Tasmanian Business Reporter September 2018
Welcome to the September edition of the Tasmanian Business Reporter. After a crazy week in Federal politics, this month you'll read about the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce's request to new Prime Minister Scott Morrison for action on more than $133 million of promises made to Braddon in July's by-election. You'll also find details of Tasmania's construction boom, which is predicted to continue for the foreseeable future, the launch of I-PREP, a University of Tasmania program set to align businesses with talented international students and a powerful column from TCCI Chair Susan Parr reinforcing the Chamber's call for local council amalgamation.
Welcome to the September edition of the Tasmanian Business Reporter.
After a crazy week in Federal politics, this month you'll read about the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce's request to new Prime Minister Scott Morrison for action on more than $133 million of promises made to Braddon in July's by-election.
You'll also find details of Tasmania's construction boom, which is predicted to continue for the foreseeable future, the launch of I-PREP, a University of Tasmania program set to align businesses with talented international students and a powerful column from TCCI Chair Susan Parr reinforcing the Chamber's call for local council amalgamation.
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8 <strong>Tasmanian</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> - SEPTEMBER <strong>2018</strong><br />
Investment in looking good<br />
More than ever, Australians are<br />
investing in looking and feeling<br />
their best. At Laser Clinics<br />
Australia, our vision is to provide<br />
affordable, effective and safe<br />
non-invasive cosmetic treatments<br />
to all Australians.<br />
LASER Clinics Australia<br />
CEO Anthea Muir says<br />
the company is seeking<br />
new and motivated franchise<br />
partners from a<br />
range of experiences to<br />
drive growth across Australia<br />
and New Zealand.<br />
She believes potential<br />
franchisees from all backgrounds<br />
will be attracted<br />
to three key elements of<br />
Laser Clinics Australia’s<br />
business model: ongoing<br />
support in key business<br />
areas such as marketing,<br />
IT and accounting; an enviable<br />
corporate culture;<br />
and the prospect of being<br />
involved in a growth<br />
sector.<br />
“They are elements<br />
that any franchisees in<br />
any sector should be targeting,”<br />
Muir says. “And<br />
in terms of the specific<br />
training you need to become<br />
familiar with the<br />
aesthetics industry, well,<br />
that’s what our team is<br />
here for.”<br />
Since 2008, Laser Clinics Australia has opened more than 100 clinics across the country.<br />
We are proud to be the<br />
leaders of our industry,<br />
because we partner with<br />
people who are just like<br />
us. Driven, passionate,<br />
success-seeking and allround<br />
nice positive people.<br />
When you partner<br />
with us you become a<br />
part of the family. It’s a<br />
unique franchise model<br />
with a 50/50 partnership<br />
and an attractive remuneration<br />
of $100,000 per<br />
annum for the nominated<br />
manager from day one.<br />
Despite rapid growth<br />
of the aesthetics sector<br />
across the nation, Muir<br />
has no doubt that there<br />
are still enormous opportunities<br />
to expand Laser<br />
Clinics Australia’s footprint.<br />
“We are your partner of<br />
choice if you are looking<br />
for a solid investment in<br />
a high-growth industry<br />
with an award-winning<br />
business.”<br />
A case in point is Michael<br />
Makris and Vitanos<br />
Vitanopoulos, brother-inlaw<br />
franchisees who own<br />
the Southland and Northland<br />
clinics, respectively,<br />
in Melbourne.<br />
Taking advantage of<br />
Makris’s experience in<br />
the fitness industry and<br />
Vitanopoulos’s management<br />
background in the<br />
corporate sector, they<br />
have a blend of business<br />
and client service skills.<br />
“It’s a good balance,”<br />
Makris says. He and Vitanopoulos<br />
assessed a<br />
range of franchise systems<br />
before settling on<br />
Laser Clinics Australia.<br />
“There are outstanding<br />
people in the network<br />
and that’s backed up by<br />
the quality of the people<br />
in the head office in Sydney,”<br />
Makris says.<br />
“They’ve been extremely<br />
good in working<br />
with us and supporting<br />
us and the Laser Clinics<br />
Australia brand benefits<br />
from a real team effort.”<br />
Makris and Vitanopoulos<br />
are among a growing<br />
number of men who are<br />
becoming Laser Clinics<br />
Australia franchisees.<br />
“We were looking for a<br />
great business opportunity,<br />
not a ‘male’ business<br />
opportunity and Laser<br />
Clinics Australia fits the<br />
bill,” Makris says.<br />
“Given the strength of<br />
the market, we have no<br />
doubt that we made the<br />
right decision.”<br />
Since launching in<br />
2008, Laser Clinics<br />
Australia has opened<br />
more than 100 clinics<br />
across Australia and<br />
was named the top franchise<br />
on SmartCompany’s<br />
Smart50 list in<br />
2016.<br />
It has prospered on<br />
the back of demand for<br />
its three key service areas<br />
– laser hair remov-<br />
al, cosmetic injectables<br />
and skin treatments.<br />
The provision of affordable,<br />
accessible and<br />
reliable cosmetic treatments<br />
has generated<br />
significant interest from<br />
prospective franchisees<br />
– from corporate executives<br />
wanting to make a<br />
career switch to couples<br />
and individuals seeking<br />
to run their own small<br />
business with the backing<br />
of a proven franchisor.<br />
The profile of franchisees<br />
is quickly evolving.<br />
Mother-and-daughter<br />
team, experienced beauty<br />
industry professional Melinda<br />
Olive and accountant<br />
Maddison Dargel have<br />
opened the Rockhampton<br />
clinic in Queensland.<br />
Laser Clinics Australia<br />
are now open in Tasmania.<br />
Visit franchisees Cameron<br />
at the Eastlands Shopping<br />
Centre (Rosny Park) and<br />
Katherine in Launceston<br />
(95 Brisbane Street).<br />
To discuss other<br />
options such as<br />
Cat & Fiddle Arcade in<br />
the Hobart CBD<br />
contact franchising@<br />