AnyCast M4 Plus Review

The AnyCast M4 Plus is a wireless video streaming dongle that is coined as a Google Chromecast clone. Is it worthy of being a Chromecast alternative? Find out in this review - https://red-dot-geek.com/anycast-m4-plus-review/

The AnyCast M4 Plus is a wireless video streaming dongle that is coined as a Google Chromecast clone. Is it worthy of being a Chromecast alternative? Find out in this review - https://red-dot-geek.com/anycast-m4-plus-review/


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<strong>AnyCast</strong> <strong>M4</strong><br />

<strong>Plus</strong> <strong>Review</strong>

Hello!<br />

I am Lor Tee<br />

I love to play with gadgets and share the reviews.<br />

You can find me at @lortee<br />


“ Every once in a while, a new<br />

technology, an old problem, and a<br />

big idea turn into an innovation.<br />

- Dean Kamen<br />


The Package<br />

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●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Dongle<br />

USB cable with WIFI antenna<br />

Instruction manual<br />

Nothing interesting.<br />

Does not even come in a box.<br />

Just bubble wrapped in plastic bag.<br />


Usage Experience 1<br />

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●<br />

First instinct is to plug USB into the<br />

dongle to power it up.<br />

Simple enough, but dongle could not<br />

fit into monitor as there is not enough<br />

space.<br />

This is why Chromecast 2 had a<br />

separate cable HDMI.<br />

Not a big problem, and easily solved<br />

with a $2 HDMI extension.<br />


Usage Experience 2<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Connected to dongle via on-screen<br />

SSID and password.<br />

Simple enough, but not sure if nontechnical<br />

people can do it without<br />

instructions.<br />

Hit the first problem – Could not fully<br />

mirror my Android phone as the<br />

dongle does not support HDCP.<br />


Usage Experience 3<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Struggled with the HCDP issue.<br />

Tried connecting the dongle to home<br />

network for firmware update – Simple<br />

enough.<br />

Update took a long 5+ minutes.<br />

Even after updating and connecting<br />

dongle to home network, still faced the<br />

HCDP not supported issue.<br />


Usage Experience 4<br />

● Tried with a Windows 10 desktop, and<br />

it worked smoothly.<br />

● The <strong>AnyCast</strong> will be a pain to any<br />

users who uses a device that insists<br />

on HDCP.<br />

● But it still streamed the video pretty<br />

well.<br />

● Max resolution of full HD 1080P.<br />

● Works, but not a good Chromecast<br />

alternative.<br />


Thanks!<br />

You can read the full review at - https://red-dotgeek.com/anycast-m4-plus-review/<br />


Credits<br />

Special thanks to all the people who made and<br />

released these awesome resources for free:<br />

● Presentation template by SlidesCarnival<br />

● Photographs by Unsplash<br />


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