Western News: October 17, 2017

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TUESDAY OCTOBER <strong>17</strong> 20<strong>17</strong> 379 7100<br />

<strong>Western</strong><br />

<strong>News</strong><br />

Proudly locally owned and<br />

published by Star Media<br />

Award winning publishing group<br />

New Zealand<br />

Pigeon (Kereru)<br />


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Templeton, Islington, Hei Hei, Broomfield, Halswell, Oaklands, Westlake, Hornby, Wigram, Sockburn, Church Corner, Ilam, Russley, Hyde Park, Avonhead, Riccarton Park, Riccarton<br />

Cheers<br />

for new<br />

school<br />

• By Emily O’Connell<br />

CLASSES STARTED at South<br />

Hornby School’s new site on<br />

Amyes Rd yesterday.<br />

Principal Simon Moriarty<br />

said building started in 2014<br />

and has cost about $10 to $15<br />

million.<br />

The school was based on<br />

Shands Rd but they have now<br />

moved to the site which was<br />

formally Branston Intermediate.<br />

•Turn to page 7<br />


Dalziel to meet police over bus lounge<br />

• By Emily O’Connell<br />

MAYOR LIANNE Dalziel and<br />

the city’s top police officer will<br />

meet over the ongoing<br />

problems at the Riccarton<br />

bus lounge.<br />

Ms Dalziel (right)<br />

hopes to meet with Superintendent<br />

John Price<br />

early next month, as finding<br />

solutions to the bus<br />

lounge linger on.<br />

The lounge, on the corner of<br />

Riccarton Rd and Division St,<br />

has been plagued with youth issues<br />

since it opened in December<br />

2015.<br />

A working party consisting of<br />

board members, business and<br />

landowners, police,<br />

community groups and<br />

residents’ association<br />

representatives have<br />

made 19 recommendations<br />

to help solve the<br />

issues.<br />

These include extending<br />

bus lounge closing<br />

times, playing music in Division<br />

St which would attract more<br />

people to the area and changing<br />

the current bus lounge Wi-Fi<br />

policies.<br />

City councillors also decided<br />

to lobby central Government<br />

to request a review of the Local<br />

Government Act bylaw provisions<br />

that would allow arrests<br />

to be made or instant fines to be<br />

issued for breaching a bylaw.<br />

Ms Dalziel said instant fines<br />

can be effective but not if you<br />

don’t have any money and a lot<br />

of children nor their parents<br />

have the resources to pay for<br />

them.<br />

•Turn to page 6<br />

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2<br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>17</strong> 20<strong>17</strong><br />

Inside<br />

FROM<br />

THE<br />

EDITOR’S<br />

DESK<br />


<strong>News</strong>.................................3, 6-7<br />

IF LIANNE Dalziel and police<br />

chief John Price can’t get any<br />

action on solving problems at the<br />

Riccarton bus lounge, then the<br />

war is lost (see page 1).<br />

That’s the latest twist on this<br />

long drawn out saga that is now<br />

nearly two years in the making.<br />

The problem: Teenagers and<br />

others causing problems for bus<br />

users and businesses in the area.<br />

The solution: Good, strong<br />

policing.<br />

But the police can’t be everywhere<br />

and disorder issues at the<br />

lower end of the scale get a low<br />

priority.<br />

However, people using the bus<br />

lounge should be able to do so<br />

without being hassled and made<br />

to feel intimidated.<br />

Police initially thought a bylaw<br />

would do the trick but that has<br />

gone by the wayside. A cynic<br />

might say resourcing.<br />

So it’s up to Dalziel and Price.<br />

– Barry Clarke<br />

13<br />

Tasty stuffed apple crumble FOOD<br />

8<br />

NEWS<br />

Local Views.................4-5<br />

Our People......................8-9<br />

Sport..................................10<br />

Health ......................................12<br />

Food................................... 13<br />

Events ......................................16<br />


General Inquiries Ph 379-7100<br />

Classified Advertising Ph 379-1100<br />

The Christchurch Star Company Ltd. PO box 1467 - Christchurch<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

NEWS<br />

Emily O’Connell<br />

Ph: 364 7497<br />

emily.oconnell@starmedia.kiwi<br />


Alana Powell<br />

Ph: 962 8753<br />

alana.powell@starmedia.kiwi<br />

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WESTERN NEWS Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>17</strong> 20<strong>17</strong> 3<br />

<strong>News</strong><br />

Bid to curb uni parking spillover<br />

Residents to<br />

have say on<br />

restrictions<br />

• By Emily O’Connell<br />

A PLAN to increase parking<br />

restrictions on streets near<br />

Canterbury University has got<br />

the thumbs up from residents.<br />

The city council wants to put<br />

restrictions on streets from<br />

Straven through to Avonhead<br />

Rds. Public consultation will<br />

open next month.<br />

Ilam and Upper Riccarton<br />

Residents’ Association chairman<br />

Phil McGoldrick said many<br />

residents in the area get<br />

frustrated with the amount of<br />

vehicles parking long-term in<br />

their streets.<br />

The off-street car parking is<br />

taken up by university students<br />

and staff, he said.<br />

He said they park on grass<br />

verges and block driveways,<br />

which causes safety and<br />

aesthetic issues.<br />

Mr McGoldrick said even<br />

turning out of his driveway<br />

is dangerous because he has<br />

limited visibility.<br />

About a year ago, the city<br />

council decided to look at<br />

additional parking restrictions<br />

due to the amount of calls they<br />

received from residents.<br />

But Mr McGoldrick has<br />

another solution for the parking<br />

problem: Students and staff<br />

should cycle to university.<br />

“The university has told me<br />

that 40 per cent of their students<br />

and 60 per cent of their staff<br />

drive to the university,” Mr<br />

McGoldrick said.<br />

“They changed a lot of the<br />

roading systems to encourage<br />

biking but there is a very, very<br />

limited number of people who<br />

cycle to the university.”<br />

A Canterbury University<br />

spokeswoman said: “The city<br />

council determines suburban<br />

parking policy and all parking<br />

requirements on the university<br />

campuses. Decisions about<br />

on-campus parking charges are<br />

made by the university council.”<br />

The spokeswoman said the<br />

university encourages more<br />

sustainable travel, including<br />

cycling, car pooling, walking or<br />

busing.<br />

She said a university survey in<br />

2016 showed 19 per cent of both<br />

students and staff cycled and<br />

PARKING: Phil<br />

McGoldrick<br />

wants students<br />

and staff to cycle<br />

into Canterbury<br />

University<br />

rather than<br />

fill up nearby<br />

streets with<br />

their vehicles.<br />



28.4 per cent of students walked,<br />

or skated to campus.<br />

Mr McGoldrick would like<br />

to see more done. “I think the<br />

university really should get its<br />

act together and get good bike<br />

sheds established as soon as<br />

possible. I think the city council<br />

need to address the issue. I think<br />

we need resident parking and<br />

we probably need meter parking<br />

about the university,” Mr<br />

McGoldrick said.<br />

He said the ideal solution<br />

would be for people who study<br />

and work in this area to use more<br />

public transport and bicycles.<br />

Local<br />

<strong>News</strong><br />

Now<br />

In Brief<br />

Fire rages, homes at risk<br />


Templeton Residents’ Association<br />

is behind a fundraising effort to<br />

upgrade the Templeton Domain<br />

playground. The association will<br />

run a raffle at the Templeton<br />

Community Centre, 64 Kirk Rd,<br />

on Sunday, <strong>October</strong> 29. Once it<br />

has money in the bank, the<br />

association plans to ask the city<br />

council for help to upgrade the<br />

playground.<br />


Vehicles on Aidanfield Drive will<br />

have to slow to 40km/h when<br />

passing Aidanfield Christian<br />

School during school hours. The<br />

Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton<br />

Community Board approved the<br />

lower speed limit, down from<br />

50km/h. City council statistics<br />

show the average speed on<br />

Aidanfield Drive is currently<br />

46.1km/h. Community board<br />

chairman Mike Mora said<br />

the speed limit needed to be<br />

lowered and the change will be<br />

implemented by the city council.<br />


It was reported in <strong>Western</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />

last week that the demolition of<br />

Yaldhurst Memorial Hall would<br />

cost about $500,000. This is incorrect.<br />

The actual figure of demolition<br />

would be about $50,000. The<br />

wrong information was provided<br />

to <strong>Western</strong> <strong>News</strong>.<br />

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335b Riccarton Rd, Church Cnr<br />

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4 Tuesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>17</strong> 20<strong>17</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


McMaster & Heap<br />

Veterinary practice<br />



Its early morning and the HOSPITAL nurse is<br />

already hard at work, caring for her sometimes<br />

numerous & varied hospital patients who have<br />

stayed the night.<br />

She cuddles & chats away to them<br />

reassuringly as if they were her own!<br />

Some soiled patients are sponge bathed,<br />

while other patients are syringe fed. She checks,<br />

untwists and flushes IV catheters, administers<br />

morning medications, fresh food & clean<br />

bedding is lovingly placed! All observations are<br />

recorded ready for the “Vet rounds”, just as in a<br />

hospital!<br />

The Vets at McMaster & Heap rely heavily on<br />

the expertise and thoroughness of our nurses<br />

to inform us with regards to the patients in<br />

her care. The vets check over their patients,<br />

authorize blood tests or radiographs, change<br />

medication or nutrition plans and update the<br />

owners.<br />

Then its back to the hospital nurse to care<br />

for the needs of these patients over the course<br />

of the day, updating the vet, speaking to the<br />

family members involved and organizing<br />

visiting times. Excellent time management skills<br />

are required to triage the sick arrivals through<br />

the day and care for the already sick and injured.<br />

Note taking and recording of medications given<br />

is of utmost importance.<br />

Meanwhile the doors have opened & the<br />

RECEPTION nurse is cheerfully assisting the<br />

receptionist, greeting a continuous stream<br />

of pets and their owners arriving for today’s<br />

appointments & procedures!<br />

She expertly multi tasks while answering the<br />

relentlessly ringing phones-today she will take<br />

a huge number of calls with a wide variety of<br />

questions. She must use her problem solving<br />

skills to know when it is OK for a patient to<br />

come in later in the day, or if in fact it may<br />

require a much more urgent consult time.<br />

The SURGICAL nurse gets ready for her<br />

busy day ahead. Patients start arriving at 8am<br />

for admittance and some days we have 4<br />

vets operating and a list of over 15 surgical<br />

procedures to work through. Every nurse has a<br />

vet assigned to them to allow continuity of care.<br />

She will talk kindly & soothingly to each<br />

patient while efficiently placing IV catheters<br />

& obtain blood and urine samples to run<br />

diagnostic tests for the vet. She then calculates<br />

and administers her patients pre anaesthetic<br />

medications as instructed.<br />

Anaesthetic machines must then be checked<br />

& the surgical room fully equipped for the<br />

variety of today’s procedures!<br />

Once everything is ready, she will assist the<br />

vet in the patients induction and intubation,<br />

before swiftly attaching all monitoring<br />

equipment, as well as manual checks. Once<br />

happy the patient is stable, she sterile preps the<br />

patients surgical site. She closely monitors the<br />

patient through the entire procedure, alerting<br />

the vet to any subtle changes in the patients<br />

anaesthetic depth, blood pressure and more.<br />

She carefully moves the patient over to a<br />

cosy recovery bed, where the hospital nurse is<br />

waiting to continue the post operative care.<br />

Evening consults are arriving & reception is a<br />

hype of activity. Phones are ringing constantly<br />

& owners are arriving to pick up their animals<br />

from surgery & hospital.<br />

The reception nurse expertly talks to owners<br />

experiencing a wide range of emotions, from<br />

extreme sadness, stress, anxiety, to those who<br />

are excited or just plain relieved to be able to<br />

see their furry friend once more. She goes over<br />

the large variety of discharge information that<br />

the vets & nurses have carefully put aside for<br />

their patients.<br />

The hospital nurse kindly talks to worried<br />

owners who are visiting their pets and updates<br />

them on the vets plan for overnight care.<br />

She carries out her final rounds and ensures<br />

everyone gets a cuddle goodnight!<br />

She assists the vet in preparing any extremely<br />

unwell patients that require transfer to the after<br />

hours clinic.<br />

At 7pm the last consult has finished, and<br />

the doors are closed! The nurses may still<br />

be buzzing around for another hour or so,<br />

depending on today’s work load. Although<br />

sometimes they are totally exhausted (&<br />

covered in various unidentified stains & smells!)<br />

they go home to their own pets with a big<br />

smile on their face. They know each day they<br />

assist the vets in making a huge difference to<br />

animals lives by putting 100% of time, love, care<br />

& knowledge to ensure each furry patient and<br />

it’s owner has had the best veterinary service<br />

and care possible!!<br />

Your Local Views<br />

The benefits of car pooling<br />

City<br />

councillor<br />

Anne<br />

Galloway<br />

talks<br />

about car<br />

sharing, its benefits<br />

and why you should<br />

start doing it<br />

If cycling and taking<br />

the bus are not options<br />

for you, car pooling is<br />

another way to cut costs,<br />

chat with fellow travellers<br />

and potentially to speed up<br />

travel.<br />

Traffic, particularly on<br />

Halswell and Lincoln Rds,<br />

banks up regularly at rush<br />

hour at both ends of each<br />

day.<br />

It’s especially bad on<br />

rainy days when regular<br />

bus users or cyclists take<br />

to their cars to stay dry.<br />

Car pooling, as little as<br />

once a week or even once a<br />

fortnight will make a significant<br />

difference to traffic<br />

congestion.<br />

Wherever you are in the<br />

city, car pooling can help.<br />

Car pooling helps you<br />

save money, by dividing<br />

up the petrol costs among<br />

your car pool passengers.<br />

Car pooling also helps you<br />


phone: 03 374 5858<br />

363 lincoln road, addington<br />

mon - fri 9am - 5pm<br />

sat 10am - 4pm sun 10am - 2pm<br />

save on the cost of vehicle<br />

repairs and maintenance<br />

if you rotate vehicle use<br />

between the members of<br />

your car pool team. Additionally,<br />

you and everyone<br />

else can save some money<br />

on road fees because with<br />

more car pooling there<br />

are fewer cars on the road<br />

and therefore less wear<br />

and damage to the roads<br />

that need to be repaired<br />

each year using ratepayers<br />

money.<br />

Car pooling helps the<br />

environment. Car pooling<br />

cuts down on the number<br />

of cars and vehicles on the<br />

road. Fewer cars means<br />

there’s less carbon and<br />

other gasses and pollution<br />

getting into the air. This<br />

protects the environment<br />

by keeping the air, water,<br />

and land cleaner.<br />

Car pooling is good for<br />

your health. According to<br />

numerous health reports<br />

and research, air pollution<br />

caused by auto emissions<br />

can significantly increase<br />

the likelihood of health<br />

issues such as asthma,<br />

allergies, lung cancer and<br />

chronic obstructive pulmonary<br />

disease.<br />

Research data has also<br />

suggested that car pooling<br />

can be far less stressful<br />

than simply commuting on<br />

your own.<br />

Car pooling is a very<br />

convenient option which<br />

can give you great flexibility.<br />

Whatever your<br />

needs are, you can look<br />

for people who need that<br />

same schedule or who can<br />

add you to their route. The<br />

flexibility makes it a very<br />

convenient option for any<br />

long commute.<br />

Car pooling is also a<br />

wonderful way to meet<br />

interesting people, get to<br />

know the people you work<br />

with or go to school with,<br />

and to make new friends.<br />

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McMaster & Heap

Grants Road<br />

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Hills Rd<br />

WESTERN NEWS Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>17</strong> 20<strong>17</strong> 5<br />

Readers respond to the<br />

potential of having more<br />

parking restrictions on<br />

streets near Canterbury<br />

University<br />

Kirsty McMillan – The car<br />

parks at the uni’s teachers college<br />

site are virtually empty as<br />

parking there is overpriced. This<br />

results in the surrounding streets<br />

getting crammed with cars each<br />

week day. This is a crazy situation<br />

that has being going on for<br />

years. The university is missing<br />

out on revenue and residents are<br />

parked out. Lower the price of<br />

parking on this campus and the<br />

problem will be solved.<br />

Janice Belgrave – The car<br />

parks at the Dovedale campus<br />

are always empty, hundreds of<br />

parks just sitting empty All day<br />

as neither staff nor students are<br />

willing to pay the ridiculous<br />

fees. $8 for a day ticket, which<br />

is $3 more than in the centre of<br />

town. The yearly permit is way<br />

too much also, $600 for staff.<br />

Not surprising that everyone<br />

parks on the road. If they halved<br />

the price, they would get more<br />

money than they currently get.<br />

Clare Burgess – Even if<br />

the university drops its parking<br />

charge, which I’m fairly sure it<br />

won’t, there is limited parking<br />

available. Unless you are there<br />

very early it is difficult to park<br />

PARKING: Parking for free about Canterbury University may get harder if restrictions are placed<br />

in nearby streets. ​<br />

near some work areas. If you<br />

drop kids to school so are later in<br />

then parking can be a long walk<br />

away and parking costs aren’t<br />

affordable because these staff are<br />

on reduced hours and parking<br />

fees aren’t proportional.<br />

Josh Mundt – Not to mention<br />

all the construction workers<br />

that are rebuilding the uni and<br />

can’t park on campus which have<br />

to park on the streets around the<br />

uni. This will make it harder to<br />

get to work.<br />

Gill Weavers – Staff parking<br />

permit is heading to $850 next<br />

year and you aren’t even guaranteed<br />

a car park. You pay to look<br />

for one. They have oversold the<br />

car parks two times or more. Uni<br />

really needs to build a car park<br />

building and stop fleecing staff<br />

and students to make money off<br />

them. I really feel for the residents<br />

around uni as well. Biking/<br />

busing isn’t.<br />

Netty Schulz – It’s a real<br />

stress for students when there<br />

isn’t a car park and they have a<br />

lecture in minutes, there should<br />

be more parks available not<br />

fewer.<br />

Angela Robinson –<br />

Christchurch has a parking<br />

problem in all areas as it was<br />

not looked at with any common<br />

sense when the rebuild started.<br />

Shaun Evans – I can’t even<br />

park outside my house without<br />

getting a ticket. And no option<br />

for residents parking.<br />

Philip Williamson – Build a<br />

parking building?<br />

John Rader – The uni needs<br />

to drop its parking charges.<br />

Sharren Wilson – Stop the<br />

insanity . . . think outside the box<br />

and put in angle parking – instantly<br />

quadruple parking spaces<br />

. . . it’s not rocket science.<br />

Elizabeth Phua – Where<br />

else can they park, don’t need<br />

to make it harder, after all the<br />

parks on Ilam Rd have gone.<br />

How about free parking on the<br />

campus.<br />

Wal Thomas – Free parking<br />

for bikes. A back pack costs $30.<br />

Bike fuel . . . free as well.<br />

Stephen Graham – When I<br />

was at university I was on a bike.<br />

This GenZ car-only attitude is<br />

part of the problem.<br />

Looking for the very best personalised retirement care?<br />

1<br />

Papanui<br />

Grants Rd<br />

Papanui Rd<br />

6<br />

Crandford St<br />

Mairehau<br />

2<br />

Innes Rd<br />

St Albans<br />

Shirley<br />

Memorial Ave<br />

Merivale<br />

Edgeware<br />

3<br />

Fendalton<br />

4<br />

4<br />

Ilam<br />

Harper Ave<br />

Bealey Ave<br />

Woodham Rd<br />

Linwood Ave<br />

5<br />

6<br />

5<br />

1<br />

Upper Riccarton<br />

2 3<br />

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6 Tuesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>17</strong> 20<strong>17</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

<strong>News</strong><br />

MUSCLE:<br />

The Hits<br />

Christchurch<br />

breakfast<br />

producer Cody<br />

Trillo-Feely<br />

(right) oversees<br />

a tug of war at<br />

the Riccarton<br />

Community Day<br />

on Saturday.<br />

More than 1200<br />

people attended<br />

the annual<br />

event which<br />

had games,<br />

free food and<br />

entertainment.<br />

It took place at<br />

Harrington Park<br />

on Peverel St.<br />

STYLE: (From left) – Second place-getter<br />

Sam Carter, 6, winner Toa Mihinui, 8, and<br />

third place-getter and Riccarton West<br />

Community Garden volunteer, Loretta Te<br />

Paa with milliner Maria Wright during the<br />

hat competition. The contest was a first for<br />

the community day and organisers’ have<br />

said they are hoping to introduce a new<br />

element to the day each year. ​<br />


Local<br />

<strong>News</strong><br />

Now<br />

Fire rages, homes at risk<br />

Dalziel to<br />

meet police<br />

•From page 1<br />

The the cost benefit analysis on<br />

a regulatory impact approach just<br />

doesn’t stack up, she said.<br />

“It doesn’t stack up for drunkness<br />

and it doesn’t stack up for this. Getting<br />

children on the pathway of arrest<br />

has all sorts of life consequences<br />

that I think we need to try and<br />

avoid,” Ms Dalziel said.<br />

Senior Sergeant Stephen McDaniel<br />

said police are aware of the ongoing<br />

issues with youths congregating<br />

at the bus lounge.<br />

He said the problem is mostly<br />

during the late afternoon, weekends<br />

and school holidays.<br />

“To address the issue, police are<br />

working with retailers in the area,<br />

local youth workers, the city council,<br />

mall and bus exchange security,”<br />

Senior Sergeant McDaniel said.<br />

He said as a result of the multiorganisation<br />

approach police have<br />

seen a decrease in reports of the<br />

anti-social behaviour.<br />

The other <strong>17</strong> recommendations<br />

are still being investigated by staff<br />

and reports will be presented to the<br />

Halswell-Hornby Riccarton Community<br />

Board and then to the city<br />

council.<br />

Community board chairman<br />

Mike Mora said he hopes the recommendations<br />

will be in place by<br />

the end of November.<br />

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WESTERN NEWS Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>17</strong> 20<strong>17</strong> 7<br />

Sport facility zone change progress<br />

• By Emily O’Connell<br />

A RUSSIAN businessman, who<br />

plans to expand the Yaldhurst<br />

sports facility, is happy with<br />

progress following a city council<br />

meeting last week.<br />

Canterbury Sports Ltd director<br />

Slava Meyn, who moved to<br />

Christchurch in 2009, built the<br />

Yaldhurst Football Academy<br />

two years ago.<br />

He is now in the process of<br />

planning a bigger complex on<br />

the 20ha block of land, which<br />

would include a gymnastics<br />

indoor stadium, swimming<br />

pool, sport courts, and weights<br />

area.<br />

Last week, the city council’s<br />

strategic capability committee<br />

recommended to ask staff to<br />

investigate a way of rezoning<br />

the site through the Greater<br />

Christchurch Regeneration<br />

Act, and to report back to city<br />

councillors.<br />

Mr Meyn is pleased with<br />

this result as the other option<br />

could have delayed him up to<br />

five years with resource and<br />

building consent processes.<br />

“It’s a great help for us,<br />

because we can start to think<br />

about full site development and<br />

invite partners and investors<br />

to build the desired sports<br />

facility for the Christchurch<br />

EXPANSION: City council staff are going to look into<br />

whether rezoning the Yaldhurst sports facility (above)<br />

is a viable option. If not, the proposed development<br />

(right) could be delayed up to five years.<br />

community with certainty and<br />

the city council support,” he<br />

said.<br />

The land he wants to develop<br />

is zoned Open Space Community<br />

Park under the district<br />

plan, which does not allow for<br />

buildings larger than 1000 sq m.<br />

Mr Meyn wants the zoning to<br />

be changed to Open Space Metropolitan<br />

Facilities Zone, so he<br />

can progress the development as<br />

planned.<br />

City council staff have been<br />

looking into how it could<br />

change the zoning to allow the<br />

expansion to go ahead.<br />

They decided the best way to<br />

do so was through the Greater<br />

Christchurch Regeneration Act.<br />

Which would require working<br />

with Regenerate Christchurch<br />

and the department of prime<br />

minister and Cabinet.<br />

The idea to speed up the<br />

zone-changing process has been<br />

supported by Sport Canterbury,<br />

Christchurch Netball Centre,<br />

Canterbury Basketball Association,<br />

Mainland Football,<br />

Canterbury Water Polo, Southern<br />

Districts Football Club,<br />

ChristchurchNZ, and Apollo<br />

Projects – Aquatic and Sporting<br />

Facilities, which all wrote to the<br />

city council asking it to help<br />

change the zoning.<br />

Wigram MP Megan Woods<br />

and Canterbury Employers’<br />

Chamber of Commerce chief<br />

executive Peter Townsend have<br />

also written in support of using<br />

the act to do so.<br />

The existing football facility<br />

has two full size artificial<br />

football pitches, four artificial<br />

mini-pitches, a full-size natural<br />

turf pitch, clubroom facilities,<br />

café, administrative offices,<br />

grandstand seating for about<br />

1000 people.<br />

Local<br />

<strong>News</strong><br />

Now<br />

Fire rages, homes at risk<br />

Cheers<br />

for new<br />

school<br />

•From page 1<br />

Former Education Minister<br />

Hekia Parata announced the closure<br />

of Branston Intermediate and<br />

South Hornby move in 2013.<br />

Mr Moriarty said the best part<br />

was seeing the excitement on<br />

his pupils’ faces as they saw the<br />

school for the first time.<br />

“They’re overwhelmed in a positive<br />

way, it’s fantastic for the community<br />

and the pupils’,” he said.<br />

The school was built with structural<br />

insulated panels – a first in<br />

the country. The panels, which<br />

consist of an insulating foam<br />

core sandwiched between strand<br />

board, make the classrooms airtight<br />

and highly energy efficient.<br />

Mr Moriarty said the second<br />

part of the build is their school<br />

pool. He’s hoping the pool will<br />

be built by the start of next year<br />

ready for the swimming season.<br />

South Hornby School will<br />

have their first community open<br />

afternoon tomorrow between 4<br />

and 6pm.<br />

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8 Tuesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>17</strong> 20<strong>17</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Our People<br />


Steve Hart<br />

Teacher moves up the ranks to<br />

Recently appointed<br />

principal of St Thomas<br />

of Canterbury College<br />

2018 Steve Hart has<br />

been with the school<br />

for 13 years. He has<br />

been deputy principal<br />

for 10 years and head of<br />

sport for three. He talks<br />

to Emily O’Connell<br />

What was the first sport you<br />

played?<br />

Rugby would have been the<br />

first sport that I played and I was<br />

four-years-old. I don’t play any<br />

sports now, I finished playing<br />

rugby when I was 29 years old.<br />

My favourite part was the<br />

camaraderie.<br />

What got you into teaching?<br />

Teaching is something I’ve<br />

always wanted to do even when<br />

I was at secondary school. Just<br />

really wanted to do that and<br />

yes, as soon as I could, I got<br />

into teacher’s college. Just loved<br />

teaching ever since. I don’t feel<br />

I’ve worked a day in my life, just<br />

love coming to work and working<br />

with young people.<br />

How long have you been<br />

teaching then?<br />

When did I start . . . 2000 was<br />

my first year, so what are we, it<br />

would be <strong>17</strong> years.<br />

What was the first school you<br />

taught at?<br />

I taught at St Peter’s College in<br />

Auckland.<br />

What do you remember about<br />

your first job there?<br />

What I do remember is when<br />

I left teacher’s college I thought<br />

I knew a lot, but when I started<br />

teaching I realised very quickly<br />

you had to be very adaptable and<br />

it wasn’t easy at all. The thing I<br />

learnt very, very quickly was it<br />

was really important to get to<br />

know the young people as people<br />

and that was kind of the key,<br />

was relating to the students. And<br />

that’s kind of taken me where I<br />

am today really, that’s the one<br />

thing I found the biggest help.<br />

When you see them as young<br />

NEW<br />


St Thomas of<br />

Canterbury<br />

deputy<br />

principal<br />

Steve Hart<br />

will be<br />

principal from<br />

2018. PHOTO:<br />

MARTIN<br />

HUNTER. ​<br />

people and you’re interested in<br />

them, that’s the trick to it.<br />

What keeps you motivated?<br />

Definitely the people – the boys<br />

at St Thomas’ are just fantastic.<br />

Just watching young people<br />

develop, when you get to do that,<br />

yes, you’re quite blessed. It’s quite<br />

a special thing to see boys come<br />

in here at 12 to 13-years-old and<br />

then bump into them further<br />

down the track when they’re in<br />

their mid to late-20s and see how<br />

their life has mapped out. Nothing<br />

beats it.<br />

What’s your favourite thing to<br />

do outside of work?<br />

Every spare second I get, I love<br />

to spend it with my family. I lead<br />

a pretty busy life and that’s a<br />

choice. I see teaching as a vocation<br />

so I get involved outside of<br />

the classroom as much as I possibly<br />

can. So any spare minute, I<br />

love spending that time with my<br />

family. They sacrifice a lot – a lot<br />

of the time that I would normally<br />

spend with them.<br />

So you have children?<br />

Yes, I have four children –<br />

Thomas, 13, Jack, 12, Charlie, 9<br />

and Isla, 7.<br />

Will any of your children go<br />

to St Thomas’ of Canterbury?<br />

Two are at St Thomas of Canterbury<br />

College already and my<br />

youngest two are at Our Lady<br />

of Victories School which is the<br />

Catholic primary school which<br />

borders St Thomas’ so that makes<br />

life easy.<br />

Have you taught any of your<br />

children?<br />

This year I’ve had to teach<br />

my second son, Jack, which has<br />

been interesting. It’s been good,<br />

he’s a good boy so not too many<br />

dramas.<br />


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WESTERN NEWS Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>17</strong> 20<strong>17</strong> 9<br />

lead school<br />

Where did you grow up?<br />

I’m from Christchurch, I’ve<br />

grown up here and I spent obviously<br />

some time up in Auckland.<br />

I went over to the United Kingdom<br />

for three years with my wife.<br />

We came back to Christchurch<br />

to have our first child and yes,<br />

been here ever since – been at St<br />

Thomas’ ever since that.<br />

Did you enjoy teaching in the<br />

United Kingdom?<br />

Yes, it was very different,<br />

massive diversity. I worked in a<br />

few different schools. I actually<br />

worked up in Scotland for a while<br />

as well, in kind of a residential<br />

unit for boys who had a pretty<br />

tough time in life. That was very<br />

difficult for them but just to be<br />

around them as well and see the<br />

really tough start they had to life.<br />

The big thing I took away from<br />

that was how lucky children who<br />

are brought up in New Zealand<br />

are. There’s so many more opportunities<br />

that they get here<br />

that they are not really able to<br />

have other there in the United<br />

Kingdom.<br />

What’s the biggest lesson<br />

you’ve learnt from teaching?<br />

The thing I hope we provide<br />

young people with, which is becoming<br />

more and more of a challenge<br />

in society today, is it’s okay<br />

to fail and it’s okay when things<br />

don’t go right. It’s important that<br />

schools and adults help children<br />

understand that so we can try<br />

and really foster that resilience in<br />

them.<br />

RELAXED:<br />

Steve Hart<br />

said the key<br />

to teaching<br />

is seeing<br />

students as<br />

young people<br />

and being<br />

interested in<br />

them.<br />

Boarding house turns 100<br />

• By Julia Evans<br />

FORMER Christchurch Boys’<br />

High School students are going<br />

back to school.<br />

Old boys from across the<br />

country will be celebrating the<br />

centenary of its boarding house,<br />

Adams House, over the long<br />

weekend.<br />

Opening in 19<strong>17</strong>, over the<br />

following 100 years the hostel<br />

has housed 10 per cent of the<br />

school’s roll.<br />

Some notables include retired<br />

High Court judge Lester<br />

Chisholm, 21-year-old millionaire<br />

Jake Millar, president of<br />

Elizabeth Arden Peter England,<br />

New Zealand squash champion<br />

Paul Coll, sevens rugby player<br />

Mark Jackman.<br />

And of course it wouldn’t be<br />

CBHS without some All Blacks<br />

– Stu Loe, Dave Hewitt, Scott<br />

Hamilton and Adam Thompson<br />

were all boarders before starting<br />

their rugby careers.<br />

To mark the occasion, the<br />

old boys are returning to bunk<br />

down in their former dorm<br />

rooms, have high tea, breakfast<br />

and tours of the modern school.<br />

Although the first boarders<br />

were not treated with the same<br />

luxury, like unlimited Wi-Fi or<br />

the automated cricket bowling<br />

machine, students have now.<br />

ORIGINAL: Adams House has housed 10 per cent of the<br />

school roll at Christchurch Boys’ High School in its 100 years. ​<br />

Below: What it looks like today<br />

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10 Tuesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>17</strong> 20<strong>17</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


Uni, Chch club players take rugby awards<br />

CANTERBURY University’s<br />

Sam Godwin has been named<br />

the province’s top development<br />

player.<br />

He was honoured at the<br />

Canterbury rugby awards<br />

evening at The Piano Centre for<br />

Music and the Arts last week.<br />

Godwin’s high work rate saw<br />

him regularly feature at the top<br />

of individual tackle counts.<br />

His presence inspires others<br />

on the field, which is a testament<br />

to the respect he earns from his<br />

peers and the team management.<br />

A number of other players<br />

from around Canterbury also<br />

picked up awards.<br />

Marist Albion’s Daniel Fransen<br />

was named men’s sevens player<br />

of the year after outstanding<br />

series’ with his club and for<br />

Canterbury, which earned him<br />

selection in the New Zealand<br />

development team.<br />

He scored 12 tries during the<br />

Canterbury sevens campaign<br />

and showed adept goal-kicking<br />

abilities to finish with 118 points<br />

for the season, 44 of which were<br />

scored at nationals.<br />

Christchurch’s William<br />

Tucker took home the men’s<br />

under-19 player of the year.<br />

The young lock was recognised<br />

for his diverse skill set, aerial<br />

abilities and important set-piece<br />

contribution. He also plays a<br />

significant role off the field as a<br />

leader within the group.<br />

HARD WORKER: Canterbury University’s Sam Godwin won the Canterbury development player<br />

of the year award for his “unquenchable thirst for work”. PHOTO: CHARLIE ROSE CREATIVE<br />

He accumulated an impressive<br />

amount of time on the field<br />

this year, playing every minute<br />

of every game throughout the<br />

representative season.<br />

Christchurch’s Lucy Anderson<br />

and Lincoln University’s Rebecca<br />

Todd were joint winners of<br />

the women’s player of the year<br />

award.<br />

Anderson has solid defence,<br />

an intelligent attacking mindset,<br />

strong ball-carrying skills, and<br />

exhibits great leadership in the<br />

Canterbury backline.<br />

Todd, who is equally as<br />

prominent on defence and<br />

attack, has played at both No 8<br />

and hooker already this season.<br />

She inspires others with her<br />

consistently high work rate, onfield<br />

organisation, and ability to<br />

read the game.<br />

Others from around the city<br />

picked up awards as well.<br />

TeRauoriwa Gapper was<br />

named women’s sevens player of<br />

the year. Her fitness, speed and<br />

physicality make her an ideal<br />

sevens player, She possesses a<br />

high work rate, good defence,<br />

and the ability to beat defenders<br />

one-on-one. As captain, Gapper<br />

led the team to the South Island<br />

regional title and the national<br />

tournament. She always features<br />

SPORTS<br />

prominently whenever she wears<br />

the red and black jersey.<br />

Lincoln’s Nick Werahiko was<br />

named Maori player of the year.<br />

Werahiko is a fine example<br />

of what loyalty, integrity and<br />

commitment looks like in a<br />

young athlete. He was recently<br />

awarded his 100-game blazer for<br />

his division one club team, was<br />

named Waitaha captain for the<br />

second year and featured in the<br />

Canterbury A side on numerous<br />

occasions this year.<br />

Richie Mo’unga was named<br />

Canterbury rugby supporters<br />

club player of the year.<br />

The first five-eighth has had<br />

an outstanding success rate with<br />

the boot this season and is one of<br />

the leading point-scorers in the<br />

Mitre 10 Cup. Mo’unga shows<br />

composure and maturity beyond<br />

his 23 years as he directs play<br />

from the cutter.<br />

Prebbleton life member<br />

Tony Grimwood was awarded<br />

volunteer of the year for his 38-<br />

year commitment to the club.<br />

There is no job too big or small<br />

for Grimwood, who said he<br />

didn’t do it for an award. “It’s a<br />

great club with great people. So it<br />

is quite easy to see why the years<br />

have flown by,” he said.<br />

SPEED: Since the speed change from 60km/h to 50km/h,<br />

residents have noticed a difference on roads like Haslwell<br />

Junction Rd.<br />


Lower speed limits working<br />

• By Emily O’Connell<br />

A HALSWELL resident says<br />

reduced speed limits in the area<br />

are a lot better but more could still<br />

be done.<br />

Speed limits on multiple roads<br />

in Halswell were reduced earlier<br />

this year. Halswell Junction Rd<br />

was reduced from 60km/h to<br />

50km/h, Quaifes Rd from 80km/h<br />

to 50km/h and 100m of Quaifes<br />

Rd south-east of Whincops Rd<br />

from 80km/h to 70km/h.<br />

Marshs Rd was reduced from<br />

80km/h to 70km/h, Sparks Rd<br />

from 80km/h to 60km/h and<br />

Sutherlands Rd from 80km/h to<br />

60km/h.<br />

Jenny Hawke said she likes the<br />

lower speeds but on some roads<br />

people just ignore them.<br />

“Definitely getting the speed<br />

limits lowered is the first step but,<br />

because I do a lot of driving, I<br />

drive from Halswell to Rangiora<br />

every day for work, I just find that<br />

people don’t bother sticking to the<br />

speed limit,” she said.<br />

Miss Hawke said if there were<br />

more consequences around<br />

speeding, people might pay more<br />

attention.<br />

“When you’re driving every day<br />

and once in a blue moon, you see<br />

a police car or someone pulled<br />

over then, you know, it doesn’t<br />

mean much. It’s frustrating that<br />

there are not more consequences<br />

for that,” she said.<br />

City council transport acting<br />

manager operations said speed<br />

counts showed the average<br />

was down along Halswell Junction<br />

Rd.<br />

She said the Haslwell residents’<br />

she had spoken to liked the<br />

changes.<br />

“We’ve got quite a few elderly<br />

neighbours and you feel better<br />

watching them cross the road<br />

and you know it’s safer for them<br />

because they’ve got more time,”<br />

Miss Hawke said.

WESTERN NEWS Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>17</strong> 20<strong>17</strong> 11<br />

Southern ChiropraCtiC<br />

3 kennedys bush rd, halswell (upstairs)<br />

New premises for Southern Chiropractic<br />

The move to bigger and brighter<br />

premises means Southern Chiropractic<br />

clients will feel envigorated when they<br />

visit principal chiropractor Andre Grob.<br />

“I have been based for 10 years in<br />

Halswell so really wanted to find a<br />

location that was still accessible for<br />

my patients in this area and also easy<br />

for those who travel further afield for<br />

treatment,” Andre says.<br />

The rooms are down the driveway<br />

opposite Our Vet at Halswell on 3<br />

Kennedy’s Bush Rd. There is plenty<br />

of parking on the street in front of the<br />

building which houses Mike Pero and<br />

other businesses.<br />

A generous waiting area has standing<br />

room or low and high seating,<br />

depending on where clients find it most<br />

comfortable.<br />

The treatment room is spacious<br />

and allows those who are seeking<br />

chiropractic care ample room to talk to<br />

Andre about what they are experiencing<br />

as well as a separate area for him to<br />

treat you.<br />

For those who may not be aware<br />

chiropractic treatment isn’t just about<br />

specialised spinal adjustment. The<br />

effective use of low level laser treatment<br />

for assisting in the healing of deep tissue<br />

and joint problems has been used for<br />

more than 40 years.<br />

This treatment, which uses photo<br />

stimulation of mitochondria in cells,<br />

is able to penetrate into the site of<br />

injury to promote healing and reduce<br />

inflammation – relaxing muscles and<br />

reducing pain.<br />

Andre has seen how the non-invasive<br />

treatment has resulted in impressive<br />

results for his clients.<br />

The treatment, which only takes 15<br />

to 20 minutes, is especially effective<br />

with muscle and joint pain, stiffness<br />

associated with arthritis, neck and lower<br />

back pain. It is approved by the FDA and<br />

Meta analysis by the Lancet Medical<br />

Journal also endorses the treatment<br />

saying it can reduce pain intensity,<br />

disability and the reoccurrence of pain.<br />

Andre can also provide other treatments<br />

including adjustments, exercises,<br />

stretches and muscle therapy – to<br />

readjust the body or help it heal from<br />

conditions that are physical in origin.<br />

These can include problems such as<br />

back pain, muscle spasms, headaches<br />

and poor posture.<br />

It is also completely appropriate to<br />

5 Warning Signs<br />

receive chiropractic care even though<br />

you may not have symptoms. Unlike<br />

standard medical doctors who you<br />

visit when you have symptoms that<br />

need to be treated, chiropractors<br />

offer adjustments to improve spinal<br />

alignment and overall wellbeing – and<br />

can prevent the pain or other symptoms<br />

even starting.<br />

ACC recognises chiropractors as<br />

primary health care specialists when it<br />

comes to spinal care so you do not need<br />

a referral from a GP to seek treatment<br />

for a back or neck injury as a result of<br />

accidental causes. In the event of an<br />

accident we can initiate a claim directly<br />

and if it is accepted, treatment costs will<br />

be subsidised.<br />

Southern Chiropractic is located at 3 Kennedys Bush Rd and is open Monday,<br />

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. on Tuesdays the clinic operates from Ashburton<br />

Chiropractic in Ashburton.<br />

For Tuesday bookings please phone 03 308 9516, or 03 322 1432. For all other<br />

bookings at the halswell location, please phone 03 322 1432, email dre.nik@xtra.co.nz,<br />

or visit their website at www.southernchiropratic.co.nz for further information.<br />

●<br />

●<br />


of Spinal Stress!<br />



A healthy spine is vital to your wellbeing.<br />

Specialist spinal therapy<br />

at Southern Chiropractic<br />

consists of:<br />

●<br />

André Grob, Dr of Chiropractic, has had over<br />

15 years experience of specialty spinal care in<br />

Australia and New Zealand.<br />

• Manual manipulative therapy<br />

• Soft tissue Massage<br />

• Low level Laser therapy<br />

• Exercise and postural education<br />

• For correction of spinal complaints<br />

and to enhance your health!<br />

●<br />




Assessment & First Treatment Half Price till end of September<br />




Southern Chiropractic Ltd<br />

Telephone (03) 322 1432<br />

3 Kennedys Bush Road • Halswell • Christchurch 8025<br />

www.southernchiropractic.co.nz | email dre.nik@xtra.co.nz<br />

Halswell Jct Road<br />

Halswell<br />

Road<br />

Kennedys<br />

Bush Road<br />

3 Kennedys<br />

Bush Road

12 Tuesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>17</strong> 20<strong>17</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />



Physical Sense supports senior well-being<br />

Eight yEars ago, the Physical sense<br />

gym and Physio in sydenham, created a<br />

program to help stroke survivors. Their<br />

specialised exercise program is based<br />

on the work of the Burwood stroke<br />

rehabilitation team.<br />

Participants were so happy with the<br />

classes and the benefits they experienced<br />

that it has now grown to four classes<br />

each week. New classes have also been<br />

added to be effective for those who have<br />

suffered from Osteoporosis, intermittent<br />

Claudication, and Diabetes. On top of<br />

that they also run four weekly classes<br />

for seniors. These weekly rehabilitation<br />

and injury prevention classes can lead to<br />

continued gym membership at a reduced<br />

cost. Participants may also be eligible for<br />

a WiNZ subsidy to pay for the continued<br />

gym membership.<br />

Join one of the classes and increase<br />

your strength and mobility or just come<br />

in to find out more about what assistance<br />

is available for you.<br />

it all starts with a free assessment<br />

on Monday at 11.30 am where an<br />

experienced physiotherapist will assess<br />

your situation and advise you on the most<br />

appropriate exercise group with the aim to<br />

enable you to keep living as independently<br />

as possible.<br />

Life can get tougher as we get older,<br />

and it’s often easy to think that we should<br />

simply struggle on. yet a huge range of<br />

services are available to make life easier.<br />

Because these services are sometimes<br />

difficult to find, a new non-profit Centre<br />

for senior Wellbeing has been established.<br />

here you can get all the information<br />

needed to make sure that you (or your<br />

Join the classes at Physical Sense<br />

parents) can keep on living independently.<br />

it is a “walk-in” information centre<br />

where the staff are happy to connect you<br />

to the services you need to; -prevent<br />

falling, -make adjustments to home and<br />

surroundings, -reduce pain, -stay mobile,<br />

care for your feet.<br />

Problems with feet is a real issue for<br />

many older people with limited flexibility.<br />

The Centre offers in-home footcare for<br />

a reasonable fee. additionally, there are<br />

services provided by dieticians to help<br />

with weight gain or loss, nutrition and<br />

shopping. also occupational therapists<br />

who help maintain independence, safety<br />

in the home, and practical strategies for<br />

coping with issues like memory loss and<br />

pain. speech and language therapists<br />

support those with swallowing and<br />

communication concerns. Physiotherapy,<br />

in-clinic or at home, can help you stay<br />

mobile, reduce pain and increase wellness.<br />

Physical Sense and the Centre for Senior Well-Being are located at 300 Colombo Street, Sydenham. The Blue Line Bus<br />

stops in front of the door and there is ample parking. To enquire phone 377-2577 or visit www.triggerpoints.co.nz<br />




PRICES<br />

SMART<br />

BRANDS<br />


PRICES<br />

HORNBY 409 Main South Road |<br />

Open 10am–5pm, 7 days

WESTERN NEWS Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>17</strong> 20<strong>17</strong> 13<br />

GREAT food<br />


Your fresh food people<br />



Ingredients<br />

200g Gingernuts<br />

4 Eve apples<br />

100g Butter, preferably unsalted,<br />

at room temperature<br />

Directions<br />

Heat the oven to 180 deg C.<br />

Place the biscuits in a sealable<br />

plastic bag, seal and roll a<br />

wooden rolling pin firmly over<br />

the package to crush the biscuits<br />

finely.<br />

Alternatively crush them in a<br />

food processor.<br />

Cut a thick slice off the top of<br />

the apple and set aside. These<br />

will be the chapeaux — hats.<br />

Using an apple corer or a<br />

teaspoon, dig out the flesh from<br />

the centre of the apple, leaving<br />

a thin edge of apple around the<br />

inside and base.<br />

Discarding any core pieces,<br />

chop the flesh finely.<br />

Mix together the biscuit<br />

crumbs, butter and chopped<br />

apple to make a soft mix. Divide<br />

the mix evenly among the apples,<br />

packing it in firmly. Sit the hats<br />

back on top.<br />

Place the apples on a baking<br />

paper-lined tray or in a shallowsided<br />

ovenproof dish.<br />

Bake for 15-20min or until the<br />

apples have softened. Serve with<br />

cream or hot custard.<br />



Ingredients<br />

4 large Bananas<br />

100g Chocolate buttons<br />

1 Ltr Vanilla ice cream, to serve<br />

½ cup Caramel sauce<br />

1 packet Sliced almonds, to<br />

garnish<br />

Directions<br />

Remove the bananas from<br />

their skin. Cut along one side<br />

of the banana, making sure you<br />

don’t cut all the way through to<br />

the other side.<br />

Poke in the chocolate buttons<br />

along the cut.<br />

Put each banana on to a<br />

sheet of foil and fold the edges<br />

together to seal into a parcel.<br />

Bake on the barbecue for 12min<br />

or until all of the chocolate has<br />

melted.<br />

Gently open each banana and<br />

place a large scoop of ice cream<br />

on top followed by a drizzle of<br />

the caramel sauce and sprinkle<br />

of nuts.<br />

Bananas ........................................... 1 .79<br />

kg<br />

Asparagus .......................................... 2 .99<br />

bunch<br />

NZ Encore mandarins ........ 3 .49<br />

kg<br />

NZ Strawberries .......................... 3 .99<br />

Eve Apples .......................................... 2 .99<br />

kg<br />

Lamb Leg Roast ........................ 11 .99<br />

kg<br />

Beef Schnitzel Plain<br />

or Crumbed .................................... 13 .99<br />

kg<br />

Whole Butterflied<br />

Chicken ............................................... 8 .99<br />

each<br />



All our fresh meat is 100% NZ FARMED.<br />

specials VAlid 16th october - 23rd october 20<strong>17</strong>. ONLY AVAILABLE AT<br />


harewood rd Mon–Fri 8.00am–6.30pm Sat–Sun 8.00am–6pm<br />

Tower junction Mon–Fri 8.00am–6.30pm Sat–Sun 8.30am–6pm<br />

MARSHLAND RD Mon–Sun 8.00am–6:00pm<br />

WWW.<br />

PUNNET<br />

locally<br />

grown<br />

NZ Navel Oranges are just perfect at the moment.<br />

Sweet, juicy and full of flavour, enjoy them at their best.<br />

Not only do they taste great, with high levels of Vitamin C,<br />

they’ll also help keep you healthy through spring.<br />

Enjoy NZ Navel Oranges at their peak.<br />


14 Tuesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>17</strong> 20<strong>17</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />



Pharmacy<br />

celebrates<br />

move to new<br />

premises<br />

After more than 40 years at the same site,<br />

Fendalton Mall Pharmacy has moved into<br />

sparkling new premises – just two doors<br />

along.<br />

As pharmacist Murray Whitteker<br />

explains, “It’s a bigger, brighter store – with<br />

the same friendly team.”<br />

To celebrate the move, the pharmacy has<br />

some special offers during <strong>October</strong>. Firstly,<br />

there is 10 per cent off their entire giftware<br />

range, and with Christmas not far away,<br />

this is an ideal opportunity to start your gift<br />

shopping off on a savings note.<br />

The wide selection of gift ideas includes<br />

toiletries and other personal care items for<br />

men. For women there is a wide range of<br />

toiletry gift packs and fashion accessories<br />

such as leather handbags, wallets, sunglasses<br />

and scarves. There are also delightful toys<br />

for children and babies and a new range of<br />

china vases for the home.<br />

The Fendalton Mall Pharmacy stocks<br />

several skin care ranges and Revlon<br />

cosmetics. The helpful, friendly shop staff<br />

are happy to advise on the right skincare<br />

and makeup products for your skin type<br />

and colouring.<br />

Throughout <strong>October</strong> the pharmacy<br />

is also offering special deals on health<br />

supplements – Nutralife Magnesium<br />

Complete One-a-Day, 60 capsules for<br />

$19.99; and Go Glucosamine One-a-Day,<br />

1500mg, two 60-capsule bottles for $22.99.<br />

Discounts on a range of vitamins are also<br />

offered.<br />

The Fendalton Mall Pharmacy is open<br />

Monday to Friday, 8.30am-6pm and<br />

Saturday 9am-5pm. Phone 351 5336.<br />



GO Glucosamine 1-A-Day 1500mg<br />

Capsules 60s. High strength<br />

joint care formula to support the<br />

comfort of joint movement<br />

60 CAPSULES<br />

2 FOR<br />

$22 99<br />


MALL<br />

Nutra Life Magnesium helps<br />

smooth muscle tension,<br />

supports mental relaxation,<br />

ease stress & supports sleep<br />

60 CAPSULES<br />

$19 99<br />

10% OFF ALL GIFTS<br />

See our wonderful range<br />

Expires 31st <strong>October</strong><br />


19-23 Memorial Avenue<br />

Christchurch<br />

Ph: 351 5336<br />

www.fendaltonpharmacy.co.nz<br />

tHe tRuSteD nAme in fAbRicS<br />

“Specialists in real value<br />

apparel and upholstery fabrics”<br />

Fendalton Mall<br />

19-23 Memorial Avenue<br />

Christchurch 8053<br />

Phone: (03) 351 5336<br />

Fax: (03) 351 5346<br />

Email: shop@fendaltonpharmacy.co.nz<br />



ANNEX RD<br />


47 Birmingham Drive, Middleton | Phone 338 7700 | Open Mon-Sat 10-4<br />

47<br />


WESTERN NEWS Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>17</strong> 20<strong>17</strong> 15<br />

Have you been declined<br />

treatment by the DHB ?<br />

The Canterbury Charity Hospital<br />

may be able to treat you at no cost.<br />

Our current services are:<br />

• Gynaecology and women’s health<br />

• Rectal bleeding clinic<br />

• Colonoscopy (acute and screening)<br />

• Cataracts<br />

• Upper and lower limb orthopaedics<br />

• Vascular (severe varicose veins)<br />

• General surgery (abdominal, rectal)<br />

• Oral surgery and dentistry (* conditions apply)<br />

• Counselling (by self referral)<br />

To be treated by the Charity Hospital you must:<br />

• Have been turned down in writing for treatment by the CDHB<br />

• Not have medical insurance<br />

• Not be able to afford the treatment privately (means tested)<br />

• Have a referral from your doctor<br />

* All dentistry and oral surgery patients need a dentist’s referral.<br />

Dentistry is available for WINZ clients only, whilst oral surgery may<br />

be available if you fit the above criteria.<br />

Why are the Charity Hospital’s services at no cost to the patient?<br />

More than 280 unpaid volunteer surgeons, nurses, dentists and support staff generously<br />

donate their time for free. The Charity Hospital does not receive<br />

any Government funding.<br />

Volunteers are always welcome. If you are a surgeon, nurse or technician,<br />

volunteer forms are on our website at www.charityhospital.org.nz<br />

or email reception@charityhospital.org.nz<br />

To donate to the charity please visit our website at www.charityhospital.org.nz.<br />

Your next step...<br />

get a referral from your doctor or dentist - please don’t contact the hospital directly.<br />

For more information:<br />


16 Tuesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>17</strong> 20<strong>17</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


Scrabble Group<br />

Tuesday, 9.45am-noon<br />

Go along and play scrabble<br />

with the friendly weekly group.<br />

Exercise your brain and have<br />

fun.<br />

Gold coin donation. Sundbye<br />

House, 100 Farrington Ave,<br />

Bishopdale<br />

Storytimes/Wā Kōrerō<br />

Tuesday, 10.30-11am<br />

Encourage learning through a<br />

love for stories. Storytimes is an<br />

interactive programme including<br />

stories, songs, rhymes and play.<br />

This is a free session.<br />

Fendalton Library, 4 Jeffreys<br />

Rd, Fendalton<br />

Scrabble Club<br />

Wednesday, 1-3pm<br />

Go along to scrabble club.<br />

There’s no obligation, just go<br />

whenever you can and join the<br />

friendly group. All materials are<br />

supplied.<br />

Ōrauwhata: Bishopdale Library<br />

and Community Centre, 13 Bishopdale<br />

Court, Bishopdale<br />

UR Club<br />

Wednesday, 3.30-4.30pm<br />

Go and join the fun in an after<br />

school club. Open to all schoolaged<br />

children there are stories,<br />

crafts, games and more.<br />

Email emily.oconnell@starmedia.kiwi<br />

by 5pm each Wednesday<br />

Upper Riccarton Library, 71<br />

Main South Rd, Upper Riccarton<br />

Using Your Smart Phone<br />

Thursday, 9-11.30am<br />

Learn more about your<br />

Android smart phone, how to<br />

connect to Wi-Fi networks,<br />

download apps and browse the<br />

internet.<br />

Upper Riccarton Library, 71<br />

Main South Rd, Upper Riccarton<br />

Knit ’n’ Yarn<br />

Thursday, 10am-noon<br />

Those who want to have a<br />

chat while they construct their<br />

favourite woollen creations can,<br />

with the weekly knit ’n’ yarn<br />

meetings. From crochet to knitting<br />

or a craft of your choice,<br />

have fun with this social group.<br />

There are a variety of books to<br />

help inspire ideas for your next<br />

project or even to help a beginner.<br />

Everyone is welcome.<br />

Upper Riccarton Library, 71<br />

Main South Rd, Upper Riccarton<br />

Go Well Group – Play Rummikub<br />

Thursday, 1-3pm<br />

Go along to Fendalton Library<br />

and play Rummikub. The<br />

game is an exciting, interactive<br />

strategy game that will test your<br />

wits.<br />


SALE NOW ON!<br />

Amazin’ spring Specials!!<br />

• We will offer you the best quality brands and<br />

option of heat pump for your home/business<br />

• Providing Heat Pump solutions for over 15 years to Cantabrians<br />

• We personally guarantee all our products & installs for 5 years<br />

(providing annual maintenance has been completed)<br />

Phone us today for your free consultation & quote<br />


PHONE 03 366 0525<br />

www.enviromaster.co.nz<br />

“A local team for local people”<br />

Fendalton Library, 4 Jeffreys<br />

Rd, Fendalton<br />

Musical Instrument Practice<br />

Slots<br />

Thursday, 3.30-7pm<br />

Book a time to go solo or<br />

have a silent practice with up to<br />

four band-mates. There will be<br />

electronic drums, a digital piano,<br />

a Roland session mixer, mics<br />

and headphones available for<br />

budding musicians. You can also<br />

take in your own electric instruments<br />

and plug into the session<br />

mixer.<br />

Te Hāpua Halswell Centre, 341<br />

Halswell Rd, Halswell<br />

New Zealand Chinese<br />

Language Week After School<br />

Activities<br />

Thursday, 3.30-4.30pm<br />

2<br />

Go along to Hornby Library<br />

for fun Chinese Language Weekthemed<br />

activities. The projects<br />

include calligraphy taster, DIY<br />

bookmarks and more.<br />

Hornby Library, Goulding Ave,<br />

Hornby<br />

Annual Plant Sale<br />

9am-noon<br />

Don’t miss the annual plant<br />

sale in the grounds of St Peter’s<br />

Church, Church Corner. There<br />

will be chrysanthemum plants<br />

and dahlia tubers for sale. Plants<br />

are $4 each or three for $10. Cash<br />

only.<br />

St Peter’s Anglican Church, 23<br />

Yaldhurst Rd, Upper Riccarton<br />

Riccarton Community<br />

Church Clothes Swap<br />

Saturday, 10.30am-1pm<br />

[Edition datE]<br />


Whether it be a new build, or a retrofit,<br />

most homes include at least one heat pump,<br />

if not a whole heating solution. They can<br />

provide cheap, clean heat and are much more<br />

convenient than a log burner as you just need<br />

to press a button. But how do you decide<br />

what is best? Choosing the right sized heat<br />

pump is key to ensuring optimum comfort<br />

levels. Every situation varies and it is therefore<br />

important to get professional advice from heat<br />

pump experts.<br />

The range varies from wall mounted high<br />

walls, floor mounted systems, multi systems,<br />

ceiling cassettes, right through to ducted<br />

central heating systems allowing you to have a<br />

very discreet way of heating your whole home<br />

to a constant temperature throughout.<br />

Firstly, you must select a heat pump that<br />

is suitable for the size of the space you wish<br />

to heat. Usually a site visit is the best way to<br />

ascertain this. Not only is the size of the area<br />

taken into consideration but also, insulation,<br />

building orientation, windows and ceiling<br />

space. There are a wide range of heat pumps<br />

available with different heating outputs so it<br />

is important to select the correct size for your<br />

requirements that will handle the job but not<br />

be unnecessarily overpowered.<br />

Secondly, the location of your heat pump<br />

is also extremely important. The cheapest<br />

installation is a back to back where the outdoor<br />

unit is positioned directly behind the indoor<br />

unit however this is not necessarily always<br />

the best option. It is vital that the indoor<br />

unit is positioned in a place that will not be<br />

Go along to Hornby<br />

Mitre 10’s ladies<br />

night on Thursday<br />

from 5.30 to 8pm.<br />

There will be special<br />

guests, in-store<br />

demonstrations,<br />

giveaways, drinks<br />

and nibbles and DIY<br />

projects you can do<br />

on the night. This is<br />

a free event which<br />

helps raise money<br />

for charity. To RSVP,<br />

find the event on<br />

Facebook and click<br />

‘Get Tickets.’ The<br />

event will be held<br />

at Hornby’s Mitre<br />

10 Mega, 370 Main<br />

South Rd, Hornby. ​<br />

Take your clean, pre-loved<br />

clothes to the Riccarton Community<br />

Church any Sunday<br />

leading up to this event and there<br />

will be a labelled box in the foyer<br />

to collect up goodies. Go along<br />

on the day and find yourself a<br />

new outfit. Any left over clothes<br />

will go towards the RCC street<br />

party where members of the<br />

community can pick out clothes<br />

for free.<br />

Riccarton Community Church,<br />

44 Elizabeth St, Riccarton<br />

Halswell Community Market<br />

Sunday, noon-3pm<br />

More than 50 stalls, fresh<br />

produce, craft, toys, art,<br />

craft, jewellery, books, live<br />

entertainment and delicious food<br />

trucks.<br />

26 Nash Rd, Aidenfield<br />

Choosing the right heat<br />

pump for your home<br />

constantly blowing on you. Also important, is<br />

the location of the outdoor unit. Most people<br />

do not want their outdoor unit sitting directly<br />

in their outdoor entertaining area or right<br />

outside their bedroom window.<br />

Choose a brand you can trust. Many brands<br />

have come and gone over the years but there<br />

are a number of manufacturers who provide<br />

reputable and reliable products. All brands<br />

vary in their energy efficiency, quietness of<br />

systems and price, so it depends on your<br />

application as to which will be most suitable.<br />

Major brands such as Panasonic, Fujitsu,<br />

Mitsubishi, Daikin, Toshiba and Hitachi are<br />

all reliable brands backed up by good technical<br />

after sales service.<br />

Ensure your heat pump is installed by an<br />

accredited installer. This will not only ensure<br />

correct installation of your heat pump, but<br />

also validate the manufacturers warranty.<br />

Other things to consider when choosing a<br />

heat pump are time clocks, ease of use of the<br />

remote controllers, air filtration and also wifi<br />

capabilities.<br />

Heating is a major investment in your home<br />

and it is vital to get the right advice.<br />

Enviro Master Ltd specialise in the supply,<br />

installation and servicing of all major brands<br />

of heat pumps. Our salesmen are engineers<br />

ensuring you get quality, unbiased advice as<br />

to which system will suit your application<br />

the best. Enviro Master Ltd offer a free, no<br />

obligation quote and will come to your home<br />

to see what is required. Visit our website at<br />


WESTERN NEWS Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>17</strong> 20<strong>17</strong> <strong>17</strong><br />


Proud on Chateau<br />

21 Chateau Drive, Burnside<br />

On-site Auction: Saturday 4 November, 1:00pm at 21 Chateau Drive, Burnside<br />

4 bedrooms | 3 bathrooms | 2 living rooms | 2 car-garage | Listing ID SMT10184<br />

Proudly located in the sought after<br />

Chateau Drive. This gorgeous home sits on<br />

a corner section of 4<strong>17</strong>m2 offering privacy<br />

and sunshine.<br />

The separate entrance welcomes you on<br />

arrival with an easy flow to the formal living<br />

space offering comfort and elegance along<br />

with french doors leading to the beautiful<br />

landscaped grounds and patios.<br />

The bright and functional kitchen dining<br />

space flows easily via bio folds to the<br />

outside patio and landscaped grounds, a<br />

perfect indoor outdoor option for summer<br />

entertaining while relaxing within the<br />

peaceful surroundings and sun soaked<br />

sanctuary this home offers.<br />

This warm two storey home has a floor<br />

size of 224m2 and boasts four double<br />

bedrooms and three bathrooms. The main<br />

bedroom with ensuite walk in wardrobe<br />

and a balcony overlooking your prime<br />

investment adds to the appeal. Three of<br />

the four bedrooms boast french doors to<br />

balcony’s and patio.<br />

The upstairs landing offers a compact<br />

living space perfect for an extra sitting area.<br />

A separate laundry leads to the backyard<br />

space and clothesline.<br />

With plenty of storage options plus a<br />

double internal access garage with off street<br />

parking, this home is sure to win your<br />

admiration.<br />

Under-tile heating in the downstairs<br />

living spaces three bathrooms, double<br />

glazing, a heat pump and gas fire will<br />

certainly make this an extremely warm and<br />

inviting home to call your own.<br />

If schooling is a priority Burnside<br />

Primary School, Cobham Intermediate,<br />

Burnside High School are conveniently<br />

located along with Jelly Park. The airport is<br />

a short drive.<br />

Given the calibre and location, we advise<br />

prospective purchasers to act quickly as<br />

homes like this won’t be around for long.<br />

Please come along to the viewings.<br />

Full information pack available including<br />

a moisture test for peace of mind.<br />

Open Home: Saturday 21 <strong>October</strong><br />

2:00pm - 2:45pm<br />

Please call Debra Hakaraia<br />

0275 620 420 or 03 384 8600<br />

Email: enquiries.christchurch@<br />

smartrealestate.co.nz<br />

Website: smartrealestate.co.nz<br />

Licensed Agent Reaa 2008<br />

now bigger than ever<br />

growing with you<br />

SprIng Is here –<br />

It’S Sow Time<br />

how to get the best results from<br />

seeds and seedlings<br />

100% NatIve In<br />

The capItal<br />

Unravelling the secrets of<br />

Otari-wilton Bush<br />

The New Zealand<br />

landscape awards<br />

The people behind<br />

the projects<br />

$7.90 incl. GST<br />

Save our roSeS<br />

How a rose register is protecting our heritage<br />

September 2016 | 100%<br />

It’s time<br />

to grow!<br />

New look and more<br />

content than ever!<br />

MeeT LeSTer Brice<br />

A Garden coach<br />

auckland Botanic GardenS<br />

Why we love our public grounds<br />

The magazine for<br />

gardeners who like to get<br />

their hands dirty<br />

SubScribe from<br />

$43. 50*<br />

*6 issues/6 months<br />

ISSN 2423-0219<br />


0800 77 77 10<br />


18<br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>17</strong> 20<strong>17</strong><br />


Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

Caravans, Motorhomes<br />

& Traliers<br />

CARAVAN Affordable<br />

Caravans can sell your<br />

caravan On Behalf in our<br />

busy yard, 512 Blenheim<br />

Rd, Christchurch. 03 349-<br />

6614<br />

CARAVAN 4 to 5<br />

berth wanted. UK type<br />

preferred. Don’t mind<br />

repairs. 022 3022 587<br />

CARAVAN about <strong>17</strong>-26ft<br />

wanted. 027 249 5571<br />

Computers<br />

ALL<br />

YOUR<br />



*$30.00 off your first<br />

service with this coupon!*<br />

No problem too big or<br />

small from home PC’s to<br />

business networks. PC<br />

slow? An end to Viruses,<br />

Spyware, and Clogged<br />

Systems. Safe secure<br />

hassle-free computing.<br />

Lost files recovered.<br />

Microsoft Certified,<br />

MCSE, MCP+l. 30 years<br />

experience. Call Andrew<br />

Buxton this week on 326-<br />

6740 or 027 435-7596<br />

for $30.00 off* Custom<br />

Computers Christchurch<br />

Curtains<br />

www.curtainfabric-outlet.com<br />

Fashion Designs & Colours<br />

Discontinued Designs<br />

End of Lines Bargain Prices<br />

Call at Our Shop<br />


71 Hawdon St Sydenham<br />

Ph 366-5026<br />

Gardening<br />

& Supplies<br />



UP? Shrub, hedge &<br />

tree pruning, Lawns,<br />

Gardening, consistently<br />

reliable general property<br />

upkeep, Dip. Hort. 10<br />

yrs experience, One off<br />

tidy ups or on-going<br />

service. Nick’s Property<br />

Maintenance. Keeping<br />

your garden beautiful.<br />

Free Quote. Ph. 942-4440<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Enjoy outdoor living all year round<br />

Travlon<br />

Coachlines<br />

Grant Stewart<br />

• House, deck, carport & window canopy etc<br />

• Warm & dry in winter<br />

• UV protection for summer<br />

• Customised & Tailored<br />

• Café curtains fitted<br />

• 5 year warranty<br />

Health & Beauty<br />


OASIS<br />

Senior Citizens Foot Care<br />

25 Conway Street, Spreydon<br />

Treating hard thick nails, calluses<br />

and corns finishing with a foot massage<br />

Price $30 Allow 45 mins<br />

Home Visits available by appointment<br />

Therapist – Amanda<br />

(30 years experience)<br />

Ph. 942-6036 for an appointment<br />



15 months<br />


Normal lending criteria apply<br />

Chris Thorndycroft<br />

Ph 0508 272 446 | www.archgola.co.nz<br />


Travlon<br />

Coachlines<br />

Travlon Coachlines<br />

School Run to some<br />

private schools<br />

ex Selwyn/Halswell area<br />

“Wide range of coaches<br />

and buses for<br />

“Wide School range of Run coaches to some and buses<br />

for Charter<br />

private schools<br />

& Tour”<br />

ex<br />

www.travlon.co.nz<br />

Selwyn/Halswell area<br />

“Wide<br />

Email:<br />

Phone: range<br />

info@travlon.co.nz<br />

03 325 of coaches 2959<br />

and buses for<br />

Charter junk & Tour”<br />

www.travlon.co.nz | Phone: 03 325 2959<br />

Email: info@travlon.co.nz<br />

www.travlon.co.nz<br />

Why go to the Dump? Junkman comes to you!<br />

Phone: 03 325 2959<br />

Email: info@travlon.co.nz<br />

Items too big for the rubbish bin?<br />

Or too heavy for you to move?<br />

Junkman comes to FROM<br />

you & takes it away $<br />

65 *<br />

*Prices vary depending on items and volume – minimum charge $65<br />

0800 586 5626<br />

www.junkman.co.nz office@junkman.co.nz<br />

Trades & Services<br />

paintinG<br />

Price Family<br />

Painters Ltd<br />

Free Quotes<br />

Painting<br />

Interior/Exterior<br />

Gib Stopping<br />

EQC Opt Out<br />

Fletcher Accredited<br />

Project Management<br />

Phone: Morton 021 667 444<br />

www.pricefamilypainters.co.nz<br />

•Re Roofing<br />

•Roof Repairs<br />

•Spouting<br />

Approved Age Concern provider<br />

Over 30 years experience<br />

Licensed Building Practitioner<br />



Ph: 349 9778 or 0275 389 415<br />

Email: nabroofing@xtra.co.nz<br />

pc & phone repairs<br />

• iPhones • Smart Phones<br />

• iPads • Tablets • Computers • Laptop<br />

Repairs, Parts and Accessories<br />

• Glass Screen Protectors<br />

• Phone Cases • Cables etc<br />

109 Matipo St | 0800 222 691<br />

ADD SOME<br />

COLOUR<br />



DRAINS?<br />




PH: 03 365 7960<br />

24 hours // 7 days<br />

info@h20jet.co.nz<br />

www.h20jet.co.nz<br />

Entertainment<br />

Weka Pass Railway<br />

Waipara, North Canterbury<br />



SUN & MON<br />

22nd & 23rd <strong>October</strong><br />

Phone 0800wekapass<br />

Depart Glenmark Station<br />

11.30am & 2.00pm<br />

www.wekapassrailway.co.nz<br />

Tuition<br />

Piano<br />

Raewyn Clegg<br />

Registered Teacher of<br />

Piano and Theory of<br />

Music.<br />

29 Lancewood Drive<br />

Halswell<br />

Ph 322-9377<br />

Trades & Services<br />

HOUSE<br />


Are you<br />

moving house<br />

or trying to<br />

downsize?<br />

Call All Clear<br />

Canterbury. We work<br />

with you to recycle,<br />

sell and dispose of<br />

unwanted items.<br />

Ph: 03 260 0934<br />

or 021 078 4553<br />

raewynlcooke@gmail.com<br />

www.allclearcanterbury.co.nz<br />


Ride on mowing<br />

Spring is here, let<br />

me do the work for<br />

you, free up your<br />

time and get a<br />

quality mow on your<br />

lawn. I use top of the<br />

range Walker and<br />

Honda mowers plus<br />

Sthil and Husqvana<br />

equipment.<br />



Ph or txt Patrick on<br />

021 084 52952<br />

topcutznz@gmail.com<br />


George Lockyer. Over<br />

35 years bricklaying<br />

experience. UK trained.<br />

Licensed Building<br />

Practitioner number<br />

BP105608. Insurance<br />

work. EQC repairs.<br />

Heritage brickwork and<br />

stonework a speciality. No<br />

job too small. Governors<br />

Bay. Home 329-9344,<br />

Cell 027 684 4046, email<br />

georgelockyer@xtra.co.nz<br />


LAYING all restoration<br />

work and new work plus<br />

foundations, ph 342 9340<br />

or 021 853 033<br />


For all building work<br />

but specialist in bathroom<br />

renovations, 30 yrs<br />

experience, with service<br />

and integrity. Free Quotes.<br />

Ph Lachlan 383-<strong>17</strong>23 or<br />

0274 367-067.<br />


LICENSED, available for<br />

all aspects of building.<br />

Please call 027 241-7471<br />

or 335-0265<br />

**************<br />

CARPET & VInYL<br />

LAYIng<br />

Repairs, uplifting,<br />

relaying, restretching,<br />

E mail jflattery@xtra.<br />

co.nz<br />

ph 0800 003 181<br />

or 027 2407416<br />

Tuition<br />

Ballet Tuition<br />

Classes for juniors to seniors or<br />

individual private lessons<br />

Preparation for examinations<br />

Ph 027 282 5700<br />

Joan Adams (A.R.A.D)<br />

Associate Royal Academy of Dance,<br />

Solo Seal<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Christchurch's<br />

premier Eco<br />

Friendly cleaning<br />

company<br />

Holiday<br />

Accommodation<br />



LIA Resort, Ocean Views,<br />

• Eco Friendly<br />

Balconies, Self Contained,<br />

1 or 2 B/R Ensuite,<br />

• Gear Supplied<br />

• Professional<br />

• Guaranteed<br />

Heated Pool, Spa, Sauna,<br />

Free Internet, Shops,<br />

Contact us today! Restaurants, Tennis, Surf<br />

Freddie<br />

Club & Patrolled Beach,<br />

020 4143 7007<br />

Public Transport at door.<br />

www.snapclean.co.nz<br />

Ask for our SEASONAL<br />

SPECIALS. Phone 61 7<br />

544-35011 Email: reception@mandolin.com.au<br />

Trades & Services<br />

FEnCE PAInTIng www.mandolin.com.au<br />

Staining Quality at a<br />

reasonable price. Free Situations Vacant<br />

quotes. Phone Warren<br />

today on 980-1676 or 027<br />

2014713<br />

part time<br />

PAInTER<br />

work<br />

Available, All aspects in<br />

Lawnmowing,<br />

painting. Very competitive<br />

garden & working<br />

in roofs and fences. Please<br />

with horses.<br />

call 027 241-7471 or 335-<br />

0265<br />

Approx 30 hours<br />

per week.<br />

PAInTER<br />

Quality work, I stand by Phone<br />

Canterbury Ph Wayne 027 432 0047<br />

03 385-4348 or 027 274<br />

3541<br />

PAInTIng<br />

DECORATIng<br />

Wingfields Contracting,<br />

all interior & exterior<br />

painting & all forms of<br />

interior plastering & jib<br />

fixing, ph Mark 021 <strong>17</strong>1-<br />

1586 or 355-5994<br />


Gib Stopping, Small<br />

job specialty. 30 + years<br />

experience. Ring 0800<br />

387-369<br />


35 years exp, no job<br />

too small. Ph Ross 027<br />

4311440.<br />

TILIng<br />

Quality jobs done on time.<br />

All aspects of tiling. Reg<br />

Master Tiler. Ph Dave 027<br />

334 4125<br />

TILIng<br />


Kitchen/bathroom/<br />

laundry, incl mosaics, ph<br />

027 334 4125<br />

T.V. SERVICE<br />

CEnTRE<br />

Repairs, tvs, microwaves,<br />

stereos, DVD. Aerial<br />

installations and kitsets,<br />

480 Moorhouse Ave, ph 03<br />

379 1400<br />


& all camera tapes<br />

converted to DVD, video<br />

taping special occasions,<br />

www.grahamsvideo.co.nz<br />

ph 03 338-1655<br />

WInDOW CLEAnIng<br />

Average 3 bdrm house<br />

inside or out $40. Both<br />

$70. Phone Trevor 344-<br />

2<strong>17</strong>0<br />

CLEANER Part time /<br />

Good rate pay. Hornby<br />

area following hours.<br />

Tuesday 4pm - 9.30pm<br />

(Can start 5.30 if<br />

preferred). Thursday 4pm<br />

- 9.30pm. Sunday 5 hours<br />

anytime to suit. Harewood<br />

area Saturday 4 hours<br />

anytime between 10-4pm.<br />

Must have own transport,<br />

reliable all equipment<br />

onsite, well presented<br />

and have an attention for<br />

detail. You may like job<br />

share these hours therefore<br />

starting later. Marie 0272<br />

288 150 carl.marie@xtra.<br />

co.nz<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

CASH FOR<br />

STAMPS<br />

Do you have an<br />

Old Stamp or Coin<br />

collection tucked away<br />

somewhere? It could<br />

be worth a fortune!<br />

We are currently Buying<br />

old collections in the<br />

Christchurch area to stock<br />

our retail shop in Riccarton.<br />

Free Appraisal and Cash<br />

Offers on most items.<br />

Call Matt Power<br />

0800 39 24 26<br />

The Stamp Exchange<br />

134a Riccarton Road. Opposite<br />

the Mall carpark.<br />

AAA Buying goods<br />

quality furniture,<br />

Beds, Stoves, Washing<br />

machines, Fridge Freezers.<br />

Same day service. Selwyn<br />

Dealers. Phone 980 5812<br />

or 027 313 8156<br />

TOOLS Garden,<br />

garage, woodworking,<br />

mechanical, engineering,<br />

sawbenches, lathes, cash<br />

buyer, ph 355-2045

WESTERN NEWS Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>17</strong> 20<strong>17</strong> 19<br />

What’s On<br />

Entertainment<br />

The Big Band Festival<br />

ONCE again this Labour weekend Christchurch will<br />

be humming to the sound of big bands around town<br />

and in concert. ere will be toe tapping<br />

performances and lots of opportunities for dancing<br />

with classic and more recent tunes being played at<br />

over 40 performances.<br />

Every Labour weekend for the last 10 years, the Big<br />

Band Festival has brought high quality big band<br />

music, performance opportunities and big band<br />

education to Christchurch, and this year is no<br />

exception.<br />

On ursday 19th big band legend Rodger Fox is a<br />

special guest with the Chisnallwood Intermediate<br />

School Jazz Band.<br />

From Friday through to Monday big band music<br />

will resonate throughout the city with free public<br />

performances at the Container Mall, the Art Gallery,<br />

Fat Eddie’s, New Regent St, the Botanic Gardens<br />

(Peacock Fountain) and even on the Tram!<br />

To advertise, contact<br />

Jo Fuller 027 458 8590<br />

jo.fuller@starmedia.kiwi<br />

e Festival’s opening concert will feature<br />

Christchurch’s popular All Girl Big Band in concert<br />

with vocalist Kate Taylor at the Charles Luney<br />

Auditorium at 7.30pm.<br />

On Saturday there is an exciting array of<br />

workshops that are open to the public.<br />

A highlight of the Festival is always the Big Band<br />

Festival Ball, being held this year at the Hornby<br />

Working Men’s Club starting at 7pm on Saturday<br />

night.<br />

On Sunday evening the Gala Concert at 7.30pm at<br />

the Charles Luney Auditorium will feature<br />

Christchurch’s Symposium, a local big band of<br />

Christchurch’s top jazz musicians, in a Vocal<br />

Extravaganza.<br />

You can check out the schedule and purchase<br />

tickets on the Big Band Festival website.<br />

www.bigbandfest.org.nz.<br />


We are open from 6.30am<br />

Seniors SPECIAL<br />

2 courses Soup/Roast or Roast/Dessert<br />

Special available lunch only. Monday - Saturday 12pm - 2.30pm<br />

Family Friendly<br />

Kid’s 2 course special<br />

$20<br />

$10<br />

‘Famous for their roasts!’<br />

The<br />


& Motorlodge<br />

118 Racecourse Rd, Sockburn,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 03 342 7150<br />

www.racecoursehotel.co.nz<br />

Christchurch’s only<br />


RUGBY : MITRE 10 CUP<br />




FROM 7PM - LATE<br />




Enjoy uninterrupted panoramic<br />

east coast scenery while<br />

dining in our upstairs<br />

Pierview A la Carte Restaurant.<br />

The restaurant is open from<br />

5.30pm Friday, Saturday and<br />

Sunday, and for Sunday Brunch<br />

from 10.30am to 2pm.<br />

For exceptional value, try our<br />

Pierview Sunday 3 course<br />

Dinner special, only $25.<br />

And on the last Sunday<br />

of every night is our famous<br />

all you can eat Pierview Sunday<br />

Night Buffet, also priced at just<br />

$25. Next Buffet is Sunday<br />

29th <strong>October</strong>. Book now!<br />

Downstairs our acclaimed<br />

Club Bistro is open Tuesday to<br />

Saturday from 12pm - 2pm and<br />

from 5pm. For unbeatable value<br />

try our $11 Midweek Roast<br />

special, available Tuesday,<br />

Wednesday and Thursday.<br />


SHUTTLE SERVICE Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat<br />

New Brighton Club<br />

202 Marine Parade<br />

Phone 388-9416<br />

www.newbrightonclub.co.nz<br />

Members, guests and affiliates welcome<br />

Lunch & Dinner<br />

All you can eat, 7 days<br />

Bookings Essential<br />

PH 386 0088<br />

fb.com/GardenHotelRestaurant<br />

www.gardenhotel.co.nz<br />



5PM - 7PM DAILY<br />




$12<br />

LUNCH<br />


Live Music:<br />

6PM.FRI.20 OCT<br />

COFFEE<br />

HAPPY<br />

H O U R<br />

2PM-4PM<br />

DAILY<br />

$3.50<br />

Offer available for a limited time<br />

and includes tea, hot chocolate<br />







FROM<br />

11.30AM-2PM<br />

FOR A<br />


Mandi Miller<br />



www.gardenhotel.co.nz | phone 385 3132<br />

H ORNBY<br />


CLUB<br />





4.30PM:<br />


8PM:<br />



1.30PM, $6 ENTRY<br />





Chalmers<br />

Restaurant<br />


DINNER<br />

Fri, Sat, Sun<br />


Sunday 12pm<br />





LUNCH $25 12PM | DINNER $27 5PM<br />



SUNDAY 3, 10, <strong>17</strong> DECEMBER<br />



DINE & DANCE<br />





Club CAFE<br />

OPEN 7 DAYS<br />


The Hornby Club | ph 03 349 9026 | <strong>17</strong> Carmen Rd | Hornby<br />

www.hornbywmc.co.nz | Members, guests & affiliates welcome

20 Tuesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>17</strong> 20<strong>17</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


Four Seasons Realty<br />

For Sale<br />

$669,000<br />

Deadline Sale<br />

All offers presented<br />

3rd November<br />

(unless sold prior)<br />

For Sale<br />

$590,000<br />

44 Lindsay Drive<br />

Prebbleton<br />

4 2 2 1 2 2<br />

Priced To Please In Prebbleton<br />

Stylishly executed in black brick, shaded tile and cedar<br />

trim accents, this 2015 build tastefully composes<br />

functional design, connected living and modern lines to<br />

present exceptional buying for the location and level of<br />

specification on a 615m2 section.<br />

View at: fourseasons.harcourts.co.nz ID#HR4565<br />

Jackie Wither – 0274 503 777<br />

3 2 1 1 2<br />

Lots of Land, Great Opportunity!<br />

An excellent opportunity of 16,198sqm more or less of<br />

Living 1 zoned land presents itself in central Rolleston.<br />

Add to the mix a 3 bedroom brick home, separate studio,<br />

workshop and possible subdivision (subject to consent)<br />

and the potential is clear to see.<br />

View at: fourseasons.harcourts.co.nz ID#HR4570<br />

Jeremy Andrews – 021 969 425<br />

784 East Maddisons<br />

Road<br />

Rolleston<br />

21 Birchwood Close<br />

Prebbleton<br />

3 2 1 1 2<br />

Bag It In Birchwood Close!<br />

Say `yes’ to the address in perennially popular Prebbleton<br />

with a tidy brick & tile home completely geared towards<br />

uncomplicated family living and super summer indoor/<br />

outdoor enjoyment. Warm and inviting and totally relaxing<br />

with opportunities to make-over and modernise<br />

according to your own taste and preference.<br />

View at: fourseasons.harcourts.co.nz ID#HR4566<br />

Jackie Wither – 0274 503 777<br />

Deadline Sale<br />

All offers presented<br />

31st <strong>October</strong><br />

(unless sold prior)<br />

Auction<br />

Thursday 2nd November<br />

(unless sold prior)<br />

Auction<br />

Thursday 2nd November<br />

(unless sold prior)<br />

2<strong>17</strong> Struie Road<br />

Hororata<br />

109 Manse Road<br />

Leeston<br />

49 Windsor Drive<br />

Kirwee<br />

4 2 2 1 2<br />

Rare Opportunity 50 Acres<br />

Located just 20 minutes (approx) this property offers a truly<br />

enviable lifestyle in a peaceful rural setting. This house has<br />

a true country home feel and has excellent indoor/outdoor<br />

flow. The dwelling seamlessly connects to the tranquil<br />

garden. You step from the deck to the pool or spa and relax<br />

in the stunning peace as you look at the mountains.<br />

View at: fourseasons.harcourts.co.nz ID#RL<strong>17</strong>74<br />

Fergus Spain - 027 273 9044<br />

5 3 2 1 3<br />

Liffeyfields Stunner<br />

Both serene and inviting, this property’s meticulous<br />

configuration and flow of space will appeal to many. Art<br />

and design enthusiast will appreciate the tall ceilings<br />

and appointed interior wall space on which to hang<br />

their collections. A chef would be pleased with the<br />

induction cook top, large wall oven designer bench<br />

tops and walk in scullery.<br />

View at: fourseasons.harcourts.co.nz ID#RL<strong>17</strong>68<br />

Richard Tait - 027 777 8080<br />

3 2 2 3 3<br />

Windsor Drive Dream!<br />

Just a short commute to Rolleston and Christchurch. This<br />

aesthetically designed home is positioned on a north facing<br />

1.05 ha, with park-like gardens that make you feel like you’re<br />

a world away from everything. This is an opportunity for<br />

the discerning buyer to buy a dream that is fully<br />

completed, this is a must see, don’t wait.<br />

View at: fourseasons.harcourts.co.nz ID#RL<strong>17</strong>75<br />

Fergus Spain - 027 608 4768<br />

Curious to know<br />

the value of<br />

your home?<br />

Hornby.<br />

Rolleston.<br />

395 Main South Road S13, Rolleston Square<br />

P 349 9919 P 347 4711<br />

Property Management.<br />

379 Halswell Road<br />

P 322 1197<br />

fourseasons.harcourts.co.nz<br />

Licensed Agent REAA 2008

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