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MFA from James Madison University. For nearly<br />

two decades Herb lived and taught at Bethany<br />

College in West Virginia where he and his wife,<br />

Anita, raised three daughters. While in West<br />

Virginia, Herb’s artwork evolved into<br />

statements about life circumstances, both<br />

whimsical and political. His work has been<br />

exhibited in 200 shows throughout the United<br />

States and abroad. Herb retired from teaching<br />

in 2015 to build a house in Virginia and make<br />

art full time.<br />

Herb Weaver<br />

An art educator for over three decades ranging<br />

from middle school to the college level, Herb<br />

Weaver strives to take art off the pedestal and<br />

into the daily lives of the viewer. Initially<br />

trained more as an “art generalist” in a liberal<br />

arts setting, Weaver later focused on the<br />

medium of ceramic sculpture and earned an<br />

“The “arrows through the heart” are actually<br />

rods extracted from a library cabinet’s card<br />

catalog, intended to accentuate Trump’s 4th<br />

grade reading level. The chains hanging down<br />

from the neck-area are symbolic of “chain<br />

migration” to remind us that the current First<br />

Lady is a recipient of this policy. And the<br />

plastic “umbrella” of “Make America Great<br />

Again” that covers the head represents the<br />

shield of ignorance under which he and his<br />

base mask their true values. On the base are a<br />

series of ten quotes extracted from the<br />

internet. The black text are Trump’s words<br />

that are compared to biblical passages in red<br />

text. This oxymoronic juxtaposition of<br />

thoughts are intended to signify the hypocrisy<br />

of the “Christian Right” who blindly deny the<br />

actual teachings of their “Prince of Peace.”<br />

Herb Weaver | April 2018<br />

A Great, Great Peace Extinguisher<br />

Ceramic and mixed media<br />

117 x 41 x 41 cm | 2015<br />


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