Tasmanian Business Reporter September 2018
Welcome to the September edition of the Tasmanian Business Reporter. After a crazy week in Federal politics, this month you'll read about the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce's request to new Prime Minister Scott Morrison for action on more than $133 million of promises made to Braddon in July's by-election. You'll also find details of Tasmania's construction boom, which is predicted to continue for the foreseeable future, the launch of I-PREP, a University of Tasmania program set to align businesses with talented international students and a powerful column from TCCI Chair Susan Parr reinforcing the Chamber's call for local council amalgamation.
Welcome to the September edition of the Tasmanian Business Reporter.
After a crazy week in Federal politics, this month you'll read about the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce's request to new Prime Minister Scott Morrison for action on more than $133 million of promises made to Braddon in July's by-election.
You'll also find details of Tasmania's construction boom, which is predicted to continue for the foreseeable future, the launch of I-PREP, a University of Tasmania program set to align businesses with talented international students and a powerful column from TCCI Chair Susan Parr reinforcing the Chamber's call for local council amalgamation.
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T A S M A N I A’ S L E A D I N G B U S I N E S S P U B L I C A T I O N . C I R C U L A T I O N 12,000 M O N T H LY<br />
<strong>Tasmanian</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> - SEPTEMBER <strong>2018</strong> 5<br />
www.tcci.com.au<br />
Never give up on WH&S Out-of-hours<br />
Craig<br />
Hortle<br />
Workplace Health & Safety<br />
ONCE a workplace<br />
health and safety system<br />
has been consulted on<br />
with workers and agreed<br />
on by management, the<br />
next step in the process is<br />
to implement it.<br />
The process can be difficult<br />
at times due to work<br />
schedules, apathy in the<br />
workplace for WHS, lack<br />
of management support<br />
and entrenched workplace<br />
culture.<br />
How are you able to<br />
address these issues and<br />
others when implementing<br />
a WHS system?<br />
The first and most important<br />
step is to ensure<br />
that management is supportive<br />
of the process.<br />
This is not merely a tacit<br />
support of WHS policy<br />
and procedure but being<br />
actively involved.<br />
This can be achieved<br />
by:<br />
• being involved in<br />
safety meetings;<br />
• implementing well<br />
thought out safety initiatives;<br />
• make WHS a topic<br />
of conversation in the<br />
workplace;<br />
• practicing what you<br />
require from workers;<br />
and<br />
• actively auditing the<br />
system.<br />
Work schedules can<br />
be an issue if there are<br />
varied starting times in a<br />
workplace, different sites<br />
for work activities and<br />
different types of work<br />
carried out.<br />
These situations can<br />
be overcome with some<br />
suggestions including:<br />
• varying information<br />
session times for employees<br />
to attend;<br />
China leads increase in export value<br />
THE value of Australia’s<br />
exports of goods and services<br />
rose 14.8 per cent<br />
to $386.7 billion in 2017,<br />
based on the DFAT publication<br />
‘Composition of<br />
Trade Australia 2017’.<br />
China was Australia’s<br />
largest export destination<br />
(valued at $116.0 billion)<br />
and import source (valued<br />
at $67.4 billion).<br />
Australia’s top five<br />
goods and services exports<br />
were:<br />
- iron ore and concentrates<br />
($63.1 billion)<br />
- coal ($57.1 billion)<br />
-education-related<br />
travel services – which<br />
includes foreign student<br />
expenditure on tuition<br />
fees and living expenses<br />
Sally<br />
Chandler<br />
Tradestart Adviser<br />
We specialise in high quality ergonomic chairs,<br />
alternative seating and electronic sit/stand desks.<br />
Flair Office Furniture has been providing quality, affordable office<br />
furniture to homes and offices throughout the Hobart region<br />
for nearly 15 years. We’re a locally-based, family-run business<br />
specialising in all types of products, so why not visit us today to<br />
see our fantastic range?<br />
• ensuring consistency<br />
of message across all<br />
work activities (office,<br />
production, workshop or<br />
field work); and<br />
• if a work site is significantly<br />
different in<br />
make-up than other sites<br />
there may be a need to<br />
tailor specific information<br />
for that site.<br />
Worker apathy and entrenched<br />
culture may be<br />
the two single most difficult<br />
problems to overcome.<br />
There is no silver<br />
(30% share and 21.2%<br />
growth in 2017), Japan<br />
(12.2% share and 22.8%<br />
growth in 2017), South<br />
Korea (6% share and<br />
14.4% growth in 2017),<br />
USA (5.4% share and<br />
1.8% growth in 2017),<br />
India (5.2% share and<br />
32.6% growth in 2017),<br />
and Hong Kong (3.9%<br />
share and 17% growth in<br />
2017).<br />
Other countries in order<br />
of share of total were<br />
Phone 6234 1127<br />
p: 6212 2210<br />
e: elise@elisearcher.com<br />
260 Argyle Street,<br />
m: PO North Box 426, Hobart Moonah, 7009<br />
www.elisearcher.com<br />
www.flairofficefurniture.com.au<br />
in Australia – ($30.3 billion)<br />
- natural gas ($25.6 billion)<br />
and,<br />
- personal travel (excluding<br />
education) services<br />
– which includes<br />
short-term visitors’ expenditure<br />
in Australia<br />
mainly for recreational<br />
purposes – ($21.3 billion).<br />
Australia’s top export<br />
markets for goods<br />
Alcoholic<br />
and services were China<br />
2<br />
Elise<br />
Archer<br />
Your local Liberal<br />
Member for Denison<br />
62 Main Rd, Moonah<br />
Please contact me:<br />
NZ (3.6%), Singapore<br />
(3.1%), UK (3%) and Taiwan<br />
(2.7%).<br />
Interestingly, export<br />
sales to the UK retracted<br />
25.4% compared to the<br />
2016 year.<br />
Authorised by Elise Archer, 62 Main Rd, Moonah, 7009<br />
WH&S needs to be a topic of conversation in the workplace.<br />
Australia’s merchandise<br />
trade with China<br />
saw iron ore as the number<br />
one export followed<br />
by coal, wool and other<br />
animal hair, copper ores<br />
and concentrates, edible<br />
products and preparations<br />
(not separately recorded),<br />
barley, crude minerals<br />
(not separately recorded),<br />
gold, aluminium ores and<br />
concentrates, and copper.<br />
beverages<br />
came in 12th with 62.9%<br />
growth in 2017, and beef<br />
WANTED<br />
<strong>Business</strong><br />
movers and<br />
shakers<br />
• Promotions<br />
• Appointments<br />
• Awards<br />
• Celebrating<br />
success<br />
Share the news<br />
with the<br />
<strong>Tasmanian</strong><br />
business<br />
community<br />
Send your news<br />
snippets, with a<br />
high quality photo,<br />
to TBReditorial@<br />
fontpr.com.au<br />
To see your business here, call Kerri on 0419 750 267 or email kerri@thetrustedmediaco.com<br />
bullet or one solution that<br />
will solve these issues.<br />
Some suggestions are:<br />
• be consistent with the<br />
message that you trying<br />
to get across;<br />
• don’t reward bad<br />
safety behaviour;<br />
• provide adequate<br />
training in WHS principles<br />
and your system that<br />
you are implementing;<br />
• listen to concerns or<br />
problems that the system<br />
has caused and implement<br />
change when possible<br />
to address these problems;<br />
and<br />
• do not give up.<br />
Even though change in<br />
a workplace can be difficult<br />
it is not impossible<br />
and can be achieved.<br />
For information on<br />
how to achieve this<br />
please contact Craig<br />
Hortle or Janelle<br />
Whitehouse at the<br />
TCCI on 1300 559 122<br />
or safety@TCCI.com.<br />
au<br />
13th with 24.2% growth.<br />
Merchandise exports<br />
to Japan saw coal as the<br />
number one export in<br />
2017 followed by iron<br />
ores and concentrates,<br />
beef, copper ores and<br />
concentrates, and aluminium.<br />
The full document can<br />
be accessed on the DFAT<br />
website at https://dfat.<br />
gov.au/about-us/publications/Pages/composition-of-trade.aspx<br />
For international trade<br />
and investment assistance<br />
contact Trade-<br />
Start Adviser, Sally<br />
Chandler, at sally.<br />
chandler@tcci.com.au<br />
or 1300 559 122.<br />
Your Partner<br />
in Print.<br />
www.footandplaysted.com.au<br />
Now incorporating<br />
conduct<br />
also counts<br />
Abbey<br />
George<br />
Workplace Relations<br />
THE past month has been an interesting one<br />
with several decisions being made by the Fair<br />
Work Commission that may impact workplace<br />
relations in the future.<br />
In particular, out-of-hours conduct was found<br />
to be a valid reason for dismissal in the case of<br />
Oliver Bridgewater v Healthscope Operations<br />
Pty Ltd T/A Prince of Wales Private Hospital.*<br />
In this case the applicant was dismissed for<br />
serious misconduct after being found to have<br />
breached the employer’s sexual harassment<br />
policy by sending a highly offensive and unwelcome<br />
message of a sexual nature to a colleague.<br />
This was despite the message being sent out<br />
of work hours and not on work property.<br />
From 1 August <strong>2018</strong>, employees that are covered<br />
by Modern Awards will have access to five<br />
days unpaid family and domestic violence leave<br />
where an employee is:<br />
• experiencing domestic violence; and<br />
• needs to do something to deal with the impact<br />
of domestic violence; and<br />
• it is impractical for the employee to undertake<br />
that outside their ordinary hours of work.<br />
This leave is available “in full” at the beginning<br />
of each 12 month period of employment,<br />
applies to all employees (including casuals) but<br />
does not accrue from year to year.<br />
This amendment in turn places obligations<br />
on employers regarding the storage and access<br />
to relevant information regarding the taking of<br />
family and domestic violence leave.<br />
Finally, another case to note is the termination<br />
of an employee from Cricket Australia following<br />
tweets being made about abortion. This<br />
matter is listed with the Fair Work Commission<br />
and has also resulted in proposed new social<br />
media guidelines for public servants produced<br />
by the <strong>Tasmanian</strong> State Service Management<br />
Office.<br />
*(U<strong>2018</strong>/2872) http://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/<br />
cth/FWC/<strong>2018</strong>/3921.html<br />
You can contact TCCI by the Helpline on<br />
1300 765 123 or the TCCI on 1300 59 122<br />
or workplacerelations@tcci.com.au where<br />
we can assist with your questions about<br />
employment matters generally as well as<br />
assisting with drafting any policies or procedures<br />
required within your business.