The Great Green Vine Invention

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the<br />

great<br />

<strong>The</strong> United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child<br />

All children are holders of important human rights. Twenty-five years ago<br />

in 1989, over a hundred countries agreed a UN Convention on the Rights<br />

of the Child. In the most<br />

green<br />

important human rights treaty in history, they<br />

promised to protect and promote all children’s equal rights, which are<br />

connected<br />

vine<br />

and equally important.<br />

In the 54 Articles of the Convention, countries make solemn promises to<br />

defend children’s needs and dreams. <strong>The</strong>y recognize the role of children<br />

in realizing their rights, being heard and involved decisions. Especially,<br />

Article 24 and Article 27 defend children’s rights to safe drinking water, good<br />

food, a clean and safe environment, health, quality of life. And Article 29<br />

recognizes children’s rights to education that develops personality, talents<br />

and potential, respecting human rights and the natural environment.<br />

— Samia Kassid<br />

World Future Council<br />

invention<br />

<strong>The</strong> United Nations Declaration on the Future We Want<br />

At the United Nations Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development in<br />

2012, governments and people came together to find pathways for a safer,<br />

more fair, and greener world for all. Everyone agreed to take new action to<br />

end poverty, stop environmental problems, and build bridges to a more just<br />

future. In 283 paragraphs of <strong>The</strong> Future We Want Declaration, countries<br />

committed to defend human rights, steward resources, fight climate change<br />

and pollution, protect animals, plants and biodiversity, and look after<br />

oceans, mountains, wetlands and other special places.<br />

It inspired new sustainable development goals for the whole world, with<br />

targets for real actions on the ground. Clubs, governments, firms, schools<br />

and people like you started 700+ partnerships, and mobilized over $515<br />

billion. <strong>The</strong> future we want exists in the hearts and minds of our leaders,<br />

and in the hands of us all.<br />

by<br />

— Carissa Wong<br />

Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL)<br />

illustrated by C. A. Adlam

Published and distributed by:<br />

Voices of Future Generations International Children’s Book Series<br />

Trust for Sustainable Living<br />

Hampstead Norreys, Berkshire, RG18 0TN, United Kingdom<br />

Tel: +44 (0)1635 202444<br />

Web: www.vofg.org<br />

Special thanks to René V. Steiner for layout and graphics support:<br />

www.steinergraphics.com.<br />

Text © Jona David 2017<br />

Illustrations © Carol Adlam 2017<br />

<strong>The</strong> Voices of Future Generations International Children’s Book Series:<br />

‘<strong>The</strong> Epic Eco-<strong>Invention</strong>s’ by Jona David (Europe/North America), illustrated by Carol Adlam<br />

‘<strong>The</strong> <strong>Great</strong> <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Vine</strong> <strong>Invention</strong>’ by Jona David (Europe/North America), illustrated by Carol Adlam<br />

‘<strong>The</strong> Tree of Hope’ by Kehkashan Basu (Middle East), illustrated by Karen Webb-Meek<br />

‘<strong>The</strong> Fireflies After the Typhoon’ by Anna Kuo (Asia), illustrated by Siri Vinter<br />

‘<strong>The</strong> Species-Saving Time Team’ by Lautaro Real (Latin America), illustrated by Dan Ungureanu<br />

‘<strong>The</strong> Sisters’ Mind Connection’ by Allison Lievano-Gomez (Latin America), illustrated by Oscar Pinto<br />

‘<strong>The</strong> Forward and Backward City’ by Diwa Boateng (Africa), illustrated by Meryl Treatner<br />

‘<strong>The</strong> Voice of an Island’ by Lupe Vaai (Pacific Islands), illustrated by Li-Wen Chu<br />

‘<strong>The</strong> Visible Girls’ by Tyronah Sioni (Pacific Islands), illustrated by Kasia Nieżywińska<br />

‘<strong>The</strong> Mechanical Chess <strong>Invention</strong>’ by Jona David (Europe/North America), illustrated by Dan Ungureanu<br />

CISDL<br />

Centre for International<br />

Sustainable Development Law<br />

This book is printed on recycled paper, using sustainable and low-carbon printing methods.

Illustrations by C. A. Adlam



At UNESCO, we like to say that there is<br />

no limit to the human imagination – what<br />

matters is that it is turned towards bettering<br />

the lives of people and protecting our planet.<br />

<strong>Invention</strong> often starts in solitude, and our<br />

Child Author’s genius inventor boy is no<br />

exception. Thankfully, his curious little<br />

brother continues to break into the secrets<br />

of his universe, understands the value and<br />

implications of his inventions for humanity,<br />

and helps share them wisely.<br />

We are all responsible for safeguarding our precious planet – from world<br />

leaders to children, parents and communities. Science, technology and<br />

innovation hold part of the answer. However, the starting point is to change<br />

values and attitudes so that everyone becomes aware that we are all connected<br />

and that every action carries an impact, whether it is related to how we<br />

produce, consume or relate to each other. School is the best place to start this<br />

cycle of positive change for the future. I have visited schools where students<br />

have led successful projects to harvest rain water, use solar energy, recycle<br />

waste and carry out community action, showing that every gesture can make<br />

a difference.<br />

Over the past decade, UNESCO has been working actively with countries<br />

to integrate education for sustainable development into school programmes.<br />

Leaders have committed to continue this effort, because it is ultimately<br />

through education that we will be successful in bringing about a future that is<br />

beneficial for people and for our planet. This Child Author and the others in<br />

the Series, have a unique chance to share their vision and speak for the right<br />

of every child to an education and a future of dignity. <strong>The</strong>se are the highest<br />

priorities for UNESCO. We wish all success to these children for their studies,<br />

their writing and their new projects to build a better world for all.<br />

— Irina Bokova<br />

Director-General,<br />

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization<br />


This series of children’s books Voices<br />

of Future Generations brings to life the<br />

importance of the sacred trust that each<br />

generation carries, to create a better world<br />

for our children.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Great</strong> <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Vine</strong> <strong>Invention</strong> illuminates<br />

how children care about growth, what it<br />

means, and its limits. Our Child Author<br />

offers a vision of development that is in<br />

harmony with others and with nature.<br />

In the face of a changing climate, the<br />

destruction of global resources, the pollution of our environment and<br />

injustices in our human family, the younger generation represented in this<br />

volume offers a playful, creative voice, which carries hope for a better future.<br />

It is a gentle reminder that courage, kindness, innovation and responsibility<br />

are the keystones on which civilization flourishes. This is also the central<br />

message of the 2012 Rio+20 Conference, in which I served as Secretary-<br />

General of the UNEP World Congress on Justice, Governance and Law for<br />

Environmental Sustainability.<br />

As a Judge for one of Brazil’s highest courts, the founding President of<br />

the <strong>Green</strong> Planet Institute, the Chair of the IUCN World Commission<br />

on Environmental Law and a longstanding member of the Brazilian<br />

Environmental Council (CONAMA), I find myself contemplating our future<br />

with both concern and optimism. This book offers joyful, heartwarming<br />

perspectives on the same issues. By helping others to hear the voice of<br />

this Child Author, my honourary godson, we offer new perspectives to the<br />

world. I warmly commend the <strong>Great</strong> <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Vine</strong> <strong>Invention</strong> and the Voices<br />

of Future Generations series to your attention, as we continue our journey<br />

toward sustainability.<br />

— Justice Antonio Benjamin<br />

Judge of the Federal High Court of Brazil and Chair of the IUCN World<br />

Commission on Environmental Law<br />



In a house on a lake in a very green town, there lived<br />

a boy and his little brother.<br />

Secretly, the boy was a Mad Genius Inventor, and his<br />

joyful little brother helped to share his inventions.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y had many adventures together.<br />

One day in early Spring, the little brother was<br />

watering his strawberry plants.<br />


<strong>The</strong> Inventor Boy came up to him. ‘This might help’, he<br />

said, dropping something bright green and sparkling<br />

onto the stones beside the beds.<br />

<strong>The</strong> little brother looked down, just as the gift unfurled<br />

itself.<br />

<strong>The</strong> something was shaped like a small dragon. It looked<br />

up at them with friendly purple eyes and little leafy paws.<br />


‘Hello’, said the little brother. ‘Would you like to see<br />

my baby strawberry plant? I just planted it today.’<br />

<strong>The</strong> tiny green plant dragon crept over to the seedling<br />

and breathed on it. Immediately, its leaves shot up and<br />

red strawberries sprouted.<br />

‘Wow!’, said the little brother.<br />


<strong>The</strong> Inventor Boy smiled and explained that he was<br />

becoming interested in botany.<br />

He had adapted the green plant dragon from a Venus<br />

Fly Trap and a Pumpkin <strong>Vine</strong> — adding some special<br />

features.<br />

Suddenly, their pet robot spider became visible and<br />

sounded the alarm.<br />


<strong>The</strong> boys rushed to their internet<br />

news station.<br />


It was a broadcast about the city’s garbage<br />

problem. A horrible accident had happened at<br />

the city tip. A mountain of rubbish had fallen,<br />

burying the recycling plant.<br />

Collectors were refusing to empty household<br />

bins as there was no room at the tip.<br />

Rubbish was piling up in front of houses,<br />

blocking the streets.<br />



<strong>The</strong> little brother’s pet robot spider — who was very<br />

good at catching things — raced off to help gather up<br />

the mess.<br />

<strong>The</strong> green plant dragon<br />

stayed with his now giant<br />

strawberry bush (he was<br />

probably making friends<br />

with it).<br />


<strong>The</strong> two little boys studied in a Terribly Good School<br />

not far from their house by the lake.<br />

On the first day back after Spring break, the boys had<br />

classes in —<br />


science<br />

maths<br />

cricket<br />

geography<br />

art<br />

English<br />

archery<br />

and gargoyle maintenance.<br />


<strong>The</strong> Little Brother’s class talked about the terrible<br />

rubbish problem in their science and geography classes,<br />

but no one seemed to have a solution.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n a voice from the back of the class said, ‘What if we<br />

could make something to eat up all the rubbish? <strong>The</strong>n<br />

we would not even need tips, and there would be no<br />

pollution.’<br />


It was a new girl, who had only just arrived at the school.<br />

She was deaf and a sign language interpreter came to<br />

school with her.<br />

No one knew what to answer, so they laughed like she<br />

had made a good joke.<br />


<strong>The</strong> new girl saw their faces laughing and fell silent. She<br />

did not feel welcome at all.<br />

At break, no one included her. <strong>The</strong>y did not know if<br />

she would like their games. After school, she had no<br />

playmates.<br />


<strong>The</strong>re was no sign of the big brother Inventor Boy. He<br />

was probably working on something new. So the little<br />

brother (who was friendly and joyful) invited the new<br />

girl to come home with him.<br />

She smiled and signed ‘yes, please!’ to him.<br />

On their playdate they had lots of fun, even though the<br />

little brother only knew a few words of sign language.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y took the canoe out to explore the lake in the<br />

springtime sun. <strong>The</strong> little brother tried to explain —<br />

using hand signals and making happy faces — that his<br />

big brother was a Mad Genius Inventor with a secret<br />

laboratory under the island, in the middle of the lake.<br />

He wasn’t sure if the new girl quite understood.<br />


When the canoe was going<br />

around the lake, the new<br />

girl pointed at something<br />

excitedly.<br />

On the other side of the lake, in<br />

the middle of the forest, the sun<br />

was glinting off a very shiny<br />

glass shape.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y docked the canoe and<br />

decided to investigate.<br />


<strong>The</strong>y climbed through the trees until they came to a small<br />

clearing. When they saw what was making the reflections,<br />

they were amazed!<br />


<strong>The</strong> children had stumbled across a complex of<br />

greenhouses! Only the roofs showed through the trees<br />

as they were completely hidden in the lakeside forest.<br />

<strong>The</strong> green plant dragon scrambled ahead — he seemed<br />

to know the area.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y found a hatch in a greenhouse roof, but it was<br />

locked. <strong>The</strong> Little Brother looked around him in<br />

despair. Luckily, the new girl was very good at maths<br />

and decoding things. She put in the password —<br />


26<br />

<strong>The</strong> hatch opened and they climbed<br />

down, looking around as they went.

<strong>The</strong> greenhouses were brilliant. <strong>The</strong>y were full<br />

of botanical equipment and plant-growing<br />

inventions.<br />


<strong>The</strong>re were cacti that grew ice-lollies for<br />

desert travellers ...<br />

and soft green herb bushes that grew<br />

marshmallows.<br />


<strong>The</strong>re were mangrove trees with weathervanes which<br />

warned about and also prevented storm damage.<br />


<strong>The</strong>re were creepers shaped like sturdy<br />

ladders that gave rainforest nut snacks to<br />

the climber ...<br />

and small apple trees that grew spy<br />

cameras in many different reds.<br />


<strong>The</strong>re were ferns that hung from transmission<br />

lines and absorbed roadside air pollution ... and<br />

mushrooms that seemed to munch up petroleum<br />

and oils, purifying contaminated soil.<br />


Some plants were growing<br />

different coloured pumpkins.<br />

When one fell off a vine<br />

and unfurled into a bright<br />

blue dragon, they suddenly<br />

realised where their green<br />

plant dragon had come<br />

from!<br />


<strong>The</strong>re was even a large green vine with many gold berries<br />

and leaves, growing out of a rubbish heap. <strong>The</strong> berries<br />

would pop off the vine like popcorn to seed new vines<br />

alongside.<br />

‘So this is what my little brother meant by being<br />

interested in botany!’ said the brother, laughing. <strong>The</strong>n<br />

they heard footsteps.<br />


It was the Inventor Boy. He was<br />

worried.<br />

‘It isn’t safe here’, he said, ‘Some of<br />

these plants are still experiments,<br />

and are alive. Come on, I’ll take you<br />

home.’<br />

As they left the greenhouse, the<br />

dragon sneezed on the rubbish vine.<br />

Only the new girl saw what happened.<br />

She saw the vine start to move and<br />

tried to signal a warning to her new<br />

friends.<br />

But the brothers didn’t understand.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y locked up the greenhouse and<br />

canoed home together across the<br />

lake for tea.<br />


As they drank their tea, the alarm sounded again and<br />

the internet news beacon came on with a new story.<br />

Somehow, the motorway outside their home was all<br />

blocked up! And the factories and rubbish tips nearby<br />

were disappearing!<br />


Quickly, they rushed to their family<br />

hybrid car and the Inventor Boy pressed<br />

‘flight mode’.<br />

<strong>The</strong> car took off in the air, with the little<br />

brother and his new friend buckled safely<br />

into the car seats.<br />



From above, they could see that the<br />

massive, overflowing rubbish tip was<br />

being obliterated by a great green vine.<br />



And it was still growing! It was spreading across the<br />

land, munching up polluting factories, rubbish bins,<br />

motorways and even nuclear waste facilities.<br />

‘<strong>The</strong> vine is from my botany project!’, said<br />

the Inventor Boy. ‘It wasn’t complete!<br />

How did this happen?’<br />

<strong>The</strong> new girl pointed to the little green<br />

plant dragon, who sneezed again, onto an<br />

apple core left on the back seat.<br />

<strong>The</strong> apple core sprouted into an<br />

apple tree seedling.<br />

‘Oh no!’, said the Inventor Boy. ‘This vine was meant to help clean up the<br />

environment and solve the rubbish problem. Not to munch up civilisation! But<br />

now it is growing totally enormous and out of control, eating up everything! We<br />

have to stop it and save the town!’<br />

<strong>The</strong>y tried shouting instructions to the <strong>Great</strong> <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Vine</strong>, but because vines have<br />

no ears, it could not hear them. It just kept growing.<br />

As the sky grew dark, the new girl (who knew what it was like not to hear) had a<br />

brilliant idea.<br />


She beamed the car flashlight towards the vine.<br />

<strong>The</strong> great green vine was feeling cold and lonely<br />

in the dark. It immediately reached up towards<br />

the light.<br />

But as soon as the car flew out of<br />

reach, the flashlight wasn’t bright<br />

enough.<br />

<strong>The</strong> vine went back to its lonely<br />

munching in the dark.<br />


‘<strong>The</strong>re is only one solution’,<br />

thought the Inventor Boy.<br />

Quickly, he flew the car to<br />

the island in the middle of<br />

the lake, and landed next to<br />

the trap door.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Inventor Boy jumped<br />

out and raced down to his<br />

secret laboratory under the<br />

lake.<br />

He appeared a moment later, carrying one of his largest<br />

gas fuel cell inventions.<br />

<strong>The</strong> globe was all charged up with energy from nebula<br />

gas that had been collected by satellite from the universe.<br />

It was beaming warm purple light in all directions!<br />


<strong>The</strong> boys’ new friend laughed when she saw the globe<br />

because the amazing gas fuel cell was the same purple<br />

as the special colour of their Terribly Good School!<br />

<strong>The</strong>y hung the globe carefully from special brackets on<br />

the flying hybrid car and took off again.<br />

<strong>The</strong> light beam shone down as they flew above the dark<br />

town.<br />


<strong>The</strong> purple nebula gas globe’s light was very<br />

warm and strong. It attracted the vine away<br />

from all the rubbish, factories and highways.<br />

<strong>The</strong> vine started following the flying hybrid car.<br />



Soon they were back in the countryside, across from<br />

the boys’ lake.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y lowered the nebula gas globe into the field near the<br />

lake. <strong>The</strong>y attached their special brackets in a lanterntree<br />

that the Inventor Boy grew from a seed with the<br />

plant dragon’s help.<br />

<strong>The</strong> great green vine surrounded the<br />

glowing globe, purring. It created a<br />

new forest.<br />


<strong>The</strong> Inventor Boy, his little brother and their new friend had saved the town! <strong>The</strong>y<br />

were heroes!<br />

When they went back to school the next day their friends were really happy.<br />

Everyone in the school<br />

decided to re-use everything<br />

they could and to recycle all<br />

their rubbish more carefully.<br />

This way, the garbage problem<br />

would never be so bad again.<br />

<strong>The</strong> overflowing rubbish was all gone. So was the great<br />

green vine, which had made everyone a bit nervous.<br />

And the old, polluting<br />

factories were never<br />

rebuilt because new solar<br />

power stations were set<br />

up instead, in carefully<br />

chosen locations that did<br />

not cover up green land.<br />


<strong>The</strong> Inventor Boy’s botanical discoveries were shared<br />

with the Royal Botanical Gardens and with biology<br />

laboratories across the world.<br />

To thank her for all her help, the Inventor Boy gave<br />

the little brother’s friend her very own dragon plant —<br />

a purple one!<br />

<strong>The</strong> little brother’s class, who had realised that the new<br />

girl was kind and had really good ideas, all decided to<br />

learn sign language immediately. This way, they could<br />

understand their new friend better and make sure that<br />

all the children in their class were always fully included<br />

and welcome.<br />

<strong>The</strong> End (for now)<br />


Jona David (11) lives in Cambridge, UK and studies in King’s College<br />

School. He is a citizen of UK, Canada, Switzerland and Germany, and<br />

has authored several books about the Inventor Boy and his Little Brother.<br />

A Child Delegate to the 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable<br />

Development, he holds a medal and second place worldwide trophy<br />

from the TSL International Schools Debates and Essay Competition<br />

on Sustainable Living, a Gold UK Primary Maths Competition Award,<br />

and King’s College School Academic and the Global Education prizes,<br />

among other awards. A speaker on eco-science and technology<br />

education for kids, he is also Climate Justice Ambassador, having<br />

made a UNEP Billion Trees Future Generations pledge to plant over<br />

1000 trees across the world.<br />

Jona enjoys maths and science (especially astro-physics and botany),<br />

as well as chess, reading, polo, swimming, canoeing, aikido and the<br />

flute. He loves creating blueprints for eco-inventions, but still needs<br />

to figure out how to build them.<br />

He thanks his mother and father and especially his little brother<br />

Nico for all their inspiration and help, and Carol Adlam, for her epic<br />

drawings.<br />

About the<br />

Illustrator<br />

Carol Adlam is a UK based artist, who draws and writes graphic novels<br />

and children’s books. She also makes reportage art for museums and<br />

heritage organisations. She is the winner of the 2014 United Nations /<br />

World Future Council Children’s Book Illustration Award (Gold) and<br />

her work has been exhibited in Bologna, Cambridge, London, and<br />

Nottingham. Further information is available at<br />

www.caroladlam.co.uk.<br />


Thanks and Inspiring Resources<br />

‘Voices of Future Generations’ International Commission<br />

Warmest thanks to the International Commission, launched in 2014 by His Excellency Judge CG<br />

Weeramantry, UNESCO Peace Education Research Award Laureate, which supports, guides and profiles<br />

this new series of Children’s Books Series, including Ms Alexandra Wandel (WFC), Dr Marie-Claire<br />

Cordonier Segger (CISDL), Dr Kristiann Allen (New Zealand), Ms Irina Bokova (UNESCO), Mr Karl<br />

Hansen (Trust for Sustainable Living), Ms Emma Hopkin (UK), Dr Ying-Shih Hsieh (EQPF), Dr Maria<br />

Leichner-Reynal (Uruguay), Ms Melinda Manuel (PNG), Ms Julia Marton-Lefevre (IUCN), Dr James Moody<br />

(Australia), Ms Anna Oposa (<strong>The</strong> Philippines), Professor Kirsten Sandberg (UN CRC Chair), Ms Patricia<br />

Chaves (UN DSD), Dr Marcel Szabo (Hungary), Dr Christina Voigt (Norway), Ms Gabrielle Sacconaghi-<br />

Bacon (Moore Foundation), Ms Marcela Orvañanos de Rovzar (UNICEF Mexico) and others.<br />

<strong>The</strong> World Future Council consists of 50 eminent global changemakers from across the globe. Together,<br />

they work to pass on a healthy planet and just societies to our children and grandchildren. (www.<br />

worldfuturecouncil.org)<br />

United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO) which celebrates its 70th<br />

Anniversary throughout 2015, strives to build networks among nations that enable humanity’s moral and<br />

intellectual solidarity by mobilizing for education, building intercultural understanding, pursuing scientific<br />

cooperation, and protecting freedom of expression. (en.unesco.org)<br />

<strong>The</strong> United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is the body of 18 independent experts<br />

that monitors implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and its three Optional<br />

Protocols, by its State parties. (www.ohchr.org)<br />

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) provides leadership and encourages partnership in<br />

caring for the environment by inspiring, informing, and enabling nations and peoples to improve their<br />

quality of life without compromising that of future generations. (www.unep.org)<br />

International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) envisions a just world that values and<br />

conserves nature, working to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of<br />

natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable. (www.iucn.org)<br />

Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL) supports understanding, development<br />

and implementation of law for sustainable development by leading legal research through scholarship and<br />

dialogue, and facilitating legal education through teaching and capacity-building. (www.cisdl.org)<br />

Trust for Sustainable Living and its Living Rainforest Centre exist to further the understanding<br />

of sustainable living in the United Kingdom and abroad through high-quality education. (www.<br />

livingrainforest.org)<br />

Environmental Quality Protection Foundation (EQPF) established in 1984 is the premier ENGO in Taiwan.<br />

Implementing environmental education, tree plantation, and international participation through coordinating<br />

transdisciplinarity resources to push forward environmental<br />

50<br />

and sustainable development in our time.

About the ‘Voices of Future Generations’ Series<br />

To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the<br />

Voices of Future Generations Children’s Book Series, led by the United Nations and a consortium<br />

of educational charities including the World Future Council (WFC), the Centre for International<br />

Sustainable Development Law (CISDL), the Environmental Quality Protection Foundation (EQPF),<br />

the Fundacion Ecos and the Trust for Sustainable Living (TSL) among others, also the Future<br />

Generations Commissioners of several countries, and international leaders from the UN Division<br />

for Sustainable Development, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, the UN Education,<br />

Science and Culture Organisation (UNESCO), the International Union for the Conservation of<br />

Nature (IUCN), and other international organizations, has launched the new Voices of Future<br />

Generations Series of Children’s Books.<br />

Every year we feature stories from our selected group of child authors, inspired by the outcomes of<br />

the Earth Summit, the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD)<br />

and the world’s Sustainable Development Goals, and by the Convention on the Rights of the Child<br />

(CRC) itself. Our junior authors, ages 8-12, are concerned about future justice, poverty, the global<br />

environment, education and children’s rights. Accompanied by illustrations, each book profiles<br />

creative, interesting and adventurous ideas for creating a just and greener future, in the context of<br />

children’s interests and lives.<br />

We aim to publish the books internationally in ten languages, raising the voices of future generations<br />

and spread their messages for a fair and sustainable tomorrow among their peers and adults,<br />

worldwide. We welcome you to join us in support of this inspiring partnership, at www.vofg.org.<br />


<strong>The</strong> United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child<br />

All children are holders of important human rights. Twenty-five years ago<br />

in 1989, over a hundred countries agreed a UN Convention on the Rights<br />

of the Child. In the most important human rights treaty in history, they<br />

promised to protect and promote all children’s equal rights, which are<br />

connected and equally important.<br />

In the 54 Articles of the Convention, countries make solemn promises to<br />

defend children’s needs and dreams. <strong>The</strong>y recognize the role of children<br />

in realizing their rights, being heard and involved in decisions. Especially,<br />

Article 24 and Article 27 defend children’s rights to safe drinking water, good<br />

food, a clean and safe environment, health, quality of life. And Article 29<br />

recognizes children’s rights to education that develops personality, talents<br />

and potential, respecting human rights and the natural environment.<br />

<strong>The</strong> UN Sustainable Development Goals<br />

— Dr. Alexandra Wandel<br />

World Future Council<br />

At the United Nations Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development in<br />

2012, governments and people came together to find pathways for a safer,<br />

more fair, and greener world for all. Everyone agreed to take new action to<br />

end poverty, stop environmental problems, and build bridges to a more just<br />

future. In 283 paragraphs of <strong>The</strong> Future We Want Declaration, countries<br />

committed to defend human rights, steward resources, fight climate change<br />

and pollution, protect animals, plants and biodiversity, and look after<br />

oceans, mountains, wetlands and other special places.<br />

In the United Nations, countries are committing to 17 new Sustainable<br />

Development Goals for the whole world, with targets for real actions on<br />

the ground. Clubs, governments, firms, schools and children have started<br />

over a thousand partnerships, and mobilized billions, to deliver. <strong>The</strong> future<br />

we want exists in the hearts and minds of our generation, and in the hands<br />

of us all.<br />

— Vuyelwa Kuuya<br />

Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL)<br />





“With light-hearted whimsy, a big dose of magical thinking, a clear<br />

fascination for biodiversity and a fresh hopeful view of the world, this<br />

child author and his stories continue to inspire us all. I commend this<br />

book and the Series to all.”<br />

Dr Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias<br />

Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)<br />

“This Child Author won a primary schools trophy in our global essay<br />

competition for his epic vision of the future of sustainability education. His<br />

new volume helps us all to rethink our relationship with nature – well done!”<br />

Karl Hansen<br />

Director, Trust for Sustainable Living and <strong>The</strong> Living Rainforest, UK<br />

“This creative story engages us all in considering the science and magic of<br />

forests and landscapes, and the value of new knowledge carefully applied.<br />

It is a brilliant story that can spread awareness and hope and a charming<br />

read for children!”<br />

Dr Peter Holmgren<br />

Director-General, Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)<br />

UNESCO Voices of Future Generations | Children’s Book Series 2<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Great</strong> <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Vine</strong> <strong>Invention</strong> | 2<br />


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