Pegasus Post: May 31, 2016

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TUESDAY MAY <strong>31</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

<strong>Pegasus</strong><br />

<strong>Post</strong><br />

Proudly locally owned and<br />

published by Star Media<br />

Award winning publishing group<br />

379 7100<br />


SHOW<br />

1ST-3RD JULY <strong>2016</strong><br />


Contact Vanessa Fleming<br />

vanessa.fleming@starmedia.kiwi 021 914 565<br />

Linwood, Avonside, Richmond, Shirley, Burwood, Dallington, Wainoni, Bromley, Aranui, Avondale, Bexley, New Brighton, Northshore, Queenspark, Parklands, South Brighton<br />

Council earns praise for<br />

coastal hazards process<br />

• By Fraser Walker-Pearce<br />

A LONG time critic of a<br />

controversial coastal hazards<br />

report says the city council has<br />

finally got the process right.<br />

South Brighton Residents<br />

Association chairman Hugo<br />

Kristinsson (below) has been vocal<br />

in his opposition to last year’s<br />

report, saying the science behind<br />

conclusions was not sound.<br />

​But he says the city council<br />

is on the right track after it,<br />

on Thursday, approved GHD<br />

Consultant’s terms of reference<br />

for an expert panel to review the<br />

report.<br />

The city council came under<br />

fire for the<br />

Tonkin + Taylor<br />

Coastal Hazards<br />

Assessment<br />

Report, released<br />

in July, which<br />

identified 6000<br />

properties that<br />

could be susceptible to erosion.<br />

It also reported that nearly<br />

18,000 homes were at risk of<br />

coastal inundation over the next<br />

50 to 100 years.<br />

Last year the report was<br />

independently reviewed by<br />

Dr Terry Hume of Hume<br />

Consulting Ltd, but the science<br />

of the findings was widely<br />

questioned by the communities<br />

affected.<br />

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IN DANGER: The Spit, off Southshore, was discussed in Tonkin + Taylor’s report on coastal<br />

hazards as being one of many at-risk areas. ​<br />

The city council decided in<br />

December that another review<br />

should be carried out with more<br />

community input.<br />

Mr Kristinsson said he was<br />

pleased to see the shortlist of<br />

experts approved by the city<br />

council, when they accepted<br />

GHD Consultants’ proposed<br />

terms for the report.<br />

The city council also approved<br />

the scope of the review, scientific<br />

and legal questions to be<br />

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* Conditions apply. Normal lending criteria, booking fee and annual account fee applies. Limited stock.<br />

answered by the expert panel,<br />

and a preliminary timeline for<br />

the panel to have completed the<br />

review.<br />

GHD Consultants national<br />

business group manager Maurice<br />

Hoban said they appointed a<br />

community reference group to<br />

“call the shots” when making the<br />

proposal.<br />

“We’ve been talking to the<br />

affected communities for<br />

some time, asking them who<br />

Six Year<br />

Warranty<br />

they’d like to see on the panel<br />

. . . through mid April to mid<br />

<strong>May</strong> we discussed the terms of<br />

reference and the list of experts,<br />

which was made by them,” he<br />

said.<br />

The shortlist for the expert<br />

panel is made up of five<br />

members, three scientists, a legal<br />

expert and a statistician.<br />

The scientists will have local,<br />

national, or international<br />

expertise.<br />

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The shortlisted experts are:<br />

Associate Professor Ron Cox<br />

Paul D Komar<br />

Martin Single<br />

Dr Deirdre Hart<br />

Dr Willem de Lange<br />

Dr Paul Denys<br />

Professor James Renwick<br />

Professor Bruce Glavovic<br />

Gordon Whiting<br />

Shonagh Kenderdine<br />

Dr Kesten C Green<br />

Peter Thomson.<br />

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2<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

Inside<br />


FROM<br />

THE<br />

EDITOR’S<br />

DESK News............................3, 5 & 7<br />

WELCOME TO your new look<br />

local paper. We try to jam as much<br />

news as possible in your paper, this<br />

week is no different.<br />

Volunteers are often the unsung<br />

backbone of the community,<br />

whether sports coaches or even<br />

volunteers at the local community<br />

hub. Reporter Fraser<br />

Walker-Pearce talks to Volunteering<br />

Canterbury’s manager Ruth<br />

Gardner who has been at the helm<br />

for more than 20 years. She has<br />

retired but it doesn’t look like she<br />

will be putting her feet up anytime<br />

soon. Thank you Ruth for leading<br />

such an important organisation.<br />

You will be missed.<br />

If there is a local issue bubbling<br />

away, get in touch. Or even send<br />

us a 300 word column, as we invite<br />

someone in the community to take<br />

up the challenge each week. Feel<br />

free to email me a column to shelley.robinson@starmedia.kiwi.<br />

5<br />

Schools in harmony for the last time<br />

NEWS<br />

Shelley Robinson<br />


NEWS Fraser Walker-Pearce<br />

Ph: 364 7424 • fraser.walker@starmedia.kiwi<br />

ADVERTISING Gail henry<br />

Ph: 364 7450 • gail.henry@starmedia.kiwi<br />

DISTRIBUTION Mark Coulthard<br />

Ph: 379-7100 • mark.coulthard@starmedia.kiwi<br />


A HEATED discussion was quelled<br />

at a city council meeting last week<br />

when a councillor was told to “eat a<br />

Snickers.”<br />

During last week’s meeting, city<br />

councillor Jamie Gough joked<br />

that fellow councillor Glenn<br />

Livingstone should have a snack<br />

during passionate discussions<br />

over a deputation presented to the<br />

city council.<br />

The popular American chocolate<br />

bar’s motto is: ‘You’re not you when<br />

Flame Files........................4<br />

Our People............................6<br />

Your Local Views......... 8<br />

Keep it Local......................10<br />

Sport..................................14<br />

Community Events......16<br />

Real Estate.....................19<br />

you’re hungry.’ Perhaps Cr Gough<br />

felt Cr Livingstone needed a bite of<br />

chocolate to calm down.<br />

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Wheel Alignment<br />

Community Clinics<br />

I will be coming to your neighbourhood every month<br />

to hear your concerns.<br />

First Monday of every month<br />

9:00am – 9:40am - Linwood<br />

Linwood Avenue – outside the Salvation Army<br />

9:50am – 10:30am Dallington<br />

Cnr of Gayhurst Road and Claydon Place<br />

10:40am – 11:20am Stanmore/Richmond<br />

Stanmore Road opposite New World at the Park at<br />

Richmond Playground<br />

11:30am – 12:10am Shirley<br />

Cnr of Marshlands Road and Hammersley Avenue<br />

First Friday of every month<br />

9:00am – 9:40am Bromley, Bromley Road, outside<br />

the Community Centre<br />

9:50am – 10:30am Wainoni/Aranui<br />

Wainoni Road (near Shortland Street West)<br />

10:40am – 11:20am Burwood<br />

17 Parnwell Road next to the Education centre<br />

11:30am – 12:10am Parklands<br />

Queenspark Drive - outside Harcourts

PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 3<br />

News<br />

Still friends after 66 years<br />

• By Fraser Walker-Pearce<br />

FRIENDSHIPS formed in high<br />

school 66 years ago are still<br />

going strong for an Avonside<br />

Girls’ High School group.<br />

Avonside Old Girls, a group of<br />

10 women who all began at the<br />

high school in 1950, at age 14,<br />

celebrated their 66th anniversary<br />

as friends on Friday.<br />

This year, the women met in<br />

Huntsbury for a late lunch, a cup<br />

of tea, and a chin wag about the<br />

“good old times” from 66 years<br />

before.<br />

The group was originally 13<br />

members, but a few have passed<br />

on. The group is now made up of<br />

Joy Masters, Eleanor Gillespie,<br />

Rosalind Fahey, Moyra Forsyth,<br />

Rosemary Harper, Valerie Percy,<br />

Alison Royfee, Norma-Anne<br />

Prior, Pam Howell, Aileen Rice,<br />

and Fay Powell.<br />

Some members have known<br />

each other since 1941. Mrs<br />

Gillespie, Mrs Percy and Mrs<br />

Harper all attended Opawa<br />

Primary School together.<br />

Mrs Gillespie said the group<br />

only meet a few times a year, but<br />

their friendship has remained<br />

strong over time.<br />

“We meet every two or three<br />

months. It’s been 66 years since<br />

that all started, and now we’re<br />

all turning 80,” she said.<br />

The members will or have<br />

turned 80 this year, but Mrs<br />

Gillespie said that doesn’t mean<br />

any of them have lost their<br />

marbles.<br />

“It’s amazing because when<br />

we were at school, we had the<br />

choice of commercial work,<br />

or home life. And we all chose<br />

commercial work. I worked until<br />

I was 65 as a clerk, and some<br />

still do some work. We all still<br />

have our marbles,” she said.<br />

She said from their original<br />

Avonside class of about 20, the<br />

original group of girls from that<br />

class still “catch up and have a<br />

yak” every two or three<br />

months.<br />

“There was only ever<br />

about 21 in the class,<br />

and we have lost three<br />

members along the way,<br />

they’ve passed on. So we<br />

are doing really well,”<br />

she said.<br />

Mrs Gillespie said<br />

if she could give any<br />

advice to young people<br />

going through school<br />

now, it would be to keep<br />

your friends.<br />

“Make the most of every<br />

BEST<br />

FRIENDS:<br />

The old<br />

girls still<br />

catch up<br />

every two<br />

or three<br />

months at<br />

age 80.<br />

Below: The<br />

Avonside<br />

Girls’ High<br />

School<br />

class of<br />

1950,<br />

which<br />

includes 10<br />

of the now<br />

‘Avonside<br />

Old Girls’.<br />

friend that you have, they’re so<br />

special. And keep in touch with<br />

them,” she said.<br />

In Brief<br />


The hearings panel in charge<br />

of deciding whether a portion<br />

of QE II Park should be sold<br />

to the Ministry of Education,<br />

has decided that it should,<br />

with minor adjustments. They<br />

recommended the sale proceed,<br />

so long as some land is retained<br />

to enable the Travis Medical<br />

Centre to use it for customer<br />

car parking, some of the park’s<br />

memorial trees are protected,<br />

a publicly-accessible walking<br />

track is created, and the proceeds<br />

from the land sale go towards the<br />

development and implementation<br />

of a master plan for the entirety<br />

of QE II Park.<br />


A meeting was held to discuss<br />

the future of the residential red<br />

zone last week. Organised by<br />

New Brighton Union Parish<br />

co-ordinating minister Mark<br />

Gibson, the meeting was<br />

held to discuss processes that<br />

residents would like to see<br />

Regenerate Christchurch take.<br />

The community want Regenerate,<br />

charged with the development<br />

of the residential red zone, to be<br />

clear and transparent in their<br />

decision-making. Regenerate<br />

chairman Andre Lovatt said<br />

success for him is having the<br />

community involved throughout<br />

the process.<br />



The Christchurch Airport<br />

Marathon is THIS SUNDAY<br />

Top travel tips:<br />

Traffic restrictions will be in place<br />

from 6am - 2pm.<br />

• Avoid unnecessary car travel across the central city from 9am - 2pm.<br />

• If you need to travel by car, travel around the central city using the<br />

wider network in the east and west<br />

• Bus services will continue but will be delayed<br />

• Park in an easy to get to area, and walk to and from your destination.<br />

• You will be able to walk and cycle across the Marathon route<br />

• For car travel, allow an additional 10 to 20 minutes on your journey<br />

The city centre is open for business!<br />

Use main arterial roads<br />

to travel across city<br />

Parking closest to the event<br />

will be easiest in these areas<br />

Traffic will be unable<br />

to cross route<br />

during event.<br />

START<br />

FINISH<br />



More detailed information is available at www.tfc.govt.nz

4<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />



McMaster & Heap<br />

Veterinary practice<br />


There is never a dull<br />

moment at McMaster &<br />

Heap vets and funnily<br />

enough the critical<br />

serious cases mostly<br />

show up on weekends,<br />

or 7pm at night. I’d<br />

arrived into work one<br />

Saturday to help out<br />

and Tinker was in our<br />

surgical area, having<br />

just been transferred<br />

from the After<br />

Hours Clinic. He<br />

looked terrible (<br />

his face had taken<br />

the full impact of<br />

a collision with a<br />

car) but he was on<br />

a fentanyl drip and<br />

his pain seemed<br />

well managed.<br />

Miraculously he<br />

had survived and<br />

his success story is<br />

due to not just our<br />

surgical efforts that Saturday but also the<br />

events that took place by many people<br />

prior to us seeing him.<br />

His accident happened Friday night and<br />

some great human being saw him on the<br />

road and immediately delivered him to<br />

the After Hours clinic, which incidentally<br />

saved his life. We are so fortunate to have<br />

an emergency centre open through<br />

the nights and weekends when other<br />

clinics have closed. The team there<br />

swiftly examined and<br />

stabilized Tinker and<br />

started him on pain<br />

medications, antibiotics<br />

and intravenous fluids.<br />

Then his owners were<br />

contacted as Tinker<br />

wore a collar with<br />

nametag attached. This<br />

means of identification<br />

(or a microchip) is so<br />

important because<br />

without an owners<br />

consent we can’t really<br />

treat a critically ill<br />

patient to save its life.<br />

He was monitored and<br />

cared for all night until<br />

he was dropped off to<br />

us Saturday morning.<br />

Even though it was a<br />

weekend with less staff<br />

rostered on, I knew<br />

Tinker couldn’t wait<br />

until Monday for surgical<br />

repair. His lovely, worried<br />

owners wanted for us to do “everything”<br />

we could to ensure Tinker came home.<br />

That’s where our outstanding team need<br />

to be greatly commended, because<br />

regardless if any of them had plans that<br />

night, they all, without me asking, stayed<br />

late to ensure the best possible care<br />

and attention was given to a critically ill<br />

patient.<br />

Tinker was anaesthetized, his skull<br />

was radiographed and I repaired his<br />

mandibular jaw fracture with wire and his<br />

hard pelate injury. He had a massive gnash<br />

under his chin that required suturing and<br />

he had several broken teeth. A feeding<br />

tube was placed in his oesophagus to<br />

enable us and his owners to feed him<br />

post operatively. Cats with fractured jaws<br />

can take weeks to eat on their own. Steve<br />

was called in to assess his eyes as they<br />

were completely closed over and I wasn’t<br />

sure whether he had retinal injuries, lens<br />

or corneal damage.<br />

Luckily Steve felt<br />

there was no ocular<br />

damage, just a lot of<br />

bruising and facial<br />

swelling.<br />

Tinker was managed<br />

intensively over the<br />

coming week, his<br />

days spent with our<br />

hospital nurses and<br />

nights at the After<br />

Hours. He needed<br />

everything done<br />

for him from feeding six<br />

times a day, loads of medications to be<br />

given, his face washed and he needed<br />

grooming as he couldn’t do this for<br />

himself. His owners<br />

visited him daily and<br />

he really loved their<br />

visits. He was the<br />

perfect patient to treat<br />

– he was stoic, obliging<br />

and grateful.<br />

Tinker was a FULL<br />

TEAM effort and I’m so<br />

pleased to report he’s<br />

home now, lounging<br />

on beds, walking<br />

around his section,<br />

able to groom himself<br />

and even eating a<br />

little on his own. Steve<br />

and I couldn’t do the<br />

job we do without the<br />

dedicated, caring staff<br />

we have.<br />

A fantastic outcome<br />

and even though<br />

Tinker looks a little<br />

facially different now,<br />

his owners report they have their “old”<br />

friend back.<br />

Dr Michele McMaster<br />

Don’t leave the<br />

kitchen when cooking<br />

• Mark Thomas<br />

– Fire Risk Management Officer<br />

IT’S BEEN a while since I’ve talked<br />

about cooking fires in kitchens but there<br />

were five of these this week including a<br />

couple that caused quite considerable<br />

damage and inevitably one that resulted<br />

in ambulance treatment for the house<br />

occupant from smoke inhalation.<br />

As always the advice is the same. Don’t<br />

leave the kitchen when you’re cooking on<br />

the stove top.<br />

If you are cooking with fat or oil have<br />

the lid of the pan, an oven tray or a<br />

breadboard always available to slap on<br />

the top if the worst happens and flames<br />

appear.<br />

A quick fix with no ongoing problems<br />

or a kitchen on fire with the weeks of<br />

inconvenience that involves. It should be<br />

a no-brainer really, shouldn’t it?<br />

A number of quite odd fire calls<br />

featured this week. A fish smoker was<br />

found on fire in Barrington Park. A<br />

distraught Mum was attended to in<br />

Addington where she had locked herself<br />

out of the house with two toddlers inside.<br />

A lady rang for help because she had<br />

found a mouse in her laundry. A crew<br />

were called to accident and emergency<br />

the hospital to help a young woman<br />

whose finger was somehow struck fast in a<br />

doorknob.<br />

Finally, we had a call to a car fire at<br />

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DAMAGE: Kitchen fires require a lot of<br />

cleaning up.<br />

a service station that turned out to be<br />

a blown engine and two calls to low<br />

hanging smoke that turned out to be mist.<br />

I suspect we’ll have some more of these<br />

now with winter starting to bite. Stay<br />

warm, stay safe!<br />

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McMaster & Heap<br />

Our school<br />

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PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 5<br />

News<br />

In harmony for last time<br />

• By Fraser Walker-Pearce<br />

TWO EASTERN schools<br />

celebrated a last musical hurrah<br />

before one will close its doors<br />

forever.<br />

It was a bittersweet ending<br />

to <strong>May</strong>, New Zealand’s Music<br />

Month, for Chisnallwood Intermediate<br />

School and Avondale<br />

Primary School, as it was the<br />

last time they would ever sing<br />

together.<br />

Chisnallwood and Avondale<br />

joined forces on Friday to sing,<br />

as they have done for the past<br />

five years. But this time was<br />

different.<br />

Avondale is closing at the end<br />

of the year to make way for the<br />

new super school being built on<br />

the site of Aranui High School,<br />

Haeata Community Campus.<br />

The two schools celebrated<br />

their last chance to collaborate,<br />

by singing the annual Hook,<br />

Line and Singalong competition’s<br />

winning song, We are<br />

Aotearoa.<br />

The competition was set up by<br />

the New Zealand Music Commission<br />

for schools to submit<br />

original songs for judging. The<br />

winning tune was recorded by<br />

its Auckland-based creators in a<br />

professional studio.<br />

Chisnallwood’s head of music<br />

Judith Bell said the two eastern<br />

IN TIME: Avondale Primary School and Chisnallwood Intermediate School combined for the<br />

last time to celebrate NZ Music Month.<br />

schools have sang each year’s<br />

competition-winning song for<br />

the past five years.<br />

“We have had a tradition for<br />

the last few years of combining<br />

Chisnallwood with Avondale to<br />

celebrate New Zealand Music<br />

Month by singing the winning<br />

song together. Almost 1000<br />

voices singing along with ukuleles,”<br />

she said.<br />

Mrs Bell said Chisnallwood<br />

had decided this year they<br />

would turn the singing into a<br />

school house competition, with<br />

each house’s rendition being<br />

judged.<br />

“When we hosted the New<br />

Zealand Ukulele Trust’s development<br />

squad, one of the girls<br />

in that squad learned that week<br />

that she’d won. So she performed<br />

We are Aotearoa to the<br />

school. Then we took the group<br />

to Avondale and they sang it<br />

there too,” she said.<br />

She said this year was particularly<br />

special to the two schools,<br />

as it would be the last time they<br />

could perform together.<br />

“This year’s event is especially<br />

significant because it is the<br />

last year we can do this with<br />

Avondale Primary as they<br />

close at the end of the year,” she<br />

said.<br />

In Brief<br />


A teenage driver was taken to<br />

hospital with moderate injuries<br />

after a car crash in Avonside last<br />

week. The crash happened on<br />

Avonside Dr on Wednesday. St<br />

John was alerted at 11.20am.<br />


A club in New Brighton recently<br />

celebrated its first public event,<br />

and plan to expand further<br />

into Rawhiti Domain. The New<br />

Brighton Radio Controlled Car<br />

Club was set up by Phillip Cossar<br />

earlier in the year, but was only<br />

opened to the public earlier this<br />

month. The first event took place<br />

on Sunday. The club was set up<br />

with funding and help from the<br />

Rawhiti Community Sports Inc<br />

and the city council who have<br />

given the group some land at<br />

Rawhiti Domain. Mr Cossar said<br />

he hopes the radio controlled<br />

car club could be the first step in<br />

creating a hobby park that could<br />

include a lake for radio controlled<br />

boats, and somewhere to<br />

fly radio controlled planes.<br />


Residents can now finally have<br />

a look at the first design of the<br />

Eastern Recreation and Sports<br />

Centre. Concept designs were<br />

released on Friday by the city<br />

council, and are available at<br />

www.ccc.govt.nz for viewing.<br />






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Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

Our People<br />


Ruth Gardner<br />

Retired but still involved in community<br />

Ruth Gardner worked<br />

as Volunteering<br />

Canterbury’s<br />

manager for more<br />

than 20 years<br />

until she retired<br />

last month. Fraser<br />

Walker-Pearce<br />

talks to her about<br />

voluntary work after<br />

the earthquakes,<br />

running the show<br />

at wedding<br />

ceremonies, and<br />

living with the<br />

town crier<br />

How long have you been<br />

involved with Volunteering<br />

Canterbury for?<br />

I’ve been involved<br />

with Volunteering Canterbury<br />

for 21 years.<br />

And what have you<br />

achieved in that time?<br />

They weren’t just my achievements,<br />

I was leading a great team<br />

that led a whole group of volunteers<br />

and encouraged volunteering<br />

throughout Canterbury.<br />

How many volunteers did<br />

you get into the community in<br />

your time? Do you know the<br />

number?<br />

Thousands in my time, I<br />

probably couldn’t tell you the<br />

exact number. After the earthquake<br />

there was a lot of informal<br />

volunteering, and it took time to<br />

become more formal again. By<br />

the end of my time there, we were<br />

having a couple hundred volunteers<br />

a month applying.<br />

So who is next in line for your<br />

job?<br />

The organisation has decided<br />

now to have two managers, one<br />

that does marketing outreach,<br />

and she’s been there for four<br />

years, and there’s a new man that<br />

will be coming in too.<br />

What was some of the work<br />

you got involved with because<br />

of the earthquake?<br />

RECOGNITION: <strong>May</strong>or Lianne Dalziel spoke at Ruth Gardner’s retirement function to recognise<br />

her work for Volunteering Canterbury over 21 years.<br />

Well we had a lot to do with<br />

clearing liquefaction off the<br />

streets with the help of volunteers,<br />

the Student Volunteer<br />

Army and the Farmy Army. We<br />

made sure those people that<br />

needed help got it.<br />

How many people are involved<br />

in Volunteering Canterbury?<br />

There are only two paid workers<br />

full time, but there is another<br />

group of about 10 who help out<br />

voluntarily. They do store work,<br />

accounting, PR work, stores or<br />

expos, website, trust board, all<br />

kinds of things, whenever we<br />

needed something we knew<br />

where to find those people.<br />

Wow, sounds like you’ve had<br />

some busy days?<br />

It was always busy, always<br />

varied, and there was always<br />

something different every day. It<br />

keeps you on your toes.<br />

Did you still feel like that at<br />

the end of your 21 years?<br />

Yes, absolutely, I still feel like<br />

that, I had just had enough of full<br />

time work, so now I’m able to do<br />

other things which is great.<br />

Oh that’s good then. What do<br />

you do in your spare time now?<br />

I still actually do a bit of voluntary<br />

work, I chair the residents<br />

committee in the Avon Loop,<br />

and that’s with a lovely bunch of<br />

people too. At the moment we’re<br />

working hard to rebuild a local<br />

community centre. There’s seven<br />

on that committee, and others<br />

help around the place. I’ve been<br />

involved for quite a long time.<br />

But since the earthquake the need<br />

has become different for a lot<br />

of communities. We also have a<br />

community cottage that we maintain<br />

and rent out.<br />

With Volunteering Canterbury<br />

did your role change after<br />

the earthquake to more of an<br />

emergency recovery mode?<br />

Yes it did, in fact we had to put<br />

some of our policies to the side<br />

after earthquake. Because there<br />

were urgent things that had to<br />

happen right away, and a lot of<br />

informal volunteering took place.<br />

It was also a bit difficult in terms<br />

of health and safety with people<br />

going around those dangerous<br />

chimneys.<br />

Are you from Christchurch?<br />

I’ve been here for 30 years<br />

and I was also brought up here,<br />

so I’ve spent more than half<br />

my life here, but I was born in<br />

Auckland. I went to St Albans<br />

Primary School, and then<br />

back to Auckland when I was<br />

about 10, and lived there for 20<br />

something years, but now I love<br />

Christchurch and I wouldn’t<br />

leave.<br />

Oh that’s good to hear! What<br />

high school did you go to?<br />

Epsom Grammar in Auckland.<br />

I don’t have a degree but I did<br />

feminist studies at Canterbury<br />

University and a bit of study at<br />

the polytechnic. And I’m actually<br />

a celebrant too, with the certificate<br />

and everything.<br />

Wow, you’re qualified all over<br />

the show.<br />

Well, when you’re in the voluntary<br />

sector you never know what<br />

will come in handy, and what<br />

different skills are useful.<br />

And now that you’ve retired<br />

from Volunteering Canterbury,<br />

do you plan to do a bit more<br />

with your celebrant’s certificate?<br />

Oh yes, absolutely. Now that<br />

I’m retired I’m hoping to do more<br />

celebrants work.<br />

Do you know how many weddings<br />

you’ve done?<br />

Oh, I really don’t know. I’d say<br />

about 100 weddings, but a lot<br />

fewer since the earthquakes. But<br />

I’m hoping now to have more<br />

time to do more weddings. I’m<br />

also a keen blogger, I write about<br />

anything that’s going on around<br />

here, and anything to do with the<br />

central city. I’ve been doing that<br />

for 10 years, and I have more than<br />

1000 followers, which has taken a<br />

long time. But that’s on realruth.<br />

wordpress.com if you wanted to<br />

have a look.<br />

Very good, I definitely will.<br />

What are some other hobbies?<br />

I enjoy my garden and I write<br />

poetry. I write mainly rhyming<br />

poetry, I joined a group of<br />

women poets, and I like to walk<br />

and relax with friends.<br />

And are you married with<br />

kids?<br />

Yes, I’m married and two adult<br />

daughters who both live in England.<br />

Both near London, one is a<br />

lawyer and one is an IT manager.<br />

They’ve done very well, yes.<br />

And does your husband work<br />

still?<br />

Yes, he does – he’s actually the<br />

town crier. It makes for some<br />

interesting conversations for sure.<br />

He’s originally from England, but<br />

he’s been doing that for about 26<br />

years. He started five years before<br />

me, to the day. He’s very keen to<br />

keep doing that.<br />

Where in the city are you<br />

based?<br />

We’re in one of the remaining<br />

little old cottages in the Avon<br />

Loop now.<br />

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PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 7<br />

News<br />

Choir’s heartfelt tribute<br />

• By Tom Doudney<br />

A TIGHT-KNIT choir<br />

group have recorded a<br />

song for the funeral of<br />

a terminally ill former<br />

member now living in<br />

the Netherlands.<br />

Women in Harmony<br />

recorded East<br />

Timorese hymn Ita<br />

Hotu Maromak Nia<br />

Povo We Are God’s<br />

People at the request<br />

of Dorien Pel who is<br />

dying of cancer.<br />

Ms Pel was a long<br />

time member of the<br />

choir up until about<br />

six years ago when she<br />

first developed<br />

cancer.<br />

When her house<br />

was damaged in the<br />

September 2010<br />

earthquake, she<br />

moved back to her<br />

country of birth, the Netherlands,<br />

for what was supposed to<br />

be six months.<br />

But the stay ended up becoming<br />

permanent.<br />

In spite of surgery, the cancer<br />

had returned and Ms Pel<br />

was already planning her funeral<br />

in the Netherlands when she<br />

returned to Christchurch for a<br />

visit in December and January.<br />

Choir member Judi Smitheram<br />

said choir members had met Ms<br />

HARMONY: Choir member Dorien Pel, standing with red scarf, fifth from<br />

left, with the choir in 2007.<br />

Pel at a social gathering and sang<br />

together again.<br />

“Dorien was wonderful at<br />

always bringing poetry to our<br />

gatherings and she had written<br />

a poem especially for us,” Ms<br />

Smitheram said.<br />

It was during this visit that<br />

Ms Pel asked if they would<br />

record the song, which the choir<br />

had not performed in more than<br />

eight years.<br />

The choir sourced a recording<br />

of the song from Australia’s<br />

Radio National station to help<br />

them go over it and get the<br />

pronunciation right, as the words<br />

are in the Tetum language.<br />

After recording it, they sent it<br />

to Ms Pel.<br />

“We got a lovely note back<br />

from Dorien saying how much<br />

she appreciated it and she was<br />

very moved,” Ms Smitheram<br />

said.<br />

Women in Harmony has<br />

about 20 members from around<br />

Christchurch.<br />

Tradesmen off<br />

to national skills<br />

competition<br />

• By Matt Salmons<br />

TWO TRADIES will put<br />

their skills to the test when<br />

they represent Canterbury<br />

in the national WorldSkills<br />

competition later this year.<br />

Marshland welder Liam<br />

Robertson, of the Lyttelton Engineering<br />

company, and Spreydon<br />

plumber Jesse Pitts, of On<br />

Tap Plumbing, won their places<br />

after completing two challenges<br />

tailored to their trades.<br />

The pair, both 19, will travel<br />

to Hamilton for the national<br />

competition from September 29<br />

to October 2. Both are alumni<br />

of the Ara Institute of Canterbury.<br />

Here they will be competing<br />

for a place in New Zealand’s<br />

WorldSkills team, the Tool<br />

Blacks. The national team is set<br />

to compete in the international<br />

WorldSkills competition in Abu<br />

Dhabi in 2017.<br />

Mr Robertson was tested on<br />

his welding abilities and Mr Pitt<br />

on making piping using different<br />

materials. They were judged<br />

on speed, planning accuracy,<br />

ability to use materials and tools<br />

and the quality of their finished<br />

products.<br />

Ara plumbing tutor and<br />

judge of the plumbing competition<br />

Blair Maguire said all the<br />

competitors were reasonably<br />

even, and the final decision<br />

might come down to one point.<br />

The international WorldSkills<br />

competition is run every two<br />

years. It pits young men and<br />

women from all over the world<br />

against each other in a competition<br />

of skill based on their<br />

profession, be that plumbing,<br />

carpentry, baking or any of the<br />

more than 40 categories.<br />

Ara tutor and regional<br />

competition facilitator for<br />

plumbing, Ritchie Gorrie, said<br />

WorldSkills was the “Olympics<br />

of trades”.<br />

Mr Gorrie has been to three<br />

international WorldSkills events<br />

and was impressed by the skilllevels<br />

on show and the interest<br />

in the competition internationally.<br />

He said there were about<br />

200,000 spectators in Leipzig,<br />

Germany in 2013, where bricklaying<br />

drew the biggest crowds.<br />

​Charity that helps most vulnerable falls on tough times<br />

• By Tom Doudney<br />

A LOCAL trust which acts as a<br />

problem solver for vulnerable,<br />

disadvantaged and struggling<br />

people around New Zealand<br />

said it is in urgent need of<br />

funding.<br />

SigJaws Trust helps people in<br />

a variety of ways, from lobbying<br />

for retention of services, suggesting<br />

changes to legislation,<br />

finding work and housing and<br />

promoting innovations.<br />

However, project manager<br />

Gary Watts (right), who founded<br />

SigJaws in 2001, said the<br />

trust had been struggling<br />

financially for some time<br />

and needed more funding<br />

to carry on.<br />

The trust’s operating<br />

expenses were “conservatively”<br />

about $207,000<br />

a year and while it had<br />

enough to carry on over the next<br />

six months, finding new funding<br />

was a big challenge.<br />

“We have got over 200 clients<br />

now that we are dealing with on<br />

a day to day basis and a<br />

lot of these people have<br />

slipped through other systems<br />

big time,” Mr Watts<br />

said.<br />

“We always struggle<br />

to get resources. I don’t<br />

think people even realise<br />

what we do half the time<br />

but we do some amazing things.”<br />

One of its recent projects has<br />

included working with Canterbury<br />

University to develop a<br />

robotic arm which would allow<br />

mobility-impaired drivers to<br />

fill up at petrol stations without<br />

leaving the car.<br />

The trust had received funding<br />

from organisations including the<br />

Ministry of Social Development,<br />

the Rotary Club of Christchurch<br />

and The Lion Foundation within<br />

the last year.<br />

However, it had been unsuccessful<br />

in seeking funding from<br />

the Red Cross, the Canterbury<br />

Community Trust and the city<br />

council.<br />

“If our funding dries up it’s<br />

just impossible to carry on,” Mr<br />

Watts said.<br />

SigJaws Trust board member<br />

Jamie Hoffman, who has cerebral<br />

palsy said Mr Watts had been<br />

pivotal in helping him find suitable<br />

accommodation after the<br />

earthquakes.<br />

“People just don’t realise how<br />

much good he does out there,”<br />

Mr Hoffman said.<br />



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8<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

Your Local Views<br />

Rugby league more<br />

than just a game<br />

New<br />

Zealand<br />

Rugby<br />

League<br />

general<br />

manager<br />

for the<br />

southern<br />

zone Steve<br />

Martin talks about the<br />

popularity of league in<br />

the eastern suburbs.<br />

The extremely successful<br />

visit to Christchurch by<br />

the Penrith Panthers NRL<br />

side and the New Zealand<br />

Warriors, shows what an<br />

appetite Cantabrians have for<br />

rugby league.<br />

To sell out AMI Stadium,<br />

the former home of rugby<br />

league in Canterbury and the<br />

scene of many past historic<br />

encounters, was a superb feat.<br />

The community was well<br />

served by the high level of<br />

engagement undertaken by<br />

the two teams in the time that<br />

they were in the city. A huge<br />

number of young people were<br />

able to interact with the stars<br />

of the game.<br />

The programme, delivered<br />

to schools across the city,<br />

was very well received and<br />

continued the theme of rugby<br />

league being ‘more than just<br />

a game’.<br />

Sport can be a catalyst for<br />

many positive outcomes for<br />

communities and individuals<br />

alike. Rugby league has<br />

shown that it is a game that<br />

cares about its people and<br />

their health and well being.<br />

The environment for<br />

delivery of opportunities to<br />

play the game has improved<br />

immensely with a variety<br />

of measures that have been<br />

undertaken.<br />

Rugby league has fought<br />

to shrug off the negative tag<br />

which it has often been given.<br />

And with events such as the<br />

Panthers and Warriors game,<br />

the prospect of a new home<br />

for rugby league was created.<br />

With the potential for<br />

a team from Canterbury<br />

being involved in an NRL<br />

competition, and the chance<br />

for there to be a Rugby<br />

League World Cup fixture<br />

in Christchurch next year,<br />

the future has never looked<br />

brighter.<br />

The challenge facing the<br />

sport is the same as that of<br />

all sports, finding volunteers<br />

prepared to take on the many<br />

key roles that are needed to<br />

run the game at club level<br />

and to coach and manage<br />

teams.<br />

With participation numbers<br />

continuing to rise and interest<br />

high, Canterbury Rugby<br />

League is positioning itself<br />

to provide the best possible<br />

support to those wanting to<br />

be involved in the game.<br />

Rugby league is truly ‘more<br />

than just a game’.<br />

Readers respond to a recent<br />

article on proposed godwit<br />

sculptures being installed into an<br />

area of ‘no-man’s land.’<br />

Bon Suter – I love the idea of the<br />

sculpture on no-man’s land. Seems<br />

very fitting to me.<br />

S Coleshill – What is it with<br />

some residents of New Brighton and<br />

Southshore in regards to the godwit<br />

plan?<br />

Five years have passed, surely our<br />

priority is the rebuild of our shopping<br />

area. Has everyone turned a blind eye<br />

to what is becoming a ghost town?<br />

A mini revolution is needed, but<br />

instead of heads rolling, councillors<br />

and mayoral seats. We need fresh<br />

blood who has the verve and the<br />

tenacity to bring this area back to life.<br />

Who knows, 2022 could well be<br />

when this phoenix rises. But I doubt it.<br />

Readers respond to an article on<br />

smaller buses being installed to<br />

the 135 route from July onwards.<br />

Brian Sandle – Years ago I was<br />

told that peak hours required large<br />

buses and it would be a waste of<br />

investment to have them sitting idle<br />

while smaller buses were used for<br />

lower volume times.<br />

We should promote bus use and<br />

the coastal areas should be setting an<br />

example as they are under a global<br />

warming threat more.<br />

The city council is in charge of<br />

stopping positions and I have asked<br />

them to do a crime prevention<br />

through environmental design study<br />

on where the stops are placed.<br />

<strong>May</strong>or Lianne Dalziel wants to take<br />


over the routes, too. Who would use<br />

buses more if stops were placed in the<br />

busy, lit area between Countdown<br />

and the New Brighton Club?<br />

Norah Southorn – It was very<br />

pleasing to read of the introduction of<br />

the Red Bus service being introduced<br />

on four routes in the eastern suburbs.<br />

However, it would be even more<br />

pleasing, if this service could be<br />

expanded to the Dallington and<br />

North Linwood areas as well.<br />

The people of North Linwood<br />

and Avonside areas have no bus<br />

service other than the Orbiter, and<br />

Dallington has a rather limited<br />

service, the number 44.<br />

I travel the full length of this<br />

service regularly and find it a rather<br />

epic journey on an extremely long<br />

and tortuous route, the buses old and<br />

rattling.<br />

If the route could be altered to<br />

continue over the Dallington bridge<br />

down into North Linwood and<br />

Avonside, and the Shirley loop cut<br />

out or incorporated into another<br />

service, it would attract more users.<br />

If this was done using the small<br />

new buses, I think the patronage<br />

would greatly increase.<br />

As it is, travelling on the number<br />

44 bus is quite an unpleasant<br />

experience and I can understand<br />

people not wanting to use it.<br />



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PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 9<br />


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WINGS<br />

kilo<br />

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ONLY<br />

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ONLY<br />

5 .99 $ kilo 5 .99<br />

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These specials are only available at Mad Bucher Shirley.<br />

Open 7 days - 7am-7pm.<br />

Cnr Shirley & Hills Rd, Edgeware.<br />

Ph 386 0034<br />

Trust your local<br />

retailer of auto parts!<br />

We have all the parts you'll need for<br />

your vehicle at fantastic prices.<br />

Everything from engine parts, electrics,<br />

accessories, audio, car maintenance<br />

clean and much more!<br />

We’re 100% locally owned<br />

and here to help you.<br />

Stanmore Road Auto Spares<br />

P. 03 389 4555 | 245 Stanmore Rd<br />

Whether you need to collect or mail<br />

parcels, buy road miles, renew your car<br />

license or change a vehicle’s ownership,<br />

they are open Saturdays and Sunday.<br />

Weekend opening hours are 9 am to 7pm<br />

Saturdays and 10 am to 4 pm Sundays.<br />

You can even open a new Kiwibank<br />

account with them when most other<br />

Now ServiNg<br />

ruedi’S FaMouS<br />

MeatBallS<br />

Breakfast from $7.90<br />

Wide selection on the<br />

breakfast menu:<br />

Eggs Benedict, Hot Cakes,<br />

Eggs, Bacon, Hashbrown, Toast,<br />

Mushrooms<br />

Ruedi’s Café<br />

<strong>31</strong>9 Stanmore Rd. P. 389-4848.<br />

Monday-Friday 6.30am-4pm<br />

Saturday Paper 8am-3.30pm Plus New<br />

Paper | Sunday Plus<br />

Brighton Closed New Brighton paperplus.co.nz<br />



Full Mechanical repairs<br />

Full Auto Electrical repairs<br />

Loan vehicles Lubes<br />

Full vehicle service WOF<br />

18E Bower Avenue, New Brighton<br />

Phone 388 5750<br />

banks are closed.<br />

They are also on hand to<br />

sell a full range of books,<br />

gifts, stationery, greeting<br />

cards and magazines. The<br />

friendly staff can help you<br />

select a book from early<br />

readers right through to<br />

best sellers for adults, with<br />

plenty of fiction and nonfiction<br />

options, and there<br />

are publications to interest<br />

a wide range of hobbyists.<br />

Their great choice of gifts<br />

has something suitable<br />

for all ages and occasions<br />

too from toys to the latest<br />

craze of beautiful adult<br />

colouring books. But if you<br />

really can’t choose, their<br />

gift cards are a perfect<br />

present for anyone.<br />

They are also the place<br />

to go to for stationery, with fashion<br />

stationery to make schoolwork more fun<br />

and all the essentials for home offices<br />

and workplaces. It’s all right on the<br />

doorstep, too. If you run out of printing<br />

Come see what the fuss is about<br />

discover discover more<br />

*For a limited time.<br />

Paper Plus New Brighton<br />

paperplus.co.nz<br />

72 New Brighton Mall, New Brighton | 03 388 1809<br />

72 New Brighton Mall, New Brighton | 03 388 1809<br />

72 New Brighton Mall, New Brighton | 03 388 1809<br />

The only Book and Stationery store<br />

with Fly Buys and My Big Deal VIP Rewards<br />

1OO%<br />

The only Book and Stationery store<br />


OWNED &<br />

with Fly Buys and My Big Deal VIP Rewards OPERATED<br />

The only Book and Stationery store<br />

with Fly Buys and My Big Deal VIP Rewards<br />

discover<br />

more<br />

more<br />

New Zealand <strong>Post</strong> and<br />

Kiwibank sevices<br />

available 7 days a week<br />

New Zealand <strong>Post</strong> and<br />

Kiwibank sevices<br />

available 7 days a week<br />

New Zealand <strong>Post</strong> and<br />

Kiwibank sevices<br />

available 7 days a week<br />

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OWNED &<br />


Dedicated to<br />


looking after you<br />

and your family<br />

• Prescriptions<br />

• Cosmetics • Giftware<br />

Hours: Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri 8.30am - 6.00pm<br />

Wednesday 8.30am - 8.00pm<br />

SATURDAY 10.00am - 1.00pm<br />

Marshlands Family<br />

427 Marshland Road. Ph: 385 3<strong>31</strong>2. Fax: 385 3380<br />

dispensary@marshlandspharmacy.co.nz<br />

ink or paper in the middle of a job, they<br />

are just around the corner so there’s no<br />

need to head into the city centre.<br />

They couldn’t be more convenient. Find<br />

them at 72 New Brighton mall, or<br />

ring 03 388 1809.<br />

LIVE<br />

MUSIC &<br />

FREE<br />

POOL<br />

Live music from 7pm<br />

Fri & Sat Nights<br />

Free pool Wed & Sun<br />

Plus Courtesy Van aVailable from 5Pm thurs sat<br />

THE siDeline SPORTS BAR<br />

3<strong>31</strong> stanmore rd, richmond<br />

P. 3817566<br />

Advertising enquiries Gail Henry | Ph: 021 377 196 | gail.henry@starmedia.kiwi

PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 11<br />

Big sports gear give to school<br />

• By Fraser Walker-Pearce<br />

A four week campaign asking<br />

people to donate their old sports<br />

equipment has ended with bins<br />

full of gear being given to Shirley<br />

Intermediate School.<br />

The Westpac branch at The<br />

Palms Shopping Centre last<br />

month set up a container in<br />

store, asking customers to bring<br />

in their used sporting gear for a<br />

good cause.<br />

It was a drive from the iSport<br />

Foundation, led by former All<br />

Blacks Ali Williams, Richie<br />

McCaw and Dan Carter, aiming<br />

to get more sports gear into<br />

Canterbury schools.<br />

Westpac, The Palms, branch<br />

manager Mark Jenkins said<br />

the bank got on board with the<br />

iSport Foundation’s drive.<br />

“Westpac, about a month ago,<br />

decided to ask customers for<br />

any old sports gear they weren’t<br />

using anymore and bring it into<br />

the branch. We had a great big<br />

poster of Richie McCaw asking<br />

them to bring stuff in. I think<br />

that got most people’s attention,”<br />

he said.<br />

Mr Jenkins said the first week<br />

of collection was quiet, but soon<br />

a bin had “overflowed”, so others<br />

were brought in.<br />

After about a month, the<br />

“six or seven bin” haul was gifted<br />

to Shirley Intermediate, just<br />

across the road from The Palms,<br />

and was gratefully accepted.<br />

NEW GEAR: Shirley Intermediate’s Ben Cox and Lucy<br />

Cook-Darke from room 2 show off some of the new equipment<br />

with Westpac, The Palms, branch manager Mark Jenkins. ​<br />

Shirley Intermediate principal<br />

Geoff Siave said the generosity<br />

of the bank was “just fantastic”.<br />

“There was cricket gear, football<br />

gear, hockey gear, football<br />

and rugby boots, tennis racquets,<br />

hockey sticks, swimming gear,<br />

bike helmets, a scooter or two,<br />

and balls of all shapes and sizes.<br />

It’s just fantastic for us,” he said.<br />

Mr Siave said sports teacher<br />

Kyle Anglesey already had plans<br />

for the new equipment.<br />

“The sports teacher said he<br />

will use some of it for his classes.<br />

But he also said he will be giving<br />

some equipment to specific kids<br />

who need it. So he’s told kids to<br />

come in and see him for equipment,<br />

for things like boots for<br />

their sports if they don’t have<br />

any,” he said.<br />


CROSS COUNTRY: Blue, gold, red, and green could all be<br />

seen dashing through Shirley Boys’ High School last week<br />

during their annual cross country event. On Monday afternoon,<br />

runners dressed in their house colours, ran along the back<br />

of the Shirley Village to the Averill St gate, before taking the<br />

western North Parade footpath to the library gate. They went<br />

along the football and rugby field boundary to the finish.

12<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


$659,000<br />

FOR SALE<br />

Akaroa 28 Selwyn Avenue<br />

Million Dollar Views!<br />

Harcourts ID: BF25733<br />

Retirement dictates a sale for this industrious couple, providing what can only be deemed a magical<br />

opportunity. Outstanding views from every room, spacious living with a kitchen any master chef<br />

would desire. Sited on an elevated 1107m² section with flat off street parking for four. Every inch of this<br />

property is utilised right down to the ground floor workshop along with tons of storage space.<br />

Sue & Gemma Roberts<br />

M 027 440 1282 or 027 223 6471 P 03 323 6045<br />

Harcourts Twiss-Keir Realty / Belfast Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />

FOR SALE<br />

3 1 2<br />

For Sale: $659,000<br />

View: Phone for viewing times.<br />

Casebrook 37 Woodhurst Drive<br />

Where Modern & Rural Meet<br />

Harcourts ID: BF25984<br />

Properties do not come up often in this neighbourhood - simply because once you’re in... you never<br />

want to leave! Unfortunately, however, our owners are in a new life stage, making the very difficult<br />

decision to move on - allowing a new buyer the exclusive opportunity for a prime spot. The perfect<br />

home for a family to grow their own memories with established gardens + stand-alone sleep-out.<br />

Mitchell Roberts & Mana Tai<br />

M 027 413 0797 or 027 626 2824 P 03 323 6045<br />

Harcourts Twiss-Keir Realty / Belfast Licensed Agent REAA 2008w<br />


3 2 3<br />

For Sale: Price on application<br />

View: Phone for viewing times.<br />

Cust 1692B Cust Road<br />

Seize The Opportunity<br />

Harcourts ID: BF26265<br />

This three double bedroom home is situated in a wonderful private rural terrace setting that is sure to excite.<br />

In the heart of the village the home is basked in sunshine with expansive decking from where the magical<br />

views across farmland to Cust River, Mt Oxford and Mt Thomas can be enjoyed year round and located close<br />

to great walking and biking tracks. Our owner’s mind is made up and a sold sign is paramount - be quick!<br />

Karen & Barry Ellis<br />

M 021 519 275 or 021 519 274 P 03 323 6045<br />

Harcourts Twiss-Keir Realty / Belfast Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />

$<strong>31</strong>5,000<br />

3 1 2<br />

For Sale: Price on application<br />

View: Phone for viewing times.<br />

Harewood 523A Harewood Road<br />

Repaired & Ready to Sell!<br />

Harcourts ID: BF26456<br />

This property has been empty for too long, with the owner now desperate to get it sold urgently. The good<br />

news for buyers is that they are left with a completely refreshed property, which has been repainted,<br />

re-carpeted, re-clad, and EQC repairs on the home complete! Buyers will also appreciate the easy<br />

living that comes with such a contemporary home. Located in an extremely convenient location.<br />

Mitchell Roberts & Mana Tai<br />

M 027 413 0797 or 027 626 2824 P 03 323 6045<br />

Harcourts Twiss-Keir Realty / Belfast Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />

$269,000<br />

3 2 2<br />

Auction: 15 th June at 3.00pm (unless sold prior)<br />

Twiss Keir Auction Rooms, Russley Golf Club<br />

View: Phone for viewing times.<br />

Kaikoura 30 Valley Road, Goose Bay<br />

Coastal Location, Bush & Stream Outlook<br />

2 1 1<br />

Harcourts ID: BF25943<br />

Nestled in the valley at Goose Bay this lovely spot needs to have a new owner. Only 400 meters from the<br />

beach with a great rural outlook from the living area and balcony to native bush. Two bedrooms + sleepout<br />

in the garage below, there is room for guests with a great sheltered BBQ area behind the house at the<br />

foot of the attractively landscaped outdoor space. Must be sold!<br />

Springfield 5 Albert Streeet<br />

Investment or First Home<br />

2 1 1<br />

Harcourts ID: BF26438<br />

Want your first home or first investment. You can’t pass up this opportunity. Has to be sold. Popular town<br />

for rental or live here and enjoy the local amenities, fishing, skiing, mountaineering. Still close enough to<br />

Christchurch to commute. The home offers various living/bedrooms options. Nestled on a 810m² fully<br />

fenced section with stream boundary in a park-like rural setting. 40 minutes from Christchurch.<br />

Bill Dowle<br />

M 029 358 <strong>31</strong>75 P 03 323 6045<br />

Harcourts Twiss-Keir Realty / Belfast Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />

For Sale: $<strong>31</strong>5,000<br />

View: Phone for viewing times<br />

Bill Dowle<br />

M 029 358 <strong>31</strong>75 P 03 323 6045<br />

Harcourts Twiss-Keir Realty / Belfast Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />

For Sale: $269,000<br />

View: Phone for viewing times<br />

Contributor to www.realestate.co.nz<br />


PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 13<br />

Freehold 28.32ha + Optional Lease 4.0480ha (80 Acres incl LIP)<br />

213 Mandeville Road - Mandeville<br />

Auction: Wednesday 22nd June 3.00 p.m, Russley Golf Club, Memorial Avenue (unless sold prior)<br />

3 Bedrooms | 2 Bathrooms | 2 Car Garage | Off Street Parking | Property ID: BF26397<br />

Prime location 25 minutes to airport! Viable,<br />

sheltered block, market garden, cropping,<br />

calf rearing, horse stud - subdivide or land<br />

Bank.<br />

Two separate titles made up of Title 1<br />

24.2811ha, Title 2 4.0480ha + optional lease<br />

block available of 4.5220ha perpetual (LIP)<br />

rights over river bed. The freehold land (of<br />

approx 28ha’s) has an irrigation main line<br />

in place (underground main), excellent soil,<br />

Deep Waimakariri silt loam and a multitude<br />

of outbuildings including a seven aside<br />

milking shed with automatic feeder system<br />

(unused), substantial 5 bay barn (333m²),<br />

2 concrete floor lock ups, cattle yards with<br />

head bail, 4 bay barn (4.5 x 7m²), 2 concrete<br />

silo pads plus feeder silo. Two wells -<br />

domestic well and irrigation well.<br />

Warm and Inviting three generous bedroom<br />

family home with study, two living - both<br />

formal and informal areas, wood burner<br />

on wetback, generous family bathroom,<br />

main bedroom with en suite, walk in robe<br />

plus two car internal access garaging. Easy<br />

care, established garden with mature trees<br />

ensure privacy. The location of this property<br />

is certainly an attraction, easy access to<br />

Christchurch city, airport plus local shopping<br />

facilities in Rangiora and Kaiapoi.<br />

Less than 2.5km’s to arguably North<br />

Canterbury’s biggest sport facility Mandeville<br />

sports ground, the home of Ohoka Rugby,<br />

Cricket, Touch footy, Netball, Pony club,<br />

Western riding, Archery, Kennel club, Rodeo,<br />

Dog training and Squash courts. Minutes to<br />

Waimakariri River, 2 hours to Ski fields - this<br />

property is in a sensational location.<br />

For further information contact Sue or Greg<br />

Roberts 027 440 1282 (Harcourts Twiss-Keir<br />

Realty, Licensed REAA 2008).<br />

Who you going to call?<br />

Issues with your rental property never happen at the right time.<br />

Have you got a list of contacts to sort the problem effectively and quickly?<br />

Harcourts Twiss-Keir Property Management have a list of repairmen on<br />

call to take care of any emergency your rental property may have.<br />

We’ve got your back.<br />

For unbeatable local knowledge<br />

and service call us today!<br />

Lindie Thomas Jill Andrews<br />

Christchurch Specialists<br />

Contributor to www.realestate.co.nz<br />

Contact Us Today!<br />

P 03 323 6045<br />

E lindie.thomas@harcourts.co.nz<br />

or jill.andrews@harcourts.co.nz<br />

www.tkpropertymanagement.co.nz<br />

Looking For a Career Change?<br />

Join Us.<br />

• Experienced salespeople needed<br />

• Are you looking for a challenge?<br />

• Award winning team<br />

• Full training and support<br />

• Superior systems<br />

• Working with top performers<br />

• Unlimited income<br />

Call James Twiss for a confidential chat today.<br />

P. 03 <strong>31</strong>3 6158 M. 0274 211 164.<br />

www.twisskeir.co.nz Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />


14<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

Sport<br />

Club day celebration<br />

By Gordon Findlater<br />

SHIRLEY BOYS’ High celebrated<br />

their annual club day in style.<br />

On Saturday, all of the Shirley’s<br />

school teams took to the field at<br />

their home ground.<br />

The first IV took the limelight<br />

staying unbeaten in the UC<br />

Championship, defeating Burnside<br />

19-5.<br />

The home side had the best of<br />

the early going. Shirley first-five<br />

Jackson Taylor continued his<br />

fine form with the boot knocking<br />

over two penalties to stay<br />

amongst the top points scorers in<br />

the competition.<br />

Nathan Koolen grabbed the<br />

first try twenty-six minutes<br />

into the game, finishing a wellworked<br />

move in the corner<br />

before Jackson calmly converted<br />

the toughest of his four successful<br />

kicks, taking his points tally<br />

past 40 for the season.<br />

Ill-discipline snuck its way<br />

into the second half of the game<br />

with both team dropping down<br />

to 14 men towards the end of the<br />

game. Burnside centre<br />

Mike Ravalawa had been sinbinned<br />

for repeated dangerous<br />

play, he would return with less<br />

than a minute of the game to<br />

play. However, he crossed the<br />

line to get a late consolation try<br />

for his side.<br />

The next test for Shirley has<br />

them travel south to tackle Timaru<br />

Boys’ High who will be fresh<br />

after a bye.<br />


READY TO PLAY: Shirley prepare for battle against Burnside,<br />

last year’s finalists remain unbeaten in this year’s UC Championship.<br />

HOMETOWN HEROES: Year 5 and 6 pupils from Queenspark School attended a Crusaders training<br />

last week and got to meet some of their heroes. Crusaders first five-eighth Richie Mo’unga<br />

(pictured) sat down and had a picture with Noah Barrett and Manaia Wharepapa (right) after their<br />

training session at Rugby Park. The Crusaders will take on the Chiefs in July after the international<br />

rugby window passes.<br />

City South Van Spares<br />

NOW AT<br />

166 MAces Rd,<br />

BROMley<br />

OPeN sATURdAy 9AM-1PM<br />

We Buy, Sell<br />

& Dismantle<br />

Vans & Cars<br />

• Provide Full Workshop Facilities<br />

• Full Servicing & WOF Repairs<br />

• Towing Available • Good Hourly Rate<br />

• Same Day Clutch Replacement<br />

• 2 Day Engine Replacement<br />

• Mechanical & Exhaust Repairs<br />

We Pick Up Out<br />

Of Christchurch<br />

100%<br />

owned & operated<br />

Back Packer Vehicles Available WITH Guaranteed Buy Back<br />

P. 384 8744 or A/H 027 222 3241<br />

Now Incorporating City South Tyres<br />

New & Used Tyres For As Little As $30 Fitted

PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 15<br />

Free “Recovery Matters”<br />

stress and wellbeing<br />

workshops are still<br />

available for your<br />

community and workplace<br />

until 30 June <strong>2016</strong>.<br />

For more information and bookings,<br />

email psychosocialtraining@<br />

redcross.org.nz<br />

Here for Good

16<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


Community<br />

Events<br />

Email fraser.walker@starmedia.kiwi<br />

by 5pm each Wednesday<br />

Golden Oldie Movies – June<br />

Every Monday, 1.30pm start<br />

Go early for a cup of tea and a<br />

chat.<br />

June 6: South Pacific, 1958, musical,<br />

2hr <strong>31</strong>min. June 13: Marty,<br />

1955, romance, 1hr 30min. June<br />

20: Beggars Opera, 1953, musical,<br />

1hr 34min. June 27: The Secret of<br />

the Loch, 1934, fantasy adventure,<br />

1hr 14min.<br />

New Brighton Museum, 8<br />

Hardy St. $2 donation<br />

Reading to Dogs<br />

Every Tuesday, 3.30-4.30pm<br />

Reading aloud is critical when<br />

children are learning. However,<br />

many children have difficulties<br />

reading and become self conscious<br />

when reading in front of<br />

their peers. Libraries and schools<br />

around the world have found<br />

that by sitting down and reading<br />

to a friendly dog, a child’s fear of<br />

being judged or laughed at ‘over<br />

mistakes’ disappears. Bookings<br />

are essential, phone 03 941 7923<br />

to book.<br />

Shirley Library, 36 Marshland<br />

Rd. Free entry<br />

New Brighton Ukulele JAM<br />

Every Friday night, from<br />

7.30pm<br />

Every Friday this group meets<br />

to play the ukulele and other<br />

instruments and sing all kinds of<br />

songs and different genres of music.<br />

Anything that is in the spirit<br />

of Joyful Anarchic Music (JAM)<br />

goes. There is a data projector so<br />

all the lyrics and the chords are<br />

available. Everyone is welcome.<br />

Tea, coffee and biscuits are free.<br />

St Faith’s Hall, 46 Hawke St,<br />

New Brighton. $2 entry<br />

Burwood Playgroup<br />

Every Thursday, 9.30-11.30am<br />

Every Thursday including<br />

school holidays, for just $2 per<br />

family, take some morning tea<br />

for your children and enjoy a tea,<br />

coffee, milo or biscuits, which<br />

will be provided for adults.<br />

Burwood Plunket Rooms, 149<br />

Burwood Road. $2 entry<br />

Eastside Gallery: Elusive<br />

Beauty<br />

Opened on Sunday, will close on<br />

Saturday June 11<br />

Elusive Beauty is an exhibition<br />

of works by six visual artists<br />

and a musician. Ken Doidge,<br />

Coral Reef, Robin Walsh, Gina<br />

Papageorge, Ross Gillies, Sandra<br />

Beltman and Philip Redpath have<br />

worked individually and together<br />

over the past six months to bring<br />

together this two week show.<br />

KITE FLYING: Big kites are flown on the beach near the pier, almost every day that conditions are<br />

suitable. Go along and watch, or bring a kite and join in. People complain about the Christchurch<br />

easterly wind, but it’s ideal for kite-flying, so dress appropriately and come along, between 11am<br />

and 4pm daily. ​<br />

Eastside Gallery, 388 Worcester<br />

St. Free entry<br />

The Coconut Whangersnozzle<br />

Pirate Puppet Show<br />

June 4, from 1-2pm<br />

Join Crackers the parrot, a wily<br />

and cheeky bird. Help him and<br />

his friends, the pirates of Madagadabadabada,<br />

outwit the Great<br />

Crocodile who has invaded their<br />

waterhole.<br />

Antidote Juice Bar, 86 Brighton<br />

Mall. Free entry, donations appreciated<br />

Matariki in the Zone<br />

June 19, 10am-2pm<br />

Go to the red zone in Anzac<br />

Drive Reserve to celebrate<br />

Matariki. Learn about weaving<br />

and make poi out of natural<br />

materials, watch carvers, and<br />

learn about the environment<br />

and whitebait. Make a waka out<br />

of raupo reeds (mokihi) to take<br />

home, and view the kids’ art<br />

exhibition and colour in or<br />

draw something to add to the<br />

art mural. Grab some kai and<br />

soup for free. If you feel like<br />

helping to plant an orchard<br />

and some native trees, bring<br />

a spade and your gumboots<br />

along. There will also be coffee, a<br />

kids treasure hunt and entertainment.<br />

36 Chimera Crescent, Burwood.<br />

Free entry<br />






OPEN 10AM-5PM<br />


OPEN 10AM-5PM<br />

HORNBY 409 Main South Road | OVER 50 STORES<br />


PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 17<br />

WOF $35<br />

Full Workshop Repairs<br />

(exhaust repairs by appointment)<br />

Bookings Advisable<br />

C<br />

T<br />

A<br />

omplete<br />

yre and<br />

uto<br />

TYRES<br />

All popular sizes available<br />

Canterbury owned and operated<br />

464 Ferry Rd, 03 389 5370<br />

ctawoolston@yahoo.co.nz<br />

8.00am-5.00pm Mon-Fri, 9.00am-1.00pm Sat<br />

• New & Used Tyres • Puncture Repairs • Batteries<br />

• WOF • Balancing • Mechanical Repairs<br />

• Lube & Servicing • Wheel Alignment<br />

464 Ferry Road, Christchurch<br />

Phone: Hayden 03 381 6592 or 021 365 957<br />


Open 9am-5pm Monday-Friday, 9am-4.30pm Saturday<br />

$2550<br />

$2990<br />

$2990<br />

$2990 $2990<br />


Auto, 1800cc, airbags.<br />


Hard to find in this condition.<br />

1997 DAIHATSU PyzAR<br />

5 speed manual, 1500cc, airbags.<br />

1999 NISSAN CEFIRO<br />

Auto station wagon, alloys.<br />

1999 TOyOTA CAMRy S/W<br />

Auto, 2200cc, nice car.<br />

$3490<br />

$3750<br />

$3990<br />

$4490<br />

$4990<br />


Auto, 4x4, chain driven.<br />


3500cc, leather trim, NZ new.<br />


Auto, alloys, airbags.<br />

2005 FORD MONDEO H/B<br />

5 speed manual, 225,000kms,<br />

drives great.<br />


7 seater, 150,000kms.<br />

$4990<br />

$5490<br />

$5990<br />

$5990<br />

$7490<br />

2000 MAzDA CAPELLA<br />

Auto, tidy inside & out.<br />


7 seater, auto, 192,600kms, Diesel.<br />


Alloys, auto, quick car.<br />

1996 TOyOTA RAV4<br />

5 speed manual, 5 door, looks smart<br />

in black.<br />

2007 MAzDA DEMIO<br />

104,000kms, sports model

18 2<br />

Tuesday [Edition datE] <strong>May</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />



Tips for untreated<br />

hearing loss<br />

Hearing is a sense that many of us<br />

take for granted. Throughout our lives, we<br />

subject our ears to loud sounds–music,<br />

power tools, lawn mowers, air travel–<br />

without using ear protection. regrettably,<br />

this can cause hearing loss. also, the<br />

natural aging process generally results<br />

in hearing loss. even certain illnesses<br />

and medications can adversely affect our<br />

hearing. Unfortunately, hearing loss that<br />

occurs from such causes is permanent.<br />

The good news is, even if you already<br />

have a little hearing loss, it’s never too<br />

late to preserve your hearing for the<br />

years ahead. The first thing you can do is<br />

protect your ears in noisy environments.<br />

also, avoid using cotton swabs to clean<br />

your ears. and, make it a priority to get<br />

a baseline hearing screening to see if<br />

hearing loss has already occurred.<br />

if hearing loss is found during your<br />

hearing evaluation, it could be due to<br />

excess ear wax or infection. This type of<br />

hearing loss is reversible. if hearing loss<br />

stems from chronic exposure to loud<br />

noise, aging, or certain illnesses and<br />

medications, hearing aids are the best way<br />

to preserve your good hearing.<br />

The great news about today’s hearing<br />

aids is how small and easy to wear they<br />

are. Modern digital hearing aids use<br />

super-tiny microprocessor technology–<br />

making them virtually invisible when<br />

worn. Hearing aids can help almost all<br />

degrees of hearing loss–from a little to a<br />

lot. and, by stimulating your brain with<br />

sound that might not otherwise reach it,<br />

hearing aids help keep your brain active,<br />

which lowers your risk for cognitive<br />

diseases, such as dementia.<br />

if you suspect you may have hearing<br />

loss, don’t ignore it. neglecting a hearing<br />

loss can have a snowball effect–making it<br />

grow bigger, faster than necessary.<br />

Here are 10 ways you can limit hearing<br />

damage and preserve good hearing:<br />

1. Understand the sound levels of the<br />

noises in your environment.<br />

2. Learn about proper ear protection.<br />

There are many kinds on the market<br />

today, ranging from custom ear molds to<br />

foam plugs and more.<br />

3. Put physical distance between you<br />

and loud noise when it is present. if<br />

possible, stand at an angle from the noise,<br />

not directly in front of it.<br />

4. Take breaks when you are exposed<br />

to noise.<br />

5. When listening to music through<br />

headphones or earbuds, keep the volume<br />

low-to-medium.<br />

6. Know the signs of hearing loss, and<br />

measure yourself against them.<br />

7. schedule a baseline hearing<br />

evaluation. Hearing loss is on the rise<br />

among Baby Boomers and young people.<br />

it’s never too early to get your hearing<br />

checked, but don’t wait past age 50.<br />

8. Have your hearing evaluated by a<br />

professional licensed by your state.<br />

9. if you have hearing loss caused by a<br />

reversible condition, take steps to<br />

correct it.<br />

10. if any permanent hearing loss is<br />

diagnosed, choose hearing aids to slow it<br />

down, and preserve good hearing.<br />

it’s never too early to get your<br />

hearing checked, but don’t wait<br />

past age 50.<br />

True<br />

Who thought<br />


and false!<br />

could look this<br />

natural?<br />

• Full dentures • Metal partial dentures<br />

• First-time immediate dentures • Implant supported dentures<br />




HOLLYWOOD: A beautiful result for a<br />

female patient in her 60’s<br />

AGING GRACEFULLY: Natural teeth for<br />

a gentleman patient in his 80’s<br />

These stunning lovebite full upper and<br />

lower dentures have been expertly crafted by<br />

internationally-recognised dental technician<br />

Richard Greenlees at his Christchurch studio.<br />

The combination of Richard’s skill, experience<br />

(including 15 years in London’s prestigious<br />

Harley Street) knowledge and revolutionary<br />

techniques allow him to create beautiful<br />

bespoke false teeth that truly resemble those<br />

in nature and reflect each patient’s individuality<br />

and unique character.<br />

402 Montreal Street<br />

Christchurch | P. 379 1222<br />

By appointment only.<br />

Consultation fee applies.<br />

GOOD KEEN MAN: Teeth with character<br />

for a hard-case fisherman in his 50’s<br />

Richard will personally guide you through the entire process to create<br />

teeth with small nuances in the fabrication, colour and shape. Your beautiful new<br />

lovebite dentures will boost your confidence and make you look and feel year’s younger!

2<br />

[Edition datE]<br />

PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 19<br />

Broken-hearted to leave<br />

21 Highpeak Place, Halswell<br />

Auction: June 9, <strong>2016</strong> (unless sold prior)<br />

4 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms | 2 toilets | 2 living rooms |1 dining room | 2-car garage | 3 off-street parks | Listing #: BE192595<br />

But it is time to make a change and<br />

leave this spacious happy home<br />

of many years. You won’t want to<br />

miss out on this opportunity in the<br />

boutique subdivision of Broken Run. The<br />

cul-de-sac location is desirably tranquil, and<br />

this immaculately presented home will be a<br />

delight to view.<br />

Step into the entrance way and then onto<br />

the large well-appointed kitchen with quality<br />

Smeg appliances and large oven. The dining<br />

and family room are very spacious and have<br />

vaulted ceilings. The separate formal lounge<br />

with a cosy gas fire and family room have<br />

bifold doors that open onto the manicured<br />

garden, a wonderful prospect for summer<br />

entertaining. The master bedroom also opens<br />

as well to the garden - perhaps time for a<br />

coffee and croissant in the morning before the<br />

day begins? The ensuite is unusually large, a<br />

rare find in modern homes, and the family<br />

bathroom certainly does not lack in size as<br />

well. Two further double bedrooms and a<br />

large single will safely house the family and<br />

guests.<br />

The home is double glazed, fully insulated,<br />

has two heat pumps, a gas fire and under floor<br />

heating in the tiled kitchen and bathrooms.<br />

A larger than normal double garage with<br />

trailer door to the backyard completes the<br />

deal in this very spacious home.<br />

Don’t delay; this lovely home must be sold<br />

on or before auction day to let my vendors<br />

move on to the next stage of their life.<br />

NEW LOCATION ADVERT.pdf 1 1/05/2014 11:51:35 a.m.<br />

Open Home dates: Saturdays and Sundays<br />

2.30pm to 3pm until auction, or to arrange a<br />

private viewing of this property call Debbie<br />

Pettigrew now on 337 1<strong>31</strong>6 or 027 777 0411<br />

or Malcolm Parker on 027 220 7843 from<br />

Harcourts Grenadier Beckenham (Licensed<br />

Agent REAA 2008).<br />


430 ST ASAPH STREET!<br />


No job too big or small<br />

Hours of Business: 7am-4.30pm Mon-Thurs<br />

Fri 8am to midday<br />

or by appointment with Keith 027 566 3909<br />



Dyers Road Landscape<br />

& Garden Supplies<br />

• Barks • Peastraw • Composts - we supply the best available<br />

• Aggregates - Chip, Round and Basecourse<br />

• Pavers & Schist products • Pungas<br />

• Decorative Stones & Landscaping Rocks<br />

• Trailer Hire first hour free with purchase<br />

• Bag & Bulk - pick up or delivered<br />

David, Carol & Mike<br />

We will deliver!<br />

Still able to offer<br />

you the finest top<br />

quality new furniture<br />

Visit us online<br />

www.qualityfurniture.co.nz<br />

P. 371 7500<br />

SOIL<br />

AND<br />



Phone: 03 384 6540<br />

183 Dyers Rd, Bromley • OPEN 7 DAYS<br />

Weekdays 7.30am-5pm. Weekends 8.30am-3pm<br />

www.dyersroadandlandscapes.co.nz<br />

SHOW<br />

<strong>2016</strong><br />


1ST-3RD JULY<br />

10AM - 5PM<br />


Contact Vanessa Fleming<br />

vanessa.fleming@starmedia.kiwi 021 914 565<br />


20<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


watch local | support local | shop local<br />


12PM, 5PM & 9PM<br />

Freeview HD 40 and online<br />

For enquiries, contact Geoff Moreton: 021 1066 177





OWNED<br />

OWNED TUESDaY, aUGUST 27, 2013 PROUDLY 384<br />

384 CHRISTCHURCH 0600<br />

0600<br />


OWNED WEDENSDaY 10 JULY, 2013 384 0600<br />

A Mainland<br />

Media Publication<br />

Kea<br />

(Nestor Notabilis)<br />

Ladbrooks, Tai Tapu, Leeston, Lincoln, Southbridge, Prebbleton, Halswell, Rolleston, Templeton, Burnham, West Melton, Darfield, Arthurs Pass<br />

Mainland<br />

Press Newspaper<br />

Sumner, Redcliffs, Mt. Pleasant, Ferrymead, Woolston, Lyttelton & Akaroa Harbours<br />

Black Billed<br />

Gull<br />

A Mainland<br />

Press Newspaper<br />

Linwood, Avonside, Richmond, Shirley, Burwood, Dallington, Wainoni, Bromley, Aranui, Avondale, Bexley, New Brighton, Northshore, Queenspark, Parklands, S<br />



OWNED MONDaY JUNE 24, 2013<br />

A Mainland<br />

Press Newspaper<br />

Fantail<br />

(Piwakawaka)<br />

A Mainland<br />

Newspaper<br />

Harewood, Burnside, Bishopdale, Bryndwr, Fendalton, Merivale, St Albans, Mairehau, Papanui, Casebrook, Redwood, Regents Park, Styx Mill, Northwood, Spreydon, Belfast Hoon Hay, Hillmorton, Cracroft, Cashmere, St Martins, Somerfield, Sydenham, Addington, Waltham, Opawa, Beckenham, Huntsbury, Woolston<br />

Bellbird<br />

(Korimako)<br />

A Mainland<br />

Press Newspaper<br />

New Zealand<br />

Swamp Hen (Pukeko)<br />

New Zealand<br />

Pigeon (Kereru)<br />

Templeton, Islington, Hei Hei, Broomfield, Halswell, Oaklands, Westlake, Hornby, Wigram, Sockburn, Church Corner, Ilam, Russley, Hyde Park, Avonhead, Riccart<br />

PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 21<br />

Cars<br />

$4,001 - $8,000<br />

NEED a new car? and<br />

need finance we can help.<br />

Call us today Learners<br />

lcs, past credit issues<br />

been bankrupt or new to<br />

New Zealand! Call Leon<br />

022 625 2232<br />

Computers<br />

ALL<br />

YOUR<br />



*$30.00 off your first<br />

service with this coupon!*<br />

No problem too big or<br />

small from home PC’s to<br />

business networks. PC<br />

slow? An end to Viruses,<br />

Spyware, and Clogged<br />

Systems. Safe secure<br />

hassle-free computing.<br />

Lost files recovered.<br />

Microsoft Certified,<br />

MCSE, MCP+l. 30 years<br />

experience. Call Andrew<br />

Buxton this week on 326-<br />

6740 or 027 435-7596<br />

for $30.00 off* Custom<br />

Computers Christchurch<br />

Curtains<br />

www.curtainfabric-outlet.com<br />

Fashion Designs & Colours<br />

Discontinued Designs<br />

End of Lines Bargain Prices<br />

Call at Our Shop<br />


71 Hawdon St Sydenham<br />

Ph 366-5026<br />

Gardening<br />

& Supplies<br />

A GARDEN<br />


NEEDED? Qualified<br />

Horticulturist, offering<br />

expert pruning, garden<br />

makeovers, garden design<br />

and landscaping, for free<br />

quotes call Bryce 027 688-<br />

8196 or 0508 242-733<br />



UP? Shrub, hedge &<br />

tree pruning, Lawns,<br />

Gardening, consistently<br />

reliable general property<br />

upkeep, Dip. Hort. 10<br />

yrs experience, One off<br />

tidy ups or on-going<br />

service. Nick’s Property<br />

Maintenance. Keeping<br />

your garden beautiful.<br />

Free Quote. Ph. 942-4440<br />

Holiday<br />

Accommodation<br />



LIA Resort, Ocean Views,<br />

Balconies, Self Contained,<br />

1 or 2 B/R Ensuite,<br />

Heated Pool, Spa, Sauna,<br />

Free Internet, Shops,<br />

Restaurants, Tennis, Surf<br />

Club & Patrolled Beach,<br />

Public Transport at door.<br />

Ask for our SEASONAL<br />

SPECIALS. Phone 61 7<br />

544-35011 Email: reception@mandolin.com.au<br />

www.mandolin.com.au<br />

ADD SOME<br />

COLOUR<br />


Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

Pets & Supplies<br />

Forever loved<br />

Pet Cremations<br />

We Understand...<br />

Let us help you lay your pet to<br />

rest in an appropriate, respectful<br />

manner. Honour the memory of<br />

your beloved friend and<br />

companion.<br />

Contact us on<br />

03 <strong>31</strong>2 6024 or 0276 342 986<br />

www.foreverloved.co.nz<br />

To Let<br />


SPACE?<br />


Ideal as an extra<br />

bedroom or office.<br />

Three convenient sizes<br />

from $70 p/w:<br />

Standard 3.6m x 2.4m<br />

Large 4.2m x 2.4m<br />

Xtra-large 4.8m x 2.4m<br />

Visit our display cabins at<br />

95 Beach Road or<br />

470 Cranford Street or call<br />

0211277227 for a free brochure.<br />

www.justcabins.co.nz<br />

To Let<br />


reqd short term sits. Ph<br />

Lisa 359-2323 www.<br />

townandcountryhomesit.<br />

co.nz<br />

Trades & Services<br />



Professional, friendly<br />

Service Always<br />

Ph. 03 329 4806<br />

or 027 827 0505<br />


Trades & Services<br />


- Re-roofing and<br />

new roofing<br />

- Quality roofing at<br />

the best price around<br />

- Licensed building<br />

practitioner<br />

Robinson<br />

Roofing Ltd<br />

Call Hamish for a<br />

quote 03 347 90 45<br />

Trades & Services<br />


Paling, picket,<br />

iron, trellis<br />

Demolition and<br />

removal<br />

Phone Bevan<br />

021 2<strong>31</strong> 1860<br />

Fencing Uprite<br />

Your Eastside<br />

Specialist<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Professional<br />

Movers<br />

Making Local<br />

& International<br />

Moving Easy<br />

0800 4 world<br />

(03) 341 2060<br />

www.worldmoving.co.nz<br />


Michael<br />

Gale<br />

Plumbing Ltd<br />


For all<br />

Plumbing<br />

•Roofing/<br />

spouting<br />

•Maintenance<br />

•Installations<br />

8790441AA<br />

CARPET<br />

VINYL<br />

Laying & repairs,<br />

uplifting, relaying,<br />

restretching.<br />

Ph 0800 003 181<br />

or 027 240 7416<br />

e: jflattery@xtra.co.nz<br />

Trades & Services<br />

HOUSE<br />


Are you moving<br />

house?<br />

Let All Clear Canterbury<br />

take care of your<br />

unwanted items.<br />

You identify what you want<br />

to keep & we will dispose<br />

of the rest!!<br />

Mob: 021 078 4553<br />

raewynlcooke@gmail.com<br />

www.allclearcanterbury.co.nz<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Small work<br />

no problem<br />

Ph 364 7080 (24 hour)<br />

Mob 027 438 3943<br />

Trades & Services<br />


Stephen Thom<br />

Glazing 2012 Ltd.<br />

(Under New Management)<br />

• Mirrors<br />

• New Glazing<br />

• Pet Door<br />

Specialists<br />

• Frameless<br />

Showers<br />

• Splashbacks<br />


WORK NOW<br />

9155874AA<br />



Phone Cushla<br />

03 352 6225<br />

or 027 352 6225<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Lawns, Gardens<br />

& Home Cleaning<br />

9185885AA<br />

Free Quotes<br />

Professional, personalised<br />

service. Regular &<br />

one-offs. Fixed price.<br />

Ph: 377-5814<br />

For all your property and<br />

cleaning requirements<br />

Trained, insured & security<br />

screened owner/operators<br />

Multi-award winning<br />

systems & Franchises<br />

Franchises Available<br />

www.fviphomeservices.co.nz<br />

Trades & Services<br />


Replace, repair or new.<br />

We are a local company<br />

with over 10 yrs exp.<br />

We also operate a<br />

digger for all other<br />

earthworks.<br />

Ph. R.M. Solutions<br />

021 02866981<br />

for a free quote.<br />

FenCInG<br />

All styles and shapes,<br />

gates, wooden, ph Mark<br />

027 3<strong>31</strong>-3223<br />

FenCe pAIntInG<br />

Staining Quality at a<br />

reasonable price. Free<br />

quotes. Phone Warren<br />

today on 980-1676 or 027<br />

2014713<br />

FUrnItUre<br />

reMOVALS<br />

Trades & Services<br />

• Replacement/new roofing<br />

• Colour Steel gutter & fascia<br />

• Flue & log burner installs<br />

• Skytube/light installs<br />

• Earthquake repairs<br />

Licence Building<br />

Practitioner LBP<br />

Member of the Roofing<br />

Association<br />


The Roofing Specialists<br />


027 445 5597<br />

iain@dcmroofing.co.nz<br />

rOOFInG<br />

Qualified & Licenced<br />

Practitioner. Re-Roof &<br />

Repairs, all types. Member<br />

New Zealand Roofing<br />

Association. Over 35 years<br />

experience. Phone John<br />

AAA CArpentry<br />

licensed builder Large Trucks $95 + 027 432-3822 or 351-9147<br />

practitioner all property GST per hour 7 day NZ email johnmill@ihug.<br />

maintenance small job wide, packing & moving, co.nz<br />

expert by tradesman / Professional Company, SpOUtInG CLeAnInG<br />

handyman free quotes city Professional Service. Spouting Unblocked,<br />

wide call now 03 387- Canterbury Relocations Cleaned Out and Flushed<br />

0770 or 027 245 5226 Ltd. ph 0800 359 9<strong>31</strong>3 Out. Also Full Handyman<br />

ciey@xtra.co.nz<br />

LAnDSCApe<br />

Services Available. Call<br />

AnDreWS tree CAre<br />

Trevor 332 8949 or 021<br />

COnStrUCtIOn<br />

Services, tree removal,<br />

043-2034<br />

Lawns, paving, water<br />

trimming, stump grinding,<br />

features, irrigation,<br />

tILer/CArpenter<br />

shelterbelt clean up,<br />

planting, decks,<br />

35 years exp, no job<br />

section clearing, rubbish<br />

driveways, kerbing, ponds,<br />

too small. Ph Ross 027<br />

removals, excavation<br />

retainer walls, fencing.<br />

4<strong>31</strong>1440.<br />

work, ph 027 728 5688<br />

Free quotes, Phone Tony<br />

tree WOrK<br />

BUILDer<br />

021-034-8555<br />

Hedge trimming, stump<br />

For all building work<br />

grinding, rubbish removed,<br />

but specialist in bathroom OVen CLeAnInG small job specialty Ph<br />

renovations, 30 yrs Professional cleans Andrew 03 322-8341 or<br />

experience, with service $50.00. Gift Vouchers 027 435-8759<br />

and integrity. Free Quotes. avail. Phone 0800 683- t.V. SerVICe<br />

Ph Lachlan 383-1723 or 6253 or 027 228-0025 Centre<br />

0274 367-067.<br />

pAInter<br />

Repairs, tvs, microwaves,<br />

BUILDer<br />

Available, All aspects in stereos, DVD. Aerial<br />

LICenSeD<br />

painting. Very competitive installations and kitsets,<br />

available for all aspects of in roofs and fences. Please 480 Moorhouse Ave, ph 03<br />

building. Please call 027 call 027 241-7471 or 335- 379 1400<br />

241-7471 or 335-0265 0265<br />

UpHOLSterer<br />

CArpenter<br />

Dining Chairs, Lounge<br />

pAIntInG<br />

HAnDyMAn<br />

suites, Caravan Squabs<br />

DeCOrAtInG<br />

Small Job Specialists,<br />

etc. recovered. Free<br />

interior & exterior,<br />

Carpentry, Repairs,<br />

Quotes. Phone Graeme<br />

gib fixing, plastering,<br />

Decking & Maintenance,<br />

383-1448<br />

paperhanging, Est 50 yrs<br />

40 years experience, no<br />

VHS VIDeO tApeS<br />

in ChCh, ph Wingfields<br />

job too small, Ph Warren<br />

& all camera tapes<br />

Ltd, ph Mark 021 171-<br />

03 322-1103 or 027 697-<br />

converted to DVD, video<br />

1586 or 355-5994<br />

8541<br />

taping, weddings, twenty<br />

CArrIer<br />

pAInter<br />

firsts, special occasions,<br />

Local, experienced, Top quality work, interior/ www.grahamsvideo.co.nz<br />

friendly, trade-me exterior, pensioners ph 03 338-1655<br />

purchases, single items<br />

to truck loads, furniture<br />

to whatever, removals &<br />

trade deliveries a specialty.<br />

discount, free quotes, 30<br />

years experience, I stand<br />

by Canterbury, ph Wayne<br />

your friendly painter<br />

WAterBLAStInG<br />

Quality Job, Quick Service<br />

by skilled tradesman, Ph<br />

Richard Severin at Jet-X<br />

Ph GEH 341-5069 03 385-4348 or 027 274- 0800 538 969 Free quotes,<br />

CArrIer<br />

3541<br />

visit www.jetx.co.nz<br />

Local, experienced, pAIntInG<br />

friendly, trade-me DeCOrAtInG<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

Excellent finish.Domestic AAA Buying goods<br />

& Commercial. Ph Chris quality furniture,<br />

027 223 8542<br />

purchases, single items<br />

to truck loads, furniture<br />

to whatever, removals &<br />

trade deliveries a specialty.<br />

Ph GEH 341-5069<br />

Beds, Stoves, Washing<br />

pLASterer<br />

SOLID, both ext & int<br />

machines, Fridge Freezers.<br />

Same day service. Selwyn<br />

Trades & Services work, Scottish Tradesman Dealers. Phone 980 5812<br />

with over 30 yrs or 027 <strong>31</strong>3 8156<br />

experience, FREE Quotes,<br />

CARPET ph Donald 354-5153 or AAAAAAAAA<br />

021 023 26186<br />

VINYL<br />


pLUMBer<br />

Laying & repairs,<br />

paid for estate lots,<br />


uplifting, relaying,<br />

antiques and good<br />

PLUMBING Certifying<br />

restretching.<br />

quality furniture.<br />

Plumber for all types of<br />

Ph 0800 003 181<br />

Ph Rick 347 4493<br />

plumbing, maintenance,<br />

or 027 240 7416<br />

or 021 376 883<br />

spouting, alterations etc.<br />

e: jflattery@xtra.co.nz<br />

Phone 352-7402 or 0274-<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

COnCrete CUttInG 350-2<strong>31</strong><br />

AnD GrInDInG<br />

A+ Household effects,<br />

Cutting of walls and pLUMBer<br />

fridges, freezers, washing<br />

floors; Small break and ALF THORPE machines, ovens. Good<br />

remove jobs; Grinding<br />

PLUMBING Certifying cash paid. Ph Paul 022<br />

concrete level; Cracks<br />

Plumber for all types of 0891 671<br />

plumbing, maintenance, A+ Household effects,<br />

filled; Concrete polishing<br />

spouting, alterations etc. fridges, freezers, washing<br />

and sealing. Call Danny<br />

Phone 352-7402 or 0274- machines, ovens. Good<br />

at Stoneshine on 021 063<br />

350-2<strong>31</strong><br />

cash paid. Ph Paul 022<br />

8833<br />

0891 671<br />

Entertainments<br />

Thursday 26th <strong>May</strong> - Wednesday 1st June<br />

THE NICE GUYS (R16)<br />




GLASS (PG)<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

A Records and Hi-Fi<br />

gear wanted, excellent<br />

prices paid for good<br />

records especially kiwi<br />

and overseas bands 60’s<br />

- 90’s PennyLane 430<br />

Colombo St Sydenham<br />

7 days www.pennylane.<br />

co.nz ph 3663278 or 021<br />

2226144<br />

TOOLS<br />

Garden, garage,<br />

woodworking,<br />

mechanical, engineering,<br />

sawbenches, lathes, cash<br />

buyer, ph 355-2045<br />

Public Notices<br />

Rexellent Rentals<br />

Cars, Vans, Brisbane , Coolangatta<br />


0800 601 508<br />

www.rexellent.com.au<br />

Public Notices<br />


With care and respect we<br />

will remove your dwelling.<br />

Our policy is to recycle as<br />

much as we can. We are a<br />

local company specialising<br />

in residential properties. We<br />

will endeavor to cater for<br />

your individual needs.<br />

Ph. R.M. Solutions<br />

021 02866981<br />

for a free quote.<br />



EYE IN THE SKY (M)<br />

SHAKESPEARE LIVE (exempt)<br />

Public Notices<br />

Weka Pass Railway<br />

Waipara, North Canterbury<br />

We are RUNNING<br />



Sun 5th June &<br />

Monday 6th June<br />

Running 1st & 3rd<br />

Sundays of every month<br />

Infoline Chch 96 22 999<br />

Depart Glenmark Station<br />

11.30am & 2.00pm<br />

www.wekapassrailway.co.nz<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

CA$H<br />

Strippers<br />

& Podium<br />

Dancers<br />

Wanted!<br />

18+ TO APPLY<br />

NEISHA<br />

021 193 0118<br />

Call us & we’ll help<br />

you place your<br />

classified advert in our<br />

community papers<br />

Nobody knows<br />

Christchurch<br />

like a local<br />

We’re local, we’re<br />

in Christchurch, we<br />

speak your language!<br />

Phone: 379 1100<br />

Selwyn<br />

Times<br />

Nor’West<br />

News<br />

Public Notices<br />

Bay Harbour<br />

A<br />

News<br />

Southern<br />

<strong>Pegasus</strong><br />

<strong>Post</strong><br />

Western<br />

View Press<br />

News<br />

Classifieds<br />

Our community papers are published every<br />

Tuesday (Bay Harbour, Wednesdays) focusing<br />

on local issues & local people.

22<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


Air Force Band Flies High<br />

with the Queen<br />

H ORNBY<br />


CLUB<br />

«WHAT'S ON«<br />


FRIDAY<br />

3 June, 7PM<br />


LIVE<br />


6PM FRIDAY<br />

MANDI<br />

MILLER<br />


DES<br />

NEWTON<br />


4 June, 4.30PM<br />

AL PARK<br />

8PM<br />


Hornby WMC | ph 03 349 9026 | 17 Carmen Road | Hornby<br />

www.hornbyworkingmensclub.co.nz | Members, guests & affiliates welcome<br />

The newly refurbished<br />

Woolston Club...<br />

A classic, contemporary<br />

club experience<br />

Dining, bar, entertainment,<br />

sport, and so much more!<br />

Cafe open from 11am<br />

Happy Hour 4.30pm - 5.30pm<br />

TAB & Gaming, Function Facilities,<br />

HOUSIE Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday<br />

SHUTTLE Tuesday - Sunday<br />

«COMING UP«<br />


JUNE 24, 7.30PM<br />






TICKETS $20<br />


JULY 2, 7.30PM<br />

<strong>2016</strong> S.I. TOUR FEATURING<br />



TICKETS $25<br />

Newly renovated<br />

Open 7 Days<br />

Restaurant open<br />

from 5.30pm!<br />

With a selection of<br />

main meals for $20<br />

Retro Roast Lunch<br />

12pm Wednesdays<br />

$10 Members/$12 Non<br />

Roast of the Day<br />

$16.00 Members<br />

$18.00 Non<br />

THE ROYAL New Zealand Air Force<br />

Band is celebrating the Queen's 90th<br />

birthday in style with a special<br />

afternoon concert at the New Zealand<br />

Air Force Museum at Wigram on<br />

th<br />

Sunday 5 June.<br />

Surrounded by the museum's<br />

mighty collection of Air Force history,<br />

the band will perform music that<br />

spans the nine decades of the Queen's<br />

life so far.<br />

The afternoon performance on June<br />

th<br />

5 features a segment dedicated to<br />

music by British composers, from<br />

Walton's stirring Crown Imperial<br />

March, to excerpts from popular<br />

musical theatre, through to the theme The Queen's Birthday concert programme<br />

music for the James Bond 007 movies. will also include Gershwin's An American in<br />

During the RNZAF Band's last Paris, Glinka's Russlan and Ludmila<br />

performance at the Air Force<br />

Overture, as well as a full symphonic version<br />

Museum in 2015, the band's 65 strong of the impressive soundtracks from the Star<br />

brass and woodwinds under the baton Wars movies.<br />

of Flight Lieutenant Brew received a Flight Lieutenant Brew recently traveled<br />

standing ovation from the packed with the NZ Defence Force Contingent to<br />

house.<br />

conduct services at Gallipoli. The RNZAF<br />

“We're looking forward to Walton's Band performed in February at the<br />

Crown Imperial March, and we'll also Edinburgh Military Tattoo during the NZ<br />

reference some great British artists Festival in Wellington.<br />

including The Beatles, Queen and Air Force Band in concert at the New<br />

David Bowie,” Flight Lieutenant Brew Zealand Air Force Museum, Wigram<br />

said.<br />

th<br />

Sunday 5 June, 2pm, New Zealand Air<br />

“Our band is wonderfully versatile. Force Museum, Wigram.<br />

We'll be taking the opportunity to Adult: $25, Senior $22; Child/Student: $5<br />

feature some of our virtuoso players Tickets: New Zealand Air Force Museum<br />

in solo pieces at Wigram.” (03) 343 - 9532.<br />

NOW OPEN<br />

Cooks and Cocktails offers<br />

affordable family dining<br />

with an international menu<br />

and amazing cocktails.<br />

Come and enjoy our<br />

great family environment<br />

and meet our amazing staff.<br />

Papanui's newest<br />

family friendly<br />

dining experience<br />

77 Main North Road, Papanui<br />

Ph 352 4242<br />

www.cooksandcocktails.co.nz<br />

Open Monday - Sunday 11am - late

PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 23<br />

www.newbrightonclub.co.nz<br />

WHAT’S ON<br />

TUESDAYS &<br />


Members Lucky Card Draw<br />

- downstairs -<br />

ClubBISTRO<br />

Open Tuesday<br />

to Saturday<br />

12pm-2pm<br />

and from 5pm.<br />

Midweek<br />


$10<br />

ROAST<br />

Available Tuesday,<br />

Wednesday,<br />

& Thursday<br />

TAB POD<br />

- upstairs -<br />


Restaurant<br />

JOIN<br />

A CLUB BY<br />

THE SEA!<br />

Quality a la carte<br />

with a view!<br />

Open FRIDAY,<br />


& SUNDAY<br />

from 5.30pm<br />


All Grills... $20!<br />

for a limited time<br />


$25 3-Course Feast<br />


Tues, Thurs, Fri & Sat<br />

202 Marine Parade | Ph 388-9416<br />

Members, guests and affiliates welcome<br />


‘Famous for their roasts!’<br />

Open daily from 6.30am. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner<br />

Treat the Kids!<br />

Kids two course<br />

special from<br />

We are family<br />

friendly.<br />

Great Kids menu<br />

plus designated play area.<br />

Seniors SPECIAL<br />

Two courses<br />

Soup/Roast or<br />

Roast/Dessert<br />

Racecourse Hotel Motorlodge<br />

118 Racecourse Rd, Sockburn,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 03 342 7150<br />

www.racecoursehotel.co.nz<br />

$10<br />

Special available lunch only<br />

Monday - Saturday 12pm - 2.30pm<br />

Conditions apply.<br />

$20<br />

Lunch & Dinner<br />

All you can eat, 7 days<br />

Bookings Essential PH 386 0088<br />

fb.com/GardenHotelRestaurant<br />

www.gardenhotel.co.nz<br />


available<br />

from<br />

9am<br />

Breakfast<br />

HAPPY<br />

HOUR<br />

5PM - 7PM<br />

DAILY<br />

LIVE Vintage Blue<br />

MUSIC 6PM FRIDAY 3rd June<br />



www.gardenhotel.co.nz | phone 385 <strong>31</strong>32

24<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


$<br />

13 99<br />

kg<br />

Fresh NZ Beef Rump Steak<br />

$<br />

3 49<br />

bag<br />

Country Fresh Washed Potato<br />

Range 2kg<br />

$<br />

4 90<br />

each<br />

$<br />

5 69<br />

each<br />

$<br />

3 99<br />

each<br />

$<br />

7 99<br />

each<br />

Tip Top Ice Cream 2L<br />

Sanitarium Weet-Bix 1.2kg<br />

Meadow Fresh Yoghurt 1kg<br />

(Excludes Greek)<br />

Mainland Mild/Colby/<br />

Edam Cheese 1kg<br />

WINE<br />

DEAL<br />

OF THE<br />

WEEK<br />

$<br />

<strong>31</strong> 99<br />

pack<br />

$<br />

7 99<br />

each<br />

$<br />

3 50<br />

each<br />

$<br />

1 00<br />

each<br />

DB/Export Gold/Tui<br />

24 x 330ml Bottles<br />

Montana Classic<br />

750ml<br />

Fresh-Up Fruit Drink/Juice<br />

3L<br />

L&P 1.5L<br />

See our online mailer at<br />

FreshChoice.co.nz/Savings!<br />

Prices apply from Tuesday <strong>31</strong>st <strong>May</strong> to Sunday 5th June<br />

<strong>2016</strong>, or while stocks last.<br />

Trade not supplied. We reserve the right to limit quantities. All limits specified apply per customer per day.<br />

All prepared meals are serving suggestions only. Props not included. Certain products may not be available<br />

in all stores. Proprietary brands not for resale.<br />

FreshChoice.co.nz<br />

FreshChoiceNZ<br />

FreshChoice Parklands<br />

60 Queenspark Drive, Christchurch.<br />

Phone 383 1004.<br />

Open 7am-11pm, 7 days.<br />


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