WWBA February 2018 Newsletter
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<strong>WWBA</strong><br />
Westchester Women’s Bar Association<br />
FEBRUARY <strong>2018</strong><br />
Jacqueline Hattar<br />
T<br />
he Honorable Lisa Margaret<br />
Smith, Magistrate Judge for<br />
the United States District<br />
Court, Southern District of New York,<br />
and a <strong>WWBA</strong> Vice President, received<br />
the Kay Crawford Murray award on<br />
January 23, <strong>2018</strong>. The New York<br />
State Bar Association’s Committee on<br />
Women in the Law (CWIL) presented<br />
the award to Judge Smith during a wellattended<br />
luncheon at the NYSBA annual<br />
meeting at the New York Hilton<br />
Midtown.<br />
The Kay Crawford Murray award<br />
honors a NYSBA member, who has<br />
made a substantial contribution to increase<br />
the value of diversity in the legal<br />
profession and advances the pro-<br />
Hon. Lisa Margaret Smith<br />
fessional development of women attorneys. The award is named for Kay Crawford<br />
Murray, past chair of the CWIL, who passed away in January <strong>2018</strong>. <strong>WWBA</strong> past<br />
FEBRUARY <strong>2018</strong><br />
An Interview with<br />
Angela Morcone Giannini<br />
(page 5)<br />
LGBTQ 101: The<br />
Intersectionality of Intimate<br />
Partner Violence<br />
(page 6)<br />
Litigation Tip<br />
(page 6)<br />
Upcoming Events<br />
(page 8)<br />
<strong>February</strong> 13, <strong>2018</strong><br />
Pace University<br />
White Plains, New York<br />
news<br />
www.wwbany.org<br />
continued on page 4 ➥<br />
March 7, <strong>2018</strong><br />
McCarthy Fingar, LLP<br />
White Plains, New York<br />
March 22, <strong>2018</strong><br />
Pace University<br />
White Plains, New York<br />
You may have<br />
noticed that we have<br />
“Gone Red” this issue<br />
in recognition of<br />
the fact that <strong>February</strong><br />
is “Heart<br />
Month.” <strong>February</strong><br />
was first designated<br />
as “Heart Month” by<br />
Lisa M. Denig<br />
President Lyndon B.<br />
Johnson in 1964 and has been recognized<br />
as such ever since.<br />
The purpose of “Heart Month” is<br />
to raise awareness of cardiovascular<br />
disease and the numbers are staggering<br />
– on average, someone dies from<br />
cardiovascular disease every 40 seconds.<br />
While many people believe that<br />
heart disease affects mainly men, this is<br />
a myth – heart disease is the number<br />
one leading cause of death for women<br />
and roughly the same number of women<br />
and men die each year from heart attacks<br />
or strokes.<br />
Much has been done in recent years<br />
to raise awareness of this fact. Again,<br />
this month, on <strong>February</strong> 2, <strong>2018</strong>,<br />
women and men will “Go Red” on<br />
National Wear Red Day to bring attention<br />
to what is often termed “the silent<br />
killer.” If you are able to participate in<br />
a “Go Red” event, please take the opportunity<br />
to raise funds and promote<br />
education regarding healthy ways to<br />
avoid cardiovascular disease.<br />
The <strong>WWBA</strong> has been an active<br />
participant in promoting “Heart Month”<br />
in the past and this year will be no exception.<br />
Cardio exercise, in whatever<br />
form you enjoy most, is critical to maincontinued<br />
on page 3 ➥<br />
The Westchester Women’s Bar Association is a Chapter of the Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York
<strong>WWBA</strong> Member <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />
FEBRUARY <strong>2018</strong><br />
Published Monthly by the<br />
Westchester Women’s<br />
Bar Association, a Chapter of<br />
the Women’s Bar Association<br />
of the State of New York<br />
~ 2017/<strong>2018</strong> Officers and Directors ~<br />
President LISA M. DENIG<br />
President-Elect KIM BERG<br />
Vice Presidents<br />
Treasurer<br />
Corresponding Secretary ELIZABETH Z. MARCUS<br />
Immediate Past ast President<br />
Elected Directors Westchester Board<br />
State Directors Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York<br />
Executive Director ELISABETH CAMPOS<br />
© Copyright 2017 Westchester Women’s Bar Association. All rights reserved.<br />
The opinions expressed herein are those of the author(s) only and do not reflect the official position of the Association.<br />
Editor-in-Chief: Elizabeth Z. Marcus • Designed and Printed by IPM Media Group, Inc. (516) 809-0501<br />
2017-<strong>2018</strong> <strong>WWBA</strong> Committee Chairs<br />
S T A N D I N G C O M M I T T E E S<br />
By-Laws ............................................. Hélène Côté, Anna L. Georgiou<br />
Corporate & Commercial ........................ Lisa M. Bluestein, Eva David<br />
Criminal Law ....... Kitley S. Covill, Lisa M. Denig, Hon. Sandra A. Forster<br />
Families’, Children & the Courts .......... Shari R. Gordon, Joy S. Joseph,<br />
Lauren Morrissey<br />
Grievance/Ethics ............................ Kitley S. Covill, Deborah A. Scalise<br />
Judicial Screening ............... Hon. Sandra A. Forster, Loren I. Glassman<br />
Judiciary .......... Hon. Delores Scott Brathwaite, Hon. Linda S. Jamieson<br />
Lawyering & Parenting .......... Joelle M. Burton, Jana Kosberg-Kleidman<br />
Legislation ................................................. Angela Morcone Gianinni<br />
Matrimonial .......... Robin Carton, Dolores Gebhardt, Lonya A. Gilbert<br />
Annual Dinner ......... Robin D. Carton, Lisa M. Denig, Jennifer L. Gray,<br />
Jennifer N. Netrosio, Katie Wendle<br />
Annual Dinner Souvenir Journal .............................. Andrea Friedman<br />
Appellate Practice ....................... Lisa M. Denig, Hon. Mark C. Dillon,<br />
Hon. Sondra M. Miller, Hon. Robert A. Spolzino<br />
Archive & Historian ..................................................... Susan L. Pollet<br />
Awards .................................................. Elizabeth Barnhard, Kim Berg<br />
Deborah Farber-Kaiser<br />
Bankruptcy ................... Susan Mills Richmond, Wendy Marie Weathers<br />
Breast Cancer Awareness ...................................... Adrienne J. Orbach<br />
Collaborative Law ............................. Kathleen Donelli, Lynn J. Maier,<br />
Hon. Sondra M. Miller<br />
Community Outreach ... Deborah A. Scalise, Hon. Lisa Margaret Smith<br />
Continuing Legal Education ..................................... Ann M. McNulty<br />
Construction ........................................... Aisling Brady, Sushmita Roy<br />
Diversity in Membership ........... Jacqueline Hattar, Stephanie Melowsky<br />
Domestic Violence ........... Natanya L. Briendel, Beth Levy, Audrey Stone<br />
Education Law ....................... Adrienne J. Arkontaky, Julie P. Passman,<br />
Susan Mills Richmond<br />
Elder & Health Law & Reproductive Rights ....... Elizabeth A. Cumming,<br />
Shari R. Gordon, Moira Laidlaw<br />
Employment Law ................................................ Kim Berg, Sara Kula<br />
Environmental & Land Use .......... Lucia Chiocchio, Anna L. Georgiou,<br />
Jennifer L. Gray, Katherine Zalantis<br />
Gender Dynamics ...................................... Hon. Terry Jane Ruderman<br />
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A D H O C C O M M I T T E E S<br />
Membership ............................................... Sherry Bishko, Hélène Côté<br />
Networking ............................................ Arin Liebman, Suzanne Volpe<br />
New Lawyers ................................... Elizabeth Z. Marcus, Katie Wendle<br />
Professional Development ......... Susan Edwards Colson, Adam J. Krim,<br />
Stephanie Melowsky<br />
Programs .......................................... Natanya Briendel, Amanda Fried<br />
Public Relations ............................... Joelle M. Burton, Jennifer L. Gray<br />
Real Property ................................... Allyson Magliery, Michelle Murphy<br />
Sponsorship .......................... Susan Edwards Colson, Lucia Chiocchio<br />
Taxation ....................................................................................... TBD<br />
Trusts & Estates ........ Gail M. Boggio, Nancy J. Rudolph, Karen J. Walsh<br />
Golf & Tennis Outing ................................................................ TBD<br />
Holiday Party and Boutique ...... Dolores Gebhardt, Jennifer N. Netrosio<br />
Immigration .............................................................................. TBD<br />
Insurance Law ........................................................................... TBD<br />
Intellectual Property .............. Elizabeth M. Barnhard, Donna E. Frosco,<br />
Theresa O’Rourke Nugent<br />
Judgment Enforcement & Collections .............. Christopher T. Bonante,<br />
Daniel F. Florio, Jr.<br />
Litigation ...................... Angela Morcone Giannini, Jacqueline Hattar<br />
Kimberly Sheehan<br />
Long Range Planning ................ Carla D. Glassman, Linda Markowitz<br />
Ann M. McNulty<br />
Mediation ............................ Amy Carron Day, Hon. Sondra M. Miller,<br />
Lauren S. Morrissey, Abby Rosmarin<br />
Network of Bar Leaders ............................................. Donna E. Frosco<br />
Pace Board of Visitors ................................................ Gail M. Boggio<br />
Past Presidents ........... Jane Bilus Gould, Mary F. Kelly, Linda Markowitz<br />
Practice Management .............. Jamieson L. Keiser, Jennifer N. Netrosio<br />
Wendy Marie Weathers<br />
Pro Bono ........................................... Marian Genio, Natalie Sobchak<br />
Social Media .............. Hélène Côté, Kristen Motel, Jennifer N. Netrosio<br />
Technology/Website .......... Donna E. Frosco, Theresa O’Rourke Nugent<br />
WCA Board Delegate ............................................ Anthony Morando<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> Foundation President ..................................... Susan S. Brown<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> Representative Director to the WCBA Board .. Dolores Gebhardt<br />
Page 2<br />
Westchester Women’s Bar Association News
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President’s Message<br />
from page 1<br />
“Numerous studies<br />
show that working<br />
out with a ‘buddy’<br />
increases long-term<br />
exercise<br />
participation.”<br />
taining heart health. As many of you already<br />
know, I am a certified spin instructor<br />
and I am passionate about getting people<br />
up off the couch. To that end, I will be<br />
conducting a “Learn to Spin” fundraiser<br />
on <strong>February</strong> 10, <strong>2018</strong>, at 1 PM at the<br />
Scarsdale location of New York Sports<br />
Club. The fee for the class is $20 and all<br />
proceeds collected will be donated to the<br />
American Heart Association, through the<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> Foundation.<br />
This class is aimed at people who are<br />
afraid to simply walk in and try a spin class<br />
on their own. I will guide you on how to<br />
properly set up your bike, correct body<br />
alignment, and what the different resistance<br />
levels are and how to achieve them. Then,<br />
I will take you through an abbreviated halfhour<br />
ride where you can put your newfound<br />
knowledge to work. This class will<br />
be a “safe space” for those who may have<br />
been intimidated in this past by this form<br />
of exercise. With the proper guidance and<br />
introduction, you might love it so much<br />
that you become a spin instructor one day<br />
too!<br />
If you cannot attend the spin class or<br />
you simply are not interested in spinning, I<br />
encourage you find a cardio format that<br />
you enjoy, and then invite a friend to join<br />
you in that endeavor. Numerous studies<br />
show that working out with a “buddy” increases<br />
long-term exercise participation.<br />
And, by all means, choose something that<br />
is fun. It can be brisk walking, Zumba<br />
class, swimming, tennis or other team and<br />
individual sports. Raising your heart rate<br />
for at least 45 minutes, 3-4 times a week<br />
should be your goal.<br />
And now I can finally use my catch<br />
phrase in a way that makes sense – Lace<br />
up your sneakers and meet me in spin class<br />
on <strong>February</strong> 10th! ◗<br />
Editor’s Note<br />
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?”<br />
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.<br />
Making Dates and Getting Published<br />
❑ Deadline for newsletter submissions is the 12th of the month prior to publication (submissions<br />
received after the deadline are subject to the discretion of the editor).<br />
❑ Send submissions as email attachments to Elizabeth Z. Marcus at elizabeth.z.marcus@gmail.com.<br />
❑ Articles should be 1,000 words or fewer. Remove all pagination, headers, footers or other<br />
formatting, other than bold, underline or italics. Authors are encouraged to submit photographs<br />
for publication with their submissions and include a short biographical statement with<br />
their submissions.<br />
❑ Materials submitted allow the <strong>WWBA</strong> a limited copyright and full permission to reprint the<br />
material in any <strong>WWBA</strong> publication or on its website without additional consent.<br />
❑ Photographs must be high-resolution (150 dpi or more) and the subject and all persons in<br />
each photograph must be fully identified.<br />
❑ First visit the <strong>WWBA</strong> website: www.wwbany.org and click on the calendar at the home page to<br />
view scheduled programs. Conflicts in scheduling will be assessed on a case by case basis, with<br />
priority for early submissions.<br />
❑ Contact Elizabeth Z. Marcus at elizabeth.z.marcus@gmail.com to schedule a <strong>WWBA</strong> sponsored<br />
or co-sponsored program, including committee meetings, CLE programs, etc.<br />
❑ Once you have reserved the date with Elizabeth Z. Marcus, proceed with planning your<br />
program and creating your flyer.<br />
❑ Flyers must be approved by the Programs Committee. In advance of the 12th of the month,<br />
please send your flyer to the Program Committee Co-chairs for review and copy the Executive<br />
Director. Once approved, please send your final flyer to the Executive Director, Elizabeth Z.<br />
Marcus and the President for publication on the website calendar and the newsletter calendar.<br />
The final flyer will also be emailed to the membership.<br />
❑ We will also consider publicizing programs from outside organizations that may be of interest<br />
to our members.<br />
❑ Post-event: You may report on the success of your program and provide photographs of the<br />
speakers and participants that can be included in an upcoming newsletter. Send your submission<br />
to Elizabeth Z. Marcus, following the guidelines above.<br />
A d v e r t i s i n g R a t e s<br />
Full Page Display Ad<br />
5-10 Issues - $525.00 per issue<br />
1-4 Issues - $575.00 per issue<br />
Half Page Display Ad<br />
5-10 Issues - $275.00 per issue<br />
1-4 Issues - $300.00 per issue<br />
Contacts<br />
Elizabeth Z. Marcus, Corresponding Secretary and <strong>Newsletter</strong> Editor-in-Chief: elizabeth.z.marcus@gmail.com<br />
Natanya Briendel, Programs Committee Co-Chair: nbriendel@law.pace.edu<br />
Amanda C. Fried, Programs Committee Co-Chair: afried@cartonrosoff.com<br />
Lisa M. Denig, President: president@wwbany.org<br />
Ann M. McNulty, CLE Chair: ann.m.mcnulty@morganstanley.com<br />
Elisabeth Campos, Executive Director: executivedirector@wwbany.org<br />
Quarter Page Display Ad<br />
5-10 Issues - $165.00 per issue<br />
1-4 Issues - $180.00 per issue<br />
Business Card Ad<br />
5-10 Issues - $60.00 per issue<br />
1-4 Issues - $75.00 per issue<br />
Classified – office space, furniture/equipment, employment & situation wanted (up to 5 lines)<br />
Members - $50.00 first issue; $25.00 each succeeding issue; Non-Members - $75.00 per issue<br />
Back Cover (3/4 page)<br />
5-10 Issues - $650.00 per issue; 1-4 Issues - $700.00 per issue<br />
Deadline for all ads is the 12th of the month prior to publication. Ads are subject to space limitations.<br />
Contact Elizabeth Z. Marcus at elizabeth.z.marcus@gmail.com for any questions regarding advertising.<br />
Westchester Women’s Bar Association News<br />
Page 3
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Hon. Lisa Margaret Smith Receives Kay<br />
Crawford Murray Award<br />
from page 1<br />
president, Dolores Gebhardt<br />
was the 2016 recipient of the<br />
Crawford Murray award.<br />
During the January 23rd<br />
luncheon, CWIL chair Susan<br />
Harper and NYSBA president<br />
provided remarks. Pat Angley<br />
and I, co-chairs of the awards<br />
subcommittee, were pleased<br />
to present the award to Judge<br />
Smith.<br />
“Judge Smith’s contributions<br />
as a jurist, coupled with<br />
her commitment to mentoring<br />
and advancing the next generation<br />
of women lawyers,<br />
embodies the ideals of the<br />
Kay Crawford Murray<br />
award,” said Susan Harper,<br />
CWIL chair.<br />
Judge Smith is currently<br />
serving her third term as a<br />
Magistrate Judge. Before her<br />
appointment to the bench,<br />
Judge Smith was an Assistant<br />
United States Attorney in the<br />
Southern District of New York<br />
from 1987 to 1995. She is<br />
also an adjunct professor at<br />
Pace Law School. In 2014,<br />
Judge Smith received the<br />
State Women’s Bar<br />
Association’s Judith S. Kaye<br />
Access to Justice Award.<br />
Judge Smith is a longtime<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> Board member.<br />
She has actively mentored<br />
many women lawyers, including<br />
junior attorneys and<br />
law clerks, and has helped<br />
them in their professional<br />
and personal development<br />
and advancement. She has<br />
organized numerous programs<br />
for the Women’s Bar.<br />
For many years, Judge<br />
Smith, along with <strong>WWBA</strong><br />
past president Deborah<br />
Scalise, has been actively involved<br />
in the <strong>WWBA</strong>’s Take<br />
Your Children to Work Day.<br />
Judge Smith opens up her<br />
courtroom to hundreds of inner<br />
city students, including<br />
young girls and minorities, to<br />
show them how the federal<br />
courts work and to inspire<br />
them to attain future careers<br />
in the legal profession and<br />
judiciary.<br />
We congratulate Judge<br />
Smith on receiving this prestigious<br />
award. ◗<br />
“Judge Smith is a long-time <strong>WWBA</strong><br />
Board member. She has actively<br />
mentored many women lawyers,<br />
including junior attorneys and law<br />
clerks, and has helped them in their<br />
professional and personal<br />
development and advancement.”<br />
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Member<br />
FDIC<br />
Page 4<br />
Westchester Women’s Bar Association News
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An Interview with Angela Morcone Giannini<br />
Susan L. Pollet<br />
Chair of the Archive and<br />
Historian Committee<br />
Q: Please tell us about your<br />
involvement with the <strong>WWBA</strong>why<br />
you became a member,<br />
and how you have contributed<br />
to the organization over<br />
the years.<br />
A: I have been a member of<br />
the <strong>WWBA</strong> for over 20 years.<br />
I was introduced to the organization<br />
by my law partner,<br />
Lucille Fontana. Initially, I<br />
volunteered for different<br />
events and then took on the<br />
role of co-chair of the Litigation<br />
committee. That committee<br />
had been dormant for<br />
years and I was active in resurrecting<br />
it with Past Presidents<br />
Donna Frosco and Lisa<br />
Bluestein. Proudly, today Litigation<br />
continues to be an<br />
active committee in our organization.<br />
I started the Litigation<br />
Tip column for our<br />
newsletter which informs our<br />
members of new statutes,<br />
cases and reminders on litigation<br />
tips. I have also held<br />
positions of recording secretary,<br />
state delegate, chair of<br />
the Legislation committee and<br />
this year, treasurer.<br />
“In the last 25 years women<br />
have continued to make strides<br />
in our profession due to the<br />
tenacity, professionalism and<br />
talent of the women of previous<br />
generations.”<br />
ganization. Most importantly,<br />
it is an organization that allows<br />
you to participate based upon<br />
your personal situation in life.<br />
I can share from experience that<br />
as a young associate my participation<br />
was less both due to<br />
my own family commitments<br />
and work commitments. Once<br />
becoming a partner and as my<br />
children grew up, my participation<br />
increased and was welcomed<br />
by the association.<br />
Q: Please tell us about your<br />
legal career, and how it has<br />
developed?<br />
A: While at Fordham University,<br />
I took an elective course,<br />
Constitutional Law. I was a psychology<br />
major and thought for<br />
sure I would go on for my Masters<br />
and perhaps consider<br />
school psychology. After our<br />
first exam, my professor asked<br />
to see me after class. I didn’t<br />
know what to expect and of<br />
course, thought maybe I<br />
bombed his exam. Just the opposite,<br />
he told me that I had<br />
the highest grade in the class<br />
and said I strongly recommend<br />
you apply to law school. While<br />
at Pace Law School, I had the<br />
privilege of interning for the late<br />
Honorable Judge Isaac Rubin<br />
at the Appellate Division Second<br />
Department. I also was a<br />
summer intern at the prestigious<br />
firm of Clark, Gagliardi &<br />
Miller, P.C. and later was hired<br />
Q: In your opinion, why is it<br />
important to be involved in<br />
the <strong>WWBA</strong>?<br />
A: The <strong>WWBA</strong> offers a tremendous<br />
amount of resources<br />
to its members. Some<br />
of these resources include<br />
CLE, discussion panels and<br />
mentoring. Socially, it allows<br />
you to meet other attorneys in<br />
our community both in your<br />
area of practice and in other<br />
areas who you might not otherwise<br />
meet. There are many<br />
long-lasting friendships that<br />
have developed from this orby<br />
the firm. I was fortunate to<br />
become a partner at CGM and<br />
worked there for 28 years learning<br />
each day under the guidance<br />
of renowned trial attorney,<br />
Henry Miller and esteemed<br />
plaintiff’s attorney, Lucille<br />
Fontana. On May 1st of this<br />
year, Lucille and I started our<br />
own firm Fontana Giannini LLP.<br />
Q: What would you like to<br />
accomplish in your career going<br />
forward?<br />
A: Starting my own firm is an<br />
exciting, challenging new adventure.<br />
It is not something I<br />
really envisioned when I became<br />
a lawyer. While it is still<br />
very new, it has proved to be<br />
very rewarding. I hope to continue<br />
to represent victims of<br />
accidents in the areas of personal<br />
injury, premise, auto, labor<br />
and medical malpractice<br />
for many years. Over the years,<br />
I have mentored many law students,<br />
and one day would like<br />
to teach a law class and have<br />
a role in our court system.<br />
Q: What do you think are the<br />
biggest challenges for women<br />
lawyers today?<br />
A: In the last 25 years women<br />
have continued to make strides<br />
in our profession due to the tenacity,<br />
professionalism and talent<br />
of the women of previous<br />
generations. Years ago, I participated<br />
as a group leader in<br />
Angela Morcone Giannini<br />
a state bar committee program<br />
exploring balanced lives<br />
in the practice of law. The<br />
group involved both men and<br />
women and while there were<br />
many important findings, I<br />
think what most impressed me<br />
was the overwhelming feeling<br />
amongst the participants that<br />
there really is no such thing<br />
as a balanced life. It is a fluid<br />
experience both based on our<br />
areas of practice and our own<br />
personal lives. I think recognizing<br />
this early in your career,<br />
especially as women,<br />
can make the practice much<br />
more doable and rewarding.<br />
Q: How have you managed<br />
to juggle your career with<br />
your family life?<br />
A: I was very fortunate to<br />
have a great family network<br />
of support as I started my law<br />
career. In fact, I would like to<br />
dedicate my interview to my<br />
Dad, Anthony J. Morcone,<br />
who passed away last April.<br />
It is a great loss for my family<br />
but his (along with my Mom’s)<br />
nurture, guidance and encouragement,<br />
are responsible<br />
for my family’s achievements<br />
and successes. My husband<br />
continued on page 7 ➥<br />
Westchester Women’s Bar Association News<br />
Page 5
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<strong>February</strong> Litigation Tip<br />
The Driver and Family Protection Act was recently signed by the Governor to provide further protection<br />
for New York drivers and their families involved in automobile accidents where there are<br />
personal injuries. This law concerns insurance coverage for accidents involving uninsured and<br />
underinsured vehicles known in the industry as UM/SUM coverages. Our Lit Tip addressed<br />
this coverage in the past and this new law makes the coverage automatic on all new automobile<br />
insurance policies.<br />
For those unfamiliar, uninsured coverage provides coverage in the event the tortfeasor vehicle<br />
has no liability insurance for the accident and injuries. Underinsured coverage, sometimes also<br />
referred to supplementary uninsured coverage, provides coverage for the circumstance when the<br />
tortfeasor vehicle does not have enough liability coverage to fully compensate for the injuries<br />
suffered in the accident. Many people confuse liability coverage with uninsured /underinsured<br />
coverage. Liability coverage protects you when you are the tortfeasor and are responsible for the<br />
accident and injury to another. Liability coverage on your policy does not afford you coverage<br />
for your injuries or your family member’s injuries caused by the tortfeasor. Here is an example:<br />
in New York the minimum liability coverage limits on automobile policies is 25,000/50,000. If<br />
you are involved in an automobile accident and the tortfeasor has the minimum coverage of<br />
$25,000 and your injuries are worth $250,000 you would be limited to the tortfeasor’s liability<br />
coverage of $25,000 if you did not have underinsurance coverage. However, if your automobile<br />
policy has underinsurance coverage of $250,000, you will be able to collect the $25,000 from<br />
the tortfeasor’s liability coverage and $225,000 from your own underinsurance coverage. (Underinsurance<br />
does have a set-off provision for the amount collected from the tortfeasor and that<br />
amount must be exhausted to trigger underinsurance. There must also be consent of the underinsurance<br />
carrier to settle).<br />
Written by Angela Morcone Giannini, Co-Chair, Litigation Committee<br />
Other Co-Chairs: Jacqueline Hattar & Kimberly Sheehan<br />
Informative CLE on LGBTQ 101: The Intersectionality of<br />
Intimate Partner Violence<br />
Beth Levy, Esq.<br />
On January 31, <strong>2018</strong> the Domestic<br />
Violence Committee of the <strong>WWBA</strong> hosted<br />
a very informative CLE training, which satisfied<br />
two CLE credits, including the new<br />
CLE requirement of Diversity, Inclusion and<br />
Elimination of Bias (“D & I”).<br />
The program, held at Pace Law School,<br />
featured a diverse panel discussing the intersection<br />
of intimate partner violence in the<br />
LGBTQ community and how we can better<br />
serve our clients in Court. Shepard Verbas,<br />
Program Manager at the LOFT: LGBT Community<br />
Services Center, defined both gender<br />
and sexual identity terms, so that lawyers<br />
can respect our client’s preferred identities.<br />
Eva Dolgin, Deputy Program Officer<br />
at My Sisters’ Place, described how prevalent<br />
intimate partner violence is in the LGBTQ<br />
communities and explained how lawyers<br />
can be more sensitive to our clients’ plights.<br />
And finally, Pamela Howard, Managing Attorney<br />
of the Family Law Practice at My Sisters’<br />
Place led a riveting historical summary<br />
of the new Court of Appeals case, Brooke<br />
B. and what led to the Court of Appeals<br />
Panel at the Diversity CLE<br />
expanding the legal definition of parent to<br />
include non-biological LGBTQ parents of<br />
children. ◗<br />
Page 6<br />
Westchester Women’s Bar Association News
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<strong>WWBA</strong> New Members<br />
The Westchester Women’s Bar Association<br />
proudly welcomes our newest members:<br />
MEMBERS OF THE <strong>WWBA</strong> ONLY.<br />
Become a New<br />
Member Today<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> MEMBERSHIP TODAY<br />
JUNE 1, 2017 TO MAY 31, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> Membership includes<br />
membership to the Women’s Bar<br />
Association of the State of New York<br />
(WBASNY).<br />
January 31, <strong>2018</strong> is the closing date in<br />
order to count the <strong>WWBA</strong> members<br />
towards our certification to WBASNY and<br />
assure our number of delegates.<br />
Renewing before this date will allow our<br />
Westchester Chapter (<strong>WWBA</strong>) to continue<br />
to be a strong presence in our statewide<br />
organization (WBASNY) while you will<br />
enjoy its many benefits, events,<br />
newsletter and CLE programming.<br />
An Interview with<br />
Angela Morcone Giannini<br />
from page 5<br />
and I learned quickly in raising our boys<br />
that there was no set way to juggle it all<br />
and each year brought its own challenges.<br />
I think one key lesson I learned,<br />
which is not easy, is to set your own priorities<br />
and not to let the lifestyle of others<br />
in the profession dictate what works<br />
for you.<br />
Q: What activities are you involved in<br />
outside of the law?<br />
We recently purchased a summer home<br />
which has proved to be a great weekend<br />
get-away! It introduced me to<br />
antiquing and tag sales. I really like<br />
the idea of re-purposing items and the<br />
DIY projects have been a lot of fun. We<br />
also purchased bikes . . . my husband’s<br />
idea for exercise . . . ughh . . . but<br />
actually, it proved to be a good outdoor<br />
workout. As for upcoming<br />
projects, I am in charge of organizing<br />
an extended family event this year where<br />
we will donate our time to prepare, cook<br />
and serve food for those in need.<br />
Westchester Women’s Bar Association News<br />
Hélène Côté, Sherry A. Bishko,<br />
Elisabeth Campos<br />
It is easy to renew by going to the<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> Website at www.<strong>WWBA</strong>NY.org.<br />
You can use a credit card or<br />
PayPal to make payment.<br />
Page 7
<strong>WWBA</strong> Schedule of Upcoming Events<br />
COMMITTEE DATE/TIME PLACE TOPIC RSVP (also online at www.wwbany.org)<br />
Appellate and Criminal Law<br />
Committees<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> Women in<br />
Professional Transition<br />
Project<br />
2/13/18<br />
12:00 p.m. -<br />
Registration and<br />
Light Lunch<br />
12:30 to 2:30<br />
p.m. - Program<br />
3/2/18<br />
1:00 p.m.<br />
Board of Directors Meeting 3/7/18<br />
5:30-7:30 p.m.<br />
Mediation Committee 3/7/18<br />
12:00-1:45 p.m.<br />
Brown bag lunch<br />
The Pace Women’s Justice<br />
Center and <strong>WWBA</strong><br />
General Membership<br />
Meeting<br />
3/22/18<br />
5:30-6:00 p.m.<br />
Registration<br />
6:00-8:00 p.m.<br />
Program<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> Book Club 4/3/18<br />
6:00 p.m.<br />
Board of Directors Meeting 4/4/18<br />
5:30-7:30 p.m.<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> Women in<br />
Professional Transition<br />
Project<br />
4/6/18<br />
1:00 p.m.<br />
Elisabeth Haub School of<br />
Law at Pace University<br />
Moot Court Room<br />
78 North Broadway,<br />
White Plains, NY<br />
445 Café<br />
445 Hamilton Ave.<br />
White Plains, NY<br />
(Parking is available in<br />
the garage next door;<br />
follow signs for “office<br />
parking”)<br />
BNY Mellon<br />
701 Westchester Ave.<br />
White Plains, NY<br />
McCarthy Fingar, LLP<br />
11 Martine Avenue<br />
12 th Floor<br />
White Plains, NY<br />
Elisabeth Haub School of<br />
Law at Pace University<br />
Tudor Room<br />
78 North Broadway<br />
White Plains, NY<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong> member<br />
Donna Drumm’s House<br />
Greenwich, CT<br />
BNY Mellon<br />
701 Westchester Ave.<br />
White Plains, NY<br />
445 Café<br />
445 Hamilton Ave.<br />
White Plains, NY<br />
(Parking is available in<br />
the garage next door;<br />
follow signs for “office<br />
parking”)<br />
“Inside the Appellate<br />
Court”<br />
Sitting Justices of the<br />
Appellate Division,<br />
Second Department,<br />
will discuss oral<br />
argument, brief writing,<br />
how the Court decides a<br />
case, and tips and tricks<br />
from the Bench.<br />
Participants are<br />
encouraged to attend<br />
oral arguments<br />
presented that morning<br />
from 10 a.m. to Noon.<br />
Two (2) CLE credits –<br />
Professional Practice<br />
“First Fridays” with the<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong>’s Women in<br />
Professional Transition<br />
Project<br />
Lunch and Learn:<br />
Issues Related to<br />
Representation in<br />
Family and Divorce<br />
Mediation<br />
Perspectives on Sexual<br />
Harassment in the<br />
Workplace in the Wake<br />
of #MeToo<br />
Two (2) CLE credits –<br />
Professional Practice<br />
*Pending approval<br />
Third Meeting of the<br />
Newly Created <strong>WWBA</strong><br />
Book Club<br />
Book:<br />
“Sisters in Law: How<br />
Ruth Bader Ginsburg<br />
and Sandra Day<br />
O’Connor Went to the<br />
Supreme Court and<br />
Changed the World”<br />
“First Fridays” with the<br />
<strong>WWBA</strong>’s Women in<br />
Professional Transition<br />
Project<br />
Online at www.wwbany.org or<br />
email<br />
executivedirector@wwbany.org<br />
No RSVP necessary<br />
For more information go to<br />
www.wwbany.org<br />
For questions or if you are not able<br />
to attend contact:<br />
Lisa Denig at<br />
president@wwbany.org<br />
RSVP to<br />
arosmarin@mccarthyfingar.com<br />
RSVP by: March 12, <strong>2018</strong> online<br />
at www.wwbany.org or email<br />
executive director@wwbany.org<br />
Natanya L. Briendel, Esq. at<br />
nbriendel@law.pace.edu<br />
Register online at<br />
www.wwbany.org<br />
For questions or if you are not able<br />
to attend contact:<br />
Lisa Denig at<br />
president@wwbany.org<br />
No RSVP necessary<br />
For more information go to<br />
www.wwbany.org<br />
Connect<br />
with<br />
us<br />
THE <strong>WWBA</strong> MEMBERSHIP PERIOD FOR<br />
2017-<strong>2018</strong> BEGINS ON JUNE 1, 2017.<br />
ODAY AT<br />
WWW.<strong>WWBA</strong>NY<br />
.<strong>WWBA</strong>NY.ORG<br />