Pegasus Post: May 15, 2018

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TUESDAY, MAY <strong>15</strong>, <strong>2018</strong><br />

Locally Owned<br />

www.star.kiwi<br />

jo<br />

hayes<br />

christchurch east<br />

Call to make an<br />

appointment<br />

P: 384 9459<br />

Call for lower speed limit<br />

Stanmore Rd petition gains<br />

momentum<br />

Shot at world cup glory<br />

Parker to tee off against the<br />

best juniors<br />

www.national.org.nz<br />

• By Georgia O’Connor-Harding<br />

A GROUP of passionate<br />

gardeners has reached a<br />

milestone – one year of growing<br />

a community garden in the red<br />

zone.<br />

The Richmond Community<br />

Garden celebrated its first<br />

birthday last week, marking a<br />

Page 3 Page 13<br />

HOORAY: The Richmond Community Garden celebrated turning one last week. (From left): Co-founders Hayley Guglietta, Trisha<br />

Wells, Cathy Allden, garden coordinator Rachel Thwaites and co-founder Julie Crook with Ashley the scarecrow.<br />


Birthday celebrations at community garden<br />

Poto WILLIAMS<br />

MP for Christchurch East<br />

For information and advice:<br />

P 03 382 0288<br />

E poto.williams.mp@parliament.govt.nz<br />

Electorate office: 133 Brighton Mall<br />

PO Box 18898<br />

New Brighton 8641<br />

Office Hours<br />

Monday - Friday<br />

9:30 - 3:00pm<br />

Authorised by Poto Williams, Parliament Buildings, Wellington<br />

year since it was granted a lease<br />

to develop .4ha of red zone<br />

property in front of Avebury<br />

House.<br />

Land Information New<br />

Zealand leased the biggest<br />

piece of land it had ever leased<br />

to a community group last<br />

year.<br />

But the garden was so successful<br />

the lease was adjusted in six<br />

months to .8ha.<br />

Co-founder Cathy Allden<br />

said she thinks the group is<br />

very lucky to have the calibre of<br />

volunteers it has.<br />

“Because we have been on this<br />

journey post-earthquake together<br />

we are a really tight group<br />

and I think that is something<br />

powerful and you can’t recreate<br />

the right people, the right time<br />

and the right circumstance,” she<br />

said.<br />

The group has been through<br />

its ups and downs with thieves<br />

stealing more than $550 of garden<br />

tools from its storage shed<br />

earlier this year.<br />

•Turn to page 8<br />

Authorised by Jo Hayes<br />

Unit 6/950 Ferry Road, Christchurch<br />

Business<br />

owners not<br />

confident<br />

regeneration<br />

plans will<br />

go ahead<br />

• By Georgia O’Connor-Harding<br />

SLOW PROGRESS to recover<br />

New Brighton’s commercial<br />

centre has left businesses<br />

lacking confidence the city<br />

council will follow through on<br />

its plans.<br />

It has been more than three<br />

years since the city council approved<br />

the New Brighton Centre<br />

Master Plan.<br />

It planned to extend Oram Ave<br />

through to the main thoroughfare<br />

of Hawke St, creating a new<br />

north-south shopping and entertainment<br />

precinct, sheltered from<br />

the easterly wind.<br />

Development Christchurch Ltd<br />

has been tasked as the lead agency<br />

for the regeneration.<br />

Businesses have been left “disheartened”<br />

and are questioning if<br />

the city council will carry through<br />

on its plans.<br />

Coupland’s Bakeries New<br />

Brighton store manager Cherie<br />

Douglas said from what she has<br />

seen since the earthquakes she<br />

is not confident the plan will be<br />

implemented.<br />

“People are just disheartened<br />

. . . they don’t want to come this<br />

way. The roads are absolutely rubbish,”<br />

she said.<br />

•Turn to page 7<br />

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2 Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

from the reporter’s desk<br />

THE BLEAK outlook businesses have over New Brighton’s<br />

future means action to revive the area needs to be taken now<br />

more than ever.<br />

The fact is some businesses, such as Crema Cafe, are only staying<br />

in the area in the hope that the city council and Development<br />

Christchurch Ltd will do something to improve it.<br />

The New Brighton Centre Master Plan, approved in 20<strong>15</strong>, gave<br />

businesses vision and hope.<br />

But now, three years down the line, businesses are in need of<br />

more assurance the city council’s plans will get under way soon<br />

so they can continue to invest in the area.<br />

New Brighton has great potential and the city council’s plans<br />

have the power to transform it into a thriving hub.<br />

Let’s hope something happens sooner rather than later.<br />

– Georgia O’Connor-Harding<br />

get in touch<br />

GENERAL ENQUIRIES Ph 379 7100<br />


The Christchurch Star Company Ltd<br />

PO box 1467, Christchurch<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

News<br />

Peni’s life changing experience in bush<br />

Find out how a Haeata Community Campus student has<br />

walked away with a new perspective on life after taking part<br />

in a popular outdoor adventure programme.<br />

Page 10<br />

Sports<br />

SBHS lose another close contest<br />

All the match details from Shirley Boys’ High School’s<br />

second half rally which wasn’t quite enough to beat Lincoln<br />

Combined on Saturday.<br />

Page <strong>15</strong><br />

Community events<br />


New Brighton book discussion<br />

Go along to the New Brighton Library Book Discussion<br />

Group if you love reading and want to share in a discussion<br />

with others.<br />

NEWS<br />

Georgia O’Connor-Harding<br />

Ph: 364 7438<br />

georgia.oconnor@starmedia.kiwi<br />


Elaine Moon<br />

Ph: 364 7436<br />

elaine.moon@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Page 18<br />

The best-read local newspaper, delivered to<br />

<strong>15</strong>,657 homes every Tuesday<br />

Linwood, Avonside, Richmond, Shirley, Burwood, Dallington,<br />

Wainoni, Bromley, Aranui, Avondale, Bexley, New Brighton,<br />

Northshore, Queenspark, Parklands, South Brighton.<br />

public<br />

meeting<br />

Tuesday, 22 <strong>May</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

at 7.30pm<br />

(Refreshments from 7.<strong>15</strong>pm)<br />

charlesworth Wetland Reserve<br />

monitoring Results<br />

Ecologist Denise Ford will present her<br />

finding after 2 years of monitoring this<br />

restored wetland. You will be amazed to hear<br />

the number of creatures she has found now<br />

that the wetland has been restored.<br />

AND<br />

Sustainability of Shellfish take<br />

in the estuary<br />

Canterbury University Student<br />

Stephanie Hampson will present her survey<br />

results to help us understand what shellfish<br />

is being gathered and for what purpose.<br />

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LEARN<br />



Mt Pleasant Community Centre<br />

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PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 3<br />

News<br />

Stanmore Rd petition gains momentum<br />

Resident calls<br />

for 30km/h<br />

speed limit<br />

• By Sophie Cornish and Georgia<br />

O’Connor-Harding<br />

A PETITION to address safety<br />

concerns at a “dangerous”<br />

pedestrian crossing on Stanmore<br />

Rd is gaining traction.<br />

More than 500 signatures have<br />

been gathered by Richmond<br />

resident Gillian<br />

Sheard in a bid<br />

to slow traffic<br />

down and make<br />

the crossing more<br />

visible to drivers.<br />

She is calling<br />

Deon<br />

Swiggs<br />

for the speed on<br />

Stanmore Rd to<br />

be reduced from<br />

50km/h to 30km/h.<br />

Ms Sheard is also pushing<br />

for the pedestrian crossing to<br />

either be raised or have traffic<br />

lights placed at the Stanmore Rd/<br />

Avalon St corner.<br />

“I am scared like anything<br />

there is going to be a near death<br />

of major accident,” she said.<br />

Ms Sheard said there are a lot<br />

of elderly and disabled people in<br />

the area and she wants everyone<br />

ADVOCATE: Richmond resident Gillian Sheard has started a<br />

petition to address safety concerns at a pedestrian crossing<br />

on Stanmore Rd.<br />


to be safe. The pedestrian<br />

crossing has been a concern for<br />

more than two years and<br />

Ms Sheard first raised her<br />

concerns to the city council in<br />

2016.<br />

She believes the problem is<br />

drivers are too concerned about<br />

getting through the intersection<br />

of North Avon Rd and Stanmore<br />

Rd and are not looking for pedestrians.<br />

About <strong>15</strong>,000 vehicles<br />

use the road daily.<br />

City council transport operations<br />

manager Steffan Thomas<br />

said staff had considered options<br />

to reduce the safety risk and<br />

the recommendation is to not<br />

upgrade the crossing.<br />

This was due to its relatively<br />

low-use, no pedestrian-related<br />

crashes, and to ensure safety<br />

improvement funds are allocated<br />

wisely.<br />

He said there is no justification<br />

to reduce Stanmore Rd to<br />

30km/h or plans to upgrade the<br />

crossing in the future.<br />

The owner of Stanmore Rd’s<br />

The Sideline Sports Bar, Nikki<br />

Bradley, said she has been there<br />

for five years and has seen a lot of<br />

people nearly hit on the crossing.<br />

“It is a very dangerous crossing<br />

. . . if you walked out onto it<br />

expecting them to stop you are<br />

playing with your life as far as I<br />

am concerned,” she said.<br />

Miss Bradley said she would<br />

like to see a similar design to the<br />

pedestrian crossing on Williams<br />

St in Kaiapoi, where the footpath<br />

is built out onto the road to make<br />

pedestrians more visible.<br />

She is “shocked” nothing has<br />

been done about it.<br />

Blue Tiki Hair owner Juanita<br />

Scandrett said the crossing is just<br />

the “tip of the iceberg” and the<br />

whole area is “downtrodden”.<br />

City councillor Deon Swiggs<br />

said some simple things can<br />

be done to make it more noticeable.<br />

•HAVE YOUR SAY: Do you<br />

think the Stanmore Rd crossing<br />

near North Avon Rd is<br />

dangerous? Email your views<br />

to georgia.oconnor@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Local<br />

News<br />

Now<br />

In Brief<br />

Fire rages, homes at risk<br />


A community engagement<br />

meeting allowing Richmond<br />

residents to drop in and discuss<br />

issues with city councillors will<br />

be held tonight. Residents will<br />

have the opportunity to speak<br />

to city councillors, including<br />

Pauline Cotter, Deon Swiggs<br />

and Papanui -Innes Community<br />

Board chairwoman Ali Jones.<br />

It will be held from 6-8pm<br />

at Avebury House, Eveleyn<br />

Couzins Ave.<br />


The city council has confirmed<br />

work on Dudley Creek will be<br />

finished by the end of August,<br />

bringing a reduced flood risk to<br />

more than 585 properties. With<br />

the work completed to date, and<br />

the city council’s food intervention<br />

policy, the city council has<br />

reduced the risk to all houses in<br />

the Flockton area that were previously<br />

at risk of frequent flooding.<br />

For more information, go to<br />

www.ccc.govt.nz/dudleycreek<br />


The public can have a say on the<br />

proposed 40km/h speed limit<br />

in the Prestons subdivision.<br />

To give your feedback, go to<br />

www.ccc.govt.nz/the-council/<br />

consultations-and-submissions/<br />

haveyoursay/show/148<br />

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MAY<br />

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Tom<br />

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4 Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

our Local Views<br />

Community space wanted<br />

Dallington<br />

Residents’<br />

Association<br />

chairwoman<br />

Bebe Frayle<br />

writes about<br />

the suburb’s<br />

need to<br />

for a new<br />

community hub<br />

The people of Dallington have<br />

been deeply affected by the earthquakes.<br />

Two-thirds of the area has been<br />

depopulated in the development of<br />

residential red zone, and traditional<br />

community meeting places that<br />

were important for community<br />

connectedness were lost.<br />

This has created fragmentation<br />

and social isolation in our community<br />

– we do not have a place to<br />

meet, to gather, to talk about our<br />

issues.<br />

We have watched with interest as<br />

other areas have had beautiful new<br />

community spaces built.<br />

We do not begrudge them, but<br />

many Dallington residents feel that<br />

they have been left out of the postearthquake<br />

community regeneration.<br />

Looking at the Long Term Plan,<br />

it does not seem that this trend is<br />

going to change.<br />

There is no capital expenditure allocated<br />

to the Burwood Ward in the<br />

LTP for community initiatives.<br />

We felt that we have waited<br />

patiently for our turn, but that our<br />

turn may never come.<br />

The Coastal-Burwood<br />

Community Board has been<br />

provided funding for a feasibility<br />

study to consider locations and uses<br />

of a community facility, but there<br />

is little point in completing this if<br />

there is no funding available for us<br />

to built our hub.<br />

We recognise that it is not possible<br />

for every suburb in the east to get<br />

new community facilities.<br />

So, we have been working collaboratively<br />

with the residents associations<br />

in Burwood and Avondale to<br />

think of ways to get a community<br />

hub for our residents.<br />

Our community is prepared to<br />

think creatively to get the community<br />

space we need, but this will only<br />

get us so far.<br />

We don’t have the resources to<br />

raise our own community centre -<br />

we need the city council’s help with<br />

this.<br />

We are ready to move on, and we<br />

are looking forward – soon there<br />

will be a green spine winding its way<br />

through our community, and great<br />

opportunities will come with this.<br />

We said:<br />

The New Brighton community<br />

fridge is feeding<br />

80-100 families a day<br />

You said:<br />

Claire Arthurs – All food<br />

banks have the problem of<br />

those who don’t really need it<br />

taking it. I spoke to one charity<br />

nearly 20 years ago about<br />

this, said they were aiming to<br />

have a cross-charity database<br />

to prevent people doing their<br />

“weekly shop” at food banks.<br />

Last I heard, this was not<br />

established. However, most<br />

users are genuine.<br />

Heidi Meinzer – Sad that<br />

it also has people who don’t<br />

even need it come and take<br />

the food. It’s a great idea but<br />

really needs to be controlled<br />

more.<br />

Sandie Stewart – I think<br />



June 29 - July 1 10AM - 5PM<br />

TICKETS ONLINE: starhomeshow.kiwi<br />

FOUNDER:<br />

Trudy Burrows<br />

formed the<br />

New Brighton<br />

community<br />

fridge concept<br />

last year which<br />

now feeds<br />

about 80-<br />

100 families<br />

daily. PHOTO:<br />

MARTIN<br />

HUNTER<br />

it’s a wonderful idea,well<br />

done, sad that some people<br />

take advantage, there are so<br />

many needy.<br />

Nicole Quilter – This is<br />

wonderful! Do you accept<br />

fresh baking?<br />

Ailsa Lee – Wonderful<br />

work. Bless you for it.<br />

Lauren Johnston – Such<br />

a great idea.<br />

Candyce Kamo-Collie –<br />

Beautiful.<br />

Arona Fiaalii – Good local<br />

bollos.<br />




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Open Monday to Friday 9am-4pm & Saturday 10am-4pm<br />




Charlesworth Street, off Ferry Road<br />

(next to Trees for Canterbury Native Tree Nursery)<br />

Sunday, 20 <strong>May</strong> 10.00am - 12.00 noon<br />

What to Bring?<br />

Gloves, Suitable Footwear, Water Bottle, Hat, Jacket<br />

Free<br />

Spot prizes for children<br />

Supported by<br />

CCC Park Rangers / Trees for Canterbury<br />

Environment Canterbury and the Rata Foundation Trust<br />


PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 5<br />

News<br />

Old Aranui Primary may rise again<br />

• By Sophie Cornish and Georgia<br />

O’Connor-Harding<br />

A CHURCH has expressed<br />

an interest in using the former<br />

Aranui Primary School site.<br />

St George’s/Iona Presbyterian<br />

Church on Breezes Rd is looking<br />

at purchasing the school site<br />

when it becomes available.<br />

Reverend Sheena Dickson has<br />

described it as a “brave and bold<br />

move” for the small parish of 25.<br />

“What we are thinking of is<br />

a place for the community to<br />

worship . . . the possibilities are<br />

exciting,” she said.<br />

The church’s former site<br />

was severely damaged in the<br />

February 22, 2011, earthquake<br />

and it currently doesn’t have a<br />

permanent place to worship.<br />

The city council currently allows<br />

the church a permit to use<br />

a house on Pages Rd, but it will<br />

run out soon.<br />

It also shares its spaces with<br />

parishes, including the New<br />

Brighton Union Church and<br />

Linwood Avenue Union Church.<br />

The school site, located on 257<br />

Breezes Rd, is currently being<br />

passed on from the Ministry of<br />

Education to Land Information<br />

New Zealand to start the disposal<br />

process.<br />

The MoE is determining if<br />

the site is required for another<br />

POTENTIAL: St George’s/Iona Presbyterian Church has<br />

expressed an interest in purchasing the former Aranui Primary<br />

School site when it becomes available.<br />

public work. The primary school<br />

closed in 2016 when it merged<br />

with Aranui High, Avondale<br />

Primary and Wainoni School<br />

to form Haeata Community<br />

Campus.<br />

Rev Dickson said the church<br />

would like to keep the existing<br />

tenants on the school site as<br />

it wants to be “engaged in the<br />

community as much as possible.”<br />

The site is currently used<br />

by under-five parenting programme,<br />

The Incredible Years,<br />

and alternative education programme,<br />

Te Kupenga o Aranui.<br />

“It is very tentative at the moment<br />

for us . . . we would have<br />

to have huge support from the<br />

wider church,” Rev Dickson<br />

said.<br />

Coastal-Burwood Community<br />

Board member Tim Baker believes<br />

the idea “will be brilliant”<br />

and a “massive<br />

benefit to the<br />

community.”<br />

Mr Baker<br />

said retirement<br />

villages are lacking<br />

in the area<br />

and people are<br />

being forced to<br />

move out of their<br />

communities to<br />

receive this care.<br />

“They are trying to stay in<br />

their houses for as long as<br />

Tim Baker<br />

they can because they don’t want<br />

to move out of their communities.”<br />

He believes it would be a waste<br />

of money to pull the school<br />

buildings and hall down.<br />

“If (the church) bought the<br />

site, they could use the buildings<br />

and hall for church purposes,<br />

and rooms could also be rented<br />

to tenants, some of which are<br />

already there.”<br />

A timeline of when the property<br />

will be purchased could not<br />

be confirmed.<br />

Local<br />

News<br />

Now<br />

Organisation<br />

receives<br />

boost from<br />

engineering firm<br />

Fire rages, homes at risk<br />


Syndrome Association has<br />

received a boost of $12,420 from<br />

structural engineering firm<br />

Constructure.<br />

To celebrate its 10th anniversary,<br />

Constructure launched a<br />

Givealittle page in April, inviting<br />

its customers to donate to a good<br />

cause as an ‘unorthodox birthday<br />

present.’<br />

The firm donated $10,000 and its<br />

clients donated $2420.<br />

Constructure founder Cory Bedford<br />

said he was excited that his<br />

clients got into the spirit.<br />

“I really want to thank all our<br />

customers for their generosity that<br />

will make a big difference for a<br />

small local charity like the CDSA.”<br />

The CDSA provides support,<br />

education, and advocacy to its<br />

members, their families and wider<br />

community.<br />

Said CDCA chairwoman Diane<br />

Mulholland: “We are just overwhelmed<br />

and grateful that this<br />

amazing gift got even bigger.”<br />

The $10,000 gift was not chosen<br />

randomly but symbolises the<br />

target of 10,000 projects the Constructure<br />

team wanted to complete<br />

by the anniversary date.<br />

WIN<br />




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6 Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />



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PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 7<br />

News<br />

‘All Blacks of singing’<br />

win 11th national<br />

Sweet Adelines title<br />

WINNING IS now second<br />

nature for the Christchurch<br />

City Chorus, which took home<br />

the national Sweet Adelines<br />

competition title for the 11th<br />

time.<br />

The group has finished first<br />

in every national barbershop<br />

competition it has entered since<br />

forming in 1987, and has been<br />

referred to as the “All Blacks of<br />

singing.”<br />

Singing under the direction<br />

of musical director Virginia<br />

Humphrey-Taylor, the team is<br />

made up of 130 women, mainly<br />

from Christchurch.<br />

In the competition held earlier<br />

this month, contestants were<br />

assessed by four international<br />

judges from the United States<br />

and Sweden.<br />

Said Ms Humphrey-Taylor:<br />

“The judges were excited to see<br />

a performance of such a high<br />

international level. The beautiful<br />

singing and the high energy field<br />

that was delivered was thoroughly<br />

enjoyed.”<br />

As the national champion,<br />

the group will represent New<br />

Zealand at the Sweet Adelines<br />

international competition in<br />

New Orleans next year.<br />

•Would you love to sing in<br />

a four-part harmony? Join<br />

the Christchurch City Chorus<br />

at its free open night on <strong>May</strong><br />

23 at 8pm at the Harmony<br />

Church, 220 Antigua St.<br />


The<br />

Christchurch<br />

City Chorus<br />

has won the<br />

national Sweet<br />

Adelines<br />

competition<br />

for the<br />

11th time.<br />



•From page 1<br />

But the city council’s head of<br />

urban regeneration, urban design<br />

and heritage Carolyn Ingles said<br />

the plan has not been deferred.<br />

“The draft LTP allocates more<br />

than $4.5 million in funding to<br />

upgrade Marine Pde and Brighton<br />

Mall . . . and for tree pits and<br />

rain gardens in the commercial<br />

centre,” she said.<br />

The plan also includes additional<br />

funding for New Brighton<br />

projects over the next three years<br />

including $9.7 million for phase<br />

one of the hot water salt pools,<br />

the South New Brighton Park<br />

Development and the Pages Rd<br />

Bridge replacement.<br />

Ms Ingles said the master plan<br />

always anticipated projects would<br />

be delivered over a short, medium<br />

and long-term time-frame.<br />

It comes after Eastern Vision<br />

raised concerns over the master<br />

plan’s progress to the city council’s<br />

Long Term Plan <strong>2018</strong>-2028.<br />

In a submission it said, if the<br />

plan is not moved forward, “irreparable<br />

damage will be done to<br />

the communities and businesses<br />

served by this hub”.<br />

Eastern Vision spokesman<br />

Evan Smith told <strong>Pegasus</strong> <strong>Post</strong><br />

the master plan has never been<br />

delivered on, a part from on the<br />

foreshore.<br />

He said when he talks to<br />

business, landowners and community<br />

organisations they are<br />

very “disillusioned” and have no<br />

confidence in the city council or<br />

DCL.<br />

Mr Smith said there was a<br />

“large outcry” from New Brighton<br />

in the last LTP.<br />

“This time they are so disillusioned,<br />

so disengaged with the<br />

process they thought why even<br />

bother to say anything anymore.<br />

They have given up,” he said.<br />

So far, as part of the plans the<br />

New Brighton Beachside Playground<br />

has been completed and<br />

work is yet to begin on the New<br />

Brighton hot pools.<br />

Mrs Douglas said while<br />

the playground is “lovely” for<br />

residents, it is not going to bring<br />


June 29 - July 1 10AM - 5PM<br />

TICKETS ONLINE: starhomeshow.kiwi<br />

Businesses ‘disillusioned’ with council<br />

LITTLE HOPE: New Brighton businesses are not expecting<br />

the city council and Development Christchurch Ltd to follow<br />

through on the New Brighton Centre Master Plan.<br />

people into the area.<br />

Crema Cafe owner Raj Kaur<br />

said the only reason she is keeping<br />

the business is the hope the<br />

city council will improve the<br />

area.<br />

“I hope they do something. It is<br />

really heartbreaking,” she said.<br />

But city councillor Glenn Livingstone<br />

said he thinks progress<br />

is going well with the playground<br />

already in place and progress on<br />

the hot pools under way.<br />

•HAVE YOUR SAY: Do you<br />

have confidence the city<br />

council will carry through<br />

on the New Brighton Centre<br />

Master Plan? Email your<br />

views to georgia.oconnor@<br />


8 Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

News<br />

Local<br />

News<br />

Now<br />


Fire rages, homes at risk<br />

Surf lifesavers up for awards<br />

PEGASUS CLUBS are wellrepresented<br />

with finalists<br />

in the <strong>2018</strong> Surf Life Saving<br />

Canterbury-Tasman awards of<br />

excellence.<br />

New Brighton (four), North<br />

Beach, (seven), Waimairi (eight),<br />

Spencer Park (five) and South<br />

Brighton surf lifesaving clubs are<br />

all up for awards on Saturday.<br />

Every year, regional awards of<br />

excellence ceremonies are held<br />

around the country to officially<br />

recognise SLSNZ members for<br />

their work and dedication.<br />

The Canterbury-Tasman<br />

awards will be held at Sixty6 in<br />

the Christchurch Casino and<br />

include lifeguards from the<br />

South Brighton, New Brighton,<br />

North Beach, Waimairi, Taylors<br />

Mistake, Sumner, Spencer Park,<br />

Waikuku, Rarangi, Nelson,<br />

Buller, Nelson and Kotuku clubs.<br />

The evening will begin with<br />

the presentation of service<br />

awards, followed by the top junior<br />

and senior age group awards.<br />

Then all the champions’ trophies<br />

will be presented from the<br />

Canterbury championships held<br />

during the past season, followed<br />

by the presentation of major<br />

sporting and lifesaving awards,<br />

such as the lifeguard of the year<br />

and volunteer of the year.<br />

The evening will conclude with<br />

the announcement of club of the<br />

year.<br />

The winners of each category<br />

from the awards are then automatically<br />

selected as finalists in<br />

the national SLSNZ awards of<br />

excellence in September, where<br />

national award winners are announced.<br />

AWARDS NOMINEES: Surf lifesavers from clubs in the <strong>Pegasus</strong> area look set to scoop plenty of<br />

awards at the regional awards night later this month.<br />


Awards finalists:<br />

•Coach of the year<br />

Ben Grant – Waimairi<br />

Dave Smith – Taylors Mistake<br />

Mark Robberds – Sumner<br />

James Gaskell – New Brighton<br />

Peter Stevenson – Waikuku<br />

•Te Onepoto – junior surf<br />

coaching<br />

Kirsty Cullen – New Brighton<br />

Adam Leatherland – South<br />

Brighton<br />

Craig and Tisha Jamieson –<br />

Taylors Mistake<br />

David Jones – Sumner<br />

Dean Le Warne – North Beach<br />

Mike Walker – Waimairi<br />

•Rookie lifeguard of the year<br />

Brieanna Cox – Taylors Mistake<br />

Callum Sullivan-Roberts –<br />

New Brighton<br />

Cheyne Milligan – North<br />

Beach<br />

Tim Currey – Spencer Park<br />

Charlie Cadillac – Sumner<br />

•Instructor/examiner of the<br />

year<br />

Linda Poulsen – Spencer Park<br />

Kate Jamieson – Taylors Mistake<br />

Caitlin Ruddle – Waimairi<br />

Jake Koekemoer - Sumner<br />

•Lifeguard of the year<br />

Justice Shaw-Cross – Spencer<br />

Park<br />

Patrice de Beer – Taylors<br />

Mistake<br />

Fraser Smith – Waimairi<br />

Harry Taylor – Sumner<br />

Mikeely Milligan – North<br />

Beach<br />

•Sports person of the year<br />

Louis Clark – Taylors Mistake<br />

Xyron Burns – North Beach<br />

•Sports team of the year<br />

Sumner – under-16 board relay<br />

team<br />

Taylors Mistake – open men’s<br />

taplin team<br />

North Beach – Under-19<br />

women’s surf boat team<br />

Waimairi – open women’s<br />

canoe team<br />

New Brighton – open women’s<br />

surf boat<br />

Nelson – under-20 women’s<br />

IRB team<br />

•Surf official of the year<br />

Lance Cleeve – Waimairi<br />

Tania Bailey – Waikuku<br />

•Innovation of the year<br />

Dean Le Warne – Board Fins –<br />

North Beach<br />

Aaron Harris – Development<br />

Weekends – Waikuku<br />

Tom Denman, Kate Suter,<br />

Blair Quane – Advance Life<br />

Guard team – Sumner<br />

•Regional guard of the year<br />

Fraser Smith – Waimairi<br />

Jake Simpson – Sumner<br />

Callum Jeffery – Waimairi<br />

Tom Webb – Waikuku<br />

Sam Blackmore – Spencer Park<br />

•Volunteer of the year<br />

Dean Le Warne – North Beach<br />

Sam Baker – Spencer Park<br />

Craig Jamieson – Taylors<br />

Mistake<br />

Huntley Quinn – Sumner<br />

Community garden group celebrates<br />

•From page 1<br />

The group has various projects<br />

under way including running a<br />

shop on Wednesdays and Saturdays<br />

selling feijoas, walnuts, bees<br />

wax and food wraps, kale powder<br />

and lavender cream.<br />

“People come in and buy. It<br />

is just a huge compliment<br />

people are supporting what<br />

we are doing,” Miss Allden<br />

said.<br />

The group has started a native<br />

gardening section, planted heritage<br />

and apple trees and weaved<br />

garden beds.<br />

Last week co-founder Hayley<br />

Guglietta made a submission to<br />

the city council’s Long Term Plan<br />

<strong>2018</strong>-2028 to discuss options for<br />

the garden becoming an extension<br />

of Avebury Park.<br />

It is hoping the city council<br />

will take over the land to give<br />

certainty the garden is permanent.<br />

Miss Alden said the ultimate<br />

goal is to have a clubhouse in<br />

2021 so it can do more workshops,<br />

sell produce and potentially<br />

run a bike hire, picnic areas<br />

and have a outdoor pizza oven.<br />

“We are applying for funding<br />

but the idea is we will be selfsustaining,”<br />

she said.<br />



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PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 9<br />

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10 Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

News<br />

Retirement<br />

village residents<br />

win battle over<br />

bus access<br />

DIANA ISAAC Retirement<br />

Village residents have won<br />

the battle of the buses after<br />

Environment Canterbury bent<br />

over backwards to include them<br />

on a new route.<br />

About 80 pensioners living in<br />

the retirement village on Philpotts<br />

Rd, Mairehau, presented a petition<br />

to ECan, pleading for it to<br />

reconsider route changes to the<br />

Orbiter bus which would see their<br />

closest bus stop move 900m away<br />

from the village.<br />

ECan originally proposed cutting<br />

their bus route outside the<br />

village and moving it 1km away<br />

to Innes Rd. But, during a packed<br />

meeting in the village on Friday,<br />

ECan staff presented a new route.<br />

ECan chairman Steve Lowndes<br />

said he hoped residents liked what<br />

had been planned.<br />

“I told you (at the protest) we<br />

would bend over backwards to<br />

find a solution to suit you.”<br />

The new proposal will see the<br />

No 44 Shirley bus connect close to<br />

the village, and a new stop will be<br />

provided <strong>15</strong>0m from the entrance.<br />

The bus will run every half<br />

hour, with extended hours for<br />

Diana Isaac Retirement Village<br />

staff working until 9pm.<br />

Peni gets ‘new perspective’ in bush<br />

A HAEATA Community<br />

Campus student has walked<br />

away with a new perspective on<br />

life after taking part in a popular<br />

outdoor adventure programme.<br />

Year 13 student Peni Junior<br />

Iva, aka PJ, has returned from<br />

three weeks at Outward Bound.<br />

He went with 13 other<br />

“watchmates”, all from different<br />

parts of the country, and all<br />

with their own individual<br />

backgrounds.<br />

“Everyone was different, they<br />

all had inspiring stories,” said PJ.<br />

He was awarded a scholarship<br />

to attend the 21-day course at<br />

the Outward Bound centre in<br />

Anakiwa, Queen Charlotte<br />

Sound.<br />

Its ‘school leadership’ course<br />

is designed to help young people<br />

become fitter and stronger and<br />

further develop their social<br />

skills and confidence.<br />

The outdoor experience was<br />

a highlight for PJ. “We did a<br />

lot of activities, like kayaking,<br />

tramping, rock climbing, high<br />

ropes and sailing, all of them<br />

were new for me.”<br />

Rock climbing while<br />

blindfolded gave PJ the<br />

opportunity to trust himself and<br />

trust others.<br />

“I was shaking and my arms<br />

were giving up, but once you get<br />

to the top and see the amazing<br />

IN THE WILD: Peni Junior Iva (inset) stayed in a camp like this as part of his Outward Bound<br />

experience.<br />

view, you are proud of yourself.”<br />

Learning mental toughness<br />

and how to handle frustration<br />

and anger were some key skills<br />

that PJ learnt through the<br />

various challenges.<br />

The staff taught him about<br />

“living in the moment” and<br />

“not stressing about things you<br />

cannot change”.<br />

The solo experience, which<br />

involves spending two nights<br />

and two days alone in the bush,<br />

gave PJ a chance to reflect on<br />

life.<br />

Describing the experience,<br />

PJ said “they drop you off at<br />

night, so I just focused on what<br />

I needed to do to get set up and<br />

then getting to sleep as soon as<br />

possible.”<br />

While on his own, he thought<br />

about all the good things in his<br />

life that weren’t with him there,<br />



June 29 - July 1 10AM - 5PM<br />

TICKETS ONLINE: starhomeshow.kiwi<br />

particularly his family.<br />

“I missed my nephew a lot,”<br />

he said.<br />

It was hard to say goodbye to<br />

his ‘watchmates’ but good to<br />

be home. And his family has<br />

noticed a change – they say he’s<br />

more patient.<br />

What would he say to others<br />

interested in Outward Bound?<br />

“Just do it, live in the<br />

moment,” PJ said.<br />

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PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 11<br />

Suite<br />

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12 Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />



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ONLY<br />

$349<br />

ONLY<br />

$269<br />

FROM<br />

$130<br />

ONLY<br />

$299<br />

ONLY<br />

$269<br />

ONLY<br />

$199<br />

ONLY<br />

$220<br />

Bombay<br />

Bedside<br />

ONLY<br />

$129 EACH<br />



White Bookcase/<br />

Storage Shelf<br />

800x1600x300<br />

Foundry Display<br />

Cabinet<br />

900x1800x420<br />

Timber Bookcase<br />

600x320x1200<br />

Buffet Unit<br />

<strong>15</strong>00x800x420<br />

Buffet<br />

Unit<br />

1175x<br />

430x840<br />

Nest of Tables<br />

Entertainment<br />

Unit<br />

<strong>15</strong>30x520x660<br />

Solid Timber.<br />

Buffet Unit<br />

with Wine Rack<br />

1300x840x430<br />

ONLY<br />

$199<br />

ONLY<br />

$599<br />

ONLY<br />

$199<br />

ONLY<br />

$549<br />

ONLY<br />

$399<br />

EACH<br />

ONLY<br />

$149<br />

ONLY<br />

$499<br />

Entertainment Unit<br />

1900x600x450<br />

2 Draw Entertainment Unit<br />

1200x600x450<br />

Entertainment Unit<br />

1100x400x480<br />

Entertainment Unit<br />

980x600x460<br />

Solid Timber.<br />

Hall Tables<br />

2 Drawers<br />

ONLY<br />

$279<br />

ONLY<br />

$499<br />

ONLY<br />

$399<br />

ONLY<br />

$299<br />

ONLY<br />

$299<br />

3 Piece<br />

Dining Suite<br />

600x600<br />

2 Draw Hall Table<br />

1200x810x420<br />

ONLY<br />

$379<br />

Side Cabinet<br />

600x600x450<br />

ONLY<br />

$199<br />

Hall Table<br />

<strong>15</strong>00x800x420<br />

ONLY<br />

$449<br />

Coffee Tables<br />

Solid Timber.<br />

ONLY<br />

$169<br />

1200x600<br />

ONLY<br />

$329<br />

Coffee Table<br />

1200x400x600<br />

ONLY<br />

$399<br />

ONLY<br />

$399<br />

Hall Tables<br />

3 Drawers<br />

ONLY<br />

$349<br />

7 Drawer TV/DVD Chest<br />

760x1140<br />

x410<br />

(Gap <strong>15</strong>0)<br />

Corner TV Unit<br />

1000x750x550<br />

Entertainment Unit<br />

Solid<br />

Timber<br />

Buffet<br />

Units<br />

Buffet<br />

700x<br />

320x<br />

1070<br />

ONLY<br />

$299<br />

ONLY<br />

$299<br />

ONLY<br />

$649<br />

ONLY<br />

$299<br />

ONLY<br />

$299<br />

233 STANMORE ROAD • PHONE 03 389 0536<br />


PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 13<br />

Parker to tee off against world’s best<br />

SPORTS<br />

• By Gordon Findlater<br />

CHRISTCHURCH club golfer<br />

Tom Parker will tee off with<br />

the New Zealand team at the<br />

junior golf World Cup in Japan<br />

next month.<br />

Parker will join Juliana<br />

Hung and Hiroki Miya,<br />

of the Russley club, in the<br />

seven-strong team, alongside<br />

Aucklanders Carmen Lim and<br />

Rose Zheng, Kevin Koong<br />

from North Harbour and<br />

Shaun Campbell from Bay of<br />

Plenty.<br />

The selection comes on<br />

the back of what has been<br />

a remarkably successful<br />

12 months for the three<br />

Canterbury golfers.<br />

It will be Parker’s second<br />

time competing in the<br />

tournament. Last year he<br />

finished 24th overall and<br />

helped the New Zealand boys<br />

team to finish sixth.<br />

“It’s my favourite event I’ve<br />

ever played in,” said Parker.<br />

“The course layout is<br />

awesome. It’s perfectly<br />

manicured, narrow with either<br />

tree trouble or out-of-bounds<br />

either side so you’ve got to hit it<br />

straight.”<br />

After finishing his final year<br />

SWING: Tom Parker (above) will join Hiroki Miya and Juliana Hung in the New Zealand team<br />

to tee off at the junior golf World Cup in Japan next month.<br />

at Christchurch Boys’ High<br />

School in 2017, Parker has<br />

been able to concentrate on his<br />

game before beginning college<br />

at the University of Oregon in<br />

the United States.<br />

With a strong support unit<br />

around him, he’s confident of a<br />

good result in Japan.<br />

“I feel like going back<br />

there this time I have extra<br />

confidence. . . . I’ve been there<br />

before and will be doing a few<br />

things differently this time<br />

around,” said Parker.<br />

He will be joined in the four<br />

strong boys team by Miya, who<br />

is having a year to remember<br />

after the biggest win of his<br />

young golfing career at the<br />

Faldo Series Asia grand-final<br />

in Vietnam in March.<br />

“I’m really excited. I think<br />

we have a really strong team<br />

and have an opportunity to do<br />

really well,” said Miya.<br />

Hung will look to continue<br />

a strong run of results in<br />

New Zealand and abroad when<br />

she represents the girls team.<br />

The New Zealand stroke<br />

play champion represented<br />

her country last week at<br />

the Queen Sirikit Cup –<br />

Asia-Pacific amateur ladies<br />

golf team championship in<br />

Thailand.<br />

The junior golf World Cup<br />

will feature <strong>15</strong> men’s and nine<br />

women’s teams.<br />

The tournament runs from<br />

June 10-<strong>15</strong> at the Chukyo Golf<br />

Club Ishino course.<br />

Having three Christchurch<br />

golfers named in the team is<br />

a rare accomplishment and a<br />

strong sign of a talented young<br />

crop of golfers emerging in the<br />

region.<br />

“We are very proud of the<br />

achievement to have Juliana,<br />

Tom and Hiroki selected<br />

to represent New Zealand<br />

at the junior World Cup<br />

event, it’s quite a remarkable<br />

achievement,” said Canterbury<br />

Golf development manager<br />

Rachel Thow.<br />

“These players have<br />

worked hard to earn their<br />

selection in this team and will<br />

gain valuable international<br />

experience amongst some of<br />

the best junior players in the<br />

world.”<br />

•More sport, page <strong>15</strong><br />

Welcome Phillipa Shaw<br />

The partners of Harmans are delighted to announce that Phillipa Shaw<br />

has joined the firm as an Associate and now leads our renowned Seniors<br />

Law Team. In addition to her senior law expertise, Phillipa specialises in<br />

property and private client matters, and has built a strong following of<br />

loyal clients throughout her career.<br />

P 03 352 2293 A 485 Papanui Rd, PO Box 5496, Christchurch 8542<br />

www.harmans.co.nz<br />

Cnr Keyes & Bowhill Rd<br />

North New Brighton<br />

Ph: 382 0867<br />

Email: info@framencopy.co.nz<br />

www.framencopy.co.nz<br />

Design & Print<br />

Business Cards<br />

Flyers<br />

Photocopying<br />

Typing<br />

Binding<br />

Scanning<br />

Laminating<br />

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T-Shirt Printing<br />

Signage<br />

Picture Framing<br />

and so much more…….<br />


14 Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong> <strong>15</strong><br />

SPORTS<br />

FOCUSED: Shirley’s Heneli Moala sets his sights on a loose ball.<br />

SBHS go down to Lincoln<br />

in another close contest<br />

SHIRLEY BOYS’ High School’s<br />

second half rally wasn’t enough<br />

as a late penalty saw them lose<br />

18-20 to Lincoln Combined on<br />

Saturday.<br />

SBHS had trailed 12-6 at halftime<br />

in their UC Championship<br />

round two fixture at Lincoln<br />

High School before they came<br />

to life.<br />

Two tries to open the second<br />

half saw them turn their six<br />

point deficit into a six point lead<br />

midway through the final stanza.<br />

While Lincoln replied with an<br />

unconverted try of their own,<br />

SBHS cling to a one point advantage<br />

until the final minutes.<br />

SBHS had the chance to<br />

extend their advantage with<br />

several long-range penalty goal<br />

attempts, but each failed to split<br />

the uprights. Lincoln calmly slotted<br />

the match-winner 5min from<br />

full-time.<br />

SBHS will look for their first<br />


win of the campaign when they<br />

face Marlborough Boys’ College<br />

in their annual sports exchange<br />

at home next Tuesday.<br />

•Round two results: Lincoln<br />

20, SBHS 18; Nelson<br />

College 83, Roncalli Aoraki<br />

7; Marlborough Boys 30,<br />

St Andrew’s College 17;<br />

Waimea Combined 18,<br />

Mid-Canterbury Combined<br />

<strong>15</strong>; Christ’s College 67, St<br />

Thomas of Canterbury College<br />

3; Rangiora High School<br />

20, St Bede’s College 17.<br />

•Standings: Nelson College<br />

10pts, 1; Christ’s College<br />

10pts, 2; Marlborough Boys<br />

10pts, 3; Rangiora 8pts, 4;<br />

CBHS 5pts, 5; St Bede’s<br />

5pts, 6; Lincoln 5pts, 7; St<br />

Thomas 5pts, 8; Waimea<br />

4pts, 9; SBHS 2pts, 10; Mid-<br />

Canterbury 2pts, 11; TBHS<br />

1pts, 12; St Andrew’s 0pts, 13;<br />

Roncalli 0pts, 14.<br />

GET OFF:<br />

(Above) –<br />

Tom Jack<br />

puts a<br />

determined<br />

fend on<br />

Lincoln’s<br />

Sean Lemon<br />

(Left) –<br />

Tasipale<br />

Valavala<br />

attempts<br />

to get past<br />

a Lincoln<br />

tackler.<br />

IN SPACE: Waitangi Tuisuga<br />

makes a break in midfield.<br />

style<br />

noun<br />

elegance and sophistication.<br />

synonyms: flair, grace, poise, polish, suaveness,<br />

urbanity, chic, finesse, taste, class, comfort,<br />

luxury, affluence, wealth, opulence, lavishness.<br />



16<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 17

18 Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


Kids love CASPA!<br />


Email julia.evans@starmedia.kiwi<br />

by 5pm each Friday<br />

CASPA (Creative After School<br />

Programmed Activities) incorporating<br />

PAPA JACKS offers children the opportunity<br />

to be creative, make new friends and try<br />

new experiences all within a safe, nurturing<br />

environment. CASPA offers working parents<br />

an affordable after school and school holiday<br />

programme that their kids just love!<br />

CASPA attributes its success to the variety<br />

of activities on offer as well as the convenience<br />

and affordability for parents. CASPA kids<br />

enjoy an exciting range of activities including<br />

sports, music, games, drama, arts and craft<br />

as well as fun trips. Previous themes and<br />

activities have included a Karaoke Dance<br />

Party, CASPA Fear Factor, Healthy Art, Out<br />

of Africa and hundreds of other amazing<br />

themes/activities!<br />

CASPA parents enjoy peace of mind,<br />

knowing their kids are safe and enjoying the<br />

benefits of a quality after school programme.<br />

Some parents and caregivers also enjoy<br />

government subsidies for CASPA. CASPA<br />

is Child Youth and Family approved for the<br />

OSCAR Subsidy and in some circumstances,<br />

the full CASPA fee will be covered by the<br />

subsidy.<br />

For more information or to enrol, call<br />

Caroline, Rachel or Tania on 349 9260 or<br />

visit www.caspa.org.nz<br />

New owner, familiar faces<br />

home away<br />

from home<br />


FREE hAlF DAy 20 hoURs ECE<br />

OPEN 7.30-5.30pm ALL YEAR<br />

The Enchanted Garden<br />

255 Greers Rd, Burnside<br />

Phone: 03 359 7944<br />

www.theenchantedgarden.co.nz<br />

call us<br />

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SpaceS<br />

available<br />

0-6 years<br />

facebook.com/<br />

CASPA<br />

After School<br />

& Holiday Programme<br />

Burnside-based preschool and nursery,<br />

The Enchanted Garden, was handed over<br />

to new owner-operator Debbie Taylor in<br />

October. She has been in early childhood<br />

management for over seven years and has<br />

three children of her own. Along with the<br />

familiar faces of long-time staff, Debbie’s<br />

vision is to continue the high quality care<br />

and reputation that The Enchanted Garden<br />

has maintained since 1995.<br />

The centre offers children a home away<br />

from home, with a philosophy based on<br />

holistic, individualised care. They engage<br />

higher teacher-to-child ratios to allow better<br />

care and attention. The centre is staffed with a<br />

team of professional educators and nurturers<br />

who are highly trained and passionate about<br />

creating happy experiences.<br />

The setting is warm and home-like in<br />

nature while the playground and indoor<br />

environment have been designed to allow<br />

children to safely explore and learn with<br />

confidence. This is supported by a strong<br />

curriculum designed for active and exciting<br />

play.<br />

With 10 spaces in their nursery, and 23<br />

spaces in their preschool, the centre provides<br />

the complete early childhood service. The<br />

fluidity of care allows children to form close<br />

bonds while families enjoy peace of mind.<br />

Phone (03) 359 7944 or visit their<br />

website www.theenchantedgarden.co.nz<br />

Your friendly childcare solution<br />

Creative<br />

After<br />

School<br />

Programmed<br />

Activities<br />

P: 349 9260 or 027 352 1638<br />

E: info@caspa.org.nz<br />

W: www.caspa.org.nz<br />

• We provide a safe, creative<br />

environment for 5-13 year olds<br />

• Our staff are trained<br />

• A range of fun activities<br />

• 7.<strong>15</strong>-8.30am and 3-6pm Mon-Fri<br />

• 8am-6pm Holidays<br />

• Kids just LOVE it!<br />

Incorporating<br />

Subsidies<br />

Apply<br />

Go along to the New Brighton Library Book Discussion Group. The club<br />

is for those who love reading and want to share in discussion with other<br />

friendly book-lovers. The club subscribes to the Book Discussion Scheme<br />

so there is a cost involved. Places are limited so please phone or email to<br />

inquire about availability on 941 7923.<br />

Storytimes/Wā Kōrerō<br />

Tuesday, 10.30-11am<br />

Encourage learning<br />

through a love for stories.<br />

Storytimes is an interactive<br />

programme including<br />

stories, songs, rhymes and<br />

play. This is a free session.<br />

Shirley Library, 36<br />

Marshland Rd<br />

Babytimes/Wā Pēpi<br />

Tuesday, 11.<strong>15</strong>-11.45am<br />

Encourage learning<br />

through language.<br />

Babytimes is an interactive<br />

programme including<br />

rhymes, songs, stories and<br />

play. This is a free session.<br />

Aranui Library, 109<br />

Aldershot St<br />

Scrabble Club<br />

Tuesday, 1.30-2.30pm<br />

Enjoy Scrabble? Go<br />

along to the library for a<br />

friendly game or two with<br />

other like-minded folk.<br />

Parklands Library, 46<br />

Queenspark Drive<br />

Knit ‘n’ Yarn<br />

Wednesday, 10.30-1pm<br />

Go along to Linwood<br />

Library for its friendly<br />

Craft Corner sessions.<br />

Take your knitting, crochet<br />

or other portable craft<br />

project and enjoy time<br />

with other crafters. Have<br />

a look at a range of books<br />

to get ideas for your next<br />

project. Free, beginners<br />

welcome.<br />

Linwood Library,<br />

Eastgate Shopping Centre,<br />

Buckleys Rd<br />

Rocket Club<br />

Wednesday, 3.30-4.30pm<br />

Rocket Club is a weekly<br />

after-school programme<br />

which runs during term<br />

time. All whanau are<br />

welcome to join the club<br />

and become involved in<br />

different activities based<br />

on local and current<br />

events in a fun learning<br />

environment. Homework<br />

help is available during<br />

this time. Free to attend<br />

and no bookings required.<br />

Aranui Library, 109<br />

Aldershot St<br />

CV drop-in<br />

Thursday, 10-11.30am<br />

A librarian will be onhand<br />

to assist customers<br />

who are needing help<br />

with their resume. You<br />

will receive guidance on<br />

creating, updating, and<br />

editing your CV.<br />

New Brighton Library,<br />

213 Marine Parade<br />

Game Zone @ Linwood<br />

Library<br />

Thursday, 3.30-4.30pm<br />

Go join the Linwood<br />

Library for an hour of<br />

fun. Play great favourites<br />

like Minecraft, Charades,<br />

Connect Four, Pictionary<br />

and more. Learn and<br />

develop strategies in new<br />

games such as Dutch Blitz,<br />

Heads Up, Hand and Foot,<br />

and group games. Take<br />

your friends or meet some<br />

new ones; all children<br />

aged eight to 13 welcome.<br />

No booking or payment<br />

required.<br />

Linwood Library,<br />

Eastgate Shopping Centre,<br />

Buckleys Rd<br />

Barrier-free Computing<br />

Saturday, 10am-noon<br />

Barrier Free Computing,<br />

provided by the Computer<br />

for Special Needs Trust,<br />

is an organisation that<br />

offers assistance with using<br />

computers for people<br />

experiencing a disability in<br />

a friendly and supportive<br />

setting. Their tutors will be<br />

on-hand to help beginners<br />

as well as provide<br />

assistance with email,<br />

accessing the internet,<br />

playing games, researching<br />

a homework assignment,<br />

and literacy or numeracy<br />

development. There is<br />

also the opportunity for<br />

socialising with others<br />

with similar interests.<br />

Standard library printing<br />

and copying costs apply.<br />

Free.<br />

New Brighton Library,<br />

213 Marine Parade<br />

Seaside Market<br />

Saturday, 10am-2pm<br />

Held in the Brighton<br />

Mall every Saturday.<br />

Bakery, clothing,<br />

vegetables, crafts of all<br />

kinds, food stalls, facepainting,<br />

entertainment,<br />

all just across the road<br />

from the beach and the<br />

new children’s playground.<br />

The event is free.<br />

New Brighton Pedestrian<br />

Mall, Corner Of Marine<br />

Parade and Beresford St,<br />

New Brighton<br />

Super Saturday<br />

Storytimes<br />

Saturday, 11-11.45am<br />

Encourage learning<br />

through a love for stories.<br />

Storytimes is an interactive<br />

programme including<br />

stories, songs, rhymes and<br />

play. This is a free session.<br />

Shirley Library, 36<br />

Marshland Rd<br />

The Monday Makers<br />

Club<br />

Monday, 3.30-4.30pm<br />

Go along to weekly after<br />

school-making sessions for<br />

kids. A range of activities<br />

varying in theme, week by<br />

week. Free of charge, no<br />

bookings required.<br />

New Brighton Library,<br />

213 Marine Parade

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 19<br />

386 Moorhouse Avenue, Christchurch.<br />

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Book a test drive now at Christchurch MINI Garage.<br />


30 Manchester Street, Christchurch. Ph: 03 363 7240.<br />


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*Recommended Retail Price based on a standard MINI Countryman Cooper,<br />

including GST, excluding on-road and delivery costs. New MINI’s come with MINI’s<br />

3 Year Scheduled Servicing Warranty Plan and Roadside Assistance. Model shown<br />

with optional extras. Offer ends 31 July <strong>2018</strong> or while stocks last. For full car<br />

specifications see www.MINI.co.nz.

20 Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />



Providing<br />

personalised<br />

learning<br />

experiences<br />

Selwyn House School offers a world-class education<br />

with a talented teaching staff and small class sizes<br />

which are set within a future-focused, nurturing environment.<br />

An extensive range of educational, sporting and<br />

cultural opportunities are offered for girls in Years 1 - 8.<br />

A supportive all-girl learning environment<br />

encourages girls to take risks without<br />

fear of failure and develops their love of<br />

learning. They become confident, compassionate,<br />

articulate and determined young<br />

women who have the values, skills, and<br />

attributes needed to not only achieve their<br />

goals but to make a difference in their<br />

communities. Our teachers ensure girls<br />

are inspired and committed to learning as<br />

they develop their unique way of learning<br />

and achieving. The focus across Years 1 -<br />

8 is on the growth of the developing girl<br />

encompassing intellectual, social, physical,<br />

emotional, and cultural needs.<br />

Selwyn House is committed to providing<br />

a continuum of international education.<br />

The combination of the International<br />

Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme<br />

(PYP) and our future-focused STEAM and<br />

Mechatronics curriculum ensures girls are<br />

equipped to face a continually changing<br />

world with confidence and enthusiasm.<br />

We focus on instilling strong foundations<br />

which can be successfully built upon.<br />

Core learning in reading, writing and<br />

mathematics is a priority. Specialist programmes<br />

in Art, Creative Writing, Leadership,<br />

Mechatronics, Music, Performing<br />

Arts, Physical Education, Science, Spanish<br />

and Swimming play key roles to further<br />

enhancing learning.<br />

Selwyn House provides each girl with a<br />

personalised learning experience. Each<br />

classroom and specialist teacher has the<br />

time to a foster meaningful relationships<br />

with each student. Due to our comprehensive<br />

learning environment, our girls are<br />

highly skilled, stand out among their peers<br />

and are prepared for a successful transition<br />

to secondary school.<br />

Selwyn House’s nurturing environment is<br />

apparent in all aspects of the school. In our<br />

modern and safe, family-oriented Boarding<br />

House, girls are supported by dedicated<br />

staff and tutors. Girls from across<br />

New Zealand and internationally fondly<br />

call the Boarding House, their ‘home away<br />

from home’ and easily form a sisterhood<br />

with others.<br />

We believe in the strength of tradition,<br />

the promise of the future and the power<br />

of education. For more information on<br />

the benefits of Selwyn House School or<br />

to schedule your personal tour, please<br />

contact Charlotte Johnson 03 355 7299<br />

or 022 5221863.<br />

ScholarShipS 2019<br />

We are offering an exciting range of<br />

scholarships for Year 8 students intending to<br />

enrol at Riccarton High School in 2019.<br />

• Peerswick Academic<br />

• Peerswick Sport<br />

• Peerswick Cultural<br />

Each scholarship is worth $1,000.<br />

Te Kura Tuarua o P taringamotu<br />

Applications close Monday 18 June at 4:00pm.<br />

For application forms and more information<br />

check out the school’s website:<br />

www.riccarton.school.nz/peerswick-scholarships/<br />

or contact the office.

New Zealand Schools: Public Private Partnership (PPP3)<br />



Drawing Title:<br />




Project No.:<br />

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2016-11-09 SBAG 1403<br />

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 21<br />


Ultimate campus taking shape<br />

at QEII Park<br />

Construction of the new state-of-the-art campus for<br />

Avonside Girls’ and Shirley Boys’ High Schools is progressing<br />

rapidly with opening on track for next year.<br />

Sue and John.<br />

The new campus will feature a Performing Arts Centre<br />

with a 750-seat theatre and a 200-seat theatre, a hockey<br />

turf, four sports fields, three indoor gymnasiums, a café,<br />

and a large library and learning centre.<br />

Both Avonside Girls’ Principal Sue Hume and Shirley<br />

Boys’ High School Headmaster John Laurenson are<br />

excited by the progress.<br />

“There are now more than 100 workers on site – that<br />

will peak to more than 300 in coming months. The steel<br />

framing is up and the concrete slabs are down and we<br />

can see now just how big this campus will be – it’s simply<br />

wonderful,” says John Laurenson.<br />

“You can finally see all that we have been talking about<br />

and dreaming about taking shape. We will be onsite with<br />

our students, staff and community making the most of all<br />

of the fantastic new facilities before we know it.”<br />

The campus is due to open in Term Two of 2019. It will<br />

be the first time in New Zealand’s history that two single<br />

sex schools will be co-located.<br />

John Laurenson says the co-location will enable the<br />

schools to offer students more.<br />

“Because we’re building together, we’ve been able to<br />

build bigger and better facilities.”<br />

Sue Hume says the co-location will also enable better<br />

educational opportunities.<br />

“We’ll collaborate on teaching some senior subjects,<br />

so we can offer students wider choice and there’s also<br />

the opportunity to work together on co-curricular<br />

opportunities – such as productions, sports competitions<br />

and the like.”<br />

Both principals are keen to point out that the colocation<br />

is not a merger.<br />

“We’ll still be Shirley and they’ll still be Avonside. We’ll<br />

work together, but both schools will retain their own<br />

culture, identity, staff and uniform. This is not a co-ed<br />

school,” says John Laurenson.<br />

“Research shows that single sex education benefits<br />

both boys and girls,” says Sue Hume. “Boys perform<br />

better academically and girls participate more. This new<br />

campus, has been designed so that students will still<br />

spend most of their time in a single sex environment.”<br />

Both Sue and John say the campus will be an asset the<br />

east of Christchurch will be proud of.<br />

“We’ll be right alongside the new QE2 Sport and<br />

Recreation Centre, the School of Gymnastics and have a<br />

satellite unit for Ferndale School onsite. It’s going to be a<br />

great place to learn.”<br />




Thursday 24 <strong>May</strong> <strong>2018</strong> from 5.00pm – 7.00pm<br />

The evening begins in the gymnasium at 5.00pm, with an<br />

address from the Principal Mrs Sue Hume, and student<br />

representatives. A tour of the school follows, with the<br />

opportunity to talk to teachers and students.<br />

We look forward to welcoming all prospective students and<br />

families for 2019.<br />

www.avonside.school.nz PH: 03 389 7199

22 Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />



Headache & Migraine<br />

can be treated<br />

Scm<br />

The crosses are the area of the<br />

muscle spasms (triggerpoints).<br />

The red areas is where the<br />

pain is felt.<br />

Temporalis<br />

muscle<br />

Neck muscle that causes headaches, earaches and facial pain.<br />

Most headaches and migraines are<br />

caused by an accumulation of<br />

factors. Factors like the condition<br />

of your spine, neck, jaw and face muscles,<br />

but also posture, breathing pattern and<br />

your ability to manage stress. Once the<br />

threshold is reached, you will suffer a<br />

headache. Research shows in most cases,<br />

the neck plays a significant role (Dwyer<br />

et al. 1990). Migraine sufferers who react<br />

well to migraine medication have excellent<br />

results when treated for neck dysfunction<br />

(Pavese et al. 1994).<br />

Our physiotherapists have extensive<br />

experience in treating headaches and<br />

can quickly determine what treatment is<br />

needed. This often leads to a significant<br />

decrease in both the intensity and<br />

frequency of your headaches.<br />

As physiotherapist Ietje van Stolk<br />

explains, when our muscles tighten this<br />

can refer pain to many of the areas around<br />

the face and head. Dehydration can be the<br />

catalyst for tightening the neck muscle<br />

(SCM), which causes pain in the ear,<br />

forehead and around the eye and jaw-joint<br />

areas. Tightening of the temporalis muscle<br />

can refer pain to the teeth, which can be<br />

confusing when you visit the dentist to<br />

have it checked and the dentist can’t find a<br />

reason for the recurring pain.<br />

Teeth grinding at night and teeth<br />

clenching during the day are also a major<br />

cause of muscle tightening.<br />

Physiotherapy treatment for these<br />

problems is based on deactivating the<br />

‘trigger points’ through hands-on massage<br />

therapy to relax the muscles, which is the<br />

least invasive and a very effective form<br />

of treatment. Dry needling is another<br />

technique used for muscle relaxation, and<br />

can be used with the client’s consent, Ietje<br />

says.<br />

Immediate relief is achieved by releasing<br />

your tight muscles. At the same time we<br />

work on the cause of the problem. For<br />

example, a “feedback” headband can be<br />

provided to be worn at night to help you<br />

The muscle that causes headaches and toothaches.<br />

learn not to clench your teeth while asleep.<br />

Sometimes we need to work on the neck<br />

part of your spine, where overuse or stress<br />

can cause muscles to tighten, creating pain:’<br />

Teaching self-management of stress can<br />

also be an important aspect of the total<br />

treatment, as well as teaching breathing<br />

techniques, which go hand in hand with<br />

managing stress.<br />

Our qualified physiotherapists specialise<br />

in dealing with chronic pain, such as<br />

headaches, earache, toothache, and facial<br />

and jaw pain. ………………...We can help<br />

so call us now 377 2577.<br />

Physical Sense Gym and Physio is located at 300 Colombo Street, Sydenham. The Blue Line Bus stops in front of the door and there is ample<br />

parking. To enquire about specialised exercise classes or physiotherapy treatment, phone 377-2577 or visit www.triggerpoints.co.nz<br />

JOIN US NOW!<br />

See website for details<br />

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PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 23<br />


Supporting Your<br />

Bowel & Digestive<br />

Function Helps<br />

Prevent Disease<br />

It is most important to keep the whole<br />

digestive & elimination systems of the<br />

body working efficiently. Otherwise toxins<br />

that have not been eliminated set the stage<br />

for disease. Many diseases have been linked<br />

with micro-organisms (virus) or a bacterial<br />

component. Generally these microorganisms<br />

or bacteria can only survive<br />

due to the fact that the environment they<br />

are in is suitable for their survival. Non<br />

eliminated toxins are probably one of the<br />

main causative factors for their survival.<br />

We know that when the digestive system<br />

& bowel function are poor we have many<br />

more health problems. These include<br />

arthritis, digestive problems like reflux &<br />

stomach pain, bladder infections, chronic<br />

skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis &<br />

rashes, poor eyesight, pain & inflammation,<br />

tumors & a weakened immune system just<br />

to name a few.<br />

Nature’s Sunshine LBS II contains a<br />

highly effective blend of natural herbs to<br />

support the whole digestive system & it is<br />

especially effective at cleansing the lower<br />

bowel & intestinal tract. It is commonly<br />

used for arthritis, constipation, diarrhea,<br />

digestive problems, dry stool, fever, colds &<br />

influenza, flatulence, gallstones, gout, skin<br />

conditions like eczema & psoriasis, urinary<br />

infections, liver dysfunction, Candida,<br />

weakened immune function & for people<br />

who want to keep their health as good as<br />

possible.<br />

The herbs in LBS II help stimulate the<br />

production of digestive fluids & bile for<br />

efficient digestion. This alone may help<br />

prevent many diseases as a properly working<br />

digestive system will itself neutralise many<br />

disease causing organisms before they<br />

have a chance to cause any problems. LBS<br />

II also stimulates peristaltic action of the<br />

colon effectively cleansing the colon of any<br />

accumulated build-ups of waste material. It<br />

also relaxes abdominal cramping & spasms,<br />

enhances liver function, purifies the blood,<br />

neutralizes acidic conditions, helps destroy<br />

intestinal parasites & worms, & fights<br />

infection.<br />

Keeping your digestive system & bowels<br />

functioning efficiently is definitely &<br />

important step in obtaining & maintaining<br />

good long term health.<br />

LBS II & further information is available<br />

from the Natural Health Advisers at<br />

Marshall’s Health & Natural Therapy,<br />

110 Seaview Road, New Brighton, Phone:<br />

388-5757. We are always happy to help!<br />

ACC and WAR Pension Approved<br />

275 Riccarton Road Between Clyde & Ilam Rds<br />

Spacious parking • Orbiter & Metro bus stops outside<br />

For all appointments<br />

Phone 348-8716<br />

Fax 341-5873<br />

Professional Ear Care<br />

Rest home and private<br />

home visits available<br />

by arrangement<br />

1 in 2 people<br />

deficient in B12<br />

Emerging research has shown as many as 50% of older adults<br />

& as many as 25% of younger adults are deficient in vitamin B12.<br />

Scientists at Rush University Medical Center found those most<br />

deficient in vitamin B12 to have the smallest brain mass & the lowest<br />

scores on tests measuring short-term memory, concentration &<br />

brain performance. Another study showed that older people with<br />

higher levels of B12 in their blood have bigger, healthier brains &<br />

score higher on cognitive tests than those with lower levels. Yet<br />

another recent landmark study showed that B12 supplementation<br />

slows the accelerated rate of brain shrinkage & declining cognitive<br />

function. B12 is essential for energy production, cell health,<br />

regulation of mood & sleep cycles, nerve health & repair, &<br />

prevention of homocysteine a serious cardiovascular risk factor<br />

that is known to cause damage & plaque in the blood vessels. It can<br />

also increase the chances of a stroke. Harvard researchers found a<br />

34% decrease risk of vision loss in a study of participants aged 40+<br />

who supplemented with B12. Another study linked a higher risk<br />

of hearing loss in subjects in their 60’s who were low in B12.<br />

The reason so many people lack B12 appears to be our body’s<br />

ability to absorb it declining with age as the digestive system<br />

becomes less efficient. Anti-reflux medication & other drugs<br />

further reduce B12 absorption. The good news is B12 in<br />

the form of Methylcobalamin<br />

sublingual tablets that are<br />

dissolved in the<br />

mouth & thru<br />

bypassing the<br />

digestive tract have<br />

been shown to<br />

effectively raise B12<br />

levels in the body.<br />

Further detailed information is available<br />

from the Natural Health Advisers at Marshall’s Health &<br />

Natural Therapy, 110 Seaview Road, New Brighton, Phone:<br />

388-5757. We are always happy to help!<br />

Help prevent Disease By supporting<br />

HealtHy Bowel & Digestive Function<br />

A poorly functioning bowel & digestive system can lead to a toxic environment<br />

in the body that sets the stage for disease. Nature’s Sunshine LBS II contains<br />

& all natural herbal blend that has been proven highly effective at supporting<br />

the elimination & digestion system function.<br />


- Healthy bowel function (No Constipation) - Cleansing the urinary tract<br />

- Bowel & colon cleansing<br />

of infection<br />

- Digestion & assimilation of nutrients - Neutralizing acidic conditions<br />

- Enhanced liver function<br />

- Destroying intestinal parasites<br />

- Purification of the blood<br />

& worms<br />

- Eczema & psoriasis relief<br />

- Fighting infection<br />

- Enhanced immune function<br />

- Keeping the body healthy<br />

Bringing You the Best in Natural Health!<br />

Super Price<br />

100 capsules only<br />

$29.90<br />

save $4.70<br />

200 capsules only<br />

$54.90<br />

save $14.30<br />





110 SEAVIEW RD, NEW BRIGHTON • PH 03 388 5757 • Email: enquiry@marshallshealthshop.co.nz<br />





Up to 1 in 2 people may have a shrinking brain due to a lack of vitamin B12.<br />

Supplementation of methylcobalamin B12 has been shown to reduce the rate of brain<br />

shrinkage & support memory & brain function. B12 is also known to protect against<br />

homocysteine a serious cardiovascular risk factor that can also damage the hearing,<br />

eyesight & affect the mood. B12 is essential for energy, cell health & nerve function.<br />

B12 SupportS:<br />

• Memory & Brain Performance<br />

• Helps protect brain from shrinking<br />

• Energy & Recovery<br />

• Nerve Function<br />

• Helps protect blood vessels from damage<br />

• Sleep<br />

• Cellular Health & Repair<br />

• Vegetarian’s Diet<br />

• Good Health<br />

• Cardiovascular Health<br />


IN AS LITTLE AS 48<br />

HOURS!<br />


Superior Methylcobalamin B12<br />

(High Absorption Sublingual Lozenges)<br />

100 Lozenges<br />

Only $ 32 .90<br />

200 Lozenges<br />

Only $ 59 .80<br />


Bringing You the Best in Natural Health<br />



110 SEAVIEW RD, NEW BRIGHTON • PH 03 388 5757 • Email: enquiry@marshallshealthshop.co.nz<br />


Plenty to do at McKenzie<br />

Lifestyle Village<br />

The final stage of<br />

villa development<br />

is progressing<br />

well at McKenzie<br />

Lifestyle Village<br />

in Geraldine with<br />

target completion<br />

in spring. Just a<br />

hand full of sites<br />

available to secure<br />

off plan, so don’t<br />

be the one to<br />

miss out. Moving into a brand new architecturally designed villa<br />

priced from $335,000 with the monthly outgoing fees being fixed<br />

for life. Future plans see an offering of Assisted Care Apartments<br />

that compliment the independent lifestyle living.<br />

Our beautiful Leisure Centre is very popular with the residents<br />

who make full use of the swimming and spa pools, gymnasium,<br />

craft room, library and lounge area. Outside, the Bowling Green<br />

is also popular along with Petanque, Mini-golf and Table Bowls.<br />

This coming summer will see Croquet being played on our Village<br />

Green.<br />

The residents’ monthly activities calendar boasts the following;<br />

bowls events, concert going (Operatunity), shopping trips, lunch<br />

outings, yoga, housie, Qigong (Tai Chi), happy hour, knitting, quiz<br />

nights, cards and games, book club, Bible discussion, craft sessions,<br />

and there are regular visits by the hairdresser, massage therapist and<br />

the podiatrist.<br />

Geraldine is a great little town that many come to for a holiday but<br />

you have the opportunity to live the holiday lifestyle all year round.<br />

There is plenty to do in and around the town with art galleries,<br />

theatre and cinema, interesting shops and boutiques, two museums<br />

and a wide range of good places to eat. For the more adventurous<br />

there are river and forest walks nearby, opportunities for biking and<br />

a choice of two local golf clubs.<br />

For more information and to secure your future lifestyle call<br />

Hayley Grant on 0800 845524.<br />



Lots of people spend their holidays<br />

here in Geraldine. But why just have a<br />

holiday when you can move here instead?<br />

Make the move to Geraldine’s McKenzie<br />

Lifestyle Village. We take care of everyday<br />

maintenance so you can enjoy<br />

a holiday lifestyle all year round.<br />

Talk to Hayley Grant today<br />

on 03 693 8340.<br />


24 [Edition Tuesday datE] <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

2<br />


Choosing the right heat<br />

pump for your home<br />

Whether it be a new build, or a retrofit,<br />

most homes include at least one heat pump,<br />

if not a whole heating solution. They can<br />

provide cheap, clean heat and are much more<br />

convenient than a log burner as you just need<br />

to press a button. But how do you decide what<br />

is best? Choosing the right sized heat pump is<br />

key to ensuring optimum comfort levels. Every<br />

situation varies and it is therefore important<br />

to get professional advice from heat pump<br />

experts.<br />

The range varies from wall mounted high<br />

walls, floor mounted systems, multi systems,<br />

ceiling cassettes, right through to ducted<br />

central heating systems allowing you to have a<br />

very discreet way of heating your whole home<br />

to a constant temperature throughout.<br />

Firstly, you must select a heat pump that<br />

is suitable for the size of the space you wish<br />

to heat. Usually a site visit is the best way to<br />

ascertain this. Not only is the size of the area<br />

taken into consideration but also, insulation,<br />

building orientation, windows and ceiling<br />

space. There are a wide range of heat pumps<br />

available with different heating outputs so it<br />

is important to select the correct size for your<br />

requirements that will handle the job but not<br />

be unnecessarily overpowered.<br />

Secondly, the location of your heat pump<br />

is also extremely important. The cheapest<br />

installation is a back to back where the outdoor<br />

unit is positioned directly behind the indoor<br />

unit however this is not necessarily always the<br />

best option. It is vital that the indoor unit is<br />

positioned in a place that will not be constantly<br />

blowing on you. Also important, is the location<br />

of the outdoor unit. Most people do not want<br />

their outdoor unit sitting directly in their<br />

outdoor entertaining area or right outside their<br />

bedroom window.<br />

Choose a brand you can trust. Many brands<br />

have come and gone over the years but there<br />

are a number of manufacturers who provide<br />

reputable and reliable products. All brands vary<br />

in their energy efficiency, quietness of systems<br />

and price, so it depends on your application as<br />

to which will be most suitable. Major brands<br />

such as Panasonic, Fujitsu, Mitsubishi, Daikin,<br />

Toshiba and Hitachi are all reliable brands<br />

backed up by good technical after sales service.<br />

Ensure your heat pump is installed by an<br />

accredited installer. This will not only ensure<br />

correct installation of your heat pump, but also<br />

validate the manufacturers warranty.<br />

Other things to consider when choosing a<br />

heat pump are time clocks, ease of use of the<br />

remote controllers, air filtration and also wifi<br />

capabilities.<br />

Heating is a major investment in your home<br />

and it is vital to get the right advice.<br />

Enviro Master Ltd specialise in the supply,<br />

installation and servicing of all major brands<br />

of heat pumps. Our salesmen are engineers<br />

ensuring you get quality, unbiased advice as<br />

to which system will suit your application<br />

the best. Enviro Master Ltd offer a free, no<br />

obligation quote and will come to your home<br />

to see what is required.<br />

Visit our website at www.enviromaster.<br />

co.nz.<br />

Get rid of<br />

dampness<br />

in your house<br />

Now with the colder and wetter weather on<br />

its way, home owners are focusing on ways<br />

to make their homes comfortable, warm and<br />

healthy for their families throughout winter.<br />

Rising damp is an issue that affects many of<br />

our older properties which suffer from poor, or<br />

no, insulation. In Canterbury especially, postquake,<br />

many people have relocated to homes<br />

that suffer from rising damp which can be<br />

associated with health problems. Independent<br />

tests have shown that up to 40 litres of water can<br />

rise from the ground and enter a house every<br />

day, leading to mildew, mould, condensation<br />

and musty smells. Moulds can produce<br />

various allergic reactions and the<br />

frail, elderly and very young are<br />

especially vulnerable.<br />

Canterbury Foam Concrete Ltd<br />

is a locally owned and operated<br />

firm. The team understands the<br />

problems caused by rising damp<br />

and are there to help. They will<br />

come to your damp home and<br />

pump a lightweight, flowable<br />

foam concrete under your<br />

timber floored home. Specially<br />


adapted for our New Zealand conditions and<br />

applications it provides a layer of protection<br />

against rising moisture. An unexpected<br />

benefit that the team at Canterbury Foam<br />

Concrete have noticed recently, is that many<br />

owners of properties which had underfloor<br />

foam concrete installed, reported that it also<br />

provided protection against liquefaction after<br />

the earthquakes.<br />

Contact Canterbury Foam Concrete Ltd<br />

now for your free, no obligation quote and<br />

complimentary appraisal of your underfloor<br />

ventilation needs. Phone 03 376 4608 or<br />

0508 362626 for more information.<br />

Fujitsu Heat Pumps at a low low price<br />

Pump warmth into your home NOW<br />

- before the winter rush!<br />

ASTG14LUCB 5.4kw Hi-Wall . . . $2180<br />

ASTG18LVCC 6kw Hi-Wall . . . . $2400<br />

Heat pumps are the most cost-effective, convenient and practical home heating solution<br />

for Christchurch – and Fujitsu Heat Pumps from Stack Electrical are the best way to<br />

winter-proof your home! Heat when you need it . . . that’ll save you dollars on your power<br />

bill! Once the cold spells start, you could wait weeks to get a heat pump installed. Be<br />

smart and beat the winter rush now!!<br />

Back to back installation. Conditions apply.<br />


Which one is right for you?<br />

• Single-split, Multi-split, Ducted?<br />

• Wall, Floor console, Ceiling cassette, Concealed?<br />

• Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Fujitsu, Daikin, Toshiba...?<br />

Find out with a FREE HOME APPRAISAL<br />

from the Independent Heat Pump Experts.<br />

BOOK NOW<br />

Ph. Maz 021 226 7672<br />

Email. maz@heatpumpguys.co.nz<br />

0800 47 48 97 heatpumpguys.co.nz<br />


Phone 379 4062<br />

info@stackelectrical.co.nz<br />

$10,000<br />

Workmanship Guarantee<br />



SALE NOW ON!<br />

Amazin’ Autumn Specials!!<br />

• We will offer you the best quality brands and<br />

option of heat pump for your home/business<br />

• Providing Heat Pump solutions for over <strong>15</strong> years to Cantabrians<br />

• We personally guarantee all our products & installs for 5 years<br />

(providing annual maintenance has been completed)<br />

Phone us today for your free consultation & quote<br />


PHONE 03 366 0525<br />

www.enviromaster.co.nz<br />

“A local team for local people”

PEGASUS POST Tuesday<br />

[Edition<br />

<strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong><br />

datE]<br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

<strong>2018</strong> 253<br />


Fresh air<br />

in your home<br />

All houses require air exchange in order<br />

to stay fresh and dry. No one likes to live<br />

in a stuffy, smelly, damp home. Indoor air<br />

quality is important for the health of the<br />

occupants. Houses can have many sources of<br />

contaminants, such as bathrooms, kitchens,<br />

pets, smokers, and even furnishings. Opening<br />

the windows can refresh the air, but is not<br />

always an option for security reasons and can<br />

also lead to heat energy being lost to outside.<br />

Although older houses have small gaps<br />

around windows and doors, you want to be<br />

able to control the flow of air. You don’t want<br />

air coming in to the bathroom or kitchen and<br />

pushing the soiled air around the house. It<br />

is better to expel the air out of kitchens and<br />

bathrooms to outside. This will draw air in<br />

from the rest of the house to replace the air that<br />

has been removed.<br />

Modern houses are very airtight and<br />

theoretically require a source of incoming air<br />

to allow kitchen and bathroom extraction to<br />

work optimally. Ventilation systems should be<br />

low air velocity and low air pressure so as not<br />

to cause draughts.<br />

There are two main types of ventilation<br />

system: Positive pressure and Balanced<br />

pressure. Positive pressure systems, such as the<br />

Dry-Matic, bring filtered, warmed attic air into<br />

the house, which then percolates through the<br />

rooms, pushing the damper stale air out.<br />

Balanced pressure systems bring in a<br />

similar amount of air to the amount they<br />

exhaust. Balanced pressure systems with<br />

Heat Exchange, such as the HEX390, use the<br />

heat of the outgoing air to warm the incoming<br />

air from outside. These are the most energy<br />

efficient systems available, as they recover up<br />

to 80% of the energy in the air, rather than<br />

losing it to outside. Heat exchangers work just<br />

as well cooling incoming air when the house is<br />

cooled in summer.<br />

The NZ building code has recommended<br />

air exchange rates for houses. To ascertain<br />

the required airflow for your home, please<br />

contact Smooth-Air on 0800 SMOOTH<br />

(0800 766 684), who will also be able to<br />

recommend a solution if your ventilation<br />

doesn’t yet meet the New Zealand standard.<br />

Get the best from your<br />

heat pump from Air Con<br />

Christchurch<br />

Our top performing<br />

serviceman always does<br />

that bit extra to provide a<br />

good result.<br />

Air Con Christchurch offer the Mitsubishi<br />

Hypercore Top Performing Mitsubishi Heat<br />

Pump – the only one of its kind in the market<br />

guaranteed to heat your home this winter.<br />

See also the Air Con Christchurch service<br />

and clean check list and compare our 16<br />

point check list carried out by “Ole Jack”, our<br />

experienced serviceman. Our top performing<br />

serviceman always does that bit extra to<br />

provide a good result, from using a drop cloth<br />

through to vacuuming when finished. Ask for<br />

Jack and get a $30 discount off our standard<br />

clean service price plus get free new batteries<br />

for your remote (this special price is only<br />

$85.00 nett!)<br />

Special valid for <strong>May</strong> only. Go in to win a<br />

goodie bag with goodies valued at $200.<br />

Goodie bag contains: Insulated fold up bag,<br />

his and hers watch set, travel slippers pack,<br />

2 x LED replacement lamps, 1 x power save<br />

plug set with remote, costume jewellery set<br />

including earrings and necklace.<br />

Visit www.airconchristchurch.co.nz or call<br />

us on 03 343 3886.<br />

performance hea<br />

While ordinary heat pump<br />

only Mitsubishi Electric Hy<br />

its fully rated capacity r<br />

all the he<br />

Save<br />

$250<br />


FH25 3.2kW Heat Pump<br />

$2549.80<br />

Installed BB.<br />

Conditions apply.<br />

www.airconnz.co.nz<br />

phone 0800 161 163<br />

Winter Warmer Deals!<br />

Centrifugal<br />

inline fans<br />

Ventilation Equipment Suppliers<br />

Domestic<br />

to<br />

Commercial<br />

Industrial<br />

trade<br />

&<br />

Axial fans Axial fans Bathroom fans<br />

retail<br />

Window fans<br />

FH35 - 4.0kW Heating<br />

$2,899 *<br />

Fully rated heating right down to -<strong>15</strong>°C … guaranteed!<br />

Classic G Series<br />

New Zealand’s best selling heat pump ever!<br />

GE50 - 5.8kW Heating<br />

$2,699 *<br />

Axial inline fans<br />

* Price includes standard back to back installation.<br />

Be in to win a $5,000 Gold Coast Holiday!<br />

0800 SMOOTH<br />

(0800 766 684)<br />

sales@smooth-air.co.nz<br />

the<br />

right<br />

351c Blenheim Rd<br />

Riccarton<br />

Christchurch<br />

03 343 6184<br />

for the<br />

product<br />

job<br />

Monday - Friday<br />

7.30am - 5pm<br />

www.smooth-air.co.nz<br />

Call us for your free quote!<br />

03 343 3886<br />

www.airconnz.co.nz<br />


26 Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


#GetBetterResults<br />

The Press audited circulation<br />

46,252 *<br />

VS<br />

audited circulation<br />

149,948 *<br />

Mass Circulation | Mass Readers | Massive results<br />

Advertise with Star Media and let us help you grow your customers, sales and profits.<br />

We home deliver into over 100,000 more homes than The Press. In fact we reach more people with<br />

just one ad than any other Christchurch media channel. Get the Star Media advantage working for<br />

your business today. For a professional, no obligation free consultancy for your business, call us now.<br />

Contact Shane today: 03 379 7100 shane@starmedia.kiwi<br />

www.starmedia.kiwi<br />

*ABC circulation report The Star, Bay Harbour News,<br />

Selwyn Times and North Canterbury News vs Press. ANP

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 27<br />


New premises<br />

for car light<br />

specialists<br />

NEW<br />


95<br />

gasson st<br />

Long-established car light specialists,<br />

Braxton Car Lights, are now shining their<br />

lights from a sparkling new address – just<br />

around the corner from their familiar<br />

Brougham Street site.<br />

Just prior to Christmas, the business<br />

moved from 325 Brougham Street to 95<br />

Gasson St, where they offer a brighter<br />

showroom, easier access for their customers<br />

and plenty of off-street parking.<br />

“We’re all set up in our new premises,”<br />

sales manager Richard Vernimmen says,<br />

“and continuing to provide our customers<br />

with an extensive range of replacement<br />

lights for most Japanese, European and<br />

New Zealand-made vehicles. We can cover<br />

most vehicles on the road, and all our lights<br />

are fully checked and in perfect working<br />

order.”<br />

If they don’t have it in stock, they can<br />

source it from one of the other branches in<br />

the nationwide BE Group, Richard says. BE<br />

is one of New Zealand’s largest importers of<br />

car, truck and commercial parts.<br />

Braxton Car Lights also offers a repair<br />

service for headlights, with their skilled<br />

staff of three having 80 years’ experience<br />

in the automotive trade between them.<br />

They also specialise in light adjuster and<br />

light conversion of American<br />

car lights and their repair<br />

service includes plastic<br />

welding, drying out, and<br />

re-silvering, re-sealing<br />

and lens refurbishment.<br />

Their services can also<br />

be arranged through<br />

your own local garage or<br />

workshop.<br />

So, next time you need<br />

replacement car lights, call<br />

into Braxton Car Lights’ bright new<br />

showroom, 95 Gasson St, phone 0800 225<br />

483, email carlights@carlights.co.nz.<br />

European<br />

Car Owners<br />


We can identify ANY electrical<br />

fault & reduce repair work<br />

with our NEW European Car<br />

Specific Diagnostic Equipment<br />

ROSES<br />


Enquiries welcome<br />

CH 352 5090<br />



®<br />

A vonhead<br />

utomotive<br />

free<br />

6 months roadside assist<br />

with any vehicle servicing<br />

• automatic transmission<br />

flushing service<br />

• Wof • tune-ups • suspension<br />

• batteries • neW tyres • oil &<br />

lube service • courtesy cars<br />

• full mechanical repairs<br />

oPen 6 days (sat until 1pm)<br />

126 racecourse road<br />

Ph 342 7123 or 027 495 6600<br />

NeW LoCATIoN 95 Gasson St<br />

The Automotive<br />

Lamp Specialists<br />

New and Used Lamps for Cars, Trucks,<br />

Vans, 4WD and Motorhomes<br />

95 Gasson Street, CHRISTCHURCH<br />

PH 0800 225 483<br />

s<br />

m<br />

a<br />

r<br />

t<br />

mall<br />

edium<br />

• Panel beating<br />

• Spray painting<br />

Fast<br />

turnaround<br />

utomotive<br />

epair<br />

echniques<br />

Smart repairS (NZ) Limited<br />

automotive refinishers<br />

272 Lichfield St (Fitzgerald Ave end)<br />

Ph 377-0409<br />

• new & quality<br />

secondhand tyres<br />

• alloy wheels<br />

• replacement rims<br />

• puncture repairs<br />



8c Birmingham Drive,<br />

(Cnr Hands & Birmingham Drive)<br />

Ph: 03 343 0099 Cell: 027 226 3805<br />

Website: www.jcmdirect.co.nz<br />

PARKER<br />


■ All Automotive Repairs and<br />

Servicing including 4WD<br />

■ Suspension Brakes & Cambelts<br />

■ WOF, Tyres, Batteries<br />

■ Courtesy Car<br />

55 Lincoln Rd, behind Caltex<br />

(Cnr Lincoln & Torrens Rd)<br />

Ph 03 982 4268<br />

Mob 027 331 0382<br />

Email: parkerauto@clear.net.nz<br />

• W.O.F • Servicing<br />

• Repairs • Batteries<br />

• Auto Electrical • Tyres<br />

• Clutch • Cambelt<br />

• Diagnostic Equipment<br />



287 Hoon Hay Road<br />

Christchurch<br />

Open Mon-Fri<br />

Ph. 982 0405

28<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


Get your tickets<br />

online and be<br />

in to win a<br />

$500 Resene<br />

gift voucher<br />

Earlybird<br />

tickets available<br />

online now<br />

$6 or 2 for $10<br />

Children under<br />

12 FREE<br />

JUNE 29 – JULY 1 <strong>2018</strong><br />

Horncastle Arena<br />

BOOK NOW: www.starhomeshow.kiwi<br />

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 10am-5pm

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 29<br />


Is your retirement spot sorted?<br />

2/43 Main Road, Redcliffs<br />

Price: $449,000<br />

2 bedrooms | 1 bathroom | 1 living room | 1 dining room | 1 car-garage | Listing #FM5408<br />

Planning to retire or downsize to a smaller<br />

home? Then you’ll love this contemporary<br />

over 60’s unit which is walking distance to<br />

Redcliffs shops. Comfortable and easy care,<br />

low maintenance brick and linea board,<br />

double glazed joinery, quality fixtures and<br />

fittings, security lighting and many extra<br />

features throughout.<br />

The kitchen is open plan with the living<br />

and has a granite bench top and a convenient<br />

pull out pantry. Over height ceilings gives<br />

a spacious light feel while a heat pump<br />

provides warmth in the cooler months. Doors<br />

open outside onto a manageable secure<br />

patio garden with pergola which is totally<br />

private and very sheltered from the easterly<br />

winds. There are two bedrooms both with<br />

wardrobes and a smart tiled bathroom with<br />

underfloor heating, vanity, cupboard and a<br />

shower. A substantial laundry with a granite<br />

benchtop, heater, washing machine and drier<br />

are combined with the internal access garage<br />

which is carpeted to provide an extra room<br />

if you do not have a car. EQC repairs were<br />

minor and have been completed. There is a<br />

body corporate making insurance easy to<br />

obtain and outside maintenance hassle free.<br />

You will find this a handy location where<br />

you catch a bus outside or walk down to the<br />

Redcliffs shops and supermarket. A short<br />

stroll around the corner takes you to the<br />

waterfront and coastal walkway. Don’t let this<br />

one get away!<br />

Open Home Saturdays 12 - 12:30pm.<br />

See you at one of the Open Days, or for<br />

a private viewing or for more information<br />

contact Alison Carter of Harcourts<br />

Grenadier Ferrymead (Licensed Agent<br />

REAA 2008) on 384 7950 or mobile<br />

0274 318 960.<br />

Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Trades & Services<br />



plumber<br />


Painters and Decorators Ltd<br />

Canterbury Owned and Operated<br />

A husband and wife team<br />

Specializing in:<br />

• Roof Painting<br />

• Interior/exterior<br />

residential<br />

• Small commercial<br />

painting<br />

Noel 027-411-3596<br />

kemp.painters@gmail.com<br />

kemp painters and decorators<br />

We offer<br />

free quotes<br />

Quality not<br />

Quantity<br />




Strawberry albIon begInS croppIng early<br />

and contInueS In fluSheS untIl autumn. the<br />

heavy cropS of mouth waterIng, Sweet, dark<br />

red berrIeS have an outStandIng flavour that<br />

remaInS conSIStent throughout the SeaSon.<br />

hourS may 16th to 26th - 10am to 3pm<br />

Bettaplants<br />

1934-<strong>2018</strong><br />


27 Ottawa Road. Phone: 389-7855<br />

Hours: 8.00am-5.30pm Mon to Fri, 8.00am-5.00pm Sat<br />

The go to guys for<br />

plumbing services<br />

✓ Plumbing and Gas<br />

✓ No job too big or small<br />

✓ All areas covered<br />

P: 03 595 5610 W: gofox.nz<br />

E: info.ccp@gofox.nz<br />

Locally owned & operated with<br />

over 30 years experience.<br />

• Extensions & repair • Roof coating<br />

• Concrete & clay tiles • Butynol<br />

• Malthoid • Asbestos Certified<br />

• Coloursteel • Old iron • Guttering<br />

Phone Dave 981 0278<br />

or 021 223 4200<br />

E: dave@beaumontroofing.co.nz<br />


Visit www.star.kiwi<br />

anytime, anywhere!<br />

Breaking news,<br />

delivered to your pocket.<br />

•news •CTV •sport •districts •schools •lifestyle •opinion •what’s on<br />

Fire rages, homes at risk<br />


30<br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

Trades & Services<br />


★Garden Clean-ups<br />

★Pruning<br />

★Lawn Mowing<br />

★Garden Maintenance<br />

Call us today for a FREE quote<br />

PH 0800 4 546 546<br />

(0800 4 JIMJIM)<br />


licensed carpenter<br />

LBP, all property and<br />

building maintenance,<br />

repairs, bathroom/shower<br />

installations, with free<br />

quotes 03 383 1927 or 027<br />

245 5226 ciey@xtra.co.nz<br />

*****************<br />

CARPET & ViNYl<br />

Laying. Repairs, uplifting,<br />

relaying, restretching.<br />

Email jflattery@xtra.co.nz<br />

ph 0800 003 181 or 027<br />

2407416<br />

PAiNTiNG<br />

& Decorating Wingfields<br />

Contracting, all interior<br />

& exterior painting & all<br />

forms of interior plastering<br />

& jib fixing, ph Mark 021<br />

171-<strong>15</strong>86 or 355-5994<br />

PAiNTER<br />

Quality work, I stand by<br />

Canterbury Ph Wayne 03<br />

385-4348 or 027 274 3541<br />

PAiNTER AVAilAblE<br />

All aspects in painting.<br />

Very competitive in roofs<br />

and fences. Please call 027<br />

241-7471 or 335-0265<br />

PlUMbER<br />


PLUMBING Certifying<br />

Plumber for all types of<br />

plumbing, maintenance,<br />

spouting, alterations etc.<br />

Phone 352-7402 or 0274-<br />

350-231<br />


Fully qualified, over 40<br />

yrs experience. Ph John<br />

027 432-3822 or 351-<br />

9147 email johnchmill@<br />

outlook.com<br />


Spouting Unblocked,<br />

Cleaned Out and Flushed<br />

Out. Also Full Handyman<br />

Services Available. Call<br />

Trevor 332 8949 or 021<br />

043 2034<br />


BRICK<br />

&<br />


Earthquake Repairs, Grind<br />

Out & Repoint, River/<br />

Oamaru stone, Schist,<br />

Volcanic Rock, Paving,<br />

all Alterations new & old,<br />

Quality Workmanship,<br />

visit www.featureworks.<br />

co.nz or ph 027 601-3145<br />

Situations Vacant<br />



If your serious about selling and like to<br />

achieve outstanding results, then you are<br />

the person we are looking for!<br />

We are looking for someone who has:<br />

• Experience in selling B2B<br />

• Proven success record of winning new<br />

business<br />

• Maintain and grow existing client base<br />

• Listen and relate well to our clients to<br />

provide the best solutions<br />

We will offer you an excellent base salary as<br />

well as a commission system with no cap.<br />

You will be part of a successful team<br />

selling our free newspapers, magazines<br />

and digital solutions to our clients, which<br />

are all experiencing strong growth in our<br />

marketplace.<br />

I am keen to hear from you, if you can<br />

take me through your proven sales process<br />

and deliver an intelligent sales solution to<br />

customers.<br />

It’s an exciting and fun time to join our<br />

media team.<br />

You will get support and structure provided,<br />

to ensure your success in our team.<br />

Please send your application and CV via<br />

email to Steve McCaughan<br />

steve@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Trades & Services<br />


35 years exp, no job<br />

too small. Ph Ross 027<br />

4311440.<br />


35 years exp, no job<br />

too small. Ph Ross 027<br />

4311440.<br />


Repairs, tvs, microwaves,<br />

stereos, DVD. Aerial<br />

installations and kitsets,<br />

480 Moorhouse Ave, ph 03<br />

379 1400<br />


Repairs, tvs, microwaves,<br />

stereos, DVD. Aerial<br />

installations and kitsets,<br />

480 Moorhouse Ave, ph 03<br />

379 1400<br />

Trades & Services<br />


& all camera tapes<br />

converted to DVD, video<br />

taping special occasions,<br />

www.grahamsvideo.co.nz<br />

ph 03 338-1655<br />


& all camera tapes<br />

converted to DVD, video<br />

taping special occasions,<br />

www.grahamsvideo.co.nz<br />

ph 03 338-1655<br />


Average 3 bdrm house<br />

inside or out $40. Both<br />

$70. Phone Trevor 344-<br />

2170<br />

Digital Marketing Account Executive<br />

- Design, implement and present digital marketing solutions to<br />

business clients<br />

- Specifically selling Web design and development, SEO and<br />

SEM services<br />

- Proactively prospect for new business and identify new<br />

opportunities<br />

- Deliver exceptional customer service and account management<br />

Utilise your strong “hunting” and business development skills<br />

to maximise sales revenue by developing and selling digital<br />

marketing solutions to a range of business clients.<br />

Star Media is one of New Zealand’s largest independent media<br />

companies and prides itself on delivering successful multiplatform<br />

marketing solutions. An exceptional opportunity has<br />

arisen for a talented digital marketing consultant to join the Star<br />

Media team and contribute to achieving their long term strategic<br />

goals.<br />

About the role<br />

- Maximise value within existing portfolio<br />

- Proactively prospect for new business opportunities<br />

- Build and maintain strong, long term relationships with clients<br />

- Design, implement and present tailor-made digital solutions for<br />

new and existing clients<br />

- Complement the sale of digital solutions with the full range of<br />

Star Media products and services (including print media and<br />

video production)<br />

- Regularly review campaigns and suggest improvements to<br />

increase ROI for clients<br />

- Deliver high quality customer service and account management<br />

- Sales reporting<br />

Skills and Experience<br />

- Minimum two years New Zealand or Australian based B2B sales<br />

experience<br />

- Strong understanding of digital marketing principles and<br />

developing campaigns<br />

- A natural networker with an established network of local<br />

business contacts<br />

- Passion for hunting new business<br />

- Outstanding presentation and negotiation skills<br />

- Positive, personable and creative thinker<br />

- Tenacity to overcome setbacks<br />

- Strong computer skills across MS Office<br />

- Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written<br />

- Polished presentation<br />

Culture and Benefits<br />

- Generous base salary plus achievable commission structure<br />

- Health Insurance included in package<br />

- Join a passionate, high performing team with a great reputation<br />

in the market<br />

How to Apply<br />

Contact Sally Fitzsimmons at Core People on 03 928 2290 for a<br />

confidential discussion.<br />

ADD SOME<br />

COLOUR<br />



Phone for further details<br />

(03) 379 1100<br />


Situations Vacant<br />

Trades & Services<br />


OASIS<br />

Senior Citizens Foot Care<br />

25 Conway Street, Spreydon<br />

Treating hard thick nails, calluses<br />

and corns finishing with a foot massage<br />

Price $30 Allow 45 mins<br />

Home Visits available by appointment<br />

Therapist – Amanda<br />

(30 years experience)<br />

Ph. 942-6036 for an appointment<br />


Health & Beauty<br />

KATANG<br />

Fitness<br />

Held at St Faiths Church Hall,<br />

46 Hawke Street, New Brighton<br />

For more info contact Katrina 3811704 or 0274966845<br />

Caravans, Motorhomes<br />

& Traliers<br />

CARAVAN Wanted to<br />

buy. Up to $5000 cash<br />

today 027 488-5284.<br />

Curtains<br />

www.curtainfabric-outlet.com<br />

Fashion Designs & Colours<br />

Discontinued Designs<br />

End of Lines Bargain Prices<br />

Call at Our Shop<br />


71 Hawdon St Sydenham<br />

Ph 366-5026<br />

Entertainment<br />

Weka Pass Railway<br />

Waipara, North Canterbury<br />

We are RUNNING<br />

SUNDAY 20th MAY<br />

Running 1st & 3rd<br />

Sunday of every month<br />

Phone 0800wekapass<br />

Depart Glenmark Station<br />

11.30am & 2.00pm<br />

www.wekapassrailway.co.nz<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

Sit & Be Fit<br />

Monday 1 – 2pm<br />

$4 per class<br />

Movement to Music<br />

Thursday<br />

9.30 – 10.30am<br />

$5 per class<br />

Community Events<br />


ANONYMOUS, If you<br />

want to have a drink that’s<br />

your business. If you want<br />

to stop, we can help. Phone<br />

0800 229-6757<br />

Computers<br />

ALL<br />

YOUR<br />



Gardening<br />

& Supplies<br />

*$30.00 off your first A GARDEN OR<br />

service with this coupon!* LANDSCAPING TIDY<br />

No problem too big or UP? Shrub, hedge &<br />

small from home PC’s to tree pruning, Lawns,<br />

business networks. PC Gardening, consistently<br />

slow? An end to Viruses, reliable general property<br />

Spyware, and Clogged upkeep, Dip. Hort. 10<br />

Systems. Safe secure yrs experience, One off<br />

hassle-free computing. tidy ups or on-going<br />

Lost files recovered. service. Nick’s Property<br />

Microsoft Certified, Maintenance. Keeping<br />

MCSE, MCP+l. 30 years your garden beautiful.<br />

experience. Call Andrew Free Quote. Ph. 942-4440<br />

Buxton this week on 326-<br />

6740 or 027 435-7596<br />

for $30.00 off* Custom<br />

Computers Christchurch<br />

Holiday<br />

Accommodation<br />

Australia QLD<br />


COAST<br />

RESORT<br />


All Units Have Ocean Views.<br />

Heated Pools, Spa & Sauna,<br />

Free Wifi, Tennis<br />

& Mini Golf.<br />



www.mandolin.com.au<br />

0061 7 5443 5011<br />

JUNE to AUG temps 20C<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

A+ Household effects,<br />

fridges, freezers, washing<br />

machines, ovens. Good<br />

cash paid. Ph Paul 022<br />

0891 671<br />

TOOLS Garden,<br />

garage, woodworking,<br />

mechanical, engineering,<br />

sawbenches, lathes, cash<br />

buyer, ph 355-2045<br />


NEEDED<br />

We are seeking a part time<br />

School Caretaker.<br />

<strong>15</strong> hours per week<br />

The person we seek will have good caretaking skills<br />

and be a person who respects and valves diversity.<br />

For further information please contact:<br />

Jocelyn on (03)355 7595<br />

Please send your CV with a Covering letter to:<br />

Ferndale School, PO Box 36024, Christchurch 8146<br />

Closing date 25th <strong>May</strong> <strong>2018</strong>

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 31<br />

What’s On<br />

Entertainment<br />

To advertise, contact<br />

Jo Fuller 027 458 8590<br />

jo.fuller@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Celebrating 56 years<br />

on the local music scene<br />

NEVILLE Wilkins & the Viscounts celebrate<br />

56 years on the music scene this weekend<br />

making them one of New Zealand’s longest<br />

established dance bands.<br />

Straits, Tom Jones, Cliff Richard, Englebert<br />

Humperdink, and Elvis Presley,” said Neville.<br />

“So we play a good mixture of 50's, 60's, 70's<br />

ballads, rock and roll, country and even Irish.”<br />

Today the Viscounts - Neville Wilkins<br />

(trumpet); Christine Williams (vocals); Dave<br />

Petrie (keyboards); Ray Harris (guitar);<br />

Graeme Wallis (bass); John Wilson (drums) -<br />

still perform at private functions and the<br />

occasional public show.<br />

‘Famous for their roasts!’<br />


Cooked Breakfasts<br />

Check out our extensive breakfast<br />

menu from Continental to Cooked<br />

We are open from 6.30am<br />

Seniors SPECIAL<br />

Two courses $20<br />

Soup/Roast or<br />

Roast/Dessert<br />

Special available lunch only<br />

Monday - Saturday 12pm - 2.30pm<br />

$19<br />


FAMILY!<br />

Kid’s 2 course<br />

special<br />

We are family<br />

friendly.<br />

Great Kids menu<br />

plus designated<br />

play area.<br />

$13<br />

The<br />


& Motorlodge<br />

118 Racecourse Rd, Sockburn,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 03 342 7<strong>15</strong>0<br />

www.racecoursehotel.co.nz<br />

Christchurch trumpeter, Neville Wilkins<br />

formed the band in 1962 and during its career<br />

The Viscounts has had around 60 members,<br />

with some staying as long as 20 years.<br />

Their first residencies included<br />

Christchurch’s 500 Club in Chancery Lane and<br />

The Town & About in Peterborough St,<br />

followed later by the Bush Inn Courts and<br />

Twiggers.<br />

With a career spanning well over five<br />

decades, the group has adapted its repertoire<br />

with time and today play a wide selection of<br />

material.<br />

“I always aimed for the band to play the<br />

most popular artists, such as Ricky Nelson,<br />

Billy Vaughan, Beatles, Rolling Stones, Gene<br />

Pitney, Eddie Calvert, Neil Diamond, Dire<br />

Neville Wilkins & the Viscounts appear at<br />

the Woolston Club, Hargood St, this Saturday<br />

(3rd September). Don’t miss your opportunity<br />

to ‘cut a rug’ with this highly respected and<br />

experienced show band. Entry $7. Band starts<br />

at 7.30pm.<br />

What’s On<br />

TUESDAYS &<br />




CLUB<br />

BISTRO<br />


Open Tuesday to Saturday<br />

12pm - 2pm & from 5pm.<br />

Dine by the Beach<br />




Open from 5.30pm Fri, Sat,<br />

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from 10.30am to 2pm.<br />



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Sunday 27th MAY,<br />

from 5.30pm<br />

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Bookings Essential PH 386 0088<br />

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$12<br />

LUNCH<br />


Live Music:<br />

6PM.SAT 19-MAY<br />

COFFEE<br />

HAPPY<br />

H O U R<br />

2PM-4PM<br />

DAILY<br />

$3.50<br />

Offer available for a limited time<br />

and includes tea, hot chocolate<br />







FROM<br />

11.30AM-2PM<br />

FOR A<br />




www.gardenhotel.co.nz | phone 385 3132<br />

H ORNBY<br />


CLUB<br />


Club CAFE<br />



GF & V options available<br />

Chalmers Restaurant<br />

CARVERY DINNER $22.50<br />


Early Bird Special<br />

5.30pm - 6.30PM<br />

FREE<br />


Family Friendly<br />






4.30PM:<br />


8PM:<br />


7.30PM: UPSTAIRS<br />




SUNDAY 27 MAY<br />



feat. FAMILY & FRIENDS<br />

2PM. TICKETS $20<br />







AS ROY ORBISON and<br />


The Hornby Club | ph 03 349 9026 | 17 Carmen Rd | Hornby<br />

www.hornbywmc.co.nz | Members, guests & affiliates welcome

32 Tuesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


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