Summer 2018 OLLI Catalog (Interactive)
The Osher Lifelong Learning at California State University Dominguez Hills is a program of educational, cultural, and social opportunities for retired and semi-retired individuals age 50 and above. Members experience taking courses in a relaxed atmosphere for the pure pleasure of learning. For more info, visit:
The Osher Lifelong Learning at California State University Dominguez Hills is a program of educational, cultural, and social opportunities for retired and semi-retired individuals age 50 and above. Members experience taking courses in a relaxed atmosphere for the pure pleasure of learning. For more info, visit:
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<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> Course <strong>Catalog</strong> June–August<br />
Enrich Your Life,<br />
Enrich <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH<br />
Osher Lifelong<br />
Learning Institute
15 Years of Success—<br />
A Future of Greatness<br />
2003-<strong>2018</strong><br />
Y E A R S<br />
Enrich Your Life,<br />
Enrich <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
at CSUDH<br />
Thank you for your membership in the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at<br />
California State University, Dominguez Hills (<strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH). As fellow <strong>OLLI</strong>@<br />
CSUDH members, we want to share with you why <strong>2018</strong> is a very special and<br />
exciting year for <strong>OLLI</strong>! It’s our year to celebrate 15 years of success and create<br />
a future filled with discovery and fun for our community.<br />
For many seniors, <strong>OLLI</strong> is their lifeline to the outside world. <strong>OLLI</strong>’s goal is to bring<br />
retired or semi-retired people together in a relaxed atmosphere for the pure<br />
pleasure of learning. <strong>OLLI</strong> adds passion and satisfaction to lives as we come<br />
together to “skill up,” make new friends and enrich our lives through education.<br />
Every learning experience is a shared adventure at <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH. Thank you<br />
for making <strong>OLLI</strong> successful.<br />
Spring is a time of new beginnings—new awareness—new adventure. This spring<br />
we encourage you to help us grow our membership by inviting your friends to<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> events—one you know they will love. We also hope you will join us in our<br />
efforts to make <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH even better by making your gift to Enrich <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
today. We ask that you consider investing in <strong>OLLI</strong> by making a gift of $50 or more!<br />
100% of your gift will go directly towards enhancing <strong>OLLI</strong> programs with benefits<br />
like free transportation for field trips, special guest speakers, and added adventure<br />
that brings value to the lives of <strong>OLLI</strong> members.<br />
Every gift is valued and appreciated. You can make your gift online using our<br />
secure web site at Your gift—combined with<br />
those of other members—will make a tremendous impact on the lives of many<br />
senior adults in our community. Your generosity is priceless!<br />
With appreciation,
<strong>OLLI</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Open House<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Open House &<br />
Orientation<br />
Join us at an <strong>OLLI</strong> Open House to learn more<br />
about lifelong learning for retired and semiretired<br />
adults. For more information on<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH visit<br />
or call (310) 243-3208.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Members are welcome to invite<br />
friends to the Open House. This is<br />
your opportunity to learn about<br />
membership in the Osher Lifelong<br />
Learning Institute and to find out<br />
how to register for classes.<br />
Light refreshments will be served.<br />
• Tuesday, June 5, <strong>2018</strong> 10:00am – 12:00pm<br />
CSUDH Campus, Extended Education Building,<br />
EE-1213 (Auditorium)<br />
RSVP to (310) 243-3208 or by email to<br /> by May 30, <strong>2018</strong><br />
• Registration Drop-off<br />
Drop off your registration forms at the Registration Office.<br />
Table of Contents<br />
Open House........................................ 1<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Contact Information.................... 2<br />
Dean’s Welcome................................. 2<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Membership Information..........3-4<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Film Series at CSUDH............5-6<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Classes at CSUDH................7-18<br />
Art, Culture & Language..............8-9<br />
Health & Wellness....................10-12<br />
History & Social Science...........13-14<br />
Field Trips.................................15-16<br />
Special Events..........................17-18<br />
Peer-Led (Omnilore)..................19-27<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> 8-day Tour of Cuba................ 28<br />
University Courses<br />
for <strong>OLLI</strong> Members.................... 29<br />
Instructors and Lecturers................... 30<br />
Chronological List of Courses.......31-32<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Sponsors and Volunteers........... 33<br />
Parking and Directions...................... 34<br />
Extended Ed Classroom Map............. 35<br />
CSUDH Campus Map........................ 36<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>’s Peer-Led Program (Omnilore) Orientations<br />
• Friday, June 29 or Monday, July 30<br />
1:30pm<br />
Beach Cities Health Center, Lower Level Suite L8<br />
514 N. Prospect Ave., Redondo Beach, CA 90277<br />
RSVP to (310) 215-1848 or<br />
Directions and parking information will be provided.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> is on Facebook!<br />
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute<br />
at Cal State University Dominguez Hills<br /><br />
Osher Lecture Series —South Bay<br /><br />
Social Tennis for Seniors<br /><br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>SocialTennis<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Online Calendar<br /><strong>OLLI</strong>/Calendar<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 1
Contact Information<br />
Osher Lifelong<br />
Learning Institute (<strong>OLLI</strong>)<br />
California State University,<br />
Dominguez Hills<br />
College of Extended &<br />
International Education<br />
EE-1300<br />
1000 East Victoria Street<br />
Carson, CA 90747<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Office: (310) 243-3208<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Registration: (310) 243-3741<br />
Extended Education Building, EE-1100<br />
Website:<br />
Email:<br />
Registration Office Hours:<br />
Monday-Thursday 8:00am – 8:00pm<br />
Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm<br />
Saturday 8:00am – 1:30pm<br />
Sunday Closed<br />
Bernard and Barbro Osher<br />
Bernard Osher<br />
Foundation<br />
The CSUDH Osher Lifelong<br />
Learning Institute is funded in<br />
part by a generous grant from<br />
the Bernard Osher Foundation.<br />
The Bernard Osher Foundation<br />
funds a national network of<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>s located at 121 colleges<br />
and universities throughout the<br />
United States.<br /><br />
A Message from Dean McNutt<br />
College of Extended and International Education, CSUDH<br />
The <strong>OLLI</strong> program at CSUDH offers<br />
unique opportunities for individuals who<br />
consider lifelong learning an integral part<br />
of retirement. Our program consists of a<br />
broad spectrum of experiences including<br />
workshops, lecture series, cultural events,<br />
field trips, study groups and more. All adults aged 50 and up are<br />
welcome to join <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH. Members represent all walks of<br />
life, a wide range of experience and diverse backgrounds.<br />
This is a special time in the history of <strong>OLLI</strong> at Dominguez Hills.<br />
<strong>2018</strong> marks the 15th anniversary of the lifelong learning<br />
program. <strong>OLLI</strong> has grown from humble beginnings to more than<br />
500 active members participating in programs at CSUDH,<br />
Levy Adult Center and our newest location at the Beach Cities<br />
Health Center in Redondo Beach.<br />
To ensure that <strong>OLLI</strong> remains vibrant and self-sustaining, we have<br />
launched the “Enrich <strong>OLLI</strong>” annual giving program kicking off<br />
this holiday season. Our goal is to raise $10,000 by December<br />
30, <strong>2018</strong>. Toward that goal, I ask you to consider making a $100<br />
donation. Making a gift is easy and convenient! You can go<br />
online using our secure giving site at<br />
onlinegiving, look for the <strong>OLLI</strong> 15th Anniversary button at the<br />
bottom of your screen, and follow the prompts. The page is<br />
slow to load, so PLEASE be patient. Of course you can gift <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
using a check if that is more convenient. All <strong>OLLI</strong> gifts will be<br />
used to enhance <strong>OLLI</strong> programs which serve hundreds of retired<br />
and semi-retired members-many of whom are finding a new<br />
purpose and path by participating in <strong>OLLI</strong> classes and events.<br />
Every gift, large or small is valued and appreciated!<br />
Become a part of the CSUDH family by joining and contributing<br />
to <strong>OLLI</strong> and help us get to the next 15 years! I believe you will<br />
be energized by the mutual support that such learning<br />
communities offer. I have always believed in the concept of<br />
K-80 education, and <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH provides the perfect<br />
opportunities for fulfilling lifelong learning.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> MEMBERSHIP<br />
Lifelong Learning at CSUDH is a membership<br />
organization for those individuals age 50+<br />
who are seeking intellectual and social<br />
activities. These activities include short<br />
courses on a variety of topics, peer-led<br />
courses, discussion groups, field trips,<br />
computer workshops, social gatherings<br />
and campus cultural events. Learning takes<br />
place in a supportive environment without concern for grades,<br />
tests, or requirements.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH Membership Benefits<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Members enjoy many benefits inherent in student status.<br />
• Attend the popular Osher Lecture Series<br />
• Participate in discussion groups on a variety of topics each term<br />
• Enroll in special interest, technology and other workshops<br />
designed for lifelong learners<br />
• Attend short courses and participate in field trips<br />
• Receive notifications by mail or email about campus events<br />
• Receive CSUDH Student ID card for library privileges and<br />
bookstore discounts<br />
• Meet in state-of-the-art classrooms<br />
• Receive an <strong>OLLI</strong> catalog each semester<br />
• Participate in University and other selected Extended Education<br />
programs for reduced rates<br />
• Become involved in determining <strong>OLLI</strong> curriculum and events<br />
• Meet like-minded adults in a supportive learning<br />
environment<br />
• Email account at ToroMail<br />
• Reduced annual parking pass fees (See page 34)<br />
Become a Member!<br />
You can become an <strong>OLLI</strong> member by<br />
calling (310) 243-3741 or completing<br />
the membership portion of the<br />
registration form in this catalog.<br />
Fee: Annual <strong>OLLI</strong> membership is $30.<br />
This includes the Osher Lecture Series<br />
and other benefits. Some <strong>OLLI</strong> activities<br />
have additional nominal fees. These<br />
include <strong>OLLI</strong> courses, field trip fee,<br />
computer courses and the peer-led<br />
(Omnilore) program.<br />
Meeting Times – Dates and times<br />
for courses are listed with course<br />
descriptions in this schedule.<br />
Course Registration – In this catalog<br />
Members will find many courses,<br />
programs and special activities.<br />
Fees are listed with the courses.<br />
Registration for courses listed in this<br />
catalog is available to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members.<br />
To enroll in these courses complete<br />
the tear-out registration form (gold<br />
pages) in this catalog and mail<br />
with payment.<br />
A Note About our Peer-led<br />
Program (Omnilore)<br />
Registration in our Omnilore courses<br />
in Redondo Beach requires attendance<br />
at an orientation prior to registration.<br />
Visit or call<br />
(310) 215-1848 for more information<br />
Become a Member or Renew Your <strong>OLLI</strong> Membership<br />
To participate in <strong>OLLI</strong> courses your membership must be current, which includes the Fall, Spring and<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> semesters. The cost is only $30 for an annual membership. If your membership has lapsed,<br />
please sign up as soon as possible. If you aren’t sure whether your membership is current, call the<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> office at (310) 243-3208. Please make checks payable to CSUDH.<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 3
<strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH<br />
BL<br />
110 Fwy<br />
91 Fwy<br />
AVALON<br />
405 Fwy<br />
Parking at CSUDH<br />
PCH<br />
DEL AMO<br />
710 Fwy<br />
Annual Parking<br />
Passes are available<br />
to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
for only $20.<br />
Call the <strong>OLLI</strong> office<br />
at (310) 243-3208<br />
for details.<br />
Effective July 1,<br />
2017, the fee to park on campus is<br />
$8 per day. Daily parking permits can<br />
be purchased at one of the many<br />
yellow parking lot permit machines<br />
using cash, debit or credit card.<br />
Permits must be displayed face-up<br />
on your dashboard.<br />
Visit the <strong>OLLI</strong> website at www.csudh.<br />
edu/olli to find out about carpooling<br />
or taking public transportation to the<br />
campus.<br />
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at CSUDH<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> Programs and Activities<br />
In this catalog, programs and activities for <strong>OLLI</strong> Members at the<br />
CSUDH campus are listed in the following categories:<br />
• Lecture Series – Series of presentations by CSUDH professors<br />
on a topic or theme suggested by <strong>OLLI</strong> Members. Fall and Spring<br />
semesters only!<br />
• Courses – <strong>OLLI</strong> courses are a series of classroom meetings<br />
organized around a topic and led by an instructor. Additional fees<br />
and/or waivers may apply.<br />
• Discussion Groups – Discussions are often conducted in<br />
conjunction with a video or film and facilitated by a discussion<br />
leader. Additional fees may apply.<br />
• Computer Workshops – Computer workshops include presentations<br />
on various computer applications and their uses. Classes<br />
meet in two modern computer labs with ample opportunity for<br />
hands-on practice. Additional fees may apply.<br />
• Field Trips – Members visit local museums, gardens, and<br />
historic sites. Additional fees may apply.<br />
• Peer-led (Omnilore) – This program consists of study/discussion<br />
groups in which each member participates by presenting a topic<br />
related to the subject under study. Additional fees apply. <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
Members must attend an Omnilore orientation prior to registering<br />
for a peer-led class. See Peer-led section on pages 19-27 for more<br />
information or visit or call (310) 215-1848.<br />
New and Renewing<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
Save The Date!<br />
• <strong>OLLI</strong> Open House<br />
& <strong>Summer</strong> Registration Drop-off<br />
Extended Education Building,<br />
EE-1213 (Auditorium)<br />
(See page 1)<br />
Tuesday, June 5<br />
Open House:<br />
10:00am – 12:00pm<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Film Series<br />
at CSUDH<br />
PG-13<br />
Join us for the ninth season as <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
Members present movies for a<br />
Wednesday morning. Come and see<br />
outstanding, and sometimes thoughtprovoking<br />
films. Each movie will be<br />
shown in its entirety, with comments<br />
by the presenter, followed by group<br />
discussion. This is a great way to spend<br />
a lazy Wednesday morning, see some<br />
good movies again, or see them for<br />
the first time. Bring your lunch<br />
or snack; we’ll supply iced tea,<br />
lemonade and popcorn.<br />
“See you at the movie!”<br />
R<br />
R<br />
R<br />
R<br />
PG<br />
Enrich Your Life,<br />
Enrich <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH<br />
R<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 5
BL<br />
110 Fwy<br />
This series is presented at<br />
California State University,<br />
Dominguez Hills<br />
1000 East Victoria Street<br />
Carson, CA 90747<br />
91 Fwy<br />
AVALON<br />
405 Fwy<br />
About the series<br />
7 Wednesdays<br />
June 6, 13, 20, 27<br />
July 11, 18, 25<br />
10:00am – 1:00pm<br />
PCH<br />
Extended Education Building,<br />
EE-1213 (Auditorium)<br />
Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
and the Public<br />
NLLL 156 Section 01<br />
Course No. 30789<br />
Non-<strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
NLLL 156 Section 02<br />
Course No. 30790<br />
DEL AMO<br />
710 Fwy<br />
Wonder (2017) PG Jacob Tremblay, Julia Roberts, Owen Wilson<br />
The heartwarming story of August Pullman, born with facial<br />
differences that had prevented him from going to a mainstream<br />
school. When he enters the local fifth grade, new classmates and<br />
the larger community struggle to find their compassion and<br />
acceptance. Auggie’s extraordinary journey proves that you can’t<br />
blend in when you were born to stand out. June 6.<br />
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)<br />
R Frances McDormand, Sam Rockwell, Woody Harrelson<br />
After months have passed without a culprit in her daughter’s<br />
murder case, Mildred Hayes makes a bold move by painting three<br />
billboards leading into her town with a controversial message<br />
directed at the town’s revered chief of police. June 13.<br />
The Shape of Water (2017) R Sally Hawkins, Doug Jones<br />
An other-worldly fairy tale set against the backdrop of Cold War<br />
America. In the hidden high-security government laboratory where<br />
she works, lonely Elisa is trapped in isolation and silence, until life is<br />
changed forever when she discovers a secret experiment. June 20.<br />
Bad Moms (2016) R Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, Kathryn Hahn<br />
Amy has the perfect life—a great marriage, over-achieving kids,<br />
beautiful home and a career. But she’s overworked, over-committed<br />
and exhausted to the point of snapping. Fed up, she joins two<br />
other over-stressed moms on a wild binge of freedom, fun and<br />
self-indulgence. June 27.<br />
Hostiles (2017) R Christian Bale, Rosamund Pike, Wes Studi<br />
In 1892, legendary Army Capt. Joseph Blocker reluctantly agrees<br />
to escort a dying Cheyenne war chief and his family back to their<br />
tribal land. On their perilous journey from New Mexico to Montana,<br />
they meet a young widow whose family was killed on the plains.<br />
They band together to survive a punishing landscape full of hostile<br />
Comanches and vicious outliers. July 11.<br />
Going In Style (2017) PG-13 Morgan Freeman, Michael<br />
Cain, Alan Arkin When their pension fund becomes a corporate<br />
casualty, three lifelong friends decide to buck retirement and step<br />
off the straight-and-narrow for the first time in their lives. Desperate<br />
to come through for their loved ones, they risk it all in a daring bid<br />
to knock off the very bank that took their money. July 18.<br />
Molly’s Game (2017) R Jessica Chastain, Idris Elba<br />
The true story of Olympic-class skier Molly Bloom who, for a decade,<br />
ran the world’s most exclusive high-stakes poker game. After her<br />
arrest in the middle of the night, she finds her only ally is her<br />
criminal defense lawyer, who learns there is more to Molly than<br />
meets the eye. July 25.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Classes,<br />
Workshops and<br />
Activities<br />
California State University<br />
Dominguez Hills<br />
Many classes, workshops and<br />
discussion groups take place on the<br />
campus of California State University<br />
Dominguez Hills in Carson. In addition<br />
to modern classroom buildings and<br />
a dedicated computer lab, the<br />
University has many resources which<br />
include a library, food court, restaurant,<br />
and bookstore. Involvement in<br />
University activities is one of the<br />
many benefits of <strong>OLLI</strong>.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> More.<br />
Live More.<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 7
Presenter: Betsey Duffes, <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
Member, Airline Disability Rights<br />
Consultant<br />
Wednesday, June 6<br />
1:30pm – 4:00pm<br />
Extended Education Building,<br />
EE-1205<br />
Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
NLLL 180 Section 01<br />
Course No. 30791<br />
Oral Shared History Series<br />
Memories of Spain<br />
Travel through southern Spain and experience the romance and the<br />
exotic nature of this historical area of Spain. Learn about the music,<br />
food and unique culture that marks the people of Catalonia and<br />
Andalusia. For a number of centuries, this part of Spain practiced<br />
religious and cultural<br />
harmony the likes of<br />
which we have not<br />
seen in our lifetimes.<br />
This 2-½ hour<br />
presentation will<br />
be based on the<br />
memories and experiences<br />
of our <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
Member who visited<br />
this unique area less<br />
than a year ago. She<br />
will also provide useful<br />
travel information<br />
for those who dream<br />
of Spanish nights<br />
under the stars.<br />
Let’s Read a Play!<br />
No stage or acting experience required. Join us for the opportunity<br />
to have some fun and to polish our dramatic skills. Our director,<br />
Maria Ruiz, will introduce the authors and theater history of each<br />
play before readings begin. You are invited to become a part of<br />
this interesting and interactive approach to enjoying a play and to<br />
experience cold readings. Expect lively discussion about meaning<br />
and content.<br />
Students usually obtain copies of the plays from libraries<br />
or purchase copies.<br />
Refreshments will be served.<br />
Lady Windermere’s Fan by Oscar Wilde,<br />
June 8, 15<br />
Lady Windermere suspects her husband is having<br />
an affair. She confronts him but although he denies<br />
it, he invites the “other woman” to his wife’s birthday<br />
ball. The play was Oscar Wilde first success, a<br />
perfect balance between seriousness and comedy.<br />
The central theme is summed up in this quote by Lord Darlington:<br />
“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”<br />
Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose,<br />
July 6, 13<br />
The defense and the prosecution have rested and<br />
the jury is filing into the jury room to decide if a<br />
young man is guilty or innocent of murdering his<br />
father. What begins as an open-and-shut case<br />
of murder soon becomes a detective story that<br />
presents a succession of clues creating doubt, and a mini-drama of<br />
each of the jurors’ prejudices and preconceptions about the trial,<br />
the accused and each other.<br />
The Odd Couple by Neil Simon,<br />
August 3, 10<br />
Felix Ungar, a neurotic, neat-freak news writer<br />
is thrown out by his wife, and moves in with his<br />
friend Oscar Madison, a slovenly sportswriter.<br />
Despite Oscar’s problems—careless spending,<br />
excessive gambling, a poorly kept house filled with<br />
spoiled food—he seems to enjoy life. Felix, however, seems utterly<br />
incapable of enjoying anything and only finds purpose in pointing<br />
out his own and other people’s mistakes and foibles.<br />
Instructor and Facilitator: Maria Ruiz is<br />
a member of both <strong>OLLI</strong> and Omnilore;<br />
a District Toastmasters Qualified<br />
Speaker; and the “drama guru” at the<br />
Joslyn Center in Manhattan Beach.<br />
She also directs and produces at the<br />
Dramatic Readers Theater in two South<br />
Bay locations.<br />
6 Fridays<br />
June 8, 15<br />
July 6, 13<br />
August 3, 10<br />
1:30pm – 3:30pm<br />
Extended Education Building,<br />
EE-1201<br />
Fee: $15<br />
NLLL 154 Section 01<br />
Course No. 30787<br />
Upcoming Field Trip<br />
Save The Date!<br />
• Los Angeles Family<br />
Research Library<br />
Thursday, August 16<br />
11:00am – 1:00pm<br />
(See page 15)<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 9
NOTE: <strong>OLLI</strong> is pleased to offer Social Tennis for Seniors, Crocheting for Health, Urban Hiking, and<br />
Fun and Games to focus on learning experiences that optimize brain fitness and promote physical<br />
fitness through exercise and coordination. Have fun!<br />
Instructor: Donald Means,<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />
Donald’s Vision: “We will be the<br />
fittest Seniors we know”<br />
9 Tuesdays<br />
June 12, 19, 26<br />
July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31<br />
August 7<br />
9:00am – 11:00am<br />
10 Fridays<br />
June 8, 15, 22, 29<br />
July 6, 13, 20, 27<br />
August 3, 10<br />
9:00am – 11:00am<br />
Practice only:<br />
2 Tuesdays<br />
August 14, 21<br />
9:00am – 11:00am<br />
2 Fridays<br />
August 17, 24<br />
9:00am – 11:00am<br />
CSUDH Tennis Courts<br />
Fee: $15<br />
NLLL 355 Section 01<br />
Course No. 30794<br />
Social Tennis for Seniors<br />
The game of tennis is a lifetime sport. Now is the opportune time<br />
to join our class. We are a group with many different attributes<br />
who enjoy a moderate level of physical activity. The tennis class<br />
has wonderful health benefits. Just to name a couple fun and<br />
social interaction. We participate in medium stretching and warm<br />
up exercises. Instructions are easy. We gain knowledge of tennis<br />
rules and tennis etiquette. We continue to learn the essentials<br />
of tennis, beginning with the classic grip, forehand, backhand,<br />
serve, volley, topspin, drop shot and doubles play. To get started<br />
bring a tennis racket, tennis shoes, sunglasses, hat, small towel,<br />
and water. Class meets for 19 sessions and four additional weeks<br />
for practice.<br />
(Note: <strong>OLLI</strong> Members are required to sign a waiver at first<br />
class session.)<br />
Fun and Games<br />
No experience necessary.<br />
This class is all about having fun, friendship, and “exercising” our<br />
brains! An assortment of games will be provided but class members<br />
are encouraged to bring their own games to share. We’ll have on<br />
hand “brain games” along with such favorites as: Mexican Train (a<br />
dominos game), Scrabble, Tripoley, Rummy Tiles, Jenga, Cribbage,<br />
Chess, playing cards, and coloring books, to name a few. We’ll break<br />
into groups and<br />
play familiar games<br />
and learn some<br />
new ones.<br />
Class Members<br />
volunteer to<br />
bring refreshments,<br />
you bring<br />
your drink.<br />
Facilitator: Valerie Dingwall,<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />
6 Fridays<br />
June 15, 29<br />
July 13, 27<br />
August 10, 24<br />
11:30am – 1:30pm<br />
Extended Education Building,<br />
EE-1221<br />
Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
NLLL 355 Section 02<br />
Course No. 30795<br />
T’ai Chi Chuan for Beginners<br />
T’ai Chi Chaun is a slow martial art comprised of a series of<br />
postures which flow together in a holistic and unified manner.<br />
T’ai Chi is essentially a moving meditation accessible to everyone,<br />
regardless of age or physical ability. Join me in exploring this<br />
ancient art, which is still practiced worldwide today, known to<br />
bring about calmness, strength, optimum health, body awareness,<br />
improved balance, community and lasting friendships.<br />
Please wear comfortable clothes.<br />
Instructor: Linda Kahn, <strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />
6 Tuesdays<br />
June 12, 19, 26<br />
July 3, 10, 17<br />
2:30pm – 3:30pm<br />
Extended Education Building,<br />
EE-1222<br />
Fee: $15<br />
Class is limited to 15 students<br />
NLLL 355 Section 04<br />
Course No. 30797<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 11
Facilitator: Eula Slater, <strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />
8 Tuesdays<br />
June 12, 19, 26<br />
July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31<br />
12:30pm – 2:30pm<br />
Extended Education Building,<br />
EE-1206<br />
Fee: $15<br />
NLLL 355 Section 03<br />
Course No. 30796<br />
Crocheting For Health<br />
Let’s complete a project for <strong>Summer</strong>! Crocheting is part of our<br />
Healthy Living series. It stimulates our brains and can promote<br />
mental health by reducing stress. Class times are scheduled to<br />
allow a solid beginning in the art and skill of crocheting, as well<br />
as for feedback on progress.<br />
Past projects<br />
have been<br />
donated as<br />
prizes at <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
Celebrations,<br />
Juneteenth<br />
and to Knots<br />
of Love.<br />
Hello Crochet Class at CSUDH,<br />
We just wanted to confirm that we<br />
did receive your fabulous donation<br />
of 42 caps. You are all amazing!!!<br />
You chose great colors! Your stitchwork<br />
is very good. Your caps are<br />
beautiful! Thank you so much for<br />
your time and kindness.<br />
This week your donations went to<br />
the following locations:<br />
San Francisco, CA<br />
San Diego, CA<br />
Cleveland, OH<br />
Much love and many blessings,<br />
Christine<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Genealogy Series:<br />
Finding the Pieces of the Puzzle:<br />
My Journey at 3877<br />
NEW!<br />
While downsizing<br />
and clearing my<br />
family home of 50+<br />
years, I found<br />
several pieces of my<br />
genealogy research.<br />
I discovered<br />
information that I<br />
thought was true<br />
but wasn’t, information that explained secrets<br />
known only by my elders, and found information<br />
“dear to my heart.”<br />
Items that we might deem to be trash, may be<br />
that ‘treasured’ piece that completes the<br />
puzzle to family history.<br />
Instructor: Esther L Bohannon,<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />
Wednesday, June 27<br />
1:30pm - 3:30pm<br />
Extended Education Building,<br />
EE-1218<br />
Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
NLLL 155 Section 01<br />
Course No. 30788<br />
Upcoming Field Trip<br />
Save The Date!<br />
• Greystone Mansion<br />
Monday, June 11<br />
10:30am – 12:30pm<br />
(See page 16)<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 13
NOTE: All <strong>OLLI</strong> field trips require a minimum $5 fee for operating expenses. Check the field trip<br />
description for any additional expenses that may be incurred on-site. (<strong>OLLI</strong> Members are required to<br />
sign a waiver prior to participating in field trip activities.)<br />
Instructor: Rich Abele, tour guide<br />
aboard the museum battleship<br />
USS IOWA (BB-61)<br />
Wednesday, July 11<br />
1:30pm - 3:30pm<br />
Extended Education Building,<br />
EE-1213 (Auditorium)<br />
Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
NLLL 251 Section 01<br />
Course No. 30792<br />
The Search for the USS Grunion<br />
(SS-216)<br />
NEW!<br />
Join us in welcoming global adventurer and U.S. Navy Vietnam<br />
veteran Rich Abele, as he presents a slide show about the search<br />
for and discovery of a submarine lost in the early days of World War<br />
II. The USS Grunion (SS-216), under the command of Rich Abele’s<br />
cousin, LCDR Mannert L. Abele, was on its first wartime patrol off<br />
Kiska in the Aleutian Islands when it encountered a Japanese cargo<br />
ship. During the ensuing torpedo attack and surface engagement,<br />
the sub went down never to surface again. Commander Abele had<br />
three sons who spent<br />
decades searching for<br />
information about this<br />
encounter and the<br />
whereabouts of their<br />
dad’s submarine.<br />
In 2006 an initial<br />
search by side-scan<br />
sonar revealed a<br />
possible image of<br />
the sub. But it was in<br />
2007 when a more<br />
thorough search was<br />
undertaken using a<br />
remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV). Rich was on this<br />
expedition and will tell us about the Grunion’s discovery, and<br />
explore the possible reasons for its loss. This is a presentation<br />
that you will not want to miss.<br />
Rich Abele, a graduate of UC Santa Barbara, is a former aerospace<br />
contracts manager for the Boeing Company. He is a retired U.S.<br />
Navy captain and served two tours of duty in Vietnam and<br />
commanded a minehunter. Currently he is a tour guide aboard<br />
the museum battleship USS IOWA (BB-61).<br />
NOTE: All <strong>OLLI</strong> field trips require a minimum $5 fee for operating expenses. Check the field trip<br />
description for any additional expenses that may be incurred on-site. (<strong>OLLI</strong> Members are required to sign a<br />
waiver prior to participating in field trip activities.)<br />
Los Angeles Family Search Library:<br />
A Field Trip for Genealogy Research<br />
The Mormons believe that genealogy connects us with our<br />
ancestors, and that you must know your past in order to know your<br />
future. Their Ancestral File Database contains more than 36 million<br />
names that are linked to families. The International Genealogical<br />
Index contains approximately 725 million names of deceased<br />
individuals. Also available are the Social Security Death Index and<br />
census records form the 1880 United States Federal Census and the<br />
1881 British & Canadian Census, which contain information about<br />
persons who lived before 1930. You are sure to find someone in<br />
your family, so please join us and continue or begin your journey<br />
into your past.<br />
Field Trip Coordinator:<br />
Eula Slater, <strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />
Thursday, August 16<br />
11:00am - 1:00pm<br />
Participants will meet at the<br />
Jesus Christ Church of the<br />
Latter Day Saints (LDS)<br />
10741 Santa Monica Blvd<br />
Los Angeles, CA 90025<br /><br />
For directions, call<br />
(310) 474-9990<br />
Fee: $5<br />
Must register by August 10<br />
Registration is limited<br />
to 40 participants<br />
NLLL 370 Section 01<br />
Course No. 30798<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 15
NOTE: All <strong>OLLI</strong> field trips require a minimum $5 fee for operating expenses. Check the field trip<br />
description for any additional expenses that may be incurred on-site. (<strong>OLLI</strong> Members are required to sign a<br />
waiver prior to participating in field trip activities.)<br />
Field Trip Coordinator:<br />
Sylvia N. Contreras, <strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />
Monday, June 11<br />
10:30am – 12:30pm<br />
Participants to arrive at gates upon<br />
park opening at 10:00am:<br />
Greystone Mansion<br />
905 Loma Vista<br />
Beverly Hills, CA 90210<br />
(310) 285-6830<br /><br />
Parking is free where designated.<br />
Gates open at 10:00am to drive up a<br />
winding road to parking area.<br />
Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
NLLL 270 Section 01<br />
Course No. 30793<br />
Greystone Mansion<br />
NEW!<br />
Come visit this gorgeous historical gem in Beverly Hills. Greystone<br />
Mansion, and its beautiful surrounding grounds, are rich in<br />
California history. Edward Laurence Doheny was among the first<br />
adventurers to strike oil in Los Angeles. His only son, Edward “Ned”<br />
Laurence Doheny, Jr., grew up as heir to one of the world’s great<br />
financial empires. In 1926 Edward Sr. gave this premium 12.58 acre<br />
parcel to his son as a wedding gift. The estate took three years to<br />
complete, at a cost of more than $3 million, an almost unimaginable<br />
sum in real estate at the time.<br />
There are fifty-five livable rooms within the 46,054 square feet of<br />
living space in the Mansion. The rooms with southern exposure<br />
offer a panoramic view of the Los Angeles Basin, from downtown<br />
to the beaches of Santa Monica Bay. The north (recreation) wing<br />
includes a movie theater room, an original Brunswick bowling<br />
alley, billiard room and a hidden bar. Also located on the grounds<br />
are stables and kennels, tennis courts, fire station, gatehouse,<br />
swimming pool and pavilion, greenhouse, lake, babbling brooks<br />
and cascading waterfalls.<br />
For your safety, we recommend that you wear flat, closed toe<br />
shoes while on the tour. The grounds are hilly with lots of stairs.<br />
It is not handicap accessible.<br />
AARP Driver Safety<br />
This class will promote<br />
safe driving and help<br />
older drivers maintain<br />
their mobility and<br />
independence. One of<br />
the most significant<br />
demographic factors<br />
changing in our nation’s<br />
future is the aging of the population. The number of people age<br />
50+ has grown significantly in the past decade and this segment<br />
will continue to increase more rapidly than any other age group in<br />
the United States. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that by the<br />
2030, one in four drivers will be 65 or older, which translates into<br />
more than 30 million drivers!<br />
This course is intended to help drivers live more independently<br />
as they age and remain safe on today’s roads. Since the program’s<br />
inception in 1979, more than 15 million participants have<br />
completed the course. The course will cover defensive driving<br />
techniques and:<br />
• Maintaining proper following distance<br />
• Minimizing the effect of dangerous blind spots<br />
• Limiting driver distractions such as, eating, smoking, and cell<br />
phone use<br />
• Properly using safety belts, air bags, and all car features<br />
• Effects of medication on driving<br />
• Maintaining physical flexibility<br />
• Monitoring the driving skills and capabilities of yourself<br />
and others<br />
Please join us in this fun and informative class.<br />
Presented by AARP Driver Safety<br />
Coordinator Robert Vatz<br />
2 Mondays<br />
June 18, 25<br />
10:00am – 12:00pm (Morning Session)<br />
12:00pm – 1:30pm (Lunch Break)<br />
1:30pm - 3:30pm (Afternoon Session)<br />
Extended Education Building,<br />
EE-1205<br />
Fee to be paid at the first<br />
morning class, directly to the<br />
AARP presenters:<br />
$15 for AARP Members<br />
$20 for non-AARP Members<br />
NLLL 001 Section 04<br />
Course No. 30786<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 17
Thursday, June 14<br />
1:00pm - 4:00pm<br />
Extended Education Building,<br />
EE-1213 (Auditorium)<br />
Participants must register by<br />
June 5, <strong>2018</strong><br />
Fees:<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Members: $10<br />
Non-<strong>OLLI</strong> Members: $15<br />
New & Current Members who sign up<br />
for their annual membership on or<br />
before Open House on June 5:<br />
$5, plus $30.00 Annual membership,<br />
a total of $35<br />
NLLL 001 Section 01 CRN 30771<br />
Fee: $10 (<strong>OLLI</strong> Member, not renewing<br />
by June 5th)<br />
NLLL 001 Section 02 CRN 30772<br />
Fee: $15 (Non-<strong>OLLI</strong> Member)<br />
NLLL 001 Section 03 CRN 30785<br />
Fee: $5 (If $30 membership fee for<br />
<strong>2018</strong> – 2019 scholastic year paid by<br />
June 5th)<br />
Important Announcement:<br />
Renew Your <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
Membership<br />
To participate in <strong>OLLI</strong> courses<br />
your membership must be current.<br />
The cost is only $30 for an annual<br />
membership. If your membership<br />
has lapsed, please sign up as<br />
soon as possible. If you aren’t sure<br />
whether your membership is<br />
current, call the <strong>OLLI</strong> office at<br />
(310) 243-3208. Please make<br />
checks payable to CSUDH.<br />
Juneteenth Celebration:<br />
Reclaiming Our Ancestry<br />
The Osher Lifelong Learning<br />
Institute (<strong>OLLI</strong>) will hold its 7th<br />
annual Juneteenth Celebration<br />
on June 14, <strong>2018</strong>. This is an<br />
opportunity to explore the<br />
culture, practices and contributions<br />
of African-Americans. Juneteenth<br />
“Emancipation Day” celebrates<br />
the liberation of African-American<br />
slaves in the state of Texas on June 19, 1865. Join us for the<br />
153rd anniversary of Juneteenth. This commemoration of African-<br />
American freedom is now observed across America.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> invites you to join<br />
us on our 7th annual<br />
Juneteenth Celebration<br />
on June 14. Share with<br />
us this historic day as we<br />
creatively retell significant<br />
events surrounding<br />
Juneteenth and reflect<br />
on its impact on today’s<br />
American culture. There<br />
will be entertainment,<br />
music, interactive games<br />
and a traditional<br />
Juneteenth menu.<br />
Friends don’t let Friends miss out on <strong>OLLI</strong>!<br />
Interested in experiencing a taste of <strong>OLLI</strong> before enrolling as a<br />
member? The Juneteenth Celebration is a great way to get to<br />
know us. The enrollment fee for <strong>OLLI</strong> Members is $10.00 or<br />
$15.00 for Non-<strong>OLLI</strong> Members. An enrollment fee of only $5.00<br />
will be charged for the Juneteenth Celebration for those new<br />
and current members who sign up for their annual membership<br />
on or before Open House on June 5, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>’s Peer-led<br />
Program—<br />
Omnilore<br />
Recently celebrating its 28th<br />
anniversary, Omnilore is <strong>OLLI</strong>’s peerled<br />
group, a learning-in-retirement<br />
community of approximately 300<br />
seniors who organize study/discussion<br />
groups on dozens of diverse topics<br />
that are conceived, planned and<br />
directed by the Members. Omnilore is<br />
open to active <strong>OLLI</strong> Members who<br />
seek intellectual stimulation and the<br />
challenge of shared inquiry.<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 19
PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />
Before registering in the peer-led<br />
program, an orientation session<br />
is required. Please RSVP to<br />
(310) 215-1848 at least 3 days prior.<br />
Directions and parking information<br />
will be provided.<br />
Orientation dates<br />
for <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> have passed.<br />
Beach Cities Health Center<br />
Lower Level Suites L8 & L9<br />
514 N. Prospect Ave.<br />
Redondo Beach, CA 90277<br /><br />
Directions and parking information<br />
will be provided.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>’s Peer-led (Omnilore) Orientation<br />
The peer-led program of <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH is known as Omnilore.<br />
The study/discussion group is the core of the peer-led program.<br />
Within the group, each member participates by choosing a topic<br />
related to the subject under study, doing research on it and then<br />
presenting the information to the group. Some study/discussion<br />
groups are structured around a book, which all members read<br />
and discuss as part of the meetings. Groups meet for two hours<br />
twice each month, 8 meetings for a total of 16 hours. The exact<br />
time of each class is set by the participants.<br />
Please note that the books listed for each course are only possible<br />
candidates. Do not buy any until the pre-meeting and a decision<br />
on the common reading is made.<br />
Holiday periods are adapted to by individual class voting.<br />
Although the summer orientation dates have passed, you<br />
can prepare for the following trimester by attending orientation<br />
meetings on Friday, June 29, <strong>2018</strong> or Monday, July 30, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />
Call (310) 215-1848 for more details and payment information,<br />
or visit the Omnilore website at<br />
Spring classes start in May and end in August.<br />
Fall classes start in September and end in December.<br />
The Forum (Speaker Luncheon)<br />
The Forum is a special luncheon held by Omnilore (<strong>OLLI</strong>’s peer-led<br />
learning group) every quarter which features a speaker on a<br />
variety of topics. It is a social as well as an educational event.<br />
Open to members and non-members, reservations must be<br />
received 10 days prior to the event. Cost is $22. Speakers have<br />
included best-selling authors, public affairs experts, college<br />
professors, magazine and newspaper columnists, music, art<br />
and food experts, librarians as well as many other specialists.<br />
For further information or to make a reservation for attendance,<br />
please e-mail<br />
Questions? Contact Forum Chair Lori Geittmann: (310) 316-1729.<br />
PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />
Omnilore Topics Offered For <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />
Please note that the books listed for each course are only possible<br />
candidates. Do not buy any until the pre-meeting and a decision<br />
on the common reading is made.<br />
Classes start May 1, <strong>2018</strong><br />
and end August 31, <strong>2018</strong><br />
Holiday periods are adapted to by<br />
individual class voting.<br />
(AAF) Best African American Fiction<br />
Dealing with all aspects of life, from the pain of war to the warmth<br />
of family, these tales are a tribute to the imaginations thriving in<br />
today’s Black literary community. As the editor says in his preface:<br />
“There is no attempt to present these short stories as writing from<br />
the black world, if there is such a thing. It is rather varieties of<br />
literary experience. If there is a black world, there are worlds within<br />
that world, worlds that include people who are not black, that<br />
include the living and the dead, the past and the present.”<br />
This S/DG will read and discuss the stories and experience in some<br />
measure that unpredictable but always spellbinding dynamic.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
Best African American Fiction 2010,<br />
edited by Gerald Early<br />
(December 2009; available in<br />
hardback and paperback)<br />
(BMU) A Love Affair with Broadway Musicals<br />
For almost a century, Americans have been losing their hearts<br />
and minds in an insatiable love affair with American musicals.<br />
In this course, we will be reading Jack Viertel’s book of how<br />
Broadway shows are built and include snippets of actual<br />
Broadway musicals to either view parts of DVDs or listen to a<br />
variety of memorable music from showstoppers. There will be<br />
presentations from class members of the chapters and a chance to<br />
share their favorite Broadway shows. This gives us an opportunity<br />
to see what it takes to create a Broadway hit and to affirm why<br />
Americans will always keep coming back for more.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
The Secret Life of the American<br />
Musical—How Broadway Shows<br />
are Built by Jack Viertel, (2016)<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 21
PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />
Common Reading:<br />
Brain Rules for Aging Well; 10<br />
Principles for Staying Vital, Happy,<br />
and Sharp, by John Medina, (2017)<br />
(BRN) Brain Rules For Successful Aging<br />
How come I can never find my keys? Why don’t I sleep as well as<br />
I used to? Why do my friends keep repeating the same stories?<br />
What can I do to keep my brain sharp? These and numerous other<br />
topics will be explored in this S/DG. We will learn about how the<br />
brain works and how to get the most out of it. For example,<br />
memory—an act we take for granted—is a deep mystery that we<br />
still don’t understand. We will show that knowing how your brain<br />
functions is part of knowing yourself. If you want to understand<br />
your brain and improve it, then this S/DG is for you.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
China’s Asian Dream: Empire<br />
Building long the New Silk Road<br />
by Tom Miller (February 15, 2017)<br />
(CHN) China Awakes and Shakes The World<br />
“China,” Napoleon once remarked, “is a sleeping lion. Let her<br />
sleep, for when she wakes she will shake the world.” In 2014,<br />
President Xi Jinping triumphantly declared that the lion had awoken.<br />
Under Xi, China is pursuing an increasingly ambitious foreign<br />
policy with the aim of restoring its historical status as the dominant<br />
power in Asia. From the Mekong Basin to the Central Asian steppe,<br />
the country is wooing its neighbors with promises of new roads,<br />
railways, dams, and power grids. Chinese trade and investment<br />
present huge opportunities for China’s neighbors, but it also<br />
threatens them with exploitation.<br />
This S/DG will focus on how China is attempting to restore its<br />
historical position as the dominant power in Asia. We will learn<br />
about the power of Xi Jinping and his plans to grow his country<br />
economically and politically.<br />
PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />
(HMO) Homo Deus: A Brief History<br />
of Tomorrow<br />
First, Yuval Harari wrote Sapiens, a New York Times best-seller.<br />
This is about the next stage of evolution, Homo Deus, man as god,<br />
and what’s on deck now that famine, plagues, and war have largely<br />
been eliminated as threats.<br />
Already, for the first time ever, more people die from eating too<br />
much than from eating too little; more people die from old age<br />
than from infectious diseases; and more people commit suicide<br />
than are killed by soldiers, terrorists and criminals put together.<br />
The average American is a thousand times more likely to die from<br />
binging on TV and snacks than from being blown up by Al Qaeda.<br />
Novels about a supercomputer taking over, such as the Colossus<br />
trilogy by D. F. Jones, usually assume that once it was designed,<br />
that would be it, no more changes. The TV series “Person of<br />
Interest,” and the movie “Her” cast a wider net, with the operating<br />
system itself evolving. This book shows the possibilities of man and<br />
machine co-evolving.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
Homo Deus: A Brief History<br />
of Tomorrow, by Yuval Harari<br />
(February 2017)<br />
(IRN) Understanding Iran<br />
Iran is a land of contradictions. It is an Islamic republic, but one in<br />
which only 1.4 percent of the population attend Friday prayers. It<br />
restricts women in their dress codes, but 60 percent of students in<br />
university are women. The religious culture is dogmatic, yet its<br />
poetry dwells on wine, beauty and sex. It is one of the oldest<br />
continuous civilizations in the world, yet has undergone immense<br />
changes since the 1979 revolution. Understanding it and<br />
particularly the struggles within Islam and the profound cultural<br />
differences between Persians and Arabs will be of great help in<br />
getting a better grasp on much of the geopolitical, religious,<br />
economic and cultural controversies that surround the<br />
Middle East today.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
A History of Iran: Empire<br />
of the Mind, by Michael Axworthy<br />
(May 24, 2016)<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 23
PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />
Common Reading:<br />
Leonardo da Vinci, by Walter Isaacson<br />
(October 17, 2017)<br />
(LDV) Leonardo Da Vinci—Renaissance Genius<br />
Leonardo is known as THE Renaissance man, embodying the<br />
creativity of the “many-sided people” of the Renaissance.” In this<br />
new best seller by Walter Isaacson, the author of biographies of<br />
Einstein and Steve Jobs, we find much never before published.<br />
Isaacson uses his subject’s contradictions to give him humanity<br />
and depth. A dandy, known for his bright pink clothing,<br />
Leonardo lived at times in rooms full of dissected bodies.<br />
A vegetarian who bought birds so that he could set them free,<br />
he designed killing machines. A connoisseur of grotesques, he<br />
painted glorious, glowing angels. As Isaacson follows Leonardo<br />
from one locale and occupation to another, his energy never fails<br />
and his curiosity never dims. Again and again, he turns up a<br />
surprising and revelatory detail—the averted eyes that suggest<br />
Leonardo used mirrors to create a marvelous late self-portrait,<br />
human vertebrae drawn with precision and delicacy.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
Being Mortal: Medicine and<br />
What Matters in the End<br />
by Atul Gawande (September 2017)<br />
(MOR) Being Mortal—Aging, Preparing for the<br />
Process and Understanding It<br />
From the book:“It began with a tingle in the surgeon’s fingers<br />
and a pain in his neck. A couple of years later, he learned he had a<br />
tumor inside his spinal cord. That was when the difficult choices<br />
began. Should he have it removed right away in a risky operation,<br />
as his doctor recommended? Or should he take time to consider<br />
this question: At what point would the expanding tumor cause<br />
debility bad enough to justify the risk of greater debility or even<br />
death in trying to fight it?” (New York Times, Sheri Fink,<br />
Nov. 6, 2014)<br />
The surgeon in the story is the father of Atul Gawande, who is also<br />
a surgeon as well as a writer for The New Yorker. His new book,<br />
Being Mortal, is a personal meditation on how we can better live<br />
with age-related frailty, serious illness and approaching death. It is<br />
also a call for a change in the philosophy of health care. Since the<br />
book was published, a lot has happened with healthcare, right to<br />
die legislation and other medical issues.<br />
PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />
(NYC) New York City: The City of Dreams<br />
Be prepared for a roller coaster ride. This is a sweeping history of<br />
New York from the early colonial period, and its relationship to<br />
surrounding states and the emerging nation. The story of the birth<br />
of New York City is the story of our national struggle to integrate<br />
groups of immigrants from all over the world as they became<br />
‘Americans’ and we became a nation of laws and individual<br />
freedoms. We will read the stories of families who left everything<br />
they had elsewhere, to come and participate in the development<br />
of this country.<br />
This suggested common reading is rich in detail and is based on<br />
astonishing historical research. Through this reading and related<br />
presentations, we will gain an understanding of the depth of our<br />
struggle as a people, not only as people of New York, but as<br />
people of our nation.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
City of Dreams: The 400-Year Epic<br />
History of Immigrant New York<br />
by Tyler Anbinder (October 10, 2017)<br />
(RTE) Readers’ Theatre Experience<br />
In amateur circles throughout the country, opportunities to<br />
participate in Readers’ Theatre have become extremely popular.<br />
This class will focus on contemporary American plays. Highlighted<br />
will be the plays of August Wilson, Pulitzer Prize winner for Drama.<br />
Each work is set in a different decade and depicts comic and tragic<br />
aspects of the African-American experience in the 20th century:<br />
The Piano Lesson–1930s, Seven Guitars–1940s, Fences–1950s,<br />
Jitney–1970s, Radio Golf–1990s, just to mention a few. The class<br />
will read the plays at home utilizing libraries and Internet sources.<br />
The presenter of the selection will generate questions regarding<br />
the elements of good script writing (plot, character analysis,<br />
conflicts, resolutions, etc.) as this applies to the plays reviewed.<br />
After a class discussion based on these questions, snippets of the<br />
actual dialogue will be read extemporaneously by class members.<br />
As a group, we will strive for an enjoyable Readers’ Theatre<br />
experience. Here’s your opportunity to be a star on our own<br />
“Broadway Stage.”<br />
Common Reading:<br />
A. Wilson in an Hour,<br />
by Joan Herrington (2009)<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 25
PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />
Common Reading:<br />
Grant, by Ron Chernow<br />
(October 10, 2017)<br />
(USG) Ulysses S. Grant<br />
“It’s jolting to read about how the Union’s Civil War victory proved<br />
to be a beginning, not an ending; how it led to a spike in white<br />
supremacist groups and their efforts to keep newly enfranchised<br />
black men from voting; how the president who succeeded Lincoln,<br />
and Andrew Johnson seemed determined to undo the Union’s<br />
success; how the voting rights for freed male slaves guaranteed<br />
by the 15th Amendment were allowed to erode; how the once<br />
squeaky-clean Grant began surrounding himself with rich friends<br />
and became embroiled in financial scandal once he attained the<br />
power of the presidency.” (New York Times Book Review)<br />
Common Reading:<br />
The Welfare of Nations,<br />
by James Bartholomew<br />
(CATO, November 2016)<br />
(WON) Welfare of Nations<br />
Welfare states have spread across the advanced world and are<br />
changing the very nature of modern civilization. The form and<br />
function of various welfare systems are varied and so is their<br />
effectiveness. Some countries have had to scale back their<br />
programs to avoid economic problems. The USA is currently<br />
struggling with the question of what extent and style of welfare<br />
system the country is willing to support.<br />
This S/DG will look at various systems around the world to try to<br />
assess what works and what is not so good. Possible research/<br />
presentation topics might include: how important is homogeneity<br />
of the population; what are the social priorities in countries studied;<br />
why do similar programs in different countries provide different<br />
results; why is high unemployment so common in countries with<br />
extensive welfare systems; etc.<br />
PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />
(WRI) Calling All Writers<br />
Are you one of those people who grabs paper and pencil (or places<br />
fingers on a keyboard) and puts words on paper? If so, you are<br />
a writer. People write for various reasons. Some write to capture<br />
memories. Some write to feel fully alive. Some write to make a<br />
name for themselves. Some write to change the world. Some write<br />
to find meaning. Humans have a built-in need to make our mark<br />
on the world. This S/DG is an invitation to writers to come together,<br />
study the craft of writing, share ideas and share their actual writing<br />
with others.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
Making a Literary Life: Advice for<br />
Writers and Other Dreamers,<br />
by Carolyn See (August 13, 2002)<br />
(YPO) Why Poetry<br />
Matthew Zapruder, an award-winning poet and professor in the<br />
MFA program at Saint Mary’s College of California, provides insight<br />
that leads his readers through many well-known poets and poems.<br />
As an astute teacher and writer, he reminds us to seek depth in<br />
words that shine forth, activate and light up understanding.<br />
The goal is to enjoy the class and find the pleasure and understanding<br />
with the cogent and lively argument that poetry truly matters<br />
and is fueled by passion rather than pretense.<br />
In a typical class meeting, two members would each choose a<br />
chapter from the book and send out to the class the discussion<br />
questions. For the presentation purposes, there would be two<br />
presenters; either one could select a poet or one or more poems<br />
for their presentation.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
Why Poetry, by Matthew Zapruder<br />
(August 15, 2017)<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 27
<strong>OLLI</strong> GOES TO CUBA!<br />
October 21-28, <strong>2018</strong><br />
Open to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members, CSUDH<br />
Campus Community and the Public!<br />
23 reserved seats are available for this<br />
tour. Please make your per person<br />
deposit today, seating is limited.<br />
Reservations: contact the <strong>OLLI</strong> Office<br />
at (310) 243-3208 or email<br /><br />
Discover Cuba:<br />
8 Day Tour from Varadero to Havana<br />
Shrouded in mystery for the last 50 years, you now have the<br />
opportunity to visit the captivating country of Cuba. This special<br />
people-to-people program allows you to share meaningful<br />
interactions with Cubans while enjoying the rich history and<br />
culture of this amazing country.<br />
On this Cuba tour, interact with Old Styler car owners, farm<br />
workers, local business owners, and community members to learn<br />
about life here through captivating educational activities and<br />
conversations. Highlights include a visit to a print shop that still<br />
employs traditional printing and binding methods; an interactive<br />
dance lesson; a ride in an Old Styler car; lunches at organic farms,<br />
where you can engage in discussions with the staff and owners<br />
about farm–to–table processes and Cuba’s free enterprise system;<br />
a visit with local children; a visit to the studio of artist José Fuster,<br />
known as the “Picasso of the Caribbean;” and a meeting with<br />
young children learning acrobatics and circus skills.<br />
You’ll also enjoy a guided walk in Old Havana, a UNESCO World<br />
Heritage Site, and a guided nature walk in Las Terrazas Biosphere<br />
Reserve, where you’ll learn about the area’s unique flora and fauna.<br />
Hemingway fans will be delighted to visit his beloved home, where<br />
he lived in Cuba for 30 years, and to see his fishing boat, El Pilar.<br />
You’ll also visit Cuba’s lush tobacco region, where you’ll even have<br />
a chance to try rolling your own cigar!<br />
All of this and more await you on this value-minded Cuba tour.<br />
You’ll come away with a deep understanding of Cuba and its<br />
people on this once-in-a-lifetime vacation experience!<br />
UNIVERSITY COURSES for <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
A program for <strong>OLLI</strong> Members who want to<br />
participate in University courses<br />
Eligibility to enroll in regular campus courses through the <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
University program for a significantly reduced fee is one of the<br />
membership benefits of <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH.<br />
The <strong>OLLI</strong> University program allows individuals to enroll in regular<br />
campus classes without being admitted to the University. Transcripts,<br />
application and other documentation are not required. However,<br />
instructor permission is required to participate in a course, and<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> University students are accepted on a space available basis.<br />
The regular Open University fee is $288 per unit, but <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
Members may audit courses for only $30 per unit.<br />
The process is easy.<br />
1. Pick up an Open University class schedule from the<br />
Extended Education Registration office.<br />
2. Find the course you would like to enroll in.<br />
3. Fill out the registration forms in the Open University<br />
class schedule.<br />
4. Bring the completed registration form to the first class<br />
meeting and ask the instructor to sign the form.<br />
5. Then return the signed and completed form to the<br />
Extended Education Registration office and pay fees.<br />
6. You will be enrolled in the course on an audit basis<br />
and receive an “AU” on your transcript for the course.<br />
Note: Enrollment as an auditor<br />
means the student does not take tests<br />
or complete graded assignments.<br />
At the discretion of the instructor an<br />
auditor may be required to participate<br />
in classroom activities.<br />
You are invited to view the<br />
Open University Class<br />
Schedule online by visiting the<br />
Extended Education website at<br /><br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Members may audit campus<br />
courses for $30 per unit.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> More.<br />
Live More.<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 29
SUMMER <strong>2018</strong> <strong>OLLI</strong> @ CSUDH INSTRUCTORS<br />
Rich Abele,<br />
Tour guide aboard the museum<br />
battleship USS IOWA (BB-61)<br />
Maria Ruiz, <strong>OLLI</strong> Member,<br />
a District Toastmasters Qualified<br />
Speaker, and the “drama guru”<br />
at the Joslyn Center<br />
Esther Bohannon,<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />
Eula Slater, <strong>OLLI</strong> Member,<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Ambassador, <strong>OLLI</strong> Curriculum<br />
Committee, Registered Dietician<br />
and <strong>OLLI</strong> Field Trip Coordinator<br />
Sylvia N. Contreras,<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Member and<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Field Trip Coordinator<br />
Robert Vatz, AARP Driver Safety<br />
Coordinator<br />
Betsey Duffes, <strong>OLLI</strong> Member,<br />
Airline Disability Rights<br />
Consultant<br />
Valerie Dingwall, <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
Member, <strong>OLLI</strong> Curriculum<br />
Committee Member and<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Field Trip Coordinator<br />
Linda Kahn,<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />
Donald Means, <strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />
and Social Tennis for Seniors’<br />
Coach<br />
Date Day Time Location Class Title Pg #<br />
NOTE: Classes in Bold indicate first meeting<br />
6-Jun Wed 10:00am-1:00pm EE-1213 Osher Film Series at CSUDH 6<br />
6-Jun Wed 1:30pm-4:00pm EE-1205 Memories of Spain 8<br />
8-Jun Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
8-Jun Fri 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1201 Let’s Read a Play! 9<br />
11-Jun Mon 10:30am-12:30pm Off Campus Greystone Mansion 16<br />
12-Jun Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
12-Jun Tue 12:30pm-2:30pm EE-1206 Crocheting for Health 12<br />
12-Jun Tue 2:30pm-3:30pm EE-1222 T’ai Chi Chuan for Beginners 11<br />
13-Jun Wed 10:00am-1:00pm EE-1213 Osher Film Series at CSUDH 6<br />
14-Jun Thu 1:00am-4:00pm EE-1213 Juneteenth Celebration 17<br />
15-Jun Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
15-Jun Fri 11:30am-1:30pm EE-1221 Fun and Games 11<br />
15-Jun Fri 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1201 Let’s Read a Play! 9<br />
18-Jun Mon 10:00am-3:30pm EE-1205 AARP Driver Safety 17<br />
19-Jun Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
19-Jun Tue 12:30pm-2:30pm EE-1206 Crocheting for Health 12<br />
19-Jun Tue 2:30pm-3:30pm EE-1222 T’ai Chi Chuan for Beginners 11<br />
20-Jun Wed 10:00am-1:00pm EE-1213 Osher Film Series at CSUDH 6<br />
22-Jun Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
25-Jun Mon 10:00am-3:30pm EE-1205 AARP Driver Safety 17<br />
26-Jun Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
26-Jun Tue 12:30pm-2:30pm EE-1206 Crocheting for Health 12<br />
26-Jun Tue 2:30pm-3:30pm EE-1222 T’ai Chi Chuan for Beginners 11<br />
27-Jun Wed 10:00am-1:00pm EE-1213 Osher Film Series at CSUDH 6<br />
27-Jun Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Finding the Pieces of the Puzzle: 13<br />
My Journey at 3877<br />
29-Jun Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
29-Jun Fri 11:30am-1:30pm EE-1221 Fun and Games 11<br />
3-Jul Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
3-Jul Tue 12:30pm-2:30pm EE-1206 Crocheting for Health 12<br />
3-Jul Tue 2:30pm-3:30pm EE-1222 T’ai Chi Chuan for Beginners 11<br />
6-Jul Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
Tennis Courts = CSUDH Tennis Courts<br />
EE = Extended Education Building, CSUDH<br />
LVCC = Los Verdes Country Club<br />
BCHC = Beach Cities Health Center<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 31
Date Day Time Location Class Title Pg #<br />
NOTE: Classes in Bold indicate first meeting<br />
6-Jul Fri 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1201 Let’s Read a Play! 9<br />
10-Jul Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
10-Jul Tue 12:30pm-2:30pm EE-1206 Crocheting for Health 12<br />
10-Jul Tue 2:30pm-3:30pm EE-1222 T’ai Chi Chuan for Beginners 11<br />
11-Jul Wed 10:00am-1:00pm EE-1213 Osher Film Series at CSUDH 6<br />
11-Jul Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1213 The Search for the USS Grunion 14<br />
(SS-216)<br />
13-Jul Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
13-Jul Fri 11:30am-1:30pm EE-1221 Fun and Games 11<br />
13-Jul Fri 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1201 Let’s Read a Play! 9<br />
17-Jul Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
17-Jul Tue 12:30pm-2:30pm EE-1206 Crocheting for Health 12<br />
17-Jul Tue 2:30pm-3:30pm EE-1222 T’ai Chi Chuan for Beginners 11<br />
18-Jul Wed 10:00am-1:00pm EE-1213 Osher Film Series at CSUDH 6<br />
20-Jul Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
24-Jul Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
24-Jul Tue 12:30pm-2:30pm EE-1206 Crocheting for Health 12<br />
25-Jul Wed 10:00am-1:00pm EE-1213 Osher Film Series at CSUDH 6<br />
27-Jul Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
27-Jul Fri 11:30am-1:30pm EE-1221 Fun and Games 11<br />
31-Jul Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
31-Jul Tue 12:30pm-2:30pm EE-1206 Crocheting for Health 12<br />
3-Aug Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
3-Aug Fri 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1201 Let’s Read a Play! 9<br />
7-Aug Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
10-Aug Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 10<br />
10-Aug Fri 11:30am-1:30pm EE-1221 Fun and Games 11<br />
10-Aug Fri 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1201 Let’s Read a Play! 9<br />
16-Aug Thu 11:00am-1:00pm Off Campus A Field trip for Genealogy Research 15<br />
Los Angeles Family Search Library:<br />
24-Aug Fri 11:30am-1:30pm EE-1221 Fun and Games 11<br />
4-Sep Tue 10:00am-12:00pm EE-1213 <strong>OLLI</strong> <strong>2018</strong> Fall Open House & Orientation<br />
Tennis Courts = CSUDH Tennis Courts<br />
EE = Extended Education Building, CSUDH<br />
LVCC = Los Verdes Country Club<br />
BCHC = Beach Cities Health Center<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Sponsors and Volunteers<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> is Looking for Volunteers<br />
If you want to get involved with the university, joining an <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
committee is a wonderful way to make this happen. <strong>OLLI</strong> is a<br />
volunteer organization that depends on the involvement of its<br />
membership to function and grow. We are looking for individuals<br />
who would like to lend their skills to the day-to-day administration<br />
of classes and to planning courses, activities and publications.<br />
Four <strong>OLLI</strong> committees currently exist, and they are…<br />
Marketing Committee: Members develop a marketing plan,<br />
advertising and choose the appropriate media to promote <strong>OLLI</strong>.<br />
This may involve distributing flyers, holding campaigns and<br />
contacting newspapers with notices of <strong>OLLI</strong> news and events.<br />
Event Planning Committee: Members are responsible for<br />
planning special events at <strong>OLLI</strong>. The special events include the<br />
Members Meeting, held in the spring, the <strong>OLLI</strong> Celebration,<br />
held in the fall, the Juneteenth Celebration held in the summer,<br />
and other events throughout the year.<br />
Ambassador Committee: Members assist with special events,<br />
reminder phone calls, special mailings, survey reviews, etc.<br />
Committee Members support <strong>OLLI</strong> instructors in class and represent<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> at designated South Bay events. Committee members are also<br />
responsible for greeting <strong>OLLI</strong> Members at meetings and events.<br />
Curriculum Committee: Members develop ideas that are the basis<br />
for courses, lectures, computer workshops, discussion groups and<br />
field trips. They identify instructors from CSUDH faculty, community<br />
experts, and <strong>OLLI</strong> Members, develop class schedules, and publish<br />
the <strong>OLLI</strong> catalog each semester.<br />
Other skills are needed and everyone brings valuable knowledge<br />
and experience to the organization. Look for calls for volunteers<br />
or call our <strong>OLLI</strong> office at (310) 243-3208 to say that you are<br />
interested in becoming an <strong>OLLI</strong> volunteer.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Sponsors<br />
& Contributors<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH Invites<br />
Sponsors and Contributors<br />
CSUDH, through the Osher Lifelong<br />
Learning Institute, provides collegelevel<br />
experiences and activities to<br />
community residents 50+ years of<br />
age who become Members.<br />
Individuals, businesses, and<br />
organizations who wish to support<br />
the goal of expanding <strong>OLLI</strong> programs<br />
to meet the intellectual and social<br />
needs of older learners, please contact<br />
the <strong>OLLI</strong> office at (310) 243-3208 or<br /> to discuss a taxdeductible<br />
donation or sponsorship<br />
Invite your friends<br />
Save The Date!<br />
• <strong>OLLI</strong> Fall Open House<br />
Tuesday, September 4<br />
10:00am - 12:00pm<br />
Become a friend of <strong>OLLI</strong>!<br />
Donate your time<br />
and expertise.<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 33
BL<br />
110 Fwy<br />
91 Fwy<br />
AVALON<br />
405 Fwy<br />
Parking at CSUDH<br />
PCH<br />
DEL AMO<br />
710 Fwy<br />
Annual Parking<br />
Passes are available<br />
to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members for<br />
only $20.00.<br />
Call the <strong>OLLI</strong> office<br />
at (310) 243-3208<br />
for details.<br />
Please be aware that there is a daily<br />
charge of $8 to park on campus. Daily<br />
parking permits can be purchased at<br />
one of the many yellow boxes near the<br />
parking lots using cash, debit or credit<br />
card. Permits must be displayed faceup<br />
on your dashboard.<br />
Visit the <strong>OLLI</strong> website at www.csudh.<br />
edu/olli to find out about carpooling<br />
or taking public transportation to the<br />
campus.<br />
California State University,<br />
Dominguez Hills is located at:<br />
1000 East Victoria Street<br />
Carson, CA 90747<br />
Main Campus Phone Number: (310) 243-3696<br />
Extended Education Office Phone Number: (310) 243-3737<br />
Directions for reaching our campus by car:<br />
Our campus is located within five minutes of the 91, 110 and 405<br />
freeways, which makes travel to campus convenient no matter<br />
where you are coming from.<br />
From the Los Angeles Civic Center:<br />
110 South to Artesia Freeway (91) east to Avalon Blvd.<br />
Take Avalon Blvd. south to Victoria Street, turn left.<br />
The entrance to campus is a right turn at Tamcliff Avenue.<br />
From Santa Monica:<br />
10 East to San Diego Freeway (405) south toward Long Beach.<br />
Exit at Vermont Avenue off-ramp. Turn left (east) at the end<br />
of the off-ramp onto 190th Street. Follow 190th east approximately<br />
two miles to the campus (190th becomes Victoria Street).<br />
The campus entrance is a right turn at Tamcliff Avenue, the<br />
second traffic signal past Avalon Blvd.<br />
From San Bernardino:<br />
10 West to San Gabriel Freeway (605) south. Take Artesia<br />
Freeway (91) west toward Redondo Beach. Take the Central<br />
Avenue exit and turn left; turn right onto Victoria Street. The<br />
campus entrance is a left turn at Tamcliff Avenue, a traffic signal.<br />
From San Fernando Valley:<br />
405 South/101 East – Follow the San Diego Freeway (405) south<br />
toward Long Beach. Exit at Vermont Avenue off-ramp.<br />
Turn left (east) at the end of the off-ramp onto 190th Street.<br />
Follow 190th east pproximately two miles to the campus (190th<br />
becomes Victoria Street) The campus entrance is a right turn at<br />
Tamcliff Avenue, the second traffic signal past Avalon Blvd.<br />
From Anaheim:<br />
5 North to Artesia Freeway (91) west toward Redondo Beach.<br />
Take the Central Avenue exit and turn left; turn right onto<br />
Victoria Street. The campus entrance is a left turn at Tamcliff<br />
Avenue, a traffic signal.<br />
PARKING LOT 3 is the preferred parking lot for <strong>OLLI</strong> Members.<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | | (310) 243-3208 35
2258<br />
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (<strong>OLLI</strong>)<br />
College of Extended & International Education<br />
California State University, Dominguez Hills<br />
1000 E. Victoria St, EE-1300<br />
Carson CA 90747<br />
Osher<br />
Lifelong<br />
Learning<br />
Institute<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />
Course<br />
<strong>Catalog</strong><br />
June–<br />
August<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Open House<br />
Please join us and bring a guest to our <strong>OLLI</strong> open house to learn more about<br />
lifelong learning for retired and semi-retired adults. For more information<br />
or to RSVP contact <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH online at or call<br />
(310) 243-3208. You can also email us at<br />
Tuesday, June 5, <strong>2018</strong><br />
10:00am-12:00pm<br />
CSUDH Campus,<br />
Extended Education Building,<br />
EE-1213 (Auditorium)<br />
“Lifelong learning is a<br />
shared adventure”<br />
RSVP to (310) 243-3208, or by email to by<br />
May 30, <strong>2018</strong>. Directions and parking information will be provided.<br />
• Registration Drop-off<br />
You can drop off your registration after this event from 12:00pm to 1:00pm.