MSWA Bulletin Magazine Autumn 18

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“How much do you weigh?” I asked.<br />

It was an innocent question, but after 22 years of marriage<br />

I should have known better when the look of impending<br />

damnation came, as my wife slowly raised her head from the<br />

book she was reading.<br />

“Okay, how about this then….” as I proceeded cautiously,<br />

“are you close to 49kg?”<br />

“Why?” she said, in a long-guarded tone that implied I could<br />

have been after the secret code to the nukes.<br />

“It’s just that I have been reading about the Wife Carrying<br />

World Championships held annually in Finland, and the rules<br />

state that the minimum weight of the wife to be carried in the<br />

race is 49kg. It looks like fun and I thought we could give it go.”<br />

Not surprisingly there was silence and a slight shaking of the<br />

head as she turned the page and continued to read her novel.<br />

It was Melbourne Cup Day in 2005. We both sat together in<br />

the waiting room of Royal Perth Hospital, brought there by a<br />

bout of Optic Neuritis, pondering the cause of this illness that<br />

had rudely interrupted our busy lives.<br />

We assumed that after powering through the birth of 4<br />

children, my wife’s previous complaints of fatigue, imbalance<br />

and limb numbness were simply caused by the demands of<br />

parenting. Loss of eyesight in one eye however, told us there<br />

was something very wrong and had us thinking the worst.<br />

The lovely neurologist who presided over us soon provided<br />

the diagnosis: multiple sclerosis.<br />

Since that time, I have lost count of the number of times I have<br />

said to people, “My wife has MS”.<br />

At first, and now looking back, the way I said it was more<br />

about me than her. I was coming to terms with it! Yes, I felt<br />

bad for her having to go through this, but talking about it to<br />

others was really about working through how it would affect<br />

me, and the uncertainties I had. How will this impact the kids,<br />

what if she couldn’t work, how would we pay the bills, what<br />

if we couldn’t travel and continue with the perfect life we had<br />

planned? I was just the stereotypical man who really viewed<br />

things initially from my perspective.<br />

But now, I say “My wife has MS” to anyone who will listen, and<br />

it is said with a massive amount of pride. No, I would not wish<br />

MS on anyone and its chaotic and random decline is horrible,<br />

but what I have learned on this journey with her, is what an<br />

incredibly strong and amazingly resilient human she is.<br />

The inner beauty and peace that attracted me to her many<br />

years ago has risen to outshine the physical limitations that<br />

she endures daily and her appreciation of the simple beauties<br />

of life around her, despite the daily obstacles, is awe-inspiring.<br />

MS has brought us together, closer than I think we would ever<br />

have achieved without it.<br />

“It’s only 13,000kms from Perth to Finland,” I said, “and this<br />

sport is made for us” as I continued to read out aloud the first<br />

four rules set by the International Wife Carrying Competition.<br />

May I say, they seemed so relevant for many people partnered<br />

on an MS-related journey.<br />

RULE 1. The wife to be carried may be your own, or the<br />

neighbor’s, or you may have found her further afield. Well we<br />

don’t know in life, at times of need, who may carry us or for<br />

whom we may be the carrier.<br />

RULE 2. The length of the official track is 253.5 meters and<br />

has two dry obstacles and a water obstacle about one metre<br />

deep. Obstacles – talk to someone with MS and they will tell<br />

you about obstacles. That is one area in which they have an<br />

intimate knowledge. Obstacles, we step right over you, albeit<br />

very slowly and carefully.<br />

RULE 3. Each contestant takes care of his/her safety and all<br />

participants must enjoy themselves. The way we battle every<br />

day, take responsibility for, and even choose to be happy in<br />

the face of MS is our individual choice.<br />

RULE 4. The minimum weight of the wife to be carried is<br />

49kgs but any higher weight is acceptable. As the load gets<br />

heavier, we have no choice but to get stronger.<br />

“We have never been overseas together, so this could be our<br />

first trip now that the kids are getting older,” I said.<br />

Whether it was just to humour me, or if she had a genuine<br />

interest I am yet to determine, but she eventually said, “54kg”.<br />

“GREAT!” I exclaimed. “That means you only have to lose 5kg<br />

to get to the minimum weight, and being over 40, we qualify<br />

for the ‘Seniors’ class of the competition.”<br />

“Why the look? What did I say this time?”<br />

Note: At the time of publication the author is yet to have<br />

gained permission to lift his wife on to his shoulders, but<br />

the enthusiasm is ever-present.<br />

<strong>MSWA</strong> BULLETIN AUTUMN 20<strong>18</strong> | 13

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