Complex Analysis - Maths KU

Complex Analysis - Maths KU

Complex Analysis - Maths KU


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4.1 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 177<br />

Theorem 4.1 Analyticity of e z<br />

The exponential function e z isentire and itsderivative isgiven by:<br />

d<br />

dz ez = e z . (3)<br />

Proof In order to establish that e z isentire, we use the criterion for analyticity<br />

given in Theorem 3.5. We first note that the real and imaginary parts,<br />

u(x, y) =e x cos y and v(x, y) =e x sin y, ofe z are continuousreal functions<br />

and have continuousfirst-order partial derivativesfor all (x, y). In addition,<br />

the Cauchy-Riemann equationsin u and v are easily verified:<br />

∂u<br />

∂x = ex cos y = ∂v<br />

∂y<br />

and<br />

∂u<br />

∂y = −ex sin y = − ∂v<br />

∂x .<br />

Therefore, the exponential function e z isentire by Theorem 3.5. By (9) of<br />

Section 3.2, the derivative of an analytic function f isgiven by f ′ (z) = ∂u<br />

∂x +<br />

i ∂v<br />

∂x , and so the derivative of ez is:<br />

d<br />

dz ez = ∂u ∂v<br />

+ i<br />

∂x ∂x = ex cos y + ie x sin y = e z . ✎<br />

Using the fact that the real and imaginary parts of an analytic function<br />

are harmonic conjugates, we can also show that the only entire function f that<br />

agreeswith the real exponential function e x for real input and that satisfies<br />

the differential equation f ′ (z) =f(z) isthe complex exponential function e z<br />

defined by (1). See Problem 50 in Exercises 4.1.<br />

EXAMPLE 1 Derivatives of Exponential Functions<br />

Find the derivative of each of the following functions:<br />

(a) iz 4 � z 2 − e z� and (b) e z2 −(1+i)z+3 .<br />

Solution (a) Using (3) and the product rule (4) in Section 3.1:<br />

d � 4<br />

iz<br />

dz<br />

� z 2 − e z�� = iz 4 (2z − e z )+4iz 3 � z 2 − e z�<br />

=6iz 5 − iz 4 e z − 4iz 3 e z .<br />

(b) Using (3) and the chain rule (6) in Section 3.1:<br />

d<br />

�<br />

e<br />

dz<br />

z2−(1+i)z+3 �<br />

= e z2−(1+i)z+3 · (2z − 1 − i) .

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