Pegasus Post: July 31, 2018

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TUESDAY, JULY <strong>31</strong>, <strong>2018</strong><br />

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www.star.kiwi<br />

Sunday<br />

26th August<br />

<strong>2018</strong><br />

10am - 3pm<br />

Air Force<br />

Museum,<br />

Wigram<br />

Tickets<br />

available<br />

on door<br />

Warning to keep out<br />

Clock tower break-ins cause<br />

danger<br />

Page 3 Page 5<br />

Archery club hits snag<br />

Plan to build new facility<br />

delayed<br />

Bridalshow<br />

www.withthisring.kiwi<br />

Plea to keep fireworks in Brighton<br />

Review of<br />

event’s future<br />

under way<br />

BRIGHT LIGHTS: The New<br />

Brighton fireworks display is<br />

under review as a result of<br />

health and safety concerns<br />

over traffic management<br />

at the event. PHOTO:<br />


• By Georgia O’Connor-Harding<br />

NEW BRIGHTON businesses<br />

and residents are pleading for the<br />

iconic annual fireworks event to<br />

stay in the suburb.<br />

The New Brighton Guy Fawkes<br />

event has come under scrutiny<br />

from the city council as part of<br />

a city-wide review of all councilrun<br />

events.<br />

City council head of community<br />

support, governance and<br />

partnerships John Filsell said for<br />

a number of years it has received<br />

feedback on traffic<br />

management<br />

congestion.<br />

He said it is a<br />

health and safety<br />

issue due to New<br />

Brighton having<br />

limitations on<br />

its entry and exit<br />

points.<br />

John Filsell<br />

At the time of the event, the<br />

city council is required to only<br />

have north and south exits out<br />

of the area, with a central New<br />

Brighton exit dedicated to a bus<br />

service for 30min following the<br />

event.<br />

“The road works in this area<br />

over the years have also added to<br />

the congestion difficulties. With<br />

a mass egress at the conclusion<br />

of the event contributing to the<br />

disruption,” Mr Filsell said.<br />


the difference<br />

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But the city council confirmed<br />

the Guy Fawkes event will go<br />

ahead and, if there were to be<br />

any changes, they would not be<br />

implemented this year.<br />

The Sparks, New Year’s Eve<br />

and KidsFest events run by<br />

the city council are also under<br />

review as part of the Community<br />

Events Implementation Plan<br />

process.<br />

About 500 residents will<br />

be surveyed city-wide on city<br />

council events. It wants feedback<br />

about which events people had<br />

attended over the past two years,<br />

the locations of the events,<br />

parking and the city council’s<br />

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event calender. Paper Plus New<br />

Brighton owner Blair Hughes<br />

said any event as popular as Guy<br />

Fawkes will have traffic management<br />

issues and the city council<br />

should have the expertise to<br />

manage the issues.<br />

He said New Brighton is not<br />

like Redcliffs or Sumner where<br />

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there is only one entrance, and<br />

if the correct plan is put in place<br />

there should not be an issue.<br />

His views were backed by Bin<br />

Inn New Brighton owner Nikki<br />

Griffin, who said it should be an<br />

issue that can be resolved.<br />

“How many years have they<br />

had the same issue and not bothered<br />

about it?” she said.<br />

The fireworks display has been<br />

running at the pier since it was<br />

opened in 1997.<br />

Mrs Griffin said if the event<br />

was taken away, it would be another<br />

blow for the east and show<br />

a “lack of commitment from the<br />

city council” to an area “already<br />

neglected.”<br />

New Brighton Museum secretary<br />

Peggy Butterfield said she<br />

would be very disappointed if<br />

the fireworks event was moved<br />

away, but was supportive of it<br />

being held at Matariki.<br />

•HAVE YOUR SAY: Should<br />

the city council continue<br />

to hold its annual fireworks<br />

event at the New Brighton<br />

pier? Email your views to<br />

georgia.oconnor@starmedia.<br />

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2 Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

get in touch<br />

from the editor’s desk<br />

I SMELL a rat.<br />

And it’s the city council’s murmurings<br />

over Guy Fawkes (page 1).<br />

The odour is the comment from city<br />

council head of community support,<br />

governance and partnerships (now that’s a<br />

long title) John Filsell over traffic management at the event.<br />

He’s talking congestion and mentions there is limitations on<br />

the roads in and out of New Brighton.<br />

New Brighton needs the fireworks display. It’s a great event<br />

and there is a real buzz about it.<br />

If the council continues to chest beat about revitalising<br />

Brighton it won’t touch the event. But I think it will try.<br />

And speaking of roads in and out of Brighton, what will happen<br />

in the event of a tsunami?<br />

That’s real food for thought.<br />

- Barry Clarke<br />

GENERAL ENQUIRIES Ph 379 7100<br />


Star Media, a division of Allied Press Ltd<br />

PO box 1467, Christchurch<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

news<br />

Community firewood<br />

Find out how the community has banded together in Shirley to<br />

help families struggling to keep their homes warm.<br />

Page 7<br />

your local views<br />

Revitalising quake hit suburbs<br />

Linda Stewart writes about what the east lost in the quakes and<br />

the action needed to get back on track.<br />

Page 9<br />

community events<br />


How robots work<br />

Learn how robots work at Robotics, a six-week course starting on<br />

Thursday, 3.30-4.30pm at the New Brighton Library.<br />

NEWS<br />

Georgia O’Connor-Harding<br />

Ph: 364 7438<br />

georgia.oconnor@starmedia.kiwi<br />


Elaine Moon<br />

Ph: 364 7436<br />

elaine.moon@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Page 15<br />

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Linwood, Avonside, Richmond, Shirley, Burwood, Dallington,<br />

Wainoni, Bromley, Aranui, Avondale, Bexley, New Brighton,<br />

Northshore, Queenspark, Parklands, South Brighton.<br />

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PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 3<br />

News<br />

Warning over clock tower danger<br />

No public entry<br />

while repairs<br />

under way<br />

• By Georgia O’Connor-Harding<br />

PEOPLE attempting to break<br />

into the earthquake-damaged<br />

New Brighton clock tower<br />

are putting themselves in a<br />

potentially dangerous situation,<br />

warns the city council.<br />

The clock tower is surrounded<br />

by scaffolding and has fencing<br />

around it, but that has not<br />

stopped some people from<br />

trying to gain entry.<br />

City council head of parks<br />

Andrew Rutledge said the<br />

clock tower has been fenced off<br />

because engineers are working<br />

to determine how much damage<br />

it sustained in the earthquakes,<br />

and what needs to be done to<br />

fix it.<br />

“It is not safe for the public to<br />

be in (the clock tower), which<br />

is why we have got it fenced off.<br />

Our concern is that if someone<br />

does try to break in while the<br />

repair work is under way, they<br />

could find themselves in a<br />

potentially dangerous situation,’’<br />

Mr Rutledge said.<br />

It comes as progress is well<br />

PROGRESS: Repairs have started on the New Brighton clock<br />

tower.<br />

under way on the clock tower’s<br />

earthquake and historical<br />

repairs. On Thursday the clock<br />

faces were removed.<br />

Over the past few weeks,<br />

contractors have been loosening<br />

each face and removing<br />

components.<br />

City council community<br />

capital delivery manager Darren<br />

Moses said as the clock faces are<br />

very fragile due to corrosion,<br />

their removal has been carefully<br />

planned. Each part was labelled<br />

so they be can return to their<br />

original location.<br />

It is believed to be the first<br />

time the clock faces have been<br />

restored since the clock tower<br />

was built in the 1930s.<br />

Mr Moses said the scaffolding<br />

will be amended and covered for<br />

weather protection this week.<br />

Shortly afterwards, a<br />

contractor will remove the lead<br />

paint from the entire structure.<br />

Investigations by structural<br />

engineers into the damage the<br />

tower sustained have revealed<br />

corrosion as a result of historic<br />

water damage.<br />

There is also significant<br />

damage to large sections of<br />

concrete in the tower and poor<br />

quality concrete cover in the<br />

internal floor. Both elements will<br />

require replacing.<br />

The clock tower floors<br />

may also need replacing<br />

and the concrete around its<br />

faces is in poor condition, most<br />

likely caused by corroding cast<br />

iron.<br />

The Sumner Scarborough<br />

clock tower is also under repair<br />

and has had attempted break-ins<br />

as well.<br />

Local<br />

News<br />

Now<br />

In Brief<br />

Fire rages, homes at risk<br />


The city council has scheduled<br />

to remove nine dead and<br />

decaying trees from the South<br />

Brighton estuary on August<br />

17. City council community<br />

parks manager Al Hardy said<br />

after receiving further advice<br />

it has decided to carry out<br />

additional assessments before<br />

a final decision is made on the<br />

remaining trees.<br />


Shirley, Banks Avenue,<br />

Queenspark, Waitakiri primary<br />

schools have cashed in on a<br />

campaign run by The Palms<br />

Shopping Centre. The My<br />

Schools Rules shop and win<br />

campaign gave five schools a<br />

total of $7000. Shirley Primary<br />

School received $3000, Mairehau<br />

Primary School $2000,<br />

Waitakiri Primary School $1000<br />

and Banks Avenue School and<br />

Queenspark $500 each.<br />


Patients and staff at Burwood<br />

Hospital can now make the most<br />

of Travis Wetland thanks to a<br />

new footbridge leading into the<br />

nature reserve. As part of widening<br />

work on Mairehau Rd, a new<br />

access bridge has been opened<br />

which provides a wheelchairfriendly<br />

entrance into the park.<br />

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Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

News<br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


• By Georgia O’Connor-Harding<br />

PEOPLE OPPOSED to recent<br />

changes to the bus routes in the<br />

eastern suburbs will get another<br />

chance to have their say.<br />

The Greater Christchurch Public<br />

Transport Joint Committee<br />

will put out the draft Regional<br />

Public Transport Plan for consultation<br />

later this year.<br />

This will be an opportunity for<br />

communities to have their say<br />

on the future shape of the bus<br />

network, including the long-term<br />

vision, priorities and action plan.<br />

Following adoption of the<br />

RPTP, detailed consultation at a<br />

bus route level will occur early<br />

next year.<br />

It comes as a public meeting<br />

was held in New Brighton to<br />

gauge concern over the new bus<br />

route changes.<br />

About 60 people attended the<br />

meeting last Monday to discuss<br />

the latest changes Environemtn<br />

Canterbury has implemented as<br />

part of its Long Term Plan.<br />

Christchurch East MP Poto<br />

Williams said there is a group of<br />

concerned people who now have<br />

an opportunity to collectively<br />

work on the next part of the<br />

Second chance for bus feedback<br />

process.<br />

Key concerns raised at the<br />

meeting included the ability<br />

for residents reliant on the bus<br />

services to get to doctor<br />

appointments, shopping<br />

centres and work.<br />

It comes after ECan<br />

confirmed it would combine<br />

the 135 Burwood<br />

Hospital and 150 The<br />

Palms bus routes in<br />

June.<br />

The new bus route<br />

will now stop at the<br />

Taiora: QE II Recreation<br />

and Sport Centre and no<br />

Philip<br />

Haythornthwaite<br />

longer travel into New Brighton.<br />

The consistency and quality of<br />

bus stops in the area was raised<br />

by Disabled Persons Assembly<br />

Christchurch and Districts<br />

president Philip Haythornthwaite.<br />

He told <strong>Pegasus</strong> <strong>Post</strong> if<br />

the bus stops are not up<br />

to scratch they can affect<br />

patronage.<br />

An example was a bus<br />

stop recently installed<br />

on Stanmore Rd outside<br />

Kora Kitchens.<br />

Mr Haythornthwaite<br />

said the footpath is “deeply<br />

angled” and if you were to push<br />

a wheelchair there was potential<br />

for it to fall over.<br />

City council transport operations<br />

manager Ryan Rolston said<br />

staff are working with a contractor<br />

to rectify the grade issue<br />

at Stanmore Rd and should be<br />

resolved in two weeks.<br />

What could be done to improve<br />

ECan’s submission process<br />

and make its website more “userfriendly”<br />

was also discussed.<br />

Senior public transport manager<br />

Stewart Gibbon said ECan<br />

is looking at how the submission<br />

process could be improved.<br />

Butcher parks up in Marshland<br />

A MOBILE butcher has started<br />

parking up on Marshland Rd<br />

each weekend.<br />

Elite Meats owner Corey<br />

Winder has expanded his<br />

business by setting up a<br />

moveable butchery from a small<br />

truck.<br />

Mr Winder, who has been a<br />

butcher since he was 19-yearsold,<br />

said the reaction has been<br />

“amazing.”<br />

“People have just been blown<br />

away by it,” he said.<br />

The idea for the mobile butchery<br />

came from residents’ requests<br />

to have a shop in other places.<br />

“I thought, well, it’s not that<br />

easy to open a butcher shop, so<br />

I’ll see if I can get a mobile one<br />

going,” Mr Winder said.<br />

He is selling the same products<br />

found in the Elite Meats store in<br />

Bush Inn.<br />

“If we haven’t got it on the<br />

truck, then we take orders and<br />

we take the order out of whatever<br />

they want the following week,”<br />

Mr Winder said.<br />

In March, Mr Winder was<br />

named in the all star team at<br />

the World Butchers’ Challenge<br />

in Northern Ireland. His<br />

team, the Pure South Sharp<br />

Blacks, finished second in the<br />

competition.<br />

The mobile butcher will<br />

be open outside Vegeland on<br />

Marshland Rd on weekends<br />

from 9am-5.30pm, and outside<br />

the South Point complex in Faringdon,<br />

Rolleston, on Thursdays<br />

from 2-6.30pm.<br />

“It’s one of those things, we’re<br />

trying to take small steps to get<br />

it right rather than rushing out<br />

to all these different places,” Mr<br />

Winder said.<br />

UNIQUE: Elite Meats owner Corey Winder has opened his own<br />

mobile butcher shop which he parks up on Marshland Rd each<br />

weekend. ​<br />

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PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 5<br />

Archery club’s plan for new<br />

Rawhiti facility hits a snag<br />

• By Georgia O’Connor-Harding<br />

A “PRESSING need” to build<br />

a year- round weather facility<br />

to support archery at Rawhiti<br />

Domain continues to be put on<br />

hold.<br />

The Christchurch Archery<br />

Club has been battling for more<br />

than three years to have its lease<br />

at Rawhiti Domain renewed by<br />

the city council.<br />

While the lease is not up for<br />

renewal until 2021, the club is<br />

planning a $350,000 extension<br />

to its current facility and “desperately”<br />

needs to secure a lease<br />

for the next 20 years.<br />

A letter was presented to the<br />

Coastal-Burwood Community<br />

Board last week on the issue. The<br />

club’s past president and facilities<br />

convener Bill Skews said it<br />

has been trying to get the lease<br />

secured for the past three years.<br />

Mr Skews said it has been<br />

based at the domain for more<br />

than 25 years and has been a<br />

good tenant.<br />

But city council head of parks<br />

Andrew Rutledge said initial information<br />

provided by the club<br />

was “incomplete” and it required<br />

further information to approve<br />

the new lease.<br />

CONCERN: The Christchurch Archery Club has been battling<br />

for more than three years to have its lease at Rawhiti Domain<br />

renewed by the city council. ​<br />

As a result, the lease has been<br />

placed on hold.<br />

The club’s land is located next<br />

to the Athletics Canterbury clubrooms<br />

and track. It is planning<br />

to extend its current building by<br />

580 sq m to allow for shooting<br />

distances of 18-25m.<br />

The club has been fundraising<br />

for the project for about 10 years<br />

and currently has $135,000 saved<br />

to go towards the building.<br />

Mr Skews said the extension<br />

will be a training centre for its<br />

youth and senior archers.<br />

The club has about 90 members<br />

and another 60 who do<br />

courses throughout the year.<br />

The extension is expected to<br />

be co -funded by organisations<br />

including the Lotteries Commission<br />

and the community board,<br />

as well as fundraising and fees<br />

from the use of the facility.<br />

Mr Skews said the club won’t<br />

be doing further fundraising<br />

until it knows it has the lease.<br />

The club has hosted major<br />

events like the Stoke Mandeville<br />

Games, International Fire Fighters<br />

Games and ANZ national<br />

championships.<br />


Robyn Twemlow is out to make<br />

a difference in the lives of<br />

those diagnosed with Tourette<br />

Syndrome - and last week<br />

received $10,000 from the<br />

Mazda Foundation to aid her<br />

cause.<br />

Tourette’s is a condition characterised<br />

by tics, repetitive and<br />

involuntary movements.<br />

Five years ago, Ms Twemlow’s<br />

then nine-year-old daughter<br />

Analise was diagnosed with<br />

the syndrome. Ms Twemlow<br />

founded the Tourette’s Association<br />

of New Zealand. As well<br />

as running a support system<br />

Local<br />

News<br />

Now<br />

Fire rages, homes at risk<br />

KIND DONATION: Blackwells City Mazda dealer principal Seth<br />

Ovens with Robyn and Analise Twemlow. ​<br />

10k for Camp Twitch<br />

for families and an information<br />

hub for those who have been recently<br />

diagnosed, the Tourette’s<br />

Association also began running<br />

a yearly camp called Camp<br />

Twitch. At Blackwells City<br />

Mazda last week Ms Twemlow<br />

was presented with $10,000<br />

from the Mazda Foundation<br />

to help run Camp Twitch,<br />

enabling more than 50 young<br />

people and their families to<br />

attend the camp. Ms Twemlow<br />

said the funding would reduce<br />

the financial stress of families<br />

living with Tourette’s and allows<br />

young people from any financial<br />

background to attend the camp.<br />

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6 Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />




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Ph: 03 379 5110

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 7<br />

News<br />

Free firewood warms Shirley families<br />

Community<br />

helps mum<br />

through winter<br />

• By Georgia O’Connor-Harding<br />

BEING THE sole bread-winner<br />

in a household with three<br />

children hasn’t been an easy road<br />

for Shirley mother Rachel Curry.<br />

The oil heater she uses<br />

to warm her home burns<br />

through a “staggering” amount<br />

of electricity, and recently<br />

contributed to a $700 power bill<br />

for one month. “I had the oil<br />

heater on 24/7 for a month and<br />

had no firewood and had to keep<br />

the family warm,” Miss Curry<br />

said. The previous month was<br />

between $400 and $500.<br />

But paying the bills has been<br />

made a little easier for the<br />

commercial cleaner. Her family<br />

is one of 18 in the Shirley area to<br />

receive free firewood.<br />

The firewood deliveries were<br />

part of a large community effort<br />

to help families struggling to<br />

keep their homes warm.<br />

As well as having the stress<br />

of heating her home taken<br />

away, Fire and Emergency New<br />

Zealand has undertaken a safety<br />

check of Miss Curry’s home and<br />

installed fire alarms.<br />

Said Miss Curry: “I am just<br />

grateful there are these community<br />

groups that do go out of<br />

their way and support each other<br />

. . . we have had some cold days<br />

with cold morning frosts so it<br />

has been really helpful for us,”<br />

she said.<br />

It comes as a Salvation Army<br />

survey showed almost half of its<br />

respondents said they had gone<br />

without heating because of the<br />

cost over the past year.<br />

More than 50 people and various<br />

organisations were involved<br />

in the firewood initiative, including<br />

the Department of Corrections,<br />

Te Puna Oraka, the Shirley<br />

Community Trust, city council<br />

and Fire and Emergency New<br />

Zealand.<br />

Mairehau’s Neighbourhood<br />

Trust, the Delta Community<br />

HAPPY HOME: Malachy Curry, 6, helps his mum Rachel light a fire with their free firewood. ​<br />

Support Trust, Shirley Rugby<br />

Football Club, Shirley Intermediate<br />

School, C3 Church, Housing<br />

New Zealand, the Helen Anderson<br />

Trust, New Brighton Volunteer<br />

Fire Brigade, New Zealand<br />

Army and St Johns Church<br />

also contributed to helping the<br />

families.<br />

The wood was sourced by the<br />

Department of Corrections,<br />

which had old pallets to get rid<br />

of.<br />

Community activator Steve<br />

Jones-Poole, who orchestrated<br />

the firewood project, said it was a<br />

community project.<br />

He said some of the people<br />

who received firewood also<br />

helped deliver firewood to<br />

others. The community organisations<br />

selected families to<br />

donate the firewood to based on<br />

information from social service<br />

providers in the area.<br />

Mr Jones-Poole said he had<br />

heard of some families heating<br />

their homes using an oven, while<br />

others were using small heaters<br />

which could cost up to $600 a<br />

month to operate.<br />

“Of course, the bigger picture<br />

around it is you have got the<br />

heating for the homes which is<br />

good for them but the bigger<br />

thing was the people coming<br />

together,” he said.<br />

Mr Jones-Poole met with<br />

families and Te Puna Oraka<br />

yesterday to work on a long-term<br />

solution to help families in need<br />

to collect firewood over the year.<br />

CHARITY: More than<br />

50 people and several<br />

organisations helped<br />

deliver firewood to families<br />

in Shirley.<br />

Local<br />

News<br />

Now<br />

Fire rages, homes at risk<br />

Get to know<br />

your<br />

neighbours<br />

EVER WANTED to host<br />

a street party? Organise a<br />

neighbourhood potluck? Or<br />

just get to know who you live<br />

next door a bit better?<br />

Even though it’s titled<br />

Neighbourhood Week, the<br />

event runs from October 27<br />

to March <strong>31</strong> with the aim of<br />

encouraging communities to<br />

get to know each other.<br />

Community Governance<br />

manager Christine Lane hopes<br />

to build off the success of last<br />

year’s campaign, which was the<br />

first of its kind with extended<br />

dates over summer.<br />

“Whether it’s a sport team,<br />

community group, or the<br />

people that live a few doors<br />

down, the aim of this year’s<br />

initiative is to build on existing<br />

relationships.”<br />

A small subsidy is<br />

available from city council<br />

community boards to help<br />

organise something in your<br />

neighbourhood.<br />

Individuals and groups<br />

can apply for funding online,<br />

with applications opening<br />

yesterday and closing at 5pm on<br />

September 7.<br />

•You can find out more<br />

by heading to ccc.govt.nz/<br />

GetTogether.<br />

Looking<br />

for a career in<br />

*<br />

Enrolling NOW!<br />


Txt ‘DIGI’ to 027 557 8839<br />

to find out more or phone<br />

0800 872 466<br />

50 Hazeldean Road<br />

Addington<br />

Christchurch<br />

www.trainme.org.nz<br />

*Some conditions apply

8 Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />



Earthquake claims<br />

still not settled?<br />

Our newspapers are full of stories<br />

recounting the problems many home<br />

owners are having in settling their<br />

earthquake claims. EQC’s repairs<br />

failing, and insurance companies not<br />

meeting their<br />

obligations,<br />

are common<br />

problems being<br />

experienced.<br />

Aurum Building<br />

Brokers manager,<br />

Chris Seque,<br />

advises that to<br />

be in a position<br />

to challenge EQC and/or your insurer,<br />

you need “best” evidence.<br />

Homeowners need to prove their loss:<br />

1. The property has suffered<br />

earthquake damage<br />

2. The property is covered by<br />

an insurance contract for the<br />

damage.<br />

3. The damage needs to be<br />

appropriately assessed.<br />

4. A reinstatement<br />

solution needs to<br />

be prepared that<br />

describes the standard<br />

of repair required in<br />

terms of the insuarnce<br />

policy and the EQC<br />

act.<br />

5. The cost of<br />

reinstatement needs to be<br />

quantified.<br />

Chris advises that Aurum Building<br />

Brokers has been helping Christchurch<br />

home owners for the past six years<br />

in preparing the evidence portfolios<br />

needed for advocates and lawyers<br />

to negotiate their claims with insurers.<br />

Aurum’s professional network can<br />

introduce homeowners to the people<br />

who can provide evidence written in<br />

a format to challenge the assessments<br />

provided by EQC’s or the insurer’s<br />

appointed experts.<br />

If you are uncertain about your claim<br />

talk to Chris on 021 400177.<br />

FREE<br />

No obligation<br />

inspection of<br />

your home<br />

Aurum Building Brokers have completed evidence<br />

portfolios for over 500 clients.<br />

Aurum Building Brokers can obtain the professional<br />

evidence you require, in a format that you can give to<br />

your advocate or lawyer, to negotiate your correct claim<br />

settlement.<br />

To book your free inspection contact Chris,<br />

James or Sharon on 03 365 4460.<br />

Earthquake claim still<br />

not settled?<br />

Repairs not completed<br />

correctly?<br />

Has your house been<br />

scoped correctly?<br />

Step 1: To challenge your insurer or EQC,<br />

you need an evidence portfolio consisting of<br />

appropriate construction reports.<br />

Step 2: You then need to seek professional advice<br />

Aurum can save you time, money and stress<br />

03 365 4460| chris@aurumproperty.co.nz | www.aurumproperty.co.nz

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

9<br />

Your Local Views<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Local<br />

News<br />

Now<br />

Plan to revitalise quake hit eastern suburbs<br />

Fire rages, homes at risk<br />

Coastal­<br />

Burwood<br />

Community<br />

Board member<br />

Linda Stewart<br />

writes about<br />

the post-quake<br />

issues being<br />

faced by<br />

Burwood, Dallington and<br />

Avondale residents and the<br />

action needed to help them<br />

IN DISCUSSION with<br />

Coastal-Burwood community<br />

development adviser Natalie<br />

Dally, I discussed my concerns<br />

that little has been done for the<br />

three suburbs that were seriously<br />

affected by the earthquakes.<br />

Their losses were:<br />

•Burwood – A large number<br />

of the newer residential development<br />

adjacent to the Avon River<br />

along New Brighton Rd. Connecting<br />

roads, issues relating to<br />

the demolition of the red-zoned<br />

area of their suburb and a decrease<br />

in public transport have<br />

caused further challenges for<br />

their community.<br />

•Dallington – The Catholic<br />

school, church and medical<br />

centre. Fifty -five per cent of their<br />

residential homes. As with above,<br />

massive disruption related to<br />

demolition.<br />

•Avondale – The hotel that<br />

doubled as a meeting facility,<br />

their strip shops and Avondale<br />

Primary School. And Chisnalwood<br />

Intermediate has a question<br />

mark over its future – not<br />

known at this point.<br />

All three suburbs have lived<br />

through the residential red zoning,<br />

which has to this day continued<br />

ongoing earthquake-related<br />

after effects.<br />

The lack of capital infrastructure<br />

building/rebuilding has<br />

been on hold while the future of<br />

the red-zoned area is decided.<br />

Almost eight years of waiting<br />

is a long time to cope with<br />

continual loss. No replacement<br />

of their social and retail infrastructure<br />

and a public transport<br />

reduction.<br />

Ongoing road rebuilding<br />

projects, although unsettling,<br />

have been very welcomed on<br />

completion.<br />

Depleted local groups that<br />

support community progress<br />

initiatives.<br />

These accumulated effects have<br />

left those suburbs bleak, with<br />

little in social infrastructure to<br />

boost community well-being.<br />

I am acutely aware that issues<br />

around loneliness and isolation<br />

and mental health are being<br />

felt in these areas along with<br />

decreased property values. These<br />

suburbs are not thriving by any<br />

means.<br />

RED-ZONED: Linda Stewart is on a mission to help revitalise<br />

Burwood, Dallington and Avondale which are still experiencing<br />

the after effects of the quakes.<br />

•Actions:<br />

With this information, our<br />

community development adviser<br />

enabled a research survey which<br />

covered both the Burwood and<br />

Coastal wards. The most significant<br />

concern from community<br />

groups was the lack of meeting<br />

facilities to bring the community<br />

together.<br />

A further discussion with our<br />

adviser evolved and a project<br />

developed to bring the three<br />

suburbs together to work more<br />

closely on:<br />

1) Events that bring the three<br />

suburbs together.<br />

2) Back-up support submissions<br />

to support the Coastal-<br />

Burwood Community Board’s<br />

submission to the Long Term<br />

Plan <strong>2018</strong> -<strong>2018</strong> for an area-wide<br />

community facility to be located<br />

at the Burwood Primary School<br />

Hall site.<br />

3) Community groups participating<br />

are the residents associations<br />

for each suburb, Burwood<br />

All Saints and Burwood Christian<br />

Centre, and other groups<br />

like the Burwood Tennis Club<br />

and Dallington Scouts have<br />

expressed interest in joining in<br />

with the suburb events.<br />

Our community development<br />

adviser applied to the community<br />

resilience partnership<br />

fund (members being representatives<br />

of Selwyn, Waimakariri<br />

and Christchurch councillors)<br />

and was successful in securing<br />

$60,000 for events and a feasibility<br />

study to further these communities’<br />

needs for a meeting<br />

facility. The three suburbs now<br />

have a fund to provide an event<br />

for each of their suburbs.<br />

All three can also work<br />

together for a main event that<br />

replaces the Burwood Fair. They<br />

have elected to have a “river”<br />

event based at Kerrs Reach (now<br />

in planning stage).<br />

At this point, Dallington representatives<br />

will be meeting with<br />

their other local groups.<br />

Dallington Community Trust<br />

has a ‘Movie in the Park’ event<br />

already well progressed and it’s<br />

hoped that their neighbouring<br />

groups would see the potential<br />

to participate and make this a<br />

major, fun event that brings their<br />

community together.<br />

Although city councillors<br />

didn’t grant a fund for the areawide<br />

community facility as part<br />

of the Long Term Plan, they have<br />

asked staff to undertake a facility<br />

feasibility study to assess their<br />

capital investment for Burwood<br />

west and I believe other areas.<br />

I appreciate the skills and<br />

knowledge our community development<br />

adviser has brought<br />

to this initiative immensely.<br />

HAVE YOUR SAY: What<br />

are the main issues you<br />

think need attention in the<br />

Dallington, Burwood and<br />

Avondale areas? Email your<br />

views to georgia.oconnor@<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

Readers respond to an<br />

article about how the city<br />

council-painted lines on<br />

Rothesay Rd in Parklands<br />

failed to stop motorists from<br />

speeding. <strong>Pegasus</strong> <strong>Post</strong><br />

asked what could now be<br />

done to slow traffic down<br />

Roan Honybadger – Speed<br />

bumps.<br />

Gavin Muir - Speed camera.<br />

Raoul Dauwalder – Those<br />

horrible speed humps, hopefully it<br />

will be a hoon with a lowered car.<br />

Angela Toomey<br />

– Judder bars as<br />

much as I hate them.<br />

David Davies –<br />

I’d go for chicanes<br />

and speed bumps.<br />

Jason Tones –<br />

Robot sentries with<br />

laser<br />

guns.<br />

Sarah Spencer Smith<br />

– Doesn’t look like a residential<br />

street.<br />

ManagSenoj Leroy<br />

– Concrete billiards<br />

simple.<br />

Kim Mckinley<br />

– Speed bumps.<br />

Mia Griffiths –<br />

136km/h? Jeepers.<br />

Judith Blatt – Speed bumps.<br />

Peter Cooper – Speed<br />

camera.<br />

FREE digital media course, with NCEA built in<br />

For those looking for a role that combines<br />

artistic and digital talents, then this outstanding,<br />

FREE, entry level course has just been announced<br />

by local Training Provider Trainme, for those<br />

wishing to pursue animation, graphic design,<br />

photography or digital media as a career.<br />

The course covers introduction to multi-media<br />

techniques such as video production, drawing,<br />

animation and photography. Students will create<br />

their own design concepts and collaborate with<br />

other students on creative projects.<br />

This course is FREE to students aged 16 to 19<br />

and they only have to have NCEA 1 to join.<br />

Students without NCEA 1 can be admitted, if they<br />

show artistic or digital aptitude.<br />

“Many feel that school is not working for them<br />

or they left without qualifications,” says Gary<br />

Taylor, Campus Manager with tertiary educator<br />

Trainme. “While not necessarily academically<br />

minded, they do have artistic talents and are very<br />

much into digital technology.”<br />

“This FREE six-month Trainme course, combines<br />

these in a very hands-on, practical way, giving<br />

them an intro into various digital media. This way,<br />

they can decide which direction to pursue as their<br />

career focus.”<br />

“As an NZQA approved programme, NCEA<br />

credits are built in, so if they apply themselves, they<br />

can graduate with a New Zealand Certificate in Arts<br />

and Design Level 2, as well as gaining credits<br />

towards NCEA level 1 or 2.” Says Taylor.<br />

“NCEA results will depend on how many credit<br />

they bring to the course to start with, but as it’s a fun<br />

subject, it won’t feel like school at all.”<br />

Successful Graduates from this programme could<br />

pathway into higher study in media arts, which could<br />

include graphic design, video production,<br />

photography or one of the many emerging digitalbased<br />

careers. Places are limited, so students are<br />

encouraged to apply as soon as they can.<br />

Enrol Now to start 20th August. Contact Trainme<br />

at their Addington campus for more information on<br />

0800 872 466, or txt ‘digi’ to 027 557 8839 or visit<br />

the website www.trainme.co.nz to enrol online.<br />


10<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


Mairehau<br />

high School<br />

Encouraging ExcEllEncE in our community<br />

-<br />

The<br />

Principal’s<br />

Desk<br />

Towards the future<br />

Mairehau high School is in a strong position<br />

to offer students opportunities which will<br />

enable them to become worthwhile citizens<br />

of the world, people who will contribute to their communities.<br />

Harry romana, Principal<br />

Teachers within our school are leading and developing key initiatives which will provide<br />

students with the skills, capabilities and fluency to enable them to be successful life-long<br />

learners in a digital world. in our school, we use our head, heart and hands which enable<br />

us to describe the critical thinking student who is numerate and literate. a student who<br />

can take responsibility for their learning and manage themselves. The students who<br />

pass through our school gates, learn in our classrooms, and access technology through<br />

our wireless internet provision will be well set in the future to enter tertiary courses or<br />

employment opportunities.<br />

Mairehau high School is transforming and rebuilding the school to accommodate roll<br />

growth. The Board are working with the Ministry of education to get our school building<br />

project underway. We are keen to ensure secondary school co-educational school<br />

provision in christchurch east. it is fair to say that we have been very patient about<br />

entering the building implementation phase. currently, leakages in our administration,<br />

gymnasium and library have all been addressed, and new carpet and vinyl were laid in<br />

the recent Term 2 break.<br />

Te Ara Tuhura<br />

all christchurch east Secondary Schools are passionate about improving achievement<br />

and learning outcomes for all. Mairehau high School continues to build relationships<br />

with Te ara Tūhara, a cluster of Primary and early childhood schools in the east. This<br />

cluster is focused on improved outcomes for all our learners, in each of our schools.<br />

Some of the cluster schools have entered into an outreach programme called<br />

ManaiaKalani, information on this intervention can be found at www.manaiakalani.org<br />

Mairehau high School is committed to the teaching pedagogy of learn, create, and<br />

Share. We are proud to shape young minds through the philosophy of heads (learn),<br />

hands (create) and heart (Share) that is being implemented school-wide and embedded<br />

in our charter.<br />

our school is very keen to continue to foster strong relationships with our local<br />

tertiary institutions such as the university of canterbury, Te ara, Southern institute of<br />

Technology, and lincoln university.<br />

i am confident in ensuring a quality education system for all students who live in the<br />

east. Students will have a choice, opportunity and access in our communities. i am<br />

confident in working with other east christchurch Schools on the future and quality<br />

of Teaching and learning for our communities. Mairehau high School continues to<br />

sustain ‘Modern learning Practices” through the schools Year 9 and Year 10 flexible<br />

learning environment initiative this year. our school continues to implement innovative<br />

and creative strategies to support and enhance school improvement and student<br />

achievement.<br />

Why choose Mairehau High School?<br />

Students, parents and community are currently making choices about enrolment options in 2019.<br />

i wish to highlight specific influences on “why you should choose Mairehau high School.”<br />

Our Teachers<br />

The teachers in our school-house are committed, passionate, and dedicated. We are a small school<br />

with a caring, community feel. our teachers will get to know your child well and work with you as<br />

a parent to ensure positive and enriching learning experiences for your child. We pride ourselves<br />

on our innovative and caring staff, and we value individuality and difference. all teachers will be<br />

focussed on making a positive difference for your child. our teachers are simply a fantastic group<br />

of people.<br />

1. Our Size<br />

- our school and classes are small<br />

- We are proud of our strong staff-student<br />

relationship<br />

- Your teachers will know you and go the extra<br />

mile to help you<br />

2. Excellent Outcomes<br />

We have:<br />

- excellent Ncea results<br />

- Personalised learning<br />

- gifted and Talented Programmes<br />

- Supported learning if you need it<br />

- Modern, flexible learning programme in<br />

Years 9 and 10<br />

- opportunities for Subject Scholarships<br />

3. More Opportunities at all levels for:<br />

- range of Sports<br />

- The range of cultural activities including kapa<br />

haka, band, and choir<br />

- leadership at all levels<br />

- education outside the classroom<br />

Overnight trip to Rapaki Marae<br />

We had a very successful first overnight trip<br />

to rapaki marae prior to Ngā Manu Kōrero.<br />

Students took part in a pōwhiri, learnt about<br />

the legends behind the carvings inside the<br />

marae, went on a hikoi (walk) around the area<br />

where they learnt about the local history of<br />

certain parts of the area and learnt how to<br />

make their own putiputi (flower) through<br />

raranga harakeke (flax weaving).<br />

our Manu Kōrero speakers were able to practice<br />

their speeches and our kapahaka group were<br />

able to learn our new school haka. By the end of<br />

the trip i had a few students saying “we should<br />

have stayed the whole week!” so they must<br />

have had a great time. But i must say it is nice to<br />

be back in the comforts of home again.<br />

it was fantastic opportunity for our students to<br />

experience and one we hope to duplicate in the<br />

future.<br />

4. Our Values - C A R E (Challenge,<br />

Achievement, Responsibility, Empathy)<br />

- We value everyone no matter who they are or<br />

where they come from<br />

- We are proud of our cultural diversity<br />

- We have strong pastoral support<br />

- We encourage student’s voice<br />

- We welcome parental involvement<br />

- We value our links with other organisations<br />

which encourage community awareness and<br />

social responsibility<br />

5. Improvements to our school environment<br />

- We are looking forward to our new rebuild and<br />

improved facilities starting soon<br />

- We have a strong environment team who are<br />

constantly working to keep the school looking<br />

aesthetically pleasing to all<br />

- extensive new technology resource<br />

Flexible Learning Time<br />

one of the tasks for some of our FlT (Year 9<br />

and Year 10) students was to select and explore<br />

a country of their choice. each member of<br />

a group had to learn about that country’s<br />

different aspects of culture.<br />

as a group they had to create a PowerPoint<br />

presentation and a booklet to be shared with<br />

other different cultural groups. also, they<br />

performed games and did practical activities<br />

to present a specific aspect of their culture.<br />

This included teaching others in class to learn<br />

karate, play original Filipino games and even<br />

to make original italian pizzas in the school<br />

cooking room.<br />

Mairehau High School, Hills Road, Christchurch P. 385 <strong>31</strong>45 F. 385 <strong>31</strong>43 admin@mairehau.school.nz www.mairehau.school.nz


Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

11<br />

Mairehau<br />

high School<br />

Encouraging ExcEllEncE in our community<br />

Nga Manu Korero<br />

Words can’t express how proud i was to be a<br />

part of Mairehau high School after the amazing<br />

efforts both our kapahaka students and<br />

kaikōrero (speakers) demonstrated on stage at<br />

Ngā Manu Kōrero (canterbury and West coast<br />

Māori Speech competition) which saw over<br />

1000 students in attendance.<br />

Phoenix Neilson (Year 12) was our first speaker<br />

on stage as he took part in the Senior english<br />

impromptu section and gained some very<br />

impressive grades from the judges earning<br />

88/100 (average of 3 judges), then for his<br />

prepared speech<br />

he earned 94/100<br />

average.<br />

Zion Wirihana<br />

(Year10) was our<br />

next speaker<br />

on stage<br />

representing us<br />

for the Junior<br />

Māori section<br />

earning 89/100<br />

Zion Wirihana average.<br />

Matalasi Tulia<br />

(Year 10) was<br />

our final speaker<br />

representing us for<br />

the Junior english<br />

section earning<br />

92/100 average.<br />

it was Phoenix’s<br />

second time<br />

taking part in<br />

the competition<br />

and Zion’s and<br />

Matalasi Tulia<br />

Matalasi’s first time<br />

so we congratulate them on their tremendous<br />

efforts and impressive results from the judges.<br />

our kapahaka group were the best supporters<br />

we could have asked for - they helped each of<br />

our speakers practise during the breaks, and<br />

gave an intensely passionate haka performance<br />

on stage after each speaker had delivered<br />

their speech. it was incredibly long day for all<br />

involved and we are so proud of you all.<br />

Ms Napa<br />

Manukura students attend first hui at Ara<br />

our Manukura (Senior Māori leadership)<br />

students attended their first hui in May at ara<br />

(Te Puna Wanaka/cPiT).<br />

They were welcomed with a mihi whakatau<br />

(welcome speech), followed by morning tea,<br />

then students got to listen to two motivational<br />

speakers including a previous lecturer of<br />

indigenous Studies and current lecturer of<br />

Sports Science and also the ceo of Mainfreight<br />

about their recipes for success.<br />

after breaking for lunch students got straight<br />

into their pathway planning, where they<br />

identified key goals they would like to achieve,<br />

created a step-by-step pathway as to how<br />

they were going to overcome barriers and use<br />

enablers to reach each of their identified goals.<br />

<strong>2018</strong> Mud Run Fun<br />

Phoenix Neilson<br />

it was not quite a mid-winter swim and not a lot<br />

of sunshine, but there was lots of water, mud<br />

and wet staff and students on the shortest day<br />

this year...<br />

Geography trip to Hanmer Springs<br />

Term 2 saw the Year 11 geography class<br />

head off to a camp at hanmer Springs. The<br />

main purpose of the camp was to conduct<br />

geographic research into the impacts of<br />

tourism on hanmer Springs.<br />

To do this, students were tasked with planning<br />

their itinerary for the camp and to decide where<br />

to visit and which key tourist attractions to<br />

experience.<br />

The group arrived to a blanketing of snow,<br />

much to their delight. The trip to the thermal<br />

pools surrounded by snow, was definitely a<br />

highlight for all. The following day, students<br />

made the most of the good weather exploring<br />

hanmer Springs and conducting tourist<br />

and local interviews, traffic counts and<br />

environmental surveys – of which they used<br />

Village cruisers as their mode of transport.<br />

everyone had a fantastic time and the students<br />

came back to school fully charged for their next<br />

assignment.<br />

Mairehau High School, Hills Road, Christchurch P. 385 <strong>31</strong>45 F. 385 <strong>31</strong>43 admin@mairehau.school.nz www.mairehau.school.nz

12 Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Shoddy repairs<br />


Advertising<br />

FeAture<br />

When I say “shoddy repairs” to<br />

people in the North Island or the West<br />

Island where I come from, they have<br />

absolutely no idea what I’m talking<br />

about. They have no understanding<br />

what shoddy repairs really means.<br />

That’s because anywhere else in the<br />

world where a natural disaster has<br />

occurred the Insurance company will<br />

either do the repairs themselves and<br />

stand behind those repairs or pay<br />

cash out to you to take the risk and<br />

do the repairs yourself.<br />

Not in Christchurch, Christchurch is another reality,<br />

we have EQC. After I left EQC and before I started<br />

my business whenever I told anyone about my idea to<br />

challenge EQC reports I lost count of the people that<br />

told me,” You’re crazy”. I was told, “Your business<br />

will never work here, don’t you know, we are the only<br />

country in the world that has EQC, they will look after<br />

us and we will never need to challenge their reports”.<br />

After 7 years the truth is out there, and you must<br />

challenge the EQC assessments and repairs carried out to<br />

your homes.<br />

“Who’s to blame”<br />

The previous government want you to believe it was the<br />

fault of the builders trying to cut corners. Of course, the<br />

builders involved are not blameless, but, they are not<br />

solely responsible. To many people this was just a series<br />

of unfortunate events and gross incompetence. I do<br />

not believe that, I believe this was a well-orchestrated<br />

takeover of the entire process by the Government and<br />

those beholden to it or benefiting from it. We all know<br />

that all governments lie, some more than others. But<br />

what happened here was a well thought-out, wellorchestrated<br />

hoodwinking of an entire city and nation.<br />

The tools the then government used included EQC,<br />

The Red Zone, The Residential Advisory Service (RAS),<br />

The Christchurch Home Repair Program (CHRP),<br />

the media, the legal system, MBIE and professional<br />

experts. The result is billions of dollars being denied to<br />

homeowners with damaged homes and a damaged<br />

Christchurch housing stock that will take generations to<br />

recover.<br />

Perhaps the most insidious program of all was the<br />

Christchurch Home Repair Program (CHRP), with about<br />

90,000 homes repaired under this program. I’m not going<br />

to say all the repairs carried out were failures. What I will<br />

say is that a significant amount of the more difficult repairs<br />

had work done<br />

on them that<br />

did not meet<br />

building standards let alone the much<br />

higher standard of the insurance<br />

policies. Significant damage has<br />

been ignored and when challenged<br />

explained away as pre-existing. After<br />

seven years of re-assessing EQC<br />

work we’ve seen it all. From a jandal<br />

being used to pack a pile to a pile<br />

being cut through so there was no<br />

need to get a plumber to move a<br />

pipe and EQC refusing to lift carpets<br />

to see if the slabs were cracked.<br />

THERE IS<br />

NO TIME<br />

TO DELAY,<br />

YOU NEED<br />

TO TAKE<br />

ACTION<br />

NOW<br />

CHRP, but many, many more are<br />

completely unaware of the damage<br />

caused and damage ignored under<br />

CHRP. We know EQC give estimates<br />

of as low as 600 and as high as<br />

3,000 homes that have suffered<br />

shoddy repairs. I believe the actual<br />

number is much higher, in the tens<br />

of thousands, but only time will<br />

tell. The fact is, no one knows the<br />

actual number because there are no<br />

records that could be relied upon.<br />

Proper assessments were never done by EQC.<br />

What we do know from fighting for so many homeowners<br />

with shoddy repairs, is that many of the repairs have<br />

covered up the actual damage. Foundation damage<br />

hidden behind epoxy glue, plaster and paint, piles packed<br />

on poor ground and doors and windows shaved to fit.<br />

What you must do<br />

To get justice you have to fight for your rights,<br />

however getting justice is very expensive. You will<br />

need to have very deep pockets and some or all of<br />

the following: Builders, Engineers, Quantity Surveyors,<br />

Geotech Engineers, Lawyers and a lot of your own<br />

personal time. Or you can pass all of that on to us to<br />

fund and manage.<br />

If you can afford it<br />

• you must get your repairs checked, by independent<br />

experts.<br />

• If there is unaddressed damage, get a lawyer. Find<br />

one that doesn’t work for Insurance companies.<br />

If you can’t afford it<br />

• Call us, we are New Zealand’s largest earthquake<br />

litigation funder.<br />

• We pay for an independent expert to assess the repairs<br />

and damage.<br />

• If there is no damage and the repairs have been carried<br />

out correctly, you pay nothing, and our contract is<br />

terminated.<br />

• However, if damage is found or the repairs are substandard,<br />

we fund everything it takes to prove your<br />

claim until settlement.<br />

• We operate a “No win, No fee” system of funding.<br />

• At settlement we take back the costs outlaid and a<br />

percentage of the settlement.<br />

Call us on 03 377 88 55 to get us working for you,<br />

or email us at info@earthquakeservices.co.nz<br />

Bryan Staples, CEO, Earthquake Services.<br />

Many homeowners are now seeing<br />

the result of their failed repairs under<br />

Contact us today - call 03 377 8855 or visit earthquakeservices.co.nz. We’re located at 130 Ferry Road, Christchurch.

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 13<br />

Coastal keeper headed<br />

to France for World Cup<br />

• By Jacob Page<br />

COASTAL SPIRIT goalkeeper<br />

Una Foyle has had the last laugh<br />

over the boys who wouldn’t pass<br />

the ball to her.<br />

The former Rangi Ruru Girls’<br />

School student was a shock<br />

call-up for the New Zealand<br />

under-20 football World Cup in<br />

France next month. The team<br />

flew out last week.<br />

She joins fellow Coastal Spirit<br />

teammates, defender Rebecca<br />

Lake and utility Talia Herman-<br />

Watt. Watt is the non-travelling<br />

reserve.<br />

Foyle has made the most of<br />

her ability between the goal<br />

posts after making the move to<br />

the position five years ago. “The<br />

boys I was playing with just<br />

stopped passing the ball to me<br />

so my coach put me back in goal<br />

and I guess it’s worked out,” she<br />

said.<br />

Foyle missed the cut for the<br />

first New Zealand under-20<br />

wider training squad at the start<br />

of the year and thought her<br />

chance had vanished. However,<br />

she was called into the training<br />

squad for the final camp a<br />

fortnight ago and won the right<br />

to pack her bags for France.<br />

“It was a massive shock and<br />

surprise to be named after<br />

missing out initially in the wider<br />

The Blind Care Company has been<br />

cleaning and repairing the region’s blinds<br />

for over 60 years. Those six decades<br />

have seen changes in both fashion and<br />

technology. Styles have ranged from<br />

festooned fabric swags to straightforward<br />

and still popular holland roller blinds,<br />

from vertical to horizontal slat systems,<br />

and in every colour or pattern popular<br />

since the 1960s.<br />

Whatever your style, the Blind Care<br />

Company has the expertise to keep your<br />

window treatments looking fresh and<br />

working efficiently. Using only ecofriendly<br />

chemicals, the build-up of dirt,<br />

SKILLS: Coastal Spirit<br />

defender Rebecca Lake (left)<br />

and goalkeeper Una Foyle<br />

will play in the under-20<br />

World Cup in France next<br />

month. Talia Herman-Watt<br />

(right) will be a non-travelling<br />

reserve.<br />


squad,” she said.<br />

“I just kept sending (the coach)<br />

videos of what I was doing down<br />

here and how I was going and I<br />

guess it worked.”<br />

Lake, 19, has been a regular in<br />

the national age-group set-up.<br />

“This is a reward for all of the<br />

SPORTS<br />

early morning sessions and the<br />

late nights,” she said.<br />

“I’ve played against most of<br />

the girls I’m now teammates<br />

with, so at least there will be<br />

familiarity there,” the former<br />

Marian College student said.<br />

Both Foyle and Lake split their<br />

time between Coastal Spirit’s top<br />

women’s side and the 17th grade<br />

boys team.<br />

Under new Coastal Spirit<br />

football development manager<br />

Gary Bennett, the club is<br />

making a big push so girls and<br />

women’s football can prosper<br />

next season.<br />

“I have a real passion for girls<br />

and women’s football and have<br />

been heavily involved in it for a<br />

number of years, particularly in<br />

the United States and Canada,”<br />

he said.<br />

“We would love to see girls of<br />

all ages and ability at Coastal,<br />

from mini-football, juniors,<br />

youth through to senior women.<br />

We are particularly looking<br />

to strengthen our numbers to<br />

support our successful women’s<br />

premier league team for next<br />

season,” he said.<br />

Burwood boxer extends<br />

his winning record<br />

• By Jacob Page<br />

dust, grease, nicotine and smoke residue<br />

can be removed so that your blinds<br />

smell fresh and are restored to their<br />

original glory. The company can repair<br />

blinds also, having a huge range of parts<br />

in stock. And if you want something<br />

completely new, a great range of blinds is<br />

available for purchase.<br />

The company prides itself on efficient<br />

service, providing a fast turn-around,<br />

with most work taking one or two<br />

days, and a same day cleaning option is<br />

available. It makes it as easy as possible<br />

for clients. The Cashel Street location<br />

couldn’t be more convenient and a pickup<br />

and drop-off service is available. 150<br />

blinds per day can be cleaned at this site.<br />

A cut-down and size alteration service<br />

is available in order that the blinds you<br />

bought are a perfect fit.<br />

They are experts in their field with a<br />

huge amount of experience to draw on.<br />

In fact, all their staff has been on board<br />

for at least 8 years, and many up to 20<br />

years. Whatever the job involves, they<br />

will work hard to make sure it gets done,<br />

including one job of 800 blinds which<br />

they completed in 4 days.<br />

BURWOOD BOXER Daniel<br />

Meehan has taken another<br />

step towards the New Zealand<br />

Golden Gloves in Christchurch<br />

with an impressive win at an<br />

Anzac boxing tournament in<br />

Auckland on Sunday.<br />

The 15-yearold<br />

from<br />

Christchurch<br />

Boys’ High<br />

School won his<br />

bout against<br />

Hamilton’s<br />

Navahn<br />

Guilmore by<br />

unanimous<br />

decision, which<br />

included a<br />

standing eight<br />

count in the<br />

second round.<br />

The current<br />

under-57kg<br />

cadet grade New<br />

Zealand and<br />

Australian national champion<br />

improved his record to 16-1.<br />

He is following in the<br />

footsteps of his father Danny,<br />

who had more than 120 fights<br />

when he was based in the<br />

Manawatu district.<br />

Daniel has been training<br />

for the past five years under<br />

Wainoni-based Smiling Tigers<br />

Boxing Club coach Mark Fuller.<br />

“I started with dad five years<br />

ago just hitting the pads in<br />

the garage,” he said. “Initially,<br />

I wasn’t very good but after a<br />

while I really grew to love it.”<br />

He was a gold medallist in the<br />

under-57kg cadet grade at the<br />

New Zealand and Australian<br />

nationals and will be looking to<br />

defend both titles this year.<br />

Daniel’s only loss came two<br />

years ago and,<br />

since then, he has<br />

learnt the value<br />

of nutrition and<br />

fitness and the<br />

impact it can<br />

have over three<br />

2min boxing<br />

rounds. Fuller<br />

said Daniel<br />

has plenty of<br />

potential and<br />

the biggest issue<br />

is finding him<br />

bouts. Daniel<br />

said he likes to<br />

stay busy inside<br />

Daniel Meehan<br />

the ring and<br />

likes to use his<br />

overhand right. He said his dad<br />

is supportive of his sport and<br />

strikes the right balance with his<br />

involvement.<br />

“He’s always there for a word<br />

of encouragement or advice, but<br />

he lets me be my own boxer,” he<br />

said.<br />

Daniel said after being in the<br />

Canterbury set-up for the past<br />

few years, he is keen to gain<br />

more chances to represent New<br />

Zealand.<br />

For all your blind repair and cleaning requirements<br />

We Clean & Repair ALL types of Blinds<br />


& DELIVERY*”<br />

... we collect & return ...<br />

*Bookings required<br />


for cleaning by 9am, ready<br />

to collect at the end of<br />

the day ...<br />

** The Best Clean and Shine EVERY TIME **<br />

• Rejuvenate oiled and lacquered CEDAR BLINDS<br />

• High-tech Cleaning We clean and repair all types of blinds: Venetians, Cedar,<br />

Verticals, Roller, Hollands, Roman, Austrian and Pleated - with environmentally<br />

friendly cleaning products<br />

• Water Blasting of External Sails and Awnings<br />

• Convenient Location, plenty of parking<br />

• New Blind Sales<br />

Phone 3770 770<br />

330 Cashel St, Christchurch<br />

Between Fitzgerald & Barbadoes St<br />

service@blindcare.co.nz<br />

www.blindcare.co.nz<br />

Find them at<br />

330 Cashel Street<br />

Call 3770770<br />

email:<br />

service@blindcare.co.nz<br />

or visit blindcare.co.nz

14<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


OUTLET<br />



PRICES<br />












OUTLET<br />

STORE<br />

12 MONTHS ON<br />


ANY PURCHASE OVER $499 #<br />

Images indicative only. # Credit criteria applies, ask in-store for details.<br />

Outlet Store items are over stocked, end of line, scratch & dent, ex display, ex repair items and more.

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 15<br />

JP Clinic at Shirley Library<br />

Tuesday, 10am–1pm<br />

A justice of the peace will<br />

be available to members of the<br />

community, to witness signatures<br />

and documents, certify document<br />

copies, hear oaths, declarations,<br />

affidavits or affirmations as well<br />

as sign citizenship, sponsorship or<br />

rates rebates applications. There<br />

is no charge for this service.<br />

Shirley Library, 36 Marshland<br />

Rd (by the Palms Mall)<br />

Storytimes/Wā Kōrerō<br />

Tuesday, 10.30 – 11am<br />

Encourage learning through a<br />

love for stories. Storytimes is an<br />

interactive programme including<br />

stories, songs, rhymes and play.<br />

This is a free session.<br />

New Brighton Library, 213<br />

Marine Pde and Shirley Library,<br />

36 Marshland Rd (by the Palms<br />

Mall)<br />

Babytimes/Wā Pēpi<br />

Tuesday, 11.15 – 11.45am<br />

Encourage learning through<br />

language. Babytimes is an<br />

interactive programme including<br />

rhymes, songs, stories and play.<br />

This is a free session.<br />

Aranui Library, 109 Aldershot St<br />

Scrabble Club<br />

Tuesday, 1.30–2.30pm<br />

Enjoy Scrabble? Go along to the<br />

Email sophie.cornish@starmedia.kiwi<br />

by 5pm each Friday<br />

library for a friendly game or two<br />

with other like-minded folk.<br />

Parklands Library, 46<br />

Queenspark Drive<br />

Harry Potter Fun Day<br />

Tuesday, 3.30– 4.30pm<br />

Go along to the library and<br />

celebrate the works of J.K<br />

Rowling, and the literary life<br />

of Harry Potter and friends.<br />

Suitable for ages six to 12. Listen<br />

to a reading from the Harry<br />

Potter series, followed by a wand<br />

making craft activity. Subscribe<br />

to the Harry Potter Fun Day<br />

at Parklands Library Facebook<br />

event.<br />

Parklands Library, 46<br />

Queenspark Drive<br />

Reading to dogs<br />

Tuesday, 3.30 – 4.30pm<br />

Designed to provide a relaxed,<br />

non-threatening atmosphere<br />

which encourages children to<br />

practise their reading skills<br />

and develop a love of reading.<br />

The programme uses dogs who<br />

are the beloved pets of the city<br />

council’s animal management<br />

team. These furry friends have<br />

all been trained and tested for<br />

health, safety and temperament.<br />

The dogs can increase a child’s<br />

relaxation while reading, listen<br />

attentively, do not laugh, judge<br />

or criticise, allow children to<br />

proceed at their own pace and<br />

can be less intimidating than a<br />

child’s peers. Library staff and<br />

a dog handler will be present<br />

at all times to help facilitate the<br />

sessions. Sessions are 15min long.<br />

Shirley Library, 36 Marshland<br />

Rd (by the Palms Mall)<br />

Parklands Book Club<br />

Wednesday, 11am – noon<br />

Love sharing your favourite<br />

reads and discovering your next<br />

one? Go and join other book<br />

lovers in friendly, relaxed library<br />

environment. No bookings<br />

required.<br />

Parklands Library, 46<br />

Queenspark Drive<br />

Rocket Club<br />

Wednesday, 3.30 – 4.30pm<br />

Rocket Club is a weekly afterschool<br />

programme which runs<br />

during term time. All whanau<br />

are welcome to join the club and<br />

become involved in different<br />

activities based on local and<br />

current events in a fun learning<br />

environment. Homework help is<br />

available during this time. Free to<br />

attend and no bookings required.<br />

Aranui Library, 109 Aldershot St<br />

CV drop-in<br />

Thursday, 10am–11.30am<br />

A librarian will be on hand to<br />

assist customers who are needing<br />

help with their resume. You will<br />

be offered guidance on creating,<br />

updating, and editing your CV.<br />

New Brighton Library, 213<br />

Marine Pde<br />

Cards Club<br />

Friday, 1.30-3.30pm<br />

The weekly card club is on<br />

every Friday, go along and<br />

join the fun. Free, no bookings<br />

required.<br />

Shirley Library, 36 Marshland<br />

Rd (by the Palms Shopping<br />

Centre).<br />

Barrier Free Computing<br />

Saturday, 10am-noon<br />

Barrier Free Computing<br />

provided by Computer for Special<br />

Needs Trust is an organisation<br />

that offers assistance with<br />

Go along and learn how robots<br />

work. Robotics is a six-week<br />

course starting on Thursday,<br />

3.30-4.30pm. Using mBots, you<br />

will learn how robots work and<br />

how to programme one to use<br />

sensors to complete a set of<br />

challenges. The course is at<br />

the New Brighton Library, 213<br />

Marine Pde. Bookings essential<br />

– places are limited. For ages<br />

eight-12 years. $20 per child.<br />

using computers for people<br />

experiencing disability in a<br />

friendly and supportive setting.<br />

Their tutors will be on hand<br />

to help beginners as well as<br />

provide assistance with emailing,<br />

accessing the internet, playing<br />

games, researching a homework<br />

assignment, and literacy or<br />

numeracy development. There<br />

is also the opportunity for<br />

socialising with others with<br />

similar interests. Standard library<br />

copying costs apply. Free.<br />

New Brighton Library, 213<br />

Marine Pde<br />

New Brighton Seaside Market<br />

Saturday, 10am-2pm<br />

Held in the Brighton Mall<br />

every Saturday, there will be<br />

bakery, clothing, vegetables,<br />

crafts of all kinds and food stalls,<br />

face painting, entertainment,<br />

just across the road from the<br />

beach and the new children’s<br />

playground. Free event.<br />

New Brighton Pedestrian Mall,<br />

cnr Marine Pde and Beresford St,<br />

New Brighton<br />

? At Turners Hamilton<br />

ar. Whatever the age,<br />

. Dive it in, or tow it in,<br />

ake you an offer.<br />

you a cheque.<br />

buy now<br />

no auction - no haggling<br />

just bargains<br />


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OR<br />


SOLD<br />




Not everyone loves an auction,<br />

but everyone loves a bargain.<br />

“Buy Now” cars and that’s exactly what they are.<br />

With Buy Now the price is on the window<br />

and what you see is what you pay.<br />

vehicles priced from<br />

$2,000 to $50,000<br />

extremely competitive pricing<br />

trade-ins welcome<br />

on site finance available<br />

(subject to conditions)<br />

Come down to Turners and look at our huge range<br />

of cars for sale.<br />

open 7 days & late nights<br />

Decide what car best suits you and your budget.<br />

(monday and thursday until 7.30pm)<br />

NO hassles, NO AUCTION, just pay the sticker price.<br />

1 Detroit Place, Christchurch.<br />

Ph 03-343-9850<br />

finance enquiries<br />

les 027 355 5585 donna 027 652 2295<br />

Turners has introduced ‘Buy Now’ cars, and that’s exactly what they<br />

are – Buy Now. No auction, no haggling, just a bargain.<br />

That price on the window? What you see is what you pay. And it<br />

visit www.turners.co.nz<br />

includes registration, a current<br />

for<br />

warrant and on-road costs.<br />

more details<br />

So what are you waiting for? Come in and Buy Now, right now!<br />

1<br />

2<br />

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Drive away in your new car<br />

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16 Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />


26th August <strong>2018</strong><br />

10am – 3pm<br />

Air Force Museum, Wigram<br />

Tickets only $20<br />

available on the door<br />


“we will beat any competitors written quote”

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 17<br />


Addressed to impress<br />

53 Marama Crescent, St Andrews Hill/Mt Pleasant<br />

Auction: Thursday, 16 August <strong>2018</strong>, unless sold prior<br />

4 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms | 3 toilets | 2 living rooms | 1 dining room |<br />

2 car-garage | 4 off-street parks | Listing #SM0048<br />

Simply impressive both inside and out,<br />

this pristine property presents like new, is<br />

impeccably crafted and boasts spectacular<br />

sweeping views over the water in an ideal<br />

north-facing aspect.<br />

Situated on the lower slopes of St Andrews<br />

Hill where homes are tightly held and seldom<br />

relinquished, this is your chance to own a<br />

modern, stylish and wonderfully warm slice<br />

of sophistication in a highly sought-after dress<br />

circle location.<br />

Superb sea views provide the backdrop to<br />

everyday living on the top floor with the open<br />

plan interconnecting living areas hosting a<br />

well-proportioned dining space and lounge.<br />

The contemporary kitchen with granite<br />

benchtops strikes the perfect balance between<br />

form and function with servery windows<br />

allowing you to arrange outdoor meals with<br />

ease.<br />

Sliding stacking doors on each level promote<br />

fantastic indoor/outdoor access to the extensive<br />

Kwila decking and aggregate patios where you<br />

can entertain al fresco, while admiring the<br />

manicured gardens and flat lawns which are<br />

superbly landscaped by Texture Plants.<br />

An additional living area on the ground<br />

floor offers excellent flexibility for families<br />

and ensures you can cater to any occasion<br />

while four bedrooms are serviced by two<br />

bathrooms, the master with an ensuite, walk-in<br />

wardrobe and outdoor access. The practicality<br />

of bedrooms and bathrooms on both levels<br />

widens the appeal with every room having<br />

their own views.<br />

Further notable features include a double<br />

garage with over-height doors, ample offstreet<br />

parking, under-deck storage, network<br />

wiring throughout, outdoor speakers, security<br />

cameras and secure boat or caravan parking.<br />

Proximity to the waterfront and various<br />

restaurants and amenities including in-zone Mt<br />

Pleasant School (Decile 10) assures convenience<br />

and underpins your investment, while you’ll<br />

feel peacefully removed from the bustle, you’re<br />

only a 15-minute drive from the central city.<br />

Intimate sea views, an admired address and<br />

ease of living are offered at this immaculate<br />

and elegantly styled residence which is sure to<br />

attract your attention with all that the Port Hills<br />

has to offer right on your back door.<br />

The home is warmed by a gas fire which is<br />

complemented by under-tile heating, ducted<br />

air conditioning but most likely only required<br />

to cool this incredibly warm and special home.<br />

Only available due to owners of 24 years<br />

undergoing a total lifestyle change.<br />

This has to be one of our best offerings to<br />

date so don’t just take our word for it as this<br />

will not last. This property is up for auction on<br />

the 16th August but may be sold prior as our<br />

owners have purchased. Immediate viewing is<br />

recommended.<br />

Open Homes – Wednesdays 5-6pm,<br />

Saturdays and Sundays 2-3pm.<br />

See you at the open homes or for a private<br />

viewing or for more information contact<br />

Alison Carter of Harcourts Grenadier<br />

Ferrymead (Licensed Agent REAA 2008) on<br />

384 7950 or mobile 0274 <strong>31</strong>8 960.<br />

growing with you June <strong>2018</strong> | 100%<br />

Plants For<br />

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Cool Choices<br />

For Colour<br />

& Contrast<br />

From swamp<br />

to sea views<br />

The journey<br />

begins with sarah<br />

the Gardener<br />

$7.90 incl. GST<br />

Snap it up<br />

Enter our annual<br />

Birdlife Photo<br />

Competition to win<br />

great prizes!<br />

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Why groWing<br />

indoor PLAnTs is<br />

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from gArLic<br />

To chinese<br />

ArTichokes,<br />

We hAve your<br />

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covered<br />

the latest releases<br />

into the rose world<br />

+ rose care<br />

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The magazine for<br />

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their hands dirty<br />


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*6 issues/6 months<br />


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Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

Reporter<br />

The successful candidate will need to have a proven track record, be<br />

competitive, have a good knowledge of Christchurch and the people who<br />

make up our dynamic city.<br />

But most of all you will need to be prepared to go the extra mile to get<br />

the story that counts, be resilient and have the personality to work in a fast<br />

paced newsroom, and be a team player.<br />

Video experience would be an advantage.<br />

The successful applicant will need to have a full New Zealand driver licence.<br />

The position will be filled when the right applicant is found.<br />

Star Media is a division of Allied Press, publisher of the Otago Daily Times<br />

and a number of other South Island newspapers.<br />

Star Media is seeking an<br />

experienced reporter to<br />

join its award winning<br />

newsroom.<br />

If you think you have what it takes to be part of a progressive<br />

company and competitive newsroom send your CV to:<br />

Editor in Chief Barry Clarke barry@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Page 3 Page 13<br />

Li ter library<br />

Problem areas for li ter<br />

revealed<br />

Surf club move<br />

New Brighton surf club opts<br />

to rebuild on new site<br />

TUESDAY, APRIL 10, <strong>2018</strong> www.star.kiwi<br />

Loca ly Owned<br />

jo<br />

hayes<br />

christchurch east<br />

Ca l to make an<br />

a pointment<br />

P: 384 9459<br />

www.national.org.nz<br />

Authorised by Jo Hayes<br />

Unit 6/950 Fe ry Road, Christchurch<br />

• By Sophie Cornish<br />

WORKSAFE NEW Zealand<br />

has b en a proached in a bid to<br />

fina ly repair the potholes in New<br />

Brighton’s Hawke St car park.<br />

Coastal-Burw od Ward city<br />

counci lor David East wants<br />

WorkSafe to pre sure the car<br />

park’s private owners into<br />

repairing the potholes which are<br />

a “trip and vehicle” hazard.<br />

WorkSafe chief inspector<br />

a se sment southern Da ren<br />

Handforth said it may be able to<br />

take action under the Health and<br />

Safety at Work Act 2015, “as a<br />

person conducting a busine s or<br />

undertaking.”<br />

Mr Handforth said WorkSafe<br />

is aware of the concerns raised by<br />

Cr East abou the car park.<br />

“WorkSafe has completed<br />

an a se sment visi to the site<br />

and is engaging with the owner<br />

to advise them that it is their<br />

responsibility to manage their<br />

risks a propriately.”<br />

Different parts of the car park<br />

are owned by various people<br />

and the Coastal-Burw od<br />

Community Board recently<br />

wrote to them about its concerns<br />

around health and safety.<br />

Cr East said the bi gest i sue<br />

in the past has b en ge ting in<br />

touch with the landlords and<br />

owners and ge ting them to<br />

agr e to anything. “The board<br />

a preciates that multi-ownership<br />

of the parking space may present<br />

a difficulty in co-ordinating<br />

repair/resurfacing but felt obliged<br />

to pa s these concerns onto you,”<br />

said the le ter.<br />

One reply has b en received so<br />

far from an owner who is wi ling<br />

to discu s the i sue. However, a l<br />

the owners would have to agr e<br />

to undertake work.<br />

Cr East said there had b en<br />

a “number of incidences” in<br />

the car park of people injuring<br />

themselves whic had gone<br />

unreported.<br />

“I’ve always though that it<br />

has b en quite amazing that we<br />

haven’t had any serious a cidents<br />

or senior citizens perhaps<br />

tri ping in those potholes and<br />

doing themselve some damage.”<br />

He is confiden the new<br />

a proach wi l bring results.<br />

“I think the WorkSafe<br />

involvement may prove to be the<br />

lever that we are l oking for.”<br />

New bid to fix potholes<br />

Action looms<br />

on Hawke St<br />

car park<br />

HAZARD: Coastal-Burw od Ward city counci lor David East wants WorkSafe New Zealand to put pre sure on the Hawke St car<br />

park owners to fix the dangerous potholes. PHOTO: GILBERT WEA LEANS<br />

Ph 3 7 0 70,<br />

30 Cashel St,<br />

Christchurch<br />

Restore your oiled CEDAR BLINDS with ou re-oiling service.<br />

Rejuvenate your lacquered CEDAR BLINDS<br />

High-tech Cleaning<br />

We clean and repair a l types of blinds –<br />

Venetians, Cedar, Verticals, Ro ler, Ho lands,<br />

Romans and Pleated – with environmenta ly<br />

friendly cleaning products.<br />

Temperature Contro led Drying<br />

Re-oiling & Rejuvenating<br />

Fabric Blinds - such as Austrian and Roman<br />

Same Day Pick Up & Drop O f<br />

We o fer a same-day, pick up an drop o f<br />

service for mos types of blinds. B okings<br />

are required.<br />

Convenient Location<br />

Drop blinds into us by 9am, at<br />

30 Cashel Str et (near the<br />

Fitzgerald end), and co lect<br />

them a th end of the day.<br />

New Blind Sales Priced from $30<br />


Mon - Fri<br />

8. 0am to 5. 0pm<br />

Ro ler Blinds cleaned<br />

from as li tle as $20<br />

per blind<br />

www.blindcare.co.nz SCAN QR code for Info ><br />

BLINDS .Cleaned, Repaired & Restored .<br />

Land size<br />

Garage<br />

Bedr om<br />

Carport<br />

Bathr om<br />

Car pad<br />

Lounge<br />

Boat pad<br />

Dining<br />

P ol<br />

Toilet<br />

Te nis court<br />

Shower Study<br />

2.5<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

850m<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14<br />

Land size<br />

Garage<br />

Bedr om<br />

Carport<br />

Bathr om<br />

Car pad<br />

Lounge<br />

Boat pad<br />

Dining<br />

P ol<br />

Toilet<br />

Te nis court<br />

Shower Study<br />

2.5<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

850m<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14<br />

Land size<br />

Garage<br />

Bedr om<br />

Carport<br />

Bathr om<br />

Car pad<br />

Lounge<br />

Boat pad<br />

Dining<br />

P ol<br />

Toilet<br />

Te nis court<br />

Shower Study<br />

2.5<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

850m<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14<br />

Land size<br />

Garage<br />

Bedr om<br />

Carport<br />

Bathr om<br />

Car pad<br />

Lounge<br />

Boat pad<br />

Dining<br />

P ol<br />

Toilet<br />

Te nis court<br />

Shower Study<br />

2.5<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

850m<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14<br />

Page 3 Page 5<br />

Cartwright steps downs<br />

Community board chairman<br />

stays true to his word<br />

P ol plans for Edgeware<br />

Designs for ind or learner’s<br />

p ol revealed<br />

TUESDAY, APRIL 10, <strong>2018</strong> www.star.kiwi<br />

Loca ly Owned<br />

www.denturesouth.co.nz<br />

call 332 4004 TexT 027 537 0567<br />

230 BarringTon sTreeT<br />

Mobile<br />

Service<br />

Available<br />

• By Sophie Cornish<br />

THE ST Andrew’s Co lege big<br />

band had extra incentive to<br />

win a the National Youth Ja z<br />

Competition – ba s player, Tom<br />

Fastier, co lapsed an died the<br />

day before the competition<br />

began.<br />

“Tom was a ba s player from<br />

Cashmere High Sch ol who was<br />

playing with our big band this<br />

year. He had a strong chance of<br />

wi ning best ba s player a the<br />

festival as he was a very a complished<br />

musician,” head of music<br />

Duncan Ferguson said.<br />

“We were delighted to win, but<br />

it was bi tersw et,” he said.<br />

St Andrew’s won the most<br />

outstanding big band title a the<br />

competition in Tauranga.<br />

The ban dedicated it se to<br />

Tom, who died while on his way<br />

to Cashmere High on March 27.<br />

His death was po sibly related to<br />

a medical event.<br />

•Turn to page 9<br />

SW ET SOUNDS: St Andrew’s Co lege year 12 students Lewis Edmond and Je na We ls performing a the 41st National Youth<br />

Ja z Competition.<br />

Bittersweet win for St Andrew’s big band<br />

• By Sophie Cornish and Julia Evans<br />

THE PAPANUI-I nes<br />

Community Board has taken the<br />

rare step of starting a petition<br />

to figh the city council over<br />

funding.<br />

Signatures are being co lected<br />

in a bid to get funding for a community<br />

facility in Shirley.<br />

It comes after the city council<br />

removed funding for the centre<br />

pla ned for Shirley Rd, near the<br />

intersection with Hi ls Rd. This<br />

was the site of the former community<br />

centre, which was badly<br />

damaged in the February 2,<br />

20 1, earthquake.<br />

The removal o funding<br />

prompted community board<br />

chairwoman Ali Jones to threaten<br />

to stan down, citing it as her “die<br />

in the ditch” project.<br />

Ms Jone said the board’s role<br />

is to represen the community,<br />

and by gathering signatures from<br />

residents, it was fulfi ling that<br />

role.<br />

“One of the roles of a community<br />

board is to represent and act<br />

as advocate for the interests of its<br />

community and this is what we<br />

are doing. The LTP and a nual<br />

plans are a l about lo bying the<br />

council.”<br />

•Turn to page 5<br />

Board<br />

launches<br />

petition<br />

to get new<br />

community<br />

facility<br />

Ph 3 7 0 70,<br />

30 Cashel St,<br />

Christchurch<br />

Restore your oiled CEDAR BLINDS with ou re-oiling service.<br />

Rejuvenate your lacquered CEDAR BLINDS<br />

High-tech Cleaning<br />

We clean and repair a l types of blinds –<br />

Venetians, Cedar, Verticals, Ro ler, Ho lands,<br />

Romans and Pleated – with environmenta ly<br />

friendly cleaning products.<br />

Temperature Contro led Drying<br />

Re-oiling & Rejuvenating<br />

Fabric Blinds - such as Austrian and Roman<br />

Same Day Pick Up & Drop O f<br />

We o fer a same-day, pick up an drop o f<br />

service for mos types of blinds. B okings<br />

are required.<br />

Convenient Location<br />

Drop blinds into us by 9am, at<br />

30 Cashel Str et (near the<br />

Fitzgerald end), and co lect<br />

them a th end of the day.<br />

New Blind Sales Priced from $30<br />


Mon - Fri<br />

8. 0am to 5. 0pm<br />

Ro ler Blinds cleaned<br />

from as li tle as $20<br />

per blind<br />

www.blindcare.co.nz SCAN QR code for Info ><br />

BLINDS .Cleaned, Repaired & Restored .<br />

Grenadier Real Estate Ltd MREINZ is a Licensed Agent Under the Real Estate Agents Act 2 08<br />

Alistair Hazeldine<br />

Mobile: 027 572 1 5 | Phone: 0 384 7950<br />

Email: alistair.hazeldine@harcourts.co.nz<br />

w.harcourtsfe rymead.co.nz<br />

MAgic on clifton<br />

Mobile: 021 353 280 | Phone: 0 384 7950<br />

Email: joy.butel@harcourts.co.nz<br />

Joy Butel AREINZ - Dip.R.E.<br />

Four Seasons Realty<br />

Grenadier Fe rymead<br />

TEAM<br />

BUTEL<br />

20 Tuawera Te race, Clifton Hi l - $980, 0 3 2 2 2<br />

Phone: 03 384 6540<br />

183 Dyers Rd, Bromley • OPEN 7 DAYS<br />

W ekdays 7.30am-5pm. W ekends 8.30am-3pm<br />

www.dyersroadandlandscapes.co.nz<br />

Dyers Road Landscape<br />

& Garden Supplies<br />

• Barks • Peastraw • Composts - we su ply the best available<br />

• A gregates - Chip, Round and Basecourse<br />

• Pavers & Schist products • Pungas<br />

• Decorative Stones & Landscaping Rocks<br />

• Trailer Hire first hour fr e with purchase<br />

• Bag & Bulk - pick up or delivered<br />

David, Carol & Mike<br />

We wi l deliver!<br />

SOIL<br />

AND<br />



Page 3 Page 5<br />

Traffic plan at The Brae<br />

Bid to ease traffic on busy,<br />

na row str et<br />

New pi za joint<br />

Fire and Slice fina ly se to<br />

open in Sumner<br />

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 <strong>2018</strong> www.star.kiwi<br />

Loca ly Owned<br />



Alison Carter<br />

P: 384 7950 M: 0274 <strong>31</strong>8 960<br />

E: alison.carter@harcourts.co.nz<br />

Your local<br />

hi l and<br />

seaside<br />

specialist.<br />

• By Gordon Findlater<br />

DEAN CALVERT (above)<br />

returned from the United<br />

Kingdom last w ek after<br />

ge ting closer than mos to<br />

Joseph Parker in the build up<br />

to his world heavyweigh title<br />

unification fight with Anthony<br />

Joshua in Cardiff.<br />

The former New Zealand<br />

title-holder trave led wit his<br />

father George and brother<br />

Bryce to London ahead of the<br />

fight where they spen time<br />

with Parker in the build up.<br />

Mr Calvert, 47, comes from a<br />

boxing mad family.<br />

•Turn to page 6<br />

Former champ hooks<br />

up with Parker in UK<br />

Cave Rock<br />

Apartments’<br />

owners<br />

expect EQC<br />

sign-off<br />

this week<br />

• By Sarla Donovan<br />

THE OWNERS of Sumner’s Cave<br />

Rock Apartments ar expecting the<br />

Earthquake Commi sion to sign-off<br />

on a se tlement agr emen this w ek.<br />

Body corporate chairman Mike<br />

White said the group had gone<br />

into mediation with IAG and EQC<br />

on February 20, and signed off<br />

on a deal with IAG on February<br />

2 – coincidentally seven years<br />

to the day after the February 2,<br />

20 1, earthquake. However, they<br />

are waiting for EQC to sign the<br />

agr ement.<br />

“Given that EQC actua ly drafted<br />

the agr ement, there’ l be no<br />

problem with them doing that.”<br />

The apartment suffere damage<br />

in the February and June, 20 1,<br />

earthquakes and were demolished in<br />

late 2012. In 2016, IAG’s offer of the<br />

difference betw en indemnity value,<br />

$10 mi lion, and the sum insured,<br />

$16 mi lion, was rejected by the body<br />

corporate.<br />

The mediation agr ement<br />

prevented Mr White from disclosing<br />

the settlement amount, but he said it<br />

involved the two parties paying “a bit<br />

more money than they’d wanted to<br />

earlier.”<br />

•Turn to page 6<br />

Page 7 Page 10<br />

Fishin’ for w eds<br />

Children’s event at risk if The<br />

Groynes’ lakes not cleaned up<br />

Pedaling acro s NZ<br />

Stroke survivor finishes long<br />

journey<br />

TUESDAY, APRIL 10, <strong>2018</strong> www.star.kiwi<br />

Loca ly Owned<br />

www.denturesouth.co.nz<br />

ca l 32 4 04 TexT 027 537 0567<br />

230 Ba ringTon sTr eT<br />

Mobile<br />

Service<br />

Available<br />

A NEW 60km/h sp ed limit and<br />

double ye low lines wi l be in<br />

place on Dyers Pa s Rd by early<br />

May.<br />

The sp ed limit change was<br />

a proved by the city counci last<br />

w ek.<br />

A decision to paint double yellow<br />

lines on the stretch betw en<br />

Summit Rd and the Sign of the<br />

Takahe was earlier made by the<br />

Spreydon-Cashmere Community<br />

Board.<br />

Bu the Banks Peninsula Community<br />

Boar decided against<br />

ye low lines on the Summit Rd-<br />

Governors Bay section due to the<br />

road’s na rowne s and general<br />

condition.<br />

The changes are designed to try<br />

and reduce the crash rate.<br />

Insta lation of the double<br />

ye low lines, the new sp ed limit<br />

signs and raised centre line pavement<br />

markers wi l begin in mid<br />

April.<br />

The work i scheduled to take<br />

place betw en April 15-18, 2-26,<br />

29 and May 2.<br />

While the work is done, Dyers<br />

Pa s Rd wi l be closed to traffic<br />

from the Sign of the Takahe to<br />

Governors Bay betw en 7pm and<br />

6.30am.<br />

60km/h<br />

Dyers Pass<br />

speed<br />

limit from<br />

early next<br />

month<br />

• By Emily O’Co ne l<br />

A W OLSTON butcher proved<br />

to be a cut above the rest in an<br />

international competition.<br />

New World Fe ry Rd butcher<br />

Jeremy Garth and his team, the<br />

Pure South Sharp Blacks, recently<br />

came second a the World<br />

Butchers’ Cha lenge in Northern<br />

Ireland.<br />

It was the firs time Mr Garth<br />

had competed in the cha lenge<br />

and he was “rea ly proud” of<br />

how the team performed.<br />

“We produced some top quality<br />

products and came away<br />

with a g od result so we’re very<br />

ha py,” he said.<br />

The preparation for this year’s<br />

World Butchers’ Cha lenge was<br />

intense as the team members<br />

met in Auckland every two<br />

months for lengthy w ekend<br />

practices.<br />

Mr Garth, who has b en a<br />

butcher for 14 years, said the<br />

competition brought back his<br />

pa sion for the job.<br />

“Doing a l thi stuff and<br />

m eting new people, s eing new<br />

ideas, it just brings that flair<br />

back for you,” he said.<br />

Mr Gart hopes t own a<br />

butcher shop of his own someday<br />

but says for now he wi l focus<br />

on ge ting mor experience<br />

and on the 2020 cha lenge.<br />

“In two years’ time, we’ l be<br />

going back to try and win the<br />

title,” he said.<br />

U per Ri carton butcher Corey<br />

Winder was part of the Pure<br />

South Sharp Blacks team.<br />

GLOBAL STAGE: W olston butcher Jeremy Garth back home after his team came second in the World Butchers’ Cha lenge.<br />


From New World Ferry Rd<br />

to second in the<br />

world<br />

Ph 3 7 0 70,<br />

30 Cashel St,<br />

Christchurch<br />

Restore your oiled CEDAR BLINDS with our re-oiling service.<br />

Rejuvenate your lacquered CEDAR BLINDS<br />

High-tech Cleaning<br />

We clean and repair a l types of blinds –<br />

Venetians, Cedar, Verticals, Ro ler, Ho lands,<br />

Romans and Pleated – with environmenta ly<br />

friendly cleaning products.<br />

Temperature Contro led Drying<br />

Re-oiling & Rejuvenating<br />

Fabric Blinds - such as Austrian and Roman<br />

Same Day Pick Up & Drop O f<br />

We o fer a same-day, pick up an drop o f<br />

service for mos types of blinds. B okings<br />

are required.<br />

Convenient Location<br />

Drop blinds into us by 9am, at<br />

30 Cashel Str et (near the<br />

Fitzgerald end), and co lect<br />

them a th end of the day.<br />

New Blind Sales Priced from $30<br />


Mon - Fri<br />

8. 0am to 5. 0pm<br />

Roller Blinds cleaned<br />

from as li tle as $20<br />

per blind<br />

www.blindcare.co.nz SCAN QR code for Info ><br />

BLINDS .Cleaned, Repaired & Restored .<br />

Page 3 Pages 10 & 13<br />

Cyclist’s helipad bid<br />

Serious crash gives new<br />

perspective on ride to hospital<br />

River working group<br />

Rebuilding a healthy<br />

ecosystem in the Selwyn River<br />

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, <strong>2018</strong> www.star.kiwi<br />

Loca ly Owned<br />

June 29 - <strong>July</strong> 1<br />


vanessa.fleming@starmedia.kiwi<br />

021 914 565<br />

• By Georgia O’Co nor-Harding<br />

A CRACKDOWN on mobile<br />

traders acro s the districts could<br />

be l oming.<br />

However, the public has li tle<br />

interest in having input into the<br />

i sue.<br />

Only eight submi sions were<br />

received for a potential bylaw<br />

aimed at regulating commercial<br />

activities in public places.<br />

The district council wi l be<br />

holding a hearing for the Public<br />

Places Bylaw and Policy on Commercial<br />

Activities and Events in<br />

Public Places.<br />

A hearing i scheduled to be<br />

held on Thursday.<br />

The bylaw comes as an increasing<br />

number of mobile traders<br />

are s eking t operate in Selwyn,<br />

especia ly during the summer<br />

months.<br />

In the past year, the district<br />

council has received five inquiries<br />

about se ting up a mobile busine s<br />

on private or public land.<br />

A report said there are two<br />

str et operators in Darfield, a<br />

coff e cart is parked beside the<br />

railway in Ro leston, and a pi za<br />

cart visits Lincoln w ekly betw en<br />

September-May along with a Thai<br />

f od truck.<br />

•Turn to page 7<br />

Mobile<br />

traders<br />

could<br />

face<br />

regulation<br />

Pupils learn about role of war horses<br />

GR ENDALE SCHOOL pupils<br />

have taken a step back in time,<br />

s eing first hand what men and<br />

horses l oked like during war.<br />

The New Zealand Mounted<br />

Rifles Charitable Trust president<br />

Mark A pleton and member<br />

Mike Donaldson t ok their<br />

horses to the sch ol on Monday,<br />

in a bid to educate pupils on the<br />

sacrifice their ancestors made in<br />

World War 1 and World War 2.<br />

Mr A pleton and Mr Donaldson<br />

a rived a the sch ol dre sed<br />

in World War 1 uniforms while<br />

their horses Tommy and Kruze<br />

wore 1 0-year-old sa dles donated<br />

to the trust.<br />

The presentation is a prelude<br />

to the Gr endale Recreation Reserve<br />

Management Commi t e’s<br />

upcoming Anzac Day service.<br />

As a tribute to those who<br />

served, members of the trust wi l<br />

ride horseback to the service.<br />

Mr A pleton said it was<br />

important children were<br />

educated on what soldiers<br />

wen through during World<br />

War 1 and World War 2.<br />

But he said the presentation<br />

didn’t go into t o much detail<br />

and was more of a “show and<br />

te l” to make them aware of what<br />

the soldiers l oked like.<br />

Children were shown the type<br />

of kits horses were required to<br />

wear in the war.<br />

•Turn to page 7<br />

• By Georgia O’Co nor-Harding<br />

HISTORY: Pupils have taken a step back in time learning about what<br />

New Zealand soldiers and horses l oked like in World War 1. Abi P oler,<br />

5, sits on Kruze, alongside Mounted Rifles Charitable Trust president<br />

Mark A pleton. PHOTO: MARTIN HUNTER<br />

New sections<br />

selling now<br />

There’s no be ter place to se tle out wes than at Falcon’s Landing. Pop in to our sales and<br />

information office, 17 Branthwaite Drive, this Thursday, Friday or Sunday from 1pm to 3pm<br />

to find out more. Contact us on 03 741 1340 or mail enquiries@yoursection.nz anytime.<br />

Page 3 Page 5<br />

Driver hazard?<br />

Community board member<br />

blasts Yaldhurst Rd island<br />

Mega centre f edback<br />

Denton Park a tracts more<br />

submi sions than Cathedral<br />

TUESDAY, APRIL 10, <strong>2018</strong> www.star.kiwi<br />

Loca ly Owned<br />

www.denturesouth.co.nz<br />

ca l 32 4 04 TexT 027 537 0567<br />

230 Ba ringTon sTr eT<br />

Mobile<br />

Service<br />

Available<br />

• By Emily O’Co ne l<br />

AN U PER Ri carton butcher<br />

has proven himself to be a cut<br />

above his Au sie rivals at an<br />

international competition.<br />

Elite Meats owner Corey<br />

Winder was named in the a l<br />

star team a the World Butchers’<br />

Cha lenge in Northern Ireland.<br />

Mr Winder and his team, the<br />

Pure South Sharp Blacks, which<br />

includes W olston butcher<br />

Jeremy Garth, finished second<br />

in the competition.<br />

He said the cha lenge started<br />

as a “transtasman test match”<br />

seven years ago.<br />

The preparation for this<br />

year’s World Butchers’ Challenge<br />

was intense as the team<br />

members met in Auckland<br />

every two months for lengthy<br />

w ekend practices. Mr Winder<br />

said coming second against 1<br />

other countries was a “fantastic”<br />

result.<br />

“To get second behind Ireland<br />

was a huge achievement and to<br />

be ahead of Australia is an<br />

even bi ger thing for us,” he<br />

said.<br />

But Mr Winder admires the<br />

Australian team.<br />

“Those guys over there<br />

[Australia] are on top of their<br />

game, they do a g od job,” he<br />

said.<br />

“And it just showcases that<br />

New Zealand has got some<br />

of the best butchers in the<br />

world,” he said.<br />

Mr Winder has b en a butcher<br />

since the age of 19.<br />

Elite butcher cut above the world<br />

• By Emily O’Co ne l<br />

THE HALSWE L-Hornby-<br />

Ri carton Community Board<br />

has b en given the gr en ligh to<br />

o pose the pla ned qua ry near<br />

Templeton.<br />

Mayor Lia ne Dalziel told the<br />

board on Thursday it had the okay<br />

from the city council to make a<br />

submi sion if Fulton Hogan a plies<br />

for a resource consen to create a<br />

qua ry.<br />

Board chairman Mike Mora<br />

told Western News the submi sion<br />

would likely o pose Fulton Hogan’s<br />

plan.<br />

“You can just about guarant e<br />

it . because we [the community<br />

board] don’t believe qua ries<br />

should be so close to residential<br />

areas,” he said.<br />

Mr Mora said he wasn’t sure if<br />

the city council would endorse the<br />

board’ submi sion.<br />

“I’d like to think so because the<br />

city council has had their eyes<br />

open as we l ove recent years over<br />

the crysta line silica risk,” he said.<br />

Mr Mora said the community<br />

board wi l be “representing and<br />

advocating” for the Templeton<br />

community.<br />

•Turn to page 5<br />

Community<br />

board get<br />

permission<br />

to oppose<br />

Templeton<br />

quarry<br />

AWARD-WI NING: Corey Winder is back home after his team came second in the World Butchers’ Cha lenge .<br />


Ph 3 7 0 70,<br />

30 Cashel St,<br />

Christchurch<br />

Restore your oiled CEDAR BLINDS with ou re-oiling service.<br />

Rejuvenate your lacquered CEDAR BLINDS<br />

High-tech Cleaning<br />

We clean and repair a l types of blinds –<br />

Venetians, Cedar, Verticals, Ro ler, Ho lands,<br />

Romans and Pleated – with environmenta ly<br />

friendly cleaning products.<br />

Temperature Contro led Drying<br />

Re-oiling & Rejuvenating<br />

Fabric Blinds - such as Austrian and Roman<br />

Same Day Pick Up & Drop O f<br />

We o fer a same-day, pick up an drop o f<br />

service for mos types of blinds. B okings<br />

are required.<br />

Convenient Location<br />

Drop blinds into us by 9am, at<br />

30 Cashel Str et (near the<br />

Fitzgerald end), and co lect<br />

them a th end of the day.<br />

New Blind Sales Priced from $30<br />


Mon - Fri<br />

8. 0am to 5. 0pm<br />

Ro ler Blinds cleaned<br />

from as li tle as $20<br />

per blind<br />

www.blindcare.co.nz SCAN QR code for Info ><br />

BLINDS .Cleaned, Repaired & Restored .<br />

Pip Su ton BCM (Marketing)<br />

Residential Sales & Development<br />

Specialist - Licens e Salesperson<br />

Next Step Realty Limited<br />

Licensed (RE A 2 08)<br />

Your best choice<br />

in the West<br />

Mobile: 027 24 9524<br />

DI: 03 421 8417<br />

Email: pip.su ton@raywhite.com<br />

$ 40<br />

T Y R E S<br />

LTD<br />

New Tyres - Ba teries<br />

Quality Secondhand Tyres<br />

Discounts on sets of tyres<br />

LOOK<br />

Used tyres from<br />

FR E PICK UP & DELIVERY (in local area)<br />

Ph 348 0626<br />

9 Main South Rd (cnr Wa ts Rd), Sockburn<br />

T Y<br />

Quality Secondhand Tyres<br />

Discounts on sets of tyres<br />

A l at very competitive prices<br />

$ 70<br />

155<br />

x 13<br />

AA<br />

Discounts<br />

8047287 A<br />

8214716 A<br />

LOOK<br />

New tyres from<br />

5<br />

• By Bridget Rutherford<br />

IT COULD be some time before<br />

charges are laid in relation to the<br />

fatal hit-and-run in Dallington.<br />

Detective Senior Sergeant Greg<br />

Cottam said yesterday the vehicle<br />

involved in the crash last week<br />

was still being examined.<br />

He said there was still a lot of<br />

work to do to gather all the information<br />

and finish police inquiries<br />

before any charges would be laid.<br />

“They can take some time,” he<br />

said.<br />

“We’ve got six months to lay<br />

charges in relation to traffic offending<br />

– it certainly won’t take<br />

that long.”<br />

Steffan Pearce-<br />

Loe (right), 30, was<br />

hit by a vehicle<br />

near the Gayhurst<br />

Rd bridge while<br />

walking his dogs at<br />

about 2.30am last<br />

Thursday.<br />

He died in hospital<br />

from his injuries on Friday.<br />

His funeral was held on Tuesday.<br />

Police found the vehicle<br />

involved, which had damage<br />

consistent with the crash, on Saturday.<br />

A detective saw it parked<br />

up a driveway.<br />

The vehicle’s owner, who was<br />

driving, has been interviewed by<br />

police.<br />

Detective Senior Sergeant Cottam<br />

remained tight-lipped about<br />

the driver. •Turn to page 6<br />

Decision on<br />

hit-and-run<br />

charges<br />

could<br />

take time<br />

Thursday, <strong>July</strong> 12, <strong>2018</strong><br />

SEE PAGE 33 SEE PAGE 35<br />

Cheeky<br />

Neo<br />

surprises<br />

Huia<br />


Huia Sinclair-Parker, 10, was at<br />

Willowbank Wildlife Reserve<br />

for Kidfest’s ‘Junior Keeper<br />

for the Day’ programme<br />

yesterday when Neo<br />

swooped in.<br />

Having Neo, the kea, on her<br />

shoulder was exciting, “but<br />

scary at the same time.”<br />

“It jumped on me from behind<br />

and gave me a surprise. They<br />

have sharp claws that dug<br />

into my shoulders.”<br />

Children aged from 10-13 are<br />

working with Willowbank<br />

keepers during the holidays.<br />

Trades & Services<br />

cleaning<br />

Need somethiNg<br />

CleaNed?<br />

Call us Now: 03 390 1223<br />

or 0800 90 1223<br />

info@3plestar.nz | www.3plestar.nz<br />

✓ Professional office cleaning<br />

✓ Commercial cleaning<br />

✓ End of tenancy cleaning<br />

✓ Steam carpet cleaning<br />

Experienced and trusted team<br />

Commercial and Residential<br />

cleaning<br />


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• Coloursteel • Old iron • Guttering<br />

Locally owned & operated with<br />

over 30 years experience.<br />


Phone Dave 981 0278<br />

or 021 223 4200<br />

E: dave@beaumontroofing.co.nz<br />

• General<br />

gardening<br />

• Ride on service<br />

• Weeding and<br />

clearing<br />

• Hedge trimming<br />

• Tree pruning<br />

and removals<br />

• Fully insured<br />

• Section<br />

clearing/<br />

maintenance<br />

• Free quotes<br />

• Security<br />

checked<br />

and<br />

satisfaction<br />

guaranteed<br />

green acres<br />

Lawn &<br />

garden care<br />

0800 803 200<br />

www.greenacres.co.nz<br />

Caravans, Motorhomes<br />

& Traliers<br />

CARAVAN Wanted to<br />

buy. Up to $5000 cash<br />

today 027 488-5284.<br />

CARAVAN Wanted to<br />

buy. Up to $5000 cash<br />

today 027 488-5284.<br />

Community Events<br />


ANONYMOUS, If you<br />

want to have a drink that’s<br />

your business. If you want<br />

to stop, we can help. Phone<br />

0800 229-6757<br />

Computers<br />

ALL<br />

YOUR<br />



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Gardening<br />

& Supplies<br />



UP? Shrub, hedge &<br />

tree pruning, Lawns,<br />

Gardening,<br />

consistently<br />

reliable general property<br />

upkeep, Dip. Hort. 10<br />

yrs experience, One off<br />

tidy ups or on-going<br />

service. Nick’s Property<br />

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Holiday<br />

Accommodation<br />

AAA Buying goods<br />

quality furniture, beds,<br />

stoves, washing machines,<br />

fridge freezers. Same day<br />

service. Selwyn Dealers.<br />

Phone 980 5812 or 027<br />

<strong>31</strong>3 8156<br />

TOOLS<br />

Garden,<br />

garage,<br />

woodworking,<br />

mechanical, engineering,<br />

sawbenches, lathes, cash<br />

buyer, ph 355-2045<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

style<br />

noun<br />

elegance and sophistication.<br />

synonyms: flair, grace, poise, polish, suaveness,<br />

urbanity, chic, finesse, taste, class, comfort,<br />

luxury, affluence, wealth, opulence, lavishness.<br />



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Trades & Services<br />

HOUSE<br />


Are you<br />

moving house<br />

or trying to<br />

downsize?<br />

Call All Clear<br />

Canterbury. We work<br />

with you to recycle,<br />

sell and dispose of<br />

unwanted items.<br />

Ph: 03 260 0934<br />

or 021 078 4553<br />

raewynlcooke@gmail.com<br />

www.allclearcanterbury.co.nz<br />

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Trades & Services<br />

AAA<br />


licensed<br />

carpenter<br />

LBP, all property and<br />

building<br />

maintenance,<br />

repairs, bathroom/shower<br />

installations, with free<br />

quotes 03 383 1927 or 027<br />

245 5226 ciey@xtra.co.nz<br />


For all building work<br />

but specialist in bathroom<br />

renovations, 30 yrs<br />

experience, with service<br />

and integrity. Free Quotes.<br />

Ph Lachlan 383-1723 or<br />

0274 367-067.<br />

*****************<br />


Laying. 50 Yrs exp.<br />

Repairs,<br />

uplifting,<br />

relaying,<br />

restretching.<br />

Email jflattery@xtra.co.nz<br />

ph John on 0800 003 181<br />

or 027 2407416<br />

*****************<br />


Laying. Exp Repairs,<br />

uplifting,<br />

relaying,<br />

restretching.<br />

Email<br />

jflattery@xtra.co.nz<br />

ph<br />

John on 0800 003 181 or<br />

027 2407416<br />


For electrical work, no job<br />

to small, affordable, tidy &<br />

experienced, HEATPUMP<br />

servicing, & performance<br />

test $70 + gst, ph or txt 027<br />

432 9755 or 03 326 49922<br />


All styles and shapes,<br />

gates, wooden, ph Mark<br />

0273 <strong>31</strong>3-223<br />


All aspects in painting.<br />

Very competitive in roofs<br />

and fences. Please call 027<br />

241-7471 or 335-0265<br />


& Decorating Wingfields<br />

Contracting, all interior<br />

& exterior painting & all<br />

forms of interior plastering<br />

& jib fixing, ph Mark 021<br />

171-1586 or 355-5994<br />

Trades & Services<br />


ALF<br />

THORPE<br />


Certifying<br />

Plumber for all types of<br />

plumbing,<br />

maintenance,<br />

spouting, alterations etc.<br />

Phone 352-7402 or 0274-<br />

350-2<strong>31</strong><br />


A Top Plumbing job<br />

completed at a fair price,<br />

prompt service, all work<br />

guaranteed, ph Brian 960-<br />

7673 or 021 112-3492<br />



Fully qualified, over 40<br />

yrs experience. Ph John<br />

027 432-3822 or 351-<br />

9147 email johnchmill@<br />

outlook.com<br />


Spouting<br />

Unblocked,<br />

Cleaned Out and Flushed<br />

Out. Also Full Handyman<br />

Services Available. Call<br />

Trevor 332 8949 or 021<br />

043 2034<br />


35 years exp, no job<br />

too small. Ph Ross 027<br />

4<strong>31</strong>1440.<br />


Repairs, tvs, microwaves,<br />

stereos, DVD. Aerial<br />

installations and kitsets,<br />

480 Moorhouse Ave, ph 03<br />

379 1400<br />


& all camera tapes<br />

converted to DVD, video<br />

taping special occasions,<br />

www.grahamsvideo.co.nz<br />

ph 03 338-1655<br />

WINDOW<br />


Average 3 bdrm house<br />

inside or out $40. Both<br />

$70. Phone Trevor 344-<br />

2170<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


18 Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi

PEGASUS POST Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 19<br />

What’s On<br />

Entertainment<br />

To advertise, contact<br />

Jo Fuller 027 458 8590<br />

jo.fuller@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Italy’s Ensemble Zefiro<br />

Light, elegant and<br />

unapologetically<br />

entertaining<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />



RACING<br />


4, 8, 11 August | Riccarton Park Racecourse<br />

We are proud to sponsor Saturday 11th August<br />

144th NZ Grand National Steeplechase<br />

Start your day with us<br />

Race Day<br />

Breakfasts<br />

COOKED<br />


$19<br />

HOOFBEATS is open from 6.30am<br />


Party on with us<br />


Saturday 4th: Medium Rare<br />

Wednesday 8th: DnD DUO<br />

Saturday 11th: Medium Rare<br />

The<br />


& Motorlodge<br />

118 Racecourse Rd, Ph 03 342 7150<br />

www.racecoursehotel.co.nz<br />

FOUNDED in1989 by oboists Alfredo<br />

Bernardini and Paolo Grazzi, and the<br />

bassoonist Alberto Grazzi, the ensemble<br />

is said to be named aer Zero, the<br />

Greek god of winds. Fitting as wind<br />

instruments play a leading role within<br />

the group.<br />

Specialising in 17th and 18th century<br />

woodwind Chamber Music, Ensemble<br />

Zero has developed a cult following<br />

worldwide and has won numerous<br />

awards including the Grand Prix du<br />

Disque and Gramophone’s Editor’s<br />

Choice award.<br />

Alfredo Bernardini (Oboe); Paolo<br />

Grazzi (Oboe); Dileno Baldin (Horn);<br />

Francesco Meucci (Horn); Alberto<br />

Grazzi (Bassoon); and Giorgio<br />

Mandolesi (Bassoon) make up the<br />

lineup for the Christchurch<br />

performance.<br />

Zero will play two programmes; the<br />

rst a banquet of Handel, Fasc,<br />

Telemann, Haydn and Mozart; the<br />

second dedicated exclusively to Mozart’s<br />

divertimenti.<br />

“Light, elegant and unapologetically<br />

entertaining, these compositions dazzled<br />

18th century nobility with their easy<br />

charms. Zero’s unique timbres and<br />

brilliant virtuosity is no less beguiling<br />

today.”<br />

www.chambermusic.co.nz. Tickets at<br />

Ticketek.<br />

What’s On<br />






Dine by the Beach<br />




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$12<br />

LUNCH<br />


Live Music:<br />

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COFFEE<br />

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FROM<br />

11.30AM-2PM<br />

FOR A<br />


DnD DUO<br />

(aka Dateless n Desperate)<br />



www.gardenhotel.co.nz | phone 385 <strong>31</strong>32<br />

H ORNBY<br />


CLUB<br />


FRIDAY 7PM:<br />


SATURDAY 4.30PM:<br />

MARION’S<br />




Club CAFÉ<br />

OPEN<br />






Featuring Costumed Themes<br />



ABBA<br />


Pre-sale tix $20. Door sales $25<br />

Chalmers<br />

Restaurant<br />

OPEN<br />

FRI, SAT, SUN<br />

FROM 5.30PM<br />




The Hornby Club | ph 03 349 9026 | 17 Carmen Rd | Hornby<br />

www.hornbywmc.co.nz | Members, guests & affiliates welcome

20 Tuesday <strong>July</strong> <strong>31</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Latest Christchurch news at www.star.kiwi<br />

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LAST<br />

CHANCE<br />

TO<br />

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Early Childhood Education<br />

Our Level 3, 18 week programme is FREE for those<br />

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Join the fast growing and in-demand career of web<br />

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TO: 027 557 8839<br />


50 Hazeldean Road<br />

Addington, Christchurch

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