The Good Life – May-June 2018
Featuring Entomologist Donald Carey "The Bug Man" Local Hero - Clay County Detective, Jason Hicks, Having a Beer with Radio Producer - Kyle Iverson and more in Fargo Moorhead's only men's magazine.
Featuring Entomologist Donald Carey "The Bug Man" Local Hero - Clay County Detective, Jason Hicks, Having a Beer with Radio Producer - Kyle Iverson and more in Fargo Moorhead's only men's magazine.
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Milestones That Matter<br />
<strong>The</strong> Real Game Changers Parents Secretly Celebrate<br />
As I was gathering up Macklin’s shoes and jacket, waiting<br />
for that perfect moment to snatch him up from the<br />
rainbow carpet where he and his classmates were sitting<br />
entranced by storytime, his teacher came up with a rare<br />
smile on her face. “Mack put his nap stuff back in his<br />
bag all by himself today!” she nearly shouted.<br />
Stuffing haphazardly a blanket, tiny<br />
pillow and fitted crib sheet into a<br />
medium-sized duffel bag would<br />
in no other circumstance<br />
warrant such delight. But<br />
for a 2-year-old grinding it<br />
out in the three’s room,<br />
it’s a milestone worthy<br />
of celebration. In all<br />
honesty, it’s the only<br />
kind of milestone<br />
that matters… the<br />
kind that takes some of<br />
the heavy lifting off my plate (or, in this case, off his<br />
teacher’s plate).<br />
<strong>The</strong>se non-traditional milestones, as my wife and I have<br />
come to call them, are the true game changers of child<br />
development when examined through the selfish lens of<br />
a parent who’s back always hurts. <strong>The</strong> “What to Expect<br />
When You’re Expecting” books are full of advice on<br />
things like when your baby should start sleeping through<br />
the night, sitting up, crawling and walking, but now that<br />
those milestones are well in the rear-view, I’ve come to<br />
appreciate the more subtle benchmarks of growing up.<br />
Sleeping through the night was, indeed, amazing, but<br />
nothing compared to what lay ahead.<br />
Bye-Bye Bottles<br />
No matter which brand or style of bottle or sippy cup you<br />
choose, ultimately it’s always at least one more part to wash.<br />
But first, disassemble. And maybe lose. Or break. Or drop<br />
down the garbage disposal, at which point you must decide<br />
how much you really trust your dishwasher to get clean<br />
something your child will literally suck on after it has visited<br />
the deepest depths of foul.<br />
Saying goodbye to bottles is like saying goodbye to your<br />
first car. Both are strictly utilitarian, nobody’s first choice<br />
and always missing a piece that may or may not affect<br />
performance. It also means welcoming back some precious<br />
square footage in your cupboard. I can’t tell you how big a<br />
sacrifice it was having to go downstairs to retrieve a proper<br />
scotch glass on steak night.<br />
<strong>The</strong>ir First Self-Delivered Bite<br />
<strong>The</strong> day your child learns to feed himself is the first major<br />
milestone on the road to true self sufficiency… the last<br />
stop being potty training. It’s also the first day you get to<br />
begin thinking about the day when you’ll once again be<br />
able to feed yourself an entire meal uninterrupted. I’m still<br />
waiting for that day — Mack knows how to get food into his<br />
mouth, but he’s not winning any gold medals for efficiency<br />
or cleanliness. Side note: toddlerhood should come with a<br />
free dog; real time cleanup is a wonderful thing.<br />
When Mack figured out how to shovel food into his own<br />
mouth, it immediately freed his mom and I up from having<br />
to sit by his side throughout meal time. We suddenly had<br />
time to finish preparing the rest of dinner, throw some<br />
dishes in the dishwasher or run a rag over the counter.<br />
You can get a lot accomplished in the 45 minutes it takes<br />
a toddler to consume six chicken nuggets and some corn.<br />
Independent Play<br />
Don’t get me wrong. Crawling around on the floor playing<br />
with toys, pushing Macklin on the swing at the park and<br />
carrying him around town on my shoulders are some of<br />
my favorite times. But when he slowly started figuring<br />
out how to play by himself, it was one of the more proud<br />
parenting moments of my life.<br />
I could see his creative genius taking root as the newly<br />
formed neural connections in his brain began firing in<br />
rapid succession trying desperately to keep up with the<br />
unfolding possibilities before him. He was a mad scientist<br />
clocking in for his first day of work inside his own private<br />
lab of destruction. And while he’s busy destroying, I get<br />
some work done in the next room door without worrying<br />
he’s going to accidentally roll down the stairs.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Car Seat Climb<br />
Parenthood brings with it a range of challenges and<br />
rewards, heartache and joy. All boiled down, though,<br />
parenting is basically the intersection of three things:<br />
boundless love, intense exhaustion and good ol’ fashioned<br />
lower back pain.<br />
With a ten pound baby who has steadily maintained<br />
his 99th percentile weight average since birth, imagine<br />
what a magnificent surprise it was for my wife to walk<br />
around her Subaru to find Macklin already sitting — and<br />
smiling — in his car seat. She didn’t even get the groceries<br />
all loaded up before she texted me with the good news.<br />
As I read the announcement, my back instantly relaxed,<br />
almost audibly so.<br />
Spontaneous Love<br />
You can rank these and other milestones however you’d<br />
like, but there will be no disagreement on what stands at<br />
the top of the list. When your child looks into your eyes and<br />
blurts out an “I love you, Daddy,” good luck, my friends.<br />
Gooooood luck. It’ll never get any better than that. •<br />
graphic design services<br />
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5YEARS<br />
O F<br />
T H E<br />
I F E<br />
L<br />
G O O D<br />
MAY-JUNE <strong>2018</strong> / VOLUME 5 • ISSUE 6<br />
02<br />
06<br />
08<br />
12<br />
14<br />
18<br />
26<br />
30<br />
ASK 30 WOMEN<br />
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4 / THE GOOD LIFE /<br />
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Darren Losee<br /><br />
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Alexandra Floersch<br />
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Krissy Ness<br />
Beth Reich /<br />
Jack Spade /<br />
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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Men’s Magazine is distributed six times a year by<br />
Urban Toad Media LLP. Material may not be reproduced without<br />
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writers or advertisers and do not necessarily represent the views or<br />
policies of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Men’s Magazine.<br /> / THE GOOD LIFE / 5
spring<br />
Get Your Lawn Ready<br />
for Summer with<br />
<strong>The</strong>se Five Steps<br />
Winter has finally started to fade and warmer weather is just around the corner.<br />
Without the harsh chill of the winter wind it’s easy to get lost in the anticipation of<br />
summer. Lazy weekends at the lake, afternoons on the golf course, and of course<br />
backyard BBQ’s are on everyone’s minds.<br />
But how do you make sure your lawn is ready for those summer BBQ’s you’ve<br />
been daydreaming about? <strong>The</strong> key is to start early! Taking the proper steps<br />
in the spring is what is going to set the stage for your yard for the whole<br />
summer. With just a little work, these five basic steps are going to help your<br />
lawn thrive in the coming summer months.<br />
1<br />
dethatch<br />
<strong>The</strong> first step to waking the lawn up from its long winter nap is to<br />
dethatch the grass. Clippings from the previous year can become<br />
matted near the base of the grass and with that tight, compacted<br />
layer at the base it makes it difficult for the grass to get the<br />
nutrients needed to grow. Using a power rake or even hand<br />
raking the lawn will help remove the thatch.<br />
2<br />
aerate<br />
Once the old clippings have been removed, the next step is<br />
to aerate the lawn and reseed any sparse areas. Aerating<br />
allows oxygen, vital nutrients, and fresh seed to reach<br />
the soil and the root of the grass. With this crucial onetwo<br />
punch, the grass will have a much better chance of<br />
thickening and growing to its full potential.<br />
3<br />
chemical treatments<br />
Now that the groundwork for a healthy lawn has<br />
been laid, it’s important to maintain it. Experts<br />
recommend three or four chemical treatments<br />
throughout the year, and spring is an excellent<br />
time to start. Since there is a lot of moisture<br />
in the soil and the temperature is still mild,<br />
the lawn can withstand a harsher chemical<br />
treatment designed to keep those pesky<br />
weeds at bay all summer long.<br />
watering<br />
4<br />
Watering the lawn is also one of the easiest ways to maintain<br />
it. It seems easy enough, but when it comes to watering<br />
the grass, less is more. Sounds counterproductive, right?<br />
Overwatering can lead to fungus growth and the grass is<br />
more likely to turn brown if it doesn’t get watered as frequently<br />
as it’s used to, which is the opposite of the idyllic green everyone<br />
hopes to achieve.<br />
Watering the lawn less often and for longer amounts of time,<br />
encourages the grass to keep searching for a source of water. This is<br />
beneficial during the sweltering summer months when there is less<br />
moisture in the top layer of the soil because the roots of the grass will<br />
have reached further into the soil in search of water.<br />
landscaping<br />
Not everyone has the time or the know-how to care for their lawn. Hiring<br />
a professional landscaper can ease the burden of spring cleanup and is a<br />
terrific way to help your lawn thrive all year round. Either way, starting your<br />
lawn care in the spring is going to give you that thick, green grass you’ve been<br />
dreaming of. •<br />
5<br /> / THE GOOD LIFE / 7
DAVID<br />
ALLEN<br />
Music has always had a way of helping<br />
you expressing yourself when you<br />
can’t find the right words. For David<br />
Allen this is key.<br />
If you’ve ever talked with Allen you<br />
know that he has a quiet demeanor,<br />
but once you bring up music his eyes<br />
light up and you feel like you’ve been<br />
life long friends. Soon realizing you’ve<br />
been talking for hours.<br />
“I’m not a stand up in front of people<br />
and talk kind of guy,” said David Allen.<br />
“Sometimes I’ll just sit down and<br />
start playing.”<br />
<strong>The</strong>re is something so mysterious<br />
yet kind about David Allen that really<br />
speaks to his music. Being an altcountry<br />
musician some may think, “oh<br />
another country rock star.” In fact, it is<br />
quite the opposite. <strong>The</strong> combination<br />
of brass, electric guitars, and David<br />
Allen’s uniquely rustic voice brings a<br />
style that anyone can get behind.<br />
David Allen finds inspiration from<br />
many different musicians. From the<br />
ghostly folk style that is Jason Isbell,<br />
to the outlaw country of Sturgill<br />
Simpson. You can absolutely hear<br />
their inspiration coming through in<br />
David Allen’s music.<br />
I'm not a stand up<br />
in front of people<br />
and talk<br />
kind of guy.<br />
Combining many styles of music is<br />
not easy but David Allen pulls it off<br />
effortlessly. His music has a sort of<br />
and sadness that isn’t always apparent<br />
unless you listen carefully.<br />
“Sometimes they pick it up, but I<br />
don’t push it,” said David Allen of his<br />
audiences.<br />
It is not uncommon for people to<br />
approach David Allen after a show<br />
and express to him what his music<br />
means to them.<br />
“People tell you very private stuff<br />
about themselves when you sing sad<br />
songs, I’ve found out,” said David<br />
Allen. “It makes it worth something<br />
because you don’t make a lot of money<br />
doing this.”<br />
His first full-length album, “Lovers<br /> / THE GOOD LIFE / 9
Are Liars, Gamblers, and Thieves”<br />
was released mid-March of this year.<br />
“I have been working on this album<br />
for a year and a half,” said David Allen.<br />
“I’m pretty proud of it.” And he should<br />
be. <strong>The</strong> haunting beauty of songs like,<br />
“Honey Stay Gone” makes you stop<br />
and think about past lives you have<br />
lived, and how they have led you to the<br />
life you have now.<br />
“I have a lot of talented friends who<br />
recorded on it,” said David Allen.<br />
“Ryan Young from ‘Trampled By<br />
Turtles’ - the fiddle player - I got him<br />
to record on this album.”<br />
Sometimes it takes putting yourself<br />
on the line to get what you really<br />
want, and that’s exactly what David<br />
Allen did for this album. “What’s the<br />
worst that is going to happen, they say<br />
no,” said David Allen. “Who cares?”<br />
10 / THE GOOD LIFE /<br />
It is really exciting to see the passion<br />
that a finished project can bring to<br />
someone especially when they have<br />
put so much time into making it the<br />
best it can be.<br />
Aside from being a talented musician<br />
David Allen is spends a lot of time<br />
outdoors where he keeps bees,<br />
gardens and cans produce at his<br />
home in Hatton, North Dakota.<br />
People tell you<br />
very private stuff<br />
about themselves when<br />
you sing sad songs.<br />
“I wouldn’t go anywhere if I didn’t play<br />
music,” said David Allen.<br />
It is because of his music he has been<br />
able to travel around the country.<br />
You never know what kind of crowd<br />
you will have for each show but he<br />
always makes the best of it.<br />
“It’s hit or miss,” said David Allen.<br />
“I played a show…at this really great<br />
hotel…and no one showed up except<br />
the owner; so we went bar hopping<br />
with her instead.”<br />
Singer songwriters like David Allen<br />
have one of the hardest jobs in the<br />
world, in my opinion, because you are<br />
constantly putting your words and<br />
your music out there for everyone to<br />
judge.<br />
David Allen must be doing something
ight thought because this album is beautifully<br />
written and executed.<br />
“I think the good life is being able to travel<br />
around the country and to be able to meet new<br />
people and connect with them through music,”<br />
said David Allen.<br />
It seems like he has already found the good life.<br />
If you are looking to purchase his new album you<br />
can find it at: •<br />
I think the good life is<br />
being able to travel<br />
around the country<br />
and to be able to<br />
meet new people and<br />
connect with them<br />
through music.<br /> / THE GOOD LIFE / 11
Ask 30 WOMEN<br />
GUYS. Just because it is comfortable doesn't mean she will love it as much as you do. Burn those tightywhities<br />
and buy yourself some boxers. Nobody likes a droopy bottom. Read on to find out what other things<br />
you wear that she hates.<br />
1. Crocs<br />
2. Sweatpants that "look like jeans" but are not jeans.<br />
3. Chewbacca suit. He has a unicorn suit too.<br />
4. White tube socks with any shoes but tennis shoes.<br />
At the top of the list <strong>–</strong> sandals or crocs. Cute on kids<br />
but not on grown ups.<br />
5. Holey boxers.<br />
6. Sandals that velcro. Like the little boy ones you find<br />
at Walmart.<br />
7. On our first “date” my husband wore a poets shirt<br />
with puffy sleeves and a tied closure up the neck.<br />
He accompanied this manly look with cream colored<br />
leather pants with dozens of well placed zippers. He<br />
looked like a pirate.<br />
8. His flannel coat.<br />
9. White diaper looking underwear.<br />
10. Holey t-shirts. He has a million decent t-shirts that<br />
he wears in public, but he has to wear the "yardwork<br />
shirts" until the collars are hanging by a thread and the<br />
holes in the armpits are bigger than the armholes.<br />
11. Vintage leather jacket with the lining ripped out.<br />
12. Man buns.<br />
13. l hate how he wears his T-shirts a size too small.<br />
Also when he tucks them into the front of his pants<br />
so tight that it stretches the neck opening into an oval<br />
down his chest!<br />
14. When we go for hockey tournaments, all the moms<br />
wear the same blue leggings. I bought two pairs. Now<br />
he decided he should join in and wear them too!<br />
15. Baggy worn out underwear.<br />
16. Socks and sandals.<br />
17. He has these crazy boots he likes to wear to<br />
concerts. <strong>The</strong>y are like 3” tall. He gets compliments so<br />
he keeps wearing them.<br />
18. He used to own these sweat pants that would go<br />
tight at the bottom - like hipster 18 year olds might<br />
wear. <strong>The</strong>y look like 8 year old kid PJ’s.<br />
19. He has this coat I gave him just to wear around the<br />
yard in the fall. He wears it all the time.<br />
20. Jorts aka jean shorts.<br />
21. Bracelets and skinny jeans.<br />
22. Flat billed hats.<br />
23. Black athletic shoes as "dress shoes".<br />
24. Tank tops. Even with the most shapely biceps on<br />
earth, no one is impressed by visible armpit hair.<br />
25. Tank tops.<br />
26. Camouflage pants.<br />
27. Belts with jeans.<br />
28. Flip flops.<br />
29. <strong>The</strong> shirts he has from 30 years ago.<br />
30. White sunglasses, jeweled jeans and visors.<br />
crocs • too small t-shirts • sweatpants • flannel coat • holey shirts • chewbacca suit / THE GOOD LIFE / 13
Kyle Iverson didn’t plan on being a radio producer. While<br />
growing up in Hallock, Minn., 20 miles south of the<br />
Canadian border, sports was his life. In college, his dream<br />
was to follow his passion for film and move to Los Angeles.<br />
Those dreams soon lost their luster after snagging a parttime<br />
job in AM talk radio. Thirteen years later, he still loves<br />
his work as a producer and board operator for WDAY 970.<br />
On a typical, blustery evening in March, Iverson and I met<br />
at Drekker Brewing Co. to discuss pressing topics affecting<br />
the world today, such as whether tacos are talked about too<br />
much, what he would name a puppy, and if he ever wears<br />
slippers at work (he doesn’t). Read on to learn more about<br />
the man behind the soundboard.<br />
<strong>Good</strong> <strong>Life</strong>: Do you think the current trend of everyone being<br />
obsessed and taco-ing (talking) about tacos and sharing<br />
memes about them is annoying and overdone?<br />
Kyle Iverson: I don’t mind people sharing things about<br />
them because it’s tacos. How can you not love tacos in every<br />
sense of the food? <strong>The</strong>re are so many things you can do<br />
with a taco.<br />
GL: Have tacos overturned pizza’s popularity?<br />
KI: Pizza will always have its place. Tacos have stolen some<br />
of the spotlight from pizza, but pizza will always be there.<br />
GL: If you could become more like one person, whom<br />
would you want to resemble?<br />
KI: I would say my father-in-law. He’s a best friend of mine.<br />
He’s a radio guy, went to MSUM, worked at Q98, and he’s<br />
done radio in some shape or form his whole life. We can<br />
talk about the latest movie, the latest Jack White album<br />
and the news like best buddies. We do cool things, just<br />
the two of us, and we have a blast. If there’s any little thing<br />
I’m questioning, whether it’s relationships or finances or<br />
anything stressful in my life, I go to my wife and then to him.<br /> / THE GOOD LIFE / 15
“Family, friends, relationships, love, and enjoying all of that as much as you can<br />
— and tacos. That is the good life.”<br />
GL: Do you think Elon Musk is being<br />
ridiculous with his fears of what<br />
artificial intelligence may become<br />
and do, or is he wise to be leery of it?<br />
KI: I think you need to have a certain<br />
level of caution. We haven’t gotten<br />
to the point where there’s artificial<br />
intelligence taking over humanity.<br />
Right now we’re using it as a good<br />
tool to assist humanity. Who knows<br />
what will happen in 1,000 years. We<br />
might have robots with AI having the<br />
same rights as human beings. I’m a<br />
big “Blade Runner” fan, can you tell?<br />
GL: Do you have any hidden talents,<br />
or are they all obvious?<br />
KI: One talent I had growing up was<br />
sketching. I did lots of cartoons and<br />
a lot of realistic sketching. I loved<br />
printmaking in a college class, too.<br />
GL: If you bought a puppy today, what<br />
would you name it and why?<br />
KI: This might seem oddly specific<br />
because I know it right away. It would<br />
be a pug, it would have black fur, and<br />
its name would be Kingsley. It’s from<br />
“<strong>The</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Aquatic.” <strong>The</strong>re’s a moment<br />
where Bill Murray and Owen Wilson<br />
think they’re father and son, and Bill<br />
Murray says, “You know, I would have<br />
named you Kingsley, if I had a say in<br />
it. Kingsley Zissou.” I thought that<br />
line was so funny, and I want to name<br />
a dog that someday.<br />
GL: What traditions would you like<br />
to make up or pass on to future<br />
generations — or to Kingsley?<br />
KI: A tradition that I’d like to pass on<br />
is curling. I grew up in Hallock and<br />
there’s a curling club in the town. My<br />
mom and dad were both curlers. My<br />
mom got me into it at a young age.<br />
It’s a family sport. It gets passed<br />
down from generation to generation.<br />
If I have kids someday, I’d like to pass<br />
it down, too. My mom was actually<br />
a game away from representing the<br />
United States in Switzerland. She<br />
was pregnant with me at the time.<br />
GL: What was your favorite age as a<br />
child, and what happened to make it<br />
such a great year?<br />
KI: Right around the age of 11, there<br />
was one trip in particular that my<br />
dad and I took where we went up<br />
to Canada to go fishing. It just so<br />
happened there was a friend of my<br />
father’s who owned a gas station and<br />
café. We did a couple of things for<br />
him for a day or two, and he was like,<br />
“All right, you’ve earned your<br />
trip.” We were like, “What<br />
do you mean?” He said, “I’m<br />
going to fly you out from a<br />
lake to a little remote island,<br />
and you and your dad can be<br />
there for a week. I’ll put you<br />
up in a cabin, you’ll have a guy<br />
who cleans your fish, and a<br />
camp cook.” My dad and I try<br />
to make a trip up to northern<br />
Ontario every year, and that<br />
was kind of the catalyst for it.<br />
Deer hunting with my dad is<br />
another one of those things<br />
that I treasure.<br />
GL: What’s the meaning of<br />
life?<br />
KI: Weren’t we talking about<br />
tacos earlier?<br />
GL: I just like throwing a<br />
curveball here and there.<br />
What does living the good life<br />
mean to you?<br />
KI: Family, friends, relationships,<br />
love, and enjoying all of<br />
that as much as you can — and<br />
tacos. That is the good life. •<br /> / THE GOOD LIFE / 17
<strong>The</strong>y use your food as a landing pad. <strong>The</strong>y bathe<br />
in your beverages. <strong>The</strong>y poop on your cars. <strong>The</strong>y<br />
get in your face. <strong>The</strong>y can be terrifying, but if<br />
you take the time to view them through a new<br />
lens, bugs can be fascinating and sometimes<br />
beautiful.<br />
For Donald Carey, “<strong>The</strong> Bug Man,” the<br />
world of insects is his livelihood. As an<br />
entomologist for nearly 50 years, Carey<br />
has worked for the federal government<br />
and a private agriculture company. His<br />
longest running position has been in<br />
his current role as a research specialist<br />
for the North Dakota State University<br />
Entomology Department where he<br />
works with livestock entomology,<br />
biocontrol, and production control to<br />
help various crops.<br />
For those who study bugs, their fascination<br />
with these organisms can become an<br />
obsession, a constant distraction available<br />
everywhere they turn. According to Carey, he’s<br />
never quite fit the stereotype of entomologists.<br />
“<strong>The</strong> typical entomologist is a guy wearing khaki,<br />
shorts, a pith helmet, thick glasses and carrying a<br />
“<strong>The</strong> typical entomologist is a guy wearing khaki, shorts, a pith helmet, thick glasses<br />
and carrying a net. We have a guy in our department who fits the bill perfectly.”<br />
Meet this beautiful girl ...<br />
George the 9th<br />
net. We have a guy in our department who<br />
fits the bill perfectly. I never went that way,”<br />
Carey said. “I was always an ag boy. I was in<br />
production and control, but there was a faction<br />
of people in our department who lived and breathed<br />
collecting insects. If it’s not eating my food or biting me,<br />
I don’t care about it. I grew up on a farm, so if there was<br />
an insect, you stepped on it or swatted at it.”<br />
Initially a wildlife management major in college,<br />
Carey was soon persuaded by his friend to take a few<br />
entomology classes.<br />
“My next door neighbor in the dorms was crazy — nice,<br />
but crazy. He’s a good guy. He was even in my wedding.<br />
He was in entomology and convinced me to take a few<br />
classes. I took them and I liked them. So this is all my<br />
crazy next-door neighbor’s fault.”<br />
Years after he started at NDSU, Carey was invited to<br />
speak at a kindergarten classroom about insects. Since<br />
then, he’s been known as “<strong>The</strong> Bug Man.” He has given<br />
presentations that capture the attention of elementary<br />
students for 40 years. He’s even dressed as a cockroach.<br />
“My presentations have to be entertaining. A lot of times<br />
my presentations are to 5th, 6th and 7th graders. At that<br />
age, science is starting to become boring. I try to keep<br />
it interesting. I ask them if they like honey. Well, you<br />
don’t have to call it honey. Think about it. When a bee<br />
has to move honey from one colony to the next, how<br />
do they transport it? <strong>The</strong>y basically have a honey<br />
stomach, so they swallow it and then regurgitate it.<br />
You can call it honey, but I call it bee barf. It’s good<br />
for you, it’s nutritious, and it’s something an insect<br />
threw up.”<br />
Living Organisms<br />
What we do to get rid of one pest can greatly and<br />
sometimes gravely impact humans, as well. Part<br />
of an entomologist’s job is to guide the actions of<br />
farmers and pesticide and insecticide companies<br />
from doing more harm than good for the sake of a<br />
good yield of crops.<br />
“<strong>The</strong> disadvantage of killing bugs is that when you<br />
kill a bug, you tend to kill other things,” Carey said.<br />
“In my outreach program where I talk to kids, I used<br /> / THE GOOD LIFE / 19
Indian walking sticks for a display. I<br />
fed them romaine lettuce. I’d take<br />
out the outer leaves, wash it and feed<br />
them. It would kill my walking sticks.<br />
It didn’t matter how well I washed<br />
the lettuce or what brand I bought.<br />
Once I chose organic, they were fine.<br />
That was over a six-month period, so<br />
it wasn’t an isolated incident. <strong>The</strong>re’s<br />
something in that lettuce they didn’t<br />
like. I had to go organic.”<br />
When Carey compares how most<br />
Americans and his international<br />
friends purchase produce, there is a<br />
definite contrast in what they choose<br />
to take home.<br />
“I have friends from Europe, and<br />
they’ll pick up an apple out of the<br />
grocery store that’s blemished or<br />
has a hole or a worm in it. <strong>The</strong>y<br />
cut the hole out and eat the apple.<br />
In the United States, we have zero<br />
tolerance for that,” Carey said. “I<br />
once worked in a private industry,<br />
and some of the chemicals used to<br />
control insects on apples are very<br />
nasty. It’s kind of scary. You’re killing<br />
a living organism. It’s much smaller,<br />
but I also am a living organism.”<br />
Hidden Protein<br />
Scorpions, like spiders, are<br />
arachnids. Scorpions have two<br />
venom glands that produce venom<br />
used in hunting and self defense.<br />
Scorpions do not have bones<br />
instead they have an exoskeleton<br />
made of chitin, which is similar to<br />
the shell of a shrimp.<br />
As flour replacements continue to<br />
become more unusual, insects like<br />
crickets are being touted as proteinpacked<br />
gifts of nature. However, there<br />
are plenty of other insects to choose<br />
from, too, such as cockroaches, and<br />
they’re undoubtedly in the type of<br />
flour you already buy. In fact, you<br />
get an extra bit of protein in your<br />
packaged foods every day.<br />
“We eat insects all the time,” Carey<br />
said. “If you take a pound of ground<br />
coffee, put it in a gallon of water and<br />
add a cup of sugar (sugar makes<br />
things float), shake it up and let it<br />
<strong>The</strong> word millipede comes from the Latin language and<br />
means '1,000 feet,' but most millipedes don't have that<br />
many feet. Most have about 40 to 400 legs. When they<br />
walk, they look like they are walking in waves because<br />
all their legs move together in a smooth motion.<br />
sit, insect parts will float to the top — mostly<br />
cockroaches. Do you like peanut butter? <strong>The</strong><br />
USDA allows 50 insect parts per 100 grams.<br />
You can’t keep them out. That’s about a peanut<br />
butter sandwich, so the USDA allows you to<br />
have 50 insect parts in your peanut butter<br />
sandwich.”<br />
<strong>The</strong> USDA allows you to have<br />
50 insect parts in your peanut<br />
butter sandwich.<br />
If your favorite sandwich is no longer a PBJ&C<br />
(peanut butter, jelly and cockroach), take heart.<br />
You can minimize your bug intake in other ways.<br />
“Bugs in flour, corn meal — it’s not your fault. It<br />
showed up in a grocery store. If you throw out<br />
a totally contaminated bag of flour, some have<br />
probably already moved over to the spaghetti<br />
and the corn meal. If there’s not many in there,<br />
put it in a sealed container and freeze it.”<br />
Bad Relatives<br />
Even as <strong>The</strong> Bug Man, it’s impossible not to<br />
choose favorites out of the insect kingdom and<br />
to empathize with others for their unfortunate<br />
stereotypes.<br />
Carey’s favorite specimen is the honeybee, an<br />
imported insect. Originally from Europe, they<br />
were once called the white man’s fly.<br />
“We didn’t have honeybees in the United<br />
States,” Carey said. “When they came in, there’s<br />
a possibility we lost 12 to 100 different species<br />
of other bees. We probably lost just as many<br />
plants because they don’t pollinate like the old<br />
bees did. Honeybees have been in Europe and<br />
the Middle East a long time. <strong>The</strong>y’re even listed<br />
in the Bible.”<br />
<strong>The</strong> seasoned entomologist likes bees so much<br />
he’s even spoken with them on occasion —<br />
indirectly, of course.<br />
Not everyone you meet has a jar of<br />
tarantula exoskeletons on their desk!<br />
Molting is a process tarantulas go<br />
through as they grow. <strong>The</strong>y shed off their<br />
old skin much like snakes.<br /> / THE GOOD LIFE / 21
Cockroaches have<br />
been around since the<br />
time of dinosaurs!<br />
“I like bees. You can actually<br />
talk to them. A forager bee<br />
will go by the flowers, get<br />
nectar and bring it back to<br />
the hive. It’s a really good source<br />
of nectar, so it will go back and tell<br />
the other bees to get to it. It will<br />
actually do a bee dance on top of the<br />
hive. Depending on how far it is and<br />
the orientation of the sun, it will do a<br />
figure eight and tell the rest of them<br />
where to go,” Carey said. “You can<br />
cheat. If you pick up a dead bee and<br />
Tarantulas are the<br />
biggest type of spider in<br />
the world. <strong>The</strong> largest<br />
species is the Goliath<br />
bird-eating tarantula.<br />
It can have a leg span<br />
up to 11 inches!<br />
put it on a string with a stick, you can<br />
do the little dance on top of the hive<br />
and send them away.”<br />
While honeybees are beloved for<br />
good reason, there are other, more<br />
unlovable bugs that aren’t “as cute<br />
as a bug in a rug.” In fact, who<br />
really thinks bugs under rugs are<br />
cute? You’d probably have to be an<br />
entomologist, especially when you’re<br />
showing pity to cockroaches. <strong>The</strong>re<br />
are various types of cockroaches, and<br />
Carey used an entertaining analogy<br />
to get his point across.<br />
“In a family, you have lots of relatives.<br />
You have a cousin, George, who is a<br />
lush and has been married three<br />
times. Oh, and he can’t hold down<br />
a job. <strong>The</strong> rest of the family is fine.<br />
Cousin George is just bad. It’s the<br />
same way with cockroaches,” Carey<br />
said. “<strong>The</strong>re are hundreds of kinds of<br />
cockroaches. <strong>The</strong>re are just a couple<br />
that fit into the Cousin George<br />
outine. <strong>The</strong> rest of them are very good. We have a couple kinds<br />
around here that are great; they break down the leaf litter. Just a<br />
couple of them give the rest a bad name.”<br />
Whether you’re being judged based on the Cousin George of your<br />
family or you are the Cousin George of your family, may your<br />
opinions of (most) smaller organisms be more of fascination<br />
than of fear.<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />
Many people spend their lives hating their careers, dissatisfied<br />
in their life choices or situations, but for people like Carey, life is<br />
beautifully simple. In his opinion, living the good life is boring,<br />
in the best of ways.<br />
“<strong>The</strong> good life is boring. I like boring. I go to work and enjoy my<br />
job. It’s dynamic, I do something different every day, yet kind<br />
of expected,” Carey said. “<strong>The</strong> good life to me is just every day.<br />
Every day is the best day of my life, and I’m pretty sure tomorrow<br />
will be the best day of my life, too. I’m not going to set the world<br />
on fire. I’ll just warm it up occasionally. Just go out and smell<br />
the roses, which in North Dakota you can do about four days a<br />
year.” •<br /> / THE GOOD LIFE / 23
Gin. Only Better.<br />
Minions Gin by Proof Artisan Distillers is not your grandfathers gin. We’ve<br />
heard countless times, ”I don’t like gin, but I love this.”<br />
Minions Gin is a light and clean spirit that begins with a base of our<br />
highly acclaimed 2Docks Vodka. We carefully combine over twenty hand<br />
selected ingredients that are vapor infused through our micro-batch<br />
distillation process. Layers of flavors and aromatic ingredients including<br />
citrus, berries and spices provide a distinctive background to a properly<br />
apportioned juniper forefront.<br />
Our exceptional New American Style Gin is not chill-filtered as that would<br />
diminish the subtle contribution of the essential oils from the citrus and<br />
botanicals. This is a distinguished characteristic of our true handcrafted,<br />
distilled spirit that enhances the taste, aroma and smooth mouth feel of<br />
its flavor profile.<br />
citrus • berries • spices • light juniper<br />
Try these<br />
refreshing cocktails<br />
at home or<br />
lakeside.<br />
1 ½ oz Minions Gin<br />
Splash of Lemon or<br />
Lime Juice<br />
1 ½ oz Cranberry Juice<br />
1 ½ oz Ginger Beer<br />
In an iced 10 oz glass,<br />
pour all ingredients into<br />
glass and stir briefly.<br />
Garnish with lemon or<br />
lime slice.<br />
1 ½ oz Minions Gin<br />
1 ½ oz Lime Juice<br />
1 ½ oz Simple Syrup<br />
(Equal parts water and<br />
sugar dissolved into<br />
a syrup.)<br />
2 oz Club Soda<br />
In an iced 10 oz glass,<br />
pour all ingredients into<br />
glass and stir briefly.<br />
Garnish with lime slice.<br />
2 ounces Minions Gin<br />
1/2 ounce fresh<br />
lemon juice<br />
1/2 ounce honey syrup<br />
(Equal parts honey and<br />
hot water. Stir until<br />
dissolved.)<br />
Combine all<br />
ingredients in a cocktail<br />
shaker, stir briefly to<br />
dissolve honey syrup,<br />
then fill with ice. Shake<br />
well for 10 seconds and<br />
strain into a chilled<br />
cocktail glass.<br /> / THE GOOD LIFE / 25
Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach him to<br />
fish, and he can feed himself for the rest of his life. Yes,<br />
this is an old cliché, but like most clichés, there is usually<br />
an element of truth. Today, this saying doesn’t go quite far<br />
enough.<br />
Yes, a skilled fisherman won’t go hungry, but is that our<br />
end goal? Surely our community wants a better future<br />
for people and their families. And, our need for a skilled<br />
workforce has challenged us to think differently.<br />
For this man and his family to stop the cycle of poverty,<br />
he will need a job with a reasonable wage at a successful<br />
fishing company. This is the only way his son might have<br />
the chance move up the ladder to become an engineer,<br />
CEO or scientist.<br />
When I visit with leaders across our community, the<br />
conversation often leads to their struggle with the<br />
workforce shortage and how it is impacting their business<br />
and bottom line.<br />
It is estimated that by the year 2020, there will be 30,000<br />
open jobs in our local communities.*<br />
At the same time, one out of nine people in Cass and Clay<br />
counties, or 26,000 people, are living in poverty, which<br />
is defined as a family of four living on less than $24,600<br />
per year. <strong>The</strong>re is a correlation in these numbers.<br />
What we know, is that the barriers for many of these<br />
families are two-fold: access to skills and basic needs<br />
unique to each person. A solution has been found in a<br />
first-ever collaborative Workforce Development Case<br />
Manager, Amy Feland.<br />
Amy’s innovative role is funded thanks to generous<br />
United Way donors and was created through strategic<br />
collaboration between United Way, Minnesota State<br />
Community and Technical College and Lakes and<br />
Prairies Community Action Partnership.<br />
When Eric, a local man from Moorhead, came to<br />
Lakes and Prairies Community Action Partnership, he<br /> / THE GOOD LIFE / 27
“When you can see an individual<br />
go from nearly being homeless<br />
to now working in a career and<br />
coming home to an apartment<br />
with his family, you can see the<br />
good that can come of the work<br />
that United Way does.”<br />
— Amy Feland<br />
was seeking help to keep him from becoming homeless but<br />
instead noticed a poster for welding program.<br />
“When I first met Eric, he was working, but at risk of<br />
becoming homeless. He was sleeping on the floor in a small,<br />
nearly empty apartment. With a felony in his background,<br />
there was always a barrier between the jobs he wanted and<br />
the ability to even get an interview. He knew he had to get<br />
better skills,” said Amy.<br />
With Amy’s support, for six weeks, Eric would spend eight<br />
hours a day in a welding class provided by M State, work<br />
a part-time job at a local restaurant and do his homework,<br />
oftentimes until 3 a.m., before showing up the next day<br />
for class. <strong>The</strong> hard work paid off, but wouldn’t have been<br />
possible without support from Amy.<br />
“For Eric and my clients, I just believe in them until they<br />
believe in themselves,” said Amy.<br />
“She kept encouraging me and helped me problem-solve<br />
the issues in my life. I didn’t believe there were good people<br />
in the world. But I guess I was proved wrong,” said Eric,<br />
who is now proudly employed.<br />
In April, Eric met his 19-month-old daughter, Aria, for the<br />
first time and with Amy’s help found an apartment that<br />
would be a better environment for him and his fiancé,<br />
Leslie, to raise their little girl.<br />
Mental Health. Transportation Child care. Housing. While<br />
training programs do exist in our community, a person<br />
living in poverty may not be able to access them because<br />
of barriers that stand in the way for themselves and their<br />
family.<br />
“United Way is working differently. <strong>The</strong> goal of this twogeneration<br />
model is to break the cycle of poverty by moving<br />
the family toward economic security and addressing the<br />
workforce shortage in our community,” said Thomas<br />
Hill, the United Way Community Impact Director.<br />
Today, thanks to United Way, the Workforce<br />
Development Case Manager will continue to provide<br />
support to clients in these M State training programs:<br />
• Welding<br />
• Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)<br />
• Certified Production Technician (CPT)<br />
Amy has shared with us that graduation day is a<br />
transformative moment in participants’ lives <strong>–</strong> it makes<br />
the promise of economic mobility a reality.<br />
“When you can see an individual go from nearly being<br />
homeless to now working in a career and coming home<br />
every day to an apartment with his family under one<br />
roof, you can see the good that can come of the work<br />
that United Way does,” said Amy.<br />
Another positive outcome from this strategy is the<br />
social capital built among the people going through the<br />
training programs.<br />
“It is amazing to see the bonds that are formed <strong>–</strong> they<br />
encourage and root for each other, and we have seen<br />
that carry over into the workplace when they get a job,”<br />
said Amy.<br />
Not only are people getting jobs, they’re entering the<br />
workplace knowing the value of supporting their fellow<br />
employees.<br />
It’s not just about giving low-income people the chance<br />
for a career and helping employers fill openings. When<br />
one participant was asked about the opportunity to<br />
graduate from the CNA course, she said, “Thank you<br />
for this chance to make my dreams come true!”•<br />
*Regional Workforce Development Study commissioned by United<br />
Way, <strong>The</strong> Chamber, Greater Fargo Moorhead Economic Development<br />
Corporation, FM Area Foundation, Fargo-Moorhead Convention and<br />
Visitors Bureau, 2015.<br /> / THE GOOD LIFE / 29
Red, White and Blue<br />
Selfless Service is the Motto for Clay County Detective<br />
Jason Hicks’ life motto is pretty simple: "If you take<br />
care of your people, they will take care of you.”<br />
While his oldest brother is a prison guard, his sister<br />
runs a nursing program and his other brother is a<br />
fireman, the Clay County investigations and narcotics<br />
detective can’t pinpoint what drove him and his siblings<br />
into careers of service. After all, neither of their parents<br />
had.<br />
But that’s not the case when it comes to military<br />
service, where there’s a very visible link.<br />
“Pretty much every male on my dad's side of the family<br />
<strong>–</strong> and my wife's side, for that matter <strong>–</strong> have all served.<br />
<strong>The</strong> only one who didn't was my brother, the fireman,<br />
because he had asthma," Hicks said.<br />
In fact, the Glyndon native himself joined the Army<br />
immediately after high school at just 19 years old.<br />
And, as life would have it, that undeniable pride for his<br />
country would rub off on his three children in the years<br />
to come.<br />
His son, Hunter, 22, recently completed his Army<br />
contract while his 18-year-old daughter, Macie, just<br />
finished her advanced training for the Army National<br />
Guard combat medic school at Fort Sam Houston in<br />
San Antonio, Texas.<br />
"My daughter Macaila (Macie’s twin) would have signed<br />
up in a heartbeat, but she has some health problems,”<br />
he explained. “It really hurt her but she can serve in<br />
other ways.”<br />
In the Army, rules, structure and loyalty define your life.<br />
"<strong>The</strong> one thing the military really nails into people is<br />
selfless service, guaranteeing you're not always going<br />
to like what you're doing, but you're going to do it<br />
anyway because the mission comes before yourself,”<br />
If you take care of your people,<br />
they will take care of you.<br /> / THE GOOD LIFE / 31
explained Ray Pizarro, having known Hicks for<br />
21 years and serving overseas together. “And<br />
the mission is righteous.”<br />
It was that mentality that Hicks led with as<br />
an infantryman and platoon sergeant during<br />
his deployments to Germany <strong>–</strong> where he was<br />
sent to the Persian Gulf War <strong>–</strong> and Bosnia for a<br />
peacekeeping mission in 2003.<br />
"Jason never cared about his career more than<br />
he cared about his men," Pizarro said. "He put<br />
us before himself, meaning if bad news came<br />
down the pipe and he had to pick a couple of<br />
volunteers to go do something rotten, instead of<br />
picking two, he'd pick one and do it with them.”<br />
It was that unique style of<br />
leadership that allowed Hicks to<br />
build both trust and rapport with<br />
his unit.<br />
"<strong>The</strong>re wasn't a single task that<br />
was ever questioned,” Pizarro said. “People<br />
would line up, saying, 'What do you need me<br />
to do? I'll do it.' Because they knew he would<br />
suffer with them.”<br />
Getting his first taste of leadership while<br />
serving his country molded Hicks into the<br />
person he is today <strong>–</strong> one who bleeds red, white<br />
and blue.<br />
"I saw the best and worst of people. It's<br />
something that I learned from," he said. “Some<br />
people talk about how great other places are.<br />
But having seen first, second and third-world<br />
countries, there's no doubt that we're it. I will<br />
never apologize for being an American. And I<br />
never have."<br />
A story all too common among soldiers, Hicks<br />
admits to having had a difficult time adjusting<br />
when he first returned from overseas.<br />
"That's probably one of the biggest reasons<br />
I focus on the veterans groups... I can relate,"<br />
he said. "<strong>The</strong>re's always something bigger than<br />
yourself <strong>–</strong> so many things we can do to make<br />
this better for everybody.”<br />
Having been involved with the Veterans of<br />
Foreign Wars (VFW) since 1993, Hicks became<br />
one of the youngest commanders during his<br />
first term from 1998-2000, and later served a<br />
second term from 2010-2014.<br />
Currently, he’s most active with the color<br />
guard, marching in parades, conducting flag<br />
presentations and teaching flag etiquette to<br />
kids. If it isn’t obvious at first sight, Pizarro<br />
says Hicks’ dedication shines through when<br />
honoring Veterans Honor Flight of ND/MN <strong>–</strong> an<br />
organization that sends area veterans to their<br />
memorials in Washington D.C., free of charge.<br />
“He’ll say, 'It's going to be super hot. We're on<br />
the runway but you're going to be in uniform<br />
and represent the VFW because the VFW<br />
represents these guys. I don't want to hear any<br />
shake and bake about how awful it's going to<br />
be. We're going to do it for the honor of these<br />
people,'" Pizarro explained. “And we’ll do it with<br />
a gracious heart.”<br />
Respect is hard to come by but perhaps it’s the<br />
bond that only service members can attest to <strong>–</strong><br />
the “brotherhood" as Hicks says <strong>–</strong> that makes<br />
it all worth it.<br />
"It wouldn't matter if you're a Korean War<br />
veteran or a war on terrorism vet, you all have<br />
that (bond),” Hicks said. “For example, there's a<br />
guy at the Fargo VFW and he was with the 7th<br />
infantry regiment of the 3rd infantry division...<br />
so was I. So we salute each other with our<br />
motto. He's a Korean War vet and I'm <strong>–</strong> what? <strong>–</strong><br />
a third of his age? It's really cool."<br />
Hicks retired from Army in 2007 but he<br />
has continued serving in other ways. After<br />
graduating from Minnesota State University<br />
<strong>The</strong>re's always something<br />
bigger than yourself -<br />
so many things we can<br />
do to make this better<br />
for everybody.<br /> / THE GOOD LIFE / 33
Moorhead (MSUM) with a degree in criminal justice,<br />
the veteran started his law enforcement career in<br />
Dilworth as a part-time patrolman. But it wasn’t<br />
long before he was hired at the West Fargo Police<br />
Department, where he scored a position as narcotics<br />
investigator after just a year in.<br />
"That's something I had always wanted to do and it<br />
was just wild. That was at the height of the big meth<br />
push <strong>–</strong> when they were making meth and had meth<br />
labs everywhere,” he said. “We could literally work 24<br />
hours a day, seven days a week. <strong>The</strong>re was always stuff<br />
to do.”<br />
From small, marijuana paraphernalia arrests to a<br />
multi-pound methamphetamine busts, Hicks worked<br />
an endless amount of cases.<br />
"<strong>The</strong> thing with drug work <strong>–</strong> and I say this to everybody<br />
<strong>–</strong> if you're doing it right, within about three years, you're<br />
burnt out and you don't want to do it anymore," he said.<br />
When that time came, he applied at the Clay County<br />
Sheriff’s office as a patrolman and soon worked his<br />
way into an investigative position once again <strong>–</strong> one he<br />
has held for the past 10 years.<br />
"I’ve worked cases from a simple burglary to homicide,<br />
sexual assault, home invasion <strong>–</strong> all this crazy stuff,” he<br />
said. "I've worked some really unusual cases.”<br />
As with any job, the role of an investigative detective<br />
has its ups, downs and undeniable stressors.<br />
“You get a little burnt out sometimes and you have to<br />
find other ways to focus," Hicks says.<br />
For him, that usually means not only taking warranted<br />
time off work but also exercising.<br />
"It helps clear your head,” he says. “Don't get me<br />
wrong, I'm not a marathon runner or anything. I like<br />
long walks and things like that <strong>–</strong> the same stuff I did in<br />
<strong>The</strong> good life is<br />
being an American.<br />
the Army, except I'm not carrying a rucksack and a<br />
rifle.”<br />
At the end of the day, one recurring assumption still<br />
surprises Hicks.<br />
“After people sit down and talk to me, they never<br />
believe that I'm a cop. It just makes me laugh," he<br />
said. "I'm about as normal of a person as there is. I<br />
don't have magic powers.”<br />
As he aims to grow in his career, Hicks has joined<br />
the race for Clay County Sheriff <strong>–</strong> an election slated<br />
for November <strong>2018</strong>.<br />
"<strong>The</strong> thing I want to bring most (to the position)<br />
is my life experience <strong>–</strong> both as a leader and as an<br />
investigator,” Hicks said. “I have a varied experience,<br />
having worked patrol, narcotics and investigations.<br />
I’ve worked with every federal and state agency in<br />
the area.”<br />
From the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI),<br />
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Bureau<br />
of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF),<br />
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA),<br />
Secret Service, North Dakota Bureau of Criminal<br />
Investigation (BCI), Fargo, Moorhead, West Fargo<br />
Police Departments and more, you could say Hicks<br />
knows a few people.<br />
"We're two separate states, two jurisdictions,”<br />
Hicks said. “But we work seamlessly together. It's<br />
awesome. It doesn't happen in a lot of places in the<br />
country.”<br />
Living “out in the sticks” with his wife, Peggy, of<br />
27 years, is where Hicks finds solace outside of<br />
work, enjoying the livestock, peace and quiet. Be it<br />
hunting, fishing for “anything that bites” or relishing<br />
in Minnesota’s snowy winters, Hicks cherishes the<br />
great outdoors.<br />
But what exactly defines “the good life”?<br />
"Being able to wake up in a country that's free,"<br />
Hicks said. "Just the everyday freedoms that we<br />
enjoy as Americans. Not everyone has it. <strong>The</strong> good<br />
life is being an American." •<br /> / THE GOOD LIFE / 35