RIC-6832 Maths Essentials - Number Algebra and Strategies 2 (Ages 11-15)
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Patterns<br />
<strong>Algebra</strong><br />
Mathematical terms<br />
Checking strategies<br />
<strong>Strategies</strong><br />
Mathematical terms<br />
Terms<br />
<strong>Algebra</strong> <strong>Number</strong><br />
<strong>Maths</strong> <strong>Strategies</strong><br />
Patterns are repeated sequences; e.g.<br />
Triangular numbers<br />
A triangular number is a<br />
number that can form the<br />
shape of a triangle.<br />
Square numbers<br />
A square number is a<br />
number that can form<br />
the shape of a square.<br />
Fibonacci numbers<br />
Beginning with 1, add these to make the third number. Add<br />
the second <strong>and</strong> third number to make the fourth number<br />
<strong>and</strong> so on. See the pattern below.<br />
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 <strong>and</strong> so on<br />
Pascal’s triangle<br />
A triangular array of numbers<br />
where each number is the sum<br />
of the two numbers directly<br />
above it.<br />
Sequences<br />
A sequence is a list of items. Any item in the list can be named<br />
by its position: first, second, third, fourth <strong>and</strong> so on. Some lists<br />
have patterns which define the position of each item. There are<br />
two kinds of sequences:<br />
A ‘finite’ sequence is a list made up of a limited number<br />
of items;<br />
e.g. 9, 0, 9, 0, 9, 0 is the sequence of 3 alternating 9s<br />
<strong>and</strong> 0s.<br />
An ‘infinite’ sequence is a list that continues without<br />
end;<br />
e.g. 2, 4, 6, 8 … is the sequence of even whole<br />
numbers. the 50th number in this sequence is 100.<br />
Function<br />
machines<br />
Function machines are<br />
used to demonstrate<br />
that the same operation<br />
applies to each number.<br />
For example:<br />
operation = x 5<br />
In<br />
5<br />
7<br />
9<br />
x 5<br />
45<br />
35<br />
25<br />
Out<br />
1 3 6 10<br />
1 4 9 16<br />
constant<br />
Adding, subtracting,<br />
multiplying or dividing by the<br />
same amount each time.<br />
equivalent<br />
Having the same value.<br />
equation<br />
A statement of equality<br />
between two expressions;<br />
e.g. 3 x 4 = 6 + 6<br />
They have an equal sign.<br />
expressions<br />
An expression is formed by<br />
adding or subtracting terms;<br />
e.g. 2x + 5y<br />
formula<br />
A rule expressed in symbols;<br />
e.g. x = y + 7<br />
It is a shortened way of<br />
writing a set of instructions<br />
to calculate a problem.<br />
Word problems as equations<br />
Order of operation<br />
This is a rule for performing<br />
operations in expressions<br />
which have more than<br />
one operation, to ensure<br />
calculations are h<strong>and</strong>led in<br />
the same way.<br />
Some calculators use an<br />
‘algebraic operating system’<br />
(AOS). This is used to follow<br />
the Rule of Order.<br />
inverse operations<br />
Opposite operations; addition<br />
<strong>and</strong> subtraction are inverse<br />
operations; multiplication <strong>and</strong><br />
division are inverse operations;<br />
halving <strong>and</strong> doubling are also<br />
inverse operations.<br />
pronumerals<br />
Letters used to represent<br />
numbers in algebra;<br />
e.g. a, b, x, y<br />
Any letter can be used.<br />
repeating<br />
The pattern uses the same<br />
symbols or pictures over <strong>and</strong><br />
over;<br />
e.g. 3, 4, 3, 4, 3 …<br />
terms<br />
A term may be a number, a<br />
pronumeral or a combination<br />
of numbers <strong>and</strong> pronumerals;<br />
e.g. x, 9, 2y<br />
Brackets ( )<br />
Index notation 2 3<br />
Multiplication x<br />
Division ÷<br />
Addition +<br />
Subtraction –<br />
Note:<br />
Multiplication <strong>and</strong> division are equally powerful operations,<br />
completed left to right in order as they appear, as are addition<br />
<strong>and</strong> subtraction.<br />
A word problem needs to be changed into an equation before it can be solved. ‘Keywords’ <strong>and</strong> phrases are<br />
used in word problems to tell what type of operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) should<br />
be used to solve the problem.<br />
Look at the table. It shows some common keywords <strong>and</strong> phrases, together with the correct operation<br />
needed to solve the problem.<br />
Operation Keyword Word problem Equation<br />
sum The sum of my age <strong>and</strong> <strong>15</strong> equals 32. a + <strong>15</strong> = 32<br />
total The total of my pocket change <strong>and</strong> $10.00 is $12.85. a + $10.00 = $12.85<br />
addition<br />
Fifteen more than my age equals 32.<br />
more than<br />
a + <strong>15</strong> = 32<br />
(Can also be subtraction.)<br />
subtraction<br />
difference<br />
The difference between my age <strong>and</strong> my younger<br />
sister’s age, who is 9 years old, is 3 years.<br />
a – 9 = 3<br />
less than Twelve less than my age equals 49. a – 12 = 49<br />
multiplication<br />
product The product of my age <strong>and</strong> 21 is 252. a x 21 = 252<br />
times Five times my age is 60. 5 x a = 60<br />
group A number grouped into lots of 6 is 5. a ÷ 6 = 5<br />
division shared 132 lollies shared equally among a number of<br />
equally children is <strong>11</strong> lollies each.<br />
132 ÷ a = <strong>11</strong><br />
It is important to check your work to make sure answers to problems are<br />
correct <strong>and</strong> sensible. Checking your work can be done in many ways; some<br />
are shown below.<br />
Odd <strong>and</strong> even<br />
numbers<br />
Odd <strong>and</strong> even numbers follow a<br />
pattern. Once you are aware of the<br />
pattern, all you need to do is look at<br />
the ones digits of the numbers in the<br />
problem <strong>and</strong> the answer to determine<br />
whether the answer is definitely wrong<br />
or possibly correct.<br />
Ask<br />
clarifying<br />
questions<br />
What is the<br />
question asking?<br />
Do I know<br />
anything about<br />
this topic?<br />
What does …<br />
really mean?<br />
Addition<br />
odd + odd = even<br />
odd + even = odd<br />
even + even = even<br />
Subtraction<br />
odd – odd = even<br />
odd – even = odd<br />
even – odd = odd<br />
even – even = even<br />
Multiplication<br />
odd x odd = odd<br />
odd x even = even<br />
even x even = even<br />
Problem-solving strategies<br />
What else<br />
could I find out<br />
about to help<br />
me answer the<br />
question?<br />
Make<br />
assumptions<br />
Using my<br />
knowledge of<br />
… I can assume<br />
…<br />
I think …<br />
because I know<br />
…<br />
If I know …,<br />
then it could<br />
be …<br />
Estimating<br />
Estimating gives you an answer that is close<br />
to the exact answer. It is usually found by<br />
rounding or by using judgment to make a<br />
‘best guess’.<br />
Front-end rounding<br />
1. Look at the left-most digit in the number.<br />
2. Consider the place value of the digit.<br />
For example:<br />
3 2 1 5<br />
6 9 1 0<br />
+ 4 3 4 2<br />
3 + 6 + 4 = 13<br />
So the estimate would be 13 000.<br />
NOTE: you will always end up with an under<br />
estimate.<br />
Question your<br />
answer<br />
Ask yourself if the answer sounds<br />
right. A question you might ask<br />
yourself is …<br />
‘Is the answer way too big or way<br />
too small?’<br />
If you think the answer does not<br />
seem right, try looking for patterns.<br />
Estimate<br />
Can I use my<br />
judgment<br />
to make a<br />
suitable guess?<br />
What<br />
strategies<br />
could I use<br />
to estimate a<br />
solution to the<br />
problem?<br />
Survey<br />
Can I find out<br />
information<br />
by asking a<br />
sample of<br />
people?<br />
Do I need to<br />
investigate<br />
similar data<br />
<strong>and</strong> compare<br />
it to my<br />
information?<br />
Think about the context of the<br />
numbers before rounding.<br />
For example:<br />
When calculating the cost of groceries, it is<br />
probably better to overestimate so you do not<br />
run short of money.<br />
When calculating, you<br />
should:<br />
1. Estimate<br />
2. Calculate<br />
3. Evaluate (How close was<br />
your estimate? Could you<br />
improve on your technique?)<br />
Repeat the<br />
calculation:<br />
• carefully, in exactly the same<br />
way<br />
• using the inverse operation<br />
• using a different method.<br />
©R.I.C. Publications<br />
Low Resolution Images<br />
Display Copy<br />
Locate<br />
information<br />
Where could I<br />
find information<br />
to help me solve<br />
the problem?<br />
Internet<br />
Library<br />
Things I<br />
already know<br />
Ask an expert<br />
Friends<br />
Adults<br />
Present<br />
findings<br />
What is the<br />
best way to<br />
show what I<br />
have found?<br />
Diagrams<br />
Tables<br />
Graphs<br />
Calculations<br />
Explanations<br />
addend<br />
Any number which is to be added;<br />
e.g. 2 + 5 (2 <strong>and</strong> 5 are the<br />
addends).<br />
addition<br />
A mathematical operation that<br />
involves combining;<br />
e.g. 3 + 4<br />
ascending order<br />
The arrangement of numbers from<br />
smallest to largest.<br />
commission<br />
Fee based on percentage of the<br />
value of sales.<br />
commutative law<br />
The order in which two numbers<br />
are added or multiplied does not<br />
affect the result;<br />
e.g. 3 + 7 = 7 + 3 <strong>and</strong><br />
4 x 6 = 6 x 4<br />
This is not the same for<br />
subtraction <strong>and</strong> division.<br />
complementary<br />
addition<br />
The complement is the amount<br />
needed to complete a set; e.g. the<br />
way change is paid after a purchase.<br />
The method of ‘adding on’ which<br />
changes the subtraction to an<br />
addition;<br />
e.g. 7 – 3 = gives the same<br />
result as 3 + = 7<br />
consecutive<br />
Consecutive numbers follow in<br />
order without interruption;<br />
e.g. <strong>11</strong>, 12, 13.<br />
descending order<br />
The arrangement of numbers from<br />
largest to smallest.<br />
difference<br />
By how much a number is bigger<br />
or smaller than another.<br />
digit<br />
Any one of the ten symbols 0 to 9<br />
(inclusive) used to write numbers.<br />
Special numbers<br />
even number<br />
Whole number exactly divisible by two.<br />
odd number<br />
A number that leaves a remainder of 1 when<br />
divided by 2.<br />
prime numbers<br />
A prime number is a number that can be divided<br />
evenly by only 1 <strong>and</strong> itself; e.g. 2, 3, 5, 7, <strong>11</strong>, 13<br />
<strong>and</strong> 17.<br />
distributive law<br />
Multiplying the sum of two or more<br />
numbers is the same as multiplying<br />
each one by the number <strong>and</strong> then<br />
adding their products;<br />
e.g. 3 x (4 + 2) = (3 x 4) + (3 x 2)<br />
3 x 6 = 12 + 6<br />
18 = 18<br />
dividend<br />
A number which is to be divided by<br />
another number; e.g. 21 ÷ 3 (21).<br />
divisible<br />
A number is divisible by another<br />
number if the second number is a<br />
factor of the fi rst; e.g. 6 is divisible<br />
by 2 because 2 is a factor of 6.<br />
division<br />
The inverse operation of<br />
multiplication;<br />
e.g. 21 ÷ 7 = 3 is the inverse of<br />
7 x 3 = 21<br />
Repeated subtraction can also be<br />
used to achieve the same result.<br />
21 – 7 – 7 – 7<br />
e.g.<br />
3<br />
divisor<br />
A number which is to be divided<br />
into another number;<br />
e.g. 21 ÷ 3 (3).<br />
equality<br />
Having the same value.<br />
gradient<br />
Slope; the steepness of a line,<br />
calculated vertical rise divided by<br />
vertical run.<br />
index notation<br />
A shortened way of writing large<br />
numbers as products of repeated<br />
factors;<br />
e.g. 1 000 000<br />
= 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10<br />
x 10<br />
= 10 6 where 6 is the index or<br />
exponent <strong>and</strong> 10 is the base.<br />
inequality<br />
Not having the same value.<br />
integers (directed numbers)<br />
<strong>Number</strong>s which are positive (+8) or<br />
negative (–6).<br />
loss<br />
When costs exceed returns.<br />
multiplication<br />
A mathematical operation;<br />
e.g. 7 x 2 = 14<br />
Repeated addition can also be used<br />
to achieve the same result;<br />
i.e. 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 14<br />
negative number<br />
A number smaller than zero. A<br />
negative number is always written<br />
with a minus sign;<br />
e.g. –6.<br />
number<br />
An indication of quantity.<br />
number line<br />
A line on which equally spaced<br />
points are marked.<br />
number sentence<br />
A mathematical sentence that uses<br />
numbers <strong>and</strong> operation symbols;<br />
e.g. 6 + 7 = 13; 6 + 7 > 10<br />
numeral<br />
A symbol used to represent a<br />
number.<br />
operation<br />
The four operations of arithmetic:<br />
addition, subtraction, multiplication<br />
<strong>and</strong> division.<br />
ordinal number<br />
A number which indicates position<br />
in an ordered sequence;<br />
e.g. first, second, third.<br />
parabola<br />
Curved graph constructed from a<br />
quadratic equation.<br />
partitioning<br />
A method of simplifying a problem<br />
in order to calculate the solution;<br />
e.g. 47 + 54 = (40 + 50) +<br />
(7 + 4) = 90 + <strong>11</strong> = 101.<br />
positive number<br />
A number bigger than zero;<br />
e.g. +8.<br />
factors<br />
A factor of a number is a number that will<br />
divide evenly into that number;<br />
e.g. the factors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 <strong>and</strong> 12.<br />
All numbers except 1 have more than one<br />
factor.<br />
factorisation<br />
To represent a counting number as the product<br />
of counting numbers;<br />
e.g. 24 = 4 x 6; 8 x 3; 12 x 2; 24 x 1<br />
To show 24 as a product of its prime factors, it<br />
would look like this: 24 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3<br />
principal<br />
Amount borrowed or invested.<br />
profit<br />
The gain made (n a fi nancial<br />
transaction).<br />
product<br />
The result when two or more<br />
numbers are multiplied;<br />
e.g. the product of 2, 3 <strong>and</strong> 4<br />
is 24 (2 x 3 x 4 = 24).<br />
sequence<br />
A set of numbers or objects<br />
arranged in some order.<br />
seriate<br />
To put in order.<br />
simple interest<br />
Interest is calculated on the<br />
original amount (the principal) at<br />
the end of set periods.<br />
subtraction<br />
A mathematical operation used in<br />
three types of situations:<br />
1. Take away<br />
e.g. How many eggs are left<br />
when three are taken<br />
from a box of six? 6 – 3 = ?<br />
2. Difference (fi nding a difference)<br />
e.g. What is the difference<br />
between 18 <strong>and</strong> 13?<br />
18 – 13 = ?<br />
3. Complementary addition<br />
(fi nding a complement)<br />
e.g. How much change is<br />
given from $5 for an<br />
article costing $3.50?<br />
3.50 + ? = 5.00<br />
sum<br />
The result when two or more<br />
numbers are added.<br />
surd<br />
<strong>Number</strong>s that can only be<br />
expressed using the root sign ( ).<br />
total<br />
The result when two or more<br />
numbers are added.<br />
whole number<br />
The numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 … are<br />
called whole numbers.<br />
prime factors<br />
A prime factor is a prime number that will<br />
divide evenly into a given number;<br />
e.g. 2, 3 <strong>and</strong> 5 are prime factors of 30.<br />
composite numbers<br />
A composite number is a number that can be<br />
divided by more than itself <strong>and</strong> 1;<br />
e.g. 4, 6, 8, 9, 12 (i.e. not a prime number).<br />
multiples<br />
A multiple of a number is that number<br />
multiplied by other whole numbers; e.g. the<br />
multiples of 5 are 5, 10, <strong>15</strong>, 20, 25 <strong>and</strong> so on.<br />
<strong>6832</strong>RE maths 1 yr9.indd 1<br />
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Simplifying terms<br />
<strong>Algebra</strong><br />
Collect like terms by rearranging the expression.<br />
Add or subtract like terms.<br />
e.g. 5a + 6b – 2a<br />
= 5a – 2a + 6b<br />
= 3a + 6b<br />
collect like<br />
terms<br />
Difference of two squares<br />
(a – b)(a + b) = a 2 + ab – ab – b 2<br />
= a 2 – b 2<br />
e.g. (x – 7)(x + 7) = x 2 – 7x + 7x – 49<br />
= (x 2 – 7 2 )<br />
= (x 2 – 49)<br />
Exp<strong>and</strong>ing<br />
To exp<strong>and</strong> an expression a(b + c) use the:<br />
Distributive law<br />
a(b + c) = ab + ac<br />
(factorised form) (exp<strong>and</strong>ed form)<br />
To exp<strong>and</strong> an expression (a + b)(c + d)<br />
(a + b)(c + d) = a x c + a x d + b x c + b x d<br />
= ac + ad + bc + bd<br />
Remember the rules for multiplying directed numbers<br />
(integers)!<br />
Perfect square rule<br />
(a + b)(a – b) = a 2 – ab + ab – b 2<br />
= a 2 – b 2<br />
(a + b) 2 = (a + b)(a + b)<br />
NOT a 2 – b 2<br />
e.g. (3 + m)(3 – m) = 3 2 – 3m + 3m – m 2<br />
= (3 2 – m 2 )<br />
= (9 – m 2 )<br />
= a 2 + ab + ab + b 2<br />
= a 2 + 2ab + b 2<br />
NOT a 2 + b 2<br />
= a 2 – ab – ab + b 2<br />
= a 2 – 2ab + b 2<br />
NOT a 2 – b 2<br />
Factorising<br />
e.g. (m + 3) 2<br />
e.g. (y – 4) 2<br />
so a = m, b = 3<br />
so a = y, b = 4<br />
= m 2 + 2 x m x 3 + 3 2 = y 2 – 2 x y x 4 + 4 2<br />
Look for common factors.<br />
e.g. 5x 2 – 10x<br />
= m 2 + 6m + 9<br />
= y 2 – 8y + 16<br />
common factors: 5, x<br />
Place the common factor outside the brackets.<br />
e.g. 5x(x – 2)<br />
Linear equations<br />
Check your answer by exp<strong>and</strong>ing!<br />
e.g. 5x(x – 2) = 5x 2 – 10x<br />
Perform inverse operations on both sides to solve linear<br />
equations. Inverse operations are: + <strong>and</strong> – <strong>and</strong> x <strong>and</strong> ÷<br />
Remember to check if the expressions follow the:<br />
e.g. 2x + 3 = –<strong>15</strong><br />
• Difference of Two Squares rule (2 terms)<br />
e.g. x – 5 = 7<br />
• Perfect Square rule (3 terms)<br />
2x + 3 – 3 = –<strong>15</strong> – 3 4<br />
x<br />
2x = –18 4 – 5 + 5 = 7 + 5<br />
e.g. (a + b)(a + b) = a 2 + ab + ab + b 2<br />
2x<br />
= a 2 + 2ab + b 2<br />
2<br />
= – 18<br />
x<br />
4 x 4 = 12 x 4<br />
2<br />
x = 48<br />
NOT a 2 + b 2<br />
x = –9<br />
(a – b)(a – b) = a 2 – ab – ab + b 2<br />
= a 2 – 2ab + b 2<br />
Quadratic equations<br />
Quadratics produce graphs called parabolas.<br />
To plot a quadratic:<br />
1. Complete a table of values<br />
by substituting values as x.<br />
For example:<br />
y = x 2 – 4x + 4<br />
y = (–1) 2 – 4(–1) + 4<br />
so when x = –1, y = 9<br />
2. Construct the axes.<br />
3. Plot the points.<br />
4. Join the points with a<br />
smooth curve.<br />
Table of values<br />
x –1 0 1 2 3 4<br />
y 9 4 1 0 1 4<br />
Linear relationships<br />
A linear relationship is a relationship between two variables<br />
which produces a straight line when graphed.<br />
The gradient is the slope of a straight line.<br />
Gradient (m) of line AB<br />
vertical rise<br />
m =<br />
horizontal run or<br />
where A(x 1<br />
, x 2<br />
),<br />
<strong>and</strong> B(y 1<br />
, y 2<br />
)<br />
y 2<br />
– y 1<br />
m = x 2<br />
– x 1<br />
You can sketch a linear graph using:<br />
1. x- <strong>and</strong> y-intercepts.<br />
At x-intercept, y = 0<br />
At y-intercept, x = 0<br />
2. y = mx + c<br />
m = gradient (rise/run)<br />
c = y-intercept<br />
3. Create a table of values <strong>and</strong><br />
calculate coordinates.<br />
Table of values<br />
x –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3<br />
y<br />
Symbols<br />
+ addition<br />
– subtraction<br />
x<br />
multiplication<br />
÷ division<br />
> greater than<br />
greater than or equal to<br />
< less than<br />
less than or equal to<br />
= equal to<br />
Place value<br />
not equal to<br />
approximately equal to<br />
° degree<br />
% per cent<br />
. decimal point<br />
: ratio<br />
c<br />
cent<br />
$ dollar<br />
Place value indicates the position of a numeral; e.g. 1 354 032.87<br />
1 million, 3 hundred thous<strong>and</strong>s,<br />
5 ten thous<strong>and</strong>s, 4 thous<strong>and</strong>s, 0 hundreds,<br />
3 tens, 2 ones, 8 tenths, 7 hundredths<br />
M HTh TTh Th H T O • Tths Hths<br />
1 3 5 4 0 3 2 • 8 7<br />
Fractions<br />
A fraction is a number that<br />
describes part of a group.<br />
adding <strong>and</strong> subtracting fractions<br />
Add or subtract the numerators when the denominators are the<br />
same:<br />
1<br />
e.g.<br />
4 + 2 4 = 3 4 or 3<br />
4 – 1 4 = 2 4<br />
If the denominators are different the fractions have to be<br />
changed to ‘equivalent’ fractions before completing the sum.<br />
For example:<br />
5<br />
6 + 1 4<br />
1. Multiples of:<br />
6 = 6, 12, 18, 24<br />
4 = 4, 8, 12, 16<br />
LCD = 12<br />
5<br />
2. 6 x 2 2 + 1 4 x 3 3<br />
3.<br />
3<br />
4<br />
numerator<br />
vinculum<br />
denominator<br />
Working with fractions<br />
10<br />
12 + 3 12 = 13<br />
12 or 1 1 12<br />
<strong>Number</strong><br />
proper fractions<br />
1 The value of the numerator is<br />
e.g. 2 smaller than the denominator.<br />
improper fractions<br />
4 The numerator is larger than the<br />
e.g. 3 denominator.<br />
mixed numerals<br />
e.g.1 1 Both a whole number <strong>and</strong> a<br />
2 proper fraction.<br />
<strong>11</strong><br />
12 – 5 6<br />
1. Multiples of:<br />
12 = 12, 24, 36<br />
6 = 6, 12, 18, 24<br />
LCD = 12<br />
<strong>11</strong><br />
2. 12 – 5 6 x 2 2<br />
3. <strong>11</strong><br />
12 – 10<br />
12 = 1<br />
12<br />
Multiplication table<br />
There are different types of fractions<br />
x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10<br />
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10<br />
2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20<br />
3 3 6 9 12 <strong>15</strong> 18 21 24 27 30<br />
4 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40<br />
5 5 10 <strong>15</strong> 20 25 30 35 40 45 50<br />
6 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60<br />
7 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70<br />
8 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80<br />
9 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90<br />
10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100<br />
multiplying fractions<br />
Fractions do not need to<br />
have the same denominator<br />
to multiply them.<br />
For example:<br />
6<br />
7 x 3 12<br />
1<br />
6<br />
1. =<br />
7 x 12<br />
3 2<br />
1<br />
2. =<br />
7 x 3 2<br />
3<br />
3. =<br />
14<br />
LCD: Lowest Common Denominator – the lowest multiple common to each denominator.<br />
equivalent fractions<br />
Fractions that name the same numerical value<br />
even though the numerals are different;<br />
1 2 3 4<br />
e.g. 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 are all equal to each<br />
other. They are equivalent fractions.<br />
simplest form<br />
A fraction in its simplest form has a numerator<br />
<strong>and</strong> denominator in their smallest form.<br />
4<br />
e.g.<br />
8 in its simplest form is 1 2<br />
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dividing fractions<br />
Think of inverse operations<br />
when dividing fractions.<br />
The inverse of division is<br />
multiplication. So perform the<br />
inverse operation on the second<br />
fraction <strong>and</strong> change the ÷ to x.<br />
For example:<br />
6<br />
7 ÷ 1 3<br />
6<br />
1.<br />
7 ÷ 1 3<br />
6<br />
2. =<br />
7 x 3 1<br />
18<br />
3. =<br />
7<br />
4. = 2 4 7<br />
inverse<br />
Percentages<br />
A percentage is a number or quantity represented in hundredths.<br />
To convert a number or fraction<br />
to a percentage, it is necessary<br />
to multiply the number by 100;<br />
8<br />
e.g.<br />
10 x 100<br />
1 = 800<br />
10 = 80%<br />
common conversions<br />
3<br />
4 75% 0.75<br />
2<br />
3 66.66% 0.66<br />
1<br />
2 50% 0.5<br />
1<br />
3 33.33% 0.33<br />
1<br />
4 25% 0.25<br />
1<br />
5 20% 0.2<br />
1<br />
10 10% 0.1<br />
Decimals<br />
This system is based on multiples of ten, when a whole number<br />
is divided into tenths, hundredths, thous<strong>and</strong>ths … <strong>and</strong> so on.<br />
recurring decimals<br />
decimal numbers that continue forever in a repeating pattern.<br />
e.g. 3. 333 333 333....<br />
This can be written as 3.3<br />
The digit below the dot is the repeating digit.<br />
or 2.232 323.....<br />
Can be written as 2.23<br />
The digits below the bar are the repeating digits.<br />
terminating decimals<br />
are decimal numbers that do end<br />
e.g. 3.125<br />
finding percentages<br />
of whole numbers<br />
1. Write the percentage as<br />
a fraction.<br />
2. Multiply the fraction,<br />
with the whole number,<br />
simplifying where<br />
possible. For example:<br />
<strong>15</strong>% of 75<br />
<strong>15</strong><br />
100 x 75 1<br />
=<br />
<strong>15</strong><br />
100 x 75 4<br />
1<br />
=<br />
<strong>15</strong><br />
4 x 3 1<br />
= 45 4<br />
= <strong>11</strong> 1 4<br />
rounding<br />
The rules for rounding decimals are the same as for whole<br />
numbers.<br />
0, 1, 2, 3 <strong>and</strong> 4 – round down<br />
6, 7, 8, 9 – round up<br />
5 – may round up or down depending on context<br />
Round to 2 decimal places (2 d.p.)<br />
e.g. 1.832539 = 1.83 (round down)<br />
Round to 3 decimal places (3 d.p.)<br />
e.g. 1.832539 = 1.833 (round up)<br />
Surds<br />
Surds are numbers which<br />
can only be expressed<br />
using the root symbol.<br />
For example:<br />
9 = 3 so 9 not a surd<br />
7 2.646 so 7 is a surd<br />
a x b = ab<br />
a a =<br />
b b<br />
<strong>Number</strong><br />
Simplify a surd if<br />
the number under<br />
the square root sign<br />
has a factor that is a<br />
perfect square.<br />
For example:<br />
80 = 16 x 5<br />
= 4 5<br />
3<br />
Ratios<br />
profit <strong>and</strong> loss<br />
The percentage profit<br />
can be calculated using:<br />
% profit = profit<br />
CP x 100<br />
CP = cost price<br />
If the % is a negative<br />
amount it is known as<br />
a loss.<br />
simple interest<br />
SI = PRT or SI = PrT<br />
100<br />
SI = simple interest ($)<br />
P = principal ($)<br />
R = rate per annum (decimal)<br />
r = rate per annum (%)<br />
T = time (years)<br />
The comparison of one<br />
number to another by<br />
division, e.g. the ratio of 3<br />
to 4 can be expressed as<br />
3<br />
4 or as 3:4<br />
For example:<br />
3 weeks:4 weeks<br />
They may be simplifi ed<br />
by multiplying or dividing<br />
each number by the same<br />
value.<br />
For example:<br />
0.25:1 may be simplifi ed by<br />
multiplying each number by 4<br />
to give 1:4.<br />
5:25 may be simplifi ed by<br />
dividing each number by 5 to<br />
give 1:5.<br />
Powers<br />
(Indices)<br />
base<br />
2 3<br />
2 3 index form<br />
2 x 2 x 2 exp<strong>and</strong>ed form<br />
(The power tells you how<br />
many times to multiply the<br />
base number.)<br />
Use the power button on<br />
your calculator to help you.<br />
x y or y x or a b or a x<br />
e.g. 3 4 3 x y 4 = 81<br />
(3 x 3 x 3 x 3)<br />
Multiplying <strong>and</strong> dividing<br />
power<br />
Directed numbers (Integers)<br />
+ x + gives +<br />
– x – gives +<br />
Like signs give +<br />
+ x – gives –<br />
– x + gives –<br />
Unlike signs give –<br />
commission<br />
A percentage of the<br />
value of goods sold<br />
C = R x SP<br />
C = commission to be paid<br />
R = rate of commission<br />
SP = selling price<br />
discounts<br />
Whenever you<br />
buy something at a<br />
discounted price the<br />
following applies:<br />
SP = MP – D<br />
(where D = MP x D%)<br />
MP = market price<br />
D% = discount percentage<br />
+ ÷ + give +<br />
– ÷ – gives +<br />
Like signs give +<br />
– ÷ + gives –<br />
+ ÷ – gives –<br />
Unlike signs give –<br />
<strong>Maths</strong><br />
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<strong>RIC</strong>–<strong>6832</strong><br />
ISBN 1-74126-287-9<br />