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<strong>Glamsquad</strong>APRIL <strong>2018</strong><br />
A guide to<br />
Flawless<br />
Skin<br />
‘IT’ Bag<br />
Trends<br />
DAVIVA<br />
Fashion<br />
Project<br />
ALL THE<br />
FIVE<br />
EASTER<br />
Inside GRA’s<br />
latest hotspot:<br />
Burg<br />
The Price Of Fame
APRIL <strong>2018</strong><br />
From The<br />
Editor’s Desk<br />
<strong>Glamsquad</strong>’s <strong>April</strong> <strong>2018</strong> Issue<br />
marks our entree into a new dawn;<br />
<strong>Glamsquad</strong> 2.0. What better month<br />
to rebrand our women focused<br />
magazine than in the month of<br />
March and What better month<br />
to stage a comeback than in<br />
the month of <strong>April</strong>. In addition to<br />
celebrating a new season and my<br />
taking over the reigns as Editor of the<br />
magazine, we’re also celebrating<br />
all things female, all things new and<br />
of course Easter.<br />
Covering the magazine this<br />
month is crooner and one of<br />
Nigeria’s best vocalists, Omawumi<br />
Mgbele. We talk career, love,<br />
relationships, motherhood and the<br />
future with Oma Wonder. We keep<br />
things regal and feminine with<br />
our heart to heart with a certain<br />
princess. We can hardly claim to<br />
be celebrating womanhood at<br />
<strong>Glamsquad</strong> without an introspective<br />
look at Black Panther. We delve into<br />
some strong and important themes<br />
from the franchise; from culture to<br />
a celebration of womanhood and<br />
Black womanhood.<br />
In with the new, we turn our<br />
attentions to Burg, the recently<br />
launched restaurant in the upscale<br />
GRA Ikeja. We keep things a<br />
little light, sharing some fun time<br />
honoured Easter traditions, delving<br />
into a few crucial trends and of<br />
course bringing some vibrant<br />
fashion your way. Because we’re<br />
such women’s women, we take<br />
you on a beauty trip, sharing the<br />
best skincare tips for every selfloving<br />
woman to help you begin a<br />
new beauty culture. Welcome to<br />
<strong>Glamsquad</strong> 2.0.<br />
Teresa Aligbe<br />
Editor<br />
CONTENTS<br /><br />
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DAVIVA Fashion<br />
Project<br />
‘IT’ Bag Trends<br />
How To Achieve<br />
Flawless Skin<br />
OMAWUNMI<br /> 3
Omawunmi:<br />
The Price Of Fame<br />
It’s been almost ten years since<br />
you first started out in the Industry.<br />
When is your anniversary? Do you<br />
remember? Is there a specific date<br />
and month?<br />
(Laughs) Oh no, I don’t. Well, I<br />
was a product of a reality show so<br />
the moment I came out, I just knew<br />
that that was the path for me so…<br />
Yeah 2007/2008 but if we were to be<br />
specific, I would say May 2007.<br />
There’s that moment when you<br />
realise - ‘Okay, I’m about to become<br />
famous’. When exactly did it hit you<br />
that ‘OMG! I’m a star’?<br />
(Laughs) Well, as I said earlier, I was<br />
the product of a reality show. You<br />
know, I was first runner-up of the show.<br />
From the beginning of the competition<br />
to when we got to the point where<br />
we were becoming popular, it had<br />
dawned on me that, ‘Yeah, we were<br />
famous’.<br />
For some reason, they honoured<br />
us then; you know, state level and<br />
national level. Timi Dakolo went to the<br />
capital, Abuja, and I went to Delta<br />
State and they celebrated us. You<br />
know, from that moment, I was just like<br />
“Wow! Big people know my name!”<br />
That was the most important thing.<br />
What was the most shocking thing<br />
you discovered getting into the<br />
industry?<br />
I don’t know. I don’t easily get<br />
shocked (both laughs). Well, it wasn’t<br />
shocking; it was something that I<br />
gradually came to understand that<br />
nothing lasts forever. At some point,<br />
everybody wants you; everybody is<br />
fawning over you and the next thing,<br />
one negative press or something else<br />
and everything just fizzles away! That’s<br />
why as I was going on in the industry,<br />
the one that I always had at the back<br />
of mind was, ‘Just enjoy doing what<br />
you love.’ If it comes to the point<br />
where you start doing things because<br />
of what is required of you, not what<br />
you want to do for yourself, you start<br />
selling a false identity or you start<br />
selling a false truth; if there’s any such<br />
word. Do you understand?<br />
I didn’t want to get to that stage.<br />
That’s the stage where people get<br />
to and they start to lose traces of<br />
themselves and, ten years down the<br />
line, you don’t even know who you are<br />
anymore!<br />
There is always so much pressure<br />
and people have a million different<br />
opinions about who you are and<br />
who you should be. Is there any time<br />
you felt the pressure to act a little<br />
differently?<br />
Yeah, it happens to us every time.<br />
It does, but not to the extreme. I’m<br />
usually very into my person; my selflove<br />
is on another level. I have this<br />
imposing personality and I just have<br />
that thing in my mind. Like, I wouldn’t<br />
like to change my personality to be<br />
something I’m not. In the course of<br />
my work in the industry, I’ve come to<br />
understand that as entertainers we<br />
have a responsibility.<br />
It is a gift to be able to get people<br />
to listen to you so when you get that<br />
opportunity to say something, you<br />
want to make sure you’re saying the<br />
right things. You want to make sure<br />
you’re saying something that should<br />
help. The only thing that is constant is<br />
change! There’s this constant change<br />
in language so you have to learn to<br />
adapt. Last year, I completely refused<br />
to conform and I went all maestro on<br />
them and I loved every minute of it.<br />
But the truth is… it’s not all about me.<br />
Music comes in seasons but your<br />
style of music is a little on the classic<br />
side; possibly, because of the genre<br />
of music you sing. Have you seriously<br />
considered changing your sound to<br />
conform to what obtains now?<br />
Yeah! I have. One thing about<br />
me is that I’m not afraid to do things<br />
differently every once in a while. I have<br />
my die-hard, core fans but I’m trying<br />
to reach everybody. If you’re trying<br />
to reach everybody, you should be<br />
able to make music in a way that you<br />
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don’t lose your true self… but at the<br />
same time, you should still be able to<br />
communicate across board.<br />
But then, how do you strike that<br />
balance between staying authentic<br />
to your sound as an artiste and<br />
appealing to what’s main stream?<br />
The problem even with the listening<br />
public who love those sounds is that,<br />
past a certain point, most artistes<br />
sound generic. Yet, one of the things<br />
you are loved for is that your sound<br />
is different and authentic. Aren’t you<br />
worried that going main stream will<br />
compromise your authenticity?<br />
When I started out in the industry, I<br />
had singles… This is my third album;<br />
the first album had many great<br />
‘authentic’ songs. Two songs stood out:<br />
‘Serious Love Nwantiti’; it’s hi-life and<br />
in Music, its Quito. None of them was<br />
main stream at that time; they were<br />
just happy-go-lucky songs that were in<br />
that space of making you understand<br />
what I was trying to say.<br />
My second album came and I had<br />
classical music. I had classics like ‘I go<br />
go’ which had a violin and all of that<br />
in it but I also had songs like ‘Bottom<br />
Belle’ that I did with Flavour and<br />
people steered towards ‘Bottom Belle’.<br />
I also had ‘If you ask me’. ‘If you ask<br />
me’ wasn’t main stream at that time; it<br />
was great music!<br />
It was awesome music!<br />
Now with Omawumi, I made an<br />
entirely timeless album. I went back<br />
and forth with the different fusions<br />
of the live elements that I’ve always<br />
wanted to do. I knew the response I<br />
was going to get and I was happy with<br />
it. It’s either they love it or they hate it;<br />
there were no in-between.<br />
Now, because I understand that<br />
there’s a job I’m doing, when I make<br />
feel-good music (which I can), it tends<br />
to get more ears listening. If I can tell<br />
you about sexual abuse in a feelgood<br />
song and you’re feeling good<br />
and I’m passing a message across,<br />
then that’s good. I need to get to that<br />
point where I balance it out. I have a<br />
message. I can’t be in this generation<br />
and not speak out. Now, the only way<br />
for me to speak out is to speak in the<br />
language you understand.<br />
There’s a lot that is being said<br />
globally and even locally about the<br />
challenges of being a female in the<br />
industry. You have spoken about<br />
having an imposing personality and<br />
strong sense of self. Do you think<br />
there is a difference between being<br />
a female artiste as opposed to just<br />
being an artiste?<br />
Of course, there is! Whenever I<br />
say things like this, I feel I sound lazy.<br />
It just means we work twice as hard<br />
but it makes us stronger as women.<br />
The ideal situation is you just climb on<br />
stage, sing and feel good. The hours<br />
we need to spend putting layers of<br />
make-up on our faces; nails have to<br />
be well done; hair has to be well laid<br />
- everything needs to be beautiful.<br />
You need to be flawless. The moment<br />
there’s a little slip, it affects the whole<br />
performance; it’s difficult.<br />
Those are one of the many<br />
challenges. It’s very rare for you to<br />
make music and not sell sex and still<br />
get attention. Very rare! It’s not that I’m<br />
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opposed to that but I don’t want us<br />
to be limited to that. You have to be<br />
more in their faces; it’s like you have<br />
much to prove but we’re slaying it and<br />
we’re killing it!<br />
There is a lot of talk about sexual<br />
harassment globally with the Harvey<br />
Weinstein situation and all the abuse<br />
going on. Coming from a culture<br />
where, if we’re honest, there’s a lot<br />
of abuse but we sweep it under the<br />
carpet. I wonder if that’s a challenge<br />
for you as a female artiste? Is there<br />
a lot of sexual harassment in the<br />
industry?<br />
To be honest, I’ve never<br />
experienced it. Well… to say I’ve never<br />
experienced it would not be fair but<br />
not in the way it happens abroad.<br />
I’ve heard that in the movie industry,<br />
these things tend to happen but I<br />
don’t think I’ve been in that position<br />
where someone has said to me: ‘If<br />
you don’t sleep with me, I won’t play<br />
your music.’ No. I wouldn’t want<br />
to speak on somethiNow your third<br />
album has been done. When can<br />
the Omawumi fans expect the next<br />
big thing?<br />
I’ve started working actually and I<br />
am so excited about it! I got home<br />
(now), having left about 3a.m. I was<br />
recording all morning (yawns) and I’m<br />
excited about the new materials that<br />
I’m bringing out. I don’t know what I’m<br />
tagging it yet but I know it’s going to<br />
be back-to-back this year.<br />
What kind of sound are we<br />
expecting?<br />
It’s going to be great African music;<br />
that’s all I can tell you. That’s it. Stories<br />
about love, society, what you’re doing;<br />
passing on that same language of<br />
‘no be just to freelax’. There’s also one<br />
or two things that, if you hear, you’re<br />
going to be like (gasps!) - she sang<br />
that? You know, as much as I am promorals,<br />
I also have this side of me that<br />
every once in a while... hey!<br />
Comes out?<br />
Yeah!<br />
You recently got married and I<br />
was very interested to find out that<br />
you are technically married; you<br />
“<br />
It’s very rare<br />
for you to make<br />
music and not<br />
sell sex and still<br />
get attention.<br />
got married years ago - registry<br />
wedding. So, why the decision to<br />
have your traditional wedding and<br />
why now?<br />
My husband is wired in a certain<br />
way. He likes things to be done the<br />
right way and I understand him. Initially,<br />
we were together for a couple of years<br />
and we had a daughter together. We<br />
got married at the registry and we<br />
had a son along the way as well. So<br />
we’ve just been this sort of people not<br />
under pressure to do what the society<br />
expects us to do.<br />
If that time were convenient for<br />
us to do the traditional wedding, we<br />
would have done it. I think we were<br />
going to then but I got pregnant and<br />
I just didn’t want to be the bride with<br />
a big nose! So, I told him we need<br />
to move this thing and then I lost my<br />
grandma. When it was time for us<br />
to do it, we were just like… “Mehn, I<br />
have work to do oh! We don’t have<br />
time to plan for the wedding. Shey,<br />
we’re already married?” And we would<br />
postpone it again and finally, I was just<br />
like, you know what? We’re not doing<br />
this anymore. Let’s just do it now and it<br />
was beautiful.<br />
I’ve never been the type to<br />
celebrate things that concern me<br />
loudly. I’m always guarded about<br />
them; the people that I love, but it felt<br />
good. To just be celebrated, wearing<br />
beautiful dresses, smiling, paying the<br />
money to avoid credit.<br />
Speaking of not being one to put<br />
things out there really, I’m sure there<br />
are many people who, up until this<br />
wedding, didn’t even know that you<br />
were already married or know much<br />
about your personal life. Are you a<br />
mother of 3?<br />
Two.<br />
Okay. See, there’s so much<br />
information out there that is<br />
contradictory. It’s hard to know what<br />
is true. So, my first question on this<br />
is: how have you managed to keep<br />
your private life private?<br />
I’ve not made an effort to. It’s not<br />
like I set out to say I want to be private.<br />
I guess, it has much more to do with<br />
the kind of person that I am. If you<br />
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“<br />
I like to hide and<br />
the only time I can<br />
let loose is when<br />
I’m with the people<br />
that I love,<br />
don’t know me, you might misconstrue the way I am. I<br />
like to hide and the only time I can let loose is when I’m<br />
with the people that I love and I can’t share that with<br />
everybody.<br />
It’s not that much of a chore; it’s not like I’m covering<br />
my kids’ faces with a blanket like Michael Jackson.<br />
Then, my husband is a very private person. He just loves<br />
that unassuming thing; that he can come somewhere<br />
and sit down and have a drink without someone being<br />
like that’s Omawumi’s husband. He just loves being<br />
an individual. When we got married, he was getting<br />
messages like: “Ol’ boy, I see you inside Instagram oh.”<br />
“Ol’ boy, so na Omawumi be your wife?” He would just<br />
laugh and say so what do you want? Should I put a<br />
banner on my head saying ‘I’m Omawumi’s husband’?<br />
(laughs) That’s the way it is and we like it like that.<br />
So, do your kids know ‘mummy’ is famous?<br />
Yeah, they do. Like Fareed, now he’s going on three.<br />
Whenever he sees me on TV, he’ll go like “Mummy, see<br />
my mummy on the TV!” Then, my daughter, Camilla, on<br />
the other hand... It scares me. I went to their school and<br />
you know how kids are. The teacher goes like: “Camilla’s<br />
mummy we need to talk”. Your daughter tells the other<br />
kids “My mum is Omawumi, my mum is famous”. I<br />
called her and told her “My darling daughter, dem no<br />
dey use fame take dey buy anything for market. I know<br />
that it will be a bit hard for you to understand what I’m<br />
saying now but rather than going to gloat to your friends<br />
that mummy is famous; rather than being boastful, why<br />
not try and be kind.”<br />
What do you have that you’re boastful? Who is<br />
Omawumi? Do I have any money? I don’t have any<br />
money oh? It’s not like you say your daddy is president.<br />
Then, I’ll be like, carry on my daughter. But yes, they<br />
know. They know I’m famous.<br />
Now, speaking of less private relationships, you have<br />
the ultimate best friend relationship with Waje.<br />
Oh gosh! I hate talking about her!<br />
(Laughs) No, you don’t.<br />
(Mock disgust.)<br />
What’s it like in an environment where there’s so much<br />
negativity around having girl friends and all these<br />
situations of back-biting on social media - Instagram<br />
and what not? What’s it like having a real best friend<br />
who is cheering you?<br />
Who told you she’s a real person? (laughs)<br />
For one, there are more comments on your wedding<br />
from Waje than you, the actual celebrant. If you<br />
Google your wedding, it’s one of the first things you<br />
see, her posts celebrate.<br />
Oh! Wow! Eh! (More mock disgust.)<br />
And, you know she shows up on the set of your<br />
‘Editorial’ and she takes over. All of a sudden she’s<br />
creative director, model and the stylist...<br />
You know what? I do the same; I do even more! But<br />
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she is a cool person. The thing about it is that it’s hard,<br />
like you said, for you to be in the same field and find<br />
someone that has the same mind with you; that prays<br />
with you and we have almost the same goals. And, we<br />
vibe. Waje, you cannot pretend to like somebody, and<br />
that’s the same about me. I think it’s been a good run.<br />
She’s okay.<br />
When did you meet? And how many years have you<br />
been close?<br />
Over ten years; we met in Lagos, at a TV interview.<br />
Somebody had told me about her and that she was<br />
this mad vocalist she was. So, when she said ‘My name<br />
is Waje’, I was like so? I know you. I heard that you could<br />
sing and she was like ‘Me, I heard you’re not bad too oh’.<br />
She was like ‘Where are you going to? Okay, let’s move<br />
together now’.<br />
The next morning we resumed and we called and it<br />
was like ‘How are you?’ And, that was it.<br />
So, ten years strong. That’s pretty awesome! Has there<br />
been any time people have gone around spreading<br />
rumours that almost came between you both?<br />
Yeah, it always happens but Waje is such a part of my<br />
life that if that happens, one person will probably wake<br />
up and call someone. Like my mother will wake up and<br />
call someone or her mother will do the same or my<br />
husband or her brother. Our families are too intertwined<br />
for anybody to sit back and say they have issues. We’ve<br />
gone past that stage. If I have issues with her, I’ll just tell<br />
her and she’ll either abuse me or tell me you’re wrong<br />
and vice-versa and you know life continues.<br />
Now, to your plans for this year. Aside from the fact<br />
that you plan on releasing an album, what else should<br />
we expect from you?<br />
No, it’s not an album; it’s an EP. We’ve decided to<br />
wear the pants of movie producers, Waje and I. So,<br />
we’re just about to wrap up our first film.<br />
That’s nice<br />
It’s a stellar cast and it’s been frustrating and exciting.<br />
You’ll hear more about it when that time comes.<br />
So, do we get any hint who the stars in it are or it’s still<br />
hush hush?<br />
Of course not! It’s still hush hush!<br />
So, now that you guys are sharing movie producers’<br />
roles, are we going to get any special Omawumi and<br />
Waje album?<br />
It’s in the works.<br />
Oh, that’s very nice. I’m sure fans will be very excited<br />
to hear that.<br />
I hope so. The thing about it is, we vibe as musicians.<br />
And, we’re always directing each other - when one<br />
person is recording and the other shows up. So, the<br />
question people are asking is: ‘’Oh, why don’t you<br />
release an album together and we’re always like do we<br />
have to? Is that not cliché?<br />
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There’s this news that you walked<br />
out of an interview because the<br />
interviewer asked a question<br />
you didn’t like; you know, diva<br />
behaviour? Could you have handled<br />
it better?<br />
This will sound rude but I don’t<br />
care. As much as I’m an artiste, I’m<br />
a human being. You know, the world<br />
has this perception that ‘you owe it to<br />
us to tell us anything; we’re your fans’.<br />
But no! I don’t owe it to you to tell you<br />
anything. I tell you what I want to tell<br />
you.<br />
My job as a musician is to sing and<br />
entertain and that’s it. So the question<br />
about people saying I could have<br />
handled it better, I don’t care; she<br />
came into my space. I’ve never really<br />
talked about it because I don’t like<br />
to give it attention. It’s pretty basic;<br />
that’s how I am. I am a Warri girl. You<br />
should be very happy that I walked<br />
out because that was my office where<br />
that interview was held.<br />
The press, you have a job to do,<br />
yes. But as much as you want to<br />
say juicy things and get people to<br />
follow your platform, there has to be<br />
some level of credibility and respect;<br />
respect for the other person. You<br />
don’t put somebody in place just to<br />
keep going at them. The first question,<br />
second question, third question, fourth<br />
question were all negative questions;<br />
you know, something that would taint<br />
you just so people will come and<br />
follow your platform, not caring about<br />
the individual you’re tearing apart.<br />
Give the person an opportunity to say,<br />
‘I want to answer or I don’t want to<br />
answer.’<br />
You mentioned your fans. You<br />
said that you don’t feel a sense of<br />
obligation. But, isn’t that trying to<br />
have your cake and eat it too? In<br />
the sense that beyond the music<br />
any artiste produces, fans tend<br />
to form a personal attachment to<br />
artistes which without, your brand or<br />
any other artiste’s brand, would not<br />
survive.<br />
I understand but let me give you<br />
the best way I know how to explain<br />
this. I’ll give you a case study. Michael<br />
Jackson was a talented young, Black<br />
artiste. You know, with the fans, there’s<br />
this perception of what is required of<br />
you; this is how you should look and<br />
all. Michael Jackson started changing<br />
and kept changing until he changed<br />
finally. Now, after doing all these things<br />
for the fans, where is he today? He<br />
is dead! And, now there are mixed<br />
reports. As much as he has his diehard<br />
fans, some people still found a<br />
way to tag him a paedophile.<br />
At what point… Where do you find<br />
that balance? Where do you strike that<br />
balance? At what point do you say,<br />
I’m a musician; I’m not a reality star. I<br />
cannot come and kill myself for world<br />
people! I would love to entertain you if<br />
you give me a chance but I would not<br />
put my mental health at risk because I<br />
want to do that. There’s a yard. Where<br />
do you stop?<br />
Styling & Creative Directing: Teresa Aligbe<br />
For Phenom Communications<br />
Photography: Iju Asonibe<br />
Makeup: Mary Jane Ohubu For Zaron<br />
Hair: Kingsley<br />
Location: The Backyard Bar and Grill<br />
Designer:<br />
Dresses: Trish O Couture<br />
Black Top: Mai Atafo<br />
Blue and White Skirt : Ayo Van Elmar<br />
14<br /> 15
The Fashion<br />
Project<br />
“<strong>Glamsquad</strong> once again<br />
captures the essence of our<br />
DaViva women, the fird of<br />
passion and desire with dignity,<br />
serenity and style”<br />
- DaViva Management<br />
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Delta Mall<br />
Warri<br />
Shop 36, Delta Mall Warri.<br />
Enugu.<br />
Shop #47,<br />
Polo Park Mall,<br />
Abakaliki Expressway, Gra,<br />
Enugu State<br />
Ikeja, Lagos Shop L51,<br />
Ikeja City Mall.<br />
Port Harcuort<br />
No 82, Tombia Extension Gra<br />
Phase 3<br />
Port Harcourt.<br />
Omega Center<br />
Plot 527, Aminu Kano Cresent,<br />
Wuse 2, ABUJA.<br />
Creative Director : Nelly Mesik<br />
Photography : B Photography<br />
Stylist: Funke Ajomale<br />
Makeup : Peace Polycarp<br />
22<br /> 23
Givenchy top<br />
handle bag<br />
Gucci top<br />
handle bag<br />
Moschino fanny pack<br />
Diane Von<br />
Forstunberg<br />
fringe bag<br />
Whether you wear it at your<br />
elbow, or simply let your<br />
assistant tote it, the top handle is<br />
this season’s ladylike winner.<br />
‘IT’ BAGS<br />
TREND<br />
A rather useful handbag design<br />
for the upcoming season really<br />
emphasizes the need for travel,<br />
as fanny packs that have been<br />
mightily revamped from the old<br />
days are spotted throughout,<br />
coming in furs and fringes,<br />
graphics or simple minimalism.<br />
Tory Burch fringe bag<br />
Fringe looks gorgeous this<br />
season in rainbow colours<br />
or the metallic versions at<br />
Diane Von Furstenberg<br />
(DVF), while it takes on<br />
a distinctively 1970s<br />
style at Tory Burch. We<br />
love the scattered fringe<br />
on suede at Christian<br />
Siriano, while it turns to<br />
futuristic clutches with<br />
metallic tassels at Badgley<br />
Mischka.<br />
Marc Jacobs<br />
mobile phone<br />
handbag<br />
By - Fatima Garba<br />
Timeless elegance characterizes the best<br />
bags for this season, whether through faraway<br />
inspiration, an era revisited, natural leather<br />
and graphic luxury skins, metallic details or the<br />
season’s dominant colours of black, grey and<br />
red. Think high style with fun finishing touches, as<br />
we celebrate the new-season trends.<br />
BAG<br />
The bucket bag is<br />
evolving, with inspired<br />
takes on the simple shape,<br />
done up with added<br />
rouching, asymmetrical<br />
shapes or embellishment.<br />
One of the most common 2016<br />
handbag trends seen on the<br />
runway is the structured bag, the<br />
one that is very clearly defined<br />
on all sides. Structured designs<br />
come in the guide of alligator skin<br />
rectangular pieces at<br />
Zimmermann, while<br />
we see House of<br />
Holland, Hill & Friends,<br />
Sophia Webster and<br />
Mary Katrantzou<br />
all have some<br />
rather spectacularly<br />
structured bags on<br />
display for the season.<br />
High fashion is embracing<br />
technology,your post-modern clutches<br />
are now equipped for your iPhone 5<br />
and 6.<br />
Swarovski crystal<br />
mobile phone<br />
handbag<br />
Chanel bucket<br />
handbag<br />
Anya Hindmarch<br />
Vaughan Bucket Bag<br />
Furla structured<br />
square handbag<br />
24<br /> 25
Chanel half<br />
moon handbag<br />
Asos halfmoon<br />
crossbody bag<br />
Who does not love the half-moon trend out there?<br />
Victoria Beckham certainly is enamoured, so much so<br />
that her 2016 bags imitate the design with ease and<br />
gorgeous flow. This is expected to become the coming<br />
season’s new It bag that all the girls will be clamouring<br />
for, with the spacious feel and the very 1970s appeal.<br />
We see some very graphic colours,<br />
stripes and designs appearing on the<br />
the runways in 2016 for bags, versus the<br />
more muted we might like to carry on a<br />
daily basis. It is all about being sassy and<br />
fashion-savvy now, bold and beautiful and<br />
quite confident in your own style.<br />
Betsey Johnson<br />
apple bag<br />
Kate Spade<br />
cupcake<br />
handbag<br />
FOOD<br />
This season,we saw the strawberry<br />
cream and sprinkle topped<br />
cake that the ladies on<br />
stage mistake for edible<br />
sustenance at Betsey<br />
Johnson. Kate Spade<br />
has a thing for peanuts<br />
though as we see<br />
on the runway show<br />
featuring a movie sized<br />
bag.<br />
Another common structure<br />
to the season’s handbags is<br />
the clutch, wherein there are<br />
no straps to hold onto or pull<br />
over the shoulder and you<br />
must keep your bag in hand at<br />
all times. Everything from<br />
the cupcakes to the face<br />
designed pieces, come<br />
in clutch looks while<br />
metallic comes into play<br />
at Badgley Mischka.<br />
D&G graphic handbag<br />
DVF Graphic<br />
handbag<br />
Saint Laurent YSL<br />
metallic bag<br />
Stella Mcartney<br />
metallic<br />
handbag<br />
Alexander Mc Queen<br />
clutch bag<br />
Chain straps appeared as a trend<br />
last year and has continued this year.<br />
The featured favorite chains with<br />
fringe for example at DVF, or with<br />
oven shaped designs as seen at<br />
Betsey Johnson. Even the Jeremy<br />
Scott flowers have chains to hold on<br />
to.<br />
Valentino crystal chain<br />
strap handbag<br />
Chanel chain<br />
strap bag<br />
Topshop<br />
furry bag<br />
FURRY<br />
We love seeing the furry pieces on the<br />
runways and now we get to enjoy it as<br />
a trend that we will most definitely be<br />
investing in once they become available<br />
to the general public. Pretty and fabulously<br />
furry, Topshop Unique, walks in with a rather<br />
lovely combination of colours and textures.<br />
Dolce & Gabbana<br />
furry bag<br />
Silver is big this year. Shimmering<br />
silver with a futuristic appeal has<br />
been the main look that everything<br />
from clothing to shoes has taken<br />
on. So it makes sense that we will<br />
see them on the runways this 2016<br />
,handbags as well, a bit little more<br />
toned down. We see a whole lot of<br />
the metallic articulation at DVF.<br />
26<br /> 27
BEAUTY<br />
How to Achieve<br />
Flawless Skin<br />
by Adimchinobi Oji<br />
It is said that we are what<br />
we eat, and that flawless<br />
skin comes from within.<br />
Unfortunately, we can’t<br />
guarantee that we would always<br />
drink our six glasses of water a<br />
day or skip that yummy slice<br />
of red velvet cake to indulge<br />
in a bowl of leafy green salad.<br />
Thankfully, with the right products<br />
and a regular routine, we can<br />
get around this and keep our<br />
skin looking flawless. Here are a<br />
few basic tips to keep your skin<br />
smooth, soft and poreless all<br />
year round.<br />
Cleanse, Cleanse and<br />
then Cleanse Again<br />
The importance of cleansing your<br />
skin cannot be overemphasized! Your<br />
skin absorbs products easily when it is<br />
clean. Depending on your skin type, it<br />
is ideal to cleanse your face twice a<br />
day; once in the morning and again<br />
at night before bed. Don’t get overzealous<br />
though! Washing your face<br />
more times than necessary will only<br />
lead to dry, patchy skin and nobody<br />
wants that!<br />
Various cleansers are tailored to<br />
different skin types. A great cleanser<br />
Moisturizer<br />
Using a serum is no reason to skip using a moisturizer! A moisturizer has a<br />
heavier texture than a serum. It hydrates and locks moisture into the skin<br />
leaving it feeling softer and more elastic. A rule of thumb while applying<br />
moisturizer is never to apply it from top to bottom. This tugs on the skin<br />
and will lead to it sagging prematurely.<br />
For people with dry skin, a moisturiser that’s specifically<br />
formulated<br />
for intense hydration such as The Body Shop Vitamin E<br />
Intense<br />
Moisture Cream is recommended. A lightweight, oilfree<br />
moisturiser like the Clinique Dramatically Different<br />
Moisturizing Gel<br />
is ideal for people with oily skin. It is non-greasy<br />
and is not likely to<br />
clog pores. People with combination skin may<br />
have to use different products on the various<br />
part of their faces depending on how oily or<br />
how dry the areas are.<br />
1<br />
will gently remove dirt and sweat<br />
but will not strip the skin of its natural<br />
oils. Gel and cream cleansers are<br />
best used in the morning while oil<br />
cleansers are best used<br />
at night. An excellent oil cleanser<br />
for all skin types is L’Occitane Shea<br />
Butter Cleansing Oil. For a good gel<br />
cleanser, try The Cleansing Gel by La<br />
Mer. It is literally a<br />
‘miracle broth’ and works wonders on<br />
the skin!<br />
2<br />
Sunscreen<br />
Putting on sunscreen to protect your skin from UV<br />
rays is one of the best things you can do for your<br />
skin. It is arguably the most important skin care<br />
step when it comes to keeping signs of ageing at<br />
bay. If you are likely to skip this step, it is advisable<br />
to invest in a moisturiser that also has sunscreen<br />
in it. A multi-tasking moisturizer such as the Murad<br />
Essential-C Day Moisture Broad Spectrum SPF<br />
30 Pa +++ or Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily<br />
Moisturizer SPF 30 is guaranteed to protect skin<br />
from sun damage while visibly brightening the skin.<br />
3<br />
Exfoliate and Tone:<br />
Everyone should exfoliate!<br />
Exfoliating gets rid of dead skin<br />
cells and leaves skin feeling very<br />
soft and smooth. It also helps<br />
your serums and moisturisers sink<br />
in better and your foundation<br />
go on seamlessly. For exfoliating,<br />
we have two options: we can<br />
either go with a physical exfoliant<br />
or a chemical exfoliant. The<br />
secret to choosing a good<br />
physical exfoliant is looking out<br />
for exfoliating products with finer,<br />
less coarse beads. A good sugar<br />
scrub such as the Oriki 2 in 1<br />
Anti-Aging Facial Exfoliator or the<br />
Clarins Gentle Refiner Exfoliating<br />
Cream with Microbeads should<br />
do the trick. It is advisable to use<br />
a physical exfoliant not more<br />
than twice a week as over-doing<br />
4<br />
it will lead to micro- tears in the<br />
skin.<br />
Chemical exfoliants are less<br />
abrasive on the skin and can be<br />
both gentle and hydrating. You<br />
can’t go wrong with Biologique<br />
Recherche Lotion P50 which<br />
has a cult following and has<br />
proven over the years to be one<br />
of the most effective chemical<br />
exfoliants. Other good chemical<br />
exfoliants include the Pixi Glow<br />
Tonic and Elizabeth Arden Skin<br />
Illuminating Retexturizing Pads.<br />
Most chemical/acid based<br />
toners can be used everyday<br />
but it is advisable to start with<br />
only applying them to your skin<br />
a couple of times a week and<br />
increasing the frequency as your<br />
skin adapts to it.<br />
BEAUTY<br />
Hydrating Serums<br />
Potent plant extracts for visibly<br />
firmer and more radiant skin.<br />
While this step is not very popular,<br />
it is very beneficial and may be<br />
all your skin needs to get that<br />
coveted glow. Thinner than your<br />
regular moisturiser, it is packed<br />
full of active ingredients and<br />
penetrates quickly into the skin,<br />
working on a deeper level.<br />
Serums are applied after<br />
cleansing and toning and before<br />
moisturising the skin. There are<br />
several good serums available,<br />
each targeted at specific needs.<br />
Clarins Double Serum Complete<br />
Age Control Concentrate is a<br />
serum for all skin types and has<br />
over fifteen<br />
5<br />
28<br /> 29
5<br />
Hello people, can you<br />
believe Esther is here<br />
again? Didn’t we just<br />
say ‘Happy New Year’? Wow,<br />
who cares? This special<br />
season is here again when<br />
eggs come in all the lovely<br />
colours and variance. Yes,<br />
get ready for all the tasty<br />
chocolate eggs y’all!<br />
Apart from being one of the<br />
most significant events on<br />
the Christian calendar, Easter<br />
is always fun! With loads<br />
of special traditions and of<br />
cause the tasty turkey, this is<br />
one of my best celebrations<br />
every year.<br />
Do you know there are some<br />
age long Esther traditions<br />
practiced in different parts of<br />
the world? Here is my Top 5<br />
and I am sure there are some<br />
you never knew existed.<br />
Don’t freak out, enjoy the<br />
moment!<br />
By Hannah B.<br />
CZECH<br />
REPUBLIC &<br />
Have you ever had your butt<br />
spanked by a stranger before?<br />
Well, there is a chance of that<br />
happening if you are traveling<br />
to these Eastern European<br />
countries over Easter. There’s<br />
an Easter Monday tradition<br />
in which men playfully spank<br />
women with handmade whips<br />
made of willow and decorated<br />
with ribbons. According to<br />
legend, the willow is the first<br />
tree to bloom in the spring, so<br />
the branches are supposed to<br />
transfer the tree’s vitality and<br />
fertility to the women.<br />
To celebrate Esther in<br />
Finland, Children are<br />
dressed up as witches and<br />
go from door to door for<br />
chocolate eggs. During this<br />
period, the people make<br />
great bonfire because<br />
they believe flames scare<br />
witches and prevent them<br />
from flying on their brooms<br />
between the special<br />
periods of Good Friday to<br />
Esther Sunday - can you<br />
beat that?<br />
POLAND<br />
In Poland, there is an Easter<br />
tradition called ‘Smigusdyngus’<br />
which involve boys<br />
drenching themselves in<br />
water. They go about pouring<br />
buckets of water on people<br />
– especially girls (Oh yeah,<br />
you guessed right). However,<br />
Legends have it that matured<br />
girls who are unknowingly<br />
drenched by water during this<br />
celebration will find husbands<br />
in the coming year.<br />
SPAIN<br />
In Verges, Spain, the<br />
Easter celebration<br />
begins on Thursday<br />
when a ‘death dance’ to<br />
reenact the passion of<br />
Christ is carried out. The<br />
people dress in skeleton<br />
costumes and parade<br />
through the streets. The<br />
dance starts before<br />
midnight and ends<br />
about three hours into<br />
the morning.<br />
GREECE<br />
How about throwing out your<br />
pots and pans? On the morning<br />
of Holy Saturday, the traditional<br />
“pot throwing” takes place on<br />
the Greek island of Corfu. People<br />
throw pots, pans and other<br />
earthenware out of their windows,<br />
smashing them on the street.<br />
Some say the custom derives from<br />
the Venetians, who on New Year’s<br />
Day used to throw out all of their<br />
old items.<br />
30<br /> 31
showcases a complete dose of<br />
melanin and portrays the strength<br />
of women and how well women<br />
can manage power and positions<br />
when given the opportunity.<br />
Set in the fictional country of<br />
Wakada - a perfect juxtaposition<br />
of ancient African and<br />
contemporary technology,<br />
Black Panther revealed how the<br />
balance between monarchy and<br />
democracy can be managed<br />
(a concept often discredited by<br />
the West). The movie showcases<br />
an ideal society where Africa<br />
actualizes it’s potential for<br />
advancement and women are at<br />
the fulcrum.<br />
As far as feminism goes, this<br />
movie is Janet Jackson’s black<br />
feminist quote come to life. Janet<br />
is quoted saying “Black women<br />
possess a special indestructible<br />
strength that allows us to not only<br />
get down, but to get up, to get<br />
through, and to get over.” Through<br />
the characters of the Dora Milaje,<br />
Shuri and Nakia, the strength and<br />
resilience of the black woman<br />
was showcased and celebrated.<br />
It is impossible to discuss Black<br />
Panther and not touch on the<br />
theme of beauty! Yes, beauty!<br />
This movie speaks volumes in<br />
the promotion of Black pride.<br />
The women all adorned natural<br />
cuts (every member of the Dora<br />
Milage cuts her hair<br />
bald), beautiful natural<br />
fros (as shown on<br />
princess Nakia) and<br />
dreads – which was<br />
shown beautifully on<br />
Shuri (played by Letitia<br />
Wright).<br />
Celebrity stylist, Camille<br />
Friend who was the<br />
lead hairstylist on the<br />
movie set was quoted<br />
saying “In this movie,<br />
there is no press and comb. This<br />
is the true beauty of an African<br />
Woman”. Now isn’t that amazing?!<br />
This deliberate celebration of<br />
black beauty in its most organic<br />
form has come at a time of great<br />
importance. It comes at a time<br />
where for many black women,<br />
being yourself and wearing your<br />
natural locks, has become a<br />
highly politicized act.<br />
Yes, we have witnessed many<br />
a great movies in the past and<br />
Black Panther will not be the last<br />
of them, but this movie speaks<br />
to many important cultural and<br />
political themes. Black Panther<br />
is a both a celebration of the<br />
Visionary dream of Africa Rising<br />
and a celebration of the very<br />
essence of black womanhood.<br />
It leaves a lasting impression<br />
and wistful hope-or some may<br />
argue, inspiration, that will last<br />
for generations to come. If you<br />
have not seen this movie, you<br />
had better hurry - there really is<br />
no forgivable under the sun to not<br />
see Black Panther in Cinemas. For<br />
our path, we rate the movie a 4<br />
out of 5. So go on and join in on<br />
the Black Panther fever while you<br />
still can. Wakanda Forever!<br />
By Sebastiane Ebathemehi<br />
Running Time: 2Hours, 17Mins.<br />
Director: Ryan Coogler<br />
Production: Marvel Studios<br />
Major Cast: Chadwick Boseman,<br />
Lupita Nyong’o, Michael B.<br />
Jordan, Forest Whitaker, Angela<br />
Bassett, Danai Gurira, Letitia<br />
Wright.<br />
With only a few weeks left<br />
before Black Panther<br />
leaves Cinemas for<br />
good, we’re here to tell you all the<br />
reasons why you should absolutely<br />
see what can only be described<br />
as History In the Making before it’s<br />
too late.<br />
Like you must have heard about<br />
a million times, Black Panther is<br />
a movie like no other. This first of<br />
it’s kind from the Marvel, Black<br />
Panther has raised the bar in<br />
positioning Africa, women –<br />
particularly black women at the<br />
very top! The movie paints Africa<br />
in all colours of the rainbow but<br />
tells the tale in shades of black<br />
through culture and women – and<br />
we loved it!<br />
The story which is deeply rooted<br />
in African culture and tradition,<br />
tells the tale of T’challa - a true<br />
African King who has the tough<br />
decision to make of honoring<br />
time preserved traditions or<br />
risking breaking those traditions<br />
to step out of exclusion and<br />
into the modern world. T’Challa<br />
the heir apparent to the throne<br />
has an all-female warrior team<br />
(referred to as ‘Dora Milage’) as<br />
his bodyguards. Yes, all women<br />
– African women. Black Panther<br />
32<br /> 33
It’s <strong>2018</strong>. How was 2017 in a nutshell?<br />
I am extremely grateful to God;<br />
2017 was awesome. How could it not<br />
be? A problem of over 30 years was<br />
solved through this miracle oil and the<br />
follow on from that was amazing; no<br />
more forgetfulness, tiredness, anxiety,<br />
palpitations, irritation or agitation.<br />
There is a thin line between insomnia<br />
and insanity.<br />
What are your hopes for the new<br />
year?<br />
My goal for the new year is to make<br />
<strong>2018</strong> much better than 2017; help<br />
change the world, one life at a time<br />
through the Miracle Hempworx CBD<br />
Oil. Every household needs it. Health,<br />
they say is wealth. Good health, I say,<br />
is priceless!<br />
What is your New Year Resolution, if<br />
any?<br />
I do not make New Year Resolutions.<br />
Every day, I strive to become better<br />
than what I was yesterday; read<br />
more books, try new things, keep on<br />
improving. Most of all, LIVE life!!!<br />
You are a wellness coach. Tell me<br />
what you do as a coach?<br />
Princess Lamia<br />
Momoh:<br />
On The Miracle<br />
Hemp Oil<br />
I am a qualified lawyer who has<br />
never practised. I would not call myself<br />
a wellness coach simply because I do<br />
not advise on health per se. I would<br />
describe myself as someone who<br />
provides support to people who want<br />
to improve their lives; helping them to<br />
make decisions, solve problems and<br />
achieve goals.<br />
What is the appropriate state of<br />
wellness for an individual?<br />
Our lifestyle choices are a key<br />
component of general well being. You<br />
are what you eat!’ That phrase has<br />
been around for who knows how long<br />
and, quite frankly, it’s not too far off<br />
the mark. If you eat well and exercise,<br />
you are much more likely to have a<br />
healthy body and mind.<br />
My father, at the age of 80, still<br />
does yoga. He has been doing this<br />
even before I was born and I am his<br />
first child in my forties. That gives you<br />
an idea of how long he has been<br />
doing it. One of the yoga positions<br />
he does is standing on his head<br />
and he is in good health. Of course,<br />
personal decisions made about food<br />
and exercise aren’t the only lifestyle<br />
choices we make. Our behaviour also<br />
By - Linda Orajekwe<br />
Princess Lamia Momoh is a trained<br />
lawyer turned wellness coach.<br />
Passionate about people enjoying<br />
better quality life, Lamai promotes wellness<br />
through supplementation.She was a<br />
prominent member of Adis but relinquished<br />
her role as one of the pioneer leaders, when<br />
Adis failed to establish a base in Nigeria.<br />
Today, Lamia is anxious to talk about<br />
Cannabis oil, the new miracle oil, which has<br />
taken the international world by storm and<br />
cured her 35 years insomnia.<br />
influences our health and well-being<br />
far beyond the confines of dietary<br />
choices.<br />
You spoke earlier about the efficacy<br />
of the ‘wonder oil’ that has taken the<br />
international wellness industry by<br />
storm. Tell me about it.<br />
Yes, the Hempworx CBD Oil.<br />
Cannabidiol (CBD) is just one of over<br />
85 cannabinoids identified in the<br />
cannabis plant. Forbes has projected<br />
that the cannabis market could grow<br />
700% by the year 2020 and we<br />
already see this happening.<br />
Today, I am going to speak about<br />
the Hempworx CBD Oil. Having an<br />
elderly mother who is going through a<br />
serious health challenge and having<br />
tried orthodox drugs which were<br />
not satisfactory, I was ready to try<br />
alternative therapy.<br />
When you have a loved one going<br />
through issues, you cannot afford<br />
closed-mindedness. It might cost you!<br />
A few months ago, I was on social<br />
media and an ex-business partner of<br />
mine was advertising the Hempworx<br />
CBD Oil. It wasn’t the oil that caught<br />
my eye; it was the various testimonials<br />
mostly from people in America and<br />
the UK who had used it and were<br />
speaking about the efficacy of the<br />
Hempworx CBD Oil.<br />
The testimonials were mind-blowing.<br />
Real life testimonials from people who<br />
were suffering from various ailments<br />
like chronic pain, stroke, ADHD, bipolar,<br />
diabetes, insomnia, arthritis, cancer,<br />
fibromyalgia, high cholesterol, high<br />
blood pressure, hair and nails growth,<br />
dry eyes; the list is endless. I decided<br />
to find out if they had anything that<br />
could help my mum so I bought four<br />
bottles from my friend to try.<br />
When the bottles arrived, I kept<br />
one bottle for myself to use for the<br />
pain to the sole of my foot, plantar<br />
fasciitis, an injury I sustained while<br />
exercising. Two days after using the oil,<br />
the pain in my foot disappeared and<br />
I noticed something quite strange. I<br />
was sleeping unaided without the use<br />
of tablets. The only thing I had done<br />
differently was to take the Hempworx<br />
CBD Oil.<br />
I waited for a few days before telling<br />
anyone just to make sure it was not a<br />
figment of my imagination. After a few<br />
days, I realised that it was not a fluke. I<br />
could go to bed and fall asleep, wake<br />
up at night, get up, go back to bed,<br />
fall asleep again and wake up feeling<br />
refreshed in the morning. I<br />
could not believe it. I was<br />
not tired; I felt calm and I<br />
could think properly. That, to<br />
me, is a miracle.<br />
My personal story is for<br />
over 30 years, I have<br />
been suffering from<br />
a sleeping disorder<br />
called insomnia. I have seen various<br />
physicians for this ailment. And, I have<br />
taken loads of drugs; different levels<br />
of Valium, Restoril, (Temazepam)<br />
Mogadon, Nytol I & II, Kalms, Tylenol<br />
PM, Rozerem... Can’t remember all<br />
the names (plus) hot baths, massages,<br />
warm soya milk, counting sheep. I tried<br />
almost everything just to get a good<br />
night’s sleep.<br />
How does it work and what<br />
specific ailments does it treat?<br />
Our CBD products utilise the full<br />
spectrum cannabis plant mixed<br />
with hemp seed oil. Not all hemp<br />
is created equal. Our CBD oil is<br />
from non-GMO, organically grown,<br />
“CBD is becoming<br />
increasingly popular for<br />
having a wide scope of<br />
medicinal benefits – due to<br />
clinical reports and mounds<br />
of test data showing little<br />
to no side effects and a lack<br />
of psychoactivity (typically<br />
associated with marijuana<br />
products and high THC).<br />
In America, some doctors<br />
prescribe medical marijuana<br />
to treat patients when<br />
everything else fails.”<br />
pesticide-free and CO2 extracted<br />
hemp oil. It’s non-addictive and no<br />
side effects.<br />
We have had testimonials on<br />
various issues ranging from insomnia,<br />
stroke, lupus, ADHD, bipolar, diabetes,<br />
chronic pain, arthritis, cancer,<br />
fibromyalgia, high cholesterol, high<br />
blood pressure, hair and nails growth<br />
and dry eyes; the list is endless.<br />
One lady who been on the oil for<br />
two months prior had a surgery<br />
and came out not<br />
needing pain killers<br />
because, she said, she<br />
didn’t feel any pain.<br />
How can<br />
these claims be<br />
substantiated and<br />
how long before you<br />
see results<br />
There are over<br />
23,000 studies<br />
that show the<br />
benefits of medical cannabis<br />
for a variety of diseases and health<br />
conditions. It’s backed by an<br />
enormous body of scientific research,<br />
enthusiastic public opinion and more<br />
progressive cannabis laws which<br />
is giving cannabis the reputation it<br />
deserves as a ground breaking health<br />
solution.<br />
Results vary from person to person.<br />
However, it is not if, but when, so if you<br />
do not see results in a day or 2, stick<br />
with it; people have been known to<br />
experience relief after a couple of<br />
days of consumption while in some<br />
others, it might take a month or 6<br />
weeks.<br />
Hemp oil sounds like Indian hemp.<br />
Is it the type popular with area boys?<br />
If not, what is the difference?<br />
A lot of people mistake marijuana<br />
for hemp; there is a big difference.<br />
I had to be educated on it as well.<br />
Hemp and marijuana are birthed by<br />
the same plant, cannabis. However,<br />
while marijuana contains a very high<br />
level of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)<br />
which is responsible for marijuana’s<br />
psychoactive effects, Hempworx<br />
CBD Oil contains the barest minimum<br />
amount of THC 0.03%.<br />
I believe the area boys take<br />
marijuana, which has a large content<br />
of THC and can make a person<br />
hallucinate, become high or stoned<br />
but Hempworx CBD is pure hemp oil<br />
without the psychoactive effect.<br />
Tell me a bit about yourself. How do<br />
you relax when you are not working?<br />
I read or go to the cinema.<br />
What do you do for food, fashion<br />
and fabulosity?<br />
I try to eat healthy and in<br />
moderation. As for fashion, anything<br />
that looks nice on me, I will wear. So, it<br />
doesn’t have to be in vogue.<br />
Finally, is the oil available in<br />
Nigeria and what precautions, if any,<br />
should one take when purchasing<br />
and using it?<br />
Hempworx CBD Oil is available in<br />
Nigeria. To use, start with five drops<br />
under the tongue hold for 2 minutes<br />
and swallow. You take it morning and<br />
night. It is not addictive and there are<br />
no side effects.<br />
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BURG<br />
This Month, Our dining focus is<br />
on Burg, the brainchild of Ladi<br />
Onalaja, brother to designer<br />
Kanyinsola Onalaja. Burg is an<br />
upscale burger joint situated on Isaac<br />
John in GRA Ikeja.<br />
I happened upon Burg on one of my<br />
commutes to work. We drove past<br />
what appeared to be a nice, clean,<br />
minimalist building with the name<br />
Onalaja on it, at the beginning of<br />
the year. The name Onalaja rang<br />
a bell. After giving it some thought,<br />
I recognized it as the eponymous,<br />
contemporary Womenswear brand.<br />
This identification was sufficient to<br />
peak my interest, even though I<br />
By Teresa Aligbe<br />
had assumed (correctly) that the<br />
designer had simply decided to<br />
open her flagship store in GRA. Glass<br />
walls, visible from outside framed the<br />
entire front end of the 1 story building<br />
and a clean white concept swept<br />
through the rest of it. The building<br />
and the interior appeared to be in<br />
construction, so it wasn’t until a month<br />
later, that I noticed yellow lighting and<br />
some black wiring spell out ‘BURG’<br />
on the left side of the ground floor.<br />
Determined to uncover this new<br />
sighting, I made a mental note to stop<br />
by after work the following evening.<br />
At about 8pm the next day, a friend<br />
of mine and I decided to investigate<br />
‘BURG’. As we walked into the<br />
compound and closer to the glass<br />
door, it became apparent that Burg<br />
was a restaurant. We stepped in and<br />
took a couple minutes to drink in the<br />
sights.<br />
An assault of brown wood<br />
immediately gave the restaurant an<br />
earthy, rich feel. White walls and black<br />
furniture complimented the wood,<br />
immediately giving the impression that<br />
this was no low budget burger joint.<br />
The decor was extremely minimal<br />
and we were of the opinion that a bit<br />
more could be done with it..... Only<br />
to realize a little later that we had<br />
dropped in before the official launch.<br />
A few interesting touches including<br />
some decorative newspaper were<br />
added to accent the space without<br />
compromising its minimalist feel. It was<br />
brilliantly executed.<br />
We walked up to the counter and<br />
picked up the menu and the price<br />
points were a confirmation of the<br />
ambiance. A nice, polite young lady<br />
at the counter turned her attention<br />
to my friend and I to take our orders.<br />
Another waiter pressed a button with a<br />
number that signaled to a couple at a<br />
table that their order was ready to be<br />
picked up.<br />
We looked around some more and<br />
in walked a tall, stocky young man in<br />
a black tee and slacks, with a slightly<br />
wild afro. He looked dressed down<br />
and casual and the waiters and staff<br />
seemed comfortable enough around<br />
him. He stepped into the kitchen,<br />
put on an apron and got to work.<br />
We assumed he was either the Head<br />
Chef, the Manager or the Owner....<br />
one of our three guesses paid off.<br />
Shortly after we ordered some drinks<br />
presented to us in a Styrofoam cups<br />
(very on theme), we walked to the<br />
back of the restaurant to see what it<br />
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had going for it; and it was an entirely<br />
different ball game. The backyard of<br />
Burg gave credence to the house<br />
music pouring through the whole<br />
space. A tall custom hookah sat atop<br />
one of the tables. Ayo (yes you read<br />
right) chess and drafts sat atop tables<br />
in-between wooden benches and<br />
tree styled stools. At the extreme right<br />
of the backyard was a table tennis<br />
set up and on the wall close to it, a<br />
few gaming suggestions. The darts<br />
positioned on the wall, right next to<br />
the wooden benches and tree styled<br />
stools, would come in a few visits later.<br />
The concept of the restaurant was<br />
very hard to miss. It was a piece of<br />
Soho come to life in Lagos. We were<br />
having a hard time hiding the fact that<br />
we were impressed... not necessarily<br />
because it was over the top but simply<br />
because the concept was very well<br />
executed.<br />
We walked back in and enquired from<br />
one of the waiters about who I could<br />
speak to about the restaurant and as<br />
sure as one of three guesses were, it<br />
was the tall, stocky guy with the slightly<br />
wild fro... Ladi. It turns out he was the<br />
Owner. I had a brief chat with him and<br />
we scheduled a meeting.<br />
Sometime the following week, I paid<br />
Ladi a visit at Burg and we sat to have<br />
a chat. Discovering how the newly<br />
christened restaurateur got into this<br />
line of business was a very interesting<br />
one. Ladi who is a Music Producer<br />
and Graphic Designer (He recently<br />
released 2 songs on an album with<br />
his friend Dave Blanco. One of the<br />
songs is called Blanco) fell in love<br />
with cooking during his time at SAE<br />
in Oxford. Ladi started out cooking<br />
burgers with his then girlfriend, for<br />
his friends and his family. This hobby<br />
quickly transformed into a passion<br />
and according to Ladi, every other<br />
experiment somehow involved<br />
Burgers. After graduating from SAE and<br />
perfecting a variety of burger recipes,<br />
Ladi felt inspired to start his restaurant<br />
in London. For some reason, London<br />
didn’t work out and after splitting with<br />
his girlfriend who had been a huge<br />
part of his cooking journey, home felt<br />
like the next natural choice. Shuttling<br />
back and forth between Lagos and<br />
London, Ladi comes clean about<br />
how difficult starting a business can<br />
be. According to the restaurateur<br />
“The hardest part of it was teaching<br />
people to do things with care.” Which<br />
makes perfect sense when you think<br />
of his response to my question on the<br />
one thing He would like people to<br />
know about him. He responds “If I’m<br />
honest… it’s that my whole life revolves<br />
around quality.”<br />
When I ask him about the inspiration<br />
behind the restaurants aesthetics he<br />
says “It’s a mixture of several things. So<br />
how I usually work with all my work is<br />
that I start off on the very basic thing<br />
and I add layers to it. So this whole<br />
place came about kind of like a cake.<br />
You add each layer and things I like.<br />
So it’s a bit of a reflection of me. Even<br />
the music we listen to. I like listening<br />
to house music or electronic music<br />
because whenever I listen to it, it<br />
makes me feel like I’m in a club in the<br />
UK or something.”<br />
Nostalgia is exactly the feeling<br />
stepping into Burg will evoke for<br />
anyone who’s spent some time in<br />
London. Beyond the music, it’s the<br />
feel. When we talked about the work<br />
culture and Burg, a blend of comfort,<br />
experiments and mutual respect was<br />
the code. For Ladi, his workers being<br />
comfortable enough to enjoy working<br />
at Burg and feeling like a part of the<br />
team is crucial. He shares a story on<br />
how when one time he was out, his<br />
staff spent sometime experimenting<br />
with a new recipe and new flavours<br />
which he liked and successfully<br />
made it on to the menu. Keeping the<br />
balance, Ladi explains that as much<br />
as he likes his staff to feel comfortable<br />
and to love working at Burg, there’s no<br />
confusion about who’s Boss. Mutual<br />
respect and boundaries are still<br />
important.<br />
For guests, what Burg really is, is a fun,<br />
relaxing evening in Lagos and a great<br />
opportunity to socialize. On one of my<br />
subsequent visit, I was supposed to<br />
be meeting my friend with whom I first<br />
explored Burg, and I was a little worried<br />
because I was late, courtesy of Lagos<br />
traffic. It turned out that my worry was<br />
totally unwarranted as I arrived to<br />
meet my friend cackling away with a<br />
total stranger turned ayo opponent. I<br />
met the tail end of their game, before<br />
we all went on to share a few jokes<br />
and moved on to a game of darts<br />
with some vanilla Ice cream that had<br />
exactly the right consistency and taste.<br />
Candid on how gruel the journey was<br />
and almost quitting cold turkey, Ladi<br />
touches on the importance of being<br />
able to take criticisms “It hasn’t been<br />
easy. I wouldn’t tell you like it has been<br />
easy. Ermmm in December I wasn’t<br />
actually going to come back. Like we<br />
opened in December, I was actually<br />
going to walk away from the whole<br />
thing but I decided not to. One of the<br />
difficult decisions to make but I came<br />
back and we’re here now. I think for<br />
people who can’t take criticism well or<br />
are easily hurt by things people say, it<br />
might be quite hard to do something<br />
like this but like I’m the type of person<br />
who doesn’t really care what people<br />
say.”<br />
Whatever the case, we’re sure more<br />
than a few Lagosians and visitors<br />
would be thrilled he managed to<br />
pull through his Entrepreneurial cum<br />
culinary journey to add to Lagos’<br />
growing dining landscape.<br />
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