What are Typing Services Rates in 2018?

Howdy! If you want to know what are the typing services rates in 2018, read this great article and find out. For more information visit http://www.professionaltypist.net/

Howdy! If you want to know what are the typing services rates in 2018, read this great article and find out. For more information visit http://www.professionaltypist.net/


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<strong>What</strong> Are <strong>Typ<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>Services</strong> <strong>Rates</strong> In <strong>2018</strong>?<br />

The onl<strong>in</strong>e marketplace is boom<strong>in</strong>g, and lots of people just like you <strong>are</strong><br />

search<strong>in</strong>g for ​typ<strong>in</strong>g services rates onl<strong>in</strong>e, hop<strong>in</strong>g to secure a great deal. One of<br />

the best th<strong>in</strong>gs about a huge demand is that – you’ve guessed it – huge supply<br />

often follows, which almost ensures that you’re go<strong>in</strong>g to be able to f<strong>in</strong>d<br />

someone will<strong>in</strong>g to take on the job. But before div<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> and start<strong>in</strong>g to work<br />

with the first service provider you come across, there <strong>are</strong> some important<br />

considerations you need to make.<br />

<strong>Typ<strong>in</strong>g</strong> services rates depend on the typist’s level of experience<br />

In other words, you get what you pay for. An affordable typist is more<br />

likely to make many typ<strong>in</strong>g mistakes <strong>in</strong> the process; either that, or they may take<br />

too much time to complete the work. In order to choose someone who offers<br />

high quality services, check<strong>in</strong>g their ​typewriter history​ is absolutely necessary.

Dist<strong>in</strong>guish between the different pric<strong>in</strong>g formats<br />

Always bear <strong>in</strong> m<strong>in</strong>d that various different typ<strong>in</strong>g service providers will<br />

give you various different quotes. Sometimes, this also depends on the project<br />

itself. For example, turn<strong>in</strong>g a ​pdf to word document onl<strong>in</strong>e may end up cost<strong>in</strong>g<br />

you differently by compar<strong>in</strong>g the price on a per-word model to a per-hour<br />

model, so make sure to keep this <strong>in</strong> m<strong>in</strong>d and negotiate a suitable pric<strong>in</strong>g model<br />

accord<strong>in</strong>gly.<br />

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s see how much typ<strong>in</strong>g services<br />

<strong>are</strong> typically charg<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

1. Per word<br />

For example, let’s imag<strong>in</strong>e you have an ​<strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g facts pdf you need to<br />

convert to word format. At 5 cents per word, a 400-word article would set you<br />

back around $20.<br />

2. Per audio hour<br />

When convert<strong>in</strong>g an audio file <strong>in</strong>to a word document, the typists also<br />

need to ​create table of content​. Without it, the document would look too chaotic<br />

and pla<strong>in</strong>. Anyway, it’s pretty much <strong>in</strong>dustry standard to have them bill you<br />

around $50 per audio hour.

3. Per work hour<br />

If it’s hard to make an estimate how much work it’s go<strong>in</strong>g to take <strong>in</strong> order<br />

to get the job done, it’s likely the typist will offer you a per work hour payment<br />

structure. Depend<strong>in</strong>g on where the service provider is located, you may be able<br />

to get a better deal.<br />

4. Per page<br />

This is mostly used when ​formatt<strong>in</strong>g excel spreadsheet to ensure the<br />

typist gets a decent pay. S<strong>in</strong>ce every provider is different, you can expect to get<br />

a wide range of offers, but the average should lie somewhere between $3 and<br />

$5.<br />

5. Per project<br />

If you don’t like the idea that the typist should be paid based on the<br />

amount of time put <strong>in</strong> (after all, slower typists may benefit from this pric<strong>in</strong>g<br />

model unfairly / without earn<strong>in</strong>g it), you may suggest to pay per project. Then,<br />

it’s up the to typist to decide whether the offer is reasonable or make you a<br />

counter-offer.<br />

Conclusion<br />

This is pretty much it! Despite know<strong>in</strong>g these <strong>are</strong> the general prices you<br />

should expect to be pay<strong>in</strong>g, remember it always comes down to you f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g a<br />

good deal. While some typists charge more for subpar quality of work, some<br />

may charge less and amaze you like no one before. This is why you should<br />

always test out a couple of them before decid<strong>in</strong>g on your long-term bus<strong>in</strong>ess<br />

partner who you’re go<strong>in</strong>g to be order<strong>in</strong>g a lot more from <strong>in</strong> the future.<br />

Need more <strong>in</strong>formation about typ<strong>in</strong>g services?<br />

Follow the l<strong>in</strong>k below:<br />


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