CA & Iodine Fuming
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CSI SuperGlue<br />
Not all superglue is the same! Our SI5 EthylCyanoacrylate Adhesive has been specifically formulated for fuming<br />
applica ons. This product is triple dis lled to produce the highest purity on the market. The purity of the<br />
formula on is directly related to the stability and performance of the product. Our 16 oz bo le comes with<br />
5 smaller 1 oz bo les.<br />
CS-0112<br />
CS-0113<br />
CS-0112B<br />
1 oz Bo le<br />
16 oz Bo le<br />
5 x 1 oz Empty Bo les<br />
<strong>Iodine</strong> Fixa ve - 8 oz. bo le<br />
<strong>Iodine</strong> <strong>Fuming</strong> is a tradi onal fuming method most o en used on porous materials such as paper.<br />
Prints revealed with iodine fuming must be photographed immediately as they will return to their<br />
latent state quickly, at which me other fuming methods may be used.<br />
The <strong>Iodine</strong> Print Enhancement Solu on is a-Benzoflavone.<br />
TT- CHE-3404<br />
8 oz bo le<br />
<strong>Iodine</strong> Clearing Solu on - 8 oz. bo le<br />
<strong>Iodine</strong> <strong>Fuming</strong> is a tradi onal fuming method most o en used on porous materials such as paper.<br />
Prints revealed with iodine fuming must be photographed immediately as they will return to their latent<br />
state quickly, at which me other fuming methods may be used.<br />
The <strong>Iodine</strong> Print Enhancement Solu on is a-Benzoflavone.<br />
TT-CHE-3405<br />
8 ox bo le<br />
<strong>Iodine</strong> Print Enhancement Solu on - 125 ml bo le<br />
<strong>Iodine</strong> <strong>Fuming</strong> is a tradi onal fuming method most o en used on porous materials such as paper.<br />
Prints revealed with iodine fuming must be photographed immediately as they will return to their<br />
latent state quickly, at which me other fuming methods may be used.<br />
The <strong>Iodine</strong> Print Enhancement Solu on is a-Benzoflavone.<br />
Aluminum Reservoirs<br />
This <strong>CA</strong> fuming aide is used for hea ng and vaporizing liquid Super Glue.<br />
CS-0023 <strong>CA</strong> Aluminum Reservoirs 25/pk