Pegasus Post: June 21, 2016

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TUESDAY JUnE <strong>21</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

379 7100<br />

<strong>Pegasus</strong><br />

<strong>Post</strong><br />

Proudly locally owned and<br />

published by Star Media<br />

Award winning publishing group<br />

SHOW<br />

1ST-3RD JULY<br />

starhomeshow.kiwi<br />


Linwood, Avonside, Richmond, Shirley, Burwood, Dallington, Wainoni, Bromley, Aranui, Avondale, Bexley, New Brighton, Northshore, Queenspark, Parklands, South Brighton<br />

Call to save boardwalk<br />

• By Fraser Walker-Pearce<br />

SOUTH NEW Brighton<br />

residents are furious at the lack<br />

of action by the city council<br />

to stop the estuary edge and<br />

walkway eroding away.<br />

They say action needs to be<br />

taken quickly to save not only<br />

the estuary edge that runs from<br />

the end of Caspian St to Bridge<br />

St, but also the walkway, off<br />

Estuary Rd.<br />

The walkway was built about<br />

25 years ago, but now is warped<br />

and twisted after being<br />

damaged in the February 22,<br />

2011 earthquake and a lack of<br />

care, they say, from the city<br />

council.<br />

But the city council says it is<br />

taking a “no regrets” approach<br />

to the treatment of the estuary<br />

edge.<br />

Investigations had been delayed<br />

because of the engineering<br />

and funding problems, it said.<br />

City council head of strategic<br />

policy Helen Beaumont said it<br />

needed to weigh the cost and<br />

benefits of the potential solutions.<br />

Natural dune systems and<br />

planting, sea walls, stop banks<br />

and pumping stations were potential<br />

solutions, she said.<br />

A report on what to do with<br />

the boardwalk would be before<br />

the Burwood-<strong>Pegasus</strong> Community<br />

Board in September.<br />

City councillor David East said<br />

there was a number of environmental<br />

reports that could have<br />

been done, but “there were other<br />

priorities”.<br />

But community board member<br />

Tim Sintes said the city<br />

council response was not good<br />

enough.<br />

Residents want the same<br />

amount of money spent on their<br />

estuary edges as was spent at<br />

Ferrymead and Redcliffs, he<br />

said. About $5.3m was spent by<br />

the city council to build a 500m<br />

long sea wall in Redcliffs in 2014.<br />

The annual plan has $337,000<br />

earmarked for the boardwalk,<br />

but it was unknown how much<br />

was budgeted for the estuary.<br />

Mr Sintes said: “It’s been left<br />

to rack and ruin. It’s very disheartening<br />

for those who come<br />

over here after being in the Ferrymead<br />

or Redcliffs area and see<br />

how much money has been spent<br />

on their sea walls, and they come<br />

over here and they can’t see any<br />

sea walls.”<br />

South Brighton Motor Camp<br />

resident Deidre McGowan said<br />

the estuary edge and boardwalk<br />

were popular and said it was<br />

indicative to her of “how little<br />

the city council cares”.<br />

NEGLECT:<br />

Deidre<br />

McGowan and<br />

Tim Sintes are<br />

fed up with the<br />

city council’s<br />

inaction over<br />

the South<br />

New Brighton<br />

boardwalk.<br />

PHOTO:<br />


DANGEROUS: The South New Brighton boardwalk hasn’t<br />

seen maintenance since it was damaged in the February 2011<br />

earthquake.<br />


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Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

Inside<br />


FROM<br />

THE<br />

EDITOR’S<br />

DESK News............................3,5 & 17<br />

IT IS a sad fact that bullying is<br />

not only prevalent in schools, but<br />

in many other facets of life. Vicki<br />

Edwards-Brown is the driving<br />

force behind Be The Change,<br />

an anti-bullying programme<br />

that started after she saw a lack<br />

of empathy for those subjected<br />

to schoolyard harassment. The<br />

actress and singer talks about not<br />

only the programme but her stint<br />

on Shortland Street on page 6.<br />

On page 17, reporter Donna<br />

Miles talks to the Canterbury<br />

Muslim Community Trust.<br />

Though they do not suffer the<br />

same levels of “islamophobia”<br />

compared to the rest of the world,<br />

there is still a way to go in understanding<br />

the different cultures<br />

of the 40 ethnic groups that<br />

represent the Muslim community<br />

in the city.<br />

Have a good week.<br />

– Shelley Robinson<br />

Super-school recruits for staff<br />

NEWS<br />

5<br />

Your Local Views..........4<br />

Our People............................6<br />

Schools...............8,9 & 10<br />

EQC Update........................11<br />

Achievers........................ 13<br />

Community Events......15<br />

Home Heating.............19<br />

Education.............................20<br />

Kidstuff.............................20<br />

Health & Beauty.............22<br />


General Enquiries Ph 379-7100<br />

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Fraser Walker-Pearce<br />

Ph: 364 7424<br />

fraser.walker@starmedia.kiwi<br />


Gail Henry<br />

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gail.henry@starmedia.kiwi<br />


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PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 3<br />

News<br />

East-siders looked down on<br />

• By Fraser Walker-Pearce<br />

EASTERN suburbs teenagers<br />

feel the rest of the city look<br />

down on them due to where<br />

they live and the schools they<br />

go to.<br />

That is the conclusion made<br />

by 17-year-old Christchurch<br />

East youth MP and Aranui<br />

High School student, Bethany<br />

Walters.<br />

Bethany interviewed more<br />

than 50 students from Aranui<br />

High, Linwood College and<br />

Mairehau High School for her<br />

short film – Eastside Youth:<br />

Our Voice.<br />

She said that although<br />

more than 70 per cent of the<br />

students she interviewed liked<br />

living in the east, the majority<br />

feel they are looked down on<br />

by the rest of the city because<br />

of the school they attend, and<br />

the suburbs they live in.<br />

“The stigma and reputation<br />

that people who don’t live<br />

here give the east is not a true<br />

representation,” she said.<br />

Bethany said overwhelmingly<br />

the students felt underappreciated<br />

and left out of<br />

decisions that will impact their<br />

future.<br />

“They said the east was<br />

resilient . . . but felt like local<br />

government and central<br />

government weren’t engaging<br />

youth in the process of recovery<br />

in the east.”<br />

Christchurch East MP Poto<br />

Williams said Bethany was “a<br />

credit” to the community that<br />

she is fighting for.<br />

“She’s making sure the<br />

voices in the east are heard.<br />

She’s also making sure that<br />

people on the other side of the<br />

country know how the youth<br />

on the east of Christchurch<br />

feel.<br />

“Youth often get left out<br />

unless people are really intentional<br />

about seeking their<br />

voices. She’s doing a really<br />

good thing, she’s showing that<br />

everyone counts, especially<br />

youth,” she said.<br />

Aranui High principal<br />

Maree Furness said the<br />

film was a voice for eastern<br />

Christchurch.<br />

“ The youth that live here<br />

have some amazing ideas,<br />

so it would be great if their<br />

opinions were really sought.<br />

Particularly as some of their<br />

decisions are impacting their<br />

future,” she said.<br />


Bethany Walters’ film,<br />

Eastside Youth: Our Voice,<br />

depicts the concerns of<br />

students in the eastern<br />

suburbs.<br />

In Brief<br />


A winning second division Lotto<br />

ticket was sold at the New Brighton<br />

Countdown. Four Lotto players will<br />

be celebrating after winning $50,6<strong>21</strong><br />

each from the second division draw.<br />

The four winning tickets were sold at<br />

Countdown New Brighton, Te Anau<br />

Four Square and two from Auckland’s<br />

My Lotto Southmall and Lotto Kiosk.<br />

Anyone who bought their ticket from<br />

any of these winning stores should<br />

check it immediately at a Lotto outlet,<br />

online at mylotto.co.nz or through<br />

Lotto New Zealand’s ticket-checker<br />

smartphone app.<br />


A childrens’ flying fox was taken down<br />

in the Prestons’ subdivision last week<br />

because it exceeded noise levels. City<br />

councillor Glenn Livingstone said last<br />

week that he would be working with the<br />

Burwood-<strong>Pegasus</strong> Community Board to<br />

find “a positive outcome” in the coming<br />

weeks.<br />


Banks Avenue School have tested its<br />

water for cryptosporidium, a bug that<br />

causes upset stomachs. The school said<br />

it was notified last week that a pupil<br />

had cryptosporidiosis, and had to be<br />

kept away from school. The school also<br />

said it had “several” pupils off school<br />

with “tummy bugs” recently, so had<br />

undertaken precautionary measures.<br />

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Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

Your Local Views<br />

Playgrounds need to<br />

be wheelchair-friendly<br />

Shirley-Papanui<br />

Community<br />

Board member<br />

Jo Byrne talks<br />

about having<br />

“wheelchairfriendly<br />

surfaces” in<br />

childrens’ playgrounds, so all<br />

children have the chance to<br />

play.<br />

Many people know of my<br />

interest in flooding issues in the<br />

Flockton area.<br />

However, many people don’t<br />

realise that, as a part-time speech<br />

language therapist working with<br />

children and young people with<br />

disabilities, I have also been<br />

actively advocating for more inclusive<br />

facilities in our ward.<br />

The therapy team I work with<br />

made an in-depth submission to<br />

the Margaret Mahy family playground<br />

team on making that play<br />

area safe and accessible for people<br />

with disabilities.<br />

Overseas, many major cities are<br />

developing all access play areas.<br />

These are destination play areas<br />

where children of all abilities can<br />

play on the equipment.<br />

This means children with disabilities<br />

can play alongside their<br />

siblings and friends. Children can<br />

be side-by-side using different<br />

swings, including basket swings<br />

and platform swings.<br />

Children using wheelchairs<br />

are then not isolated in the<br />

wheelchair swing in the corner of<br />

a park.<br />

Internationally there are now<br />

play equipment manufacturers<br />

which specialise in accessible play<br />

grounds.<br />

In Auckland an all abilities<br />

playground has opened in Long<br />

Bay.<br />

Locally, it is fantastic to see the<br />

Smile Dial Sensory Garden development<br />

plans in Burwood.<br />

The Shirley-Papanui Community<br />

Board has been working for<br />

more accessible play areas in our<br />

ward, too.<br />

As playgrounds in the ward<br />

have come up for renewal, we<br />

have supported city council staff<br />

in coming up with play solutions<br />

that work for as many children as<br />

possible (while operating within<br />

the proposed budget).<br />

This means we have chosen<br />

more wheelchair friendly surfaces,<br />

and equipment that has<br />

more options for less physically<br />

able children.<br />

Work has started in the Craighead<br />

Reserve play area, and is<br />

planned for the new The Groynes<br />

play area.<br />

The community board would<br />

love a future Christchurch that<br />

has play equipment across the<br />

city for all our young people, so<br />

they can play safely in their own<br />

community and have the most<br />

suitable resources available.<br />

Another project the community<br />

board has had input into is the<br />

working party for the design of<br />

the new St Albans Community<br />

Centre.<br />

The plans for the proposed centre<br />

include an adult change bed,<br />

and hopefully will also include a<br />

ceiling hoist.<br />

This means that adults with disabilities<br />

who are unable to use the<br />

usual disability toilet facilities can<br />

still access their community and<br />

not have to go home when they<br />

need changing.<br />

This would open the community<br />

facility for use for a wider<br />

range of community groups.<br />

We all hope that when we look<br />

at the future Christchurch that it<br />

is truly accessible.<br />

HAVE YOUR SAY: Do you<br />

agree with Jo Byrne? What<br />

parks can you think of that<br />

specifically need to be upgraded<br />

so that all children<br />

can enjoy them? Email fraser.<br />

walker@starmedia.kiwi<br />


GUTTED: A garage fire on Linwood Ave started when hot<br />

ash was put in a bin.<br />

Winter fire tips<br />

• By Mark Thomas – Fire<br />

Risk Management Officer<br />

TWO PROPERTY fires, with all<br />

the drama and heartache they<br />

entail, occurred last week – the<br />

result of very topical causes<br />

reflecting the start of winter.<br />

In the early hours of <strong>June</strong> 12,<br />

a household in Parklands was<br />

alerted by smoke alarms to the<br />

fact the house was on fire.<br />

That there were operating<br />

smoke detectors saved a possible<br />

tragedy, but the cause may have<br />

been avoidable.<br />

The origin of the fire was<br />

traced to a clothes dryer that<br />

had been started before the occupants<br />

went to bed.<br />

There’s two points here.<br />

Firstly, it isn’t known whether<br />

the lint filter had been cleared<br />

recently.<br />

If it hadn’t, and this should<br />

be done every time the drier is<br />

used, it is possible the contents<br />

just got hotter and hotter to<br />


ignition temperature.<br />

Secondly, the use of these<br />

things should probably be restricted<br />

to when you’re at home,<br />

up and alert.<br />

Then you can deal with<br />

problems immediately as they<br />

occur.<br />

The other fire was a classic<br />

winter event, where fire ash was<br />

left against the side of a garage<br />

in Linwood on <strong>June</strong> 14.<br />

Ash is an excellent insulator.<br />

Hot embers encased in the ash,<br />

inside a bucket, will not cool<br />

down for days.<br />

In this case, heat transferred<br />

through the ash, the side of the<br />

bucket and the iron cladding of<br />

the garage, igniting the wooden<br />

framing.<br />

It is recommended that five<br />

days is the minimum time to<br />

expect ash to completely cool.<br />

That’s five days you must<br />

keep the ash and bucket outside<br />

and well away from anything<br />

combustible.<br />

New Brighton rugby stronger than ever<br />

Glenn Matthews,<br />

of New Brighton,<br />

talks about the<br />

community’s<br />

winning attitude.<br />

The culture that has been built<br />

within the New Brighton Rugby<br />

Club – especially after the<br />

earthquakes, when some thought<br />

the suburb would fade away –<br />

was a big key to the club’s success<br />

this season.<br />

Previously<br />

United Travel<br />

The club created history when<br />

the division 1 and 2 sides both<br />

won their first round competitions<br />

in the Hawkins Cup.<br />

It is the first time that the club<br />

has won both grades on the same<br />

day.<br />

The division 1 side went into<br />

the final round level on points<br />

with Lincoln University, who<br />

were aiming to be the first club<br />

to win the Hawkins Cup four<br />

years in a row.<br />

As expected, New Brighton<br />

cruised past Belfast, running in<br />

12 tries in a 72-12 win to secure<br />

their 9th win in 11 matches,<br />

while Lincoln University were<br />

unable to earn a bonus point in<br />

their 15-10 win over Sydenham.<br />

Therefore, the trophy was<br />

handed to the sea-siders for the<br />

first time since 2010 when they<br />

shared it with High School Old<br />

Boys.<br />

The division 2 side remained<br />

unbeaten and hold a 14-point<br />

lead with two rounds to play<br />

after winning their 11th straight<br />

match 49-19 against a tough<br />

Sydenham side.<br />

The closeness of the two sides<br />

and communication between<br />

the coaching staff and the senior<br />

coaching staff, of Scott Pawson<br />

and Troy Manaena, was responsible<br />

for the win.<br />

The senior side will now look<br />

to win their first Hawkins Cup<br />

since 2013. Meanwhile, the Division<br />

2 side will be hoping to get<br />

their name on it for the first time<br />

since 2012.<br />

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PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 5<br />

News<br />

Super-school recruiting<br />

• By Fraser Walker-Pearce<br />

SUPER-SCHOOL in the<br />

making, Haeata Community<br />

Campus, will be looking to fill<br />

more than 40 staffing positions<br />

over the next two weekends.<br />

The school, being built on the<br />

site of Aranui High School, will<br />

see the closure of Avondale Primary,<br />

Wainoni, Aranui Primary<br />

and Aranui High schools at the<br />

end of the year.<br />

Haeata principal Andy Kai<br />

Fong said he was looking forward<br />

to meeting the “shortlist”<br />

of applicants for the more than<br />

40 positions they are looking to<br />

fill.<br />

“We’re about to enter into<br />

two big weekends of recruiting,<br />

so we’re looking for more great<br />

staff. We have up to about 45<br />

positions to offer, and we’ve<br />

had over 120 to 130 applicants.<br />

So we’ve trimmed that to a<br />

shortlist, but it’s still quite a long<br />

shortlist,” he said.<br />

Mr Kai Fong said he hopes<br />

to meet each applicant on the<br />

shortlist to make the strongest<br />

staffing team possible, and<br />

begin offering roles at the end of<br />

term 2.<br />

“We’ll go into these recruiting<br />

weekends, and we will see at<br />

STRONG TEAM: Haeata Community Campus principal Andy Kai Fong (far left) is looking to<br />

fill more than 40 staffing positions over the next two weekends. ​<br />

the end of them, and make job<br />

offers by the end of the term,”<br />

he said.<br />

Last week, Haeata announced<br />

the appointment of Aranui<br />

Primary’s deputy principal, Jess<br />

Bijl-Kakoi, as the super-school’s<br />

new diverse education leader.<br />

Mr Kai Fong said Ms Bijl-<br />

Kakoi will start with Haeata at<br />

the beginning of the next term.<br />

“With the Ministry’s model<br />

of staffing, we get to appoint a<br />

certain amount of staff in the<br />

middle of the year.<br />

We decided we could do with<br />

some extra support of diverse<br />

education, and celebrate the<br />

kids coming from four different<br />

schools . . . we’re excited to have<br />

her expertise and enthusiasm on<br />

board.<br />

“Each school has students<br />

that have shown home learning<br />

is becoming difficult, and we<br />

want to be able to support all of<br />

them.” he said.<br />

Wheelie bins<br />

get ID tags<br />

HAVE YOU ever wondered how<br />

the city council keeps track of all<br />

of its wheelie bins?<br />

The city council will carry out<br />

a stock take of kerbside wheelie<br />

bins throughout the city, starting<br />

next month. It is designed to<br />

reduce the cost of the bin collection<br />

service by removing lost,<br />

damaged and stolen bins from<br />

circulation.<br />

The stock take is expected to<br />

save ratepayers $9.3m over the<br />

course of the city council’s contract<br />

with Waste Management<br />

NZ, which runs until 2029.<br />

It will reduce the cost of<br />

collecting bins by $13.8m, but<br />

the stock take will cost the city<br />

council $4.5m.<br />

City council’s solid waste manager<br />

Ross Trotter said bins will<br />

be fitted with radio frequency<br />

tags to ensure damaged, stolen or<br />

lost bins can be easily identified.<br />

“The radio frequency chips<br />

can’t track the location of the<br />

bins. They communicate with<br />

the collection truck as it goes<br />

past to ensure that the bin is located<br />

near the correct property.<br />

It is a short range signal,” he said.<br />

They can then be checked<br />

and matched to the database,<br />

returned to their original property<br />

or re-allocated for future<br />

distribution.<br />

Charity celebrates 50 years<br />

ALTRUSA International, of<br />

Christchurch, celebrated its<br />

50th birthday on Saturday.<br />

The milestone celebrations<br />

were held at Eliza’s Manor Boutique<br />

Hotel on <strong>June</strong> 11.<br />

Altrusa is an acronym for<br />

amity, loyalty, talent, reciprocity,<br />

unity, service, and achievement.<br />

The club gives grants to community<br />

group and projects, an<br />

annual scholarship to the Ara<br />

Institute of Canterbury, and<br />

supports other community<br />

initiatives.<br />

It holds a range of fundraisers<br />

throughout the year from a fabric<br />

sale to an annual Christmas<br />

market.<br />

It is an international, nonprofit<br />

organisation making<br />

communities better through<br />

leadership, partnership, and<br />

service.<br />

For more information, get in<br />

touch with Altrusa president<br />

Margaret Simpson on 338 6001.<br />


Altrusa International of<br />

Christchurch members<br />

and guests celebrated<br />

50 years of service on<br />

Saturday.<br />


JO HAYES<br />



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Join us for a student led tour of our school<br />

Applications are currently being accepted for<br />

2017 new entrants.<br />

Contact the school office for further information<br />

Limited vacancies currently exist in other year levels<br />

Cholmondeley Avenue, Christchurch<br />

Phone: 03 332 7339 | Fax: 03: 332 4485<br />

Email: office@saintmarks.school.nz<br />

www.saintmarks.school.nz<br />

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6<br />

Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


Our People<br />

Taking a stand against bullying<br />

Burwood resident Vicki Edwards-Brown started the<br />

charity Be The Change in 2011 to tackle the problem<br />

of bullying and help support victims. She spoke to<br />

reporter Tom Doudney about what inspired her to<br />

set the charity up, her role on Shortland Street and<br />

the freak spinal injury she suffered.<br />

I heard that you were actually<br />

bullied as an adult, is that<br />

right? What role did that play<br />

in starting Be The Change?<br />

Yes, I was but it’s not the driving<br />

force behind why I started<br />

Be The Change. That driving<br />

force was to do with my husband<br />

working in a high school, seeing<br />

the effect that bullying was<br />

having on young people around<br />

me, and just really having a<br />

desperate need to help them and<br />

massive empathy for them. I was<br />

thinking that’s hard enough, and<br />

then you have the earthquakes<br />

to deal with as well, and we need<br />

something in New Zealand to<br />

empower young people to stand<br />

up to bullying.<br />

Yeah, I was bullied in the<br />

workplace but I didn’t know it at<br />

the time, so I guess it would have<br />

been good to have tools and tips<br />

to know that, actually, that’s not<br />

okay.<br />

Can you tell me more about<br />

your background before<br />

starting Be The Change?<br />

My background is really in<br />

the speaking side of it. When I<br />

do the workshops and presentations,<br />

that comes from an acting<br />

background that I have. I have<br />

been on Shortland Street and<br />

other things when I was younger,<br />

so that has drawn me to being<br />

able to present to young people<br />

and fit in.<br />

When were you on Shortland<br />

Street?<br />

I was on in 2010. My husband<br />

[Shaun Edwards-Brown] was actually<br />

on for a whole year during<br />

2009 and 2010 as well. He was a<br />

pivotal character and I got a twomonth<br />

contract as well, which<br />

was really awesome.<br />

What character did you play?<br />

Her name was Jewel Fitzpatrick.<br />

What was Jewel like?<br />

She was actually an actress. I<br />

was acting, playing an actress.<br />

Who did your husband play<br />

on Shortland Street?<br />

He was Ben Goodall – a paramedic.<br />

How did your tenure end<br />

at Shortland Street? Did your<br />

character get killed off or anything<br />

like that?<br />

No, some main characters did<br />

a play and I was in that play, so<br />

the play just ran its course and<br />

that was it.<br />

Did being on Shortland Street<br />

open up any more doors for you<br />

in terms of acting?<br />

Yeah, we lived in Auckland<br />

for six months and did some<br />

ads and things like that. Then<br />

ON SCREEN:<br />

Vicki Edwards-<br />

Brown played<br />

the role of<br />

actor Jewel<br />

Fitzpatrick<br />

on the long<br />

running<br />

soap opera,<br />

Shortland<br />

Street.<br />

TAKING A STAND: Vicki Edwards-Brown started Be The<br />

Change, a charity that aims to tackle bullying. ​<br />

we came back to Christchurch,<br />

I had major back surgery and<br />

then, being stuck in bed for six<br />

weeks while watching TV, I saw<br />

something which inspired me to<br />

create Be The Change.<br />

What was it you saw on TV?<br />

It was a programme about<br />

a bully prevention charity in<br />

America called Challenge Day<br />

and I saw that and just thought<br />

‘wow, that is really awesome’<br />

and it just inspired me to do<br />

something because we needed<br />

something like that in New<br />

Zealand.<br />

You mentioned being in some<br />

ads, what might we recognise<br />

you from?<br />

They’re pretty old now –<br />

Vector’s fibre to the door was<br />

one. I was just like standing at<br />

a sink turning the tap on and<br />

trying to get water through a<br />

straw.<br />

But predominately I used to<br />

sing – I’d sing at Twiggers, at<br />

Addington Raceway. We used to<br />

sing every Friday and Saturday<br />

with the band. So a lot of my<br />

performing was theatrical with<br />

singing in a band and stuff like<br />

that. I had my own band called<br />

V.I.P. I have also done about 20<br />

shows through Showbiz over the<br />

years.<br />

What sort of music did you<br />

sing with your band?<br />

I love 80s. Anything from the<br />

60s right through. It was all Top<br />

of the Pops stuff that people like<br />

to hear.<br />

So, have you stopped playing<br />

with bands now?<br />

I do stuff with a group called<br />

Chant et Danse, a Christchurch<br />

entertainment group.<br />

You also mentioned that you<br />

had major back surgery, what<br />

happened there?<br />

It was a really freak accident.<br />

Eleven years ago we were driving<br />

along Moorhouse Ave and there<br />

were high winds and a threestorey-high<br />

tree broke off in the<br />

wind just as we drove past and<br />

the tree came through the roof<br />

on to my head.<br />

Oh my gosh!<br />

I’m laughing now but it wasn’t<br />

good at the time, and it literally<br />

broke my back. I had two spinal<br />

surgeries so I have got a titanium<br />

back.<br />

Do you feel good as new now?<br />

No, I have chronic back pain<br />

but I have just learned to live<br />

with it and do the best I can<br />

through exercise and being<br />

healthy and that sort of thing,<br />

and having a positive attitude<br />

about everything – everything. If<br />

you can think of something to be<br />

grateful for in life, and literally I<br />

think helping other people helps<br />

me. If I can lie in bed at night<br />

saying I have helped one person,<br />

that makes me happy.<br />

What sort of support do victims<br />

of bullying need most? Is<br />

it really just people being kind<br />

to them?<br />

That really is a huge part of<br />

it, yes. It takes a community<br />

to prevent bullying – not just<br />

a school, or the person, or the<br />

family. Schools are the ones that<br />

are often blamed but they really<br />

struggle with the resources and<br />

it’s people like me who can help<br />

them create positive cultures –<br />

and I need funding! Funding<br />

would enable me to give more resources<br />

and help to more schools<br />

in Christchurch.<br />

But yeah, just being kind and<br />

doing things like, for example,<br />

setting up lunchtime events at<br />

schools. We held an anonymous<br />

appreciation day at Cashmere<br />

High School, where we provided<br />

kids with cards and they write<br />

anonymously nice notes to other<br />

people. We delivered 1200 notes<br />

to teachers and students that day.<br />

It was such a wonderful experience<br />

and just set a positive buzz<br />

around the school.<br />

How do you think we should<br />

view people who bully? Are<br />

these bad people or should we<br />

pity them, too?<br />

I do believe that a bully generally<br />

is someone who is doing that<br />

because they are being bullied<br />

themselves, so I do go the way<br />

of feeling sorry for them and<br />

empathising with their situation,<br />

rather than telling them they’re<br />

bad.<br />

For all your blind repair and cleaning requirements<br />

The Blind Care Company has been<br />

cleaning and repairing the region’s blinds<br />

for over 60 years. Those six decades<br />

have seen changes in both fashion and<br />

technology. Styles have ranged from<br />

festooned fabric swags to straightforward<br />

and still popular holland roller blinds,<br />

from vertical to horizontal slat systems,<br />

and in every colour or pattern popular<br />

since the 1960s.<br />

Whatever your style, the Blind Care<br />

Company has the expertise to keep your<br />

window treatments looking fresh and<br />

working efficiently. Using only ecofriendly<br />

chemicals, the build-up of dirt,<br />

dust, grease, nicotine and smoke residue<br />

can be removed so that your blinds<br />

smell fresh and are restored to their<br />

original glory. The company can repair<br />

blinds also, having a huge range of parts<br />

in stock. And if you want something<br />

completely new, a great range of blinds is<br />

available for purchase.<br />

The company prides itself on efficient<br />

service, providing a fast turn-around,<br />

with most work taking one or two<br />

days, and a same day cleaning option is<br />

available. It makes it as easy as possible<br />

for clients. The Cashel Street location<br />

couldn’t be more convenient and a pickup<br />

and drop-off service is available. 150<br />

blinds per day can be cleaned at this site,<br />

or one of their mobile vans can do up to<br />

50 per day. That means they will come to<br />

your home or office, remove and clean<br />

your blinds on the spot and reinstall them<br />

for you.<br />

A cut-down and size alteration service<br />

is available in order that the blinds you<br />

bought are a perfect fit.<br />

They are experts in their field with a<br />

huge amount of experience to draw on.<br />

In fact, all their staff has been on board<br />

for at least 8 years, and many up to 20<br />

years. Whatever the job involves, they<br />

will work hard to make sure it gets done,<br />

including one job of 800 blinds which<br />

they completed in 4 days.<br />

Find them at<br />

330 Cashel Street<br />

Call 3770770<br />

email:<br />

service@blindcare.co.nz<br />

or visit blindcare.co.nz

PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 7<br />

We’re on the home straight<br />

SCIRT’s programme of repairs to pipes, roads, bridges and retaining walls will<br />

be completed by December this year.<br />

After SCIRT, The Christchurch City Council and NZ Transport Agency will<br />

continue their programmes of ongoing repairs.<br />

Your support is helping us to get the job done, thank you from the SCIRT team.<br />

We’re now 89% of the way through our programme of repairs.<br />


IS 89% COMPLETE<br />

86 % 97 %<br />

of underground pipes are fixed<br />

82 % 84 %<br />

of retaining walls are repaired<br />

of bridge repair work is done<br />

of road repairs are complete<br />

• Nicola Thompson, Site Engineer with SCIRT’s Fletcher<br />

team in Wainoni Road.<br />

SCIRT progress in your neighbourhood<br />

A third of SCIRT’s work this year is focussed on the east and plenty of<br />

progress is being made in the area. Residents in the east will see some<br />

SCIRT crews remain until the end of <strong>2016</strong>.<br />

• We’re more than halfway through connecting homes in Aranui to the new<br />

resilient vacuum system. This will be completed in the next few months.<br />

• The three-year programme of repairs to the wastewater, storm water, fresh<br />

water and roads in Burwood is due to finish in the next few months.<br />

• New Brighton will still see major works to the wastewater network and<br />

crews repairing small roading patches untill the end of the year.<br />

• We’re more than halfway through the extensive repairs to the wastewater,<br />

storm water, fresh water and roading networks in Parklands and this will be<br />

completed by the end of the year.<br />

• Repairs to one of Christchurch’s biggest wastewater pipes in Linwood,<br />

the Southern Relief, will be completed by the end of the year.<br />

Need more info?<br />

Email:<br />

info@scirt.co.nz<br />

Phone:<br />

941 8999<br />

Find out about work in your area:<br />

www.scirt.co.nz<br />

Email us on info@scirt.co.nz to get our:<br />

Weekly Traffic Update<br />

Monthly e-Newsletter<br />

Follow us on Twitter:<br />

@SCIRT_info #chchtraffic<br />

Programme funded by

8<br />

Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />



Junk food-free<br />

HEALTHY SCHOOL: Kaylee Lochrie-Bennet (left), Sheldon<br />

Lawson, and Willow Warwood-Manihera, from Bromley<br />

School, with Barbara Crooks from Ferrymead Rotary, who<br />

is helping them to become healthy heroes. The pupils<br />

received juggling balls as a reward for completing the<br />

first three weeks of the Rotary Healthy Heroes Challenge.<br />

To complete the challenge, each day for nine weeks<br />

the pupils had to exercise for at least 30 minutes. This<br />

included walking or swimming. They also had to eat three<br />

vegetables, two pieces of fruit and get eight to 10 hours<br />

sleep each night. They had to read, listen to music, and try<br />

art. And they also had to help others at home, at school and<br />

in the community. Mrs Crooks said that it was a delight to<br />

see the children all involved in the programme.<br />

• By Fraser Walker-Pearce<br />

CHISNALLWOOD Intermediate<br />

has decided to go junk-food free<br />

this month.<br />

The school has joined more<br />

than 10,000 Kiwis signed up to<br />

fight cancer through Junk-Free<br />

<strong>June</strong>.<br />

Last week, the school held<br />

a community viewing of 2014<br />

documentary, That Sugar Film,<br />

as part of Junk-Free <strong>June</strong>, and<br />

asked parents to donate $1 for the<br />

screening.<br />

Chisnallwood physical education<br />

teacher Dan Vann said at the<br />

screening, there was lots of fun<br />

activities for the kids to do, as<br />

well as healthy treats.<br />

“There was lots of food that was<br />

prepared in a healthy way. Things<br />

like smoothies, toasties, and there<br />

was even a smoothie bike, where<br />

kids jumped on and when they<br />

pedalled, it blended the fruit,” he<br />

said.<br />

He said the aim of the screening<br />

wasn’t only to raise money<br />

for Junk-Free <strong>June</strong>, but to raise<br />

parents’ awareness of healthy<br />

foods, and hidden sugar in foods<br />

that kids eat.<br />

“Most of the staff are on board.<br />

They’ve signed up, but the main<br />

thing is trying to educate the kids<br />

. . . there’s a big misconception<br />

HEALTHY TREAT: Chisnallwood Intermediate pupils sold fruit<br />

salad as part of their Junk-Free <strong>June</strong> celebrations.<br />

that only junk food is bad for<br />

you,” Mr Vann said.<br />

He said the school hopes to<br />

raise about $1000 for Junk-Free<br />

<strong>June</strong>, in which the idea is to go a<br />

whole month without eating or<br />

drinking sugar-filled food and<br />

drink, while raising funds for<br />

cancer research.<br />

Mr Vann said it’s surprising<br />

how much sugar is in normal<br />

foods like Nutri-Grain and Up &<br />

Go breakfast drinks.<br />

“I’ve had a look at the average<br />

lunchbox of the kids at school,<br />

and I’ve kind of worked out their<br />

average amount of sugar intake in<br />

the day.<br />

“Surprisingly there was an<br />

average of about 62 teaspoons of<br />

sugar in that average lunchbox,”<br />

he said.<br />

Mr Vann said he put the high<br />

amount of sugar down to foods<br />

that “you wouldn’t expect to have<br />

sugar in”. Foods such as yoghurts,<br />

breakfast cereals, muesli bars,<br />

orange juice, and sauces.<br />

public meeting<br />

Saturday 25th <strong>June</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

SAVing tHe gODWitS by Keith Woodley<br />

Keith is the Manager of Pukorokoro Miranda<br />

Shorebird Centre, in the Firth of Thames.<br />

Godwit birds directly connect habitats<br />

found on the Avon-Heathcote Estuary and<br />

other sites around New Zealand with sites<br />

in China and the Korean Peninsula, and with<br />

the Alaskan tundra. Keith will cover the<br />

above topic and others in his address.<br />

The team at Miranda have been pivotal<br />

in the achievement announced in March<br />

<strong>2016</strong> of a Memorandum of Agreement with<br />

China to establish safe havens for godwits<br />

and other migratory birds.<br />


Entry gold coin donation towards Godwits<br />

artwork to be placed on Bridge Street<br />

South New Brighton Community Centre<br />

Beatty Street (turn right off Estuary Road) | Ample parking<br />

1.30pm - 3pm<br />

Venue open from 1pm for refreshments

PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 9<br />


NEW SILVERWARE: Trampoline champions Jacob McGraw, 9, (left) and<br />

Ethan Field, 9, and talented gymnast Libby McDonald, 7, (right).<br />

Gym champions<br />

• By Fraser Walker-Pearce<br />

GYMNASTICS AND trampolining<br />

pupils from Marshland School mixed<br />

it up with the best in their age group<br />

at a recent national competition.<br />

Seven Marshland pupils attended<br />

the <strong>2016</strong> Otago artistic qualifying<br />

competition, a trampoline tournament,<br />

and the Dunedin Gymnastic<br />

Academy 1st junior competitions.<br />

Seven-year-old Marshland gymnast,<br />

Libby McDonald, won first place overall,<br />

second in the floor section, and<br />

second in the vault.<br />

Her gym team also finished second<br />

overall.<br />

Principal Jacqui Pascoe said it had<br />

been an “exciting weekend” for the<br />

pupils.<br />

“(It was) a very exciting weekend for<br />

a number of our Marshland children.<br />

In another competition, the Marshland<br />

School Tramp Team did incredibly<br />

well,” she said.<br />

In the trampoline competition,<br />

Jacob McGraw, 9, won the men’s<br />

B grade; Ethan Field, 9, gained silver<br />

in the men’s A grade; Isla Maclean, 9,<br />

also gained silver in the women’s A<br />

grade; Riley Field, 7, placed third in<br />

the men’s C grade; Brooke Robertson,<br />

6, was sixth in the women’s C grade;<br />

and Milly Robertson competed for<br />

the first time in women’s C grade.<br />

Mrs Pascoe said the scores gave<br />

Marshland a podium finish over the<br />

weekend.<br />

“With the top four scores combined,<br />

the Marshland School team came in<br />

second overall as well – outstanding,”<br />

she said.<br />

COMMUNITY HUB: Linwood College was the first school in Canterbury to host a<br />

mobile well-being unit, used to help the community build a relationship with police.<br />

It has been worked on for more than six months. Last week, the Linwood Well-being<br />

Mobile Hub made its debut appearance. The aim of the mobile unit is prevention. It will<br />

deliver important messages so every student and young person can reach their full<br />

potential. Mayor Lianne Dalziel also attended the opening.<br />

HELPING HANDS: Marshland School was<br />

full of colour last week, when volunteers<br />

planted a series of native flax in the<br />

school. With the help of the local Bunnings<br />

Warehouse Shirley on Wednesday, team<br />

members laid coconut matting and planted<br />

native flax plants in the water drains in front<br />

of the re-located school. The flax, which<br />

is one of New Zealand’s most distinctive<br />

native plants,, is particularly popular with tui,<br />

which feed on the nectar of its flowers.<br />

City South Van Spares<br />

NOW AT<br />

166 MAces Rd,<br />

BROMley<br />

OPeN sATURdAy 9AM-1PM<br />

We Buy, Sell<br />

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Back Packer Vehicles Available WITH Guaranteed Buy Back<br />

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Now Incorporating City South Tyres<br />

New & Used Tyres For As Little As $30 Fitted

10<br />

Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


New entrants<br />

Rawhiti School has had<br />

some brand new faces walk<br />

through the gates this term. A<br />

total of 12 new pupils started<br />

their schooling life this term at<br />

Rawhiti, and they all started in<br />

Emma Derrick’s new entrant<br />

class.<br />

Caily Walker<br />

Connor<br />

Beaumont<br />

Elliot Locke<br />

FUTURE TECH: Virtual<br />

reality headsets were one<br />

of the many things pupils<br />

from Linwood North<br />

School got to experience<br />

recently. They had a<br />

chance to see what the<br />

future of technology will<br />

look like when the Noel<br />

Leeming Mobile Learning<br />

Centre brought along the<br />

latest technology for them<br />

to test out. The pupils<br />

tried their hand at 3D<br />

printing, iPad interactive<br />

gaming, robotics, virtual<br />

reality, video production<br />

and interactive learning<br />

puzzles.<br />

Harvey Vincent Hunter Manning Jazmin Paterson Lachlan Payne Lexie Sikma<br />

Maika Martin Noah Baxter Noah Scott Oakley Kentish<br />

Email photos to fraser.walker@starmedia.kiwi<br />


Restoring estuaries<br />

MORE THAN 200 tree<br />

seedlings were planted during<br />

the Estuary Trust’s fourth<br />

restoration project, which took<br />

place in South New Brighton<br />

Park.<br />

After having established<br />

successful community restoration<br />

projects in Charlesworth<br />

wetland, McCormacks Bay wetland<br />

and Thistledown wetland<br />

reserves, the trust took to South<br />

New Brighton Park for another<br />

major restoration project.<br />

The Burwood-<strong>Pegasus</strong> Community<br />

Board gave the trust a<br />

grant for the purchase of 220 tree<br />

seedlings, which allowed a team<br />

of volunteers to head for the park<br />

to plant the seedlings near and<br />

around the park’s play ground.<br />

Estuary Trust co-ordinator<br />

Tanya Jenkins said the projects<br />

are about community involvement<br />

as much as improving the<br />

local landscape.<br />

“Our restoration projects are<br />

about encouraging local residents<br />

to become involved in taking<br />

positive actions to improve<br />

their local natural environment,”<br />

she said.<br />

She said local community<br />

members are welcome to join the<br />

small team of local volunteers on<br />

the first Sunday of every month<br />

between 2 and 4pm.<br />

Tools and gloves are provided<br />

so all volunteers need is to ensure<br />

they wear closed footwear<br />

and clothing suited to weather<br />

conditions on the day.<br />




PRICES<br />

SMART<br />

BRANDS<br />


PRICES<br />

HORNBY 409 Main South Road | Open 10am–5pm, 7 days

PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 11<br />

EQC UPDATE KEEPING YOU INFORMED | JUNE <strong>2016</strong><br />

EQC begins settling ILV land damage claims<br />

Head of Canterbury Land Settlement for EQC,<br />

Keith Land<br />

The Earthquake Commission has begun<br />

settling claims for Increased Liquefaction<br />

Vulnerability (ILV) land damage.<br />

Keith Land, Head of Canterbury Land<br />

Settlement, says that the settlements will go to<br />

4,400 customers whose properties have<br />

qualified as having an increased vulnerability to<br />

liquefaction following the 2010-2011<br />

Canterbury earthquakes.<br />

“Each qualified property is being assessed and<br />

will be cash settled on a case-by-case basis as<br />

we have done to date with other forms of land<br />

damage resulting from these earthquakes.<br />

Similar to Increased Flooding Vulnerability (IFV)<br />

land damage, settlement of ILV land damage is<br />

a world-first. This type of land damage has not<br />

been covered by insurance anywhere else, so<br />

Fulbright-EQC Award recipient to study<br />

seismic performance of high-rise walls<br />

The Fulbright-EQC Graduate Award’s newest recipient, Alex Shegay,<br />

is looking into the reasons behind unexpected failures of reinforced<br />

concrete walls and ways in which performance can be improved.<br />

Mr Shegay, 24, has been granted the <strong>2016</strong> Fulbright-EQC Graduate<br />

Award in Natural Disaster Research and soon will be heading to the<br />

University of Washington on his exchange.<br />

In the US, he will research the seismic performance of high-rise structural<br />

walls and use experimental data to create validated computer models.<br />

The research will go towards his PhD in Structural/Earthquake<br />

Engineering at the University of Auckland.<br />

“Structural engineers have significant social responsibility to protect<br />

civilians even in the most devastating circumstances. The 2010/2011<br />

Canterbury Earthquakes were an example of one such catastrophic event,<br />

producing ground accelerations never before recorded in an urban<br />

environment.<br />

“Many concrete buildings in Christchurch that relied on reinforced<br />

concrete walls for seismic resistance were severely damaged to the<br />

point that it was fortunate to find them still standing. It’s crucial to learn<br />

from the Canterbury earthquakes and improve building design and<br />

construction practice.”<br />

considerable work was required to get the<br />

engineering and valuation methodologies<br />

right,” said Mr Land.<br />

“We want to make sure that the final settlements<br />

are based on a robust and appropriate<br />

settlement process so that customers can have<br />

confidence their claims for ILV land damage<br />

have been paid consistently and fairly.”<br />

EQC expects at least two thirds of ILV<br />

customers will receive settlements based on<br />

the reduction in their property’s market value<br />

caused by ILV, also known as Diminution of<br />

Value (DOV).<br />

“This is because generally, there are no<br />

available ground improvement methods to<br />

address ILV damage on a property where<br />

a house has remained in place since the<br />

earthquakes,” says Mr Land.<br />

The remaining third of ILV customers are being<br />

assessed for a settlement based on the cost to<br />

repair the ILV land damage. This will generally<br />

be in situations where the house has already<br />

been, or will be, rebuilt or removed due to the<br />

earthquake damage.”<br />

Customers receiving a ‘cost to repair’<br />

settlement will be individually case-managed,<br />

as the situation for each of them varies. Before<br />

it can be confirmed that these customers will<br />

receive a repair cost settlement, more<br />

information is needed to understand their<br />

property’s current situation.<br />

Mr Land says that settlements for DOV<br />

customers began this month and EQC also<br />

started contacting repair cost customers.<br />

EQC has resolved nearly 90% of properties<br />

with land claims resulting from 2010-2011<br />

Canterbury earthquakes, and expects to<br />

resolve the remainder of the land programme<br />

by the end of <strong>2016</strong>.<br />

EQC will also hold six ILV meetings from July to<br />

November for customers whose settlements are<br />

based on DOV. The purpose of the meetings is<br />

for customers to ask questions and hear from<br />

EQC and its valuers about what’s been involved<br />

in ILV settlement decisions.<br />

Venue:<br />

Beulah Church, 140 Springfield Rd,<br />

St Albans<br />

Date<br />

Monday 4 July<br />

Wednesday 27 July<br />

Monday 22 August<br />

<strong>2016</strong> Fulbright-EQC Graduate, Alex Shegay<br />

Wednesday 28 September<br />

Wednesday 26 October<br />

Wednesday 30 November<br />

Time<br />

7pm<br />

7pm<br />

7pm<br />

7pm<br />

7pm<br />

7pm<br />

For more information on these meetings and<br />

ILV land damage, including Q+As and<br />

engineering and valuation methodologies,<br />

please visit www.eqc.govt.nz/ILV.<br />

The Fulbright-EQC Graduate Award in Natural Disaster Research<br />

facilitates research that reduces and prevents natural disaster damage.<br />

It is part of $16 million granted by EQC each year to high quality research<br />

that builds knowledge about New Zealand’s natural disasters.<br />

Progress report<br />

on EQC remedial<br />

programme<br />

The Earthquake Commission has received 8,337<br />

remedial enquiries of which 2,<strong>21</strong>1 have been resolved<br />

as of 27 May <strong>2016</strong>. This leaves 6,126 enquiries<br />

remaining.<br />

The amount recorded as being spent on remedial work to<br />

May <strong>2016</strong> was $7,068,833. However it has not been possible<br />

to separate out all remedial costs from other work streams.<br />

The total cost of the remedial repairs will never be finally<br />

known until we have resolved all the outstanding claims.<br />

There are still a number of unknowns and it’s also too early<br />

to say exactly what the final figure will be for the remedial<br />

programme. However, EQC expects the final cost could be<br />

in the region of $60 million to $70 million, which is covered<br />

by our existing liability estimates. To put this estimate in<br />

context it would account for less than 3% of the approximate<br />

$2.5 billion cost of the Canterbury Home Repair Programme<br />

to date.<br />

The level of remedial work for the Canterbury Home<br />

Repair Programme is well within industry norms for the<br />

national construction sector.<br />

EQC has prioritised first time repairs, although it has carried<br />

out urgent remedial work for vulnerable customers or where<br />

the work is needed to make a house safe, secure and/or<br />

sanitary.<br />

Now that EQC is down to the last of the first time repairs,<br />

focus has increased on resolving remedials.<br />

EQC is confident it has the processes and teams in place to<br />

address the issues. EQC has been expanding the remedial<br />

team since September 2015 and more staff are being added<br />

as first time repairs near completion.<br />

EQC does not have a projected date to stop receiving<br />

remedial requests but will continue working with customers<br />

until their claims are resolved.<br />

One of the reasons for starting the Canterbury Home Repair<br />

Programme was to ensure customers would have the<br />

assurance that any issues with their earthquake repairs<br />

would be addressed.<br />

Currently around 100 remedial requests are being received<br />

a week.<br />

Customers can follow the progress of their<br />

claim through a series of EQC letters with a tick<br />

diagram. Each new tick means the customer<br />

is closer to receiving their settlement.<br />

Processing<br />

starts for<br />

Feb <strong>2016</strong><br />

quakes<br />

EQC aims to complete assessments<br />

more quickly for the February <strong>2016</strong><br />

Canterbury earthquake claims using<br />

customer-provided information for<br />

desk-based assessments.<br />

Onsite assessment visits to customers’<br />

properties will be the exception for cases<br />

where there is extensive damage, claims<br />

are complex or individual circumstances<br />

require it. EQC claim managers have<br />

been calling customers to get<br />

information and documents – such as<br />

specific damage measurements and<br />

photos – before deciding whether a<br />

phone or on-site assessment works best.<br />

Claims processing is well underway<br />

with over 685 claims paid so far out of<br />

the total 13,134 received. Priority is<br />

given to vulnerable customers, followed<br />

by claims in the order in which they<br />

were lodged.<br />

“Customers who have had their claims<br />

settled so far have told us that the new<br />

approach is working better for them.<br />

Before starting to settle claims, EQC<br />

proactively talked with customers about<br />

different ways of doing things, using<br />

their feedback to design our approach<br />

for this event,” says EQC Manager of<br />

the February <strong>2016</strong> Event, Jayne Lapin.<br />

“Most of the damage suffered is<br />

cosmetic, so EQC won’t manage a repair<br />

programme this time but, customers<br />

who need assistance to organise repairs,<br />

can contact our Community Contact<br />

Team in Christchurch. The team has<br />

strong links with support agencies who<br />

can help. Call EQC on 0800 DAMAGE<br />

(0800 326 243) to book an appointment<br />

with the Community Contact Team, if<br />

support is needed.<br />

“For customers whose 2010/2011<br />

Canterbury earthquake claims are still<br />

open, EQC aims to resolve their February<br />

<strong>2016</strong> claim together with their<br />

2010/2011 claims. We want to make<br />

sure all outstanding issues for their<br />

properties are on track for resolution by<br />

the end of <strong>2016</strong>,” Ms Lapin says.<br />

At this stage, EQC expects to resolve<br />

the majority of February <strong>2016</strong><br />

earthquake claims by the end of<br />

December <strong>2016</strong>.<br />

Inquiries – view the latest fact<br />

sheet under Recent Events on<br />

www.eqc.govt.nz, call 0800 326 243<br />

or email info@eqc.govt.nz<br />


Terms and conditions a ply.<br />

S e instore for details or go to www.freshchoice.co.nz.<br />

Competition runs 20 <strong>June</strong> to 24 July <strong>2016</strong>.<br />

each<br />

7each<br />

ched Asparagus 150<br />

each<br />

P eled Red Onions<br />

Loo<br />

Apples<br />

each<br />

475-500g<br />

each<br />

each<br />

each<br />

ality Mark b e for ca seroling<br />

d ground black pepper<br />

• 2 onions, p eled and diced<br />

ed cu ry paste<br />

• 2 tsp minced garlic<br />

• 400g can coconut milk<br />

Real Stock - B ef<br />

• 1-1½ cups frozen peas<br />

coriander<br />

garnish (optio ional)<br />

Cu the b ef into 2-2.5cm<br />

pieces and season with salt<br />

and pe per. Brown the meat in<br />

a dash of oil in a hot frying pan;<br />

this is best done in 2-3 batches.<br />

With the last batch of meat, a d<br />

each<br />

each<br />

each<br />

Regal Sliced Salmon 100g<br />

each<br />

each<br />

each<br />

Fresh NZ Monk Fish Fi lets<br />

(Ski ned & Boned/Catch & Weather Permi ting)<br />

Chicken 800g<br />

12<br />

Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


$<br />

7 99<br />

kg<br />

Fresh NZ Beef Mince<br />

$<br />

7 99<br />

kg<br />

Loose White Button Mushrooms<br />

2<br />

for<br />

$<br />

5 50<br />

$<br />

3 49<br />

each<br />

$<br />

3 80<br />

pack<br />

$<br />

6 00<br />

each<br />

Ploughmans Bakery Bread<br />

750g<br />

Anchor Butter 500g<br />

Fresh’n Fruity Yoghurt<br />

6 Pack<br />

Sanitarium Weet-Bix 1.2kg<br />

WINE<br />

DEAL<br />

OF THE<br />

WEEK<br />

10<br />

for<br />

$<br />

32 99<br />

pack<br />

$<br />

11 99<br />

each<br />

$<br />

4 00<br />

each<br />

$<br />

10 00<br />

Speight’s/Summit<br />

24 x 330ml Bottles<br />

Stoneleigh 750ml<br />

(Excludes Rapaura/Latitude/Wild Valley)<br />

Whittaker’s Chocolate<br />

Block 250g<br />

Fancy Feast White Label<br />

Cat Food 85g<br />

New Look mailer<br />

out next week!<br />

$<br />

6 99<br />

kg<br />

Fishers Corned Silverside<br />

Coke/Sprite/Fanta/<br />

Lift/L&P 1.5L<br />

$<br />

4 50<br />

pack<br />

save from<br />

$2.28<br />

$<br />

3 99<br />

Spend over $40, fi l out the entry form and you could<br />

have this month’s power/gas bi l paid back.<br />

pack<br />

Meadow White Bu ton<br />

Mushrooms 400g<br />

$<br />

7 99<br />

pack<br />

save from<br />

$2.28<br />

Signature Range Mild/<br />

Colby/Edam Cheese 1kg<br />

7<br />

$ 7<br />

99<br />

9<br />

$<br />

16 99<br />

$<br />

16<br />

USA Bunched Asparagus 150g<br />

1 each<br />

$ <strong>21</strong><br />

99<br />

SH<br />

IT<br />

EG<br />

E<br />

16 99<br />

Loose Royal Gala<br />

$<br />

15 99<br />

$ 7 99<br />

Country Fresh Coleslaw Range<br />

$ 10 99<br />

Wilcox Red Jackets 2kg<br />

New Season Feijoas<br />

$<br />

12 99<br />

$<br />

13 99<br />

each<br />

Taylor Farms<br />

Chopped Salad<br />

Range 191-298g<br />

Red/Orange Kumara<br />

FRESH<br />

MEATS<br />

1-1.5kg lean Quality Mark b e for ca seroling<br />

• 1 tsp each salt and ground black pepper<br />

• 3 tbsp Thai-style red cu ry paste<br />

• 2 medium, orange-fleshed kumara, p eled and diced<br />

• 1½ cups Campbe l’s Real Stock - B ef<br />

2 tbsp chopped fresh coriander<br />

• Shredded coconut, as garnish (optional)<br />

$<br />

16 99<br />

Thai Beef &<br />

Sweet Potato Curry<br />

each $<br />

12 99<br />

the onions and cu ry paste and c ok<br />

until fragrant.<br />

Pu the b ef mixture into the<br />

slow c oker with the garlic, kumara,<br />

coconut milk and stock, and cover with<br />

the lid.<br />

C ok on low for 5-6 hours or on<br />

high for 3-4 hours. Stir in the peas and<br />

coriander, re-cover and continue c oking<br />

on high for a further 15-20 minutes.<br />

Serve in bowls garnished with<br />

shre ded coconut and a company with<br />

steamed rice and prawn crackers<br />

Serves 8. Made in 4 hours<br />

Fresh NZ Lamb<br />

Loin Chops<br />

$<br />

15 99<br />

$ 7 99<br />

$ 10 99<br />

Fresh Tegel NZ Chicken Ready<br />

Wraps 5 Pack<br />

$ 7 99<br />

$ <strong>21</strong> 99<br />

Santa Rosa<br />

Bonele s Roast<br />

Fresh He lers Fr e Farmed Country Pork/Lamb<br />

& Thyme/Sticky Ginger Sausages 6 Pack<br />

Prices apply from Tuesday <strong>21</strong>st <strong>June</strong> to Sunday 26th <strong>June</strong><br />

<strong>2016</strong>, or while stocks last.<br />

Trade not supplied. We reserve the right to limit quantities. All limits specified apply per customer per day.<br />

All prepared meals are serving suggestions only. Props not included. Certain products may not be available<br />

in all stores. Proprietary brands not for resale.<br />

FreshChoice.co.nz<br />

FreshChoiceNZ<br />

FreshChoice Parklands<br />

60 Queenspark Drive, Christchurch.<br />

Phone 383 1004.<br />

Open 7am-11pm, 7 days.<br />


PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 13<br />

Menes’ honoured<br />

• By Fraser Walker-Pearce<br />

TWO VOLUNTEERS that saved<br />

Rawhiti Golf Club from closing<br />

have been recognised at a recent<br />

region-wide awards dinner.<br />

Mene and Sally Mene attended<br />

the Canterbury Golf Annual<br />

Awards dinner, held recently<br />

at Russley Golf Club, with the<br />

mind-set of being the “small club<br />

supporting the big boys”.<br />

But, by the end of the night,<br />

Mr and Mrs Mene were on stage,<br />

being jointly presented the Volunteers<br />

of the Year award.<br />

About 175 people attended the<br />

evening, which saw awards presented,<br />

stories shared, and a talk<br />

from guest speaker, Greg Turner.<br />

“We received the award on Friday,<br />

so we were celebrating at the<br />

club on Sunday,” Mr Mene said.<br />

He said there were so many<br />

“great volunteers” as finalists, so<br />

it came as a shock when they were<br />

called up.<br />

“I was quite surprised. Sally is<br />

the club’s administrator, and I<br />

LOCAL HEROES: Rawhiti Golf Club’s Mene and Sally Mene<br />

received the Volunteers of the Year award at the recent<br />

Canterbury Golf Annual Awards dinner.<br />

volunteer a bit, but we were both<br />

jointly recognised on the night.<br />

It was very special, it’s a credit to<br />

all the volunteers and to the club<br />

itself, without them we wouldn’t<br />

have been able to do this,” he said.<br />

Mr Mene said that after it was<br />

Canterbury Golf Annual Awards dinner results<br />

•Kazuma Kobori, Rangiora, Promising Junior of the Year<br />

•Amelia Garvey, Kaiapoi, Girl’s Junior Golfer of the Year<br />

•Tom Parker, Russley, Boy’s Junior Golfer of the Year<br />

•Momoka Kobori, Rangiora, Women’s Golfer of the Year<br />

•Oscar Cadenhead, Clearwater, Men’s Golfer of the Year<br />

•Mene and Sally Mene, Rawhiti, Volunteers of the Year<br />

announced they were the winners,<br />

he gave a speech “on behalf of the<br />

club and of eastern residents”.<br />

He said his wife was the one<br />

who dealt directly with the city<br />

council, during the period of time<br />

in 2014 when it was thought the<br />

club would close.<br />

“Sally was always involved with<br />

the communications between the<br />

club and the city council when we<br />

were fighting to keep it. She really<br />

showed off to the city council<br />

what we had done to retain the<br />

course,” he said.<br />

• By Hannah Samson-Barry<br />

A FORMER Shirley Boys’<br />

High School head boy and dux<br />

has continued along the highachieving<br />

path by being named<br />

Canterbury University’s top<br />

law graduate.<br />

Tim Bain was head boy at<br />

Shirley Boys’ in 2009 and,<br />

more recently, received a gold<br />

medal in recognition of being<br />

Canterbury’s top law graduate.<br />

Shirley Boys’ headmaster<br />

John Laurenson said Mr Bain<br />

had always been a high-flyer<br />

and noted that he joined<br />

the school as the top academic<br />

entrant back in 2005.<br />

Not only this, but he was also<br />

awarded five scholarships during<br />

his time at Shirley Boys’.<br />

One was for biology, which he<br />

achieved in year 12.<br />

Mr Laurenson said the<br />


Head of the class<br />

granting of level 4 (university<br />

level) scholarships are given<br />

to the top one to two per cent<br />

of students throughout New<br />

Zealand.<br />

Another of Mr Bain’s<br />

successes was when he led the<br />

debating team to victory in the<br />

Press Cup Debating Challenge<br />

in 2009.<br />

Since then, Mr Bain has<br />

completed LLB honours.<br />

The top law graduate award<br />

is not given out every year, and<br />

is only awarded when a student<br />

is considered to have achieved<br />

the level of academic excellence<br />

worthy of such recognition.<br />

Mr Bain is currently working<br />

in Wellington as a judge’s clerk<br />

to chief justice Dame Sian Elias.<br />

Mr Laurenson said he thought<br />

Mr Bain would “end up in<br />

politics”.<br />


Tim Bain, with<br />

his parents,<br />

shakes the<br />

hand of Craig<br />

Ruane (left).<br />

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Open: Mon-Fri 10am-4.30pm, Sat 10am-2pm<br />


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Clothes, shoes, whiteware, furniture,<br />

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Donations of furniture and homewares<br />

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Have you looked at your<br />

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We are seeing worse examples than<br />

this done by EQC and insurers.<br />

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NO WIN<br />


14<br />

Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


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2 DRAWER<br />

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Bedside Cabinet<br />

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ONLY $220<br />

233 Stanmore Road • Phone (03) 389-0536<br />



UP TO<br />


PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 15<br />

Email fraser.walker@starmedia.kiwi<br />

by 5pm each Wednesday<br />

Reading to Dogs<br />

Every Tuesday, 3.30-4.30pm<br />

Many children have difficulties<br />

reading and become self conscious<br />

when reading in front of<br />

their peers. Libraries and schools<br />

around the world have found that<br />

by sitting down and reading to<br />

a friendly dog, a child’s fear of<br />

being judged or laughed at ‘over<br />

mistakes’ disappears. Over time,<br />

the child’s reading ability and<br />

self-confidence improves and<br />

they begin to associate reading<br />

with a pleasant experience.<br />

Shirley Public Library, 36<br />

Marshland Rd. Free entry<br />

Boot-camp for Mums<br />

Every Wednesday from 9am<br />

It’s a boot-camp for mums<br />

programme, where the organisers<br />

will also look after the babies.<br />

The class is run every Wednesday<br />

from 9am. The class includes<br />

child care and a cup of tea, which<br />

usually lasts about 45min. The<br />

trainer is highly qualified and experienced.<br />

Register your interest<br />

by emailing elaine@tewakaaroha.<br />

org.nz<br />

St Faith’s Church, 46 Hawke St.<br />

$5 per class<br />

First Steps <strong>2016</strong><br />

Opened yesterday, runs until<br />

July 2, 11am-4pm daily<br />

An exhibition for emerging<br />

or beginning artists which is<br />

held every year in <strong>June</strong> at the<br />

community gallery. It is a free to<br />

exhibit show and support artists<br />

and also to provide advice for<br />

those in their first exhibition.<br />

Framing workshops are held as<br />

are mentoring talks from local<br />

established artists. Show your<br />

support for these fledgling artists<br />

by visiting the show.<br />

Eastside Gallery, corner of<br />

Stanmore Rd and Worcester St.<br />

Free entry<br />

Burwood Playgroup<br />

Every Thursday, 9.30-11.30am<br />

Every Thursday including<br />

school holidays, for just $2 per<br />

family, take some morning tea<br />

for your children and enjoy a tea,<br />

coffee, milo or biscuits, which<br />

will be provided for adults.<br />

Burwood Plunket Rooms, 149<br />

Burwood Road. $2 entry<br />

Super Saturday Storytimes<br />

Every Saturday, 11-11.45am<br />

Come along and enjoy stories<br />

and rhymes followed by fun<br />

craft activities during term time.<br />

Aimed at children two to seven<br />

years-old. The event is free, with<br />

no bookings necessary, but a<br />

caregiver is required. There is a<br />

different theme every weekend.<br />

Shirley Public Library, 36<br />

Marshland Rd. Free entry<br />

PLAY TIME: A mums, dads and bubs group meets every Wednesday, from 10.30am-12noon,<br />

at the Linwood Playcentre. Go along and meet other mums and dads in the community for<br />

shared kai and a well-earned coffee, while the tamariki play and learn. Parents with babies, and<br />

older siblings are welcome too. Play dates consist of discussions around babies’ learning and<br />

development, talking about what you experience as parents, the different types of play we<br />

can engage our babies in, and many other things. Get along to the Linwood Playcentre, 628a<br />

Worcester St. Free entry.<br />

New Brighton Seaside<br />

Market<br />

Every Saturday, from 10am-<br />

2pm<br />

Each Saturday, New Brighton’s<br />

pedestrian mall is filled with<br />

colour and creativity. Go along<br />

to the seaside and enjoy live<br />

entertainment, great food, fresh<br />

produce, arts, crafts, jewellery<br />

and more. There’s even a bouncy<br />

castle and free face-painting for<br />

the children. Funded by the New<br />

Brighton Project.<br />

New Brighton Mall. Free event<br />

Monthly Market Day<br />

Sunday <strong>June</strong> 26, 11am-2pm<br />

Bromley Monthly Market Days<br />

is an indoor market taking place<br />

every last Sunday of the month<br />

all year round. There is a range<br />

of stalls which include arts, craft,<br />

knitting, clothing, winter blankets,<br />

draft stoppers, house hold<br />

goods, baking and more. There is<br />

also an onsite car park. If you are<br />

interested in having a stall, phone<br />

389 1657.<br />

Bromley Community Centre, 31<br />

Bromley Road. Free entry<br />

Skillwise Exhibition<br />

Open every day, 10am-4pm<br />

Brighton Art Gallery will<br />

be holding a new art exhibition<br />

by Skillwise. Skillwise is a<br />

vibrant community organisation<br />

working with people with<br />

disabilities to create a positive<br />

future. Also a group of students<br />

from Rawhiti School will have<br />

their paintings exhibited in the<br />

month of <strong>June</strong>.<br />

Brighton Art Gallery, Shop 4<br />

Carnaby Lane, New Brighton.<br />

Free entry<br />

Have you lifted<br />

your carpets?<br />

We are finding cracks even bigger than this<br />

at homes ‘repaired’ by EQC and insurers.<br />

Listen Live to<br />

weekdays at 5.30pm<br />

Let us lift your carpets. If we find no damage,<br />

you pay nothing - and get peace of mind.<br />

On the mOve? tune in<br />

fOr yOur lOcal news<br />

Ph: 03 377 8855 | 127 Ferry Road, Christchurch City<br />

E: reception@earthquakeservices.co.nz | W: www.earthquakeservices.co.nz<br />

NO WIN<br />


16<br />

Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


Don’t miss this<br />


clash between<br />

Cashmere & Burnside<br />

High Schools<br />



Cashmere<br />

High School<br />

v<br />

Kick-off Wednesday <strong>June</strong> 22 at 3.20pm<br />

Live on CTV Freeview<br />

Channel 40<br />

Live stream and<br />

on demand at ctv.co.nz<br />

Burnside<br />

High School

PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 17<br />

News<br />

Fighting prejudice<br />

• By Donna Miles<br />

BREAKING PREJUDICES: Nada Tawfeek and her mother<br />

Dalia Mohamed are volunteers at the Islamic Women’s<br />

Council New Zealand.<br />

CLOSE TO 40 different ethnic<br />

groups represent the Muslim<br />

community in the city.<br />

Community worker Dr<br />

Husaini Hafiz said that the<br />

city’s 3250 Muslims did not<br />

suffer from the same levels of<br />

Islamophobia experienced by<br />

Muslims in Europe and the<br />

United States, but racial and<br />

religious prejudices can exist<br />

everywhere.<br />

Dr Hafiz said the Canterbury<br />

Muslim Community<br />

Trust is building cultural and<br />

religious bridges by reaching<br />

out to the city’s Muslims and<br />

the wider non-Muslim community.<br />

“We would like to ensure<br />

that Christchurch remains a<br />

good place to live for all, which<br />

means taking steps to foster<br />

better understanding between<br />

different groups,” he said.<br />

Dr Hafiz said many people<br />

assumed that the Muslim community<br />

in Christchurch was<br />

homogenous with the same<br />

cultural practices and religious<br />

beliefs.<br />

He said, in reality, the Muslim<br />

community in Christchurch<br />

was very diverse.<br />

The trust’s outreach programmes<br />

are run jointly with<br />

the Islamic Women’s Council<br />

New Zealand.<br />

ICWNZ member Denise<br />

Jeager said the inclusion<br />

of Muslim women in the<br />

outreach programme was essential<br />

to show Muslim women<br />

had a voice and they were willing<br />

to exercise it.<br />

ICWNZ volunteer Nada<br />

Tawfeek said the outreach programme<br />

was useful to bring<br />

about more open-minded<br />

views of Muslim women.<br />

“Some people were surprised<br />

to hear a girl in hijab speak<br />

with a British accent,” she said.<br />

Dr Hafiz said focus groups<br />

run in Canterbury had<br />

identified three common<br />

concerns amongst Muslims in<br />

Christchurch: leadership, communication<br />

and lack of Islamic<br />

knowledge.<br />

One of the trust’s goals<br />

was to address the need for<br />

stronger communication channels<br />

between Muslims and<br />

non-Muslim communities.<br />

Last July, the trust invited<br />

students from New Zealand<br />

Broadcasting School to join in<br />

the breaking of fast at the Al-<br />

Noor mosque in Christchurch.<br />

The invitation was a followup<br />

to an earlier educational<br />

session where the students<br />

were introduced to basic concepts<br />

of Islam and the impact<br />

of the media on Muslims.<br />

This year a similar educational<br />

session was offered to<br />

student journalists at the University<br />

of Canterbury and Ara<br />

Institute of Canterbury.<br />

Office of Ethnic Communities’<br />

general manager, Maarten<br />

Quivooy, said organisations<br />

such as the Canterbury Muslim<br />

Trust play a “vital role”<br />

in educating and supporting<br />

New Zealanders to embrace<br />

and celebrate the benefits that<br />

diversity brings to us all.”<br />

Earthquake<br />

amputee<br />

given gift<br />

THE LIONS Club of New Brighton<br />

has presented a survivor of the<br />

February 2011 earthquake with a<br />

cheque for $500.<br />

Stacey Herbert had both legs amputated<br />

just below the hips after she was<br />

crushed under a pile of concrete and<br />

steel for eight hours in The Press building<br />

in Cathedral Square on February<br />

22, 2011.<br />

After a long period of recovering, six<br />

months ago she made contact with the<br />

Hanger Clinic in Oklahoma, United<br />

States.<br />

The clinic specialises in creating<br />

computerised legs, known as C-legs,<br />

with unique sockets for amputees,<br />

such as soldiers who lost limbs.<br />

Travel, the prosthesis and rehabilitation<br />

will cost in excess of $150,000<br />

after ACC funded a knee prosthesis<br />

only.<br />

The process will take several<br />

months. This time next year, she hopes<br />

to be able to put on her C-legs, walk<br />

through a mall and “blend in”.<br />

Until she is independent again, she<br />

is residing with her parents.<br />

While many will acknowledge Ms<br />

Herbert has been badly let down, it<br />

would be a waste of valuable resources<br />

to fight ACC.<br />

Have you checked your<br />

underfloor repairs?<br />

This is the sort of ‘repair’ by both<br />

EQC and insurers we are finding.<br />

LGS_<strong>June</strong>_QP_001_<strong>2016</strong>_HO3228<br />

watch local | support local | shop local<br />

Monday to thursday<br />

at 12pM, 5pM & 9pM<br />

Freeview HD 40 | Live stream and on demand at ctv.co.nz<br />

For enquiries, contact<br />

Geoff Moreton: 0<strong>21</strong> 1066 177<br />

We will go under your house and give you<br />

peace of mind for free.<br />

Ph: 03 377 8855 | 127 Ferry Road, Christchurch City<br />

E: reception@earthquakeservices.co.nz | W: www.earthquakeservices.co.nz<br />

NO WIN<br />


182<br />

• By Gordon Findlater<br />

Tuesday [Edition <strong>June</strong> datE] <strong>21</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

SPORTS<br />

BIG Win: Carisbrook To’omalatai (left), Zeke Dyson (center), Oli Jager (right) with<br />

the DCL Shield after defeating Lincoln University.<br />

Bonus for New Brighton<br />

• By Gordon Findlater<br />

NEW BRIGHTON Club’s<br />

Bernie Smith has ticked off<br />

something from his bucket<br />

list – playing against twotime<br />

defending darts world<br />

champion Gary Anderson.<br />

Smith took on the eventual<br />

winner of the event in<br />

Friday night’s first round.<br />

Smith was no match for<br />

Anderson. Smith lost 6-2.<br />

Smith’s performance was<br />

THERE’S BEEN extra<br />

reward for a trio of New<br />

Brighton’s Hawkins Cup<br />

winning squad.<br />

Three players from the<br />

club have been named in<br />

Canterbury coach Scott<br />

Robertson’s initial widertraining<br />

squad for this<br />

year’s national provincial<br />

championship.<br />

Open-side flanker Billy<br />

Harmon, tight head prop<br />

Oli Jager and utility prop<br />

Carisbrook To’omalatai<br />

will assemble with the rest<br />

of the 28-man squad at the<br />

end of the month to push<br />

their case for selection in<br />

this year’s NPC.<br />

The three players come<br />

from a range of different<br />

backgrounds.<br />

Carisbrook To’omalatai<br />

moved to Christchurch<br />

from Timaru three years<br />

ago, he played his secondary<br />

school rugby for<br />

Roncalli College.<br />

His father Stan played<br />

hooker for Samoa at the<br />

1991 Rugby World Cup.<br />

He also represented<br />

Otago, hence his son’s<br />

name, Carisbrook.<br />

The nod to his father’s<br />

rugby career in<br />

To’omalatai’s name doesn’t<br />

end there. Gordon Hunter<br />

coached Stan To’omalatai<br />

during his time at Otago.<br />

Carisbrook’s middle name<br />

is Gordon.<br />

Having made Canterbury’s<br />

initial training<br />

squad, the chances of<br />

To’omalatai going on<br />

to replicate his dad and<br />

play provincial rugby in<br />

New Zealand are looking<br />

strong.<br />

“It came as a bit of a<br />

suprise, i never really<br />

looked on the internet. I<br />

got texts from mates saying<br />

congratulations,” said<br />

To’omalatai.<br />

Oli Jager’s background<br />

stretches to the other side<br />

of the globe. Jager grew<br />

up in Dublin, Ireland.<br />

He played for Ireland at<br />

school boy level, represting<br />

his country in the<br />

under-18 European championship.<br />

Jager moved to<br />

Christchurch three years<br />

ago and is now in his<br />

second season playing first<br />

division metro rugby.<br />

“I wanted to get a taste<br />

of New Zealand rugby. I<br />

came at the end of 2013 to<br />

play for the colts and never<br />

really left,” said Jager.<br />

Billy Harmon has been a<br />

mainstay at New Brighton,<br />

making his way right<br />

through the junior ranks<br />

before playing at secondary<br />

school level for St<br />

Bede’s. He’s since returned<br />

to his home club.<br />

New Brighton recently<br />

captured the Hawkins<br />

Cup, winning the roundrobin<br />

phase of the metro<br />

competition.<br />

It’s the first time they<br />

have won the competition<br />

since 2010.<br />

“We did what we needed<br />

to. The guys weren’t too<br />

worried about the other<br />

game. It’s pretty rare for<br />

New Brighton to be winning<br />

trophys, we’ve got<br />

a good thing going and<br />

were punching above our<br />

weight,” said New Brighton<br />

coach Scott Pawson.<br />

The job isn’t over yet for<br />

the club. Coach Scott Pawson’s<br />

initial objective for<br />

the season was to ensure<br />

they finish in the top-six<br />

after round-robin play,<br />

qualifying for a crack at<br />

the end of the year at the<br />

Hawkins Trophy, which<br />

they side last won in 2013.<br />

Taking on the best<br />

easily one of the best from<br />

the Australasian contingent.<br />

Smith’s three-dart<br />

average of 83.83 was the<br />

third best of the qualifiers.<br />

He also hit two 180s, more<br />

than any other Australasian<br />

player.<br />

On <strong>June</strong> 13, he claimed<br />

the penultimate Australasian<br />

qualifying spot,<br />

assuring him a first-round<br />

match against one of the<br />

world’s top eight players.<br />

Smith said he has always<br />

wanted to play against<br />

Anderson – and on<br />

Thursday that became a<br />

reality.<br />

When the first round<br />

was drawn. Gary Anderson’s<br />

name was the first<br />

to come out of the hat. An<br />

Australasian qualifier was<br />

then selected, and Smith’s<br />

name was pulled out,<br />

setting up the fairy tale<br />

match.<br />


Stay warm with<br />

EnviroMaster<br />

Are you struggling with the heat of<br />

Summer or wanting to get organised for<br />

Winter? With the ever changing weather<br />

patterns, heat pumps have the flexibility<br />

of being able to heat and cool which is an<br />

advantage no other appliance can offer. This<br />

represents great value for your investment<br />

as you can use it all year round. The team<br />

at enviro Master Ltd can help keep you cool<br />

this Summer either at home or work. enviro<br />

Master supplies, installs and services all the<br />

leading brands including Panasonic, Fujitsu,<br />

Mitsubishi and Daikin. This means our team<br />

can show you which system and brand will<br />

best suit your needs.<br />

We currently have savings up to $600 off<br />

the recommended retail price on<br />

selected models.<br />

Would you like to maximise the number<br />

of days you can use your swimming pool?<br />

Heating your pool can do this and one of the<br />

most cost effective ways is with a water heat<br />

pump. enviro Master Ltd can supply, install<br />

and service you swimming pool heat pump<br />

providing you with a comfortable, extended<br />

swimming season.<br />

Servicing your heat pump is extremely<br />

important to ensure that it is working<br />

as effectively and efficiently as possible<br />

resulting in a healthy, hygienic heat pump,<br />

lower power bills and greater comfort. But<br />

beware, not all cleaning companies are<br />

equal. We are constantly hearing of people<br />

being charged huge amounts for servicing<br />

and all they are getting is a heat pump clean.<br />

We at enviro Master, are qualified engineers<br />


and therefore are able to fully test and<br />

diagnose any problems you may or may not<br />

be aware of with your heat pump. Also, as<br />

we are associated with all major brands, we<br />

are able to repair these under warranty if<br />

they are still within the warranty period.<br />

It is important to remember, when<br />

selecting an installer, the manufacturer’s<br />

warranty does not cover the installation<br />

and consumers could be responsible for<br />

any repair or damage caused to the system<br />

due to poor installation. enviro Master’s<br />

five-star installation guarantee ensures<br />

correct installation, and a demonstration so<br />

customers have an understanding on how it<br />

will best meet their needs.<br />

For a free in home consultation, call<br />

Enviro Master on 366 0525 or visit our<br />

showroom at 41A Shakespeare Rd,<br />

Waltham, Christchurch.<br />


SALE NOW ON!<br />

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heatpumpguys.co.nz<br />


[Edition datE]<br />

PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 19<br />

3<br />


Get rid of dampness<br />

in your house<br />

noW WITH the colder and wetter weather on its<br />

way, home owners are focusing on ways to make<br />

their homes comfortable, warm and healthy for<br />

their families throughout winter. rISIng DAMP<br />

is an issue that affects many of our older properties<br />

which suffer from poor, or no, insulation. In<br />

Canterbury especially, post-quake, many people<br />

have relocated to homes that suffer from rising<br />

damp which can be associated with health<br />

problems. Independent tests have shown that<br />

up to 40 litres of water can rise from the ground<br />

and enter a house every day, leading to mildew,<br />

mould, condensation and musty smells. Moulds<br />

can produce various allergic reactions and the frail,<br />

elderly and very young are especially vulnerable.<br />

Canterbury Foam Concrete Ltd is a locally<br />

owned and operated firm. The team understands<br />

the problems caused by rising damp and are there<br />

to help. They will come to your damp home and<br />

pump a lightweight, flowable foam concrete under<br />

your timber floored home. Specially adapted for<br />

our new Zealand conditions and applications<br />

it provides a layer of protection against rising<br />

moisture. An unexpected benefit that the team at<br />

Canterbury Foam Concrete have noticed recently,<br />

is that many owners of properties which had<br />

underfloor foam concrete installed, reported that it<br />

also provided protection against liquefaction after<br />

the earthquakes.<br />

Contact Canterbury Foam Concrete Ltd now for<br />

your free, no obligation quote and complimentary<br />

appraisal of your underfloor ventilation needs.<br />

Phone 03 376 4608 or 0508 362626 for more<br />

information.<br />

smooth-air products<br />

To enSure the quality of your air, contact<br />

the experts. Smooth-Air Products can calculate<br />

the required air exchange for your building<br />

requirement. Smooth-Air offers a wide range of<br />

ventilation equipment, from air vents to ducting<br />

for fans, for both the commercial and domestic<br />

markets. They have an extensive range of fans<br />

and ventilation components in-store but they<br />

can also provide innovative solutions tailored to<br />

differing requirements.<br />

VenTILATIon<br />

This includes both the exchange of air to the<br />

outside as well as circulation of air within the<br />

building. It is one of the most important factors<br />

for maintaining acceptable indoor air quality in<br />

buildings.<br />

Filtered air supply for summer and filtered<br />

and warmed air in winter creates a healthy<br />

environment in which to live and work. In case<br />

of poor or insufficient air intake from outside,<br />

the oxygen content decreases, humidity and<br />

dustiness levels increase. If exhaust ventilation<br />

is not provided or it is not effective, polluted air,<br />

smells, humidity and harmful substances are not<br />

removed.<br />

Low oxygen with high carbon dioxide causes<br />

stuffiness in the room and occupants can feel<br />

drowsy. Invisible harmful substances like a<br />

high content of dust and tobacco smoke are<br />

harmful and can cause various diseases. even<br />

bad smells can cause discomfort or irritate the<br />

nervous system. In summer, it’s easy to open<br />

windows for cross ventilation, however as winter<br />

approaches, we start to shut up out houses to<br />

trap in the heat and as a result, air quality can<br />

decline.<br />

It is therefore very important to ensure good<br />

air quality indoors through adequate ventilation.<br />

Better Home Services Ltd<br />

Heat Transfers from only……….…… $800<br />

Ventilation Systems from only….… $1500<br />

Heat Recovery from only……..…… $3500<br />

Ducted Heat Pumps from only…… $6000<br />


Phone: 03 323 8601 or 027 459 5569<br />

Call now for a free quote<br />

Heat Transfer<br />

Ventilation Equipment<br />

Suppliers to trade and retail<br />

● Domestic<br />

● Commercial<br />

● Industrial<br />

Transfer the excess heat<br />

from the log burner to<br />

the bedrooms<br />

AttAck Rising DAmP<br />

For existing homes with<br />

wooden floor construction<br />

• Stop Mould & Mildew<br />

• Reduce Heating Bills<br />

• Cost Effective Permanent<br />

Solution To Rising Damp<br />

• Free Consultation / Quotes<br />

...at the source<br />

STOP RISING DAMP TODAY www.foamcrete.org<br />

Free Phone: 0508 362626 Main Office: (03) 3764608 Fax: (03) 3764603<br />

L<br />

Inlet grille<br />

Smooth-Air has<br />

a wide range<br />

of ventilation<br />

equipment to bring<br />

fresh air into your<br />

home<br />

0800 SMOOTH (0800 766 684)<br />

www.smooth-air.co.nz<br />

sales@smooth-air.co.nz<br />

Heating appliance<br />

In-line<br />

centrifugal<br />

fan<br />

Outlet grille<br />

Outlet<br />

grille<br />

264 Annex Road, Riccarton<br />

Christchurch 8024, NZ<br />

Ph +64 3 343 6184<br />

4 way<br />

splitter<br />

Outlet<br />

grille<br />

Mon - Fri 7.30am - 5pm

202<br />

Tuesday [Edition <strong>June</strong> datE] <strong>21</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

Ara nurses remain in demand<br />

ExcEllEnt EmploymEnt prospects<br />

and a variety of career options continues<br />

to attract talented students to the world of<br />

nursing.<br />

At Ara Institute of canterbury (formerly<br />

cpIt), the institute’s nursing programme<br />

is highly-regarded. In fact, 90% of nursing<br />

graduates find employment after graduation<br />

– that’s new Zealand’s highest nursing<br />

graduate employment rate. Ara prides itself<br />

on consistently reaching the top place.<br />

So what makes Ara nursing graduates so<br />

employable?<br />

years of experience in delivering nursing<br />

training, along with great facilities and<br />

expert tutors, is the first key to success.<br />

Secondly, the institute works closely with<br />

the health sector to ensure that the training<br />

aligns with what is needed on the ground<br />

in the region’s hospital wards, community<br />

health centres and aged care facilities. Ara<br />

continues to develop innovative work-based<br />

training that help prepare graduate nurses<br />

for the real world of work.<br />

Executive Director of nursing at<br />

canterbury District Health Board (cDHB)<br />

mary Gordon says the sector is closely<br />

involved with nursing training at Ara<br />

providing clinical placements for nursing<br />

students, employing new graduate nurses<br />

across the canterbury health system,<br />

supporting nurses to undertake graduate<br />

and post graduate education. nurses within<br />

the canterbury health system are very<br />

committed to supporting the training and<br />

development of Ara nursing students. “These<br />

students are our future nursing workforce.<br />

They will be our future nursing educators<br />

and leaders who will be shaping the health<br />

system for the future.”<br />

Head of nursing at Ara, cathy Andrew,<br />

says nursing training is aligned to industry<br />

conditions and the demands of modern<br />

nursing. “We have excellent relationships<br />

with clinical agencies and work closely<br />

together to provide learning experiences<br />

that are positive for students. We are seen as<br />

national leaders in innovative clinical models<br />

of learning and regularly receive feedback<br />

that our graduates are actively recruited by<br />

employers throughout new Zealand.”<br />

march <strong>2016</strong> graduates of the Ara Bachelor<br />

of nursing programme achieved a 90.3%<br />

employment rate. They are out there working<br />

in the sector in a variety of roles across the<br />

spectrum of nursing including hospital<br />

wards, mental health, community health,<br />

aged care and emergency units.<br />


Celebration time<br />

TiggeRS MonTeSSoRi nursery<br />

and Preschool celebrates two years of<br />

Montessori early Childhood education<br />

with the introduction of our third class Prep<br />

Room group The Kowhai Children.<br />

The Discovery, Kowhai and Kahikatia<br />

classes give small group focus for all<br />

children 2½ plus to 5 covering all<br />

curriculum areas Viz: Practical life,<br />

Sensorial, Maths, Language, geography,<br />

History and Social Sciences. our purpose<br />

designed Art room ensures a great fostering<br />

of children’s art and creativity.<br />

The Junior room provides a wonderful<br />

stepping stone as children transition<br />

through from the nursery at the age of 2<br />

years.<br />

The indoor/outdoor flow in this<br />

Kids love CASPA!<br />

CASPA (Creative After School<br />

Programmed Activities) offers children<br />

the opportunity to be creative, make new<br />

friends and try new experiences all within a<br />

safe, nurturing environment. CASPA offers<br />

working parents an affordable after school<br />

and school holiday programme that their<br />

kids just love!<br />

CASPA is now pleased to advise they have<br />

a new CASPA After School Programme at<br />

Harewood School on Harewood Road.’<br />

CASPA attributes its success to the<br />

variety of activities on offer as well as the<br />

convenience and affordability for parents.<br />

CASPA kids enjoy an exciting range of<br />

activities including sports, music, games,<br />

drama, arts and craft as well as fun trips.<br />

Inside Tiggers<br />


environment provides the perfect<br />

foundation to enable our children to<br />

develop a love of learning and care of the<br />

environment.<br />

Weekly Ballet and Recorder lessons are<br />

offered on site to children over 3 years.<br />

Please phone 352 5025 to make an<br />

appointment to visit us at 59 Harewood<br />

Road www.tiggersmontessori.co.nz or see<br />

us on facebook<br />

Previous themes and activities have<br />

included a Karaoke Dance Party, CASPA<br />

Fear Factor, Healthy Art, out of Africa<br />

and hundreds of other amazing themes/<br />

activities!<br />

CASPA parents enjoy peace of mind,<br />

knowing their kids are safe and enjoying<br />

the benefits of a quality after school<br />

programme. Some parents and caregivers<br />

also enjoy government subsidies for<br />

CASPA. CASPA is Child Youth and Family<br />

approved for the oSCAR Subsidy and in<br />

some circumstances, the full CASPA fee<br />

will be covered by the subsidy.<br />

For more information or to enrol, call<br />

Caroline, Rachel or Tania on 349 9260 or<br />

visit www.caspa.org.nz<br />

CASPA<br />

After School<br />

& Holiday Programme<br />

Creative<br />

After<br />

School<br />

Programmed<br />

Activities<br />

Tigger’s Montessori<br />

“Enriching Children’s Lives”<br />

• Nursery<br />

• Junior Room<br />

• Prep room<br />

with small<br />

groups in:<br />

Discovery<br />

Kowhai and<br />

Kahikaten<br />

classes.<br />

Ph: 03 352 5025<br />

59 Harewood Road, Papanui<br />

tiggersmotessoripreschool@outlook.co.nz<br />

www.tiggersmontessori.co.nz<br />

www.facebook.com/tiggersmontessori<br />

Open 7.30am - 5.30pm • Monday - Friday<br />

Take the stress out of childcare<br />

•We provide a safe, creative<br />

Environment for 5-13 year olds<br />

•Our staff are trained<br />

•A range of fun activities<br />

•7.15-8.30am and 3-6pm Mon—Fri<br />

•8am-6pm Holidays<br />

•Kids just LOVE it!<br />

call us<br />

noW<br />

P: 349 9260 or 027 352 1638<br />

E: info@caspa.org.nz<br />

W: www.caspa.org.nz<br />

Subsidies<br />


2<br />


[Edition<br />

POST<br />

datE]<br />

Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2016</strong> <strong>21</strong><br />

Edgy “As is Where is”<br />

34 Heberden Ave, Sumner<br />

Auction: Thursday, 30 <strong>June</strong>, 1.00pm (98 Moorhouse Ave) unless sold prior<br />

3 bedrooms |2 bathrooms |2 toilets |1 living room | 1 dining room | 2-car garage | Listing Number: FM4815<br />

If you are looking for a modern funky<br />

home to do up, then you will find this a<br />

very cool place. Styling has an industrial<br />

edge with its exposed steel beams, block<br />

walls and ply kitchen with stainless steel<br />

benchtop. The living is a large open plan space<br />

with high ceilings and lots of light. The living<br />

has two sets of Eurosliders opening outside<br />

onto a large sundrenched deck with a good<br />

backyard and a damaged pool area that could<br />

be reinstated or removed. The section is fully<br />

fenced and the garage is oversized.<br />

The layout is two bedrooms and a bathroom<br />

upstairs and one bedroom and a bathroom<br />

downstairs. The laundry is cleverly concealed<br />

behind cupboard fronts. Full engineers<br />

reports are available and we are selling on an<br />

uninsured as-is basis. Deemed a rebuild but<br />

hard to pick with the naked eye.<br />

Situated at the sunny hill end of Sumner,<br />

sheltered from the easterly winds and walking<br />

distance to St Leonards Park, Sumner School<br />

and the beach.<br />

Our owners now live offshore and a sale is<br />

eminent.<br />

Open Home Dates: Wednesday and<br />

Saturday 12pm–12.40pm. See you at the<br />

Open Days, or for more information<br />

contact Alison Carter of Harcourts<br />

Grenadier Ferrymead (Licensed Agent<br />

REAA 2008) on 384 7950 or mob<br />

0274 318 960.<br />

SHOW<br />

<strong>2016</strong><br />


1ST-3RD JULY<br />

10AM - 5PM<br />

Adults $8 - Under 12’s free<br />

One step closer to your dream lifestyle<br />

starhomeshow.kiwi<br />

A Star Media Event

22 2<br />

Tuesday [Edition datE] <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />



5 TIPS<br />

for optimal NutritioN<br />

The degree to which your body is<br />

nourished with optimal nutritional choices<br />

will have a profound effect on your overall<br />

health and wellbeing. It will influence your<br />

energy levels, your mental wellbeing, your<br />

ability to burn fat, and the strength of your<br />

immune system, among other things.<br />

One of the most outstanding figures in the<br />

history of medicine was the greek physician<br />

hippocrates. he sums up the importance of<br />

optimal nutrition choices in one line: “Let<br />

food be thy medicine and medicine be thy<br />

food.”<br />

With winter upon us, now is a great<br />

time to focus on increasing the number<br />

of positive choices when it comes to<br />

nourishing our bodies with great nutrition.<br />

Base yOur nuTrITIOnaL regIme<br />

arOund WhOLefOOds<br />

Think nuts, seeds, grains, fruits, vegetables,<br />

pulses and meat. make choices in these food<br />

groups that are as close to the original food<br />

as possible. This helps ensure the vitamins,<br />

minerals and other nutrients<br />

are still intact. for example, raw almonds<br />

instead of roasted and/or salted ones.<br />

ChOOse OrganIC<br />

Organic farming places the utmost<br />

importance on caring for the soil because it<br />

forms the basis for health, for all life forms.<br />

healthy soil encourages disease-resistant<br />

plants, which then transfers to the animals<br />

and people who consume those plants. By<br />

choosing organic, you are opting for food<br />

that has been grown without the use of<br />

synthetic pesticides and without the routine<br />

use of antibiotics.<br />

drInk WaTer<br />

your body can survive a surprisingly long<br />

time without food, but it won’t last more<br />

than a few days without water. Optimal<br />

hydration is critical to ensure our muscles<br />

and nerves function properly, and even mild<br />

dehydration can lead to feelings of lethargy.<br />

how much<br />

to drink? The answer is quite simple – drink<br />

until your wee is clear or almost clear. That’s<br />

an easy way to measure whether you’re<br />

getting enough.<br />

Take TIme TO pLan and prepare<br />

fOr eaTIng WeLL<br />

It takes time and preparation to change your<br />

habits. schedule out time to write shopping<br />

lists, shop for food and prepare meals. plan<br />

to eat before you shop to minimise the<br />

chance of giving in to temptation foods –<br />

or shop online to minimise even further.<br />

make bulk meals to freeze for busy nights<br />

and set aside time to prepare a packed<br />

lunch the night before. keep useful kitchen<br />

items in easy-to-reach places – for example,<br />

put the blender on the bench rather than<br />

in the cupboard so that healthy smoothie<br />

preparation is quick and easy.<br />

Change OnLy One smaLL ThIng<br />

aT a TIme<br />

you may feel overwhelmed by wondering<br />

where to start improving your nutrition.<br />

make one small, achievable change and once<br />

that becomes a habit (something you can<br />

do without a major effort), then focus on<br />

something else. small changes are the key to<br />

success. for example, instead of saying “I’m<br />

only going to eat wholefoods from now on<br />

and forever,” instead make your target more<br />

realistic such as, “I’m going to increase to<br />

eating at least four different vegetables per<br />

day, on at least five days every week.”<br />

Discover the<br />

beauty of winter<br />

At Stop Hair Design<br />


Cut / blowdry &<br />

straighten<br />

for only<br />

$<br />

55<br />

Book your man<br />

in and he will get<br />

his cut for<br />

$20<br />

super LOW prICes!<br />

Lifestream aLoe Vera Juice<br />

Feeling bloated?<br />

Was $37.90 NoW $29.90<br />

Helps Calm bloating in the stomach & bowel.<br />

Soothes the lining of the stomach, and promotes<br />

smoother natural digestion.<br />

3 Convenient Locations:<br />

The Palms: 385 0364<br />

The Hub Hornby: 349 5150<br />

Bush Inn Centre: 348 7867<br />

Ladies dry cuts<br />

$<br />

35<br />

Varicose Vein Treatment<br />

Non-surgical Vein Laser Treatments available<br />

Tired of aching and unsightly veins?<br />

No surgery, no scars, no stitches. No time off work<br />

- continue normal daily activities. An affiliated provider to<br />

Southern Cross Health Society (medical necessity<br />

criteria apply) - check your policy for cover.<br />

Enjoy skirts, short and cropped pants again.<br />

Payment plans available (Conditions apply)<br />

Phone today: 03 383 2428<br />

259 Burwood Road<br />

Free Assessment<br />

www.transformclinic.co.nz | 52A Mandeville St | Riccarton | 08002lookgood | 343 2880

PEGASUS POST Tuesday [Edition <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong> datE] <strong>2016</strong> 231<br />


Olive Leaf Extract<br />

Nature’s Extraordinary Immune Support<br />

As fAr ago as 1927 Doctors used olive leaf<br />

to reduce fevers and knock out malaria.<br />

scientists have discovered olive leaf contains<br />

powerful nutrients that directly interfere and<br />

even destroy nearly every type of disease<br />

causing micro-organisms including bacteria,<br />

fungi, mould, parasites, viruses and even<br />

yeast infections. As well as this olive leaf has<br />

immune enhancing benefits by activating<br />

immune cells that fight infection. for these<br />

reasons it has become a popular tonic herb<br />

that can be used to keep the immune system<br />

strong as well as when need to dramatically<br />

speed up recovery of conditions like colds<br />

and flu, pneumonia, tuberculosis, herpes,<br />

shingles, urinary infections, yeast infections,<br />

and much more. It has also been found<br />

beneficial for chronic fatigue syndrome,<br />

low energy levels, exotic and deadly tropical<br />

diseases, two types of leukaemia and even<br />

some cancers. In many chronic health<br />

conditions the immune system is run down<br />

and it is easy to have complications that are<br />

often life threatening. Olive leaf may be a<br />

safe and very effective option to boost the<br />

immune system and allow the body to have<br />

more energy to help heal itself.<br />

Olive leaf has also been found to be<br />

an effective cardiovascular tonic helping<br />

normalise high blood pressure, improve<br />

cholesterol quality, improve heartbeat<br />

It Is well known how important omega-3<br />

fatty acids are to good health. It is<br />

estimated most people don’t even get a<br />

third of the recommended omega-3 fatty<br />

acids on a weekly basis. Countries with a<br />

higher amounts of omega-3 in their diet<br />

are known to have lower cardiovascular<br />

disease and, in many cases, better overall<br />

health.<br />

recent research has shown inflammation<br />

to be a big part of disease and the ageing<br />

process.<br />

fish oil can help reduce inflammation by<br />

providing essential fatty acids required<br />

by the body to heal itself and maintain<br />

good health. Until now most fish oil<br />

only contained omega-3 fatty acids in<br />

triglyceride form. fish, however, naturally<br />

contain omega-3 in triglyceride and<br />

phospholipid form but until recently the<br />

phospholipid form was lost due to the<br />

manufacturing process.<br />

GO-Advanced Omega-PC sets new<br />

irregularities, and improve blood flow and<br />

vascular disorders.<br />

Olive leaf extract is so effective that too high<br />

a dose initially may make you feel worse. This<br />

is due to too many micro-organisms dying<br />

quicker than the body can process these dead<br />

organisms. This side effect can be minimized<br />

if you follow our protocol on dosage. Also<br />

drinking water and herbal teas especially<br />

raspberry leaf can be quite effective. further<br />

information on the amazing benefits of olive<br />

leaf and how it can be effectively used is<br />

available from our Medical Herbalist or our<br />

Natural Health Advisers at Marshall’s Health<br />

& Natural Therapy, 110 seaview road, New<br />

Brighton, Phone: 388-5757. We are Always<br />

Happy to Help!<br />

GO-Advanced Omega-PC<br />

standards in fish oil as it contains<br />

omega-3 attached to both triglycerides<br />

and phospholipids. studies have shown<br />

GO-Advanced Omega-PC to be far better<br />

absorbed, leading to increased levels of<br />

vital omega-3 fatty acids in the organs<br />

through giving the potential for more<br />

health benefits.<br />

GO-Advanced Omega-PC is produced<br />

from fresh wild deep sea cold water fish<br />

using a new advanced and more natural<br />

cold extraction process that better<br />

preserves the natural nutrient profile found<br />

in fish. It is manufactured to high GMP<br />

standards and is molecularly distilled to<br />

remove any containments, toxins and<br />

heavy metals.<br />

further info on this revolutionary new<br />

fish oil and its benefits is available from the<br />

Natural Health Advisers, Naturopath and<br />

Medical Herbalist at Marshall’s Health &<br />

Natural Therapy in New Brighton, phone<br />

388 5757. We are always happy to help!<br />

The Leisure Centre at<br />

McKenzie Lifestyle Village<br />

At tHe centre of the McKenzie Lifestyle<br />

Village is the brand-new McKenzie Leisure<br />

Centre. This multi-purpose complex has<br />

everything to meet the social and leisure<br />

needs of residents and their invited guests. It<br />

includes:<br />

An indoor heated swimming pool with spa<br />

pool alongside.<br />

A fully-equipped gymnasium sporting<br />

exercycles, treadmills, rowing machine, etc.<br />

The library is stocked with hundreds of<br />

books, a computer and the daily paper.<br />

A well-appointed crafts room for those<br />

residents keen on arts and crafts.<br />

A multi-function room with comfortable<br />

seating for meetings, cinema or chapel.<br />

The main lounge offers a big-screen tV,<br />

cosy gas fireplace, comfortable seating, bar<br />

area, pool table and dart board for your<br />

enjoyment.<br />

Alongside the lounge is a kitchen and<br />

dining area. The latter can be used for indoor<br />

bowls or tai Chi, Zumba etc.<br />

A consulting room available for health<br />

services.<br />

A hairdressing and beauty salon.<br />

Outside amenities include a bowling green,<br />

petanque rink, mini-golf, putting green and<br />

a children’s playground. further from the<br />

Leisure Centre there are garden allotments,<br />

workshop (aka men’s shed) and caravan and<br />

campervan parking.<br />

NOT all FISH OIl IS CreaTed eQUal!<br />

ONLY GO OMEGA-PC retains the natural Phospholipids that have been shown to be so beneficial for Good<br />

Health BUT are lost in other brands of fish oil due to the less natural manufacturing processes used!<br />


Omega-3 fish oil normally contains the vital Omega-3 fatty acids in a triglyceride form. Fish however naturally<br />

contain Omega-3 in a triglyceride & phospholipid form but until recently the phospholipid form was lost due to the<br />

manufacturing process. GO OMEGA-PC is produced using a new more natural cold extraction process that better<br />

preserves the natural nutrient profile found in fish. Studies show GO OMEGA-PC offers superior absorption with<br />

increased omega-3 fatty acids in organs giving the potential for more health benefits.<br />


• Superior absorption of vital Omega-3, as<br />

shown in research<br />

• Advanced new cold extraction better<br />

preserves the natural nutrient profile<br />

found in fish<br />

• Naturally contains phospholipids to<br />

support cellular health<br />

• Contains vitamin D3 to support immune,<br />

bone & cardiovascular health<br />

• Supports cardiovascular health - Countries with<br />

a higher Omega-3 intake have much lower rates<br />

of heart disease<br />

• Supports blood circulation, healthy cholesterol &<br />

healthy blood pressure<br />

• Supports joint health, joint mobility & repair<br />

• Supports overall health & wellbeing<br />

• Natural anti-inflammatory - can help reduce<br />

pain<br />

Bringing You the Best in Natural Health!<br />


80 Softgels ONLY $10.90 SAvE $7.00<br />

200 Softgels ONLY $22.90 SAvE $12.00<br />

400 Softgels ONLY $42.90 SAvE $26.90<br />




110 SEAVIEW RD, NEW BRIGHTON • PH 03 388 5757 • Email: enquiry@marshallshealth.co.nz<br />




Olive Leaf Extract contains natural compounds that can directly<br />

interfere & even destroy nearly every type of disease causing<br />

micro-organisms including bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses &<br />

even yeast infections. It also activates immune cells that fight<br />

infection. As well as this it is an effective cardiovascular tonic<br />

that helps improve blood flow, improve cholesterol quality &<br />

reduce high blood pressure, while improving overall health.<br />

Olive Leaf Extract Supports:<br />

- Strong immune function<br />

- Fast recovery from colds & flu<br />

- Reduces fevers<br />

- Ideal for any viral infections like cold sores, shingles etc.<br />

- Recovery from yeast & urinary infections<br />

- Energy levels & chronic fatigue syndrome<br />

- Reduction in high blood pressure<br />

- Cardiovascular health & blood flow<br />



Marshall’s Olive Leaf Extract<br />

is standardised to provide a<br />

concentrated amount of active<br />

nutrients for reliable results!<br />

Super Price<br />

60 capsules only<br />

$26.90<br />

120 capsules only<br />

$46.90<br />



For Immune Maintenance<br />

Bringing You the Best in Natural Health!<br />



110 SEAVIEW RD, NEW BRIGHTON • PH 03 388 5757 • Email: enquiry@marshallshealth.co.nz<br />


24<br />

Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />


ON DEMAND At www.stYle.Kiwi<br />

from<br />

magazine<br />

to screen<br />

Stories given new life<br />

exclusive<br />

interviews<br />

Andrea Allen meets<br />

the locals<br />

coming to town<br />

A look at what’s on<br />

StyleTV_StarAd_<strong>June</strong>_FP_001_<strong>2016</strong><br />

Watch every thursday at<br />

7.30pm<br />

repeats friday at<br />

11am & 4.30pm<br />

Freeview HD 40 | Live on ctv.co.nz





OWNED<br />

OWNED TUESDaY, aUGUST 27, 2013 PROUDLY 384<br />

384 CHRISTCHURCH 0600<br />

0600<br />


OWNED WEDENSDaY 10 JULY, 2013 384 0600<br />

384 0600<br />

A Mainland<br />

Media Publication<br />

Kea<br />

(Nestor Notabilis)<br />

Ladbrooks, Tai Tapu, Leeston, Lincoln, Southbridge, Prebbleton, Halswell, Rolleston, Templeton, Burnham, West Melton, Darfield, Arthurs Pass<br />

Mainland<br />

Press Newspaper<br />

Sumner, Redcliffs, Mt. Pleasant, Ferrymead, Woolston, Lyttelton & Akaroa Harbours<br />

Black Billed<br />

Gull<br />

A Mainland<br />

Press Newspaper<br />

Linwood, Avonside, Richmond, Shirley, Burwood, Dallington, Wainoni, Bromley, Aranui, Avondale, Bexley, New Brighton, Northshore, Queenspark, Parklands, South Brighton<br />



OWNED MONDaY JUNE 24, 2013 384 0600<br />

A Mainland<br />

Press Newspaper<br />

Fantail<br />

(Piwakawaka)<br />

A Mainland<br />

Newspaper<br />

Harewood, Burnside, Bishopdale, Bryndwr, Fendalton, Merivale, St Albans, Mairehau, Papanui, Casebrook, Redwood, Regents Park, Styx Mill, Northwood, Spreydon, Belfast Hoon Hay, Hillmorton, Cracroft, Cashmere, St Martins, Somerfield, Sydenham, Addington, Waltham, Opawa, Beckenham, Huntsbury, Woolston<br />

Bellbird<br />

(Korimako)<br />

A Mainland<br />

Press Newspaper<br />


New Zealand<br />

Swamp Hen (Pukeko)<br />

New Zealand<br />

Pigeon (Kereru)<br />

Templeton, Islington, Hei Hei, Broomfield, Halswell, Oaklands, Westlake, Hornby, Wigram, Sockburn, Church Corner, Ilam, Russley, Hyde Park, Avonhead, Riccarton Park, Riccarton<br />

PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 25<br />

Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

Childcare & Domestic Help<br />

Public Notices<br />

Public Notices<br />

Public Notices<br />

Had enough of childcare<br />

winter illnesses?<br />

You need to find out all<br />

about care at Karen’s Place<br />

in New Brighton.<br />

Karen is a Scottish Educator working<br />

with Stems FROM HOME, a licensed<br />

Home Based Early Childhood Service<br />

fresh to Christchurch after 5.5 years<br />

success in Auckland. Karen is offering<br />

affordable new vacancies for<br />

children aged 3 months-5 years, both<br />

full and part time now!<br />

Please contact us on 0800 78 33 78<br />

or emma@stemsfromhome.co.nz<br />

to find out more<br />

www.stemsfromhome.co.nz<br />

20 hours ECE & WINZ subsidies available<br />

Cars<br />

$4,001 - $8,000<br />

NEED a new car? and<br />

need finance we can help.<br />

Call us today Learners<br />

lcs, past credit issues<br />

been bankrupt or new to<br />

New Zealand! Call Leon<br />

022 625 2232<br />

Computers<br />

Cars, Vans, Brisbane , Coolangatta<br />


ALL<br />

YOUR Quality plant sourcing FREE CALL<br />

URL Closing date<br />

Proof read by:_______________________________ With: _______________________________<br />


Expert pruning &<br />

0800 601 508 Date:_______________________________ Phone tested: for further details checked:<br />


Trimming www.rexellent.com.au<br />

*$30.00 off your first M: 027 688 8196 CA$H (03) 379 1100<br />

service with this coupon!* P: 0508 242 733<br />

revisions:<br />

No advertising problem too big or<br />

E: greentherapy@ proof<br />

xtra.co.nz <strong>2016</strong><br />

1 2 3 4 5<br />

Strippers<br />

$0 $0 $25 $50 $75<br />

small from home PC’s to<br />

Board of Trustees<br />

business networks. PC A<br />

GARDEN<br />

& Podium<br />

slow? job: An C55420 end to Viruses, PROFESSIONAL Casual Vacancy<br />


Spyware, and Clogged NEEDED? Qualified for an elected Dancers<br />

that we have prepared this<br />

:ezis<br />

Systems.<br />

9<br />

Safe<br />

x 2 :tamrof<br />

secure Horticulturist, offering BW<br />

advertisement proof based on our<br />

trustee Wanted!<br />

understanding of the instructions<br />

hassle-free publication computing. expert pruning, garden run date A casual position vacancy has sort cost (excl gst) received. In approving the<br />

Lost files recovered.<br />

makeovers, garden design<br />

We’re for every gardener<br />

occurred on the board<br />

advertisement, it is client’s responsibility<br />

and landscaping, for free<br />

18+ TO APPLY<br />

Microsoft Certified, <strong>Pegasus</strong> <strong>Post</strong> Mon 20 of <strong>June</strong> trustees for public an elected notices $142.74<br />

to check the accuracy of both the<br />

quotes call Bryce 027 688- parent representative.<br />

advertisement, the media and the<br />

MCSE, MCP+l. 30 years<br />

8196 or 0508 242-733<br />

NEISHA<br />

position nominated.<br />

experience. Call Andrew<br />

The board has resolved<br />

Cancellation of adverts booked with<br />

Buxton this week on 326- A GARDEN OR under section 105 of the 0<strong>21</strong> 193 0118<br />

media will incur a media cancellation<br />

6740 or 027 435-7596 LANDSCAPING TIDY Education Act 1989 to fill<br />

fee of $50.<br />

UP? Shrub, hedge & the vacancy by selection.<br />

for $30.00 off* Custom<br />

tree pruning, Lawns,<br />

Computers Christchurch<br />

If ten percent or more To Let<br />

your contact:<br />

Gardening, consistently of eligible voters on the<br />

Rachel<br />

reliable general property school roll ask the board,<br />

Curtains upkeep, Dip. Hort. 10 within 28 days of this notice<br />

being published,<br />


yrs experience, One off<br />

tidy ups or on-going<br />

service. Nick’s Property<br />

www.curtainfabric-outlet.com<br />

Fashion Designs & Colours<br />

Discontinued Designs<br />

End of Lines Bargain Prices<br />

Call at Our Shop<br />


71 Hawdon St Sydenham<br />

Ph 366-5026<br />

Funeral Directors<br />

Direct<br />

Cremation<br />

No frills, No Service,<br />

No fuss, simply<br />

straight to the crem.<br />

Other options available<br />

Ph: 379 0178<br />

for our brochure<br />

or email office@<br />

undertaker.co.nz<br />

Gardening<br />

& Supplies<br />

Garden design<br />

Planting professionals<br />

Garden renovation &<br />

Makeover<br />

Maintenance. Keeping<br />

your garden beautiful.<br />

Free Quote. Ph. 942-4440<br />

GARDENING, I am<br />

reliable & work fast,<br />

available now, ph Tricia<br />

974 0417<br />

Holiday<br />

Accommodation<br />



LIA Resort, Ocean Views,<br />

Balconies, Self Contained,<br />

1 or 2 B/R Ensuite,<br />

Heated Pool, Spa, Sauna,<br />

Free Internet, Shops,<br />

Restaurants, Tennis, Surf<br />

Club & Patrolled Beach,<br />

Public Transport at door.<br />

Ask for our SEASONAL<br />

SPECIALS. Phone 61 7<br />

544-35011 Email: reception@mandolin.com.au<br />

www.mandolin.com.au<br />

Mairehau High School<br />

Board of Trustees Election <strong>2016</strong><br />

For 5 Parent Representatives<br />



Parent Representatives Votes<br />

COUCH, Heather 40<br />

RALFS, Murray 35<br />

SUTHERLAND, Luana 34<br />

WELSH, Roger 34<br />

MACDONALD, Donald 18<br />

MCINROE, Shane 14<br />


I therefore declare the following duly elected:<br />

Heather Couch, Donald MacDonald,<br />

Murray Ralfs, Luana Sutherland and<br />

Roger Welsh.<br />

Wayne Jamieson<br />

Returning Officer<br />

Mairehau High School<br />

Pets & Supplies<br />

Forever loved<br />

Pet Cremations<br />

We Understand...<br />

Let us help you lay your pet to<br />

rest in an appropriate, respectful<br />

manner. Honour the memory of<br />

your beloved friend and<br />

companion.<br />

Contact us on<br />

03 312 6024 or 0276 342 986<br />

www.foreverloved.co.nz<br />

Public Notices<br />

Rexellent Rentals<br />

to hold a by-election to<br />

fill the vacancy, then a<br />

by-election will be held.<br />

Any eligible voter who<br />

wishes to ask the board<br />

to hold a by-election<br />

should write to:<br />

Chairperson<br />

Board of Trustees<br />

Marshland School<br />

11 Te Korari Street<br />


by: 19 July <strong>2016</strong><br />


With care and respect we<br />

will remove your dwelling.<br />

Our policy is to recycle as<br />

much as we can. We are a<br />

local company specialising<br />

in residential properties. We<br />

will endeavor to cater for<br />

your individual needs.<br />

Ph. R.M. Solutions<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 02866981<br />

for a free quote.<br />

Public Notices<br />


With care and respect we<br />

will remove your dwelling.<br />

Our policy is to recycle as<br />

much as we can. We are a<br />

local company specialising<br />

in residential properties. We<br />

will endeavor to cater for<br />

your individual needs.<br />

Ph. R.M. Solutions<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 02866981<br />

for a free quote.<br />

SPACE?<br />


Ideal as an extra<br />

bedroom or office.<br />

Three convenient sizes<br />

from $70 p/w:<br />

Standard 3.6m x 2.4m<br />

Large 4.2m x 2.4m<br />

Xtra-large 4.8m x 2.4m<br />

Visit our display cabins at<br />

95 Beach Road or<br />

470 Cranford Street or call<br />

0<strong>21</strong>1277227 for a free brochure.<br />

www.justcabins.co.nz<br />

Call us & we’ll help<br />

you place your<br />

classified advert in our<br />

community papers<br />

Nobody knows<br />

Christchurch<br />

like a local<br />

We’re local, we’re<br />

in Christchurch, we<br />

speak your language!<br />

Phone: 379 1100<br />

Selwyn<br />

Times<br />

Nor’West<br />

News<br />

Bay Harbour<br />

A<br />

News<br />

Southern<br />

View Press<br />

News<br />

Classifieds<br />

Our community papers are published every<br />

Tuesday (Bay Harbour, Wednesdays) focusing<br />

on local issues & local people.<br />

• Regional planting<br />

• Plant Doctor<br />

• Design ideas<br />

• Seasonal edibles<br />

and flowers<br />

• Small-space<br />

gardening<br />

and so much<br />

more...<br />

<strong>Pegasus</strong><br />

<strong>Post</strong><br />

Western<br />



From plot to plate<br />


Honeywort’s connection<br />

to World War One<br />


GROW<br />

A mint apple jelly<br />

recipe<br />

$5.90 incl. GST<br />

ISSN 1174-8656<br />


DRAINS?<br />




PH: 03 365 7960<br />

24 hours // 7 days<br />

info@h20jet.co.nz<br />

www.h20jet.co.nz<br />

We’re for every gardener<br />

For passionate gardeners and green-fingered beginners<br />

mums<br />

Issue 412 | April 2 – April 15, 2015 | www.weekendgardener.co.nz<br />

all about<br />

Grow show-stopping<br />

chrysanthemums<br />

InsPIred by<br />

AustrAlIA<br />

Ideas from Melbourne<br />

International Flower<br />

& Garden Show<br />


A community space<br />


12 ISSUES<br />

delivered to your door<br />

$<br />

FROm ONly<br />

49. 00<br />

Please assemble initially in<br />

Trades the & Services Burwood Hospital Trades Chapel & Services<br />

at 3.00pm.<br />

autumn planting • moon calendar • the lone pine • plant doctor<br />

FlAnders PoPPy<br />

Its significant story<br />

Issue 413 | April 16 – April 29, 2015<br />


subs@gardener.kiwi<br />

$5.90 incl. GST<br />

ISSN 1174-8656<br />


A farewell to the Burwood Birthing Unit<br />

for A staff farewell and community to the<br />

Burwood 3.00pm, Thursday Birthing 30 <strong>June</strong> Unit <strong>2016</strong><br />

for staff Burwood and Hospital community<br />

Chapel<br />

Please assemble initially in the<br />

Burwood Hospital Chapel at 3.00pm.<br />

A Mihi/welcome 3.00pm, at Thursday the Birthing 30 Unit <strong>June</strong> will <strong>2016</strong> be followed<br />

by a blessing Burwood from Hospital the Hospital Chapel Chaplains.<br />

We will then return to the Chapel for<br />

speeches and refreshments.<br />


Appliance Sales & Service<br />

A Mihi/welcome at the<br />

388 Birthing 4780 Unit will be - followed Re-roofing and<br />

Appliance by Services a blessing from new the roofing<br />

14 Brighton Mall, Hospital New Brighton Chaplains. - Quality We will roofing at<br />

then return to the<br />

the<br />

Chapel<br />

best price<br />

for<br />

around<br />

speeches and refreshments.<br />

- Licensed building<br />

practitioner<br />

Robinson<br />

Roofing Ltd<br />

Call Hamish for a<br />

quote 03 347 90 45<br />

Appliance Sales & Service<br />

388 4780<br />

Appliance Services<br />

14 Brighton Mall, New Brighton<br />

100%<br />

What it means<br />

KIWI<br />

to be<br />

mAke It eAsy<br />

Low-maintenance<br />

gardening<br />

Projects to<br />

remember<br />

Making wreaths<br />

and poppies<br />


26<br />

Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

Classifieds<br />


Trades & Services<br />

Professional<br />

Movers<br />

Making Local<br />

& International<br />

Moving Easy<br />

0800 4 world<br />

(03) 341 2060<br />

www.worldmoving.co.nz<br />

HOUSE<br />


Are you moving<br />

house?<br />

Let All Clear Canterbury<br />

take care of your<br />

unwanted items.<br />

You identify what you want<br />

to keep & we will dispose<br />

of the rest!!<br />

Mob: 0<strong>21</strong> 078 4553<br />

raewynlcooke@gmail.com<br />

www.allclearcanterbury.co.nz<br />


Paling, picket,<br />

iron, trellis<br />

Demolition and<br />

removal<br />

Phone Bevan<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 231 1860<br />

Fencing Uprite<br />

Your Eastside<br />

Specialist<br />

• Replacement/new roofing<br />

• Colour Steel gutter & fascia<br />

• Flue & log burner installs<br />

• Skytube/light installs<br />

• Earthquake repairs<br />

Licence Building<br />

Practitioner LBP<br />

Member of the Roofing<br />

Association<br />


The Roofing Specialists<br />


027 445 5597<br />

iain@dcmroofing.co.nz<br />


CARE SERviCES,<br />

tree removal, trimming,<br />

stump grinding, shelterbelt<br />

clean up, section clearing,<br />

rubbish removals,<br />

excavation work, ph 027<br />

728 5688<br />


full renovation specialists,<br />

LBP, repairs &<br />

maintenance ph 03 387-<br />

0770 or 027 245-5226<br />


George Lockyer. Over<br />

30 years bricklaying<br />

experience. UK trained.<br />

Licensed Building<br />

Practitioner number<br />

BP105608. Insurance<br />

work. EQC repairs.<br />

Heritage brickwork a<br />

speciality. No job too<br />

small. Governors Bay.<br />

Home 329-9344, Cell<br />

027 684 4046, email<br />

karengeorge@xtra.co.nz<br />

Trades & Services<br />

BUiLDER<br />

For all building work<br />

but specialist in bathroom<br />

renovations, 30 yrs<br />

experience, with service<br />

and integrity. Free Quotes.<br />

Ph Lachlan 383-1723 or<br />

0274 367-067.<br />


available for all aspects of<br />

building. Please call 027<br />

241-7471 or 335-0265<br />


experienced, friendly,<br />

trade-me purchases, single<br />

items to truck loads,<br />

furniture to whatever,<br />

removals & trade<br />

deliveries a specialty. Ph<br />

GEH 341-5069<br />

CARPET & viNYL<br />

LAYiNg, Repairs, uplifting,<br />

relaying, restretching,<br />

Email jflattery@xtra.co.nz,<br />

ph 0800 003 181 or 027<br />

2407416<br />


Laying and Repairs, 40 yrs<br />

experience, ph Peter 326-<br />

7711 or 027 240-6532<br />


AND gRiNDiNg<br />

Cutting of walls and<br />

floors; Small break and<br />

remove jobs; Grinding<br />

concrete level; Cracks<br />

filled; Concrete polishing<br />

and sealing. Call Danny at<br />

Stoneshine on 0<strong>21</strong> 063 8833<br />


Replace, repair or new.<br />

We are a local company<br />

with over 10 yrs exp.<br />

We also operate a<br />

digger for all other<br />

earthworks.<br />

Ph. R.M. Solutions<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 02866981<br />

for a free quote.<br />



Full service including<br />

pressure & performance<br />

test $60 + GST. Affordable<br />

electrical services, wiring<br />

alterations & repairs. Ph<br />

326 4992 or 0274 329755.<br />

FENCiNg<br />

All styles and shapes,<br />

gates, wooden, ph Mark<br />

027 331-3223<br />

FENCE PAiNTiNg/<br />

STAiNiNg Quality at<br />

a reasonable price. Free<br />

quotes. Phone Warren<br />

today on 980-1676 or 027<br />

2014713<br />


REMOvALS Large<br />

Trucks $95 + GST per hour<br />

7 day NZ wide, packing<br />

& moving, Professional<br />

Company, Professional<br />

Service. Canterbury<br />

Relocations Ltd. ph 0800<br />

359 9313<br />

gLAZiER<br />

Window repairs, pet<br />

doors, new glazing, double<br />

glazing, conservatory<br />

roofs. Experienced<br />

tradesman. Call Bill on<br />

981-1903 or 022 413-3504<br />


Efficient & reliable for<br />

all general work, $25 per<br />

hour, ph Tricia 974 0417<br />



Lawns, paving, water<br />

features, irrigation,<br />

planting, decks,<br />

driveways, kerbing, ponds,<br />

retainer walls, fencing.<br />

Free quotes, Phone Tony<br />

0<strong>21</strong>-034-8555<br />

Trades & Services<br />

OvEN CLEANiNg<br />

Professional cleans<br />

$50.00. Gift Vouchers<br />

avail. Phone 0800 683-<br />

6253 or 027 228-0025<br />

PAiNTiNg<br />

&<br />

DECORATiNg interior<br />

& exterior, gib fixing,<br />

plastering, paperhanging,<br />

Est 50 yrs in ChCh, ph<br />

Wingfields Ltd, ph Mark<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 171-1586 or 355-5994<br />


All aspects in painting.<br />

Very competitive in roofs<br />

and fences. Please call 027<br />

241-7471 or 335-0265<br />


both ext & int work,<br />

Scottish Tradesman with<br />

over 30 yrs experience,<br />

FREE Quotes, ph Donald<br />

354-5153 or 0<strong>21</strong> 023 26186<br />


For prompt service for all<br />

plumbing maintenance,<br />

repairs and alterations.<br />

Phone Michael 364 7080<br />

or 027 438 3943<br />



PLUMBING Certifying<br />

Plumber for all types of<br />

plumbing, maintenance,<br />

spouting, alterations etc.<br />

Phone 352-7402 or 0274-<br />

350-231<br />

ROOFiNg<br />

Qualified & Licenced<br />

Practitioner. Re-Roof &<br />

Repairs, all types. Member<br />

New Zealand Roofing<br />

Association. Over 35 years<br />

experience. Phone John<br />

027 432-3822 or 351-9147<br />

email johnmill@ihug.co.nz<br />


Spouting Unblocked,<br />

Cleaned Out and Flushed<br />

Out. Also Full Handyman<br />

Services Available. Call<br />

Trevor 332 8949 or 0<strong>21</strong><br />

043-2034<br />



Earthquake Repairs, Grind<br />

Out & Repoint, River/<br />

Oamaru stone, Schist,<br />

Volcanic Rock, Paving,<br />

all Alterations new & old,<br />

Quality Workmanship,<br />

visit www.featureworks.<br />

co.nz or ph 027 601-3145<br />


35 years exp, no job<br />

too small. Ph Ross 027<br />

4311440.<br />


Hedge trimming, stump<br />

grinding, rubbish removed,<br />

small job specialty Ph<br />

Andrew 03 322-8341 or<br />

027 435-8759<br />

T.v. SERviCE CENTRE<br />

Repairs, tvs, microwaves,<br />

stereos, DVD. Aerial<br />

installations and kitsets,<br />

480 Moorhouse Ave, ph 03<br />

379 1400<br />


Dining Chairs, Lounge<br />

suites, Caravan Squabs<br />

etc. recovered. Free<br />

Quotes. Phone Graeme<br />

383-1448<br />

Entertainments<br />

Thursday 16th <strong>June</strong> - Wednesday 22nd <strong>June</strong><br />

EYE IN THE SKY (M)<br />



TURANDOT (exempt)<br />

NOW YOU SEE ME 2 (M)<br />




SHAKESPEARE LIVE (exempt)<br />

Trades & Services<br />

vHS viDEO TAPES<br />

& all camera tapes<br />

converted to DVD, video<br />

taping, weddings, twenty<br />

firsts, special occasions,<br />

www.grahamsvideo.co.nz<br />

ph 03 338-1655<br />


Quality Job, Quick Service<br />

by skilled tradesman, Ph<br />

Richard Severin at Jet-X<br />

0800 538 969 Free quotes,<br />

visit www.jetx.co.nz<br />


Average 3 bdrm house<br />

inside or out $40. Both<br />

$70. Phone Trevor 344-<br />

<strong>21</strong>70<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

AAA Buying goods<br />

quality furniture,<br />

Beds, Stoves, Washing<br />

machines, Fridge Freezers.<br />

Same day service. Selwyn<br />

Dealers. Phone 980 5812<br />

or 027 313 8156<br />

A+ Household effects,<br />

fridges, freezers, washing<br />

machines, ovens. Good<br />

cash paid. Ph Paul 022<br />

0891 671<br />

A Records and Hi-Fi<br />

gear wanted, excellent<br />

prices paid for good<br />

records especially kiwi<br />

and overseas bands 60’s<br />

- 90’s PennyLane 430<br />

Colombo St Sydenham<br />

7 days www.pennylane.<br />

co.nz ph 3663278 or 0<strong>21</strong><br />

2226144<br />

TOOLS<br />

Garden, garage,<br />

woodworking,<br />

mechanical, engineering,<br />

sawbenches, lathes, cash<br />

buyer, ph 355-2045<br />

Gray's coming to town with a<br />

stunning new album!<br />

INTERNATIONALLY recognised,<br />

award winning New Zealand guitarist,<br />

and renowned country music<br />

performer, Gray Bartlett is coming to<br />

Christchurch appearing at the Hornby<br />

Workingmen's Club on Saturday 2nd<br />

July.<br />

The show is part of a South Island<br />

tour, coinciding with the release of his<br />

stunning new album, 'Private<br />

Converations'. The album has been described as<br />

a stunning collection of songs that emanate from<br />

a higher source, out of this world, charming,<br />

magical, pure pleasure to listen to; a gentle<br />

massage for the mind.<br />

During his career Gray has played alongside<br />

Tom Jones, Kenny Rogers, Vera Lynn, toured<br />

musicians Pavarotti, Michael Jackson, Elton John,<br />

Boney M, Tommy Emmanuel and Hank Marvin.<br />

As a recording artist he has released 30 music<br />

albums in total, selling an estimated 2.5 million<br />

H ORNBY<br />


CLUB<br />

«WHAT'S ON«<br />



25 <strong>June</strong>, 4.30PM<br />

IAN MAC<br />

8PM<br />


SUNDAY<br />

26 <strong>June</strong>, 2PM<br />


$6 ENTRY<br />

«COMING UP«<br />


2 July, 7.30PM<br />



<strong>2016</strong> South Island Tour<br />

featuring<br />


& special guest<br />

YULIA<br />

Tickets $25 at the club office.<br />



$30<br />

SUNDAY 3rd &<br />

SUNDAY 10th JULY<br />


Hornby WMC | ph 03 349 9026 | 17 Carmen Road | Hornby<br />

www.hornbyworkingmensclub.co.nz | Members, guests & affiliates welcome<br />

The newly refurbished<br />

Woolston Club...<br />

A classic, contemporary<br />

club experience<br />

Cafe open from 11am<br />

Happy Hour 4.30pm - 5.30pm<br />

TAB & Gaming, Function Facilities,<br />

HOUSIE Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday<br />

SHUTTLE Tuesday - Saturday<br />

albums/singles worldwide.<br />

A masterful showman with vast<br />

experience, Gray's live performances<br />

highlight his exceptional talent as a<br />

guitarist and an opportunity not to be<br />

missed.<br />

July's show will feature Gray, along<br />

with the Tranzition Show Band,<br />

playing material from the new album<br />

as well as a showcase of some of his<br />

best known numbers and signature tunes such as<br />

'La Playa' and 'Apache'.<br />

The show will also include a special guest<br />

appearance by Russian born, New Zealand based<br />

award winning recording artist, Yulia.<br />



Hornby Workingmen's Club. Saturday 2nd<br />

July <strong>2016</strong>, 8pm. Tickets only $25 available at<br />

the WMC club office, Carmen Rd, ph 349<br />

9026.<br />

Open 7 Days<br />

Restaurant open<br />

from 5.30pm!<br />

Roast of the Day<br />

$16.00 Members<br />

$18.00 Non<br />

Retro Roast Lunch<br />

12pm Wednesdays<br />

$10 Members/$12 Non<br />


MENU<br />

OUT NOW!<br />





PEGASUS POST Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2016</strong> 27

28<br />

Tuesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />



UNDER<br />

$<br />

5<br />

UNDER<br />

$<br />

10<br />

UNDER<br />

$<br />

15<br />

UNDER<br />

$<br />

20<br />

$<br />

$<br />

$<br />

5 96 10 49 15 00<br />

$<br />

3 88 $<br />

7 43 $<br />

11 98<br />

$<br />

12 95<br />

$<br />

15 29<br />

$<br />

15 98<br />

$<br />

1 39<br />

Plastic Buckets<br />

9.6 litre. Assorted colours.<br />

Door Weather Strip<br />

Made in New Zealand.<br />

White and brown.<br />

328176<br />

<strong>21</strong><strong>21</strong>22/23<br />

$<br />

3 48<br />

$<br />

7 36<br />

CRC<br />


5-56 Aerosol<br />

Number 8<br />

Multi-purpose service spray.<br />

Extension Cord<br />

Penetrates, lubricates and<br />

Suitable for domestic use 2m.<br />

prevents corrosion. 400ml.<br />

242927<br />

461302<br />


Jobmate<br />

Yates<br />

Tape Measure<br />

Blitzem Pellets<br />

Kill slugs and snails<br />

in the garden. 500g.<br />

3 year warranty.<br />

138014<br />

932822<br />

Selleys<br />


Liquid Nails<br />

Number 8<br />

Interior/exterior. Heavy duty.<br />

4 Way Powerboard<br />

Multi-surface. 375ml.<br />

242935<br />

230692<br />

$<br />

4 18<br />

$<br />

8 97<br />

pack<br />


Number 8<br />

Buy Right<br />

Tarpaulin<br />

5 Piece Brush Pack<br />

Light duty. 1.8 x 2.4m<br />

12, 25, 38, 50 and 63mm.<br />

24<strong>21</strong>80<br />

174064<br />

Durable composite construction.<br />

Rubber gripped casing. 8m x 25mm.<br />

pair<br />

Showa<br />

Gloves<br />

Premium latex palm offers superior grip in<br />

wet and dry conditions. Small or medium.<br />

144431<br />

Gorilla Nailpower<br />

DIY Expanding Foam<br />

Fills gaps and cracks. Insulates.<br />

Waterproof. 400ml.<br />

370535<br />

pack of 6<br />

Rentokil<br />

Rid Rat Rat Bait<br />

Ready to use baits.<br />

201356<br />

$<br />

12 98<br />

Bahco<br />

Prizecut Handsaw<br />

475mm, 8 point.<br />

253732<br />

$<br />

12 98<br />

set<br />

Browns<br />

Fire Shovel &<br />

Hearth Brush<br />

40cm length shovel.<br />

natural fibre brush.<br />

324032<br />

any 2<br />

30 Seconds<br />

Ready To Use<br />

Cleaners<br />

1 litre.<br />

12<strong>21</strong>48<br />

kit<br />


Accent<br />

5 Piece Roller Kit<br />

Interior. 2x roller sleeves, roller<br />

handle, tray and paint stirrer. 230mm.<br />

174932<br />

pack of 2<br />


Tie 2 Go<br />

Ratchet Tie Downs<br />

200kg load capacity. 25mm x 4m.<br />

107343<br />

$<br />

16 39<br />

Selleys<br />

All Clear Sealant<br />

260g.<br />

<strong>21</strong>7910<br />

$<br />

16 87<br />


Number 8<br />

Glyphosate<br />

Weedkiller<br />

Controls a wide range<br />

of grass and broadleaf<br />

weeds. Leaves no soil<br />

residue. 1 litre concentrate<br />

makes 100 litres.<br />

226909<br />

$<br />

4 99 $ 9 98<br />

PAL<br />

eeZee Patch Filla<br />

Repairs cracks in<br />

plaster, dry wall,<br />

concrete and stone.<br />

pre-mixed. 100ml<br />

192617<br />

bag<br />

Tui<br />

Organic Compost<br />

A quality blend of organic<br />

matter and composted bark<br />

fines. Improves soil structure<br />

and drainage. 40 litre<br />

141806<br />

$<br />

12 99<br />

pack of 2<br />

TCP<br />

LED Lightbulbs<br />

470lm. 7 watt.<br />

283735<br />

$<br />

16 88<br />

set<br />

Sistema<br />

Klip It 6 Piece<br />

Container Set<br />

Microwave, dishwasher<br />

and freezer safe. Easy<br />

stacking. 2 x 200ml, 2 x<br />

400ml, 1 x 1 litre and 1 x 2<br />

litre. Made in New Zealand.<br />

310972<br />

Ferrymead<br />

1005 Ferry Road, Phone: 366 6306<br />

Opening Hours: Monday–Friday: 7:00am–7pm<br />

Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays: 8:00am–6:00pm<br />

Offers available at Mitre 10 Mega Ferrymead while stocks last.<br />

mitre10mega.co.nz<br />

If you find a lower price on an identical stocked product locally<br />

we will beat it by 15%.<br />

If you find the same product cheaper from another Mitre 10 store or Mitre 10 website we’ll match that price. Excludes trade<br />

and special quotes, stock liquidations and commercial quantities. The in-store price may be lower than that advertised.

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