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Chapter 1. Introducing Laravel 9<br />

In recent years virtual machines dramatically lowered this bar. A virtual machine is a softwarebased<br />

implementation of a computer that can be run inside the confines of another computer (such<br />

as your laptop), or even inside another virtual machine. This is incredible technology, because for<br />

instance you can use a virtual machine to run an Ubuntu Linux server on your Windows 10 laptop,<br />

or vice versa. Further, it’s possible to create a customized virtual machine image preloaded with<br />

a select set of software. This image can then be distributed to fellow developers, who can run the<br />

virtual machine and take advantage of the custom software configuration. This is precisely what the<br />

Laravel developers have done with Homestead²⁰, a virtual machine which bundles everything you<br />

need to get started building Laravel-driven websites.<br />

Homestead is currently based on Ubuntu 16.04, and includes everything you need to get started<br />

building Laravel applications, including PHP 7.0, Nginx, MySQL, PostgreSQL and a variety of other<br />

useful utilities such as Redis and Memcached. It runs flawlessly on OS X, Linux and Windows,<br />

and the installation process is very straightforward, meaning in most cases you’ll be able to begin<br />

managing Laravel applications in less than 30 minutes.<br />

Mac users have another option at their disposal when it comes to locally hosting a Laravel<br />

application. It’s called Valet, and later in this chapter I’ll introduce Valet. If you’re looking<br />

for a no-frills hosting environment during the development process, Valet is way to go<br />

although for most readers I still recommend spending the extra time and effort required to<br />

install Homestead because of all the additional features it has to offer.<br />

Installing Homestead<br />

Homestead requires Vagrant²¹ and VirtualBox²². User-friendly installers are available for all of<br />

the common operating systems, including OS X, Linux and Windows. Take a moment now to<br />

install Vagrant and VirtualBox. Once complete, open a terminal window and execute the following<br />

command:<br />

1 $ vagrant box add laravel/homestead<br />

2 ==> box: Loading metadata for box 'laravel/homestead'<br />

3 box: URL: https://atlas.hashicorp.com/laravel/homestead<br />

4 This box can work with multiple providers! The providers that it<br />

5 can work with are listed below. Please review the list and choose<br />

6 the provider you will be working with.<br />

7<br />

8 1) virtualbox<br />

9 2) vmware_desktop<br />

10<br />

²⁰http://laravel.com/docs/homestead<br />

²¹http://www.vagrantup.com/<br />


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