Blood Identification & Reagents

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The BLUESTAR® FORENSIC KIT provides the crime scene inves gator<br />

with a complete tool to ascertain the presence of blood, or its<br />

possible absence. Ready-to-use : just add the three white tablets<br />

to the bo le to obtain a single-use mixture.<br />

Kit contents<br />

Herme cally sealed bo le with 500 ml (16 oz) reagent<br />

3 catalyst tablets<br />

1 fine mist atomizer<br />

How to prepare the kit<br />

Simply dissolve 3 BLUESTAR® FORENSIC tablets of catalyst in the lightening solu on of the bo le and spray on any surface.<br />

CS-0076 BLUESTAR Liquid Kit, 500ml<br />


The BLUESTAR® FORENSIC MINI KIT is meant primarily for police<br />

searching small areas or objects for a quick verifica on when<br />

suspec ng a crime has happened.<br />

Instantly ready : just add a pair of tablets to one of the spray<br />

bo les of dis lled water<br />

More economical and prac cal for quick or limited inves ga ons<br />

before the interven on of crime scene specialists.<br />

The MINI KIT provides two bo les for two independent inves gaons<br />

Kit content<br />

2 bo les with 125 ml (4 oz) dis lled water and fine mist atomizer<br />

2 pairs of BLUESTAR® FORENSIC tablets<br />

How to prepare the solu on<br />

Simply dissolve 1 pair of BLUESTAR® FORENSIC tablets in one of the bo les and spray on any surface.<br />

CS-0077-MINI<br />

Bluestar Mini Liquid



8 pairs of tablets for 8 applica ons<br />

A very compact and lightweight mul -use product. Each pack provides<br />

the inves gator with the possibility to prepare 8 mes 125 ml<br />

(4 oz) of BLUESTAR® FORENSIC working solu on or up to 1L (32 oz) if<br />

all tablets are used together.<br />

Pack content : 2 tubes of tablets and the user's manual. The red-top<br />

tube holds 8 beige tablets (the reagent) while the white-top tube<br />

holds 8 white tablets (catalyst).<br />

Pack size : 65 x 47 x 26 mm (2,6 x 1,9 x 1,3 inches)<br />

Pack weight : 40 grams (1.4 oz)<br />

How to prepare the solu on<br />

To prepare the working solu on, you will need to dissolve a pair of tablets (white + beige) in 125 ml (4 oz) of dis lled water in a bo le<br />

equipped with a fine mist atomizer. Or use the 8 pairs at once if you need 1 L (32 oz).<br />

MSDS, user's manual…<br />

CS-0077-8 Bluestar Tablets, 8 x 2


3 mes more powerful<br />

BLUESTAR® FORENSIC MAGNUM, 3 mes more powerful than the regular BLUESTAR®<br />

FORENSIC, has been especially formulated for the cri cal cases when minute blood par -<br />

cles are searched for (microscopic droplets that have been projected onto an agressor's<br />

clothing for instance). Such droplets, invisible to the naked eye, and even under a magnifyer,<br />

are some mes the only evidence available to confound a murderer. With the MAG-<br />

NUM version, their discovery is easier thanks to the increased sensi vity and intensity of<br />

the luminescence.<br />

Read the Lautz & Webb compara ve study on BLUESTAR® FORENSIC MAGNUM performance<br />

and effects on DNA.<br />

Search for blood on washed objects<br />

The MAGNUM is also very useful when searching for blood on washed garments (or other objects). Its higher sensi vity helps to make blood<br />

stains stand out. Par cularly suited for forensic lab technicians who need an extremely efficient chemical for detailed examina on of items<br />

such as clothing or weapons.<br />

Avoid drippings on ver cal and smooth surfaces<br />

The MAGNUM is also usable in a variety of situa ons, in a laboratory or at a crime scene that involves a limited search area or ver cal and<br />

smooth surfaces, using the outstanding ECOSPRAY. The combina on MAGNUM + ECOSPRAY is a winner in such cases as it avoids drippings<br />

while s ll producing a strong luminescence. As the product won't run, performing morphoanalysis is s ll possible a er spraying BLUESTAR.<br />

Watch this video showing the performance of BLUESTAR FORENSIC MAGNUM sprayed on various smooth and ver cal surfaces such as a window<br />

or a door. Begins with the presenta on and prepara on of the reagent, followed by a demonstra on. The ECOSPRAY sprayer being superior<br />

to the SPRAY GUN used in the video, it now replaces the la er in our catalog.<br />

18 MB. Please wait un l the video starts or right-click to download and save on your computer. The download process takes 2'44" with a 1<br />

Mbps speed. If you can't open the video, download the free Windows Media Player.<br />

This demo is an extract of our 47-minute instruc onal video, available in the video sec on.<br />

Magnum + Ecospray pictures are available in this independent 2011 Science and Jus ce paper : "Chemical enhancement of footwear impressions<br />

of blood on fabric - Part 2 Peroxidaxe reagents".<br />

Package content<br />

Bo le containing 125 ml (4 oz) of chemiluminescent solu on<br />

1 foil packet containing 3 tablets of oxidizer.<br />

How to prepare the solu on<br />

You will need a spray bo le equipped with a fine mist atomizer or use an ECOSPRAY. Pour the content of the BLUESTAR® FORENSIC MAGNUM<br />

into the spray bo le and add the three tablets ot obtain 125 ml (4 oz) of solu on.<br />

The product can also be used in three separate doses, for searching small objects (such as a garment). Pour 1/3 of the bo le content into the<br />

spray bo le, then add 1 tablet of oxidizer.<br />

MSDS, user's manual…<br />

CS-0077-MAG Bluestar Magnum



This version of BLUESTAR® FORENSIC is intended only for training purposes. It has the same packaging<br />

and amount of tablets than the BLUESTAR® FORENSIC TABLETS but it is cheaper so as to cut back training<br />

expenses.<br />

It will react in the same way as regular BLUESTAR® FORENSIC TABLETS do, except for DNA analysis since<br />

the "TRAINING" version destroys DNA. Therefore, it is a great product for training crime scene technicians<br />

but is definitely not usable for real inves ga ons.<br />

4 pairs of individually packed tablets<br />

Each pack provides the instructor with the possibility to prepare 4 mes 125 ml (4 oz) of BLUESTAR® FORENSIC working solu on or 500 ml (16<br />

oz) at once.<br />

Pack content : 4 pairs of individually and herme cally sealed tablets. Each pair holds one beige tablet (the reagent) and one white tablet<br />

(catalyst).<br />

How to prepare the solu on<br />

To prepare the working solu on, you will need to dissolve a pair of tablets (white + beige) in 125 ml (4 oz) of tap water in a bo le equipped with<br />

a fine mist atomizer. Or use the 4 pairs at once if you need 500 ml (16 oz).<br />

CS-0077TR-4 Bluestar Training, 4 x 2 tablets<br />



This version of BLUESTAR® FORENSIC is intended only for training purposes. It<br />

has the same packaging and amount of tablets than the BLUESTAR® FORENSIC<br />

TABLETS 8 APPLICATIONS but it is cheaper so as to cut back training expenses.<br />

It will react in the same way as regular BLUESTAR® FORENSIC TABLETS do, except<br />

for DNA analysis since the "TRAINING" version destroys DNA. Therefore, it<br />

is a great product for training crime scene technicians but is definitely not usable<br />

for actual inves ga ons.<br />

8 pairs of tablets for 8 applica ons<br />

Each pack provides the instructor with the possibility to prepare 8 mes 125<br />

ml (4 oz) of BLUESTAR® FORENSIC working solu on or 1L (32 oz) at once.<br />

Pack content : 2 tubes of tablets. The red-top tube holds 8 beige tablets (the reagent) while the white-top tube holds 8 white tablets (catalyst).<br />

Pack size : 65 x 47 x 26 mm (2,6 x 1,9 x 1,3 inches)<br />

Pack weight : 40 grams (1.4 oz)<br />

How to prepare the solu on<br />

To prepare the working solu on, you will need to dissolve a pair of tablets (white + beige) in 125 ml (4 oz) of tap water in a bo le equipped with<br />

a fine mist atomizer. If you need more reagent, use several pairs of tablets at once..<br />

MSDS, user's manual…<br />

CS-0077TR-8 Bluestar Training 8 x 2 tablets<br />

CS-0077TR-24 Blluestar Training 24 x 2 tabs

Be er than a sprayer, more than an aerosol<br />

ECOSPRAY is a small fully self-contained micro-sprayer with a disposable gas pressure reservoir that applicates<br />

fluids with a perfect mist quality (fineness, even coa ng and distribu on of par cles). Its performance with<br />

BLUESTAR FORENSIC MAGNUM is outstanding. See for yourself in this 2011 Science and Jus ce paper :<br />

"Chemical enhancement of footwear impressions of blood on fabric - Part 2 Peroxidaxe reagents".<br />

Easy to use<br />

Simply a ach the disposable pressure reservoir to the ECOSPRAY body unit, fill and a ach the liquid container<br />

with BLUESTAR solu on. Press the bu on to spray BLUESTAR in a uniform mist. ECOSPRAY can be lted down at<br />

a 45° angle or even more without losing performance, a true advantage when it comes to spraying horizontal<br />

objects or surfaces.<br />

How does it work ?<br />

ECOSPRAY works like a gun paint sprayer. The BLUESTAR solu on is sucked up from the container and is sprayed by the gas propellant in vapor<br />

phase. The performance of the metal jet nozzle is far superior to what you might obtain with a hand pump sprayer or a common aerosol, as<br />

you can see below: ECOSPRAY works like a gun paint sprayer. The BLUESTAR solu on is sucked up from the container and is sprayed by the gas<br />

propellant in vapor phase. The performance of the metal jet nozzle is far superior to what you might obtain with a hand pump sprayer or a<br />

common aerosol, as you can see below:<br />

Hazard free - Environmentally safe<br />

Non-flammable, non-explosible, non-toxic, odorless gas - Preserves the ozone layer.<br />

No ce the difference in size and distribu on between the Ecospray (le ) and an ordinary<br />

hand pump sprayer (above). These tests were carried out in the exact same condions<br />

(same fluid, same distance, same kind of surface).<br />

When do you need an ECOSPRAY ?<br />

The exact bloodstain pa ern is of acute importance for analysts. It provides a be er understanding of what happened at a crime scene.<br />

In some cases, the crime scene inves gator might have to reveal bloodstains on non porous surfaces, such as acrylic paint, ceramic, glass, marble,<br />

etc. Because BLUESTAR FORENSIC is dissolved in water, spraying the reagent on such surfaces, especially ver cal ones, will cause drippings,<br />

thus irreversibly distor ng the ini al bloodstain pa ern. This is prejudicial to subsequent blood pa ern analysis.<br />

To solve this problem, it is necessary to spray the smallest mist of the reagent possible on such surfaces. It is almost impossible to spray such a<br />

fine mist using a common pump sprayer. ECOSPRAY diffuses BLUESTAR in such a fine mist that the risk of drippings or spreading the blood<br />

trace is minimized. With a li le training, the bloodstain will not drip or run.<br />

ECOSPRAY - BLUESTAR MAGNUM : the ideal combina on<br />

With a lesser quan ty of reagent sprayed and coming into contact with blood, the reac on will be less luminous than with a common pump<br />

sprayer. To ensure a strong luminescence and good quality pictures, it is therefore recommended to use the ECOSPRAY in conjunc on<br />

with BLUESTAR FORENSIC MAGNUM, which produces a more intense and longer-las ng reac on than the regular BLUESTAR. Results are then<br />

op mum.

Specifica ons<br />

Ecospray<br />

L x l x H : 105 x 50 x 130 mm<br />

Weight (empty) : 190 grams<br />

Life me guarantee<br />

Flow according to nozzle<br />


Diam. 0,50 mm 0,27 ml/s<br />

Container in crystal PETG + white PP screw cap<br />

Maximum capacity 125 ml / 4 oz<br />

Diam. 0,70 mm<br />

Diam. 0,90 mm<br />

0,45 ml/s<br />

0,75 ml/s<br />

Gas reservoir: Aluminum solid cast<br />

Resists internal pressure up to 18 bars<br />

Propels 440 ml / 15 oz<br />

LF-ECS00200 EcoSpray Kit, contains spray head with 0.70mm jet<br />

nozzle, 1 pressure refill and 1 bo le with cap. $69.00 per kit<br />

LF-ECS00210 EcoSpray pressure refill, 130g $22.50<br />

LF-EC00210-5 EcoSpray pressure refill, 130g , 5 included $95.00<br />

LF-ECS00220 EcoSpray empty bo le, clear 125 cc with cap $4.50<br />

LF-ECS00220-5 EcoSpray empty bo le, clear 125 cc with cap, 5 included $19.00<br />

LF-ECS00221 EcoSpray empty bo le, amber 125 cc with cap $4.50<br />

LF-ECS00221-5 EcoSpray empty bo le, amber 125cc with cap, 5 included $19.00<br />

LF-ECS00230 EcoSpray set of 3 jet nozzles, 0.50mm, 0.70mm and .90mm<br />

Hexagon OBTI<br />

is the perfect complement to BLUESTAR. This rapid monoclonal an body screening test verifies<br />

that a stain is blood of<br />

human origin. HEXAGON OBTI is a two part test: a collec on tube for the blood s<strong>amp</strong>le, and a<br />

test bar. A s<strong>amp</strong>le of the presumed human<br />

blood trace is transferred into the tube with transport medium. This mixture is added drop by<br />

drop to the test. A posi ve s<strong>amp</strong>le is typically<br />

detected within 2-3 minutes. Residual s<strong>amp</strong>le in the collec on tube can be used for DNA<br />

typing.<br />

CS-0078-24 Bluestar OBTI 24 test kit<br />

CS-0078-6 Bluestar OBTI 6 test kit

Amido Black is useful for enhancing latent prints contaminated<br />

with blood, but it will not successfully develop a normal perspira<br />

on-based print. Although it will not detect the typical chemical<br />

components of latent prints, Amido Black is very sensi ve<br />

to the proteins found in blood and some other body fluids. It<br />

leaves a blue-black stain and is usable on both porous and nonporous<br />

surfaces. It should be used only a er all other physiological<br />

s<strong>amp</strong>les have been gathered and all other fingerprint<br />

development methods have been a empted. Instruc ons and<br />

formula ons are included.<br />

SI-LV501 Amido Black, 25g<br />

SI-LV5011 Amido Black, 100g<br />

Hemas x® from Bayer<br />

The Hemas x is a product for detec ng blood in urine. It detects the peroxide<br />

-like ac vity of hemoglobin. Inves gators have<br />

used it as a quick screen to determine if a substance is likely blood. The strips<br />

are ready to use and turn from yellow to dark<br />

green depending on the amount of hemoglo-bin found in the substance being<br />

tested.<br />

CS-B2524A Hemas x Test Strips, 50/bo le<br />

Nite-SiteTM Luminol Reagent<br />

A remarkable product that features luminol which will show tracings, even a er<br />

blood has been cleaned up. You spray it on, and like<br />

magic, microscopic amounts of blood tracings flash an eerie blue glow. This is the<br />

answer when nothing else works. A last resort effort that gives you a full 30 second<br />

flash.<br />

LP-05097 Nite-Site Kit, 8 oz (236 ml)<br />

LP-06020 Nite-Site Kit, 16 oz (472 ml)

Aqeous Leuco Crystal Violet<br />

Aqueous Leuco Crystal Violet is a highly sensi ve, presump ve test for the presence of<br />

blood. This compound is ideal for developing visible and invisible blood traces, fingerprints<br />

and footprints on virtually any surface. The LV509 kit contains the materials needed to prepare<br />

a 500<br />

ml working solu on.<br />

SI-LV509 Aqueous Leuco Crystal Violet Kit<br />

Coomassie Blue<br />

Coomassie Blue enhances latent prints contaminated with blood on porous<br />

and non-porous surfaces, but will not develop a normal<br />

perspira on-based print. Applica on can be repeated un l<br />

maximum contrast is achieved. Gather physiological<br />

s<strong>amp</strong>les and conduct all fingerprint development methods<br />

prior to use. Sensi ve to proteins found in blood.<br />

SI-LV512 Coomassie Blue 25g.<br />

Synthe c <strong>Blood</strong> & Spa er <strong>Blood</strong><br />

Synthe c <strong>Blood</strong> was developed in order to fill a need to eliminate the possibility<br />

pathogens origina ng from the use of human and non-human blood in the classroom<br />

or lab. Synthe c blood was formulated to mimic the gross chemical reacons<br />

to common chemical tests for blood such as luminol and phenolphthalein,<br />

and protein enhancement techniques such as Leuco-Crystal Voilet or Amido<br />

Black<br />

of<br />

Spa er <strong>Blood</strong> is intended for use in spa er reconstruc ons. Spa er <strong>Blood</strong> is<br />

physically similar to fresh blood, and reacts on impact to surfaces much like real<br />

blood reacts. Spla er blood can be dropped from an elevated posi on onto a<br />

variety of surfaces to recreate impact angles.<br />

EV-3674<br />

EV-3675<br />

Synthe c <strong>Blood</strong> (Chemically Similar) - 250ml Bo le<br />

Spa er <strong>Blood</strong> (physically similar) - 250ml Bo le

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