Cease, Cows

Mother's Day Issue 2018

Mother's Day Issue 2018


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Eighth Month Swelter | Caroljean Gavin<br />

Backyard dogs bark at lightning bugs.<br />

Closed windows do nothing.<br />

My bed is my aching island,<br />

Kicked off, wadded up blankets bluff the edge, still,<br />

Heat rises, rises, rises off my skin,<br />

And the ceiling fan blows it back down in.<br />

Even the son inside is restless<br />

Rolling and rippling,<br />

Tossing and turning,<br />

Swearing and sobbing.<br />

Even he can feel the devil hanging in the humidity.<br />

We are being patient.<br />

We are waiting, waiting, waiting for<br />

That cool hand to deliver us from summer.<br />


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