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Boost your marketing<br />

with a FREE App<br />

Your Logo<br />

Get into the massive growth market of<br />

Mobile Apps* with your own branded app.<br />

Not only will this be an impressive, useful gift<br />

for your customers but your relevant alerts<br />

and notifications will put your company at<br />

their fingertips<br />

*Mobile app usage grew 76% in 2016. The biggest mobile app use growth<br />

was in the lifestyle categories (174%)

There are 4 simple reasons to give free<br />

copies of Caring to your customers:<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

Get new customers<br />

How many of your competitors have got their own app let alone be in a position to<br />

“give” it to a customer or prospect? This app may well make the difference to<br />

whether a customer uses you or a competitor<br />

Maintain customer loyalty<br />

Giving existing customers a free copy of Caring shows them that you care about<br />

them. It will make them feel special and valued<br />

Brand awareness<br />

Every time an existing or potential customer uses the app they will see your name<br />

and know where to come for what they need<br />

Present your business as being up with the times<br />

Having an app of your own presents your business as up-to-date to every<br />

generation. 4 out of 5 people use a smart phone and spend an average of 4 hours<br />

and 40 minutes a day on it

Why have an app?<br />

We have developed an app called Caring that is currently available to consumers direct via the App Store<br />

and Google Play. A unique app with rave reviews from its users which was designed by care professionals<br />

to support caregivers<br />

What does it do?<br />

Caring makes caregivers lives more manageable. It helps people understand the issues and gives<br />

them tools to manage caregiving at home<br />

So what’s the offer?<br />

We are offering your company Caring badged with your identity, any other information that you<br />

wish to make available and/or links to your company website etc as a marketing tool to give to<br />

your clients and prospects<br />

In the App Store and on Google Play, Caring is a subscription product priced at $9.99 per annum.<br />

But you can buy licenses for caring from as little as $1 a copy and give them to potential<br />

customers for free<br />

Your<br />


Caring features<br />

About: Useful information and emergency contacts<br />

Conversations: Sharing with family and advisors<br />

Your Logo<br />

Guidance: Understanding the issues<br />

Medical: Medications and medical history<br />

Personal affairs: Keeping up on legal and money matters<br />

Daily schedule: What’s happening, when and who with<br />

Time tracking: Activities, time spent, value<br />

Things to do: What, when, who<br />

Who’s involved: Organizing the support team<br />

Reports: Reports for everything to print and email<br />

Multi-person: Use the app to care for<br />

one person or many

Engaging your customers<br />

Customer comes in<br />

Give them your FREE app<br />

Customers enjoy Caring app<br />

Keep in touch through notifications<br />

...your company at their fingertips

If you would like to discuss giving Caring to your customers just<br />

email me at kira@<strong>apps4caring</strong>.com<br />

We think you will find that Caring will be the best - and least<br />

expensive marketing decision that you will ever make<br />

apps 4<br />

T: (707) 762-5433 E: kira@<strong>apps4caring</strong>.com<br />

www.<strong>apps4caring</strong>.com<br />

Apps4Caring is a division of Intelligent Maintenance LLC

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