Complex Analysis - Maths KU

Complex Analysis - Maths KU

Complex Analysis - Maths KU


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Chapter 7 Review Quiz 449<br />

13. If w = f(z) =u(x, y)+iv(x, y) is a conformal mapping of a domain D onto<br />

the upper half-plane v>0 and if Φ(u, v) is a harmonic function for v>0,<br />

then φ(x, y) =Φ(u(x, y), v(x, y)) is harmonic on D.<br />

14. If ψ(x, y) is a function defined on a domain D and if the boundary of D is<br />

a level curve of ψ(x, y), then ψ(x, y) is the stream function of an ideal fluid<br />

in D.<br />

15. Given a domain D, there can be more than one flow of an ideal fluid that<br />

remains inside of D.<br />

In Problems 16–30, try to fill in the blanks without referring back to the text.<br />

16. The analytic function f(z) = cosh z is conformal except at z = .<br />

17. Conformal mappings preserve both the magnitude and the of an<br />

angle.<br />

18. The mapping is an example of a mapping that is conformal at every<br />

point in the complex plane.<br />

19. If f ′ (z0) =f ′′ (z0) = 0 and f ′′′ (z0) �= 0, then the mapping w = f(z)<br />

the magnitude of angles at the point z0.<br />

20. T (z) = is a linear fractional transformation that maps the points 0,<br />

1+i, and i onto the points 1, i, and ∞.<br />

21. The image of the circle |z − 1| = 2 under the linear fractional transformation<br />

T (z) =(2z − i)/ (iz +1) is a .<br />

22. The image of a line L under the linear fractional transformation<br />

T (z) =(iz − 2)/ (3z +1− i) is a circle if and only if the point z =<br />

is on L.<br />

23. The cross-ratio of the points z, z1, z2, and z3 is and .<br />

24. The derivative of a Schwarz-Christoffel mapping from the upper half-plane onto<br />

the triangle with vertices at 0, 1, and 1 + i is f ′ (z) = .<br />

25. If f ′ (z) =A(z +1) −1/2 z −1/4 , then w = f(z) maps the upper half-plane onto a<br />

polygonal region with interior angles .<br />

26. The Poisson integral formula gives an integral solution φ(x, y) to a Dirichlet<br />

problem in the upper half-plane y>0 provided the function f(x) =φ(x, 0) is<br />

and on −∞

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