WWBA March 2018 Newsletter

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Westchester Women’s Bar Association<br />

MARCH <strong>2018</strong><br />

<strong>WWBA</strong><br />


Lisa Denig<br />

I<br />

t is not often that six sitting Justices<br />

of the Appellate Division get<br />

together to impart their wisdom<br />

to an avid crowd but that is exactly what<br />

happened on February 13, <strong>2018</strong>, at the<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong>-sponsored CLE, “Inside the Appellate<br />

Court.”<br />

With the assistance of Judge Colleen<br />

Duffy and the generous hospitality of Dean<br />

David Yassky and Angie D’Agostino of Pace<br />

Law School, the Second Department held<br />

their regular “Westchester” sit for oral arguments<br />

in the morning and then presented<br />

a panel discussion for CLE attendees in the<br />

afternoon. Many local members of the bar, as well as law students from Pace, witnessed<br />

a full calendar of arguments which included cases ranging from criminal matters<br />

to adverse possession claims to family law matters.<br />

After a recess for lunch, the Justices - all six of whom hail from Westchester County<br />

or “parts north” - presented their program. Hon. Alan Scheinkman began with a<br />

discussion of the statistics of the Second Department and Hon. Linda Christopher rounded<br />

out that subject with a brief history, incorporating “fun facts” to keep the audience<br />

interested.<br />

Next, Hon. Francesca Connolly discussed the issues of appealability and<br />

aggrievability, breaking both subjects down into “five pitfalls” that she often sees from<br />


MARCH <strong>2018</strong><br />

Diversity Committee<br />

Co-Sponsors Gender<br />

Discrimination CLE<br />

(page 4)<br />

An Interview with<br />

Amanda Fried<br />

(page 5)<br />

<strong>March</strong> Litigation Tip<br />

(page 6)<br />

Upcoming Events<br />

(page 8)<br />

Westchester Women’s Bar Association News<br />

news<br />

www.wwbany.org<br />

Hon. Mark C. Dillon, Hon. Francesca E.<br />

Connolly, Hon. Colleen Duffy, Hon. Alan<br />

D. Scheinkman, Dean David Yassky, Hon.<br />

Jeffrey A. Cohen, Hon. Linda Christopher<br />

continued on page 6 ➥<br />





<strong>March</strong> 22, <strong>2018</strong><br />

Pace University<br />

White Plains, New York<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> BOOK CLUB<br />

April 3, <strong>2018</strong><br />

Greenwich, Connecticut<br />




April 4, <strong>2018</strong><br />

McCarthy Fingar<br />

White Plains, New York<br />



Of course, it is<br />

impossible for me<br />

to write this month’s<br />

column on anything<br />

else but the<br />

fact that <strong>March</strong> is<br />

Women’s History<br />

Month. Established<br />

in 1987 by<br />

the U.S. Congress,<br />

Lisa M. Denig<br />

Women’s History Month gives individuals<br />

and organizations an opportunity<br />

to focus on the progress<br />

women have made in our country<br />

and the amazing courage of those<br />

trailblazing women who got us to<br />

this point.<br />

<strong>March</strong> 8th is International<br />

Women’s Day but all month long the<br />

National Women’s History Project<br />

will celebrate women who fight all<br />

forms of discrimination. The theme<br />

is “Nevertheless She Persisted.”<br />

Many exhibits and programs will be<br />

open this month in various<br />

Westchester County cities, towns and<br />

villages and I encourage you to find<br />

one that appeals to you (and your<br />

daughter? niece? granddaughter?)<br />

as a way to celebrate the achievements<br />

of women through the years.<br />

Yet, while we often hear about<br />

Susan B. Anthony and Eleanor<br />

Roosevelt and other great women<br />

from our history, I want to celebrate<br />

the amazing women I see every day.<br />

My female colleagues who are<br />

smart, tenacious lawyers as well as<br />

caring and compassionate mothers<br />

continued on page 3 ➥<br />

Page 1<br />

The Westchester Women’s Bar Association is a Chapter of the Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York

<strong>WWBA</strong> Member <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

MARCH <strong>2018</strong><br />

Published Monthly by the<br />

Westchester Women’s<br />

Bar Association, a Chapter of<br />

the Women’s Bar Association<br />

of the State of New York<br />

~ 2017/<strong>2018</strong> Officers and Directors ~<br />

President LISA M. DENIG<br />

President-Elect KIM BERG<br />

Vice Presidents<br />


Treasurer<br />


Corresponding Secretary ELIZABETH Z. MARCUS<br />

Immediate Past ast President<br />


Elected Directors Westchester Board<br />



State Directors Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York<br />




Executive Director ELISABETH CAMPOS<br />

© Copyright <strong>2018</strong> Westchester Women’s Bar Association. All rights reserved.<br />

The opinions expressed herein are those of the author(s) only and do not reflect the official position of the Association.<br />

Editor-in-Chief: Elizabeth Z. Marcus • Designed and Printed by IPM Media Group, Inc. (516) 809-0501<br />

2017-<strong>2018</strong> <strong>WWBA</strong> Committee Chairs<br />

S T A N D I N G C O M M I T T E E S<br />

By-Laws ............................................. Hélène Côté, Anna L. Georgiou<br />

Corporate & Commercial ........................ Lisa M. Bluestein, Eva David<br />

Criminal Law ....... Kitley S. Covill, Lisa M. Denig, Hon. Sandra A. Forster<br />

Families, Children & the Courts ........... Shari R. Gordon, Joy S. Joseph,<br />

Lauren Morrissey<br />

Grievance/Ethics ............................ Kitley S. Covill, Deborah A. Scalise<br />

Judicial Screening ............... Hon. Sandra A. Forster, Loren I. Glassman<br />

Judiciary .......... Hon. Delores Scott Brathwaite, Hon. Linda S. Jamieson<br />

Lawyering & Parenting .......... Joelle M. Burton, Jana Kosberg-Kleidman<br />

Legislation ................................................. Angela Morcone Gianinni<br />

Matrimonial .......... Robin Carton, Dolores Gebhardt, Lonya A. Gilbert<br />

Annual Dinner ......... Robin D. Carton, Lisa M. Denig, Jennifer L. Gray,<br />

Jennifer N. Netrosio, Katie Wendle<br />

Annual Dinner Souvenir Journal .............................. Andrea Friedman<br />

Appellate Practice ....................... Lisa M. Denig, Hon. Mark C. Dillon,<br />

Hon. Sondra M. Miller, Hon. Robert A. Spolzino<br />

Archive & Historian ..................................................... Susan L. Pollet<br />

Awards .................................................. Elizabeth Barnhard, Kim Berg<br />

Deborah Farber-Kaiser<br />

Bankruptcy ................... Susan Mills Richmond, Wendy Marie Weathers<br />

Breast Cancer Awareness ...................................... Adrienne J. Orbach<br />

Collaborative Law ............................. Kathleen Donelli, Lynn J. Maier,<br />

Hon. Sondra M. Miller<br />

Community Outreach ... Deborah A. Scalise, Hon. Lisa Margaret Smith<br />

Continuing Legal Education ..................................... Ann M. McNulty<br />

Construction ........................................... Aisling Brady, Sushmita Roy<br />

Diversity in Membership ........... Jacqueline Hattar, Stephanie Melowsky<br />

Domestic Violence ........... Natanya L. Briendel, Beth Levy, Audrey Stone<br />

Education Law ....................... Adrienne J. Arkontaky, Julie P. Passman,<br />

Susan Mills Richmond<br />

Elder & Health Law & Reproductive Rights ....... Elizabeth A. Cumming,<br />

Shari R. Gordon, Moira Laidlaw<br />

Employment Law ................................................ Kim Berg, Sara Kula<br />

Environmental & Land Use .......... Lucia Chiocchio, Anna L. Georgiou,<br />

Jennifer L. Gray, Katherine Zalantis<br />

Gender Dynamics ...................................... Hon. Terry Jane Ruderman<br />

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A D H O C C O M M I T T E E S<br />

Membership ............................................... Sherry Bishko, Hélène Côté<br />

Networking ............................................ Arin Liebman, Suzanne Volpe<br />

New Lawyers ................................... Elizabeth Z. Marcus, Katie Wendle<br />

Professional Development ......... Susan Edwards Colson, Adam J. Krim,<br />

Stephanie Melowsky<br />

Programs .......................................... Natanya Briendel, Amanda Fried<br />

Public Relations ............................... Joelle M. Burton, Jennifer L. Gray<br />

Real Property ................................... Allyson Magliery, Michelle Murphy<br />

Sponsorship .......................... Susan Edwards Colson, Lucia Chiocchio<br />

Taxation ....................................................................................... TBD<br />

Trusts & Estates ........ Gail M. Boggio, Nancy J. Rudolph, Karen J. Walsh<br />

Golf & Tennis Outing ................................................................ TBD<br />

Holiday Party and Boutique ...... Dolores Gebhardt, Jennifer N. Netrosio<br />

Immigration .............................................................................. TBD<br />

Insurance Law ........................................................................... TBD<br />

Intellectual Property .............. Elizabeth M. Barnhard, Donna E. Frosco,<br />

Theresa O’Rourke Nugent<br />

Judgment Enforcement & Collections .............. Christopher T. Bonante,<br />

Daniel F. Florio, Jr.<br />

Litigation ...................... Angela Morcone Giannini, Jacqueline Hattar<br />

Kimberly Sheehan<br />

Long Range Planning ................ Carla D. Glassman, Linda Markowitz<br />

Ann M. McNulty<br />

Mediation ............................ Amy Carron Day, Hon. Sondra M. Miller,<br />

Lauren S. Morrissey, Abby Rosmarin<br />

Network of Bar Leaders ............................................. Donna E. Frosco<br />

Pace Board of Visitors ................................................ Gail M. Boggio<br />

Past Presidents ........... Jane Bilus Gould, Mary F. Kelly, Linda Markowitz<br />

Practice Management .............. Jamieson L. Keiser, Jennifer N. Netrosio<br />

Wendy Marie Weathers<br />

Pro Bono ........................................... Marian Genio, Natalie Sobchak<br />

Social Media .............. Hélène Côté, Kristen Motel, Jennifer N. Netrosio<br />

Technology/Website .......... Donna E. Frosco, Theresa O’Rourke Nugent<br />

WCA Board Delegate ............................................ Anthony Morando<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> Foundation President ..................................... Susan S. Brown<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> Representative Director to the WCBA Board .. Dolores Gebhardt<br />

Page 2<br />

Westchester Women’s Bar Association News

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President’s Message<br />

from page 1<br />

“Women’s History<br />

Month gives<br />

individuals and<br />

organizations an<br />

opportunity to focus<br />

on the progress<br />

women have made in<br />

our country and the<br />

amazing courage of<br />

those trailblazing<br />

women who got us<br />

to this point.”<br />

to their young children. Kathy Purdy,<br />

who saw the overwhelming need for a<br />

food pantry that delivered to<br />

homebound clients and so she started<br />

her own, Hillside Food Outreach. The<br />

incredibly large group of gymnasts<br />

who stood up to tell their stories of<br />

sexual assault and ensured that the<br />

predator no longer has the opportunity<br />

to prey on other girls. The powerful<br />

and gripping voices of the young<br />

women (and men) from Parkland,<br />

Florida, who refuse to let their leaders<br />

and their government remain impotent<br />

in the face of another gun tragedy. The<br />

young, single mother at my church who<br />

fights daily to secure the services and<br />

programs that her child needs and the<br />

school resists providing.<br />

No, there probably will not be any<br />

books written or movies made about<br />

these women, yet they deserve the same<br />

recognition that we give Susan B. Anthony<br />

and Eleanor Roosevelt. Their<br />

determination and drive to create a society<br />

where they can care for their families<br />

or change the system or simply protect<br />

and advance the rights of women<br />

is just as important as any famous<br />

women’s march or speech.<br />

To all of you, the <strong>WWBA</strong> salutes<br />

you as an integral part of Women’s<br />

History Month. ◗<br />

Editor’s Note<br />

“The best protection any woman can have . . . is courage.”<br />

~ Elizabeth Cady Stanton<br />

Making Dates and Getting Published<br />


❑ Deadline for newsletter submissions is the 12th of the month prior to publication<br />

(submissions received after the deadline are subject to the discretion of the editor).<br />

❑ Send submissions as email attachments to Elizabeth Z. Marcus at<br />

elizabeth.z.marcus@gmail.com.<br />

❑ Articles should be 1,000 words or fewer. Remove all pagination, headers, footers or<br />

other formatting, other than bold, underline or italics. Authors are encouraged to submit<br />

photographs for publication with their submissions and include a short biographical<br />

statement with their submissions.<br />

❑ Materials submitted allow the <strong>WWBA</strong> a limited copyright and full permission to reprint<br />

the material in any <strong>WWBA</strong> publication or on its website without additional consent.<br />

❑ Photographs must be high-resolution (150 dpi or more) and the subject and all persons<br />

in each photograph must be fully identified.<br />


❑ First visit the <strong>WWBA</strong> website: www.wwbany.org and click on the calendar at the home page to<br />

view scheduled programs. Conflicts in scheduling will be assessed on a case by case basis, with<br />

priority for early submissions.<br />

❑ Contact Elizabeth Z. Marcus at elizabeth.z.marcus@gmail.com to schedule a <strong>WWBA</strong> sponsored<br />

or co-sponsored program, including committee meetings, CLE programs, etc.<br />

❑ Once you have reserved the date with Elizabeth Z. Marcus, proceed with planning your<br />

program and creating your flyer.<br />

❑ Flyers must be approved by the Programs Committee. In advance of the 12th of the month,<br />

please send your flyer to the Program Committee Co-chairs for review and copy the Executive<br />

Director. Once approved, please send your final flyer to the Executive Director, Elizabeth Z.<br />

Marcus and the President for publication on the website calendar and the newsletter calendar.<br />

The final flyer will also be emailed to the membership.<br />

❑ We will also consider publicizing programs from outside organizations that may be of interest<br />

to our members.<br />

❑ Post-event: You may report on the success of your program and provide photographs of the<br />

speakers and participants that can be included in an upcoming newsletter. Send your submission<br />

to Elizabeth Z. Marcus, following the guidelines above.<br />

A d v e r t i s i n g R a t e s<br />

Full Page Display Ad<br />

5-10 Issues - $525.00 per issue<br />

1-4 Issues - $575.00 per issue<br />

Half Page Display Ad<br />

5-10 Issues - $275.00 per issue<br />

1-4 Issues - $300.00 per issue<br />

Contacts<br />

Elizabeth Z. Marcus, Corresponding Secretary and <strong>Newsletter</strong> Editor-in-Chief: elizabeth.z.marcus@gmail.com<br />

Natanya Briendel, Programs Committee Co-Chair: nbriendel@law.pace.edu<br />

Amanda C. Fried, Programs Committee Co-Chair: afried@cartonrosoff.com<br />

Lisa M. Denig, President: president@wwbany.org<br />

Ann M. McNulty, CLE Chair: ann.m.mcnulty@morganstanley.com<br />

Elisabeth Campos, Executive Director: executivedirector@wwbany.org<br />

Quarter Page Display Ad<br />

5-10 Issues - $165.00 per issue<br />

1-4 Issues - $180.00 per issue<br />

Business Card Ad<br />

5-10 Issues - $60.00 per issue<br />

1-4 Issues - $75.00 per issue<br />

Classified – office space, furniture/equipment, employment & situation wanted (up to 5 lines)<br />

Members - $50.00 first issue; $25.00 each succeeding issue; Non-Members - $75.00 per issue<br />

Back Cover (3/4 page)<br />

5-10 Issues - $650.00 per issue; 1-4 Issues - $700.00 per issue<br />

Deadline for all ads is the 12th of the month prior to publication. Ads are subject to space limitations.<br />

Contact Elizabeth Z. Marcus at elizabeth.z.marcus@gmail.com for any questions regarding advertising.<br />

Westchester Women’s Bar Association News<br />

Page 3

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<strong>WWBA</strong>’s Diversity Committee Co-Sponsors Gender<br />

Discrimination CLE with WCBA<br />

Jacqueline Hattar<br />

The <strong>WWBA</strong>’s Diversity<br />

Committee co-sponsored with<br />

the Westchester County Bar<br />

Association’s (WCBA) Diversity<br />

and Labor and Employment<br />

Law Committees a free<br />

Continuing Legal Education<br />

program entitled “What’s<br />

Going on with Gender Discrimination<br />

and Sexual Harassment?”<br />

on January 30,<br />

<strong>2018</strong> at the Sterling National<br />

Bank in Tuckahoe, New York.<br />

The well-attended program<br />

was moderated by Evelyn<br />

Miller, Esq., co-chair of the<br />

WCBA’s Diversity Committee.<br />

The speakers included<br />

Stephen Bergstein, Esq., partner<br />

at Bergstein & Ullrich, LLP,<br />

Susan Corcoran, Esq., partner<br />

at Jackson Lewis, P.C., and<br />

Elizabeth Hunter, Esq., partner<br />

at Frumkin & Hunter, LLP.<br />

The program afforded the<br />

attendees two CLE credits, including<br />

one credit in the newly<br />

established CLE category of “diversity,<br />

inclusion and elimination<br />

of bias.” The speakers provided<br />

an overview of handling<br />

matters involving claims of gender<br />

discrimination, including<br />

sexual harassment in the workplace.<br />

They provided practical<br />

tips to lawyers, who prosecute<br />

or defend such claims in state<br />

and federal courts as well as<br />

other forums. The <strong>WWBA</strong> was<br />

pleased to partner with the<br />

WCBA to present this excellent<br />

program. We look forward to<br />

continuing to collaborate with<br />

the WCBA and other organizations<br />

on future programs. ◗<br />

Stephen Bergstein, Elizabeth Hunter, Susan Corcoran and<br />

Evelyn Miller<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> Learns to<br />

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Spin!<br />

Lisa Denig<br />

In celebration of February<br />

being designated “Heart<br />

Health Month,” the Westchester<br />

Women’s Bar Association held<br />

a “Learn to Spin” class at the<br />

New York Sports Club in<br />

Scarsdale. Sixteen individuals<br />

came out on a Sunday afternoon<br />

to learn the basics of<br />

spinning including proper bike<br />

set-up, body positions, heart<br />

rate zones, equipment and<br />

choreography.<br />

Participants were first time<br />

spinners who were interested<br />

in learning to spin but were too<br />

intimidated to simply walk into<br />

a class and try it on their own.<br />

This introductory session gave<br />

them the information they<br />

needed as well as the confidence<br />

to now take a spin class<br />

on their own. And the class<br />

worked up a pretty good sweat<br />

in the process! ◗<br />

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Page 4<br />

Westchester Women’s Bar Association News

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An Interview with Amanda Fried<br />

Susan L. Pollet<br />

Chair of the Archive and<br />

Historian Committee<br />

Q: Tell us why you joined<br />

the Westchester Women’s<br />

Bar Association, and how<br />

you have participated in it<br />

over the years?<br />

A: I joined the <strong>WWBA</strong> to<br />

be part of a diverse community<br />

of Renaissance lawyers<br />

who share my commitment<br />

to fairness. It is only<br />

in the last few years that I<br />

was recruited to the <strong>WWBA</strong><br />

Board of Directors. However,<br />

I’ve served in numerous<br />

capacities during that<br />

tenure. I am currently a<br />

Vice President, but I was the<br />

Treasurer for the two years<br />

prior. I am in my second<br />

year as Co-Chair of the<br />

Programs Committee, and<br />

I was the Committee Chair<br />

for the Annual Dinner Souvenir<br />

Journal for three<br />

(long) years.<br />

Q: What are the greatest<br />

joys for you of being a<br />

member of the <strong>WWBA</strong>?<br />

A: I love the sisterhood. Being<br />

with other women with<br />

whom I can share professional<br />

and personal joys,<br />

successes, and stressors is<br />

an invaluable gift. I’m<br />

proud to be a member of<br />

an organization that prioritizes<br />

equality and community<br />

service.<br />

Q: Why did you become<br />

an attorney, and tell us<br />

about your legal career.<br />

A: What else would I become?<br />

My family talked<br />

about the practice of law<br />

at every meal, in every car<br />

ride, and at every holiday<br />

gathering. My law school<br />

“I love the sisterhood [in the<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong>]. Being with other<br />

women with whom I can<br />

share professional and<br />

personal joys, successes,<br />

and stressors is an<br />

invaluable gift. I’m proud<br />

to be a member of an<br />

organization that prioritizes<br />

equality and community<br />

service.”<br />

application essay was actually<br />

about all the other occupations<br />

starting with “A”<br />

that I considered – even acrobat<br />

– but it was no use.<br />

My mother tells me that my<br />

first word was “no,” so I suppose<br />

that being a lawyer is<br />

in my blood. I obtained my<br />

JD from Fordham University<br />

School of Law. Prior to working<br />

at Carton & Rosoff PC, I<br />

was an associate at Kelley<br />

Drye & Warren LLP, representing<br />

corporate trustees in<br />

debt and exchange offerings<br />

and financial institutions in<br />

their roles as rights, collateral,<br />

and escrow agents.<br />

Prior to law school, I was a<br />

legal assistant at Davis Polk<br />

& Wardwell working on<br />

credit transactions. I was also<br />

lucky enough to have the<br />

opportunity to participate in<br />

a landmark trial involving a<br />

major accounting firm.<br />

Since 2009, I have been an<br />

attorney with Carton & Rosoff<br />

PC, which primarily focuses<br />

on Family and Matrimonial<br />

Westchester Women’s Bar Association News<br />

Law. We are a very busy firm<br />

that offers clients litigation,<br />

mediation, and collaborative<br />

alternatives. Our tag line<br />

is “Resolving Disputes Creatively,”<br />

and we endeavor to<br />

provide our clients with personalized<br />

and customized<br />

services. Coming from a corporate<br />

background, I am<br />

well versed in intensive and<br />

sensitive negotiations, and I<br />

believe strongly that a negotiated<br />

settlement is almost<br />

always a better resolution for<br />

a family in crisis. And, who<br />

am I kidding, I love to draft<br />

agreements.<br />

Q: Tell us about working with<br />

your parents – including your<br />

Mom – a past President of<br />

the <strong>WWBA</strong>!<br />

A: Working with my parents<br />

is awesome (did I mention<br />

that my mother will be reading<br />

this?). Truthfully, I was immensely<br />

proud of my mother<br />

for her work as President of<br />

the <strong>WWBA</strong>, and, as usual,<br />

she wore that extra hat with<br />

Amanda Fried<br />

aplomb. I am honored to<br />

be a member of a family<br />

firm doing family law<br />

work.<br />

Q: What are your interests<br />

outside of the practice of<br />

law?<br />

A: I am the proud mother<br />

of Zoe, the irresistible<br />

Havanese who will do almost<br />

anything for a<br />

Cheerio (or ten). I am an<br />

experienced dog trainer,<br />

so Zoe has a repertoire of<br />

adorable tricks. I also<br />

dabble in photography<br />

(follow Zoe on Instagram<br />

@thehavanesemom), sing<br />

with The Stamford Chorale,<br />

and am trained as s<br />

classical pianist.<br />

Q: What do you hope to<br />

accomplish both professionally,<br />

and personally, in<br />

the coming years?<br />

A: I don’t know what the future<br />

will bring, but I’m certainly<br />

excited to meet it,<br />

whatever it brings professionally<br />

and personally.<br />

Oh, you know of an animal<br />

sanctuary looking for<br />

a director? Sure, I’m<br />

game! ◗<br />

Page 5

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○<br />

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○<br />

<strong>March</strong> Litigation Tip<br />

✦ LAVERN’S LAW<br />

The time within which to commence a medical malpractice action is governed by CPLR 214-a<br />

which provides that the claim must be commenced within 2 ½ years of when the medical malpractice<br />

occurred.<br />

Many states have a discovery statute that allows for commencement of the medical malpractice<br />

action when the malpractice is discovered. While NY does have a discovery statute for personal<br />

injury caused by contact with or exposure to phenoxy herbicides (CPLR 214-b), New York was one<br />

of only a handful of states that did not have a discovery statute for malpractice claims.<br />

In <strong>2018</strong>, New York joined the majority and included a medical malpractice discovery provision in its<br />

statute of limitations specifically for cancer and malignant tumor cases. Quite often in these types<br />

of claims, the patient does not learn of the missed malignancy until well after the 2 ½ years statute of<br />

limitations or in the case of a municipal hospital or entity, well after the 1 year and 90 days statute of<br />

limitations has expired which leaves the patient without recourse. The proposed law became known<br />

as Lavern’s Law based upon Lavern Wilkinson, a woman who died in 2013 of a curable form of lung<br />

cancer after misdiagnosis at a municipal hospital. Her doctors failed to advise her that her chest X-<br />

ray taken in 2010 showed a suspicious mass on her right lung and she did not learn of the mass until<br />

2012 by which time the cancer had spread throughout her body. Unfortunately, Ms. Wilkinson learned<br />

of the physician error after her statute of limitations had run. She was survived by a disabled child.<br />

The new law will provide that the statute of limitations will start to run when the patient knows or<br />

reasonably should have known of the error with a restriction that no more than seven (7) years can<br />

have expired between the negligent act and the commencement of the action. There will also be a<br />

look back period for claims where the statute ran in the last 10 months allowing a 6-month period to<br />

bring the claim. This new legislation will be particularly helpful to women with claims related to<br />

radiology findings and breast cancer.<br />

Both the Westchester and Brooklyn Chapters of the WBASNY Legislation Committee were instrumental<br />

in addressing and supporting this proposed bill at past WBASNY meetings and WBASNY,<br />

along with many other bar associations and consumer groups, supported the bill on Lobby Day.<br />

Written by Angela Morcone Giannini, Co-Chair, Litigation Committee<br />

Other Co-Chairs: Jacqueline Hattar & Kimberly Sheehan<br />


from page 1<br />

lawyers. Hon. Mark Dillon gave “tips and<br />

tricks” for writing a good brief and performing<br />

well at oral argument. Hon. Jeffrey<br />

Cohen discussed the new rules of professional<br />

responsibility and Judge Duffy<br />

summed up the presentation by highlighting<br />

several notable decisions issued by the<br />

Second Department in the last year.<br />

The Justices then answered questions<br />

from the audience, including their thoughts<br />

on whether a new Department would be<br />

created to alleviate the tremendous workload<br />

and what to focus on when writing appellate<br />

briefs.<br />

Many thanks to the Law Office of David<br />

Wright and Appeals Press. Inc. for sponsoring<br />

lunch and to Judge Duffy for coordinating<br />

her colleagues in their participation.<br />

◗<br />

Hon. Jeffrey A. Cohen discussing the Rules of<br />

Professional Responsibility<br />

Page 6<br />

Westchester Women’s Bar Association News

<strong>WWBA</strong> New Members<br />

The Westchester Women’s Bar Association<br />

proudly welcomes our newest members:<br />



OF THE <strong>WWBA</strong> ONLY.<br />

Become a New<br />

Member Today<br />


<strong>WWBA</strong> MEMBERSHIP TODAY<br />


JUNE 1, 2017 TO MAY 31, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />


<strong>WWBA</strong> Membership includes<br />

membership to the Women’s Bar<br />

Association of the State of New York<br />

(WBASNY).<br />

January 31, <strong>2018</strong> is the closing date in<br />

order to count the <strong>WWBA</strong> members<br />

towards our certification to WBASNY and<br />

assure our number of delegates.<br />

<strong>2018</strong>/2019 Westchester Women’s Bar<br />

Association Slate of Officers and Directors<br />

Pursuant to Articles VI and IX of the by-laws of the Westchester Women’s Bar<br />

Association, voting for the following slate of Officers and Directors will take place at<br />

the General Membership Meeting on <strong>March</strong> 22, <strong>2018</strong>:<br />

President<br />

Kim Berg<br />

President-Elect<br />

Angela Morcone Giannini<br />

Vice Presidents<br />

Hon. Lisa M. Smith • Amanda Fried • Kristen Motel<br />

Treasurer<br />

Natanya L. Briendel<br />

Corresponding Secretary<br />

Elizabeth Marcus<br />

Recording Secretary<br />

Sherry Bishko<br />

State Directors<br />

Robin D. Carton • Lucia Chiocchio • Deborah Farber-Kaiser<br />

Marian Genio • Theresa Girolamo • Annette Hasapidis<br />

Susan Mills Richmond • Jennifer Robinson<br />

Elected Directors<br />

Susan Edwards Colson • Lisa M. Denig • Lonya Gilbert<br />

Jennifer Gray • Jacqueline Hattar<br />

Westchester Women’s Bar Association News<br />

Renewing before this date will allow our<br />

Westchester Chapter (<strong>WWBA</strong>) to continue<br />

to be a strong presence in our statewide<br />

organization (WBASNY) while you will<br />

enjoy its many benefits, events,<br />

newsletter and CLE programming.<br />

Hélène Côté, Sherry A. Bishko,<br />

Elisabeth Campos<br />

It is easy to renew by going to the<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> Website at www.<strong>WWBA</strong>NY.org.<br />

You can use a credit card or<br />

PayPal to make payment.<br />

Page 7

<strong>WWBA</strong> Schedule of Upcoming Events<br />

COMMITTEE DATE/TIME PLACE TOPIC RSVP (also online at www.wwbany.org)<br />

Elder and Health Law<br />

Committee<br />

The Pace Women’s Justice<br />

Center and <strong>WWBA</strong><br />

General Membership<br />

Meeting<br />

Construction Law<br />

Committee<br />

3/21/18<br />

5:30-6:00 PM<br />

Light supper<br />

6:00-8:00 p.m.<br />

Program<br />

3/22/18<br />

5:30-6:00 p.m.<br />

Registration<br />

6:00-8:00 p.m.<br />

Program<br />

3/28/18<br />

5:30-6:00 p.m.<br />

Registration<br />

6:00-7:00 p.m.<br />

Program<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> Book Club 4/3/18<br />

6:00 p.m.<br />

Board of Directors Meeting 4/4/18<br />

5:30-7:30 p.m.<br />

Wells Fargo Bank<br />

50 Main Street<br />

5 th Floor<br />

(Westchester Conference<br />

Room)<br />

White Plains, NY<br />

Elisabeth Haub School of<br />

Law at Pace University<br />

Tudor Room<br />

78 North Broadway<br />

White Plains, NY<br />

Sterling National Bank<br />

21 Scarsdale Road<br />

Tuckahoe, NY<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> member<br />

Donna Drumm’s House<br />

Greenwich, CT<br />

BNY Mellon<br />

701 Westchester Ave.<br />

White Plains, NY<br />

NY-FL Snowbirds:<br />

Estate Planning and<br />

Elder Law<br />

Considerations<br />

Two (2) CLE credits<br />

*Pending approval<br />

Perspectives on Sexual<br />

Harassment in the<br />

Workplace in the Wake<br />

of #MeToo<br />

Two (2) CLE credits –<br />

Professional Practice<br />

*Pending approval<br />

Tax Reform – Making<br />

Sense of it All<br />

Third Meeting of the<br />

Newly Created <strong>WWBA</strong><br />

Book Club<br />

Book:<br />

“Sisters in Law: How<br />

Ruth Bader Ginsburg<br />

and Sandra Day<br />

O’Connor Went to the<br />

Supreme Court and<br />

Changed the World”<br />

Register online by <strong>March</strong> 19, <strong>2018</strong><br />

at www.wwbany.org<br />

RSVP by: <strong>March</strong> 12, <strong>2018</strong> online<br />

at www.wwbany.org or email<br />

executive director@wwbany.org<br />


Natanya L. Briendel, Esq. at<br />

nbriendel@law.pace.edu<br />

Please RSVP by <strong>March</strong> 26, <strong>2018</strong> to<br />

events@anchin.com<br />

Register online at<br />

www.wwbany.org<br />

For questions or if you are not able<br />

to attend contact:<br />

Lisa Denig at<br />

president@wwbany.org<br />

Mediation Committee 4/4/18<br />

12:15-1:45 p.m.<br />

Brown bag lunch<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> Women in<br />

Professional Transition<br />

Project<br />

Families, Children, and the<br />

Courts Committee<br />

4/6/18<br />

1:00 p.m.<br />

4/10/18<br />

12:30-2:00 PM<br />

Brown bag lunch<br />

McCarthy Fingar, LLP<br />

11 Martine Avenue<br />

12 th Floor<br />

White Plains, NY<br />

445 Café<br />

445 Hamilton Ave.<br />

White Plains, NY<br />

(Parking is available in<br />

the garage next door;<br />

follow signs for “office<br />

parking”)<br />

Westchester County<br />

Courthouse<br />

9 th Floor (Conference<br />

Room)<br />

111 Dr. Martin Luther<br />

King, Jr. Blvd.<br />

White Plains, NY<br />

Lunch and Learn:<br />

Issues Related to<br />

Representation in<br />

Family and Divorce<br />

Mediation<br />

“First Fridays” with the<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong>’s Women in<br />

Professional Transition<br />

Project<br />

CASA in the Courts:<br />

The Mental Health<br />

Association of<br />

Westchester County,<br />

Inc. (MHA) Family<br />

Court’s Court<br />

Appointed Special<br />

Advocates<br />

RSVP to<br />

arosmarin@mccarthyfingar.com<br />

No RSVP necessary<br />

For more information go to<br />

www.wwbany.org<br />

Register online by April 2, <strong>2018</strong> at<br />

www.wwbany.org<br />




Connect<br />

with<br />

us<br />

THE <strong>WWBA</strong> MEMBERSHIP PERIOD FOR<br />

2017-<strong>2018</strong> BEGINS ON JUNE 1, 2017.<br />


ODAY AT<br />

WWW.<strong>WWBA</strong>NY<br />

.<strong>WWBA</strong>NY.ORG<br />


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