />

places and showcase activities.<br />

The five winning designs will<br />

get $2000 in prize money.<br />

The New Brighton Tiny Huts<br />

Design Competition is open<br />

until June 28, with entry forms<br />

available online at www.ccc.<br />

govt.nz/tinyhuts.<br />


A man in his 70s was taken<br />

to hospital last week after a<br />

collision between his scooter<br />

and a car. The incident<br />

happened at about 4.15pm on<br />

Thursday in Mairehau. St John<br />

took the man to hospital with<br />

moderate injuries.<br />



Another 200 Aranui homes<br />

will be connected to a more<br />

earthquake-resilient wastewater<br />

system over the next four<br />

months. This week Stronger<br />

Christchurch Infrastructure<br />

Rebuild Team will begin to<br />

connect the homes to the new<br />

vacuum system.<br />


Your first port of call<br />

for health advice<br />

in Burwood<br />

We have lost a lot of good friends<br />

ut we still have a close community”<br />

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4<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> 3 <strong>2016</strong><br />

your local Views<br />


Something on your mind? Email fraser.walker@starmedia.kiwi in 200 words or less.<br />

Facebook us on https://www.facebook.com/riseupchristchurch/<br />

Housing subsidy still needed<br />

A Government heating and<br />

insulation subsidy programme<br />

comes to an end in June. Community<br />

Energy Action Charitable<br />

Trust chief executive Caroline<br />

Shone writes this week’s column<br />

about the importance of the<br />

programme and why it should<br />

continue in some form.<br />

Shelter is one of<br />

the most basic of<br />

human needs and<br />

the Universal<br />

Declaration<br />

of Human<br />

Rights says that<br />

everyone has the<br />

right to housing.<br />

It can be debated that housing<br />

that makes people sick, isn’t housing<br />

at all.<br />

However, houses that are damp,<br />

houses that are cold, with the<br />

people living in them unable to<br />

heat them to an adequate temperature<br />

to keep them healthy, are<br />

a reality for many households in<br />

Christchurch.<br />

The old, the young and the sick<br />

suffer most in those houses.<br />

We all know the result.<br />

Every winter sees many residents<br />

ending up in hospital with<br />

preventable cold-related health issues.<br />

Even healthy people get sick<br />

more often in those cold, damp<br />

houses.<br />

SOAP<br />

BOX<br />

From experience we know that<br />

installing insulation and heating<br />

in people’s homes especially those<br />

with health conditions will reduce<br />

hospitalisations, delivering cost<br />

savings to the health system.<br />

Installing insulation and heating<br />

is a one-off cost but the benefits<br />

last a long time, saving money on<br />

health and saving lives every year.<br />

The Government through the<br />

Energy Efficiency and Conservation<br />

Authority has spent $450<br />

million nationwide on insulation<br />

and heating subsidies over the last<br />

couple of years.<br />

And we know it has made a<br />

difference.<br />

The current subsidy programme<br />

comes to an end in June this year.<br />

It would be fantastic if subsidies<br />

would be available in the future<br />

for those who need insulation.<br />

It’s a great way for Christchurch<br />

people to help those in their community<br />

who need a bit of help to<br />

create a warm, dry, healthy home.<br />

Rise Up Christchurch’s<br />

Facebook page is dedicated<br />

to local news. Star Media<br />

regularly updates the page<br />

with content created by<br />

journalists at The Star and<br />

its community papers, and<br />

CTV News. Facebook.com/<br />

Riseupchristchurch<br />

We said:<br />

Where should the annual<br />

fireworks display be held for<br />

the next two years while the<br />

pier is fixed?<br />

You said:<br />

Elinor Graeme: Back into<br />

Hagley Park as that is the centre<br />

of the city. We have never gone<br />

to New Brighton on November<br />

5 as it is too difficult to get there<br />

and back.<br />

Sasheen Elizbeth-Jane<br />

Brownlie: Back in Hagley<br />

Park where there is less wind<br />

and therefore less smoke. Yeah<br />

great. Or up where the gondola<br />

is, to see from both sides.<br />

Bethany Nehoff-<br />

Thompson: Back to Hagley<br />

Park. Should have always been<br />

in there.<br />

Jill Reesby: What about Victoria/<br />

Bowenvale/ Mount Vernon<br />

Park areas? Can be viewed<br />

from all over the city, even<br />

from your private backyard. No<br />

traffic issues there. Tune into a<br />

live radio station for the music<br />

to go with the show. And there<br />

are areas around these parks for<br />

gatherings for those that wish to<br />

be there.<br />

Margaret Gamblin: Back in<br />

Hagley Park where it used to be.<br />

It’d be easier for traffic.<br />

Jess Gardner: Combine it<br />

with the Rolleston fireworks<br />

instead - make it better and<br />

longer.<br />

Todd Cameron: What about<br />

Sugarloaf car park? Then the<br />

whole city can see them. Just<br />

ditch the teeny ones and go for<br />

the big ones.<br />

Katrina Prendergast: Nowhere,<br />

save the money and put<br />

it into more needed resources.<br />

Less harm on the animals too.<br />

Andrew Johnson: Hagley.<br />

Traffic would be a nightmare in<br />

Scarborough.<br />

Anne Marie Smulders: Can’t<br />

it be done from boats, like in<br />

many other places like The<br />

Hague, Hong Kong?<br />



FRI 6 MAY 9AM - 7PM • SAT 7 MAY 9AM - 4PM<br />

SUN 8 MAY 9AM - 4PM<br />



PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> 3 <strong>2016</strong> 5<br />

neighbourhood NEWS News tips? Email fraser.walker@starmedia.kiwi or phone 364 7424<br />

Hunt on to find owner<br />

of mystery parakeet<br />


When the Foley family moved into<br />

their Burwood house last August,<br />

they weren’t expecting to be woken<br />

by a screeching parakeet every<br />

morning.<br />

But that is exactly what happened.<br />

Now the search is on to find the<br />

owner of the parakeet who, inspite of<br />

the early 6.30am wake up call each<br />

morning, the neighbourhood has<br />

grown quite fond of.<br />

The Foleys moved just a few<br />

kilometres from their earthquakedamaged<br />

Lake Terrace Rd home,<br />

and for the first month of their stay,<br />

everything was normal.<br />

But by mid-September, they were<br />

being awoken consistently at about<br />

6.30am every day by the screeching<br />

parakeet.<br />

Roger Foley said at first he had<br />

no idea what was making the noise,<br />

and went outside to investigate.<br />

“I had no idea what was going on,<br />

and went outside to see this beautiful<br />

parakeet in the trees,” he said.<br />

The next day he talked to his<br />

neighbours, who told him they were<br />

surprised that the bird had returned<br />

to the neighbourhood after a cold<br />

winter.<br />

FRIENDLY ALARM: This parakeet has a tendency to wake up its neighbours at<br />

6.30am every day. But they love it.<br />

They told him it was a regular<br />

visitor in the past summer, but presumed<br />

it had died in the winter.<br />

“They said last winter it had<br />

come too, and they just loved it,”<br />

Mr Foley said.<br />

He said the parakeet had a regular<br />

schedule it stuck to.<br />

“It’ll appear in our trees at<br />

6.30am and start screeching, mainly<br />

in our big tree. Then it’ll fly across<br />

to the neighbours and disappear at<br />

about 10.30am. It’ll come back at<br />

night briefly, and then go away until<br />

morning,” he said.<br />

Now, instead of seeing the parakeet<br />

as a loud nuisance, Mr Foley’s<br />

children enjoy being woken up by<br />

the bird.<br />

“Now they love the parakeet too. I<br />

just worry someone is missing their<br />

pet,” he said.<br />

Mr Foley said he had no idea how<br />

old the bird was, or who it belonged<br />

to, but thought the owners should<br />

know it was safe and in good health.<br />


CENTRE<br />

A new health and social<br />

hub will open in Eastgate<br />

shopping centre in July.<br />

The Loft, will be on<br />

the first floor and home<br />

community health and<br />

well-being services. The<br />

work is being carried out<br />

by Hawkins Construction.<br />

Any health, well-being or<br />

social service provider that<br />

is interested in joining The<br />

Loft should email claire@<br />

avivafamilies.org.nz<br />

$500 FOR MUSICIAN<br />

Talented jazz musician<br />

Hamish Smith, 17, has<br />

been given a $500 grant<br />

from the Burwood-<strong>Pegasus</strong><br />

Community Board’s youth<br />

development fund to help<br />

him travel to Germany.<br />

Hamish was invited to play<br />

with the JM Jazz World<br />

Orchestra in July. When<br />

he leaves school, Hamish<br />

hopes to gain a scholarship<br />

for tertiary education in the<br />

United States.<br />


A five-year-old was taken<br />

to Christchurch Hospital<br />

with moderate injuries after<br />

he was hit by a car last<br />

week. St John responded<br />

to the incident, which<br />

happened on Linwood<br />

Ave near Linwood Park, at<br />

about 6pm on Thursday.<br />


Expenses have been<br />

released for all Members<br />

of Parliament from January<br />

1 until March 31 this year.<br />

Christchurch MP Poto<br />

Williams’ expenses were<br />

$17,898, while National<br />

list MP, based in the<br />

eastern suburbs Joanne<br />

Hayes’ expenses were<br />

$18,959.<br />


Traffic going east towards<br />

The Palms Shopping<br />

Centre is being detoured<br />

because of culvert repairs<br />

on Shirley Rd. The detour<br />

reroutes vehicles along<br />

Emmett St, then Orontes St<br />

and onto Quinns Rd before<br />

going back onto Shirley<br />

Rd. The detour is expected<br />

to be removed later this<br />

month.<br />



Workers are carrying out<br />

repairs at night between<br />

Banks Ave and Randall<br />

St reconstructing the<br />

carriageway. The works<br />

are expected to be finished<br />

by the end of the week.<br />

Traffic will be one-way<br />

northbound at night with<br />

detours for southbound<br />

traffic.<br />

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6<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> 3 <strong>2016</strong><br />

our PEOPLE<br />

> Do you know someone who should be our next Our People?<br />

Nominate them now by emailing fraser.walker@starmedia.kiwi<br />


Phillip Mitchell<br />

50 years plumbing: ‘Filthy’ but fun<br />

Avonside’s Phillip Mitchell has had his hand in<br />

the city’s pipes for half a century. He talks with<br />

Matthew Salmons about his life as a plumber,<br />

being a tutor and winning the Graeme Victor Smith<br />

Outstanding Contribution to the Industry Award<br />

Well Phillip, you’re clearly the<br />

plumbing master around here,<br />

but why did you decide to get<br />

into the trade in the first place?<br />

My father went with me to a<br />

vocational guidance counsellor<br />

in the square. The guy that was<br />

interviewing me said ‘I know<br />

a bloke by the name of Athol<br />

Jamieson.’ He knew him on a<br />

fairly friendly basis so I went<br />

and saw him. He had a fairly<br />

large company and said ‘there’s a<br />

job there if you want it.’ I’d seen<br />

plumbers, we’d not long had the<br />

sewerage put on in the house and<br />

a flush toilet put in, which you<br />

guys would take for granted now.<br />

I was fascinated. So I thought<br />

‘it’s not a bad idea’, and that’s<br />

what it was.<br />

So when did you start your<br />

apprenticeship?<br />

In the days when I did my apprenticeship,<br />

you signed up for<br />

what they called a 12,000 hour<br />

apprenticeship which equates to<br />

six years. In that era, when you<br />

got to your fifth year you could<br />

sit your license and if you passed<br />

your exam you didn’t have to do<br />

your sixth year, so there was a<br />

lot of incentive there. In those<br />

days it was about five pounds a<br />

week which probably equates to,<br />

I don’t know, $200 these days.<br />

A tradesman now could get<br />

about $30 an hour, about $1200<br />

a week, and an apprentice, well<br />

they probably get more than<br />

$200, so a lot of incentive there<br />

to pass. I spent most of my apprenticeship<br />

under a guy named<br />

Bill Walsh, an Irish plumber,<br />

and also with his brother John.<br />

They were ship’s plumbers, they<br />

were fastidious. If something<br />

happened it was either right or it<br />

was wrong.<br />

And after you finished your<br />

apprenticeship did you stay<br />

with the same company?<br />

No, after I finished I left<br />

plumbing for a wee while and I<br />

did quantity surveying. It was a<br />

very good experience and I was<br />

fortunate that I had the trades<br />

experience to do it. It was very<br />

enjoyable.<br />

Did you work on any big<br />

projects?<br />

I did, it was Wilkins and<br />

Davies I was working for at the<br />

time. The buildings at Canterbury<br />

University were being built<br />

then, and we worked on them.<br />

That was straight out of my apprenticeship,<br />

so when I left that I<br />

went to learn about drain laying.<br />

I’ve always enjoyed drain laying.<br />

When you’re doing it, you feel<br />

like you’ve achieved more than<br />

you would working in a bathroom.<br />

I did that for the best part<br />

of a year, then I put the sewerage<br />

into John Walsh’s house. That<br />

was the practical part of my<br />

exam. I started working for a<br />

drain laying firm then, but they<br />

went out of business, so at about<br />

23 I started working for myself.<br />

You knew nothing then, but that<br />

was beside the point because<br />

you thought you did and you had<br />

to get experience the hard way.<br />

So I was working for myself for<br />

a while and I was doing some<br />

tutoring at night. When you’re<br />

tutoring and still in the trades,<br />

to the students, you’re still a<br />

plumber.<br />

Working full time and tutoring<br />

at nights, it must’ve taken a<br />

toll on your social life?<br />

I was young, I was only about<br />

27 when I finished that and when<br />

you’re young you could burn the<br />

candle at both ends a bit.<br />

Where did you do your<br />

tutoring?<br />

In town, it was called<br />

Christchurch Technical College<br />

then - it has had about three<br />

name changes since then. It was<br />

only one night a week at that<br />

stage. That was about 1969, then<br />

me and another guy started commercial<br />

drain laying. We had a<br />

lot of fun, we did all of the drainage<br />

at QE II which was a monstrous<br />

job, but we just got stuck<br />

in and got on with it. We were<br />

young and wishful, ‘of course we<br />

can bloody well do it.’<br />

Far out, was it only you two<br />

doing the job?<br />

No, we had 10 staff on. We<br />

updated the Kaiapoi sewerage<br />

plant as well. It was physical,<br />

hard work but enjoyable. You<br />

were outside all the time. Sometimes<br />

you wore yourself out,<br />

but that’s just life. We formed a<br />

partnership called Mitchell and<br />

Rodgers. You used to be filthy<br />

everyday, but that’s part of your<br />

life and you hope that you can<br />

look back on your life and have<br />

enjoyed it.<br />

How did it feel to receive that<br />

award?<br />

I thought why me? I’d started<br />

in 2005 with just me, with<br />

another tutor joining in 2006 and<br />

another in 2007. We now have<br />

eight, virtually a new tutor every<br />

year. We do work for the school’s<br />

organisation and Ara Institute of<br />

Canterbury managed apprenticeships<br />

in plumbing and gas fitting.<br />

We’ve grown and grown, I have<br />

to ask myself, is this real?<br />

It’s been an absolutely fantastic<br />

journey building this thing, I<br />

have had some really great support,<br />

and I didn’t do it alone by<br />

any stretch of the imagination.<br />

I’m putting back what I got out<br />

of the industry.<br />

And your family has been<br />

supportive for all this time,<br />

tutoring and working?<br />

I could never have done it<br />

without the support of my wife,<br />

Beth, she’s always worked in the<br />

background.<br />

Where did you meet your<br />

wife?<br />

Through one of my cousins,<br />

she was a friend of hers, they<br />

bought us together, many years<br />

ago now but that’s alright. We<br />

went to the pictures, the usual<br />

courting thing, it was different<br />

then than it is today, 6 o’clock<br />

closing, it was the 6 o’clock<br />

swill. We went to dances and the<br />

pictures, things like that, nothing<br />

out of the ordinary.<br />

Where did you grow up?<br />

In Marshland Rd, bottom end,<br />

so I’m not very far from home.<br />

There wasn’t many houses. We<br />

were in one of the houses at the<br />

bottom end. It was still basically<br />

farmlands, was still in the country<br />

then. Shirley Lodge it was<br />

called then, I don’t know what<br />

AT WORK:<br />

Phillip Mitchell<br />

has been a<br />

plumbing tutor<br />

at the Ara<br />

Institute of<br />

Canterbury for<br />

many years. At<br />

73, he is still<br />

going strong<br />

working three<br />

days a week. ​<br />

it’s called now, we were midway<br />

between that and Shirley Rd, but<br />

we still lived in the country.<br />

And where did you go to<br />

school?<br />

Shirley Primary of course,<br />

my great-grandparents on one<br />

side took up land on the side of<br />

Marshland Rd, so it was pretty<br />

family orientated from there.<br />

Every kid’s good at school, I was<br />

just an average kid at school.<br />

I didn’t excel at anything. My<br />

mother would’ve thought I was<br />

outstanding.<br />

Has your passion for plumbing<br />

been passed on to your<br />

kids?<br />

No, I’ve got two daughters and<br />

one grandson who is 32. I used<br />

to take him on work experience,<br />

he enjoyed it, and he could’ve<br />

done it blind, but he said there<br />

was too much to learn. But for<br />

the students, I’ve chosen my<br />

path, I have to sell them the<br />

industry. You go to work for fun,<br />

if you don’t enjoy your work, get<br />

another job! I’ve got to be passionate<br />

about the industry.<br />

Not looking at retirement?<br />

Well, I’m only working three<br />

days a week, I treat it as a hobby<br />

now, not a job. I’m going to be 74<br />

in a fortnight, so I guess I’ll have<br />

to sooner or later, but I’m still<br />

enjoying it.<br />

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PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> 3 <strong>2016</strong> 7<br />

your local Views<br />

The annual fireworks display will not be held at<br />

the New Brighton Pier for at least the next two<br />

years while it undergoes repairs. The <strong>Pegasus</strong><br />

<strong>Post</strong> asked what people thought of the decision<br />

and if it was worth fighting to keep them in the<br />

eastern suburbs.<br />

Something on your mind? Email fraser.walker@starmedia.kiwi in 200 words<br />

or less. Facebook us on https://www.facebook.com/riseupchristchurch/<br />

Southshore Residents’<br />

Association chairman Bill<br />

Simpson: “It would be a<br />

bit disappointing to see<br />

it moved, but I suppose<br />

the repairs are necessary.<br />

I imagine it’d be good<br />

to have it temporarily in<br />

Scarborough but for the<br />

long term it should come<br />

back to New Brighton. If<br />

New Brighton residents<br />

are keen to keep it there,<br />

we’d definitely be in full<br />

support of them, but I<br />

don’t think we would<br />

initiate that ourselves. I<br />

would think a promise<br />

that it would come<br />

back would be better<br />

than a replacement<br />

event – there may be<br />

neighbourhood events<br />

on the beach but they<br />

wouldn’t be of the same<br />

scale.”<br />

New Brighton Union<br />

Parish co-ordinating<br />

minister Mark Gibson:<br />

“People have repair<br />

fatigue in the east. I<br />

just don’t think people<br />

will be able to handle<br />

anymore disruption to<br />

places they enjoy visiting<br />

in the area. It’s sort of<br />

taking yet another thing<br />

away from New Brighton.<br />

There have been a lot of<br />

losses, the community is<br />

desperate to see things<br />

built and installed and<br />

all the rest of it. They<br />

want to see new things<br />

that aren’t going to be<br />

taken away. I think there<br />

needs to be something<br />

else happening, if not<br />

in New Brighton then in<br />

the east in the interim<br />

during those repairs. But<br />

the city council should<br />

be committing itself<br />

long term to return the<br />

fireworks in New Brighton<br />

once the repairs are<br />

finished.”<br />

Email your views to fraser.<br />

walker@starmedia.kiwi<br />

COLDS<br />


Have you immunised yourself & family against the<br />

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Strategic Urban<br />

Rejuvenation Force<br />

chairwoman Lesley<br />

Fulton: “I think probably<br />

the fear is that if it leaves<br />

it may never come back.<br />

Most of the work will be<br />

done from underneath<br />

and from the sea-level,<br />

so it’d just be about<br />

getting a few people onto<br />

the pier to set up the<br />

fireworks. Keeping them<br />

on the pier if possible<br />

should be the priority. If<br />

there is an opportunity<br />

for the community to<br />

fight for them then they<br />

should, it’s something<br />

special for us. If it is taken<br />

away then I’d rather<br />

have a promise than a<br />

replacement event. If<br />

they were prepared to<br />

have something in its<br />

place for those two years<br />

that would be good but<br />

I would want to see it<br />

come back after the<br />

repairs.”<br />



City councillor Glenn<br />

Livingstone: “What the<br />

closure means is two<br />

things for me: The first is<br />

amenity – we still want the<br />

community and the city to<br />

use and enjoy the pier. The<br />

other is safety. As elected<br />

members we have to make<br />

good sensible decisions.<br />

I’m not saying we can’t do<br />

it, but we are up against it.<br />

We need to keep pushing.<br />

I will be fighting to keep<br />

the fireworks. It’s a drawcard<br />

for New Brighton and<br />

I think we need to keep<br />

it. If they have to move, if<br />

they really have to . . . it<br />

is hard to get these things<br />

back. I would say we need<br />

a promise to keep it there<br />

after the repairs are done.<br />

As soon as you open that<br />

door for another venue, it<br />

is hard to get them back.”<br />

Natural Steam<br />

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New Brighton Pier and<br />

Foreshore Society deputy<br />

chairman Tim Sintes:<br />

“When it was first being<br />

built, they held fireworks<br />

while it was still under<br />

construction. There must<br />

be a solution. If the tide<br />

is right, we could have it<br />

on a barge in the estuary,<br />

so everyone could see it.<br />

We want it on the pier,<br />

but we could have it<br />

there. It’s more than just<br />

a fireworks display for<br />

us – it’s one of the last<br />

things we have. You’ve<br />

got to be careful there<br />

(bringing in a replacement<br />

event) too, because if you<br />

bring a replacement to<br />

New Brighton you have<br />

to think about it affecting<br />

the community it was<br />

in before. I can’t think<br />

of any other community<br />

event that could replace<br />

the fireworks. I wouldn’t<br />

have a replacement event<br />

and promises have a habit<br />

of being broken around<br />

here.”<br />

Burwood-<strong>Pegasus</strong><br />

Community Board<br />

member Linda Stewart:<br />

“It’s worth fighting for<br />

100 per cent. If we lose<br />

it we’ll find it very hard<br />

to get it back. There is<br />

always a solution, it’s just<br />

if the staff will work on<br />

it. No one has come back<br />

and said it can’t be held<br />

on the pier yet, so there<br />

is every possibility it can<br />

be done. I don’t know if a<br />

replacement event would<br />

be that successful. What<br />

else brings the whole city<br />

to New Brighton? The<br />

library is closing too, and<br />

I keep waiting for council<br />

staff to say ‘here’s the<br />

solution’, but they don’t.<br />

Probably I think the Santa<br />

Parade would be a good<br />

replacement, maybe<br />

running it from the pier<br />

to Rawhiti Domain. I’d<br />

take both. I’d like to see<br />

replacement events, and<br />

then when the repairs are<br />

done, the fireworks return<br />

to the pier.”<br />

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Tuesday <strong>May</strong> 3 <strong>2016</strong><br />


neighbourhood NEWS News tips? Email fraser.walker@starmedia.kiwi or phone 364 7424<br />

New Brighton inspires<br />

surfer turned author<br />


NEW POOL: City councillor Yani Johanson, Jack Cleminson, Regan and<br />

Liam Glass, and Beau Cole check out the demolished site.<br />

New pool work starts<br />

Work has begun on rebuilding the<br />

Avebury Park paddling pool in<br />

Richmond.<br />

The pool, on Evelyn Cousins<br />

Ave, has been closed since it was<br />

damaged beyond repair after the<br />

February 2011 earthquake.<br />

The demolition of the old pool<br />

began last Tuesday and was completed<br />

last Friday.<br />

The new facility will be rebuilt<br />

with new concrete surrounds,<br />

new seating areas, a new access<br />

ramp and a large shade sail. The<br />

original plant room and existing<br />

fencing will be reused.<br />

It is expected the new paddling<br />

pool will reopen towards the end<br />

of the year, in time for the summer<br />

months.<br />

Hagley-Ferrymead Community<br />

Board chairwoman Sara Templeton<br />

said the pool had been missed<br />

by the community and it would<br />

FUN AHEAD:<br />

Jack Cleminson<br />

and his<br />

mother Cathy<br />

Allden.<br />

be great to have it back up and<br />

running.<br />

“I know that many parents<br />

have taken their children to the<br />

pool over the years and that it has<br />

been sorely missed, especially<br />

with all of the hot days we’ve had<br />

recently,” she said.<br />

NEW LOCATION ADVERT.pdf 1 1/05/2014 11:51:35 a.m.<br />

If you were a surfer hanging<br />

around New Brighton beach in<br />

the 1970s you may recognise<br />

some of the characters in a new<br />

novel based on the area.<br />

Leon Paulin, 62, has released<br />

his new book Shooting<br />

Albatrosses, which he says<br />

does have characters that are<br />

“loosely” based on real life<br />

people that influenced his own<br />

childhood.<br />

The novel is about a young<br />

surfer taking on the waves at<br />

New Brighton, Scarborough<br />

and Taylors Mistake, while<br />

battling his own problems.<br />

“It is kind of loosely based on<br />

my experiences from the time.<br />

The characters have kind of<br />

little essences of real people in<br />

them. It’s a fictitious story with<br />

my background knowledge of<br />

the areas,” he said.<br />

Mr Paulin said it can be<br />

strange when a reader asks if<br />

the characters are based on real<br />

people they know.<br />

“People have since come up<br />

to me and said is this character<br />

based on such and such, or that<br />

reminds me of this person – it’s<br />

quite strange. It’s not intentional,”<br />

he said.<br />

He used his “extensive”<br />

knowledge of the coastal<br />

suburbs of Taylors Mistake,<br />

Scarborough and New Brighton<br />

while writing the post-earthquake<br />

story.<br />

“I was a bit of a surfer back in<br />

the day – my mates and I would<br />

mainly hang out around New<br />

Brighton Beach.<br />

“We used to live in North<br />

New Brighton on Bowhill Rd,<br />

and then Keyes Rd near New<br />

Brighton, before moving to<br />

Oamaru,” he said.<br />

Mr Paulin said the story was<br />

unique, but still “in a way, typically<br />

Kiwi”.<br />

“It’s basically about a teenage<br />

boy that’s been deserted by<br />

his father and has to look after<br />


Paulin, 62, has written a<br />

book loosely based on his<br />

experiences growing up in New<br />

Brighton.<br />

his mother. While he tries to do<br />

that, he also tries to prove himself<br />

to his father. It’s very kiwi<br />

in a way,” he said.<br />

Shooting Albatrosses is Mr<br />

Paulin’s first published book,<br />

which he is “quite excited”<br />

about, although he has written<br />

others which haven’t been<br />

published.<br />

The book can be found online<br />

at www.amazon.com, searching<br />

for Shooting Albatrosses.<br />


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while stocks last (see instore for terms and conditions)<br />


10<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> 3 <strong>2016</strong><br />


Spoil mum this<br />

Mother’s Day!<br />

Happy<br />

Mother's Day!<br />

$<br />

7 99<br />

kg<br />

$<br />

5 99<br />

bag<br />

Fresh NZ Lamb Shoulder Chops<br />

Country Fresh Washed White<br />

Potatoes 4kg<br />

4<br />

for<br />

$<br />

5 00<br />

$<br />

8 00<br />

each<br />

$<br />

3 49<br />

each<br />

$<br />

3 69<br />

pack<br />

Schweppes Sparkling Soft<br />

Drink 1.5L<br />

(Excludes Classic Dry)<br />

Mainland Mild/Colby/Edam<br />

Cheese 1kg<br />

Tararua Butter 500g<br />

Sanitarium Up & Go 3 Pack/<br />

Weet-Bix 750g<br />

WINE<br />

DEAL<br />

OF THE<br />

WEEK<br />

$<br />

19 99<br />

pack<br />

$<br />

8 99<br />

each<br />

$<br />

2 90<br />

each<br />

$<br />

4 00<br />

pack<br />

Steinlager Classic<br />

12 x 330ml Bottles<br />

Lindauer 750ml<br />

(Excludes Special Reserve)<br />

Cadbury Chocolate Block<br />

155-200g<br />

Cotton Softs Toilet Tissues<br />

12 Pack/Double Length<br />

White 6 Pack<br />

Exclusive stockists of Wainui Farms’<br />

Canterbury grown pure Angus beef<br />


FCPP<strong>03</strong>05<br />

Prices apply from Tuesday 3rd <strong>May</strong> to Sunday 8th <strong>May</strong> <strong>2016</strong>,<br />

or while stocks last.<br />

Trade not supplied. We reserve the right to limit quantities. All limits specified apply per customer per day.<br />

All prepared meals are serving suggestions only. Props not included. Certain products may not be available<br />

in all stores. Proprietary brands not for resale.<br />

FreshChoice.co.nz<br />

FreshChoiceNZ<br />

FreshChoice Parklands<br />

60 Queenspark Drive, Christchurch.<br />

Phone 383 1004.<br />

Open 7am-11pm, 7 days.

PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> 3 <strong>2016</strong> 11<br />

neighbourhood NEWS<br />

Amputee’s story told<br />


When Trixie Wuts was born her parents<br />

had a very difficult decision to make<br />

whether or not to amputate both of her<br />

legs to the knee.<br />

On the advice of medical professionals,<br />

Trixie’s parents Anton and Margot<br />

Wuts decided amputation was the best<br />

solution.<br />

Their experience has been documented<br />

in a children’s book that they wrote,<br />

called Little Jellybean.<br />

It is being distributed by the Amputee<br />

Society of Canterbury and Westland to<br />

help families facing a similar choice.<br />

The society helped get a $5000 grant<br />

for the publishing and distribution of the<br />

book from the Artificial Limb Service.<br />

Trixie was diagnosed with distal arthrogryposis<br />

before she was born, meaning<br />

she had crooked or hooked joints in<br />

her feet.<br />

She had many procedures done when<br />

she was born, which attempted to correct<br />

the deformities in both of her feet, but<br />

they were largely unsuccessful.<br />

The surgery however, was and Trixie<br />

now “leads a full and active life” with<br />

her new feet.<br />

Amputee Society of Canterbury and<br />

Westland president Mark Bruce said the<br />

more families that can be reached with<br />

the book, the better.<br />

“It’s about raising awareness for<br />

parents in a situation where their child<br />

is very unwell. The story is mainly<br />

about the parents having to make an<br />

incredibly tough decision to help their<br />

children,” he said.<br />

Mr Bruce said the book will become<br />

an invaluable source for those looking<br />

for support.<br />

“If you have a young one with an<br />

amputation or have a young one about<br />

to undergo an amputation then this is a<br />

great resource.<br />

“The future of the federation is in its<br />

youth . . . If we can affect just one family<br />

with the help of this book, then it’s been<br />

a worthwhile venture,” he said.<br />

The society are making copies of the<br />

book available from their national and<br />

regional co-ordinators, who can be contacted<br />

on www.af.org.nz.<br />

NEW HELP: Amputee Society of Canterbury<br />

and Westland president Mark Bruce<br />

is helping promote a new source of<br />

information for parents. ​<br />

Haeata<br />

starts<br />

recruiting<br />

Haeata Community Campus has begun<br />

recruiting for more than 40 positions.<br />

The school is holding “chat sessions”<br />

in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch<br />

as well as “live” Facebook chat<br />

sessions.<br />

Haeata will be a combination of<br />

Wainoni, Avondale, Aranui Primary, and<br />

Aranui High Schools, which will close at<br />

the end of the year.<br />

Haeata is scheduled to open in term 1<br />

next year.<br />

The adverts are scheduled to begin appearing<br />

in early <strong>May</strong>, and open “chats”<br />

will be held around the country from<br />

today.<br />

The first of these chats is being held<br />

today in Auckland at the Quality Hotel<br />

Parnell.<br />

The next two will be held at the Aranui<br />

High School staff room on Thursday<br />

from 6-7.30pm, and Saturday, from<br />

3-4.30pm.<br />

The last session will be held in<br />

Wellington next Tuesday from 6-8pm.<br />

The venue for this session has not been<br />

confirmed.<br />

Week three of term 2 will see Haeata<br />

leadership staff go live on Facebook and<br />

Twitter to talk to those interested from<br />

outside of those cities.<br />

Burwood & Redwood<br />


$<br />

40 SERVICE<br />

Ph: 383 2114<br />

269 Burwood Rd, Burwood<br />

Ph: 354 4022<br />

290 Main North Rd, Redwood<br />


Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.30pm. Sat 9.00am-4.00pm<br />

Layby available<br />

See us on www.starlive.kiwi<br />

395 Brougham St,<br />

Christchurch<br />

Ph (<strong>03</strong>) 365-3411<br />

“Exclusive range of<br />

pottery, furniture,<br />

handcrafts,<br />

stoneware<br />

& gifts”<br />

Open 7 days<br />

Mon-Fri 10-4.30pm<br />

Weekends 10-4pm

12<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> 3 <strong>2016</strong><br />


PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> 3 <strong>2016</strong> 13

14<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> 3 <strong>2016</strong><br />


neighbourhood NEWS News tips? Email fraser.walker@starmedia.kiwi or phone 364 7424<br />

Volunteers pitch in to clean up Shirley<br />

More than 70<br />

volunteers from<br />

the World Mission<br />

Society Church of God,<br />

based in Shirley, took<br />

part in a worldwide<br />

environmental clean<br />

up on April 24. They<br />

helped to clean up<br />

rubbish from North<br />

Parade and from<br />

nearby streams<br />

BEFORE: The team cleaned the side streets of fallen leaves and put<br />

them into plastic rubbish bags.<br />

CLEAN UP:The volunteers removed rubbish and dumped<br />

items from the stream and riverbank, as well as clean the<br />

roads of rubbish, paper, cans, food and drink.<br />

AFTER: North Parade in Shirley, just before<br />

The Palms Shopping Centre, was cleared of all<br />

rubbish.<br />

99c!<br />

Great food<br />

Great value!<br />


White, Wheatmeal, Grain<br />

NO LIMIT!<br />




12 PACK<br />

(Limit 4)<br />

99 C 99 C 99 C<br />

EA<br />

EA<br />

Promotional pricing available while stocks last from 02/05/16 to 08/05/16.<br />

Images are serving suggestions only.<br />

Open 7 days | 8 Convenient local locations<br />

Hornby • Barrington • Ferry Rd • Papanui • Riccarton • Upper Riccarton • New Brighton • Rangiora<br />



2<br />

[Edition datE]<br />

PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> 3 <strong>2016</strong> 15<br />

Haircuts for Haircuts<br />

Celebrating 30 years of great service<br />

Haircuts for Haircuts are<br />

celebrating – this year, they<br />

turn 30. That’s 30 years of<br />

reasonably-priced great<br />

haircutting and 30 years of awesome,<br />

friendly customer service.<br />

It is rare for a small business to be so<br />

successful for so long - Michelle has been<br />

the driving force behind the two cutting<br />

bars for the three decades. She believes<br />

they have done so well because they go<br />

above and beyond for their customers.<br />

“We are already affordable, but we<br />

offer discounts for pensioners, university<br />

students and children on top of that,”<br />

she explains. “We are here for the whole<br />

family and we offer a welcoming, friendly<br />

atmosphere to make the experience<br />

enjoyable.”<br />

It’s easy and convenient, too. Because<br />

they are located in the Bush Inn Centre<br />

and South City Mall, getting a haircut can<br />

be combined with shopping and running<br />

errands. They are open mall hours, 7 days<br />

a week and there’s no need to be tied to an<br />

appointment. Just head on in, take your<br />

place and sit and relax while you wait.<br />

There are usually 4 to 5 stylists working at<br />

any time, so you’re never waiting for long.<br />

But it’s much more than that – all their staff<br />

are fully-qualified, professional stylists and<br />

they focus on nothing but hair cutting.<br />

That means they have expertise and will<br />

take the time to find out what you want and<br />

give you the best advice. They can deliver<br />

trend-of-the-moment cuts or whatever a<br />

client requests. They pride themselves on<br />

the positive experience they offer so that<br />

clients leave them looking good and feeling<br />

great. The salons are up to the minute, but<br />

Michelle has given them a taste of the past,<br />

too, installing traditional barber’s chairs<br />

in recognition of her 30 years’ anniversary<br />

so the customers get to combine the<br />

traditional with the ultra-modern.<br />

Michelle knows that it’s customer loyalty<br />

that has kept her in business for so long,<br />

and repays customers with a loyalty scheme<br />

where every 8th cut is free. She also offers<br />

styling products so you can recreate your<br />

salon look at home but her real aim is to<br />

cater for the community by providing<br />

fabulous haircuts for the whole family in<br />

a friendly atmosphere and all at affordable<br />

prices.<br />

Call in to the Bush Inn salon on<br />

the corner of Riccarton and Waimari<br />

Road (telephone 3487008) or the South<br />

City salon at 555 Colombo Street<br />

(telephone 3660619).<br />

super LOW prICes!<br />

Go Vir-Defence<br />

Boost the immune system!<br />

Was $49.90 noW $39.90 60 vege capsules<br />

Was $30.90 noW $24.90 30 vege capsules<br />

Strengthens the immune system against cold and flu.<br />

Beautiful Teeth<br />

Meet the<br />

Owner<br />

Ryan Carlton<br />

Natural Smile<br />

Free Consultation, No Obligation<br />

• Full Dentures • Dentures Repaired • Implant Assisted Dentures<br />

• Injection Moulded Unbreakable Partials • Relines<br />

• Mouthguards • Additions/Repairs • Anti-Snore Devices<br />

All dentures personally<br />

designed and created to ensure<br />

a comfortable natural fit.<br />

DENTURES PLUS (2014) LTD<br />

Denture Clinic and Laboratory<br />

396 Innes Road, St Albans. Phone 385 5517.<br />

Email: denturesplus@paradise.net.nz<br />

www.denturesplus.co.nz<br />

3 Convenient Locations:<br />

The Palms: 385 <strong>03</strong>64<br />

The Hub Hornby: 349 5150<br />

Bush Inn Centre: 348 7867<br />

Orbiter Bus stops Innes Road<br />



A unique PoweRFuL<br />

tReAtment wiLL Give<br />

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insomnia,<br />

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• Stop cravings for cigarettes, alcohol,<br />

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*Conditions apply<br />

108 Sawyers Arms Rd, Papanui<br />

108 Sawyers (inside Melrose Arms Building) Rd, Papanui<br />

Phone: <strong>03</strong> (inside 323 4168 Melrose • Cell: Building) 027 231 8388<br />

Phone: www.drlansreflexologynetwork.co.nz<br />

<strong>03</strong> 323 4168 • Cell: 027 231 8388

16<br />

2<br />

Tuesday [Edition <strong>May</strong> datE] 3 <strong>2016</strong><br />

Let us know what’s going on with your club<br />

or team Email fraser.walker@starmedia.kiwi<br />

or phone 364 7424<br />

WORLD CHAMP: Ethan De Rose (second from right) recently won two junior world<br />

development speed skating gold medals.<br />

Ice skater celebrates<br />

birthday with gold<br />


Shirley Boys’ High School year 10<br />

student Ethan De Rose celebrated his<br />

14th birthday by becoming a youth<br />

world champion.<br />

Speed ice skater De Rose became the<br />

500m and 1000m sprint world youth<br />

champion, when he competed<br />

in two competitions<br />

in Melbourne.<br />

He also won a bronze<br />

medal when he competed<br />

in the age grade above.<br />

De Rose took to the<br />

ice for the International<br />

Skating Union’s World<br />

Development Short Track<br />

Speed Skating Trophy,<br />

and then the tri series<br />

competition the following<br />

weekend.<br />

In the first competition, he blitzed the<br />

preliminary heats for the 1000m, winning<br />

by more than 10sec. He followed<br />

that up by a 3sec win in the A final, earning<br />

him his first gold medal.<br />

The 500m sprint competition was a<br />

lot closer though, and as there were no<br />

preliminary heats, only a straight final,<br />

De Rose said he was happy to come<br />

away with a win by just a third of a<br />

second.<br />

“Yeah, really happy. I actually got my<br />

personal best in the 500m sprint. I did<br />

it in 47.8sec, which is only 0.8sec away<br />

from a junior Olympic qualification<br />

time,” he said.<br />

De Rose competed against international<br />

skaters in both the short track speed<br />

skating trophy and the tri series.<br />

He celebrated his 14th birthday while<br />

in Australia in the<br />

lead-up to the tri series<br />

competition.<br />

your<br />

LOCAL<br />

Sports<br />

“I’ve been to Australia<br />

a lot of times, this<br />

time I turned 14 . . . my<br />

parents didn’t really<br />

mind, they were pretty<br />

happy I was doing<br />

well,” he said.<br />

De Rose trains “well<br />

over” 10 hours a week<br />

at the Alpine Ice Sports<br />

Centre in Opawa.<br />

During the tri series, De Rose skated<br />

against 15 and 16-year-olds, and finished<br />

a respectable third place, and ranked<br />

seventh overall.<br />

From here, he plans to become a world<br />

champion.<br />

“I’m trying to get my time down so I<br />

can go to the junior world champs . . .<br />

The next step after the junior worlds is<br />

the senior worlds, with the top skaters in<br />

the world – I aim to be there one day,”<br />

he said.<br />

Dallington Oscar on site at Banks Avenue School entertained children during school<br />

holidays with a wearable arts competition. The children loved working together with<br />

lots of different materials and textures to dress up their friends.<br />

Learn new skills for a<br />

new hobby at Papanui<br />

Daylight saving has ended and the<br />

evenings have become longer<br />

why not take the opportunity<br />

to take up a new hobby, learn<br />

a new skill, meet some new people and<br />

have fun at the same time then join one<br />

of Papanui High School’s exciting range of<br />

Adult and Community Education Courses<br />

for Term 2 beginning from 9 <strong>May</strong>. We have<br />

a wide range of courses to choose from<br />

and guarantee you will find something to<br />

appeal regardless of age or interests.<br />

A new course on offer for Term 2 is<br />

Digital Scrapbooking which is an ideal<br />

task to complete over the winter. If<br />

you have a pile of photos and want<br />

to do something creative with them,<br />

then attending this course will teach<br />

you the techniques that will enable<br />



TERM 2 <strong>2016</strong><br />

Huge range of classes from<br />

Art to Yoga<br />

Come down and enjoy the fun!<br />

To enrol, please<br />

phone our office on: 352 0701<br />

See our full range of courses on<br />

www.papanui.school.nz<br />


you to preserve memories and moments<br />

in a creative way. Students will need to<br />

bring a laptop with their photos already<br />

scanned and be familiar with using the<br />

laptop and file storage and retrieval. This<br />

course is being taught by Fiona Brooker<br />

who is a professional genealogist and has<br />

taught both family history and digital<br />

scrapbooking throughout New Zealand.<br />

For further information and enrolment<br />

in these or any of our courses please visit<br />

our website www.papanui.school.nz or<br />

telephone our office on 3520701.<br />

If you have a pile of photos and want<br />

to do something creative with them,<br />

then attending this course will teach<br />

you the techniques that will enable you<br />

to preserve memories and moments<br />

in a creative way.<br />

Term 2 begins<br />

9 <strong>May</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

Holiday<br />


PEGASUS POST Tuesday<br />

[Edition<br />

<strong>May</strong><br />

datE]<br />

3 <strong>2016</strong> 17 3<br />



Life skills programme for children.<br />

Widely recognised trades training<br />

The Southern Institute of<br />

Technology Christchurch campus<br />

in Hornby offers a great range of<br />

education possibilities for those<br />

looking for a trade’s qualification.<br />

If you are keen on getting involved<br />

in Construction, we offer the National<br />

Certificate in Building, Construction and<br />

Allied Trades Skills, a 12 week, Level 2<br />

programme. This programme provides a<br />

pathway for students to enter into a range<br />

of trade-related professions and its main<br />

focus is teaching them the practical skills<br />

they require for further study.<br />

We also offer the Level 3 Certificate<br />

in Construction, where students spend<br />

three days on campus and two days out in<br />

the community on work experience. All<br />

students are involved in building a house<br />

from scratch, ensuring sound practical<br />

skills in conjunction with classroom<br />

learning.<br />

Our programmes are widely recognized<br />

within related industries and SIT has a<br />

proven record of students moving into<br />

employment or apprenticeships.<br />

Courses are NZQA approved and<br />

students are eligible for student loans and<br />

allowances.<br />

Spaces for midyear <strong>2016</strong> are filling fast<br />

and demand for affordable trades training<br />

is high.<br />

To find out more, discuss options or tour<br />

the facilities, call 0800 TO STUDY (0800<br />

867 883), go to www.sit.ac.nz or visit the<br />

campus at 60 Waterloo Road Hornby.<br />

Do your children lack selfconfidence,<br />

or perhaps have<br />

so much energy that they need<br />

an outlet for it? Development<br />

through drama is the ideal approach to<br />

teach confidence and channel youthful<br />

energy while building self-esteem.<br />

The Helen O’Grady Drama Academy has<br />

been in New Zealand for 32 years. This<br />

highly regarded worldwide programme<br />

helps students aged 5 to 17 fulfil their<br />

potential by acting confidently and speaking<br />

clearly. This unique, self-development<br />

programme helps achieve invaluable life<br />

skills. The confident, articulate child makes<br />

friends easily, accepts challenges and new<br />

directions. Confident children become<br />

well-rounded adults.<br />

Our fully qualified teachers are trained<br />

in the Helen O’Grady Drama system,<br />

they ensure each child is encouraged<br />

and valued in a warm, positive learning<br />

environment. Lessons stimulate and<br />

motivate students without the exam or<br />

peer group pressure. Weekly class activities<br />

include speech training, creative movement<br />

and improvisation. Our Youth Theatre<br />

programme encourages the development<br />

of leadership and organisational skills.<br />

Three terms of the year cover the selfdevelopment<br />

programme and in the fourth<br />

term all students prepare a performance<br />

for parents and friends. We also offer<br />

Trinity College London examinations as<br />

an option for those who wish to pursue an<br />

international qualification.<br />

Our safe structured learning environment<br />

values student individuality and<br />

encourages team<br />

building. Most<br />

importantly its<br />

great fun too!<br />

Enrol now<br />

phone 0800 161<br />

131 and see our<br />

website www.<br />

helenogrady.<br />

co.nz<br />

Piano<br />

Raewyn Clegg<br />

Registered Teacher of<br />

Piano and Theory of<br />

Music.<br />

29 Lancewood Drive<br />

Halswell<br />

Ph 322-9377<br />

Drama Classes for Children<br />

Helping children<br />

develop social<br />

skills for a<br />

competitive<br />

world.<br />

Fun Classes for 5-17 years<br />

Weekly Classes 0800 161 131<br />

www.helenogrady.co.nz<br />


60 Waterloo Rd, Hornby, Christchurch<br />

Looking to gain a<br />

qualification in <strong>2016</strong>?<br />

• National Certificate in Fitness (Group Fitness Instruction) - Starting 1 June<br />

• National Certificate in Building, Construction, and Allied Trades Skills<br />

FREE - 10 weeks, starting 13 June<br />

• National Certificate in Project Management - Starting 23 June<br />

• National Diploma in Project Management - Starting 29 July<br />

• Certificate in Construction - Starting 3 August<br />

Call us today,<br />

or email<br />

sit@sit.ac.nz<br />

*Direct material costs apply<br />

0800 TO STUDY<br />


2<br />

18<br />

[Edition datE]<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> 3 <strong>2016</strong><br />

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it me is, time got it. to Freedom reflect, sports. meditate Stuff that<br />

necessarily even. Myfosters mindindependent wanders around thought.<br />

Playing thinking the (obviously) snow miles from about home at<br />

age four when a blizzard comes up. What<br />

to<br />

shares<br />

do when<br />

and<br />

your<br />

stock<br />

pony,<br />

markets<br />

almost struck<br />

andby<br />

lightning, startups. rears I also into try the air and and figure then tramples<br />

whyour I amlegs finding as you lie the where riding you so fell.<br />

out<br />

How addictive. to just, frankly, I cast my DEAL thoughts with things<br />

when they get tough. It is a rush being<br />

further back to childhood. Aha<br />

totally reliant on yourself to achieve and<br />

solve. — there Endurance it is, got cycling it. Freedom pushes lots of<br />

these sports. buttons Stuff in that adulthood necessarily and I begin to<br />

understand. fosters independent thought.<br />

Playing Shouldn’t inbeing the snow financially miles independent from<br />

be one of our big goals? Not the kind<br />

where<br />

homeyou at age<br />

sit on<br />

four<br />

a pile<br />

when<br />

of lucky<br />

a<br />

millions<br />

blizzard and go comes around up. irritating What people to doand<br />

advising when your them pony, to stick almost it to the man. struck More<br />

the by idea lightning, that a good rears plan into is the make air life<br />

happen for yourself, rather than waiting<br />

and then tramples your legs as<br />

for simple twists of fate, or other people,<br />

to you do lie it for where you. you fell. How to<br />

just, I now frankly, talk to a DEAL lot of older with teenagers things<br />

and when 20-somethings, they get tough. a newer Itarget is a group rush<br />

for being government totallyinitiatives reliant on saving. yourself<br />

There are great moments, watching really<br />

cool<br />

to achieve<br />

stuff by teenagers<br />

and solve.<br />

that<br />

Endurance<br />

are getting the<br />

heck Sharebroker on with & Portfolio it. Seeing what some have<br />

been<br />

Manager.<br />

setting<br />

She runs<br />

up<br />

investment<br />

for themselves has been a<br />

stuff, a sharemarket based newsletter here.<br />

real investment privilege. coaching service. successis.co.nz/<br />

Visit her at<br />

Sitting on a local trust has been amazing;<br />

column the ishard not personalised work and independent<br />

www.investmentstuff.co.nz this<br />

financial advice.<br />

determination of school leavers with solid<br />

goals is inspiring. They understand the<br />

effort-to-reward ratio. They get that life<br />

is tricky, that is why they are applying<br />

for use scholarships instead of sugar in from jammaking<br />

It for has diabetics. not always Ruth has been easy. You<br />

the trust in the first<br />

place.<br />

suggested Sugromax: “It’s stable<br />

can at high pretty temperatures, much get making what it you want, if<br />

ideal for baking, preserving and<br />

you just work hard enough. That lot will<br />

general cooking.”<br />

be fine. LCL may They alsohave like to have grasped a the victory<br />

look at diabetes.org.nz, which<br />

rose<br />

says,<br />

of<br />

“Inindependent New Zealand there<br />

financial<br />

are<br />

reasoning. It<br />

is a five different common non-nutritive lot that worries me.<br />

sweeteners (the figures in them“.<br />

In brackets other areconversations the additive it appears there<br />

are numbers): a lot of Aspartame youthful (951) individuals sold who assume<br />

Cyclamate the world (952) andowes Saccharin them a debt of grat-<br />

as Equal; Acesulfame-K (950);<br />

itude<br />

(954)<br />

just<br />

sold asfor Sucaryl<br />

being<br />

and<br />

alive. Someone else<br />

Sugromax (saccharin and<br />

will cyclamate get it, mixed); carry and it, Sucralose fetch it and pay for it,<br />

(955) which is Splenda.” Health<br />

if you just nag hard enough. The word is<br />

warnings apply, so visit their an Oily Rag in NZ.<br />

spoilt, site. And although finally, Mischief we are from not supposed to<br />

Inglewood, has a suggestion for www.oilyrag.co.nz<br />

use that word any more, it being impolite<br />

to do anything other than compliment<br />

children to death on Facebook.<br />

The other impression is one of inevitability.<br />

A kind of laissez faire, oh well,<br />

never mind, karmic inevitability. Can<br />

we blame YouTube? Easy credit? The<br />

schools? Junk food? Trash magazines?<br />

Or . . . ourselves? Handed everything left<br />

and right, what happens next? Seems to<br />

me more a grasping of nettle danger than<br />

plucking the flower of financial safety.<br />

What happened to installing the idea of<br />

financial independence with kids? Where<br />

did it vanish to? Has it become uncool?<br />

Why is enacting these options so fraught?<br />

As I stop at the cycle pub any time I<br />

like, change direction, go home early<br />

sometimes and ride faster or slower than<br />

planned—I wonder.<br />

Caroline Ritchie is a former AFA,<br />

Sharebroker & Portfolio manager. She<br />

runs investment stuff, a sharemarket<br />

based investment coaching service. Visit<br />

her at www.investmentstuff.co.nz this<br />

column is not personalised financial<br />

advice.<br />

2<br />

[Edition datE]<br />



Cool stuff<br />

from<br />

from some teens<br />

ndurance cycling pushes lots of the buttons helpful to achieve in adulthood.<br />

een amazing; the hard work<br />

nd independent determination<br />

f school leavers with solid goals<br />

s inspiring. They understand<br />

he effort-to-reward ratio. They<br />

et that life is tricky, that is why<br />

cholarships from the trust in<br />

he first place. It has not always<br />

een easy. You can pretty much<br />

et what you want, if you just<br />

ork hard enough. That lot will<br />

e fine. They have grasped the<br />

ictory rose of independent<br />

inancial reasoning. It is a<br />

ifferent lot that worries me.<br />

In other conversations it<br />

ppears there are a lot of<br />

with<br />



outhful individuals who<br />

ssume the world owes them a<br />

ebt of gratitude just for being<br />


alive. Someone else will get it,<br />

carry it, fetch it and pay for it, if<br />

you just nag hard enough. The<br />

word is spoilt, although we are<br />

not supposed to use that word<br />

any more, it being impolite to do<br />

anything other than<br />

compliment children to death<br />

on Facebook.<br />

The other impression is one<br />

of inevitability. A kind of laissez<br />

faire, oh well, never mind,<br />

karmic inevitability. Can we<br />

blame YouTube? Easy credit?<br />

The schools? Junk food? Trash<br />

magazines? Or . . . ourselves?<br />

Handed everything left and<br />

right, what happens next?<br />

Seems to me more a grasping of<br />

nettle danger than plucking the<br />

flower of financial safety.<br />

cycling pushes lots of these<br />

What happened to installing<br />

the idea of financial<br />

independence with kids? Where<br />

did it vanish to? Has it become<br />

uncool? Why is enacting these<br />

options so fraught? As I stop at<br />

the cycle pub any time I like,<br />

change direction, go home early<br />

sometimes and ride faster or<br />

slower than planned — I<br />

wonder.<br />

Caroline Ritchie is a former AFA,<br />

rase permanent marker ink<br />

olleagues accidentally used a<br />

ermanent marker during a<br />

commonly thought that<br />

spreading crushed egg shells<br />

around plants will protect them<br />

theory is that the critters would<br />

Waikanae, says that’s not the<br />

case, and he has provided links<br />

photographs. Not to be deterred<br />

from this frugal lettuce-saving<br />

remedy, we thought we would<br />

ask the Oily Rag community to<br />

let us know whether egg shells<br />

have worked for them as a slug<br />

who asked about a sweetener to<br />

Be More<br />

Effective<br />

with Debbie<br />

<strong>May</strong>o-Smith<br />

Manage<br />

your time<br />

How can you effectively manage<br />

your busy day? Time<br />

management is not necessarily<br />

working “harder,” but rather,<br />

“smarter.” Here are five time<br />

management mistakes we<br />

should all avoid to increase our<br />

daily success both on and off the<br />

job.<br />

1. Starting your day without a<br />

plan of action. Time<br />

management is doing the right<br />

things initially.<br />

2. Losing balance in your life.<br />

Our lives comprise seven vital<br />

areas that need balance. These<br />

areas include health, family,<br />

financial, intellectual, social,<br />

professional, and spiritual.<br />

3. Working with a messy desk or<br />

work area. Studies have shown<br />

that the person who works with<br />

a messy desk spends, on<br />

average, one-and-a-half hours<br />

per day looking for things or<br />

being distracted by things.<br />

4. Getting insufficient sleep.<br />

Studies show that nearly 75 per<br />

cent of us complain on a regular<br />

basis that we are tired.<br />

5. Giving up a lunch break. Many<br />

Endurance cycling<br />

pushes lots of the<br />

buttons helpful<br />

to achieve in<br />

adulthood.<br />

do not take a lunch break.<br />

Studies have shown that after<br />

doing what we do for several<br />

hours, we start to “dull out.”<br />

A lunch break, even a short<br />

15-minute break, gives us a<br />

chance to get our batteries<br />

charged up again to more<br />

effectively handle.<br />

Bottom line: Prioritise! End<br />

your day with a list of things to<br />

do tomorrow. Ensure they are in<br />

order of importance and<br />

timeliness.<br />

Debbie <strong>May</strong>o-Smith aka Ms<br />

Effective, gives speeches,<br />

seminars and trains on sales and<br />

personal productivity. Sign up<br />

for her monthly quick tip<br />

newsletterapn.htm. To have<br />

Debbie speak at your next event<br />

or train your team call 64 27 575<br />

5359 or visit debbiespeaks.co.nz<br />

keeping your washing soft.<br />

“Instead of buying fabric<br />

softener, make your own by<br />

using white vinegar and<br />

essential oil. Mix together and<br />

use about 1 tablespoon in the<br />

compartment of your washing<br />

machine. You can’t smell the<br />

vinegar but the clothes are<br />

softer and have a nice smell to<br />

■ If you have suggestions you<br />

would like to share, then contact<br />

us via oilyrag.co.nz or write to<br />

Living off the Smell of an Oily<br />

Rag, PO Box 984, Whangarei.<br />

Frank and Muriel Newman are the<br />

authors of Living Off the Smell of<br />

Read their wealth of tips at<br />

Paulger Courts is a family owned<br />

and oriented village. Owners<br />

Robyn and Peter MacDonald<br />

truly appreciate the value and<br />

importance of independence and on-going<br />

community relationships to their residents,<br />

whilst remaining a close-knit and supportive<br />

community. Our residents maintain their<br />

community attachments, hobbies and<br />

independence, whilst knowing that support<br />

is there if they need it.<br />

The village’s 34 semi-detached but private<br />

and sunny units sit in landscaped grounds<br />

alongside George Manning House, the<br />

purpose-built eighty bed rest home and<br />

hospital. On hand at GMH Robyn and her<br />

team are available to answer any questions or<br />

organise any assistance the residents need.<br />

Paulger Courts units are designed to<br />

be comfortable and easy to live in, whilst<br />

relieving the residents of the burden of<br />

home maintenance or reliance on family for<br />

urgent assistance. With the supplied ‘Never<br />

Alone’ alarm, the nightly security patrol and<br />

willing staff, residents and their families can<br />

feel reassured that help is at hand should it<br />


be required.<br />

The emphasis at Paulger Courts is on<br />

ensuring that it always remains a happy and<br />

safe place for people live, whilst gaining<br />

new friends in a stress-free and enjoyable<br />

environment.<br />

The village’s 34 semi-detached<br />

but private and sunny units sit in<br />

landscaped grounds<br />

Paulger Courts Retirement Village<br />

(in association with George Manning House Rest Home and Hospital)<br />

Two-bedroom<br />

units available,<br />

prices from<br />

$260,000<br />

Enquiries welcome.<br />

Please ring<br />

‘‘<br />

Robyn MacDonald<br />

on 338-9164<br />

weekdays<br />

Spreydon, Christchurch<br />

Family owned and oriented<br />

Retirement Village for independent<br />

living in a supportive environment.<br />


PEGASUS POST Tuesday [Edition <strong>May</strong> datE] 3 <strong>2016</strong> 19 3<br />

Device to Prevent Snoring<br />

Why put up with broken sleep,<br />

when help is at hand with<br />

Snorex, an appliance that<br />

prevents snoring, sleep<br />

apnoea, and dry and raw throats.<br />

Snorex is custom-fitted to your mouth for<br />

comfort, and a follow up service is provided.<br />

Denise Lim has been involved with Snores<br />

for 19 years and has had a 98% success rate<br />

with people using the appliance. Snoring can<br />

be a health hazard, causing sleep apnoea,<br />

where the person actually stops breathing for<br />

short periods.<br />

It can cause short-term memory loss,<br />

tiredness and contribute to high blood<br />

pressure.<br />

The Snorex device does not feel restrictive,<br />

is non-invasive and carries a money-back<br />

guarantee.<br />

Many people are referred by ear, nose<br />

and throat specialists, however, anyone can<br />

phone for an appointment.<br />

For an information pack or to discuss<br />

the Snorex further, phone Denise Lim<br />

on 383 0994 or check out the website<br />

www.snorex.co.nz<br />

A Mother of All Gifts<br />

Take the worry out of Mother’s Day!<br />

Wondering what to buy Mum<br />

when a box of chocolates or<br />

hand-cream won’t do another<br />

year round?<br />

A clever Lower Hutt woman has given me<br />

a new idea. When many of our mothers are<br />

feeling the ache of ageing limbs, or suffer<br />

with chronic pain or circulatory problems,<br />

Jenny Watson’s Aircycle is a perfect self-help<br />

answer. It’s totally transportable, folding to<br />

fit your pocket, simple in concept, easy to use<br />

and acclaimed by a growing number of users<br />

in its efficacy, and it can be easily posted in an<br />

envelope if Mum lives a distance away.<br />

For painful hands, feet or legs this small<br />

therapeutic device is used when sitting, most<br />

effective when used in several short spells a<br />

day - no need for long tough workouts. Jenny<br />

says, “Many delighted people report that it<br />

helps relieve arthritic pain and other problems<br />

such as cramp and ankle swelling. We know<br />

that regular use while sitting watching TV<br />

can begin the progress of stronger legs, better<br />

balance, comfortable walking and freedom<br />

from discomfort. It’s an easy way to manage<br />

a range of health conditions – it offers<br />

relief. Any of us can use the Aircycle almost<br />

anywhere.<br />

Jenny showed me some of the many<br />

grateful letters she’d received. Often Aircycle<br />

users have spent heavily on medications<br />

and therapy before discovering this simple<br />

effective, drug-free device. Jenny says, “News<br />

is fast spreading by word of mouth, but we<br />

still have a way to go.”<br />

Well, I say, time others knew about it. Well<br />

done Jenny! Mum – you’re going to like this!<br />

Information and orders: www.aircycle.<br />

co. nz , phone 04 5695013 or post $39.90<br />

to Aircycle PO Box 45105, Waterloo,<br />

Lower Hutt. Aircycles are also available<br />

in pharmacies.<br />

Mother’s Day iDea<br />

Boost circulation and gently<br />

exercise while you sit – it’s so easy!<br />

FOR<br />

Pain & stiffness<br />

Swollen ankles<br />

Night cramps<br />

Painful hands<br />

Balance & mobility<br />

Sore legs/numb feet<br />

Travel & office sitting<br />

$39<br />

Approx<br />

Available from pharmacies, Diabetes Christchurch,<br />

More Mobility, Aspire Canterbury.<br />

Information and mail orders<br />

www.aircycle.co.nz or call 04 569 5013<br />

you can stop him<br />

snoring with a<br />

SNOREX<br />

Why put up with a broken<br />

night’s sleep?<br />

Ph 377-4318 or 027 682 1752<br />



Website: www.snorex.co.nz<br />

Third Age Tours<br />

Small Group Tours<br />

for the over 50’s<br />

Domestic and International<br />

Great Prices!<br />

england/Wales & Yorkshire Dales<br />

28 April - 28 <strong>May</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

1 September - 1 October <strong>2016</strong><br />

enchanting Ireland & Scotland<br />

2-27 June <strong>2016</strong><br />

Treasures of Turkey<br />

18 <strong>May</strong> - 1 June <strong>2016</strong><br />

16 August - 19 September <strong>2016</strong><br />

captivating croatia, Slovenia &<br />

montenegro, Venice<br />

16 June - 10 July <strong>2016</strong><br />

Vietnam & cambodia<br />

4-26 October <strong>2016</strong><br />

Beautiful norfolk Island<br />

23 October - 30 October <strong>2016</strong><br />

South Island Tours<br />

Glorious Autumn in Arrowtown<br />

20-25th April <strong>2016</strong><br />

catlins/Stewart Island<br />

11-19 February <strong>2016</strong><br />

PluS oTher<br />

DeSTInATIonS!<br />

For a Free InFormATIon PAck<br />

contact Brenda<br />

Third Age Tours<br />

Ph <strong>03</strong> 379 3799 or <strong>03</strong> 312 7050<br />

Freephone: 0800 927 725<br />

sunshineone@xtra.co.nz<br />

www.thirdagetours.co.nz<br />

Support and Resources for Independent Living<br />

walkers to<br />

purchase<br />

(FroM $230)<br />

or hire<br />

$20<br />

per week<br />

Can we help you or someone you support?<br />

Disability Information Service – a ‘one stop<br />

information service’ which offers unbiased<br />

advice to assist people navigate their way to<br />

organisations or services that can provide them<br />

with support or advice.<br />

Aspire Canterbury Shop – shop online or call in<br />

to our shop at 314 Worcester Street and view our<br />

range of easier living products We also hire out<br />

wheelchairs, ramps and walkers.<br />

Total Mobility Discounted Taxi Service – a scheme<br />

which provides 50% discounts on taxi journeys to<br />

eligible people in the Christchurch area who, due<br />

to health conditions, are unable to access public<br />

transport. Contact us for more information on<br />

<strong>03</strong> 366 9093 or visit our website.<br />

New Mobile Service – Fun interactive presentations<br />

of our information, services and easier living<br />

equipment. We come to you! To book our<br />

presenter to speak to your group call Shannon<br />

at numbers below or email mobileservices@<br />

aspirecanterbury.org.nz<br />

Mobility scooter demonstrations available.<br />

Aspire Canterbury is a not-for-profit organisation<br />

providing services to the community since 1981<br />

Physical Address:<br />

314 Worcester Street<br />

Linwood Christchurch<br />

<strong>Post</strong>al Address:<br />

PO Box 32074<br />

Christchurch 8147<br />

2015 NZ Disability<br />

Information Centre<br />

of the Year<br />

Ph: <strong>03</strong> 366 6189<br />

Freephone: 0800 347 242<br />

Ph: (Total Mobility) <strong>03</strong> 366 9093<br />

Mobile Service: 022 140 8213<br />

E: admin@aspirecanterbury.org.nz<br />

W: www.aspirecanterbury.org.nz

20 4<br />

Tuesday [Edition datE] <strong>May</strong> 3 <strong>2016</strong><br />


Care, compassion and skill<br />

define Nurse Maude<br />

Nurse Maude has been caring for the people of Canterbury since 1896.<br />

Much of this nursing care<br />

and support has been in the<br />

community so people can stay<br />

in their own homes and retain<br />

as much independence as possible.<br />

Every year millions of kilometres are<br />

clocked up as nurses and home support<br />

workers cross the Canterbury region<br />

providing personal, domestic, nursing and<br />

specialist palliative care.<br />

“All the nursing and homecare services<br />

we provide, whether it be in the community<br />

or in the Nurse Maude Hospital or Nurse<br />

Maude Hospice are founded on the core<br />

principles of partnership, respect and<br />

nursing excellence,” says Jim Magee, chief<br />

executive of Nurse Maude.<br />

“Our unique strength lies in the ability<br />

of our people to blend that with the values<br />

which motivated Sybilla Maude in 1896;<br />

that the needs of the patients and clients are<br />

met with quality nursing care and support<br />

provided by skilled and compassionate staff.”<br />

“The broad spectrum of care provided by<br />

Nurse Maude encompasses the two most<br />

vulnerable groups in our society, the very<br />

young and the elderly.”<br />

Nurse Maude has always been a<br />

collaborative organisation, providing care<br />

in partnership with general practitioners,<br />

practice nurses, district health boards, ACC<br />

and the Ministry of Health among others.<br />

“It is through improved communication<br />

and the sharing of information that these<br />

relationships continue to strengthen for<br />

the benefit of our patients and clients,” says<br />

Magee.<br />

From the frontline staff who exhibit<br />

that blend of expertise, efficiency and<br />

compassion which makes Nurse Maude so<br />

special through to those who support them<br />

in administrative roles and Nurse Maude’s<br />

volunteers who give so generously of their<br />

time and talent, the organisation that is<br />

Nurse Maude attracts enormous respect in<br />

the community.<br />

While the technology, processes and<br />

systems used to provide that care today<br />

would no doubt astonish Sibylla Maude,<br />

there is little doubt that 120 years on that<br />

the organisation that bears her name and<br />

continues her legacy of care would meet<br />

with her wholehearted approval.

PEGASUS POST Tuesday [Edition <strong>May</strong> datE] 3 <strong>2016</strong> 21 5<br />

Olive Leaf Extract Nature’s<br />

Extraordinary Immune Support<br />

As far ago as 1927 Doctors used diseases, two types<br />

olive leaf to reduce fevers and of leukaemia and<br />

knock out malaria. Scientists have even some cancers.<br />

discovered olive leaf contains In many chronic<br />

powerful nutrients that directly interfere<br />

and even destroy nearly every type of disease<br />

causing micro-organisms including bacteria,<br />

health conditions the<br />

immune system is run<br />

down and it is easy to<br />

fungi, mould, parasites, viruses and even have complications<br />

yeast infections. As well as this olive leaf has that are often life<br />

immune enhancing benefits by activating threatening. Olive<br />

immune cells that fight infection. For these<br />

reasons it has become a popular tonic herb<br />

that can be used to keep the immune system<br />

strong as well as when need to dramatically<br />

speed up recovery of conditions like colds<br />

and flus, pneumonia, tuberculosis, herpes,<br />

shingles, urinary infections, yeast infections,<br />

and much more. It has also been found<br />

beneficial for chronic fatigue syndrome,<br />

low energy levels, exotic and deadly tropical<br />

leaf may be a safe and<br />

very effective option to<br />

boost the immune system and allow the body<br />

to have more energy to help heal itself.<br />

Olive leaf has also been found to be<br />

an effective cardiovascular tonic helping<br />

normalise high blood pressure, improve<br />

cholesterol quality, improve heartbeat<br />

irregularities, and improve blood flow and<br />

vascular disorders.<br />

Olive leaf extract is so effective that too<br />

high a dose initially may make you feel worse.<br />

This is due to too many micro-organisms<br />

dying quicker than the body can process<br />

these dead organisms. This side effect can<br />

be minimized if you follow our protocol on<br />

dosage. Also drinking water and herbal teas<br />

especially raspberry leaf can be quite effective.<br />

Further information on the amazing benefits<br />

of olive leaf and how it can be effectively<br />

used is available from our Medical Herbalist<br />

or our Natural Health Advisers at Marshall’s<br />

Health & Natural Therapy, 110 Seaview<br />

Road, New Brighton, Phone: 388-5757.<br />

We are Always Happy to Help!<br />

Effective Natural Skincare that is<br />

Ideal for Problem Skin<br />

MooGoo produce a full range<br />

of safe, natural skin and scalp<br />

products that are especially<br />

suited for those with problem<br />

skin. In these products they only use top<br />

quality edible ingredients that are known<br />

to be highly effective and good for our skin.<br />

These active ingredients are only used in<br />

correct concentrations for effective results<br />

and not just added to look good on the label.<br />

Because the MooGoo range is so safe and yet<br />

so effective is probably why it was rated the<br />

number one most preferred brand of nonprescription<br />

(non-steroid) creams for those<br />

suffering from problem skin in Australia.<br />

It is also recommended by many medical<br />

practitioners in Australia.<br />

As MooGoo products are safe and natural<br />

they are ideal for long term use from babies<br />

to adults. They are an effective alternative<br />

or follow-up treatment to chemicallybased<br />

ointments.<br />

Although MooGoo products are commonly<br />

used by people with skin complaints like<br />

Eczema, Psoriasis and Dermatitis etc, the<br />

range of products are becoming increasingly<br />

popular for healthy skin care. The Skin Milk<br />

Udder Cream is the lightest of creams that can<br />

easily penetrate the skin with its beneficial<br />

ingredients especially the milk protein which<br />

has been shown to increase skin elasticity<br />

and health. It is non-greasy and contains no<br />

mineral oil or other nasties.<br />

The comprehensive MooGoo range<br />

includes the popular Milk Shampoo and<br />

Conditioner, Milk Wash, Cleansing Bars,<br />

Fresh Cream Deodorant, Body Spray, Edible<br />

Lip Balms, Baby range and much more.<br />

The MooGoo range and further detailed<br />

information and advice is available from<br />

the Natural Health Advisers at Marshall’s<br />

Health & Natural Therapy in New Brighton.<br />

Phone 388-5757 We are Always Happy to Help!<br />

EAT<br />

TALK<br />

SMILE<br />

Live life<br />

confidently with<br />

advanced dental<br />

and denture care.<br />



Merivale <strong>03</strong> 375 4444<br />

Beckenham <strong>03</strong> 375 4443<br />

Fendalton <strong>03</strong> 375 4449<br />

Linwood <strong>03</strong> 375 4448<br />

Kaiapoi <strong>03</strong> 375 4442<br />

QEII Dental <strong>03</strong> 388 0881<br />

Dentistry with a Smile <strong>03</strong> 338 8210<br />

Halswell Dental <strong>03</strong> 322 9577<br />

Canterbury’s leading company specialising<br />

in complete denture services.<br />

www.duchenne.co.nz<br />

Nature’s extraordiNary immuNe support<br />

Olive Leaf Extract contains natural compounds that can<br />

directly interfere & even destroy nearly every type of disease<br />

causing micro-organisms including bacteria, fungi, parasites,<br />

viruses & even yeast infections. It also activates immune<br />

cells that fight infection. As well as this it is an effective<br />

cardiovascular tonic that helps improve blood flow, improve<br />

cholesterol quality & reduce high blood pressure, while<br />

improving overall health.<br />

Olive Leaf Extract Supports:<br />

- Strong immune function<br />

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- Ideal for any viral infections like cold sores, shingles etc.<br />

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- Energy levels & chronic fatigue syndrome<br />

- Reduction in high blood pressure<br />

- Cardiovascular health & blood flow<br />



Marshall’s Olive Leaf Extract<br />

is standardised to provide a<br />

concentrated amount of active<br />

nutrients for reliable results!<br />

Super Price<br />

60 capsules only<br />

$26.90<br />

120 capsules only<br />

$46.90<br />



For Immune Maintenance<br />

Bringing You the Best in Natural Health!<br />



110 SEAVIEW RD, NEW BRIGHTON • PH <strong>03</strong> 388 5757 • Email: enquiry@marshallshealth.co.nz<br />


Do You Suffer Eczema or Psoriasis?<br />

Special<br />

1x 120g tube<br />

Only $27.30<br />

2x 120g tube<br />

Only $49.90<br />

You’ll be amazed at the<br />

difference it can make!<br />

MooGoo Eczema & Psoriasis Balm is our top selling<br />

anti-inflammatory & anti-fungal cream. It is a great<br />

alternative to steroid & chemical based creams.<br />

Customers rave about how great it is!<br />

Ideal For:<br />

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Bringing You The Best in Natural Health<br />


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110 SEAVIEW RD, NEW BRIGHTON • PH <strong>03</strong> 388 5757 • Email: enquiry@marshallshealth.co.nz<br />


22 2<br />

Tuesday [Edition <strong>May</strong> datE] 3 <strong>2016</strong><br />

tasty bites<br />

Yo, delicious<br />

yoghurt treats<br />

Get rid of dampness<br />

in your house<br />

Now with the colder and wetter weather on its way, home owners<br />

are focusing on ways to make their homes comfortable, warm and<br />

healthy for their families throughout winter.<br />


1½-2 cups thick & creamy creme brulee<br />

yoghurt (I used Hansells)<br />


A culinary blow torch should be used to ½ cup sugar<br />

transform the sugar into the toffee topping.<br />

Rising damp is an issue that<br />

ious<br />

Ensure the blue flame of the blow METHOD<br />

treats<br />

affects many of our older<br />

torch is right on the sugar so it crackles Place the banana in 4 singleserve<br />

properties which suffer<br />

quickly. Make the yoghurt according to heatproof ramekins or small souffee<br />

from poor, or no, insulation.<br />

the instructions on the packet. A quick dishes. Add the yoghurt. Smooth the top. In Canterbury especially, postquake,<br />

many people have relocated to<br />

and yummy brulee. – Sprinkle evenly with the sugar.<br />

Serves 4<br />

Using a blow torch, heat the sugar homes that suffer from rising damp<br />

until it turns to toffee.<br />

which can be associated with health<br />


The brulees may be refrigerated for problems. 1 tsp each: Independent honey, lemon tests juice have<br />

1 large banana, peeled and thinly up to an hour before the toffee starts to shown that up to 40 litres of water can<br />

sliced<br />

dissolve.<br />

1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil<br />

rise from the ground and enter a house<br />

every Steak: day, 2leading x thickto venison mildew, mould, steaks<br />

condensation 1-2 Tbsp riceand branmusty oil smells.<br />

Moulds freshly can ground produce black various pepper allergic to<br />

reactions taste and the frail, elderly and<br />

very young are especially vulnerable.<br />

Canterbury Foam Concrete Ltd is a<br />

locally METHOD owned and operated firm. The<br />

team understands the problems caused<br />

by Combine rising damp theand sauce are ingredients.<br />

there to help.<br />


– Serves 6<br />

/2 cup sugar<br />


Sauce: 2 Tbsp canola oil<br />

1<br />

ETHOD<br />

tsp cumin seeds<br />

1 medium onion, diced<br />

2 bay leaves<br />

lace 400g the can banana whole plum in 4tomatoes single-ierve 4 cloves heatproof garlic ramekins or small<br />

juice<br />

ouffee 3cm piece dishes. root ginger, Add the peeled yoghurt. and<br />

chopped<br />

mooth the top. Sprinkle evenly<br />

2 small chillies, seeded<br />

ith ½ tsp theeach: sugar. ground turmeric, paprika<br />

Chicken: Using a1kg blow skinned torch, and heat boned the<br />

ugar chicken until thighs, it turns halved to toffee.<br />

2<br />

The<br />

red-skinned<br />

bruleespotatoes, may becut into 2.5cm<br />

cubes<br />

1 tsp honey<br />

efore ¼ cup the thick toffee and creamy starts to Greek yoghurt<br />

efrigerated for up to an hour<br />

issolve. — Serves 4<br />

OGHURT<br />


METHOD<br />


SAUCE – Serves 2<br />


Sauce: GREDIENTS ¾ cup Greek yoghurt<br />

¼ cup each: parsley, mint leaves,<br />

chopped<br />

auce: 1 clove 2garlic, Tbspcrushed<br />

canola oil<br />

tsp 1 tsp cumin each: honey, seeds lemon juice<br />

medium 1 Tbsp extra onion, virgin diced olive oil<br />

bay Steak: leaves 2 x thick venison steaks<br />

1-2 Tbsp rice bran oil<br />

00g can whole plum tomatoes<br />

Heat the oil on medium in a large, nonstick<br />

saucepan. Stir in the cumin seeds<br />

until they darken slightly. Add the onion<br />

and METHOD bay leaves and cook until the onion<br />

is soft.<br />

Heat<br />

Meanwhile,<br />

the oildrain on medium<br />

the tomatoes<br />

in areserv-<br />

ing the juice.<br />

large,<br />

non-stick Place the tomatoes saucepan. in a blender Stir in with the<br />

the cumin garlic, seeds ginger, until chillies, they turmeric darken and<br />

paprika. slightly. Blend Adduntil the smooth. onion and bay<br />

leaves Add to and the onion cookmixture until the and onion simmer<br />

for 5 minutes. Add the chicken and<br />

is<br />

soft.<br />

potatoes.<br />

Simmer for 5 minutes.<br />

reserving Make the tomato the juice.<br />

up to 1 cup with<br />

water Place and add theto tomatoes the chicken in with a the<br />

honey. blender with the garlic, ginger,<br />

Simmer, uncovered, for about 20 minutes,<br />

until the potatoes and chicken are<br />

chillies, turmeric and paprika.<br />

cooked. Blend until Stir in smooth. the yoghurt and serve.<br />

Great Addtopped thewith<br />

onion mixture and<br />

additional simmer for yoghurt 5 minutes. and chopped Addcorian-<br />

der.<br />

the<br />

Meanwhile, drain the tomatoes<br />

chicken and potatoes.<br />

Simmer for 5 minutes.<br />

Make the tomato juice up to 1<br />

cup with water and add to the<br />

chicken with the honey.<br />

Simmer, uncovered, for about<br />

20 minutes, until the potatoes and<br />

chicken Heat the remaining are cooked. oil in a heavy<br />

Stir in the yoghurt and serve.<br />

Great topped with additional<br />

yoghurt and chopped coriander.<br />

— Serves 6<br />

freshly ground black pepper to taste<br />

METHOD<br />

Combine the sauce ingredients. Refrigerate<br />

if you wish, but the sauce is best served at<br />

room temperature. Pat the steaks dry, bush<br />

with oil and sprinkle with black pepper.<br />

ridged frying pan. Pan-fry the steaks on<br />

medium high for about 3-4 minutes each<br />

side, until medium rare. Rest for 3-4<br />

minutes before serving with the sauce.<br />

Refrigerate if you wish, but the<br />

sauce is best served at room<br />

temperature. Pat the steaks dry,<br />

bush with oil and sprinkle with<br />

black pepper.<br />

Heat the remaining oil in a<br />

heavy ridged frying pan. Pan-fry<br />

the steaks on medium high for<br />

about 3-4 minutes each side, until<br />

medium rare. Rest for 3-4 minutes<br />

before serving with the sauce.<br />

— Serves 2<br />

LEMON<br />



1 cup each: canola oil, caster<br />

sugar<br />

2 eggs<br />

1 cup thick, plain yoghurt<br />

1 tsp finely grated lemon rind<br />

2 cups self-raising flour<br />

1/2 cup mixed dried peel<br />

Yoghurt Icing: 1 cup sifted icing<br />

sugar<br />

1/4-1/3 cup plain yoghurt<br />

1/2 For tsp existing vanillahomes essence with<br />

wooden floor construction<br />

METHOD • Stop Mould & Mildew<br />

• Reduce Heating Bills<br />

Preheat • Cost Effective the ovenPermanent<br />

to 170C. Lightly<br />

oil<br />

Solution<br />

and line<br />

To<br />

the<br />

Rising<br />

base<br />

Damp<br />

of a 21-23cm<br />

• Free Consultation / Quotes<br />

springform cake pan with baking<br />

paper.<br />

Beat the oil and caster sugar<br />

until light. Whisk in the eggs, one<br />

at a time. Mix in the yoghurt and<br />

lemon rind. Fold in the flour until<br />

just combined. It should still be a<br />

little lumpy, similar to a muffin<br />


bite.co.nz – NZ’s home of foo<br />


They will come to your damp home<br />

and pump a lightweight, flowable<br />

foam concrete under your timber<br />

floored home. Specially adapted for<br />

our New Zealand conditions and<br />

applications with YVONNE it provides LORKIN a layer of<br />

protection against rising moisture.<br />

An unexpected Petane Station benefit Esk that Valley the team<br />

at Canterbury Viognier $31, Foam 2015 Concrete have<br />

noticed ★★★★ recently, is that many owners<br />

of properties which had underfloor<br />

foam concrete installed, reported that<br />

it also andprovided apricot stone protection against<br />

liquefaction characters after on the the earthquakes.<br />

Contact nose and Canterbury the way Foam Concrete<br />

Ltd<br />

they<br />

now for<br />

knit<br />

your<br />

together<br />

free, no obligation<br />

quote and complimentary appraisal<br />

of your<br />

withunderfloor the jasmine<br />

ventilation needs.<br />

Phone and <strong>03</strong> white 376 4608 pepper or 0508 362626 for<br />

more notes information. that sneak<br />

I love the bright, cleansing pea<br />

through. It must be<br />

the ancient sea-bed<br />

of a vineyard that<br />

the vines grow in<br />

which injects the<br />

lovely mineral,<br />

slightly salty lick on<br />

the finish. Rich, ripe<br />

and robust and has<br />

snappy acidity, exceptionally<br />

good with pork roasted with<br />

honey and ginger.<br />

Petane Station Single<br />

Vineyard HB Gewurztramine<br />

2015, $36<br />

★★★<br />

Golden and glowing in the glas<br />

like Beyonce’s yellow diamond<br />

engagement ring and<br />

offering complex,<br />

apricot, musky<br />

peach, ginger kiss<br />

and lychee notes on<br />

the nose; at 15% alc,<br />

this new release also<br />

has a warming,<br />

glycerol-like<br />

intensity on the<br />

palate — making it a<br />

superb partner for<br />

sweet and sour<br />

dishes. Philip Barber<br />

is the brains behind<br />

this new, Esk Valleybased<br />

winery.<br />

AttAck Rising DAmP<br />

...at the source<br />

Amisfield Lowburn Terrace<br />

Central Otago Riesling 2014<br />

$25<br />

★★★★★ L<br />

Wow! It’s like the<br />

gods made an elixir<br />

that smells like<br />

STOP RISING DAMP TODAY www.foamcrete.org<br />

Free Phone: 0508 362626 Main Office: (<strong>03</strong>) 3764608 Fax: (<strong>03</strong>) 37646<strong>03</strong>

PEGASUS POST Tuesday [Edition <strong>May</strong> datE] 3 <strong>2016</strong> 23 3<br />

Keep comfortable with<br />

EnviroMaster<br />

Are you struggling with the heat<br />

of Summer or wanting to get<br />

organised for Winter? With the<br />

ever changing weather patterns,<br />

heat pumps have the flexibility of being able<br />

to heat and cool which is an advantage no<br />

other appliance can offer. This represents<br />

great value for your investment as you can<br />

use it all year round. The team at Enviro<br />

Master Ltd can help keep you cool this<br />

Summer either at home or work. Enviro<br />

Master supplies, installs and services all<br />

the leading brands including Panasonic,<br />

Fujitsu, Mitsubishi and Daikin. This means<br />

our team can show you which system and<br />

brand will best suit your needs.<br />

We currently have savings up to $600<br />

off the recommended retail price on<br />

selected models.<br />

Would you like to maximise the number<br />

of days you can use your swimming pool?<br />

Heating your pool can do this and one of<br />

the most cost effective ways is with a water<br />

heat pump. Enviro Master Ltd can supply,<br />

install and service you swimming pool heat<br />

pump providing you with a comfortable,<br />

extended swimming season.<br />

Servicing your heat pump is extremely<br />

important to ensure that it is working<br />

as effectively and efficiently as possible<br />

resulting in a healthy, hygienic heat pump,<br />

lower power bills and greater comfort. But<br />

beware, not all cleaning companies are<br />

equal. We are constantly hearing of people<br />

being charged huge amounts for servicing<br />

and all they are getting is a heat pump<br />

clean. We at Enviro Master, are qualified<br />

engineers and therefore are able to fully<br />

test and diagnose any problems you may<br />

or may not be aware of with your heat<br />

pump. Also, as we are associated with all<br />

major brands, we are able to repair these<br />

under warranty if they are still within the<br />

warranty period.<br />

It is important to remember, when<br />

selecting an installer, the manufacturer’s<br />

warranty does not cover the installation<br />

and consumers could be responsible for<br />

any repair or damage caused to the system<br />

due to poor installation. Enviro Master’s<br />

five-star installation guarantee ensures<br />

correct installation, and a demonstration<br />

so customers have an understanding on<br />

how it will best meet their needs.<br />

For a free in home consultation, call<br />

Enviro Master on 366 0525 or visit our<br />

showroom at 41A Shakespeare Rd,<br />

Waltham, Christchurch.<br />

An extensive range<br />

To ensure the quality of your air, contact<br />

the experts. Smooth-Air Products can<br />

calculate the required air exchange for<br />

your building requirement. Smooth-<br />

Air offers a wide range of ventilation equipment,<br />

from air vents to ducting for fans, for both<br />

the commercial and domestic markets. They<br />

have an extensive range of fans and ventilation<br />

components in-store but they can also provide<br />

innovative solutions tailored to differing<br />

requirements.<br />


This includes both the exchange of air to the<br />

outside as well as circulation of air within the<br />

building. It is one of the most important factors<br />

for maintaining acceptable indoor air quality<br />

in buildings.<br />

Filtered air supply for summer and filtered<br />

- warmed air in winter creates a healthy<br />

environment in which to live and work. In case<br />

of poor or insufficient air intake from outside,<br />

the oxygen content decreases, humidity and<br />

dustiness levels increase. If exhaust ventilation<br />

is not provided or it is not effective, polluted air,<br />

smells, humidity and harmful substances are<br />

not removed.<br />

Low oxygen with high carbon dioxide causes<br />

stuffiness in the room and occupants can feel<br />

drowsy. Invisible harmful substances like a high<br />

content of dust and tobacco smoke are harmful<br />

and can cause various diseases. Even bad smells<br />

can cause discomfort or irritate the nervous<br />

system. In summer, it’s easy to open windows for<br />

cross ventilation, however as winter approaches,<br />

we start to shut up out houses to trap in the heat<br />

and as a result, air quality can decline.<br />

It is therefore very important to ensure good<br />

air quality indoors through adequate ventilation.<br />


TOO HOT OR<br />

TOO COLD?<br />

Allow us to help you achieve year-round comfort<br />

with a professionally installed heat pump.<br />

We have a wealth of knowledge and experience<br />

and we guide our clients through the selection<br />

process - we don’t believe in a “hard sell”, we will<br />

only recommend a heat pump that will suit your<br />

heating/ventilation needs and we will offer this<br />

at a very competitive price.<br />

Acclimatise Ltd<br />









From as low as<br />

$2170 INSTALLED<br />

(conditions apply)<br />

From as low as<br />

$2140 INSTALLED<br />

(conditions apply)<br />

from as low as<br />

$1890 INSTALLED<br />

(conditions apply)<br />

Ph: 385 8636 or 021 896 070<br />

We can also do any electrical work for your home or business<br />


SALE NOW ON!<br />

Amazin’ Autumn Specials!!<br />

Centrifugal<br />

inline fans<br />

Ventilation Equipment<br />

Suppliers to trade and retail<br />

The Right Product for the Job<br />

Axial fans Axial fans Bathroom fans<br />

● Domestic<br />

● Commercial<br />

● Industrial<br />

• We will offer you the best quality brands and<br />

option of heat pump for your home/business<br />

• Providing Heat Pump solutions for over 14 years to Cantabrians<br />

• We personally guarantee all our products & installs for 5 years<br />

(providing annual maintenance has been completed)<br />

Phone us today for your free consultation & quote<br />

Axial inline fans<br />

Window fans<br />


PHONE <strong>03</strong> 366 0525<br />

www.enviromaster.co.nz<br />

“A local team for local people”<br />

0800 SMOOTH (0800 766 684)<br />

www.smooth-air.co.nz<br />

sales@smooth-air.co.nz<br />

264 Annex Road, Riccarton<br />

Christchurch 8024, NZ<br />

Ph +64 3 343 6184<br />

Mon - Fri 7.30am - 5pm

24 2<br />

Tuesday [Edition datE] <strong>May</strong> 3 <strong>2016</strong><br />


What a view to wake up to<br />

18 Glendevere Terrace, Redcliffs<br />

Auction: <strong>May</strong> 12, <strong>2016</strong><br />

4 bedrooms | 3 bathrooms | 3 toilets | 2 living rooms | 1 dining room | 3-car garage | 2 off-street parks | Listing #: FM4869<br />

Designed to maximise the glorious<br />

views, you will be captivated as<br />

you gaze over the estuary and<br />

Southshore to take in the sweep<br />

of <strong>Pegasus</strong> Bay to the Kaikouras beyond.<br />

This is not for the casual observer as the<br />

home conceals its appealing and spacious<br />

interior from the street, and it’s only once<br />

you have soaked up the stunning views will<br />

you be able to enjoy the expansive family<br />

living, including a bright, modern kitchen<br />

and defined dining area, then explore further<br />

into the home.<br />

To suit families who want extra space,<br />

there is a large formal lounge/media room<br />

on the first floor, which would also suit those<br />

who wished to have an office to work from<br />

home as it features easy separate access from<br />

the street while on the lower level the home<br />

offers a master bedroom complete with en<br />

suite, three further good-sized bedrooms<br />

and main bathroom. There is also the benefit<br />

of a shower room on the ground floor, which<br />

is ideal when you get back from a quick surf<br />

or trip to Sumner beach that is just a short<br />

drive away.<br />

For your outdoor entertaining, the west<br />

-facing timber deck is perfect for summer<br />

BBQs, or relaxing with a glass of wine at<br />

the end of the day. The internal access,<br />

triple garage for all the boy’s toys completes<br />

the package.<br />

Having just completed a major renovation<br />

to a very high standard, the home will meet<br />

the demands of the most discerning buyers<br />

and, while I am surprised the decision has<br />

been made to sell such a wonderful home, I<br />

have been given clear instructions to sell the<br />

property on auction day, unless sold prior.<br />

Open Home dates: Wednesdays and<br />

Sundays, 2pm to 2.40pm. See you at<br />

the Open Days. For more information<br />

or to arrange a private viewing, contact<br />

Chris Moores of Harcourts Grenadier<br />

Ferrymead (Licensed Agent REAA<br />

2008) on 384 7950 or 027 588 4440.





OWNED<br />

OWNED TUESDaY, aUGUST 27, 2013 PROUDLY 384<br />

384 CHRISTCHURCH 0600<br />

0600<br />


OWNED WEDENSDaY 10 JULY, 2013 384 0600<br />

384 0600<br />

A Mainland<br />

Media Publication<br />

Kea<br />

(Nestor Notabilis)<br />

Ladbrooks, Tai Tapu, Leeston, Lincoln, Southbridge, Prebbleton, Halswell, Rolleston, Templeton, Burnham, West Melton, Darfield, Arthurs Pass<br />

Mainland<br />

Press Newspaper<br />

Sumner, Redcliffs, Mt. Pleasant, Ferrymead, Woolston, Lyttelton & Akaroa Harbours<br />

Black Billed<br />

Gull<br />

A Mainland<br />

Press Newspaper<br />

Linwood, Avonside, Richmond, Shirley, Burwood, Dallington, Wainoni, Bromley, Aranui, Avondale, Bexley, New Brighton, Northshore, Queenspark, Parklands, South Brighton<br />



OWNED MONDaY JUNE 24, 2013 384 0600<br />

A Mainland<br />

Press Newspaper<br />

Fantail<br />

(Piwakawaka)<br />

A Mainland<br />

Newspaper<br />

Harewood, Burnside, Bishopdale, Bryndwr, Fendalton, Merivale, St Albans, Mairehau, Papanui, Casebrook, Redwood, Regents Park, Styx Mill, Northwood, Spreydon, Belfast Hoon Hay, Hillmorton, Cracroft, Cashmere, St Martins, Somerfield, Sydenham, Addington, Waltham, Opawa, Beckenham, Huntsbury, Woolston<br />

Bellbird<br />

(Korimako)<br />

A Mainland<br />

Press Newspaper<br />

New Zealand<br />

Swamp Hen (Pukeko)<br />

New Zealand<br />

Pigeon (Kereru)<br />

Templeton, Islington, Hei Hei, Broomfield, Halswell, Oaklands, Westlake, Hornby, Wigram, Sockburn, Church Corner, Ilam, Russley, Hyde Park, Avonhead, Riccarton Park, Riccarton<br />

PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> 3 <strong>2016</strong> 25<br />

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only have a work visa?<br />

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Ceremonies, Funerals<br />

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No problem too big or<br />

small from home PC’s to a<br />

business networks. PC<br />

slow? An end to Viruses,<br />

Spyware, and Clogged<br />

Systems. Safe secure<br />

hassle-free computing.<br />

Lost files recovered.<br />

Microsoft Certified,<br />

MCSE, MCP+l. 30 years<br />

experience. Call Andrew<br />

Buxton this week on 326-<br />

6740 or 027 435-7596<br />

for $30.00 off* Custom<br />

Computers Christchurch<br />

Curtains<br />

www.curtainfabric-outlet.com<br />

Fashion Designs & Colours<br />

Discontinued Designs<br />

End of Lines Bargain Prices<br />

Call at Our Shop<br />


71 Hawdon St Sydenham<br />

Ph 366-5026<br />

Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team <strong>03</strong> 379 1100<br />

Gardening<br />

& Supplies<br />

GARDENING By mature<br />

female, very particular,<br />

honest & reliable $18<br />

per hr, Northcote &<br />

surrounding areas, plse ph<br />

<strong>03</strong> 352-2590<br />



MAINTENANCE & tree<br />

removal, Hill sections<br />

specialty competitive<br />

prices, ph Ewan <strong>03</strong> 326-<br />

5009 or 027 201-5150<br />

WOODEN Planter Boxes<br />

& raised gardens and odd<br />

jobs. Free quotes. Ph Elfee<br />

027 707 9783<br />

Holiday<br />

Accommodation<br />



LIA Resort, Ocean Views,<br />

Balconies, Self Contained,<br />

1 or 2 B/R Ensuite,<br />

Heated Pool, Spa, Sauna,<br />

Free Internet, Shops,<br />

Restaurants, Tennis, Surf<br />

Club & Patrolled Beach,<br />

Public Transport at door.<br />

Ask for our SEASONAL<br />

SPECIALS. Phone 61 7<br />

544-35011 Email: reception@mandolin.com.au<br />

www.mandolin.com.au<br />

Pets & Supplies<br />

A GARDEN<br />


Grooming $44 small,<br />

PROFESSIONAL $52 med, experienced<br />

NEEDED? Qualified<br />

and qualified groomer/<br />

Horticulturist, offering<br />

expert pruning, garden<br />

veterinary nurse,<br />

makeovers, garden design Redwood, ph June <strong>03</strong> 354-<br />

and landscaping, for free 6414 or 027 746-5295<br />

quotes call Bryce 027 688-<br />

8196 or 0508 242-733<br />


Public Notices<br />


UP? Shrub, hedge &<br />

tree pruning, Lawns, Rexellent Rentals<br />

Gardening, consistently Cars, Vans, Brisbane , Coolangatta<br />

reliable general property FREE CALL<br />

upkeep, Dip. Hort. 10 0800 601 508<br />

yrs experience, One off<br />

www.rexellent.com.au<br />

tidy ups or on-going<br />

service. Nick’s Property<br />

Maintenance. Keeping<br />

your garden beautiful. THIS IS A NOTICE<br />

Free Quote. Ph. 942-4440 for all financial<br />

GARDENER - Need members of the<br />

your home or commercial Christchurch<br />

garden tidied up or Country Music Club<br />

renovated or require long<br />

term assistance. Phone That our Annual<br />

Ruth 326-6663 or 021<br />

272-<strong>03</strong><strong>03</strong><br />

General Meeting<br />

for the election<br />

of officers, will be<br />

held on Sunday<br />

5th June <strong>2016</strong>, at<br />

the Papanui RSA,<br />

starting at 10am.<br />

Followed by our<br />

normal Club Day<br />

which starts at 1pm.<br />


With care and respect we<br />

will remove your dwelling.<br />

Our policy is to recycle as<br />

much as we can. We are a<br />

local company specialising<br />

in residential properties. We<br />

will endeavor to cater for<br />

your individual needs.<br />

Ph. R.M. Solutions<br />

021 02866981<br />

for a free quote.<br />


for all financial<br />

members of the<br />

Christchurch<br />

Country Music Club<br />

That our Annual<br />

General Meeting<br />

for the election<br />

of officers, will be<br />

held on Sunday<br />

5th June <strong>2016</strong>, at<br />

the Papanui RSA,<br />

starting at 10am.<br />

Followed by our<br />

normal Club Day<br />

which starts at 1pm.<br />

Public Notices<br />

Call us & we’ll help<br />

you place your<br />

classified advert in our<br />

community papers<br />

Nobody knows<br />

Christchurch<br />

like a local<br />

We’re local, we’re<br />

in Christchurch, we<br />

speak your language!<br />

Phone: 379 1100<br />

Selwyn<br />

Times<br />

Nor’West<br />

News<br />

Bay Harbour<br />

A<br />

News<br />

Southern<br />

View Press<br />

News<br />

Classifieds<br />

Our community papers are published every<br />

Tuesday (Bay Harbour, Wednesdays) focusing<br />

on local issues & local people.<br />

ADD SOME<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

Volunteers needed<br />

at Burwood Hospital<br />

• Meet and Greet<br />

• Gift Shop Assistant<br />

Plenty of parking available.<br />

COLOUR<br />


<strong>Pegasus</strong><br />

<strong>Post</strong><br />

Western<br />

Applicants<br />

should be active<br />

and enjoy<br />

working with<br />

people.<br />

Contact Rachael or Norma on 383 9499<br />

or email burwoodvolunteers@gmail.com<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

To Let<br />


SPACE?<br />


Ideal as an extra<br />

bedroom or office.<br />

Three convenient sizes<br />

from $70 p/w:<br />

Standard 3.6m x 2.4m<br />

Large 4.2m x 2.4m<br />

Xtra-large 4.8m x 2.4m<br />

Visit our display cabins at<br />

95 Beach Road or<br />

470 Cranford Street or call<br />

0211277227 for a free brochure.<br />

www.justcabins.co.nz<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Appliance Sales & Service<br />

388 4780<br />

Appliance Services<br />

12 Brighton Mall, New Brighton<br />



Professional, friendly<br />

Service Always<br />

Ph. <strong>03</strong> 329 4806<br />

or 027 827 0505<br />



Paling, picket,<br />

iron, trellis<br />

Demolition and<br />

removal<br />

Phone Bevan<br />

021 231 1860<br />

Fencing Uprite<br />

Your Eastside<br />

Specialist<br />

Professional<br />

Movers<br />

Making Local<br />

& International<br />

Moving Easy<br />

0800 4 world<br />

(<strong>03</strong>) 341 2060<br />

www.worldmoving.co.nz<br />

HOUSE<br />


Are you moving<br />

house?<br />

Let All Clear Canterbury<br />

take care of your<br />

unwanted items.<br />

You identify what you want<br />

to keep & we will dispose<br />

of the rest!!<br />

Mob: 021 078 4553<br />

raewynlcooke@gmail.com<br />

www.allclearcanterbury.co.nz<br />


Michael<br />

Gale<br />

Plumbing Ltd<br />


For all<br />

Plumbing<br />

•Roofing/<br />

spouting<br />

•Maintenance<br />

•Installations<br />

8790441AA<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Small work<br />

no problem<br />

Ph 364 7080 (24 hour)<br />

Mob 027 438 3943<br />

Lawns, Gardens<br />

& Home Cleaning<br />

9185885AA<br />

Free Quotes<br />

Professional, personalised<br />

service. Regular &<br />

one-offs. Fixed price.<br />

Ph: 377-5814<br />

For all your property and<br />

cleaning requirements<br />

Trained, insured & security<br />

screened owner/operators<br />

Multi-award winning<br />

systems & Franchises<br />

Franchises Available<br />

www.fviphomeservices.co.nz<br />


Stephen Thom<br />

Glazing 2012 Ltd.<br />

(Under New Management)<br />

• Mirrors<br />

• New Glazing<br />

• Pet Door<br />

Specialists<br />

• Frameless<br />

Showers<br />

• Splashbacks<br />


WORK NOW<br />

9155874AA<br />



Phone Cushla<br />

<strong>03</strong> 352 6225<br />

or 027 352 6225<br />

style<br />

noun<br />

elegance and sophistication.<br />

synonyms: flair, grace, poise,<br />

polish, suaveness, urbanity,<br />

chic, finesse, taste, class,<br />

comfort, luxury, affluence,<br />

wealth, opulence, lavishness.<br />

Magazine & TV | sTyle.kiwi

26<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> 3 <strong>2016</strong><br />

Classifieds<br />


Trades & Services<br />

AAA CArpentry<br />

licensed builder<br />

practitioner all property<br />

maintenance small job<br />

expert by tradesman /<br />

handyman free quotes city<br />

wide call now <strong>03</strong> 387-<br />

0770 or 027 245 5226<br />

ciey@xtra.co.nz<br />

AnDreWS tree CAre<br />

Services, tree removal,<br />

trimming, stump grinding,<br />

shelterbelt clean up,<br />

section clearing, rubbish<br />

removals, excavation<br />

work, ph 027 728 5688<br />

BUILDer<br />

For all building work<br />

but specialist in bathroom<br />

renovations, 30 yrs<br />

experience, with service<br />

and integrity. Free Quotes.<br />

Ph Lachlan 383-1723 or<br />

0274 367-067.<br />


Replace, repair or new.<br />

We are a local company<br />

with over 10 yrs exp.<br />

We also operate a<br />

digger for all other<br />

earthworks.<br />

Ph. R.M. Solutions<br />

021 02866981<br />

for a free quote.<br />

Entertainments<br />

Thursday 28th April - Wednesday 4th <strong>May</strong><br />


EYE IN THE SKY (M)<br />



MOTHER’S DAY (M)<br />

Trades & Services Trades & Services<br />

FenCe pAIntInG pLUMBer<br />

Staining Quality at a ALF THORPE<br />

reasonable price. Free PLUMBING Certifying<br />

quotes. Phone Warren Plumber for all types of<br />

today on 980-1676 or 027 plumbing, maintenance,<br />

BUILDer LICenSeD 2014713<br />

spouting, alterations etc.<br />

available for all aspects of<br />

Phone 352-7402 or 0274-<br />

building. Please call 027 FUrnItUre reMoVALS 350-231<br />

241-7471 or 335-0265 Large Trucks $95 +<br />

GST per hour 7 day NZ rooFInG<br />

CArpenter<br />

wide, packing & moving, Qualified & Licenced<br />

HANDYMAN - Small Professional Company, Practitioner. Re-Roof &<br />

Job Specialists, Carpentry, Professional Service. Repairs, all types. Member<br />

Repairs, Decking & Canterbury Relocations New Zealand Roofing<br />

Maintenance, 40 years Ltd. ph 0800 359 9313 Association. Over 35 years<br />

experience, no job too<br />

experience. Phone John<br />

small, Ph Warren <strong>03</strong> 322- LAnDSCApe<br />

027 432-3822 or 351-9147<br />

11<strong>03</strong> or 027 697-8541 CONSTRUCTION<br />

email johnmill@ihug.<br />

Lawns, paving, water<br />

CArrIer LoCAL<br />

co.nz<br />

features, irrigation,<br />

experienced, friendly,<br />

planting, decks,<br />

trade-me purchases, single<br />

SpoUtInG CLeAnInG<br />

driveways, kerbing, ponds,<br />

items to truck loads,<br />

Spouting Unblocked,<br />

retainer walls, fencing.<br />

furniture to whatever,<br />

Cleaned Out and Flushed<br />

Free quotes, Phone Tony<br />

removals & trade<br />

Out. Also Full Handyman<br />

021-<strong>03</strong>4-8555<br />

deliveries a specialty. Ph<br />

Services Available. Call<br />

GEH 341-5069<br />

Trevor 384-3435 or 021<br />

oVen CLeAnInG<br />

043-2<strong>03</strong>4<br />

ConCrete CUttInG Professional cleans<br />

AND GRINDING Cutting $50.00. Gift Vouchers<br />

tILer/CArpenter<br />

of walls and floors; Small avail. Phone 0800 683-<br />

35 years exp, no job<br />

break and remove jobs; 6253 or 027 228-0025<br />

too smal.Ph Ross 027<br />

Grinding concrete level;<br />

Cracks filled; Concrete<br />

pAInter AVAILABLe<br />

4311440.<br />

polishing and sealing. Call<br />

All aspects in painting.<br />

Danny at Stoneshine on<br />

Very competitive in roofs tree WorK<br />

021 063 8833<br />

and fences. Please call 027 Hedge trimming, stump<br />

241-7471 or 335-0265 grinding, rubbish removed,<br />

small job specialty Ph<br />

Andrew <strong>03</strong> 322-8341 or<br />

027 435-8759<br />

FenCInG<br />

All styles and shapes,<br />

gates, wooden, ph Mark<br />

027 331-3223<br />

pAIntInG<br />

& Decorating interior<br />

& exterior, gib fixing,<br />

plastering, paperhanging,<br />

Est 50 yrs in ChCh, ph<br />

Wingfields Ltd, ph Mark<br />

021 171-1586 or 355-5994<br />

pAInter<br />

Top quality work, interior/<br />

exterior, pensioners<br />

discount, free quotes, 30<br />

years experience, I stand<br />

by Canterbury, ph Wayne<br />

your friendly painter <strong>03</strong><br />

385-4348 or 027 274-3541<br />

Cracked tiles?<br />

Dirty grout?<br />

Old or mouldy<br />

silicon?<br />

Brett Ph <strong>03</strong> 358 5105<br />

or 027 746 7632<br />

www.groutpro.co.nz<br />

t.V. SerVICe Centre<br />

Repairs, tvs, microwaves,<br />

stereos, DVD. Aerial<br />

installations and kitsets,<br />

480 Moorhouse Ave, ph <strong>03</strong><br />

379 1400<br />

UpHoLSterer<br />

Dining Chairs, Lounge<br />

suites, Caravan Squabs<br />

etc. recovered. Free<br />

Quotes. Phone Graeme<br />

383-1448<br />


KUNG FU PANDA 3 (PG)<br />



Trades & Services<br />

VHS VIDeo tApeS<br />

& all camera tapes<br />

converted to DVD, video<br />

taping, weddings, twenty<br />

firsts, special occasions,<br />

www.grahamsvideo.co.nz<br />

ph <strong>03</strong> 338-1655<br />

WAterBLAStInG<br />

Quality Job, Quick Service<br />

by skilled tradesman, Ph<br />

Richard Severin at Jet-X<br />

0800 538 969 Free quotes,<br />

visit www.jetx.co.nz<br />


Replace, repair or new.<br />

We are a local company<br />

with over 10 yrs exp.<br />

We also operate a<br />

digger for all other<br />

earthworks.<br />

Ph. R.M. Solutions<br />

021 02866981<br />

for a free quote.<br />

Tuition<br />


Beginner & Intermediate<br />

classes, Tuesday &<br />

Wednesday nights.<br />

Fendalton Croquet Club,<br />

Makora Street. Phone Julie<br />

351-2100<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />



paid for estate lots,<br />

antiques and good<br />

quality furniture.<br />

Ph Rick 347 4493<br />

or 021 376 883<br />

A+ Household effects,<br />

fridges, freezers, washing<br />

machines, ovens. Good<br />

cash paid. Ph Paul 022<br />

0891 671<br />

A Records and Hi-Fi<br />

gear wanted, excellent<br />

prices paid for good<br />

records especially kiwi<br />

and overseas bands 60’s<br />

- 90’s PennyLane 430<br />

Colombo St Sydenham<br />

7 days www.pennylane.<br />

co.nz ph 3663278 or 021<br />

2226144<br />

TOOLS<br />

Garden, garage,<br />

woodworking,<br />

mechanical, engineering,<br />

sawbenches, lathes, cash<br />

buyer, ph 355-2045<br />

Wanted To Rent<br />

ONE or two bedroom,<br />

flat / unit needed urgently<br />

with option to pay off<br />

bond, long term wanted,<br />

up $300 pw, phone Mel<br />

0275029289<br />

NOW OPEN<br />

BOOK FOR<br />


Sunday 8th <strong>May</strong><br />

Cooks and Cocktails offers<br />

affordable family dining<br />

with an international menu<br />

and amazing cocktails.<br />

Come and enjoy our<br />

great family environment<br />

and meet our amazing staff.<br />

Papanui's newest<br />

family friendly<br />

dining experience<br />

77 Main North Road, Papanui<br />

Ph 352 4242<br />

www.cooksandcocktails.co.nz<br />

Open Monday - Friday 11am - late;<br />

Saturday & Sunday 8am - late<br />

H ORNBY<br />


CLUB<br />

«WHAT'S ON«<br />



7 <strong>May</strong>, 4.30PM<br />


8PM<br />


SUNDAY<br />

8 <strong>May</strong>, 5PM<br />


Mother’s Day<br />


SUNDAY 8th MAY<br />

5pm or 6.30pm<br />

Choose from one of 2 sittings<br />

Every Mother goes<br />

in the draw to WIN<br />

one of two Gift Baskets!<br />

Bookings Essential<br />

$27<br />

Hornby WMC<br />

ph <strong>03</strong> 349 9026<br />

17 Carmen Road<br />

Hornby<br />

«COMING UP«<br />

FRIDAY 20 MAY, 7.30pm<br />




AND<br />


Tickets $15 at the club office<br />

or Barb Lloyd <strong>03</strong> 310 <strong>03</strong>55<br />

FRIDAY 27 MAY, 8pm<br />







Tickets $0 at the club office<br />

www.hornbyworkingmensclub.co.nz | Members, guests & affiliates welcome<br />

LIVE<br />


6PM FRIDAY<br />


with ANTHONY<br />



12.30PM SUNDAY<br />

GORDON<br />


The newly refurbished<br />

Woolston Club...<br />

A classic, contemporary<br />

club experience<br />

Dining, bar, entertainment,<br />

sport, and so much more!<br />

Cafe open from 11am<br />

Happy Hour 4.30pm - 5.30pm<br />

TAB & Gaming, Function Facilities,<br />

HOUSIE Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday<br />

SHUTTLE Tuesday - Sunday<br />

Newly renovated<br />

Open 7 Days<br />

Restaurant open<br />

from 5.30pm!<br />

With a selection of<br />

main meals for $20<br />

Retro Roast Lunch<br />

12pm Wednesdays<br />

$10 Members/$12 Non<br />

Roast of the Day<br />

$16.00 Members<br />

$18.00 Non

PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> 3 <strong>2016</strong> 27

28<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> 3 <strong>2016</strong><br />



• Full day, half day sessions<br />

and full time<br />

• Caring for children birth to 6 years<br />

• Fully qualified, registered and<br />

experienced teachers<br />

• Quality child ratios<br />

• Free ECE and subsidies available<br />

• Large indoor and outdoor<br />

environment<br />

• Quality programmes and care<br />

for your child’s individual needs<br />

• Helping children reach<br />

their full potential.<br />

Hours open—7am to 6pm<br />

Tiny Tots Nursery and Preschool provides a safe and secure environment in which children can learn, create and grow to the best of their abilities.<br />

Tiny Tots has an open plan environment both indoors and out and seeks to provide high quality equipment, resources and facilities to support<br />

your child’s learning and development for now and the future.<br />

Our programme is based around each child’s individual interests, needs or development and this is formatted through the teachers and parent’s<br />

communication together.<br />

Enrol your child now to our warm, fun, homely learning environment.<br />

Please don’t hesitate to visit us or call us if you would like further information.<br />

Call us now (<strong>03</strong>) 389 6851 | www.tinytotspreschool.co.nz<br />

148 England Street, Linwood, Christchurch<br />

Email: tinytotspreschool@xtra.co.nz

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