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What does it mean to be transformed? According to some definitions it<br />
means to ‘make a marked change in the form, nature, or appearance’ of<br />
a thing.<br />
The scripture tells us that it is God’s desire for us all to be transformed<br />
into the image of His dear Son. This happens at the point of accepting the Lord Jesus Christ into<br />
your life, but it is actually worked out throughout a lifetime. God doesn’t stop working on us<br />
there is no point during the Christian’s journey on earth that they suddenly ‘arrive’.<br />
I believe that God wants to use IGOC to challenge us; to stretch our minds and to open our eyes<br />
to see that He still has a work for us to do on earth. Your Christian walk goes beyond a nice house<br />
or car; creation is waiting for your manifestation. The world is waiting for the ‘real’ you to show<br />
up. The one whose mind is so transformed by the Word of God and is led by His Spirit.<br />
You are somebody in God. You have a future and a hope. God has a good plan for your life.<br />
Welcome to IGOC 2018<br />
4 22<br />
Pastor Matthew<br />
Ashimolowo<br />
10<br />
12<br />
FAMILY<br />
Pastor Yemisi Ashimolowo<br />
26<br />
28<br />
with Matthew Ashimolowo<br />
WINNING WAYS is published by Kingsway International Christian Centre. © KICC 2018. All rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited.<br />
For further information write to: Kingsway International Christian Centre, Prayer City, Buckmore Park, Maidstone, Road Chatham, Kent, ME5 9QG.<br />
Tel: + 44 (0) 20 8525 0000 | Email: admin@kicc.org.uk | Website: www.kicc.org.uk<br />
Inclusion of third party advertisements within Winning Ways Magazine does not indicate any form of endorsement of the advertisers or their organizations, products or services, by<br />
KICC. Registered Charity No. 1102114<br />
PUBLISHER: Matthew Ashimolowo | PRODUCTION MANAGER: Muyiwa Kogbe | EDITOR: Ola Obafisoye | CONTRIBUTORS: Ola Awonubi, Margaret Ayemoba. Bunmi Kogbe,<br />
Nicole Roberts | DESIGN: The Design Guys, Divine Studios Inc
Pastor Matthew AshimolowoIn the<br />
“<br />
We need to be transformed<br />
from carnality to spirituality. To<br />
be carnally minded is death but<br />
to be spiritually minded is life and<br />
peace. Being carnally minded is<br />
giving your flesh everything it<br />
desires (Romans 8:6).<br />
”<br />
journey<br />
of life it is<br />
impossible<br />
for us to<br />
truly reflect the<br />
life of Christ if we<br />
remain at the gate of salvation. In order<br />
for us to come into all that God has for us<br />
our minds need to be transformed.<br />
The question we ask ourselves is, ‘why do<br />
our minds need to be transformed?’ The<br />
answer to this question is that the devil<br />
always attempts to fight our minds. Our<br />
minds have become a battlefield and in<br />
order for this to cease, we need our minds<br />
to be renewed.<br />
In the Bible we see various people who<br />
fought a battle in their minds. Adam and<br />
Eve had to fight in their minds when they<br />
were confronted by the serpent; Elijah had<br />
to fight a battle in his mind when Jezebel<br />
threatened him; and Jesus fought a battle in<br />
His mind when the devil tempted Him.<br />
Paul states that<br />
something happens<br />
when we give our<br />
lives to Christ.<br />
New light shines<br />
our way and we<br />
are brought back<br />
to God after being<br />
alienated from Him.<br />
(Ephesians 4:17-19)<br />
Our minds need to<br />
be transformed by<br />
“<br />
We need to be transformed<br />
from a life of barrenness to<br />
fruitfulness. We need to bear<br />
fruit in Christ by reaching people<br />
for Jesus. John 15:2 states that<br />
if we are not fruitful He will cast<br />
away: He cuts off every branch<br />
in me that bears no fruit, while<br />
every branch that does bear fruit<br />
he prunes so that it will be even<br />
more fruitful. We also need to<br />
bear the fruit of character.<br />
Our character should be changed<br />
to a Christ-like character.<br />
the impartation of this new birth.<br />
We cannot afford to be born again and<br />
remain as spiritual babies. Our minds<br />
need to be totally committed to Christ and<br />
offered as a gift to Him.<br />
We cannot live between two worlds. The<br />
voice of the world may beckon us to return<br />
to our old ways but our choices need to<br />
honor God. 2 Corinthians 5: 17 states that if<br />
any person be in Christ he is a new person.<br />
You are a brand new creation. You need<br />
to understand what that means. When a<br />
person becomes transformed he becomes<br />
bigger than the form from his father’s<br />
house. Christianity is not to be seen as a<br />
religion; it is a relationship with God and it<br />
transcends culture.<br />
The main reason we need to change is<br />
because we are not perfect people. Paul<br />
emphasized this point in Romans 7:19,<br />
when he said that when he wanted to do<br />
good, evil was always appearing.<br />
Through Paul’s statement we can only be<br />
changed by the power of God, and that<br />
power is manifested through His Word.<br />
It cannot be done overnight, it is a process<br />
which begins at salvation.<br />
In order for us to become Christ-like<br />
there are various areas which need<br />
transformation.<br />
We need to transform from weakness to<br />
strength. Stop talking about your weakness<br />
and start talking about God’s strength.<br />
When we know transformation we shall<br />
be able to hold onto His Word of healing<br />
and God will also take us from sickness to<br />
health. Healing is a covenant agreement<br />
between us and God. We therefore need to<br />
understand and believe the Word of God<br />
concerning us and healing.<br />
We need a full transformation in order for<br />
us to become Christ like and win people to<br />
the Kingdom of God. This transformation<br />
begins in our minds.<br />
This article is based on the message:–<br />
Total Transformation (2018) © Pastor<br />
Matthew Ashimolowo. To obtain your<br />
copy of this message please visit<br />
www.pastormatthew.tv<br />
Miracles STILL Happen<br />
I<br />
have been trusting God for another child although there<br />
have been challenges. Then one day I went for a medical<br />
appointment and it was confirmed that I was two<br />
months pregnant. In the fullness of time the baby was born<br />
by caesarean section<br />
and declared a still<br />
birth. However, our<br />
God is a miracle worker<br />
and as the lifeless baby<br />
was being taken away<br />
by a nurse I requested<br />
them to bring the baby<br />
to me. I touched my<br />
baby and commanded<br />
her to come to life.<br />
The nurse then began<br />
to walk out of the room,<br />
as they got to the door<br />
the baby sneezed. Glory to God. My daughter and I are doing<br />
well.<br />
I<br />
want to thank God for His love and mercy. Some time<br />
ago, my younger brother was arrested for a crime he<br />
knew nothing about. Despite the fact that he had an<br />
alibi, the anti-robbery squad (SARS) picked him up and he<br />
was charged. We employed lawyers, but to no avail. However,<br />
one particular Sunday several declarations were made during<br />
service, and I trusted God for His release.<br />
In 2016 I applied for my indefinite leave to remain and by<br />
His grace it was granted. However, my children were asked<br />
to go back home even though they were born in the United<br />
Kingdom. I kept holding onto the word in Isaiah 43:1 - 3 that<br />
‘He would shield and protect us wherever we are’ . During<br />
The River event in January, I applied for naturalisation.<br />
The Home Office stated that it would take a maximum of 6<br />
months so, I kept praying for the application to be granted<br />
and arrive early. By His special grace naturalisation was<br />
granted to all of us exactly one month after I submitted<br />
the application. Hold on to God’s Word and He will see you<br />
through. Thank you Jesus.<br />
E.B<br />
Last year my 3 year old daughter was diagnosed with<br />
bone cancer and a gallstone in her stomach. This led<br />
to her having tests, MRI scans, x-rays and a biopsy.<br />
My daughter was transferred to and from various hospitals<br />
before finally being transferred to Great Ormond Street<br />
Childrens Hospital. Today, I testify that God has healed my<br />
daughter. The bone cancer and the gallstone in her stomach<br />
have completely disappeared. This is completely the LORD’s<br />
doing and I give Him all the glory.<br />
O.J<br />
Your testimony will encourage another believer and<br />
strengthen their faith. Share what the Lord has done<br />
for you by texting or sending a Whatsapp to message<br />
KICC: 07430 779 284 or email kicctv@kicc.org.uk<br />
Following this I received a call to say that my brother had<br />
been discharged and acquitted. He was released. Praise God!<br />
N.O.<br />
I<br />
could have lost my unborn child or even gone mad when<br />
I heard the news of my late husband’s death but God<br />
strengthened me and gave me a new heart to go through<br />
the bereavement and childbirth.<br />
I could have been made homeless with my children but<br />
God gave me a house fully paid. In February 2013, I put in<br />
an application to renew my visa because I was on my late<br />
husband’s one but my application was refused and we were<br />
asked to go back home. I appealed. Again it was refused.<br />
Christians Against Poverty 1<br />
Mensa Otabil Ministries 3<br />
Diaspora Marketing Solutions 8<br />
Practical Advice Consult Limited 9<br />
Fashionista 10<br />
A A N Consulting LTD 11<br />
DPKAY Homes & Properties Ltd 12<br />
Angel Finance Group UK 13<br />
Red Cotton 18<br />
Hokmah Wise Company LTD 19<br />
Doonamis LTD 20<br />
Guest Speakers & Artists 21<br />
Matthew Ashimolowo Media Ministries (MAMM) 22<br />
The Buzz 23<br />
Blue Stone 24<br />
P2 ANA LTD 25<br />
Kings College Of Excellence 26<br />
KICC University 27<br />
KICC TV 28<br />
KICC Bookstores 29<br />
Baraka 30<br />
Buckmore Wedding Venue 31<br />
Bedford Books 33<br />
Ngozi’s Kitchen 34<br />
WorldRemit (The Promota Africa) 35<br />
OWL Financial 36<br />
Champions Mobile 37<br />
KICC in-house Artists 38<br />
Haven of Rest 40<br />
Noah’s Ark 41<br />
Memory Lane 42<br />
Conference Products 43<br />
THE<br />
FAMILY<br />
Yemisi Ashimolowo<br />
Whether we are married or single, we need to<br />
build our home for God. God is interested<br />
in families, and family is actually derived<br />
directly from Him (Eph 3:14-15). It is God’s<br />
wisdom that builds a family and through understanding is it<br />
established (Pro 24:3-4).<br />
Family is one of God’s greatest resources. It is a place that<br />
provides acceptance, encouragement, guidance and counsel.<br />
It can be thought of as a mini nation and the strength of that<br />
nation is in direct proportion to the strength of the family<br />
unit. When the family operates without God it can never<br />
experience the spiritual bond that He brings to relationships.<br />
You belong to God and He has appointed you in your family.<br />
You are not a member of your family by accident (Ps 68:5-6).<br />
There are families living together like tenants in a house<br />
that is not a home. They come to church, clap and shout<br />
and then when they step into their car there is silence. That<br />
is not God’s plan for you and we see this in Luke 6:49. God<br />
wants your home to be built on Him; He wants your home to<br />
have a solid foundation. He wants your house to be standing<br />
through and after the storms. It does not matter whether you<br />
are married or single; you still need to build your home for<br />
God. God wants a home built for Him.<br />
1. Fighting over money.<br />
2. Confusion. God is not the author of confusion.<br />
3. Lack of understanding.<br />
4. Division.<br />
5. Jealousy between husband and wife.<br />
6. Selfishness.<br />
7. Strife.<br />
8. Being quick tempered: A quick temper brings strife and<br />
assumptions can cause problems in the home.<br />
1. Enduring love.<br />
2. Trust.<br />
3. Peace and unity in the home<br />
4. The grace of God. Single parents, the grace of God will be<br />
sufficient for you as you raise a family, take a stand and<br />
draw a line. Children are to be brought up in the way of<br />
God.<br />
5. Order: The woman is not the head of the home, anything<br />
that supersedes God’s divine order is out of order.<br />
6. Love means no violence. You are not allowed to beat<br />
your wife or husband.<br />
God has to be the architect of your family, it says so in the<br />
Bible in Ps 127:1:Except the Lord build the house, they<br />
labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city,<br />
the watchman waketh but in vain. (KJV). Storms will come<br />
but the home built on the Rock of Jesus Christ will stand.<br />
Shut the door to the devil in your homes by determining to<br />
live in harmony.<br />
KICC IS<br />
Kingsway International<br />
Christian Centre’s Noah’s Ark<br />
Food Bank (NAFB) Ministry<br />
is dedicated to its assignment<br />
to take a stand against poverty.<br />
Through its outreach initiatives;<br />
Noah’s Ark Food Bank, the Noah’s Ark<br />
Community Kitchen and Noah’s Ark Cares,<br />
the church is able to bring practical help<br />
to those in need. Divisional Leader Min<br />
Peju Oluyomi said: “We believe we are sent<br />
out to disciple the nations and express the<br />
unfailing love of God to all, particularly<br />
those who are going through a crisis.<br />
“We are the hands, feet, ears and eyes<br />
of Christ. We are to empower people<br />
to overcome poverty and suffering<br />
and it’s our role to reveal Christ to our<br />
communities. As we disciple the people,<br />
it’s our aim to bring them to church and<br />
ensure they settle into regular fellowship.”<br />
Team work based on Ecclesiastes 4:9-12:<br />
Two people are better off than one, for<br />
they can help each other succeed. If one<br />
person falls, the other can reach out<br />
and help. But someone who falls alone<br />
is in real trouble. Likewise, two people<br />
lying close together can keep each other<br />
warm. But how can one be warm alone? A<br />
person standing alone can be attacked and<br />
defeated, but two can stand back-to-back<br />
and conquer. Three are even better, for a<br />
triple-braided cord is not easily broken.<br />
• Grow up<br />
• Grow big<br />
• Grow together<br />
• Zero tolerance to hunger, lack and<br />
poverty<br />
• Food distribution<br />
• Empowering families and individuals<br />
to overcome poverty<br />
In collaboration with Basildon council<br />
the Community Kitchen project provides<br />
a three course meal once a month for<br />
local elderly residents. The Community<br />
Kitchen also hosts quiz evenings and talks<br />
on various subjects including benefits,<br />
personal safety, bridging the age gap,<br />
carers support and housing.<br />
Every month it also donates breakfast<br />
packages for the breakfast clubs of four<br />
primary schools in Rochester, Kent.<br />
The initiative also works in collaboration<br />
with The Open House Project, based<br />
at the Quaker Meeting House, also in<br />
in Rochester, Kent. The Open House<br />
community project (co-ordinated<br />
and managed by Mr John Spencer) is<br />
also supported by local Hindu, Sikh<br />
and Islamic groups, for homeless and<br />
vulnerable people.<br />
“On the last Saturday of every month we<br />
join OHP to provide hot meals and drinks,<br />
snacks, toiletries and good company to<br />
between 40-70 homeless and vulnerable<br />
people from all parts of Medway. We<br />
respect the views and choices of everyone<br />
but maintain our identity as Christians. As<br />
such, we believe that the Lord will work<br />
through us as living testimonies and some<br />
of these people will be led to Christ and<br />
start to attend our church”, said Min Peju.<br />
The Food Bank distribution takes place<br />
every third Saturday of the Month at<br />
KICC Prayer City and KICC The Land of<br />
Wonders, London. We don’t just supply<br />
food, we also supply toiletries, clothing,<br />
baby formula and food and products.<br />
God instituted the family and performed the first wedding<br />
ceremony in the Garden of Eden. This marriage relationship<br />
is the cornerstone of every family. That is why satan regards<br />
marriage and the home as his greatest battle ground. He<br />
knows that the easiest way to destroy churches and society<br />
is through the home. This is why he attacks marriages and<br />
attempts to weaken and tear the family unit apart. It is<br />
our duty therefore as Christians, to be diligent in standing<br />
against his intrusions (1 Pet 5:8).<br />
Marriage is not for the immature. You have to be ready and<br />
be selfless. A good marriage does not just happen, you have<br />
to work on it, it must be built. It takes wisdom to have a good<br />
family and it takes understanding to make it strong (Prov<br />
24.3).<br />
• Never yell at each other unless the house is on fire.<br />
• If you feel you must criticize do it lovingly.<br />
• If you have a choice between making yourself or your<br />
mate look good, choose your mate.<br />
• Never bring up a mistake of the past.<br />
• Neglect the whole world rather than neglecting each<br />
other.<br />
• Never let the day end without saying one complimentary<br />
thing to your partner.<br />
• Don’t lie to your spouse because you think that is what<br />
they want to hear.<br />
• Be polite to one another.<br />
• Wear your wedding ring if you are married.<br />
• Date your spouse at least once a week.<br />
• Laugh together.<br />
• Listen to one another.<br />
• Show respect and try to look your best.<br />
• Seek help when needed.<br />
What the devil has taken can be restored. If the enemy has<br />
come in, he can be driven out. If children have been lost, they<br />
can be prayed back into the Kingdom of God. God will put<br />
things back together again. Acknowledge that your family<br />
and your marriage are priority. Make God your priority and<br />
let Him do the building.<br />
This article is based on the message:– Is there a Family in<br />
your House (2004) © Yemisi Ashimolowo. To obtain your copy<br />
of this message please log onto www.pastormatthew.tv<br />
There is also a stock of ethnic foods.<br />
NAFB also works with Fareshare Kent, a charity that redistributes<br />
surplus food to charities and community organisations working with<br />
disadvantaged people across the region. This service is not exclusive<br />
to KICC members. People come via KICC Branches or Chapels in and<br />
around London and people are also referred from local health groups,<br />
single parent clubs and other churches.<br />
NAFB products are supplied through a mix of retail partners at<br />
subsidised rates, structured shopping at local grocery stores and<br />
donations from KICC members, individual donors, local schools &<br />
businesses. Min Peju said: “We welcome everyone’s support. They can<br />
fundraise for us, volunteer, and after discussions with us people can<br />
contact their local schools, businesses, grocery stores on our behalf.”<br />
This programs serves the needs of the elderly in care homes. A<br />
Visitation Team goes to the Fort Horstead Nursing Home, Chatham,<br />
Kent on the last Saturday of each month. The team conducts a church<br />
service in the care home’s common room and also visit the bedbound<br />
in their rooms. In Walthamstow, the teams visits the residents<br />
of Aspray Care Home, Hoe Street on the 3rd Saturday of each month.<br />
t<br />
It’s easy to join the NAFB Ministry. “You only need to ask!”, says Min<br />
Peju, “Serving in the NAFB offers the joy of pleasing God, knowing<br />
that we are ambassadors for Christ and KICC, personal contentment<br />
and fulfilment and serving God’s purpose in our generation. NAFB<br />
stewards serve intentionally, lovingly, respectfully, with a heart of<br />
gratitude and with excellence and great grace. It is humbling and<br />
fulfilling to be a part of the NAFB team, we are a family.” “Renowned<br />
author Malcolm Gladwell has an idea that it takes at least 10,000<br />
hours of practice, plus talent, to achieve mastery a particular skill.<br />
The stewards who serve in this department, build up our own 10,000<br />
hours of practice through several activities including community<br />
engagement with local and national agencies, producing monthly,<br />
quarterly and annual reports, interview skills (face-face & telephone),<br />
team building, project management, logistics efforts and so much<br />
more.<br />
For more information about the Noah’s Ark Food Bank Ministry<br />
please call the church office on +44 (0) 20 8525 0000 or email:<br />
noahsark@kicc.org.uk<br />
Legal Counselling, Educational Counselling, the Christmas hamper<br />
Challenge, Homeless Outreach (befriending team), a Prison Ministry<br />
and Career Counselling. For more details please call the church office<br />
or email admin@kicc.org.uk.<br />
BE A THINK<br />
TANK<br />
discover new horizons. It is finding the<br />
things that challenge you the most and<br />
facing them until you finish it with the<br />
solution God gives.<br />
Don’t be glued to old habits and belief<br />
systems. Recognise that they can<br />
hamper and hinder the fresh thoughts<br />
that can take you out of the rut you may<br />
have found yourself in.<br />
Thinking is calling to mind certain<br />
things or remembering them. It<br />
is the capacity to concentrate<br />
on particular matters until a<br />
clear line of decision or indecision is<br />
drawn. Thinking is anticipating, assuming,<br />
comprehending, conceiving; it is drawing<br />
a conclusion. To think is to consider a<br />
matter, to deem it, to estimate and to<br />
determine.<br />
Becoming a think tank makes you see<br />
what others overlook. It means you will<br />
use the gifts of observation planted inside<br />
you from the beginning. Becoming a think<br />
tank is necessary because only those who<br />
exercise their mind will rule the world.<br />
Acts 17:11<br />
The application of the mind helps to<br />
discover the greatness of our God, the<br />
beauty of His creation, the awesomeness<br />
of His universe, the faithfulness of His<br />
Word, the timeliness of His work and the<br />
intricacies of His creation.<br />
It is not even enough to just think,<br />
thinking has to meet five criteria.<br />
You cannot be progressive and keep<br />
a weak mind. – Your attitude should<br />
be the same as that of Christ Jesus:<br />
Philippians 2:5<br />
Weak minds are like a microscope.<br />
They magnify small things but cannot<br />
perceive great ones.<br />
To have a progressive mind means<br />
having the capacity to receive new<br />
things, to be taught new things.<br />
Lamentations 3:22-23<br />
Your thinking must be constructive.<br />
That means that your thoughts are the<br />
blocks God hands over to you to build<br />
your world. It starts in the inner recess<br />
of your spirit but soon crystallises<br />
into the habits you exercise and then<br />
your habits move on to become your<br />
circumstance.<br />
If you can change your thoughts to<br />
be in agreement with the Word of<br />
God you will build a world that is in<br />
consonance with the mind of God.<br />
This method of thinking recognises<br />
that life is always virgin territory and<br />
that no one has the best or brightest<br />
idea. The whole playing field of life<br />
is open to those who will dare to<br />
meditate.<br />
Inventive thinking requires taking a<br />
new step, altering your worldview to<br />
One of the greatest privileges which<br />
distinguishes man from all of the<br />
creations of God is the capacity for<br />
creativity. The Creator, God himself<br />
created entities out of nothing and out<br />
of something.<br />
He then gave us the ability to imagine<br />
and use the raw material He gave us to<br />
create. Everything God gives is in seed<br />
form. He therefore expects you to use<br />
the skill of creative thinking to take the<br />
seed and multiply it.<br />
If you must be creative in your thoughts<br />
you must first start with hindsight.<br />
With that, you are able to look back at<br />
the limitations that have hampered the<br />
things that you desire to do, and with<br />
foresight, look ahead to the things that<br />
you can achieve for God.<br />
To be a think tank you must approach<br />
life with positive thinking. Those who<br />
fear failure never succeed at all because<br />
they never make any attempt. Thinking<br />
is an act which you freely engage in.<br />
However, you can become imprisoned<br />
by engaging in negative thoughts. Your<br />
future can be energised or paralysed by<br />
what goes through your mind. So if your<br />
thoughts are bad, the fruits which follow<br />
will be the same.<br />
The kind of thinking which is rooted<br />
in the will of God as described by Paul<br />
in Philippians 4:8 serves like good<br />
medicine. It cures the heart and gives<br />
you the energy for progress.<br />
Improve yourself, get out of indolence,<br />
wrath and self-deception. Remember;<br />
godly thoughts and actions can never<br />
produce bad results. So engage yourself<br />
in the kind of thinking that is positive,<br />
godly and progressive.<br />
©Matthew Ashimolowo: Live a Better Life<br />
The musician Bobby<br />
McFerrin made popular<br />
the words, “Don’t worry,<br />
be happy” in his song.<br />
His lyrics state: “In every<br />
life we have some trouble But when<br />
you worry you make it double. Don’t<br />
Worry, Be Happy. Ain’t got no place<br />
to lay your head, somebody came and<br />
took your bed. Don’t Worry, Be Happy.<br />
The landlord say your rent is late, he<br />
may have to litigate. Don’t Worry, Be<br />
Happy. The song goes on and on and<br />
on and seems to suggest that one can<br />
simply snap out of worry and simply<br />
be happy.<br />
Before him, Bob Marley also sang:<br />
“Don’t worry about a thing. ‘Cause<br />
every little thing, is gonna be alright”.<br />
Many people want to snap out of<br />
worry but their brains, emotions and<br />
possibly the state of their mind does<br />
not allow them to walk-away that<br />
easily.<br />
Worry is the act of tormenting<br />
oneself with, or to suffer from<br />
disturbing thoughts. It is fretting over<br />
every matter. It is an act which brings<br />
a lot of anguish, mentally, physically,<br />
emotionally and sometimes spiritually.<br />
Worry is a projection of anxiety<br />
and apprehension, particularly over<br />
situations that we sometimes do not<br />
have total control over.<br />
Worry has never been known to<br />
accomplish anything; rather, it leaves<br />
the person under its spell totally<br />
miserable. This is because much of<br />
what people worry about, they may<br />
not even have control over. Worry<br />
cannot change the past, neither can it<br />
be the solution to the issue at hand.<br />
In order to end worry, you can take<br />
these steps.<br />
1. Make a list of all the worries.<br />
Analyse the list, embrace the<br />
fact that there will be a degree<br />
of uncertainty for some time to<br />
come but in the midst of it all,<br />
stay calm.<br />
2. Make yourself uncomfortable.<br />
In other words, do not be<br />
comfortable in the zone of worry.<br />
3. Move on and get away from the<br />
feeling of urgency.<br />
When we are worried, a sense of<br />
urgency comes upon us because<br />
we want to snap out of the<br />
problem. You have got to learn<br />
to not work yourself into a frenzy<br />
when you think, “This matter is<br />
urgent and I need to get out of<br />
it.” Things are not always as bad<br />
as they seem.<br />
4. You must cry out for help.Talk<br />
to somebody about it. Deal with<br />
one day at a time.<br />
5. You must practice mindfulness.<br />
Let your mind be full of other<br />
things. This will serve as a good<br />
distraction from the very subject<br />
that worries you.<br />
6. Get to the root of your worry.<br />
Sometimes worries result from a<br />
lack of adequate information. If<br />
access to information is possible,<br />
access it to enlighten your mind.<br />
7. Create an ability to see positive<br />
outcomes.<br />
Life is about perspective. You must<br />
create that ability to see a positive<br />
outcome. If someone comes with<br />
things that want to create worry,<br />
ask the right questions. Sometimes<br />
people will whip us into a state<br />
of worry and they are acting on<br />
inadequate information.<br />
8. Designate time for some worries.<br />
Some matters will never go away.<br />
You might as well find it, face it<br />
and finish it. Get to the root of<br />
the problem and do not make<br />
assumptions.<br />
9. Let God do a new thing in your life.<br />
“Behold, I will do a new thing, now it<br />
shall spring forth; shall you not know<br />
it? I will even make a road in the<br />
wilderness and rivers in the desert.”<br />
Isaiah 43:19<br />
Be ready, to be open to experiencing<br />
a new thing. You need to recognise<br />
the toxicity of worry and address it<br />
from the perspective. Ask God to<br />
help you get rid of this satanic toxin<br />
that is eating into your happiness.<br />
10. Learn to laugh<br />
Even though it may not make natural<br />
sense, part of the practical steps that<br />
need to be mastered includes laughter.<br />
“A merry heart does good, like medicine,<br />
but a broken spirit dries the bones.”<br />
Proverbs 17:22<br />
Beating worry takes a concerted effort.<br />
It takes going the extra mile.As you<br />
rely on God and pray, He can give you<br />
unspeakable joy in the midst of whatever<br />
has caused worry.<br />
Stay focused on your purpose and<br />
direction in life, and don’t allow worry to<br />
distract you.<br />
“I press toward the goal for the prize of<br />
the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”<br />
Philippians 3:14<br />
©Matthew ©Matthew Ashimolowo: Ashimolowo: Don’t Worry Don’t Be Worry HappyBe Happy<br />
The Power<br />
of Relationships<br />
Whatever a man attains to, if he has a problem with<br />
relationships it can ruin everything he has ever built.<br />
Great empires, enterprises, establishments and systems<br />
have been brought down, because of the founder’s or manager’s<br />
inability to build positive relationships.<br />
Positive relationships must first<br />
start from within. You can only<br />
achieve fulfilment, lasting joy, selfactualisation<br />
and vocational success<br />
to the extent to which you love<br />
yourself and others unconditionally.<br />
Sometimes the concept of self-love<br />
within the Christian teaching of being<br />
crucified with Christ sounds like<br />
an anomaly. It is not hard for some<br />
theologians to look at the subject of<br />
self-love and say, ‘Didn’t Christ say<br />
that we must carry the cross and<br />
follow Him, Didn’t He say we are<br />
unprofitable servants?’ Luke 17:10<br />
This is true however, Christ also<br />
said to love your neighbour as<br />
yourself. The simplest meaning of<br />
that sentence is that you can only<br />
love your neighbour to the degree to<br />
which you love yourself. You cannot<br />
give more or less than what you have.<br />
Self-love is the ability to understand<br />
yourself and value who you are. It<br />
is also strongly connected to selfacceptance<br />
and self-knowledge;<br />
that is, knowing who you are and<br />
accepting your strengths and<br />
limitations.<br />
The goals you set, the visions you<br />
have, the dreams and ideals you<br />
strive for, the ability to be the best,<br />
are always attached to the degree of<br />
self-acceptance and self-love.<br />
If you love and respect yourself, you<br />
will have confidence in other people<br />
too. Positive relationships are not<br />
only about believing in your own<br />
gifting and ability, they are about<br />
investing the same confidence in<br />
others.<br />
Selfishness and self-love are two<br />
different things. Self-love is valuing<br />
who you are. Selfishness is believing<br />
that the world belongs to you and<br />
everything must be about you.<br />
Selfishness contradicts the Gospel<br />
of Jesus Christ because it enthrones<br />
man on the throne which Christ<br />
should occupy.<br />
Positive love, on the other hand,<br />
leads to positive self-esteem<br />
and self-respect. These qualities<br />
are necessary for a wholesome<br />
and healthy personality. These<br />
qualities are necessary for your<br />
transformation.<br />
Self-love is not pride. When people<br />
are proud it is an indication of<br />
a deep seated problem of selfrejection<br />
and low self-esteem.<br />
Once you understand that you are<br />
holy, accepted, beloved, seated in<br />
the heavenly places and adopted by<br />
God, your godly self-confidence and<br />
self-worth will increase.<br />
This beautiful and godly confidence<br />
now affects how you relate to other<br />
people because you now realise<br />
that just as you are accepted in<br />
God, they are precious in His sight<br />
too. You are immediately able to<br />
value other people (Romans 15:7;<br />
Ephesians 1:4-5).<br />
Accepting yourself unconditionally,<br />
irrespective of what has happened<br />
to you in the past, is very important in<br />
order for you to make progress. God<br />
did not start loving you after you were<br />
cleaned up, He loved you when you<br />
were still a sinner (Romans 5:8).<br />
Self-love is setting worthwhile goals<br />
and pursuing them, having a clear<br />
vision for yourself, knowing what you<br />
want to become and what you want to<br />
achieve spiritually, physically, mentally,<br />
financially etc. If you cannot believe in<br />
the grace and ability of God for your<br />
life you will not be able to commit it to<br />
paper.<br />
The bottom line here really is<br />
‘Why should you develop positive<br />
relationships? What benefit is there?<br />
Well, the law of focus says that<br />
whatever you dwell on will occur. If<br />
you choose to love people, love grows<br />
around you and in you.<br />
Love is the antidote to every negative<br />
relationship. It is the answer to<br />
conquering behavioural problems.<br />
The kind of love indicated in 1 John<br />
4:18 and 1 John 4:8 is the one which<br />
was manifested by God through Christ,<br />
and led to the transformation of the<br />
world. We must change the world<br />
around us. You cannot be transformed<br />
if your life is devoid of positive love.<br />
We must know the real and powerful<br />
transformation of love.<br />
©Matthew Ashimolowo: Be the Best<br />
THE<br />
PLACE<br />
Many Christians have<br />
allowed the spirit of<br />
the age to confirm<br />
their thinking about<br />
money but it is time<br />
to experience a transformation<br />
so that the entire Church can<br />
experience the blessing of Abraham<br />
and live in the wealthy place, which<br />
Christ’s redemptive work has<br />
provided.<br />
The time has come for the church<br />
to be empowered to do the things it<br />
was ordained for.<br />
What motivates your desire to have<br />
money? From a biblical point of<br />
view, it can be said that there are<br />
positive reasons for wanting to be<br />
blessed financially and there are<br />
negative reasons.<br />
It is God’s will that Christians<br />
be financially empowered (Deut<br />
8:18). Positive motives include<br />
personal and family comfort<br />
and convenience, being blessed<br />
to be a blessing, ministering to<br />
the household of faith and the<br />
promotion of the Kingdom of God.<br />
Negative motivations include peer<br />
pressure, envy, personal validation<br />
and a love of money.<br />
One of the key problems at the root<br />
of the debate on prosperity within<br />
the Church is the motive of pursuit.<br />
People with good intentions have<br />
found their minds corrupted in the<br />
past. So good intention is not a<br />
good enough reason for the pursuit<br />
of prosperity. It is important to not<br />
only know positive motives, but you<br />
must also know how to keep your<br />
heart pure and right before and after<br />
you have been blessed.<br />
In 3 John 1:2 the wish of God is<br />
expressed.<br />
This means that God’s plan is for<br />
the believer to experience this<br />
blessing. However, if the blessing<br />
of God is eluding you, there must be<br />
a reason because having come into<br />
the knowledge of salvation through<br />
Christ, everything God has is now<br />
made available to you. 2 Peter 1:3<br />
There is always a reason for the<br />
absence of supply, there is a cause<br />
for every effect. That cause and<br />
effect is what underwrites the<br />
principle or the law of sowing and<br />
reaping. Genesis 8:22<br />
If you can get to the root cause of<br />
the lack you are experiencing, then<br />
you can be released into God’s<br />
original intention for your blessing.<br />
Are you finding fulfilment in what you are<br />
doing? Are you blossoming and expressing<br />
the gift of God planted in you? Are you<br />
achieving all that God has given you the<br />
ability to achieve? Do you sense growth<br />
in your personal life and dream? Are you<br />
reaping harvests in the field God has<br />
planted for you?<br />
God’s harvest is a ready one and<br />
He wants to bring it into our lives<br />
immediately. Until you search diligently<br />
you may not recognise the harvest God<br />
already has for you.<br />
Your breakthrough in life is in your field,<br />
not what works for somebody else. Your<br />
actualisation is tied to the discovery of the<br />
field of your dreams. Jesus said, “Lift up<br />
your eyes and look.” John 4:35<br />
Until you find your field of dreams,<br />
happiness eludes you, the struggle<br />
continues and life is a continuous fight.<br />
The mandate for financial blessing is<br />
certainly that there is a divine field ready<br />
for your harvest. It is a matured harvest<br />
field waiting for you to put in the sickle.<br />
You must be ready to see that harvest<br />
with the eyes of God.<br />
Your chief quest is to know where God<br />
has planted His harvest for you. If you<br />
have the field of God’s planting you will<br />
have the blessing of Deuteronomy 28,<br />
not the curses. So I ask you again, is your<br />
present work the most fulfilling you could<br />
do?<br />
©Matthew Ashimolowo: The 10 Ms of Money<br />
Praying For The<br />
Presence & Power<br />
Of The Holy Spirit<br />
• Job 22:28, 37:23<br />
• Psalm 106:8<br />
• Isaiah 11:2, 45:11<br />
• Mark 10:27<br />
• Ephesians 3:20<br />
• 2 Corinthians 12:9<br />
• 2 Timothy 1:7<br />
2 Corinthians 10:3-5<br />
• Nahum 1:9<br />
• Jeremiah 32:17<br />
Mark 9:23<br />
• Proverbs 28:1<br />
• Ephesians 3:20<br />
Pray that as you pursue<br />
God’s will, His anointing will<br />
rest upon your life.<br />
Pray to receive the anointing<br />
of the Holy Spirit with signs<br />
and wonders following.<br />
Pray for the anointing power<br />
and presence of God to<br />
always be manifest in your<br />
life.<br />
Pray that you will proclaim<br />
God’s word such that His<br />
anointing and power will<br />
cause people to react to it.<br />
Thank God for the anointing<br />
which is key to you winning<br />
in life.<br />
Pray to receive the boldness<br />
of the Holy Ghost to enter<br />
territories and occupy them<br />
for God.<br />
Pray for the power and<br />
presence of the Holy Spirit<br />
to bring deliverance in every<br />
aspect of your life.<br />
Pray that the gifts of the<br />
Spirit will be manifest<br />
through your ministry in<br />
Jesus’ name.<br />
Pray for the anointing to<br />
preach the word of God with<br />
power and boldness.<br />
Pray for the power and<br />
presence of the Holy Spirit so<br />
that your ministry will change<br />
lives in Jesus’ name.<br />
Pray for the anointing of the<br />
Holy Spirit that will influence<br />
and change your prayer life<br />
for good.<br />
Ask the Lord to give you<br />
wisdom on how to build<br />
fellowship with the Holy<br />
Spirit.<br />
Pray that the Holy Spirit will<br />
release in your heart deep<br />
compassion about people in<br />
need.<br />
Pray for divine revelation to<br />
flow in you by reason of the<br />
Holy Spirit.<br />
Repent of every sin that<br />
breaks the circuit of power<br />
that the Holy Spirit brings.<br />
Thank God for the inner<br />
witness that the Holy Spirit<br />
gives you concerning whom<br />
you are in God.<br />
Pray to receive the anointing<br />
to bring healing and<br />
deliverance to the sick.<br />
Pray that at all times in your<br />
life and ministry God will<br />
confirm His word with signs<br />
and wonders.<br />
Confess daily that you will be<br />
the evidence of the power of<br />
God in action.<br />
Command every mountain<br />
of satanic confrontation to<br />
crumble in Jesus’ name.<br />
Take authority over every<br />
lie of Satan and declare that<br />
God’s grace is sufficient for<br />
you.<br />
Confess that you will not fall<br />
but stand in the assembly<br />
of His people to declare His<br />
goodness.<br />
Come against every<br />
stronghold of the mind that<br />
wants you to walk in fear.<br />
Declare that every<br />
reoccurring cycle of problem<br />
has come to an end in your<br />
life.<br />
Confess that according to<br />
the Word of God, nothing<br />
shall be impossible, because<br />
you believe in Him.<br />
Pray for boldness and<br />
confidence in Him that will<br />
help you trust in Him.<br />
Thank God, because He will<br />
exceed every situation.<br />
©Matthew Ashimolowo: The Power of Positive Prayer Bible<br />
When God created mankind, He commented<br />
on the fact that creation in its entirety was<br />
very good (Genesis 1:31). This implies that<br />
disease and ill health could not have been<br />
present in Adam and Eve at that stage. Disease, sickness<br />
and ill health entered the world because Adam and Eve<br />
disobeyed and sinned against God (Genesis 3).<br />
But now, in Christ Jesus, the regenerated believer is<br />
being transformed so that their health conforms to God’s<br />
original purpose (Romans 12:2), made possible by Christ’s<br />
restorative work of Salvation.<br />
Transformation can only be achieved through a wholesome<br />
and three-pronged approach:<br />
The approach helps one to gain spiritual insight. It involves<br />
searching the Bible for healing scriptures and allowing the<br />
Holy Spirit to illuminate the scriptures that promise divine<br />
health and healing.<br />
These scriptures (including Isaiah 53:3-5; Exodus15:26,<br />
Luke 5:12,3John1:2 and many more) must be memorised,<br />
believed, confessed and applied to the individual’s situation.<br />
Pattern recognition: Be quick to recognise the family<br />
illness that repeats itself from one generation to another.<br />
One must also recognise lifestyle associated illnesses and<br />
those that are race, culture, gender or age specific. Once<br />
a predisposition to an illness is recognised, action must be<br />
taken by applying God’s Word to the situation and seeking<br />
medical help.<br />
Just as medical doctors prescribe medication to be taken<br />
at certain times and frequency, so believers should selfadminister<br />
healing scriptures several times a day. The good<br />
part of administering God’s Word for healing and divine<br />
health is that it has no known side effects.<br />
God’s healing Word has been sent forth (Psalm 107:20); it is<br />
hovering and waiting for the believer to make a demand on<br />
it and take steps of faith until their healing is complete. In<br />
addition to the above actions, lifestyle changes should be<br />
made to maintain good health.<br />
Some may ask, how do I know when I have been healed<br />
if I don’t stop taking my medication? It is not advisable<br />
for individuals to stop taking their medication without<br />
consulting their doctor because of the risk that their<br />
condition may worsen. If God has healed, it will be evident<br />
to your doctors.<br />
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Charity Registered No: 1097217 (England & Wales), SC038776 (Scotland).<br />
The average life expectancy in the UK is 79.4 years for men<br />
and 83.1 years for women. This is at variance with biblical<br />
life expectancy that was put at 120 years in Genesis 6: 3.<br />
There are very few people on earth today who live close to<br />
this age.<br />
Medical consensus will roughly put the factors that affect<br />
longevity as follows: genetics, environment, level of<br />
physical activity and a healthy diet. God suspended and<br />
amended some of these factors so that the Israelites, who<br />
were on the move for 40 years in the desert, had none feeble<br />
among them (Psalm 105:37). The same God is still at work<br />
today and will fulfil the number of our days (Exodus 23:26).<br />
However, we also need to pursue healthy lifestyle choices in<br />
the following areas:<br />
People with a family history of heart attacks and strokes,<br />
should get themselves checked out sooner rather than later,<br />
especially if they occur before the age of 55. Everyone else<br />
should avail themselves of the free NHS health check for<br />
those aged between 40 and 74 years.<br />
Everyone, irrespective of their age, must keep themselves<br />
active and moving. Spending long periods of time being<br />
inactive (watching television or being glued to a computer<br />
screen, smart phone or tablet) is detrimental to health.<br />
per week. Younger people should do more than this and<br />
include vigorous activity (a game of football, basketball etc)<br />
in their weekly exercise routine. Many who can’t exercise<br />
regularly, because of complicated and busy lives, should<br />
include walking in their daily routine as a way of increasing<br />
their level of physical activity. For example, walking for part<br />
of the journey to work; getting off the train a station early<br />
and walking the rest of the way.<br />
Examples of what they can do are: walking for part of the<br />
journey to work; getting off the bus or train a station early<br />
and walking the rest of the way; walking to the shops; using<br />
stairs instead of the lift; walking the children to school and<br />
going for a stroll with family or friends after dinner.<br />
Many people are still searching for this, but it has not been<br />
found yet. Several diets that exist are based on calorific<br />
restriction and only work for the period one is on them.<br />
Going back to unrestricted eating will lead to rebound<br />
weight gain. Anyone looking to achieve a healthy weight<br />
will have to embrace a diet plan that works for them and<br />
make other lifestyle changes that will help them burn more<br />
calories than they are eating. Any diet must contain the<br />
following elements to be successful: calorific restriction<br />
(smaller plate/ portion size) and a good variety of food<br />
types, based on the eatwell plate guide.<br />
Adults aged 19 and older must do at least 150 minutes of<br />
moderate activity (cycling, brisk walking) and strength<br />
exercises (lifting weights, heavy gardening) on two or more<br />
days a week. Those who are much older, and frail should<br />
seek expert guidance about appropriate exercise regimes.<br />
Adults aged 19 and older must do at least 150 minutes of<br />
moderate activity (cycling, brisk walking) and strength<br />
exercises (lifting weights, heavy gardening) on two or more<br />
days a week. Those who are much older, and frail should<br />
seek expert guidance about appropriate exercise regimes.<br />
10,000 STEPS A DAY<br />
The science behind this number is not firmed up yet and<br />
it is arbitrary. However, the preliminary guideline is for<br />
daily steps of between 10,000 and 15,000 depending on<br />
age and gender. 10,000 steps, walked mostly at brisk pace<br />
(quick enough to make one break out in a sweat), will count<br />
towards the recommended 150 minutes of aerobic exercise<br />
In summary, do the practical and needful but believe God<br />
for divine health and healing. The healing power of God is<br />
real and active today, no matter what the health condition<br />
is. God needs our health to be transformed so we can carry<br />
out the great commission and fulfil His purpose for us on<br />
earth.<br />
Dr Fidelis Abedo: KICC Hospital Visitation Ministry<br />
The motto of the KICC Singles<br />
Ministry to ‘know no man after the<br />
flesh but after the spirit’ recognises<br />
that things are not always as they<br />
appear. It reminds us to aspire to get to know<br />
the real person underneath what we see<br />
or experience of other peoples behaviour,<br />
character, or appearance.<br />
Theme for this year’s IGOC has great<br />
significance for every single person pursuing<br />
true friendships and a lasting relationship<br />
with a future spouse.<br />
In Philippians 4:8, Paul admonishes us to<br />
think about things that are true, honest, just,<br />
pure, lovely, of good report, full of virtue<br />
and praiseworthy. The best relationships are<br />
developed when we commit to cultivating a<br />
positive mind-set.<br />
As we live in an age where there is prolific<br />
reporting of evil happenings with some<br />
businesses thriving on so called ‘fake news’; it<br />
can be challenging for people who try to have<br />
a positive frame of reference. Hence, people<br />
readily conform to the existing norms.<br />
Conformation is agreeing with the status<br />
quo, whether it is good or bad. It is accepting<br />
the norm without positively questioning or<br />
challenging it.<br />
This gives birth to stagnancy and can be<br />
a trap of the enemy. Conformation can<br />
also manifest as living perpetually in one’s<br />
comfort zone, redundancy, inflexibility and a<br />
failure to embrace progressive thinking.<br />
In contrast, transformation is dynamic<br />
and speaks of good change. The road to<br />
transformation is a renewed mind. In<br />
Romans 12 Paul pleads with believers that<br />
each one should present themselves a living<br />
sacrifice; not conformed to this world but<br />
rather transformed by the renewing of<br />
their minds. This order of affairs is crucial<br />
for anyone who desires to go from hope to<br />
actualisation. A renewed mind is necessary<br />
for healthy relationships as it has built into its<br />
fabric trust, hope, love and a genuine quality<br />
of being naked and unashamed.<br />
A renewed mind seeks to see things through<br />
God’s own eyes, whilst a conformed mind<br />
judges based on the outward appearance.<br />
If God opens your eyes to see a person’s<br />
potential, you can become part of the process<br />
of turning a stone with rough edges into a<br />
diamond. Investing in others in this way also<br />
transforms us and makes us more like our<br />
Father, the greatest Investor of all times.<br />
As far as relationships are concerned, a<br />
renewed mind is not focused on people’s past<br />
and does not define others based on their past<br />
failures, insufficiencies or current difficulties.<br />
When individuals lean on their natural<br />
senses and conform to societal expectations,<br />
peer or parental pressure, they can make<br />
wrong judgements and miss out on the best<br />
opportunities and friendships. Love dictates<br />
that we must give people a chance.<br />
Paul’s portrayal of the process for<br />
transformation in 2 Corinthians 3:18 (AMP)<br />
highlights that that it should be continual and<br />
progressive, a sort of continuous personal<br />
development.<br />
As we fill our minds with God’s Word, we<br />
behold Christ as in a mirror; His image rubs<br />
off on us and we become more like Him in<br />
the way we think and live. Real change starts<br />
on the inside and works its way out. Whilst<br />
we acknowledge that true transformation is<br />
by His Spirit, we know that it comes at a cost<br />
to the individual and not by wishful thinking.<br />
To be transformed and not conformed, it will<br />
take<br />
• Turning to God<br />
• Relinquishing self-will as a living<br />
sacrifice<br />
• Accepting God’s order and embracing<br />
new ways of thinking with a definite<br />
• Shift to seeing others through God’s<br />
eyes A fervent pursuit of good change<br />
irrespective of the cost<br />
• Remodelling our frames of reference to<br />
align with godly values<br />
• Welcoming metamorphosis as we<br />
understand that transformation must be<br />
from glory to glory.<br />
With a transformed mind, each individual<br />
can become a pacesetter equipped with the<br />
best tool kit for successful relationships.<br />
Dr. Nkiru Asiegbunam<br />
Head of the KICC Singles Ministry<br />
Singles@Kicc.org.uk<br />
@KICCSingles<br />
@KICCSingles<br />
@KICC_Singles<br />
What we achieve, what<br />
we aspire to achieve<br />
and what we settle<br />
for in life, starts in<br />
our minds. Your mindset can either<br />
be a springboard to help maximise<br />
your potential, or it can hinder your<br />
progress. The analogy of a cup being<br />
half empty or full epitomises how<br />
people approach situations.<br />
A positive mindset looks at possibilities<br />
and constantly sees opportunities to<br />
increase capacity, while a negative<br />
mindset focuses on the void and often<br />
looks for excuses or seeks to blame<br />
others for the void. It is important we<br />
adopt a positive mindset in order to<br />
transform our careers and future proof<br />
them against the storms of life.<br />
Here are 5 steps to apply to aid the<br />
transformation of your career.<br />
STEP 1 – Devise a career development<br />
plan: Plans are not limited to<br />
businesses, we need to appreciate the<br />
need to plan for a successful career.<br />
If you fail to steer your career in the<br />
direction you choose, its course is<br />
likely to be determined by others.<br />
Always start with the end in mind<br />
and work backward. Identify what<br />
it is that you want to accomplish and<br />
where you want to be in 5 or 10 years<br />
time. Whether it is running your own<br />
business or getting to the top of the<br />
ladder in your sector, it won’t happen<br />
accidentally. You need to plan. Effective<br />
planning is quite simply about setting<br />
goals which need to be SMART.<br />
The S in the mnemonic stands for<br />
specific; you need to be able to define<br />
your goal.<br />
M is measurable you cannot manage<br />
a goal that can’t be measured as this<br />
will enable you to know when it is<br />
accomplished.<br />
The A means your goal must also be<br />
Achievable. Whilst your goal should<br />
be stretching it must be something<br />
that you personally can attain. It must<br />
also be Realistic and relevant to your<br />
future ambitions. Lastly, an effective<br />
goal must have a Timeframe attached<br />
to it. You should set short, medium and<br />
long-term goals. Your plan should be<br />
written down, pass the SMART test and<br />
be reviewed regularly. Achieving shortterm<br />
goals will spur you on to achieve<br />
the medium and longer-term goals.<br />
Don’t wait until the New Year to map<br />
your career goals!<br />
STEP 2 - Identify your strengths and<br />
address your weaknesses: Businesses<br />
analyse their internal environment<br />
by determining their strengths and<br />
weaknesses. Individuals also need to<br />
be fully aware of these. A strength can<br />
be anything you do exceptionally well<br />
either because it is innate and a natural<br />
gifting or because it is something you<br />
have worked hard to achieve. In short,<br />
your strength should make you stand<br />
out from the crowd.<br />
There should not be a mismatch<br />
between your strengths and your career<br />
goals. Your passion is demonstrated in<br />
something you would be willing to do<br />
if money weren’t an issue, something<br />
you can never tire of that puts a smile<br />
on your face.<br />
Employers look for passion and strengths on your CV and are<br />
increasingly conducting strength-based interviews in order<br />
to establish what motivates you and what you are good at.<br />
You should keep a log of major accomplishments and<br />
ensure your CV is updated regularly, at least once a year.<br />
Weaknesses are evident in the things you struggle with, or<br />
only do because you have to. Unfortunately, many people are<br />
blind to their weaknesses, but they are things that need to be<br />
addressed in order to turn them into strengths.<br />
A good appraisal review should highlight weaknesses and a<br />
trusted friend can also point these out to you. However, you<br />
need to be receptive to receiving constructive feedback.<br />
STEP 3 - Identify gaps and barriers and address them:<br />
Many of us have dreams, unfortunately for many people<br />
aspirations don’t become actualised because they fail to plan<br />
and address the obstacles preventing them from realising<br />
their goals. Anything preventing your success is a barrier<br />
and needs to be removed.<br />
Many job seekers see a lack of work experience as a barrier.<br />
Where you lack direct experience use transferable skills that<br />
can be drawn from a range of sources such as hobbies, work<br />
experience, your education and home life. You don’t have<br />
to have worked as a manager to demonstrate leadership<br />
skills. Leadership skills can come from activities at College,<br />
managing your siblings, or being a carer for a relative. The<br />
same applies to budgeting skills. A great source of experience<br />
for those in work is taking on responsibilities beyond the<br />
remit of the job description; managing projects can help<br />
plug the gaps in your experience.<br />
(“learnability”). We live in a world of rapid change, it is<br />
predicted that 65% of jobs that Generation Z will perform<br />
don’t yet exist. Be aware of the impact of technology on your<br />
chosen profession and learn how to exploit it.<br />
Consider jobs that artificial intelligence will produce not<br />
displace, review the PEST analysis for your sector. The PEST<br />
tool analyses the political, economic, socio-cultural and<br />
technological changes in your sector. Core and professional<br />
competencies are as important as technical skills, so ensure<br />
you can demonstrate that you possess them examples<br />
include leadership, communication, resilience and problemsolving<br />
skills, which are transferable across sectors. Think<br />
globally and consider learning a new language. Given that in<br />
the year 2020 four generations will be working side by side<br />
(baby boomers, generation X, Y, and Z) it will be imperative,<br />
irrespective of age, for those in work to ensure their skills are<br />
current, relevant and economically valuable.<br />
STEP 5 - Build your professional network and develop your<br />
brand. Ensure your network is wide-ranging and includes<br />
strategic networks, that is people with significant influence<br />
and positioning in their fieldsfields. Operational networks<br />
comprising of people you work with and social networks<br />
of peers and friends. Include mentors or coaches in your<br />
network.<br />
Ensure your networks are diverse in all aspects of their skills,<br />
backgrounds, and influence. Rebrand yourself. Restaurants<br />
and many other local businesses are very keen to draw our<br />
attention to the fact that they are under new management by<br />
doing so they raise our expectations and make us feel that we<br />
will experience something new and better.<br />
Volunteering is a great example of acquiring employability<br />
skills as it demonstrates determination and motivation.<br />
Consider an apprenticeship where you are employed by an<br />
organisation who pay you a salary and cover all training fees<br />
(including degrees). These are open to young people and<br />
adults.<br />
STEP 4 - Constantly update your skills. Take every<br />
opportunity to continue your professional development.<br />
Increase your net worth by exploiting training and<br />
development opportunities at work or invest in your<br />
own training and development. Don’t wait until you are<br />
asked to leave work to retrain. Employers are increasingly<br />
looking for staff that have the capacity to learn new skills<br />
It is never too late for us to refresh our approach. Make sure<br />
you are the go-to person for things to be done at work. Be<br />
consistent, reliable and loyal, not the first out of the door<br />
when the clock strikes 5. Have an impeccable work ethic, at<br />
all times. Give your CV a makeover and have someone look<br />
over it. Many people are much better at selling themselves<br />
verbally than they are in writing, not realising that a CV<br />
creates the first impression.<br />
Teresa Esan, Head of the Career Counselling Department. For<br />
further advice on how to transform your career, improve your<br />
CV or identify your strengths and possible career options<br />
contact KICC’s Career counselling department: career_<br />
counselling@kicc.org.uk<br />