The TEFL Institute of Ireland Cambodia Guide

Award Winning Training Center

Award Winning Training Center


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<strong>TEFL</strong> INSTITUTE OF IRELAND<br />


Welcome to CAMBODIA<br />

Dawn’s light breaks over a nearly thousand-year old spires and shines across the carving<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Buddha in stone. Stepping out <strong>of</strong> your tuk-tuk and into the world’s most preserved<br />

temple complex, you marvel, yet again, at the vastness <strong>of</strong> the surrounding landscape.<br />

You’re in <strong>Cambodia</strong>, a country whose name means “Khmer’s Land,” and your<br />

enchantment with its energy has not yet dwindled. Between the wild coastline and<br />

accompanying islands, the mysticism <strong>of</strong> Angkor Wat, and the colorfully fruit-filled boats<br />

<strong>of</strong> the floating markets, you find yourself in constant awe <strong>of</strong> the rugged Cardamom<br />

mountains, vibrant wildlife, and boundless open spaces calling to be explored. Let your<br />

adventures teaching in <strong>Cambodia</strong> begin!<br />

Teeming with temples, rice fields, eager students, and hospitable hosts, <strong>Cambodia</strong><br />

satiates the appetite <strong>of</strong> even the most ambitious ESL teacher. Whatever your motive, this<br />

understated destination is filled with surprises.<br />

Looking for a truly unexplored, <strong>of</strong>f-the-beaten path destination to teach English abroad<br />

where you can drink gobs <strong>of</strong> coconut fruit shakes with no judgment? <strong>Cambodia</strong> is the<br />

Holy Grail.<br />

Most <strong>of</strong> the country is very rural, so you’re much more likely to stumble upon quaint local<br />

villages than hordes <strong>of</strong> fellow<br />

ESL teachers.


Locations School placements<br />

<strong>The</strong> Internship Perks<br />

Phnom Penh, <strong>Cambodia</strong>’s capital city, is<br />

the backdrop <strong>of</strong> your 2.5 month paid <strong>TEFL</strong><br />

internship. Once dubbed the “Paris <strong>of</strong> the<br />

East,” this formerly French city is making<br />

huge strides to rebuild itself into a modern<br />

travel hub. Between strolls along the Mekong<br />

River and counting Wats (there are more<br />

than 2000+ <strong>of</strong> these Buddhist temples to<br />

be found!), no two days — or adventures — in<br />

Phnom Penh will be the same.<br />

Teach children, teenagers, or adults at<br />

<strong>Cambodia</strong>n language schools. Class sizes<br />

typically range between 15-25 students. All<br />

schools are located in Phnom Penh and<br />

surrounding areas.<br />

Your work week typically runs weekdays,<br />

with 25 hours <strong>of</strong> classroom time. This allows<br />

up to 10 hours <strong>of</strong> lesson planning and five<br />

hours <strong>of</strong> extra curricular activities per week.<br />

Your course includes meals on work days,<br />

as well as lessons in cooking and on the<br />

local language, Khmer. This beautiful script<br />

might seem difficult now, but you’ll be<br />

navigating the streets and ordering your<br />

amok with extra chicken in no time.<br />

(som aôyy ​ban ​choŭk ​chôy) — good luck!


Each placement starts with a full welcome orientation in country. This<br />

allows you to shake <strong>of</strong>f the jetlag and get the real inside scoop — from locals,<br />

program directors, your fellow teachers — on what it means to teach ESL<br />

in <strong>Cambodia</strong>. Learn some basic Khmer phrases, taste the magic <strong>of</strong> fried<br />

banana leaves, make some new friends (the kind that also revel in explaining<br />

the subject-verb agreement for compound subjects), and start your ESL<br />

adventure on the right foot.<br />

We’ll go over your commute to work, what to expect in the classroom, the<br />

do’s and dont’s <strong>of</strong> <strong>Cambodia</strong>n culture, and — <strong>of</strong> course — share our insider<br />

tips on the best street vendors for our favorite local dishes. Expect a ton <strong>of</strong><br />

laughter and fun, too!<br />


Love monkeys, the jungle, and making a meaningful impact on young peoples’<br />

lives? We invite you to get out there and explore the world with us, especially if you…<br />

• Are <strong>TEFL</strong> qualified (included)<br />

• Are a fluent English speaker (you<br />

don’t have to be native!)<br />

• Have completed pre-university<br />

studies (i.e. High School Diploma,<br />

A-Levels, Highers, Leaving Cert)<br />

• Are at least 22 years old<br />

• Have a clean police record<br />

• Are flexible, hard working, mature<br />

• Are in good health!

<strong>Cambodia</strong> Facts<br />

• <strong>The</strong> English word <strong>Cambodia</strong> has been derived from<br />

Cambodge, the French word.<br />

• <strong>Cambodia</strong> has the largest inland lake in Southeast Asia, Tonle Sap — it’s perfect for<br />

paddleboarding!<br />

• In Khmer, the words for “rice” and “food” mean the same.<br />

• <strong>The</strong> <strong>Cambodia</strong>n flag is the only national flag that has an image <strong>of</strong> a building. Wat?<br />

Angkor Wat!<br />

• Leave your candles and balloons behind: Traditionally,<br />

birthdays are not celebrated in <strong>Cambodia</strong>. Older people usually don’t even know<br />

their birthdays!<br />

• In <strong>Cambodia</strong>, the head is regarded as the highest part <strong>of</strong> the body and shouldn’t<br />

be touched even in the kindest manner.<br />

• Around half <strong>of</strong> <strong>Cambodia</strong>’s population is younger than 15 years old. Elementary<br />

school <strong>TEFL</strong> job security, anyone?

Whats up for grabs<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Monthly allowance <strong>of</strong> US$300 (€265/£235)<br />

240 hours <strong>of</strong> <strong>TEFL</strong> Training<br />

Airport pick-up & transfers<br />

Orientation week<br />

Rent-free accommodation<br />

Meals Mon - Fri<br />

Khmer language lessons<br />

Khmer cookery lessons<br />

Visa guidance<br />

• Ongoing in-country support


• I’ve already completed a <strong>TEFL</strong> course, can I get a<br />

discount?<br />

Yes! So long as you’ve completed comprehensive<br />

<strong>TEFL</strong> training, you’ll be eligible for a further discount.<br />

Contact us to find out how much extra you’ll save.<br />

• How long before my start date should I arrive?<br />

You should book flights to arrive into Phnom<br />

Penh International Airport (PNH) on your specific<br />

internship arrival day, for airport pick up and<br />

orientation.<br />

TIP Our previous interns say your first month<br />

can <strong>of</strong>ten be when you spend more - excursions,<br />

socialising and getting settled in. We recommend<br />

you try to budget a little extra per month for trips<br />

and then an emergency fund / credit card for<br />

unexpected events.<br />

• Who will I be teaching?<br />

You’ll be working in an English language school<br />

during your 10 week internship.<br />

• Can I be placed with a friend?<br />

• I have dietary requirements, will I manage okay?<br />

Yes, previous interns with both gluten and dairy free<br />

requirements as well as vegetarians have managed<br />

well with advice from our in-country team.<br />

• What extras do I need to pay for?<br />

- Doctor’s letter (to say you’re fit and well)<br />

- Criminal record check<br />

- Comprehensive travel insurance<br />

- Visa and work permit<br />

- Flights<br />

We’ll also guide you on other internship options or<br />

independent job searches.<br />

• How do I get from orientation to my<br />

placement?<br />

You’ll be housed in your Khmer-style studio housing<br />

from arrival in Phnom Penh.<br />

• Will I be placed with other interns?<br />

Yes, in most cases there will be at least one<br />

other intern at your school. You’ll also be housed<br />

alongside your newfound teaching friends.<br />

• How much will I get paid?<br />

Your US$300 (€265/£235) allowance will be paid in<br />

cash twice during your internship. Once at midterm<br />

and again at the end <strong>of</strong> term. You’ll also enjoy two<br />

weeks <strong>of</strong> holiday, giving you 8 weeks <strong>of</strong> teaching<br />

experience.<br />

You should budget to have enough spending<br />

money to cover your your time in <strong>Cambodia</strong> until<br />

you receive your monthly allowance.<br />

Yes, you can request to be placed with a friend or as<br />

a couple. You’ll have a spot on your application form<br />

to mention who you’re traveling with.<br />

Note: placement together is dependent on<br />

availability and can’t be guaranteed.<br />

• Where will I be located?<br />

Your internship will be in the bustling <strong>Cambodia</strong>n<br />

capital city <strong>of</strong> Phnom Penh.<br />

• What will my accommodation be like?<br />

Accommodation is provided throughout your entire<br />

stay on the internship which will be a Khmer-style<br />

studio apartment with fellow teachers.<br />

Culture Tip: Aside from the inexpensive cost, dining<br />

out plays a large role in <strong>Cambodia</strong>n socializing. Due<br />

to this, your housing won’t not have an extensive<br />

kitchen but you should be able to boil water and<br />

refrigerate food.<br />

• Can I book a one-way flight?<br />

Your visa will be easily extended and you’ll meet<br />

other interns that you’ll want to travel with<br />

afterwards and be glad <strong>of</strong> a changeable travel ticket!<br />

Taking a short (and affordable) flight from the<br />

capital will land you in Siem Reap, home <strong>of</strong> worldfamous<br />

temples including Angkor Wat - the perfect<br />

location to soak up ancient <strong>Cambodia</strong>n heritage.<br />

Zip down to the coast afterwards to kick back in a<br />

hammock for some post-teaching relaxation.<br />

• Is there a chance I won’t be accepted?<br />

As with any internship your spot isn’t guaranteed.<br />

Your application is subject to local school and visa<br />

approval.<br />

If your application is not approved by our partner<br />

schools you’ll be refunded all <strong>of</strong> your internship fee<br />

plus 50% <strong>of</strong> the value <strong>of</strong> your included <strong>TEFL</strong> course.<br />

Essentially, you’ll get <strong>TEFL</strong> trained at half price.




01-5563038 www.tefl.ie

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