Eldridge July 2018
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<strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes<br />
Serving LOE, LOEN, McKendree Park and <strong>Eldridge</strong> Park<br />
<strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />
Important Numbers pg.3<br />
Babysitting List<br />
pg.4<br />
School News<br />
pgs.6-10<br />
Houston Events pg .16<br />
Library News<br />
pgs.18-19<br />
Sports<br />
pgs.20-21<br />
Recipes<br />
pg.28<br />
Published courtesy of Krenek Printing, 7102 Glen Chase Ct., Houston, Texas 77095 • 281-463-8649<br />
Advertising: ads@krenekprinting.com • News: news@krenekprinting.com • www.krenekprinting.com<br />
Find us on FACEBOOK for more news & events! Find Businesses easier on our BIZFINDER at www.krenekprinting.com!
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www.abeautifulfloor.com<br />
2 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter
Emergencies (Fire, Ambulance) 911<br />
Sheriff - (non-emergency) (713) 221-6000<br />
U.S. Post Office (Bear Creek) 1-800-275-8777<br />
Harris County Animal Control (281) 999-3191<br />
Poison Control Center 1-800-764-7661<br />
Waste Management (Trash Pickup) (713) 695-4055<br />
BFI Waste Systems (Trash pickup) (713) 635-6666<br />
Boy Scouts of America (713) 756-3383<br />
Girl Scouts of America 1-800-392-4340<br />
SCHOOLS:<br />
Kirk Elementary (713) 849-8250<br />
Truitt Jr. High (281) 856-1100<br />
Cy-Ridge High School (281) 807-8000<br />
CFISD Website<br />
www.cfisd.net<br />
Bear Creek Library (281) 550-0885<br />
Centerpoint (713) 659-2111<br />
To report gas leaks (713) 659-3552<br />
Reliant Energy (713) 207-7777<br />
AT & T - Repairs (800) 246-8464<br />
Street Light Repair (HL&P) (713) 207-2222<br />
Street Repair (281) 463-6300<br />
Harris Co Childrens Protective Serv (713) 394-4000<br />
Texas Wildlife Rehabilitation (713) 468-8972<br />
Summertime Heat Awareness & Safety<br />
One of the most significant health risks to be aware of this summer is the heat, which you may not think<br />
about unless you live in the warm deserts of the Southwest. However, heat can be a major risk in any part of<br />
the country - especially in areas where there is excessive humidity. Heat related illnesses can affect people<br />
of all ages and these illnesses tend to progress quickly, so it is essential that you know what to look for.<br />
Below is a closer look at what you need to know to beat the heat this summer.<br />
Recognize the signs of heat illness: Did you know that by the time you are thirsty, you are already<br />
dehydrated? Quenching your thirst is also a poor indicator of proper hydration. Therefore, you will want<br />
to know some of the other signs of dehydration that may also indicate heat stroke or exhaustion. Look for<br />
heavy sweating, confusion, dizziness, hangover-like headaches, muscle weakness or cramps and nausea. If<br />
these signs are present, find a cool area, drink some water and call 911 for assistance.<br />
Know the hazards of heat: Even in 80 degree weather, heat can be problematic. When you are out in the<br />
sun for long periods, your body will use water much faster, so you need to drink extra and take breaks out of<br />
direct sunlight. Physical activity also raises your body temperature, so you should consider this when you go<br />
out for a jog during the summertime.<br />
Identify high-risk situations: Every year brings a flurry of news stories of children and pets suffering<br />
fatal heat illness and these incidents are usually attributed to being left in the car. In just 10 minutes, the<br />
temperature inside of the car can jump from the temperature outside at 80 degrees to 99 degrees. Children<br />
or pets left in these conditions can quickly overheat and lose consciousness. Adults should exercise caution<br />
for their own sake as well, as there have been many instances of adults falling asleep in the car and suffering<br />
fatal heat stroke. Other risky situations in the heat include periods of outdoor work or physical activity, hot<br />
days at high elevation areas and consumption of alcohol in the summer heat.<br />
Stay prepared: To fight back against the heat, stick to indoor activities during the hottest parts of the day.<br />
You will also want to carry water wherever you go and wear lightweight clothing made from breathable<br />
fabrics like linen or cotton. What you eat can also affect how your body handles the heat - meats and other<br />
high protein foods cause your body to use more water in digestion.<br />
For more tips on staying healthy all summer long, visit MeMD blog at www.memd.me.<br />
Source: Blog at www.memd.me<br />
Air Conditioning & Heating<br />
Air Duct Cleaning • Attic Insulation<br />
832-243-1689<br />
ampmserviceshouston.com<br />
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Not valid with any other offers.<br />
With coupon. Expires 7/31/18.<br />
<strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />
For the latest information, please go to our website<br />
loedolphins.swimtopia.com.<br />
instead of sideways into sunbaked upper soil levels.<br />
Use a bowl in your yard to measure during waterings.<br />
Neither the subdivision, nor Krenek Printing is responsible for those<br />
listed on the Teenage Job Seeker List. Please ask for and check<br />
out references if you do not personally know those listed. This is<br />
just a list of teenagers from the subdivision who wish to find part<br />
time jobs. Responsibility for any work done by these teenagers is<br />
between those seeking helpers and the teens and their parents.<br />
CODE KEY:<br />
If you are between 12 and 18 and would like to be added to the teenage<br />
job seeker’s list, please fill out the form on our website (www.<br />
krenekprinting.com, click submissions and choose Jobseekers)<br />
with your name, birthdate (mo. & yr.), phone number, year you will<br />
graduate and the name of your newsletter/subdivision. Check the<br />
list of jobs you want on your form. Please make sure your email is<br />
correct, we send emails in the summer to make sure all the info is<br />
still good and that you want to stay on the list. If we do not hear<br />
back from you after 3 tries, we will remove you from the list until<br />
we do. Must have parent(s) permission.<br />
4 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter
INDEPENDENCE DAY <strong>2018</strong><br />
Significance of Independence Day <strong>2018</strong><br />
Independence Day <strong>2018</strong>, also known as Fourth of <strong>July</strong>, is a federal<br />
holiday observed yearly on <strong>July</strong> fourth. It is the anniversary of the<br />
publication of the declaration of independence of the United States<br />
of America from Great Britain in 1776.<br />
History of Independence Day<br />
The history of Independence Day <strong>2018</strong> dates back to the 18 th century<br />
and the American Revolution (1775-83). In June 1776, representatives<br />
of the 13 colonies then fighting in the revolutionary struggle<br />
weighed a resolution that would declare independence of the<br />
United States from Great Britain. On <strong>July</strong> 2 nd , the legal separation<br />
of the Thirteen Colonies from Great Britain occurred, when the<br />
Second Continental Congress voted to approve a resolution of<br />
independence that had been proposed by Richard Henry Lee of<br />
Virginia. Two days later its delegates adopted the Declaration of<br />
Independence, a historic document drafted by Thomas Jefferson,<br />
John Adams and Benjamin Franklin.<br />
Historians have long disputed whether Congress actually signed the<br />
Declaration of Independence on <strong>July</strong> 4 th and most have concluded<br />
that the Declaration was signed nearly a month after its adoption,<br />
on August 2, 1776 and not on <strong>July</strong> 4 th as it is commonly believed.<br />
The holiday remains to be celebrated on the fourth of <strong>July</strong>. Coincidentally,<br />
both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, the only signers<br />
of the Declaration of Independence later to serve as Presidents of<br />
the United States, died on the same day: <strong>July</strong> 4, 1826, which was<br />
the 50 th anniversary of the Declaration.<br />
While you are enjoying your grilling, family time and fireworks, take<br />
time to remind your kids what this holiday is about. The lighting and<br />
display of fireworks came with a price to many men and women sacrificing<br />
for their kids and future generations. Use the fireworks display<br />
as a teaching tool; share with them the lyrics of the star spangled<br />
banner and, most of all, remain safe if your family tradition includes<br />
lighting fireworks. Below are 10 fireworks safety tips you should use<br />
and teach to your kids.<br />
• Fireworks packaged in brown paper are made for professional<br />
displays - avoid buying.<br />
• Always have an adult supervise fireworks activities, especially<br />
with sparklers.<br />
• Back up to a safe distance immediately after lighting fireworks.<br />
• Never point or throw fireworks at another person.<br />
• Keep a bucket of water or a garden hose handy in case of fire<br />
and to douse used fireworks before discarding in trash.<br />
• Never allow young children to play or ignite fireworks.<br />
• Never carry fireworks in a pocket or shoot them off in metal<br />
or glass containers.<br />
• Never try to re-light or pickup fireworks that have not ignited fully.<br />
• Never place a part of your body directly over a firework device<br />
when lighting.<br />
• Make sure fireworks are legal in your area before buying or using them.<br />
Traditions of Independence Day<br />
Independence Day is a day of family celebrations with picnics and<br />
barbecues, showing a great deal of emphasis on the American<br />
tradition of political freedom and patriotism. Many people display<br />
the American flag outside their homes or buildings. Additionally,<br />
Independence Day fireworks are often accompanied by patriotic<br />
songs such as the national anthem and, in capable military bases, a<br />
salute of one gun for each state in the United States, called a “salute<br />
to the union,” is fired on Independence Day at noon.<br />
When is Independence Day <strong>2018</strong><br />
Independence Day <strong>2018</strong> is a federal holiday and falls on the fourth<br />
of <strong>July</strong>. The day of the week that the holiday falls on, changes each<br />
year. This year, <strong>July</strong> 4 th falls on a Wednesday.<br />
Link: www.ktcx.com/4th-of-july-safety-message/<br />
<strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />
School News<br />
Cfisd Fun Camps<br />
Fun Camps are one-week, hands-on activities with unique learning<br />
experiences for incoming kindergarten through eighth-grade<br />
students. They will be held at Arnold Middle School, 11111 Telge Rd.,<br />
Cypress, TX 77429. The cost is $150 per week.<br />
Dates: <strong>July</strong> 9 th -13 th ; <strong>July</strong> 16 th -20 th from 9 AM - 2 PM.<br />
School’s<br />
Out for<br />
Summer!<br />
If you have any questions, please contact the Community Programs<br />
Office at 281-807-8900.<br />
Cfisd Student Records<br />
And Transcripts<br />
Need student records during the summer months?<br />
• Last Report Card Printout<br />
• High School Transcript<br />
• Verification of Enrollment<br />
• Immunization Record<br />
Current and Former CFISD High School Students<br />
Please note that official transcripts must be sent directly to a college,<br />
employer, etc. Transcripts sent to a home address or given directly to a<br />
student will be considered unofficial.<br />
IMPORTANT: Transcripts and records for high school students who<br />
graduated or withdrew 2 or more years ago are held at the CFISD Records<br />
Center located at 11330 Falcon Rd., Houston, Texas, 77064.<br />
Records and transcripts for current students and those who left or<br />
graduated less than 2 years ago may be obtained from your high school<br />
registrar’s office.<br />
All current and former high school students may request their transcripts<br />
through our ONLINE system using the link below.<br />
Third party education verifications are also obtained through this system.<br />
After completing the online request process, you may be instructed by<br />
email to send appropriate identification and/or authorization.<br />
Online Request System: https://cypressfairbanksk12.scriborder.com/<br />
Students who graduated or left our district MORE THAN 2 YEARS AGO: The<br />
Records Center is located at: 11330 Falcon Road, Houston, Texas 77064.<br />
Hours are 7:30 AM-4 PM Monday-Friday except holidays. We are closed<br />
on Fridays during the summer months. 281-897-4580.<br />
Current students or those who left our district LESS TWO YEARS AGO,<br />
please contact your high school registrar directly for in-person requests.<br />
Contacts for High School Records<br />
Records Center Address:<br />
11330 Falcon Road Houston, Texas 77064<br />
Email: recordsdept@cfisd.net<br />
Kathy Newman, Records Manager 281-807-8140<br />
Deborah Gaskins, Records Secretary 281-897-4580<br />
Special Education Records<br />
For Special Education records, request please<br />
email: SpEdRecordsRequest@cfisd.net<br />
High School Campus Registrar’s Offices<br />
Cy-Fair High School: 281-897-4637; Cy Creek High School: 281-897-4263;<br />
Cy Falls High School: 281-856-1020; Cy Lakes High School: 281-856-3839;<br />
Cy Park High School: 346-227-6027; Cy Ranch High School: 281-213-1978;<br />
Cy Ridge High School: 281-807-8032; Cy Springs High School: 281-345-<br />
3129; Cy Woods High School: 281-213-1830; Jersey Village High School:<br />
713-896-3457/3460; Langham Creek High School: 281-463-5429<br />
6 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter
Two Educators<br />
Recognized As<br />
Cfisd Teachers<br />
Of The Year<br />
Lamkin Elementary School visual arts<br />
specialist Jeanna Peña.<br />
Cypress Lakes High School art teacher and head girls cross<br />
country and soccer coach Casey Blades.<br />
Lamkin Elementary School visual arts specialist Jeanna Peña and Cypress Lakes High School art teacher and head girls cross country and soccer coach<br />
Casey Blades were selected as Cypress-Fairbanks ISD’s teachers of the year and will represent the district at regional and statewide competitions for<br />
top teaching honors.<br />
Both were selected as the Teacher of the Year at their respective campuses and were honored at CFISD’s reception held May 7 th at the Berry Center.<br />
From the pool of honorees, two were selected.<br />
Peña was chosen as the CFISD Elementary Teacher of the Year. Mylle Whigham of Pope Elementary School and Seanie Sunshine Munoz of M. Robinson<br />
Elementary School were the runners up at the elementary level.<br />
Blades was chosen as the CFISD Secondary Teacher of the Year. Runners up at the secondary level were Cy-Fair High School’s Holli Davila, Dean Middle<br />
School’s Elizabeth Ongudu, Cook Middle School’s Michael Dick and Campbell Middle School’s Leodegario Vivas Valenzuela.<br />
Peña and Blades will be honored at the Region 4 Education Service Center Teachers of the Year Ceremony and up for consideration as a regional winner<br />
from among the 20 service centers across the state. Six finalists are chosen from the 40 regional winners and a Texas Elementary Teacher of the Year<br />
and Texas Secondary Teacher of the Year is selected. One is then chosen to represent Texas in the National Teacher of the Year program.<br />
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<strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />
Congratulations to the SEASCS Class of <strong>2018</strong>! The recent alumni were accepted to Frassati, Incarnate Word Academy, St. Agnes Academy,<br />
St John XXIII College Preparatory, St. Pius X, Strake Jesuit and St. Thomas high schools. The following students were awarded merit-based<br />
academic scholarships: Sani Jones and Vincent Tran for achieving a top score on the high school entrance exam at St. John XXIII College<br />
Preparatory, Peyton Woodlief scored in the top 2% earning him the St. Thomas Aquinas Scholarship and Blake Stefonsky scored in the<br />
top 3% earning him the Goodness, Discipline and Knowledge Scholarship from St. Thomas High School and Makynzie Kitzmann, Emma<br />
Nguyen and Kati Rzasnicki earned scholarships from Incarnate Word Academy for scoring in the top 96% on the entrance exam. We want<br />
to wish the Class of <strong>2018</strong> the best of luck on their future in education!<br />
You are looking at your <strong>2018</strong> Track & Field<br />
State Champions for the 3 rd year in a row!!!<br />
Yes, three years in a row! We are so proud of<br />
our student athletes who work hard in the<br />
classroom as well as on the track. Way to<br />
push yourselves Tigers!!!<br />
You are CHAMPIONS!!!<br />
CovenantAcademyHouston.org,<br />
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11711 Telge Road<br />
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License# LI0015123<br />
SPR I N K L E R S<br />
Are your rain sensors properly adjusted?<br />
281-450-1277<br />
Greenedgesprinklers.com<br />
8 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter
Hwy 6 N.<br />
FOR <strong>2018</strong>-19 SCHOOL YEAR<br />
If you are interested in our 18 month through Pre-K 4/5’s classes OR<br />
our School (K-8 th grade) classes for the Fall of <strong>2018</strong>, we would love<br />
for you to join us. For more information visit our website at www.<br />
epiphanylutheranschool.org or call 713-896-1843 for (K-8 th grade) OR<br />
713-896-1316 for (18 mo. through Pre-Kindergarten classes).<br />
We would love for you to join our school family.<br />
We are located at 14423 West Rd. @ Jackrabbit.<br />
Cost friendly, full day, preschool for 3 & 4 year olds at Cypress Ridge<br />
High School. Requirements: Must be 3 by September 1 st , live in/or<br />
work for CFISD and be fully potty trained. Our times are 8:30 AM-2<br />
PM Tuesday-Thursday. We incorporate circle time, learning centers,<br />
core learning and field trips. We are now registering for the <strong>2018</strong>-2019<br />
school year, which begins in October and ends in May. For more information<br />
or to register please contact Rachel Campise - Director by<br />
email at rachel.campise@cfisd.<br />
s<br />
Serving Bear Creek/Copperfield for 42 years<br />
We Love<br />
Dance!<br />
August 6 & 7 RETURNING STUDENTS 2-7 PM<br />
August 9 & 10 Open to all 2-7 PM<br />
Sat.-Aug. 11 Open to all 10-2 PM<br />
Fri. -Aug.17 Open to all 4-7:30 PM<br />
Sat.-Aug.18 Open to all 10-2 PM<br />
<strong>July</strong> 3-26 (Classes meet Tues. & Thurs.)<br />
Kids Camp: Ages 3-11<br />
Teen Camp:<br />
6th grade & Up<br />
Teen Intensive:<br />
Ages 13 & Up<br />
Call or visit our website for more information<br />
www.carolehlerdanceschool.com<br />
• Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Lyrical, HipHop<br />
• Ages 3 - Adult. • All levels Beginner-Advanced<br />
• 42 Years Teaching Experience<br />
• Open Viewing Windows at all Times<br />
• Fun Family Atmosphere<br />
Ballet, Tap, Jazz & Hip Hop<br />
<strong>July</strong> 9-12 (Mon. thru Thurs.)<br />
Glen<br />
Chase<br />
•<br />
FM 529<br />
Jazz, Lyrical, Technique,<br />
Jumps & Turns, Drill<br />
Team Jazz<br />
Technique/Stretch-Strength,<br />
Lyrical & Jazz<br />
15525 Glen Chase<br />
281-463-8522<br />
At the beginning of June, sixteen Cypress area 5-year-olds walked<br />
across the stage of the chapel at West Houston Church of Christ as the<br />
very first graduating class of our only dual language preschool. Many<br />
of these students are now fearlessly bilingual following two years of<br />
Spanish immersion, STEM learning, having fun and making friends.<br />
Panel Upgrades & Installs<br />
Home Generators<br />
Home Inspections<br />
TV/Cable/Phone<br />
Landscape Lighting<br />
Recessed Lighting<br />
Troubleshooting<br />
Ceiling Fans<br />
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Girasol Dual Language Preschool is a private, prekindergarten Spanish/English<br />
dual language immersion program for children ages 3-5 both with and<br />
without any background in Spanish to learn language, science, social studies<br />
and social skills housed in the West Houston Church of Christ learning center.<br />
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Call Dianne dglenn@photomemorytree.com<br />
http://www.photomemorytree.com<br />
<strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />
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since 1994<br />
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IdealAirServices.com<br />
Ask for Kyle - Owner<br />
Free Estimates<br />
• Restore & Preserve Decks<br />
• Mold & Mildew Removal<br />
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• Decks & Fences • Patios<br />
• Chimneys<br />
• High & Low Pressure<br />
Free<br />
Estimates<br />
832-922-1967<br />
“If It Has A Dirty Surface, We Can Clean It”<br />
9191 Barker Cypress Rd.<br />
Fall registration began April 9 th . Register at the Barker Cypress campus<br />
located at 9191 Barker Cypress, the LSC-Fairbanks Center location<br />
located at 14955 Northwest Freeway or the new LSC-Cypress Center<br />
located at 19710 Clay Road. Registration is also available online at<br />
LoneStar.edu/registration or call 281-290-3200 or 832-782-5000 or<br />
832-920-5000 for information. For Weekend College information, call<br />
832-482-1070 or go to LoneStar.edu/weekend-college.<br />
Registration is open for Lone Star College-CyFair’s popular Discovery<br />
College for ages 6-14. Morning sessions begin at 8:30 AM and afternoon<br />
sessions begin at 1 PM and are held <strong>July</strong> 9 th -12 th . Discovery College<br />
programs are focused on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering<br />
and Math), performing arts, physical activity and more, with some<br />
sessions designed for teens for building self-esteem, setting goals<br />
and planning for college. Sessions are held at the Barker Cypress<br />
campus. The cost of the week-long sessions is $115 per class. For<br />
registration or information, go to LoneStar.edu/youth-classes-cyfair.<br />
Visitors, guests and library patrons may park without a permit in<br />
designated visitor parking areas. However, a daily or yearly permit<br />
is now available allowing for extended parking privileges at Lone<br />
Star College System campuses. Vehicles must be registered with<br />
LSCS to get a valid parking permit, to park in LSCS lots and to avoid<br />
receiving a citation. To register, you will need your vehicle’s license<br />
plate number, make, model and color. Go to LoneStar.edu/Parking<br />
for complete information on parking permits, call 281-765-7836 or<br />
email parking@lonestar.edu.<br />
10 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter
In my role as executive director<br />
at Shield-Bearer Counseling<br />
Centers,<br />
I am frequently asked by parents<br />
or teachers how to help<br />
children when they or their<br />
community experiences a<br />
tragedy.<br />
Every child reacts differently<br />
to loss. Younger children handle<br />
the news differently than older children. A child’s personality and<br />
values influence their reaction. Parents and teachers may notice children<br />
displaying a greater amount of energy following a tragedy. Energy<br />
released by their body’s natural response when safety is threatened<br />
will find its way into more irritability, fidgeting and inability to focus<br />
on tasks at hand.<br />
But there are some things individuals who are raising or working with<br />
children can do.<br />
Model calmness.<br />
Children will look to parents and other adults to cue their interpretation<br />
and reaction to the tragedy. When children see the adults around them<br />
remaining calm, they will be more easily reassured of their own safety.<br />
Help them talk.<br />
Parents frequently have difficulty discussing such horrible tragedies<br />
with their children. As with other times of loss, they do not know exactly<br />
what to say. Being available to listen to what children want to say<br />
will likely be more helpful than putting together a lecture. Encourage<br />
children to express how they feel when they are ready to discuss it.<br />
Honestly answer questions.<br />
When children do not know the answers, they will ask questions. Parents<br />
who patiently attempt to answer tough questions will see their<br />
children move through the pain of the tragic event. If you don’t know<br />
the answers, tell them so. Reassuring them of their present safety will<br />
help them learn to overcome fears that they might be struggling with.<br />
Limit access to tragedy news.<br />
Monitoring your children’s access to news reports of the tragedy will help<br />
reduce the possibility of nightmares. When a child watches news programs<br />
about a tragedy, parents should be present to discuss the contents of reports.<br />
Keep them busy.<br />
One of the most important things that a parent can do to help their<br />
children work through a tragedy is to maintain the routine and structure<br />
of their children’s lives. Keep appointments. Carry on with chores and<br />
responsibilities. Meet obligations.<br />
Help them help.<br />
Every person touched by a tragedy is motivated to help in some way. The<br />
negative emotions of fear, sorrow and anger can be channeled into acts of<br />
kindness. Having a child gather items for tragedy victims, write a thankyou<br />
note to the first responders or draw a picture for someone intimately<br />
involved will help them feel they are making a difference. These actions<br />
can help them regain a sense of control over their situation.<br />
Remember that each child is an individual. What helps one child might<br />
not help another. If there are significant changes in behavior, mood or<br />
sleeping patterns, it is important to make a visit to a physician or professional<br />
counselor to assess what professional help might be available.<br />
Above all else, let them know they are loved.<br />
Roy Wooten is the Executive Director of Shield-Bearer Counseling Centers,<br />
a 501c3 nonprofit charity with offices in NW Houston, Tomball, Katy,<br />
Cy Fair, Greenspoint and Conroe. Shield-Bearer is “fighting for hearts”<br />
on the front lines of healthy relationships. Learn how you can join us<br />
in the fight at www.ShieldBearer.org.<br />
<strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />
Tree Trimmings•Removals<br />
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Please call first for an appointment - we may be out bidding a job.<br />
What’s Happening<br />
in Your Area!<br />
Garage Sales<br />
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church<br />
Huge Annual Garage Sale<br />
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church (6646 Addicks Satsuma Road) will<br />
hold their Annual Garage Sale <strong>July</strong> 20-21, <strong>2018</strong>. Toys, tools, furniture,<br />
electronics, bikes, home and kitchen supplies and decor, sports<br />
equipment, clothing, shoes, art and more! Collecting Donations:<br />
<strong>July</strong> 1-<strong>July</strong> 19, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />
Sale Days:<br />
Friday, <strong>July</strong> 20 th , 5-8 PM, come for best selection.<br />
$5 per person, entry fee for ages 16+.<br />
Saturday, <strong>July</strong> 21 st , 7 AM-12 Noon. Free Entry.<br />
CLEARANCE, EVERYTHING MUST GO! Saturday, <strong>July</strong> 21 st , 1-6 PM. Free<br />
Entry. Fill a box or a Bag. Small $1, Medium $5, Large $10. Furniture and<br />
Appliances NEGOTIABLE.<br />
Vendors Needed For Craft Shows<br />
Holiday Market Vendor Opportunities<br />
The Ladies Auxiliary from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton is holding their 26 th<br />
annual Gingerbread Village Holiday Market on October 27, <strong>2018</strong>. We<br />
are located at 6646 Addicks Satsuma Road, Houston, 77041. If you are<br />
a vendor who would like to showcase your arts, crafts, seasonal décor,<br />
etc. at our event, please email: gingerbreadvillage@yahoo.com for more<br />
information or application.<br />
VBS<br />
Saint Aidan’s Episcopal Church<br />
VBS - <strong>July</strong> 9-13, <strong>2018</strong> • 13131 Fry Road, Cypress, TX 77433<br />
Take an adventure with us for an exciting and adventurous week, <strong>July</strong><br />
9 th -13 th at VBS! Regular registration is April 23 rd -June 16 th , costing $30.<br />
Registration can be found at aidanschurch.org! Our theme this year is<br />
Shipwrecked: Rescued by Jesus. Kids will learn what it means that Jesus<br />
carries us and with us through life’s storms. Registration can be found at<br />
aidanschurch.org. For more information, contact Taylor Durr at<br />
taylor@aidanschurch.org.<br />
Vacation Bible School at St.<br />
Cuthbert Church<br />
Pack your suitcase, we’re sailing off to the islands! St. Cuthbert Episcopal<br />
Church invites children to an International Vacation Bible School: Cruisin’<br />
the Caribbean. Join us the week of <strong>July</strong> 9 th -12 th from 9 AM-12 Noon to<br />
experience the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of the unique cultures at<br />
Cruisin’ the Caribbean VBS, where kids discover how much God loves the<br />
world. The children will sing catchy songs, play high-energy games, dig into<br />
yummy tropical treats, experience cool Bible adventures and explore what<br />
daily life is like for people in the Caribbean islands. Each day concludes<br />
with a closing celebration that gets everyone involved in living what they’ve<br />
learned. We will celebrate our week on Sunday, <strong>July</strong> 15 th at 10:30 AM<br />
Cruisin’ the Caribbean VBS is for children entering kindergarten through<br />
entering fifth grade. Visit stcuthbert.org to register your child. St.<br />
Cuthbert Church is located at 17020 West Road at the corner of West and<br />
Queenston. Contact us at vbs@stcuthbert.org or 281-463-7330. Join us<br />
for a Vacation Bible School adventure!<br />
12 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter
Copperfield Bible Church VBS<br />
<strong>July</strong> 23 rd -27 th , 10 AM-1 PM: Copperfield Bible Church is hosting<br />
Vacation Bible School for children from 5 to 11 years old. The theme of<br />
this year’s VBS is Big Heart Farms - Where God’s Fruit Grows. Children<br />
will learn more about the fruit of the spirit, memorize verses, sing<br />
songs, play games and make fun crafts. There is no charge for VBS, but<br />
space is limited.<br />
Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information<br />
or to request a registration form, please call 281-550-9321 or email<br />
valerie.phillips@copperfieldbiblechurch.org. Copperfield Bible Church<br />
is located ½ mile east of HWY 6, at 15216 FM 529.<br />
Summer Camps<br />
Summer Camps At<br />
Epiphany Lutheran Church & School<br />
Epiphany Lutheran Church & School has your summer wrapped up!<br />
Serving our community for over 30 years, we offer affordable summer<br />
camps for children ages 3 years old (must be potty trained) through<br />
entering 8 th grade. Visit our website at www.elcsh.org and click on<br />
the summer camp link to find a complete list of camps and register<br />
online. Our 3-day Mini Camps are for Preschool age 3 - entering First<br />
grade. These camps run Tuesday through Thursday from 9 AM-2 PM.<br />
Preschool camps include Art, Spanish, Science and more!<br />
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We keep these little ones busy with engaging and fun activities!<br />
Specialty camps for youth entering Kindergarten through 8 th grade<br />
run Monday-Friday and vary in time and cost according to the camps.<br />
Our specialty camps include Lego STEM classes, Sports Camps and<br />
Robotics! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Beth<br />
Hixon, Director of Children’s Ministries at bhixon@elcsh.org or call 713-<br />
896-1773. Epiphany Lutheran Church and School is located at 14423<br />
West Road, Houston, TX 77041.<br />
Camp Cornerstone is the place to<br />
be this summer for ages 2 through<br />
completion of 4th grade!<br />
Camp Cornerstone is a week-long camp sponsored by Cornerstone<br />
United Methodist Church and is for children ages 2 through the<br />
completion of 4 th grade. Children must be 2 by June 1, <strong>2018</strong>. Camp<br />
hours are 9:30 AM-1 PM. There are 3 sessions throughout the summer<br />
and you are invited to participate in any or all!<br />
Session II: “Artistic Creations” is <strong>July</strong> 16 th -20 th , Session III: “Fairy Tale<br />
Adventures” is August 6 th -10 th . The cost per camp per child is $120.<br />
You may pay $60 now and the remaining $60 on the first day of camp.<br />
Registration forms are online or in the preschool office. To download a<br />
form from the Cornerstone website, go to www.cornerstoneumc.org and<br />
click on “preschool.” You will see a tab for Camp Cornerstone. You can<br />
print the form and have it filled out before you arrive, saving yourself<br />
time!<br />
Before each camp session begins, you will hear from your child’s<br />
teacher so you can learn more about the camp and she will answer any<br />
questions you may have about the week-long fun. Each day your child<br />
will bring a backpack and a lunch as they enjoy each other and the<br />
special things they will do during the week. We look forward to having<br />
your child at camp this summer! It’s a great time for everyone and you<br />
don’t want to miss any of it! Registration will continue through May 3,<br />
<strong>2018</strong> or until camp classes are full. Please call the preschool office at<br />
281-859-1612 if you have any questions. The preschool office hours are:<br />
Monday-Friday, 9 AM-1 PM.<br />
<strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />
HEAT<br />
FREE 1st lb. Freon (R410 only)<br />
1/2 Priced Condenser Coil Cleaning<br />
1 Yr. Warranty On Parts Changed<br />
We Value Your Business<br />
All Brands Serviced<br />
Local Neighborhood Company<br />
Fast Personalized Service<br />
We Will Heat & Cool Your Castle!<br />
TACLB021058E<br />
COOL<br />
“Camp Read S’more” Is An<br />
Exciting Reading Camp For<br />
Kindergarten Through<br />
5Th Grade!<br />
This is the third summer this educational and<br />
fun reading camp is being offered at Clay Road<br />
Baptist School/Church! Camp hours are from 9<br />
AM-3 PM Monday-Friday. The cost each week is<br />
$150 per child. Early drop-off and late pick-up is<br />
available for an additional charge.<br />
“CAMP READ S’MORE” will be offered the weeks<br />
of <strong>July</strong> 9 th , 16 th , 23 rd , 30 th and August 6 th .<br />
Each week is a new adventure with activities,<br />
games and more! Don’t let your child miss out<br />
on the fun and help your child develop a love<br />
of reading! Contact readsmore<strong>2018</strong>@gmail.<br />
com to get your “CAMP READ S’MORE” flyer and<br />
registration form!<br />
Stageworks Theatre<br />
Summer Acting<br />
Academy classes<br />
Sign up now for the best summer ever!<br />
Stageworks Theatre announces A Summer<br />
of Epic Adventure, its <strong>2018</strong> Summer Acting<br />
Academy classes. Performance and skill-based<br />
classes are available for all ages and all levels of<br />
experience. Morning and afternoon classes, as<br />
well as one, two and three week options run all<br />
summer long and if needed, before and after care<br />
is offered. Classes run through August 17, <strong>2018</strong><br />
where kids can put on a show, design props, sets<br />
or costumes while having a blast! Registration<br />
is open now. Go to www.stageworkstx.org for<br />
more classes and details.<br />
The Greatest Showman:<br />
<strong>July</strong> 9-13, <strong>2018</strong>, 8:30-11:30 AM,<br />
(Ages 5-12) and 1-4 PM (Ages 13-18), cost $150<br />
Stunts, Parkour & Ninja Tricks:<br />
<strong>July</strong> 23-27, <strong>2018</strong>, 8:30-11:30 AM,<br />
(Ages 5-12), cost $150<br />
Fashionista’s Project Runway:<br />
<strong>July</strong> 6-10, <strong>2018</strong>, 1-4 PM<br />
(Ages 13-18), cost $150<br />
Sinbad The Untold Tale:<br />
<strong>July</strong> 23-August 3, <strong>2018</strong>, 9 AM-4 PM,<br />
(Ages 8-14) and 10 AM-5 PM, (Ages 13-18),<br />
cost $300<br />
Musicville: <strong>July</strong> 9-27, <strong>2018</strong>,<br />
8:30 AM-3:30 PM, (Ages 6-12), cost $450<br />
Kamp Kaos-Musical Version:<br />
<strong>July</strong> 9-27, <strong>2018</strong>, 9 AM-4 PM,<br />
(Ages 8-14), cost $450<br />
The Pirates of Penzance:<br />
<strong>July</strong> 9-27, <strong>2018</strong>, 10 AM-5 PM, (Ages 13-18),<br />
cost $450<br />
Seussical the Musical:<br />
<strong>July</strong> 30-August 17, <strong>2018</strong>, 8:30 AM-3:30 PM,<br />
(Ages 6-12), cost $450<br />
Heathers the Musical:<br />
<strong>July</strong> 30-August 17, <strong>2018</strong>, 10 AM-5 PM,<br />
(Ages 13-18), cost $450<br />
More camps offered on the website.<br />
If you’d like to discuss what classes are best for<br />
your performer, contact at info@stageworkstx.<br />
org or 281-587-6100. Classes will take place<br />
at Stageworks Theatre, 10760 Grant Road,<br />
Houston, Texas 77070. Payment plans are<br />
available. (*Details subject to change. No<br />
class will be offered during the <strong>July</strong> 4 th week.<br />
All students are invited to an end-of-year<br />
celebration August 18 th , 2-5 PM!)<br />
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Texas A&M Agrilife Extension<br />
And The Harris County 4-H<br />
Youth Development Camps<br />
Registration open on Eventbrite for any of these<br />
events-$20 per youth $10 Per Adult. Contact<br />
Sheryl Nolen, CEA 4-H at snolen@ag.tamu.edu or<br />
call 281-620-1170 for more information. You do<br />
not have to be a 4-H member to participate.<br />
Date: <strong>July</strong> 24, <strong>2018</strong> • Time: 9:30 AM-2 PM<br />
Location: Trini Mendenhall Community Center<br />
-<br />
1414 Wirt Rd., Houston, TX 77055<br />
4-H Summer Stitches sew FUN Day Camp. Let’s get<br />
creative learning to sew a cute denim purse from<br />
re-purposed jeans! Come learn sewing skills at the<br />
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service 4-H Summer<br />
Stitches Day Camp. The West Houston Quilters<br />
Guild will be providing support for this fun sewing<br />
project. Participants should bring an old pair of<br />
denim blue jeans for the project. We will provide<br />
the supplies to embellish and all the sewing<br />
equipment needed to complete the project. This<br />
summer camp is open to all youth 9 years of age<br />
or older. Adults are encouraged to attend. Please<br />
purchase an adult ticket to participate. No lunch<br />
or refreshments are provided. All participates<br />
should pack their lunch and bring what they want<br />
to consume.<br />
Date: <strong>July</strong> 19, <strong>2018</strong> • Time: 9:30 AM-2 PM<br />
Location: Tracy Gee Community Center - 3599<br />
Westcenter Dr, Houston, TX 77042<br />
4-H Kids That Cook Summer Day Camp is a<br />
chance for youth to gain food preparation skills<br />
and test their culinary instincts. Participants will<br />
be hands-on working in teams to prepare recipes<br />
and learn about nutrition for healthy growth.<br />
Teams will be challenged by the 4-H version of<br />
“Chopped Junior Chef” to create a recipe from<br />
a mystery bag of ingredients and present their<br />
14 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter
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dish to judges. Food Challenge is one of the most popular 4-H contests and<br />
this camp will give participants a taste of all the excitement! This summer<br />
camp is open to all youth age 9 years of age and up. Adults can purchase<br />
a ticket to attend. No lunch or refreshments are provided. All participates<br />
should pack their lunch and bring what they want to eat if they have food<br />
allergies or are not likely to eat what we cook. We provide all the resources<br />
and equipment for the program.<br />
Date: <strong>July</strong> 24, <strong>2018</strong><br />
Time: 9:30 AM-2 PM<br />
Trini Mendenhall Community Center - 1414 Wirt Rd. Houston, TX 77055<br />
4-H Kids That Cook Summer Day Camp is a chance for youth to gain food<br />
preparation skills and test their culinary instincts. Participants will be handson<br />
working in teams to prepare recipes and learn about nutrition for healthy<br />
growth. Teams will be challenged by the 4-H version of “Chopped Junior Chef”<br />
to create a recipe from a mystery bag of ingredients and present their dish<br />
to judges. Food Challenge is one of the most popular 4-H contests and this<br />
camp will give participants a taste of all the excitement! This summer camp<br />
is open to all youth age 9 years of age and up. Adults can purchase a ticket to<br />
attend. No lunch or refreshments are provided. All participates should pack<br />
their lunch and bring what they want to eat if they have food allergies or are<br />
not likely to eat what we cook. We provide all the resources and equipment<br />
for the program.<br />
The Arc of Katy’s Summer Day Program!<br />
The Time to Enroll is Now!<br />
The Arc of Katy is currently taking applications for three Summer Program<br />
sessions for teens and adults with intellectual and development disabilities<br />
who are at least 16 years of age and meet the program’s minimum<br />
requirements.<br />
The Day Program will be held<br />
Monday through Friday, weekly, from 8 AM until 3 PM at:<br />
The Arc of Katy 5819 Tenth Street, Suite C Katy, Texas 77493<br />
Three Sessions are being held this Summer:<br />
Session 2: <strong>July</strong> 2-<strong>July</strong> 27, <strong>2018</strong><br />
Session 3: <strong>July</strong> 30-August 17, <strong>2018</strong><br />
Each session will include a variety of fun activities including excursions,<br />
crafts, life skills, games and much more. Summer Program cost is $35<br />
per day and participant must be a current member of The Arc of Katy to<br />
<strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />
participate. Participants will bring a snack and lunch most days and will<br />
receive an Arc of Katy t-shirt. For more information and forms, please visit<br />
www.thearcofkaty.org.<br />
Blood Drives/ Health<br />
Cornerstone UMC<br />
SUNDAY, <strong>July</strong> 8th, 8 AM-12:30 PM<br />
Please join us on Sunday, <strong>July</strong> 8 th at the Mobile Unit in our parking lot at<br />
18081 West Rd, 77095 from 8 AM to 12:30 PM. PLEASE go online and sign up<br />
at www.giveblood.org for Cornerstone United Methodist Church. Thank<br />
you in advance for your Commitment to Life!! For more information,<br />
please call the church office at 281-859-4141 or email Michele Moura at<br />
mmoura56@gmail.com.<br />
St. Cuthbert Episcopal Blood Drive<br />
St. Cuthbert Episcopal Church will be hosting a Blood Drive on Sunday,<br />
<strong>July</strong> 29 th beginning at 8:30 AM. A mobile unit will be in the parking lot<br />
until 12:30 PM. To donate, you must be at least 17 years of age, at least<br />
110 lbs. and in good general health.<br />
If just 20 people donate, we can save 60 lives! It only takes about 15<br />
minutes, so please stop by. Save a life - donate blood. St. Cuthbert is<br />
located at 17020 West Road (at Queenston). For more information, visit us<br />
at www.st.cuthbert.org.<br />
Low-Cost Sports Physicals<br />
Saturday, <strong>July</strong> 18, <strong>2018</strong>, 8 AM-Noon<br />
Sports physicals for area student athletes. Houston Methodist<br />
Orthopedics & Sports Medicine will provide low-cost annual sports<br />
physicals for Northwest Houston-area student-athletes at its clinic.<br />
Physicals are $20 (cash only) for ages 12 through 18. Additional testing<br />
will be available. EKG testing (for athletes 14 years old and up) will cost<br />
$10 and ImPACT Baseline Concussion Testing will cost $5. Located at<br />
13802 Centerfield Dr., Suite 300, Houston, TX 77070.<br />
Houston Area Events And Road Trips<br />
<strong>July</strong> 18 th -<strong>July</strong> 22 nd - Houston World Series of Dog Shows. Held at NRG<br />
Park, 8400 Kirby Dr., Houston, TX 77054 from 8 AM-6 PM. Admission: $15 for<br />
Adults, $10 for Seniors 55+/Active/Retired Military personnel and family with<br />
ID, Children 12 and younger with adult free and parking is $12 (Cash ONLY).<br />
Share your love of dogs at one of the finest indoor dog shows in America, held<br />
in Houston’s NRG Center. See dogs come, sit, stay and run as they compete<br />
in different events to show off their uniqueness, beauty, strength, speed and<br />
dexterity. Tickets are available online at www.houstondogshows.com.<br />
<strong>July</strong> 19 th - Houston Zoo After Dark. Held at the Houston Zoo, 6200 Hermann<br />
Park Drive, Houston, TX 77030 from 6-10 PM. Admission is $35. The Houston<br />
Zoo is staying open late just for the 21-and-up crowd to serve up the fun.<br />
During After Dark, adults can explore the zoo at their own pace from 6-8 PM<br />
before the party begins at 8 PM. The zoo is kickin’ it country-style. Guests<br />
can break out their boots and get ready to two-step and line dance to a live<br />
band or challenge friends to a game of cornhole or horseshoes. For more<br />
information or to purchase tickets, visit www.houstonzoo.org/after-dark/.<br />
<strong>July</strong> 27 th - Moonlit Harvest will kick off the festival featuring the Blessing<br />
of the Vines, followed by an evening of grape picking and stomping in the<br />
Messina Hof Estate Vineyard. Dinner will feature a fabulous vineyard cuisine<br />
buffet with a wide selection of complimentary wines for guests to enjoy!<br />
Moonlit Harvest ticket includes grape picking & stomping. Tickets are<br />
available at all Messina Hof winery locations or online. General Admission<br />
is $59.95 (plus tax & gratuity). Includes general admission, Harvest shirt and<br />
reserved dinner buffet in The Gallery.<br />
<strong>July</strong> 28 th - The Fajita Festival is a celebration of Mexican culture, food,<br />
drinks and entertainment. Come hungry with family and friends to enjoy<br />
a day filled with a variety of delicious fajita tacos! Texas cookers will have<br />
the grill fired up for this 3 rd Annual Event! This event benefits Texas Lions<br />
Camp (www.LionsCamp.com). Entertainment/Interactive include: Taco<br />
and Jalapeno Eating Contest, Live Art Walls, Photo Area, Kids Playground<br />
(Bouncy House, Jumpers and more!), DJ’s, Costume Characters and more.<br />
For more information, visit www.TheFajitaFest.com.<br />
August 1 st -September 3 rd - The most anticipated food event of the year,<br />
Houston Restaurant Weeks. That’s 34 days of meals and deals raising<br />
money for The Houston Food Bank. More than 250 area restaurants are<br />
expected to participate by serving specially priced multi-course prix<br />
fixe menus that include brunch, lunch and dinner. Diners can visit www.<br />
HoustonRestaurantWeeks.com to view the ever-growing list of restaurants<br />
that have committed to participate in the fundraiser, along with their<br />
Houston Restaurant Weeks menus. As commitments come in, restaurants<br />
will be added to the website until August 1 st . From fine dining to casual<br />
neighborhood restaurants, diners can sample some of the best Houston’s<br />
culinary scene has to offer. Some participating restaurants may require<br />
reservations, although walk-ins will be accepted at most locations. This<br />
information will be noted on each restaurant’s menu page on the website.<br />
August 2 nd - Toddler Music with Sessions. Sing, Sway, Laugh, Play! Join<br />
us for a FREE class on the Plaza with Sessions Music. Immerse your child<br />
in a musical atmosphere of play, song and dance, all while developing<br />
fundamental skills and connecting with other moms, dads and families.<br />
Recommended for ages newborn - 7 years. For more information, visit www.<br />
sugarlandtownsquare.com.<br />
August 4 th -5 th - 54 th Annual Bellaire Coin, Stamp & Collectible Show. U.S.<br />
and ancient coins, gold bullion, paper money, stamps, historical documents,<br />
comics, jewelry, stock & bond certificates, ceramics, glass and supplies will<br />
be at the Arabia Shrine Center, 10510 Harwin Drive, Houston 77036 from 9<br />
AM-5 PM Saturday and 9 AM-3:30 PM Sunday. For more information, visit<br />
www.bellairecoinclub.com.<br />
August 17 th & September 7 th - Summer Music Festival. Gather<br />
with friends on our pool deck for the end of our second annual<br />
Summer Music Festival! Enjoy live concert performances, $5<br />
beers and poolside games every third Friday of the month.<br />
Featured artists for August 17 th is IDT Band and for September 7 th it is DJ Baby Roo.<br />
Complimentary admission and open to the public. Guests who attend the<br />
events will receive complimentary valet parking. For more information on<br />
our live art bar, please call the Four Seasons Hotel at 713-650-1300.<br />
August 25 th - The AIA SandCastle Competition is a fund-raising event for<br />
AIA Houston and ArCH Foundation as well as one of the top five revenue<br />
generating events for the City of Galveston. This year over 60 teams have their<br />
eyes and shovels set on winning the prestigious Golden Bucket Award. Firms<br />
begin months in advance generating ideas, developing designs and assigning<br />
duties. On the day of the event the teams, stretched along the beach front,<br />
meticulously sculpt their piles of sand and work non-stop for five hours. The<br />
judging of the sculptures is rated on originality of concept, artistic execution,<br />
technical difficulty, carving technique and utilization of the site. In addition<br />
to the Golden Bucket, awards are given in several categories including Best<br />
Traditional Castle, Best Architectural Icon, Kidtastic! - Disney Edition, Best<br />
Cinematic, Best Meme and Houston-centric as well as best team t-shirt<br />
design, best team signage, best costume and public favorite. At the end of<br />
the day, everyone goes home with memories of a great day at the beach filled<br />
with fun, sand and sun. For more information, visit www.aiahouston.org.<br />
August 31 st - September 2 nd - The Brewmasters Craft Beer Festival returns<br />
to Moody Gardens. This Gulf Coast beer festival draws enthusiasts for sun, fun<br />
and samplings of more than 400 regional and international craft beers. The<br />
focus of the 3-day event is the BrewLicious Brews and Foods Pairing and the<br />
BrewHaHa Grand Tasting. Attendees can talk with industry experts and award<br />
winners while tasting some of the best beers in the world. Related events<br />
include the BrewMasters PubCrawl and a Texas brewery tour. The weekend<br />
ends with live music and fireworks on the beach. For more information, visit<br />
www.brewmastersbeerfest.com.<br />
16 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter
Chelsie's Cleaning Service<br />
By reading, you are exposed to so many wonderful things. This helps your<br />
imagination when it comes to creating and thinking. By reading, you are<br />
painting those pictures of the story in your mind. Books can take you anywhere<br />
you want to go.<br />
When you are reading, you are focusing and concentrating on one thing. By<br />
sitting still and reading, you are training your body/mind and your child’s<br />
to slow down, relax and focus on what you are reading. This helps you/<br />
your child focus and concentrate on other activities because you are used<br />
to doing it.<br />
When you read a book, you are taking in all that the book is about. People,<br />
places, things… When you read you are using your memory muscle which<br />
lies in the Cerebrum part of your brain. Using this muscle helps your memory<br />
long term. I’m sure you’ve probably heard of muscle memory, same<br />
kind of thing.<br />
Reading to your children helps build a bond and open up communication.<br />
It’s always important to be able to talk with your kids especially when they<br />
get into their teenage years. Start reading to them and communicating when<br />
they are young so they have that connection and comfort with talking to you.<br />
It also helps with communicating as adults and gives you more to talk about.<br />
Reading is the best cheap or free entertainment you can get. Love your<br />
library and any bookseller, because these books can open up the world<br />
you might never have imagined.<br />
6. BONDING<br />
Nurturing and one-on-one attention from parents during reading encourages<br />
children to form a positive association with books and reading. Also,<br />
goes with #4 above - Communication. Reading to your children is another<br />
way of showing them love.<br />
Babies and children learn to talk by hearing words. The more they hear, the<br />
more likely they are to talk and understand what’s being said. Your child’s<br />
language skills and literacy depend on you talking and reading to them.<br />
Now doesn’t that sound important?!<br />
Reading a book for something that you want to learn about saves you so<br />
much money. We all know how expensive taking classes can be, so why not<br />
spend time reading about it instead. You can teach yourself with specific<br />
books. Same goes for children. If they are interested in learning about<br />
rainbows, they can read books about weather. Or you can read to them.<br />
Supplying a variety of books to your children will pique their interests and<br />
get them learning even more.<br />
9. FLUENCY<br />
Fluency is defined as the ability to read with speed, accuracy and expression.<br />
Powerful and effective language.<br />
We know its been proven that reading makes you smarter. Readers display<br />
greater knowledge of how things work, vocabulary and language development,<br />
as well as information on people, places and things.<br />
Reading Rocks!!!<br />
<strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />
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Library News<br />
16719 Clay Road, Houston, TX 77084,<br />
281-550-0885<br />
Our hours are: Monday - 1 PM - 8 PM,<br />
Tuesday/Thursday - 10 AM - 6 PM,<br />
Wednesday -10 AM - 8 PM,<br />
Friday - 1 PM - 6 PM,<br />
Saturday - 10 AM - 5 PM.<br />
Please call or go online for schedule of<br />
all programs.<br />
• SUMMER READING PROGRAM - through August<br />
4 th . There will be several programs and activities<br />
for children, teens and adults at the library this<br />
summer. Sign up for our Summer Reading Program<br />
and earn prizes for reading or activities.<br />
POINTMENT - Mondays at 3 PM and 3:30 PM. Reserve<br />
a 30 minute session to troubleshoot an issue<br />
with your computer, tablet or phone. Or, learn how<br />
to download the library’s e-books or e-audiobooks<br />
to your device. Please bring your device with you.<br />
Registration is required.<br />
• CONVERSATIONAL ESL - Thursdays, 2 PM. Join our<br />
free Conversational ESL class each week. Attendees<br />
will need to fill out an application. Everyone is welcome.<br />
Please join us!<br />
• SAVVY STITCHERS - Thursdays, 3:30 PM. The<br />
Savvy Stitchers is a place to share ideas for different<br />
crafts such as knitting and crochet! Don’t miss out<br />
on the weekly fun! Make sure to bring your needles<br />
and yarn. All ages welcome.<br />
• LUNCH BUNCH - Monday through Friday, 1 PM.<br />
This is a special Summer Feeding program sponsored<br />
by the Houston Food Bank. We are serving<br />
Free lunch to kids ages 0-18, we will also offer a<br />
lunch to the parent/caregiver who accompanies the<br />
child to the program. Come enjoy a balanced meal<br />
and enjoy fun activities at the library too!<br />
• PRESCHOOL STORY TIME - Tuesdays at 10:30<br />
AM. Early literacy program with stories, songs, fingerplays<br />
and the occasional craft geared towards<br />
preschoolers aged 3-6 yrs old. In order to ensure<br />
the safety of our youngest patrons, this is a ticketed<br />
program. Free tickets are available on the morning<br />
of the program. First come, first served.<br />
• INFANT STORY TIME - Wednesdays at 10:30 AM.<br />
Infant Time is an early literacy program for the<br />
children ages birth to 18 months. Please join us as<br />
we share literacy tips, stories, songs, fingerplays,<br />
bubbles and books. In order to ensure the safety<br />
of our youngest patrons this is a ticketed program.<br />
Free ticket available on the morning of the program<br />
in the library.<br />
RANT - Wednesdays at 2:30 PM. Community<br />
Storytime is an early literacy program for children<br />
ages 18 months to 6 years. Come join us at Clay’s<br />
Restaurant, 17717 Clay Road, as we share literacy<br />
tips, stories, songs and fingerplays. Each week<br />
this storytime will be an adaption of our library’s<br />
preschool or toddler program. We want to thank<br />
Clay’s Restaurant for partnering with us in providing<br />
community storytime.<br />
• TODDLER TIME - Thursdays at 10:30 AM. Toddler<br />
Time is an early literacy program for children ages<br />
18 months to 3 years of age. Please join us as we<br />
share literacy tips, stories, songs and fingerplays. In<br />
order to ensure the safety of our youngest patrons<br />
this is a ticketed program. Free tickets are available<br />
on the morning of the program in the library.<br />
• LILY’S LIBRARY TALES - Saturdays at 11 AM. Come<br />
to the library for a family friendly storytime with Lily,<br />
a certified therapy dog! This program is in partnership<br />
with Tender Loving K-9s. All ages welcome.<br />
All programs are free and open to the public. For<br />
more information call 281-550-0885 or log on to<br />
www.hcpl.net.<br />
9191 Barker-Cypress Road, Cypress, TX 77433<br />
281-290-3210<br />
HOURS: Monday through Thursday, 7 AM-10 PM,<br />
Friday-Saturday, 8 AM-6 PM and<br />
Sunday, 1 PM-6 PM.<br />
Friends Bookstore accepts gently used books<br />
year-round, offering them to the public for a set<br />
donation amount. The store is open six days a week<br />
and staffed by volunteers. Proceeds support library<br />
programs. Help support our community library.<br />
hcpl.net/location/cy-fair-college-library, for news<br />
and events about the library and college and in<br />
the community.<br />
• FACEBOOK at LSC-CyFair Branch Library.<br />
ER, the Library eUpdate: subscribe at<br />
LoneStar.edu/library/16099.<br />
Note: All programs are subject to change. Please<br />
contact the library or visit the website for up-todate<br />
information.<br />
BOOK CLUB - 1 PM, LRNC 131<br />
1 PM, LRNC 131 or 7 PM, LRNC 215<br />
12 PM, LRNC 131<br />
Common Thread: Knitting, Crocheting<br />
and Needlework Group<br />
Tuesdays: 9-10:30 AM, LRNC 116.<br />
Call for info.<br />
eBooks Appointments now available. Make<br />
an appointment at LoneStar.edu/library/15938.<br />
ESL: TALK TIME - LoneStar.edu/library/15209<br />
Mondays, 1-2 PM, LRNC 215<br />
Tuesdays, 2:45-3:45 PM, LRC 215<br />
Mondays, 1-3 PM, LRNC 131<br />
Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM, LRNC 118<br />
See the full schedule of Adult Programs and Activities<br />
at LoneStar.edu/library/cyfair-adults-LoneStar.<br />
edu/library/cyfair-adults-services or call<br />
281-290-3214/3218.<br />
Note: All programs are subject to change. Please<br />
contact the library or visit the website for<br />
up-to-date information.<br />
BOOK CLUB: (Registration required)<br />
SCREEN - PLAY:<br />
Tweens & Teens only (ages 10 - 18) 5-6 PM:<br />
Games, 6 PM: Movie - Teen Room.<br />
See the full schedule of Teen’s Programs and Activities<br />
atLoneStar.edu/library/cyfair-children-services.<br />
18 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter
• Mondays: BABY TIME (6-24 months) - 9:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 11:30 AM.<br />
• Tuesdays: Toddler Time (2-3 1/2 years) - 9:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 11:30 AM.<br />
• Wednesdays: Preschool Time (3-6 years) - 9:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 11:30 AM.<br />
• Thursdays: Spanish Time/Tiempo de cuentos (2-6 years) - 11 AM<br />
1 st Tuesday, 6 PM (up to 24 months)<br />
2 nd Tuesday, 6:30 PM (all ages)<br />
Thursdays, for children of all ages. Limited to 40 children.<br />
Thursdays at 6:30 PM. For children of all ages. Limited to 40 children.<br />
See the full schedule of Children’s Programs and Activities at LoneStar.edu/<br />
library/cyfair-children-services. All programs are free and open to the public.<br />
BOAT & R.V.<br />
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Prices start at $ 50. 00<br />
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West Little York<br />
Clay Rd.<br />
I-10<br />
281-859-1566 • 713-274-3190<br />
www.pct3.hctx.net<br />
The Bear Creek Community Center will be temporarily housed and<br />
have limited classes/events at the Glazier Senior Education Center,<br />
16600 Pine Forest Lane, Houston, Texas 77084<br />
In addition to scheduled activities on the Bear Creek Community<br />
Center, Commissioner Steve Radack’s Bear Creek Community Center<br />
is now offering the following upcoming events and activities for the<br />
summer. Please call 713-274-3190 to register for any of these events.<br />
KARATE: Join our marital arts class once a week and learn the art of<br />
self-defense on Thursdays, 6:30-7:30 PM and 7:30-8 PM.<br />
BEGINNING BRIDGE: Learn to play this popular game. Join us on<br />
Mondays, <strong>July</strong> 2 nd -Nov. 12 th , 9-11 AM. Participants will need the<br />
book, “Bidding in the 21 st Century,” by Audry Grant.<br />
TAI CHI: Learn this ancient Chinese art that integrates and strengthens<br />
mind & body through slow, practiced movements that help to<br />
lower stress and blood pressure. Join us on Saturdays, 8:30-9:30 AM.<br />
UNO: You will have a great time playing cards with this friendly group<br />
every Wednesday, 9 AM-12 Noon.<br />
NEEDLEWORK: Join us for some sewing fun! Sew, visit and share your<br />
creative ideas with others every Tuesday, 9:30-11:45 AM.<br />
CHAIR YOGA: This class is perfect for anyone with mobility or balance<br />
limitations. The class meets every Friday, 10-11 AM.<br />
PARTY BRIDGE ON MONDAYS: If you play Bridge, you are invited to<br />
play cards with us every Monday, 11:30 AM-3 PM.<br />
YOGA: Relieve stress by joining our yoga class for a more relaxed mind<br />
and body. Join us Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 7:30-8:45 AM<br />
and on Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30 PM.<br />
QUILTING: Come join our quilting group to share your quilting<br />
talents with new friends having the same interests. Quilters meet<br />
Thursdays, 1-4 PM.<br />
CIRCLE OF FRIENDS MEDITATION: Come and join this circle to gain<br />
a healthy mind and body on Fridays, 11:30 AM-1:30 PM.<br />
FUN TIME ART: A time and place to do your creative art with other<br />
artists. Join us every Thursday, 9 AM-12 Noon.<br />
Advance registration for activities is typically requested. An adult<br />
must accompany and remain with anyone under the age of 18 visiting<br />
the center. A calendar of events is available at the Harris County<br />
Precinct Three website at www.pct3.com.<br />
<strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />
<br />
<br />
Teen Crafternoon<br />
• Teen <br />
• <br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
TEEN Book club<br />
• Teen Room<br />
<br />
• Teen Room<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
summer<br />
activities<br />
Teen Tech<br />
• Teen <br />
• <br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
TEEN Mixup<br />
• LRNC <br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
14 • • LRNC <br />
<br />
Teen Librarians<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Sports News<br />
FC Cypress Soccer Club<br />
We are looking for goalkeepers for our 2007 boys and 2007 girls teams<br />
for the <strong>2018</strong>-2019 season. If you are interested and/or looking for a team<br />
please contact Coach Marc at info@fccypress.com or 936-463-8010. *If<br />
you are looking for a team within the 2010-2006 age groups both boys<br />
and girls, please contact as well!<br />
Youth Summer Sports Camps<br />
Bear Creek Baptist Church<br />
This summer, kiddos age 7 to 14 can participate in half day summer<br />
sports camps! A football lover? Volleyball champion? Baseball slugger?<br />
We’ve got a camp for you! And more! Each week will be a different sport<br />
including football, volleyball, basketball, baseball, cheerleading, soccer<br />
and dodgeball! Cost will be $100 per child, unless otherwise noted. This<br />
will include a t-shirt and a gift! For more information contact us at 281-<br />
859-9900 or rec@bcstaff.org. There will be registration online at www.<br />
bearcreek.church/sports. Registration is open now!<br />
FFPS Fall Soccer Sign Ups Now Open!<br />
Registration for Fun, Fair, Positive Soccer (FFPS) is open for boys and girls<br />
ages 4 to 18 for the fall Season. Games start on October 6, <strong>2018</strong>. FFPS<br />
is a non-profit youth soccer program dedicated to providing a positive<br />
youth sports experience for all children. Founded in 1986 in Katy, Texas,<br />
FFPS has grown to 22 leagues and 16,000 players throughout the Greater<br />
Houston area. FFPS offers children a fun and fair experience, including<br />
one practice per week, a full uniform and trophy for every player, equal<br />
playing time and play every position, co-ed/balanced teams, positive<br />
coaching and more. No tryouts are required.<br />
Online Registration schedule and fees (sign up early and save):<br />
Through <strong>July</strong> 30 th : $114<br />
<strong>July</strong> 30 th -September 17 th : $124<br />
September 18 th until teams full: $129<br />
Go to www.FFPS.org to sign up. Registration fee includes a full uniform<br />
(jersey, shorts and socks), trophy, trained positive coaches, nice fields<br />
and background checks on all volunteers. Coaches will call players to<br />
schedule practice by October 2 nd . Practice times and location will be<br />
determined by the coach and team. The schedule includes eight games,<br />
played locally on Saturdays, October 6 th to December 1 st . Our Cy-Fair<br />
North league plays at Matzke Elementary (13102 Jones Rd). Our Cy-Fair<br />
South league plays at Cook Middle School (9111 Wheatland Dr). Our Cy-<br />
Fair West league plays at Horne Elementary (14950 W Little York). Our<br />
Tomball League plays at Tomball Alternative Education Center (1302<br />
Keefer Rd). Our Magnolia League pays at Magnolia Elementary (31900<br />
Nichols Sawmill Rd). Our Spring/Klein League plays at Wells Middle<br />
School (4033 Gladeridge Dr). For more information, maps of all locations<br />
or to sign up, visit www.FFPS.org or call 1-800-828-PLAY (7529).<br />
Registration Is Open For<br />
Fall Basketball And Fall Soccer Leagues<br />
Dates: August-October Cost: $75 • Ages: 4-15 (boys and girls!)<br />
Each paid participant receives: a Rockets jersey for games, a FREE ticket<br />
to a Houston Rockets game & an entry into a drawing for a James Harden<br />
SIGNED Rockets Jersey!<br />
Dates: August-October • Ages: 3-8 (co-ed)<br />
Each participant will receive a game jersey.<br />
For more information go to: www.myLWSports.com or call 281-500-8913!<br />
Usa Fit Cypress Marathon And Half<br />
Marathon Training Program<br />
Are you a runner? Are you a fitness walker? Do you want to be? USA Fit<br />
Cypress is a friendly, no pressure group training for a variety of marathons<br />
and half marathons throughout the year. Even if you’ve never run a step<br />
before, training with our group will help you conquer mental and physical<br />
barriers you never thought possible. Beginner, walker, seasoned runner?<br />
No matter your conditioning or pace, we have a place for you. Over the<br />
course of six months, our coaches will help you achieve your personal best<br />
in a non-intimidating, fun and safe environment. We will provide a weekly<br />
training schedule and opportunities for group training throughout the<br />
week with our distance runs on Saturday morning at Pope Elementary<br />
20 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter
on N. Bridgeland Lake Parkway in Bridgeland. Registration for our Winter<br />
Season is open and the programs will begin on <strong>July</strong> 14 th . Please visit us at<br />
www.usafitcypress.com for addition information.<br />
Netball Clubs<br />
Houston Shooting Stars welcomes ladies, men and youth to join in, play and<br />
learn netball, Tuesday nights at The British School of Houston. We are also<br />
looking for interested players, adults and youth to play in a new Katy Netball<br />
club. No experience necessary. For more information, go to our facebook page,<br />
Houston Shooting Stars Netball Club or www.netballamerica.com or contact<br />
houstonnetball@netballamerica.com for further information.<br />
Track Houston Youth Track Club<br />
Track Houston is the nation’s largest and most successful youth track<br />
and field organization. Our goal is to assist interested boys and girls ages<br />
6 to 18 years old in improving their physical fitness and mental stamina.<br />
We have multiple practice sites in the Greater Houston area including<br />
McMeans Junior High School in Katy and Cypress Lakes High School in<br />
Cypress. Visit www.trackhouston.com to register for a location near you.<br />
Cy-Fair Sports Association<br />
Cy-Fair Sports Association is having registration for baseball, football,<br />
cheerleading and soccer. Please see our website for more information<br />
www.cy-fairsports.org.<br />
West Houston Rugby Club<br />
West Houston Rugby Club offers excellent opportunities for players of all ages<br />
from minis to adults to participate in one of America’s fastest growing sports.<br />
Our coaches are fully accredited with USA Rugby and include former European<br />
premiership players. We are a not for profit club with a mission to provide<br />
outstanding club management, a fun social environment and the feeling of<br />
a rugby family. Registration is now open for the 2017/<strong>2018</strong> season at www.<br />
westhoustonrugby.com. Enquiries may be sent to info@westhoustonrugby.<br />
com. Come and join the fastest growing club in Houston!<br />
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ANY DOOR<br />
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Westside Golf League<br />
Westside Golf League is actively encouraging new members. We invite you to join us<br />
every Tuesday morning at Cinco Ranch Golf Club. Our purpose is to allow ladies of<br />
all levels to meet new friends and have fun while improving golfing skills. For more<br />
information, contact Sue Crookson at 281-392-4913 scrookson@houston.rr.com or<br />
Yana Dommert at 281-394-2481 yana@entouch.net.<br />
Ladies Golf<br />
A new ladies golf group is now forming at Cypress Lakes Golf Club. No<br />
handicaps required. This will be a casual ladies golf outing to improve your<br />
game and make some new friends. Play will be on Thursday mornings at<br />
9. For information please email ladiesgolf4fun@gmail.com or call Cypress<br />
Lakes Golf Club at 281-304-8515.<br />
Cypress Running Club<br />
Cypress Running Club is based in Coles Crossing, just north of 290 off of Barker<br />
Cypress. We welcome runners of all abilities. We offer a Couch-to-5k training plan<br />
for those new to running, as well as training plans for half and full marathons.<br />
Come meet lots of other Cypress residents and find some new running buddies.<br />
Distance runs are on Saturday mornings and start at Sampson Elementary, right<br />
off of Coles Crossing Dr. For more information and to sign up, please visit<br />
http://cypressrunningclub.com and find us on Facebook.<br />
<strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />
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It goes without saying - it is HOT outside! Stay cool and be sure to irrigate<br />
lawn and garden areas accordingly. Also be sure to keep your pets<br />
well-watered and provide cool areas for them. When taking them for<br />
walks, remember the sidewalk WILL burn their little paws, so be careful!<br />
• Water application for our lawns continues to be important - remember<br />
to water only in the early morning hours, before 10 AM as this will<br />
prevent fungus development you will appreciate not having to deal<br />
with in the latter weeks of summer and fall.<br />
• Re-sod bare, diseased or weak areas of your lawn now if you have<br />
not already done so - St. Augustine takes hold and produces rhizomes<br />
(horizontal roots or “runners”) which leads to a thicker turf now better<br />
than any other time.<br />
• Top-dressing with lawn soil and compost is acceptable, but beware of<br />
applying products with high manure content as this may cause burning<br />
upon contact. Water deeply.<br />
• Aerate gardens producing vegetables and herbs well to prevent soil<br />
caking our high clay content soil we have all been blessed with is<br />
prone to doing.<br />
• Keep an eye out for pests - especially fire ants and cinch bugs. Rains<br />
will bring out ant nests and see increased activity as colonies try to<br />
spread out. The excessive heat is ideal for cinch bugs to gain strength.<br />
• Lawn looking yellow? Could be chlorosis. Use a granular or liquid iron supplement,<br />
but be sure to clean off concrete areas to avoid stains to develop.<br />
• If you have blotch spots on your grass blade, the likely cause is Gray<br />
Leaf Spot. Use a fungicide that contains Daconil, Consan or Banner to<br />
cure this issue.<br />
• Summertime Flowers - high temperature, sun-loving flowers will<br />
do best from now until the end of August. Plant Black-eyed Susan,<br />
Russelia, Verbenas, Dianthis, Coreopsis, Daylily, Peony and Lantana<br />
as well as Asiatic lily or Salvia in direct sunlight areas. Impatiens (if<br />
you can still find them), Begonias and Rain Lily do well in the low light<br />
areas during the summer.<br />
• Now is the time to feed Canary Island, Date, Mexican Fan, Sago and<br />
Queen Palm varieties. Fertilizer spikes that add magnesium, potassium<br />
and manganese are ideal as these are the most prevalent elements<br />
lacking to palms found in our area.<br />
• As mentioned earlier, keep large trees thinned out - allow high winds<br />
to pass through rather than block the wind during hurricane season.<br />
• Be sure to keep your home’s gutters clean and free in the event heavy<br />
rains are upon us. Clogged gutters cause siding and fascia to become<br />
discolored and ultimately rot. Such repairs are by no means cheap or<br />
easy to deal with.<br />
Be safe and enjoy the <strong>July</strong> 4 th holiday - many have sacrificed so that<br />
we can enjoy our freedom.<br />
The Texas A&M AgriLife extension Service and the Harris County<br />
Master Gardeners are pleased to offer the Green Thumb Gardening<br />
Series of Lectures. These presentations are free and there are no<br />
reservations. For questions please call 713-274-0950.<br />
<strong>July</strong> 17th, <strong>2018</strong>: 6:30-8:30 PM. Spring Branch Memorial Library,<br />
930 Corbindale.<br />
<strong>July</strong> 21st, <strong>2018</strong>: 10:30 AM-12:30 PM. Maud Smith Marks Library,<br />
1815 Westgreen Blvd. Katy.<br />
Due to Harvey damage, there is no access to the Bear Creek Extension.<br />
Open Garden Day has been relocated to the Weekley Community<br />
Center at 8440 Greenhouse Road, Houston. We won’t have outdoor<br />
gardens, so the activities will focus on nature crafts, small plants in<br />
pots and games.<br />
<strong>July</strong> 24, <strong>2018</strong>: 10-11:15 AM. Weekley Community Center, 8440 Greenhouse<br />
Rd. Free. Registration required, ogd.harrishort@gmail.com.<br />
www.nwhcaggiemoms.org<br />
Calling all NEW AGGIE MOMS!!! And current Aggie moms!!! We would<br />
love to see you at one of the Aggie Mom mixers this summer, hosted<br />
by the Northwest Harris County Aggie Mom’s club. This is a great opportunity<br />
for you to meet other Aggie moms and to meet members of<br />
22 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter
Langham Creek High School<br />
<strong>2018</strong> Cheer Clinic<br />
Saturday, Sept. 22, <strong>2018</strong><br />
9:00am – 12:30pm<br />
Details & Registration at<br />
www.langhamcreekcheer.com<br />
Open to all girls & boys (ages 4 & older)<br />
Cheers, Jumps, Stunting,<br />
Dance & Tumbling<br />
the NWHC Aggie Mom’s Club, in a fun & casual get-together! The dates<br />
for the mixers are in June & <strong>July</strong>. Please check our website (above)<br />
for details on dates & locations. Come alone or bring another Aggie<br />
Mom with you! Dress is casual.<br />
And please mark your calendars for Tuesday, August 14th at 6:30 PM<br />
at the Houston Distributing Company, 7100 High Life Drive, Houston,<br />
Texas!! This is our annual Howdy party and a great way to meet<br />
other Aggie Moms, find out about upcoming events and enter for a<br />
chance to win a door prize! We welcome all Aggie Moms, whether<br />
of freshman Aggies, current Aggie students or former Aggies. We’d<br />
love to meet you!<br />
JULY <strong>2018</strong> OBSERVANCES & FUN FACTS<br />
• UV Safety Month<br />
• National Picnic Month<br />
• National Parks Month<br />
• Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month<br />
• Cord Blood Awareness Month<br />
Birthstone: Ruby and Onyx<br />
Fruit & Veggies for <strong>July</strong>:<br />
• Papaya • Nectarine • Garlic<br />
Flower: Larkspur & Water Lily<br />
Astrological Signs: Cancer and Leo<br />
<strong>July</strong> is:<br />
National Baked Bean Month<br />
National Culinary Arts Month<br />
National Hot Dog Month<br />
National Ice Cream Month<br />
National Picnic Month<br />
National Pickle Month<br />
<strong>July</strong> 4 th : Happy Birthday America<br />
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Summer is here, children are out of school. What better time to get<br />
involved with a rescue group and help a dog or cat in need? That’s<br />
what fostering an animal is all about. We have several dogs boarded<br />
at the Kennel Klub on Highway 6 at Huffmeister. It is also kitten<br />
season and we have litters of orphan kittens who need care before<br />
they are adopted. We need foster families for dogs, cats and kittens.<br />
Contact us to learn how you can make a difference in an animal’s life.<br />
Save the Date: Saturday August 4th we will have our fantastic<br />
fundraiser “Wine and Dine for Kitties and Doggies, too.” This year<br />
our event will be even larger and better at the new location of the<br />
Hearthstone Country Club.<br />
How would you like to help Loving Arms Pet Placement rescue on a<br />
regular basis without spending a cent? To donate painlessly, go to<br />
www.krogercommunityrewards.com, enter 84029, click on Loving<br />
Arms Pet Placement to attach our rescue to your Kroger card. Each<br />
time you use your Kroger card, LAPP gets money donated to our<br />
vet bills from Kroger.<br />
Loving Arms Pet Placement is a non-profit foster-based dog<br />
and cat rescue in the Copperfield area. Visit Loving Arms Pet<br />
Placement website at www.lovingarmspetplacement.com or<br />
visit us at PetSmart on Highway 6 and FM 529 each Saturday<br />
from 11 AM until 5 PM.<br />
Folks - as soon as the vet gives your young pets their Rabies shot<br />
remember to get their ID tags. The Rabies tag lists the name, phone<br />
number and address of the vet. So! All you need to do is put the<br />
Rabies tag onto the pet’s collar and leave it there all the time. That<br />
way, if the pet gets loose, anyone finding him or her can look at<br />
the tag to see the vet’s phone number and call to report the lost<br />
animal. Better yet, add another tag to your pet’s collar that lists<br />
the dog or cat’s name and your own phone number or address.<br />
You can get these from any pet store. When a pet has these but<br />
goes astray, anyone finding it can call you and you can go get him<br />
or her right away.<br />
Your pet will be very glad to see you! A happy pet is a loving pet.<br />
<strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />
Krenek Printing<br />
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Archived issues are also available.<br />
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Call today for a quote!<br />
Discover the Hidden Gem of Cypress<br />
Household Donations Accepted & Appreciated - tax receipts given<br />
Our Donation Center is now located at 11302 Huffmeister<br />
(in the strip center across Fleur De Lis)<br />
Take 20%<br />
off one regular<br />
priced item.<br />
Coupon valid thru<br />
<strong>July</strong> 31, <strong>2018</strong><br />
Reg. Priced Merchandise Only. Cannot be combined<br />
with any other discounts or coupons.<br />
Benefiting Cypress Assistance Ministries<br />
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In the aftermath of Harvey, the arrival of Houston’s first hurricane season will<br />
undoubtedly stoke some trepidation from Houstonians still reeling from last<br />
year’s unprecedented storm, but there’s no reason to panic if you have a proper<br />
plan in place.<br />
While June 1 st marks the official start of Hurricane Season, the Gulf of Mexico<br />
has already seen its first named storm, Subtropical Storm Alberto, which<br />
made landfall on the Florida coast, dumping rain and wreaking havoc across<br />
the country.<br />
Predicting a Higher-than-Average Number of Named Storms<br />
It’s notoriously difficult to predict how active a hurricane season may be,<br />
but forecasters have already warned that the U.S. could expect to see a higher-than-average<br />
number of named storms and hurricanes this year.<br />
When Harvey swamped Greater Houston last year - flooding homes and forcing<br />
many to flee - many residents who were new to the region hadn’t experienced<br />
a storm before and were unprepared for what happened. Even some who had<br />
weathered Houston’s hurricanes and floods in the past were caught flat-footed<br />
by the extreme, widespread flooding caused by a storm of epic proportions.<br />
As the tropics begin to warm again, experts are urging residents to heed the<br />
lessons learned last year and get prepared now before any potential storm<br />
appears in the Gulf.<br />
Top Seven Things You Should Do Now to Get Ready<br />
Assemble a kit. Along with non-perishable food and water (one gallon per<br />
person per day), toss in a flashlight, some spare batteries, cash, first aid<br />
supplies and copies of important paperwork - insurance policies, emergency<br />
contacts and prescriptions - in case you need to grab it and go. As many people<br />
discovered during Harvey, exposure to contaminated floodwater can lead to<br />
skin infections and other injuries. Consider packing protective gear such as<br />
waterproof pants and boots to protect from floodwater and protective masks<br />
to filter the air.<br />
Heed your medical needs. If you have a chronic condition - or you serve as<br />
a caregiver for someone with special medical conditions - be sure to have a<br />
plan in place for managing your health during a storm. Keep a checklist of<br />
24 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter
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medications that should be packed in an emergency and make<br />
sure you store them in a sealed bag so that they remain clean and<br />
dry. Remember that some medications, like insulin, are sensitive<br />
to temperature and must remain cool at all times. Make sure you<br />
include your physician’s information, too, in case you need to phone<br />
in for a refill from afar. Have a backup plan to power your medical<br />
devices should the electrical grid fail. If you rely on a device for lifesaving<br />
care, consider notifying the local public health authority to<br />
get evacuation assistance.<br />
Buy now. Don’t wait for the frenzied supermarket rush to stock up<br />
on the items you need in case you lose electricity or water or are<br />
forced to evacuate. Consider purchasing enough supplies to last five<br />
to seven days. Harvey’s floods prevented many people from leaving<br />
their homes for five days or longer, so it’s important to have enough<br />
food, medicine and water to sustain you and your family until roads<br />
reopen. Remember to keep your fuel tanks filled in your vehicles<br />
and home generators.<br />
Know where to go. Do you live in an evacuation zone? Most people<br />
sheltered in place during Harvey, but if another storm threatens the<br />
region, a voluntary or mandatory evacuation may be ordered. Get<br />
familiar with the local evacuation routes and have a plan in place for<br />
what to pack and how to meet up with family members.<br />
Stay informed. Sign up for emergency alerts from your local county,<br />
city, school district and other authorities. If you know you will not<br />
have access to transportation, register now for assistance by calling<br />
211. You can view power outages and sign up for power outage<br />
alerts here. More information about emergency alerts can be found<br />
at readyhouston.gov.<br />
Talk to your family. Strike up a conversation with members of your<br />
household before disaster strikes. Discuss responsibilities for each<br />
family member and decide how you will communicate with each<br />
other. Figure out any special needs that must be addressed beforehand.<br />
Make a plan for pets and childcare.<br />
Harden your home. While Harvey was a flooding event, future<br />
storms could deliver damaging winds that could dislodge loose rain<br />
gutters and down tree branches. Take action now to prune limbs,<br />
remove any dead trees around your home and secure any loose items<br />
on your house that could become windborne. If you plan to operate<br />
a gas-powered generator, remember it must be kept outdoors and<br />
at least 20 feet away from windows and doors to prevent the deadly<br />
buildup of carbon monoxide in the home. Memorial Hermann is<br />
committed to continuing to serve the community whenever disaster<br />
strikes, but we urge all local residents to stay safe and have a plan.<br />
Source:<br />
www.blog.memorialhermann.org<br />
<strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />
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26 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter
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If advice to drink more water falls on deaf ears for you because<br />
you just don’t enjoy the taste of water or you always forget to<br />
pack a water bottle, you don’t have to suffer from dehydration<br />
as a result. You can seek more water from other sources - primarily<br />
from foods containing a higher percentage of water content.<br />
Incidentally, the selection of produce available in the summer<br />
season is packed with hydrating choices, so try incorporating<br />
more of these into your diet to get the hydration you need.<br />
Fresh Berries<br />
If you’ve ever bitten into a fresh blueberry, strawberry or raspberry<br />
and had brightly colored juice burst out of the fruit, you<br />
can see how these fruits make a hydrating option. It’s currently<br />
the peak of berry season, so pick up a few pints at your grocery<br />
store or farmer’s market. If berries aren’t your preference,<br />
peaches, nectarines and pears are also juicy, flavorful options<br />
at the height of their harvest season.<br />
Radish<br />
Celery has a reputation for its high-water content, but it doesn’t<br />
offer much by way of flavor and some find the texture less than<br />
desirable. Radishes have just about as much water as celery,<br />
but they offer a delightful peppery kick, making them a perfect<br />
addition to any salad or a great choice for dipping in hummus<br />
or guacamole.<br />
Zucchini<br />
Zucchini contain more than 90% water and they are one of the<br />
most versatile summer vegetables. You can easily marinate<br />
zucchini spears to throw in the oven or on the grill, spiralize<br />
them for a low-carb pasta substitute or bread and bake them<br />
for a healthier alternative to French fries.<br />
Citrus Fruit<br />
An orange or grapefruit might be a good start to your day,<br />
especially if you choose the whole fruit rather than just juice.<br />
When you eat whole fruits, you’ll not only get plenty of water,<br />
but you will have the benefit of added fiber and pure nutrients<br />
straight from the source.<br />
Source: Blog at www.memd.me<br />
<strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />
You could make this on National Blueberry Muffin Day <strong>July</strong> 11th!<br />
Cooking spray<br />
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour<br />
3/4 teaspoon baking powder<br />
3/4 teaspoon baking soda<br />
1/2 teaspoon salt<br />
3/4 cup white sugar<br />
One of the classic comfort foods earns a place of honor on<br />
<strong>July</strong> 14 th . It is National Mac and Cheese Day!<br />
Made with macaroni noodles, cream or milk and the golden<br />
goodness of cheese, mac and cheese shines as a side dish but can<br />
stand on it’s own as a main dish as well. From the classic mac and<br />
cheese with cheddar or American cheeses to the spicy cowboy mac<br />
with bacon and jalapenos, there’s a combination for everyone. Mix<br />
up the cheeses or load up on seasonings, set the broiler for a couple<br />
of minutes at the end of the cooking time and let the cheese get a<br />
nice toasty crust.<br />
Recipe courtesy of Ree Drummond<br />
Ingredients<br />
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper<br />
1 tablespoon butter, plus more for the pan<br />
1 large head cauliflower, cut into florets<br />
1 cup whole milk<br />
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard<br />
Hot sauce, as needed<br />
1 cup grated pepper jack cheese<br />
One 4-ounce log fresh goat cheese<br />
1/4 cup grated Parmesan<br />
2/3 cup whipped cream cheese<br />
1/2 cup table cream<br />
2 eggs<br />
1/4 cup vegetable oil<br />
1 teaspoon vegetable oil<br />
8 ounces fresh blueberries<br />
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease muffin cups<br />
with cooking spray or line with paper muffin liners.<br />
Sift flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt together with a sifter<br />
into a bowl. Combine sugar, cream cheese, table cream, eggs and<br />
1/4 cup vegetable oil plus 1 teaspoon vegetable oil in a large bowl.<br />
Fold flour mixture into sugar mixture until batter is smooth. Stir<br />
in blueberries. Scoop batter into prepared muffin cups. Bake in<br />
preheated oven until golden brown, 10 to 15 minutes.<br />
Source: http://allrecipes.com/<br />
Directions<br />
• Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Preheat the oven<br />
to 375 degrees F. Grease a baking dish with butter.<br />
• Cook the cauliflower in the boiling water until just<br />
crisp-tender, about 10 minutes. Drain well.<br />
• In a large saucepan, heat the milk and butter over medium<br />
heat. Whisk in the dry mustard and add some hot sauce,<br />
salt and pepper. Just before the milk comes to a boil, turn<br />
off the heat and stir in the pepper jack and goat cheese.<br />
When melted and smooth, stir in the cauliflower.<br />
Spread the mixture into the prepared baking dish<br />
and sprinkle over the Parmesan.<br />
• Bake until the top is golden brown and the mixture is bubbling,<br />
about 30 minutes. Let rest for a few minutes before serving.<br />
Recipe courtesy of Ree Drummond<br />
Ingredients<br />
4 cups Dried Macaroni<br />
1 whole Egg, Beaten<br />
1/4 cup (1/2 Stick Or 4 Tablespoons) Butter<br />
1/4 cup All-purpose Flour<br />
2-1/2 cups Whole Milk<br />
2 teaspoons (heaping) Dry Mustard, More If Desired<br />
1 pound Cheese, Grated<br />
1/2 teaspoon Salt, More To Taste<br />
1/2 teaspoon Seasoned Salt, More To Taste<br />
1/2 teaspoon Ground Black Pepper<br />
Optional Spices: Cayenne Pepper, Paprika, Thyme<br />
Preparation<br />
• Cook macaroni until very firm. Macaroni should be too firm<br />
to eat right out of the pot. Drain.<br />
• In a small bowl, beat egg.<br />
• In a large pot, melt butter and sprinkle in flour. Whisk together<br />
over medium-low heat. Cook mixture for five minutes, whisking<br />
constantly. Don’t let it burn.<br />
• Pour in milk, add mustard, and whisk until smooth. Cook for<br />
five minutes until very thick. Reduce heat to low.<br />
• Take 1/4 cup of the sauce and slowly pour it into beaten egg,<br />
whisking constantly to avoid cooking eggs. Whisk together<br />
till smooth.<br />
• Pour egg mixture into sauce, whisking constantly.<br />
Stir until smooth.<br />
• Add in cheese and stir to melt.<br />
• Add salt and pepper. Taste sauce and add more salt<br />
and seasoned salt as needed! DO NOT UNDERSALT.<br />
• Pour in drained, cooked macaroni and stir to combine.<br />
• Serve immediately (very creamy) or pour into a buttered baking<br />
dish, top with extra cheese, and bake for 20 to 25 minutes or<br />
until bubbly and golden on top.<br />
You could make this on National Ice Cream Day <strong>July</strong> 22nd!<br />
1 1/2 cups white sugar<br />
1 cup brown sugar<br />
1/3 cup half-and-half cream<br />
1/3 cup milk<br />
2 tablespoons margarine<br />
1 teaspoon vanilla extract<br />
1/2 cup pecan halves<br />
Butter a baking sheet. Butter the sides of a heavy, 2-quart saucepan. In<br />
the saucepan, stir together white sugar, brown sugar, cream, milk and<br />
margarine and bring to a boil over medium heat. Heat, without stirring,<br />
to between 234 and 240 degrees F (112 to 116 degrees C) or until a small<br />
amount of syrup dropped into cold water forms a soft ball that flattens<br />
when removed from the water and placed on a flat surface. Remove from<br />
heat and cool to lukewarm (110 degrees).<br />
Stir in vanilla and beat vigorously until mixture loses its gloss. Quickly<br />
stir in pecans and spread on prepared sheet. Score into squares while<br />
warm; cut when firm. Source: http://allrecipes.com/<br />
28 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter
Geyer roofinG<br />
1. Hemp Seeds: Containing 10 essential amino acids, hemp seeds<br />
are composed of over 30% pure protein, making them an excellent<br />
daily protein source. They are also composed of 40% fiber, the highest<br />
amount of any grain on earth! Also containing disease-fighting<br />
phytosterols, studies show that hemp seeds or even hemp milk,<br />
support heart health and can provide nutritional support against<br />
many unpleasant disease.<br />
2. Sunflower Seeds: The perfect phytochemical-rich seed for those<br />
of us looking to lose weight, as they promote healthy digestion and<br />
increase fiber intake. Sunflower seeds are also extremely rich in<br />
folate, a very important nutrient for women. They are packed full of<br />
good fats, antioxidant-rich Vitamin E, selenium and copper, all crucial<br />
elements in supporting heart health and balancing troublesome<br />
cellular damage.<br />
3. Sesame seeds: Sesame seeds are very high in calcium, magnesium,<br />
zinc, fiber, iron, B1 and phosphorus, sesame seeds are unique in their<br />
chemical structure. Possessing important cholesterol-fighting fibers<br />
known as lignans, studies show that these seeds can lower blood<br />
pressure, as well as protect the liver from damage. Sesame seeds also<br />
may help prevent many health problems, including PMS.<br />
4. Pumpkin Seeds: Some scientific studies have shown that the<br />
components of pumpkin seeds may stop the triggering of cancerous<br />
behavior in male prostate cells. Pumpkin seeds are high in a form<br />
of antioxidant known as carotenoids, a special plant derivative that<br />
enhances immune activity and disease fighting capacities. These<br />
seeds are also high in omega-3 fatty acids and zinc, two important<br />
nutrients that may play a role in supporting skeletal health. Finally,<br />
pumpkin seed are high in phytosterols, plant components that aid in<br />
keeping stable levels of cholesterol and enhanced immune response.<br />
5. Chia seeds: Extremely tiny, yet extremely potent, these small seeds<br />
are packed full of fiber, protein, nutrient oils, various antioxidants and<br />
even calcium. Studies show that chia seeds stabilize the blood sugar,<br />
promote heart health, as well as increase weight loss. These amazing<br />
little seeds are an excellent source of high-quality fats, as they are<br />
made up of a whopping 34% pure omega-3 oils.<br />
Courtesy of: www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/healthy-seeds/<br />
• Plant fall flowering annuals where your spring annuals have bloomed<br />
out. Set our seeds like zinnia, marigold, cosmos, petunia and portulaca<br />
so you'll have color until frost. Don't let seedlings dry out.<br />
• In summer, prune roses to keep them in shape. Continue black<br />
spot and insect treatments. Water 2" once per week.<br />
• Remove spent crepe myrtle flowers to prolong bloom<br />
production.<br />
• Weeds rob plants of valuable water, nutrients--remove them.<br />
• Great sun/heat-lovers include coral honeysuckle,<br />
coreopsis, lantana, oleanders and hamelia.<br />
• Fertilize flowers lightly, if at all; too hot for heavy feedings.<br />
• Water your lawn longer but less frequent. Deep water of about 2<br />
- 3" per week forces plant roots to grow down, instead of sideways<br />
into sunbaked upper soil levels. Use a bowl in your yard to measure<br />
during waterings.<br />
<strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />
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Looking for the best free and cheap summer<br />
activities in Houston in <strong>2018</strong>? In a city this large,<br />
there’s no shortage of things to do in Houston this<br />
summer. From free outdoor concerts to story times<br />
for kids to theater performances and more, there’s<br />
ample summer fun for the whole family!<br />
Source: www.houstononthecheap.com<br />
MUSIC<br />
Looking to catch a little live music this summer?<br />
Check out these free and cheap summer<br />
concerts across the city:<br />
Free mezzanine and lawn seating at<br />
Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion.<br />
<strong>July</strong> 3 rd , 8 PM, Star-Spangled Salute<br />
<strong>July</strong> 16 th , 8 PM, The Music of David Bowie<br />
August 30 th , 8 PM, Blue Suede Tunes<br />
September 4 th , 8 PM, Rebels, Raiders & Superman:<br />
A Tribute to John Williams<br />
October 12 th , 8 PM, Hocus Pocus Pops<br />
Enjoy classical music outdoors free at Miller Outdoor<br />
Theatre. All showtimes start at 8:30 PM on the following<br />
dates: <strong>July</strong>: 4 th<br />
All shows are pay what you can with a $10 suggested<br />
donation.<br />
<strong>July</strong> 12 th , 7 PM, Arazeel<br />
<strong>July</strong> 26 th , 7 PM, Mariachi Imperial de America<br />
BOOKS<br />
There are free story time events all across the city all<br />
summer long. Here are some of our favorites that make<br />
our list for Houston summer activities for kids.<br />
Wednesdays in <strong>July</strong>, 10 AM. Introduce kids to magic of<br />
art and literature through fun and interactive activities<br />
for ages 3+. Bring a picnic lunch to enjoy in the garden<br />
after the event. Rienzi is the Museum of Fine Arts,<br />
Houston home, 1406 Kirby; free.<br />
Visit the park each Thursday for family story time<br />
at 10 AM with the Houston Public Library.<br />
Located at 3801 Eastside.<br />
Kids can practice reading to trained therapy dogs the 2 nd<br />
Sunday each month at 1 PM: <strong>July</strong> 8 th and August 12 th .<br />
Thursdays 3:30-4:30 PM in <strong>July</strong> and August with story<br />
time, fish feeding, touch tanks, crafts, games and prizes.<br />
The last week is a Summer Reading Party, 2909 Fountain<br />
View. (Watch the Fish Gallery Facebook page for exact<br />
dates since they haven’t been announced for <strong>2018</strong>.)<br />
Wednesdays, 4 PM. Free story time for kids with a variety<br />
of fun: live animals, puppets, short nature walks, crafts<br />
or songs and nature stories. Located at 7112 Newcastle.<br />
Tuesdays, 11 AM. Free story time. Located at<br />
The Woodlands Mall and Highland Village.<br />
Check out Houston library locations throughout the city<br />
this summer for weekly story times and fun activities for<br />
kids. Full calendar online.<br />
Houston Public Library, Harris County Public Library,<br />
Montgomery County Library, Fort Bend County Libraries,<br />
Brazoria County Library…<br />
Saturdays, 10:30 AM, at Discovery Green through end of<br />
August. Houston Arts Alliance, HPL Express and Writers<br />
in the Schools help kids learn to write at this weekly session,<br />
funded in part by a grant from the City of Houston.<br />
Limited to first 25 children, first-come, first-serve.<br />
Head to this independent bookshop in West Houston<br />
this summer for a variety of summer programs plus the<br />
regular 10 AM Thursday Story Time!<br />
Located at 14532 Memorial.<br />
From family-friendly live performances to date night<br />
showings, the theater scene is as hot as a Houston summer<br />
day! Here are some shows you won’t want to miss.<br />
All throughout the summer, you can head down to<br />
Miller Outdoor Theatre for free outdoor theater performances.<br />
The venue is a staple on any list of free things<br />
to do in Houston this summer. Now in its 95 th season,<br />
Miller Outdoor Theatre hosts everything from plays to<br />
musicals to children’s festivals. Entry is always free, but<br />
if you want to sit in the covered seating area you need<br />
to grab your free tickets at the box office the morning of<br />
the performance. Otherwise, you can bring a lawn chair<br />
or blanket for hillside seating.<br />
<strong>July</strong> 20 th - August 12 th<br />
See the live rendition of Disney’s classic hit Beauty and<br />
the Beast. The stage version includes all of your favorite<br />
songs from the movie, plus new songs and a great cast.<br />
<strong>July</strong> 20 th - August 5 th<br />
This modern twist on the Brothers Grimm weaves<br />
together several fairy tales, including Cinderella, Little<br />
Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel and more into a spectacular<br />
performance.<br />
MOVIES<br />
Free and cheap movies for kids and families are a staple<br />
for things to do in Houston this summer. Here are a few<br />
of our picks for the best deals.<br />
Cinemark: Movies are just $1 weekday mornings. Or get<br />
10 movies for only $5 paid in advance. Show days are<br />
usually Tuesday, Wednesday or both.<br />
Studio Movie Grill: Tickets are just $1 at Studio Movie<br />
Grill’s Children’s Summer Series. Catch the 10 AM show<br />
Monday through Friday at Copperfield, CityCentre and<br />
Pearland locations.<br />
Regal: $1 movies every Tuesday and Wednesday at 10<br />
AM for nine weeks. Both movies play BOTH days. Participating<br />
location is Edwards West Oaks Mall Stadium 14.<br />
Alamo Drafthouse Katy: Catch a cheap movie 7 days a<br />
week all summer. Choose your own ticket price ($1, $3,<br />
$5) and purchase online to reserve your spot. 100% of<br />
the ticket sales benefit Make-A-Wish Texas Gulf Coast<br />
and Louisiana (Houston chapter). This is for Alamo<br />
Drafthouse Katy @ Mason Park.<br />
Premiere Cinemas: Enjoy free movies at Premiere<br />
Renaissance Theater at Greenspoint Mall Tuesdays<br />
& Wednesdays, 10 AM. Through August 8 th . Premiere<br />
Cinemas Pearland Wednesdays, 10 AM. Free movies at<br />
Premiere Cinemas Tomball<br />
Tuesdays and Wednesdays as well.<br />
Showbiz Cinemas: Enjoy 50¢ movies at ShowBiz Cinemas<br />
Tuesday mornings, 9:30 AM in Kingwood. Follow<br />
their Facebook page for dates for <strong>2018</strong> as they haven’t<br />
been announced yet.<br />
Every summer during the month of August, Miller<br />
Outdoor Theatre typically hosts free outdoor movies<br />
for families on various nights. Follow their calendar for<br />
details as dates approach.<br />
Movies will play throughout the summer at Discovery<br />
Green. Located at 1500 McKinney.<br />
Stand by Me (<strong>July</strong> 26 th , 8:30 PM), Field of Dreams (August<br />
24 th , 8:30 PM) are some of the free movies that will<br />
be playing on the lawn at the park. Located at 301 Milam.<br />
The Sandlot (<strong>July</strong> 11 th ), La La Land (August 8 th ). 8 PM fun<br />
& 9 PM movie. Located at 800 Town and Country Blvd.<br />
Catch free movies this summer at Central Green Park in<br />
Katy! Get the schedule here. Blankets and lawn chairs<br />
welcome. South end of LaCenterra,<br />
23501 Cinco Ranch Blvd.<br />
Paddington 2 (<strong>July</strong> 14 th ), Peter Rabbit (August 11 th ) -<br />
start times vary.<br />
Catch a free family movie the second Saturday of every<br />
month in Tomball.<br />
Deep (<strong>July</strong> 7 th ), Wonder Woman (August 4 th ), Wrinkle in<br />
Time (September 1 st ).<br />
Every summer, Pearland Town Square hosts a free outdoor<br />
movie series that’s fun for the whole family. Details<br />
haven’t been announced yet for this year’s movies but<br />
check their calendar for current info. Movies usually<br />
begin at dusk<br />
Enjoy a double feature outdoors under the stars.<br />
Adults are $8 and kids $6. Located in Hockley off 2920.<br />
30 <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong> | <strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter
The Houston area is home to some of the world’s finest<br />
museums and art exhibits. Make sure you take advantage<br />
of these this summer.<br />
Buffalo Soldiers National Museum - Thursday 1-5 PM<br />
Houston Museum of Natural Science - Thursday 2- 5 PM<br />
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston - Thursday 10 AM-9 PM<br />
- Kids 12 & under free every day<br />
Children’s Museum of Houston - Thursday 5- 8 PM<br />
The Health Museum - Thursday 2- 7 PM<br />
Holocaust Museum Houston - Thursday 2- 5 PM<br />
Houston Museum of African-American Culture -<br />
Thursday 6- 8 PM<br />
Czech Center Museum Houston -<br />
Last Monday each month, Noon- 4 PM<br />
Don’t miss these great cultural experiences and learning<br />
opportunities in Houston’s Museum District that are<br />
always-free: Asia Society Texas, Houston Center for<br />
Photography, Contemporary Arts Museum Houston,<br />
Rothko Chapel, Lawndale Art Center and more.<br />
Take advantage of a discount to Houston Museum of<br />
Natural Science with $10 admission ($25 value), thanks<br />
to Goldstar. This admission allows you to explore many<br />
permanent exhibits including the McGovern Hall of the<br />
Americas, Cullen Hall of Gems and Minerals,<br />
Wiess Energy Hall and the Hall of Paleontology.<br />
Check out the great deals below:<br />
Exhibit Hall Admission - $10 (regularly $25)<br />
Butterfly Habitat & Exhibit Hall - 50% off<br />
Exhibit Hall & Planetarium Show - 50% off<br />
Who could be more focused on kid fun this summer<br />
than this museum? Children’s Museum is open seven<br />
days a week for a great summer with weekly themes,<br />
action-packed activities, performances, character appearances<br />
and extraordinary events. Admission is $12<br />
for adults and children (age 1+), $11 seniors. Kids under<br />
1 are free. Don’t forget - you can get discounted access<br />
to the Children’s Museum and four other top Houston<br />
attractions for nearly half off with Houston CityPass.<br />
Kids 6 and up can explore mysteries at Bayou Bend Collection<br />
and Gardens. Kids will learn about horticulture,<br />
art, design and American history as they solve seasonal<br />
riddles. Each detective receives a clipboard and magnifying<br />
glass. Hunts in the garden: Tuesday - Saturday,<br />
10 AM-4 PM, Sundays 1-4 PM. Hunts in the house: 1-4<br />
PM, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Kids 18 and under free.<br />
Adults, $10. Recommend 6-12 years.<br />
The Beer Can House and Art Car Museum are some fun<br />
cultural institutions with a twist! Beer Can House is $5 for<br />
adults and free for kids 12 and under. It’s open Saturday<br />
and Sunday, noon-5 PM. Art Car Museum has 3-4 art cars<br />
that rotate quarterly along with new art in the gallery.<br />
Admission is free. It’s open<br />
Wednesday - Sunday, 11 AM-6 PM.<br />
The sun is shining and that means there’s plenty of<br />
summer fun in Houston for people of all ages. Here are<br />
some outdoor activities to enjoy.<br />
Family-friendly talks, nature walks, live animals,<br />
crafts & snacks. Russ Pittman Park in Bellaire,<br />
7112 Newcastle in Bellaire. $10/family.<br />
Throughout the summer, Katy Prairie Conservancy will<br />
host various outdoor events that are fun, engaging and<br />
educational for the whole family. Check their calendar<br />
for upcoming events. Located in Waller at Indiangrass<br />
Preserve, 31950 Hebert Rd., Waller.<br />
There are so many activities and events planned at this<br />
park in Humble. From learning about dragonflies, flags<br />
of Texas, junior canoe training and more. Check out the<br />
full calendar. Some require advance registration.<br />
Enjoy free salsa dance lessons every Friday night<br />
through August 17 th , 7-11 PM. Lessons are taught by professional<br />
salsa dancers. A live band will perform the last<br />
Friday each month. Located at 410 Bagby at Memorial.<br />
It’s the largest Skate Park in North America at 78,000 sq.<br />
ft. Admission is free! The skate park is open 8 AM-10 PM<br />
all summer Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday<br />
and Saturday and 10 AM-9 PM Sunday.<br />
Closed Tuesdays.<br />
1 st and 3 rd Fridays year round: Arrive 30 minutes before<br />
sunset to hear a brief presentation on Waugh Bridge Bat<br />
Colony. Watch bats emerge under the Waugh Bridge.<br />
Meet on the platform at Waugh Drive and Allen Parkway.<br />
Free public parking at Spotts Park, 401 S. Heights Blvd<br />
at Memorial.<br />
Free to explore 5 miles of trails in the 155-acre urban<br />
nature preserve. Open 7 AM-7 PM. Enjoy interactive<br />
exhibits and activities in the Discovery Room. Located<br />
near Memorial Park and Loop 610.<br />
The pool celebrates 22 years this summer. Noah’s Ark<br />
Pool is an amazing destination! The area also includes<br />
a full-size swimming pool with two slides and two diving<br />
boards. Open through August 25 th , Monday-Saturday,<br />
10 AM-4 PM. $7.50 each (under age 1 free). Twilight<br />
Tuesday swim night is $5 admission from 6:30-9 PM.<br />
Noah’s Ark pool only August 28 th -September 1 st (10<br />
AM-2 PM). 10570 Westpark. Playground and basketball<br />
pavilion also on site.<br />
Enjoy a free 90-minute cruise along the Houston Ship<br />
Channel. Tours are available Wednesday through<br />
Saturday, 10 AM and 2:30 PM run time plus 2:30 PM<br />
Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Closed Monday and<br />
Tuesday. The M/V Sam Houston has been operating as<br />
a public vessel since 1958. Reservations are first-come,<br />
first-served and must be at least 24 hours in advance.<br />
Spots are full until August. Reserve a tour spot online<br />
or call 713-670-2416. Located at 7300 Clinton Drive.<br />
Source: www.houstononthecheap.com<br />
More than 20 free splashpads throughout the city.<br />
Noon-5 PM. Sundays in Nature. Admission is free. Last<br />
entrance will be 4 PM. Hike trails with naturalist interpreter,<br />
view live reptiles, relive 1895 history. 8500 Bay<br />
Area Blvd., Pasadena. Each month has a different theme.<br />
Take a day trip to Galveston and enjoy walking along<br />
the Seawall, building sandcastles, playing in the water<br />
or shopping on the Strand. Parking is $8/day or $1/hour<br />
along the Seawall if you can find it! Or head to Stewart<br />
Beach ($10-$12 per vehicle), which is known as Galveston’s<br />
family beach. Plenty to do with the pavilion, beach<br />
volleyball courts, concessions and the beach! Lifeguards<br />
are on site at Stewart Beach. Located at 201 Seawall<br />
Blvd. Take a free ride on the Galveston-Port Bolivar ferry,<br />
with up to 5 ferries operating in the summer.<br />
OTHER<br />
Enjoy over 130,000 square feet of aviation history and<br />
activities. With more than 40 vintage planes on premises<br />
and cool activities like virtual flights, it’s fun for the<br />
whole family.<br />
Visit the Houston Police Department stables and feed<br />
the horses. Visit Monday-Friday, Noon-2 PM for unscheduled<br />
visits. Bring apples, carrots and peppermints<br />
for the horses (limit 2 each). There are close to 40 horses<br />
and a couple donkeys! Saturdays and Sundays, visits<br />
must be scheduled ahead of time by calling<br />
832-394-0394. Located at 5005 Little York Rd.<br />
Get free admission and free parking the first day of this<br />
annual Houston favorite, Wednesday, <strong>July</strong> 18 th , 9 AM-3<br />
PM. Or save $5 all day Thursday with $10 admission with<br />
kids 12 and under free. Located at NRG. The dog show<br />
runs <strong>July</strong> 18 th -22 nd .<br />
2 for Tuesday returns this summer at Downtown Aquarium.<br />
Buy One All-Day Adventure Pass for $20.99 and get<br />
one free. About $11 per person. This is valid through<br />
August with the coupon. A new coupon will be published<br />
each month. You can also visit the Downtown Aquarium<br />
on the cheap with CityPass. CityPass gives you access to<br />
five of Houston’s top attractions at 49% off.<br />
First Tuesday and Wednesday each month, 3-7 PM with<br />
reservations required. Available at LEGO stores (Galleria,<br />
The Woodlands Mall and Baybrook Mall). Register<br />
online. Sign up at the store or sign up online as a VIP<br />
member - free registration.<br />
This museum in Rosenberg offers tours for all ages. Learn<br />
everything about trains from the science, safety to the<br />
history of the railroad. Adults, $7.50; seniors, $6 and<br />
kids 2-14, $5. Closed Monday and Tuesday. Located at<br />
1921 Avenue F in Rosenberg, 35 miles SW of Houston.<br />
At Copperfield Bowl, Emerald Bowl and Max Bowl Humble.<br />
Kids can bowl two free games every day all summer.<br />
<strong>Eldridge</strong> Echoes Community Newsletter | <strong>July</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />
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