Complex Analysis - Maths KU

Complex Analysis - Maths KU

Complex Analysis - Maths KU


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80 Chapter 2 <strong>Complex</strong> Functions and Mappings<br />

(ii) there exists an element e in G such that e ∗ a = a ∗ e = a for all a in<br />

G, and<br />

(iii) for every element a in G there exists an element b in G such that<br />

a ∗ b = b ∗ a = e. (The element b is called the inverse of a in G and is denoted<br />

by a −1 .)<br />

Let Isom+(E) denote the set of all complex functions of the form f(z) =az + b<br />

where |a| = 1. In the remaining part of this project you are asked to demonstrate<br />

that Isom+(E) is a group with composition of functions as the binary<br />

operation. This group is called the group of orientation-preserving isometriesof<br />

the Euclidean plane.<br />

(b) Prove that composition of functions is a binary operation on Isom+(E).<br />

That is, prove that if f and g are functions in Isom+(E), then the function<br />

f ◦ g defined by f ◦ g(z) =f (g(z)) is an element in Isom+(E).<br />

(c) Prove that the set Isom+(E) with composition satisfies property (i) ofa<br />

group.<br />

(d) Prove that the set Isom+(E) with composition satisfies property (ii) ofa<br />

group. That is, show that there exists a function e in Isom+(E) such that<br />

e ◦ f = f ◦ e = f for all functions f in Isom+(E).<br />

(e) Prove that the set Isom+(E) with composition satisfies property (iii) ofa<br />

group.<br />

2.4 Special Power Functions<br />

A complex polynomial 2.4 function is a function of the form p(z) =anzn +an−1zn−1 +...+<br />

a1z + a0 where n is a positive integer and an, an−1, ... , a1, a0 are complex constants. In<br />

general, a complex polynomial mapping can be quite complicated, but in many special cases<br />

the action of the mapping is easilyunderstood. For instance, the complex linear functions<br />

studied in Section 2.3 are complex polynomials of degree n =1.<br />

In this section we studycomplex polynomials of the form f(z) =zn , n ≥ 2. Unlike<br />

the linear mappings studied in the previous section, the mappings w = zn , n ≥ 2, do not<br />

preserve the basic shape of everyfigure in the complex plane. Associated to the function<br />

zn , n ≥ 2, we also have the principal nth root function z1/n . The principal nth root<br />

functions are inverse functions of the functions zn defined on a sufficientlyrestricted domain.<br />

Consequently, complex mappings associated to zn and z1/n are closelyrelated.<br />

Power Functions Recall that a real function of the form f(x) =xa ,<br />

where a is a real constant, is called a power function. We form a complex<br />

power function byallowing the input or the exponent a to be a complex<br />

number. In other words, a complex power function is a function of the<br />

form f(z) =zα where α is a complex constant. If α is an integer, then the<br />

power function zα can be evaluated using the algebraic operations on complex<br />

numbers from Chapter 1. For example, z2 = z · z and z−3 1<br />

= . We<br />

z · z · z<br />

can also use the formulas for taking roots of complex numbers from Section<br />

1.4 to define power functions with fractional exponents of the form 1/n. For

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