Best Affiliate Program for Beginner Bloggers
Just started with blogging and do not know which affiliate programs to join? Here is one list to check out -
Just started with blogging and do not know which affiliate programs to join? Here is one list to check out -
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<strong>Affiliate</strong><br />
<strong>Program</strong>s <strong>for</strong><br />
Hello!<br />
I am Poh Piah<br />
I share the love of photography by giving free<br />
presentations.<br />
You can find me at @pohpiah<br />
“<br />
A photograph is a secret about a secret.<br />
The more it tells you the less you know.<br />
- Diane Arbus<br />
1) Clickbank<br />
▪ One of the oldest affiliate<br />
programs on the Internet.<br />
▪ Sells a lot of digital products –<br />
eBooks, videos, and<br />
applications.<br />
▪ Used to have a lot of crappy<br />
stuff, but now has a few good<br />
ones by influential YouTubers.<br />
2) Amazon Associates<br />
▪ Amazon is one of the biggest<br />
e-commerce websites on the<br />
Internet.<br />
▪ Most people do not know that<br />
they offer an affiliate program.<br />
▪ Manual approval process, you<br />
need a valid blog.<br />
3) eBay Partner<br />
▪ Another online giant e-<br />
commerce website.<br />
▪ Also offers partner/affiliate<br />
program like Amazon.<br />
▪ Approval process is manual<br />
again, you need to have a<br />
decently good blog.<br />
4) ShareASale<br />
▪ <strong>Affiliate</strong> portal that has been<br />
around <strong>for</strong> a long time.<br />
▪ Brings merchants and<br />
publishers together.<br />
▪ Has a lot of major brands.<br />
▪ But approval is individual on<br />
the merchant.<br />
5) JVZoo<br />
▪ JV means joint-venture.<br />
▪ Something like Clickbank that<br />
offers a lot of digital products<br />
by merchants.<br />
▪ Although there don’t seem to<br />
have a lot of good products<br />
here on JVZoo.<br />
Thanks!<br />
For more affiliate programs,<br />
please visit Red Dot Geek –<br /><br />
Credits<br />
Special thanks to all the people who made<br />
and released these awesome resources <strong>for</strong><br />
free:<br />
▪ Presentation template by SlidesCarnival<br />
▪ Photographs by Unsplash<br />