Living The Green Platform

Chapter One

Chapter One


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LIVING<br />




1<br />

<strong>The</strong> Miracle Walks<br />

Of Ali And Alex<br />

DEEP and lasting change is a heroic journey. Sometimes in our<br />

efforts to complete a particular journey in our life, we bite off<br />

more than we can chew and end up disappointed when we fail.<br />

Other times, though we find the hero inside ourselves and this<br />

is witnessed in the growing numbers who are exercising at a time<br />

when ironically we also see a huge rise in obesity in our country.<br />

Everything is relative — for some a 5k or a 10k might be that<br />

goal to feel good and for others, it might be to complete shorter,<br />

personal journeys that are absolutely immense victories for them.<br />

I’ve seen some of those achievements by people over the years<br />

where these journeys were completed with both courage and<br />

conviction. Some were just over 26 miles long and others were only<br />

five steps long.<br />

I had the privilege of introducing the great Muhammad Ali to<br />

an Irish audience in Dublin at a charity dinner organised by Dr<br />

Pearse Lyons, president and founder of the Alltech company<br />

some years ago.<br />

I was with the great boxing legend and his wife, Lonnie,<br />

backstage as the MC was talking to the audience. Ali was sitting<br />

in a chair, shaking with his Parkinson’s disease. My script was<br />

simple. Just say, with as much power and passion as possible: “And<br />

now, ladies and gentlemen, a big warm Irish céad míle fáilte for<br />

the greatest, Muhammad Ali.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> directions were clear. Give Ali the nod to stand up and walk<br />



to the curtain as I was bellowing out, boxing ring-like, the<br />

introduction.<br />

I looked at Ali and nodded to be sure he was okay. He nodded<br />

back. When he stood up, he smiled. Chin up. Head back. He was<br />

ready. As he started to walk, I began my introduction. I could have<br />

been in Madison Square Garden introducing a world<br />

championship fight. But I saw clearly within a millisecond that<br />

my speaking was much quicker than Ali’s ability to put one foot<br />

past the other.<br />

I just got as far as saying: “And now ladies and gentlemen a big<br />

warm Irish céad míle fáilte for …” but Ali had only moved two steps.<br />

His jaw was square. He had that same steely determination he<br />

needed in those nights he fought Joe Frazier, George Foreman and<br />

Sonny Liston. He had refused to use a wheelchair and was fighting<br />

harder than he did against those opponents inside the ring to walk<br />

out and greet his Dublin audience.<br />

He had moved only two steps, and I was stuck. I had totally<br />

overestimated his walking speed. He takes the third step and I say:<br />

“A living legend.” I pause. He takes a fourth step. I go on: “<strong>The</strong> most<br />

recognised face on the planet …” and then he takes his fifth step<br />

and just before he splits the curtain I say: “<strong>The</strong> greatest,<br />

Muhammad Ali.”<br />

He got a standing ovation. <strong>The</strong> longest one I’ve ever seen or<br />

heard. By the time it was over he had been helped to a chair where<br />

he was happy to sit down.<br />

Those five steps had taken an awful lot out of him but he has<br />

been fighting for a bigger cause than just a boxing payday for these<br />

past three decades since he retired.<br />

His wife, Lonnie, said that boxing was only ever a vehicle for<br />

him to do what he’s doing now; raising millions for his charity as<br />

he continues to encourage every man, woman and child in the world<br />

to be the greatest they can be.<br />

I was humbled to be beside him as he completed those five steps<br />

with immense courage and conviction. In those five steps, I saw<br />



the ‘Rumble in the Jungle,’ and the ‘Thrilla in Manila’. He did it not<br />

because he had to do it but because he wanted to do it. It gives him<br />

purpose and meaning every day. With those five steps he<br />

conquered yet again his personal Everest.<br />

Alexander is our third child. He has a rare medical condition<br />

called Mowat-Wilson syndrome. He was the first child in Ireland<br />

discovered to be suffering from it as a baby.<br />

He is now 11 years old. He will never talk. He can do a little walk<br />

if heavily assisted by Annette, his mother, or Genevieve or Fionn<br />

(his sister and brother) or by his godmother, Mary, or his visiting<br />

nurse, Liz, who all help make his life so worthwhile.<br />

He hasn’t eaten for over eight years because he gets his food<br />

into his system through a tube into his stomach. He’s also doubly<br />

incontinent.<br />

We are all in awe of him in our house. He is the most magical<br />

and magnetic child you could ever imagine. Every morning he goes<br />

on his special bus to St Catherine’s in Newcastle, Co Wicklow where<br />

the people there do amazing work with him and with all his<br />

special needs friends.<br />

Before Christmas a few years ago they even staged a nativity<br />

play. Alexander was St Joseph. In the rehearsals, he was great at<br />

knocking on the doors of inns that were full and closed to weary<br />

travellers with a donkey.<br />

However, during the play itself, as soon as he saw the audience<br />

he became more interested in waving at us and clapping his<br />

hands on the stage than knocking on inn doors.<br />

All the actors in the nativity play had members of the staff<br />

helping them move around as some were in wheelchairs and<br />

some needed assistance to stand upright.<br />

In the midst of it all, Alexander turned around and took off. He<br />

walked five steps across the stage on his own. Unaided.<br />

Jane, who looked after his class was so excited afterwards. “Did<br />

you see him walking five steps on his own. Could you imagine him<br />

doing anything like that last year?”<br />



Like Ali, he conquered his own personal Everest that day in the<br />

nativity play by walking those five steps.<br />

So if you’ve given up on exercise or working harder to get<br />

promotion or any other personal challenge, think of Ali and Alex<br />

and then realise what you are capable of doing in your life.<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir ‘marathons’ were just five steps each but what a<br />

magnificent achievement for the two of them. Your journey of 1,000<br />

miles begins with just five steps.<br />

In the book, <strong>The</strong> <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Platform</strong>, chapter 11 is about Alexander<br />

and the positive impact he has on everyone he meets. <strong>The</strong> chapter<br />

is called Meet Alexander the Greatest.<br />

Every day is a new beginning only waiting for you to start your<br />

own heroic journey and be inspired by “<strong>The</strong> Greatest, Muhammad<br />

Ali” and “Alexander <strong>The</strong> Greatest” so that you too can become the<br />

greatest you can be.<br />

Red <strong>Platform</strong>: “What’s the point? It’s only five steps. Where’s<br />

that wheelchair? Where’s Jane?”<br />

<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Platform</strong>: Every step in the right direction matters.<br />

Five or five thousand. “I can do it, one step at a time.”<br />


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