Western News: October 17, 2017

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12 Tuesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>17</strong> 20<strong>17</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />



Physical Sense supports senior well-being<br />

Eight yEars ago, the Physical sense<br />

gym and Physio in sydenham, created a<br />

program to help stroke survivors. Their<br />

specialised exercise program is based<br />

on the work of the Burwood stroke<br />

rehabilitation team.<br />

Participants were so happy with the<br />

classes and the benefits they experienced<br />

that it has now grown to four classes<br />

each week. New classes have also been<br />

added to be effective for those who have<br />

suffered from Osteoporosis, intermittent<br />

Claudication, and Diabetes. On top of<br />

that they also run four weekly classes<br />

for seniors. These weekly rehabilitation<br />

and injury prevention classes can lead to<br />

continued gym membership at a reduced<br />

cost. Participants may also be eligible for<br />

a WiNZ subsidy to pay for the continued<br />

gym membership.<br />

Join one of the classes and increase<br />

your strength and mobility or just come<br />

in to find out more about what assistance<br />

is available for you.<br />

it all starts with a free assessment<br />

on Monday at 11.30 am where an<br />

experienced physiotherapist will assess<br />

your situation and advise you on the most<br />

appropriate exercise group with the aim to<br />

enable you to keep living as independently<br />

as possible.<br />

Life can get tougher as we get older,<br />

and it’s often easy to think that we should<br />

simply struggle on. yet a huge range of<br />

services are available to make life easier.<br />

Because these services are sometimes<br />

difficult to find, a new non-profit Centre<br />

for senior Wellbeing has been established.<br />

here you can get all the information<br />

needed to make sure that you (or your<br />

Join the classes at Physical Sense<br />

parents) can keep on living independently.<br />

it is a “walk-in” information centre<br />

where the staff are happy to connect you<br />

to the services you need to; -prevent<br />

falling, -make adjustments to home and<br />

surroundings, -reduce pain, -stay mobile,<br />

care for your feet.<br />

Problems with feet is a real issue for<br />

many older people with limited flexibility.<br />

The Centre offers in-home footcare for<br />

a reasonable fee. additionally, there are<br />

services provided by dieticians to help<br />

with weight gain or loss, nutrition and<br />

shopping. also occupational therapists<br />

who help maintain independence, safety<br />

in the home, and practical strategies for<br />

coping with issues like memory loss and<br />

pain. speech and language therapists<br />

support those with swallowing and<br />

communication concerns. Physiotherapy,<br />

in-clinic or at home, can help you stay<br />

mobile, reduce pain and increase wellness.<br />

Physical Sense and the Centre for Senior Well-Being are located at 300 Colombo Street, Sydenham. The Blue Line Bus<br />

stops in front of the door and there is ample parking. To enquire phone 377-2577 or visit www.triggerpoints.co.nz<br />




PRICES<br />

SMART<br />

BRANDS<br />


PRICES<br />

HORNBY 409 Main South Road |<br />

Open 10am–5pm, 7 days

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