Complex Analysis - Maths KU

Complex Analysis - Maths KU

Complex Analysis - Maths KU


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2.4 Special Power Functions 99<br />

43. Find two sets in the complex plane that are mapped onto the ray arg(w) =π/2<br />

by the function w = z 2 .<br />

44. Find two sets in the complex plane that are mapped onto the set bounded by<br />

the curves u = −v, u =1− 1<br />

4 v2 , and the real axis v = 0 by the function w = z 2 .<br />

45. In Example 2 it was shown that the image of a vertical line x = k, k �= 0, under<br />

w = z 2 is the parabola u = k 2 − v2<br />

. Use this result, your knowledge of linear<br />

4k2 mappings, and the fact that w = − (iz) 2 �<br />

to prove that the image of a horizontal<br />

line y = k, k �= 0, is the parabola u = − k 2 − v2<br />

4k2 �<br />

.<br />

46. Find three sets in the complex plane that map onto the set arg(w) =π under<br />

the mapping w = z 3 .<br />

47. Find four sets in the complex plane that map onto the circle |w| = 4 under the<br />

mapping w = z 4 .<br />

48. Do lines that pass through the origin map onto lines under w = z n , n ≥ 2?<br />

Explain.<br />

49. Do parabolas with vertices on the x-axis map onto lines under w = z 1/2 ?<br />

Explain.<br />

50. (a) Proceed as in Example 6 to show that the complex linear function<br />

f(z) =az + b, a �= 0, is one-to-one on the entire complex plane.<br />

(b) Find a formula for the inverse function of the function in (a).<br />

51. (a) Proceed as in Example 6 to show that the complex function f(z) = a<br />

+ b,<br />

z<br />

a �= 0, is one-to-one on the set |z| > 0.<br />

(b) Find a formula for the inverse function of the function in (a).<br />

52. Find the image of the half-plane Im(z) ≥ 0 under each of the following principal<br />

nth root functions.<br />

(a) f(z) =z 1/2<br />

(b) f(z) =z 1/3<br />

(c) f(z) =z 1/4<br />

53. Find the image of the region |z| ≤8, π/2 ≤ arg (z) ≤ 3π/4, under each of the<br />

following principal nth root functions.<br />

(a) f(z) =z 1/2<br />

(b) f(z) =z 1/3<br />

(c) f(z) =z 1/4<br />

54. Find a function that maps the entire complex plane onto the set<br />

2π/3 < arg(w) ≤ 4π/3.<br />

55. Read part (ii) of the Remarks, and then describe how to construct a Riemann<br />

surface for the function f(z) =z 3 .<br />

56. Consider the complex function f(z) = 2iz 2 − i defined on the quarter disk<br />

|z| ≤2, 0 ≤ arg(z) ≤ π/2.<br />

(a) Use mappings to determine upper and lower bounds on the modulus<br />

of f(z) = 2iz 2 − i. That is, find real values L and M such that<br />

L ≤ � � 2iz 2 − i � � ≤ M.<br />

(b) Find values of z that achieve your bounds in (a). In other words, find z0<br />

and z1 such that |f(z0)| = L and |f(z1)| = M.<br />

57. Consider the complex function f(z) = 1<br />

3 z2 +1−i defined on the set 2 ≤|z| ≤3,<br />

0 ≤ arg(z) ≤ π.

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