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Movement and the Chinese Diaspora, 1919-<br />
1932 (New York: Routledge Press, 2003, 2007,<br />
2013) and Modern China (Association for Asian<br />
Studies, 2012), and Contested Communities:<br />
Identities, Spaces, and Hierarchies of the<br />
Chinese in Havana, 1902-1968 (Brill, 2017). He<br />
has also researched Brethren mission<br />
peacemaking activities in China, and has<br />
published his findings in the Journal of Asian<br />
History.<br />
users.etown.edu/k/kenleyd<br />
David Kenley<br />
Dr. Kenley is Professor of Chinese History and<br />
Director of the Center for Global<br />
Understanding and <strong>Peacemaking</strong> at<br />
Elizabethtown College. His teaching and<br />
research interests focus on Chinese intellectual<br />
history and overseas migration. Some of his<br />
representative publications include New<br />
Culture in a New World: The May Fourth