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WELCOME!<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Company turns 52 years old in 2017, and we’ve come a long<br />
way since Flo and Bob Irwin started shipping orders for aircraft grade spruce from the basement<br />
of our family home in Fullerton.<br />
Back in 1965, <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> had one full time employee (Flo) and one product; aircraft<br />
spruce. Over the years, every type of aircraft part and pilot product has been added to<br />
our inventory, and the company catalog has grown to over 1,000 pages and over 100,000<br />
products. The one employee has increased to over 170 today. From the day Flo opened the<br />
doors in 1965, to 1980 when we took the helm, all the way to 2017, the goal of our company<br />
is to offer the best price on the products we sell and the best service in the industry.<br />
Our growth over the years has been made possible by the support of our customers worldwide,<br />
and every member of the <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> team is committed to living by our Mission Statement on every order, every day.<br />
We hope that you will enjoy using this latest edition of the <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> catalog to locate the aircraft parts and pilot supplies you<br />
need. You can also shop on-line on our website at Place your orders by phone with our knowledgeable,<br />
friendly sales agents, fax your order to our 24 hour fax line, or order online through our easy-to-use website.<br />
Our thanks to all of our customers worldwide for their patronage over the past 52 years; we look forward to serving you soon.<br />
At AIRCRAFT SPRUCE & SPECIALTY, we recognize that the CUSTOMER is #1. We will do everything in<br />
our power to make sure the customer is satisfied with their experience with <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty.<br />
At AIRCRAFT SPRUCE & SPECIALTY, we will sell only the highest quality products at the lowest price.<br />
At AIRCRAFT SPRUCE & SPECIALTY, it is our goal to provide everything for airplanes for our customers.<br />
We either carry or can special order the items our customers want or need.<br />
At AIRCRAFT SPRUCE & SPECIALTY, we will ship every order taken for in stock products the same day.<br />
We are committed to doing whatever is necessary to ship our customers orders accurately, completely, and<br />
on time.<br />
At AIRCRAFT SPRUCE & SPECIALTY, we will solve our customers’ problems quickly, fairly, and efficiently,<br />
on the customer’s FIRST call.<br />
At AIRCRAFT SPRUCE & SPECIALTY, we will work together as a team to reach our goal: 100% customer<br />
satisfaction.<br />
There has never been an easier way to access thousands of aviation products<br />
than visiting www.<strong>Aircraft</strong><strong>Spruce</strong>.com. The <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> website provides easy<br />
access to information on all of the products contained in this catalog 24/7. Place<br />
your order online and confirm the order in real time as they are processed. View<br />
backorder status and product availability.<br />
Our 1,000+ page Parts <strong>Catalog</strong> is available for download in pdf format online 24<br />
hours a day.<br />
Customers can also get up to the minute account and order status anytime of<br />
the day. You have real time access to your account information when you want<br />
and need it. Open order status and your filled order history is always available<br />
and updated daily. Our partnership with our freight carriers, like UPS provide you<br />
with up to the minute shipping information including package status, scheduling,<br />
and delivery.<br />
Try our new “Shop by <strong>Aircraft</strong>” parts guide. We have compiled the application<br />
data for a number of common general aviation aircraft so our customers can easily<br />
find their applicable standard replacement parts.<br />
• Fast, Easy, Convenient! • Check order status! • 24-hour access to all of our products!<br />
NAME:<br />
CUSTOMER #:<br />
A complete and detailed index can be found at the back of this book.<br />
877-477-7823 • 800-861-3192<br />
Mon. - Fri.: 5:00am - 6:00pm, Sat.: 7:00am–3:30pm<br />
800-329-3020<br />
SHOP ON-LINE<br /><br /><br />
800-826-3160<br />
225 Airport Circle, Corona, CA 92880-2527<br />
Phone: (951) 372-9555 • Fax: (951) 372-0555<br />
Mon. thru Fri.: 7:00am–4:00pm • Saturday: 7:00am–3:30pm<br />
452 Dividend Drive, Peachtree City, GA 30269<br />
Ph: (770) 487-2310 • Fax: (770) 487-2308<br />
Mon. thru Fri.: 8:00am–7:00pm • Saturday: 10:00am–6:30pm<br />
27 York Rd.Brantford, ON N3T-6H2<br />
Mailing: P.O. Box 3731<br />
Ph: (519) 759-5017 • Fax: (519) 759-8964<br />
Mon. thru Fri.: 8:00am–5:00pm • Saturday: 8:00am–3:00pm<br /> • email:<br />
While we try to offer everything you might need for your aircraft, there<br />
are some products that you may not find listed in this catalog. Let us<br />
help! Just give our Sales Department a call on our Toll Free number and<br />
provide our Sales representative with as much information as possible<br />
on the parts you need. They will source the product for you and provide<br />
a quotation and lead time for the product as quickly as possible.<br />
NOTICE! Many parts in this catalog are NOT FAA approved.<br />
Unless our catalog specifically indicates a part has a PMA (Parts<br />
Manufacturers Approval), that part may not be certified or approved<br />
for aviation use. The selling of a part should not be construed as a<br />
representation that the part is certified or approved for aviation use, nor<br />
can <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co. include instructions for use or warnings<br />
unless provided by the manufacturer or distributor. Any concerns<br />
the purchaser may have about the suitability of a part for aviation use,<br />
instructions for use or warnings, should be promptly directed to the<br />
manufacturer.<br />
In as much as <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co. has no opportunity to<br />
supervise the manufacture, installation or maintenance of the parts supplied<br />
by it, nor any opportunity to participate in the design or manufacture<br />
of the various certificated and homebuilt aircraft in which its parts are<br />
utilized, the purchaser by placing this order and accepting said merchandise<br />
from <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co. agrees that all materials<br />
purchased will be used solely at purchaser’s risk and that purchaser<br />
will indemnify and hold <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co., its owners and<br />
employees, free and harmless from all loss, liability or damage resulting<br />
from claims brought by reasons of any alleged failure or defect of any<br />
part or parts supplied by <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co.<br />
Glass Cloth, Resins, Foams, Tools, Safety Equipment, Kevlar, Graphite<br />
WOOD PRODUCTS (WP) Pg.- 43-50<br />
<strong>Spruce</strong>, Balsa, Ply wood, Glues<br />
METALS & PLASTICS (ME) Pg.- 51-62<br />
4130 Steel, Aluminum, Tubing, Sheet, Rod, Bar, Angle, Hinge, Copper<br />
Tubing, Firewall Metals, Trailing Edge, Channel, Plastics, Plexiglas,<br />
Lexan, Nylon, Phenolic & Acrylic Tube Rod<br />
HARDWARE (HA)Pg.- 63-120<br />
Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Screws, Fittings, Fas ten ers, Rivets, Nails, Rivnuts<br />
AIRFRAME PARTS (AP) Pg.- 121-287<br />
Rubber Goods, Grom mets, Hose O-Rings, Shock Mounts, Shock Cords,<br />
Channels, Control System Components, Fuel Supplies, Bearings, Tie<br />
Rods, Throttles & Controls, Propellers, Spinners, Cowlings, Windshields,<br />
Seat Belts & Harnesses<br />
LANDING GEAR (LG) Pg.- 288-331<br />
Wheels & Brakes, Tires & Tubes, Axles, Tailwheels<br />
ENGINE PARTS (EP) Pg.- 332-457<br />
Magnetos, Carburetors, Starters, Gen era tors, Al ter na tors, Spark Plugs,<br />
Ignition Harnesses, Engines, Exhaust Stacks, Engine Mounts, Air & Oil<br />
Filters<br />
COVERING SUPPLIES (CS) Pg.- 458-535<br />
Fabric, Tapes, Inspection Rings, Grom mets, Paint Brushes, Dopes,<br />
Thinners, Finishes, Chemical Products, Registration Stencils, Plac ards,<br />
Decals<br />
INSTRUMENTS (IN) Pg.- 536-614<br />
Vac uum Pumps, Pitot Tubes, Shock Mounts, Instrument Overhaul,<br />
Ta chome ter Cables<br />
ELECTRICAL (EL) Pg.- 615-703<br />
Batteries, Lights, Strobes, Electrical Wire & Terminals<br />
AVIONICS (AV) Pg.- 704-813<br />
Custom Panels, Radios, Antennas, ELT’S, Encoders, GPS, Headsets,<br />
Intercoms, Accessories<br />
TOOLS (TO) Pg.- 814-925<br />
Tubing Benders & Cutters, Rivet Guns, Wire Twisters, Spray Guns,<br />
Welding Equip ment, Spark Plug Tools, Safety Equipment<br />
PILOT SUP PLIES (PS) Pg.- 926-1050<br />
Oxygen Equip ment, Tiedown Kits, Goggles, Sun Glasses, Videos,<br />
Charts, Flight Cases, Tow Bars, Parachutes.<br />
BOOKS & VIDEOS (BV) Pg.- 1051-1094<br />
Construction & Aviation Videos, Instructional Materials, Pilot Guides, Log<br />
Books, <strong>Aircraft</strong> Manuals, General Aviation Books, E-Books<br />
COPYRIGHT © <strong>2018</strong> AIRCRAFT SPRUCE & SPECIALTY<br />
Cover photo courtesy of:<br />
Mike Fizer, AOPA<br />
CM<br />
WP<br />
ME<br />
HA<br />
AP<br />
LG<br />
EP<br />
CS<br />
IN<br />
EL<br />
AV<br />
TO<br />
PS<br />
BV<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 1
Bob and Flo Irwin<br />
201 West Truslow Ave, Fullerton CA.<br />
Home of <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> from 1973 to 1997<br />
Present Home of <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> West<br />
(225 Airport Circle, Corona, CA.)<br />
Present Home of <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> East<br />
(452 Dividend Drive, Peachtree City, GA)<br />
The foundation for what is now <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co. dates<br />
to the summer of 1956 when Flo and Bob Irwin founded Fullerton Air<br />
Parts at Fullerton Municipal Airport in Southern California. Bob, born<br />
and raised in Kansas City, MO., a pilot since the 1940’s and active<br />
in the CAP and other aviation groups, knew airplanes and the parts<br />
that were needed to keep them flying. Flo, a native of Rochester, New<br />
York, had no aviation background but learned the business quickly<br />
and knew what it would take to keep customers coming back... fair<br />
prices and good service. Fullerton Air Parts grew into one of the largest<br />
retail aircraft parts suppliers in the western states during the next<br />
nine years.<br />
In 1965, Bob and Flo Irwin sold the business and founded another<br />
one which sold only one product, aircraft grade spruce lumber for aircraft<br />
construction and restoration. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> Co. quickly added<br />
more products to its small catalog and adopted the name <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
<strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co., with a goal to offer everything pilots and<br />
aircraft builders need. As <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> served more customers<br />
and more and more products were added, staff grew from 2 in 1965<br />
to over 180 today.<br />
Jim Irwin, Bob and Flo’s older son, grew up in the business, working<br />
in jobs such as cutting metal and spruce, pulling and shipping orders,<br />
and managing kit programs such as the Vari-Eze back in 1975 while<br />
still in college. Graduating from California State University at Fullerton<br />
in 1978 with a degree in business administration (marketing), Jim<br />
acquired the company and became president in 1980. Jim’s wife<br />
Nanci, who graduated with an accounting degree from the University<br />
of Southern California in 1977, is vice-president and works full time<br />
managing the company’s accounting and data processing departments.<br />
Jim Irwin has logged over 5000 hours as a multi-engine,<br />
instrument rated pilot since 1976 and Nanci Irwin is a licensed private<br />
pilot as well. They fly the company Cessna 425 extensively on<br />
business throughout the Southwest. Jim and Nanci Irwin have four<br />
children: Mike, Krissy, Jeff, and Rob, who are all members of the<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> management team. Mike and Jeff are pilots and fly<br />
the company’s Navion Rangemaster.<br />
Flo and Bob Irwin, along with Jim’s younger brother John, moved<br />
to Lake Havasu City, Arizona in the fall of 1983 and founded ACS<br />
Products Co., which manufactures a line of products which is distributed<br />
by <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong>. Flo Irwin passed away on June 10, 1989,<br />
but the legacy of this warm, outgoing, and talented businesswoman<br />
lives on in the businesses she founded and built to serve the aviation<br />
community. John Irwin, his wife, Frances, and Bob Irwin now manage<br />
the ACS Products Co. operation. Bob Irwin was an instrument rated<br />
pilot with more than 2000 hours logged and based his 1968 Navion<br />
Rangemaster at Lake Havasu City until May 2000 when Bob retired<br />
as a pilot, after fifty years of flying, and moved the Navion to Chino<br />
Airport for his grandchildren to fly. Prior to acquiring the Rangemaster<br />
in 1976, Bob owned a Vultee BT-13B and a 1949 Ryan Navion. Bob<br />
Irwin passed away on June 26, 2015 at the age of 95, after being<br />
active in general aviation as a pilot and businessman for over 65<br />
years.<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> was housed in downtown Fullerton, CA. from its<br />
founding in 1965 until late 1997. The last 24 years in Fullerton the<br />
company was operated in a historic Fullerton former citrus packing<br />
house, which we eventually outgrew. In the fall of 1997, <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
<strong>Spruce</strong> moved to a new, 62,000 square foot facility in Corona,<br />
California. In the Spring of 2004, <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> East moved to a<br />
new 56,000 Sq. Ft. facility in Peachtree City, GA from its old home<br />
in Griffin, GA. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> Canada was opened in Toronto in<br />
December 2006, and moved to a new facility at Brantford Airport in<br />
Ontario in late 2008. In late 2012 <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> Canada moved into<br />
a new 20,000 square foot facility at Brantford Airport. We are proud<br />
of the tradition of our company that now dates back some 52 years,<br />
and are pleased to have had the opportunity to help aviators around<br />
the world build the plane of their dreams. Our growth, from a single<br />
room in 1965 to 120,000 square feet in three facilities that we have<br />
today, has been a direct result of the loyalty and patronage of our<br />
customers. Our goal is to continue to provide the very best in products,<br />
prices, and customer service to our friends in the years to come.<br />
2<br />
1965 – <strong>2018</strong><br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> West was located in a 27,000 split level packing<br />
house in downtown Fullerton, CA. from 1973 until 1997. Built in<br />
1924 by the Union Pacific Railroad, the Building was known as<br />
the Elephant Packing House named after the original lease holder<br />
operating a citrus packing operation there. In 1996, <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong><br />
acquired a 5-acre parcel near the airport in Corona, CA. Construction<br />
for the new home of <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> West began in March 1997. In<br />
September of 1997, the new 62,000 sq. ft. facility was completed and<br />
operations were moved from Fullerton to Corona. The Corona facility<br />
features 10,000 sq.ft. of office space, a large, automated warehouse,<br />
separate workshops for preparation of metal and wood orders, and a<br />
huge retail store for fly-in and drive-in customers. Visitors are always<br />
welcome at <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> West.<br />
Phone: (951) 372-9555<br />
email:<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> East is located on Falcon Field (FCC) in Peachtree<br />
City, GA. 20 miles southwest of Atlanta. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> East was<br />
formally located in a 27,000 sq.foot building in Griffin, GA which was<br />
the former home of Alexander Aeroplane Co., prior to the acquisition<br />
by <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> in January 1996. The new facility in Peachtree<br />
City is 56,000 sq. ft. and became the new home of <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong><br />
East in March of 2004. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> East ships hundreds of orders<br />
each day to customers worldwide and features a fully stocked aircraft<br />
parts and pilot supply store. Be sure to visit <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> East any<br />
time you are in the Atlanta area.<br />
Phone: (770) 487-2310<br />
email:<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> Canada is located at the Brantford Municipal Airport<br />
in Brantford, Ontario, about an hour drive south from Toronto. A<br />
retail store is available to customers who fly or drive to the Brantford<br />
Airport to purchase aircraft parts, avionics, and pilot supplies.<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> Canada also provides same day shipping to customers<br />
throughout Canada from our new 20,000 square foot facility.<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> builders and owners in Canada have full access to products<br />
sold by <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> in the United States at competitive prices<br />
and shipping rates. Shipping options include Canada Post, UPS,<br />
FedEx, DHL, Dicom, and Purolator. Make plans to visit <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
<strong>Spruce</strong> Canada anytime you are in the Greater Toronto Area.<br />
Phone: (519) 759-5017<br />
email:<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co. serves our customers worldwide<br />
through International Representatives in over 55 countries. These<br />
countries include: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia,<br />
Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus,<br />
Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, France,<br />
Germany, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan,<br />
Korea, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico,<br />
Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru,<br />
Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Singapore,<br />
Slovak Republic, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan,<br />
Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uruguay,<br />
Venezuela.<br />
For complete contact information for any of our <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong><br />
International Representatives, please call 1-877-4-SPRUCE or visit<br />
our website at<br />
Image Courtesy of:<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 3
President<br />
Vice President<br />
Director of Operations - West<br />
Director of Operations - East<br />
Vice President -<br />
Procurement<br />
Vice President -<br />
Operations<br />
Vice President -<br />
Marketing<br />
Human Resources Manager<br />
Inside Sales Manager<br />
Avionics Sales<br />
Manager<br />
Product Support<br />
Manager<br />
Warehouse Manager –<br />
West<br />
Outside Sales Manager<br />
Accounting Manager<br />
Logistics Manager<br />
International Sales<br />
Manager<br />
Customer Service<br />
Manager<br />
SCOTT<br />
Shop Manager – West<br />
WALKER<br />
Office Manager – East<br />
Shipping Manager<br />
Warehouse Manager –<br />
East<br />
General Manager –<br />
Canada<br />
Warehouse Manager –<br />
Canada<br />
4<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
AIRCRAFT SPRUCE WEST STAFF - JUNE <strong>2018</strong><br />
AIRCRAFT SPRUCE EAST STAFF - JUNE <strong>2018</strong><br />
AIRCRAFT SPRUCE CANADA STAFF - JUNE <strong>2018</strong><br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 5
At <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Company, we handle every order with the same care and diligence that we did our first order<br />
back in 1965. Here is a glimpse of some of the many departments that process thousands of orders each week and ship them<br />
to our customers around the world.<br />
Orders may be placed by mail, FAX, email, and online at,<br />
or as most customers prefer, by phone with one of<br />
our friendly, helpful sales persons. Your order is quickly input into our<br />
computer system and printed immediately in the warehouse.<br />
Our large staff of order pickers receive the orders in the ware house,<br />
fill the order and pass it along to the shipping de part ment for careful<br />
packaging and shipment. We carry over 100,000 different in ven tory<br />
items!<br />
Warehouse inventory is carefully arranged in computer part number<br />
sequence for fast and accurate order completion. As your single<br />
source supplier, <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> stocks lumber, ply wood, metals,<br />
com pos ites, hardware, instruments, tools, cov er ing supplies, avionics....and<br />
everything in between! Walk-in customers are invited<br />
to visit our stores located at our warehouses in Corona, CA and<br />
Peachtree City, GA, and Brantford Canada.<br />
Orders for specially cut steel and aluminum tubing, sheet, bar and<br />
plate are no problem here, and are processed on a daily basis.<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> furnishes raw materials to large end users in huge<br />
quantities at volume discounts, as well as cut pieces as small as one<br />
foot to homebuilders. Whatever you need, we’ve got it!<br />
Hand selected aircraft grade spruce lumber was our very first product,<br />
and remains one of our specialty products today. All of our<br />
spruce is certified to MIL-S-6073 and is custom milled, inspected and<br />
packaged according to customer specifications.<br />
An average of 2,500 packages per day leave the <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong><br />
warehouses in Corona, CA, Peachtree City, GA, and Brantford ON,<br />
Canada via UPS, Parcel Post, Federal Express, air freight or sea<br />
freight on their way to our customers throughout the United States<br />
and worldwide. Our state-of-the-art in-house computer systems with<br />
complete order tracking capability make <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty<br />
Company the smart choice as your complete supplier for aviation<br />
materials and components.<br />
6<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
EAA & AOPA<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> purchased the former home of<br />
Paul and Audrey Poberezny in Oshkosh, WI in<br />
2017 and makes the home available to the EAA<br />
for tours and special events. The original stone<br />
farmhouse is over 100 years old and was Paul and<br />
Audrey’s home from 1991 until his death in 2013.<br />
Located near Wittman Field, the 9 acre estate<br />
reflects the standards and culture the Pobereznys<br />
utilized in building the world’s leading sport aviation<br />
organization, EAA, and the world’s premier<br />
aviation event, AirVenture. This home hosted<br />
many of aviations leaders and icons, and countless<br />
aviation artifacts and photos representing<br />
the relationships and events that shaped Paul’s<br />
remarkable life are on display throughout the<br />
home, providing insight into the lifetime passion<br />
and vision of one of aviation’s greatest leaders. This is where Paul built airplanes, read about aviation<br />
history, and wrote countless letters and articles. As he often said, “There isn’t a day that goes<br />
by that I don’t say the word airplane”.<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> and the Irwin family have maintained a close relationship with the Poberezny family<br />
and EAA for over 50 years and is honored to have the opportunity to partner with the EAA to make<br />
this historic home available to EAA members and aviation enthusiasts in the years ahead.<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> has been a major<br />
sponsor of EAA for many years, providing<br />
donations and materials for<br />
EAA SportAir Workshops, AirVenture<br />
Forums and Workshops, EAA Webinars,<br />
Young Eagles, and many regional and<br />
local EAA events.<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> provides discounts on orders placed by EAA<br />
members using the EAA credit card. The discount varies on<br />
every product, and there are certain products on which discounts<br />
are not permitted by the manufacturer. The maximum discount<br />
is 10%, and the price with discount applied can be provided by<br />
the <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> sales agent or online. When you use the EAA<br />
Platinum Visa credit card our system recognizes the card and<br />
applies applicable discounts to each product.<br />
For more information on cardholder benefits, please go to:<br /><br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> has been a sponsor and advertiser with AOPA for<br />
decades. In 2012, <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> became the first aviation supply<br />
company to join AOPA as a Strategic Partner. This partnership<br />
provides funding and support for the many AOPA programs that<br />
are essential to the growth of general aviation. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> is<br />
proud to help support AOPA’s efforts to grow general aviation and<br />
protect pilots’ rights.<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> also offers AOPA members valuable benefits<br />
through special promotions and programs.<br />
To become an AOPA member or get more information about<br />
the association, please visit<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 7
We want all aviators to have access to the<br />
wide range of products and services offered<br />
by <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong>. Just give us a call on our<br />
toll free order line, send us a request for a<br />
catalog by fax, mail, or e-mail, and we’ll<br />
have a complimentary copy of our catalog<br />
on the way to you the same day. Our catalog<br />
is also available on CD, or for download<br />
in pdf format at If<br />
you know of someone who needs a catalog,<br />
please let us know.<br />
Note: Free Shipping on catalogs shipped within the USA (including Alaska +<br />
Hawaii). Canadian and international catalog orders will incur a $15 freight charge via<br />
Bulk Mail. Additional items may incur additional freight charges. Expedited shipping<br />
will incur additional freight charges.<br />
Print <strong>Catalog</strong> ...................................... P/N 01-38400 ...................... FREE<br />
CD <strong>Catalog</strong> ........................................ P/N 01-00612 ...................... FREE<br />
Stop by one of our stores to view and purchase<br />
the many items listed in the <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
<strong>Spruce</strong> catalog. The <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> West<br />
store is open Monday thru Friday 8:00am<br />
to 6:00pm, and Saturday 7:00am to<br />
3:00pm. The Will Call store at <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> East is open Monday thru<br />
Friday 8:00am to 6:00pm, and Saturday 8:00am to 4:00pm. The <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
<strong>Spruce</strong> Canada store is open Monday thru Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm,<br />
Saturday 9:00am to 3:00pm. Call either office ahead of time to place<br />
your order and we will have it ready for pick-up upon your arrival. The<br />
staff at <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> West, East, and Canada welcome your visits.<br />
8<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> Online provides customers<br />
with up to the minute account and order<br />
status utilizing their own personal computers.<br />
The <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> Web Site provides information<br />
on many of the products contained<br />
in this catalog, real time access to account<br />
information, open order status and filled order history available daily.<br />
Confirm order on line in real time as they are processed, and view backorder<br />
status and product availability. In addition, our partnership with<br />
UPS provides you with up to the minute shipping information including<br />
package status, scheduling, and delivery exception.<br /><br />
Your satisfaction is our number one priority. This is why we include a<br />
Customer Comment Card in every order we ship. Please take a moment<br />
to complete the few questions on the card and give us any comments<br />
or suggestions you might have. Simply drop the postage paid card in<br />
the mail to return to our California headquarters. Your response helps<br />
us monitor our level of service and ensure that we are performing well<br />
for you.<br />
Orders placed by 4:00 pm EST and 4:00 pm PST Monday-Friday for<br />
“off-the-shelf”, in-stock items are normally shipped same day from the<br />
respective location (Peachtree City, GA or Corona, CA). Our shipping<br />
departments are closed on Saturdays and Sundays.<br />
Although we stock the vast majority of the items in our catalog, we cannot<br />
assure that they will all be on hand at all times. We ship every order<br />
as quickly as possible, and in the event of a delay, be assured that<br />
we are working hard to get your order shipped promptly. Due to order<br />
volume during holidays, we cannot guarantee that all orders placed can<br />
ship on the day after the holiday closure.<br />
Orders for spruce, tubing and other special cut products may take a few<br />
days to ship depending on order volume. Special order products ship<br />
base on the lead times of each manufacturer. Note: Special Instructions<br />
may delay shipment of your order.<br />
In order to ensure efficient, accurate processing of orders in the warehouse,<br />
we have several restrictions for adding on to placed orders. The<br />
restrictions include:<br />
Orders that have “Packed” or “Invoiced” status<br />
Orders qualifying for free shipping<br />
Orders placed by PayPal<br />
Orders containing special order items<br />
We have also implemented a 1:00 pm local time cutoff for add-ons at the<br />
respective origin warehouse on the day the order is shipping.<br />
If the order has an “open” status and it is before the 1:00 pm cutoff, you<br />
can add on to it using the website in the “Order Self Help” screen or by<br />
calling our Customer Service department. If we cannot add products to<br />
the open order due to the restrictions listed above, we will be glad to take<br />
a new order for the additional products.<br />
We have looked for a more customer friendly packing material alternative<br />
for some time, and we are pleased to announce that we will be<br />
using a 100% recycled, 100% biodegradable paper packing material to<br />
replace the peanuts. This material is suitable to our high volume shipping<br />
requirements, protects the contents of the box as well as the peanuts,<br />
and will allow customers to unpack their shipments without having<br />
to pick up peanuts afterward.<br />
For our customer’s convenience we enclose a copy of the invoice covering<br />
the order with each order shipped except those shipped to a third<br />
party. If the order is paid by check and the check did not cover<br />
the full amount of the invoice, the amount of underpayment will<br />
be sent C.O.D. for the balance due plus C.O.D. fee of $10.50 rather<br />
than delay the order. If you have overpaid by check, the overpayment<br />
will be credited to your account or refunded. C.O.D. shipments are<br />
considered “paid” as soon as we receive payment from UPS, and credit<br />
card orders are paid automatically at time of shipment. We look forward<br />
to your next order!<br />
Upon receipt, the package should be opened promptly and material<br />
checked against the packing slip enclosed. Items out-of-stock at time<br />
of shipment will be marked as “back-ordered – to follow.” These items<br />
will not be charged on the invoice enclosed with the package and will be<br />
forwarded as soon as delivery is received from our suppliers. The backordered<br />
items will not be charged until shipped. About 90% of the items<br />
featured in our catalog are carried in stock. Special items of hardware,<br />
bearings, unusual fittings and slow moving items are special ordered<br />
as required. However, even with the large inventory we carry, it is not<br />
uncommon to “come up short” on some items. If an item is missing and<br />
not marked “backordered”, please advise us immediately by mail or call<br />
our Customer Service Dept.<br />
Backorders are shipped from the warehouse (WEST OR EAST) that<br />
receives stock first.<br />
Although we make every effort to ship all orders “complete,” it is often<br />
necessary to backorder one or more items if we are out of stock. When<br />
the partial order is shipped and invoiced, you are not charged for the<br />
backordered item(s) until these items are shipped. You are billed only<br />
for what is shipped. A backorder is created and shipped as soon as<br />
the items arrive. The backorder is then invoiced and any overpayment<br />
from the first invoice is applied to it. If you do not wish to have any items<br />
backordered, or wish to cancel an existing backorder, just let us know.<br />
We will do so immediately if the backorder has not been shipped. We are<br />
working continuously to keep all items in stock to preclude backorders.<br />
If a backorder is necessary, we do appreciate your patience. <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
<strong>Spruce</strong> pays the shipping costs within the 48 contiguous United States<br />
by surface shipping on backorders when the backordered items could<br />
have been shipped via UPS inside the first package at no additional<br />
freight cost. Except when the backordered items are oversize, hazardous,<br />
contain one gallon or larger, or COD shipments. We will continue<br />
to strive to maintain stock of all our products to keep the necessity for<br />
backordering parts to a minimum.<br />
Contact <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> Customer Service by phone or email for RMA<br />
Number before returning any product.<br />
Merchandise may be returned for credit or refund within 30 days from date<br />
of receipt if received in resalable condition-packed in original manufacturer’s<br />
box, complete with instructions and all components (if applicable). A copy of<br />
the original order showing purchase or information stating the invoice number<br />
and date of purchase, with reason for return must accompany the article. Any<br />
refund for a return outside of 30 days may be subject to house account credit<br />
only. Do not mail purchase information in letter form under separate cover.<br />
A restocking charge may apply on items that are missing components, are<br />
considered non-stocking parts, are outside of the 30 day return period, etc. Do<br />
not return any products C.O.D. as it cannot be accepted by our warehouse.<br />
All returns (excluding Canada) must be made to <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> West in<br />
Corona, CA, USA. Certain items may not be eligible for return (e.g. books,<br />
DVD’s, videos, special order items etc). The outbound freight charge for<br />
returns on items shipped using our Free Shipping promotion will be deducted<br />
from the refund. Call first for return authorization and instructions.<br />
Important Note Regarding Canadian Returns: Returns for orders made from our<br />
Canadian facility may be returned to the Canadian warehouse. Canada returns do<br />
NOT need to go directly to either USA facility.<br />
Open and examine all packages promptly. Notify the <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong><br />
Customer Service Department of any discrepancies in the order. If<br />
the merchandise is received in damaged condition or the carrier fails<br />
to deliver the entire shipment as shown on the Bill of Lading covering<br />
motor freight delivery, make note of the damage or shortage on the Bill<br />
of Lading and ask the driver to sign it. Then call the terminal office of<br />
the carrier and institute a claim for the loss or damage. If a package<br />
delivered by UPS arrives damaged, report this to the driver immediately.<br />
UPS will issue a report on the damage to <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> at which time<br />
a replacement shipment can be made.<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> has always taken great pride in offering aircraft builders/owners<br />
the lowest overall prices in the industry. Many items in the<br />
catalog now show discounts for various quantity purchases. Special<br />
quotations on other quantity purchases gladly furnished on request. Our<br />
online catalog pricing is updated daily and should reflect current pricing.<br />
Should there be any kind of price discrepancy we will notify you immediately.<br />
We will continue to do our best to minimize increases and offer<br />
all of our products at the best possible prices. All prices are subject to<br />
change without notice.<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> has long served many companies, schools and gov ernment<br />
agencies on an open account basis. Established companies can<br />
apply for an open account by submitting a credit application including all<br />
company data and at least three business references and bank in for mation.<br />
Credit application forms available on request. Open account terms<br />
are net 15 days after invoice date.<br />
We have offered discounts to our regular dealers and FBO’s for many<br />
years for resale purposes, and we welcome the addition of new dealers<br />
to best serve aviation consumers worldwide. Due to the very competitive<br />
and low margin nature of most of the prices shown in this catalog, all<br />
discounts are based on volume purchasing. Discounts for many items<br />
are shown below the product in the catalog. Discounts for items with<br />
discounts not shown in the catalog or for larger quantities than those<br />
listed can be quoted by mail, phone, or FAX upon request. You can be<br />
assured, as an aviation dealer, that you will receive the best possible<br />
net prices from <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> on all product lines that we carry. If you<br />
ever find a lower current advertised price on any product, just let us<br />
know and we’ll beat it. Call for an <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> dealer application if<br />
interested in becoming a dealer for our covering supplies, hardware, or<br />
Microflight products.<br />
For all products, call our main sales lines at 877-4-SPRUCE. Our sales<br />
representatives will consult with other staff members or call the manufacturer<br />
of the product to get you the answer you need as quickly as<br />
possible. We are here to help!<br />
Over the years, one of the services that our company offers that seems<br />
to be most appreciated by our customers is our willingness to research<br />
and provide quotations for special items. Other supply firms tend to<br />
discourage special requests due to the time and effort it takes to find<br />
these items, and request that customers order “catalog items” only. We<br />
have always taken a different approach and welcome requests for noncatalog<br />
items. Call or write and provide as much information as possible<br />
including make, model, serial number of aircraft and exact part number<br />
or product you need, plus your credit card number. Within 24 hours if at<br />
all possible, we will advise you of the price and delivery time on the item,<br />
at which time you can place your order if acceptable. Once an order is<br />
placed for a special order item, it cannot be cancelled or returned and<br />
must be paid in advance. If we cannot drop ship your special order, then<br />
freight charges from the factory to our warehouse will be added to your<br />
invoice. Our goal is to provide you with everything you need - if you do<br />
not find it in this catalog, let us know and we’ll find it for you!<br />
In cooperation with the manufacturers we represent, <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> &<br />
Specialty Co. warrants for a period of one year (on most products) from<br />
the date of original purchase its products to be free from defects in material<br />
and workmanship. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co.’s obligation under<br />
this warranty is limited to repair or replacement of the purchased product<br />
only, and under no circumstances shall <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co.<br />
be liable for any loss, damage, injury, cost of repair or consequential<br />
damages of any kind in connection with the sale, use or repair of any<br />
product purchased from <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co. Products sold<br />
are subject to manufacturer’s warranty policy. Defective merchandise<br />
or out of box failure of product is repaired or replaced at manufacturer’s<br />
option. Avionics, electrical, instruments, or similar products that are<br />
defective are subject to manufacturer’s warranty only, and will not be<br />
replaced immediately from <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> inventory.<br />
Inasmuch as <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co. has no opportunity to<br />
supervise the manufacture, installation or maintenance of the parts<br />
supplied by it, nor any opportunity to participate in the design or manufacture<br />
of the various certificated and homebuilt aircraft in which its<br />
parts are utilized, the purchaser by placing an order and accepting said<br />
merchandise from <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co. agrees that all materials<br />
purchased will be used solely at purchaser’s risk and that purchaser<br />
will indemnify and hold <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co., its owners and<br />
employees, free and harmless from all loss, liability or damage resulting<br />
from claims brought by any reason of any alleged failure or defect of any<br />
part or parts supplied by <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co.<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> is recognized as the leading source of materials for<br />
aircraft builders, owners and pilots around the world. Over the past<br />
45 years we have developed a family of customers in every part of the<br />
globe. Our International order dept. is more than happy to assist you<br />
in placing and processing your order for international shipment. Please<br />
note the following guidelines for placing an international order.<br />
You may place your order with any of our international representatives<br />
or directly with our USA, Corona facility. Correspondence should be sent<br />
in English or Spanish to expedite service.<br />
Requests for quotation are processed within 72 hours, unless additional<br />
research is required on a product. All prices quoted and invoiced by<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> West are FOB Corona, CA and by <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> East<br />
are FOB, Peachtree City, GA. A quotation is processed as a proforma<br />
invoice for all overseas customers. A proforma invoice is not considered<br />
an order until funds are received to process the order. Actual freight<br />
charges may differ from a freight quote or estimate provided by a freight<br />
carrier.<br />
First time orders are preferably received by fax or e-mail to insure correct<br />
notation of name and billing and shipping information. Please note<br />
the information on 8130 forms in the following paragraphs. If 8130 forms<br />
are required, we must be notified at the time the order is placed so that<br />
we may special order the documentation.<br />
To economize on the shipping costs, International orders are generally<br />
shipped complete unless otherwise advised by the customer. We utilize<br />
DHL, UPS, Fed-Ex and Air Parcel Post for most international shipments.<br />
Shipments by DHL, UPS and Fed-Ex are highly recommended because<br />
of the excellent traceability of the shipments. Parcel post traces are very<br />
time consuming and unreliable. We cannot be responsible for shipments<br />
made by Parcel Post. Our international dept. also utilizes the services of<br />
many other air and sea carriers. Should the services of a freight forwarder<br />
be necessary we can work with one who is familiar with our service<br />
or with one of your choice to meet all of your shipment requirements. All<br />
freight, duty and customs charges are the responsibility of the customer.<br />
Preferred methods of payment are credit cards (American Express,<br />
HAZMAT SHIPMENTS – A fee of $50 is charged on all international<br />
shipments containing hazardous materials. This fee covers special<br />
packaging, documentation, and certification requirements that apply to<br />
hazmat orders shipping to customers outside the United States.<br />
Visa, Mastercard, Discover) and by bank transfer. There is an additional<br />
$20 service charge for bank transfers. When making a bank transfer<br />
please fax a copy of your transfer along with your order request to<br />
ensure accurate allocation of funds. Please note that if payment is made<br />
by bank transfer there is an approximate 7 day delay before funds are<br />
confirmed and allocated.<br />
A complete listing of <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> international representatives can<br />
be found on our website. Always remember to furnish your complete<br />
communications information on your correspondence so that we may<br />
respond to your requests promptly. We welcome your orders and look<br />
forward to being part of your team during your entire project.<br />
AND FORM 8130 (EXPORT)<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> provides you with its own Certificate of Conformance<br />
for our products at no charge. This is noted on every invoice. Factory<br />
certification and test reports are available on some items and Form 8130<br />
are available on FAA approved products. A cost of $100 per product<br />
is charged to secure these forms. Please inquire at time of order if<br />
test reports are available for the items you are ordering. If available,<br />
the forms must be requested at time of order and the product must be<br />
special-ordered from the factory with the forms. These forms cannot<br />
be furnished after you receive the product. Anticipate shipping delays<br />
if Form 8130 is requested. Do not order products using catalog part<br />
number if you require form 8130, as you will receive standard parts<br />
without the form. Simply describe the part and specifically request Form<br />
8130. Due to delays and costs involved in furnishing these forms, we<br />
strongly suggest that you check to see if the <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> Certificate<br />
of Conformance will be acceptable in lieu of Form 8130.<br />
Do you want to give an aircraft builder or pilot a gift from <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong><br />
for a birthday, holiday, or another special<br />
occasion and don’t know what to get? Let<br />
them decide. Give one of our sales representatives<br />
a call at (877) 4-SPRUCE and order<br />
an <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> Gift Card for any dollar<br />
amount you want. The cards are valid indefinitely<br />
and can be used toward the purchase<br />
of any products sold by <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong>.<br />
These cards are very popular and are a gift that is sure to please any<br />
aviator. Available in any denomination. If selecting USPS First Class<br />
Mail, we’ll ship any gift card only order prepaid within the United States.<br />
Gift Cards are valid at all <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> locations.<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice WWW.AIRCRAFTSPRUCE.COM<br />
Unless otherwise specified, all shipments will be made by UPS (size and weight permitting).<br />
Weights & Limits - Maximum weight per package for shipment to any destination served by UPS is 150 lbs. with no other weight restrictions applicable.<br />
If a shipment exceeds 80 lbs. a motor freight shipment is usually more economical. A UPS C.O.D. fee of $13.50 is charged for each C.O.D.<br />
parcel. Ground shipments larger than 1728 cubic inches and all air shipments will rate at the greater of actual or dimensional weight.<br />
Maximum Size per Package - 130“ in length and girth combined (once down and once around the parcel). Packages over 165” length & girth or<br />
over 96” long are rated at a minimum 90 lbs and include an additional handling charge of $65.00. Packages over 48” long are subject to an additional<br />
$12.00 handling fee. Charges subject to change by UPS and FedEx.<br />
Territory Served - Regular UPS service (surface) available to all 48 states, parts of Hawaii and Alaska, and Canada. All points in Hawaii, Alaska,<br />
and Canada are served by UPS “Next Day Air” or “2nd Day Air”. Flammable and corrosive material restricted. There is a $3.00 additional rate charge<br />
for residential shipments to rural zip codes. UPS surface serves some points in Alaska, Hawaii, and Canadian Provinces of Alberta, British Columbia,<br />
Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec & Saskatchewan.<br />
Insurance - Each parcel carries $100.00 insurance against loss or damage. Additional insurance coverage added as required per parcel. Maximum<br />
insurance allowable - $10,000 per package. A street address with zip code is required. C.O.D. shipments acceptable for commercial accounts with<br />
money order or certified funds on first order. United Parcel Service will leave a parcel without signature if so authorized by the shipper. Orders of<br />
significant value will require a signature at time of delivery. If purchaser is willing to accept responsibility for delivery, ask that the instructions “OK to<br />
leave without signature” be added to the shipping label. However, these instructions will release <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> of liability for loss or damage.<br />
Delivery Time - One to seven days depending on the zone and destination zip code.<br />
Shipment Of Hazardous Materials - Shipment of items such as dopes, primers, and many other liquid products require extensive, precise documentation<br />
and specially constructed cartons that comply with DOT regulations. Each flammable or hazardous product must be packed in a separate<br />
package and cannot be shipped with non-hazardous materials. In many cases, motor freight shipments may be more economical for multiple package<br />
orders of hazardous materials due to the fees charged by UPS. A hazardous shipping charge of $32.00 will be added to UPS Ground shipments,<br />
$90.00 will be added to Air Shipments. Some hazardous items in small volume can ship ORMD and the hazardous shipping charge will not apply.<br />
Hazardous items shipped overseas require special handling and must ship by freight service. Call for details and current pricing.<br />
Method Zone 2 Zone 4 Zone 6 Zone 8<br />
UPS Red $31.24 $72.61 $84.79 $91.98<br />
UPS Blue PM $15.23 $22.42 $45.15 $50.56<br />
Fed Ex Priority Overnight $31.92 $72.03 $88.99 $93.98<br />
Fed Ex Standard Overnight $27.51 $64.00 $77.60 $81.95<br />
Fed Ex Econo 2nd Day $18.59 $22.68 $44.60 $50.03<br />
USPS Priority Mail $9.79 $10.84 $12.02 $14.42<br />
UPS Ground $10.29 $15.45 $23.60 $31.05<br />
- Rates for comparison purposes only. Based on 10lb. package shipped to each listed zone.<br />
- Rates do not include insurance, oversize, hazardous, COD etc. Subject to change without notice.<br />
Weight and Limits are the same as outlined for UPS Surface delivery to<br />
all areas served. See above for more details on shipment of flammables<br />
and other hazardous items.<br />
Delivery Time - Three days (3rd Day Air) and two days from California<br />
(2nd Day Air) or next day (via Next Day Air).<br />
Areas Served - Shaded states on map above, with limited service to<br />
some as noted.<br />
The charge for motor freight delivery is based on the commodity being<br />
transported, the weight of the shipment and the distance it will travel.<br />
The rate for a shipment of steel tubing, for instance, may be $5.00 Cwt.<br />
as compared to $15.00 Cwt. for foam. The steel tubing is a heavy commodity<br />
taking up a small space whereas the foam is very light but the<br />
volume is large and takes considerable space in the trailer. The rates<br />
reflect these factors in addition to the susceptibility to damage of the<br />
shipment. All truck shipments are insured for full value. It is good practice<br />
to include a phone number on the order which can be shown on the<br />
Bill of Lading. This enables the carrier personnel to advise of the arrival<br />
of the shipment and arrangements can be made for delivery. No C.O.D<br />
shipments for truck delivery. Consignee must inspect shipment on arrival<br />
and note any shortages or damage on freight bill to file claim for loss.<br />
Any claims for lost or damaged merchandise will be denied if the customer<br />
receives the shipment and signs for the shipment free and clear.<br />
In addition to UPS, we also provide delivery via Federal Express<br />
Priority, Economy, and Ground service. Federal Express charges are<br />
competitive with UPS and the same weight, size, and hazardous limits<br />
will apply. Hazardous materials shipping by FedEx Express Air service<br />
are subject to a $100 dangerous goods charge. As an added advantage,<br />
Federal Express does offer Saturday delivery, and almost all<br />
deliveries are made before noon. Federal Express Home Delivery is a<br />
residential ground service with deliveries Tuesday through Saturday.<br />
Priority Mail parcels may not exceed 70 lbs. or 108“ in length and girth<br />
combined. We will utilize a Priority Mail Flat Rate Box if your items will<br />
fit in the box and the postage will cost less. Packages less than 13<br />
ounces may ship First Class Mail. Maximum allowable insurance via<br />
Post is $400 per package. No shipments made without adequate insurance<br />
coverage. Packages destined for overseas will ship the cheaper of<br />
First Class or Priority Mail and must not exceed 44 lbs. (with exception<br />
to certain countries) or 72 inches in length and girth combined and must<br />
not be longer than 42“. No hazardous materials or C.O.D. orders may<br />
be shipped by Post. Please provide adequate time for delivery. Claims<br />
for lost or damaged packages must be made within 60 days of shipment.<br />
CANADA<br />
What are my shipping options? From Canada (Brantford warehouse): Canada Post, UPS Canada, FedEx Canada, Purolator, or Can Par.<br />
Hazardous materials can only be shipped Purolator. From the U.S. (California or Georgia warehouse): Mail (USPS to border/delivery by Canada<br />
Post), *Customer will pay duties and taxes directly to Canada Post *For delivery duty paid via Canada Post, order must ship from Canada, UPS, FedEx.<br />
*Customer will choose their own broker for customs clearance.<br />
10<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
• Cozy Mark IV Plans with Newsletters on CD...P/N 01-00178 .. $500.00<br />
• Cozy Mark IV Info Pac .....................................P/N 01-00566 .... $16.95<br />
• Cozy “M” Drawings* .........................................P/N 01-00570 .... $49.95<br />
• Cozy Newsletters on CD ..................................P/N 01-00569 .... $20.00<br />
• Cozy Owner’s Manual* ....................................P/N 01-00565 ...... $9.50<br />
• Cozy Mark IV DVD “Award Winning” ...............P/N 01-00982 .... $14.95<br />
* Can only be sold to a builder, must provide plans # to order.<br />
Part #<br />
Price<br />
Foam Kit ........................................................ 01-01410 ...........$3,155.93<br />
Fiberglass Kit ................................................. 01-01415 ...........$3,740.20<br />
Wood Kit ........................................................ 01-01420 ..............$194.08<br />
Hardware Kit .................................................. 01-01430 ..............$252.39<br />
Metal Kit ........................................................ 01-01425 ..............$264.24<br />
Misc. Mats ..................................................... 01-01440 ...........$6,281.01<br />
Tools Kit ........................................................ 01-01435 ..............$540.25<br />
Fuel Fittings ................................................... 01-01431 ................$91.18<br />
Epoxy Kit ....................................................... 01-38201 ..............$624.00<br />
Part #<br />
Price<br />
Chapter 4 Fuselage Bulkhead ....................... 01-00256 ..............$593.00<br />
Chapter 5 Fuselage Sides ............................. 01-00257 ..............$499.20<br />
Chapter 6 Fuselage Assy .............................. 01-00259 ..............$325.77<br />
Chapter 7 Fuselage Exterior ......................... 01-00260 ..............$253.05<br />
Chapter 8 Headrest, Heatduct, Seatbelt ....... 01-00261 ..............$976.57<br />
Chapter 9 Main Gear-Brake .......................... 01-00263 ...........$3,343.89<br />
Chapter 10 Canard Construction .................. 01-00264 ..............$752.89<br />
Chapter 11 Elevators ..................................... 01-00266 ................$71.43<br />
Chapter 12 Canard Installation ..................... 01-00267 ..................$3.21<br />
Chapter 13 Nose Gear .................................. 01-00268 ...........$1,990.91<br />
Chapter 14 Center section Spar .................... 01-00271 ..............$842.73<br />
The Cozy MK IV is a high-performance, four-seat canard aircraft which<br />
is comfortable, efficient, and economical to build. It has a range of about<br />
1,000 miles and a top speed of 200 mph. When constructed according to<br />
plans and operated within the approval C. G. range, the canard con fig u ration<br />
makes it highly resistant to stalls or loss of position control. The MK IV<br />
features full dual control and two-axis trim. The composite con struc tion is<br />
very strong, resistant to corrosion and fatigue, and offers better protection<br />
to the occupants than other types of construction. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> acquired<br />
the Cozy design rights in January 2004 and is now the sole source for Cozy<br />
plans and info packs.<br />
Building the Rutan Composites – This step-by-step instructional program<br />
features Burt Rutan and Mike Melvill proceeding through the<br />
complete foam-epoxy-fiberglass composite construction procedure as<br />
used on the VariEze, Long-EZ, Quickie, Q2, Dragonfly, Sea Hawk, and<br />
other composite aircraft. Also included is a formation flight by the Long-<br />
EZ, Defiant & VariViggen. 1hr, 36 mins. .....P/N 13-04809 ..........$26.95<br />
Part #<br />
Price<br />
Bolts ............................................................01-01505 ..................$36.78<br />
Screws ........................................................01-01510 ..................$35.41<br />
Washers .....................................................01-01515 ..................$22.29<br />
Nuts ............................................................01-01520 ..................$71.65<br />
Rivets ..........................................................01-01540 ..................$56.52<br />
Fittings ........................................................01-01535 ................$156.64<br />
Foam ..........................................................01-00297 ................$470.75<br />
Expoxy ........................................................01-01545 ................$310.95<br />
Metal ...........................................................01-01530 ................$197.99<br />
Misc ............................................................01-01560 .............$2,048.28<br />
Fiberglass ...................................................01-00298 ................$445.50<br />
Part #<br />
Price<br />
Chapter 15 Firewall Accessories ................01-00272 .................$328.82<br />
Chapter 16 Control System ........................01-00273 .................$552.00<br />
Chapter 17 Pitch-Roll-Trim .........................01-00275 ...................$99.77<br />
Chapter 18 Canopy ....................................01-00277 .................$829.28<br />
Chapter 19 Wings & Ailerons .....................01-00280 ..............$3,106.03<br />
Chapter 20 Winglets & Rudders .................01-00282 .................$198.39<br />
Chapter 21 Strake-Fuel-Baggage .............01-00283 ..............$1,260.68<br />
Chapter 22 Electrical ..................................01-00285 ..............$1,683.10<br />
Chapter 23 Engine-Prop Installation .........01-00286 ..............$1,698.82<br />
Chapter 24 Covers Fairing ........................01-00291 .................$297.00<br />
Chapter 25 Finishing ..................................01-00292 .................$769.60<br />
CHRISTAVIA MK-1/MK-2 & MK-4<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co. has acquired the design rights to the popular Christavia MK1, Christavia<br />
MK2, and Christavia MK4 homebuilt aircraft from the designer, Ron Mason of Elmwood Aviation in<br />
Canada. The Christavia was designed in 1982 as a mission field workhorse. Design requirements were<br />
short take-off and landing, small engine (low fuel consumption), low stall speed, good cruise speed and<br />
rate of climb, large cabin area, low maintenance and high safety factor. The Christavia is easy to fly, and<br />
the Iarge cabin makes long flights very comfortable. Over 1000 sets of the plans have been sold for the<br />
MK1 (two place tandem), MK2 (two place side-by-side), and Christavia MK4 (four place). <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong><br />
has plans available for these aircraft at $225 per set as well as an information pack for $10. Complete<br />
materials packages for construction of the aircraft are available from <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong>.<br />
Christavia MK-1/MK-2 Info Pack<br />
P/N 01-00662 .............................................................FREE<br />
MK-1/MK-2 Info Pack ........01-00662 ....... FREE <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit for MK-1 .........01-39810... $1,355.00 MK-1 4130 Sheet Kit .....01-39850 ......$291.09<br />
MK-1 Plans ........................01-00663 ....$375.00 Plywood Kit (MK-1)..........01-39820...... $537.80 MK-1 Hardware Kit ........01-39860 ......$138.48<br />
MK-2 Supplement ..............01-00664 ......$57.65 MK-1 Alum. Sheet Kit ......01-39830...... $592.24 MISC Kit for MK-1 ..........01-39870 ...$7,457.36<br />
MK-2 Plans Complete .......01-00692 ....$431.95 MK-1 4130 Tube Kit .........01-39840... $4,082.88 MK-1 <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit .............01-39880 ...$1,355.00<br />
MK-4 Info Pack .............. 01-00683 .......... FREE MK-4 Plans ...................... 01-00665 ..... $275.00 MK-4 4130 Tube Kit ......01-00674 ...$4,384.25<br />
MK-4 Misc. Kit ............... 01-00675 ..$11,635.70 MK-4 4130 Sheet Kit ....... 01-00676 ..... $597.78 MK-4 Plywood Kit ..........01-00677 ......$648.25<br />
MK-4 Aluminum Kit ........ 01-00678 ....$3,726.66 MK-4 Hardware Kit .......... 01-00679 ..... $310.78<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice WWW.AIRCRAFTSPRUCE.COM<br />
SKYOTË<br />
The Starduster Too was built to fill a need for a reasonably sized,<br />
2-place, open sport biplane. Stability is good and the light wing loading<br />
makes slow landing and short-field operation outstanding. The main<br />
structure of the aircraft is built of 4130 steel tubing and sheet stock and<br />
has no machined fitting or other complicated bends. The wings have<br />
spruce spars and the ribs are made of 1/4” plywood. Construction of the<br />
plane has been kept as simple as possible. The Lycoming 0-360 (180<br />
hp or 200 hp) is the best size engine for the aircraft.<br />
Plans ...........................P/N 01-00424 .................. $249.95<br />
Info Pack .....................P/N 01-00596 ......................FREE<br />
This two-place biplane is<br />
about 10% smaller than<br />
the Starduster Too. It is<br />
a very strong machine<br />
designed to +/-9 G. It<br />
is a high performance<br />
machine meant for minimum<br />
of 180 and up to<br />
360 horsepower. The roll<br />
rate is spectacular with<br />
four ailerons and symmetrical<br />
wings.<br />
Plans ........................... P/N 01-00427 ....................$125.00<br />
Info Pack ..................... P/N 01-00443 ....................... FREE<br />
STARLET SA 500<br />
A low-horsepower, single-place<br />
parasol, this is<br />
a fun machine. Easy to<br />
build and easy to fly, it is<br />
the best of both worlds.<br />
Engines in the 65 to 125<br />
HP range work best.<br />
Excellent visibility and a<br />
pretty design keep your<br />
excitement high.<br />
Plans ...........................P/N 01-00428 ...................$125.00<br />
Info Pack .....................P/N 01-00463 ...................... FREE<br />
V-STAR SA 900<br />
This is an exciting, single<br />
place biplane. Rated for<br />
+/-6 G, this machine will<br />
keep you smiling. With<br />
stall speed approaching<br />
35 mph and horsepower<br />
in the 75 to 85 range, fun<br />
flying is not slowed at the<br />
gas pump.<br />
Plans ........................... P/N 01-00429 .................. $195.00<br />
Info Pack ..................... P/N 01-00471 ......................FREE<br />
This is the single place<br />
biplane designed by<br />
Lou Stolp back in 1964<br />
that started it all. It is<br />
a very easy aircraft to<br />
fly, powered by engines<br />
in the 125 horsepower<br />
range - A fun machine!<br />
Constructed with a 4130<br />
steel fuselage, wood<br />
spars and ribs, and covered<br />
with fabric. The Starduster One can only classified as “classic”.<br />
Plans............................P/N 01-00425 ..................$115.00<br />
The Skyotë was designed to have the superb control response and the<br />
high structural strength of the Bucker Jungmeister while maintaining the<br />
slow flight and short field capabilities of a Rose Parakeet, The Skyotë<br />
will take off as quickly as a Super Cub and will fly, power on, down to<br />
about 33knots (38mph). Rate of climb with a Continental C-90 engine is<br />
1,500 ft./min. with a ceiling of 16,500 ft.<br />
For further details and contact info on suppliers of complete<br />
matched- hole components contact:<br />
FlyTeam 88, LLC<br />
3088 Mountainview Rd., Clover, SC 29710<br /> •<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Skyote Plans Kit 01-01512 $595.00<br />
Skyote ( Plans Only ) 01-01512-1 $539.00<br />
Skyote Wing Metal Kit 01-01497 $333.04<br />
Skyote Landing Gear Metal Kit 01-01498 $227.87<br />
Skyote Tail Feather Metal Kit 01-01499 $354.24<br />
Skyote Metal Fuselage Kit 01-01501 $639.55<br />
Skyote Metal Kit 01-01502 $1,940.90<br />
Skyote Center Section Metal Kits 01-01503 $150.50<br />
Skyote Center Section Hardware 01-01504 $216.61<br />
Skyote Rib, Spar & Aileron Hardware Kit 01-01506 $115.13<br />
Skyote Tail Feathers Hardware Kit 01-01507 $108.08<br />
Skyote Cockpit & Floor Boards 01-01508 $72.47<br />
Skyote Wing Hardware Kit 01-01509 $772.70<br />
Skyote Landing Gear Hardware 01-01511 $580.17<br />
Skyote Patch 01-01512-2 $5.00<br />
Skyote Id Plate 01-01512-3 $5.00<br />
Skyote Controls Hardware Kit 01-01513 $4,030.62<br />
Skyote Wing Rib Set 01-01514 $2,495.00<br />
BK FLIER<br />
• Pilot Size: Up to 6 ft 4 in 250 lb<br />
in the roomy cockpit<br />
• Cruise: 130 mph for 400 miles<br />
with reserves<br />
• Fuel: 3-3.5 Gallons per Hour -<br />
Automobile Gas<br />
• Baggage: 30 lbs in roomy<br />
compartment-For that week<br />
long fly-in<br />
• Stall: Light Sport <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
Category 48 mph no flap, 45<br />
mph full flaps<br />
• Options: Tricycle or Tail Wheel-Electric Start<br />
• VW Type 1 Conversion from Great Plains, Hummel, Aerovee,<br />
Revmaster...etc..<br />
• Certified in Canada as Basic-Ultra-Light Airplane (BULA), greatly<br />
simplifies approval process.<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Bk Flier Airframe Kit 01-01468 $2,282.06<br />
Bk Flier Main Gear Kit 01-01469 $680.22<br />
Bk Flier Nose Wheel Option Kit 01-01470 $46.40<br />
Bk Flier Tail Wheel Option Kit 01-01471 $72.55<br />
Bk Flier Flight Control Hardware Kit 01-01472 $120.30<br />
Bk Flier Flaperon Hardware Kit 01-01473 $27.90<br />
Bk Flier Fuel System Kit 01-01474 $197.02<br />
Bk Flier Pitot-static System Kit 01-01475 $94.75<br />
Bk Flier Electrical System Kit 01-01476 $371.11<br />
Bk Flier Instrument Panel Kit 01-01477 $1,772.85<br />
Bk Flier Miscellaneous Kit 01-01478 $66.70<br />
Contact Info: BK Fliers LLC<br />
2126 Turkey Ledge, San Antonio, TX 78218<br />
Web: • Email:<br />
Phone: 210-363-3288<br />
12<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
Introduced at the first EAA fly-in 1953, Tailwind was designed and built by<br />
legendary designer and air racer Steve Wittman. This high performance<br />
homebuilt is constructed with a steel tubing fuselage, wood wings, and<br />
fabric covering. It offers exceptional cruising speeds and is economical to<br />
operate and maintain. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> acquired the rights to the Tailwind in<br />
January 1996 and is currently the exclusive distributor for plans and materials<br />
kits. Complete information package and materials list is avail able.<br />
Kit #1 <strong>Spruce</strong> and Plywood Kit ................. P/N 02-03910 ..... $1,241.50<br />
Complete <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit Only ................ P/N 02-03900 ........ $982.44<br />
Spar Kit only ...................................... P/N 02-06700 ........ $588.40<br />
Kit #2 Wing Metals Package ..................... P/N 01-10020 ..... $1,511.00<br />
Includes finished parts requiring machining<br />
Kit #3A Wing Hardware Kit<br />
(Baby Great Lakes) ......................... P/N 01-10030 .......... $73.98<br />
Kit #3B Wing Hardware Kit<br />
(Super & Buddy) .............................. P/N 01-10035 .......... $63.58<br />
Kit 4130 Steel Tubing and Sheet Kit<br />
Baby Great Lakes Kit-4A .................. P/N 03-14300 ..... $1,681.99<br />
Super Baby Lakes Kit-4B .................. P/N 03-14310 ..... $1,783.39<br />
Buddy Baby Lakes Kit-4C ................. P/N 03-14320 ..... $1,966.66<br />
Kit #5 Landing Gear/Brakes Kit ................ P/N 01-10040 ..... $4,383.05<br />
Kit #6 Wing Alignment Materials Package . P/N 01-10050 .......... $10.08<br />
Kit #7 Fuel Tank and Installation Package P/N 01-10060 .......... $78.55<br />
Kit #7A Fuel tank Installation Kit ................ P/N 01-10070 .......... $78.55<br />
Kit #8 Flying Controls Materials Package . P/N 01-10080 ........ $872.33<br />
Kit #9 Fairings, Firewall, Instrument & .... P/N 01-10090 ........ $754.81<br />
Fuselage Panels w/Hardware<br />
Kit #10 Poly - Fiber Materials Package ...... P/N 01-10095 ..... $2,302.64<br />
Baby Great Lakes Top Nose Cowl .................. P/N 05-02883 ........ $398.00<br />
Baby Great Lakes Bottom Nose Cowl ............ P/N 05-02884 ........ $398.00<br />
Seat for Buddy Great Lakes ............................ P/N 05-02885 ........ $250.00<br />
Baby Great Lakes Fuel Tank<br />
(Standard 10 Gal.) ........................................... P/N 05-03058 ........ $943.00<br />
Baby Great Lakes Fuel Tank( 3” Longer 11 Gal.) . P/N 05-03059 ........ $992.00<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty is the exclusive supplier of plans and materials<br />
packages for Ron Wilson’s aerobatic aircraft design, the single seat<br />
Acrolite. Complete construction material packages, 16 in total, for the<br />
Acrolite can be purchased for under $10,000.<br />
The Rotax 912 engine is used in the prototype. The Acrolite can also be<br />
built with the Rotax 532-618.<br />
Acrolites are designed to be a quick, easy build for beginners. The biplane<br />
cruises at 110 mph, has a range of 250 miles, takes off and lands in 500<br />
feet and has a service ceiling of 12,000 feet. Empty weight is 495 lbs. and<br />
gross is 750. The airplane stands six feet tall, is 17’ long and has 133<br />
square feet of wing area. It is designed for sportsman aerobatics.<br />
The Acrolite was chosen as one of two finalists in the Scratchbuild Design<br />
Contest which was sponsored by <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty.<br />
Length: 19’ 6” Wing Span: 24’ Wing Area: 90 Sq. Ft.<br />
Engine: Cont. 85, 90, 100 or 145 HP - Lyc. 108-160 HP<br />
Cruising Speed (Vc): 150 to 190 MPH<br />
Wittman Tailwind Info Pk/Kit Price List ......P/N 01-10003 ...........FREE<br />
Wittman Tailwind Plans ..............................P/N 01-10007 ........$195.00*<br />
Wittman Olds V-8 Eng. Conversion Plans .P/N 01-10002 ..........$39.95<br />
Wittman V-Witt Racer Plans .......................P/N 01-10009 ..........$95.00*<br />
Wittman VW Prop Shaft extension .............P/N 01-10006 ..........$19.95<br />
Tailwind 4130 Tube kit ............................... P/N 03-15800 ......$2,580.69<br />
Tailwind Complete <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit .................... P/N 02-06500 ......$1,296.00<br />
Tailwind <strong>Spruce</strong> Spar Kit ............................ P/N 02-08500 .........$621.50<br />
Tailwind Ply Wood Kit ................................ P/N 02-00122 .........$965.00<br />
Tailwind Landing Gear ............................... P/N 06-00139 .........$967.00<br />
Tailwind Tailspring ...................................... P/N 06-00140 .........$156.75<br />
V-Witt Spar Kit ............................................ P/N 02-08600 .........$343.95<br />
*Ask about prefabricated parts available for the Tailwind<br />
The Baby Great Lakes (one place) and Buddy Great Lakes (two place)<br />
aircraft are well proven designs which are easy to construct and fly,<br />
provide classic good looks, and are aerobatic. Construction is of wood<br />
and steel tubing and plans are well presented for the first time builder.<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Company acquired all rights to these<br />
designs in May, 1996 and now offers info packs, plans, raw materials<br />
kits, and pre-fabricated kits for these fine aircraft. Contact <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
<strong>Spruce</strong> for information on info packs and plans.<br />
Baby Great Lakes Info Packs .................P/N 01-10013 ................ FREE<br />
Plans for Baby Great Lakes ...................P/N 01-10010 .............$295.00<br />
Plans for Super Baby Lakes ...................P/N 01-10011 .............$295.00<br />
Plans for Buddy Baby Lakes ..................P/N 01-10012 .............$275.00<br />
Info Pack, ................................................. P/N 01-20005 ..............FREE<br />
Plans, ....................................................... P/N 01-20090 .......... $300.00<br />
Plans Kit includes Plans, Builders Manual, Maintenance Manual<br />
and Photo Set.<br />
Kit #1 Aluminum Tube Kit, ...................... P/N 01-20010 .......... $391.47<br />
Kit #2 4130 Tube Kit, .............................. P/N 01-20015 ....... $1,324.82<br />
Kit #3 Aluminum Sheet and Bar Kit, ....... P/N 01-20020 .......... $459.01<br />
Kit #4 4130 Sheet and Bar Kit, ............... P/N 01-20025 .......... $537.23<br />
Kit #5 Aluminum Wing Kit, ...................... P/N 01-20030 ....... $1,785.95<br />
Kit #6 Misc. Wood Kit, ............................. P/N 01-20035 .......... $193.46<br />
Kit #7 Wood Wing Kit (Optional), ............ P/N 01-20040 ....... $2,531.44<br />
Kit #8 Fastener kit, .................................. P/N 01-20045 .......... $247.95<br />
Kit #9 Control System Kit, ....................... P/N 01-20050 ....... $1,048.90<br />
Kit #10 Fuel System Kit, .......................... P/N 01-20055 .......... $533.75<br />
Kit #11 Misc Hardware Kit, ...................... P/N 01-20060 .......... $110.17<br />
Kit #12 Wheels and Brakes , .................. P/N 01-20065 .......... $246.45<br />
Kit #13 Misc. Accessories Kit, ................. P/N 01-20070 .......... $444.66<br />
Kit #14 Basic Instruments Kit, ................. P/N 01-20075 ....... $1,744.00<br />
Kit #15 Covering Kit, ............................... P/N 01-20080 .......... $953.66<br />
Kit #16 Cowl Kit, ...................................... P/N 01-20085 .......... $189.50<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice WWW.AIRCRAFTSPRUCE.COM<br />
We all want to<br />
fly fast and land<br />
slow. Sylvester<br />
“Steve” Wittman<br />
solved the problem.<br />
Wittman<br />
built two types of<br />
airplanes: Racing<br />
machines and<br />
Travel machines.<br />
The ancestors of<br />
these two blood<br />
lines were Chief Oshkosh and Buttercup.The Buttercup was built as a<br />
utility hauler, and there was only one made - in 1937. He flew it all over<br />
the western hemisphere, from Alaska to Bermuda, Florida to Oregon.<br />
The Buttercup almost made it into production (cancelled due to WWII)<br />
coming to the interest of Fairchild as a four-place project, called the ‘Big<br />
X’. One plane was built for them by “Witt” - a 4-place, 6 cylinder, 130<br />
HP Franklin powered prototype. The real genius of the Buttercup design<br />
is Wittman’s claim of 38 - 40 mph (indicated) slow-flight speed and a<br />
near 150 mph top speed, and all on 85 hp! The high speed is vintage<br />
Wittman, the low speed is due to an ingenious flap-coupled, retracting<br />
lead edge design (seen in today’s airliners). Earl Luce of LuceAir, Inc.<br />
has ‘revived’ the Buttercup, featured in the April, 2003 issue of Sport<br />
Aviation. Kits and fabricated assemblies for the Buttercup are available<br />
from <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong>. For info and plans contact:<br />
LuceAir • 35 Beverly Dr. • Brockport, NY 14420<br />
Ph: (585) 637-5768 • • e-mail:<br />
Buttercup Retrack Lead Edge Kit ............... P/N 01-00474 ..........$326.60<br />
Buttercup Fuselage Sides Kit ..................... P/N 01-00475 ..........$516.22<br />
Buttercup Fuselage Completion Kit ............ P/N 01-00476 ..........$463.41<br />
Empennage Vert-Hort Stabilizer Kit ............ P/N 01-00477 ..........$420.75<br />
Buttercup Wing Wood Kit ........................... P/N 01-00478 .......$1,161.69<br />
Buttercup Wing Metal Kit ............................ P/N 01-00479 ..........$908.11<br />
Buttercup Flaps & Ailerons Kit .................... P/N 01-00480 ..........$313.05<br />
Buttercup Lift Strut Kit ................................. P/N 01-01055 ..........$886.25<br />
Buttercup Engine Mount-Land Gear ........... P/N 01-00482 ..........$155.60<br />
Buttercup Controls & Finishing ................... P/N 01-00483 ..........$271.72<br />
Buttercup Covering Kit ................................ P/N 01-00571 .......$2,301.90<br />
SONEX<br />
Unique in design, the<br />
Sonex is a basic and economical<br />
all metal two-place<br />
monoplane. Both taildragger<br />
and tri-gear versions<br />
are available. The Sonex<br />
is 17.5 ft. in length and<br />
has a 22 ft. wing span. It<br />
features easily removable<br />
wings for transport and<br />
storage. Designed to meet<br />
the needs of both European and domestic aviators, it can incorporate<br />
various lightweight contemporary engines of 80-120hp (under 200 lbs.<br />
firewall forward). Suggested engines include the 2180 VW and 80-120hp<br />
Jabiru engines. Outstanding performance is achieved through its clean<br />
aerodynamic shape and simple, lightweight construction.<br />
Wing Hardware Kit ........................................ P/N 01-00005 ..... $253.54<br />
Sonex Tri-Gear Hardware Kit ........................ P/N 01-00006 ....... $50.43<br />
Sonex Fuselage Hardware Kit ...................... P/N 01-00008 ..... $461.58<br />
Sonex Tail Dragger Hardware Kit ................. P/N 01-00009 ....... $17.09<br />
Sonex Controls Hardware Kit ........................ P/N 01-01082 ..... $183.84<br />
Quickbuild Sonex Wing Hardware Kit ............ P/N 01-01234 ..... $135.84<br />
Quickbuild Sonex Fuselage Hardware Kit ..... P/N 01-01235 ..... $252.40<br />
Xenos Fuselage Hardware Kit ........................P/N 01-00601 ......$745.66<br />
Xenos Tail Hardware Kit .................................P/N 01-01296 ........$63.66<br />
Xenos Control Hardwared Kit .........................P/N 01-01297 ......$278.56<br />
Xenos Wing Hardware Kit ..............................P/N 01-01298 ......$621.94<br />
Waiex Fuselage Hardware Kit ....................... P/N 01-01130 ..... $677.04<br />
Waiex Control Hardware Kit .......................... P/N 01-01131 ..... $238.09<br />
Waiex Wing Hardware Kit ............................. P/N 01-01132 ..... $223.95<br />
Waiex Taildragger Hardware Kit ................... P/N 01-01165 ....... $55.80<br />
Onex Airframe Hardware Kit ......................... P/N 01-01192 ..... $964.59<br />
Onex Nosewheel Hardware Kit ..................... P/N 01-01189 ....... $50.89<br />
Onex Solid Rivet Kit ...................................... P/N 01-01190 ....... $27.71<br />
Onex Tailwheel Hardware Kit ........................ P/N 01-01191 ......... $4.70<br />
Quickbuild Onex Airframe Kit ........................ P/N 01-01299 ..... $606.23<br />
Subsonex Jsx-l02 Hardware Kit .................... P/N 01-01479 ....... $12.93<br />
Subsonex Jsx-l01 Hardware Kit .................... P/N 01-01480 ....... $55.97<br />
Subsonex Jsx-c01 Hardware Kit ................... P/N 01-01481 ....... $65.40<br />
Pazmany PL-2<br />
Pazmany PL-4a Part of the LSA class.<br />
More information on the Sonex can be<br />
obtained by contacting:<br />
Sonex Ltd.<br />
P.O. Box 2521 • Oshkosh, WI 54903-2521<br />
Phone: (920)231-8297 • Fax: (920)426-8333<br /> •<br />
CYGNET<br />
A Two Place Utility <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
with S.T.O.L. Performance and<br />
Real Load Hauling Abilities.<br />
The original German Luftwaffe Fieseler F-156 Storch was an outstanding<br />
WWII airplane, designed to take off and land in extremely short distances.<br />
The Storch had a take off ground roll of 131 feet and a landing<br />
roll of 36 feet with 13 miles per hour head wind.<br />
The Pazmany PL-9 Stork is a 3/4 replica. With the same flying and<br />
handling characteristics as the original German <strong>Aircraft</strong>. The PL-9 Stork<br />
is a professionally designed STOL aircraft. It has a well proven aircraft<br />
configuration designed for a number of functions such as fish spotting,<br />
forest fire detection, farm work, missionary work etc. It features a welded<br />
chrome alloy steel tube fuselage and aluminum sheet metal/fabric<br />
covered wings and empennage. The PL-9 Stork has a cruise speed of<br />
104mph with a standard Lyc.O-320/150 hp engine. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> is a<br />
major supplier of materials for the PL-9 Stork.<br />
For more information, info pack and plans, contact:<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co.<br />
225 Airport Circle, Corona, CA 92880-2527<br />
Phone: (951) 372-9555 • Fax: (951) 372-0555<br />
PL-9 Plans ..................................P/N 13-01505 ....... $550.00<br />
PL-2 Plans ..................................P/N 13-01506 ....... $425.00<br />
PL-4A Plans................................P/N 13-01507 ....... $375.00<br />
(Now part of the LSA class)<br />
Specifications: • Empty Weight 585 lbs. • Gross Weight 1100 lbs. •<br />
Wing Span 30 ft. • Chord 50 In. • Airfoil NACA 3413 • Limit “G” Load<br />
• 4.0 G • Engine V.W. 1835cc • Fuel Capacity 15 Gal. U.S. • Cockpit<br />
Width 39 Inches.<br />
Performance: • Stall Speed 48 MPH • Max Speed 108 MPH • Cruise<br />
Speed@ 800 FT. 100 MPH • Cruise Fuel Burn 3.9 GPH • Cruise RPM<br />
2950 RPM • Rate of Climb 580 FPM • T.O. 1 Land Dist. 700 Ft. Stall<br />
Speed 48 MPH • Max Speed 108 MPH • Cruise Speed@ 800 FT. 100<br />
MPH • Cruise Fuel Burn 3.9 GPH • Cruise RPM 2950 RPM • Rate of<br />
Climb 580 FPM • T.O. 1 Land Dist. 700 Ft.<br />
Viking <strong>Aircraft</strong> LLC<br />
PO Box 646, Elkhorn, Wisconsin 53121-0646<br />
Phone: (262) 949-3247 •<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Cygnet <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit 02-04500 $1,922.52<br />
Cygnet Metal Kits 01-01583 $2,329.00<br />
Cygnet Plywood Foam Kit 01-01584 $153.95<br />
Cygnet Hardware Kit 01-01580 $189.95<br />
Cygnet Control System 01-01581 $394.95<br />
Cygnet Miscellaneous 01-01582 $508.00<br />
Cygnet Wheel & Brake Kit 01-01585 $1,906.00<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty is the exclusive distributor for VP-1 ma te rials<br />
kits. The Volksplane was de signed and prototyped by Bud Evans in<br />
1968. The aircraft is in ex pen sive, easy to build, and fun to fly. The fuselage<br />
is all wood, with three bulkheads, four longerons, flat plywood and<br />
some vertical stiffeners. Wings are wood frames covered with fabric. The<br />
only parts requiring welding are the control stick, strut ends and stabilizer<br />
horn. The only sheet metal work is in the elevator trim tab. Over 1000<br />
of these planes are flying. The aircraft is ideally suited for Volkswagen<br />
engines in the 1500 to 1834 cc range. Plans for the VP-1 are $59.00<br />
and are available from <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong>, P/N 13-11560. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong><br />
can supply com plete materials kits from stock. Free kit list on request.<br />
Note: Landing gear is NCNR, may not be cancelled or returned. Lead<br />
times are always 6-8 weeks.<br />
For further information on the Evans VP-1 contact:<br />
Evans <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
P.O. Box 231762 Encinitas, CA 92024<br /> |<br />
VP-1 Kits Part No. Price<br />
Wood kit .........................(VPK-1) ........................01-00222 .....$833.55<br />
Plywood kit .....................(VPK-2) ........................01-00223 .....$868.03<br />
Metal kit ..........................(VPK-5) ........................01-00224 .....$294.76<br />
Hardware kit ...................(VPK-7) ........................01-00228 .....$546.20<br />
Fabric kit ........................(VPK-8) ........................01-00221 .....$604.19<br />
Fabric Coating kit ...........(VPK-9) ........................01-00226 .....$515.50<br />
Cable Ass’y. kit ..............(VPK-10) ......................01-00227 ..$1,072.21<br />
Wing Strut kit .................(VPK-11) ......................01-00225 .....$508.20<br />
Landing Gear 800 lb. .....(VP-1 cable-braced) .....06-00041 .....$969.00<br />
Landing Gear 800 lb. .....(VP-1 free standing) .....06-04040 ..$1,399.00<br />
Landing Gear 1100 lb. ...(VP-2 free standing) .....06-00043 ..$1,599.00<br />
VP-1 Plans and Handbook ..................................13-11560 .......$59.00<br />
This is the famous aircraft that<br />
launched an industry as well as the<br />
Experimental <strong>Aircraft</strong> Association<br />
when plans for it were published in<br />
Popular Mechanics in the early 50’s.<br />
It is lightweight, easy to build, fun<br />
to fly and requires minimal maintenance.<br />
It has been modified from the<br />
original Corben Baby Ace so that it<br />
can utilize aircraft engines. The fuselage has also been widened, the<br />
horizontal stabilizer was modified for easier construction and modern<br />
aircraft wheels and brakes are now called for. With nearly a 34’ wingspan<br />
and Clark Y airfoil, the Pober Junior Ace, designed by EAA founding<br />
president Paul Poberezny, is docile in stall and landing patterns.<br />
Airframe is 4130 steel tubing, wings are all wood and the recommended<br />
powerplant is a Continental C-85. Empty weight of the Junior Ace is<br />
750 pounds and gross capacity is 1,320 pounds. Free brochure available<br />
from Acro Sport. Plans can be ordered from Acro Sport, Inc.,<br />
Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130. Order your Junior Ace materials<br />
kits form <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong>, the approved materials supplier. Free kit list.<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> &<br />
Specialty Company<br />
offers a complete set of<br />
plans for the single seat<br />
aerobatic aircraft known<br />
as the One Design.<br />
Created by Dan Rihn as<br />
an economical answer<br />
for pilots wishing to fly<br />
Basic through Advanced<br />
aer o bat ics, the One<br />
Design features quick,<br />
easy construction and<br />
excellent performance. Wings for the One Design are all wood, the fuselage<br />
is steel truss, covered with aluminum sheet from the firewall to the<br />
rear of the cockpit. The turtle deck is also aluminum and the lower half of<br />
the aft fuselage is fabric covered. The tail is fabric covered. A one piece<br />
aluminum spring gear is used for the main wheels and a steerable tailwheel<br />
is used. Power for the One Design is obtained from a 0-360 and<br />
modified with an inverted oil system, high compression cylinders and<br />
fuel injection. Stressed for +/- 10 Gs, the One Design has a max. level<br />
speed of 184 mph, and cruises with a 75% power setting at 160 mph.<br />
ONE DESIGN INFO PACK – P/N 01-06005 ..................FREE<br />
ONE DESIGN PLANS - Complete construction drawings required to<br />
build the One Design aircraft from scratch or using pre-fabricated components.<br />
P/N 01-06010-C .......... $376.95<br />
Note: A signed License Agreement is required from the builder prior<br />
to shipment of plans. Include completed License Agreement with your<br />
payment.<br />
Kit Description Part No. Price<br />
Aileron Kit ................................................. 01-02305 ...........$350.58<br />
Engine Mount Kit ...................................... 01-02310 ...........$124.40<br />
Elevator-Stabilizer Kit ............................... 01-02315 ...........$224.24<br />
Fin & Rudder Kit ....................................... 01-02320 ...........$138.12<br />
Fuselage Kit ............................................. 01-02325 ...........$746.12<br />
Wing Ribs Kit ............................................ 01-02330 ...........$301.85<br />
Wing Spar & Skin Kit ................................ 01-02335 ........$2,773.25<br />
For more information on the One Design contact:<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co.<br />
225 Airport Circle, Corona, CA 92880-2527<br />
Phone: (951) 372-9555 • Fax: (951) 372-0555<br />
ERACER<br />
The ERacer is a high<br />
speed, cross country aircraft<br />
designed around the<br />
proven aerodynamics of the<br />
Rutan Long EZ. It is unique<br />
in that it can utilize multiple<br />
power plants.<br />
ERacer also has fully<br />
retractable landing gear<br />
and two place, side by side,<br />
seating.<br />
The ERacer is only available as a plans built aircraft but a few special<br />
parts and the landing gear kit can be purchased through ERacer <strong>Aircraft</strong>.<br />
Support is also available through Shirl Dickey as well as ERacer <strong>Aircraft</strong>.<br />
For more information on the ERacer, visit:<br />
Material Kits are available through <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong><br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
ERacer Fiberglass Kit 01-01462 $3,627.50<br />
ERacer Epoxy Kit 01-01463 $2,839.00<br />
ERacer Wood Kit 01-01464 $139.00<br />
ERacer Foam Kit 01-01465 $5,068.05<br />
ERacer Misc. Kit 01-36821 $1,449.00<br />
The Volmer VJ-22 “Sportsman” is a two-place, side by side, closed cabin, highwing monoplane, amphibious<br />
flying boat. The original Sportsman was completed December 1958. The rigid, corrosion proof hull is made of<br />
1/16 inch and 3/32 inch aircraft mahogany plywood with 1/4 inch plywood at the step for maximum strength<br />
and covered with fiberglass for added protection. Numerous testing from calm water to five foot swells in<br />
the open sea have proven the design to be both extremely airworthy and seaworthy. Wings are wood spar<br />
and ribs, fabric covered. It takes off from water at sea level in about 20 seconds. The VJ-22 is powered by a<br />
Continental C-85, starter and gen. It has a cruising speed 85 mph and stalls at 45 mph<br />
Volmer Club of America - Attn: Robert Albrecht<br />
536 Oak Ave., Bridge City, LA. 70094 - Ph: 504-436-6248<br /> •<br />
VJ-22 <strong>Spruce</strong> Wing Kit ...........................................................P/N 02-06000 ..................................... $2,438.77<br />
VJ-22 Sportsman Fuselage Kit ..............................................P/N 01-00984 ..................................... $5,388.00<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice WWW.AIRCRAFTSPRUCE.COM<br />
Designed by Paul Poberezny<br />
as a successor to the EAA<br />
Biplane, the Acro Sport offers<br />
performance and excellent aerobatic<br />
capability in the Sportsman<br />
and in ter me di ate categories.<br />
Purposely uncomplicated<br />
and straight forward, the Acro<br />
Sport design has been chosen<br />
by hundreds of schools for project<br />
Schoolflight programs. It has a wide landing gear which provides<br />
superb ground handling and easy landing qualities. Builders can choose<br />
powerplants ranging from 85 hp to 200 hp. Features steel tube fuselage,<br />
spruce wing and overall fabric covering which makes the project an easy<br />
one for first time builders with average skills. Maximum speed for this<br />
diminutive biplane is 180 mph, it cruises at 130 and stalls at 50. It has<br />
a rate of climb of 3,500 ft/min and a range of 350 miles. Info packs are<br />
$10.50 and complete plans are $125.00.<br />
Order from: Acro Sport Inc., Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130.<br />
Free kit list on request.Tech support for Acro Sport: Steve<br />
Nanweiler, 4819 Farmstead Ct., Wichita, KS 67220, (414) 529-2609<br />
Note: Landing gear is NCNR, may not be cancelled or returned.<br />
Lead times are always 6-8 weeks.<br />
Complete <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit .........$784.43 Washer Kit .........................$5.13<br />
Spar Kit ..............................$735.20 Metal Kit ......................$2,527.00<br />
Rivet Kit .................................$4.71 Plywood Kit ....................$675.00<br />
Misc. Hardware Kit .........$1,893.00 Bolt Kit .............................$63.02<br />
Nut Kit ..................................$70.73 Miscellaneous Kit ...........$724.00<br />
Landing Gear ..................$1,829.00<br />
Note: All additional items such as tie rods, in stru ments, plumbing,<br />
avionics, etc. can be found in this catalog.<br />
Few light airplanes offer builders<br />
the simplicity and payoff in fun<br />
flying that comes with the Pixie.<br />
Another superb design by founding<br />
president of the Experimental<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> Association, Paul<br />
Poberezny. Similar in many<br />
respects to the Heath Parasol,<br />
the Pixie is a modernization of<br />
the helmet and goggle days of<br />
the 1930’s. The large wing and<br />
full span ailerons make for easy<br />
flying. With minimal taildragger<br />
experience, the Pixie is a breeze<br />
to handle on the ground. Landings are gentle affairs, visibility in cruise<br />
is outstanding and using it with skis adds another dimension of fun.<br />
The fuselage is 4130 steel tube, wings are Sitka spruce, covering is<br />
with Stits Poly-fiber. This is a beginner’s project for construction, with<br />
performance that will satisfy any level of proficiency ...up to ATP! Plans<br />
are highly detailed and the cost level is low. Can be powered with a VW<br />
conversion or Continental A-65. It cruises at 83 mph, stalls at 30, and<br />
climbs at 500 fpm. The Pixie has a no-reserve range of 290 miles with<br />
and empty weight of 543 pounds, gross is 900.<br />
An info pack is $10.50, plans are $1255.00 and both can be ordered<br />
from Acro Sport, Inc., Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130. Order<br />
your Pober Pixie materials kits form the approved supplier, <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
<strong>Spruce</strong>. Free kit list on request.<br />
Pober Pixie Metals Kit ................................... P/N 01-01135 ...$2,899.55<br />
Pober Pixie <strong>Spruce</strong> & Plywood Kit ................. P/N 01-01136 ...$2,058.96<br />
Pober Pixie Bolt, Washer, and Nut Kit ........... P/N 01-01137 ......$266.07<br />
Pober Pixie Cable and Cable Hardware Kit ... P/N 01-01138 ......$393.28<br />
Pober Pixie Hardware Kit .............................. P/N 01-01139 ...$1,353.44<br />
This versatile biplane<br />
offers the outstanding<br />
opportunity to experience<br />
open cockpit<br />
flying with a friend.<br />
Excellent aerobatic<br />
trainer with responsive<br />
controls and<br />
docile straight and<br />
level flight char ac ter istics.<br />
Powerplants can<br />
range from 108 hp to<br />
200 hp. Cruise at 123 mph (180 hp), stall at 53 and max out at 152. The<br />
wide gear, large wheels and outstanding roll rate make the Acro Sport a<br />
dream on the ground, nimble in the air and a cinch for smooth landings.<br />
Designed by EAA founding president Paul Poberezny, the Acro II will<br />
accommodate pilots up to 6’ 6” and 240 pounds. As with all Acro Sport<br />
projects, the fuselage is welded steel tube, wings are spruce and Stits<br />
Poly-fiber is used for covering. Information pack ag es are available for<br />
$10.50 and full sets of plans run $125.00.<br />
Order from: Acro Sport Inc., Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130.<br />
Free kit list on request.Tech support for Acro Sport: Steve<br />
Nanweiler, 4819 Farmstead Ct., Wichita, KS 67220, (414) 529-2609<br />
Note: Landing gear is NCNR, may not be cancelled or returned.<br />
Lead times are always 6-8 weeks.<br />
Metal Kit ....................... $4,291.16 Clevis & Cotter Pin Kit .......$4.40<br />
Complete <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit .... $1,540.57 Wood & Foam Kit .......$2,426.83<br />
Spar Kit ............................ $755.79 Rod End Kit ................$1,315.85<br />
Bolt Kit ............................... $74.10 Misc. Hardware Kit .......$151.70<br />
Nut & Nutplate Kit .............. $85.12 Miscellaneous Kit .......$1,493.00<br />
Washer & Rivet Kit ............ $21.45 Landing Gear ..............$1,939.00<br />
Note: Additional items such as tie rods,plumbing,instruments,avio<br />
nics, etc. can be found throughout this catalog.<br />
One of the many designs to<br />
come from the drawing board<br />
of EAA’s founding President,<br />
Paul H. Poberezny, the<br />
Super Ace, is an ideal project<br />
for first time builders. It offers<br />
the excitement of open cockpit<br />
flying and excellent performance.<br />
With options for<br />
85 hp to 150 hp, the Super<br />
Ace can meet a wide range<br />
of desires. The fuselage is<br />
a traditional 4130 steel tube frame that’s covered with Stits Poly-fiber.<br />
The two-piece wing is made of Sitka spruce spars, ribs formed with 1/2”<br />
x 1/2” spruce caps and covering is again Stits Poly-fiber. Wing span is<br />
27’-3 1/2”, length is 18’5” and empty weight is 685 pounds with a useful<br />
load factor of 385 pounds. Using a C-85 on the prototype, cruise speed<br />
is 90 mph. Info packs on the Pober Super Ace are $8.00, plans are<br />
$125.00 and can be ordered through Acro Sport, Inc., Box 462, Hales<br />
Corners, WI 53130. Request a free brochure on the Super Ace from<br />
Acro Sport. Order your Pober Super Ace materials kits form <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
<strong>Spruce</strong>, the approved materials supplier. Free kit list on request.<br />
For more information on the Pober Super Ace contact<br />
Classic Sport <strong>Aircraft</strong>:<br />
19426 Campbell Creek Dr., Springville, CA 93265<br />
Phone/Fax: (559) 539-2755 • E-mail:<br />
Designed by George Meyer, the Little Toot was first flown in 1957 and in the same year took<br />
the top award from mechanic Illustrated for “Outstanding Achievement in a Homebuilt <strong>Aircraft</strong>”<br />
at the 1957 EAA convention in Milwaukee. “Little Toot” also won the Paul H. Poberezny Award<br />
two years in a row. Year 1999 and 2000. Today the aircraft is still popular in appearance and<br />
functionality. Little Toot is a Single Seat, Sports Biplane. The fuselage is an all-metal structure<br />
with metal-covered steel tube construction from rear of cockpit forward, and metal monocoque<br />
rear of tubular fuselage cockpit forward section. Our Plans also provide you with an alternate<br />
Tube and Fabric fuselage construction. It features all wood wings, two 1” thick spar structure<br />
with fabric covering. Fabric covered all metal full-length ailerons on lower wings only. No<br />
Flaps. Little Tot has super strong structure stressed to 10- and 10+ G’s. Power Plant options<br />
include 4-cylinder engines of up to 200 hp and six cylinders up to IO-540 250 horse power.<br />
Full Size Plans ........................................ P/N 01-01049 .................................... $345.00<br />
Plans - 11 x 17 Booklet ........................... P/N 01-01050 .................................... $179.00<br />
For more info and plans contact Tommy Meyer:<br />
Website: •<br />
Email: • Phone: 817-269-9292<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
The new AQUAJET X, designed by Don<br />
James, and inspired by forthcoming warbirds<br />
F22 Raptor and X35 Joint Strike<br />
Fighter, provides the next level of flying<br />
excitement and realism between the<br />
AquaJet and a real airplane.<br />
To provide vectored thrust via rudder pedals<br />
while creating the jet engine sound you can add an electric leaf<br />
blower (electric leaf blower is not included with the kit). Also there is a<br />
more sophisticated suspension system. Thus, the Aquajet X can climb<br />
at 30 deg., dive at 15 deg., bank, turn and spin up to three revolutions<br />
under full control of the pilot. A throttle actuates the lift cylinder - controlling<br />
takeoff, climb and descent so the stick can control pitch and landing<br />
flare.*Note: The Aqua Jet kit list includes all of the parts we can provide.<br />
Other items are required to build the Aqua Jet and many of them can be<br />
sourced at hardware stores and building centers.<br />
For more information visit our website at<br />
Aquajet X Plans ................................ P/N 01-00962 ......................$95.00<br />
Aquajet X Materials Kit ..................... P/N 01-00964 .................$1,080.99<br />
KR-1 AND KR-2<br />
The KR-1 (single place) and<br />
KR-2 (two place) were designed<br />
in the early 1970’s by the late<br />
Ken Rand. These popular aircraft<br />
combine composite and wood<br />
construction to produce fast, efficient<br />
aircraft that remain good<br />
sellers year after year.<br />
Plans for Daisy<br />
Mae consist of 22<br />
pages that are sized<br />
18 by 24 with full<br />
size rib and former<br />
drawings and a<br />
hardware sheet that<br />
shows what parts<br />
you will need to fabricate<br />
while building<br />
the airplane. Each plan has a serial number and carries a copyright.<br />
Each page is dimensioned so that you will know the exact size of<br />
everything you need to build and has many 3 dimensional drawings<br />
and exploded views for ease of understanding. In addition, every plans<br />
purchase includes a CD loaded with over 280 photos taken during the<br />
construction process. You know what they say: A picture is worth a<br />
thousand words and these will make it perfectly clear how each part was<br />
fabricated. The CD is mailed directly from the plans owner following<br />
registration of the plans.<br />
Specifications: Wing Span - 23’, Empty Wt. - 780 lbs., Wing Area -<br />
173’, Normal Flying Wt. - 1100 lb., Fuselage Length - 18.5 ‘, Gross Wt.<br />
- 1300 lb., Fuselage Height - 7’, Stall Speed - 40 Mph.<br />
Daisy Mae Materials Kit ............................P/N 01-01160 ........$4,598.99<br />
The Making of the Daisy Mae Book ..........P/N 13-04086 .............$34.95<br />
GP-4<br />
Contact:<br />
NV AERO AEROSPACE, LLC, 23052H Alicia Parkway #413,<br />
Mission Viejo, CA 92692 • Phone: (800) 515-4811<br />
Fax: (888) 829-3502 Email:<br />
KR-1 Complete <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit .................. P/N 02-05400 ............ $1,183.69<br />
KR-2 Complete <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit .................. P/N 02-05500 ............ $1,381.76<br />
KR-2S Complete <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit ................ P/N 02-05510 ............ $1,490.47<br />
The Skybolt is a 2 place fully aerobatic<br />
biplane which is also an excellent<br />
cross country aircraft. It is larger<br />
and easier to handle than smaller<br />
biplanes, and construction can be<br />
completed with hand tools by first<br />
time builders. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> has<br />
provided materials for many Skybolt<br />
build ers around the world for over 20 years.<br />
Contact: Steen Aero Lab, 1451 Clearmont St NE,<br />
Palm Bay, FL 32905 • Ph (321) 725-4160 • Fax (321) 725-3058<br />
Complete <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit ............. P/N 02-05700 ........................... $1,644.14<br />
<strong>Spruce</strong> Spar Kit ..................... P/N 02-07900 ........................... $1,260.18<br />
4130 Steel Kit ........................ P/N 03-15500 ........................... $3,089.85<br />
OSPREY<br />
Designed by George Pereira, the GP-4 is a high performance two place<br />
side-by-side kit aircraft which is a fast, efficient cross country performer.<br />
Construction is pri ma ri ly of wood and steel. The GP-4 is becoming the<br />
choice of many builders seeking a solid, traditionally constructed scratch<br />
built aircraft.<br />
Complete <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit .....................P/N 02-25200 ................... $5,063.48<br />
4130 Steel Kit ................................P/N 02-25210 ...................... $900.13<br />
Plywood Kit ....................................P/N 02-00078 ................... $3,470.40<br />
Osprey <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
3741 El Ricon Way, Sacramento, CA 95825<br /><br /><br />
BREEZY<br />
The Osprey is a 2-place amphibian aircraft with fully retractable landing<br />
gear. The Osprey utilizes wood and steel construction and is ideal for<br />
the first time builder seeking well presented plans, ease of construction,<br />
and the versatility of an am phib i an aircraft.<br />
Complete <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit ............................P/N 02-05100 ...........$4,545.10<br />
Osprey Tinted Canopy .........................P/N 05-01163 ..............$425.00<br />
Picture Decal Left Black .......................P/N 09-43813 ..................$8.99<br />
Osprey <strong>Aircraft</strong><br />
3741 El Ricon Way<br />
Sac ra men to, CA 95825<br /> •<br />
Wing and Aileron spars are furnished to<br />
net dimensions, not beveled.<br />
Designed by Carl Unger the Breezy was first introduced in 1965,<br />
and hailed as one of the most distinctive and unusual homebuilt designs<br />
to ever attend an EAA Fly-in. Though there have been a lot other<br />
designs, particularly homebuilts, that embody the open cockpit which<br />
trademarks a Breezy, nothing can surpass it for the view and fresh air<br />
feeling. The original Breezy was designed and built to accept a set of<br />
PA-12 wings. For that reason, there are no wing drawings with the plans.<br />
It is possible to substitute PA-14, PA-18, or J-3,4, or 5 wings. It’s also<br />
possible to order wing kits that replicate a J-3 wing. Power for the prototype,<br />
which now hangs in the EAA Aviation Museum in Oshkosh, WI,<br />
is a Continental C-90. The Breezy will carry a pilot and two passengers.<br />
Contact <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> for FREE Kit List.<br />
Rob Unger, 8751 S. Kilbourn, Oak Lawn, IL 60456<br /> •<br />
Misc Hdwe kit .................... P/N 01-30010 .................. $736.61<br />
Breezy Steel Kit ................. P/N 01-30020 ............... $3,269.64<br />
Breezy Aluminum Kit ......... P/N 01-30030 .................. $188.58<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice WWW.AIRCRAFTSPRUCE.COM<br />
FLY BABY<br />
The <strong>Original</strong> 1929 Model A Powered Light Plane - Designed by Bernard<br />
H Pietenpol to get the best possible performance from a Model A motor,<br />
to be easy to fly, and to get the most flying hours for the money invested.<br />
The Pietenpol Air Camper continues to be a successful design for the<br />
same reasons homebuilders were so fascinated by the design 85 years<br />
ago. It still has graceful styling, predictable flying qualities, and easy<br />
construction. Specifications: • Wing Span: 28’ 2”ft. • Wing Chord: 5 ft.<br />
• Wing Surface: 140 sq ft Length 17 ft. 8 in. • Height Overall: 6 ft. 6 in. •<br />
Tread: 53 in. • Empty Weight: 625 lb. • Engine: Ford Model A, Corvair,<br />
A-65, other. • Useful Load: 456 lb. • Climb Light: Load over 500 ft. first<br />
min. • Climb Full: Load over 200 ft. first min. • Take-Off Speed: 60-75<br />
mph. • High Speed: 90 mph. • Landing Speed: 35 mph. • Fuel Capacity:<br />
10-18 gal. • Take-off Run: 150 ft. • Landing Run: 250 ft. • Weight of Wing:<br />
Complete 95 lbs. • Weight of Body: Complete 130 lbs. • Weight of Motor<br />
with Magneto: Complete 244 lbs. • Weight of Radiator: 21 lbs. • Weight<br />
of Propeller: 21 lbs. • Total Weight of Airplane with Water: 625 lbs. •<br />
Gross Load: 1080 lbs. • Load per Square Foot: 7.7 lbs.<br />
Plans are available from:<br />
B.H. Pietenpol And Sons Air Camper <strong>Aircraft</strong> L.L.C.<br />
7203 Imperial Ave S Cottage Grove, MN 55016<br />
Phone: (651) 459-3209 • email:<br /><br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
<strong>Original</strong> Pietenpol Air Camper Plans 01-01307 $250.00<br />
<strong>Original</strong> Pietenpol Vertical Stab Kit 01-01301 $52.25<br />
<strong>Original</strong> Pietenpol Horizontal Stab Kit 01-01302 $122.95<br />
<strong>Original</strong> Pietenpol Rudder Kit 01-01303 $75.00<br />
<strong>Original</strong> Pietenpol Wing Kit 01-01304 $1,925.00<br />
<strong>Original</strong> Pietenpol Fuselage Kit 01-01305 $1,095.00<br />
<strong>Original</strong> Pietenpol Elevator Kit 01-01306 $113.95<br />
This plane is a structurally simple and easy-to-fly airplane designed<br />
to the requirements of the Experimental aircraft Association for home<br />
construction and storage in a space 7’ x 8’ x 20’, which is equivalent to<br />
the standard home garage. Great emphasis has been placed upon safe<br />
flight characteristics and good low speed performance for takeoff and<br />
landing at some sacrifice of high speed.<br />
Fly Baby <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit .......................P/N 01-00977 ................... $2,564.10<br />
Fly Baby Plywood Kit ....................P/N 01-00974 ................... $1,465.93<br />
Fly Baby Metals Kit .......................P/N 01-00976 ...................... $915.49<br />
Fly Baby Hardware Kit .................P/N 01-00975 ................... $2,305.06<br />
Contact David R. Bowers:<br />
13730 Burke Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022-3549<br />
ph: (605) 948-3229 • Htpp://<br />
ZENITH STOL CH-750<br />
The two-seat all-metal STOL CH 750 has been developed as an “offairport”<br />
short take-off and landing kit aircraft to fulfill the demanding<br />
requirements of both sport pilots and first-time builders. Designer Chris<br />
Heintz has combined the capabilities and advantages of a bush-plane<br />
with the advantages of a modern design.<br />
With form following function, the popular STOL CH 750 design can be<br />
built from complete kits, component “buy-as-you-build” (section) kits, or<br />
it can be built from plans-only (blueprints) with common aircraft materials<br />
and tools (available from <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong>).<br />
For detailed info on all Zenair kit aircraft designs contact:<br />
Zenith <strong>Aircraft</strong> Company<br />
Mexico Memorial Airport, PO Box 650<br />
Mexico, Missouri, 65265-0650 USA.<br />
Ph: (573) 581-9000 (Mon-Fri, 8-5 Central), Fax: 573-581-0011<br /> •<br />
MORIN M85<br />
The Bakeng Deuce is a two place parasol that is great for plain every<br />
day or weekend flying. It is of a basic aircraft design utilizing a steel tube<br />
fuselage. The structure is faired with plywood and aluminum formers<br />
which support spruce stingers. Wings are of basic wooden construction<br />
with solid spruce spars. The Deuce is a very easy aircraft to build with<br />
an excellent set of plans. It has a max. speed of 140 mph, cruises at<br />
110-120 mph with a stall speed of 35-40 mph.<br />
Bakeng Deuce Airplane Factory<br />
9850 52nd Street, Kenosha, WI 53144<br />
Ph: (262) 658-9286 • e-mail:<br />
<strong>Spruce</strong> Spar Kit ................................ P/N 02-06800 ...................$496.00<br />
Complete plans including construction license for wood or aluminum<br />
wings. Also available are plans only for streamlined wood stabilizer and<br />
wood or aluminum wings.<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Complete Morin M85 Plans- Aluminum Wing 01-01211 $415.00<br />
Complete Morin M85 Plans- Wood Wing 01-01212 $415.00<br />
Morin M85 Aluminum Wing Plans Only 01-01213 $275.00<br />
Morin M85 Wood Wing Plans Only 01-01214 $275.00<br />
Morin M85 Streamlined Wood Stabilizer Plans 01-01215 $145.00<br />
Morin M85 11”x17” Booklet Of Complete 143 Drawings 01-01216 $157.75<br />
Morin M85 4130 Tubing Kit (fuse / Vert Stab / Rudder) 01-01236 $2,609.90<br />
Morin M85 4130 Tubing Kit (horizontal Stab / Elevator) 01-01237 $439.52<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
T<br />
A<br />
he use of composite materials in home built aircraft construction got its start back in 1970 when Ken Rand introduced his KR-1 and KR-2 kits. At<br />
the same time, a young designer named Burt Rutan was completing the design of his VariViggen which was awarded the Stan Dzik trophy for<br />
design contribution at Oshkosh in 1972. Although this aircraft featured some composite construction materials, it was fairly labor intensive to build<br />
and interest was modest. Taking the canard design concept a step further and simplifying construction through the use of the moldless composite<br />
technique, Burt educated thousands of builders and future designers through his plans, construction manuals, and many seminars and convinced<br />
aircraft enthusiasts worldwide that composites were indeed the future for aviation construction. Rutan <strong>Aircraft</strong> Factory followed the tremendous<br />
success of the VariEze kit program with plans for new designs such as the Long-EZ, Defiant, and Solitaire. At the same time, SCALED, Burt’s new<br />
company specializing in design and prototype construction, was busy building proof-of concept aircraft such as the AD-1, Grizzly, and Beech Starship.<br />
Burt continues to operate SCALED today and remains active in designing and building the aircraft of tomorrow. We hope he will someday return to<br />
the homebuilt aircraft market, and arena that allowed him endless freedom to pursue aircraft design innovation.<br />
uring the 1980’s many new designers entered the homebuilt aircraft market including Nat Puffer who introduced the popular Cozy, a side-byside<br />
version of the Long-EZ. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> & Specialty Co. became the distributor of Cozy kits as it had been for the Rutan designs since<br />
D<br />
1976. Hundreds of kits were shipped worldwide, and <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> grew as quickly as the composite movement. At the same time, <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong><br />
began supplying kits and materials to designers marketing their own new designs using the new “fast-build” pre-fabricated kit concept. This type of<br />
kit program was pioneered by Tom Jewett and Gene Sheehan of Quickie <strong>Aircraft</strong> and Tom Hamilton of Glasair fame. Many new designs followed,<br />
including Lance Niebauer’s Lancair, Ken Wheeler’s Express, the Cirrus and White Lightning. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> has been a supplier of materials for all of<br />
these kit programs, and looks forward to working with the designers of new composite aircraft on their kit programs in the years to come. The design<br />
sophistication and ease of construction that are offered in composite aircraft kits today have provided a way for many aviation enthusiasts to build<br />
and fly higher performance aircraft at affordable prices. What an exciting time to be involved in sport aviation!<br />
dvanced composite fabrics are those materials which have been used for a num ber of years in aerospace applications, replacing standard fiberglass<br />
fabrics. Today’s materials - Kevlar, graphite, S glass and ceramics - are now making the transition from aerospace to homebuilt aircraft.<br />
Kevlar is an organic fiber which is yellow in color and soft to touch. It is extremely strong and tough and about the lightest structural fabric on the market<br />
today. Kevlar is highly resistant to impact but it is rather difficult to work with for hand layup applications and its com pres sive strength is considered<br />
poor. Graphite fibers are created by extreme stretching and heating of rayon fibers to change their molecular struc ture. Graph ite has very low density<br />
(weight/unit volume), is very stiff (high modulus) and very strong (high tensile). S glass uses a different chemical formulation from standard E glass<br />
fabrics, and is stronger, tougher and stiffer than E glass. One ply of S glass can replace several plies of E glass, which can result in a stronger and<br />
considerably lighter aircraft component. Ceramic fabrics are the latest innovation in ad vanced composites. These fabrics pro duce lam i nates approaching<br />
the quali ties of S glass plus they can withstand temperatures of almost 3000° F. Ceramic cloth can produce a very lightweight and effective firewall<br />
laminate, although at this time the cost is high. These advanced com pos ite materials are currently being used in the production of such items as aerospace<br />
components, high-per form ance boats and race cars, and many rev o lu tion ary homebuilt aircraft such as the Long-EZ, Solitaire, Sea Hawk and<br />
Q200. The performance of future homebuilt aircraft will most certainly be in cred i ble with the availability of these in no va tive new composite materials.<br />
Best<br />
Worst<br />
Cost E Glass S Glass Kevlar Graphite Ceramic<br />
Weight<br />
(Density) Kevlar Graphite S Glass E Glass Ceramic<br />
Stiffness Graphite Kevlar S Glass Ceramic E Glass<br />
Heat Ceramic S Glass E Glass Kevlar Graphite<br />
Toughness Kevlar S Glass E Glass Ceramic Graphite<br />
Impact<br />
Resistance Kevlar S Glass E Glass Ceramic Graphite<br />
O<br />
ften the choice of the materials to use for a laminate is difficult<br />
because of the required properties. One must consider the advantages<br />
of one material over an other and its anticipated performance. S<br />
glass is about 30% stronger and 15% stiffer than E glass. It has 20-25%<br />
of the stiffness of graphite and is as strong, but it is also 30% heavier.<br />
S glass though, has only half the strength and stiffness of Kevlar<br />
and twice the weight. Kevlar on the other hand, is 40% stronger and<br />
25% lighter than graphite but has only half the stiffness of graphite.<br />
Sometimes, blending different advanced composite fabrics in a laminate<br />
can achieve the proper balance of stiffness, strength and weight. Use<br />
the following six para me ters listed here, from a best to a worst case,<br />
to help you decide which ad vanced composite fabric(s) is best for your<br />
ap pli ca tion.<br />
CM<br />
WP<br />
ME<br />
HA<br />
AP<br />
LG<br />
EP<br />
CS<br />
IN<br />
EL<br />
AV<br />
120-PLAIN-34x34<br />
281-PLAIN-17x17<br />
285-CROW FOOT-17x17<br />
TO<br />
PS<br />
AS4-HS4<br />
F3T282-PLAIN-12.5x12.5<br />
E-GLASS<br />
F3C716-PLAIN-16x24<br />
S-GLASS<br />
BV<br />
XC568-5H5-48X47 7500-PLAIN-16X14 4533-PLAIN-18X18<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
CM<br />
WP<br />
ME<br />
HA<br />
AP<br />
LG<br />
EP<br />
CS<br />
IN<br />
EL<br />
AV<br />
TO<br />
PS<br />
It is important to have the entire work area including tables, foam, tools and working materials thoroughly warm before commencing. This may take<br />
3-4 hours. An electric hair dryer may be used to warm local areas, being careful not to over heat the part or epoxy. When, due to cool temperatures,<br />
a part is slow to wet out, a few quick passes with a hair dryer will greatly speed the layup time. Do not use a hair dryer to heat a cup of epoxy. This<br />
can give local hot spots and ruin pot life.<br />
The epoxy system components should be stored at room temperature. Never keep resin or hardeners in a cold place, even for long-term storage. If the<br />
resin appears to crystallize and settle out it should be returned to its normal state as soon as possible, even if prompt usage is not anticipated. Placing<br />
the container of resin in hot (160-190°F.) water for several hours will usually decrystallize it and return it to a clear state. Mild agitation will accelerate<br />
the process. Leaving the resin hot for 3-5 hours after it clears will reduce its susceptibility to recrystallize. Securely close containers after use.<br />
Never attempt any layup below 70°F. since the higher viscosity of the resin will make it more difficult to wet out the cloth. Ideal working temperature is<br />
85°F. Keep epoxy at 75° to 85°F. Never work outside in sunlight. It’s acceptable to work in a shop with radiant heaters, as long as:<br />
1.) The heat is diffused and the heat source does not become much hotter than the ambient.<br />
2.) The heat is not provided by a source that generates particulates or aerosol hydrocarbons.<br />
Never make a glass layup over a core that is not straight and smooth. The glass panel cannot take the loads if it has bumps or depressions in excess<br />
of the al low able values. A wrinkle, depression or bump in a layup which is greater than 1/16” high or low and which is more than 20% of the chord<br />
length or 20% of the spar chord is not acceptable and requires repair. A depression can usually be repaired by filling with flox to level and laying over<br />
the entire depression the amount of glass that is underneath, lapping outside the depression a distance equal to one inch per ply. Care should be<br />
taken not to lay up a depression or bump in the thick main spar caps. The transition of the spar caps into the wing fittings must be smooth and without<br />
joggles. These precautions apply only to the flying surfaces. The fuselage and fuel tanks can have relatively large depressions or bumps with out<br />
affecting structural safety. Care should be taken in the finishing process not to sand through more than one ply on the structure.<br />
Joining foam blocks - (1) Paint a coat of epoxy (no micro) on the joining surfaces. (2) Trowel a wedge of dry micro on the center of one surface. (3)<br />
Squeeze the joining surfaces together, wiggling them back and forth to obtain a thin micro joint less than 1/16” thick. It is desirable to have the micro<br />
about 3/8” low in the joint (not squeezed out). The low joint is filled with micro before glass is laid over the joint allowing a wet bond between the<br />
micro and the glass. If some does squeeze out, wipe the joint low with a mixing stick. Do not try to fill large voids with micro, as there is a possibility<br />
of exotherm damage. For a void larger than about 0.1”, fill with a sliver of foam with micro on each side.<br />
• A paper cutter is excellent for measuring and cutting the many little squares of glass cloth.<br />
• Epoxy should be removed from metal tools or parts with acetone, MEK or soap and water before it cures.<br />
• Micro slurry should not be applied to glass surfaces being bonded. This weakens the joint.<br />
• Do not use Bondo on styrofoam, It has a polyester base which will dissolve the foam. Bondo will not attack urethane or PVC.<br />
Precaution - Be sure layups are not dry, with air present ( small flecks of white). Inspect thoroughly before leaving a wet layup. A cured layup that is<br />
too dry must be rejected.<br />
Make sure that ample micro slurry is applied over the foam, particularly the ure thane. Inadequate slurry allows air to remain under the first ply, decreasing<br />
lami nate peel strength and surface durability.<br />
Hot wire cutting - A good method to use for judging wire temperatures is the appearance of the cut foam surface. A cratered or rutted surface indicates<br />
the wire is too hot. A very light “hair” of plastic strands on the surface is just right. Always adjust the temperature so that the wire will cut one inch in<br />
4 to 6 seconds with light pressure.<br />
Exotherm foam damage - Care must be taken to avoid heavy buildups of epoxy/micro down inside a joint that is insulated by foam, such as the<br />
assembly of the wing cores. The gap to be filled by micro when assembling any foam cores should not be thicker than 1/16”. In filling a gap greater<br />
than 0.1”, excessive weight is added and, more importantly, the large mass of epoxy/micro insulated by the foam can exotherm. Heat resulting from<br />
the exotherm can be as high as 450°F., which will melt away the foam lo cally and destroy the joint. White is the recommended color for composite<br />
aircraft since it absorbs very little of the sun’s heat (10%) while a black surface will heat up tremendously (95% absorption). Trim colors in noncritical<br />
areas are acceptable. Any good qual ity automotive enamel, lacquer, acrylic or polyurethane is acceptable. A primer-surfacer with an ultra-violet radiation<br />
barrier is recommended as an under coat ing.<br />
Caution: Do not ever wipe paint thinners on any part of the structure. Minute pin holes in the epoxy/glass skin can allow the thinners to pene trate down<br />
to the styrofoam,which dissolves in thin ners.<br />
One of the unique features of the glass-foam-glass composite construction tech nique is the ability to visually inspect the structure from the outside. The<br />
trans par ency of the glass/epoxy material makes it possible to see all the way through the skins and even through the spar caps. Defects in the layup<br />
take four basic forms: (1) resin lean areas, (2) delaminations, (3) wrinkles or bumps in the fibers and (4) damage due to sanding structure away in<br />
finishing. Resin lean areas are white in appearance due to incomplete wetting of the glass cloth with epoxy dur ing layup. The presence of minor white<br />
(lean) areas up to about 2 inches in di ame ter is not cause for rejection of the piece. Delaminations in a new layup may be due to small air bubbles<br />
trapped between plies during the layup. Small del ami na tions or bubbles up to 2” diameter may be filled by drilling a small hole into the bubble and<br />
filling the void with epoxy. Major wrinkles or bumps along more than 2” of chord are cause for rejection in the wings, canard and winglet on the VE,<br />
particularity on the top. In most cases the rejected part can be repaired by following the basic rule: Remove the damaged area and fair back the area<br />
at a slope of at least one inch per ply with a sanding block in all directions. Count the number of plies re moved while sanding and replace with same,<br />
plus one more ply of BID over the entire patch.<br />
BV<br />
WEAVE<br />
PLAIN<br />
WEAVE<br />
The weave pattern describes the man ner in which the warp yarns and the filling yarns are in ter laced in the fabric.<br />
Plain Weave con sists of one warp end woven over and under one fill ing pick. Plain weave is gen er al ly characterized<br />
by fab ric sta bil i ty with minimum pli abil i ty ex cept at low fabric counts.<br />
Crowfoot Weaves are constructed with one warp end weaving over three and under one filling pick. It is characterized<br />
as being more pliable than either plain or basket weaves, having conformability to complex or compound<br />
curved surfaces and making possible the weaving of higher counts than plain or basket weaves.<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
Fiberglass cloth is exactly what the name says - glass. Fine fibers are spun from molten glass marbles, gathered into yarn and woven into a strong,<br />
supple glass fabric. It can be folded, rolled or draped, like any other loosely woven fabric - but it can be chemically transformed into solid sheets of<br />
tremendous strength. All the fiberglass fabrics listed below are volan treated for maximum strength and re sis tance to moisture and abrasion. They<br />
feature a weave that is tight enough for high strength, yet open enough for thorough wetting by resins.<br />
1.45 oz./sq. yd. Lightweight Industrial Cloth used in Osprey<br />
and other designs. Widely used by model builders, known<br />
as “Deck Cloth” , Thread Count 60 x 47.<br />
#1080 (P/N 1080-50) 50” Width .............. $6.60 yd<br />
5.85 oz./sq. yd. Lightweight Boat or Tooling Cloth. Plain<br />
Weave. Thread Count 18 x 18. Breaking Strength 250<br />
x 250 lb./in. Finished Weight 5.64 oz./sq. yd. Thickness<br />
.009” as used on KR <strong>Aircraft</strong>.<br />
#7533 (P/N 7533-60) 60” /Width ............. $9.65 yd<br />
CM<br />
WP<br />
3.16 oz./sq. yd. Lightweight Industrial Cloth with aerospace<br />
applications. Excellent for model building. Only .004” thick.<br />
Crowfoot weave, which contours nicely. Thread Count 60<br />
x 58. Breaking Strength 125 x 120 lb./in. Finished Weight<br />
3.08 oz./sq. yd.<br />
#120 (P/N 120-38) 38” Width .................. $8.50 yd<br />
3.74 oz./sq. yd. Light weight Boat or Tooling Cloth.<br />
Tight plain weave. Thread Count 24 x 22. Breaking<br />
Strength. 160 x 135 lb./in. Finished Weight 3.60 oz./sq. yd.<br />
Thickness .0055”<br />
#1522 (P/N 1522-50) 50” Width .............. $5.35 yd<br />
5.79 oz./sq. yd. Lightweight Boat Cloth. Flat weave, not<br />
twisted. Thread Count 18 x 18. Breaking Strength 250<br />
x 225 lb./in. Finished Weight 5.85 oz./sq. yd. Thickness<br />
.010”.<br />
#3733 (P/N 3733-60) 60” Width .............. $5.80 yd<br />
S-GLASS<br />
The chemical formulation of<br />
S-glass differs from that of<br />
standard E-glass. Ex amples<br />
of E-glass are found in the<br />
Standard Fiberglass Cloth section<br />
of this cata log. S-glass is<br />
30% stronger and 15% stiffer<br />
than E-glass and retains<br />
these prop er ties up to 1500°<br />
F. S-glass is also considerably<br />
tougher than an equivalent<br />
E-glass. Other styles are available on request. Sold by the yard.<br />
Style Part No.<br />
Weight oz./<br />
Sq.Yd.<br />
Width<br />
Thickness<br />
4533 4533-60 5.8 60” .009”<br />
W x F Weave<br />
18 x<br />
18<br />
Price Per<br />
Lineal Yd.<br />
Plain $19.85<br />
100% Fiberglass in a non-woven<br />
state. It is used for bulk “build-up”<br />
in molding and fabricating components.<br />
Also useful for filling holes<br />
and badly damaged parts. 1.5 Oz.<br />
Weight. 38” Width.<br />
P/N 01-06500 ...............$3.35/Yd<br />
ORDER ONLINE!<br /><br />
• 100,000 Parts!<br />
• 24 Hour Access!<br />
• Fast, Easy Navigation!<br />
8.5 oz./sq. yd. Lightweight boat or tooling cloth. Threads<br />
per inch: 18L x 18W. Used in Osprey aircraft and other<br />
homebuilts.<br />
#7520 (P/N 7520-50) 50” width ............ $10.60 yd<br />
8.95 oz/yd² Medium Weight Standard Industrial Cloth. 8<br />
Harness Satin. Thread Count 57 x 54. Breaking Strength<br />
350 x 330 lb./in. Finished Weight 8.95 oz./yd² Thickness<br />
.009 mils. Sold by the yard.<br />
#7781 50”” Width (P/N 7781-50) ............ $8.65 yd<br />
#7781 60” Width (P/N 7781-60) ............ $10.90 yd<br />
9.66 oz./sq. yd. Heavy Weight Boat or Tooling Cloth. Plain<br />
Weave. Thread Count 16 x 14. Breaking Strength 450<br />
x 410 lb./in. Finished Weight 9.40 oz./sq. yd. Thickness<br />
.014”.<br />
#7500 (P/N 7500-60) 60” Width .............. $9.80 yd<br />
Knitted fabrics are a relatively new format in composites.<br />
The performance of the glass is greatly<br />
enhanced by removing the interstices of the<br />
woven fabric and the crimped condition. E-glass<br />
in woven goods normally has 22,000 psi tensile<br />
strength. Layered nonwoven goods give 27,000<br />
psi which is about a 20% improvement. Knitted<br />
glass offers greater ease of fabric orientation and<br />
saves time over multi-layered wet lay-ups.<br />
Part No. Weight/sq yd Width Ply Thickness Price/yd<br />
Biaxial - Double Bias +/-45°<br />
01-00640 17.6 oz 50” 17.0 mm $10.95<br />
Uni-Directional<br />
01-00650 13.4 oz. 50” .021 mm $5.99<br />
AHN 7800 is an Commercial Grade<br />
Nomex honeycomb particularly suited<br />
for use where resistance to corrosive<br />
attack and moisture are important. This<br />
material exhibits good strength characteristics<br />
and is fire resistant. It is available<br />
in a variety of cell sizes and densities to suit most purposes. Typical<br />
applications include lightweight non-structural bulkheads for ships,<br />
joiner panels, shelters, antennas, and auto body panels. This material<br />
is not intended for aircraft or aerospace applications. This material also<br />
exhibits good thermal insulation properties and also has good dielectric<br />
properties. This honeycomb is easily machined, formed, and shaped<br />
and well suited to adhesive bonding.<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Honeycomb 1/8” Thick, 1/8” Cell 4’ x 8’ 01-00487 $205.95<br />
Honeycomb 1/8” Thick, 1/8” Cell 4’ x 4’ 01-00489 $102.98<br />
Honeycomb 1/4” Thick, 1/8” Cell 4’ x 8’ 01-01052 $312.00<br />
Honeycomb 1/4” thick, 1/8” Cell, 4’ x 4’ 01-01564 $150.95<br />
Honeycomb 1/8” Thick, 3/16” Cell, 39” x 108” 01-01572 $165.75<br />
Honeycomb 1/8” Thick, 3/16” Cell, 39” x 54” 01-01573 $82.00<br />
Honeycomb 1/8” Thick, 1/4” Cell, 39” x 108” 01-01574 $246.95<br />
Honeycomb 1/8” Thick, 1/4” Cell, 39” x 54” 01-01575 $124.95<br />
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The most basic structural material in building a composite aircraft is glass cloth. The use of glass in aircraft structures, particularly structural sandwich<br />
com pos ites, is a recent development. Glass cloth is available commercially in hundreds of different weights, weaves, strengths and working properties.<br />
Very few of these, however, are compatible with aircraft requirements for high strength and light weight. Even fewer are suitable for the hand-layup<br />
techniques developed by Burt Rutan for the homebuilder. The glass cloth featured here has been spe cifi cally selected for the optimum combination of<br />
workability, strength and weight. Two types of glass cloth, a bi-directional cloth (RA7725BID) and a uni-directional cloth(RA7715 UND) are used. BID<br />
cloth has half of the fibers woven parallel to the selvage edge of the cloth and the other half at right angles to the selvage, giving the cloth the same<br />
strength in both directions. UND cloth has 95% of the glass fibers woven parallel to the selvage, giving exceptional strength in that direction and very<br />
little at right angles to it. BID is generally used for pieces which are cut at a 45° angle to the selvage, a bias cut, which enables the builder to lay BID<br />
into contours with very little effort and provides the needed shear and torsion stiff ness for flying surfaces. UND is used in areas where the primary<br />
loads are in one direction, such as wing skins and spar caps. Multiple layers of glass cloth are laminated together to form the aircraft structure. Each<br />
layer of cloth is called a “ply”.<br />
7 Oz. 38” Width Threads per inch:<br />
80L x 18W $10.65 Lineal Yd.<br />
Small Cross Fibers<br />
Selvage Edge<br />
Although Kevlar has many advantages<br />
over conventional fiberglass<br />
weaves, it is very difficult to cut.<br />
Special scissors have been developed<br />
to facilitate cutting. These<br />
scissors have a wear resistant<br />
coating which is metallurgically<br />
bonded to the steel substrate. The<br />
coating will not chip or peel off and<br />
can be sharpened. Model WR-10E-4 Shears.<br />
P/N 01-00341 .........................................$85.75<br />
Major Fiber<br />
Bundles<br />
Selvage Edge<br />
8.8 Oz. 38” Width Threads/inch:<br />
54L x 48W $7.75 Lineal Yd.<br />
Quantity Discount: 15% on 500 Yds or more. Yardage must be on one fabric for discount, not combined. Discount on larger quantities quoted on request<br />
STYLE 120 STYLE 281 STYLE 285<br />
“Kevlar” 49 aramid fiber was introduced commercially in 1972 and is the Du Pont registered trademark for its new high strength, high modulus organic<br />
fiber. It combines high tensile strength (43,000 PSI) and high modulus (19 million PSI) with light weight and toughness superior to other reinforcing<br />
fibers for plastics. It is available in yarns and rovings which meet all FAA requirements for flammability. It shows no degradation in jet fuel, lubricating<br />
oils, water, salt water or high humidity. At cryogenic temperatures (-320°F.) performance is excellent with essentially no embrittlement or degradation of<br />
fiber properties. Kevlar 49 can offer both a significant weight saving and improved stiffness versus glass in addition to superior vibration damping and<br />
good impact resistance. A kayak made with Kevlar 49, for example, weighs about 18 pounds while the weight of a com pa rable boat made with glass<br />
would be over 30 pounds. The advantages over glass in small aircraft are similar - weight savings and improved impact resistance. Kevlar 49 is used<br />
in a number of parts on the Lockheed L-1011 because of weight savings of up to 30% compared to similar parts made of glass. One unusual benefit<br />
of Kevlar is its “quietness”. A cowling made of Kevlar will be quieter and less sensitive to engine vibrations than its glass or graphite counterpart.<br />
Although all of the processes used in combining resins with glass fiber are adapt able to Kevlar 49 with little or no modification. The vinyl estertype<br />
system is compatible, but the use of polyesters is not recommended because of poor bonding with Kevlar. The epoxy resin systems featured in this<br />
catalog are compatible with Kevlar 49 and have good wetting characteristics.<br />
Kevlar 49 is stocked in three different fabric styles. Kevlar #120 is a very light weight fabric, while #281 and #285 are identical except for the weaving<br />
pattern. Other weights and weaves of Kevlar are available on a special order basis. Be sure to specify the Kevlar style when ordering.<br />
Style Part No.<br />
Oz./<br />
Sq.Yd<br />
Weight Width Thickness W x F Weave<br />
Breaking Strength Lbs/Inch<br />
Warp<br />
Fill<br />
Price Per Lineal Yd<br />
120 01-38100 1.8 38” .0035” 34 x 34 Plain 260 250 $27.85<br />
281 281-38 5.0 38” .010” 17 x 17 Plain 625 650 $25.60<br />
285 285-38 5.0 38” .010” 17 x 17 Crow 630 650 $25.85<br />
Quantity Discount: 10% on 25-50 Yds. %; 15% on 50-100 Yds.; 20% on over 100 Yds.<br />
Straight-edge blades easily slide<br />
through the fabric and are sharpened<br />
to the tip for smaller or<br />
appliqué cuts. Grabs the fabric<br />
and cuts cleanly, with no material<br />
folding over the blades - even<br />
when cutting left-handed. Blades<br />
fully extend into the handles for<br />
durability and better cutting stability<br />
and pressure distribution. Exceptional accuracy and retains<br />
smooth blade movement, even in heavy-use environments. Straight<br />
blades made of stainless steel (Blades are not serrated). Good for cutting<br />
stitchwork, thread, cloth, leather, fabrics, films, sign and graphics<br />
material, vehicle wraps, and more. .....P/N 01-01186 ...................$18.95<br />
Wiss No. 20W heavy-duty<br />
shears, ideal for cutting fiberglass<br />
cloth and all fabrics. Hot<br />
drop-forged steel.<br />
Right Hand Shears............P/N 01-00397 .......... $32.75<br />
Left Hand Shears ..............P/N 01-00398 .......... $32.75<br />
Lightweight, durable, and reliable<br />
GINGHER® Scissors are<br />
lightweight, extremely sharp<br />
and comfortable. These 2-1/2<br />
oz. scissors are perfect for use<br />
during the lay-up for a variety<br />
of purposes and can be soaked<br />
in acetone for easy clean up.<br />
We recommend saving one<br />
pair for only cutting Kevlar® and keeping a second pair for general<br />
use. P/N 01-00342 .............$47.85<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
282 584<br />
Woven graphite is a fabric introduced in recent years which has become<br />
an ex cel lent alternative to fiberglass and Kevlar - only mils thick with<br />
great strength. In addition to its great strength, graphite fabric also has<br />
very low density and is very stiff. Although it is quite costly, the material<br />
saving is appreciable since only one course of graphite is required for 3<br />
or 4 of fiberglass. It cuts con sid era bly easier than Kevlar. Graphite The<br />
excellent qualities of the graphite fabric itself give it an immediate waiting<br />
market in the aircraft building field.<br />
Graphite fabric is stocked in the three different styles shown below.<br />
Other weights and weaves of graphite are available on a special order<br />
basis. Be sure to specify the graphite style when ordering. These carbon<br />
graphite cloths are not pre-preg fabrics.<br />
* Warning folding for shipment can damage the filaments in the<br />
fabric. Folding will be done at customers risk and request only.<br />
Weight<br />
Style Part No. Oz./Sq Width Thickness<br />
/yd.<br />
Tensile<br />
Price<br />
W x F Weave Strength<br />
Yd.<br />
(KSI)<br />
282 01-00971 5.8 50” .007” 12.5x12.5 Plain 675 $29.50<br />
282 01-28260 5.8 60” .007” 12.5x12.5 Plain 675 $35.90<br />
Style<br />
Tapes are woven from 8.7 oz./sq. yd. fiberglass<br />
cloth, .012” thick, into narrow widths<br />
with non-raveling selvage. Perfect for glassing<br />
seams, corners, edges fan for repair jobs.<br />
Sold in 50 yd. rolls.<br />
1” Width 26 Warp, 17 Fill ................ P/N 01-06610 .............. Roll $20.50<br />
2” Width 40 Warp, 17 Fill ................ P/N 01-06600 .............. Roll $26.50<br />
3” Width 58 Warp, 17 Fill ................ P/N 01-06700 .............. Roll $33.75<br />
4” Width 76 Warp, 17 Fill ................ P/N 01-06705 .............. Roll $42.60<br />
6” Width 106 Warp, 17 Fill .............. P/N 01-06710 .............. Roll $64.90<br />
12” Width 218 Warp, 17 Fill ............ P/N 01-06720 .............. Roll $87.75<br />
This is a fibrous glass reinforcement designed<br />
to furnish exceptionally high directional<br />
strength. Manufactured from parallel strands<br />
of glass roving which are held together by a<br />
fine woven cross thread. The placement of the<br />
cross thread is such that the parallel rovings<br />
do not wander or have a tendency to cross<br />
over each other. This 100% unidirectional tape<br />
can be used instead of unidirectional fabric<br />
for spar caps, wings and elevators. Contours<br />
well and cuts building time considerably. Wt.<br />
22 oz./sq. yd., 0.025” thick. May be used with<br />
either polyester or epoxy systems. Used on Polliwagen. Long-EZ, Cozy.<br />
Adventure and applicable to all composites.<br />
2.5”-3” Wide ........... P/N 01-06800 ...................$2.45 Yd.<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
TWILL 2 X 2 WEAVE<br />
Weight<br />
Part No. Oz./Sq W Thickness<br />
W x F Weave Strength<br />
Tensile<br />
Yd.<br />
(KSI)<br />
284 01-00602 5.7 50" .007 12X12<br />
284 01-01232 5.8 60” .007 12X12<br />
2/2 Twill<br />
3K<br />
2/2 Twill<br />
3K<br />
Price<br />
/yd.<br />
675 $29.95<br />
675 $35.50<br />
384 01-01529 - 50 .007 12X12 2/2 Twill - -<br />
Construction is such that the fibers are oriented in a<br />
straight or linear manner with no twist and are able to<br />
be maintained in that condition while being impregnated<br />
by hand. The fabric is formed from rovings or<br />
“tows” of fibers similar to that used in making woven<br />
fabric. These fibers are locked into position by very<br />
fine fill (or cross machine direction) fibers.<br />
For hand lay-ups, resin may be applied by spray,<br />
brush, or by pouring action. A short napped paint roller is recommended<br />
for spreading the resin. Excess resin should always be rolled out in a<br />
direction parallel to the graphite fibers. Satisfactory for use with epoxies,<br />
polyesters, vinyl esters, and other resins. Care and cleanliness should<br />
be practiced when working with Graphite materials. Unattached graphite<br />
fibers are easily airborne. A filter mask should be worn when cutting and<br />
fabricating. Itching and irritation caused by broken filaments becoming<br />
embedded in the skin can result from filament breakage during handling.<br />
Sold by the yard Style: 715. Weight: 5.37 oz./sq. yd. Width: 53.5 in.<br />
Thickness: 6.69 mils.<br />
**Warning folding for shipment can damage the filaments in the<br />
fabric. Folding will be done at customer’s risk and request only<br />
P/N 09-04023 ...................$45.95<br />
FIBERGLASS 44”<br />
Unidirectional Carbon Fiber. 44-TWCO-007 44”.<br />
170GSM PW Uncert 3K/75 1/0 44”.<br />
P/N 09-04685 ...................$37.95<br />
Intermediate Modulus Hexcel IM7 UNI Directional<br />
Carbon Fiber Fabric/Cloth 50” 12k 5.7oz/193gsm.<br />
This fabric has a width of 50”, tow size of 12k<br />
and is a UNI Directional Fabric. This Hexcel IM7<br />
12k Intermediate Modulus Fiber has a yard that is<br />
smaller in size than a standard 12k yarn and visually<br />
replicates the look of a standard strength 6k carbon fiber yarn while<br />
offering over a 60% increase in tensile strength and reducing the weight<br />
in almost half. P/N 01-01606 ...................$24.80<br />
These carbon fiber tapes are used to add stiffness<br />
and tensile strength in one direction without adding<br />
significant thickness or weight. These West System<br />
tapes have 12 carbon fiber bundles per inch of tape<br />
width. The bundles are held together with a polyester<br />
fill thread making the tape easy to handle. These<br />
tapes are compatible with epoxies but not with vinlyester<br />
or polyester resins. #702 tape is 1.5” wide and<br />
#703 tape is 3” wide.<br />
Style No. Width (in.) Length Part No. Price/.roll<br />
702 1.5” 12 ft.roll 01-00238 $59.85<br />
702 1.5” 50 ft.roll 01-00239 $157.77<br />
703 3” 12 ft.roll 01-00240 $76.56<br />
703 3” 50 ft.roll 01-00241 $206.40<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> offers structural tubing and structural<br />
torsion tubing, engineered and built to meet your exact<br />
specifications and tolerances. Structural Tortion Tubing,<br />
in continuous lengths up to 40’, is manufactured with the<br />
computer-controlled, fully-automated Helical Winding<br />
Process. We offer a broad array of Fiber Options and<br />
tubing wall thickness and diameter is determined on a<br />
case-by-case basis to suit your application. Special<br />
Order Sold in 10 ft. lengths only (can cut for UPS<br />
shipment).<br />
* The image shows two types of finish on this product.<br />
The standing tube is sanded and painted with a gloss finish. This is<br />
available for an additional cost of $249.00. The tube lying on its side is a<br />
rough surface, which will be received when product is purchased.<br />
D of Tube Wall Thickness Length Part No. Price<br />
0.5” .100 10’ 03-00171 $428.95<br />
0.75” .100 10’ 03-00172 $428.95<br />
1.00” .120” 10’ 03-00173 $357.95<br />
1.25” .120” 10’ 03-00174 $515.00<br />
1.5” .120” 10’ 03-00175 $414.95<br />
1.75” .120” 10’ 03-00176 $565.00<br />
2” .120” 10’ 03-00177 $464.95<br />
2.5” .120” 10’ 03-00178 $572.00<br />
3” .120” 10’ 03-00179 $689.99<br />
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High strength (470,000 PSI) carbon fibers<br />
are used as reinforcement in high per formance<br />
structural composites for aircraft applications,<br />
recreational and in dus trial products.<br />
Carbon fiber filaments are finer than a<br />
human hair. These filaments are bundled together to make a fiber of<br />
3,000, 6,000 or 12,000 filaments which is called a “tow”. The tow is sized<br />
with an epoxy compatible material to improve the handling char ac ter istics.<br />
It is then wound on a cardboard core holding from 4 to 6 pounds of<br />
fiber. 1 Lb. spool.<br />
Actual Size Part No. Approx. Yield Roll Size Price/Spool<br />
3K Tow 01-00343 2470 Yd./Lb. 4 Lb. $394.00<br />
6K Tow 01-00307 1229 Yd./Lb. 1 Lb. $79.65<br />
12K Tow 01-00004 621 Yd./Lb. 2 Lb. $149.95<br />
12K Tow 01-00345 621 Yd./Lb. 4 Lb. $298.95<br />
It appears that the 6K tow will prove most practical for homebuilding<br />
ap pli ca tions. This size will be available in the small units shown. The<br />
3K and 12K sizes are offered in full spools only. The 3K tow is used<br />
primarily by weavers. The 12K is difficult to wet out but can be done by<br />
diligent brushing.<br />
Material: 1500 denier Twaron (aramid), 5 ends<br />
(7500 denier total). Type: 1000. Yield: 567<br />
yards/pound (0.588 lbs/1000ft). Elongation: 3.5%*<br />
(each end). Break: 79 lb. +- 6.25%* (each end)<br />
Packaging. Tube length: 5.25”. Inner diameter:<br />
5/8”. Yards/package: 300<br />
300 Ft . Roll ............. P/N 968 .................... $46.50<br />
Lightweight, micro ballooned filled, fast curing<br />
2-part epoxy fairing putty with excellent moisture<br />
resistance. Use on both fiberglass and wood epoxy<br />
structures above or below the waterline. At 70° F it<br />
is sufficiently cured to be hand sanded in 3 hours<br />
or machine sanded in 4 hours. This allows you to<br />
apply 3 coats in a standard 8 hour shift or 6 in a<br />
round the clock basis. Complete a fairing or filleting<br />
job in a day rather than 3 or 4 days. NOTE:<br />
QuikFairs warm butter-like consistency makes it<br />
easy to measure by weight. Use care when measuring<br />
by volume as QuikFair does not self-level<br />
and may trap air pockets. As QuikFair is fast curing<br />
the working time is short. Mix no more than can be<br />
applied within 10 minutes. 24 oz. Kit ..........P/N 01-00404 ......$29.50<br />
1-1/2 qt. Kit ........P/N 01-00405 ......$44.65<br />
These Premium Pigments are a paste to tint polyester,<br />
vinyl ester, epoxy resin, and polyurethane.<br />
Add about 6% to 8% of pigment by weight or 1/2<br />
pint of pigment per gal. of resin.<br />
White - 1 oz. ......P/N 01-45308 .......... $5.95<br />
White - 8 oz. ......P/N 01-45501 ........ $19.95<br />
Black - 1 oz. ......P/N 01-45319 .......... $6.50<br />
Black - 8 oz. ......P/N 01-45512 ........ $20.50<br />
DLRH-3212 is an unfilled, clean epoxy resin<br />
system with a long pot life. DLRH-3212 is a<br />
tough, strong, impact resistant resin with chemical<br />
resistance. It has excellent wetting quality<br />
on kevlar, carbon graphite and fiberglass cloth.<br />
Used extensively in construction of aircraft, race<br />
cars, motorcycles, helmets and sports equipment.<br />
Mixing Ratio by Wt: 100:30; Pot Life (200 Gm<br />
MASS) 60 Min; Tensile Strength @ 25 C 12,500;<br />
Flexural Modulus @ 25 C 40,900; Heat Deflection 325 F; Thermal Shock<br />
72°F–125°F; Shore “D”: 80, Density: Resin: 9.7, Hardener: 7.9, Mixed:<br />
9.1; Shelf Life: Resin/ Hardener 1 Year.<br />
Qt Kit ............................ P/N 01-00430 ............. $61.85<br />
Gal Kit ........................... P/N 01-00431 ........... $169.95<br />
5 Gal Kit ........................ P/N 01-00432 ........... $835.00<br />
1307 Low Viscosity Resin / 3102 Fast Hardener<br />
- 100% solids 2-component epoxy laminating system<br />
with excellent wet out, low viscosity and high<br />
strength. Very low odor and toxicity. Easy to use,<br />
4:1 weight or volumetric mixing, safe, fast curing<br />
products for a variety of use applications. Used for<br />
fast curing, penetrating wood coatings, adhesives<br />
and sealers, fiberglass laminating and microsphere<br />
filled fairing compounds. Excellent cold temperature<br />
cures down to 40°F. No solvents or VOC’s. Nonhazardous,<br />
non-corrosive hardener.<br />
3176 30-minute Medium R/T Epoxy Hardener - Fast setting, even in<br />
thin films. Good low temperature cure. Fast wetting of fiberglass reinforcements.<br />
Easy to use 4:1 mix ratio. High HDT at room temp, increasing<br />
with post cure. Low toxicity, very low odor. Non-hazmat.<br />
Low Viscosity Laminating Resin<br />
1307 LV, Pail (40 lbs) .........................P/N 01-07917 ......$337.00<br />
1307 LV, Gallon (8 lbs) ......................P/N 01-07914 ........$72.85<br />
Fast Hardener<br />
3102, Pail (40 lbs) .......................... P/N 01-07920 ...$418.00<br />
3102, Gallon (8 lbs) ........................ P/N 01-07918 .....$87.50<br />
3102, Quart (2 lbs) ......................... P/N 01-07915 .....$23.50<br />
Medium Hardener<br />
3176, Pail (40 lbs) .......................... P/N 01-07921 ...$390.00<br />
3176, Gallon (8 lbs) ........................ P/N 01-07922 .....$90.00<br />
3176, Quart (2 lbs) ......................... P/N 01-07923 .....$25.60<br />
KITS - Jeffco Epoxy, 1 gal. kit, fast ........... P/N 01-07916 .....$96.00<br />
Jeffco Epoxy, 5 gal. kit, fast ........... P/N 01-07919 ...$474.95<br />
Jeffco Epoxy, 1 gal. kit, medium .... P/N 01-07924 .....$94.75<br />
Jeffco Epoxy, 5 gal. kit, medium .... P/N 01-07925 ...$475.95<br />
PT2712 is a low viscosity epoxy system designed for<br />
the fabrication of parts and structures by the resin<br />
infusion method. This system flows extremely well,<br />
and produces dense, void-free laminates routinely.<br />
The cured properties of this system are very high, so<br />
it produces items with good strength and toughness<br />
with excellent long-term stability. Three hardeners are available for use<br />
with this resin, which provide a range of working times. The hardeners<br />
have gel times of approximately 1 hour, 2 hours and 3 hours, so, by<br />
proper selection between the three, it is possible to easily infuse any size<br />
structure. The three hardeners are identical except for reaction time, so<br />
no matter which hardener is chosen, the user can expect the same high<br />
performance properties. The mixed viscosity with all three hardeners is<br />
just over 300 centipoise, so the material flows very well, even in thin<br />
walled areas. It penetrates heavy fabric sections and wets out quickly for<br />
further ease of production.<br />
Description Quantity Pot Life Part No. Price<br />
PT2712 with Part B 1 Gallon 70 Minutes 01-01587 $115.95<br />
PT2712 with Part B 5 Gallons 70 Minutes 01-01590 $395.00<br />
PT2712 with Part B1 1 Gallon 122 Minutes 01-01588 $118.85<br />
PT2712 with Part B1 5 Gallons 122 Minutes 01-01591 $395.00<br />
PT2712 with Part B2 1 Gallon 175 Minutes 01-01589 $115.95<br />
PT2712 with Part B2 5 Gallons 175 Minutes 01-01592 $395.00<br />
PT2712 with Part B3 1 Gallon 40 Minutes 01-01593 $120.75<br />
PT2712 with Part B3 5 Gallons 40 Minutes 01-01594 $409.00<br />
The epoxy systems in this group are highly engineered<br />
products designed to meet or exceed the requirements<br />
of the various flame retardant specifications for<br />
which they were developed. They are filled laminating<br />
compounds that have good handling characteristics<br />
and provide very high physical properties in addition<br />
to their excellent fire retardant capabilities. They are<br />
well suited to a wide variety of production and tooling<br />
applications where the combination of very good physical properties and<br />
outstanding flame retardant abilities will provide durable parts and tools.<br />
PT2475 is a filled, off-white epoxy laminating system designed for use in<br />
constructing fire retardant laminates for parts or reinforcements. PT2475<br />
meets the requirements of the FAR 25.853 Specification. This system<br />
has a 1 hour pot life at normal ambient temperatures, which will allow<br />
the construction of larger laminated than would be possible with a faster<br />
material. The system cures well at room temperature, and the cure can<br />
be accelerated with the addition of mild heat if desired.<br />
Gallon .............................P/N 01-01517 ........... $165.80<br />
5 Gallon ..........................P/N 01-01518 ........... $587.00<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
Poly Epoxy is a true high-performance epoxy resin<br />
with un matched tensile, compressive, and flex<br />
strengths. It also has unbeatable peel, shear, and<br />
fatigue resistance, as well as impact strength and<br />
fracture behavior. It’s great for wings, canards,<br />
fuselages, tail feathers, and landing gear. Use it<br />
in molds or moldless construction. It parts easily<br />
and works beautifully in vacuum bagging. (Avoid silicone-treated peel<br />
ply.) It has TWO cure phases, while all other resins—epoxy, poly es ter,<br />
or vinylester—have just one. The two phases occur all by themselves<br />
during the curing process. The resulting bond is tougher and stronger<br />
than any other.<br />
Poly Epoxy Kit, quart ............... P/N 01-07905 ........... $30.00<br />
Poly Epoxy Kit, gallon .............. P/N 01-07906 ......... $102.95<br />
Poly-poxy Resin Gallon .......... 01-07934 ...................$74.75<br />
Poly-poxy Hardener Quart ...... 01-07935 ...................$34.60<br />
Poly-poxy Hardener 40 Gl ...... 01-07933 ..............$2,591.00<br />
Mechanical Properties: w/Post Cure w/o Post Cure<br />
Tensile Strength, psi 9600 8800<br />
Elongation at Break, % 7.5 3.6<br />
Tensile Modulus, psi 470,000 460,000<br />
Flexural Strength, psi 19,000 14,500<br />
Flexural Modulus, psi 515,000 500,000<br />
Compressive Strength, psi 32,000 33,000<br />
Shore D Hardness 82 70<br />
Glass Transition Temp., °C 72 62<br />
Heat Distortion Temp., °C 64 50<br />
Water Immersion Weight Gain, % (140 °F, 30 days) 2.8 2.9<br />
Rheology: Mixing Ratio:3 parts Resin to 1 part Converter by Weight 10<br />
parts Resin to 4 parts Converter by Volume<br />
Kinetics:<br />
Pot Life, 100 grams .............. 105 mins 1 quart ......................75 mins<br />
Mold Open Time .......................3-4 hrs Tack Free Time ......... 5-6 hrs<br />
AlphaPoxy is a low-cost flexible epoxy system<br />
that is ideal for laying up non-structural parts like<br />
wheel pants, or fairings. Because it is flexible,<br />
we don’t recommend it for structural applications,<br />
such as fabricating load-bearing structural aircraft<br />
parts. Use PolyEpoxy for these applications. This<br />
is a low-viscosity system specifically formulated<br />
for filling with microballoons, cotton flox, or milled<br />
glass fibers to make slurries. It was designed for<br />
maximum sandibility; when cured, it is soft enough<br />
to be easily cut with sandpaper smoothing a breeze. AlphaPoxy is also<br />
excellent when used as a final filler resin over structural parts when an<br />
epoxy gel coat is called for. You can use it in place of polyester resins<br />
for a much more durable part at a very attractive price. AlphaPoxy uses<br />
a non-MDA hardener that allows us to ship it as non-hazardous material.<br />
AlphaPoxy Kit, 1-1/4 gallon ................P/N 01-07911 ................... $86.00<br />
AlphaPoxy Hardener, gallon ...............P/N 01-07909 ................... $61.80<br />
AlphaPoxy Resin, 7/8 gallon ..............P/N 01-07912 ................... $54.75<br />
AlphaPoxy Hardener, 5 gal. pail .........P/N 01-07910 ................. $275.00<br />
AlphaPoxy Hardener, 3/8 gallon ........P/N 01-07908 ................... $32.75<br />
AlphaPoxy Resin, 5 gal. pail ..............P/N 01-07913 ................. $250.95<br />
Rheology: Mixing Ratio:<br />
2 parts Resin to 1 part Hardener by Weight<br />
PT1105 is a white, general purpose room temperature<br />
epoxy surface coat resin. The creamy,smooth<br />
consistency of the mixed material allows easy<br />
application to the model surface with minimum drag.<br />
The thixotropic properties of PT1105 permits good<br />
coverage on points and sharp cor ners, and application<br />
to vertical surfaces without sagging. Due to<br />
the non-galling nature of PT1105, it will give good service in a variety<br />
of metal forming applications. When used with Part B hardener, the<br />
PT1105 system will cure quickly, and can be sanded or filed in 10 to 12<br />
hours. The cured material is tough, with good chip resistance on edges<br />
and sharp details. PT1105 works very well in the fabrication of plastic<br />
faced plaster patterns when used with PT1105 B1 hardener.<br />
Quart Kit ..................................................P/N 09-05263 ...............$39.85<br />
Gallon Kit .................................................P/N 09-05264 .............$134.75<br />
Gallon Pail Kit ..........................................P/N 09-05265 .............$484.00<br />
E-Z POXY<br />
In early 1996, Composite Design Co. developed<br />
E-Z Poxy to provide a re place ment epoxy system<br />
for Epolite (Safe-T-Poxy) which is no longer<br />
pro duced by Hexcel. The E-Z Poxy series of<br />
lam i nat ing systems utilizes one resin and your<br />
choice of three hardeners for varying pot life and<br />
viscosity re quire ments. The E-Z Poxy systems<br />
offer the same handling and physical properties<br />
as the discontinued Epolite systems including<br />
ease of use, long pot life, rapid cure for demold or process con tin u a tion,<br />
and superior room temperature curing properties. Excellent for use in<br />
sport aviation, marine, and industrial applications.<br />
E-Z 83 hardener is equivalent to Safe-T-Poxy standard hardener, E-Z<br />
84 is equivalent to Safe-T-Poxy II hardener, and E-Z 87 is equivalent<br />
to Safe-T-Poxy slow hardener. E-Z Poxy products should not be mixed<br />
with materials produced by other epoxy manufacturers.<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
E-Z Poxy 1-1/2 gal. kit* EZ 83 Hardener 01-07850 $207.95<br />
E-Z Poxy 5 gal. kit** EZ 83 Hardener 01-07950 $931.00<br />
E-Z Poxy 1-1/2 qt. kit EZ 83 Hardener 01-08050 $59.00<br />
E-Z Poxy II 1-1/2 gal. kit* EZ 84 Hardener 01-08850 $207.95<br />
E-Z Poxy II 5 gal. kit** EZ 84 Hardener 01-08950 $787.00<br />
E-Z Poxy 1 gal. resin 01-00245 $109.75<br />
E-Z Poxy 5 gal. resin 01-00246 $439.00<br />
E-Z Poxy 1/2 gal. Hardener 01-00247 $98.75<br />
E-Z Poxy II 1/2 gal. Hardener 01-00248 $98.75<br />
E-Z Poxy 2-1/2 gal. Hardener 01-00249 $359.00<br />
E-Z Poxy II 2-1/2 gal. Hardener 01-00250 $348.00<br />
E-Z Poxy 5 gal. Hardener 01-00251 $652.00<br />
E-Z Poxy II 5 gal. Hardener 01-00252 $485.00<br />
E-Z Poxy slow 1/2 gal. Hardener 01-00253 $87.90<br />
* 8 lbs. resin, 3.5 lbs hardener ** 40 lbs. resin, 18 lbs. hardener<br />
E-Z 10 Epoxy Resin<br />
E-Z 84 Aromatic Amine<br />
Hardener<br />
E-Z 83 Aromatic Amine Hardener E-Z Aromatic Amine Hardener<br />
E-Z 10 Resin (Viscosity* 1500 cps @ 77F with:<br />
Hardener EZ 83 EZ 84 EZ 87<br />
Mixed Properties:<br />
Mixed Viscosity cps @ 77F* 1300 800 1500<br />
Viscosity Hardener cps @ 77F* 410 140 830<br />
Pot Life @ 77F 2 hrs. 2 hrs. 5 hrs.<br />
Tack Free @ 77F 4 hrs. 8 hrs. 8 hrs.<br />
Cure Time @ 77F 24 hrs. 3 days 3 days<br />
Mix Ratio by Volume 100/47 100/47 100/47<br />
Mix Ratio by Weight 100/44 100/44 100/44<br />
Physical Properties Tg (F):<br />
R/T 151 151 142<br />
P/C* 196 196 196<br />
Elongation % 3.5 3.5 3.9<br />
Specific Gravity 1.14 1.13 1.14<br />
Linear Shrinkage @ 23C (4 days %) .10 .10 .10<br />
Tensile Strength PSI<br />
R/T 8,200 8,100 8,400<br />
P/C 10,000 10,000 10,000<br />
Tensile Modulus (PSI x 10 -5) 4.8 4.2 4.0<br />
* Viscosity may vary +/- 10%<br />
*Post Cure for 2 hrs. @ 150F<br />
E-Z Poxy systems provide excellent room temperature curing systems<br />
for hand layup of composite parts and tooling. The systems are designed<br />
to provide ample working time with the varied pot life options while providing<br />
a rapid finish cure. Post curing these systems will increase their<br />
physical properties as designated in the above data, however, post cure<br />
is not required.<br />
25<br />
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Polyester resins are hygroscopic (they draw moisture from<br />
the air). There are two types of resin, and one or both<br />
types may be required, depending on the ap pli ca tion. Type<br />
“A” resin has a small amount of wax in it, which comes to<br />
the surface and forms a barrier against the moisture. This<br />
permits the resin to cure com pletely and the surface is hard<br />
and easily sanded. Bond Coat “B” resin does not have any<br />
wax content. As a result the surface stays a little tacky, as<br />
the surface cure is being inhibited by moisture. This tacky<br />
surface provides excellent ad he sion between coats. Bond Coat resin is<br />
therefore recommended for the first coat of resin to fill the weave of the<br />
glass cloth, for bonding fiberglass cloth to ply wood or other surfaces and<br />
for multi-layers of glass cloth.<br />
TYPE “A” RESIN - #1520-5 is a general purpose ortho surfacing resin<br />
intended for the finishing coat applied over the Bond Coat #1063-5, or<br />
for single coat application. A second coat may be applied after full cure<br />
and thorough sanding but is not rec om mend ed.<br />
Polyester Resin #692 Quart ...........................P/N 01-00346 ......$28.95<br />
1 Gal. #1520-5 with 1 Oz. Catalyst ...............P/N 01-00347 ......$56.75<br />
5 Gal. #1520-5 with 4 Oz. Catalyst ...............P/N 01-00348 ....$318.95<br />
Additional catalyst may be required. 1 Oz. ....P/N 01-06900 .......$5.45<br />
TYPE “B” RESIN - #L253T-20 is a general purpose bond coat ortho<br />
resin for use in making multi laminates. It will not cure to a high<br />
gloss finish. Use 1520-5 for finish coat to obtain smooth, hard<br />
gloss finish. Replaces #1063-5.<br />
1 Gal. #L253T-20 with 1 Oz. Catalyst ............P/N 01-00349 .....$50.45<br />
5 Gal. #L253T-20 with 4 Oz. Catalyst ............P/N 01-00350 ...$214.95<br />
Additional catalyst may be required.<br />
Same catalyst used for #1520-5 and #L253T-20.<br />
Note: Use #1520-5 finish coating over #L253T-20 but never use #L253T-<br />
20 over #1520-5.<br />
Above resins are not for use in making fuel tanks. For fuel tanks (except<br />
those for gasohol) use #6060-5 Isophthalic Resin.*<br />
1 Gal. #6060-5 with 1 Oz. Catalyst ...............P/N 01-00351 .....$56.50<br />
5 Gal. #6060-5 with 4 Oz. Catalyst ...............P/N 01-00352 ...$191.95<br />
Additional catalyst may be required.<br />
Catalyst same as for resins listed above.<br />
* Iso Resin is highly flexible. Has excellent adhesion to metal, wood,<br />
concrete, fiberglass and other “hard-to-adhere” surfaces. Compatible<br />
with most fuels. Iso is a wax-free resin and must be over-coated with<br />
Type “A” Surfacing Resin to obtain a surface cure.<br />
SURFACE CURING AGENT is used in polyester resin to improve sanding<br />
properties. Added to #1063-5 Bond Coat or #6060-5 Iso ph thalic, it<br />
will provide same sanding properties as in Type “A” Surfacing Resin.<br />
Use in proportions of 2 oz. per gallon of resin. Surface Curing Agent is<br />
used in addition to catalyst.<br />
4 Oz. in Polyethylene Dispenser Bottle .........P/N 01-07100 ......$14.85<br />
Pint (16 Oz.) in Polyethylene Dis pens er Bottle P/N 01-07200 ......$27.65<br />
Gallon (128 Oz.) .............................................P/N 01-07300 .....$61.75<br />
MEKP Norac Catalyst is the catalyst added to polyester resins<br />
and vinyl ester resins. As the catalyst mixes with the resin, a<br />
chemical reaction occurs, creating heat which cures the resin.<br />
Use approx. 1/2 oz per quart of resin. We recommend the use<br />
of our MEKP Catalyst Dispenser for accurate measuring and<br />
pouring of catalyst.2 oz. P/N 01-01119 ....................$4.95<br />
**Note: 3 month shelf life from date of manufacture.<br />
We suggest ordering when you are ready to use.**<br />
Dow Chemical’s Derakane 411-350 PA Vinyl Ester Resin is an epoxy-based<br />
Vinyl ester designed to provide superior tough ness and high corrosion<br />
resistance. Many leading kit aircraft manufacturers use vinyl ester resins<br />
extensively due to its quality and ease of fabrication. We furnish medium<br />
“pro mot ed” vinyl ester 411-350 PA resin which includes CONAP, DMA the<br />
resin is cured by adding the MEKP which is furnished with the kit. Gel times<br />
vary according to the amount of MEKP added and the ambient tem per a ture.<br />
Shelf life of promoted vinyl ester resin is short at only a few months.<br />
MEDIUM PROMOTED: Includes CONAP, DMA and other additives. Add MEKP for complete<br />
cure: Quart ............... P/N 01-01076 ........$57.75<br />
Gallon .............. P/N 01-07350 ........$82.75<br />
MEKP Clear Catalyst 1oz. .................................P/N 01-01110 .........................$2.85<br />
MEKP NORAC Catalyst Only (4 oz.) ...........................P/N 01-07325 .........................$5.50<br />
Vinyl Ester Resin 411-350PA - Quart Kit.. ...................P/N 01-01109 .......................$59.75<br />
Vinyl Ester 1-Gal. Kit (Resin & Catalyst) ......................P/N 01-07355 .......................$88.25<br />
Catalyst<br />
Resin Quantity<br />
Catalyst<br />
Concentration Quart Gallon 5 Gallon<br />
Concentration<br />
1/2% 1/16 oz. 2/3 oz. 1-1/3 oz.<br />
3/4% 1/4 oz. 1 oz. 5 oz.<br />
1% 1/3 oz. 1-1/3 oz. 6-2/3 oz.<br />
1-1/2% 1/2 oz. 2 oz. 10 oz.<br />
WARNING: Mekp Catalyst is very dangerous to the eyes. Always wear full<br />
goggle protection and have running water at hand when working with Mekp.<br />
MGS epoxy resins are approved for the production<br />
of certificated aircraft parts. The 335 and 285<br />
systems are especially suited for homebuilders<br />
because of their long shelf lives, excellent workability,<br />
physiological friendliness, adjustable cure<br />
rates and excellent static and dynamic strength<br />
characteristics. The 285 system is available with<br />
fast and slow hardeners which can be blended with<br />
each other in any proportion to provide the desired<br />
working life and cure cycle. Pot lives and working times can be adjusted<br />
from fifteen minutes, using the fast hardeners, to six hours, when the<br />
slow hardeners are employed. Once the hardeners have been blended,<br />
the specified resin to hardener mixing ratio must be maintained. The<br />
335 System is available only with fast hardener. Components of the 335<br />
system should not be mixed with those of the 285 system. With both<br />
systems, if only the slowest hardener is used, the cure times should be<br />
extended to a few days, otherwise some brittleness may be noted. While<br />
room temperature curing results in good properties when the faster<br />
hardener combinations are used, some curing at elevated temperatures<br />
or post curing will result in the highest achievable strength and Tg, with<br />
the slower blends. Even unfavorable low temperature and high humidity<br />
conditions in the work environment will not affect the quality of the product<br />
and high gloss, uncontaminated, tack free surfaces are achievable<br />
every time. The resins do not contain any unreactive dilutants which with<br />
many systems result in de-gassing and bubbling of the painted finish.<br />
The MGS resins do NOT contain aromatic amines. While proper processing<br />
practices should be maintained, the physiological friendliness<br />
of these systems have been demonstrated by many years of production<br />
experience. The 285 system has slightly higher physicals than the 335<br />
and will also achieve a higher maximum Tg after post curing. While the<br />
335 is more viscous than the 285, after mixing with the appropriate hardeners,<br />
their viscosities are comparable. MGS systems are used in the<br />
construction of the Cozy, Diamond, Cirrus and other aircraft.<br />
System 285 (Max. Tg 105 C - 110 C; 195 F - 230 F)<br />
Mixing ratio Resin:Hdnr Pot life Mixed Viscosity@20C<br />
100:50 by volume H285-F 40 min 300-500 cp<br />
100:40 by weight H287-S 4 hours<br />
H285 : H287<br />
40 : 60 2 hours<br />
System 285 Prices<br />
L285 Resin (1 Gal.) ............................ P/N 01-41000 ...$142.50<br />
H285F Hardener (.25 gal/1 qt.) .......... P/N 01-41005.......$35.75<br />
H287S Hardener (.25 gal/1 qt.)* ......... P/N 01-41006.......$39.85<br />
*Important Shipping Information- H287S Hardener can be shipped UPS<br />
ground only. A $25 hazardous fee, and a $45 box fee applies (per quart).<br />
Can also be shipped truck collect.<br />
System 335 (Max. Tg 75 C - 80 C; 160 F - 180 F)<br />
Mixing ratio Resin:Hdnr Pot life Mixed Viscosity@20C<br />
100:45 by volume H335-F 15 min 800 cp<br />
100:38 by weight H340-S 6 hours 400 cp<br />
H335 : H340<br />
50 : 50 1.5 hours<br />
20 : 80 4 hours<br />
System 335 Prices<br />
L335 Resin (Gal.) ............................... P/N 01-41100.......$99.75<br />
H335F Hardener (.225 gal/0.9 qt.) ..... P/N 01-41105.......$35.75<br />
H340S Hardener (Slow) ..................... P/N 01-41106.......$33.85<br />
Two units of hardener are required for each gallon of resin<br />
Typical room-temperature properties of clear<br />
cast ings made with DERAKANE 411 resins<br />
Property<br />
DERAKANE 411-350PA<br />
Tensile Strength, psi 11-12,000<br />
Tensile Modulus, units 105 psi 4.9<br />
Elongation, % 5-6<br />
(DERAKANE 411-350) (7-8)<br />
Flexural Strength, psi 16-18,000<br />
Flexural Modulus, units 105 psi 4.5<br />
Compressive Strength, psi 16-17,000<br />
Compressive Modulus, units 105 psi 3.5<br />
Compressive Deformation at Yield, % 6.5-7.8<br />
Specific Gravity 1.12<br />
Heat Distortion Temp.,°F 210-220<br />
Barcol Hardness 35<br />
(20 -30 minute pot life at 2% mix ratio)<br />
Resin Quantity - 30 drops = 1 cc<br />
2 oz. 4 oz. 8 oz. 12 oz. 16 oz.<br />
1/2% 9 drops 18 drops 36 drops 1.8 cc 2.5 cc<br />
3/4% 14 drops 27 drops 2 cc 3 cc 4 cc<br />
1% 18 drops 36 drops 2.5 cc 3.75 cc 5 cc<br />
1-1/2% 27 drops 2 cc 4 cc 6 cc 8 cc<br />
2% 36 drops 2.5 cc 5 cc 7.5 cc 10 cc<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
PR2032 is a medium viscosity, unfilled, light<br />
amber laminating resin that is designed for<br />
structural production applications. 3 hardeners<br />
are available for use with PR2032. PH3660,<br />
has a 1-hour pot life. When used with either<br />
of these hardeners, the system gives excellent<br />
wet-out of fiberglass, carbon and aramid fibers.<br />
e. AEROPOXY contains no MDA (a known liver<br />
toxin and carcinogen) and meets or exceeds current<br />
OSHA requirements for safe use. Hardener<br />
PH3665 has a longer pot life than PH3660, 2<br />
hours, that is useful for vacuum bagging larger parts before the resin has<br />
gelled. Hardener PH3630 is intended for smaller laminates, fast repairs or<br />
additions to a primary structure. PH3630 pot life is 30 min.<br />
Hardener PH3663 is the standard production hardener for fabricating composite<br />
parts. PH3663 a 90 minute working time provides more time for construction.<br />
This hardener provides similar mixed viscosities, so handling will<br />
be basically the same, except for the different working times.<br />
WEST SYSTEM brand resins and hardeners, form a two-part epoxy system de vel oped by Gougeon Brothers spe cif i cal ly for wood<br />
and composite boat construction. Rutan <strong>Aircraft</strong> Factory now recommends WEST SYSTEM epoxy for certain homebuilt aircraft<br />
applications, particularly where a moisture resistant epoxy is desired. 105 Resin is the base material on which all of the WEST<br />
SYSTEM epoxy systems are built. The resin is a clear, light amber, low-viscosity liquid. It is designed specifically to wet out wood<br />
fiber. With roller applications, it possesses excellent thin film characteristics in flowing out and is self-leveling without fish-eyeing.<br />
Its relatively high flash point makes it safer to work with than polyesters. It can be cured in a wide tem pera ture range, then sanded<br />
and shaped. It cures quite clear so that the natural finish shines through. 205 Fast Hardener, when mixed with the 105 Resin in<br />
a ratio of 5 parts Resin to 1 part Hardener, yields a high-strength, rigid solid with excellent cohesive properties and provides an<br />
excellent moisture vapor barrier. The 105 Resin/205 Fast Hardener has a pot life of 10-15 minutes at 70°F. It is also recommended in coating applications<br />
where natural finishing is desired. Partial cure time at 70°F is 5-7 hours. 206 Slow Hardener is a low-viscosity mixture of polyamines. The 105<br />
Resin/206 Slow Hardener has a pot life of 30-40 minutes at 70°F. It is normally used when extended time is needed for large coating and bonding<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
This hardener is used where a very clear, moisture resistant<br />
natural wood finish is needed. Can be used to laminate<br />
veneers where joints will be subjected to sunlight. Improves<br />
sun resistance. Pot life: 20 min., cure solid in 9-12 hours,<br />
and maximum strength within 7 days.<br />
.66 pint ..............................P/N 207-SA ..................... $42.11<br />
.33 gal. ..............................P/N 207-SB ..................... $88.21<br />
1.45 gal. ........................... P/N 207-SC ................... $270.52<br />
This hardener is used for bonding applications in warm or<br />
humid weather or when extended working time is needed.<br />
Provides twice the working time as 206 hardener. Forms a<br />
clear, amber solid when cured. Pot life is 40 minutes, solid<br />
state in 24 hours, and maximum strength in 5-9 days.<br />
.66 pint .............................P/N 01-00362 .................... $37.38<br />
.33 gallon .........................P/N 01-00364 .................... $82.12<br />
1.45 gal. ...........................P/N 01-00363 .................. $254.64<br />
PRO-SET 125 RESIN & 229 HARDENER<br />
Mixing: 125 Resin: 229 Hardener - By weight, 100:30 & By volume,<br />
100:35. Pot life: 65°–83 min, 72°–77 min, 85°–27 min.<br />
For PROFESSIONAL use only.<br />
Physical Property Test Method Room Temp (2 wks.)<br />
Compression Yield (psi) ASTM-D-695 14,500<br />
Tensile Strength (psi) ASTM-D-638 7,550<br />
Annular Shear Fatigue(lb)@100,000 cycles GBI Method 11,641<br />
GAL.#125 Resin ........................ P/N 01-01221 ......................... $119.75<br />
GAL.#229 Hardener .................. P/N 01-01222 ........................... $86.75<br />
PRO-SET 135 RESIN & 226/237 HARDENERS<br />
135 Resin: LAM-135 Medium Viscosity Laminating Resin. 226<br />
Hardener: LAM-226 Medium Laminating Hardener. Medium viscosity<br />
for good wet out of all synthetic composite fabrics and core materials.<br />
Medium cure speed hardener provides 2 to 3 hours of working time<br />
at 77°F (25°C). A typical laminate will be gelled in 4 to 5 hours. 237<br />
Hardener: LAM-237 Extra Slow Laminating Hardener. Medium viscosity<br />
for good wet out of all synthetic composite fabrics and core materials.<br />
Extra Slow cure speed hardener provides 7 to 8 hours of working time at<br />
77°F (25°C). A typical laminate will be gelled in 12 to 14 hours.<br />
135 Resin ..........................................P/N 01-01223 .................... $96.75<br />
226 Hardener ....................................P/N 01-01224 .................... $74.75<br />
237 Hardener ....................................P/N 01-01210 .................. $245.95<br />
Part No. De scrip tion Wt. (lbs.) Price<br />
01-42125 1 quart PR2032 Resin 2.25 $37.50<br />
01-42130 1 pint PH3660 Hardener .66 $15.70<br />
01-42135 PR2032/PH3660 Quart Kit 2.91 $52.75<br />
01-42140 3/4 gallon PR2032 Resin 7.5 $99.75<br />
01-42145 1 quart PH3660 Hardener 2.0 $42.50<br />
01-42150 PR2032/PH3660 Gallon Kit 9.5 $141.95<br />
01-42155 5 gallon PR2032 Resin 48 $494.00<br />
01-42160 2 gallon PH3660 Hardener 13 $199.85<br />
01-42165 PR2032/PH3660 Pail Kit 61 $692.00<br />
01-00160 1 pint PH3630 Hardener (fast) -- $15.80<br />
01-00161 1 quart PH3630 Hardener (fast) -- $43.50<br />
01-00162 1 pint PH3665 Hardener (slow) -- $15.80<br />
01-00163 1 quart PH3665 Hardener (slow) -- $41.85<br />
09-05266 1 Pint PH3663 Hardener -- $14.50<br />
09-05267 1 Quart PH3663 Hardener -- $42.50<br />
09-05268 1 2.5 Gallon Pail PH3663 Hardener -- $157.75<br />
09-05269 1 30 Gallon Drum PH3663 Hardener -- $1,485.00<br />
Aeropoxy mixing ratio — 100:27 by weight, 3:1 by volume.<br />
applications. It is especially well suited to working in warmer climates. Partial cure time is 9 hours at 70°F.<br />
Kit No. Kit Size Part No. #105 Resin<br />
Hardener<br />
Resin Fast Hardener Slow Hardener<br />
Kit Price<br />
#205 Fast #206 Slow Part No. Price Part No. Price Part No. Price<br />
A-1 1.2 Qt 01-08100 32 Oz 7 Oz ------ $59.95 01-00353 $44.22 01-00356 $21.96 01-00359 $21.96<br />
A-2 1.2 Qt 01-08200 32 Oz ------ 7 Oz $62.00 32 Oz ----- 7 Oz ------ 7 Oz -----<br />
B-1 1.2 Gal 01-08300 126 Oz 27 Oz ------ $140.95 01-00354 $99.73 01-00357 $47.44 01-00360 $47.44<br />
B-2 1.2 Gal 01-08400 126 Oz ------ 27 Oz $140.95 126 Oz ----- 27 Oz ------ 27 Oz ------<br />
C-1 5.25 Gal 01-08500 4.35 Gal 121 Oz ------ $535.00 01-00355 $374.00 01-00358 $162.75 01-00361 $175.75<br />
C-2 5.25 Gal 01-08600 4.35 Gal ------ 121 Oz $548.00 4.35 Gal ----- 121 Oz ------ 121Oz ------<br />
• West System User Manual .......................... P/N 01-08750 ........FREE<br />
West System 101 Handy Repair Pack - Contains 105 resin & 205<br />
hardener plus accessories needed for small repairs<br />
P/N 01-08760 ...... $15.90<br />
• West System 501 White Pigment - use this epoxy based pigment to<br />
provide a neutral white base for the final coloring system. Mix at ratio of<br />
1 teaspoon to 8 oz. of epoxy. 8 oz. can. ....... P/N 01-08775 ...... $18.31<br />
• West System 410 Microlight an excellent filler which provides easy<br />
workability for a variety of applications. Easy to sand and cures to a<br />
neutral tan color.<br />
1.7 oz., 01-08780 .............. $17.65 4.3 oz., 01-08785 ................ $35.12<br />
Useful for a wide variety of fiberglass repairs, including<br />
repair of cracks, scrapes, loose hardware, gelcoat blisters,<br />
delaminated cored panels, holes, keel damage,<br />
and more. Kit contains eight pre-measured packets<br />
of 105 Epoxy Resin and 205 Fast Hardener (19.2g<br />
mixed), adhesive filler, fairing filler, mixing cups, fiberglass<br />
fabric, reusable mixing stick/applicator, syringe,<br />
two coating brushes, three pairs disposable neoprene gloves and complete<br />
handling and repair instructions. Kit 105-k.<br />
P/N 01-01521 ...........$33.35<br />
423 Graphite Powder can be mixed with WEST SYSTEM<br />
epoxy to produce a low friction coating with increased scuff<br />
resistance and durability. 423 is often used as a bearing<br />
surface, and as a coating on the bottoms of racing craft<br />
that are dry sailed. P/N 09-00315 ...........$20.99<br />
301/303 PUMP PACK<br />
Us ing Mini Pumps helps ensure ac cu rate me ter ing of<br />
resin/hard en er mix ture. Pumps mount directly on resin<br />
and hard en er con tain ers. One stroke from each pump<br />
de liv ers prop er ratio of resin to hardener. Kit consists of 3<br />
pumps for A, B, and C epoxy kits.<br />
P/N 01-00318 .............$17.50<br />
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Our UVPoxy Kit is high performance two part<br />
system that is commonly used for table tops, bars,<br />
wood finishes, see-through clear casting, art work,<br />
layup, and other applications requiring a clear,<br />
strong coating. It cures to a crystal clear, high build,<br />
long lasting, glass-like finish, and will not blush or<br />
sweat under high humidity conditions. UVpoxy is<br />
designed to resist yellowing caused by the sun and<br />
other ultra violet light sources.<br />
Specifications: • Color: Clear (Visual) • Mix Ratio: 1:1 • Pot Life: 25-30<br />
Minutes<br />
Description<br />
Size Part No. Price<br />
(Metric / Approx. US)<br />
EcoPoxy UVPoxy Kit 500 mL / 1 Pt 09-04095 $44.00<br />
EcoPoxy UVPoxy Kit 1 L / 1 Qt 09-04096 $63.95<br />
EcoPoxy UVPoxy Kit 2 L / 2 Qt 09-04097 $98.75<br />
EcoPoxy UVPoxy Kit 4 L / 1 Gal 09-04098 $143.85<br />
Our Clear Kits are ideal for sealing / clearcoating<br />
surfaces such as concrete and wood,<br />
as well as for wetting fabrics that require a<br />
clear, waterproof finish. Odourless and nontoxic,<br />
It can be applied indoors or outdoors<br />
without masks or ventilation. This self-leveling<br />
kit is applies at approximately 10 mils finish<br />
thickness. It provides a durable, light reflective<br />
floor with excellent adhesion qualities. It’s<br />
easily roller applied.<br />
Specifications:: • Color: Clear (Visual) • Mix Ratio: 2:1 • Pot Life: 15-20<br />
Minutes<br />
Description Size Part No. Price<br />
EcoPoxy Clear Kit 750 mL / 1.6 Pt 09-04099 $31.75<br />
EcoPoxy Clear Kit 1.5 L / 1.6 Qt 09-04101 $47.50<br />
EcoPoxy Clear Kit 3 L / 3.2 Qt 09-04102 $97.50<br />
EcoPoxy Clear Kit 6 L / 1.6 Gal 09-04103 $134.75<br />
These polyester gel coats can be used as the surface of new<br />
fiberglass parts layed up in molds or used in the repair of gel<br />
coat surfaces on fiberglass parts. On surface repairs, the gel<br />
coat must be sealed to fully cure. PVA can be used to seal<br />
the gel coat.<br />
Color Size Part No. Price<br />
Pint 09-01668 $21.65<br />
Black Quart 09-01666 $31.75<br />
Gallon 09-01667 $62.75<br />
Pint 09-01669 $19.95<br />
White Quart 09-01664 $34.50<br />
Gallon 09-01665 $68.50<br />
Pint 09-01670 $35.50<br />
Dark<br />
Quart 09-01671 $53.00<br />
Blue<br />
Gallon 09-01672 $103.95<br />
Color Size Part No. Price<br />
Pint 09-01673 $39.60<br />
Red Quart 09-01674 $58.75<br />
Gallon 09-01675 $98.75<br />
Pint 09-02159 $26.50<br />
Clear Quart 09-02160 $52.75<br />
Gallon 09-02161 $108.75<br />
Add some color to your epoxies. These<br />
are used to tint epoxy resins used as<br />
coatings, paints, gelcoats, laminating,<br />
casting or self-leveling resins. EcoPoxy<br />
epoxy concentrated pigment consist<br />
of pigments suspended in epoxy resin<br />
which allows them to blend thoroughly<br />
into epoxy resins to make very uniform<br />
colors. They are used to tint epoxy resins<br />
used as coatings, paints, gelcoats, laminating,<br />
casting or self-leveling resins. The high tinting properties enable<br />
the use of little quantities of pigment. The quantity to be used depends<br />
on the color chosen as some colors cover better than other (yellows for<br />
example need higher quantities than other colors). ECOPOXY color<br />
pigments mix easily. 60ml. ................. P/N 09-05349 ..........$79.95<br />
120ml. ............... P/N 09-04718 ........$118.95<br />
240ml. ............... P/N 09-05351 ........$177.75<br />
The perfect tool for evenly spreading EcoPoxy on<br />
large, flat surfaces. This tool gives you 3 V-notched<br />
spreading options and a flat side for scraping and<br />
cleaning. P/N 09-05355 .............................. $1.25<br />
Our Slow Kit is typically used to fabricate<br />
larger, more complicated composite parts.<br />
It has a longer 2.5 - 3.5 hour working time,<br />
and can be used for vacuum bagging larger<br />
parts before the resin has gelled.* It can also<br />
be used for and for repairs or additions to a<br />
primary structure. It is compatible with most<br />
fabrication techniques, such as lay-up and<br />
filament winding. It features excellent wet-out<br />
and chemical adhesion of fiberglass, carbon and aramid fibers.<br />
Specifications: • Color: Yellow (Visual) • Mix Ratio: 2:1 • Pot Life: 2.5-<br />
3.5 hours<br />
Description<br />
(Metric / Approx US)<br />
Size Part No. Price<br />
EcoPoxy Slow Kit 750 mL / 1.6 Pt 09-04104 $37.95<br />
EcoPoxy Slow Kit 1.5 L / 1.6 Qt 09-04105 $58.75<br />
EcoPoxy Slow Kit 3 L / 3.2 Qt 09-04106 $79.85<br />
EcoPoxy Slow Kit 6 L / 1.6 Gal 09-04107 $154.75<br />
Our Medium Kit is typically used to fabricate high<br />
performance composite parts. It has a 20 minute<br />
working time and can be used for all sizes of<br />
parts, and for repairs or additions to a primary<br />
structure. The vacuum bagging technique can<br />
be used for smaller parts*. It is compatible with<br />
most fabrication techniques, such as lay-up and<br />
filament winding. It features excellent wet-out<br />
and chemical adhesion of fiberglass, carbon and<br />
aramid fibers. Specifications: • Color: Yellow (Visual) • Mix Ratio: 4:1<br />
• Pot Life: 15-20 Minutes<br />
Description Size Part No. Price<br />
EcoPoxy Medium Kit 1.25 L / 1.33 Qt 09-04108 $51.75<br />
EcoPoxy Medium Kit 2.5 L / 2.65 Qt 09-04109 $82.75<br />
EcoPoxy Medium Kit 5 L / 1.32 Gal 09-04111 $139.95<br />
Our Fast Kit is most commonly used as an adhesive<br />
or in an injection box for pultrusion. It has a<br />
pot time of just 2-3 minutes, and features a highstrength,<br />
waterproof bond to a variety of materials<br />
including wood, fiberglass, metal, glass, tile, and<br />
more. Specifications: • Color: Yellow (Visual) •<br />
Mix Ratio: 2:1 • Pot Life: 2.5-3 Minutes<br />
Description Size Part No. Price<br />
EcoPoxy Fast Kit 750 mL / 1.6 Pt 09-04113 $38.80<br />
EcoPoxy Fast Kit 1.5 L / 1.6 Qt 09-04114 $59.95<br />
EcoPoxy Fast Kit 3 L / 3.2 Qt 09-04115 $81.75<br />
EcoPoxy Fast Kit 6 L / 1.6 Gal 09-04116 $118.85<br />
The Liquid Plastic kit cures to a clear, UV resistant,<br />
plastic-like finish that resists scratching and yellowing.<br />
This product will not blush or sweat under high humidity<br />
conditions. EcoPoxy® is a Plant based, 100% solid,<br />
waterproof, non-toxic, non-solvent, non-conductive,<br />
epoxy system that is Certified “GREEN”.<br />
P/N 09-04567 ............................ $42.50<br />
EcoTrowel is a high performance epoxy filler and<br />
profiling product formulated for surface repair and<br />
preparation. It is easy to mix and spread, and<br />
has a peanut-butter like consistency (contains no<br />
peanuts!). EcoTrowel is lightweight and suitable<br />
for an infinite variety of composite, architectural,<br />
industrial and art-related applications. It can be<br />
applied to wood, concrete - even canvas - to a<br />
thickness of 1/2” without sagging or slumping.<br />
It can be easily sanded, shaped, drilled, tapped, machined, routered &<br />
remains durable for life. 25g.. .................. P/N 09-05353 ..........$47.95<br />
100g. ................. P/N 09-05354 ..........$95.95<br />
GloPoxy is a glow-in-the-dark epoxy made with<br />
high-grade photo luminescent ingredients to<br />
maximize glow brightness and duration. The formula<br />
absorbs bright light as energy and releases<br />
the absorbed energy when placed in the dark.<br />
This charge cycle can be performed endlessly and with any light source.<br />
GloPoxy is formulated to glow-in-the-dark for hours and contains no<br />
fillers or impurities to interfere with the glow. GloPoxy is durable, UV<br />
stable, and chemical, water & abrasion resistant. It can be used indoor<br />
and outdoor, and can be applied to virtually any surface. It’s a perfect<br />
solution for both safety and novelty applications.<br />
Green ................ P/N 09-05347 ..........$43.75<br />
Blue ................... P/N 09-05348 ..........$43.75<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
CAU TION<br />
CAU TION<br />
CAU TION<br />
FOAM<br />
STYROFOAM FB – Low density (2 lb./ft3). Tight closed cell structure leaves no voids between the cells. The result is<br />
high compressive strength and unequaled resistance to water penetration. Has excellent resistance to bases, salts,<br />
alcohols and most acids but not to petroleum based solvents. Not for structural use.<br />
Foam Type Density Thickness Sheet Size Part No. Price/Sheet<br />
Styrofoam (Blue) 2 Lb/Ft 3 1/2” 24” x 48” 01-09400 $9.48<br />
Small Cell 1/2” 24” x 96” 01-09500 $18.95<br />
3/4” 24” x 96” 01-09600 $21.70<br />
1” 24” x 48” 01-09700 $14.75<br />
1” 24” x 96” 01-09800 $29.50<br />
1-1/2” 24” x 96” 01-09900 $43.85<br />
2” 24” x 48” 01-10000 $36.88<br />
2” 24” x 96” 01-10100 $73.75<br />
4” 24” x 48” 01-10200 $57.50<br />
POLYSTYRENE – LARGE CELL This blue large cell expanded foam is 2 lb. per cubic feet density and cuts easily<br />
using a hot wire to airfoil shapes. Compatible with most adhesives, but should be used only with epoxies, not polyester<br />
resins. Will dissolve in fuels and solvents. Cuts smoothly with hot wire and airfoil shapes. Used in the construction of<br />
VariEze, Long-EZ, Cozy, and other composite aircraft.<br />
Foam Type Density Thickness Sheet Size Part No. Price/Sheet<br />
Styrofoam FB (Blue) 8” 16” x 4” 01-37600 $8.95<br />
Large Cell<br />
8”<br />
8”<br />
16” x 25”<br />
16” x 42”<br />
01-01166<br />
01-10600<br />
$52.75<br />
$86.75<br />
8” 16” x 67” 01-10800 $134.50<br />
8” 16” x 109” 01-10900 $218.50<br />
URETHANE – This foam is easily contoured using a large knife, and then sands well to final form. Excellent for producing<br />
the fuselage, wing tips, and other curved parts. It is fuel resistant and can be used for fuel cells. Compatible with<br />
most adhesives. Do not hot wire polyurethane foam. Available in tan or green.<br />
Foam Type Density Thickness Sheet Size Part No. Price/Sheet<br />
Urethane (Tan or Green) 2 Lb/Ft 3 1/2” 24” x 48” 01-11300 $10.50<br />
1/2” 48” x 48” 01-11400 $19.85<br />
3/4” 24” x 48” 01-12150 $13.95<br />
3/4” 24” x 96” 01-12160 $29.85<br />
1” 24” x 48” 01-11500 $18.75<br />
1” 24” x 96” 01-11600 $39.70<br />
1” 48” x 96” 01-11700 $63.75<br />
2” 24” x 48” 01-11900 $37.50<br />
2” 24” x 96” 01-12000 $73.85<br />
2” 48” x 96” 01-12100 $124.75<br />
DIVINYCELL – A closed cell medium to high density foam which has high compression strength, durability, and excellent<br />
fire resistance. Can be vacuum formed to compound shapes and can be bent using heat. Compatible with polyester,<br />
vinylester, and epoxy resins.<br />
Foam Type Density Thickness Sheet Size Part No. Price/Sheet<br />
1/8”<br />
1/4”<br />
32” x 48”<br />
32” x 48”<br />
01-00158<br />
01-12300<br />
$20.80<br />
$21.75<br />
3/8” 32” x 48” 01-12400 $37.50<br />
5/8” 24” x 47” 01-12500 $61.75<br />
3/4” 15” x 26” 01-12600 $17.94<br />
Divinycell PVC 3 Lb/Ft 3 3/4” 32” x 48” 01-12700 $64.85<br />
3/4” 32” x 24” 01-01197 $35.88<br />
(Tan) Type H45 1” 32” x 48” 01-12800 $79.95<br />
1-3/4” 32” x 48” 01-12900 $125.85<br />
2” 48” x 96” 01-12920 $467.00<br />
2” 24” x 48” 01-12910 $116.25<br />
3” 48” x 96” 01-12940 $598.00<br />
3” 24” x 48” 01-12930 $149.50<br />
Divinycell PVC 6 Lb/Ft 3 1/4” 37” x 37.5” 01-13000 $48.50<br />
(Tan) Type H100 1” 6” x 10” 01-13100 $11.65<br />
1” 10” x 12” 01-13200 $22.85<br />
Divinycell PVC Type H250 15.6 Lb./Ft 3 1/4” 24.8” x 27.75” 01-13300 $175.85<br />
LAST-A-FOAM – Rigid, Polyether Polyurethane foam with fine closed-cell structure, light cream-yellow color. LAST-A-<br />
FOAM® is wonderfully versatile for sandwich-core applications. It cuts and shapes easily with common woodworking<br />
tools, and bonds to itself and other materials with most epoxy, polyester, or urethane-type adhesives. LAST-A-FOAM®<br />
is unaffected by water, fuels and most solvents, and paint finishes are easily applied. It is frequently used in regular<br />
molds after the gel-coat and first two layers of glass are installed; the LAST-A-FOAM® is added and another layer of<br />
glass applied for a strong, light-weight sandwich.<br />
Foam Type Density Thickness Sheet Size Part No. Price/Sheet<br />
Last-A-Foam Urethane/Polyester 4.5 Lb/Cu. Ft. 10mm 24” x 96” 01-13400 $60.75<br />
(Yellow) 275° F 1/4” 24” x 48” 01-13550 $19.93<br />
3/8” 24” x 96” 01-13600 $44.75<br />
1/2” 24” x 96” 01-13700 $63.75<br />
3/4”<br />
3/4”<br />
24” x 96”<br />
24” x 48”<br />
01-14000<br />
01-01195<br />
$83.65<br />
$41.83<br />
Last-A-Foam Urethane/Polyester 6Lb/Cu. Ft. 1/4” 24” x 48” 01-14100 $19.90<br />
(Yellow) 275° F 3/8” 24” x 48” 01-14200 $28.50<br />
3/4” 24” x 48” 01-14250 $49.70<br />
Last-A-Foam Urethane/Polyester 8 Lb/Cu. Ft. 1” 16” x 24” 01-01048 $36.90<br />
(Yellow) 275°F<br />
Last-A-Foam Urethane/Polyester 18 Lb/Cu. Ft. 0.200” 12” x 48” 01-14400 $38.85<br />
(Yellow) 275° F 1/4” 12” x 48” 01-14500 $37.55<br />
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LIQUID “X-30” FOAM<br />
This system consists of two components - “X-30”<br />
Resin and “X-30” Catalyst. When the resin and catalyst<br />
are mixed in equal volumes they expand into a<br />
rigid closed-cell foam of 2 pound density. Thorough<br />
mixing of the two components is essential. “X-30”<br />
Foam expands ap proxi mately 40 times its liquid volume.<br />
Small-batch mixes are recommended. Cured foams can be easily<br />
trimmed, cut and shaped with common woodworking tools. Use toluene<br />
or MEK for cleanup. “X-30” Foam contains a highly reactive agent and<br />
is classified as a toxic material. It is combustible, a strong skin sensitizer<br />
and eye irritant. Avoid con tact with the skin. Use rubber gloves when<br />
handling. Used for: Flotation, thermal and acoustical insulation reinforcement<br />
and miscellaneous void filling. Most small pleasure boats can be<br />
made “sink-proof” with approximately two gallons of “X-30”. Data sheet<br />
available. “X-30” Foam contains a volatile fluoro car bon and should be<br />
stored at 70°F. or lower. “X-30” is used on the Osprey II bottom hull,<br />
canopy, nose cone, etc., requiring about four gallons of material (2 gallons<br />
of each). Shelf life at least 6 months. Users have reported “more<br />
than 2 years shelf life”.<br />
Kit Size Part No.<br />
Approx. Foamed Weight<br />
Price/Kit<br />
Vol. (Cu.Ft.) Lbs.<br />
1 Quart Kit (1 Pt. ea<br />
component)<br />
01-08800 1-1/4 3 $43.75<br />
2 Quart Kit (1 Qt. ea<br />
01-08900<br />
component)<br />
2-1/2 6 $68.75<br />
2 Gallon Kit (1 Gal. ea<br />
01-09000<br />
component)<br />
10 22 $212.95<br />
10 Gallon Kit (5 Gal<br />
ea component)<br />
01-09100 50 110 $633.00<br />
X-30 is the original polyurethane foam. Do not ac cept sub sti tutes!<br />
All designers highly recommend that builders<br />
who are considering a composite project purchase<br />
this practice kit. It contains the excellent<br />
26 page 11” x 17” manual by Burt Rutan entitled<br />
($14.50) plus the assorted foams, epoxy, fiberglass,<br />
filler materials and supplies with which to work. Everything<br />
needed to practice the technique of composite building before venturing<br />
into a complete aircraft project.<br />
Practice Kit with Manual ........................... P/N 01-15000 ...........$118.95<br />
Practice Kit without Manual ...................... P/N 01-15100 .............$99.95<br />
International Practice Kit with Manual ...... P/N 01-15050 .............$59.50<br />
Same as Practice kit with the manual, but excludes the epoxy for<br />
International shipping.<br />
AT-200Y is an economical multi-purpose<br />
sealant tape with high tack. It removes easily<br />
from metal or composite tools. Suitable for cure<br />
applications up to 400°F (204°C).<br />
Specifications: • Color: Yellow • Base material:<br />
Synthetic rubber • Maximum use temperature:<br />
400°F (204°C) • Shelf life: 12 months from date<br />
of manufacture • Storage conditions: Tape must be stored flat in original<br />
packaging at 72°F (22°C) / Do not refrigerate • Dimensions: 1/8 inch x<br />
1/2 inch x 25 feet (3 mm x 12 mm x 7.5 m)<br />
Benefits: • Economical vacuum tape reduces the cost of vacuum<br />
bagging. • Multi-purpose tape can be used on metal and composite<br />
tooling. • Easy clean up reduces cost of tool cleaning.<br />
P/N 01-01602 ............... $6.45<br />
Airtac 2 is a spray rubber adhesive designed for temporary<br />
bonds. Airtac 2 can be used on materials needing extra<br />
tack for placement on vertical or difficult surface areas. This<br />
product is ideally suited for tool shop applications such as<br />
temporary placement of details and pattern fabrication.<br />
Specifications: • Solvent characteristics: Non CFC • Shelf<br />
life: 12 months from date of shipment when stored in original<br />
packaging at 22°C P/N 01-01601 ............. $22.60<br />
Backsaver foam is temperature sensitive,<br />
softening when it comes in contact with a<br />
warm surface; Thus, in a seat cushion, the<br />
foam softens and conforms to the person’s<br />
body. This provides even pressure distribution<br />
and unconstricted blood circulation,<br />
significantly reducing discomfort, even over<br />
long periods. In addition, Backsaver foam has<br />
excellent energy absorption properties, which<br />
have made it excellent for use in the U. S.<br />
space shuttle program and in military aircraft<br />
and helicopters. Pilots find that Backsaver<br />
cushions reduce their discomfort and fatigue,<br />
even on missions of 8 hours or more. <strong>Aircraft</strong> <strong>Spruce</strong> now makes<br />
Backsaver foam available to the homebuilt and general aviation market.<br />
16” x 18” x 1” sheet ................. P/N 01-09325 ....................... $92.50 ea.<br />
36” x 80” x 1” sheet ................. P/N 01-09330 ..................... $541.00 ea.<br />
Confor Form (formerly called Temperfoam) is the conforming foam cushion<br />
that was developed for the “Astronaut’s Couch” back in the Apollo<br />
space program. Confor Foam has the capability of absorbing a tremendous<br />
amount of impact shock compared to common polyfoam and it is<br />
flame resistant. It is an excellent product that will give your seats enduring<br />
comfort that you never thought possible. Adapts to you for pressure<br />
point-free comfort that is really incredible. The best universal cushion for<br />
aircraft use is a 3” CF42/CF45/CF47 laminate. Confor Foam meets FAR<br />
25.853, FAR 25.855, and CAL 117 burn specifications making it excellent<br />
for certified aircraft or homebuilts. Some special sizes in 1”, 2”, or 3”<br />
thicknesses are available on special request.<br />
1” x 16” x 18” .........................P/N 01-09310 ........................ $27.50 ea.<br />
2” x 16” x 18” .........................P/N 01-09320 ........................ $52.75 ea.<br />
3” x 16” x 18” .........................P/N 01-09300 ........................ $89.95 ea.<br />
The inflatable air pillow can be installed just<br />
under the seat material and will give you the<br />
customized support where you need it. A<br />
convenient palm-size pump and a release<br />
valve control the firmness of the lumbar support.<br />
The In-Flight Back Support is made of a<br />
heavy-duty self-extinguishing neoprene rubber,<br />
specially designed to pass FAR 23.853<br />
flame-test requirements.<br />
One inflatable lumbar support ................. P/N 13-01501...............$49.75<br />
Two Inflatable lumbar supports ............... P/N 13-01821...............$81.95<br />
Here is everything you need to complete<br />
small repairs around the boat, shop or<br />
home.<br />
Part # 01-08760 Contains: • #101 Handy<br />
Repair Pack - Convenient kit contains<br />
enough material to complete one repair.<br />
• Two 16g. packets of #105 Resin • Two<br />
3.2g. packets of #205 Hardener • 3.5g.<br />
High Density Filler • 1 application brush<br />
• Ground Shipping Only • #101-6 Maxi<br />
Repair Pack - This kit is large enough to<br />
tackle a multitude of repair jobs.<br />
101 Handy Repair Pack .......................P/N 01-08760 ................. $15.90<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
VACUUM BAGGING TECHNIQUES BOOK - P/N 01-14803 ...... $5.05/ea.<br />
VACUUM BAGGING FILM - #7400 film is a high grade nylon 6 film. It<br />
is transparent green in color and heat stabilized for long term, 350°F<br />
cures. Film is soft & pliable and ideal for high temperature composites,<br />
metalbond, and any function requiring heat & pressure.<br />
54” Width ...........P/N 01-14805 ......$1.55/Yd.<br />
60” Width ...........P/N 01-01603 ......$2.75/Yd.<br />
72” Width ...........P/N 01-01604 ......$2.25/Yd.<br />
4.5 OZ. BREATHER/BLEEDER PLY - #3450 is a 4.5 oz./sq. yd. nonwoven<br />
polyester breather system used for even volatile evacuation from<br />
vacuum bags. It can be used at pressures up to 85 psi (5.8 bars). Multidirectional<br />
conformability make it a very efficient breather. This breather<br />
does not contain any binders which could seal the air flow. Width: 60”.<br />
P/N 01-14810 ................ $1.95/Lin.Yd.<br />
STRETCHLON VACUUM BAG FILM 60” - Modified urethane film with<br />
incredibly high elongation, Can be reused. .0015 x 60” x 200 ft (38µ x<br />
1.52m x 62m) Maximum temperature use 250°F (122°C). 120” wide<br />
(3.04m). Perfect for compaction. Not affected by low humidity, always<br />
stays soft with no cracking. Can be heat seamed to custom shapes .<br />
P/N 01-01080 ................. $4.80/Lin.Yd.<br />
10 OZ. BREATHER/BLEEDER PLY - #3100 is a 10 oz./sq. yd. nonwoven<br />
polyester breather system used for even volatile evacuation from<br />
vacuum bags. It can be used at pressures up to 200 PSI (13.8 bars).<br />
Multi-directional conformability makes it a very efficient breather. This<br />
breather does not contain any binders which could cause seal-off of air<br />
flow. Width: 60”.<br />
P/N 01-14815 ................. $4.75/Lin.Yd.<br />
2 OZ. NYLON RELEASE PLY - #5201 SRB is a smooth nylon fabric which<br />
has been scoured and heat set so that it is contaminate free and will not<br />
shrink during the laminate cure cycle. It is then coated with a special<br />
release blend. The peel ply may be used for composite manufacturing<br />
and metal bonding, but is not recommended for use with resin systems<br />
containing phenolic. Thickness: .005”. Color: Blue. Width 60”.<br />
P/N 01-14820 ................ $8.65/Lin.Yd.<br />
3 OZ. POLYESTER RELEASE PLY - #5252SRB is a medium coarse<br />
weave polyester peel ply that leaves a surface with a rougher texture.<br />
It has been scoured and heat set to eliminate shrinkage during use and<br />
then coated with a special release blend. It can be used on all composite<br />
and metal bonding systems and is not affected by resin systems<br />
containing phenolic. #5252 provides protection of the laminate surface<br />
between primary & secondary processing. Thickness: .006”. Color: Blue.<br />
Width: 60”.<br />
P/N 01-14825 ................. $9.75/Lin.Yd.<br />
POROUS TEFLON COATED RELEASE FILM - #7025 is used where a<br />
medium weight porous release fabric is required on the surface of a part.<br />
During the cure of the assembly it will allow excess resin and all of the<br />
air and volatiles to pass into the bleed/breather ply (CFM Airflow 70). At<br />
completion of the cure the fabric will release cleanly from the assembly.<br />
Color: Brown. Width: 37.5”. 10 yard min. order.<br />
P/N 01-14835 ................ $8.50/Lin.Yd.<br />
2410 RELEASE FILM - Release Film - 2410 material is the most<br />
economical release film available that can be used at temperatures<br />
over 350° F. The film has handling qualities similar to the lowest priced<br />
halohydrocarbon film. 54” wide, .002” thick.<br />
Blue ........................................... P/N 01-01427 .............................. $3.40<br />
weight extra smooth TFE coated glass fabric. Will leave little or no fabric<br />
imprint on most composite lay-ups. It is used as a release fabric where<br />
there is no requirement for bleeding or breathing resin or volatiles from<br />
the composite lay-up. It is mainly used for protecting caul sheets from<br />
resin contamination and as a release media on tool surfaces. Thickness:<br />
.003”. Color: Brown. Width: 37.5”. P/N 01-14840 ........... $13.95/Lin.Yd.<br />
PERFORATED RELEASE SHEET E2760 - E 2760 is a red tinted, copolymer,<br />
high elongation, low temperature release film with excellent<br />
conformability. An excellent release film for use on highly contoured parts<br />
for cure temperatures up to 250ºF. E 2760 offers good release properties<br />
in the curing temperature range where release films are required. The<br />
colored film provides for easy identification and removal from parts.<br />
P/N 01-01194 .............................. $4.90<br />
FLASH TAPE - #6045-02 is a polyester backing film with a fully cured<br />
silicone adhesive. This tape is very tough and ideal for resin or adhesive<br />
flash removal. Color.: Blue. Thickness: .002”. Roll size: 1” wide x 72<br />
yds.<br />
P/N 01-14845 ......................$16.90/roll<br />
400° F RESISTANT SEALANT TAPE - #4401 is a grey vacuum bag<br />
sealant tape that removes cleanly from the tool surface at the completion<br />
of the cure cycle. It can be used at any temperature up to 400° F. It can<br />
be used on any tool surface now in use and has been a standard of the<br />
industry for many years. It has high initial tack and is very easy to apply<br />
to prevent leaks between the bag and tool. It works well for composites,<br />
metalbond, or any function that requires temperature and/or pressure up<br />
to 400° F. Color: Grey. Size: 1/8” x 1/2” x 25 ft.<br />
P/N 01-14850 .....................$11.50/roll<br />
Bleeder Ply<br />
Peel Ply<br />
Fabric<br />
Bagging Film<br />
Part Being<br />
“Bagged”<br />
Connector Valve<br />
Perforated<br />
Release Sheet<br />
VACUUM VALVE - TWO PIECE - #8112 is a two-piece vacuum valve<br />
which requires one quarter turn to lock in place. Service temperature to<br />
500° F. This valve is an industry standard The base is anodized and is<br />
red in color. Inside Diameter: 1/4” standard. Threads: 1/4” NPT.<br />
P/N 01-14855 ............. $28.50/ea.<br />
OVEN VACUUM HOSE - #8020 is a thick walled, flexible silicone hose.<br />
It is normally used for debulking and oven cures using vacuum only.<br />
Furnished in standard 10 foot lengths. Other lengths available on special<br />
order. Hose size: 1/4” ID.<br />
P/N 01-14860 ........... $109.95/ea.<br />
HIGH TEMPERATURE QUICK DISCONNECT SET - #8432 is a two-piece<br />
quick disconnect both male and female for use to 500° F at pressures<br />
up to 200 psi (13.8 bars). Sold as a set of male & female components.<br />
P/N 01-14865 ............. $24.85/set<br />
SHRINK TAPE - #9010 is an oriented polyester film designed to shrink<br />
as the laminate approaches cure temperature. The applied pressure is<br />
main tained during cure. It is used extensively where the shape of the<br />
assembly makes conventional bagging too labor-intensive. If excess<br />
resin needs to be released during cure, perforating the shrink tape after<br />
the assembly has been wrapped with a porcupine roller will reduce the<br />
resin content as well as permitting air and volatiles to escape. Thickness:<br />
.002”. Width: 1-1/4”, Roll length: 100 yds.<br />
P/N 01-14870 .............$16.50/roll<br />
GREENFLOW 75 - Greenflow 75 is designed to efficiently distribute resin<br />
with little waste due to the low profile, tight construction. Greenflow 75<br />
can be used with polyester vinlyester and epoxy resins. Color: Green.<br />
Thickness: .035± .003 (.89mm±75µm). Melt Point (Method:DSC): 230°F<br />
(161°C). Configuration of Net: Rhombic<br />
P/N 01-01081 ....... $3.90/Lin. Yd.<br />
SEALANT TAPE ROLLER - #9050 is a plastic roller designed to assist<br />
in applying sealant tape between the bag and the tool. It assists the<br />
operator in applying maximum pressure to make a leak-proof, smooth<br />
seal. The unit is lightweight and easy to use, and the plastic roller helps<br />
prevent damage to the film. Roller width: 1-3/16”. Roller Diameter: 1-3/8”.<br />
P/N 01-14875 ..................... $24.50/ea.<br />
PORCUPINE ROLLER - #9060 is a steel roller with a wood handle<br />
designed to perforate films to allow air, volatiles, and some resin to flow<br />
through the film. The amount of resin flow can be controlled by the depth<br />
of the pin penetration. Also useful on foam to give the bonding adhesive<br />
a better grip on the foam surface. P/N 01-14880 ............. $91.75/ea.<br />
VACUUM GAUGE - a dial faced vacuum gauge capable of displaying<br />
vacuum from 0” to 30” Hg. It is 2” in diameter and can be used on the<br />
vacuum pump line, holding tank, or with a vacuum valve to determine<br />
vacuum in specific areas of a bagged assembly. Fitting size: 1/4” NPT.<br />
P/N 01-14885 ............. $17.50/ea.<br />
WOB-L Piston Compressor / Vacuum Pump<br />
P/N 01-01569 ................. $357.00<br />
VACUUM PUMP KIT - Includes vacuum pump, gauge, valve, fittings,<br />
and hose. P/N 01-00164 ................. $424.95<br />
rugged flexible piston cup and shaded-pole motor with high-torque start<br />
windings. Corrosion-resistant sandwich valve stops foreign particles<br />
from lodging on valve seats. Aluminum cylinder heads and pistons.<br />
P/N 01-01570 ................. $959.00<br />
VACUUM RELIEF VALVE - P/N 52763 ......................... $16.50<br />
BAGGING SUPPLIES STARTER KIT - Includes 10 yards of Vacuum<br />
Bagging Film #7400, 10 yards of 4.5oz. Breather Bleeder #3, 1 roll 400°<br />
resistant Sealant Tape (25 ft/roll), 10 yards Dacron Fabric 1.8oz.x 60”, &<br />
10 yards 60” x .001 Perforated Release Sheet.<br />
P/N 01-14894 ................. $138.95<br />
ECONOMY VACUUM GENERATOR - a low cost and reliable method of<br />
generating a vacuum for those who already own an air compressor. The<br />
generator will create 27” of Hg vacuum/pressure when coupled in-line to<br />
an air compressor capable of producing 2.2 cfm. Larger air compressors<br />
are advisable for continuous use applications. Suitable for parts up to 80<br />
ft2. P/N 12-11148 ................. $192.75<br />
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A complete line of plastic repair and refinishing products, as well as instructional materials, which make plastic repair easy and effective. Why<br />
spend a lot of money on aftermarket aircraft parts, when quality repairs can easily be made on the originals? The materials listed below are specifically<br />
engineered to be used on plastics and can be used to repair and refinish the following: Cracked or broken instrument panels, wingtips,<br />
fairings, yokes, wheel pants, all types of plastic fairings, strut and landing gear fillets, headset housings, antenna housings, stripped threads<br />
and cracked mounting holes in plastic components and more! These materials can also be used to fabricate missing sections of your existing<br />
component or to create small parts.<br />
CLEANER (19 FL.OZ.)<br />
Before doing any sort of plastic repair, use Super Clean plastic<br />
cleaner to maximize the durability of your repair. Super Clean<br />
removes mold release agents, wax, grease, silicone, tar, bugs,<br />
sealers and other contaminants from painted or unpainted<br />
plastic or metal surfaces. It’s simple to use, just spray it on and<br />
wipe it off with a clean, lint-free cloth.<br />
P/N 01-00533 .....................$13.60<br />
(2-5OZ. TUBES)<br />
SMC Hard-set Filler is a 2-part epoxy system that is<br />
very rigid when fully cured. It works on ABS, SMC,<br />
fiberglass, polycarbonate and on any other repair<br />
application that requires a rigid, high impact resistant<br />
repair material. It has a working time of 3 to 4 minutes<br />
and is ready to sand in 15 minutes.<br />
P/N 01-00534 ..................$21.60<br />
(50 SQ.IN.-5”X10”)<br />
Reinforcing Wire Mesh is designed to be used to<br />
reinforce any repair made with an airless plastic<br />
welder. We recommend that the mesh be used to<br />
when a tear goes to the edge of the plastic. Since it is stainless steel, it<br />
is 5 times stronger than aluminum wire screen and is virtually impervious<br />
to oxidation under normal conditions. You can also use the mesh to fabricate<br />
tabs, fill holes and provide reinforcement in any meltable plastic.<br />
P/N 01-00536 .......................... $5.45<br />
OZ. W/SPRAYER)<br />
Our quick spray activator causes instant curing of all Insta-Weld<br />
adhesives. Actovator may be used before or after adhesive is<br />
applied. Come in plastic bottles and include sprayer.<br />
P/N 01-00541 ................................ $12.50<br />
POLY FILLER HT is a two component polyester<br />
filler paste system that provides the user both<br />
unique ease of handling and high performance<br />
characteristics when cured. POLY FILLER HT is<br />
formulated to provide a smooth creamy handling<br />
consistency and a dry tack-free surface when<br />
cured. A significant advantage of POLY FILLER<br />
HT over other materials of this type is its very<br />
low cured shrinkage. This feature allows faster<br />
application and repairs than with other filler pastes, which usually must<br />
be applied in several layers because of their high shrink age rate! The<br />
creamy texture of POLY FILLER HT allows for easier applying and<br />
spreading. POLY FILLER HT can be troweled to a feather edge without<br />
rolling or skipping. It can be used to fill tiny pin holes with out lifting.<br />
The dry, tack-free nature of the cured POLY FILLER HT paste provides<br />
for easier working with tools and prevents sand paper from becoming<br />
gummy.<br />
Once applied and cured, POLY FILLER HT will bond quite well to most<br />
surfaces such as aluminum, copper, fiber glass, epoxy, steel, plaster,<br />
graphite and kevlar laminates. It will also accept all types of enamel,<br />
epoxy, lacquer and paint stains as a surface finish.<br />
POLY FILLER HT utilizes an excel lent high temperature resin base,<br />
and therefore the cured paste can be subjected to service temperatures<br />
in excess of 400ºF.<br />
Black Quart ......... P/N 09-04569 ......... $26.50<br />
Black Gallon ........ P/N 09-04571 ......... $85.75<br />
Gray Quart .......... P/N 09-04570 ......... $26.50<br />
Gray Gallon ......... P/N 09-04572 ......... $84.75<br />
Plastifix repairs virtually any rigid plastic and<br />
works exceptionally well on ABS. Repair cracks,<br />
fill gaps, reinforce repairs, rebuild broken tabs,<br />
fix stripped threads, and more. PlastiFix’s most<br />
unique feature is the FlexMold molding bar which<br />
allows you to create a mold and cast missing<br />
pieces. No other plastic repair is more versatile.<br />
the 30 gram kits are enough to complete<br />
approximately 24”+ of cracked plastic repair.<br />
The large kits will do about 24 feet. Kit Includes:<br />
253X Plastifix Powder 30G, 2520 Plastifix Liquid<br />
50ML, 2542 Dropper Bottle Assembly, 2543<br />
Power Application Cup, 2548 Transfer Pipette,<br />
2550 Applicator Needle Qty: 2, 2560 Flexmold<br />
Molding Bar 10CC.<br />
2501-PlastiFix Repair Kit (30g, white) ........... P/N 01-00542 ....... $29.95<br />
2503-PlastiFix Repair Kit (30g, black) ........... P/N 01-00543 ....... $29.95<br />
2504-PlastiFix Repair Kit (30g, clear) ........... P/N 01-00544 ....... $29.95<br />
2502-Large Kit includes: 2531-L Plastifix Power 150G (WHITE), 2532-<br />
L Plastifix Power 150G (BLACK), 2520 Plastifix Liquid 250ML, 2542<br />
Dropper Bottle Assembly QTY 2, 2543 Power Application Cup QTY 2<br />
2548 Large Transfer Pipette, 2550 Applicator Needle QTY 4<br />
P/N 01-00545 ................. $92.75<br />
3800-4 FLEX-TEX FLEXIBLE<br />
Flex-Tex is a unique blend of materials designed<br />
to be used for re-texturing repaired areas on<br />
instrument panels, consoles, etc. A wide variety<br />
of pebble-grained textures can be achieved with<br />
this product by varying the air pressure, distance<br />
from work, and speed of pass. Apply with a<br />
regular spray gun or a PreVal sprayer. Dries flat<br />
black. Must be top-coated with color for durability<br />
and appearance. P/N 01-00546 ...........$28.50<br />
Permanently recolor faded, scuffed, marred, or discolored<br />
plastics. Sticks to plastic without adhesion promter or primer.<br />
Just clean the plastic with Super Clean Plastic Cleaner<br />
& spray the paint. No mixing required! Gives satiny, OEM<br />
look when dry.<br />
Black (pint) ............................... P/N 01-00548 ......... $35.00<br />
3601-4 Light Gray (quart) ......... P/N 01-00552 ......... $79.85<br />
3602-4 Dark Gray (quart) ......... P/N 01-00553 ......... $59.85<br />
Clean Sheets are great to have around the shop.<br />
They allow you to keep your epoxy mixes clean<br />
and smooth while saving time by always having a<br />
clean surface to mix on. No more cutting cardboard<br />
to mix epoxy. 100 sheets per board.<br />
P/N 01-00550 .............$32.50<br />
2043-U UNI-CLOTH<br />
SQ.FT.)<br />
Uni-Cloth is a quality fiberglass cloth that<br />
is well suited for reinforcing plastic repairs<br />
as well as any other application requiring<br />
fiberglass reinforcement.<br />
P/N 01-00535 .............................$16.50<br />
Plastics Repair Instructional Book - P/N 01-00554 ...............$29.60<br />
Plastics Repair Instructional DVD - P/N 01-00555 .............. $14.95<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
Urethane Supply Company’s 1047 Putty Flex is<br />
a premium polyester finishing glaze that provides<br />
superior adhesion with excellent flexibility on<br />
plastics. Putty Flex produces excellent feather<br />
edge results on plastic, metal, SMC, fiberglass,<br />
cured primer and paint. Use to fill pinholes, dings,<br />
scrapes, sanding scratches and more! Putty Flex<br />
sands easily and resists clogging sandpaper.<br />
P/N 01-00961 ...............$27.50<br />
These bubbles are actually hollow glass spheres. Because the high-quality glass is very crush resistant, the foam is<br />
much stronger, stiffer and water-resistant than any foam made by chemical foaming. These foams displace 4-6 times<br />
their weight in most resins and improve the handling characteristics of the base resin. They have a low bulk density and<br />
are nontoxic. Mix resin and hard ener as directed, then fold in the glass bubbles. Upon cure, a strong, low-density product<br />
results which is easy to sand and file. May be shaped to form compound angles and curves. The term “micro” was applied<br />
to the mixture of microspheres and epoxy early in the development of composite structures. Although micro spheres have<br />
been replaced by glass bubbles the word “micro” is still commonly used to reference the mixture. “Micro’ is used to fill<br />
voids and low areas, to glue foam blocks together and as a bond between foams and glass cloth. Micro is used in three<br />
consistencies - (1) a “slurry” which is a one-to-one by volume mix of epoxy and glass bubbles, (2) “wet micro” which is<br />
about two to four parts glass bubbles by volume to one part epoxy, and (3) “dry micro” which is a mix of epoxy with enough glass bubbles to obtain<br />
a paste which will not sag or run (about five parts to one by volume). In all instances glass bubbles are added to completely mixed epoxy resin and<br />
hardener. Wet micro is used to join foam blocks and is much thicker than slurry (it has the consistency of honey) but can be brushed. Dry micro is<br />
used to fill low spots and voids and is mixed so that it is a dry paste and will not sag. Apply with a putty knife. Never use micro between glass layers.<br />
CAUTION - When mixing epoxy and glass bubbles, wear a dust mask and keep your face away from the balloons that may float up into the air.<br />
Although glass balloons are inert, they can lodge in your eyes or in your lungs and cause problems. Handle with care.<br />
One Pound Bag (Approx. 1 Gal.) .............P/N 01-14600 ............. $8.75 Five Pound Bag (Approx. 5 Gal.) ............. P/N 01-14700 ............ $42.85<br />
These 12” dis pos able icing bags are ideal for applying<br />
beads of any size of micro epoxy or flox epoxy<br />
to all surfaces. Great for close-outs and are real time<br />
savers. Simply fill, cut end to desired bead size and<br />
squeeze. Never breaks down from epoxy. Sold in<br />
packs of 100 icing bags.Pack of 100 bags P/N 01-14710 ..... $14.75<br />
CAB-O-SIL<br />
Cab-O-Sil is a fumed light weight silica thickener used to<br />
reduce the flow of epoxies on vertical surfaces, as well as<br />
filling pinholes with its smooth texture.<br />
1 gallon bag ............................. P/N 01-04711 ............. $13.75<br />
A structural resin filler. The mixture of cotton fiber and<br />
epoxy is referred to as “flox”. The mixture is used in<br />
structural joints and in areas where a very hard, durable<br />
buildup is required. Flox is mixed in much the same way<br />
as dry micro but only about two parts flock to one part<br />
epoxy is re quired. Mix in just enough flock to make the<br />
mixture stand up. If “wet flox” is called out, mix it so it will<br />
sag or run. Flox is often used to reinforce a sharp corner. Paint a light<br />
coat of pure epoxy inside the corner, trowel flox in to make a triangular<br />
support. The flox corner is done just before one glass surface is applied<br />
for a wet bond to one surface.<br />
1 Lb. Bag ............. P/N 01-14800 ............... $4.65<br />
5 Lb. Bag ............. P/N 01-14900 ..............$19.65<br />
As the name implies, this material is made by milling fiberglass<br />
into a very thin consistency. This material is used in<br />
preparing a structural filler. This material is used in fillets<br />
that require structural integrity. Milled fiber fillers have<br />
higher strength than cotton flock but have fine particles of<br />
fiberglass that can penetrate the skin.1 Lb P/N 01-14780 .......... $4.75<br />
Ultra-compact design for super portability.<br />
Features an LCD screen with easy-to-read digital<br />
readout. Convenient “hold” feature locks weight<br />
display for ten seconds after item is removed.<br />
Digital postal rates. Rates update with Internet<br />
download. Operates on: 3 AAA Batteries (included).<br />
........................ P/N 12-01580 ............. $39.70<br />
LCD display that shows ounces, pounds or grams.<br />
“Tare” feature lets you “zero-out” container’s<br />
weight. Sealed buttons prevent damage from<br />
spills. Maximum capacity of 176 ounces (11 lbs. or<br />
5000 grams) Automatic 40 second shutoff saves<br />
batteries. Not for commercial use. Uses four AA<br />
batteries, not included. Overall dimensions: 9-1/2”<br />
L x 6-3/4” W x 1-1/2” H P/N 12-02585 ...............$29.85<br />
* Quick Build Primer * Quickly fills uneven<br />
surfaces, and major imperfections * Easy sanding<br />
prep for surface primer, top coats * Low VOC<br />
product * Perfect Primer for prestec topcoats or<br />
any other surface coatings desired * Fairly Hi-Build<br />
to 120mils<br />
Color Size Part No. Price Color Size Part No. Price<br />
Gray Quart 09-02162 $34.85 Gray Gallon 09-02163 $82.75<br />
Black Quart 09-02164 $34.25 Black Gallon 09-02165 $82.75<br />
White Quart 09-02166 $33.85 White Gallon 09-02167 $82.75<br />
Requires Catalyst P/N 01-01119.<br />
A formulation of polyester resin, talcs and<br />
Microspheres used as a lightweight filler on<br />
metal and fiberglass. Works easily, sands<br />
faster. Only 7.5 lbs. per gallon as compared to<br />
12 lbs. per gallon for conventional fillers.<br />
494 Gallon .....P/N 01-00368 ...............$28.99<br />
492 Quart .......P/N 01-01072 ...............$14.80<br />
This aero sol spray ad he sive works well to laminate styrofoam<br />
sheets together. Lam i na tions cut well with a hot wire. Net<br />
wt. 16.75 oz.<br />
24 fl. oz. Aerosol Spray Can ..... P/N 09-28330 ..........$15.90<br />
FIX-IT<br />
A universal repair compound. It is excellent for<br />
rebuilding or fabricating parts and as an all purpose<br />
adhesive for wood, metals, ceramic, glass,<br />
and many plastics. Fix-it can be tapped or drilled,<br />
sanded, filed or painted. Patch holes and cracks<br />
and seals leaks. Sets rock hard overnight. Fix-It<br />
Metal is the same as standard Fix-It except it is<br />
loaded with aluminum metal to match the strength,<br />
weight, and use for each project. Fix-It is nontoxic,<br />
non-hazardous, and impervious to fuels and<br />
liquids.<br />
Fit-It 1/4 Lb kit ............. P/N 01-14770 ........ $12.95<br />
Fit-It 1 Lb kit ................ P/N 01-14775 ........$24.95<br />
Fit-It Metal 1/4 Lb kit ... P/N 01-14790 ........$12.95<br />
Fit-It Metal 1 Lb kit ...... P/N 01-14795 ........$24.95<br />
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An ultra-light, corrosion-inhibiting filler for aircraft,<br />
marine and automotive use. Adheres to composites,<br />
bare aluminum, steel and bare or varnished wood.<br />
Easy to mix & apply: mix 2 parts A:1 part B by weight:<br />
apply with squeegee; let dry overnight. Excellent<br />
sanding qualities. More consistent than hand-mixed<br />
micros. Wt: less than 5 lbs/gal. Hazardous.<br />
1 Quart Kit (20oz. Resin/12oz Hdnr) ...........P/N 09-28250 ...........$22.90<br />
3 Gal Kit (2 gal.Resin/1 gal. Hdnr) ............P/N 09-28260 .........$204.60<br />
The pinhole killer! Waterborne polyurethane primer<br />
plus UV blocker applied with a foam roller or spray<br />
gun. Fills pinholes in layups or molded parts. White<br />
color. Once UV Smooth Prime has dried for 7 days,<br />
spray white two-part catalyzed Epoxy Primer to<br />
seal the surface and provide moisture and chemical<br />
resistance prior to spraying top coat paint. Dry<br />
sand for a smooth, pinhole-free surface. Dries in 20<br />
minutes, sand in two hours. Clean up with water. Use<br />
Poly-Fiber Gun Cleaner to clean your spray gun after<br />
each day’s spraying. NON-HAZMAT. Three gallons<br />
required for most composite aircraft. CROSSLINKING NO LONGER<br />
1 qt. w/16 Crosslinker .......................................P/N 09-28280 ......$58.20<br />
1 gal. w/64 Crosslinker .....................................P/N 09-28290 ....$176.00<br />
A sprayable polyester filler/primer used for filling<br />
of minor sur face irregularities such as scratches,<br />
blemishes and exposed fiberglass threads before<br />
final sanding and painting. It adheres to bare metal,<br />
plastic filler and fi ber glass with minimal surface<br />
preparation. Cures ready to sand and paint in 45<br />
- 60 minutes. Any type of finish - lacquer, enamel,<br />
acrylics - can be applied over Feather Fill with<br />
excellent adhesion. Quart kit includes catalyst and<br />
instructions. Approximately six quarts are required for finishing a Vari-<br />
Eze. DO NOT WET SAND.<br />
#401 (1 Qt.) ..............P/N 01-00369 ...........$56.75<br />
#391 (1 Gal.) ...........P/N 01-00370 .........$157.75<br />
A one step finishing material from bare metal, body<br />
filler plastic, wood, aluminum, or fiberglass to a<br />
surface ready to accept any type of paint without<br />
concern about penetration of solvents or moisture.<br />
Provides fast build-up and fill, is non-shrinking, easy<br />
sanding, wet sandable and waterproof, and selfetching.<br />
Can be sprayed or brushed on and can be<br />
built up like Bondo or Featherfill. Ready to sand in<br />
one hour, and it does not clog up your sandpaper.<br />
Pot life and cure time are about one hour at 70<br />
degrees Fahrenheit. Versatile polyester filler.<br />
Quart .........................P/N 01-00558 ...........$78.65<br />
Gallon ........................P/N 01-00559 .........$189.75<br />
Fill Bond aerospace putty from Sherwin-<br />
Williams Aerospace Coatings has been<br />
created specifically for aerospace<br />
use. Designed to fill rivets, seams and<br />
small spot-repair areas on the exterior<br />
of aircraft fuselage and wings, this<br />
high-build body filler is now available<br />
in a convenient epoxy version. Fill<br />
Bond putty is extremely flexible, offers<br />
direct-to-metal adhesion (with properly pretreated aluminum), provides<br />
excellent spread ability and offers a long, workable pot life to give users the<br />
amount of time to apply material on a variety of aircraft surfaces, including<br />
aluminum and composites. The epoxy putty dries quickly for a fast sand<br />
- in just two to six hours. A specially-designed Fill Bond dispensing gun<br />
enables users to apply putty exactly where it is needed without requiring<br />
additional tools. There’s minimal waste following application. Users apply<br />
only as much product as they need and then can put the cap back on<br />
the convenient cartridge containers for later user, saving on material and<br />
disposal costs.<br />
Fill Bond Cartridge 750ML ...................P/N 01-01124 .................$138.75<br />
Fill Bond Cartridge 375ML ...................P/N 01-01125 .................$112.00<br />
Manual Dispensing Gun 370ML ..........P/N 01-01126 .................$194.75<br />
Manual Dispensing Gun 750ML ..........P/N 01-01127 .................$255.95<br />
Static Mixer Element ............................P/N 01-01128 .....................$8.85<br />
Model Description Part No. Price<br />
TR102 A firm carnauba based mold release paste 01-01598 $18.95<br />
wax blended with other synthetic waxes for<br />
use in various thermo-set composite molding<br />
applications.<br />
TR104 A firm mold release paste wax based on 01-01597 $18.95<br />
the highest quality refined Carnauba Wax<br />
blended with other high temperature synthetic<br />
ingredients and petroleum distillates.<br />
TR-103 A high-gloss seal for negative forms with 01-01599 $48.85<br />
a cleaning, polishing and sealing effect. It<br />
closes the pores of the mold and thus creates<br />
the best conditions for optimum molding<br />
quality.<br />
EPL0151 is a clear two part<br />
resin / hardener which is<br />
ideal for bonding fiberglass,<br />
PVC, and graphite. Cure<br />
time is 6-8 hours. EPK1C<br />
is a white 2-part resin / hardener epoxy system which is used to bond<br />
aluminum and ceramics.<br />
EPK0151 Kit, 3.35 oz. (fiberglass) ........... P/N 01-15875 ............. $16.50<br />
EPK1C Kit 4.0 oz kit (aluminum) .............. P/N 01-15880 ............. $13.60<br />
Lite Weight autobody filler is a very versatile filler<br />
which is excellent for holding jig blocks in place<br />
during composite construction. Applies evenly and<br />
allows sanding within minutes. Cures well even in<br />
humid climates. Creme hardener is included.<br />
.................................. Quart ............P/N 01-00243<br />
$19.65<br />
................................Gallon...........P/N 01-00244<br />
$31.90<br />
An excellent filler which provides easy workability for a<br />
variety of applications. Easy to sand and cures to a neutral<br />
tan color.<br />
1.7 Oz ....................... P/N 01-08780 .......... $17.65<br />
4.3 Oz. ...................... P/N 01-08785 .......... $35.12<br />
#1099 is a white, thickened epoxy material used<br />
to create the durable surface coat on room temperature<br />
epoxy molds. This surface coat can<br />
be brushed on as thick as 1/8” at a time without<br />
developing runs or sags. It is specially formulated<br />
to provide strong interlaminar bonds with the<br />
reinforcing materials, even if it is left unsupported<br />
overnight. #1099 readily accepts all our pigments,<br />
resists chipping and cracking, and retains<br />
its high gloss. Mix Ratio by Weight – 100:11.<br />
3.33 lb. Quart kit ....... P/N 09-01099 .......... $86.75<br />
Case .......................... P/N 09-01099-1..... $544.00<br />
Prime Coat is a sandable, quick-drying aerosol primer which<br />
fills pin holes and scratches caused by sanding on fiberglass,<br />
wood, metals and many plastics. Prime Coat will prepare<br />
the surface of materials for the finish coat and provides an<br />
effective corrosion barrier as well. Prime Coat is yellow and<br />
can be used under lacquer, enamel, acrylic or epoxy finish<br />
coats. 11 oz. can.<br />
P/N 01-00305 ......... $14.70<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
PEEL PLY<br />
A layer of 2.7 oz. Dacron fabric strips or tape<br />
laminated into a layup as if it were an extra ply<br />
of glass. The peel coat wets out with epoxy like<br />
glass cloth and cures along with the rest of the<br />
layup. However, the Dacron does not adhere<br />
structurally to the glass and when peeled away it<br />
leaves a surface ready for glass-to-glass bonding without sanding.<br />
Requirements for Small <strong>Aircraft</strong>:<br />
• 3 Rolls of 1” x 50 Yds. Tape • 2 Rolls of 2” x 50 Yds. Tape • 1 Roll of<br />
3” x 50 Yds. Tape • 1 Roll of 4” x 50 Yds. Tape<br />
Width Smooth Edge Pinked<br />
50 Yd P/N Price/ P/N Price/<br />
Roll 09- Roll 09- Roll<br />
1” 15000 $6.75 15450 $6.75<br />
2” 15100 $13.50 15500 $13.50<br />
3” 15200 $21.75 15600 $19.50<br />
4” 15300 $28.50 15700 $29.00<br />
6” 15400 $44.50 15800 $41.50<br />
Discount Schedule for Dacron Tapes:<br />
Less 10% for 12 Rolls<br />
(assorted) • Less 15% for 25 Rolls (assorted). Request quote on<br />
larger quantities.<br />
Poly/Dacron blend is excellent as peel ply for<br />
composite lay-ups.<br />
Full Width Peel Ply 2.7OZ, 64-66” #604<br />
(Sold by the Yard) ..... P/N 09-00300 ..........$5.35<br />
Full Width Peel Ply 1.8 oz. X 64” #611<br />
(Sold by the Yard) ..... P/N 09-00100 ..........$4.35<br />
Full Width Peel Ply 2.97 oz. X 62” #605<br />
(Sold By the Yard) ......................................... P/N 09-00500 ..........$4.35<br />
Provides superior release with minimum buildup on mold<br />
surfaces for casting urethane elastomers, epoxy, polyester,<br />
and rubber compounds. Molded parts are easily cleaned<br />
for finishing operations. It is effective on aluminum, steel,<br />
epoxy, polyester, and elastomeric molds; it does not distort<br />
intricate patterns. P/N 01-31749 .......... $28.85<br />
Meguiar’s® Mold Release Wax is a blend<br />
of imported waxes specially formulated to<br />
provide a maximum number of releases<br />
per application.<br />
P/N 01-09415 .....................$14.50<br />
High-temperature paste wax. 14 oz.<br />
P/N 01-00177 $19.50<br />
Plastilease 512B, a film-forming, water soluble parting agent,<br />
assures clean re lease of fi ber glass parts from molds. For<br />
application by brush or spray.<br />
P/N 01-30600 ..................... $30.75/Qt.<br />
Excellent for releasing molded parts in high temperature and<br />
extreme pressure environments. MRX Silicone Spray Mold<br />
Release provides maximum releases and superior value for<br />
the end-user. This non-staining, non-corrosive mold release is<br />
heat stable up to 500°F. It is a nonflammable product and contains<br />
no class I or II ozone depleting chemicals. Like all LPS<br />
MR-series mold releases, MRX Silicone Spray Mold Release<br />
doesn’t use Methylene Chloride.<br />
16 oz. aerosol can .....................P/N 09-00271 ............ $11.85<br />
PVA (Polyvinyl Alcohol) should be used with #1016 Wax to aid<br />
in the release of parts form a mold. It should be applied in 3<br />
thin mist coats over nonporous, waxed mold surfaces.After the<br />
final wax coat has dried, begin by spraying a light tack coat of<br />
PVA. Typically, within 5 mins. the final heavier coats can be<br />
added. The PVA dries to form a smooth, glassy film. After part<br />
release, the residual film can be removed with water. We recommend<br />
using an inexpensive automotive siphon spray gun<br />
and 70-90 psi for application, although airbrushes will work on<br />
hobby size projects. PVA can also be sprayed over any polyester repair<br />
to provide an airless tack-free cure. For use with epoxies.<br />
P/N 01-14813A .........................................$22.85/qt<br />
Used to paint cockpit interiors, excellent on fi ber glass.<br />
Gives a coarse, durable, professional finish. 1 gallon<br />
required for Long-EZ cockpit. See instructions for proper<br />
primer use on all surfaces in question. Color chart available<br />
on request. Order Color Chart P/N 01-15815.<br />
Color Use Primer Part No. Price<br />
White/White White 20-02 $166.95<br />
Apollo Gray - 20-11 $167.75<br />
Hamlet Black - 20-42 $165.75<br />
Camille White White 20-54 $166.95<br />
Lilith Charcoal Black 20-59 $166.95<br />
Gray Stone Gray 20-64 $167.75<br />
Onyx Black - 20-71 $166.95<br />
Silver Gray Gray 20-72 $166.95<br />
Bright Blue - 20-77 $166.95<br />
Desert Camo Black 20-80 $166.95<br />
Features: * Super Clear - Glass like appearance<br />
* Scratch Resistant * Buffs to a Super<br />
Hi-Gloss Finish * Refinishes to <strong>Original</strong> Hi-Gloss<br />
* Practically a Walk-A-Way Gloss Finish<br />
Product Applications: * Exotic wood coating<br />
* Gel coat additive for air cure application<br />
* Musical instrument wood coating * Top coat<br />
over clear primers * Top coat over pigmented<br />
colors for clear depth * Automotive interior composite<br />
parts clear coating * Architectural wood<br />
crafts<br />
Quart .....................P/N 09-02168 .......... $36.50<br />
Gallon ....................P/N 09-02169 ........ $104.50<br />
Requires Catalyst P/N 01-01119.<br />
Dusts, Mists, & Fumes Pre-Filter<br />
P/N 01-00382 ............ $1.65<br />
Fit/Check Filter Cover<br />
P/N 7500-27 .............. $2.30<br />
These are the standard laminated rollers for wetting<br />
out woven roving and mat with polyester resin. Use<br />
with epoxy resin for applying tape into corners and<br />
for spreading thickened epoxy over large areas for<br />
gluing and fairing.<br />
1”x 3” .................................P/N 01-01054 .........$9.50<br />
1”x 6” .................................P/N 01-00396 .......$12.50<br />
1”x 9” .................................P/N 01-00383 .......$16.85<br />
2”x 3” .................................P/N 01-00384 .......$14.50<br />
2”x 6” .................................P/N 01-00385 .......$16.65<br />
2”x 9” .................................P/N 01-00386 .......$23.70<br />
1/4” Corner Roller ..............P/N 01-00387 .......$10.95<br />
1/2” Corner Roller ..............P/N 01-00388 .......$10.95<br />
1/2”x 3” Detail Roller ..........P/N 01-00389 .........$8.65<br />
3/4”x 3” Detail Roller ..........P/N 01-00390 .........$7.95<br />
3” wide rolIer with stipple adhesive cover. Has excellent<br />
stippling action for working out air bubbles in layups and has<br />
no tendency to lift the cloth. Use on all major layups. Order<br />
frame and cover separately.<br />
Roller Frame Only ................... P/N 01-24902 ..............$6.75<br />
Cover Only ............................... P/N 01-24903 ..............$4.35<br />
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The tools offered in this section have been selected by professional aircraft de sign ers and builders as being either necessary or highly desirable for<br />
working with composite structures.<br />
These custom-built foam cutting frames can help produce professional<br />
results in foam cutting for the amateur builder. Con structed of 1-1/8”<br />
O.D. aluminum tubing, the heli-arc welded frame is lightweight yet<br />
extremely durable. The frames come completely pre-wired and ready<br />
to attach to the voltage controls shown below, and a tensioning system<br />
maintains uniform wire tension throughout the cutting process. The<br />
frames are stocked in 3 standard lengths, and custom frames are available<br />
on request (send sketch). Cutting depth is 11“. Weight- 5 lbs.<br />
2 Ft. Frame ....................P/N 01-15200 .................... $197.00<br />
3 Ft Frame ....................P/N 01-15300 .................... $218.00<br />
4 Ft Frame ....................P/N 01-15400 .................... $234.00<br />
This high ly rec om mend ed pump,<br />
aptly called “Sticky-Stuff Dis penser”,<br />
will save about $50 in epoxy<br />
in building a VE type aircraft, plus<br />
time, mess, dermatitis, temper and<br />
risk of bad batches. Used by individual<br />
crafts men and professionals<br />
alike, it is a practical engineering tool<br />
es pe cial ly de signed to eliminate the<br />
sticky, messy, costly hand proportioning<br />
of epoxy resins. It is well built<br />
and should last through the construction<br />
of dozens of aircraft. The Sticky-<br />
Stuff Dis pens er assures accurate<br />
mea sure ment of low-viscosity (un der 3,500 centipoises) unfilled epoxy<br />
resin. The standard Model A dispenser pump delivers a ratio of 100 parts<br />
of resin to 44 parts of hardener.<br />
Adjustable Ratio Pump ............................... P/N 01-16010.. $319.00<br />
Rebuild Kit for 45:100 pump ....................... P/N 01-00504 ...$78.75<br />
Small round replacement container (qt)...... P/N 01-15920 ....$12.50<br />
Large square re place ment con tain er (gal) .. P/N 01-15910 ....$18.65<br />
Stainless Steel Check Valve (Use with Jeffco epoxies)<br />
P/N 01-00258 ....$59.75<br />
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An ex cel lent new hot wire system<br />
con sist ing of a controller and transformer.<br />
Recommended by Rutan<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> Factory as a good system at<br />
a very economical price .<br />
P/N 01-15600 ......................... $49.95<br />
Type 302 stainless steel safety wire, for hot<br />
wire cutter. This is superior to nichrome wire,<br />
which is brittle and breaks easily. Specify<br />
.032” or .041” diameter wire.<br />
.032” Dia. Wire, 25 Ft. Coil ......... P/N 01-15725 ..................... $1.11<br />
.041” Dia. Wire, 25 Ft. Coil ......... P/N 01-15825 ..................... $1.11<br />
1 Lb. Spool .................................. P/N 05-02687 ..................... $8.50<br />
Does not stretch. Excellent for hotwiring polystyrene<br />
foam.<br />
.032” Dia. Wire ........... P/N 01-15805 .......$0.35 ft.<br />
.041” Dia. Wire ........... P/N 01-15810 .......$0.24 ft.<br />
Music wire is high carbon steel and although very high in<br />
tensile strength, must be capable of wrapping around itself<br />
without showing signs of crack ing. 156 ft. of .049” dia. wire<br />
per lb., 46 ft. of .090” dia. wire, per lb. 22 Ga. Price is<br />
per pound.<br />
.049” Dia. (1 lbs.) ............................ P/N 03-49500 ....$6.50<br />
.090” Dia.(32Ga.,1lbs.) ................... P/N 03-49600 ....$4.45<br />
062” Dia. .............P/N 03-49610 .............. $0.27 ft<br />
A fine quality control to supply the<br />
electrical current for hot-wire cutting<br />
of styrofoam and PVC foam. One unit<br />
can serve to build many aircraft. Input<br />
115 volts AC Output variable from 0 to<br />
130 volts AC at 5 amps Caution - fuse<br />
should be inserted in the secondary<br />
to protect the control in the event of a<br />
short circuit.<br />
Input: 117V AC 60Hz 3-Prong<br />
AC cord. Output: 0-130V AC Adj<br />
60Hz; volt meter, power jack. Fuse<br />
Protection AGC: 5 Amp. Max: 500VA<br />
P/N 01-01294 ..................... $174.75<br />
This kit includes an assortment of<br />
many of the commonly required<br />
tools used in composite construction.<br />
1 ................................ 20W ......................................... Glass Shears<br />
1 box ......................01-25800 ...............................500 Mixing Sticks<br />
2 boxes...................01-25700 ............................12 oz. Mixing Cups<br />
2 boxes...................01-25710 ............................16 oz. Mixing Cups<br />
10 ...........................01-24899 .......................... 3” Plastic Squeegee<br />
10 ...........................09-21200 ...................... 1” Disposable Brushes<br />
10 ...........................09-21300 ...................... 2” Disposable Brushes<br />
1 .............................12-01580 .................................Electronic Scale<br />
2 boxes...................01-36550 ......................................Latex Gloves<br />
1 ............................ GLR123D ................ 1/2” x 3” Laminating Roller<br />
1 ............................. GLR12C ............................... 1/2” Corner Roller<br />
1 .............................. GLR26 ............. 2” x 6” Plastic Grooved Roller<br />
Kit - P/N 01-00166 .........................$208.95<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
This 12 foot steel tape measure, with 1/2” blade,<br />
is graduated in tenths and hundredths of inches<br />
and also in fractions of inches (32nds). Very<br />
handy for all aircraft construction. A “must” for<br />
composite con struc tion.<br />
No. 33-272 .................... P/N 33-272 .......$23.75<br />
Aluminum, die-cast in two sections -<br />
provides blade storage. Has handy<br />
hang hole. Furnished with No. 11-921<br />
blade and blade guard.<br />
No. 10-099 ........ P/N 10-099 ........$7.80<br />
Heavy-duty pointed razor-type utility<br />
knife blade for No. 10-099 knife and<br />
most other makes of utility knives.<br />
No. 11-921 (Pkg. of 5 Blades)<br />
P/N 11-921 ....... $2.45<br />
For use with No. 10-099 knife and<br />
most other makes of utility knives to<br />
cut linoleum, roofing material, cartons,<br />
etc., without damage. The razor-sharp<br />
hooked ends cut to full thickness in one<br />
stroke.<br />
No. 11-961Pkg. of 5 Blades .......................... P/N 11-961 ............ $6.20<br />
BLADES<br />
Used for trimming rough edges of laminates.<br />
P/N 01-24904 ......$0.15/ea.<br />
Box of 100 30% Discount.<br />
Heavy-gauge steel clamps with vinyl grips and tips to<br />
prevent marring work. Jaws specially formed to hold<br />
flat or round objects. Two sizes available:<br />
No. 3202-HT – Jaw Opening 2”, Length 6”<br />
P/N 12-03778 ............$3.45<br />
NO. 5282 KNIFE SET -<br />
Nos . 1, 2 and 5 knives plus 10 assorted extra<br />
blades Handy, fitted chest.<br />
P/N 01-17300 ..................... $29.75<br />
A 6-ft. long kiln-dried spruce board, 7/8” to<br />
1” thick and 3” to 4” wide, used for checking<br />
the straightness of flying surfaces during<br />
composite construction.<br />
P/N 01-25900 ................................ $24.50<br />
6” STEEL RULER<br />
Flexible stainless steel rule graduated<br />
in l0ths and l00ths on one side and in<br />
quick-reading 32nds and 64ths on the<br />
other side.<br />
6 inch ................ P/N 616 ........... $5.35<br />
12 inch .............. P/N 12-02062 .. $8.95<br />
Used for marking locations on fiberglass<br />
through out con struc tion.<br />
P/N 01-26000 ............... $0.45<br />
For use with standard electric drill for hard-to-reach jobs.<br />
#10 (.1935” Dia.) ............................ P/N 12-05500 .........................$7.75<br />
1/4” Dia. .......................................... P/N 12-05600 .........................$8.50<br />
This assembly consists of a 1/2” dia.<br />
AT418E-4 100° cutter, a 1/4” dia.<br />
AT416- pilot and an AT409-1 adapter<br />
with 1/4” dia. shank for use with a hand<br />
drill. The adapter has a collet-like shaft<br />
to securely hold the replaceable pilot. Add pilot dash number to AT409.<br />
To complete part number see tool section for complete selection of<br />
pilots.Complete Assemblies in the Tools Section<br />
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NO. 5083 KNIFE SET -<br />
Nos . 1, 2 and 6 knives plus 14 assorted extra<br />
blades in beautiful wooden chest.<br />
P/N 01-17400 ........... $52.80<br />
X-ACTO BLADE NO. 18 - X-Acto Blade #18. For<br />
deep wood chiseling. 1/2” surface. Package of 5<br />
P/N 01-16600 ...................... $2.95<br />
Other X-Acto items also available. Call for pricing.<br />
Cuts a true, smooth and narrow kerf. Comfortable hardwood handle<br />
provides positive grip. Professional quality.<br />
No. 15-022 .................... P/N 15-140...................$27.90<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
X-ACTO BLADE NO. 11 - Classic fine point<br />
blade. A general purpose blade. Package of<br />
5. P/N 01-16500 ...................... $6.50<br />
A 5/8” diameter boring tool, with 1/4” diameter pilot. 10” threaded extension<br />
is used for boring holes in hard to reach places. Used in the installation<br />
of the landing gear on the LongEZ and Cozy aircraft. 3/4” bore<br />
does not have 1/4” pilot and must use the pilot received with the 5/8”<br />
boring tool.<br />
5/8” diameter w/pilot ........................... P/N 12-00219 ..................$55.75<br />
3/4” diameter without pilot .................. P/N 12-00220 ..................$49.85<br />
No. 732 RTV general-purpose,<br />
clear, one-part silicone rubber.<br />
Cures to a firm silicone rubber in<br />
24 hours at room temperature.<br />
4.7 Oz. Tube .......... P/N 09-27800 ...................... $8.50<br />
This is a very effective 2-1/2” diameter stain less steel<br />
mixer on a 15” shaft. Attach to an air drill for fast,<br />
efficient mixing of larger batches. It will not dig into or<br />
gouge the sides or bottom of your mixing container.<br />
P/N 01-00395 ..................... $22.60<br />
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Makes clean cuts on fiberglass<br />
fabrics and other ma te ri als. The<br />
disc blade is made of high quality<br />
tungsten steel which is very<br />
sharp. Used by high-volume<br />
composite shops. Use with wooden backing board and handle knife<br />
with caution.<br />
RTY-2 Cutter ...................................................P/N 01-00299 ...... $15.75<br />
Replacement Blade ........................................P/N 01-00300 ........ $6.95<br />
Blades (5 Pack) ...............................................P/N 01-00301 ...... $27.75<br />
Replacement Pinking Blade ............................P/N 12-01709 ........ $9.75<br />
This all aluminum cutter<br />
however, will not “melt”<br />
when exposed to acetone,<br />
methylene chloride and<br />
other chemicals used to<br />
clean the cutters after use<br />
on wet layups. After use<br />
the aluminum rotary cutter is cleaned by simply leaving it in a can filled<br />
with acetone.<br />
Aluminum Rotary Cutter .....................P/N 09-24906 ...................$38.85<br />
This cutter handle is all aluminum<br />
with special stainless<br />
hardware for easy assembly<br />
when changing out rotary<br />
cutter blade. Will not melt<br />
when exposed to acetone,<br />
methylene chloride, and<br />
other chemicals. Good for<br />
wet layups. To clean, just<br />
drop in small container of acetone. ....P/N 01-01047 ...................$36.50<br />
Natural, undyed bristle brushes with smooth,<br />
unpainted wooden handles. Unaffected by<br />
paints, dopes, resins, thinners or solvents.<br />
1” Wide Brush ........... P/N 09-21200 ....... $0.45<br />
2” Wide Brush ........... P/N 09-21300 ....... $0.59<br />
Developed especially for working with<br />
epoxies, this 6”, or 36” wide hard rubber<br />
squeegee is superior to the plastic types.<br />
Can be easily cleaned & reused many<br />
times.<br />
6” Squeegee ....................................P/N 01-24901 ...................$3.95 ea<br />
36” Squeegee ..................................P/N 01-00012 .................. $24.60ea<br />
This graduated 2 oz. syringe is ideal for measuring<br />
and dispensing precise amounts of resins<br />
and other liquids. Note: The ink used for the<br />
graduation lines are not solvent resistant. They<br />
will rub off if contacted with a solvent.<br />
Without Cap ............P/N 01-25635 ...........$4.85<br />
Polyethylene bottle with Yorker (applicator) cap.<br />
4 Oz. Bottle ..................... P/N 01-24905 ..............$0.60<br />
16 Oz. (1 Pint) Bottle ...... P/N 01-24906 ..............$1.50<br />
Made of hi-impact polyethylene with seamless body and special safety-grip<br />
plunger. Ca pac ity 10 cc. Tapered<br />
dispensing nozzle can be clipped with scissors<br />
at proper diameter to govern output.<br />
Excellent epoxy dispenser.<br />
P/N 01-25000 .......................... $4.45<br />
These color-coded mil gauges are solid anodized<br />
aluminum for long life and come in<br />
four sizes for a variety of FRP applications.<br />
Machined to close tolerances (0.0001”) for<br />
accuracy and available in mils (inches) and<br />
microns (metric).<br />
3-18 mils .................P/N 01-00411 ........$5.25<br />
10-35 mils ...............P/N 01-00412 ........$5.75<br />
40-65 mils ...............P/N 01-00413 ........$5.35<br />
Use again and again for liquid ingredient<br />
accuracy. A must-have item when<br />
mixing resins. Seal the liquid in the container<br />
with the matching sized plastic lid.<br />
1 Qt. mix cup<br />
P/N 01-00915 .............................. $1.35<br />
1 Qt. lid<br />
P/N 01-00926 .............................. $0.54<br />
2.5 Qt. mixing cup<br />
P/N 01-00330 .............................. $2.25<br />
2.5 Qt. lid<br />
P/N 01-00331 .............................. $1.07<br />
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This plastic spreader is excellent for spreading<br />
epoxy at a steady rate to provide an even surface.<br />
Measures 4” x 4” and is notched on three sides in<br />
increments of 1/8”, 3/16”, 1/4”.<br />
P/N 01-24909 ................... $1.30 ea<br />
Perfect to measure and pour catalyst. The bottle will<br />
hold 16 oz. of catalyst and dispenses liquid safely<br />
and accurately from 2.5 to 35 cc. Measurements are<br />
instantly repeatable.<br />
P/N 01-08503 ............ $12.65<br />
This kit consists of one post cure thermometer<br />
(P/N 01-00394) and 1 regulating<br />
thermostat (P/N 08-12148) that<br />
allows control of electrical devices for<br />
heating. Snap Disc Fan Control 3/4 inch<br />
SPST Flanged Airstream Mount, Open<br />
On Rise, 180°F Cut-Out Temperature,<br />
40°F Differential. Therm-O-Disc Style<br />
60T11, Type 610013<br />
P/N 01-00393 ................. $22.00<br />
Unwaxed, flat bottom paper cups in three convenient<br />
sizes for small mixes.<br />
3 Oz. .... (100 Cups) .......... P/N 01-25600 ............. $7.50<br />
8 Oz. .... (50 Cups) ............ P/N 01-00416 ........... $10.75<br />
12 Oz. .. (60 Cups) ............ P/N 01-25700 .......... $15.50<br />
16 Oz. .. (24 Cups) ............ P/N 01-00324 ............. $7.75<br />
These mixing sticks are medical tongue<br />
depressors which work well for mixing<br />
small batches of epoxy. Size: 3/4” x 6”.<br />
Box of 500 ..........P/N 01-25800 ......$11.50<br />
This tapered spatula is stainless steel with wood<br />
handle. Ideal for making 3/8” radii on bulkheads,<br />
ribs, or anywhere a uniform<br />
radius is required.<br />
P/N 01-24915 ...........................$3.45 ea.<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
MODEL 100 MOTOTOOL - The Dremel 100 Series rotary tool offers single speed convenience for full-speed applications<br />
like routing, cutting, drilling and sanding applications. Its single speed setting is perfect for all-the-time high speed use.<br />
Ideal when one speed is all you need or for shaping, hollowing, grooving, slotting, inlaying and making tapered holes in<br />
soft metals, plastics and woods especially on curved surfaces. Constant Speed: 35,000 RPM. Cool-running ball bearing<br />
construction. Amperage: 1.15 ..........................................................................................P/N 01-18600 ...................$49.50<br />
MODEL 395 MOTOTOOL - Variable Speed: 5,000-32,000 RPM with 100% ball bearing construction for long life, smooth<br />
operation. External caps allow for easy replacement of motor brushes. Amperage: 1.2<br />
P/N 01-18700 ...................$79.75<br />
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TOOL KIT - Multipurpose Cutting<br />
Guide attachment. Ideal for multiple<br />
applications on a variety of materials<br />
and includes 21 genuine Dremel<br />
accessories. Model Number: 200-<br />
1/21. Amperage: 1.15. Cord length:<br />
6. Speed: 15,000 or 35,000 RPM.<br />
Voltage: 120 AC, 50-60 Hz. Warranty: Limited 3 Years.<br />
P/N 01-01145 ........................$84.95<br />
DREMEL MOTO TOOL KIT #200-1/15<br />
Moto-tool features smooth running, twospeed<br />
permanently lubricated bronze<br />
sleeve bearing motor. Amperage: 1.15<br />
Amps. Cord Length: 6ft. Speed: 15,000<br />
or 35,000 rpm. Voltage: 120 AC, 50-60<br />
HZ. Warranty: 3 Years<br />
P/N 01-01129 ............$72.50<br />
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NO. 402 MANDREL – The 402 mandrel is used primarily with cutoff<br />
wheels but is used with<br />
the following Dremel accessories:<br />
409, 411, 412, 413,<br />
420, 423, 425, 426, 456, 511,<br />
512, 540 and 541. Shank<br />
Diameter 1/8 , 3,2 mm<br />
P/N 01-22000 ......................$2.45<br />
CARBON MOTOR BRUSH - One pair of motor brushes for<br />
use with Dremel rotary tool model(s): 100, 200, 275, 285,<br />
300, 395 and 595 (Type 4, 5 and 6) and Dremel contour<br />
sander 6000 (Type 1 and 2). P/N 01-01180 .............$3.45<br />
MULTIPRO CHUCK - The Dremel MultiPro<br />
chuck allows you to quickly and easily change<br />
accessories on your Dremel MultiPro rotary tools<br />
without changing collets. Will accept accessories<br />
with 1/32” - 1/8” shanks. Use only with corded<br />
MultiPro tool models 275, 285, 395, 595.<br />
P/N 01-00131 .............$9.50<br />
NO. 407 1/2” DRUM SANDER - Ideal for rough shaping<br />
of wood and smoothing of fiberglass. Sander bands are<br />
replaceable. Furnished w/ one band. 1/8” shank<br />
P/N 01-19000 .............$3.35<br />
NO. 408 DRUM SANDER BANDS - 1/2” Diameter, Coarse<br />
grit. P/N 01-19100 .............$2.45<br />
DREMEL 543 CUTTING / SHAPING WHEEL - For cutting and shaping on soft and hard woods, fiberglass, plastics and laminates (not<br />
metal.) This versatile wheel is coated with tungsten carbide grit for long life. It is coated on both sides, so it cuts and finishes in one operation.<br />
P/N 01-01056 ......................................................... $17.50<br />
Use on metals, castings, welded joints, rivets and rust. Ideal for sharpening,<br />
deburring and general purpose grinding of most materials.<br />
High Speed Cutters can be used for shaping, hollowing, grooving, slotting,<br />
making tapered holes in soft metals, plastics and woods. Number<br />
198 and 199 cutters can be used to make small slits.<br />
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903 911 921 932 941 945 952 953<br />
Cutter Size Part No. Price Cutter Size Part No. Price<br />
#911 7/16” 01-00135 $2.45 #945 3/16” 01-00138 $2.45<br />
#932 3/8” 01-00137 $2.45 #952 3/8” 01-00139 $2.45<br />
#941 5/8” 01-00132 $2.45 #953 1/4” 01-00140 $3.65<br />
954 971 997 8153 8175 8193 8215<br />
Cutter Size Part No. Price Cutter Size Part No. Price<br />
#971 5/8” 01-00142 $2.45 #8175 3/8” 01-00145 $2.45<br />
#997 3/32” 01-00143 $2.45 #8193 5/8” 01-00146 $2.45<br />
#8153 3/16” 01-00144 $2.45 #8215 1” 01-00147 $2.45<br />
Fast cutting sharp teeth<br />
for greater material<br />
removal. Use on fiberglass,<br />
wood, plastic,<br />
epoxy, rubber, laminates,<br />
particle board,<br />
soft metals, ceramic tile.<br />
9933 9931 9934 9935 9936<br />
Cutter Size Part No. Price Cutter Size Part No. Price<br />
#9931 1/4” 01-00148 $12.75 #9934 5/16” 01-00152 $12.75<br />
#9933 1/4” 01-00151 $12.75 #9935 5/16” 01-00153 $12.75<br />
#9936 3/4” 01-00154 $12.75<br />
100 114 115 116 117 118 121 124 125 131<br />
134 144 190 191 192 193 194 196 198 199<br />
Cutter Size Part No. Price Cutter Size Part No. Price<br />
#100 1/4” 01-19200 $4.90 #134 5/16” 01-19800 $4.90<br />
#114 5/16” 01-19300 $4.90 #144 5/16” 01-20000 $5.95<br />
#115 5/16” 01-20800 $7.50 #190 3/32” 01-20200 $4.95<br />
#116 1/4” 01-20900 $4.90 #191 1/8” 01-20300 $4.90<br />
#117 1/4” 01-21000 $7.50 #193 5/64” 01-20500 $4.95<br />
#118 1/8” 01-21200 $4.90 #194 1/8” 01-20600 $6.95<br />
#121 1/4” 01-19400 $4.90 #192 3/16” 01-20400 $7.50<br />
#124 5/16” 01-19600 $4.90 #196 7/32” 01-20700 $7.50<br />
#125 1/4” 01-21300 $7.50 #199 3/8” 01-21700 $4.95<br />
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The weights and grits listed have been found to be<br />
the most ef fec tive for sanding fiberglass/epoxy surfaces.<br />
Sheet Size: 9” x 11”.<br />
Sandpaper Type<br />
Aluminum Oxide<br />
36 Grit<br />
A hard rubber tool which comfortably<br />
fits the hand for scratch- to<br />
finish-sanding. Used by professionals<br />
for years in all sanding<br />
operations. Sim ply cut a piece of<br />
sandpaper 2-3/4” x 9” and insert<br />
each end into the sanding block.<br />
Paper is held securely by nail<br />
retainers. Makes the sanding<br />
operation much easier.<br />
Model No. 100 ...................P/N 01-26400 ................... $10.50<br />
Open Coat “D”<br />
Weight<br />
Price /Sheet<br />
Part No. Less than 50<br />
Sheets<br />
01-26200 $1.75<br />
Wet or dry Tri-M-Ite (3M) is a silicon car bide abrasive paper made es pecially<br />
for pro duc ing satin-smooth finishes on metal and other doped,<br />
lacquered or enameled sur faces. Wet or dry performs best when used<br />
with water or oil, but can also be used dry. Sheet size 9” x 11”. Available<br />
in 220-A, 280-A, 320-A or 400-A grit.<br />
(Type A paper has an especially light, flexible backing).<br />
Sandpaper Grit Size Part No. Price/ Sheet<br />
120-A 09-20550 $1.95<br />
220-A 09-20600 $1.25<br />
280-A 09-20700 $1.18<br />
320-A 09-20800 $1.25<br />
400-A 09-20900 $1.23<br />
Milled files designed for smooth, fast work on an nealed steels, hard<br />
plastics and composite materials. 14” length, 1-11/32x5/16 sections, 8<br />
teeth per inch. P/N 01-00392 .................$49.95<br />
Preppin’ Weapon is a<br />
handy sanding block made<br />
of Styrofoam core and high<br />
impact ABS that won’t break<br />
when dropped. Easy to<br />
grip for wet or dry sanding.<br />
Contoured to fit the shape<br />
of a hand and is sized to fit<br />
a 1⁄4” sheet of plain backed<br />
8 x 11 sandpaper or a 2<br />
3⁄4” wide file paper. It’s coil<br />
spring design holds single or<br />
multiple sheets equally tight<br />
and saves reloading time by<br />
stacking up to 4 sheets and<br />
tearing them away as the<br />
abrasive wears out. Save<br />
reloading time by using colors<br />
to indicate grits. Excellent for builders of aircraft, boats, cars, etc.<br />
Yellow ...................P/N 12-00505 ...............$20.50<br />
Red .......................P/N 12-00506 ...............$19.85<br />
Green ....................P/N 12-00507 ...............$19.95<br />
A unique sanding tool which uses a 1-1/2” wide strip of sandpaper<br />
formed to make a belt. Locked taut by a patented mechanism that snaps<br />
into place with a finger pull. Its knife edge sides and padded body sand<br />
close to right angle fittings & fit into small concave recesses. Sander<br />
body is 7/8”h x 4”l and made of high impact plastic. Buy ready-made<br />
belts or make your own (6 belts from standard sheet).<br />
Mini-Sander .......................................... P/N 01-26800.................$7.95<br />
Wet or dry Mini-Strips, 3 - #500, 3 - #320, 3 - #220<br />
Pkg. of 9 Strips ..................................... P/N 01-26900.................$4.35<br />
New Continuous Belts (load free) Aluminum Oxide #120<br />
Package of 3 ........................................ P/N 01-26910.................$8.85<br />
New Continuous Belts (load free) Aluminum Oxide #220<br />
Package of 3 ........................................ P/N 01-26915.................$8.85<br />
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The Sanding Detailer is ideal for finishing those hard to reach areas. The<br />
abrasive belt can be indexed. The Sanding Detailer is spring loaded to<br />
put tension on the abrasive belt. After the abrasive belt is used up, the<br />
user can simply compress the tool and replace the abrasive belt with<br />
a fresh one. They are color coded for easy identification of grit. The<br />
replacement belts are color coded on the inside.<br />
The Standard Kit includes (shown in picture):<br />
• 1 Gray 80 Grit • 1 Red 120 Grit • 1 Orange 180 Grit • 1 Blue 240 Grit •<br />
Grit tool along with 5 Replacement Belts of each grit<br />
The Finishing Kit includes: • 1 Blue 240 Grit • 1 Green 320 Grit • 1 Yellow<br />
400 Grit • 1 Black 500 Grit • Grit tool along with 5 Replacement Belts<br />
of each grit<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Standard Kit, Coarser Grits 01-01411 $26.50<br />
Finishing Kit, Finer Grits 01-01412 $26.50<br />
80 Grit Belt- Replacements 01-01413 $4.95<br />
120 Grit Belts- Replacements 01-01414 $4.95<br />
180 Grit Belts- Replacements 01-01416 $4.95<br />
240 Grit Belts- Replacements 01-01417 $4.95<br />
320 Grit Belts- Replacements 01-01418 $4.95<br />
400 Grit Belts- Replacements 01-01419 $4.95<br />
500 Grit Belts- Replacements 01-01422 $4.95<br />
These user friendly sanding blocks are made from extruded, anodized<br />
aluminum. The 32mm (1.25”) Radius Curve is covered on the external<br />
and internal radius with Tungsten Carbide abrasive sheets. The Contour<br />
Blocks come in either the Coarse (60US grit approx.) or Fine (120US grit<br />
approx.) Small block is 5.5” long and large block is 11” long.<br />
Benefits:<br />
• Shape and sand curves, grooves, etc. quickly and easily<br />
• Great for fillets, leading edges, under cambers, etc.<br />
• Extremely tough, will not wear out like normal sandpaper<br />
• Will last for years without having to change the sheets<br />
• Does not clog easily (brush or knock out)<br />
• Easy to remove glues, resins, paint, epoxy etc. w/ paint remover<br />
140MM Contour Block (COURSE) .............P/N 01-00591 ............$25.99<br />
140MM Contour Block (FINE) ....................P/N 01-00592 ............$25.99<br />
280MM Contour Block (COURSE) .............P/N 01-00593 ...........$38.70<br />
280MM Contour Block (FINE) ....................P/N 01-00594 ............$38.70<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
Supplied with a 3mm integral arbor so they may be used in reversible<br />
drive drills and hobby drills. These files are well balanced and run<br />
smoothly, and cur a wide range of materials with little need for secondary<br />
finishing. Available in coarse and fine grit.<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
Perma-Grit Tools are made of Tungsten Carbide Grit, one of the hardest<br />
elements available, second only to diamonds. They are specifically<br />
designed and developed for aircraft builders, woodworkers, and modelers.<br />
These tools will cut, sand and shape tough composite materials,<br />
saving homebuilders hours of building time. Ideal for fuselage shaping<br />
and wing building, these tools are highly recommended by several kitplane<br />
manufacturers. Available in coarse (180) & fine (320) grit.<br />
Model No. Part No. Description Price<br />
RF1C 12-00070 Narrow Cone coarse $15.55<br />
RF1F 12-00071 Narrow Cone fine $15.55<br />
RF2C 12-00072 Wide Cone Coarse $15.55<br />
RF2F 12-00073 Wide Cone Fine $14.85<br />
RF3C 12-00074 Drum Coarse $15.55<br />
RF3F 12-00075 Drum Fine $15.50<br />
RF4C 12-00076 Pancake Coarse $15.55<br />
RF4F 12-00077 Pancake Fine $15.55<br />
RF5C 12-00078 Domehead Coarse $15.50<br />
RF5F 12-00079 Domehead Fine $15.50<br />
RF6C 12-00080 1/8 diameter Rod Coarse $15.55<br />
RF6F 12-02247 1/8 diameter Rod Fine $14.80<br />
These verstile sanding blocks are<br />
ideal for sanding large areas, creating<br />
straight edges, producing<br />
dihedral angles, profiling leading<br />
edges, feathering trailing edges,<br />
and more. The sanding blocks<br />
are coarse grit on one side and<br />
fine grit on the opposing side.<br />
The flexible grit strips can be cut<br />
and shaped to any form, external<br />
or internal.<br />
Model # Part No. Description Price<br />
SB140 12-00064 140mm x 51mm Coarse one side, fine opp. $26.50<br />
SB280 12-00065 280mm x 51mm Coarse one side, fine opp. $36.50<br />
SB560 12-00066 560mm x 51mm Coarse one side, fine opp. $53.75<br />
FXT-103 12-00060 51mm x 280mm Fine Grit Strip $12.50<br />
FXT-104 12-00061 51mm x 280mm Coarse Grit Strip $12.50<br />
FXT-106 12-00062 51mm x 140mm Fine Grit Strip $10.50<br />
FXT-107 12-00063 51mm x 140mm Coarse Grit Strip $9.85<br />
Set of 5 files: Hand, Round, Halfround, Square<br />
and 3-Square Extremely versatile tools, popular<br />
for detailed work.These file cuts in any direction<br />
and does not clog easily. Cuts quickly leaving an<br />
excellent finish. P/N 12-01752 ..............$57.75<br />
Model No. Part No. Description Price<br />
F-101 12-00040 230mm x 38mm Flat Fine File $12.50<br />
F-102 12-00041 230mm x 38mm Flat Coarse $12.50<br />
R-200F 12-00042 230mm x 26mm / 36mm diameter Fine $12.50<br />
R-200C 12-00043 230mm x 26mm / 36mm diameter Coarse $12.50<br />
R-201C 12-00044 230mm x 38mm Tangent Coarse $12.50<br />
R-201F 12-00045 230mm x 38mm Tangent Fine $12.50<br />
R-202C 12-00046 18mm diameter tube Coarse $12.50<br />
R-202F 12-00047 18mm diameter tube Fine $13.50<br />
R-203C 12-00048 12mm diameter tube Coarse $12.50<br />
R-203F 12-00049 12mm diameter tube Fine $12.50<br />
R-204C 12-00050 6 mm round Coarse grit $12.50<br />
R-204F 12-00051 6 mm round Fine grit $12.50<br />
S-204C 12-00052 6 mm square Coarse grit $12.50<br />
S-204F 12-00053 6 mm square Fine grit $12.50<br />
R-101 12-00054 230mm x 38mm diameter Internal Fine grit $13.50<br />
R-102 12-00055 230mm x 38mm diameter Internal Coarse grit $12.50<br />
Set 8C<br />
contains: 8 popular shapes in Tool Roll F-101, F102,<br />
12-00056<br />
R-200C, R-201C, R-202C, R-203C, R-204C, S-204C $83.85<br />
contains: 8 popular shapes in Tool Roll F-101,<br />
Set 8F 12-00057 F102, R-200F, R-201F, R-202F, R-203F, R-204F, $83.85<br />
S-204F<br />
TR1<br />
Tool Roll - Holds 8 tools, red plastic w/velcro fastener<br />
12-00058 $7.50<br />
These durable cutting discs<br />
are abailable in two sizes<br />
(19mm and 32mm) and<br />
come complete with a 3mm<br />
steel arbor to fit hobby<br />
drills. Will cut all woods,<br />
piano wire, composites,<br />
ceramics, stone, etc.<br />
Model No. Part No. Description Price<br />
RD1 12-00067 19mm diameter disc with arbor $13.50<br />
RD2 12-00068 32mm disc with arbor $14.50<br />
RD3 12-00069 19 & 32mm disc with arbor $23.65<br />
These extremely versatile tools are excellent for shaping and finishing.<br />
They will cut in any direction and do not clog easily. Our needle files<br />
cut quickly and leave an excellent finish. Very popular for detail work.<br />
Furnished in Medium 280 grit. RIFFLER FILES LARGE NEEDLE FILES<br />
NFH<br />
NF-1<br />
RF-1<br />
LNF-1<br />
Model No. Part No. Description Price<br />
NF1H 12-00081 Set of 5 needle files w/ Handle $50.95<br />
NF1 12-00082 Set of 5 needle files w/o Handle $47.80<br />
NF-F 12-00083 Flat needle file $12.50<br />
NF-K 12-00084 Knife needle file only $11.75<br />
NF-R 12-00085 Round needle file only $12.50<br />
NF-S 12-00086 Square needle file only $12.50<br />
NF-T 12-00087 Triangle needle file only $11.70<br />
RIF-1 12-00088 HSet of 5 Riffler files w/ Handle $52.75<br />
RIF1 12-00089 Set of 5 Riffler files w/o Handle $47.50<br />
RIF-F 12-00090 Flat Riffler file only $11.70<br />
RIF-H 12-00091 Half-round Riffler file only $12.50<br />
RIF-R 12-00092 Round Riffler file only $11.70<br />
RIF-S 12-00093 Square Riffler file only $12.50<br />
RIF-T 12-00094 Triangle Riffler file only $12.50<br />
LNF-1 12-00095 Set of 5 Large needle files / no handle $53.75<br />
LNF-F 12-00096 Flat Large needle file only $14.50<br />
LNF-H 12-00097 Half-Round Large needle file only $14.50<br />
LNF-R 12-00098 Round Large needle file only $14.50<br />
LNF-S 12-00099 Square Large needle file only $14.50<br />
LNF-T 12-00100 Triangle Large needle file only $14.50<br />
NFH 12-00101 Needle File handle only $4.55<br />
Comfortable plastic handle with brass collet to accept<br />
all large (18cms) needle files.Overall length 115mm.<br />
Collect 5mm<br />
PN 12-00166 .................$4.50<br />
41<br />
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Invisible Gloves #1211 are a soft paste-like substance<br />
that when applied to hands provide protection<br />
against caustic and carcinogenic chemical<br />
products including hydraulic fluid, paints, ink, MEK,<br />
zinc chromate, jet fuel, graphite, engine exhaust<br />
by-products, adhesives and much more. Invisible<br />
Gloves meets military and industrial safety standards<br />
and can protect any area of the body (hands, arms, face, legs,<br />
etc...) exposed to hazardous products. Especially useful in working with<br />
materials used in composite aircraft construction. One pint yields 100<br />
pair of gloves. Invisible Gloves #1211 are easily removed with water.<br />
Allows complete freedom of hand and finger movement. Hands will not<br />
heat up and tools will not slip. ............P/N 12-15800 ............ $8.85/pint<br />
Protect your hands with a protective skin lotion<br />
called Gloves in a Bottle. Perfect for homebuilders,<br />
particularly those who work with composite aircraft,<br />
it binds with skin, forming an invisible pair of gloves<br />
to help protect against machinery and chemicals. It<br />
also protects against cracking and drying due to cold<br />
weather. 8 oz. .......... P/N 01-00656...............$15.65<br />
Powder-Free Nitrile. Superior Puncture<br />
& Abrasion Resistance. Latex-Free<br />
Textured Grip Beaded Cuff Ambidextrous.<br />
6 mil Nitrile. Sold in boxes of 100 gloves.<br />
Medium ................. P/N 01-01402...............$13.50<br />
Large ..................... P/N 01-01403...............$12.90<br />
X-Large ................. P/N 01-01404...............$13.50<br />
XX-Large ............... P/N 01-01406...............$12.90<br />
Lightly Powdered Exam Grade Latex.<br />
Extra Thick Latex Protection. 12” Length<br />
for Added Protection. Textured Grip.<br />
Beaded Cuff. Ambidextrous. 14 mil<br />
Latex. Sold in boxes of 50 gloves.<br />
Medium ................. P/N 01-01394...............$15.75<br />
Large ..................... P/N 01-01395...............$16.50<br />
X-Large ................. P/N 01-01396...............$16.50<br />
XX-Large ............... P/N 01-01397...............$15.75<br />
SERIES 8 - A less expensive “clone” of the famous PR88<br />
hand creme developed in Europe, Series 8 is highly<br />
recommended by Rutan <strong>Aircraft</strong> Factory for working with<br />
epoxies. It protects hands from most epoxies, grease,<br />
oil paint, paste, gasoline, tar, lacquer, acetone, styrene,<br />
fiberglass and many more substances. It helps prevent<br />
chapping, cracking and drying of hands, and is an excellent aid to persons<br />
with sensitive skin. No soap is needed for cleanup - hands wash<br />
clean with water alone.<br />
32 Oz. (Qt.) Plastic Jar ........P/N 13-38306 .................................. $19.65<br />
Provides a thin, invisible, flex ible film which is an excellent barrier<br />
to epoxy resins, rubber ad he sives, vinyl plasticizers, polyester<br />
resins and glass fibers. Epoxy and gel wash off easily in soap<br />
and water.<br />
One-Lb. Jar ...................... P/N 01-36100 .................. $10.60<br />
Can be mixed with soap and water. Is harmless to rubber.<br />
Use as a solvent for thinning, removing and cleaning epoxy,<br />
brushes, and equipment.<br />
Gallon ..................................P/N 01-00399 ................$13.80<br />
Cleans polyester and epoxy resins from tools and<br />
hands without the hazards associated with chemical<br />
cleaning solvents. It is a non-volatile, non-flammable,<br />
and a biodegradable replacement for acetone and<br />
MEK solvents. Replacetone separates resins to the<br />
bottom of the cleaning container, but it does not dissolve<br />
them. Pour off non-emulsified Replacetone and<br />
use again.<br />
Quart ................................................. P/N 01-08823 ................. $15.85<br />
Gallon ................................................. P/N 01-08834 ................. $39.75<br />
Disposable but reusable gloves which<br />
resist tearing. Large size. Fits right or<br />
left hand. Box of 100.<br />
P/N 01-36550 ....................$10.85<br />
These gloves are resistant to the permeation<br />
of epoxy resins and curing agents<br />
and have been found to offer by far the<br />
best protection of any glove available.<br />
P/N 01-36700 ................................ $24.75<br />
Lightweight liners - wear under latex<br />
gloves. More comfort, improved sensitivity.<br />
P/N 01-36600 ......................... $0.95/Pair<br />
Heavy Duty Gloves: Resistant to abrasions and<br />
tears. Fully textured grip. Powder free. Great<br />
for automotive, motorcycle, marine, and aviation<br />
technicians. 14 Mil thick. Twelve inch cuff length.<br />
Textured grip with maximum tear resistance. Size:<br />
Large. .......................P/N 01-00598 ................$19.50<br />
Astro-Grip Dual-Sided Scale Grip Disposable.<br />
Powder-free nitrile. Thickness: 6 mil. Dual-sided<br />
scale textured surface for superior grip. High visibility<br />
safety orange color. Non-latex. Exceptional<br />
chemical and puncture resistance. Maximum comfort<br />
for extended wear. 100 gloves per box.<br />
Medium ....................................................P/N 01-01532 ..............$14.65<br />
Large .......................................................P/N 01-01533 ..............$14.65<br />
X-Large ....................................................P/N 01-01534 ..............$14.90<br />
XX-Large .......P/N 01-01536 ..............$14.65<br />
GLOVES<br />
5mil Latex powder free Industrial gloves.<br />
General Purpose Lite Duty Gloves. Excellent<br />
Dexterity. Pack of 100. P/N 01-01586 $10.85<br />
These are the tough, full-body suits with hoods that professional<br />
painters use. Available in extra large or extra extra<br />
large.<br />
X-Large ..............................P/N 01-36800 ................$7.95<br />
XX-Large ............................P/N 01-36805 ................$8.75<br />
RECYCLED TYVEK® APRONS - The Better-Than-Plastic<br />
Apron. A regular throw-away plastic apron might be good<br />
enough for small jobs. But for complete protection from<br />
food splashes, hot oil, dangerous chemicals, and other big<br />
messes, the serious professional chooses a Tyvek® apron.<br />
Features: • Bib style for full protection. • 28” x 36” in size. •<br />
Serged seams for strength. • Long ties to customize the fit,<br />
PN 12-01824 .............................. $2.75<br />
High top boot covers w/elastic top.<br />
PN 12-01825 ............................. $2.03<br />
TYVEK® DISPOSABLE - Shoe Covers, Boot Covers<br />
With a Tyvek® disposable shoe covers you don’t have<br />
to compromise. That’s because Tyvek® disposable shoe<br />
covers deliver the best balance of protection, durability and<br />
comfort. Color: White.<br />
PN 12-01995 ............................. $1.79<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
(Inches)<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong> spruce spars are available either S2S (surfaced 2 sides, top & bottom, with rough edges in 4” & 6” nominal width) or S4S (surfaced all 4 sides<br />
to thick ness & width). Prices in table below are for S4S spars. If S2S is desired so builder can trim to exact width, specify S2S and use 4” or 6” width<br />
prices from table. Request quote on spar widths wider than 6”. Spars for certificated aircraft such as Aer onca, Stearman, Taylorcraft and Piper are<br />
available and may be priced from the ta ble. Since many of these early air craft were “handmade”, the spars are often not uniform in size for a particular<br />
model. Therefore, the finished net dimensions should be specified when ordering replacement spars. Please price to nearest frac tion.<br />
Thousands of feet of S2S aircraft quality spruce are stocked in our Corona, CA. and Peachtree City, GA. warehouses. Orders for spars, spruce kits<br />
and capstrip can usually be shipped within three weeks after receipt of order. Spars wider than 6” must be milled from 8” spe cial ly selected stock which<br />
requires a long and indefinite lead time. Prices on request.<br />
For additional technical information refer to a complete reprint of spruce speci fi ca tion MIL-S-6073 and plywood specification MIL-P-6070.<br />
P/N 13-14900................................ $5.95<br />
When ordering either spars or capstrip, designate the thickness first, then the width and length.<br />
Ex am ples: 3/4”T x 4-1/4”W x 14’L spar; 1/4”T x 1/2”W x 5’L capstrip.<br />
WIDTH (Inches)<br />
2-3/4 3 3-1/4 3-1/2 3-3/4 4 4-1/4 4-1/2 4-3/4 5 5-1/4 5-1/2 5-3/4 6<br />
1/8 $3.80 $3.80 $3.80 $3.80 $3.80 $4.75 $4.75 $4.75 $4.75 $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 $6.50<br />
3/16 $3.80 $3.80 $3.80 $3.80 $3.80 $4.75 $4.75 $4.75 $4.75 $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 $6.50<br />
1/4 $3.80 $3.80 $3.80 $3.80 $3.80 $4.75 $4.75 $4.75 $4.75 $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 $6.50<br />
5/16 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $13.25<br />
3/8 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $13.25<br />
1/2 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $13.25<br />
5/8 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $13.25<br />
11/16 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $13.25<br />
3/4 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $13.25<br />
13/16 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $11.75 $11.75 $11.75 $11.75 $14.00 $14.00 $14.00 $14.00 $16.75<br />
7/8 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $11.75 $11.75 $11.75 $11.75 $14.00 $14.00 $14.00 $14.00 $16.75<br />
15/16 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $11.75 $11.75 $11.75 $11.75 $14.25 $14.25 $14.25 $14.25 $16.75<br />
1 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $9.50 $11.75 $11.75 $11.75 $11.75 $14.25 $14.25 $14.25 $14.25 $16.75<br />
1-1/8 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $14.25 $14.25 $14.25 $14.25 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $20.00<br />
1-1/4 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $14.25 $14.25 $14.25 $14.25 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $17.25<br />
1-1/2 $9.50 $9.50 --- $9.50 $9.50 $12.00 -- -- --- $14.75 --- --- --- $17.25<br />
1-5/8 --- $11.80 --- --- $13.50 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- $17.75 $29.50<br />
(Inches)<br />
Faster delivery can be assured if guidelines re gard ing minimum acceptable lengths are pro vid ed. Orders are often<br />
delayed await ing delivery of lumber to the even footage specified whereas shipment could be made if the minimum<br />
usable lengths were indicated. Example: 3/4” nominal 6” x 12’ (131-1/2” min.).<br />
<strong>Spruce</strong> and tubing kits may be combined with plywood and other build ing supplies for a single truck delivery charge.<br />
Assortment of at least ten pieces, in random lengths from 1 ft. to 5 ft., of rough, S2S or S4S remnants and cutoffs.<br />
A usable selection is assured. Approx. wt. 20 lbs. P/N 02-03600 ........................................... $37.50<br />
METRIC SIZES - <strong>Spruce</strong> can be cut to metric sizes upon request only as special order, non cancelable<br />
and non refundable.<br />
Using our current part numbers please select one size greater than desired and at check out in<br />
"Special Instructions" advise exact metric dimensions needed.<br />
* Please order by part number and also state exact thickness, width and length to verify part number. <strong>Spruce</strong> part numbers begin with “02” and finish<br />
with thickness and width. Examples: 3/4”T x 5-1/4”W is P/N 02-34514; 1-1/4”T x 6”w is P/N 02-1146. Provide part number and footage required of<br />
each size. Specify any par ticu lar lengths required. Thicker & wider sizes sub ject to availability. Request quotation.<br />
WIDTH (Inches)<br />
3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-3/4 2 2-1/4 2-1/2<br />
1/8 $0.34 $0.34 $0.38 $0.40 $0.49 $0.52 $0.57 $0.72 $0.80 $0.92 $1.17 $1.39 $1.64 $1.87 $2.05 $2.25<br />
3/16 $0.34 $0.34 $0.38 $0.40 $0.49 $0.53 $0.57 $0.70 $0.80 $0.92 $1.17 $1.39 $1.64 $1.87 $2.05 $2.25<br />
1/4 $0.33 $0.37 $0.40 $0.50 $0.52 $0.57 $0.70 $0.80 $0.90 $1.17 $1.39 $1.64 $1.87 $2.05 $2.25<br />
5/16 $0.42 $0.49 $0.72 $0.81 $0.85 $0.90 $0.95 $1.05 $1.39 $1.72 $1.87 $2.10 $2.50 $2.75<br />
3/8 $0.72 $0.84 $0.98 $1.23 $1.48 $1.74 $1.95 $2.45 $2.95 $3.45 $3.55 $4.50 $4.90<br />
1/2 $1.12 $1.35 $1.62 $1.87 $2.05 $2.70 $3.25 $3.75 $4.40 $4.75 $5.25<br />
5/8 $1.62 $1.89 $2.15 $2.35 $2.80 $3.55 $3.90 $4.70 $5.00 $5.25<br />
3/4 $1.95 $2.20 $2.50 $3.05 $3.75 $4.05 $4.85 $5.25 $5.75<br />
7/8 $2.50 $2.80 $3.40 $4.05 $4.65 $5.00 $5.75 $6.25<br />
1 $4.00 $4.00 $4.75 $5.00 $5.50 $6.25 $6.75<br />
Please order by part number and also state exact thickness and width. Begin part number with “02”, then thickness & width.<br />
Example: 1/4”T x 3/8”W is P/N 02-1438. Capstrip is furnished in lengths as specified by customer.<br />
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Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
CM<br />
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Acro Sport ......................................................02-03700 .........$784.43<br />
Acro Sport II ...................................................02-03800 ......$1,540.57<br />
Baby Great Lakes ...........................................02-03900 .........$982.44<br />
Bobcat ............................................................02-25100 ......$1,071.00<br />
Christavia MK 1 ..............................................01-39880 ......$1,355.00<br />
Christavia MK 4 ..............................................01-39910 ......$2,169.84<br />
Corby Starlet CJ-1 (less spars) ......................02-04300 ......$1,227.99<br />
Cvjetkovic CA-65 ............................................02-04400 ......$2,330.75<br />
Cygnet ............................................................02-04500 ......$1,922.52<br />
EAA Bi-Plane (<strong>Original</strong> Wing) ........................02-00223 ......$1,450.00<br />
EAA Bi-Plane (P-Wing) ..................................02-04600 ......$1,356.00<br />
Fly Baby <strong>Spruce</strong> Kit ........................................01-00977 ......$2,564.10<br />
GN-1 Aircamper ** ..........................................02-04700 ......$2,427.52<br />
GP-4 ...............................................................02-25200 ......$5,063.48<br />
Hatz Bi-Plane .................................................02-04800 ......$2,088.68<br />
Kelly-D ............................................................02-04900 .........$804.00<br />
Mitchell B-10 ...................................................02-05000 .........$669.00<br />
One Design ...................................................See Page 15 for Kits<br />
Osprey II ** .....................................................02-05100 ......$4,545.10<br />
<strong>Original</strong> Pietenpol Aircamper ...................... See Page 18 for Kits<br />
Pitts Special (Basic) M-6 or S-1D ..................02-05200 ......$1,378.50<br />
Pober Pixie (spruce & plywood) .....................01-01136 ......$2,058.96<br />
Rand KR-1 ** ..................................................02-05400 ......$1,183.69<br />
Rand KR-2 ** ..................................................02-05500 ......$1,381.76<br />
Rand KR-2S ...................................................02-05510 ......$1,490.47<br />
Skybolt ............................................................02-05700 ......$1,644.14<br />
Smith Miniplane ..............................................02-05800 .........$753.99<br />
VP-1 ................................................................01-00222 .........$833.55<br />
VP-2 ................................................................02-08800 .........$921.60<br />
Volmer Sportsman VJ-22 (less wings) ...........02-06000 ......$2,438.77<br />
War <strong>Aircraft</strong> Corsair ........................................02-06100 ...... $1,528.53<br />
War <strong>Aircraft</strong> P-47 ............................................02-06200 .........$684.05<br />
War <strong>Aircraft</strong> FW-190 .......................................02-06300 ......$1,534.00<br />
War <strong>Aircraft</strong> Sea Fury .....................................02-06400 ......... $564.00<br />
Wittman Tailwind** ........................................02-06500 ......$1,296.00<br />
** Wing & aileron spars finished to net dimensions. Not beveled.<br />
Acro Sport ....................................................02-06600 ..........$735.20<br />
Acro Sport II .................................................02-03810 ..........$755.79<br />
Baby Great Lakes .........................................02-06700 ..........$588.40<br />
Bakeng Duce ................................................02-06800 ..........$496.00<br />
Barracuda .....................................................02-06900 ..........$956.03<br />
Bowers Fly Baby (Spars) .............................02-07000 ..........$591.50<br />
Bowers Complete Wing Kit ..........................02-07100 .......$1,493.87<br />
Christavia MK 4 ............................................01-39980 .......$2,169.84<br />
Corby Starlet (Two Piece Wing Spar Kit) .....02-09000 ..........$464.07<br />
Cvjetkovic CA-65 ..........................................02-07300 .......$1,613.00<br />
EAA Bi-Plane (<strong>Original</strong> Wing) ......................02-07400 ..........$944.00<br />
EAA Bi-Plane (P- Wing) ...............................02-00222 ..........$878.00<br />
Hatz Bi-Plane ...............................................02-07500 .......$1,238.00<br />
Kelly-D ..........................................................02-07600 .......$1,061.00<br />
Marquart Charg er .........................................02-07700 .......$1,082.50<br />
Pitts Special M-6 or S-1D .............................02-07800 ..........$657.90<br />
One Design .................................................See Page 15 for Kits<br />
Sauser P6E ..................................................02-02000 .......$1,264.90<br />
Skybolt ..........................................................02-07900 .......$1,260.18<br />
Smith Miniplane ............................................02-08000 ..........$410.75<br />
Stolp Starduster Single Place ......................02-08200 ..........$718.35<br />
Starduster “Too” ...........................................02-08300 .......$1,051.25<br />
Starlet ...........................................................02-08400 ..........$447.95<br />
Wittman Tailwind ..........................................02-08500 ..........$621.50<br />
Wittman “V” ..................................................02-08600 ..........$343.95<br />
EAA Bi-Plane Complete Kit ................................................ 99 Lbs.<br />
Pitts Special Complete Kit .................................................. 73 Lbs.<br />
Pitts Special Spar Kit Only ................................................. 35 Lbs.<br />
Miniplane Complete Kit ...................................................... 49 Lbs.<br />
Fly Baby Com plete Kit ...................................................... 132 Lbs.<br />
KR-1 Complete Kit ............................................................. 61 Lbs.<br />
NOTE: Our spruce kits are produced from materials lists which are believed to be accurate. However, since designers may modify certain<br />
dimensions after the original plans are released, we urge the builder to verify sizes and current price before ordering.<br />
90° Corner Blocking<br />
Order by the foot.<br />
Size Price Part Per Ft. Size Part No. Price<br />
No.<br />
1/4” 02-17600 $0.57 1/2” 02-18000 $1.09<br />
5/16” 02-17700 $0.74 5/8” 02-18100 $1.15<br />
3/8” 02-17800 $0.47 3/4” 02-18200 $2.05<br />
7/16” 02-17900 $0.79 7/8” 02-18300 $2.20<br />
Standard <strong>Spruce</strong> stringer ma te rial finished<br />
to the di men sions il lus trated.<br />
Lengths over 8 feet re quire truck shipment.<br />
Lengths to 8 Ft.<br />
P/N 02-18400 .....................$1.45/ft.<br />
Add 20% for lengths over 8 feet.<br />
Reprint of Government Speci fi ca tions MIL-S-6073<br />
and MIL-P-6070.<br />
P/N 13-14900 .......................... $5.95<br />
Balsa is the lightest com mer cial wood<br />
in the world, weighing less than 10<br />
lbs./cu.ft. Pound for pound, it is one<br />
of the strongest - both its stiffness<br />
and bend ing strength ex ceed White<br />
<strong>Spruce</strong>, West ern Yellow Pine, Douglas<br />
Fir, White Oak and many other commercially<br />
used woods. It is easily cut,<br />
turned, carved, shaped, glued, sanded<br />
and fin ished, all with ordinary wood working tools and techniques. It<br />
can be shaped with abrasive wheels either wet or dry. It can be cut<br />
into extremely thin veneers. Almost any kind of coating will ad here to it.<br />
Meets specifications MIL-B-2747 and MIL-S-7998.<br />
Furnished as 2” thick boards, 3 ft. long from 3”-6” wide. Material which<br />
may be glued together by the builder to make the re quired size pieces.<br />
2” x 4” x 3 ft Pc. ...............P/N 02-03500 ............$19.65/ea.<br />
Flat, bonderized steel nails, brass plated to prevent rusting and cement<br />
coated to improve holding power. Manufactured to Federal Specification<br />
FF-N-105 (formerly AN301). Order by part no.<br />
Part No.<br />
Size<br />
Price<br />
Length Gauge 1/4 Lb. 1/2 Lb. 1 Lb<br />
AN301-20-2 1/4” 20 $4.38 $8.75 $17.50<br />
AN301-20-3 3/8” 20 $5.46 $10.93 $21.85<br />
AN301-20-4 1/2” 20 $4.14 $8.28 $16.55<br />
AN301-20-5 5/8” 20 $2.70 $5.40 $10.80<br />
AN301-20-6 3/4” 20 $5.24 $10.48 $20.95<br />
AN301-20-8 1” 20 $5.88 $11.75 $23.50<br />
There are approximately 9,000 3/8” x 20 steel nails per pound.<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
American-made structural aircraft-grade plywood is made of imported African Mahogany or American Birch<br />
veneers laminated in a hot press to hardwood cores of Poplar or Bass wood with waterproof glue. Will meet<br />
all requirements of specification MIL-P-6070, which calls for shear testing after immersion in boiling water for 3<br />
hours. Far superior to many plywoods in which all plies are 1/16” thick and laminated in a cold press to make up<br />
the total thickness. Tests should be made on cold-press plywoods before use in aerobatic aircraft.<br />
Thickness<br />
90° Mahogany 90° Birch<br />
No. of<br />
In. Approx. MM. Plies<br />
Approx. Wt. 4’ x<br />
8’ Sheet<br />
Part No.** 4’ x 8’ Sheet<br />
Approx. Wt. 4’ x 8’<br />
Sheet<br />
Part No.** 4’ x 8’ Sheet<br />
1/16 (.070) 1.5 3 6 Lbs. 02-189-- $116.75 7 Lbs. 02-243-- $89.90<br />
3/32 (.100) 2.5 3 10 Lbs. 02-191-- $139.75 12 Lbs. 02-244-- $95.25<br />
1/8 (.125) 3.2 3 12 Lbs. 02-193-- $139.95 15 Lbs. 02-245-- $97.50<br />
3/16 (.190) 4.8 3-5 20 Lbs. 02-195-- $208.95 24 Lbs. 02-246-- $215.95<br />
1/4 (.250) 6.4 5 25 Lbs. 02-197-- $267.95 30 Lbs. 02-247-- $259.95<br />
5/16 (.312) 7.9 5 Lbs. 02-198-- $284.95 30 Lbs. 02-251-- $269.95<br />
3/8 (.375) 9.5 5 Lbs. 02-199-- $299.95 30 Lbs. 02-266-- $309.00<br />
7/16 (.437) 11.1 7 Lbs. 02-120-- $289.95 30 Lbs. 02-267-- $378.00<br />
1/2 (.500) 12.7 7 Lbs. 02-121-- $364.00 30 Lbs. 02-260-- $321.95<br />
45° Mahogany 45° Birch<br />
1/16 (.070) 1.5 3 6 Lbs. 02-188-- $227.95 7 Lbs. 02-248-- $212.95<br />
3/32 (.100) 2.5 3 10 Lbs. 02-190-- $252.95 12 Lbs. 02-249-- $227.95<br />
1/8 (.125) 3.2 3 12 Lbs. 02-192-- $258.95 15 Lbs. 02-250-- $227.95<br />
1/4 (.250) 6.4 5 --- --- --- 30 Lbs. 02-271-- $420.95<br />
*Domestic plywood is sold only in 2’x4’ (8 Sq.Ft.), 4’x4’ (16 Sq.Ft.), 2’x8’ (16 Sq.Ft.), and full 4’ x 8’ sheets. If ordering less than full sheet, compute<br />
cost based on price/sq.ft. shown in above table.<br />
** The part numbers of full 4’ x 8’ sheets end with “80”. For less than full sheets, the last two digits will change according to the size ordered. Change<br />
the last two digits in the part number to “10” for 4’ x 4’, “20” for 2’ x 8’ and “30 for 2’ x 4’. Example: 1/16” mahogany 90° is 02-18980 (4’ x 8’), 02-18910<br />
(4’ x4’), 02-18920 (2’ x 8’) and 02-18930 (2’ x4’).<br />
Note: Full sheets are 4’ x 4’ and half sheets are 2’ x 4’,<br />
with the exception of 02-00236 which are furnished in<br />
61” x 61” full sheets.<br />
Quality Birch <strong>Aircraft</strong> grade plywood produced to AB/B<br />
grade on all thicknesses. Finnish birch plywood is furnished in 48” x 48”<br />
sheets, depending on current availability. Prices fluctuate with changes<br />
in sheet sizes. Full sheets require truck shipment unless cut in half for<br />
UPS. Color may vary. Attention: 2’ x 4’ Plywood are cut with grain.<br />
If cross cut required, specify at time of order.<br />
Thickness<br />
Half Sheet 2’x4’<br />
Full Sheet 4’x4’<br />
Plies<br />
Nom. Inch. mm Part No. Price Part No. Price<br />
1/64 0.4 3 02-20250 $29.38 02-20200 $58.75<br />
1/32 0.8 3 02-20350 $16.25 02-20300 $32.50<br />
3/64 1.0 3 02-50050 $19.95 02-50000 $39.90<br />
1/16 1.5 3 02-20450 $19.33 02-20400 $38.65<br />
3/32 2.5 5 02-20550 $31.38 02-20500 $62.75<br />
1/8 3 5 02-20650 $33.88 02-20600 $67.75<br />
5/32 4 8 02-00237 $57.98 02-00236 $115.95<br />
3/16 5 10 02-20750 $71.95 02-20700 $143.90<br />
1/4 6 12 02-20850 $56.38 02-20800 $112.75<br />
Corby Starlet 2MM x 48” x 48” ..................P/N 02-28050 ............ $49.90<br />
1/4 Birch/Poplar 5ply, 45° ..........................P/N 02-27180 .......... $420.95<br />
Okoume (o-KUE-me), also referred to as Gaboon, is an<br />
African hardwood widely used in Europe over the past<br />
century. Light pinkish brown in color, sometimes lustrous<br />
with variable interlocking grain, the rotary cut panel can<br />
be painted or finished bright. The natural durability of this<br />
species is extremely low and care must be taken to finish all surfaces,<br />
face and edges. Often recommended for use with epoxy saturation<br />
systems, the panel exhibits high strength to weight ratios. Face veneers<br />
are made from 1.3 mm thick A/B grade rotary cut veneer. Cores and<br />
crossbands are solid-joined and the panel glued with waterproof glue.<br />
Okoume panels are extensively used by race class boat builders, rowing<br />
shell builders and in various applications. Where its lighter weight, good<br />
bending prop er ties and ease of finishing are a value, 5/32” thickness is<br />
used in the One Design Kit <strong>Aircraft</strong> and applicable to a wide variety of<br />
Homebuilt <strong>Aircraft</strong>, sold in 4’x8’ sheets. Wt. of 5/32” sheet is 8.8 lb. Wt.<br />
of 1/4” sheet is 28 lbs. Thickness varies from 4mm to 6mm. Can be cut<br />
down for shipping. Certified bs1088<br />
4mm thick x 4’ x 8’ sheet .............. P/N 02-20100 ...........$69.50<br />
6mm thick x 4’ x 8’ sheet .............. P/N 02-00076 ...........$99.85<br />
The beautiful, pliable answer to shaped and curved<br />
construction problems. Lite Ply ® is distinguished by<br />
its even grain, virtually snow white appearance and<br />
unusual resilience. It is a true “white wood, “ poplar and<br />
finishes uniformly, whether stained or painted.<br />
Supplied for over 50 years, Lite Ply ® has proven to be<br />
an excellent wood for industries where weight is a concern. Lite Ply ®<br />
has been proven to be a cost effective alternative to other light weight<br />
panels.<br />
4’ X 8’ Sheet 1/8” 3MM .................... P/N 02-00115 ...................... $36.50<br />
4’ X 8’ Sheet 1/4” 6MM .................... P/N 02-00116 ...................... $56.50<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
$4.00 packing<br />
charge for less<br />
than 3 sheets<br />
unless cut to<br />
2’x4’ pieces for<br />
UPS shipment.<br />
First quality marine plywood that meets or exceeds<br />
requirements of specifications PSI-74. All are Douglas<br />
Fir.<br />
Thickness<br />
No. of Part<br />
Price<br />
Plies No.* 2’x2’ 2’x4’ 4’x4’ 4’x8’<br />
1/4” 3 02-210-- $12.84 $24.69 $49.38 $98.75<br />
3/8” 4 02-211-- $10.37 $19.94 $39.88 $79.75<br />
1/2” 5 02-212-- $11.25 $22.00 $44.75 $79.50<br />
5/8” 7 02-213-- $12.84 $24.69 $49.38 $98.75<br />
3/4” 7 02-214-- $12.70 $24.41 $48.83 $97.65<br />
1” 7 02-215-- $17.00 $33.00 $66.50 $133.75<br />
*Please order by part number, note thickness & size for ver i fi cation.<br />
The part numbers for full 4’x8’ sheets end with “80”. For less<br />
than full sheets, the last 2 digits of the part number. will change<br />
according to size ordered. Change last 2 digits of the part no to<br />
“20” for 2’x2’, “40” for 2’x4’ & “60” for 4’x4’. Example: 1/4” 2’x4’<br />
is 02-21040.<br />
BASSWOOD MIL-P-6070<br />
Basswood meets MIL-P-6070 but is lighter and has more<br />
flexibility than Mahogany & Birch plywood, but has slightly<br />
less structural strength.<br />
No. of<br />
Price<br />
Thickness Part No.*<br />
Plies 2’x2’ 2’x4’ 4’x4’ 4’x8’<br />
1/16” 3 02-253-- $15.75 $30.50 $61.50 $123.95<br />
3/32” 3 02-254-- $15.99 $31.99 $63.98 $127.95<br />
1/8” 3 02-255-- $16.87 $32.44 $64.88 $129.75<br />
3/16” 3 02-256-- $18.00 $35.00 $70.50 $139.75<br />
1/4” 5 02-257-- $30.75 $48.50 $97.50 $195.95<br />
5/16' 5 02-258-- $24.50 $49.71 $99.43 $223.95<br />
3/8” 5 02-261-- $27.75 $53.50 $106.95 $215.95<br />
7/16” 7 02-262-- $32.75 $126.95 $126.95 $274.95<br />
1/2” 7 02-263-- $38.25 $74.00 $147.95 $316.00<br />
5/8” 9 02-265-- $42.00 $81.00 $192.95 $384.95<br />
3/4” 9 02-264-- $57.50 $110.95 $221.95 $444.95<br />
NOTE: All sheets 4’x8’. All plies are basswood. Grain is 90°. Part<br />
nos for full 4’x8’ sheets end with “80”. For less than full sheets, the<br />
last 2 digits will change according to the size ordered. Change the<br />
last 2 digits in the part no to “60” for 4’x4’, “20” for 2’x2’ and “40”<br />
for 2’x4’. See example in domestic plywood table.<br />
5/16” 5 PLY BIRCH/<br />
2X2 ..............P/N 02-27220 ........... $36.00<br />
2X4 ..............P/N 02-27240 ........... $69.50<br />
4X4 ..............P/N 02-27260 ......... $138.95<br />
4X8 ..............P/N 02-27280 ......... $298.65<br />
4X8 90° .......P/N 02-25880 ......... $223.95<br />
ATTENTION - 90° 2’ x 4’ Plywood are cut with grain. If cross cut<br />
required, specify at time of order<br />
45<br />
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This non clog bottle will take care of the problems of plugged<br />
up tips. This Extra Thick C.A. polyfix works on ceramics,<br />
glass, metal, rubber laminating, soft wood, hard wood and<br />
is also water resistant. This C.A. can be carved with a knife<br />
or razor blade and can be sanded with foam which leaves<br />
an indistinguishable finish from plastic.<br />
P/N 01-01217 .......................$19.95<br />
POLYFIX 8000 HIGH<br />
This non clog bottle will take care of the problems of plugged<br />
up tips. This High Viscosity gap filling C.A. polyfix works on<br />
ceramics, glass, metal, rubber laminating, soft wood, hard<br />
wood and is also water resistant. This C.A. can be carved<br />
with a knife or razor blade and can be sanded with foam<br />
which leaves an indistinguishable finish from plastic.<br />
P/N 01-01218 .......................$19.95<br />
AP<br />
LG<br />
EP<br />
CS<br />
IN<br />
EL<br />
AV<br />
TO<br />
PS<br />
BV<br />
These American made Instant Glue products were used extensively in<br />
construction of the “Around the World Non-stop” Voyager aircraft and<br />
are highly recommended for many homebuilt aircraft applications by<br />
Voyager <strong>Aircraft</strong>, Inc. and Rutan <strong>Aircraft</strong> Factory. They create a fast, permanent<br />
bond on many similar and dissimilar materials such as woods,<br />
metals and composite materials.<br />
HOT STUFF - Odorless THIN have a consistency resembling that of<br />
water, used mainly for bonding parts which fit very well. 2oz<br />
P/N 01-35500 ..................$10.75<br />
SUPER ‘T’ - A consistency similar to that of syrup and has the ability to<br />
fill small gaps between parts which don’t fit perfectly. SUPER ‘T’ cures<br />
at a slower rate than HOT STUFF, (10-25 seconds depending on the<br />
material). 2oz. P/N 01-35600 ..................$10.75<br />
SPECIAL ‘T’ - Special ‘T’ and new UFO Odorless THICK are<br />
very thick cyanoacrylates with a consistency resembling cold honey.<br />
SPECIAL ‘T’ and UFO Odorless THICK have greater gap-filling ability<br />
than SUPER ‘T’ and more positioning time after contact of parts.<br />
The rate of cure is slow enough, (usually 50-60 seconds depending on<br />
the material), to allow precise alignment of parts, after assembly. 2oz.<br />
P/N 01-01039 ..................$11.75<br />
NCF QUICK - Used with HOT STUFF, UFO Odorless THIN, SUPER T,<br />
and UFO Odorless THICK., and with it you can do almost magical things.<br />
NCF Quick works in three ways to make HOT STUFF , SUPER ‘T’ and<br />
SPECIAL ‘T’ Easier, Faster, Stronger and able to bond some of the most<br />
unusual materials you can think of. 6 oz.<br />
P/N 01-00689 ..................$12.95<br />
SUPER SOLVENT - Super Solvent is a remarkable debonder and<br />
cleaner for any instant glue. Use it for hand clean-up, removes instant<br />
glue from most clothing and surfaces. Some fabric, colorings or materials<br />
may be affected, so test-patch on an inconspicuous place. Add 2oz.<br />
P/N 01-35800 ....................$9.75<br />
3M Scotch-Weld Epoxy Adhesive<br />
DP190 - Translucent is a two-part epoxy<br />
adhesive that delivers exceptional<br />
performance with high shear and<br />
peel strength. This epoxy adhesive is<br />
formulated to bond to a wide range of<br />
materials, such as metals, ceramics, wood, fiberboard, glass, rubber and<br />
many plastics. With an 80-minute work-life, this epoxy adhesive allows<br />
for an extended period of time for adjustment and precise application.<br />
3M Scotch-Weld Epoxy Adhesive DP190 reaches handling strength<br />
in approximately 10 hours and full cure in 14 days at room temperature.<br />
This epoxy adhesive has low viscosity and a 1:1 mix ratio. Additionally,<br />
we engineered 3M Scotch-Weld Epoxy Adhesive DP190 —<br />
Translucent to exhibit good environmental aging properties, delivering<br />
long-term durability. Volume: 200 ml<br />
P/N 09-04777 .......................$54.85<br />
This non clog bottle will take care of the problems of<br />
plugged up tips. This thin industrial C.A. polyfix works on<br />
ceramics, glass, metal, rubber laminating, soft wood, hard<br />
wood and is also water resistant. This C.A. can be carved<br />
with a knife or razor blade and can be sanded with foam<br />
which leaves an indistinguishable finish from plastic.<br />
P/N 01-01219 .......................$19.95<br />
POLYFIX 11000 GAP<br />
This is a higher viscosity ca for loose fitting<br />
joints in which the adhesive must bridge<br />
gaps. Normally, the thicker ca is applied<br />
to one surface and then the parts are held<br />
tightly together for about 5 to 15 seconds.<br />
For large surface areas including those<br />
with close fitting joints such as lamination<br />
Polyfix 11000 gap filling should be used. To prevent premature curing,<br />
don't spread the glue into a thin film, lay down a serpentine bead with<br />
about 1" separation on one surface, then assemble the parts, letting the<br />
pressure spread the ca out. MIL SPEC-A-46050-C. (CAS NO. 7085-<br />
85-0)<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Polyfix 11000 Gap Fill 1/2 oz 01-01016 $6.50<br />
Polyfix 11000 Gap Fill 1/2 oz. Brush on 01-01238 $6.65<br />
Polyfix 11000 Gap Fill 1 oz 01-01017 $7.95<br />
Polyfix 11000 Gap Fill 2 oz 01-01018 $12.75<br />
Polyfix 11000 Gap Fill 8 oz 01-01019 $36.75<br />
This low odor flexible thin ca is ideal for many applications.<br />
Low odor flexible does not turn brittle and remains clear,<br />
even if Accelerator. With Polyfix 10000 Accelerator it has<br />
superior shock resistance and still has good penetrating<br />
qualities and its application can be easier to control for<br />
ca and has a different, less irritating odor compared to<br />
regular ca's, but still can prove to be superior when bonding<br />
anodized aluminum. 1 fl. oz. MIL SPEC-A-46050-C. (CAS<br />
NO. 6606-65-1) P/N 01-01020 .......................$15.85<br />
POLYFIX 3000 CLEAR<br />
Flex gap clear rubber toughened can be used in applications<br />
where you do not want the adhesive to be seen it is still<br />
superior to standard ca.'s when aesthetics are important and<br />
a flexible bond is required this product is your best choice. It<br />
forms to soft urethane and vinyl plastic, and shock resistant<br />
bonds. MIL SPEC-A-46050-C. (CAS NO. 7085-85-0)<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Polyfix 3000 Rubber Fill 1 0Z 01-01021 $6.75<br />
Polyfix 3000 Rubber Fill 2 OZ 01-01022 $12.50<br />
Reach in a small area where you need to do a repair.<br />
Can reach 5-1/2" or if you need to control small drops.<br />
Sold in boxes of 24.<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Non-Clog Applicator Regular Tip 01-01006 $15.50<br />
Non-Clog Applicator Fine Tip 01-01007 $15.50<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
This has a water thin viscosity that wicks deep into<br />
joints by capillary action and curses in a matter<br />
of a few seconds. Surface to be bonded must be<br />
tight fitting and should be bonded must be tight<br />
fitting and should be held together while applying<br />
the ca around the edges of the seams, at the<br />
moment ca's cure eliminates the irritating fumes from the evaporating<br />
monomer that makes repeated of ca's unpleasant at times. MIL SPEC-<br />
A-46050-C (CAS NO. 27816-23-5)<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Polyfix 17000 Industrial Thin 1/2 oz 01-01023 $9.25<br />
Polyfix 17000 Industrial Thin 1 oz 01-01024 $16.95<br />
Polyfix 17000 Industrial Thin 2 oz 01-01025 $28.95<br />
Apply a light fog of Polyfix 10000 accelerator and<br />
apply Polyfix 17500+ gap filling. Cures to a more<br />
flexible consistence for better shock absorption, when<br />
ever a larger amount of ca is to be used in such<br />
applications as saturating fiberglass or kevlar. Polyfix<br />
17500+ gap filling eliminates the irritating fumes from<br />
the evaporation monomer that makes repeated use of<br />
ca unpleasant at times. MIL SPEC-A-46050-C. (CAS<br />
NO. 27816-23-5)<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Polyfix 17500 Industrial Gap Fill 1/2 oz 01-01026 $9.95<br />
Polyfix 17500 Industrial Gap Fill 1 oz 01-01027 $19.50<br />
Polyfix 17500 Industrial Gap Fill 2 oz. 01-01028 $30.95<br />
Polyfix 64000 carbon extra strength ca is a carbon<br />
toughened cyanoacrylate that forms superior shock resistant<br />
bonds on non-porous surface the black colored ca has added<br />
flexibility for the bonding carbonfiber and other advanced<br />
materials as graphite, polycarbon with honeycomb, normax<br />
aramid, graphite with aluminum honeycomb. MIL SPEC-A-<br />
46050-C (CAS NO. 7085-85-0)<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Polyfix 64000 Carbon Gap Cyanoacrylate 1/2 oz 01-01029 $5.95<br />
Polyfix 64000 Carbon Gap Cyanoacrylate 1 oz 01-01030 $11.50<br />
Polyfix 64000 Carbon Gap Cyanoacrylate 16 oz 01-01031 $173.95<br />
The patented Thermal Process Catciyticaily<br />
(I.C. chemically) generates heat to 142<br />
degrees fahrenheit and actually thermal sets<br />
or fuses the repair to the Patent material.<br />
POLYFIX 10000 Accelerator POLYFIX<br />
14000 Thin Cyanoacrylate (PJ 33)<br />
POLYDUST Catalytic filler By using these<br />
three products that was certified by Cessna<br />
<strong>Aircraft</strong>, U.S. Army Aviation Systems, Boeing <strong>Aircraft</strong>. (CAS NO. 601-<br />
35-4)<br />
Warning: If you use any other products with the POLYFIX polydust<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Polyfix Polydust Catalytic 10M/MG 01-01032 $5.90<br />
Polyfix Polydust Catalytic 1/2 PT 01-01033 $39.95<br />
Polyfix Polydust Catalytic 1 PT 01-01034 $68.75<br />
Non-flammable and less than 10% degrade when<br />
applied on ca's comparing to methanol and acetone<br />
accelerator that has 13/15% degrade. This accelerator<br />
allows ca's to quickly cure by enhancing the alkaline<br />
conditions during polymerization. POLYFIX 10000 in<br />
a spray bottle is normally used to cure the ca that flows<br />
from joints or cracks when parts are pressed together.<br />
Apply an additional bead of thick ca along seam and<br />
then curing with POLYFIX significantly enhances a crack's strength.<br />
For difficult to bond material, POLYFIX 10000 can be applied to one<br />
surface and ca to the opposite surface. When brought together, they will<br />
bond instantly. MIL SPEC-A-4605-C-TYPE II A OR III A. (CAS NO. 99-<br />
97-8). (CAS NO. 64742-48-9)<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Polyfix 10000 Accelerator 2 oz. 01-01035 $11.75<br />
Polyfix 10000 Accelerator Refill 8 oz 01-01036 $18.50<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
Will soften cured ca. If parts are bonded incorrectly or your<br />
fingers are stuck together a few drops of POLYFIX 6000<br />
debonder. Will dissolve the ca in about a minute. Apply on<br />
bonded skin and roll apart fingers. Once unstuck, use Acetone<br />
to clean off softened ca then wash off with soap and water<br />
POLYFIX 6000 debonder will easily remove the adhesive<br />
residue. 1 fl. oz. (CAS NO. 68-12-2) P/N 01-01037 ......$4.50<br />
Polyfix 14000 Thin Cyanoacrylate has a super<br />
thin viscosity that penetrate deep into cracks by<br />
capillary action and cures in a matter of a few<br />
seconds. Surfaces to be bonded must be tight fitting<br />
and should be held together while you apply the<br />
ca around the edges of the seams at the moment<br />
ca’s cure they give off a vapor that can irritate the<br />
nose and eyes, so be prepared. Thin ca’s work very<br />
well on any type of material, form more than just a<br />
surface bond. MIL SPEC-A-46050-C. (CAS NO. 7085-85-0)<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Polyfix 14000 Thin Cyanoacrylate 1/2 oz 01-01008 $3.95<br />
Polyfix 14000 Thin Cyanoacrylate 1 oz 01-01009 $7.95<br />
Polyfix 14000 Thin Cyanoacrylate 2 oz 01-01010 $12.95<br />
Polyfix 14000 Thin Cyanoacrylate 8 oz 01-01011 $34.95<br />
It’s all a round ca for ceramics, glass, metal, rubber<br />
laminating, soft wood, hard wood. Water resistant.<br />
This ca is the best for most clear plastic including<br />
GE’s Lexan when used with Polyfix 10000<br />
Accelerator it will fill most voids it can be carved<br />
with a knife or razor blade and sanded to foam a<br />
finish indistinguishable from plastic its extra thick.<br />
Thickness makes it easy to work with most applications. MIL SPEC-A-<br />
46050-C (CAS NO. 7085-85-0)<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Polyfix 9000 Extra Thick 1/2 oz 01-01012 $4.45<br />
Polyfix 9000 Extra Thick 1 oz 01-01013 $7.90<br />
Polyfix 9000 Extra Thick 2 oz 01-01014 $12.85<br />
Polyfix 9000 Extra Thick 8 oz 01-01015 $34.95<br />
Polyfix Thermal Fusion is a 3-part<br />
system that uses chemical reaction<br />
to heat the repair to 142°F, fusing<br />
it to the parent part. This system<br />
repairs ABS, royalite, graphite,<br />
lexan, polycarbon, Kevlar, plexiglass,<br />
fiberglass and many other materials.<br />
The system combines Industrial<br />
cyanoacrylate glue, a catalytic filler,<br />
and an accelerator. May be used on<br />
speed fairings, wing tips, cowlings,<br />
glare shields, and more. Kits include Polyfix Industrial chemical,<br />
polydust, gloves, finger cots, fiberglass mat, protection hand cream, no<br />
mixing tools, and an easy to follow instruction manual. Zero Shrinkage.<br />
PLASTIC REPAIR KIT (SMALL)- Size: 1/4" x 1/8" x 30". 1/2oz. 14000 CA.<br />
Thin. 1/2oz 10000 Accelerator. 2 M/Grams Catalytic. 1-3" x 8" Fiberglass.<br />
1/2oz Hand Cream. 1-Pair Latex Gloves. 6 Finger Cots. 1 Manual (33<br />
Page w/words/Pictures) MIL SPEC-A-46050-C. (CAS NO. 7085-85-0).<br />
(CAS NO. 601-35-4). MIL-A-46050-C TYPE II A OR III A. (CAS NO. 90-<br />
97-8). (CAS NO. 64742-48-9) P/N 01-01045 ................$24.50<br />
PLASTIC REPAIR KIT (MEDIUM) - Size: 1/4" x 1/8" x 60". 1 Manual<br />
(33 Page w/words/Pictures). 1oz 14000 CA. Thin. 4 M/Grams Catalytic.<br />
1/2oz. Hand Cream. 1oz 10000 Accelerator. 1-3 x 12" Fiberglass. 1 Pair<br />
Latex Gloves. 10 Fingercots. G.S.A NATIONAL STOCK NO. POLYFIX.<br />
1-LB 1800 NUMBER 8040-01-364-799. MIL SPEC-A-46050-C. (CAS<br />
NO. 7085-85-0). (CAS NO. 601-35-4). MIL-A-46050-C TYPE II A OR III<br />
A. (CAS NO. 90-97-8). (CAS NO. 64742-48-9)<br />
P/N 01-00235 ................$34.75<br />
PLASTIC REPAIR KIT (LARGE) - Size: 1/4" x 1/8" x 120". 1 Manual (33<br />
Page w/words/Pictures). 2oz. 14000 CA THIN. 2oz 10000 Accelerator.<br />
8 M/Grams Catalytic. 10" x 10" Fiberglass (mat). 1/2oz Hand Cream.<br />
2 Pairs latex Gloves. 20 Fingercots. MIL SPEC-A-46050-C. (CAS NO.<br />
7085-85-0). (CAS NO. 601-35-4). MIL-A-46050-C TYPE II A OR III A.<br />
(CAS NO. 99-97-8). (CAS NO. 64742-48-9)<br />
P/N 01-00236 ................$59.80<br />
PLASTIC REPAIR KIT (X-LARGE) - Size: 1/4" x 1/8" x 600". 1 Manual<br />
(33 Page w/words/Pictures). 10 oz. 14000 CA Thin. 50 M/Grams<br />
Catalytic. 1oz. Debonder. 12 Pair Latex Gloves. 10 Piece Assortment<br />
of Sandpaper. 1 Pair Scissors. 10oz 10000 Accelerator. 18" x 18"<br />
Fiberglass. 1oz. Hand Cream. 50 Fingercots. 1 Sanding Block. MIL<br />
SPEC-A-46050-C. (CAS NO. 7085-85-0). (CAS NO. 601-35-4). MIL-A-<br />
46050-C TYPE II A OR III A. (CAS NO. 99-97-8). (CAS NO. 64742-48-<br />
9). (CAS NO. 68-12-2). P/N 01-00237 ..............$354.00<br />
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QUIK-CURE 5 min. epoxy cures to a slightly flexible<br />
consistency. This lack of brittleness allows it to form a<br />
lasting bond in areas subjected to high vibration or stress.<br />
QUIK-CURE shouldn’t be used in areas that are subject<br />
to long-term immersion in water; however, it works fine for<br />
the internal structure of wood framed boats. QUIKCURE<br />
is our only epoxy on which you can apply polyester resins.<br />
It can be mixed with microballoons to form a quick setting<br />
putty. Items bonded with QUIK-CURE can be handled<br />
after 15 minutes. Full strength is reached in 1 hour.<br />
P/N 01-01443 .......................$13.80<br />
SLOW-CURE 30 min. epoxy works best for forming<br />
reinforcing fillets on joints. It has the highest strength of our<br />
epoxies. It is waterproof and more heat resistant. SLOW-<br />
CURE can be used for bonding if you’re willing to wait<br />
overnight. Fillers such as microballoons can be mixed with<br />
SLOW-CURE and FINISH-CURE to form a putty-like<br />
consistency. Such fillers will usually decrease the working<br />
time by about 25%. Bonded objects can be handled after 8<br />
hours and the cured epoxy reaches full strength within 24<br />
hours. P/N 01-01444 .......................$13.90<br />
SUPER-GOLD+ are odorless INSTA-CURE CAs. They<br />
are non-frosting and take only 2 or 3 seconds longer to<br />
bond. There are no fumes that irritate the nose and eyes.<br />
Do not attack white foam; therefore, they can be used in the<br />
building of foam core wings and the assembly and repair of<br />
plastic and foam ARF’s. They will not fog clear plastic. Ideal<br />
for attaching clear canopies in plastic model kits; however,<br />
MAXI-CURE is still recommended for assembling the<br />
rest of plastic kits. Wood can be bonded to white foam with<br />
SUPER-GOLD + in less than fifteen seconds.<br />
P/N 01-01450 ...................... $13.90<br />
BSI has added a 4 oz. size to go along with the 3/4 oz.<br />
cyanoacrylates. These Pocket CAs feature a new top that<br />
has a pin built into the cap that covers the nozzle. This pin<br />
seals the bottle so that if it is tipped over, the bottle will not<br />
leak. Has a the blunt nozzle which makes it more difficult<br />
to apply small amounts of the CA, especially in tight places.<br />
Over 70% prefer our standard top for general bonding<br />
purposes. P/N 01-01451 ...................... $15.50<br />
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INSTA-CURE has a water-thin viscosity that<br />
wicks deep into joints by capillary action and<br />
cures in a matter of a few seconds. Surfaces to<br />
be bonded must be tight fitting and should be held<br />
together while you apply the CA around the edges<br />
of the seam. At the moment CAs cure, they give off<br />
a vapor that can irritate the nose and eyes, so be prepared. Thin CAs<br />
work very well on balsa since they penetrate into the wood and form<br />
more than just a surface bond.<br />
1 oz. .......................P/N 01-01460 .........................$5.35<br />
2 oz. .......................P/N 01-01447 .........................$8.65<br />
INSTA-CURE+ is a higher viscosity CA for<br />
loose fitting joints in which the adhesive must<br />
bridge gaps. Normally, the thicker CA is applied<br />
to one surface and then the parts are held tightly<br />
together for about 5 to 15 seconds. For large<br />
surface areas, including those with close fitting<br />
joints such as laminations, INSTA-CURE+ should also be used. To<br />
prevent premature curing, don’t spread the glue into a thin film. Lay<br />
down a serpentine bead with about 1” separations on one surface, then<br />
assemble the parts, letting the pressure spread the CA out.<br />
1 oz. .......................P/N 01-01461 .........................$5.35<br />
2 oz. .......................P/N 01-01448 .........................$8.65<br />
8 oz. Refill ..............P/N 01-01458 .......................$26.50<br />
MAXI-CURE extra thick CA is the best CA for<br />
most plastics, including GE’s Lexan MAXI-CURE<br />
is the best choice for plastic model assembly.<br />
When used with INSTA-SET, it works better than<br />
any putty for modifying or filling voids. It can be<br />
carved with a knife or razor blade and sanded and<br />
feathered to form a finish indistinguishable from plastic.<br />
1 oz. .......................P/N 01-01459 .........................$5.35<br />
2 oz. .......................P/N 01-01449 .........................$8.70<br />
Urethane Supply Company’s Insta-Weld 2 thick glue works<br />
well when you need to fill a gap. Insta-Weld 2 has about the<br />
consistency of 30 weight oil. To use, apply Insta-Weld 2 and<br />
then spray with Insta-Weld Activator (sold separately) for quick<br />
curing. Insta-Weld 2 will cure without the Insta-Weld Activator<br />
(sold separately) but it will take MUCH longer. Try Insta-Weld on<br />
everything. It will either work, or not work, instantly. Does NOT<br />
work on olefin based plastics like polyethylene, polypropylene, TPO and<br />
TEO. 2 fl. oz. (59 ml) bottle. .............P/N 01-01434 ...................... $21.50<br />
INSTA-SET is a catalyst which acts as an<br />
accelerator that allows CAs to quickly cure in thick<br />
layers by enhancing the alkaline conditions during<br />
polymerization. INSTA-SET in a spray bottle is<br />
normally used to cure the CA that flows from joints<br />
when parts are pressed together. Applying an<br />
additional bead of thick CA along a seam and then<br />
curing it with INSTA-SET significantly enhances<br />
a joint’s strength. For difficult to bond materials, INSTA-SET can be<br />
applied to one surface and CA to the opposite surface. When brought<br />
together, they will bond instantly. INSTA-SET is formulated with<br />
a strawberry scent and activates CA in 6 to 8 seconds without any<br />
degrading of the CAs strength. Compatible with all surfaces, even clear<br />
plastic and white foam.<br />
Description Part No. Price<br />
Spray Bottle 01-01453 $5.35<br />
Spray Bottle Refill 01-01454 $10.60<br />
Aerosol 01-01455 $10.60<br />
QUIK-CURE 5 min. epoxy cures to a slightly flexible<br />
consistency. This lack of brittleness allows it to form a<br />
lasting bond in areas subjected to high vibration or stress.<br />
QUIK-CURE shouldn’t be used in areas that are subject<br />
to long-term immersion in water; however, it works fine for<br />
the internal structure of wood framed boats. QUIKCURE<br />
is our only debonder on which you can apply polyester<br />
resins. It can be mixed with microballoons to form a quick<br />
setting putty. Items bonded with QUIK-CURE can be<br />
handled after 15 minutes. Full strength is reached in 1<br />
hour. ..........................P/N 01-01456 ........................ $3.80<br />
C-Loc Blue is a medium thickness, medium strength<br />
threadlock that is applied to the threads of fasteners before<br />
assembly. Once the IC-Loc Blue is cured, the fasteners<br />
can be disassembled with standard hand tools if required.<br />
P/N 01-01457 ........................ $5.35<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
A Resorcinol Formaldehyde Adhesive capable of<br />
curing at room temperature and providing strong,<br />
durable, waterproof bonds. Comes in two parts, a<br />
liquid resin (part A) and a powered catalyst (part<br />
B). The liquid resin is an alcohol-water solution of a<br />
partially condensed resorcinol-formaldehyde resin<br />
containing a suitable reinforcing cellulosic filler. The hardener is a tan<br />
powder formulated from paraformaldehyde and a suitable cellulosic filler.<br />
Produces a cured glue line which is resistant to fresh water or salt water,<br />
most acids and organic solvents, and lubricating oils and greases. Being<br />
thermoset, the bond is resistant to elevated temps. and conversely, no<br />
loss in bond strength occurs at temperatures as low as -40°F. Surfaes<br />
include treated woods, many plastics, natural and synthetic rubber,<br />
primed metal, leather, textiles, paper and fiber boards.<br />
Pint Kit (Pint A, 1/4lb B) ...........P/N 02-00036 ............ $26.50<br />
Quart Kit (Qt A, 1/2lb B) ...........P/N 02-00037 ............ $44.50<br />
Gallon Kit (Gal A, 2lbs B) .........P/N 02-00038 .......... $154.95<br />
This is an ex cep tion ally fine two-part white epoxy glue<br />
for homebuilt and experimental aircraft. Not only for<br />
wood but for many other applications such as a metal<br />
to wood adhesive, metal to metal, just about anything<br />
with the exception of some plastics. It has been used by<br />
builders for many years with universal acceptance. Its<br />
low viscosity makes it very easy to work. Shelf life: Resin - more than 1<br />
yr. Hardener - In defi nite.<br />
Qt Kit (1 qt. resin, 4oz hardener, Wt 4 lbs) ...... P/N 02-23400 .... $52.50<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
HYSOL EA-9430 GLUE<br />
Replaces the EA-9410-2 glue. EA-9430 has the same<br />
characteristics as the EA-9410, but has a 50 minute<br />
pot life instead of the 30 minute pot life of the EA-9410<br />
at 77°F. Used extensively in the Strojnik S2A sailplane<br />
and many other homebuilts.<br />
P/N 02-18600 .......... $96.75<br />
Six10 Adhesive gives you the<br />
strength and reliability of a two-part<br />
WEST SYSTEM epoxy with the convenience<br />
of a single part product.<br />
Six10 is dispensed with a standard<br />
caulking gun. Non-sagging Six10 bonds tenaciously to wood, metals, fiberglass<br />
and concrete. It cures in temperatures as low as 50°F. Working<br />
time is 42 minutes at 72°F. Cures to a solid in 5–6 hours and will take<br />
high loads in 24 hours. Cure time is faster at warm temperatures and<br />
slower in cool temperatures. Dispense mixed 2 part epoxy adhesive<br />
using a standard caulking gun. The efficient internal geometry of the 600<br />
Mixer thoroughly blends resin and hardener in a short mixing length for<br />
good application control and a minimum of waste. Additional 600 Static-<br />
Mixers are available in packages of two or twelve.<br />
Part No. Description Unit Size Price<br />
01-01069 Epoxy Adhesive Cartridge 190 ml $22.97<br />
01-01071 Static Mixers 2 ea $4.35<br />
Fastweld 10 A/B epoxy adhesive is a rapid-setting, twocomponent<br />
paste offering a convenient one-to-one mixing<br />
ratio by volume or weight. Fastweld 10 A/B epoxy adhesive<br />
produces strong bonds in a very short period. It is especially<br />
suited for bonding small parts and for repair work. Pot<br />
life: 3-4 minutes at 77° F, Cure Time: 4 hours. Shelf life: 3<br />
years. ............................................P/N 09-03454 .... $24.60<br />
3M EPX Pneumatic Mix Nozzle 9742<br />
P/N 09-01372 ...... $2.67<br />
Dual cartridge dispenser gun designed for use<br />
with 50ml style adhesive cartridges.<br />
P/N 09-03455 .... $73.75<br />
Gorilla Glue is known as the toughest glue on planet Earth.<br />
A high strength adhesive that quickly bonds wood, metals,<br />
stones, ceramics, and more. Gorilla Glue is a versatile, interior/exterior<br />
adhesive ideal for building projects. 8 oz. bottle.<br />
Benefits: • 100% Waterproof • Incredibly Strong and Versatile<br />
• Stainable and Paintable • Easily Sanded • More Coverage<br />
• A Long Open Working Time • Dries Light Tan • Non-toxic •<br />
Acid-Free 8oz. ....................P/N 02-00101 ..........$12.85<br />
Single use (4 tubes) ....................P/N 02-00225 ............$4.95<br />
T-88 is a non-brittle structural adhesive which gives superior<br />
finished results even when used under adverse working conditions.<br />
T-88 will cure in temperatures as low as 35°F which<br />
makes it an excellent choice for homebuilders living in colder<br />
climates. It is recommended by the builders of many types<br />
of homebuilt aircraft and is excellent for bonding aluminum,<br />
steel or wood. When fully cured, it is not affected by water,<br />
oil, gaso line and most other chemicals.<br />
1/2 Pt Kit .. P/N 02-00046.....$19.50 Pt. Kit ...... P/N 02-00047 ....$24.75<br />
Qt. Kit ...... P/N 02-00048.....$38.70 Gal. Kit .... P/N 02-00049 ..$109.80<br />
With the Universal Cartridge any medium to high quality<br />
caulking gun will work just fine. When you evaluate the<br />
Universal Cartridge notice that without a mixture tip it is perfect<br />
for accurately measuring small batches of adhesive. This<br />
is something that is very hard to do in a mixing cup without<br />
generating a lot of waste. Of course when the cartridge is<br />
used with the mixing tip you get both accurate measuring and<br />
thorough mixing making large, continuous gluing jobs much<br />
easier with flawless products performance. Note: Cartridge<br />
includes one mixing tube. Extra mixing tubes and caps are<br />
sold separately. P/N 02-00103 ..................$21.50<br />
The static mixer tube attaches to the<br />
cartridge with a retaining nut which<br />
screws on securely to the REDIMIX<br />
gun. The mixer tip tapers to 1/8” but may be cut back to about 1/4”. Very<br />
small quantities of epoxy may be prepared in this manner without any<br />
waste or added cost. P/N 02-90030 ..........................$2.85<br />
A powdered, urea formaldehyde wood glue activated by<br />
mixing with water. Forms a bond stronger than the wood<br />
itself. Mets Fed. Spec. A-A-3052. Low VOC.<br />
1 Lb .....................................P/N 0203 .......... $17.60<br />
4.5 Lb ..................................P/N 0204 .......... $62.95<br />
Commonly known as “Scotch Weld”, this two<br />
part epoxy structural adhesive will bond wood,<br />
metal, plastics and rubber. It has a pot life of<br />
nearly 2 hours after mixing, and a 24 month<br />
shelf life. Forms flexible yet very strong bonds.<br />
Color:Gray.<br />
2 oz. kit ..................P/N 02-00045 .......... $52.75<br />
Quikfix BC 101 is a hand mixable, fast curing,<br />
general purpose epoxy putty stick that mixes<br />
in just one minute to provide fast repairs to<br />
many surfaces including metals, wood, glass,<br />
concrete, ceramics and numerous plastics.<br />
One hour after mixing, QuikFix BC 101 can be drilled, sawed, sanded,<br />
filed, tapped, machined, or painted. Color: Gray (after cure).<br />
3.5” stick ............ P/N 01-00333 ...... $11.95<br />
7” stick ............... P/N 01-00332 ...... $13.95<br />
Bond-Aide P-1500W is a wood epoxy putty compound<br />
that cures in minutes to form permanent repairs on woods,<br />
plas ter, ceramics and many plastics with no shrink age.<br />
Excellent for bonding wood to wood, wood to metal, and wood to glass<br />
or ceramics. P-1500W has a multitude of uses in aircraft res to ra tion,<br />
rebuilding, and repair.<br />
1 tube 2-part Bond-Aide P-1500W ........P/N 02-18650 ........$14.75/ea<br />
A toughened, versatile, liquid epoxy for permanent waterproof<br />
bonding of fiberglass, ceramics, metals, plastics,<br />
damp and difficult-to-bond woods. Modulus of elasticity<br />
of 150,000 PSI. Can absorb the stress of expansion,<br />
contraction, shock and vibration. Can be modified with<br />
West System fillers and additives, and used to wet-out<br />
fiberglass tapes and fabrics. Mixed at a 1:1 ratio, G/flex<br />
gives you 45 minutes of working time at room temperature. It reaches an<br />
initial cure in 7 to 10 hrs and full cure in 24 hrs.<br />
Epoxy Adhesive ...................................P/N 01-01162 ................ $22.94<br />
650-K Epoxy Kit - Contains 4 fl. oz. G/flex 650 resin, 4 fl. oz. G/flex 650<br />
hardener (8 fl. oz. mixed epoxy), 2 reusable mixing stick/applicators, 2<br />
12-cc syringes, 4 grams Adhesive Filler, 4 mixing cups, 1 pair disposable<br />
neoprene gloves, 4 alcohol cleaning pads and complete handling and<br />
repair instructions. .................................P/N 01-01161 ................ $33.35<br />
655-K Epoxy Repair Kit - Contains 4.5 fl. oz. G/flex 655 resin, 4.5 fl. oz.<br />
G/flex 655 hardener (9 fl. oz. of mixed epoxy), 2 reusable mixing stick/<br />
applicators, 4 alcohol cleaning pads, 1 pair disposable neoprene gloves,<br />
10 mixing palettes and complete handling and repair instructions.<br />
P/N 01-01163 ................ $33.35<br />
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Manufactured by PTM & W Industries, Inc. ES6279 is a<br />
light grayish-tan two part ad he sive that was developed<br />
specifically for dif fi cult bond ing prob lems involving similar<br />
or dis sim i lar materials. ES6279 provides ex cel lent ad he sion to a wide<br />
variety of ma te ri als such as alu mi num, steel, brass, glass, ceramics, and<br />
wood. The mix ratio of 1 to 1 by weight or volume al lows easy measuring,<br />
and the creamy, smooth vis cos i ty al lows easy, uni form ap pli ca tion.<br />
The cured ma te ri al has excellent strength as well as good resistance to<br />
weak acids, moisture, and weath er. ES6279 has been used successfully<br />
for many years in a va ri ety of gen er al bond ing uses as well as nu mer ous<br />
pro duc tion ap pli ca tions.<br />
Part No. Description Wt. (lbs.) Price<br />
02-30015 1/2 quart part A only 3.0 $45.75<br />
02-30020 1/2 quart part B only 3.0 $41.70<br />
02-30025 ES6279 QUART KIT 6.0 $87.00<br />
02-30030 1/2 gallon part A only 12.0 $129.75<br />
02-30035 1/2 gallon part B only 12.0 $132.75<br />
02-30040 ES6279 GALLON KIT 24.0 $261.95<br />
02-30045 1/2 pail part A only 60.0 $466.95<br />
02-30050 1/2 pail part B only 60.0 $418.95<br />
02-30055 ES6279 PAIL KIT 120.0 $884.00<br />
ES6209 is a translucent, straw colored two component epoxy<br />
adhesive with a thick, liquid consistency. ES6209 is an excellent<br />
structural adhesive for use when good flow and surface<br />
wetting are required. Though pourable it has a controlled<br />
flow viscosity to minimize run-out from the adhesive joint. The 1 to 1<br />
combining ratio by weight or volume makes it easy to measure and mix.<br />
The working time of over an hour provides plenty of time to coat and<br />
assemble the materials to be bonded. ES6209 has excellent adhesion<br />
to composite and metal parts typically used in kitplane construction.<br />
It bonds rigid foam, wood, ceramics, fiberglass and most metals with<br />
ease. When cured ES6209 provides tough, durable structural joints.<br />
Mix Ratio: 1 to 1 by weight or volume; Color: Translucent Amber, Mixed<br />
Viscosity: 45,000-55,000cps; Pot Life 4fl. oz. Mass: 60-90 min @ 77°F;<br />
Cure Time @ 77°F 18-24 hrs, @ 140°F 2-3 hrs.<br />
Quart Kit ...........P/N 01-00295 ......... $56.75<br />
ES6247 is a two component toughened epoxy adhesive<br />
with very good cured properties that provides excellent<br />
bonds to a variety of substrates. Its blend of high lap shear<br />
and T-Peel values allow superior performance in demanding<br />
bonding applications. ES6247 adheres very well to<br />
wood, metal, composites and some plastics. The bonded<br />
components exhibit tough and durable performance for long term stability<br />
in use. Viscosity: Non-Sag Paste. Specific Gravity, gms./cc: 1.11.<br />
Mix Ratio: 100 : 50 By Weight or Volume. Pot Life, 4 fl.oz. Mass @<br />
77°F: 90 minutes. Qt. Kit ...............P/N 01-01595 ......... $77.85<br />
Gal. Kit .............P/N -01-01596 ...... $264.95<br />
Metalset A4® is a powerful epoxy adhesive<br />
that has been used for years by all branches of<br />
the U.S. Military as well as every major airline<br />
and auto manufacturer in the world. A4 is used<br />
for hundreds of industrial bonding applications<br />
and offers excellent adhesion to porous or<br />
non-porous surfaces. It can be applied to vertical<br />
surfaces without sagging and cures overnight<br />
with negligible shrinking. Once cured, A4 offers good machining<br />
qualities (sanding, drilling, tapping), and resists alkalies, dilute acids and<br />
solvents. Applications include stopping leaks in pipes, valves and tanks<br />
(i.e. car gas tanks), bonding like and unlike surfaces, filling metal joints,<br />
dents, etc., anchoring bolts in wood, concrete, and repairing metal surfaces.<br />
6 oz tube - 16 hour cure time ...... P/N 02-00220 ........ $14.70<br />
11 oz tube ................................... P/N 02-00233 ........ $22.50<br />
PTM&W ES6228 METAL<br />
ES6228 is a thin paste viscosity epoxy adhesive designed<br />
to provide good bonds to metal surfaces. A unique feature<br />
of ES6228 is its ability to bond to slightly oily metal surfaces.<br />
This is useful in situations where the complete removal<br />
of residual mill oil on metal surfaces is not possible. The thin paste consistency<br />
of ES6228 wets the metal surface well, for good adhesion. This<br />
viscosity also provides some gap filling capabilities, so “close-fitting”<br />
joints are adequate, and matched-metal joints are not required. ES6228<br />
has a 1:1 mix ratio, by weight or volume, for easy measuring. The white<br />
resin and black hardener combine to a smooth gray system that is easy<br />
to mix and apply, The cured material has very good properties, with high<br />
bond strength and elongation, for tough durable assemblies.<br />
Quart Kit (4.5 lbs) .......................... P/N 01-00415 ........................$72.75<br />
Gallon Kit (18 lbs) .......................... P/N 01-00414 ......................$227.95<br />
Product Specifications<br />
ES6228-A ES6228-B<br />
Resin Hardener<br />
Test Method<br />
Color White Black Visual<br />
Viscosity,cps Thin Paste Thin Paste ASTM D2393<br />
Specific Gravity 1.32 1.30 ASTM D1475<br />
Density Lb./ .0477 .0470 ASTM D792<br />
Mix ratio 100:100 by weight or volume PTM & W<br />
Rotfix is an easy-to-use, low viscosity epoxy wood<br />
restoration system for consolidation of rotted, deteriorated,<br />
dried out, or spongy wood. It creates a<br />
strong water-resistant base for repair and restoration.<br />
Penetrates deep into wood for maximum<br />
strength. Use with Sculpwood for permanent structural<br />
repair or severely damaged wood. Kit includes<br />
16 oz measuring/application bottle.<br />
1.5 pint (24 oz) Kit ....................... P/N 02-90050 ....................$44.65/ea<br />
Sculpwood is a moldable, carvable, sandable epoxy<br />
putty for replacement of damaged wood. It forms a<br />
strong, permanent bond to most rigid surfaces and<br />
can be sawed, nailed, carved, machined, sanded,<br />
stained, painted, and screwed. Porous, rotted, or<br />
deteriorate wood should first be treated with RotFix.<br />
2 pint (32 oz) Kit ...........P/N 02-90055 .......$44.50/ea<br />
Quick Cure is a 5 min. epoxy from System Three which<br />
bonds wood, metals, fiberglass, ceramics, plastics and<br />
glass. Excellent for making quick repairs, as it hardens<br />
in 5 minutes at room temperature. Mixing ratio: 1 to 1.<br />
Not recommended for applications in excess of 200°F.<br />
Pint Kit....................P/N 02-30060 .............$29.95<br />
Quart Kit .................P/N 02-30065 .............$53.85<br />
SCIGRIP 4SC is a water thin, somewhat flammable,<br />
cement formulated to quickly develop very clear and high<br />
strength bonds for many thermoplastic substrates. It will<br />
also bond with other thermoplastics such as polystyrene,<br />
CAB (cellulose acetate butyrate), and polycarbonate to<br />
themselves. It is not recommended for cross-linked acrylic.<br />
P/N 03-00243 .......................$23.50<br />
Its high strength and quick set time make Gorilla Super Glue<br />
the go-to for a variety of household projects. Developed for<br />
long-lasting repairs in an instant, Gorilla Super Glue is formulated<br />
with tiny rubber particles for increased impact resistance.<br />
We call it Impact-Tough® because it stands up to wear and<br />
tear unlike any other instant glue. Gorilla Super Glue Gel is<br />
an easy-to-use, thicker and more controlled formula great for<br />
multiple surfaces and vertical applications.<br />
Super Glue .....................................P/N 09-04093 ............$3.95<br />
Super Glue Gel ..............................P/N 09-04094 ............$3.95<br />
MetlWeld is a 2-part, equal volume ratio, room temperature curing epoxy adhesive. MetlWeld develops strength earlier than<br />
other comparable 1:1 systems and may be used at temps. as low as 50˚F. Metal to be bonded should be freshly sanded<br />
and clean from grease, wax, oil and other contaminants. Allow 48 hours min. to cure and develop strength at 77˚F (longer<br />
at cooler temps.) before subjecting to stress. Bonds plain & anodized aluminum, glazed & unglazed ceramic; concrete; copper;<br />
glass; galvanized and stainless steel; neoprene rubber and most porous materials. Does not bond acrylic, polyethylene,<br />
polypropylene, polystyrene or vinyl plastics. 1/2 Pint Kit ............................P/N 01-00406 ...................... $21.99<br />
Pint Kit ..................................P/N 01-00407 ......................$33.50<br />
Quart Kit ...............................P/N 01-00408 ......................$46.95<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
4130 is a chromium-molybdenum general purpose alloy steel tubing that is weld able and is capable of de vel op ing<br />
good strength. It has been for years the standard of the aircraft industry. Tensile Strength: 90,000 PSI. The stock sizes<br />
listed below can be furnished in lengths from 1 foot to 12 feet. Large orders are filled in random lengths from 10 to<br />
12 feet unless specific lengths are requested. No charge is made for cutting stock sizes of tubing to mailable length.<br />
Quotations furnished on unlisted sizes.<br />
O.D. Wall I.D. Wt. Price<br />
(In.) Thickness (In.) Per Ft. Part No. Per Ft.<br />
3/16 .035 .131 .0478 03-00183 $5.50<br />
.028 .194 .0672 03-00250 $6.50<br />
.035 .180 .0804 03-00300 $3.60<br />
1/4 .049 .152 .1052 03-00400 $5.65<br />
.058 .134 .1189 03-00500 $13.50<br />
.065 .120 .1284 03-00510 $8.55<br />
.028 .256 .0852 03-00600 $7.75<br />
.035 .243 .1039 03-00700 $5.35<br />
5/16 .049 .215 .1382 03-00800 $6.95<br />
.058 .196 .1580 03-00810 $6.50<br />
.065 .182 .1722 03-00900 $7.90<br />
.095 .123 .2212 03-01000 $6.94<br />
.028 .319 .1038 03-01100 $5.25<br />
.035 .305 .1271 03-01200 $4.35<br />
.049 .277 .1706 03-01300 $4.50<br />
3/8 .058 .259 .1964 03-01400 $4.35<br />
.065 .249 .2152 03-01500 $4.20<br />
.083 .209 .2588 03-01600 $7.50<br />
.095 .185 .2841 03-01610 $5.99<br />
.035 .367 .1506 03-01700 $4.45<br />
.049 .340 .2036 03-01800 $5.70<br />
7/16 .058 .125 .236 03-00067 $6.50<br />
.065 .307 .2589 03-02000 $5.25<br />
.095 .247 .3480 03-02100 $7.50<br />
.120 .197 .4075 03-02200 $7.55<br />
.028 .444 .1411 03-02300 $4.80<br />
.035 .430 .1738 03-02400 $3.85<br />
.049 .402 .2360 03-02500 $4.35<br />
1/2 .058 .384 .2738 03-02600 $3.50<br />
.065 .370 .3020 03-02700 $5.45<br />
.083 .334 .3696 03-02710 $4.90<br />
.095 .310 .4109 03-02800 $7.50<br />
.120 .260 .4870 03-02900 $5.97<br />
.035 .492 .1974 03-03000 $8.25<br />
.049 .464 .2690 03-03100 $5.60<br />
9/16 .065 .432 .3457 03-03200 $9.25<br />
.120 .322 .5677 03-03400 $8.96<br />
.028 .569 .1785 03-03500 $5.35<br />
.035 .555 .2205 03-03600 $2.94<br />
.049 .527 .3014 03-03700 $3.95<br />
5/8 .058 .509 .3512 03-03800 $3.99<br />
.065 .495 .3888 03-03900 $4.45<br />
.095 .435 .5377 03-04000 $7.90<br />
.120 .385 .6472 03-04100 $5.35<br />
.156 .313 .7814 03-04110 $9.89<br />
.028 .694 .2159 03-04250 $5.75<br />
.035 .680 .2673 03-04300 $3.65<br />
.049 .652 .3668 03-04400 $3.35<br />
3/4 .058 .634 .4287 03-04500 $3.35<br />
.065 .620 .4755 03-04600 $4.35<br />
.095 .560 .6646 03-04700 $7.50<br />
.120 .510 .8074 03-04800 $5.95<br />
.156 .437 .9897 03-04900 $7.50<br />
.188 .375 1.128 03-05000 $10.55<br />
.035 .805 .3140 03-05300 $3.90<br />
.049 .777 .4323 03-05400 $4.75<br />
.058 .759 .5061 03-05500 $4.55<br />
.065 .745 .5623 03-05600 $5.15<br />
7/8 .083 .709 .7021 03-05700 $4.95<br />
.095 .685 .7914 03-05800 $6.25<br />
.120 .635 .9676 03-05900 $7.55<br />
.188 .500 1.379 03-06000 $12.50<br />
Please call for price on any unlisted size.<br />
Discount of 10% for 100 ft. or more of the same part number.<br />
O.D. Wall I.D. Wt. Price<br />
(In.) Thickness (In.) Per Ft. Part No. Per Ft.<br />
.028 .944 .2907 03-06110 $6.75<br />
.035 .930 .3607 03-06100 $3.95<br />
.049 .902 .4977 03-06200 $3.75<br />
.058 .884 .5835 03-06300 $3.70<br />
.065 .870 .6491 03-06400 $3.75<br />
1 .083 .834 1.0 03-06450 $5.75<br />
.095 .810 .9182 03-06500 $4.40<br />
.120 .760 1.128 03-06600 $7.50<br />
.156 .687 1.406 03-06700 $10.50<br />
.188 .625 1.630 03-06800 $12.75<br />
.035 1.055 .4074 03-06900 $7.90<br />
.049 1.027 .5631 03-07000 $5.35<br />
.058 1.009 .6609 03-07100 $4.45<br />
1-1/8 .065 .995 .7359 03-07200 $5.35<br />
.095 .935 1.045 03-07300 $6.75<br />
.120 .885 1.288 03-07400 $11.80<br />
.035 1.180 .4542 03-07500 $5.60<br />
.049 1.152 .6285 03-07600 $5.25<br />
.058 1.134 .7384 03-07700 $4.25<br />
1-1/4 .065 1.120 .8226 03-07800 $4.65<br />
.083 1.084 2.132 03-07810 $5.35<br />
.095 1.060 1.172 03-07900 $5.85<br />
.120 1.010 1.448 03-08000 $6.85<br />
.156 .938 1.823 03-08100 $14.55<br />
.035 1.305 .5009 03-08210 $5.90<br />
.049 1.277 .6939 03-08200 $6.85<br />
.058 1.259 .8158 03-08300 $5.35<br />
.065 1.245 .9094 03-08400 $4.55<br />
1-3/8 .095 1.185 1.299 03-08500 $5.75<br />
.120 1.135 1.609 03-08600 $9.70<br />
.188 1.000 2.383 03-08700 $12.90<br />
.035 1.430 .5476 03-08800 $6.75<br />
.049 1.402 .7593 03-08900 $5.70<br />
.058 1.384 .8932 03-09000 $4.95<br />
1-1/2 .065 1.370 .9962 03-09100 $4.95<br />
.083 1.334 1.256 03-09110 $6.60<br />
.095 1.310 1.426 03-09200 $6.75<br />
.120 1.260 1.769 03-09300 $7.75<br />
.188 1.125 2.634 03-09400 $13.90<br />
.058 1.509 .9707 03-09600 $10.50<br />
.065 1.495 1.083 03-09700 $7.50<br />
.083 1.459 1.10 03-00042 $6.75<br />
1-5/8 .095 1.435 1.552 03-09800 $9.60<br />
.120 1.385 1.929 03-09900 $11.70<br />
.156 1.312 2.447 03-10000 $13.90<br />
.188 1.250 2.885 03-10100 $14.50<br />
.049 1.652 .8902 03-10200 $7.85<br />
.058 1.634 1.048 03-10210 $8.98<br />
.065 1.620 1.170 03-10300 $8.00<br />
1-3/4 .095 1.560 1.679 03-10400 $6.95<br />
.120 1.510 2.089 03-10500 $9.85<br />
.188 1.375 3.136 03-10510 $15.70<br />
1-7/8 .250 1.375 2.249 03-10600 $20.50<br />
.049 1.902 1.021 03-10710 $12.50<br />
2 .065 1.870 1.343 03-10800 $8.50<br />
.095 1.810 1.933 03-10900 $11.50<br />
.120 1.760 2.409 03-11000 $11.50<br />
.188 1.625 3.638 03-00193 $18.75<br />
2-1/4 .120 2.010 2.730 03-11100 $15.50<br />
.095 1.81 1.933 03-11150 $17.50<br />
2-1/2 .250 2.000 6.008 03-11206 $24.70<br />
.120 2.260 3.050 03-11200 $14.90<br />
.125 2.510 3.370 03-11210 $30.60<br />
Ordering tubing/bar by the foot.<br />
Add a dash number after part number to indicate length of tubing required.<br />
Ex: 3 ft required add -3, 03-00100-3.<br />
CM<br />
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AP<br />
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IN<br />
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AV<br />
TO<br />
PS<br />
4130 TUBING KITS<br />
We furnish complete 4130 tubing kits for a variety of aircraft designs<br />
including the Skybolt, Pitts Special, Acro Sport, Starduster, Osprey, and<br />
many more. The kits contain sufficient round, square, & streamline tubing<br />
to produce the pieces shown on our materials list for each design. We<br />
urge the builder to verify his own materials list against ours. Request kit<br />
list you require & current quotation. Enjoy big savings by purchasing a<br />
complete tubing kit for your aircraft at one time.<br />
Prevents rust and corrosion inside air craft tubing structures. Will climb<br />
tubing wall and spread over entire sur face. Will penetrate and reveal<br />
small pin holes in a weld and in time, due to exposure, will congeal and<br />
seal the hole. Directions on label. One quart will treat two light aircraft<br />
fuselages. Quart ...........P/N 03-14000 ........$26.00<br />
Starter Kit - An assortment of 4130 tubing, rod and bar in short lengths<br />
to practice weld ing. At least 15 ft. of tubing in assorted sizes and wall<br />
thick nesses. Furnished subject to availa bil ity of cutoffs. ......................<br />
...................P/N 03-15900 ......$27.85<br />
BV<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
CM<br />
WP<br />
ME<br />
HA<br />
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IN<br />
EL<br />
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BV<br />
MIL-T6736 NOR MAL IZED<br />
The prices for streamline tubing have in creased<br />
sharp ly. The only manu fac turer of stream line tubing,<br />
Columbia Summerill, have en coun tered problems<br />
with crack ing on the trailing edge inter mit tently<br />
for many years and it has been a worrisome<br />
problem for builders. In an effort to control the<br />
situation, Columbia Summerill have installed<br />
so phis ti cat ed inspection equipment in their<br />
plant to assure that no cracked tubing gets into<br />
the field again. The cost of the equipment is reflected in the prices for the<br />
tubing which must be shared by all.<br />
Equivalent<br />
Major Minor<br />
Axis Axis Wall Price<br />
Round Tubing Wt./ Ft. Part No.<br />
Per Ft<br />
Tension Compr.<br />
1.150 .745 .035 7/8 7/16 0.314 03-00232 $15.75<br />
1.180 .500 .035 7/8” 7/16” .3140 03-11400 $19.90<br />
1.30 .600 .049 1 5/8 0.498 03-00233 $12.50<br />
1.349 .571 .049 1” 5/8” .4977 03-11500 $14.95<br />
1.645 .740 .049 1-1/4 3/4 0.629 03-00234 $14.85<br />
1.685 .714 .049 1-1/4” 3/4” .6285 03-11600 $18.95<br />
1.990 .870 .049 1-1/2 1 0.759 03-00235 $17.50<br />
2.023 .857 .049 1-1/2” 1” .7593 03-11700 $20.75<br />
2.360 .960 .049 1-3/4 1-1/8 0.890 03-00236 $23.95<br />
2.360 1.000 .049 1-3/4” 1-1/8” .8902 03-11800 $25.50<br />
2.665 1.140 .065 2 1-1/2 1.343 03-00237 $27.50<br />
2.697 1.143 .065 2” 1-1/4” 1.021 03-00192 $39.95<br />
3.372 1.429 .049 2-1/2” 1-1/2” 1.283 03-12000 $48.65<br />
4130 AIRFRAME<br />
O.D. (In.) Wall (In.) Weight Per Ft. Part No.<br />
Price Per<br />
Ft.<br />
1/2 x 1/2 .035 .2213 03-12200 $8.95<br />
1/2 x 1 .065 .6055 03-12350 $11.50<br />
.035 .2808 03-12400 $9.60<br />
5/8 x 5/8 .049 .4234 03-12500 $10.50<br />
.065 .388 03-12600 $10.78<br />
.035 .3403 03-12700 $9.50<br />
3/4 x 3/4 .049 .4671 03-12800 $11.55<br />
.065 .6055 03-13000 $11.90<br />
.065 .7160 03-13300 $16.95<br />
.035 .4593 03-13400 $10.50<br />
1 x 1 .049 .6337 03-13500 $11.50<br />
.065 .8265 03-13700 $12.50<br />
3/4 x 1-1/2 .049 .9057 03-13900 $12.60<br />
1 x 1-3/4 .065 1.158 03-13950 $16.75<br />
E-4340 ROUND STEEL ROD<br />
E4340 rod has high fatigue strength and maintains<br />
its hardness and strength qualities even<br />
at high temperatures. Excellent for use in highly<br />
stressed parts. Meets AMS2032 and is furnished<br />
normalized and tempered cold finished.<br />
Dia. (In.) Wt./Ft. (Lbs.) Part No. Price / Ft.<br />
1 2.67 03-26700 $44.50<br />
1-1/4 4.173 03-26850 $29.99<br />
1-3/8 5.049 03-26900 $35.55<br />
2 11.20 03-26950 $77.80<br />
3/16” Diameter type 304 CD stainless steel rod. Used in “new canard”<br />
for Long-EZ as specified by RAF.<br />
P/N 03-26600 ...................... $3.00/ft.<br />
Tubing Type O D. Wall Part No. Price/Ft.<br />
304 Welded 3/8” .028” 03-16100 $6.75<br />
321 Welded 1-1/2” .035” 03-16300 $20.90<br />
321 Welded 1- 3/4” .035” 03-16400 $22.93<br />
321 Welded 2” .035” 03-16500 $24.85<br />
304 Seamless 1/8 .020” 03-00148 $11.78<br />
304 Seamless 1/8” .035” 03-16010 $3.95<br />
304 Seamless 3/16” .035” 03-16020 $4.97<br />
304 Seamless 1/4” .035” 03-16030 $2.96<br />
304 Seamless 5/16” .035” 03-16040 $5.75<br />
304 Seamless 3/8” .035” 03-16045 $3.20<br />
304 Seamless 1/2” .035” 03-16050 $7.97<br />
304 Seamless 5/8” .035” 03-16060 $5.85<br />
321 Seamless 1-1/4” .028” 03-16540 $22.50<br />
321 Seamless 1-1/2” .035” 03-16560 $28.60<br />
BUSHING STOCK 1015/1020 STEEL<br />
Seamless mechanical tubing may be used either statically or dy namically.<br />
Its close tolerance, good fin ish and dense structure make it ideal<br />
for parts such as shafts, bushings, bearings, etc. Tensile strength<br />
80,000 PSI. Drill or ream for proper bolt fit.<br />
O.D. I.D. Wall Part No. Price/Ft.<br />
3/8” 1/4” .065” 03-16700 $2.44<br />
1/2” 3/8” .065” 03-16900 $1.88<br />
5/8” 1/2” .065” 03-17100 $2.16<br />
O.D. I.D Wall Part No. Price / Ft.<br />
1 /4” 3/16” .032” 03-17300 $1.78<br />
5 /16” 3/16” .065” 03-17400 $5.60<br />
7 / 16” 5/16” .065” 03-17600 $8.70<br />
1/ 2” 3/8” .065” 03-17800 $10.55<br />
4130 ROUND STEEL ROD<br />
Dia (In.) Wt./Ft. Part No. Price / Ft.<br />
1/8 .042 03-20100 $1.10<br />
3/16 .092 03-20200 $1.84<br />
1/4 .167 03-20300 $2.06<br />
5/16 .261 03-20400 $2.82<br />
3/8 .376 03-20500 $5.40<br />
7/16 .511 03-20600 $1.77<br />
1/2 .668 03-20700 $6.50<br />
9/16 .845 03-20800 $3.35<br />
5/8 1.043 03-20900 $2.78<br />
3/4 1.502 03-21000 $5.40<br />
7/8 2.044 03-21100 $13.60<br />
1 2.670 03-21200 $9.50<br />
1-1/4 4.173 03-21300 $11.70<br />
1-3/8 5.049 03-21400 $35.50<br />
1-1/2 6.008 03-21500 $24.50<br />
1-3/4 8.178 03-21600 $30.85<br />
Ordering tubing/bar by the foot. Add a dash number after<br />
part number to indicate length of tubing required.<br />
Ex: 3 ft required add -3, 03-00100-3.<br />
3/8” PIPER CHANNEL<br />
Available in mild steel. 0.020” thick.<br />
6-ft. length ....... P/N 05-04564 .......$10.80<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
Thickness<br />
(In.)<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
4130 SHEET<br />
This chromium-molybdenum alloy is one of the most widely used aircraft steels because of its combination of weldability,<br />
ease of fabrication and mild harde na bil ity. It will respond to heat treatment to high strength levels and yet, in the annealed<br />
condition, it has adequate strength for many applications. Used for the manufacture of parts and components. Tensile<br />
strength 75,000-85,000 PSI. Furnished cold-rolled and oiled in sheet thicknesses of .025-.125 inch. Sheets of .190-.250<br />
inch and greater thickness are hot-rolled, pickled and oiled. Sheared to sheet and strip sizes listed below. Subject to<br />
availability of normalized sheet, annealed 4130 sheet may be substituted.<br />
Price per Piece<br />
6” x 12’ 9” x 9” 9” x 18” 18” x 18” 18” x 36” 18” x 72” Wt.**<br />
Part No. Price Part No. Price Part No. Price Part No. Price Part No. Price Part No. Price (Lbs.)<br />
.025 03-21800 $1.58 03-21850 $2.84 03-21900 $5.04 03-22000 $11.25 03-22100 $22.50 03-22150 $45.00 2.30<br />
.032 03-22510 $4.75 03-22515 $5.50 03-22520 $10.75 03-22525 $21.25 03-22530 $42.25 03-22535 $83.75 ---<br />
.040 03-22600 $3.35 03-22650 $3.77 03-22700 $7.75 03-22800 $14.96 03-22900 $29.93 03-22950 $59.85 3.75<br />
.050 03-23000 $1.94 03-23050 $4.35 03-23100 $8.75 03-23200 $17.46 03-23300 $34.93 03-23350 $69.85 4.80<br />
.063 03-23400 $5.25 03-23450 $6.75 03-23500 $11.75 03-23600 $21.75 03-23700 $42.65 03-23750 $83.75 5.85<br />
.071 03-23800 $6.75 03-23850 $7.75 03-23900 $14.85 03-24000 $29.85 03-24100 $59.60 03-24150 $119.95 6.55<br />
.080 03-24200 $6.25 03-24250 $8.50 03-24300 $14.75 03-24400 $26.75 03-24500 $51.75 03-24550 $103.95 7.15<br />
.090 03-24600 $8.75 03-55500 $9.25 03-24700 $18.25 03-24800 $36.25 03-24900 $72.25 03-24950 $144.95 8.15<br />
.100 03-25000 $8.39 --- --- 03-25100 $18.72 03-25200 $37.44 03-25300 $74.88 03-25350 $149.75 10.45<br />
.125 03-55300 $9.95 03-25370 $13.25 03-25400 $22.75 03-25500 $42.50 03-25600 $82.00 --- --- 11.25<br />
.190 --- -- 03-25660 $18.70 03-25700 $34.00 03-25750 $71.50 03-26025 $136.95 --- --- 17.50<br />
.250 --- --- 03-25850 $21.78 03-25900 $44.65 03-25950 $87.25 03-26050 $174.50 03-00106 $349.00 94.00<br />
** Wt. per 18” x 18” sheet.<br />
4130 STEEL STRIPS<br />
Thickness Size Part No. Price*<br />
.025 5/8” x 72” 03-18000-6 $1.58<br />
.025 1” x 72” 03-18100-6 $2.52<br />
.032 5/8” x 72” 03-18110-6 $2.95<br />
.032 1” x 72” 03-18120-6 $4.75<br />
.032 2” x 72” 03-18130-6 $9.50<br />
.032 3” x 72” 03-18140-6 $13.50<br />
.040 5/8” x 72 03-18200-6 $2.10<br />
.040 1” x 72” 03-18300-6 $3.35<br />
.040 2” x 72” 03-18310-6 $6.64<br />
.040 3” x 72” 03-18320-6 $9.90<br />
.050 1” x 72” 03-18400-6 $4.19<br />
.050 2” x 72” 03-18410-6 $8.38<br />
.050 3” x 72” 03-18420-6 $11.88<br />
.063 5/8” x 72” 03-18500-6 $3.35<br />
.063 3/4” x 72” 03-18600-6 $3.35<br />
.063 1” x 72” 03-18700-6 $4.95<br />
.063 1-1/4” x 72” 03-18800-6 $6.75<br />
.063 1-1/2” x 72” 03-18900-6 $6.75<br />
.063 2” x 72” 03-19000-6 $9.95<br />
.063 3” x 72” 03-19100-6 $13.50<br />
.071 5/8” x 72” 03-19180-6 $4.20<br />
.071 1” x 72” 03-19200-6 $6.75<br />
.071 2” x 72” 03-19210-6 $13.50<br />
.071 3” x 72” 03-19220-6 $19.92<br />
.080 5/8” x 72” 03-19280-6 $4.20<br />
.080 1” x 72” 03-19290-6 $6.25<br />
.080 2” x 72” 03-19300-6 $11.75<br />
.090 1” x 72” 03-19400-6 $8.75<br />
.090 1-1/2” x 72” 03-19500-6 $12.25<br />
.090 2” x 72” 03-19520-6 $17.50<br />
.090 3” x 72” 03-19600-6 $24.25<br />
.100 1” x 72” 03-19610-6 $8.39<br />
.100 1-1/2” x 72” 03-19620-6 $12.58<br />
.100 3” x 72” 03-19630-6 $25.01<br />
.125 1” x 72” 03-19700-6 $9.93<br />
.125 1-1/2” x 72” 03-19800-6 $13.25<br />
.125 2” x 72” 03-19820-6 $19.50<br />
.125 3” x 72’’ 03-19900-6 $26.00<br />
.250 1-1/4” x 18” 03-20000 $6.90<br />
* 3-Ft. lengths available at the half price of<br />
6’ lengths.<br />
6 ft. lengths are subject to UPS oversize<br />
charges. Consider 3 ft. lengths which ship<br />
at cheaper rates<br />
4130 STEEL SHEET<br />
Less 10% discount on 6 sheets 18” x 36” or 3 sheets of 18” x 72” per part number.<br />
4130 STEEL SHEET<br />
(As Used in Christavia Kits)<br />
Thickness Size Part No. Price<br />
.040 8” x8” 03-56302 $2.95<br />
.040 12” x 12” 03-56304 $6.64<br />
.040 12” x 20” 03-56316 $11.13<br />
.040 10” x 26’ 03-56312 $12.35<br />
.040 12” x 24” 03-56306 $13.65<br />
.040 14” x 30” 03-56308 $19.40<br />
.040 18” x30” 03-56310 $24.90<br />
.040 24” x 24” 03-56314 ---<br />
.050 4” x 24” 03-56320 $5.17<br />
.050 12” x 12” 03-56318 $7.76<br />
.050 8” x 24” 03-56322 $10.50<br />
.050 12” x 24” 03-56324 $15.65<br />
.063 10” x 10” 03-56326 $6.75<br />
.063 10” x 14” 03-56332 $8.50<br />
.063 12” x 12” 03-56328 $9.93<br />
.063 12” x 24” 03-56330 $18.50<br />
.071 4” x 4” 03-56334 $1.44<br />
.071 12” x 12” 03-56336 $13.50<br />
.071 12” x 24” 03-56338 $19.90<br />
.080 2” x 10” 03-56354 $2.10<br />
.080 12” x 24” 03-56340 $22.50<br />
.090 2” x 10” 03-56344 $2.25<br />
.090 6” x 8” 03-56342 $10.70<br />
.090 12” x 24” 03-56346 $32.25<br />
.125 10” x 24” 03-56348 $29.25<br />
.125 12” x 24” 03-56350 $35.70<br />
E4340 RECT AN GU LAR<br />
SPEC. MIL-S-5000 AN NEALED<br />
This chromium-nickel-molybdenum alloy, “king” of<br />
the hard en ing grades of alloy steels, pos sesses<br />
much deep er hardenability than the 4100 series.<br />
The fatigue-tensile ratio makes it ideal for highly<br />
stressed parts such as landing gear legs, and is<br />
often referred to as “spring steel”. Ten sile strength<br />
is about 110,000 PSI. It is dif fi cult to weld but can<br />
be welded by any of the common welding processes<br />
providing the section is preheated and stress<br />
relieved after welding.<br />
Size (In.) Wt./Ft (Lbs.) Part No. Price/Ft.<br />
1/4 x 1-1/2 1.275 03-26100 $20.50<br />
1/4 x 2 1.702 03-26150 $18.00<br />
3/8 x 2 2.550 03-26200 $38.50<br />
1/2 x 3 5.100 03-26300 $34.60<br />
1/2 x 4 6.800 03-26400 $54.75<br />
ALLOY 4130 STEEL<br />
This high quality welding rod is produced from<br />
vacuum melted material. This material has<br />
ultra-low levels of oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen<br />
and is extremely low in trace elements.<br />
This rod is cleaner than standard rods and is<br />
the best avail able for 4130 welding. .062 dia.<br />
36” long. Appro. 32 units per pound.<br />
P/N 03-27600 .........$66.75/lb.<br />
1/16” ................ P/N 03-27625 ........$12.50/lb.<br />
3/32” ................ P/N 03-00118 ........$11.50/lb.<br />
WELD ING ROD NO. 7<br />
For big-strength welds in steel plate, sheet,<br />
struc tural shapes, pipe and steel castings.<br />
Supplied in 36” lengths in sizes 1/16”, 3/32”<br />
and 1/8”.<br />
NO. 32CMS – Rec om mended for 4130 steel<br />
struc tures for most satisfactory results. This<br />
rod is heat-treat able after welding.<br />
1/16” Dia ........P/N 03-27000 ..... $9.95/lb.<br />
3/32” Dia ........P/N 03-27100 ... $18.50/lb.<br />
1/8” Dia. .........P/N 03-27200 ..... $9.85/lb.<br />
NO. 7 – Used in general commercial welding<br />
and by many mechanics for non-heat-treated<br />
airframe re pairs.<br />
1/16” Dia ........P/N 03-27300 ....$14.50/lb.<br />
3/32” Dia ........P/N 03-27400 ......$8.45/lb.<br />
1/8” Dia. .........P/N 03-27500 ....$13.60/lb.<br />
Stainless steel bristles set in curved wooden<br />
han dle. Just right for cleaning welds. 1/2” Wide<br />
x 8” Long.<br />
P/N 03-26500 ...........$2.25<br />
For Alumium Welding Rod, see page 56.<br />
For Welding Equipment Tools Section.<br />
53<br />
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1100 This grade is commercially pure aluminum. It is soft and<br />
ductile and has excellent workability. It is ideal for applications<br />
involving intricate forming because it work hardens more slowly<br />
than other alloys. It is the most weldable of aluminum alloys, by<br />
any method. It is non heat-treatable. It has excellent re sis tance to<br />
corrosion and is widely used in the chemical and food processing<br />
in dus tries. It responds well to decorative finishes which make it<br />
suitable for giftware.<br />
2011 This is the most free-machining of the common aluminum<br />
alloys. It also has excellent mechanical properties. Thus, it is widely<br />
used for automatic screw machine products in parts requiring extensive<br />
ma chin ing.<br />
2014 & 2017 The 2017 alloy combines excellent machinability<br />
and high strength with the result that it is one of the most widely<br />
used alloys for auto matic screw machine work. It is a tough, ductile<br />
alloy suitable for heavy-duty structural parts. Its strength is slightly<br />
less than that of 2014.<br />
5052 This is the highest strength alloy of the more common non<br />
heat-treatable grades. Fatigue strength is higher than most aluminum<br />
alloys.In addition this grade has particularly good resistance<br />
to marine at mos phere and salt water cor ro sion. It has excellent<br />
workability. It may be drawn or formed into intricate shapes and its<br />
slightly greater strength in the annealed condition minimizes tearing<br />
that occurs in 1100 and 3003. Applications: Used in a wide variety of<br />
applications from aircraft com po nents to home appliances, marine<br />
and transportation industry parts, heavy duty cooking utensils and<br />
equipment for bulk processing of food.<br />
5083 & 5086 For many years there has been a need for<br />
aluminum sheet and plate alloys that would offer, for high strength<br />
welded ap pli ca tions, several distinct benefits over such alloys as<br />
5052 and 6061. Some of the benefits fabricators have been seeking<br />
are greater design ef fi ciency, better weld ing characteristics,<br />
good forming properties, excellent re sis tance to corrosion and the<br />
same economy as in other non heat-treatable alloys. Metallurgical<br />
re search has developed 5083 and 5086 as superior weldable alloys<br />
which fill these needs. Both alloys have virtually the same characteristics<br />
with 5083 having slightly higher mechanical properties<br />
due to the increased manganese content over 5086. Ap pli ca tions:<br />
unfired pressure vessels, missile containers, heavy-duty truck and<br />
trailer as sem blies, boat hulls and superstructures.<br />
EP<br />
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2024 This is one of the best known of the high strength aluminum<br />
alloys. With its high strength and excellent fatigue resistance, it is<br />
used to advantage on struc tures and parts where good strength-toweight<br />
ratio is desired. It is readily machined to a high finish. It is<br />
readily formed in the annealed condition and may be subsequently<br />
heat treated. Arc or gas welding is generally not recommended,<br />
although this alloy may be spot, seam or flash welded. Since corrosion<br />
resistance is relatively low, 2024 is commonly used with an<br />
anodized finish or in clad form (“Alclad”) with a thin surface layer of<br />
high purity aluminum. Applications: air craft structural components,<br />
aircraft fittings, hardware, truck wheels and parts for the trans porta<br />
tion industry.<br />
3003 This is the most widely used of all aluminum alloys. It is<br />
essentially com mer cially pure aluminum with the addition of man ganese<br />
which increases the strength some 20% over the 1100 grade.<br />
Thus, it has all the excellent char ac ter is tics of 1100 with higher<br />
strength. It has excellent corrosion resistance. It has excellent workability<br />
and it may be deep drawn or spun, welded or brazed. It is<br />
non heat treatable. Applications: cooking utensils, decorative trim,<br />
awnings, sid ing, storage tanks, chemi cal equip ment.<br />
5005 This alloy is generally considered to be an improved version<br />
of 3003. It has the same general mechanical properties as 3003 but<br />
appears to stand up better in actual service. It is readily workable.<br />
It can be deep drawn or spun, welded or brazed. It has excellent<br />
corrosion resistance. It is non heat-treatable. It is well suited for<br />
anodizing and has less tendency to streak or discolor. Applications<br />
same as 3003.<br />
6061 This is the least expensive and most versatile of the heattreatable<br />
alu mi num alloys. It has most of the good qualities of aluminum.<br />
It offers a range of good mechanical properties and good<br />
corrosion resistance. It can be fabricated by most of the commonly<br />
used tech niques. In the annealed condition it has good workability.<br />
In the T4 condition fairly severe forming operations may be accomplished.<br />
The full T6 properties may be obtained by artificial aging.<br />
It is welded by all methods and can be furnace brazed. It is available<br />
in the clad form (“Alclad”) with a thin surface layer of high purity<br />
aluminum to improve both appearance and corrosion resistance.<br />
Applications: This grade is used for a wide variety of products and<br />
ap pli ca tions from truck bodies and frames to screw machine parts<br />
and structural components. 6061 is used where ap pear ance and<br />
better corrosion resistance with good strength are required.<br />
6063 This grade is commonly referred to as the architectural<br />
alloy. It was developed as an extrusion alloy with relatively high tensile<br />
prop er ties, excellent finishing characteristics and a high degree<br />
of re sis tance to corrosion. This alloy is most often found in various<br />
interior and exterior architectural applications, such as windows,<br />
doors, store fronts and assorted trim items. It is the alloy best suited<br />
for anodizing applications - either plain or in a variety of colors.<br />
7075 This is one of the highest strength aluminum alloys available.<br />
Its strength-to weight ratio is excellent and it is ideally used for<br />
highly stressed parts. It may be formed in the annealed condition<br />
and sub se quently heat treated. Spot or flash welding can be used,<br />
although arc and gas welding are not recommended. It is available<br />
in the clad (“Alclad”) form to improve the corrosion resistance<br />
with the over-all high strength being only mod er ate ly affected.<br />
Applications: Used where high est strength is needed.<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
The aluminum industry uses a four-digit index system for the designation<br />
of its wrought aluminum alloys.<br />
As outlined below, the first digit in di cates the alloy group according to<br />
the major alloying elements.<br />
In this group. minimum aluminum content is 99%. and there is no<br />
major alloying element.<br />
The second digit indicates modifications in impurity limits. If the second<br />
digit is zero, there is no special control on in di vid ual impurities.<br />
Digits 1 through 9, which are assigned consecutively as needed, indicate<br />
special control of one or more individual impurities.<br />
The last two digits indicate specific minimum aluminum content.<br />
Al though the absolute minimum aluminum content in this group is 99%<br />
the minimum for certain grades is higher than 99%, and the last two<br />
digits represent the hundredths of a per cent over 99.<br />
Thus, 1030 would indicate 99.30% mini mum aluminum. without special<br />
control on individual impurities. The des ig na tions 1130, 1230,<br />
1330, etc.. indicate the same purity with special control on one or<br />
more impurities. Likewise. 1100 in di cates minimum aluminum content<br />
of 99.00% with individual impurity control.<br />
The major alloying elements are in di cated by the first digit, as follows:<br />
2xxx Copper<br />
3xxx Manganese<br />
4xxx Silicon<br />
5xxx Magnesium<br />
6xxx Magnesium and silicon<br />
7xxx Zinc<br />
8xxx Other element<br />
9xxx Unused series<br />
The second digit indicates alloy modi fi ca tion. If the second digit is<br />
zero. it indicates the original alloy: digits 1 through 9, which are<br />
assigned con secu tively, indicate alloy modifications. The last two<br />
digits have no special sig nifi cance, serving only to identify the dif ferent<br />
alloys in the group.<br />
Experimental alloys are designated ac cord ing to the four digit system,<br />
but they are prefixed by the letter X. The prefix is dropped when<br />
the alloy becomes standard. During development, and before they<br />
are designated as experimental, new alloys are identified by serial<br />
num bers assigned by their originators. Use of the serial number is<br />
dis con tin ued when the X number is assigned.<br />
Temper designations of wrought alu mi num alloys consist of suffixes<br />
to the numeric alloy designations. For example, in 3003-H14, 3003<br />
denotes the alloy and “H14” denotes the temper, or degree of hardness.<br />
The temper designation also reveals the method by which the hardness<br />
was obtained. Temper designations differ between non heat-treatable<br />
alloys and heat-treatable alloys. and their meanings are given below:<br />
The letter “H” is always followed by 2 or 3 digits. The first digit indicates<br />
the particular method used to obtain the temper. as follows:<br />
— Hl means strain hardened only.<br />
— H2 means strain hardened, then partially annealed.<br />
— H3 means strain hardened, then stabilized.<br />
The temper is indicated by the second digit as follows:<br />
2 1/4 hard<br />
4 I/2 hard<br />
6 3/4 hard<br />
8 full hard<br />
9 extra hard<br />
Added digits indicate modification of standard practice.<br />
-F As fabricated<br />
-O Annealed<br />
-T Heat treated<br />
The letter “T” is always followed by one or more digits. These digits indicate<br />
the method used to produce the stable tempers, as follows:<br />
-T3 Solution heat treated, then cold worked.<br />
-T351 Solution heat treated, stress-relieved stretched, then cold<br />
worked.<br />
-T36 Solution heat treated, then cold worked (controlled).<br />
-T4 Solution heat treated, then naturally aged.<br />
-T451 Solution heat treated, then stress relieved stretched.<br />
-T5 Artificially aged only.<br />
-T6 Solution heat treated, then artificially aged.<br />
-T61 Solution heat treated (boiling water quench), then artificially<br />
aged.<br />
-T651 Solution heat treated, stress-relieved stretched, then ar tifi<br />
cially aged (precipitation heat treatment).<br />
-T652 Solution heat treated, stress relieved by com pres sion.<br />
then artificially aged.<br />
-T7 Solution heat treated, then stabilized.<br />
-T8 Solution heat treated, cold worked, then artificially aged.<br />
-T81 Solution heat treated, cold worked (controlled), then artificially<br />
aged.<br />
-T851 Solution heat treated, cold worked, stress-relieved<br />
stretched, then artificially aged.<br />
-T9 Solution heat treated, artificially aged, then cold worked.<br />
-T10 Artificially aged, then cold worked.<br />
Added digits indicate modification of standard practice.<br />
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Although the old system of aluminum identification has been obsolete for many years, stock with<br />
the old markings is still occasionally found. The following comparison is presented as an aid in identifying<br />
such materials in terms of the modern system.<br />
In the old system, alloy composition was indicated by a one- or two-digit number followed by the<br />
letter “S” to indicate that it was a wrought alloy, i.e., an alloy that could be shaped by rolling, drawing<br />
or forging. Any variation in the basic composition was indicated by a letter preceding the numerical<br />
alloy designation. For example, A17S was a modification of the basic alloy 17S. In modern terminology<br />
these two alloys are designated 2117S and 2017S, respectively. Temper was designated by a<br />
second letter: “O” for soft (annealed), “H”for strain hardness of non heat-treatable alloys, and “T”for<br />
hardness of heat-treatable alloys. Degree of hardness of non heat-treatable alloys was indicated by a<br />
fraction preceding the letter “H”. For example, 3S1/4H would be quarter-hard 3S alloy.<br />
The following Table gives examples of the old and modern designations of some common aluminum<br />
alloys.<br />
Modern System Old System<br />
1100 2S<br />
3003 3S<br />
3003-0 3SO<br />
2014 14S<br />
2017 17S<br />
2117 A17S<br />
<strong>2018</strong> 18S<br />
2218 B18S<br />
2024T<br />
24ST<br />
5052 52S<br />
7075T6<br />
75ST6<br />
PS<br />
BV<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
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Heat-Treatable Alloys Non-Heat Treatable<br />
Alloys<br />
Alloy<br />
Gen’l. Availability<br />
Temper<br />
Flat Sheet<br />
Coil Sheet<br />
Ratings A, B, C, D are relative in de creas ing order of merit. weldability and brazability<br />
ratings are spe cif i cal ly de fined as:<br />
A - Generally weldable by all com mer cial procedures and methods.<br />
B - Weldable with special technique or specific ap pli ca tions which justify<br />
pre lim i nary<br />
trials or testing to develop weld ing procedure and weld per for mance.<br />
C -Limited weldability because of crack sensitivity or loss on resistance to<br />
cor ro sion,<br />
and all mechanical properties.<br />
D - No commonly used welding meth ods have so far been de vel oped.<br />
O x x x - A A D A A A B 11 15.5 3.5 1 - 15-30 -<br />
1100 H14 X X X - A A C A A A A 16 21 14 1 - 3-9 -<br />
F - - - X - - - - - - - - - - - - -<br />
O X X X - A A D A A A B 14 19 5 1 - 14-25 -<br />
3003 H14 X X X - A B C A A A A 20 26 17 1 - 1-7 -<br />
F - - - X - - - - - - - - - - - - -<br />
O X X X - A A D C A A B 25 31 9.5 1 - 15-20 -<br />
5052 H32 X X X X A B C C A A A 31 38 23 1 - 4-9 11-12<br />
H34 X X X - A B C C A A A 34 41 26 1 - 3-7 -<br />
O 3 X - - X C B D D D C B - 32 - 14 12 12<br />
Bare T3 X - - - C C B D D C A 63-64 - 42 - 10-15 -<br />
2024 T351 - - - X C C B D D C A 56-64 - 40-41 - - 4-12<br />
T42 2 - - - - C C B D D C A 58-62 - 38 - 12-15 4-12<br />
O 3 X X - X A B D D D C B - 30-32 - 14 10-12 12<br />
Alclad T3 X - - - A D B D D C A 58-63 - 39-40 - 10-15 -<br />
2024 T351 - - - X A D B D D C A 56-63 - 40-41 - - 4-8<br />
T42 2 - - - - A D B D D C A 55-61 - 34-38 - 10-15 4-12<br />
O 31 X X - X A A D A A A B - 22 12 12 10-18 16-18<br />
T4 X - - - A C C A A A A 30 - 16 - 10-16 -<br />
6061 T6 X - - - A C C A A A A 42 - 35 - 4-10 -<br />
T651 - - - X A C C A A A A 40-42 - 35 - - 6-10<br />
T42 2 - - - - A C C A A A A 30 - 14 - 10-16 16-18<br />
O 1 X - - - C D D D D D B - 40 - 21 10 -<br />
Bare T6 X - - - C D B D D D B 76-77 - 65-66 - 7-8 -<br />
7075 T651 - - - X C D B D D D B 67-77 - 53-66 - - 2-8<br />
Alclad O 1 X X - - A B C D D D B - 36-39 - 20-21 9-10 -<br />
7075 T6 X - - - A D B D D D B 68-75 - 58-64 - 5-8 -<br />
1 - These yield strengths not determined unless specifically requested.<br />
2 - Although sheet and plate are not sold in this temper, material heat treated<br />
from any temper by the user should attain the mechanical properties<br />
applicable to this temper.<br />
3 - Annealed (0 temper) material shall, upon heat treatment, be capable of<br />
developing the mechanical properties applicable to T 42 temper material.<br />
4 - Annealed (0 temper) material shall, upon heat treatment and aging, be capable<br />
of developing the mechanical properties applicable to T 67 temper material.<br />
Where range is shown, use smaller radius with extreme caution.<br />
ALLOY TEMPER RADII’ For Various Thicknesses Expresses in Terms of Thickness “t”<br />
1/64 Inch 1/32 Inch 1/16 Inch 1/8 Inch 3/16 Inch 1/4 Inch 3/8 Inch 1/2 Inch<br />
-O O O O O O O O 1t-2t<br />
-H12 O O O O O-1t O-1t O-1t 1t-3t<br />
1100 -H14 O O O O O-1t O-1t O-1t 2t-3t<br />
-H16 O O O-1t 1/2t-1-1/2t 1t-2t 1-1/2t-3t 2-1/2t-3-1/2t 3t-4t<br />
-H18 O-1t 1/2-1-1/2t 1t-2t 1-1/2t-3t 2t-4t 2t-4t 3t-5t 3t-6t<br />
Alclad -O O O O O O-1t O-1t 1-1/2t-3t 3t-5t<br />
-T3 1t-2t 1-1/2t-3t 2t-4t 3t-5t 4t-6t 4t-6t 5t-7t 5-1/2t-8t<br />
2014 -T4 1t-2t 1-1/2t-3t 2t-4t 3t-5t 4t-6t 4t-6t 5t-7t 5-1/2t-8t<br />
-T6 2t-4t 3t-5t 3t-5t 4t-6t 5t-7t 6t-10t 7t-10t 8t-11t<br />
-O 2 O O O O O-1t O-1t 1-1/2t-3t 3t-5t<br />
-T3 23 1-1/2t-3t 2t-4t 3t-5t 4t-6t 4t-6t 5t-7t 6t-8t 6t-9t<br />
2024 -36 2 2t-4t 3t-5t 4t-6t 5t-7t 5t-7t 6t-10t 7t-10t 8t-11t<br />
-T42 1-1/2t-3t 2t-4t 3t-5t 4t-6t 4t-6t 5t-7t 6t-8t 6t-9t<br />
-T81 3-1/2t-5t 4-1/2t-6t 5t-7t 6-1/2t-8t 7t-9t 8t-10t 9t-11t 9t-12t<br />
-T86 4t-5-1/2t 5t-7t 6t-8t 7t-10t 8t-11t 10t-13t 10t-13t 1t-2t<br />
-O O O O O O O O 1t-2t<br />
-H12 O O O O O-1t O-1t O-1t 1t-3t<br />
3003 -H14 O O O O-1t O-1t 1/2t-1-1/2t 1t-2-1/2t 1-1/2t-3t<br />
-H16 0-1t 01t 1/2t-1-1/2t 1t-2t 1-1/2t-3t 2t-4t 1-1/2t-4t 3t-5t<br />
-H18 1/2t-1-1/2t 1t-2t 1-1/2t-3t 2t-4t 3t-5t 4t-6t 4t-7t 5t-8t<br />
-O O O O O O-1t O-1t 1/2t-1-1/2t 1t-2t<br />
-H32 O O O O-1t O-1t 1/2t-1-1/2t 1t-2t 1-1/2t-2-1/2t<br />
5052 -H34 O O O-1t 1/2t-1-1/2t 1t-2t 1-1/2t-3t 2t-3t 2-1/2t-3-1/2t<br />
-H36 0-1t 1/2t-1-1/2t 1t-2t 1-1/2t--3t 2t-4t 2t-4t 2-1/2t-5t 3t-5-1/2t<br />
-H38 1/2t-1-1/2t 1t-2t 1-1/2t-3t 2t-4t 3t-5t 4t-6t 4t-7t 5t-8t<br />
-O O O O O O-1t O-1t 1/2t-2t 1t-1-1/2t<br />
6061 -T4 2 O-1t O-1t 1/2t-1-1/2t 1t-2t 1-1/2t-3t 2t-4t 2-1/2t-4t 3t-5t<br />
-T6 2 O-1t 1/2t-1-1/2t 1t-2t 1-1/2t-3t 2t-4t 3t-4t 3-1/2t-5-1/2t 4t-6t<br />
7075 -O O O O-1t 1/2t-1-1/2t 1t-2t 1-1/2t-3t 2-1/2t-4t 3t-5t<br />
-T6 2 2t-4t 3t-5t 4t-6t 5t-7t 5t-7t 6t10t 7t-11t 7t-12t<br />
1.Minimum permissible radius over which sheet or plate may be bent varies with<br />
nature of forming operation. type of forming equipment, and design and conditions<br />
of tools. Minimum working radius for a given material or hardest alloy and temper for<br />
a given radius can be ascertained only by actual trial under contemplated conditions<br />
of fabrication. Where range is shown, use a smaller radius with extreme caution.<br />
Cut to Length Sheet<br />
Plate<br />
Corrosion Resistance<br />
Typical Characteristics*<br />
Cold Workability<br />
Machinability<br />
Brazability<br />
Weldability<br />
Gas<br />
Arc<br />
Resistance, spot<br />
and steam<br />
Specified Mechanical Properties<br />
Where range is shown, property varies with<br />
specific width and/or thickness dimensions<br />
Tensile Strength - Ksi<br />
Ultimate<br />
Yield<br />
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum<br />
Elongation in 2”<br />
or 4 times diameter<br />
-percent minimum<br />
Sheet<br />
Plate<br />
2. Alclad sheet can be bent over slightly smaller radii than the corresponding<br />
tempers of the uncoated alloy.<br />
3. Immediately after quenching, this alloy can be formed over appreciable<br />
smaller radii. 4217661360076962<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
Alloy &<br />
Temper<br />
2024T3<br />
Surface<br />
Finish<br />
2024-0 Alclad<br />
6061T4<br />
6061T6<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice<br />
Aluminum alloy sheet is sold in the thicknesses and sheet sizes shown in the table. Order by part number. No guarantee against<br />
scratches is possible due to the handling required to cut sheets to sizes shown.<br />
CUTTING CHARGES: We can cut standard sheet sizes shown in the table to special sizes, but spe cial order cutting charg es will<br />
apply. Cutting Charges range from $20 to $50 or more depending on sizes desired and num ber of cuts. Spe cial shapes are not cut,<br />
only straight edg es. Request quote on Cutting Charges prior to order, as spe cial cut pieces are not returnable.<br />
Thickness<br />
(In.)<br />
Wt./ Sq.Ft.<br />
(Lbs.)<br />
Thick. P/N # 4’ x 12‘ P/N # 4’ x 8’ P/N # 4’ x 6’ P/N # 4’ x 4’<br />
.020 03-31410 $105.80** 03-31420 $84.64 03-31430 $63.48 03-31440 $42.32<br />
.025 03-32410 $65.75 03-32420 $43.40 03-32430 $32.88 03-32440 $21.70<br />
.032 03-33410 $83.75 03-33420 $56.11 03-33430 $41.88 03-33440 $27.64<br />
.040 03-34410 $118.75 03-34420 $78.38 03-34430 $59.38 03-34440 $39.19<br />
.050 03-34510 $125.95 03-34520 $83.13 03-34530 $62.98 03-34540 $41.56<br />
.063 03-34610 $156.95 03-34620 $103.59 03-34630 $78.48 03-34640 $51.79<br />
** Length of full sheet of .025 thickness is 10 ft.<br />
For 2’x4’ pcs. of 3003H-14 use “45” as last 2 digits of P/N (Ex: 03-34645)<br />
5052H-32 ALUMINUM SHEET<br />
5052H32 Aluminum alloy sheets for fab ri ca tion of fuel<br />
tanks. Available in full sheets (48”x144”) & 1/2 sheets<br />
(48”x72”) only, in .040 & .050 thicknesses. May be combined with other<br />
aluminum sheets for discount. See ship ping specs above.<br />
.032 Thickness Full Sheet ...............P/N 03-30810 .......... $77.75<br />
Half Sheet ................P/N 03-30860 .......... $38.88<br />
.040 Thick ness Full Sheet ................P/N 03-30900 .......... $99.85<br />
Half Sheet ................P/N 03-30950 .......... $49.93<br />
.050 Thickness Full Sheet ................P/N 03-31000 ........ $125.75<br />
Half Sheet ................P/N 03-31050 .......... $62.88<br />
Price Per Sheet<br />
4’ x 12’ 4’ x 8’ 4’ x 6’ 4’ x 4’ 2’ x 4’<br />
Part No. Price Part No. Price Part No. Price Part No. Price Part No. Price<br />
.016 .230 03-27710 $114.75 03-27720 $76.88 03-27730 $57.38 03-27740 $37.87 03-27750 $19.51<br />
.020 .288 03-27810 $119.85 03-27820 $80.30 03-27830 $59.93 03-27840 $39.55 03-27850 $20.38<br />
.025 .360 03-27910 $132.75 03-27920 $88.94 03-27930 $66.38 03-27940 $43.81 03-27950 $22.57<br />
.032 .461 03-28010 $169.90 03-28020 $113.83 03-28030 $84.95 03-28040 $56.07 03-28050 $28.88<br />
.040 .576 03-28110 $189.90 03-28120 $127.23 03-28130 $94.95 03-28140 $62.67 03-28150 $32.28<br />
.050 .720 03-28210 $236.95 03-28220 $158.76 03-28230 $118.48 03-28240 $78.19 03-28250 $40.28<br />
Alclad .063 .907 03-28310 $291.95 03-28320 $195.61 03-28330 $145.98 03-28340 $96.34 03-28350 $49.63<br />
.071 1.02 03-28410 $325.00 03-28420 $217.75 03-28430 $162.50 03-28440 $107.25 03-28450 $55.25<br />
.080 1.15 03-28510 $406.00 03-28520 $272.02 03-28530 $203.00 03-28540 $133.98 03-28550 $69.02<br />
.090 1.30 03-28610 $457.00 03-28620 $306.19 03-28630 $228.50 03-28640 $150.81 03-28650 $77.69<br />
.125 1.80 03-28710 $631.00 03-28720 $422.77 03-28730 $315.50 03-28740 $208.23 03-28750 $107.27<br />
.160 - 03-70010 $962.00 03-70020 $639.00 03-70030 $480.95 03-70040 $319.95 03-70050 $159.95<br />
.190 2.74 03-28810 $947.00 03-28820 $633.00 03-28830 $472.95 03-28840 $311.95 03-28850 $159.95<br />
Bare .250 3.60 03-28910 $1,126.00 03-28920 $753.00 03-28930 $563.00 03-28940 $370.95 03-28950 $190.95<br />
Bare<br />
Bare<br />
6061-0 Bare<br />
7075T6<br />
Alclad<br />
7075-0 Alclad<br />
.032 .461 03-29010 $154.75 03-29020 $103.68 03-29030 $77.38 03-29040 $51.07 03-29050 $26.31<br />
.040 .576 03-29110 $178.85 03-29120 $119.83 03-29130 $89.43 03-29140 $59.02 03-29150 $30.41<br />
.025 .353 03-29210 $126.95 03-29220 $85.06 03-29230 $63.48 03-29240 $41.89 03-29250 $21.58<br />
.032 .452 03-29310 $98.90 03-29320 $66.26 03-29330 $49.45 03-29340 $32.64 03-29350 $16.81<br />
.040 .564 03-29410 $141.75 03-29420 $94.97 03-29430 $70.88 03-29440 $46.78 03-29450 $24.10<br />
.050 .706 03-29510 $229.95 03-29520 $154.07 03-29530 $114.98 03-29540 $75.88 03-29550 $39.09<br />
.063 .889 03-29610 $202.95 03-29620 $135.98 03-29630 $101.48 03-29640 $66.97 03-29650 $34.50<br />
.080 1.13 03-29710 $285.00 03-29720 $190.95 03-29730 $142.50 03-29740 $94.05 03-29750 $48.45<br />
.125 1.76 03-29810 $418.00 03-29820 $280.06 03-29830 $209.00 03-29840 $137.94 03-29850 $71.06<br />
.016 .228 03-08910 $98.75 03-08920 $65.18 03-08930 $49.38 03-08940 $32.59 03-08950 $16.79<br />
.020 .285 03-09910 $107.75 03-09920 $71.12 03-09930 $53.88 03-09940 $35.56 03-09950 $18.32<br />
.025 .353 03-29910 $127.75 03-29920 $85.59 03-29930 $63.88 03-29940 $42.16 03-29950 $21.72<br />
.032 .452 03-30010 $103.75 03-30020 $69.51 03-30030 $51.88 03-30040 $34.24 03-30050 $17.64<br />
.040 .570 03-31110 $126.75 03-31120 $84.92 03-31130 $63.38 03-31140 $41.83 03-31150 $21.04<br />
.050 .713 03-31210 $159.75 03-31220 $105.44 03-31230 $79.88 03-31240 $52.72 03-31250 $27.16<br />
.063 .889 03-30110 $199.85 03-30120 $133.90 03-30130 $99.93 03-30140 $65.95 03-30150 $33.98<br />
.090 1.27 03-30210 $279.95 03-30220 $187.57 03-30230 $139.98 03-30240 $92.38 03-30250 $47.59<br />
.125 1.76 03-30310 $398.00 03-30320 $266.66 03-30330 $199.00 03-30340 $131.34 03-30350 $67.66<br />
.190 03-10010 $597.00 03-10020 $398.95 03-10030 $297.95 03-10040 $196.95 0310050 $100.95<br />
.020 .282 03-30410 $113.75 03-30420 $76.21 03-30430 $56.88 03-30440 $37.54 03-30450 $19.34<br />
.040 .564 03-30510 $129.00 03-30520 $86.43 03-30530 $64.50 03-30540 $42.57 03-30550 $21.93<br />
.063 .889 03-30610 $198.75 03-30620 $132.85 03-30630 $99.75 03-30640 $65.75 03-30650 $33.75<br />
.080 1.13 03-30710 $212.95 03-30720 $142.68 03-30730 $106.48 03-30740 $70.27 03-30750 $36.20<br />
.025 .364 03-60010 $184.75 03-60020 $123.23 03-60030 $92.38 03-60040 $61.52 03-60050 $31.41<br />
.032 .466 03-61010 $175.95 03-61020 $117.36 03-61030 $87.98 03-61040 $58.59 03-61050 $29.91<br />
.040 .582 03-62010 $207.95 03-62020 $138.70 03-62030 $103.98 03-62040 $69.25 03-62050 $35.35<br />
.050 .727 03-63010 $315.00 03-63020 $210.11 03-63030 $157.50 03-63040 $104.90 03-63050 $53.55<br />
.063 .916 03-64010 $327.00 03-64020 $218.11 03-64030 $163.50 03-64040 $108.89 03-64050 $55.59<br />
.125 1.82 03-65010 $660.00 03-65020 $440.22 03-65030 $330.00 03-65040 $219.78 03-65050 $112.20<br />
.025 .364 03-66010 $140.75 03-66020 $93.88 03-66030 $70.38 03-66040 $46.87 03-66050 $23.93<br />
.032 .466 S10 $155.95 03-67020 $104.02 03-67030 $77.98 03-67040 $51.93 03-67050 $26.51<br />
.040 .582 03-68010 $189.95 03-68020 $126.70 03-68030 $94.98 03-68040 $63.25 03-68050 $32.29<br />
.063 .916 03-69010 $310.00 03-69020 $206.77 03-69030 $155.00 03-69040 $103.23 03-69050 $52.70<br />
For 2’x2’ piece of aluminum sheet, take 2’x4’ price ÷ 2, and then add 15%. For 2’x2’ piece, change last two digits of P/N to “60”. Thicknesses of .016”, .020”, .025”, .032”, and .040” can be rolled to ship UPS, but will<br />
not be returnable if rolled. The softer and thicker the material, the harder it will be to return to a flat surface. Full sheets of heavier gauges or cut sheets exceeding 108” length plus girth (once down and once around)<br />
must be shipped by truck. Maximum sheet size for UPS ship ment is 2’ x 4’. QUANTITY DISCOUNT SCHEDULE: 10% on 6-10 Full Sheets; 15% on 11-15 Full Sheets. May be assorted thicknesses and alloys. Write<br />
for quo ta tion on larger orders. Heavy gauge 2024T4 aluminum plate available in .375, . 500 and .625 thickness. Indicate sheet size required.<br />
12” Wide X 12 ft. (rolled for mailing). Sold in 12 ft. lengths<br />
only.<br />
P/N 03-30800 .....................$28.69 Ea.<br />
18” Wide x 12 ft. (rolled for mailing). Sold in 12 ft. lengths<br />
only.<br />
P/N 03-30850 .....................$43.61 Ea.<br />
Other widths available at proportionate cost plus shearing charge.<br />
Material Width Thknes Weight/ Lin.<br />
Price/<br />
Part No.<br />
(In.) Ft.(Lbs)<br />
Lin.Ft.<br />
301 Stainless, 1/2 Hard 36” .016 2.016 03-31200 $18.65<br />
304 Stainless 48” .018 2.173 03-20010 $12.85<br />
302/304 Stainless, Ann.* 48” .035 4.38 03-31300 $24.50<br />
Gal va nized Sheet, 26 Ga. 48” .022 2.718 03-31400 $4.95<br />
* 2B Fin ish<br />
Material Size<br />
Weight/Lin.<br />
Ft.(Lbs)<br />
Part No. Price ea.<br />
301 SS 1/2 Hard 3’ x .025” 26 03-00062 $42.00<br />
For 03-00062 Add -1 thru -9 for desired length in feet.<br />
57<br />
CM<br />
WP<br />
ME<br />
HA<br />
AP<br />
LG<br />
EP<br />
CS<br />
IN<br />
EL<br />
AV<br />
TO<br />
PS<br />
CM<br />
WP<br />
ME<br />
HA<br />
AP<br />
LG<br />
EP<br />
CS<br />
IN<br />
EL<br />
AV<br />
TO<br />
PS<br />
BV<br />
5052-0 ALUMINUM TUBING<br />
Rigid 5052-0 aluminum alloy tubing is used for low and<br />
medium pressure hydraulic systems, fuel lines and oil<br />
lines. This tubing will withstand a higher pressure than<br />
3003-0 tubing.<br />
6061T6 SQUARE<br />
Size (In.) Wall Thickness Wt/Ft (Lb.) Part No. Price Per Ft.<br />
1/2x1/2 .058 .156 03-00008 $6.50<br />
3/4x3/4 .049 .217 03-00009 $4.47<br />
1 X 1 .065 .300 03-38900 $6.75<br />
2 X 2 .125 1.120 03-00141 $7.75<br />
6061T6511<br />
.190 1.420 03-00205 $8.50<br />
2 x2<br />
6063T52<br />
2 x 2<br />
TUBING 2024T3<br />
O.D. (In.) I.D. (In.) Wall Thickness Wt./Ft. (Lb.) Part No. Price Per Ft.<br />
1/4 .180 .035 .2081 03-31600 $4.45<br />
5/16<br />
.243 .035 .0366 03-31700 $6.75<br />
.215 .049 .0487 03-31800 $8.98<br />
.305 .035 .0449 03-32000 $7.90<br />
3/8 .277 .049 .0602 03-32100 $8.50<br />
.245 .065 .0755 03-32200 $9.98<br />
.430 .035 .0612 03-32500 $5.60<br />
1/2<br />
.402 .049 .0829 03-32600 $7.95<br />
.384 .058 .0970 03-32700 $8.65<br />
.370 .065 .1061 03-32800 $8.80<br />
.555 .035 .0775 03-32900 $10.95<br />
5/8<br />
.527 .049 .1060 03-33000 $5.75<br />
.509 .058 .1234 03-33100 $10.55<br />
.495 .065 .1367 03-33200 $8.25<br />
.680 .035 .0938 03-33300 $6.55<br />
3/4 .652 .049 .1288 03-33400 $6.75<br />
.620 .065 .1670 03-33600 $7.39<br />
.805 .035 .1423 03-33650 $8.75<br />
.777 .049 .1530 03-33700 $9.60<br />
7/8 .759 .058 .1777 03-33800 $10.50<br />
.745 .065 .1979 03-33900 $6.94<br />
.635 .120 .3398 03-34000 $29.55<br />
.930 .035 .1250 03-34100 $6.25<br />
.902 .049 .1754 03-34200 $6.92<br />
1 .884 .058 .2028 03-34250 $30.50<br />
.870 .065 .2295 03-34400 $7.60<br />
.834 .083 .2866 03-34500 $9.85<br />
1.180 .035 .1601 03-34600 $8.95<br />
1-1/4 1.152 .049 .2213 03-34700 $9.90<br />
1.120 .065 .3000 03-00045 $11.90<br />
1-3/8 1.277 .049 .2448 03-34800 $14.95<br />
1-1/2<br />
1.402 .049 .2683 03-34900 $12.00<br />
1.370 .065 .3519 03-35000 $11.92<br />
1-3/4 1.250 .250 1.428 03-35075 $33.95<br />
2 1.870 .065 .4743 03-35200 $19.93<br />
Only available in 6’ or 12’ lengths. We can cut to smaller<br />
pieces for shipping, but total quantity ordered must equal<br />
6 ft, 12 ft, 18 ft, 24 ft, etc. If manufacturing test reports<br />
are required, there is a minimum $15.00 charge per order.<br />
Please indicate in the special instructions box at the time of order that<br />
certs are required.<br />
O.D. (In.) I.D. (In.) Wall Thickness Wt./Ft. (Lb.) Part No. 6 ft. 12 ft.<br />
1/2 .430 .035 .0612 03-38500 $15.84 $31.68<br />
3/4 .680 .035 .0920 03-38600 $23.70 $47.40<br />
1 .930 .035 .1250 03-38700 $27.90 $55.80<br />
1-1/4 1.180 .035 .1601 03-38800 $41.82 $83.64<br />
Sold in full 6-ft or 12ft lengths only. No charge for cutting to 8 ft or less for UPS shipment.<br />
.125 1.120 03-39000 $5.45<br />
O.D. (In.) I.D. (In.) Thickness Wt./Ft. (Lb.) Part No. Price Per Ft.<br />
1/8 .069 .035 .0101 03-39100 $6.90<br />
3/16 .132 .035 .0168 03-39200 $2.59<br />
1/4<br />
.152 .049 .0371 03-39250 $4.80<br />
.180 .035 .0281 03-39300 $1.56<br />
5/16 .242 .035 .0360 03-39400 $2.25<br />
.305 .035 .0449 03-39500 $1.90<br />
3/8<br />
.277 .049 .0602 03-39550 $2.97<br />
.436 .035 .0612 03-39600 $2.49<br />
1/2<br />
.402 .049 .0829 03-39650 $2.60<br />
.555 .035 .0760 03-39700 $2.50<br />
5/8<br />
.527 .049 .1060 03-39750 $3.35<br />
.680 .035 .0938 03-39800 $3.55<br />
3/4<br />
.652 .049 .1288 03-39850 $3.65<br />
.930 .035 .1256 03-39900 $4.70<br />
1<br />
.902 .049 .1754 03-39950 $4.98<br />
Sold in full 6-ft. or 12-ft. lengths only. No charge for cutting to 8 ft. or less for UPS shipment.Unlisted<br />
sizes of aluminum tubing available in full 12’ lengths. No charge for cutting to 8’ or less for<br />
UPS. Longer lengths shipped via truck. Ordering tubing/bar by the foot. Add a dash number<br />
after part number to indicate length of tubing required. Ex: 3 ft required add -3,<br />
03-00100-3.<br />
O.D. (In.) I.D. (In.) Wall Thickness Wt./Ft. (Lb.) Part No. Price Per Ft.<br />
3/16 .118 .035 --- 03-00012 $3.75<br />
1/4<br />
.180 .035 .0281 03-35300 $1.45<br />
.152 .049 .036 03-00014 $2.98<br />
5/16<br />
.215 .049 .0423 03-35350 $2.25<br />
.197 .058 .0561 03-35400 $4.35<br />
.305 .035 .0449 03-35500 $1.75<br />
3/8<br />
.259 .058 .0694 03-35600 $2.31<br />
.245 .065 .0755 03-35700 $2.69<br />
.209 .083 .0895 03-35750 $5.60<br />
7/16 .308 .065 .090 03-35775 $5.50<br />
.444 .028 .0496 03-35795 $2.35<br />
.430 .035 .0612 03-35800 $1.50<br />
1/2<br />
.402 .049 .0816 03-35850 $2.74<br />
.384 .058 .0962 03-35900 $2.85<br />
.370 .065 .1040 03-35950 $2.83<br />
.260 .120 .168 03-35975 $4.35<br />
.555 .035 .0775 03-36000 $2.90<br />
5/8<br />
.527 .049 .1060 03-36010 $2.90<br />
.509 .058 .1227 03-36050 $3.75<br />
.495 .065 .1367 03-36100 $3.45<br />
.680 .035 .093 03-36150 $3.35<br />
3/4<br />
.652 .049 .1288 03-36200 $3.75<br />
.634 .058 .1506 03-36300 $2.75<br />
.620 .065 .164 03-36350 $3.35<br />
.805 .035 .109 03-36375 $3.20<br />
.777 .049 .150 03-36380 $5.25<br />
7/8 .759 .058 .1777 03-36400 $4.70<br />
.745 .065 .1983 03-36450 $3.95<br />
.635 .120 .3350 03-36500 $5.75<br />
.930 .035 .1275 03-36600 $2.74<br />
.902 .049 .1754 03-36610 $3.60<br />
.884 .058 .2060 03-36700 $3.25<br />
1<br />
.870 .065 .2295 03-36800 $3.90<br />
.830 .083 .281 03-36850 $4.45<br />
.810 .095 .3244 03-36900 $6.25<br />
.750 .125 .404 03-36950 $5.95<br />
.500 .250 .693 03-36975 $10.50<br />
1.027 .049 .185 03-36980 $5.50<br />
1-1/8 1.009 .058 .2321 03-37000 $3.85<br />
.875 .125 .4712 03-37100 $9.90<br />
1.180 .035 .1601 03-37200 $4.20<br />
1.152 .049 .2213 03-37210 $5.35<br />
1-1/4 1.134 .058 .2601 03-37300 $4.65<br />
1.120 .065 .2907 03-37400 $3.99<br />
1.010 .120 .510 03-37450* $8.50<br />
1-3/8 1.259 .058 .2865 03-37500 $4.85<br />
1.430 .035 .1928 03-37550 $4.25<br />
1.402 .049 .2683 03-37610 $5.80<br />
1-1/2 1.384 .058 .3137 03-37710 $9.75<br />
1.370 .065 .3519 03-37800 $5.99<br />
1.260 .125 .635 03-37850 $9.50<br />
1-5/8 1.509 .058 .3409 03-37900 $5.50<br />
1.680 .035 .2264 03-37910 $7.50<br />
1-3/4<br />
1.652 .049 .3142 03-37925 $13.50<br />
1.634 .058 .3703 03-37950 $9.80<br />
1.584 .083 .5202 03-37975 $8.85<br />
1-7/8 1.759 .058 .3954 03-38000 $9.50<br />
1.902 .049 .3601 03-38100 $6.50<br />
2 1.884 .058 .4225 03-38200 $6.95<br />
1.870 .065 .4743 03-38300 $7.50<br />
2.152 .049 .406 03-38307 $11.65<br />
2-1/4<br />
2.120 .065 .5328 03-38308 $9.75<br />
1.959 .083 .824 03-38309 $32.50<br />
2.000 .125 .999 03-38310 $7.96<br />
2.430 .035 .3254 03-38315 $11.60<br />
2-1/2 2.402 .049 .444 03-38318 $8.50<br />
2.370 .065 .5803 03-38320 $8.75<br />
3<br />
2.930 .035 .3891 03-38330 $18.60<br />
2.870 .065 .7140 03-38340 $17.65<br />
4<br />
3.930 .035 .5205 03-38350 $42.75<br />
3.902 .049 .7153 03-38360 $39.80<br />
* This item will be supplied as either .120 or .125.<br />
3003-0 VERSATUBE<br />
Soft aluminum tubing for instrument air and vacuum lines, fuel and oil<br />
lines, and primer lines.<br />
O.D. (In.) Wall<br />
Thickness<br />
Max. Working<br />
Pressure* (PSI)<br />
Part No. Price<br />
Per Ft.<br />
1/8 .025 1820 03-40200 $0.36<br />
3/16 .028 880 03-40300 $0.43<br />
*Safety factor 1/4 .032 795 03-40400 $0.47<br />
of 2<br />
5/16 .035 630 03-40500 $0.68<br />
20% discount<br />
3/8 .035 520 03-40600 $0.76<br />
1/2 .035 390 03-40700 $0.88<br />
for full 50’ coils<br />
5/8 .035 305 03-40800 $0.90<br />
of Versatube<br />
Prices Subject to Change Without Notice
No charge for cutting to 8 ft. or less for UPS shipment.<br />
Over 8 ft. shipped via truck. Special sizes available. Full length (12 foot)<br />
only. If ordering only T3 or T4, please call 877-477-7823<br />
Size (In.) Wt./Ft. (Lb.) Part No. Price/Ft.<br />
1/8 x 1 .150 03-42700 $2.04<br />
1/8 x 1-1/4 .187 03-42750 $5.50<br />
1/8 x 1-1/2 .225 03-42800 $3.75<br />
1/8 x 2 .300 03-42900 $4.60<br />
3/16 x 3/4 .169 03-43100 $6.97<br />
3/16 x 1-1/4 .281 03-43200 $21.60<br />
3/16 x 1-1/2 .3420 03-43250 $6.85<br />
1/4 x 1/2 .147 03-00104 $1.98<br />
1/4 x 3/4 .150 03-00199 $3.65<br /