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© Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.)<br />

Departm<strong>en</strong>t of Preschool Education Sci<strong>en</strong>ces and Educational Design<br />

School of Humanities, University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece<br />

Demokratias Str. 1, Building «7th March»<br />

Tel. +30 2241099150 – Fax +30 2241099189<br />

Email: lab-prapl-ph@aegean.gr<br />

URL: http://www.pse.aegean.gr/labs/eerpreff/<br />

Face<strong>book</strong>: https://www.face<strong>book</strong>.com/eerpreff/<br />

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFZp_jDuuzp_M1B3XbwDk0Q<br />

Series: L.R.P.A.Ph. Τhreads days & works<br />

ISBN: 978-618-81027-6-7


Collaborators<br />

Introductory note<br />

Activities<br />

01 – 2017<br />

02 –2016<br />

03 –2015

04 – 2014<br />

05 – 2013<br />


Postscript<br />

Videos on Youtube

In the creation of the e-<strong>book</strong> “Threads: Activities of the Laboratory of Practical & Applied Philosophy, 2013-2017” have be<strong>en</strong><br />

collaborating:<br />

Εditing -supervision : prof. El<strong>en</strong>a K. Theodoropoulou<br />

Layout, typesetting, creative material processing: Katerina R<strong>en</strong>ti, Phd (c), University of the Aegean<br />

In the L.R.P.A.Ph’s material creation & organization for the period 2014-2017 have be<strong>en</strong> collaborating:<br />

Web design: Vassilis Kassapidis, MSc/M.ed<br />

Cont<strong>en</strong>t design and arrangem<strong>en</strong>t : Prof. El<strong>en</strong>a K. Theodoropoulou<br />

L.R.P.A.Ph’s Logo Design : Chryssa Pagkalou, M. Ed., Univesity of the Aegean<br />

Poster’s, <strong>book</strong>mark’s, cover’s design:<br />

Aegean<br />

prof. El<strong>en</strong>a K. Theodoropoulou & El<strong>en</strong>a Nikolakopoulou, Phd (c), University of the<br />

Web page’s texts, activitie’s abstracts & reports composition: prof. El<strong>en</strong>a K. Theodoropoulou<br />

Translations: Elisavet Giamakidou (M. Ed., University of Nicosia), P<strong>en</strong>elope Konstantelopoulou (M. Ed. University of Rou<strong>en</strong>),<br />

Arg<strong>en</strong>tini Nomikou (Phd (c), University of the Aegean ), El<strong>en</strong>a Papanicolaou (PhD, National and Kapodistrian University of<br />

Ath<strong>en</strong>s / Mmus in Classical Piano, Academy of Arts of Rotterdam ), Fani Paraforou (PhD, Ludwig Maximilians Munich<br />

University)<br />

Translations revision: prof. El<strong>en</strong>a K. Théodoropoulou

Material processing & uploading: Yakinthi Papaïoannou (Μ.ed., University of the Aegean), El<strong>en</strong>a Nikolakopoulou (Phd (c),<br />

University of the Aegean)<br />

Archiving of L.R.P.A.Ph.'s activities: Katerina R<strong>en</strong>ti, Phd (c), University of the Aegean<br />

Workshops, Seminars & Exhibitions organizational support : Vera Aggelou ( Special technical staff), El<strong>en</strong>a Nikolakopoulou,<br />

(Phd (c), University of the Aegean), Mania Monioudi (Phd (c), University of the Aegean ), Yakinthi Papaïoannou<br />

(Μ.ed., University of the Aegean), Eug<strong>en</strong>ia Patta (Phd (c), University of the Aegean), Katerina R<strong>en</strong>ti (Phd (c), University of<br />

the Aegean)<br />

Organizational coordination & Ιnterpretation: prof. El<strong>en</strong>a K. Theodoropoulou<br />

Video recording: Eug<strong>en</strong>ia Patta (Ph.D Candidate, Univ/ty of the Aegean), Katerina R<strong>en</strong>ti, Phd (c), University of the<br />

Aegean), El<strong>en</strong>a Nikolakopoulou (Phd (c), University of the Aegean), Maria D<strong>en</strong>di (M. Ed. University of the Aegean),<br />

Yakinthi Papaïoannou (Μ.ed., University of the Aegean).<br />

Composition & editing of the video : prof. El<strong>en</strong>a K. Theodoropoulou & El<strong>en</strong>a Nikolakopoulou, Phd (c), University of the<br />

Aegean<br />

Video processing: Katerina R<strong>en</strong>ti, Phd (c), University of the Aegean

Introductory note<br />

«Και γιατί να μην εφεύρουμε κάτι άλλο; Ένα άλλο σώμα; Mια άλλη ιστορία; Mιαν άλλη ερμηνεία;»<br />

«Et pourquoi ne pas inv<strong>en</strong>ter autre chose, un autre corps ? une autre histoire ? Une autre interprétation ?»<br />

«And why not inv<strong>en</strong>t something else, another body? Another history? Another interpretation?»<br />

Jacques Derrida, Prégnances, Lavis de Colette Deblé. Peintures, Mont-de-Marsan, L'Atelier des Brisants, 2004, p.<br />

13 & in: P<strong>en</strong>ser à ne pas voir. Ecrits sur les arts du visible, 1979-2004, Paris, éd. De la Différ<strong>en</strong>ce, p. 171<br />

If it’s about a procedure that is painful, pret<strong>en</strong>tious, voluntarily overlooking, manipulated and manipulative, obsessive, naive,<br />

sluggish, commonplace, demagogic, foolish and yet important, boring and at the same time pleasurable, playful and<br />

threat<strong>en</strong>ing, which has be<strong>en</strong> institutionalized in the private and public daily life, the one which distinguishes betwe<strong>en</strong> the useful<br />

and the useless, with all the reversal mechanisms that we activate in order for the useless to be named as useful and to be<br />

justified, in order for the usefulness to be constructed and be made legitimate and to disp<strong>en</strong>se with the useless (& their<br />

inversions, wh<strong>en</strong> alternatively it is turned into a fetish and sometime the useful is revolving and some other time the useless<br />

does), what is the point of keeping track and exposing the traces and the threads of a certain course? Perhaps in the case<br />

where a convincing innu<strong>en</strong>do is being made that a depiction is useful or at least it implies a history or an herm<strong>en</strong>eutical interest<br />

and deserves to be compound and rescued? Rescue what and what for? We give into wordiness and to the archival and<br />

reproductive int<strong>en</strong>tions’ pret<strong>en</strong>tiousness and we stop at an unprov<strong>en</strong> hypothesis that this is how a narrative is being made.<br />

Neither useful nor useless. All that is left to be shown is what is being narrated and why for… Otherwise it is already giv<strong>en</strong> to its<br />

shuttering and its loss.<br />

El<strong>en</strong>a K. Theodoropoulou<br />

Rhodes, 2013-2017

2016<br />

2017<br />

2015<br />

2014 2013


2016<br />

2017<br />

2015<br />

2014 2013

2016<br />

2017<br />

2015<br />

2014 2013

2016<br />

2017<br />

2015<br />

2014 2013

2016<br />

2017<br />

2015<br />

2014 2013

Postscript<br />

“Giving courses has be<strong>en</strong> a major part of my life, in which I’ve be<strong>en</strong><br />

passionately involved […] It’s like a research laboratory: you give<br />

courses on what you are investigating, not on what you know. It takes<br />

a lot of preparatory work to get a few minutes of inspiration […] A<br />

course is a kind of Sprechgesang, closer to music than to theater […]<br />

In philosophy, we rejected the principle of ‘building up knowledge’<br />

progressively: there were the same courses for first-year and nth-year<br />

stud<strong>en</strong>ts, for stud<strong>en</strong>ts and nonstud<strong>en</strong>ts, philosophers and nonphilosophers,<br />

young and old, and many differ<strong>en</strong>t nationalities. There<br />

were always young painters and musicians there, filmmakers,<br />

architects, who showed great rigor in their thinking. They were long<br />

sessions, nobody took in everything, everyone took what they needed<br />

or wanted, what they could use”.<br />

Gilles Deleuze, “On philosophy”, In: Negotiations, 1972-1990 Columbia<br />

University Press, 1995

To Manolis Kynigakis

Videos οf the<br />

Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy (LR.P.A.Ph.)

2017<br />

16th International Meeting on New Philosophical Practices at school and in the city<br />


2017<br />

Philosophical Lectern 2- Lubridiun materiae<br />


2017<br />

Cycle 3<br />

«Philosophical Objects»<br />

Aug<strong>en</strong>blick<br />


2017<br />

“Philosophical Objects”/Cycle 3<br />

Ιf<br />


2017<br />

e<br />

Performance Som Body 2<br />

a<br />


2017<br />

Exhibition-Cycle 3 “Philosophical Objects”<br />


2017<br />

Integrating Philosophy into Music: Revealing praxial aspects of teaching<br />


2017<br />

What about philosophy in education ?<br />


2017<br />

Otherness: traps and terrors of a concept<br />


2017<br />

Otherness: traps and terrors of a concept<br />


2017<br />

Interview of Prof: Pablo Flores del Rosario, ISCEM-México<br />


2016<br />

Exhibition-Cycle 2 “Philosophical Objects”<br />

Études<br />


2016<br />

Exhibition-Cycle 2 “Philosophical Objects”<br />

Tongues<br />


2016<br />

Exhibition-Cycle 2 “Philosophical Objects”<br />

Hidd<strong>en</strong><br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGdgyvCqZdY&index=15&list=UUFZp_<br />


2016<br />

e<br />

Performance Som Body 1<br />

a<br />


2016<br />

The phantom- ship/vessel from the philosophical object to the object of aesthetics” (Phase 2)<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwem6x6PN5g&index=14&list=UUFZp_jDuuz<br />


2016<br />

Exhibition-Cycle 2 “Philosophical Objects”<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2uiDredP2o&list=UUFZp_jDuuzp_M1B3XbwD<br />


2016<br />

“Days of Workshops”, 4rth Cycle. Philosophical Body. Body in Education 2<br />


2015<br />

The well-being in the school: philosophical readings<br />


2015<br />

The well-being in the school: philosophical readings/Leros<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOxJWu3EZKc&list=UUFZp_jDuuzp_M1B3<br />


2015<br />

Interview of Prof. Marina Santi, University of Padova, Italy<br />


2015<br />

Ethics in education. Philosophical tracings and clearings<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrpBAzsFCMM&index=21&list=UUFZ<br />


2015<br />

Ethics in education. Philosophical tracings and clearings<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNq99b_ogaY&index=18&list=UUFZp_jD<br />


2015<br />

Ethics in education. Philosophical tracings and clearings<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNq99b_ogaY&list=UUFZp_jDuuzp_M1B3<br />


2014<br />

Text, discourse, dialogue: from literature to philosophy<br />


2013<br />

Εntreti<strong>en</strong> de la Edwige Chirouter, Maître de Confér<strong>en</strong>ces HDR, Université de Nantes<br />


2012<br />

Interview of Prof. Daniela G. Camhy, University of Graz, Austria<br />


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