Illini Moose Magazine - Illinois Moose Association
Illini Moose Magazine - Illinois Moose Association
Illini Moose Magazine - Illinois Moose Association
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<strong>Illini</strong> <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />
July, August, September 2011 Volume 2011 Issue 3<br />
Inside this Issue<br />
Membership - Jim Brewer . . . . . . . .2<br />
President - Gorden Berry . . . . . . . . .3<br />
Regional Manager - Austin Howard . .4<br />
Secretary - Gerald Ashlock . . . . . . . .5<br />
2011 <strong>Illinois</strong> Pilgrim Class . . . . . . . .6<br />
<strong>Moose</strong>heart 2011 Honors<br />
and Awards Program . . . . . . . . . . .6<br />
Team Activity Leader -<br />
Johnny Larison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7<br />
Youth Awareness -<br />
Ralph & Dawn Newton . . . . . . . . . .7<br />
Recycle for <strong>Moose</strong>heart -<br />
Free Mailing Labels . . . . . . . . . . . .7<br />
August Convention<br />
Information & Forms . . . . . . . . .8-11<br />
March of Checks Donations<br />
2011 Midyear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12<br />
IMA Quota Busters 2010 - 2011 . . . . 12<br />
IMA Lodges with a Gain in<br />
Membership 2010 – 2011 . . . . . . . 13<br />
IMA Top Member Signing<br />
Lodges 2010 – 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . 13<br />
IMA 5-Club 2010 – 2011 . . . . . . . . . 13<br />
IMA New & Advancing 25-Club<br />
Members 2010 – 2011 . . . . . . . . . 15<br />
District 3 Karaoke Night . . . . . . . . . 16<br />
Mascoutah <strong>Moose</strong> Donate<br />
to MCHS After Prom Party . . . . . . . 16<br />
Tommy <strong>Moose</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17<br />
Freeport Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17<br />
Naperville Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17<br />
IMA NE Council of Higher Degrees<br />
Presents Luggage to Graduating<br />
<strong>Moose</strong>heart Students . . . . . . . . . . 18<br />
Chicago Heights #828- IMA Fishing<br />
Tournament . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19<br />
Taylorville <strong>Moose</strong> Lodge 1516 Kids<br />
Fishing Tournament . . . . . . . . . . . 19<br />
<strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>Moose</strong> Bowling Tournament<br />
Rules & Entry Form . . . . . . . . .20-21<br />
Lodge Easter Parties . . . . . . . . . . . 22<br />
Effingham <strong>Moose</strong> Easter Party . . . . . .22<br />
Prospect Lodge #660<br />
Kids Easter Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22<br />
File Submission Format for the <strong>Illini</strong><br />
<strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23<br />
Plainfield <strong>Moose</strong> Active in Community<br />
By Denise Baran-UnlanD<br />
For The heralD-news apr<br />
22, 2011: when a neighbor first<br />
invited Bob provo of plainfield to join<br />
the plainfield <strong>Moose</strong> in 2005, provo<br />
was attracted to the various social<br />
programs the lodge offered.<br />
“i was especially impressed with all<br />
the children’s activities,” provo said,<br />
“because i could enjoy them with my<br />
grandchildren.”<br />
But once provo witnessed the array of<br />
projects and events the <strong>Moose</strong> provided<br />
for its community, he couldn’t wait to<br />
become more involved. “service, that<br />
is the main thing we do,” provo, now<br />
the administrator of programs, said.<br />
Array of projects<br />
The list is extensive. some of the<br />
plainfield <strong>Moose</strong>’s larger projects<br />
include raising more than $10,000 for<br />
Joliet area Community hospice over<br />
five years, $11,000 for st. Baldricks<br />
and $6,000 of equipment ($2,000 for<br />
Bob Provo of the Plainfield <strong>Moose</strong> Lodge. Michael R. Schmidt~Sun-Times Media<br />
portable light towers) for the plainfield<br />
emergency Management agency<br />
(peMa).<br />
The plainfield <strong>Moose</strong> has also hosted<br />
blood drives, annual Cpr classes,<br />
collected cell phones for victims of<br />
domestic abuse, participated in the fall<br />
Dupage river cleanup and purchased<br />
golf holes for the community’s Frisbee<br />
golf course.<br />
it volunteers with and sponsors the<br />
homecoming parade and buys $25<br />
plots in the community garden for<br />
individuals and families that cannot<br />
afford the fee. They send supplies to<br />
overseas troops.<br />
“last year, one of the Gi’s wrote and<br />
said they’d like to have baseball gloves<br />
for recreation after being in the field<br />
all day,” provo said. “so we collected<br />
100 mitts and bats and shipped them<br />
to the troops. we received a very nice<br />
thank you note.”<br />
Continued on page 18
wow! i have just<br />
returned from a trip to<br />
<strong>Moose</strong>heart and had<br />
the wonderful privilege<br />
of attending the<br />
Graduation Ceremony<br />
for the graduating<br />
seniors of <strong>Moose</strong>heart!<br />
This is the third <strong>Moose</strong>heart graduation i have attended<br />
and each time i have gotten goose bumps during the<br />
ceremony. i always leave the graduation<br />
with a new charge of enthusiasm about<br />
my commitment to the children of<br />
<strong>Moose</strong>heart and the seniors at <strong>Moose</strong><br />
haven. let’s all remember, the kids at<br />
<strong>Moose</strong>heart and the seniors at <strong>Moose</strong><br />
haven are what the <strong>Moose</strong> is all about.<br />
i don’t want to step on the toes of the<br />
illinois Day Chairs, Joe albert and<br />
Barry litberg but i would encourage<br />
all members of the loyal order of<br />
<strong>Moose</strong> to make the trip to <strong>Moose</strong>heart<br />
on september 10th and see for yourself<br />
what the <strong>Moose</strong> is all about. i am<br />
sure once you see what you as <strong>Moose</strong><br />
Members help support you will be willing to kick it up a<br />
notch to promote the loyal order of <strong>Moose</strong> which means<br />
proMoTe MeMBership!!!<br />
For the first time in many years <strong>Moose</strong> international<br />
and the illinois <strong>Moose</strong> association are starting the<br />
current membership campaigns when the campaign year<br />
starts instead of waiting until the <strong>Moose</strong> international<br />
Convention and the iMa Convention. as promised,<br />
<strong>Moose</strong> international is continuing the “neVer pay<br />
DUes aGain” campaign. all you have to do is sign two<br />
(2) new or former members and your next year’s dues are<br />
Free! This includes your <strong>Moose</strong> legion dues as well. you<br />
sign two (2) new or former <strong>Moose</strong> legionaries and next<br />
year’s dues are free.<br />
<strong>Moose</strong> Csi (Create some interest) is this year’s<br />
international Membership Campaign. The awards for<br />
this year’s membership campaign are; sponsor 1 and<br />
you receive a “Csi” lapel pin presented by your lodge,<br />
sponsor 2 members and you receive – you guessed it,<br />
next year’s dues are paid by <strong>Moose</strong> international, sponsor<br />
4 members and your name is placed in a drawing for a<br />
chance to win a trip to las Vegas, Miami or new york<br />
City, sponsor 5 members and you have earned status in<br />
Membership - Jim Brewer<br />
“For the first time<br />
in many years<br />
<strong>Moose</strong> International<br />
and the <strong>Illinois</strong><br />
<strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Association</strong><br />
are starting the<br />
current membership<br />
campaigns when<br />
the campaign year<br />
starts”<br />
the <strong>Moose</strong> international 5 Club, sponsor 25 or more<br />
members and you will earn membership in the Director<br />
General’s Circle of Distinction or the woTM heart of<br />
Distinction, sponsor 100 or more members and receive<br />
transportation and 5 nights lodging at the 2012 <strong>Moose</strong><br />
international Convention in Tampa, Florida. also, the<br />
special Three year incentive Contest continues! if you<br />
sponsor 25 members during the period of June 1, 2010 –<br />
July 21, 2013 you will receive a <strong>Moose</strong>heart Centennial<br />
wrist watch.<br />
The iMa Membership Department<br />
has started a membership campaign<br />
prior to the iMa Convention in<br />
st. louis. all lodges have received<br />
posters and information on the “8<br />
for 80 Membership Campaign”. The<br />
illinois <strong>Moose</strong> association will mark<br />
its 80th anniversary in august. The<br />
iMa will be holding a drawing for 4<br />
life Memberships at the convention<br />
in august and again at the Mid-year<br />
Conference in February for a total of 8<br />
life Memberships to the loyal order<br />
of <strong>Moose</strong>. each time you sponsor a<br />
new or former member you earn a<br />
chance to be the recipient of a life membership!!<br />
remember, we must promote the loyal order of <strong>Moose</strong>!<br />
we must promote what the <strong>Moose</strong> is all about. as i stated<br />
before, i encourage each of you to attend illinois Day on<br />
september 10th! if you can’t make it on illinois Day, your<br />
family at <strong>Moose</strong>heart will be happy to see you anytime.<br />
The membership of District # 7 is putting together a bus<br />
trip for the members to attend illinois Day. This is the<br />
easiest and cheapest way for our membership to see their<br />
money and dedication in action. The kids at <strong>Moose</strong>heart<br />
love to see <strong>Moose</strong> Members on campus. Go and check it<br />
out!!<br />
see you st. louis!<br />
Jim Brewer, iMa Membership Chair<br />
Page 2 lllini <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> July, August, September Issue
President - Gorden Berry<br />
i would like to thank all of you hard-working loyal order<br />
of <strong>Moose</strong> members for everything you have done to help<br />
make this year a productive one. i would like to thank all of<br />
you for allowing me the honor of serving as the president<br />
of the illinois <strong>Moose</strong> association. i cannot describe the<br />
pride i have in being associated with all of you.<br />
i would like to thank Jr. past president Brad Bowker for<br />
all he has done for the association over the years and the<br />
friendship i have enjoyed with him and his wife Carol. To<br />
our incoming president Denny longnecker and his friend<br />
Jenny, i only hope that they enjoy their time as much as i<br />
have. i am sure that, with his guidance,<br />
the association will continue to progress.<br />
i would like to say a big “Thank you”<br />
to the current executive board, Denny<br />
longnecker, Brad Bowker, Gary Dowd,<br />
Butch ashlock and austin howard for<br />
all your help and support.<br />
Congratulations to our new pilgrim<br />
brothers and to all of our <strong>Moose</strong><br />
legionnaires who received their<br />
Fellowship Degrees. a job well done!!<br />
we must continue to<br />
focus on strengthening<br />
our Defending Circle.<br />
we must direct our<br />
attention to creating<br />
more programs that will<br />
make our Fraternity a<br />
place that a potential<br />
member will want to<br />
join. we must, at all times, be fraternally driven. we must<br />
Create some interest that would cause that potential<br />
member to seek us out as a Fraternity<br />
that they would love to be involved in.<br />
in closing, i would like to reiterate<br />
my thanks to all of you for all you do<br />
for this GreaT FraTerniTy, the<br />
loyal orDer oF <strong>Moose</strong>. all<br />
of your hard work will assure us that<br />
<strong>Moose</strong>heart and <strong>Moose</strong>haven will<br />
always be there.<br />
Fraternally, Gorden Berry, president<br />
8 8FOR FOR80<br />
80<br />
To celebrate this accomplishment,<br />
eight sponsors of new or former<br />
members will receive the gift of<br />
a <strong>Moose</strong> Life Membership during<br />
the <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Association</strong><br />
Membership Campaign for 2011-2012.<br />
“We must Create<br />
Some Interest that<br />
would cause that<br />
potential member<br />
to seek us out as a<br />
Fraternity that they<br />
would love to be<br />
involved in .”<br />
August 2011 will mark the 80 th Anniversary of the<br />
<strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Association</strong>!<br />
Special<br />
Membership<br />
Campaign Campaign<br />
Each sponsor credit earned<br />
qualifies for one of eight<br />
Loyal Order of <strong>Moose</strong> Life<br />
Memberships to be awarded.<br />
Four Life Memberships will<br />
be awarded at the 2011 IMA<br />
Convention and four Life<br />
Memberships will be awarded<br />
at the 2012 IMA Mid-Year<br />
Conference. If the qualifying<br />
sponsor whose name is drawn<br />
already is a <strong>Moose</strong> Life Member,<br />
he will be permitted to designate<br />
and reward another active Lodge<br />
member with the gift of Life<br />
Membership!<br />
lllini <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> July, August, September Issue Page 3
well here we are, already<br />
into the Dog Days of<br />
summer and the illinois<br />
<strong>Moose</strong> association is<br />
getting really busy. The<br />
end of June and the<br />
first week of July bring<br />
the 2011 international<br />
Convention in anaheim, California, followed on august<br />
18th through the 21st by the illinois <strong>Moose</strong> association’s<br />
80th annual Convention to be<br />
held at the airport Marriott hotel<br />
in st. louis, Missouri. labor Day<br />
weekend, september 2nd through<br />
the 5th is the illinois <strong>Moose</strong><br />
association Campout. september<br />
10th is illinois Day at <strong>Moose</strong>heart.<br />
The supreme Governor will be<br />
visiting st. Charles lodge #1368 for<br />
Dinner and the orientation of new<br />
Members on Thursday september<br />
15th, yorkville lodge #2371 on<br />
Friday september 16th for a Fish Fry and Meet & Greet<br />
with the Members and on sunday evening september<br />
18th, he will be at Batavia lodge #682 for Dinner and<br />
an enrollment.<br />
september also brings the beginning of the pilgrim<br />
presentations for those Brothers who were elevated to the<br />
pilgrim Degree of Merit in the house of God on June<br />
4, 2011. These pilgrim presentations run almost every<br />
weekend through the end of october. During september<br />
the women of the <strong>Moose</strong> have star recorder activity<br />
Meetings and in november, College of regents activity<br />
Meetings. These are big days for those who have received<br />
higher Degrees and i would ask that you attend as many<br />
of them as possible to congratulate them and show your<br />
support.<br />
Regional Manager - Austin Howard<br />
“I would like to<br />
thank the Lodges and<br />
Members of the <strong>Illinois</strong><br />
<strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Association</strong><br />
for a Super end to<br />
the 2010/2011 <strong>Moose</strong><br />
Fiscal Year . ”<br />
while i have tried to avoid as many conflicts in pilgrim<br />
presentations, woTM activity Meetings, District<br />
Meetings, <strong>Moose</strong> legion Jurisdiction Meetings, Council<br />
of higher Degrees Meetings, etc. it is just impossible.<br />
i apologize if any of the pilgrim presentations conflict<br />
with another scheduled activity or Meeting, but with<br />
everything falling on weekends in september, october<br />
and november, it could not be helped. i intend to try<br />
to keep the pilgrim presentations within september and<br />
october when at all possible, so when you start planning<br />
your Meetings and activities in<br />
the future years, please keep this in<br />
mind.<br />
in closing i would like to thank the<br />
lodges and Members of the illinois<br />
<strong>Moose</strong> association for a super end<br />
to the 2010/2011 <strong>Moose</strong> Fiscal year.<br />
During april the lodges in illinois<br />
submitted 1,349 new or Former<br />
Member applications and all 93<br />
active lodges submitted at least one<br />
application. please take the time<br />
to look at the Membership reports elsewhere in this<br />
<strong>Magazine</strong>, there are Members and lodges listed in those<br />
reports that for the 2010/2011 Fiscal year produced<br />
results that were nothing short of superb. even with the<br />
increased Membership production, the illinois <strong>Moose</strong><br />
association still finished the Fiscal year 1,751 active<br />
Members below the total we ended the 2009/2010 Fiscal<br />
year with. This tells me that Member retention is being<br />
ignored. we are bringing new Members into our lodges,<br />
but they are going out the Back Door faster than we can<br />
bring new Members in the Front. if the illinois <strong>Moose</strong><br />
association is going to grow in numbers and strength,<br />
we must work hard on both Membership production and<br />
Member retention. it can be done, we just have to get the<br />
entire Membership involved.<br />
austin howard. regional Manager<br />
<strong>Moose</strong>hearT, il June 3 - a week-long effort to<br />
reunite a family of bald eagles at <strong>Moose</strong>heart after<br />
their nest blew down in a heavy weekend storm came<br />
to an end Thursday night when the eaglets were<br />
removed from a replacement nest and taken to Flint<br />
Creek wildlife rehabilitation in Barrington.<br />
To read more about the eagles, go to http://www.<br /><br />
Page 4 lllini <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> July, August, September Issue
Secretary - Gerald Ashlock<br />
Congratulations to the <strong>Moose</strong>heart graduating class of<br />
2011 and to the illinois <strong>Moose</strong> association pilgrims for<br />
2011.<br />
The international Campaign is “Create some interest”.<br />
The Membership Committee should have a short-term<br />
campaign in place along with the international and iMa<br />
campaigns. it is so important that a lodge recognize their<br />
sponsors for their efforts. The lodge should begin now<br />
to advertise their preferred Members party for next year.<br />
proper orientation is mandatory for the new candidates.<br />
you must tell them of the activities of your lodge and tell<br />
them why they should join your lodge. Marketing and<br />
promotion of membership is more than the signing of a<br />
name on an application, it is satisfying a need of today’s<br />
society. The lodges must do a little cleaning and painting<br />
and the lodges must meet the needs of our members by<br />
offering activities for the entire family. They must provide<br />
an atmosphere that is friendly. our lodges must set the<br />
standard for leadership in community service. we can no<br />
longer afford to be the best-kept secret<br />
in town or just another neighborhood<br />
bar.<br />
The date for the 80th annual<br />
Convention of the illinois <strong>Moose</strong><br />
association is august 18-21, 2011.<br />
The headquarters hotel for both the<br />
loyal order of <strong>Moose</strong> and the women<br />
of the <strong>Moose</strong> is the st. louis airport<br />
Marriott hotel in st. louis, Mo located at 10700 pear<br />
Tree lane. The special guest for the men is Bruce Berger,<br />
international <strong>Moose</strong> legion Jr. past president, from<br />
sellersville, pa lodge 1539. The special guest for the<br />
women is Mary Froning, past Member of the academy<br />
of Friendship Council, from Mitchell, sD Chapter 1167.<br />
The administrator and the Governor, by virtue of the<br />
General laws, are the representatives of your lodge at this<br />
convention and should be in attendance at all meetings. if<br />
unable to attend any lodge officer, past Governor, or good<br />
standing member may serve as an alternate representative;<br />
however, brother Governor, you are required to be in<br />
attendance to qualify for the Governor’s award and the<br />
life membership award. representatives to the convention<br />
are entitled to expense reimbursement pursuit to the<br />
General laws of our order.<br />
as set forth by the General Governor it is the policy<br />
that only “registered” good standing members and their<br />
qualified guests are entitled to be admitted into hospitality<br />
“We can no longer<br />
afford to be the<br />
best-kept secret in<br />
town or just another<br />
neighborhood bar .”<br />
rooms (lodge, district, or<br />
association) at association and<br />
international conventions<br />
and conferences. remember<br />
- you are either a member or<br />
a guest.) Therefore, spouses<br />
who are also members must<br />
be registered to attend<br />
association social functions<br />
and enter hospitality rooms. Member spouses who are<br />
not registered may not attend association social functions<br />
or enter hospitality rooms as the guest of their member<br />
spouse who is registered.<br />
everyone is encouraged to pre-register and purchase<br />
your tickets early. Members must pre-register in order<br />
to purchase tickets for the <strong>Illini</strong> Star dinner. <strong>Illini</strong> Star<br />
dinner tickets will not be available at the Convention.<br />
Deadline is July 15, 2011. you will find Convention<br />
forms on the iMa website at and<br />
on pages 10 & 11 in this magazine.<br />
we will be holding marches of<br />
checks on Friday and saturday.<br />
Donations forms are available on the<br />
iMa website at www.illinoismoose.<br />
org and on page 9 in this magazine.<br />
please fill out a form, as this will<br />
help us to insure that you get proper<br />
recognition for your contributions.<br />
we will accept donations for, prom night, endowment<br />
Fund, safe surfin’, special olympics, scholarship Fund,<br />
<strong>Moose</strong>haven restoration, illinois home remodeling,<br />
youth awareness, and illinois Day. Checks for <strong>Illinois</strong><br />
Day, and Youth Awareness should be made payable to<br />
the <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, all other checks should<br />
be made payable to <strong>Moose</strong> Charities. please make separate<br />
checks for each project and indicate in the note portion<br />
the project the funds are to be used for.<br />
The illinois <strong>Moose</strong> association “5 & 25 Club” party will<br />
be held on Friday evening, august 19, 2011 cocktails will<br />
at 6:30 p.m., dinner will be at 7:00 p.m., entertainment<br />
will follow dinner. Those who qualify must sign and<br />
return their reservation card by July 15, 2011. This<br />
party is by invitation only and the card you receive in<br />
the mail is not your dinner ticket you must pick up<br />
your tickets in the registration area.<br />
Fraternally,<br />
Gerald ashlock, secretary<br />
lllini <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> July, August, September Issue Page 5
Congratulations to the Ten (10) new pilgrims from<br />
the lodges in illinois. These Ten (10) outstanding<br />
Fraternalists received this coveted Degree in the house<br />
of God on the <strong>Moose</strong>heart Campus on saturday June 4,<br />
2011. The Dates and Times of their pilgrim presentations<br />
will be listed on the illinois <strong>Moose</strong> website “http://www.<br />” as soon as they<br />
are finalized. These distinguished new pilgrims are:<br />
Dick Barr – st. Charles lodge 1368<br />
Jim Brewer – lawrenceville lodge 779<br />
Brad Cunningham – Grayville lodge 1960<br />
James Edwards – yorkville lodge 2371<br />
Tony Elliott – Granite City lodge 272<br />
Dennis Longnecker – wauconda lodge 1969<br />
Leroy Olson – Mendota lodge 714<br />
Richard Menapace – Taylorville lodge 1516<br />
David Rhode – Freeport lodge 162<br />
Gary Washkowiak – ottawa lodge 960<br />
Downers Grove <strong>Moose</strong> Family Center 1535 has, for the<br />
16th year, sponsored the Frank Brand scholastic award.<br />
<strong>Moose</strong>heart held its 2010-11 honors and awards program<br />
in the field house on May 25th. attending the program<br />
was past Governor Mike pelling who presented top junior<br />
(left) James ryan ranum a $200 savings bond and second<br />
place junior (right) Mason isaiah rueger a $100 savings<br />
bond. The Downers Grove <strong>Moose</strong> lodge is proud to<br />
continue a program Frank started in 1957. Frank Brand<br />
was a past governor, administrator and pilgrim from<br />
the lodge and a past supreme Governor and past north<br />
<strong>Moose</strong> for the entire fraternity. it was decided to rename<br />
the award in his honor as a fitting memorial recognizing<br />
Frank for not only starting the top junior recognition<br />
.<br />
2011 <strong>Illinois</strong> Pilgrim Class<br />
<strong>Moose</strong>heart 2011 Honors and Awards Program<br />
award but to recognize him for all that he has done for<br />
our fraternity through the many years of his membership.<br />
We urge all our members to visit at least weekly, for the latest<br />
news on <strong>Moose</strong>heart, <strong>Moose</strong>haven, <strong>Moose</strong> Charities — plus updates on fraternal<br />
activities, sporting events and other breaking news from around the <strong>Moose</strong> fraternity!<br />
In the Members Only section you can also pay your dues instantly, and<br />
change details about yourself in your individual member file.<br />
Don’t forget to visit the <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Association</strong>s website for<br />
<strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Association</strong> specific information.<br />
Page 6 lllini <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> July, August, September Issue
Team Activity Leader - Johnny Larison<br />
i hope that everyone that went to the 123rd annual<br />
international Convention, the 99th annual international<br />
Conference of the women of the <strong>Moose</strong>, and the 45th<br />
annual international <strong>Moose</strong> legion Conference took<br />
advantage of all of the good training that was offered.<br />
Make sure you share this information with your members.<br />
This will help in moving your lodge forward.<br />
Most lodges are on track with more activities and i know<br />
that this will help to bring in new members and at the<br />
same time help to keep the members they have. we know<br />
that sometimes it is harder to keep the members we have<br />
than to bring in new ones. we need to make sure to have<br />
something for all members and their kids to do.<br />
i would like to thank all of our association, District,<br />
and lodge Community service chairmen and special<br />
project Chairman for a job well done. our lodges<br />
throughout our Fraternity are doing a lot of good work<br />
for their communities<br />
along with special<br />
olympics, <strong>Moose</strong>heart/<br />
<strong>Moose</strong>haven Capital<br />
projects, safe surfin’,<br />
Flight 93 and the<br />
Gimme Five program.<br />
Make sure you promote<br />
the Tommy <strong>Moose</strong> program.<br />
Most lodges are also on track getting their community<br />
service reports in on time. There are a few lodges that<br />
don’t take the time to do so. we need to make sure our<br />
members and Chairmen get the credit they deserve.<br />
i’d like to take this time to once more to thank you for<br />
what you are doing for <strong>Moose</strong>heart, <strong>Moose</strong>haven, and<br />
your Fraternity.<br />
Fraternity submitted by Johnny larison activities Chairman<br />
Youth Awareness - Ralph & Dawn Newton<br />
This was a great year for youth awareness<br />
for the illinois <strong>Moose</strong> association. our<br />
students talked to 1646 children. an<br />
increase from last year. The 2 students<br />
that represented illinois were sarah<br />
wagner from highland il., sponsored by<br />
the highland lodge 2479 and Kevin piskie from poplar<br />
Grove, il., sponsored by Belvidere lodge 295. we would<br />
like to thank all the students that participated from illinois<br />
this year.<br />
The winners this year are erin Ferrell, south Carolina<br />
$12,000. Caroline Bauserman, Virgina, $8,000. Chloe<br />
o’Connor, alaska, $5,000. luci Coleman, Virgina, $3,000.<br />
Carly Dierolf, ontario, Canada, $2,000. Congratulations<br />
to all the students that participated and helped our 4 to<br />
9 year olds.<br />
now is the time for the lodges and Chapters to start<br />
looking for high school students that are willing to attend<br />
our student Congress. any high school student is eligible<br />
to participate in this program. The students do not have<br />
to be affiliated with the <strong>Moose</strong>. They can be neighbors,<br />
Church Groups, or sons or Daughters of a friend. These<br />
students will be asked to go to a student Congress in your<br />
area. lodge or Chapter members that are willing to go<br />
to high schools can receive high school packets to take<br />
with them that has all the forms and posters. any lodge<br />
or Chapter that wants to host a student Congress at their<br />
lodge can get credit for community service. please contact<br />
us. watch for us in st. louis.<br />
Fraternally, ralph & Dawn newton<br />
Recycle for <strong>Moose</strong>heart - Free Mailing Labels<br />
Free Mailing Labels for Collected Ink Cartridges or<br />
Cell Phones<br />
Go to<br />
Click the Giving link, top right, on the black bar<br />
scroll down to school support programs and click that link<br />
on that new page scroll down to recycle for <strong>Moose</strong>heart, this<br />
link is the 3rd from the top on the left side, and click that link<br />
To print your free U.s. postal service mailing labels only<br />
when shipping more than three items but less than ten items<br />
click the link in step 2<br />
Click “open” on the box that appears for your file download<br />
option<br />
when the shipping label opens click your print button<br />
Call <strong>Moose</strong> Charities at 630-966-2200 for free Fed-ex<br />
shipping labels when mailing 20 pounds or more<br />
remember to fill out the return address area on any shipping<br />
label so that proper credit is given<br />
i.M.a. Charities Chairman, Mike pelling,<br />
lllini <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> July, August, September Issue Page 7
Greetings,<br />
our 80th august<br />
convention will be<br />
held at the Marriott st.<br />
louis airport st. louis,<br />
Missouri. reservations<br />
can be made by calling<br />
1-800-228-9290. The<br />
dates are august 18, 19, 20, and 21. The <strong>Moose</strong> rate is<br />
$84.00 per night plus tax which include a rebate. non<br />
guest parking is a maximum of $12.00 per day. when<br />
making your reservation mention that you are with the<br />
illinois <strong>Moose</strong> association to get that rate. all information<br />
August Convention Information<br />
The August convention will be held in<br />
St. Louis Missouri<br />
August 18, 19, 20, and 21<br />
Come help celebrate our<br />
80th Anniversary<br />
The women and Men’s meeting will be held at the Marriott st. louis airport.<br />
reservations can be made starting March 31, 2011 Marriott airport 1-877-264-8771<br />
if you have any questions contact Joe serwa 630-904-0254<br />
The <strong>Moose</strong> rate is $84 per night plus tax<br />
Be sure to tell them you are with the <strong>Moose</strong> for this rate<br />
Marriott will waive parking fees for <strong>Moose</strong> members that are guests.<br />
parking at the hotel for non guest is a maximum of $12.00 per day<br />
rate guaranteed until July 18, 2011<br />
There are plenty of rooms and fun to go around.<br />
So come early and stay late.<br />
can be found on the illinois <strong>Moose</strong> website.<br />
The location for the illinois <strong>Moose</strong> association 2012 mid<br />
year conference will be oakbrook ill. and our convention<br />
will be Decatur, ill.<br />
Note: Evening dinner seating will be Pre-assigned.<br />
your ticket will contain your table number. Groups who<br />
wish to sit together should arrange to order their tickets<br />
together. needless to say, the best way to assure desired<br />
seating is to pre-register and order your dinner tickets at<br />
that time. also, the hotels require a 72 hour notice of<br />
meal attendance. Therefore, last minute request for meal<br />
tickets may, or may not, be honored.<br />
Fraternally, Joe serwa, Convention Coordinator<br />
Page 8 lllini <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> July, August, September Issue
_______________________________________________ DATE_______________________________<br />
(Checks payable to <strong>Moose</strong> Charities)<br />
speCial olyMpiCs __________ __________<br />
sCholarship __________ __________<br />
enDowMenT FUnD __________ __________<br />
saFe sUrFin __________ __________<br />
hiGh sChool proM __________ __________<br />
<strong>Moose</strong>haVen CeMeTery __________ __________<br />
illinois resiDenCe __________ __________<br />
oTher __________ __________<br />
(Checks payable illinois <strong>Moose</strong> association)<br />
yoUTh awareness __________ __________<br />
illinois Day __________ __________<br />
CaMp oUT __________ __________<br />
<strong>Moose</strong>hearT sChool yearBooK<br />
(Make Checks payable illinois <strong>Moose</strong> association yearbook Fund)<br />
__________ __________<br />
oTher __________ __________<br />
ToTal oF DonaTions __________ __________<br />
lllini <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> July, August, September Issue Page 9
Dear Brother secretary,<br />
ST. LOuIS, MO.<br />
AuGuST 18, 19, 20, 21, 2011<br />
enclosed is my Check for the special functions i have indicated below. i do understand that registration is required before i can<br />
attend these functions. i further understand that i am responsible for making my own housing reservations by calling: 877-264-<br />
8771 for the St. Louis Airport Marriott Hotel, located at 10700 pear Tree lane. Tickets will not be on sale at the door of any<br />
function but may be purchased in the men’s registration area. Please be aware that you must purchase tickets for the <strong>Illini</strong> Star<br />
dinner in advance. <strong>Illini</strong> Star tickets will not be available at the Convention.<br />
Thursday 6:30 p.m. --------The 16th annual illini star program ---------------------$30.00<br />
Must purchase tickets in advance<br />
________ ______<br />
Friday 8:00 a.m. -----------Breakfast, pilgrim Degree holders only -------------------$15.00 ________ ______<br />
Friday 12:00 p.m. ----------<strong>Moose</strong> legion luncheon, everyone invited --------------$20.00<br />
Friday 6:30 p.m. 5/25 Club Party (By Invitation only)<br />
________ ______<br />
saturday 7:30 a.m. Fellowship Breakfast and Conferral, ------------------------------$15.00<br />
New Fellows and Fellowship Degree Holders only<br />
________ ______<br />
saturday 12:00 p.m. -------luncheon, everyone invited --------------------------------$20.00<br />
Saturday 6:30 p.m. Dinner honoring President Gorden Berry<br />
________ ______<br />
and Deputy Grand Regent Becki Alcorn ----------------------------------------------$30.00<br />
6:30 p.m. Cash Bar----7:00 p.m. Dinner followed by<br />
installation of <strong>Association</strong> Officers and Chairmen.<br />
________ ______<br />
PRE-REGISTRATION -- ---------------Lodge members only- --------------------- $10.00<br />
(at convention ---------------$20.00)<br />
$10.00<br />
GRANd TOTAL ______<br />
This entire completed form along with a check made out to the illinois <strong>Moose</strong> association must be received in my office no later<br />
than July 15, 2011; no exceptions. The amount submitted will be refunded if for some reason you cannot attend the convention<br />
by notifying this office by august 15, 2011. we will be assigning table numbers for the dinners, if you desire to be seated with a<br />
particular group you must send in forms together and indicate that you wish to be seated together. everyone must have convention<br />
badges to attend functions and visit hospitality room.<br />
(Print name wanted on badge) (Lodge name & number)<br />
(Address) (City & State) (Zip)<br />
(Telephone)<br />
Mail completed form with check to: Gerald Ashlock Group seating list here<br />
<strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Association</strong> _____________________<br />
Secretary _____________________<br />
P.O. Box 385 _____________________<br />
WOOd RIvER, IL 62095-0385 _____________________<br />
PhONE: 618-259-6810 _____________________<br />
_____________________<br />
_____________________<br />
Dear Brother secretary,<br />
ST. LOuIS, MO.<br />
AuGuST 18, 19, 20, 21, 2011<br />
enclosed is my Check for the special functions i have indicated below. i do understand that registration is required before i can<br />
attend these functions. i further understand that i am responsible for making my own housing reservations by calling: 877-264-<br />
8771 for the St. Louis Airport Marriott Hotel, located at 10700 pear Tree lane. Tickets will not be on sale at the door of any<br />
function but may be purchased in the men’s registration area. Please be aware that you must purchase tickets for the <strong>Illini</strong> Star<br />
dinner in advance. <strong>Illini</strong> Star tickets will not be available at the Convention.<br />
Thursday 6:30 p.m. --------The 16th annual illini star program ---------------------$30.00 ________ ______<br />
Must purchase tickets prior to Convention<br />
Friday 12:00 p.m. ----------<strong>Moose</strong> legion luncheon, everyone invited --------------$20.00 ________ ______<br />
saturday 12:00 p.m. -------luncheon, everyone invited --------------------------------$20.00 ________ ______<br />
Saturday 6:30 p.m. Dinner honoring President Gorden Berry<br />
and Deputy Grand Regent Becki Alcorn ----------------------------------------------$30.00 ________ ______<br />
6:30 p.m. Cash Bar----7:00 p.m. Dinner followed by<br />
installation of <strong>Association</strong> Officers and Chairmen. --------------------------------------<br />
GRANd TOTAL ______<br />
This entire completed form along with a check made out to the illinois <strong>Moose</strong> association must be received in my office no later<br />
than July 15, 2011; no exceptions. The amount submitted will be refunded if for some reason you cannot attend the convention<br />
by notifying this office by august 15, 2011. we will be assigning table numbers for the dinners, if you desire to be seated with a<br />
particular group you must send in forms together and indicate that you wish to be seated together. everyone must have convention<br />
badges to attend functions and visit hospitality room.<br />
(Print name wanted on badge) (Chapter name & number)<br />
(Address) (City & State) (Zip)<br />
(Telephone)<br />
Mail completed form with check to: Gerald Ashlock Group seating list here<br />
<strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Association</strong> _____________________<br />
Secretary _____________________<br />
P.O. Box 385 _____________________<br />
WOOd RIvER, IL 62095-0385 _____________________<br />
PhONE: 618-259-6810 _____________________<br />
_____________________<br />
_____________________<br />
March of Checks Donations 2011 Midyear<br />
special olympics ........... $4,235.00 .................$525.00<br />
scholarship ...............$3,022.00<br />
endowment ...............$9,153.77<br />
safe surfin ................$3,700.00<br />
high school prom ......... $2,200.00 ..................$50.00<br />
<strong>Moose</strong>haven Cemetery ......$3,075.00 ..................$75.00<br />
<strong>Moose</strong>heart Trees .......... $2,535.00 ................$1,335.00<br />
youth awareness ........... $2,830.00<br />
illinois Day ............... $2,655.00<br />
illinois residence ..........$3,460.00 .................$125.00<br />
Make a wish ............... $300.00<br />
scouting ................... $250.00<br />
Music/Band ................. $50.00<br />
Mh City/school ............. $10.00<br />
nJroTC ................... $100.00<br />
<strong>Moose</strong> legion Fun night ......$375.00<br />
Gimme 5 ................... $185.00<br />
Flight 93 .................. $195.00<br />
Camp ross .................. $200.00<br />
Breast Cancer ............... $25.00<br />
<strong>Moose</strong>heart year Book ........$445.00<br />
iMa Campout ................ $50.00<br />
Total .................... $39,050.77 ............... $2,110.00<br />
TOTAL dONATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $41,160.77<br />
8 FOR FOR80<br />
80<br />
To celebrate this accomplishment,<br />
eight sponsors of new or former<br />
members will receive the gift of<br />
a <strong>Moose</strong> Life Membership during<br />
the <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Association</strong><br />
Membership Campaign for 2011-2012.<br />
Special<br />
Membership<br />
Campaign<br />
August 2011 will mark the 80th Anniversary of the<br />
IMA <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>Moose</strong> Quota <strong>Association</strong>! Busters 2010 - 2011<br />
<strong>Moose</strong>heart ............2655 ........... 365%<br />
Taylorville .............1516 ........... 251%<br />
o’Fallon-Fairview hgts ..2608 ........... 229%<br />
wauconda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1969 ........... 211%<br />
Bridgeport ............. 622 ............ 194%<br />
Dekalb ................ 586 ............ 192%<br />
yorkville ..............2371 ........... 182%<br />
Tuscola ................ 729 ............ 166%<br />
highland ..............2479 ........... 165%<br />
effingham ............. 502 ............ 150%<br />
shelbyville .............1294 ........... 147%<br />
pinckneyville ........... 930 ............ 140%<br />
Chester ...............1764 ........... 139%<br />
pana ...................1015 ........... 138%<br />
Each sponsor credit earned<br />
qualifies for one of eight<br />
Loyal Order of <strong>Moose</strong> Life<br />
Memberships to be awarded.<br />
Four Life Memberships will<br />
be awarded at the 2011 IMA<br />
Convention and four Life<br />
Memberships will be awarded<br />
at the 2012 IMA Mid-Year<br />
Conference. If the qualifying<br />
sponsor whose name is drawn<br />
already is a <strong>Moose</strong> Life Member,<br />
he will be permitted to designate<br />
and reward another active Lodge<br />
member with the gift of Life<br />
anna ..................1346 ........... 138%<br />
sycamore ..............1506 ........... 131%<br />
Flora ..................1384 ........... 125%<br />
Membership!<br />
woodstock .............1329 PRINTED IN USA ........... 122%<br />
Downers Grove .........1535 ........... 122%<br />
plainfield ..............2491 ........... 122%<br />
Casey ..................1545 ........... 120%<br />
Chicago heights ........ 828 ............ 115%<br />
rushville .............. 506 ............ 112%<br />
Freeport ............... 162 ............ 110%<br />
Charleston ............1388 ........... 107%<br />
st. Charles .............1368 ........... 105%<br />
alton ................. 951 ............ 100%<br />
Carlinville .............1216 ........... 100%<br />
Page 12 lllini <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> July, August, September Issue
IMA Lodges with a Gain in Membership 2010 – 2011<br />
Taylorville ............1516 ............+ 144<br />
Tuscola .................729 ............+ 98<br />
<strong>Moose</strong>heart ............2655 ............+ 85<br />
Dekalb .................586 ............+ 65<br />
yorkville ..............2371 ............+ 44<br />
highland ..............2479 ............+ 43<br />
wauconda .............1969 ............+ 29<br />
Freeport ................162 ............+ 27<br />
plainfield ..............2491 ............+ 25<br />
Carlinville .............1216 ............+ 18<br />
shelbyville .............1294 ............+ 18<br />
albion ..................621 ............+ 17<br />
pana ...................1015 ............+ 15<br />
effingham ..............502 ............+ 14<br />
Charleston ............1388 ............+ 14<br />
IMA Top Member Signing Lodges 2010 – 2011<br />
Taylorville .............1516 .............221<br />
Downers Grove .........1535 .............181<br />
st. Charles .............1368 .............172<br />
Tuscola ................. 729 .............164<br />
<strong>Moose</strong>heart ............2655 .............164<br />
woodstock .............1329 .............162<br />
elgin ...................799 .............155<br />
Chicago heights .........828 .............123<br />
James D. acra<br />
earl r. acup<br />
Donna ahlstrom<br />
ron l. ahrens<br />
Don e. airey<br />
william B. airey<br />
rebecca s. alcorn<br />
william ambuehl<br />
Billy D. anderson<br />
Keith e. avey<br />
ann M. Baikie<br />
Darlyn V. Bainter<br />
Katheryn Baker<br />
Michele Bannwolf<br />
p. Michael Bannwolf<br />
Kimberly Barnett<br />
Judith K. Baughman<br />
ellen J. Beck<br />
Jane Becker<br />
IMA 5-Club 2010 – 2011<br />
Fred Becker<br />
sandra Bell<br />
roger D. Benhart<br />
Gorden h. Berry<br />
sandria Blaser<br />
Jeanne Boehm<br />
Dawn Bower<br />
william Breisch<br />
Kim Brooks<br />
Chris Burgos<br />
larry e. Burnett<br />
Jacqueline Butkevich<br />
John e. Callison<br />
Genevieve Campbell<br />
ivan Campbell<br />
Carolyn J. Cano<br />
louise a. Canterbury<br />
larry w. Canterbury<br />
steve Chambers<br />
Downers Grove .........1535 ............+ 13<br />
o’Fallon – Fair/hgts ....2608 ............+ 12<br />
alton ..................951 ............+ 6<br />
st. Charles .............1368 ............+ 6<br />
rushville ...............506 ............+ 5<br />
Chicago heights .........828 ............+ 5<br />
Flora ..................1384 ............+ 5<br />
woodstock .............1329 ............+ 4<br />
anna ..................1346 ............+ 4<br />
highland park ...........446 ............+ 3<br />
Farmington ............1571 ............+ 3<br />
Bridgeport ..............622 ............+ 2<br />
pinckneyville ............930 ............+ 2<br />
rock island .............190 ............+ 1<br />
pekin ...................916 .............121<br />
Dekalb .................586 .............119<br />
Batavia ................. 682 .............117<br />
yorkville ..............2371 .............113<br />
edwardsville ...........1561 .............109<br />
Charleston ............1388 .............106<br />
river park .............2578 .............104<br />
lockport ..............1557 .............103<br />
william Chapman<br />
Judith Chappel<br />
stella a. Chipules<br />
randy Clauson<br />
Maria Clement<br />
ed Coleman<br />
liz Collins<br />
Cheryl a. Collum<br />
Michelle Cook<br />
Frances Cook<br />
David J. Cook<br />
scott D. Cook<br />
Jerrold Corneils<br />
Mark a. Corp<br />
Marolyn Corso<br />
linda Craig<br />
John w. Craig<br />
alice M. Daneels<br />
Judith a. Davis<br />
John Daykin<br />
Margaret M. Decker<br />
Carol Deitz<br />
harry a. Deitz<br />
Jane Delcour<br />
osvaldo Delgado<br />
Michael K. Demichael<br />
John J. Diebold<br />
Gary w. Doud<br />
Mike Dralle<br />
Mary l. Drnjevic<br />
Gary Drnjevic sr.<br />
susan Duffy<br />
robert J. Dunn<br />
robert B. earnhart<br />
william C. edgar<br />
Gayle edwards<br />
steven edwards<br />
esther p. eggers<br />
lllini <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> July, August, September Issue Page 13
Teresa ehlert<br />
Tony elliott<br />
Mary M. emerson<br />
stephanie l. emerson<br />
Dan englebright<br />
Jackie epstein<br />
Jeff Finney<br />
linda Fitzgerald<br />
edward J. Flavin<br />
Gary s. Flowers<br />
David Foote<br />
ray e. Foster<br />
elinor l. Francisco<br />
Debby Frane<br />
Glenn Freas<br />
Frank Frisina<br />
richard Galgan<br />
Kimberly a. Galvan<br />
Charles Galvin<br />
Gloria J. Gansz<br />
herman e. Gansz<br />
David Gardner<br />
Mary l. Garlock<br />
Donald J. Garrison<br />
Glenn C. Geroux<br />
Dwayne Gibson<br />
Dennis Goad<br />
Tiffany Gonzalez<br />
sharon Grossklaus<br />
Jennifer l. Grotefendt<br />
peter Gulyas<br />
sharyan halls<br />
George e. halls<br />
william e. hanlin<br />
Carol M. harlan<br />
Claude w. harlan<br />
scott D. hart<br />
Genevieve a. hester<br />
Douglas l. hester<br />
Michelle l. higgason<br />
Mattie p. highstreet<br />
James K. hill<br />
Marvin hinman<br />
Michael a. hoene<br />
ronnie holley<br />
sheri howell<br />
Karen hudson<br />
aloys l. huene<br />
IMA 5-Club 2010 – 2011 (continued)<br />
Brenda hunt<br />
patricia e. hunt<br />
william J. hunter<br />
Barbara J. irving<br />
lillian Jackson<br />
rhonda Jansma<br />
nick Jausel<br />
angela Jerashen<br />
Jeff Jerashen<br />
Donna Jeremias-elliott<br />
ronald e. Johnson<br />
rhonda C. Jones<br />
Mary Joubert<br />
Gary Kalas<br />
Kenneth Kapp<br />
Brandi King<br />
Gayle V. Kirkman<br />
Mark a. Kisselburg<br />
Jeff Knight<br />
Marlene Kostenbader<br />
Kenneth a.<br />
Kostenbader sr.<br />
Kenneth l. Kott<br />
James B. Kowall<br />
Matt Kozloski<br />
ann la salvia<br />
Debbie K. ladendecker<br />
phil lang<br />
Bettyann lawson<br />
anthony h. lembachner<br />
anne leonard<br />
william levin<br />
ella lewis<br />
harold lewis<br />
patrick lilley<br />
helen lindsey<br />
Maureen litberg<br />
Barry litberg<br />
susan lock<br />
william J. lock<br />
Connie lofink<br />
Charles lofink<br />
Dennis longnecker<br />
Douglas K. loy<br />
John Macholl<br />
Frances i. Manley<br />
Brandon Martin<br />
Donald s. Mathon<br />
Chris Matthews<br />
Michael D. May<br />
edward Mcafoose<br />
David McCleary<br />
Terry J. McClellan<br />
Judy McCormick<br />
Vic McDonald<br />
lowell D. Mcelwee<br />
annie M. McKenney<br />
rick McKiness<br />
Dan Mcnew<br />
Barbara J. Mcpherson<br />
Mike Meador<br />
Joseph r. Mech<br />
Gerald l. Medlar Jr.<br />
Kevin Meek<br />
James Melton<br />
renee Mifflin<br />
James Miles<br />
sandra Miller<br />
Virginia Miller<br />
Tracey l. Misicka<br />
Barbara Moore<br />
rachel Moran<br />
Tom Moran<br />
Keith Moran<br />
angele a. Mulder<br />
Jane a. Munsie<br />
Jim Murphy<br />
Tammy e. neff<br />
robert a. neff<br />
Darrell newcomb<br />
patricia newville<br />
Julie nihiser<br />
Joe a. nihiser<br />
Daniel e. oakley<br />
Jo lynn o’Connell<br />
Brenda odom<br />
Melissa ornelas<br />
Guadalupe M. ortiz<br />
robert T. osborn<br />
Donald J. palochko<br />
patricia panarese<br />
wally paris<br />
sandra pearcy<br />
Michael r. pelling<br />
robert perretta<br />
andrew V. petak<br />
Corey phillips<br />
Daniel r. pickert<br />
Corrine C. popelka<br />
rick price<br />
robert M. provo<br />
Janice l. rapp<br />
Todd reardon<br />
Kathleen s. richards<br />
richard C. riech<br />
Kyle J. rife<br />
elizabeth l. robertson<br />
sandra rodenback<br />
Michael a. rodriguez<br />
Mary rothenbach<br />
Jay B. ruby<br />
Jay B. ruby Jr.<br />
paul sanford<br />
Virginia r. sasek<br />
Bruce T. sasek<br />
Jerry D. saunders<br />
Kelly schacherbauer<br />
Jenny schaefer<br />
Francis D. schaefer<br />
Janet schuelke<br />
Kevin schwab<br />
autumn scott<br />
Geraldine s. selep<br />
Margaret C. sheets<br />
Cassandra sigler<br />
al simmons<br />
Joe sims<br />
Jerry l. slack<br />
Jim sliger<br />
Carol smego<br />
Deborah K. smith<br />
steven l. smith<br />
Barbara snider<br />
David C. snyder<br />
sandra soltis<br />
David T. soltis<br />
John spitzner<br />
Glenna spruell<br />
Jerry spruell<br />
sandra i. stalnaker<br />
william steiger<br />
Brian K. stillmunkes<br />
Charles w. stivers<br />
Corey D. suter<br />
Page 14 lllini <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> July, August, September Issue
Gerald r. swearingen<br />
Carol sweeney<br />
robert h. sweeney<br />
James w. Tegtmeier<br />
Gloria Thelen<br />
larry J. Thomas<br />
John w. Thomas<br />
Fred Thurmond<br />
Marie Tierney<br />
Brad Titze<br />
Jeanna Tolish<br />
Cynthia Traynor<br />
lera Tuskey<br />
IMA 5-Club 2010 – 2011 (continued)<br />
IMA New & Advancing 25-Club Members 2010 – 2011<br />
25 dIvISION<br />
Barbara Tyler<br />
Jimmy r. Ulm<br />
Donna Urwiler<br />
Gary Urwiler<br />
Kenneth Vail<br />
wendy Veach<br />
James Viverito<br />
louise Voegtle<br />
eric a. Vonhoff<br />
Donna walker<br />
walter l. walker<br />
Cathy wallace<br />
linda s. webb<br />
earl acup .................... Taylorville 1516<br />
ronald adams ................ Mt. Morris 1551<br />
p. Michael Bannwolf .............harvard 1289<br />
Corey Bishop ..................litchfield 1634<br />
Tony Bogdanowski ........ Carpentersville 1958<br />
David Boget .......................Dekalb 586<br />
Greg Brooks Jr. .................nashville 2560<br />
steve Chambers ................Jacksonville 865<br />
randy Clauson ....................Morris 967<br />
scott Cook ........................anna 1346<br />
Donald Cooper .........Belleville-swansea 1221<br />
Myron Dugger ............... Carlinville 1216<br />
David erxleben ......................pekin 916<br />
Gary Flowers ....................Kankakee 802<br />
richard Galgan ...............Zion-Benton 667<br />
Charles Galvin ............... Taylorville 1516<br />
Don Gramse ........................ elgin 799<br />
william hanlin ...............Farmington 1571<br />
ronnie holley ...................Chester 1764<br />
Bill huskins .................. Mt. Morris 1551<br />
Kenneth King ................Zion-Benton 667<br />
John Kutz ......................highland 2479<br />
Charles lofink ...............Granite City 272<br />
Mike Meador ..............Downers Grove 1535<br />
Tom Moran ...............Downers Grove 1535<br />
steve Myles .............. Chicago heights 828<br />
Jim weigel sr.<br />
Joette G. welch<br />
richard wesling Jr.<br />
Mike wethington<br />
elizabeth wetzel<br />
william J. white<br />
Flora williams<br />
Kelly a. williams<br />
sandra K. wilson<br />
Barbara l. wilson<br />
robert e. wilson<br />
peggy wolf<br />
susan wolfe<br />
Kelly wood<br />
roger woodcock<br />
Carol woods<br />
Tammy woodyatt-wilson<br />
Tommy workman<br />
ricky wright<br />
Judy wunderlich<br />
Charles r. young<br />
Chuck Zdany<br />
phillip r. Zengri<br />
helen Ziller<br />
sandy Ziros<br />
Daniel pickert ..................yorkville 2371<br />
randal robertson .................Decatur 684<br />
Michael rodriguez .................Dekalb 586<br />
David schuhow ....................Batavia 682<br />
Michael squires ..................Freeport 162<br />
Brian stillmunkes ...............yorkville 2371<br />
James Tegtmeier ...................Caseyville 4<br />
Gary Urwiler .................<strong>Moose</strong>heart 2655<br />
Joe walter ii .................Mt. Carmel 1155<br />
Michael windle .............. st. Charles 1368<br />
roger woodcock .............Farmington 1571<br />
50 dIvISION<br />
ron ahrens ..................<strong>Moose</strong>heart 2655<br />
harry Deitz ........................ elgin 799<br />
James edwards ..................yorkville 2371<br />
Gary Frohling ................ st. Charles 1368<br />
Michael hoene .................effingham 502<br />
harold lewis ..................... Tuscola 729<br />
william levin ....................antioch 525<br />
william lock ................. woodstock 1329<br />
richard Mayberry sr. .............Belvidere 295<br />
rick McKiness ................<strong>Moose</strong>heart 2655<br />
Glenn Murphy ...............Morton grove 376<br />
Darrell newcomb .............Charleston 1388<br />
David schabacker ................rochelle 903<br />
eric Vonhoff ...................yorkville 2371<br />
lllini <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> July, August, September Issue Page 15
District 3 Karaoke Night<br />
District 3 held their fi rst annual karaoke event sponsored by the antioch lodge . this what happens<br />
when moose people get together.<br />
Mascoutah <strong>Moose</strong> Donate to MCHS After Prom Party<br />
pictured at right are Beverly augustine, woTM sr.<br />
regent; Danille aman, MChs student; and Jack<br />
Braeutigum, Governor of the Mascoutah <strong>Moose</strong> lodge.<br />
Th ey are presenting checks to Danille for $100 each for<br />
the after prom party.<br />
Page 16 lllini <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> July, August, September Issue
Tommy <strong>Moose</strong><br />
Freeport Lodge<br />
Tommy <strong>Moose</strong> visited Freeport <strong>Moose</strong> Family Center<br />
162 and received a gracious acknowledgement.<br />
Freeport Family Center offi cers distributed<br />
Tommy <strong>Moose</strong> Bookmarks to nine area grade<br />
schools and libraries and in doing so received<br />
a write-up from one of their local newspapers.<br />
“Th e pearl City news” in pearl City illinois,<br />
wrote the following article by Mary Vivion on<br />
page 10, February 2, 2011 / shopper’s Guide.<br />
“Freeport <strong>Moose</strong> lodge Bringing<br />
Bookmarks”<br />
Tommy <strong>Moose</strong> came to the pearl City<br />
public library, well; he didn’t actually come<br />
in person. he sent someone (Josh snyder)<br />
a Freeport <strong>Moose</strong> member with a nice big<br />
supply of Tommy <strong>Moose</strong> Bookmarks. Th ese<br />
bookmarks are really cute and are free to<br />
anyone who would like one. Th ey are not only<br />
cute; they have lots of helpful internet safety<br />
tips for kids. Th e following tips are given.<br />
1. never give any personal information out<br />
over the internet<br />
2. never download any fi les onto computer without<br />
permission from an adult.<br />
3. report any inappropriate behavior, harassment or<br />
unwanted e-mails to an adult immediately.<br />
4. Chat rooms can hide adults pretending to be<br />
Naperville Lodge<br />
on april 14, 2011, naperville 1290, donated 50 Tommy<br />
<strong>Moose</strong> and little Curleyhead coloring books and 50 packs<br />
of crayons to the pediatrics ward of edward hospital in<br />
naperville, illinois. edward hospital is rated as the most<br />
preferred hospital for pediatrics in the Chicago’s southwest<br />
and west suburbs. Th e coloring books will be used to<br />
entertain the younger children while they recover from<br />
procedures. pictured from right to left: scot robinson,<br />
Governor and nita sittler, Certifi ed Child life specialist.<br />
children. Be extra careful to guard your<br />
information if you use them.<br />
5. Be wary of anyone who<br />
wants to know specifi c addresses,<br />
names, phone numbers or people who keep<br />
asking for that type of information.<br />
6. never buy anything over the internet<br />
without your parent or guardian’s approval<br />
7. never agree to meet anyone face to face<br />
that you met on the internet unless you tell a<br />
parent or adult fi rst, and they go with you<br />
8. Don’t click on links or go to sites that<br />
you’re not familiar with. Do not click on links<br />
in emails from propel - yet do not know.<br />
9. never post a picture of yourself on line and<br />
never e-mail pictures of yourself to people you<br />
don’t know.<br />
parents and grandparents, these bookmarks<br />
can be used to open a dialog with your child<br />
and/or grandchild about the internet. you<br />
might be really surprised what children can get<br />
into on the internet without realizing that they’re doing<br />
anything wrong.<br />
For more information, visit http://www.Tommy<strong>Moose</strong>.<br />
org to see what other things the <strong>Moose</strong> does as a public<br />
and community service.<br />
lllini <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> July, August, September Issue Page 17
Plainfield <strong>Moose</strong> (continued from page 1)<br />
Fundraisers For Families<br />
The plainfield <strong>Moose</strong> offers $500 scholarships to<br />
plainfield high school students and hosts fundraisers to<br />
help needy plainfield families with medical expenses.<br />
Most recently, the plainfield <strong>Moose</strong> raised $5,000 for the<br />
Joshua Deland family.<br />
it recognizes plainfield’s firefighter and police officer of<br />
the year with a dinner and plaque. recently, the plainfield<br />
<strong>Moose</strong> supplied the police and fire departments with three<br />
cases of Tommy <strong>Moose</strong> dolls.<br />
“The first responders to an accident scene or house fire<br />
can pass the Tommy <strong>Moose</strong> dolls to the kids that might<br />
be traumatized or shook up to help settle them down,”<br />
provo said.<br />
on sundays during football season, members can watch<br />
the Chicago Bears play and enjoy food other members<br />
have prepared. a donation jar is also present. The plainfield<br />
<strong>Moose</strong> matches the donations and sends it to the “chef’s”<br />
charity of choice. “if i cook up a big pot of chili,” provo<br />
said, “i might want the money sent to juvenile diabetes.<br />
someone else might want to support breast cancer.”<br />
Food for needy<br />
This year, the plainfield <strong>Moose</strong> partnered with the Ford<br />
family in plainfield to collect and distribute 714 turkeys.<br />
For 10 years this family spearheaded a turkey collection<br />
from their home and offered a “thank you” buffet to<br />
donors when they dropped off turkeys.<br />
when donations hit 573 turkeys, the Fords were<br />
overwhelmed and asked if another group could accept the<br />
challenge. The plainfield <strong>Moose</strong> did and created the Ford-<br />
<strong>Moose</strong> Turkey Drop and expanded the buffet from chili,<br />
hot dogs, doughnuts and coffee to include barbecue beef,<br />
chicken and sandwiches.<br />
while most of the turkeys go to Morningstar Mission<br />
in Joliet, a portion of them are distributed to needy<br />
plainfield families and some were given to food pantries<br />
in plainfield and romeoville.<br />
The illinois <strong>Moose</strong> association n.e. Council of higher<br />
Degrees presented a set of luggage to every graduating<br />
<strong>Moose</strong>heart senior at the pJo Center on sunday, april<br />
10, 2011. on left is n.e. Vice president Johnny larison<br />
and scott hart. on right is Mike Bannwolf, Chaplain, in<br />
the Fellowship shirt, secretary amy weiss and president<br />
rob reining.<br />
in addition, each month members bring boxes of food<br />
for the plainfield Food pantry. The plainfield <strong>Moose</strong> also<br />
charters Boy scout Troop 91 and Cub scout pack 91 and<br />
allows the scouts to use the lodge for meetings and its<br />
fundraising pancake breakfast.<br />
Florida Connection<br />
The plainfield <strong>Moose</strong> also offers camping trips, fishing<br />
outings, family picnics, cooking programs, roller skating<br />
parties, bowling leagues, dart leagues, youth computer<br />
programs and family movie nights. They also contribute,<br />
as all lodges do, to <strong>Moose</strong>heart Child City and school<br />
inc., a residential childcare facility in <strong>Moose</strong>heart and<br />
<strong>Moose</strong>haven member retirement home in Florida.<br />
and they do it with only 420 men and 220 women.<br />
“we’re small compared to many <strong>Moose</strong> lodges. Most have<br />
1,000 or so members,” provo said. Much of the lodge’s<br />
enthusiasm, he added, is due to its founder, Jerry weiss<br />
of plainfield, who single-handedly has brought in at least<br />
80 members.<br />
weiss once belonged to the Berwyn <strong>Moose</strong>, but when<br />
he moved to plainfield, weiss wanted a lodge in his own<br />
community. so in six months weiss had collected the 100<br />
signatures necessary for a charter. once that was attained,<br />
they first met in members’ homes, gradually moving to<br />
other facilities as membership increased and the men<br />
outgrew them. The plainfield <strong>Moose</strong> never had its own<br />
building until 2009.<br />
so when a prospective member is simply looking for a<br />
place to drink, provo lets him know the plainfield <strong>Moose</strong><br />
is not the club for him.<br />
“we like when members get involved, but sometimes we<br />
do have to ask them,” provo said. “Maybe they’re scared<br />
or think we have enough help. But once they’re involved,<br />
they become friends and it keeps going on and on.”<br />
The plainfield <strong>Moose</strong> lodge is at 16310 s. lincoln<br />
highway in plainfield. From interstate 55, it’s just west on<br />
route 30 in the strip mall. For more information about<br />
the plainfield <strong>Moose</strong>, call the lodge at 815-254-1403.<br />
IMA NE Council of Higher Degrees Presents Luggage to Graduating <strong>Moose</strong>heart Students<br />
Page 18 lllini <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> July, August, September
Chicago Heights #828- IMA Fishing Tournament<br />
Chicago heights <strong>Moose</strong> lodge #828 is putting on its<br />
fi rst iMa fi shing tournament on saturday september 17,<br />
2011. registration 9-10am and tournament 10am-2pm.<br />
Th e cost will be $15 per ticket. Th e ticket will gain you<br />
access to our on-site lake stocked with all sorts of fi sh,<br />
donuts, orange juice, coff ee at registration and hamburgers,<br />
hot dogs, chips, and pop for lunch. we will have three<br />
$50 Cabelas gift cards for 1) largest Bass, 2) most fi sh<br />
caught, and 3) heaviest fi sh caught. prizes may change<br />
Taylorville <strong>Moose</strong> Lodge 1516 Kids Fishing Tournament<br />
depending on participation. Th ere<br />
is limited, primitive camping around<br />
lake. Tickets available for purchase<br />
before events pay at registration. Catch<br />
and release so no illiniois state fi shing<br />
license needed. For further information<br />
contact raiford putnam at (219) 669-4386 or e-mail<br />
him at rai_ford or wally paris, lodge<br />
administrator at (708) 758-2727.<br />
<strong>Moose</strong> legion 102<br />
sponsored their annual<br />
kid’s fi shing tournament<br />
again this year on 6-11-11.<br />
pictured are the two top<br />
prize winners along with<br />
several other participants<br />
of the tournament. all<br />
participants, along with<br />
their parents, gathered at Taylorville <strong>Moose</strong> lodge 1516 for a pizza party after the tournament.<br />
<strong>Moose</strong> International Membership Campaign<br />
25984 1356<br />
1 1 1 Member Member Member award award award<br />
May May 1, 1, 2011-April 2011-April 30, 30, 2012<br />
2012<br />
32640 32640 32640<br />
Official lapel<br />
pin presented<br />
by your Lodge<br />
or Chapter.<br />
2295 2295 2295<br />
5 Member award<br />
Sponsor five members and receive a<br />
<strong>Moose</strong> International 5 Club wallet card and static<br />
window decal. Qualifying members will also be<br />
recognized for their support by receiving a deluxe paring<br />
knife and vegetable peeler gift set from American Made<br />
Cutlery – made possible by State & Provincial <strong>Association</strong>s<br />
and the Women of the <strong>Moose</strong>.<br />
*When your first two members are reported and<br />
enrolled during this campaign, we will pay your<br />
next year’s dues in your primary Lodge or Chapter.<br />
Life Members will receive an<br />
electronic key finder (fit for a<br />
secret agent!) in lieu of a year’s<br />
dues.<br />
Sponsor 25 or more members and earn<br />
membership in the Director General’s Circle<br />
of Distinction or the Women of the <strong>Moose</strong><br />
Heart of Distinction. You will receive special<br />
recognition for achieving levels of 25, 50, 75 or 100.<br />
Super Sponsors of 100 or more members will receive<br />
transportation and five nights accomodations at the<br />
2012 International Convention in Tampa, Florida.<br />
*Sponsor four members during the campaign<br />
and receive a chance to win a trip for two to<br />
Las Vegas, Miami or New York City. One trip to<br />
each city will be awarded at the conclusion of<br />
the campaign.<br />
Sponsors of 25 members during<br />
the period June 1, 2010 - July 31,<br />
2013 will receive a commemorative<br />
custom-made <strong>Moose</strong>heart<br />
Centennial wristwatch by Skagen<br />
(Available in limited quantities<br />
only to qualified sponsors).<br />
*One *One *One entry entry entry for for for every every every four four four (4) (4) (4) applications applications applications sponsored, sponsored, sponsored, which which which are are are transmitted transmitted transmitted to to to <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Moose</strong> International International International by by by<br />
10 10 10 PM PM PM CDT, CDT, CDT, April April April 30, 30, 30, 2012 2012 2012 and and and accepted. accepted. accepted. Computer Computer Computer will will will randomly randomly randomly select select select one one one qualifying qualifying qualifying name name name for for for each each each<br />
trip. trip. Trips Trips to to be be awarded awarded in in the the following following order: order: Las Las Vegas, Vegas, NV; NV; Miami, Miami, FL; FL; and and New New York, York, NY. NY. All All trips trips<br />
include include round round trip trip airfare airfare for for two two and and lodging lodging for for four four (4) (4) days days and and three three (3) (3) nights. nights.<br />
q <strong>Moose</strong> International Membership Department - <strong>Moose</strong>heart, IL 60539-1183 Printed in USA<br />
lllini <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> July, August, September Issue Page 19
<strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>Moose</strong> Bowling Tournament Rules<br />
iMporTanT To ToUrnaMenT enTranTs<br />
CoMpeTinG in This eVenT<br />
• This tournament is open to: loyal orDer oF<br />
<strong>Moose</strong> anD woMen oF The <strong>Moose</strong><br />
MeMBers oF illinois only. entries will be<br />
accepted only from members in good standing.<br />
• Bowlers must report highest UsBC certified winter<br />
league average, minimum 21 games for the 2010-2011<br />
seasons.<br />
• Bowlers who do not have an average for the last season<br />
must report their highest current UsBC certified<br />
average, minimum of 21 games as of october 10, 2011.<br />
• any bowler whose average as of october 10, 2011 is ten<br />
or more pins higher than his/her highest final average<br />
from last season must use his/her highest october 10,<br />
2011 average for 21 games.<br />
• participants are cautioned to be familiar with requirement<br />
of UsBC rule #319b.<br />
• Bowlers who have neither an average from last season<br />
nor a current average may enter at 187 for men and 148<br />
for women.<br />
• handicap: 90% of the difference between hiGhesT<br />
league average and 225 per game (75 pins maximum per<br />
game). actual pins will count, no fraction being carried.<br />
• any individual who reports an average less than his/<br />
her true average which is not corrected prior to the first<br />
game of a series will be disqualified from receiving any<br />
handicap prizes.<br />
• UsBC rUle #319a will Be in eFFeCT: “it shall<br />
be each bowler’s responsibility to verify the accuracy of<br />
his/her average in handicap or classified tournaments,<br />
whether originally submitted by the bowler, the team<br />
captain, or others. Failure to use the proper average or<br />
make correction prior to completion of the first game of<br />
a series shall disqualify score if submitted average is lower<br />
than actual average or base prize winnings or submitted<br />
average if it is higher.”<br />
• UsBC rUle # 319e applies: 10 or more pin increase<br />
in average in present year over 2010-2011 average.<br />
• entries close at midnight, october 10, 2011. not entry<br />
fees shall be returned after entries close.<br />
• Tournament officials reserve the right to extend the<br />
competition, if necessary, and to reject any entry.<br />
• actual pinfall, plus handicap, will determine winners. in<br />
the event of ties, prizes for the positions involved will be<br />
pooled and divided equally.<br />
• an “all-events” Category can be entered for an<br />
additional $3.00 per bowler. individual’s first score for<br />
the Team, Doubles and singles events will be totaled.<br />
100% of entry fees returned for this event.<br />
• ‘Three games will be rolled in each event. all doubles &<br />
singles entries must bowl both events.<br />
• same two person team can bowl only once, but may<br />
bowl with different partners. Bowl as often as you wish<br />
in the team event, but not more than two players can<br />
compete together more than once on the same team.<br />
UsBC rUle #315. Cash only once in singles.<br />
• premature termination of the tournament brought<br />
about by war, national emergency or emergency cause<br />
relating thereto or therefrom, fire natural disaster or any<br />
other reason beyond the control of the illinois <strong>Moose</strong><br />
association state Tournament shall cause, to the extent<br />
required thereby, all advertised prizes, guaranteed or<br />
otherwise, to be prorated in accordance with the number<br />
of entrants who bowled in each of their respective events<br />
up to the time of such termination.<br />
• in cases not covered by above rules and regulations the<br />
United states Bowling Congress shall govern.<br />
• prizes and bowling fees must be included with this<br />
entry form. no enTry will Be aCCepTeD<br />
wiThoUT CheCK or Money orDer.<br />
(entrants, who send cash through the mail, do so at<br />
their own risk.)<br />
• all bowlers must register with the secretary’s office at<br />
least 30 minutes prior to their scheduled starting time.<br />
Team captains will be held responsible for the conduct<br />
of their team during bowling.<br />
• no preVioUs ToUrnaMenT priZe<br />
winninGs neeD Be reporTeD.<br />
• UsBC rUle 309 one of every six teams “cash applies.<br />
• “Unaffiliated teams and individuals wishing to secure<br />
the high score protection this sanction offers members of<br />
the UsBC may establish eligibility by paying unattached<br />
individual membership dues of ( $21.00) per player.<br />
Upon receipt of the dues, the Congress will issue an<br />
unattached individual membership card.”<br />
• any bowler who fails to report an increase in current<br />
average of at least tem pins will be liable to disqualification<br />
with forfeiture of all entry fees and prizes.<br />
• UsBC Moral sUpporT sanCTion: “provides<br />
high score protection for those who have established in<br />
the Congress prior to participation…” “allows for the<br />
participation of those not affiliated with the Congress<br />
without payment of any dues.”<br />
• This Bowling Tournament sponsored annually by the<br />
illinois <strong>Moose</strong> association….<br />
• william hunter, iMa Bowling Chairman,<br />
• Bowlers will bowl as entry is sent in -- no ChanGes<br />
– oTher Than sUBsTiTUTion<br />
Page 20 lllini <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> July, August, September Issue
HOST LODGE: Rock Island # 190<br />
CODE:<br />
4-Person:<br />
th<br />
22 ANNUAL<br />
TEAM<br />
Milan Lanes<br />
2020 1 th St<br />
Milan, IL<br />
309-787-1117<br />
Cert #3271<br />
<strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>Moose</strong> Bowling Tournament Entry Form<br />
2-Person:<br />
DATES: Nov. 5 &6 Nov. 12 & 13 Nov. 19 & 20<br />
Individual:<br />
All-Events<br />
Check-Cash:<br />
SUNDAYS 10:30AM<br />
Circle Bowlers Numbers 1 2 3 4 $3.00 per Bowler<br />
Doubles and Singles<br />
(same house)<br />
(Combined Total $36.00/Person)<br />
USBC Number<br />
TEAM EVENT ($18.00/Person) HIGH AVG.<br />
1) 1a)<br />
2) 1b)<br />
3) 2a)<br />
4) 2b)<br />
Our # _____ man ________________________ in the team event is in the DOUBLES event # _______ DOUBLES man _______________<br />
With __________________________ from TEAM _______________________________. will bowl with TEAM ____________________<br />
TEAM NAME: _____________________________________________________ DATE WANTED (TEAM): ____________TIME: ________<br />
LEAGUE BOWLED: _______________________________________________ ALT DATE (TEAM): ________________ TIME: _________<br />
CAPTAIN’S NAME: ________________________________________________ DATE WANTED (S & D) : ____________ TIME: ________<br />
ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________ ALT. DATE (S & D): _________________TIME: ________<br />
CITY: _____________________________ STATE: _______ ZIP: ____________ UNITES STATES BOWLING CONGRESS MORAL SUPPORT CERTIFIED<br />
PHONE: __________________________________________________________ NO ENTRY WILL BE ACCEPTED IF NOT FILLED OUT COMPLETELY<br />
AND<br />
AFFIXED!!<br />
TO:<br />
The undersigned certifies that the bowlers<br />
William Hunter<br />
4620 Wanda Rd.<br />
whose names are shown on this ENTRY<br />
AFFIX<br />
PRIZES; $35.00 $8.75 $17.50<br />
Edwardsville, Il. 62025 FORM are Bona Fide members in good<br />
LODGE<br />
BOWLING: $28.00 $7.00 $14.00<br />
618-692-0505<br />
standing in the LOYAL ORDER OF<br />
SEAL<br />
EXPENSES: $ 9.00 $2.25 $ 4.50<br />
AFTER:<br />
HERE<br />
MOOSE<br />
September 13, 2011<br />
TOTAL: $72.00 $18.00 $36.00<br />
Signature<br />
__________________________________<br />
October 9, 2011<br />
1 out 6 Pay Out<br />
Administrator’s Signature<br />
LODGE #<br />
lllini <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> July, August, September Issue Page 21
Th e weather cooperated for the<br />
prospect lodge #660 annual Childrens<br />
easter party, held on saturday april 23,<br />
2011. Th e kids were treated to an easter<br />
egg hunt, lunch and a special visit from the<br />
motorcycle riding easter Bunny.<br />
Effi ngham <strong>Moose</strong> Easter Party<br />
Lodge Easter Parties<br />
Prospect Lodge #660 Kids Easter Party<br />
Page 22 lllini <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> July, August, September Issue
May May 1 - July July 31, 31, 2011 2011<br />
DO NOT GO SOLO! Sponsor 2 of your trusted friends<br />
as new Agents for L.O.O.M. or W.O.T.M. and earn your<br />
MOOSE: CSI Spy Pen Radio! You’ll not only stay “tuned in”<br />
to the latest news, but you’ll qualify for FREE DUES in your your<br />
primary primary Lodge Lodge or Chapter Chapter once once these these candidates candidates have have been been<br />
reported as “enrolled.”*<br />
AS AN ADDED BONUS: You You will will be halfway halfway to qualifying qualifying<br />
for the MOOSE: CSI campaign drawing to win a trip for<br />
two two to one one of three three locations: locations: Las Las Vegas, Vegas, Miami Miami or New New York York<br />
City! **<br />
*Life members will receive an electronic key finder in lieu of a year’s dues.<br />
**One entry in <strong>Moose</strong>: Create Some Interest membership membership campaign campaign drawing drawing for for every every four four (4) applications applications sponsored sponsored from from May May 1,<br />
2011 2011 – April April 30, 30, 2012. 2012. Applications Applications must must be transmitted transmitted to <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Moose</strong> International International by 10:00 10:00 PM PM CDT CDT on April April 30, 30, 2012 2012 and and accepted accepted to<br />
qualify for entry.<br />
q <strong>Moose</strong> International Membership Department - <strong>Moose</strong>heart, IL 60539-1183 Printed in USA<br />
File Submission Format for the <strong>Illini</strong> <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />
Articles: Th e best way to send your articles is Microsoft<br />
word, a plain text fi le (such as windows word pad or<br />
note pad), or just type the article in a regular email.<br />
Pictures: Make sure your camera is set to a large format,<br />
and as JpeG images if possible. pictures set too small will<br />
not print correctly. attach all pictures to the email, please<br />
don’t insert them into the word Document.<br />
Microsoft Publisher: i don’t have Ms publisher, and if<br />
you’d like to design your own submission, go ahead and<br />
design it, send me a JpeG or pDF fi le, but also send a<br />
word document (or copy/paste the information into the<br />
SPONSOR 2<br />
and receive this<br />
MOOSE: CSI<br />
Spy Pen Radio<br />
Not sure when your subscription runs out?<br />
Look on the address label above your name . Fill out the information on the <strong>Illini</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> Order Form<br />
on the next page and . . .<br />
Stay Connected to the <strong>Illinois</strong> <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Association</strong>!<br />
Your official <strong>Moose</strong>: CSI Spy<br />
Pen Radio is a ballpoint pen<br />
that also receives FM radio<br />
signals. Earphones are<br />
included in the package.<br />
4 AG13 batteries are<br />
required for operation<br />
(included).<br />
q <strong>Moose</strong> International Membership Department - <strong>Moose</strong>heart, IL 60539-1183 Printed in USA<br />
email) and attach the original pictures/art. i’ll replicate<br />
your design that you’ve worked so hard on.<br />
PDF Files: Forms are fi ne to send in pDF format, make<br />
sure you choose a high resolution output when creating<br />
the pDF fi le. Just keep in mind, it may be diffi cult for me<br />
to edit it. please don’t send your articles in pDF format,<br />
it’s diffi cult to extract the text and it’s diffi cult to edit the<br />
pDF fi le.<br />
Email Files To:<br />
Dixie Church, illini <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> editor<br />
lllini <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> July, August, September Issue Page 23
<strong>Illini</strong> <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />
Dixie Church - Editor<br />
4000 Rigby Road<br />
Crystal Lake, IL 60012<br /><br />
“The information contained herein is both confidential and privileged and shall only<br />
be available to and used by good-standing members of the loyal order of <strong>Moose</strong> for<br />
fraternal purposed. any use of the information contained herein for private gain or for<br />
any commercial, political or business purpose is strictly prohibited.”<br />
ORG<br />
U.S. POSTAGE<br />
PAID<br />
JOLIET, IL<br />
PERMIT NO. 349<br />
Deadline for contributions for<br />
October/Nov./Dec. issue is September 10th, 2011.<br />
Stay Connected!<br />
<strong>Illini</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> Order Form<br />
Name____________________________________<br />
Address__________________________________<br />
___________________________________<br />
email________________________________<br />
For one year subscription, please send check made payable to the IMA in the amount of $10.00 to:<br />
Dixie Church / Editor<br />
4000 Rigby Road<br />
Crystal Lake, IL 60012<br /><br />
Please check your expiration date on your address label above your name, it may be time to renew!<br />
Moving? Contact Dixie Church to make sure your <strong>Illini</strong> <strong>Moose</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> follows you!<br />
Show your friends our magazine, maybe they would like to subscribe!