Rotorua Grey Power March 2018

The Rotorua Grey Power News is a localised edition of the National Grey Power Magazine, reporting on the policies of the Grey Power Federation, concerns of the elderly and reader interest articles which keep the local members informed on issues that directly affect them.

The Rotorua Grey Power News is a localised edition of the National Grey Power Magazine, reporting on the policies of the Grey Power Federation, concerns of the elderly and reader interest articles which keep the local members informed on issues that directly affect them.


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<strong>Rotorua</strong><br />

magazine<br />

<strong>March</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Photo credit: Blue Lake<br />

<strong>Rotorua</strong>, by Miriam Ruberl<br />

Grow <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Rotorua</strong><br />

Invite a friend to join or gift an annual<br />

membership to someone you know<br />

Payment by cash, cheque, internet transfer.<br />

We do not have EFTPOS.<br />


HAD 1866 MEMBERS<br />

AT JANUARY <strong>2018</strong>

Lake View Dental Laboratory <strong>Rotorua</strong><br />

Flexible partial dentures<br />

Full dentures<br />

Denture repairs<br />

Metal and acrylic partial dentures<br />

Valplast partials<br />

We only use high quality materials and techniques to produce a natural lifelike<br />

denture that our patients will enjoy wearing for many years to come.<br />

Book in for a free consultation and quote with Mike.<br />

Mike Cusin, reg Clinical<br />

Dental Technician<br />

40344<br />

(07) 348 DENTURES (3483368)<br />

1180 Amohia Street, <strong>Rotorua</strong>,<br />

2 <strong>Rotorua</strong> greypower News – <strong>March</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

opposite Central Pharmacy

From the president<br />

New Year greetings to you all, although we<br />

are already into February.<br />


President, <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Rotorua</strong><br />

<strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Rotorua</strong> is<br />

back to business for the<br />

year, the office reopened<br />

after a break for the festive season,<br />

and we have welcomed<br />

some new volunteers.<br />

Meetings with our local<br />

Members of Parliament are<br />

being organised where we will<br />

discuss issues that are of interest<br />

and concern to us.<br />

February 3 brought about the<br />

first hundred days or our coalition<br />

Government, and probably<br />

predictably, the targets set for<br />

this period have generally been<br />

achieved, or are in the process<br />

of being so.<br />

Some of these are of particular<br />

interest to us in The Third<br />

Age.<br />

The Healthy Homes<br />

Guarantee Bill passed into legislation<br />

sets minimum standards<br />

for health and safety for rental<br />

properties. This should have a<br />

big impact on the health of the<br />

many older persons living in<br />

rented accommodation that do<br />

not currently meet this standard.<br />

No more sales of state houses,<br />

the banning of overseas<br />

<strong>2018</strong> <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Rotorua</strong><br />

Events - for your diary<br />

As we go to print for this edition of our magazine, the <strong>Grey</strong><br />

<strong>Power</strong> Committee is still considering venue options for our<br />

<strong>2018</strong> members’ forums and our <strong>Rotorua</strong> Annual General<br />

Meeting.<br />

As usual we had a members’ forum scheduled for <strong>March</strong>, but<br />

our preferred keynote speaker has advised he is unable to<br />

attend. Because this magazine is our main way of advertising<br />

our forums, we have cancelled the <strong>March</strong> date.<br />

speculators from buying existing<br />

houses, the new Affordable<br />

Housing Authority and the Kiwi<br />

Build programme all promise to<br />

make housing more affordable<br />

and accessible.<br />

The payment to superannuitants<br />

by way of the Winter Fuel<br />

Package, starting July 1 will be<br />

of benefit to many.<br />

The Ministerial Inquiry into<br />

the mental health crisis may<br />

identify flaws in the current system,<br />

and provide relief and support<br />

for those in need of such,<br />

providing any recommendations<br />

to do so are actioned.<br />

<strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> supported the<br />

legislation to make medicinal<br />

cannabis available to the terminally<br />

ill. It is important to<br />

note, this legislation only provides<br />

for the availability of recognised<br />

medicinal cannabis, by<br />

medical practitioners, and does<br />

not include that which is home<br />

grown.<br />

To protect The New Zealand<br />

Superannuation for this, and following<br />

generations, Government<br />

will resume contributions to the<br />

New Zealand Superannuation<br />

Russell Hallam<br />

fund this coming April.<br />

The raising of the minimum<br />

wage may have the positive<br />

effect of stopping the exploitation<br />

of older workers seeking<br />

employment. There could also<br />

be the further benefit of raising<br />

the average weekly take<br />

home pay of workers, which<br />

should contribute to a rise in<br />

New Zealand Superannuation<br />

payments.<br />

These are the intended, or<br />

possible effects on our lives<br />

from the ‘first hundred days’.<br />

Only vigorous advocacy will<br />

ensure the benefits will happen.<br />

Kia ora, kia kaha, kia<br />

manawanui.<br />

However please mark the dates below in your diary now, and<br />

topic and venue details will be confirmed in our next issue<br />

[due late May].<br />

Monday, 25 June 1pm<br />

Monday, 23 July 1.30pm<br />

Monday, 1 October 1.30pm<br />

Sunday, 18 November, noon<br />

<strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Rotorua</strong> AGM<br />

<strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> Members’ Forum<br />

<strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> Members’ Forum<br />

<strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> Christmas Lunch<br />

Thinking about selling?<br />

Want ?<br />

- I can help to discuss your options<br />

on selling or purchasing.<br />

- I am constantly exceeding my<br />

Vendors expectation on their sold<br />

price.<br />

- I work for my Vendors.<br />

Don’t Delay, Call Sue Today!<br />

69 Lake road, Ohinemutu, <strong>Rotorua</strong><br />

Fax: 07 349 6622 | Phone: 07 349 6633<br />

Email: daybreakcare@xtra.co.nz<br />

Sue Baker AREINZ<br />


Residential Sales<br />

M: 027 430 4900<br />

DDI: 07 349 8085<br />

E: sue@rotoruaproperty.co.nz<br />

<strong>Rotorua</strong> greypower News – <strong>March</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 3

Hello again – to all our<br />

computer users<br />

This article is directed<br />

to our members who<br />

use computers.<br />


<strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Rotorua</strong> Committee<br />

A<br />

few months ago I wrote<br />

an article to highlight the<br />

importance – or not – of<br />

looking after our electronic data:<br />

photos, videos, emails, love letters,<br />

etc. from our past. They are<br />

important, not only to us, but<br />

also to family members. Some<br />

family members may not care,<br />

others may be VERY interested<br />

in where 'they' came from. My<br />

focus, then, was on backing up<br />

our digital stuff.<br />

Today I’m writing about all<br />

the funny digital stuff you want<br />

to keep – or not – for all the ones<br />

after you.<br />

Young people are busy. Same<br />

as we were at that age. Yet,<br />

as people settle down they may<br />

want to look back at where they<br />

came from, how their grands<br />

lived, or their grand grands.<br />

As time goes on, these memories<br />

are harder to find and people's<br />

roots/memories will get<br />

more and more 'fuzzy'. – My<br />

brother is a real internet sleuth.<br />

He found a photograph of one<br />

of my grand-grand-grand fathers<br />

from the 1870s. Quite a feat!<br />

– Photography was only invented<br />

about 25 years before that.<br />

My great-great-great father must<br />

have been one of the early real<br />

'geeks' at the time.<br />

Going back to more information<br />

on how we NOW manage<br />

our 'electronic will' is the focus<br />

of this article.<br />

The Ministry Of Seniors has<br />

this to say... my interpretation...<br />

A digital will is a list of all<br />

your digital assets, where they<br />

are stored and the username or<br />

email address you signed up<br />

with. This information helps<br />

your loved ones to know what<br />

services you are signed up to<br />

and cancel the accounts when<br />

you die.<br />

Choose someone competent<br />

with technology that you trust to<br />

be your digital executor.<br />

Their job involves emailing,<br />

organising logins and scanning<br />

documents (some services<br />

require your death to be verified).<br />

Once your digital assets are<br />

retrieved, the digital executor<br />

can ask for the account to be<br />

closed or blocked. Some services<br />

– such as Facebook – will never<br />

delete anything and your lovedones’<br />

Facebook history will live<br />

forever unless you arrange otherwise.<br />

Facebook has the facility to<br />

appoint a Facebook Executor to<br />

operate eg. announce your death,<br />

or close your account forthwith<br />

as you direct.<br />

Creating a digital will may<br />

not be your preferred way to<br />

spend an afternoon, but spending<br />

the time to do it now will save<br />

those close to you unnecessary<br />

stress and difficulties.<br />

Your digital assets may be<br />

• email accounts<br />

• bank accounts<br />

• social media accounts<br />

(Facebook, Twitter, YouTube,<br />

Flickr)<br />

• music and video accounts<br />

(iTunes, Spotify, Flickr)<br />

• general storage of photos and<br />

videos on Dropbox, G-drive,<br />

MyDrive and iCloud<br />

• online shopping accounts<br />

(TradeMe, eBay)<br />

• computer systems and mobile<br />

device backups<br />

As a – non-electronic – version<br />

we can offer you our 'Why<br />

Keep It Secret' booklet that you<br />

can keep at home or with your<br />

loved ones where you can physically<br />

note down the placement<br />

of your will, instructions for your<br />

lawyer, bank details, passwords<br />

and log-in details and much<br />

much more. We sell it for a modest<br />

$5 as a <strong>Rotorua</strong> <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong><br />

fundraiser at the office when you<br />

come in (or via the internet on<br />

our website).<br />

We are open Tuesdays to<br />

Thursdays, 10am to 2pm. The<br />

office is just behind Spotlight on<br />

Eruera Street. From <strong>March</strong> to<br />

May we are also open on Fridays<br />

at the same times.<br />


<strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Rotorua</strong> Inc. PO Box 414 <strong>Rotorua</strong> 3040<br />


Mr<br />

Mrs<br />

Miss<br />

Ms<br />



Mr<br />

Mrs<br />

Miss<br />

Ms<br />


SUBURB<br />


EMAIL<br />

PHONE<br />

1 year subscription<br />

(April-<strong>March</strong>)<br />

Single $20.00 Couple $30.00 Donation<br />

Please indicate if you do not want your details to be used for promotional or advertising mail<br />



Cheque - Payable to <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong><br />

<strong>Rotorua</strong> Inc. Post to <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong><br />

<strong>Rotorua</strong> PO Box 414, <strong>Rotorua</strong> 3040<br />

4 <strong>Rotorua</strong> greypower News – <strong>March</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

<strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> Office - Come in, complete a membership application form and pay by cash or cheque<br />

No<br />

Internet Banking - Complete and submit application form on our<br />

website www.greypowerrotorua.org.nz And pay by internet banking.<br />

Bank account details on our website. Include reference NEW<br />


Exciting new discount offering<br />

for recreational painters<br />

Some years ago now a survey of the<br />

population of Bay of Plenty revealed that<br />

some 90 percent (yes 90 percent) of the<br />

population regard themselves as involved in<br />

recreational arts in some way.<br />

It’s like this number has now<br />

increased with the growth<br />

of those over the age of 65.<br />

Which means a lot of people<br />

would like to learn to paint, or<br />

improve their skills, and experience<br />

the sheer joys of spending<br />

time painting.<br />

Discounts for private watercolour,<br />

acrylic and oil painting<br />

classes are being offered<br />

by artist Miriam Ruberl, <strong>Grey</strong><br />

<strong>Power</strong> <strong>Rotorua</strong>’s current magazine<br />

coordinator. Miriam leads<br />

classes throughout the country,<br />

and has exhibited and sells her<br />

work internationally.<br />

Her work can be seen in<br />

many <strong>Rotorua</strong> and Bay homes,<br />

at Facebook account Miriam<br />

Ruberl Artist, and www.miriamruberlartist.com.<br />

Known for<br />

her abstract work in locally harvested<br />

red ochre, Miriam thoroughly<br />

enjoys the challenge of<br />

creating the illusion of reality<br />

on paper and canvas, and supporting<br />

others to achieve the<br />

results they aspire to. You will<br />

be supplying your own materials<br />

– Miriam can help you select<br />

and buy those that best suit<br />

your aspirations if you are just<br />

starting out.<br />

Offer for <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong><br />

<strong>Rotorua</strong> members only :<br />

Artist Miriam Ruberl<br />

$35 for 1 hour, $50 for 2<br />

hours, per person - a discount of<br />

15% on non-member rates<br />

$35 per person per hour with<br />

a 20% discount for groups of<br />

two or three that meet in her<br />

home or yours by arrangement<br />

Gift vouchers for the above<br />

are also available<br />

Miriam can be contacted at<br />

027 2487542 or miriam.ruberl@<br />

gmail.com<br />

Workshops on painting<br />

weathered textures in watercolours<br />

and acrylics are planned<br />

for <strong>March</strong> in Taupo (Art School<br />

Taupo) and Tauranga in April<br />

(Tauranga Society of Artists)<br />

– Miriam can provide contact<br />

details for those interested.<br />

For sale from <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Rotorua</strong><br />

Why keep it Secret?<br />

<strong>Power</strong> <strong>Rotorua</strong><br />

<strong>Power</strong> <strong>Rotorua</strong><br />

A practical 24-page booklet which<br />

allows us to record all our vital<br />

information to help those left behind<br />

when we die.<br />

After seeing a similar booklet<br />

ecret?”<br />

published by Southern Cross Health<br />

ecret?” Care many years ago <strong>Rotorua</strong> <strong>Grey</strong><br />

ooklet which <strong>Power</strong> allows us member to record Murray all our Guise vital information took on<br />

ind the task of reproducing the contents<br />

ooklet<br />

when<br />

which<br />

we die.<br />

allows us to record all our vital information<br />

ind when we die.<br />

– with additions and amendments –<br />

booklet published then by kindly Southern gifted Cross the booklet Health Care to <strong>Grey</strong> many<br />

booklet<br />

rey <strong>Power</strong><br />

published<br />

member <strong>Power</strong> by <strong>Rotorua</strong>. Murray<br />

Southern<br />

Guise<br />

Cross<br />

took<br />

Health<br />

on the<br />

Care<br />

task<br />

many<br />

of<br />

tents<br />

rey <strong>Power</strong><br />

– with<br />

member<br />

additions<br />

Murray<br />

and amendments<br />

Guise took on<br />

– then<br />

the task<br />

kindly<br />

of<br />

tents<br />

rey <strong>Power</strong><br />

– with<br />

<strong>Rotorua</strong>.<br />

additions We’re now and on amendments our 4th reprint – then to cover kindly<br />

rey <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Rotorua</strong>. costs including increased postage,<br />

th reprint] To<br />

“Why<br />

cover<br />

Keep<br />

costs<br />

it<br />

including<br />

Secret?”<br />

increased<br />

is priced at<br />

postage,<br />

$5<br />

” th is<br />

reprint]<br />

priced at<br />

To<br />

$5.00<br />

or cover<br />

or<br />

$4.50 costs<br />

$4.50<br />

per including<br />

per copy<br />

copy for increased<br />

for 10 or more.<br />

10 or more. postage,<br />

” is priced at $5.00 or $4.50 per copy for 10 or more.<br />

aching, it could be a practical stocking-filler.<br />

As Murray says in the foreword<br />

aching, it could be a practical is stocking-filler.<br />

the foreword “Nothing is surer than death and taxes”.<br />

taxes”. While none of us wishes<br />

the<br />

es to<br />

foreword<br />

dwell on<br />

“Nothing<br />

either, “Why<br />

is surer<br />

Keep<br />

than<br />

It Secret?”<br />

death<br />

allows<br />

and taxes”.<br />

us to<br />

ortant to dwell on either, “Why Keep It<br />

es to dwell<br />

information<br />

on either,<br />

so<br />

“Why<br />

those<br />

Keep<br />

responsible<br />

It Secret?”<br />

for carrying<br />

allows us<br />

out<br />

to<br />

Secret?” allows us to document all<br />

ortant<br />

advised.<br />

information so those responsible for carrying out<br />

advised.<br />

our important information so those<br />

responsible for carrying out our wishes<br />

are clearly advised.<br />

Purchase Order for Booklet<br />


GREY ROTORUA POWER INC. “Why Purchase keep it Secret?” Order for Booklet<br />

P O Box 414<br />


<strong>Rotorua</strong><br />

P O Box<br />

3040<br />

414<br />

“Why keep it Secret?”<br />

Payment must accompany order<br />

<strong>Rotorua</strong> 3040<br />

Contact phone:<br />

Payment must accompany order<br />

SEND TO:<br />

07 346 1739<br />

Contact phone:<br />

07 346 1739<br />

SEND<br />

Name:<br />

TO:<br />

Cheques payable to:<br />

Name:<br />

<strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Rotorua</strong> Inc. Postal<br />

Cheques payable to:<br />

Address<br />

<strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Rotorua</strong> Inc. Postal<br />

Address<br />

.<br />

.<br />

Internet banking:<br />

.<br />

Complete order form at our<br />

Internet banking:<br />

. website<br />

.<br />

www.greypowerrotorua.org.nz<br />

Complete order form at our<br />

. website<br />

and pay by internet banking.<br />

www.greypowerrotorua.org.nz<br />

Include reference WKIS<br />

and pay by internet banking.<br />

Postcode<br />

Purchase Include reference at our office WKIS<br />

Cash/cheque payment<br />

Postcode<br />

Purchase at our office<br />

Cash/cheque payment<br />



Booklet “Why keep it Secret?”<br />

Booklet “Why keep it Secret?”<br />

$5.00 per copy or $4.50 each for 10 copies or more<br />

[Includes Postage & Packing]<br />

$5.00 per copy or $4.50 each for 10 copies or more<br />

[Includes Postage & Packing]<br />


<strong>Rotorua</strong> greypower News – <strong>March</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 5

Citizens Advice Bureau<br />

<strong>Rotorua</strong> – not sure? Ask us<br />

It’s amazing the variety of questions the<br />

volunteers at the <strong>Rotorua</strong> Citizens Advice<br />

Bureau get asked every day.<br />

Mind you, our catch phrase<br />

is “Not Sure? Ask Us!”<br />

So our 60 trained volunteers<br />

are rarely surprised at the<br />

type of information or advice our<br />

clients ring or visit the office for.<br />

We are a local community service<br />

where our 60 trained volunteer<br />

workers provide a wide range<br />

of free, confidential and impartial<br />

information or other help on<br />

any matter. We provide information<br />

on anything from relatively<br />

straightforward matters – like<br />

phone numbers for shops or other<br />

community services to complicated<br />

issues around neighbourhood<br />

disputes, employment rights, tenancy<br />

or consumer issues.<br />

We certainly hope that no<br />

problem is too big or too small.<br />

Our Cabnet database and the<br />

CAB website – www.cab.org.nz<br />

enable our volunteers to access a<br />

huge amount of local and national<br />

information, contacts for a myriad<br />

of clubs and organisations and<br />

legal information. In addition we<br />

have a huge range of pamphlets<br />

and fact sheets that clients can<br />

access when they visit the Bureau.<br />

As well as giving advice and<br />

information the <strong>Rotorua</strong> Bureau<br />

offers a whole range of other services.<br />

These include:<br />

• Specialist Beneficiary<br />

Advocacy – a team of trained<br />

volunteers can assist clients<br />

who, for whatever reason,<br />

have trouble communicating<br />

with Work and Income or who<br />

do not know what their entitlements<br />

are.<br />

• JP Clinics – on Mondays and<br />

Wednesdays between 12 noon<br />

Our volunteers have all these pamphlets they can use to advise clients.<br />

and 1.30pm and now also on<br />

Fridays between 11am and<br />

12.30pm – kindly supported<br />

by a team of local JPs.<br />

• Free legal service – by<br />

appointment two times each<br />

week – again supported by the<br />

local legal fraternity.<br />

• Information for new migrants<br />

to help them settle into the<br />

Kiwi way of life.<br />

• Trained volunteers who can<br />

provide specialist employment<br />

advice, tenancy advice and<br />


consumer advice.<br />

PROOF<br />

• Fortnightly Immigration<br />

Advice clinics – by appointment<br />

with a local immigration<br />

advisor.<br />

• A basic CV writing service.<br />

• A free telephone for local<br />

calls.<br />

• A fax service.<br />

• Assistance with filling in<br />

forms, writing letters etc.<br />

With the phase out of Yellow<br />

Pages, we anticipate we will<br />

receive more calls from people<br />

who are unable to access telephone<br />

numbers and contacts –<br />

and our team of volunteers will<br />

certainly be pleased to help with<br />

these inquiries.<br />

This year we will be celebrating<br />

our 40th anniversary of<br />

providing information, advice and<br />

support to the local community.<br />

This is a huge milestone and<br />

confirmation that the Bureau is a<br />

trusted, reliable and much needed<br />

part of this community. To contact<br />

the Bureau visit our premises<br />

at 1143 Eruera Street. We are<br />




PROOFED 16/10/2015 10:09:39 a.m. SIZE 14.8X10<br />

AD ID 6865636AH FAX<br />



open Monday to Friday from 9am<br />

to 5pm or you can telephone 0800<br />

367 222 or 348 3936, or email<br />

rotorua@cab.org.nz.<br />

Remember, our advice is free.<br />

Not getting it could cost you<br />

though.<br />

25% off 1 pair<br />

for over 60s<br />

when purchasing from the $169<br />

range or above<br />

<strong>Rotorua</strong>:<br />

1211 Eruera St, 349 2020<br />

specsavers.co.nz<br />

When you select 1 pair of glasses from the $169 range or above. Cannot be used in conjunction<br />

with any other offer. Frames available while stocks last. Price correct at time of print. © <strong>2018</strong><br />

Specsavers Optical Group.<br />

6 <strong>Rotorua</strong> greypower News – <strong>March</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

6865636AH<br />

Parksyde... For the youthful +55<br />

www.parksyde.org.nz<br />

Parksyde.....For the youthful +55<br />

www.parksyde.org.nz<br />

Meet with friends for lunch in our restarant and<br />

enjoy any of the activites we have to offer:<br />

• Tai Chi • Line dancing • Square dancing<br />

Meet • Zumba with friends gold • for Cake lunch decorating our restaurant • Table and tennis<br />

• Indoor<br />

enjoy<br />

bowls<br />

any of<br />

•<br />

the<br />

Embroiderers<br />

activities we<br />

•<br />

have<br />

Housie<br />

to offer:<br />

• Travel club<br />

Dance Fitness • Bokwa Fitness • Tai Chi • Line Dancing • Zumba Gold Cake Decorating<br />

• Canasta • Scrabble • Card games • Mah Jong<br />

Table Tennis • Indoor Bowls • Embroiderers • Housie • Travel Club • Card Making • Card Games • Mah Jong<br />

B2474H<br />

Parksyde<br />

Event Centre for the 55+<br />

Our menu is posted on our website daily.<br />

Hours: 9am – 3pm | 9 Tarewa Place<br />

Ph: 348 9892 | www.parksyde.org.nz

<strong>Rotorua</strong> greypower News – <strong>March</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 7

Garden security<br />

Before I start, I am not a gardener. I am<br />

writing this article due to recent thefts of<br />

garden ornaments, pots etc. To help prepare<br />

this article I have consulted with the <strong>Rotorua</strong><br />

Police and local garden centres along with<br />

checking things on the internet.<br />


Co-ordinator - Neighbourhood<br />

Support <strong>Rotorua</strong><br />

I<br />

received a call, just before<br />

Christmas, from an upset lady<br />

who had her garden ornaments<br />

stolen overnight. It was<br />

not that they were new additions,<br />

they had been in her garden<br />

for years. Local children used to<br />

come and look at them, not touch,<br />

just look. But one night someone<br />

stole a number of these prized<br />

garden ornaments.<br />

This is a reflection of similar<br />

tales of people losing ornaments,<br />

pots, planters and furniture from<br />

their gardens. It got me thinking,<br />

what can be done to reduce the<br />

likelihood of theft and also, in<br />

case of theft, identifying stolen<br />

items if they are found?<br />

First, when you purchase a<br />

new ornament for your garden,<br />

take photos of it and mark it<br />

with an invisible marker pen<br />

or with paint underneath or by<br />

engraving it, if the material is<br />

suitable. Include your markings<br />

in the photos. These photos and<br />

markings will help you describe<br />

what has been stolen and also<br />

offer a means of identification.<br />

Remember to photograph and<br />

mark your old ornaments/pots/<br />

furniture too.<br />

In planning your garden placement<br />

of ornaments and pots, place<br />

them so they can be seen from the<br />

house and are not hidden from<br />

your view. If parts of gardens are<br />

hidden, it gives thieves places to<br />

hide from the house and the road.<br />

Affix your ornaments to<br />

immovable objects. This can be<br />

done by attaching a ring, which<br />

is screwed and glued into the<br />

Ornament’s base at its back, away<br />

from sight, and then right behind<br />

where you are going to place it<br />

hammer in a piece of reinforcing<br />

rod with a loop on it or hook similar<br />

to a heavy duty tent peg. Then<br />

connect the ring and loop/hook<br />

together. This will make it hard to<br />

pick up the ornament. If you need<br />

to move the ornament release the<br />

connection that you have used<br />

and in the new location repeat the<br />

installation process.<br />

Similarly, you could secure a<br />

pot/ornament/planter with a high<br />

tensile weatherproof wire to a<br />

ring which could be attached to<br />

Continued on page 12<br />

Responsibility for MY<br />

safety starts with ME<br />

Revise the road rules<br />

and learn how to<br />

keep driving safely<br />

Tuesday 10 April <strong>2018</strong><br />

Wednesday 9 May <strong>2018</strong><br />

Thursday 14 June <strong>2018</strong><br />

9.30am – 2.30pm<br />

Parksyde Community Centre<br />

FREE<br />

ROAD<br />

SAFETY<br />

UPDATE<br />

for over 65’s<br />

Phone <strong>Rotorua</strong> Lakes Council<br />

on 348 4199 to register<br />

8 <strong>Rotorua</strong> greypower News – <strong>March</strong> <strong>2018</strong>

Spot the difference<br />

Are you a <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Rotorua</strong> member<br />

who enjoys <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> Electricity via Pulse<br />

Energy and who pays your power account<br />

online? Great! This is for you.<br />


Treasurer - <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Rotorua</strong><br />

As treasurer of <strong>Grey</strong><br />

<strong>Power</strong> <strong>Rotorua</strong>, again<br />

I appeal to members<br />

who are also customers of <strong>Grey</strong><br />

<strong>Power</strong> Electricity and pay via<br />

internet banking, to make sure<br />

you select the correct payee both<br />

when setting up your power payment,<br />

and making payments.<br />

Every month <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong><br />

<strong>Rotorua</strong> receives deposits in its<br />

bank account meant for <strong>Grey</strong><br />

<strong>Power</strong> Electricity. For you this<br />

means your power payment is<br />

delayed, and for <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong><br />

<strong>Rotorua</strong> volunteers it means considerable<br />

extra administration<br />

time as the process of identifying<br />

the incorrect payments and<br />

refunding them begins.<br />

So, before you make your<br />

next power payment, please help<br />

us by checking your list of payees<br />

in internet banking and distinguish<br />

<strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Rotorua</strong><br />

Inc. [to whom you pay your<br />

annual subscription] from Pulse<br />

Energy, who supplies your electricity/gas]<br />

under the brand <strong>Grey</strong><br />

<strong>Power</strong> Electricity.<br />

The correct bank account<br />

name is shown on your invoice<br />

as: Pulse Energy Alliance LP.<br />

We know occasionally mistakes<br />

happen, and as soon as we<br />

identify a deposit meant for <strong>Grey</strong><br />

<strong>Power</strong> Electricity, I get in touch<br />

with the member. Often they<br />

are unaware of their mistake, or<br />

trouble ensues because the company<br />

considers the bill unpaid.<br />

<strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Rotorua</strong> offers<br />

two options for refunding an<br />

incorrect deposit of funds:<br />

Direct credit to your bank<br />

account if you provide your<br />

bank account number to <strong>Grey</strong><br />

<strong>Power</strong> <strong>Rotorua</strong> OR a cheque<br />

will be posted to your address.<br />

Via direct credit we can process<br />

the refund within three<br />

working days of identifying the<br />

incorrect deposit in our <strong>Grey</strong><br />

<strong>Power</strong> <strong>Rotorua</strong> bank account.<br />

Refunds by cheque take five<br />

working days plus postal delivery<br />

time and clearance.<br />

So once again, we implore<br />

you to give us a break by being<br />

extra careful when you set up<br />

your power payment in internet<br />

banking. An alternative worth<br />

considering is to pay Pulse<br />

JOKE<br />

Judy Green<br />

Energy by direct debit - a secure<br />

and convenient way to pay your<br />

monthly invoice.<br />

Thank you for your attending<br />

to this chore.<br />

I don’t want to say I’m old and worn<br />

out, but I make sure I’m nowhere<br />

near the curb on trash day.<br />

v<br />


Today more and more people are changing the way they think<br />

and find that it makes a lot of sense to join a Funeral Plan.<br />


A Pre-Paid Funeral with The Cornerstone Pre-Paid Funeral Trust<br />

can help relieve the burden of an inevitable event that affects our<br />

loved ones emotionally and financially. Arrange and pay for your<br />

funeral long before it’s needed.<br />

We are leading providers of funeral<br />

services to the families of <strong>Rotorua</strong>.<br />

Serving our community since 1981.<br />


Knowing that your preferences have been noted, you have<br />

complete peace of mind that your wishes will be duly carried out.<br />

Should your circumstances or preferences chance, you are able to<br />

modify any of these arrangements at a later date if you wish.<br />

Phone: 07 348 3600 · 197 Old Taupo Rd, <strong>Rotorua</strong><br />

Email: info@osbornes.co.nz · www.osbornes.co.nz<br />


<strong>Rotorua</strong> greypower News – <strong>March</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 9

Busy year ahead<br />


NZ First, List MP <strong>Rotorua</strong><br />

I<br />

am very much looking forward<br />

to the challenges<br />

and opportunities my new<br />

responsibilities bring with being<br />

the Under-Secretary to both the<br />

Minister of Foreign Affairs,<br />

Rt Hon Winston Peters, and<br />

also the Minister for Regional<br />

Economic Development, Shane<br />

Jones, as I engage with people<br />

and organisations who have<br />

ideas and plans to grow business,<br />

jobs and dignity in our<br />

regions and provinces.<br />

There are so many people<br />

who share a vision for growing<br />

our provinces, they now finally<br />

feel that they are in a place to<br />

talk to a government that shares<br />

their passion and is ready to<br />

listen.<br />

Another key event that<br />

occurred before Christmas was<br />

my Private Member’s Bill, The<br />

KiwiFund Bill, being drawn<br />

from the Parliamentary Ballot.<br />

It is due to be introduced to<br />

Parliament in the next few<br />

weeks.<br />

This KiwiFund Bill establishes<br />

an independent working<br />

group with the objective to set<br />

up a government-owned and<br />

operated KiwiSaver provider,<br />

known as KiwiFund. It is intended<br />

that the working group would<br />

first examine the accountability<br />

of current KiwiSaver providers<br />

relating to complaints of charging<br />

exorbitant fees, unethical<br />

investments, and profiteering.<br />

The working group made up<br />

of 4–5 specialists across banking,<br />

savings, and financial fields<br />

would advise establishing a<br />

KiwiFund based on broad principles<br />

such as:<br />

• a lower and transparent fee<br />

structure;<br />

• a government owned and<br />

operated KiwiSaver scheme;<br />

• a requirement that profits<br />

stay in New Zealand;<br />

• preferential treatment given<br />

to New Zealand-based<br />

investments;<br />

• a requirement that funds are<br />

invested in socially and ethically<br />

responsible ways.<br />

If passed into legislation,<br />

KiwiFund would be a<br />

cost effective and meaningful<br />

investment alternative for Kiwi<br />

savers and would complement<br />

the Labour-New Zealand First<br />

Government’s efforts to inject<br />

life back into our regions through<br />

New Zealand First<br />

<strong>Rotorua</strong> Office<br />

Fletcher Tabuteau List MP<br />

Office Hours: 10am -3pm<br />

Dropinorcall for an appointment<br />

07 347 4045<br />

Level6,Hinemoa Tower<br />

1154 Hinemoa St,<strong>Rotorua</strong><br />

PO Box1561, <strong>Rotorua</strong>, 3042<br />

www.nzfirst.org.nz<br />

the Regional Development<br />

(Provincial Growth) Fund.<br />

Being part of the New<br />

Zealand First negotiations team<br />

during the coalition talks, our<br />

foremost consideration was to<br />

ensure that our common sense<br />

2<br />

9<br />

6<br />


The rain was pouring down.<br />


5<br />

2<br />

4<br />

9<br />

5 2<br />

1<br />

5<br />

9<br />

4<br />

3<br />

1<br />

policy ideas would be included,<br />

as much as possible given the<br />

election results.<br />

I am thrilled to be a part of<br />

this endeavour and look forward<br />

to helping those who have long<br />

sought to help themselves.<br />

There standing in front of a big puddle outside the<br />

pub was an old Irishman, drenched and holding a<br />

stick with a piece of string dangling in the water.<br />

A curious passer-by stopped and asked: “What are<br />

you doing?”<br />

“Fishing,” Replied the old man.<br />

Feeling sorry for the old man, the gent said: “Come<br />

in out of the rain and have a drink with me.”<br />

As they sip their whiskies, in the warmth of the<br />

pub, the gent, being a bit of a smart alec, cannot<br />

resist asking: “So how many have you caught<br />

today?”<br />

“You’re the eighth,” replied the old man.<br />

3 6 7<br />

Easy Level<br />

The rules of Sudoku are that you should fill a number in to<br />

every cell in the grid, using the numbers 1 to 9. The restriction<br />

is that you can only use each number once in each row, each<br />

column, and in each of the 3x3 boxes. Solution page 14<br />

4<br />

1<br />

4<br />

8 9<br />

5<br />

1<br />

4<br />

1<br />

7<br />

2<br />

10 <strong>Rotorua</strong> greypower News – <strong>March</strong> <strong>2018</strong>

Looking back in history: the<br />

birth of <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> Electricity<br />

MAC WELCH - Z3 Director Chair – Commercial Agreements<br />

<strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> electricity started with an idea<br />

from Bob Thompson, a past president of<br />

<strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> Matamata, which he followed<br />

up with a phone call to the manager of Tiny<br />

Mighty <strong>Power</strong> Company who were very<br />

actively promoting themselves in Waikato at<br />

that time.<br />

The reception he got<br />

was very positive so he<br />

arranged an initial meeting<br />

and invited me to accompany<br />

him. Initial discussions<br />

were very positive and so Bob<br />

approached then Federation<br />

President – Roy Reid for his<br />

blessing for Bob and I to progress<br />

negotiations to the next<br />

level, which was given. After<br />

a couple of meetings with Tiny<br />

Mighty <strong>Power</strong> it became plain<br />

that this company did not have<br />

the capacity or the coverage to<br />

enter into the nationwide power<br />

supply that we were looking for<br />

<strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> Electricity to be.<br />

Once we all agreed that this was<br />

the case, Toby Warren – (manager)<br />

Tiny Mighty <strong>Power</strong> provided<br />

an introduction to the senior<br />

management of Mighty River<br />

<strong>Power</strong> (the parent company) of<br />

Tiny Mighty <strong>Power</strong> Company.<br />

Several meetings took place<br />

over an extended period. In fact<br />

these discussions were subject<br />

to a ‘Confidentiality Agreement’<br />

which remains in force. I cannot<br />

divulge much of the discussions<br />

that took place other than to say<br />

that all parties appeared enthusiastic<br />

to form some kind of supply<br />

arrangement. At what Bob<br />

and I considered to be the eleventh<br />

hour, Mighty River <strong>Power</strong><br />

indicated that they did not wish<br />

to proceed any further and terminated<br />

negotiations without<br />

explanation.<br />

Shortly after, I was asked by<br />

president Roy to become a member<br />

of a committee consisting of<br />

Allen Davies, Terry King and<br />

myself. King and Davies had<br />

started negotiations with Pulse<br />

Utilities NZ Ltd and requested<br />

that I become part of the negotiating<br />

team. Once negotiations<br />

were complete and contracts<br />

agreed to, they were approved<br />

by the <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> Board and<br />

signed on their behalf by Roy<br />

Reid – Federation President.<br />

<strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> Electricity came<br />

into being at the end of 2013.<br />

<strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> Electricity<br />

is managed by a committee<br />

consisting of three members<br />

appointed by <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong><br />

Federation Board and three<br />

members appointed by Pulse<br />

Utilities NZ Ltd (which is now<br />

Pulse Energy Alliance LP).<br />

Currently the Pulse committee<br />

members are: Gary Holden -<br />

CEO; Sharnie Warren – GM<br />

marketing and communications<br />

and Yogesh Chand. <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong><br />

Committee members are: Roy<br />

Reid – Federation treasurer;<br />

Mac Welch – Zone 3 director/<br />

chair – commercial agreements<br />

and Allen Davies – co-chair<br />

energy.<br />

<strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> Electricity has<br />

been and continues to be the<br />

most successful commercial<br />

arrangement that <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong><br />

Federation has entered into.<br />

The monies contributed to<br />

Federation funds have enabled<br />

capitation fees to remain very<br />

low at $5 incl. GST. It has also<br />

attracted several thousand new<br />

members to the <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong><br />

organisation.<br />

From the desk of your MP<br />


National Party, MP for <strong>Rotorua</strong><br />

NZ National Party Spokesman for<br />

Trade and State Services.<br />

One hundred days since the<br />

change of government<br />

and already there’s been<br />

a lot of water under the bridge.<br />

Promises made during the election<br />

campaign seem a long time<br />

ago - most have been quickly forgotten.<br />

Referendums on reducing<br />

the size of parliament or removing<br />

the Māori seats have disappeared.<br />

In their place Labour, the<br />

Greens and NZ First will now<br />

hold a referendum to legalise recreational<br />

marijuana.<br />

Rest assured National will<br />

hold the new government to<br />

account and making sure that they<br />

deliver for you, your children and<br />

your grandchildren.<br />

In Opposition our job is to<br />

fight hard for the values that<br />

really matter and ensure that the<br />

government does not fritter away<br />

the great gains made by New<br />

Zealanders over the last nine<br />

years. National recognises and<br />

respects the contribution that seniors<br />

have made to New Zealand<br />

and I am proud of our record of<br />

achievement for seniors in our<br />

country.<br />

Under National, the New<br />

Zealand Superannuation couple<br />

rate increased by more than<br />

$7000 a year from $24,062 in<br />

2008 to $31,216 in 2017. We also<br />

invested significantly in health<br />

and made it easier for seniors to<br />

access the healthcare they need,<br />

with a record high of 178,000<br />

hip, knee and other elective operations.<br />

These gains were underpinned<br />

by a strong and growing<br />

economy, which your children<br />

and grandchildren have also<br />

reaped the benefits of.<br />

The unemployment rate at 4.5<br />

per cent is now the lowest since<br />

the beginning of the global financial<br />

crisis. The number of New<br />

Zealanders employed has risen<br />

to a record high of nearly 2.6<br />

million and the average wage has<br />

increased to $59,840 – up more<br />

than 28 per cent over National’s<br />

time in office. This reflects the<br />

hard work of all our businesses<br />

and the confidence they’ve had in<br />

our economic plan over the last<br />

nine years.<br />

The new government has<br />

inherited a strong labour market<br />

and it is National’s intention to<br />

ensure they don’t squander the<br />

opportunities New Zealanders<br />

have worked so hard to create.<br />

We are not prepared to let<br />

a Labour-Greens-NZ First coalition<br />

risk everyone’s future and<br />

take us backwards. There is far<br />

too much at stake. National’s 56<br />

talented and dedicated MPs will<br />

work tirelessly to ensure that New<br />

Hon Todd McClay<br />

MP for <strong>Rotorua</strong><br />

Stop by my office, make an<br />

appointment, or call for a chat<br />

E<br />

A<br />

P<br />

rotorua.mp@parliament.govt.nz<br />

fb.com/ToddMcClayMPfor<strong>Rotorua</strong><br />

1301 Amohau Street<br />

07 348 5871<br />

toddmcclay.co.nz<br />

Authorised by T. McClay, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.<br />

Zealanders continue to get ahead,<br />

while holding the government to<br />

account for any decisions that risk<br />

the progress New Zealanders have<br />

made in recent years. We remain<br />

ambitious for New Zealand and<br />

we remain committed to building<br />

a stronger, more confident and<br />

more prosperous nation.<br />

I hold constituent clinics in<br />

my <strong>Rotorua</strong> office each Friday. If<br />

you’d like to meet call Tracy or<br />

Michelle to arrange a time, phone<br />

07-3485871.<br />

Authorised by T.McClay.<br />

Parliament Buildings. Wellington<br />

<strong>Rotorua</strong> greypower News – <strong>March</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 11

Garden security<br />

From page 8<br />

a permanent rod, ring or similar<br />

and set into a concrete pad or<br />

path. All ornaments also could<br />

be looped together with a high<br />

tensile weatherproof wire through<br />

the fitted loops, which could be<br />

concealed just below the surface<br />

of the garden and loop around an<br />

immovable object such as a fence<br />

post or tree.<br />

Ornaments and planters can<br />

also be cemented in place, either<br />

on a cement pad as part of a path<br />

or with a below ground pad from<br />

poured quick-setting cement.<br />

Attaching an object to another<br />

can also be done with a glue<br />

such an epoxy resin. But remember<br />

once in place they won’t be<br />

moved easily.<br />

Those with hanging baskets<br />

could secure them to their hanger<br />

with wire to make it difficult to<br />

take down. Remember that you<br />

may want to move the baskets<br />

to repot etc. so use a method that<br />

you know how to undo.<br />

You may consider fencing to<br />

Start the year with<br />

fresh, clean curtains<br />

Here’s an excellent curtain<br />

cleaning deal for Super<br />

Gold Card holders.<br />

Ray and Lynn Kelly offer<br />

discounts and don’t charge for<br />

pickup and rehanging for card<br />

holders.<br />

Question: Don’t know what<br />

to do with your curtains that<br />

are stained with mould, mildew,<br />

cigarette smoke or just getting a<br />

bit grubby and need freshening<br />

up?<br />

Ray and Lynn can clean<br />

all curtains including thermal<br />

drapes.<br />

Their system of cleaning<br />

curtains works equally well<br />

We clean all<br />

curtains<br />

(Thermal backed included )<br />

Roman blinds Austrian blinds<br />

cedar blinds<br />


Phone Ray and Lynne Kelly<br />

on 07 349 3736 or 027 495 0892<br />

make it difficult for intruders to<br />

enter but remember that it also<br />

offers a place to hide. If you do<br />

erect a fence, plan it so there are<br />

no areas where intruders can gain<br />

cover. Also trim back trees and<br />

shrubs so they do not provide<br />

cover for thieves.<br />

Lighting is also another area<br />

to look at. Security lighting can<br />

deter intruders who do not want<br />

to be seen. The lights can be<br />

connected to a motion sensor so<br />

will turn on if there is movement.<br />

Work with someone who knows<br />

what they are doing about lighting<br />

so as to have it set to trigger<br />

by a person moving and not trees<br />

or animals.<br />

Solar garden lights can also<br />

be used but they are also targeted<br />

by thieves. These too can be<br />

looped together with a high tensile<br />

weatherproof wire loop.<br />

Don’t forget your garden and<br />

patio furniture. Secure them with<br />

steel wire/cable or chain so it<br />

becomes difficult to move individual<br />

items without moving the<br />

lot.<br />

for Roman, Austrian or<br />

vertical blinds.<br />

They don’t use heat in the<br />

cleaning or drying so shrinkage is<br />

kept to a minimum or none at all.<br />

They also clean Cedar and<br />

PVC Venetian blinds.<br />

Most people deliver the<br />

curtains to Ray and Lynn but<br />

they offer a removal and hanging<br />

service.<br />

Also offered are repairs and<br />

alterations to curtains and Roman<br />

blinds.<br />

Contact Ray and Lynn<br />

Kelly, 18 Jade Place, <strong>Rotorua</strong>.<br />

Phone: (07)349-3736 or mobile:<br />

(027) 495-0892<br />

Drop off at 18 Jade Place<br />

<strong>Rotorua</strong> or call us to pick up<br />

We also do alterations to curtains and make new<br />

Advertorial<br />

40109<br />

If you are the subject of garden<br />

ornament theft, immediately<br />

report it to the police. Provide<br />

them with the time you last saw<br />

the item and a good description of<br />

the item including photos and any<br />

markings. If you have security<br />

cameras fitted check to see if the<br />

thieves have been caught on the<br />

recording and supply the recording<br />

to the Police as well.<br />

Check with your insurer to see<br />

if garden ornaments, pots, planters<br />

and furniture are covered. The<br />

photos and description of markings<br />

are also good for insurance<br />


records.<br />

In conclusion, the methods<br />

described will not prevent all<br />

thefts, but will make it difficult<br />

to move the items. Thieves generally<br />

do not want to have to<br />

struggle with something which<br />

allows time for them to be seen.<br />

Check with garden centres for<br />

other possible security methods<br />

and suitable methods for attaching<br />

rings/loops to an object.<br />

Above all enjoy your gardening<br />

and garden including your<br />

ornaments, pots, planters and furniture.<br />

Your <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Rotorua</strong> subscription<br />

for <strong>2018</strong>/19 is due by April 1, <strong>2018</strong><br />

Enclosed with this magazine is a yellow invoice<br />

relating to your <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Rotorua</strong> annual<br />

subscription to <strong>March</strong> 31, 2019.<br />

Members who have joined since January 1, <strong>2018</strong> will<br />

not receive an invoice for 18/19.<br />

The <strong>2018</strong>/19 subscriptions remain at $20 single; $30<br />

couple.<br />

Please consider making a donation to <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong><br />

<strong>Rotorua</strong> when you pay your subscription.<br />

If you are a <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> Electricity customer early<br />

renewal is vital so you continue to receive the benefit<br />

of discounted electricity/gas.<br />

As payments are processed, a <strong>2018</strong>/19 membership<br />

card will be posted to you, or if you pay at the <strong>Grey</strong><br />

<strong>Power</strong> office, you will be given your new card/s.<br />

Please bring the remittance advice section of your<br />

invoice with you so we can verify your membership<br />

number.<br />


• Use the subs renewal form on our website<br />

www.greypowerrotorua.org.nz and pay by internet<br />

banking. Use your <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> membership number<br />

as your reference and specify RENEWAL. Bank<br />

account details are on the website.<br />

• Send your cheque with the remittance advice section<br />

of your invoice to: <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Rotorua</strong>, PO Box 414,<br />

<strong>Rotorua</strong> 3040.<br />

• Call into the <strong>Rotorua</strong> <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> office at 1333<br />

Eurera Street, <strong>Rotorua</strong>. Tuesdays-Fridays between<br />

10am-2pm. Pay by cash or cheque.<br />


12 <strong>Rotorua</strong> greypower News – <strong>March</strong> <strong>2018</strong>

Heating Solutions for<br />

you and your family<br />

It is the start of another year and because<br />

we are a heating business we obviously<br />

experience heavy workloads in winter.<br />

Our challenge is to<br />

encourage homeowners,<br />

who are thinking about<br />

upgrading or purchasing a new<br />

heating appliance, that the time<br />

is now to do that. There are<br />

numerous reasons why that<br />

makes sense but not least of<br />

all the processes like building<br />

consents and stock availability<br />

are at their slowest in winter<br />

months. Imagine the frustration<br />

when you have made a decision<br />

and are waiting for 2 months to<br />

experience the warmth and satisfaction<br />

of your new appliance.<br />

It kinda takes the shine off what<br />

should be a pleasant experience.<br />

We offer a consultation to<br />

installation service and this<br />

includes a free site visit where<br />

we correctly size the heating<br />

appliance and look at the location<br />

of the unit to ensure issues,<br />

if any, are dealt with on site<br />

prior to installation.<br />

Our team are suitably qualified<br />

in their fields whether it be<br />

woodfire, gas fire, pellet fire or<br />

heat pump and offer a comprehensive<br />

service backup to look<br />

after the requirements of that<br />

appliance for years to come.<br />

We have also been chosen<br />

for the 5th year by BOPRC to<br />

be a service provider for the<br />

HOTSWAP scheme which is a<br />

loan scheme where you can put<br />

the cost of replacing your old<br />

woodfire or open fire on your<br />

rates over 10 years. There is<br />

eligibility criteria for this but we<br />

can provide all the information<br />

and details at the office.<br />

From consultation to installation<br />

- we look after all your heating<br />

requirements<br />




ph 07 346 2694<br />

We supply and install:<br />

• Gas fires • Wood fires<br />

• Multi-fuel fires • Cookers<br />

• Heat pumps<br />

• Pellet fires<br />

• Rural fires<br />

• Open wood fires<br />

• Double-sided fires<br />

• Outdoor fires/Pizza Ovens<br />

• Diesel fires • Electric fires<br />

• Parts and servicing<br />

53 Fairy Springs Road, <strong>Rotorua</strong><br />

sales@heatingsolutions.co.nz | www.heatingsolutions.co.nz<br />

B6237H<br />

<strong>Rotorua</strong> greypower News – <strong>March</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 13

New Families Package including<br />

the winter energy payment<br />

The Government has just announced its new ‘Families Package’<br />

which affects older people as well as low and middle-income<br />

families with children and we have been asked by the director, Office<br />

of Seniors to let you all know that MSD clients will receive new<br />

payments automatically. People receiving a benefit and seniors don’t<br />

need to do anything new or different.<br />


<strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> Federation Secretary<br />

For your information here’s<br />

a quick summary of what’s<br />

included:<br />

A new Winter Energy Payment<br />

to help older people and people<br />

on a benefit heat their homes<br />

over winter. This will start on 1<br />

July to 30 September for <strong>2018</strong>,<br />

and from 1 May to 30 September<br />

from 2019. Single people will<br />

get $20.45 a week, and couples<br />

or people with dependent children<br />

will get $31.81.<br />

A new Best Start payment to<br />

help all New Zealand families<br />

with a child born (or due) on<br />



OFFICE: 1333 Eruera Street, <strong>Rotorua</strong><br />

(at rear of Age Concern premises, Ranolf St end of Eruera St)<br />

Phone: 07 346 1739<br />

Email: greypower.rotorua@gmail.com<br />

Office hours: 10am - 2pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and<br />

Fridays temporarily from 13 <strong>March</strong> - 4 May <strong>2018</strong> during the<br />

subscription renewals period.<br />

<strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Rotorua</strong> Inc., PO Box 414, <strong>Rotorua</strong> 3040<br />



Russell Hallam<br />

Phone: 07 348 6034<br />

All inquiries: contact Russell<br />


Jennifer Francis<br />

Phone: 07 349 3185<br />


Judy Green<br />

Phone: 07 357 5867<br />


Sandra Greeks<br />

Wieland Hartwig<br />

Esther Johnson<br />

Damian Robertson<br />

Miriam Ruberl<br />


Miriam Ruberl<br />

If there are issues you would like <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> to take up, let your<br />

Committee know by phoning, contacting us via our website<br />

www.greypowerrotorua.org.nz or email.<br />

Your <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> Committee meets on the 3rd Monday monthly.<br />

Remember <strong>Grey</strong> <strong>Power</strong> when you change your contact details.<br />

14 <strong>Rotorua</strong> greypower News – <strong>March</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

or after 1 July <strong>2018</strong>. Families<br />

will get $60 a week for each<br />

child until they turn one, and for<br />

lower-income families until they<br />

turn three.<br />

The Working for Families<br />

Family Tax Credit payments are<br />

increasing. From 1 July <strong>2018</strong>,<br />

the eldest child rate will increase<br />

to $113 a week and the subsequent<br />

child rate will increase to<br />

$91.25 a week. The Orphan’s<br />

Benefit and Unsupported Child’s<br />

Benefit rate will also go up to<br />

reflect the increase in the Family<br />

Tax Credit.<br />

The Independent Earner<br />

Tax Credit is being reinstated.<br />

It means those earning between<br />

$24,000 and $48,000 will continue<br />

to get a credit of $520 a year.<br />

Increases to Accommodation<br />

Supplement and Accommodation<br />

Benefit on 1 April <strong>2018</strong>. This<br />


Kiwibank Senior<br />

Communications Specialist<br />


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was announced in May 2017.<br />

Maximum payments are being<br />

increased and some places<br />

will be moved into a different<br />

Accommodation Supplement<br />

area to show housing costs in<br />

some locations have increased<br />

more than others. There is a<br />

simple calculator on the Working<br />

for Families website for people<br />

to get an estimate of the likely<br />

impact of the Accommodation<br />

Supplement changes for them.<br />

Full information see https://<br />

www.workandincome.govt.nz/<br />

Changes in Kiwibank<br />

services at NZ Post<br />

In November, NZ Post gave<br />

one month’s notice to three<br />

franchisees that, due to health<br />

and safety factors, Kiwibank<br />

banking and agency services<br />

would be withdrawn. The<br />

affected franchisees are located<br />

in Otara, <strong>Rotorua</strong> West and<br />

Owairaka. In light of the <strong>Rotorua</strong><br />

West franchise owners’ constructive<br />

engagement with Kiwibank<br />

and NZ Post, NZ Post extended<br />

9<br />

the time for withdrawal of services<br />

until 14 February <strong>2018</strong><br />

so that Kiwibank could engage<br />

further with the owners.<br />

A similar decision was made<br />

in relation to Otara. Kiwibank<br />

and NZ Post are also working<br />

directly with the Owairaka franchise<br />

owner but no extension is<br />

in place for this location as at<br />

today.<br />

The withdrawal of <strong>Rotorua</strong> West<br />

services has just been reversed<br />

and Kiwibank <strong>Rotorua</strong> West<br />

have been re-instated.<br />

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<strong>Rotorua</strong> greypower News – <strong>March</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 15

16 <strong>Rotorua</strong> greypower News – <strong>March</strong> <strong>2018</strong>

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