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<strong>Transformation</strong> 16<br />

couldn't have. She failed to count her<br />

blessings and within her an evil desire<br />

to be like God took over. The solution,<br />

according to the serpent, lay in eating<br />

the forbidden fruit. She must have been<br />

one woman who did not know what to<br />

do with the kind of information she got<br />

at that time and despite having a close<br />

relationship with God and her husband,<br />

she never consulted any of them. I<br />

guess she wanted to surprise them but<br />

whatever her reasons, she acted<br />

independently and out of her own free<br />

will.<br />

When the woman saw that<br />

the fruit of the tree was<br />

good for food and pleasing<br />

to the eye, and also<br />

desirable for gaining<br />

wisdom, she took some and<br />

ate it. She also gave some to<br />

her husband, who was with<br />

her, and he ate it, then the<br />

eyes of both of them were<br />

opened, and they realised<br />

they were naked; so they<br />

sewed fig leaves together<br />

and made coverings for<br />

themselves (Genesis 3:6-7).<br />

There are several key lessons<br />

we can learn from Eve. Just<br />

like any other woman out<br />

there, she had her own<br />

shortcomings, weaknesses and<br />

strengths. But at the end of<br />

it all, we realize that God is<br />

always merciful and has great<br />

plans for each one of us.<br />

So God created mankind<br />

in his own image, in the<br />

image of God he created<br />

them. God blessed them<br />

and said to them, “ Be<br />

fruitful and increase in<br />

number; fill the earth and<br />

subdue it. Rule over the<br />

fish in the sea and the<br />

birds in the sky and over<br />

every living creature that<br />

moves on the ground<br />

(Genesis 1:27-28).<br />

First and foremost, we learn<br />

from the above scripture that in<br />

Gods image and likeness, a<br />

woman, just like a man, was<br />

and is created. It does not<br />

matter where you come from>>

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