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R.E. Foundation Award for Outstanding Poetry<br />

and her work has been nominated for the 2014<br />

Pushcart Prize. Her debut collection, Traces,<br />

was published by I. Giraffe Press in 2013.<br />

She has been a featured reader in Baltimore,<br />

Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Reading, Gettysburg,<br />

and Lancaster events.<br />

www.dainasavage.com<br />

Daina Savage<br />

Daina Savage, works as a freelance journalist<br />

for magazines and newspapers in the Mid-<br />

Atlantic region, with more than 3,000 published<br />

stories. She is a co-founder and codirector<br />

of the Spoken Word Festival in<br />

Lancaster, Pennsylvania.<br />

As the director of the Lancaster Poetry<br />

Continuum, she organized numerous poetry<br />

reading series in Lancaster museums, bookstores,<br />

and coffee shops. She is the co-founder<br />

of the Lancaster County Young Writers Workshop.<br />

Her poetry has been published in numerous<br />

regional journals and has garnered many<br />

writing awards. She is the 2013 recipient of the

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