Tithe & Offerings

Bible Study

Bible Study


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Matthew records Christ telling us to make no friends of mammon, while the Luke<br />

reference indicates that Christ’s instruction is to make friends of mammon. The first<br />

question is, what is mammon? The word comes from the Aramaic, mam and nos,<br />

meaning prosperity.<br />

Those speaking Syraic Aramaic believed that mammon was the god of riches and wealth.<br />

According to some scholars, the word is akin to the Hebrew word for being steadfast and<br />

firm. A well-known Hebrew word a-men or amen is a word we say that means, “So be<br />

it;” but amen is also a word used to indicate that the word spoken can be trusted. The<br />

Gesenius Lexicon points out that the word mammon is derived from the word for<br />

treasure.<br />

For example, in Genesis 43:23, the word treasure is matmown, which is similar to the<br />

word mammon. In the setting of Luke 16, verses 1-8 teach of a steward who is<br />

overseeing his master’s finances, and the emphasis is on not wasting the master’s<br />

money. In verses 19-31 is the story of a rich man who did not care for a sick, poor man<br />

who was begging at the gates of his home. That entire chapter covers the subject of<br />

making right decisions with your possessions and finances. It is between these<br />

two stories that Christ inserted the statement, “make friends of mammon.” Thus<br />

the apparent contradiction is that on one hand, you cannot serve God and<br />

The Significance of the Giving Life mammon, and on the other hand, you are to make<br />

friends of mammon. To glean further insight from this statement, look at various<br />

translations of verse 9: I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so<br />

that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings. (NIV) And I say to<br />

you, make friends for yourselves by means of the wealth of unrighteousness, so that<br />

when it fails, they will receive you into the eternal dwellings. (NASB) And I tell you,<br />

make friends for yourselves by means of unrighteous mammon (deceitful riches, money,

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