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Printmaking) and the University of Wyoming<br />

(MFA Sculpture and Printmaking). He is<br />

Professor of Art at Elizabethtown College and<br />

directs the Susquehanna Center for the<br />

Creative Arts.<br />

Milt Friedly<br />

Born: 1958, Powell, WY<br />

Resides: Elizabethtown, PA<br />

Milt Friedly has received recognition locally,<br />

regionally, nationally and internationally for his<br />

work in ceramics, printmaking and sculpture.<br />

His work has been included in exhibitions at<br />

the Urban Center for Contemporary Art; the<br />

Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition; the<br />

Yellowstone Art Museum; the Nicolayson Art<br />

Museum; the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts;<br />

Museum; the Gallery of American Craft; the<br />

Susquehanna Art Museum; the Lancaster<br />

Museum of Art; Lynden Gallery; Denise Bibro<br />

Fine Art; the Demuth Museum; the George<br />

Krevsky Gallery; and the University of the Arts,<br />

Philadelphia and many other art centers and<br />

galleries. His work is included in a number of<br />

public collections and many private<br />

collections. He received Fine Arts Degrees from<br />

Arizona State University (BFA Ceramics and<br />

“The 'free world' vs Kim Jong-un, tensions<br />

rising, an American President compelled to<br />

flex his muscle and mouth, raising the boiling<br />

temperature for what could be a nuclear fallout.<br />

Ballistic - 38th Parallel, a recent work,<br />

defines a dynamic for world peace. Donald<br />

Trump pointing a finger, Kim Jong-un spying on<br />

his own people across the 38th parallel,<br />

spewing hate and distrust; missiles dividing<br />

the two powers - a missile raising Kim's hair.<br />

Mount Rushmore and a Lotus flower look on,<br />

wondering, what have we become?<br />

Gun Control, an American problem, the World<br />

looks on in disbelief - shootings in our schools<br />

and public places. Are we out of control,<br />

teaching our children violence is the answer?<br />

Are video games and television numbing the<br />

minds of our youth and to the point that they<br />

cannot discern make believe from reality?<br />

What are the consequences, no regard for the<br />

sanctity of human life? Broken homes, broken<br />

children who look on and see hypocrisy - what<br />

is life? Our children and citizens become<br />

terrorist, for what cause?”<br />

Milt Friedly | April 2018<br />


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