TEFL Institute Guide to Spain
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<strong>TEFL</strong> INSTITUTE OF IRELAND<br />
Welcome <strong>to</strong> SPAIN<br />
Whether you’re drawn <strong>to</strong> <strong>Spain</strong> <strong>to</strong> brush-up on your rusty high school Spanish or support<br />
a culture that embraces midday naps, signing up for a teaching program in <strong>Spain</strong> can be<br />
an immensely rewarding experience. Here, you can shape young minds Monday through<br />
Friday, and spend the weekends kicking back at las playas.<br />
The best part? The English teaching market is booming in <strong>Spain</strong>. Your skills are caliente,<br />
caliente, caliente (AKA in demand) — and we’re here <strong>to</strong> connect you with your perfect<br />
ESL teaching gig here. It’s high-time for sangria, sunshine, and subject-verb-sentence<br />
structures. ¡Ándale!<br />
Moving <strong>to</strong> <strong>Spain</strong> is no small feat, mi amigo — you’ve got nine months <strong>to</strong> hit the ground<br />
running (with the bulls!). Our paid ESL internships in <strong>Spain</strong> will give you the framework<br />
for success, but it is up <strong>to</strong> you <strong>to</strong> craft an experience you love.<br />
That means proactively making friends, saving your dinero for<br />
international romps around Europe (<strong>Spain</strong> is highly connected, you know!), and making<br />
time <strong>to</strong> catch the sunset with roof<strong>to</strong>p tapas.
Locations School placements<br />
The Internship Perks<br />
You will be placed in either beachy Catalonia<br />
or his<strong>to</strong>ric Valencia, two fantastic options <strong>to</strong><br />
serve as the backdrop of your epic life abroad.<br />
Chockful of culture, cathedrals, plazas, and<br />
churros, both regions allow for immersive<br />
Spanish experiences without sacrificing<br />
comfort.<br />
Placements vary from Spanish infant,<br />
primary, secondary, and technical schools<br />
in Catalonia and Valencia. Interns can<br />
expect <strong>to</strong> teach children between the ages<br />
of 3 and 18.<br />
Your work week typically runs weekdays,<br />
with 25 hours of classroom time. This allows<br />
up <strong>to</strong> 10 hours of lesson planning and five<br />
hours of extra curricular activities per week.<br />
In addition <strong>to</strong> nine perfect months in <strong>Spain</strong>,<br />
you’ll complete the 120 hour Advanced<br />
<strong>TEFL</strong> Certificate AND get further university<br />
accredited teacher training. These have<br />
been created <strong>to</strong> provide you with real,<br />
comprehensive knowledge of everything<br />
you need <strong>to</strong> become a confident, influential<br />
<strong>TEFL</strong> teacher — in <strong>Spain</strong> and beyond!
Beyond delightful icebreakers, orientation is your chance <strong>to</strong> get the real<br />
inside scoop on living and teaching in <strong>Spain</strong> from local experts! Not only will<br />
we pig out at a welcome dinner (JAMON, BABY!),<br />
we’ll have a crash course in the Spanish language, review lesson planning<br />
strategies, uncover the do’s and dont’s of the Spanish culture (hint: don’t<br />
expect anyone <strong>to</strong> show up on time), and nail down transport and logistics.<br />
Get <strong>to</strong> know your fellow teachers, daydream weekend trips <strong>to</strong> take <strong>to</strong>gether,<br />
and start your experience in <strong>Spain</strong> with a full heart, mind, and… of course,<br />
tummy.<br />
While we’d love <strong>to</strong> show EVERYONE the joy and beauty (and underrated beaches) of<br />
<strong>Spain</strong>, there are certain minimum qualifications <strong>to</strong> becoming an ESL teacher here.<br />
You must be/have...:<br />
• Native English speaker<br />
• Aged between 20 and 30<br />
• Successful completion of pre-university<br />
studies<br />
• Enthusiasm for working with children<br />
• Adaptable and able <strong>to</strong> socialize and<br />
interact with people<br />
• An EU citizen or hold a passport from the following -<br />
countries (those eligible <strong>to</strong> apply for a student visa<br />
from --- their local Spanish Embassy): USA, Canada,<br />
South Africa, ---Australia, and New Zealand<br />
• Have a clean police record<br />
• To apply for Caps plus and caps plus star you will need<br />
<strong>to</strong> have a degree or past teaching experience
<strong>Spain</strong> Facts<br />
• Madrid is in the capital city and the plaza Puerta del Sol, in Madrid, is the exact<br />
center of the country.<br />
• Spanish locals usually have lunch at 2pm and dinner at around 9pm <strong>to</strong> 10pm.<br />
• Spanish food is world famous, trying tapas is a must.<br />
• <strong>Spain</strong> has the second highest number of bars per inhabitants, the only country<br />
that has more bars than <strong>Spain</strong> is Cyprus.<br />
• In <strong>Spain</strong>, <strong>to</strong>rtilla española refers <strong>to</strong> a very popular and delicious egg and pota<strong>to</strong><br />
dish. Spaniards use the word “<strong>to</strong>rtitas” <strong>to</strong> refer <strong>to</strong> flour or corn <strong>to</strong>rtillas.<br />
• <strong>Spain</strong> is home <strong>to</strong> the world’s largest <strong>to</strong>ma<strong>to</strong> fight: La Tomatina, celebrated every<br />
year in Valencia.<br />
• Euskera, spoken by the Basque population in northern <strong>Spain</strong> and southern France,<br />
is one of the oldest living languages in the world.<br />
• Catalan, Basque, Galician, Valenciano are just some of the 17 languages <strong>Spain</strong> has<br />
<strong>to</strong> offer <strong>to</strong> culturally curious teachers.
Whats up for grabs<br />
Caps - homestay<br />
• Monthly allowance of €315 with an allowance<br />
of €915 for the caps plus star<br />
option<br />
• 120 hours Express <strong>TEFL</strong> course<br />
Caps plus - homestay + degree<br />
• 150 hour university <strong>TEFL</strong> course<br />
• Airport pick-up & transfers<br />
• Full welcome orientation<br />
• Access <strong>to</strong> the Spanish Public Healthcare<br />
System<br />
Caps plus star - Independent living + degree +<br />
teaching experience<br />
• 24/7 in-country support
• I’ve already completed a <strong>TEFL</strong> course, can I get a<br />
discount?<br />
Yes! So long as you’ve completed comprehensive<br />
<strong>TEFL</strong> training, you’ll be eligible for a further discount.<br />
Contact us <strong>to</strong> find out how much extra you’ll save.<br />
• How long before my start date should I arrive?<br />
You should book flights <strong>to</strong> arrive in<strong>to</strong> the nominated<br />
airport (Barcelona BCN or Valencia VLC) on your<br />
specific internship arrival day, for airport pick up and<br />
orientation.<br />
• How do I get from orientation <strong>to</strong> my<br />
placement?<br />
At the end of your orientation, either your host<br />
family will pick you up and take you <strong>to</strong> your new<br />
home or you may travel by public transport and your<br />
host family will meet you at the station or airport.<br />
• Will I be placed with other interns?<br />
Yes, in most cases there will be at least one other<br />
intern at your school.<br />
There will be native English teachers in <strong>to</strong>wns and in<br />
cities throughout Catalonia and Valencia provinces<br />
so it will be easy <strong>to</strong> make contact with fellow interns<br />
- you’ll be joining a great community of English<br />
teachers!<br />
• How much will I get paid?<br />
Your €315 (US$355/£275) monthly allowance will be<br />
paid electronically <strong>to</strong> your Spanish bank account at<br />
the start of each month.<br />
You should budget <strong>to</strong> have enough spending<br />
money <strong>to</strong> cover your first month in <strong>Spain</strong> until you<br />
receive your monthly allowance, around the first<br />
week of November.<br />
TIP Our previous interns say your first month<br />
can often be when you spend more - excursions,<br />
socialising and getting settled in. We recommend<br />
you try <strong>to</strong> budget a little extra per month for trips<br />
and then an emergency fund / credit card for<br />
unexpected events.<br />
• Who will I be teaching?<br />
You’ll be working in public schools either working<br />
at a professional Spanish infant, primary, secondary,<br />
A-level or technical school.<br />
• Can I be placed with a friend?<br />
Yes, you can request <strong>to</strong> be placed in a school or<br />
<strong>to</strong>wn nearby a friend. You’ll have a spot on your<br />
application form <strong>to</strong> mention who you’re traveling<br />
with.<br />
You’ll also spend time on weekends with your host<br />
family as part of the internship; it’s the ultimate way<br />
<strong>to</strong> have an authentic Spanish experience.<br />
Note: placement <strong>to</strong>gether is dependent<br />
on availability and can’t be guaranteed (we<br />
recommend applying early when traveling with a<br />
friend).<br />
• Where will I be located?<br />
There are both urban and more rural placements<br />
available throughout the provinces of Catalonia and<br />
Valencia including cities of Barcelona and Valencia.<br />
You will be asked <strong>to</strong> nominate your preferred<br />
placement location (NB. due <strong>to</strong> availability<br />
preference can’t be guaranteed, so it’s best <strong>to</strong> apply<br />
early and be flexible).<br />
• What will my accommodation be like?<br />
Housing is provided throughout your entire stay on<br />
the internship in a homestay with a local Spanish<br />
family.<br />
During orientation you’ll share a room for the first<br />
few days with fellow interns but after that you’ll have<br />
your own single room in your family’s home.<br />
• I have dietary requirements, will I manage okay?<br />
Yes, there are hosts who can accommodate both<br />
gluten and dairy free options as well as many<br />
suitable vegetarian options.<br />
• What extras do I need <strong>to</strong> pay for?<br />
- Doc<strong>to</strong>r’s letter (<strong>to</strong> say you’re fit and well)<br />
- Criminal record check<br />
- Comprehensive travel insurance<br />
- Visa (Non-EU applicants only)<br />
- Doc<strong>to</strong>r letter (<strong>to</strong> say your fit and well) requested if<br />
-.needed<br />
- Flights<br />
• Can I book a one-way flight?<br />
Yes, you can book a one-way flight <strong>to</strong> <strong>Spain</strong>. We<br />
advise you <strong>to</strong> book a one-way or flexible ticket so<br />
you have the freedom <strong>to</strong> make travel plans while<br />
you’re there.<br />
Your Spanish visa will be valid for the 9 month<br />
duration of the program; you’ll meet other interns<br />
that you’ll want <strong>to</strong> travel with afterwards and be<br />
glad of a changeable travel ticket!<br />
Situated close <strong>to</strong> the French border you’ll find<br />
yourself only a train ride away from central Europe,<br />
perfect <strong>to</strong> explore or kick back for some postteaching<br />
relaxation.<br />
• Is there a chance I won’t be accepted?<br />
As with any internship your spot isn’t guaranteed.<br />
Your application is subject <strong>to</strong> local school and (if<br />
applicable) visa approval.<br />
If your application is not approved by our partner<br />
schools you’ll be refunded all of your internship fee<br />
plus 50% of the value of your included <strong>TEFL</strong> course.<br />
Essentially, you’ll get <strong>TEFL</strong> trained at half price.<br />
We’ll also guide you on other internship options or<br />
independent job searches.
01-5563038 www.tefl.ie