Rulers and Measurement

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ABFO No. 2 Photomacrographic Scale<br />

Widely accepted format for bite mark photography. Get precise measurements every<br />

me in close-up crime scene shots with this photo ruler. Of rigid vinyl plas c,<br />

marked with easy-to-see <strong>and</strong> photograph measurements on a glare-free finish.<br />

Overall size 105 mm x 105 mm.<br />

CS-0055 Photomacrographic scale each<br />

6” Grey Ruler with Colour Scale<br />

This new 6” laminated grey ruler with built in color scale is ideal for<br />

measuring <strong>and</strong> photographing bruises. You get a rela ve color scale<br />

built into every photo to ensure evidence integrity.<br />

CS-0026 6” Grey Ruler with Colour Scale

Our forensic scales are designed specifically to provide a frame or reference for photography <strong>and</strong>/or measuring<br />

points of interest. Materials used are selected to minimize glare from camera flash. Many color selec ons are available<br />

to match the par cular requirement when using a color camera or just providing contrast. Paper, plas c <strong>and</strong><br />

magne c materials offer versa lity of applica on. Phosphorescent (PHS)<br />

products glow in the dark without the need for a light source! (Light energy absorp on required). A unique <strong>and</strong> important<br />

feature of these products is that they include Op rec linear® graphics that extend the object-to-camera<br />

range. In addi on, the physical size <strong>and</strong> font structure of all reference numbers are graphically designed for op mum<br />

visibility. Black <strong>and</strong> Blue rules have white graphics, all others are black.<br />


Color Paper Paper Adhesive Plas c Plas c/Magne c<br />

Black CS-0241-BK CS-0242-BK CS-0243-BK CS-0244-BK<br />

White CS-0241-WH CS-0242-WH CS-0243-WH CS-0244-WH<br />

Grey CS-0241-GY CS-0242-GY CS-0243-GY CS-0244-GY<br />

Yellow CS-0241-YW CS-0242-YW CS-0243-YW CS-0244-YW<br />

Blue CS-0241-BL CS-0242-BL CS-0243-BL CS-0244-BL<br />


Color Paper Paper Adhesive Plas c Plas c/Magne c<br />

Black CS-0237-BK CS-0238-BK CS-0239-BK CS-0240-BK<br />

White CS-0237-WH CS-0238-WH<br />

Grey CS-0237-GY CS-0238-GY CS-0239-GY CS-0240-GY

Our forensic rulers are designed specifically to provide a frame or reference for photography <strong>and</strong>/or measuring points of interest. Materials<br />

used are selected to minimize glare from camera flash. Many color selec ons are available to match the par cular requirement when using a<br />

color camera or just providing contrast. Paper, plas c <strong>and</strong> magne c materials offer versa lity of applica on. Phosphorescent<br />

(PHS) products glow in the dark without the need for a light source! (Light energy absorp on required). A unique <strong>and</strong> important feature of<br />

these products is that they include Op rec linear® graphics that extend the object-to-camera range. In addi on, the physical size <strong>and</strong> font<br />

structure of all reference numbers are graphically designed for op mum visibility. Black <strong>and</strong> Blue rules have white graphics, all others are black.<br />

Frac onal/Metric<br />

Paper Adhesive-Backed—Removable<br />

COLOR 2” & 5cm 6” & 15cm 12” & 30cm<br />

Black CS-0228-BK CS-0229-BK CS-0230-BK<br />

White CS-0228-WH CS-0229-WH CS-0230-WH<br />

Grey CS-0228-GY CS-0229-GY CS-0230-GY<br />

Frac onal/Metric<br />

Plas c<br />

COLOR 2” & 5cm 6” & 15cm 12” & 30cm<br />

Black CS-0231-BK CS-0232-BK CS-0233-BK<br />

White CS-0231-WH CS-0232-WH CS-0233-WH<br />

Grey CS-0231-GY CS-0232-GY CS-0233-GY<br />

Frac onal/Metric<br />

Plas c/Magne c<br />

COLOR 2” & 5cm 6” & 15cm 12” & 30cm<br />

Black CS-0234-BK CS-0235-BK CS-0236-BK<br />

White CS-0234-WH CS-0235-WH CS-0236-WH<br />

Grey CS-0234-GY CS-0235-GY CS-0236-GY

Credit Card Scale (~ 8 cm, 3”)<br />

Always be ready for a photographic opportunity. This credit card size photographic scale is a perfect size to<br />

keep in your wallet. Includes a white write-on area. Printed black on tough, flexible white vinyl. Avoid placing<br />

magne c scales near credit cards or other sensi ve magne c media.<br />

CS-0245<br />

CS-0245M<br />

Credit Card Scale each<br />

Magne c Credit Card Scales Ea.<br />

L Reference Scale or Bureau Scale<br />

Commonly referred to as a Bureau scale. These scales are two sided, with one side printed<br />

black on white, <strong>and</strong> the other white on black.<br />

Made of rigid plas c. Each comes with a two sided 6” ruler scale.<br />

CS-0052 L Reference Scale, 155 mm x 305 mm<br />

CS-0063 L Reference Scale, 185 mm x 450 mm<br />

CS-0053 L Reference Scale, Hinged<br />

2 cm Adhesive Scales Dual Black <strong>and</strong> White<br />

These adhesive scales provide the best of both worlds. Feature white on black back ground on one edge, <strong>and</strong> black<br />

on white background on the other edge.<br />

CS-0255 2 cm Adhesive Scales Black <strong>and</strong> White, 250/roll<br />

2 cm Adhesive Scales<br />

Measuring only 5/8” high each, these scales are ideal for one-to-one photography. Available with white background,<br />

black scale, black background white scale <strong>and</strong> fluorescent, more visible than other types of labels. Can be<br />

applied to any surface. Ideal for latent prints, photographs, etc. Greater contrast for be er reference in your pictures.<br />

CS-0101-250 B on W 2 cm Scales, 250/roll<br />

LP-95091 Fluorescent 2 cm Scales, 150/roll<br />

CS-0101-500 B on W 2 cm Scales, 500/roll<br />

LP-95089 W on B 2cm, Scales, 150/roll<br />

Con nuous Roll Tapes<br />

Our con nuous roll tapes are 3/4” wide by 105 feet (32 meters) long each. They come on a self wound roll,<br />

simply cut to length <strong>and</strong> press into place. A full length roll is approximately 3” in diameter. The adhesive is of<br />

“Painters Mask” quality, permi ng good adhesion but s ll able to be removed without causing surface degrada<br />

on. Base material is coated to minimize liquid absorp on <strong>and</strong> UV fading. Op rec linear® datum<br />

pa ern down the centre of the rule for quick reference of 6” <strong>and</strong> 10cm repeats. No gap between repeats.<br />

CS-0074<br />

CS-0075<br />

32m Metric Roll<br />

105 Imperial Roll

Adhesive Ruler Labels<br />

All have a ma e non-glare surface <strong>and</strong> come with an adhesive backing that is<br />

high tack, low-sheer, removable, <strong>and</strong> will not cause surface degrada on or<br />

leave a surface residue. Can be applied <strong>and</strong> removed from skin, glass, painted<br />

surfaces, hair, rugs <strong>and</strong> plas cs. All items come on rolls in a peel-<strong>and</strong>-s ck format,<br />

<strong>and</strong> have open spaces available to write on. All have dual metric/<br />

frac onal scales. Available with white, gray or black backgrounds.<br />

All are 1” wide (2.5cm).<br />

CS-0259-WH 2” (5cm) long 200/roll white<br />

CS-0259-GY 2” (5cm) long 200/roll gray<br />

CS-0259-BK 2” (5cm) long 200/roll black<br />

CS-0260-WH 4” (10cm) long 200/roll white

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