Go 13 September 2018
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Thursday, <strong>September</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2018</strong><br />
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News: (043) 702-2125; Advertising: (043) 702-2048 / 702-2031; Classifieds: (043) 702-2122; E-mail: goexpress@tisoblackstar.co.za<br />
Fitness<br />
fairy dust<br />
Bootcamp free for two months<br />
Pink Fairy<br />
Multi-Spor t<br />
Adventures<br />
launched<br />
their<br />
bootcamp on Tuesday<br />
at the BUCO Obstacle<br />
Course in King<br />
William’s Town in<br />
order to help the<br />
community to get<br />
fitter, stronger and<br />
h e a l t h i e r.<br />
The obstacle course<br />
was sponsored by<br />
BUCO in King<br />
William’s Town and<br />
built by Dean<br />
Dusterhoft for the<br />
recently held<br />
Adventure Race.<br />
Bootcamp founders<br />
Mike and Klara Webb<br />
said the sessions were<br />
on Tuesdays at 5pm at<br />
the Daleview<br />
Equestrian Academy<br />
and the fee was free of<br />
charge for the months<br />
of <strong>September</strong> and<br />
O c t o b e r.<br />
“All levels of fitness<br />
are welcome and no<br />
one gets left behind.<br />
We will take them<br />
through their paces<br />
along various trails<br />
and through sections<br />
of the BUCO course.”<br />
Mike and Klara are<br />
TOUGH ENOUGH: King William’s Town residents get active at the Pink Fairy<br />
Multi-Sports Adventure bootcamp<br />
Picture:SUPPLIED<br />
both qualified exercise<br />
instructors and avid<br />
adventurers with many<br />
years of experience.<br />
“We want to get the<br />
community out and<br />
about in nature and at<br />
the same time get<br />
healthier and this is a<br />
perfect way to do so,”<br />
said Mike.<br />
Schools are also<br />
encouraged to contact<br />
the Webbs to book<br />
times to use the<br />
equipment and trails<br />
during the day at a<br />
very nominal fee.<br />
For more<br />
information, contact<br />
Mike on<br />
084-597-8254, Klara<br />
on 076-092-3288 or<br />
visit Pink Fairy<br />
Multi-Spor ts<br />
Adventures on<br />
Fa c e b o o k .<br />
READY TO GO: Lily the sausage dog was ready to take on the King William’s Town parkrun<br />
recently<br />
Picture: INGRID SCHENK<br />
SPCA in desperate need<br />
King William’s Town<br />
SPCA is in dire need of<br />
all kind of animal food<br />
as a result of an influx<br />
of strays animals that<br />
were brought in to the<br />
facility in A u g u st .<br />
SPCA committee<br />
member Annette<br />
Rademeyer said 29<br />
poisoned dogs had<br />
been admitted to their<br />
facilit y.<br />
“If we could have a<br />
donation of puppy and<br />
adult dog pellets, as<br />
well as food for the<br />
cats, it would really go<br />
a long way,” Rademeyer<br />
said.<br />
She said that with the<br />
onset of the tick season<br />
in <strong>September</strong>, there was<br />
also an influx of cats<br />
into the facility<br />
“We ’re also appealing<br />
for fodder for the cattle<br />
and goats that come in.<br />
Just yesterday we had<br />
14 cattle arrive,” she<br />
said.<br />
One of the challenges<br />
the SPCA has is slow<br />
adoption of animals by<br />
members of the public .<br />
“Unfortunately, we<br />
won’t take in vicious<br />
dogs because they<br />
won’t be fit for<br />
adoption. In this case,<br />
we’re forced to put<br />
them down.”<br />
A Bikers’ Breakfast to<br />
be held on October 7<br />
will raise funds for<br />
animal food.<br />
“We will also have<br />
the SPCA Potjie Fun Day<br />
on October 28 where<br />
there’ll be a lot of family<br />
fun at the Pirates Club,”<br />
Rademeyer said.<br />
The community is<br />
encouraged to take part<br />
and put up a stall at a<br />
nominal fee of R60.<br />
SAFE HAVEN: A stabbed dog, one of 29 injured or<br />
poisoned dogs rescued in Alice in August and<br />
brought to the SPCA<br />
Picture: SUPPLIED<br />
“You can sell<br />
anything you have in<br />
your garages and the<br />
proceeds can go<br />
straight to your<br />
p o c ke t s , ” she added.<br />
The SPCA can be<br />
contacted on 043-643-<br />
6008 or readers can<br />
visit their Facebook<br />
page, King William’s<br />
Town SPCA.<br />
See www.hemingwaysmall.co.za orFacebook for details<br />
E. info@hemingwaysmall.co.za T. 043 721 3181<br />
East London<br />
Fashion Week<br />
14 & 15 <strong>September</strong><br />
Upper Food Court, 6pm - 9pm<br />
35 models<br />
showcasing 18 designers<br />
Tickets available through<br />
Computicket, includes goody bag,<br />
sushi and spot prizes<br />
R160 p/p
Page 2 GO & EXPRESS<br />
GOT A NEWS STORY? Call our news desk on (043) 702-2125. Find us on<br />
<strong>September</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2018</strong><br />
GIRL EMPOWERMENT: Girls from various schools in East London attended<br />
peak at 18ºC with minimal<br />
the I am ‘ME’ Confidence Conference for Girls Picture: SUPPLIED<br />
cloud to darken your skies.<br />
SKY KISSES SEA: Roland Thompson, aged 15 years, submitted this photograph for the GO!<br />
& Express Photography Competition. Taken at Kidd’s Beach in December 2017, it depicts<br />
the horizon on a clear day. See Page 8 for competition details Picture: Roland Thompson<br />
Pupils flock<br />
to talk shop<br />
for the girls<br />
The second annual I Am<br />
“ME” Confidence<br />
Conference for Girls was<br />
held at the Robbie de<br />
Lange Community Hall<br />
in West Bank on<br />
Saturday <strong>September</strong> 01.<br />
Pupils from various<br />
schools including<br />
Ebenezer, Umtiza,<br />
Mzokhanyo, Green Point<br />
as well John Bisseker<br />
High School took part.<br />
Conference founder<br />
Thandiswa Magqeleba<br />
said the idea came to<br />
her while she was<br />
working in Alice where<br />
she would visit schools<br />
and give motivational<br />
talks and presentations.<br />
She said she created<br />
the conference to<br />
empower young girls.<br />
“Kids don’t open up<br />
to their families and<br />
this affects their<br />
decision making. The<br />
conference is not only<br />
teaching girls to be<br />
empowered but also to<br />
take care of one<br />
another. We also want<br />
to build their<br />
self-esteem and<br />
confidence, so that we<br />
may breed a generation<br />
of young women<br />
leaders who help each<br />
ot h e r, ” she said.<br />
The day saw a<br />
number of<br />
presentations on<br />
various topics, a<br />
sharing of experiences<br />
between pupils, and<br />
motivational talks by<br />
mentors.<br />
Epitomely PRM<br />
founder and mentor<br />
Sandiswa Mgolozeli<br />
said the conference was<br />
a safe place for pupils<br />
to discuss problems<br />
without being judged.<br />
“We want to be the<br />
mentors we never had<br />
and to create a fun and<br />
sophisticated day where<br />
they can learn and have<br />
fun, and then leave<br />
feeling important and<br />
worthy. We also want to<br />
build women who are<br />
strong and warm, who<br />
will align their purpose<br />
with service and serve<br />
others as well as we are<br />
serving them,” she said.<br />
East London<br />
We at h e r<br />
We can all look forward to a<br />
nice, mild weekend as<br />
Thursday kicks off at 21ºC<br />
and clear skies. The sun<br />
thankfully hangs around<br />
until Friday, although the<br />
temperature does cool<br />
down slightly to 19ºC – n ot<br />
as cold as last week, but<br />
maybe keep a jersey nearby<br />
just in case, especially<br />
since clouds are expected<br />
to roll in by the afternoon.<br />
Those pesky clouds will<br />
burn off by Saturday and<br />
the rest of your weekend is<br />
predicted to be sunny. Both<br />
Saturday and Sunday will<br />
AT YOUR SERVICE: Vuyani Mahlasela<br />
owns Davee’s Shoe Clinic, which<br />
picks up dirty shoes, washes them,<br />
and drops them off again within 24<br />
hours Picture: SIPHOKAZI VUSO<br />
Leaving a clean<br />
footprint of success<br />
When Vuyani Mahlasela, of Mdantsane’s<br />
NU 14 started his shoe-cleaning business,<br />
he had no idea it would be so successful.<br />
D av e e ’s Shoe Clinic gets calls from<br />
people around East London who needs<br />
their shoes washed. Davee’s picks them<br />
up, washes them, and drops them off<br />
within 24 hours.<br />
The 26-year-old Mahlasela said the idea<br />
was born in 2016 when he was too lazy to<br />
wash his own shoes and had to ask<br />
someone to wash them for R10.<br />
“I thought this could be a good idea for<br />
a business and I decided to start a<br />
business that could help these people –<br />
people like me,” he said.<br />
The internal auditing graduate, who runs<br />
the business from a one-room shack, said<br />
he had clients from Mdantsane, Amalinda,<br />
Quigney and Beacon Bay, as well as<br />
<strong>Go</strong>nubie.<br />
“We get calls from people who need our<br />
business and we go to pick up the shoes –<br />
either for washing, cleaning, drying or<br />
treating the shoe.”<br />
On average, he said they took in about<br />
40 pairs of shoes a week and the cost of<br />
service depends on the material of the<br />
shoe.<br />
Mahlasela also has a car wash business<br />
and has several employees.<br />
“We have been busy since the business<br />
started. Some people undermine washing<br />
shoes but there is money coming in and<br />
it’s better than staying at home begging<br />
for money,” said Thando Jajini, who works<br />
with Mahlasela.<br />
“I started this after seeing young people<br />
roaming around the streets doing nothing<br />
and I introduced the idea to them to make<br />
money for ourselves. I don’t treat anyone<br />
as an employee – I say, ‘you own part of<br />
the business because you are part of the<br />
business’. This is more to empower them<br />
to do something with their lives as jobs<br />
are scarce,” Mahlasela said.<br />
He encouraged young people to follow<br />
their passion.<br />
“When you apply for jobs and if you<br />
don’t get it, don’t get discouraged and just<br />
sit down and do nothing.<br />
“Look at what you can do and if you<br />
have an idea, don’t say it wont work, try it<br />
out,” he advised.<br />
Jantjies set<br />
to turn 102<br />
The community of<br />
Parkside in the<br />
Buffalo Flats will be<br />
celebrating with one<br />
of their oldest<br />
residents, Beauty<br />
Jantjies, when she<br />
turns 102 on<br />
S u n d ay.<br />
True to her name,<br />
the beauty is still<br />
evident in the<br />
humble and<br />
sof t-spoken<br />
centenarian, who is<br />
a well-loved pillar in<br />
her community.<br />
“I never drank or<br />
smoked in my life,<br />
and I looked after<br />
my mother and<br />
GOLDEN OLDIE: Beauty<br />
Jantjies from Parkside<br />
will turn 102 on Sunday<br />
Picture: AMANDA NANO<br />
grandmother when they were ill,” said Jantjies.<br />
She believes she has been blessed with her<br />
years because of her service to <strong>Go</strong>d and her<br />
family. She has three children, Muriel, Eddie and<br />
Ve r o n i c a .<br />
Jantjies also has 12 grandchildren, <strong>13</strong><br />
great-grand children and two<br />
g r e at - g r e at - g r a n d c h i l d r e n .<br />
Great grandson Sharwin Taylor said they grew<br />
up with the words: “I believe you must hold onto<br />
<strong>Go</strong>d. In the hard times, be calm and pray”.<br />
Although she has stopped attending services<br />
at the Old Apostolic Church, due to old age,<br />
Jantjies still enjoys cooking, making her own tea<br />
and also tends to her garden.<br />
“I don’t have much but I’m blessed to have<br />
lived so far,” she added.
<strong>September</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2018</strong> For all your advertising needs call Cheryl on (043) 702-2031, Wezley (043) 702-2048 or Terry (043) 702-2122. Find us on Facebook GO & EXPRESS Page 3<br />
New wheelchairs –<br />
from Switzerland<br />
The Canaan Care Centre<br />
recently received a donation of<br />
17 Shonaquip wheelchairs to<br />
the value of R360 000, from<br />
the Swiss-based Raush<br />
Foundation, an organisation<br />
that focuses mainly on<br />
children with physical<br />
disabilities.<br />
Centre manager Eleanor<br />
Saayman said the Small<br />
Projects Foundation had<br />
contacted the Rausch<br />
Foundation asking for help.<br />
“The Small Projects<br />
Foundation is a non-profit<br />
organisation that is based in<br />
the Eastern Cape, which finds<br />
organisations that are in need<br />
of finances or any other<br />
necessities, and then finds<br />
funders for them,” S a ay m a n<br />
said.<br />
“We have been open for 12<br />
years and most of the children<br />
do not have proper<br />
wheelchairs for their<br />
disabilities.<br />
“The ones we have received<br />
will make a huge difference in<br />
the children’s lives.<br />
“Our job is to provide a safe,<br />
stimulating and therapeutic<br />
environment in which children<br />
with disabilities can grow to<br />
their full potential.<br />
“We encourage personal<br />
GENEROUS DONATION: There were joyful smiles as Canaan Care Centre pupils received their<br />
new wheelchairs. Back, from left, are Lungiswa Dyase and Precious Myelele. Front, from left,<br />
are Damian de Jager, Kamva Mdintsi and Elam Moyake<br />
Picture: SIVENATHI GOSA<br />
growth, independence, hard<br />
work and plenty of fun.<br />
“The goal is to improve the<br />
child’s quality of life by finding<br />
practical solutions to help<br />
both the child and their<br />
fa m i l y, ” Saayman said.<br />
“What the Rausch<br />
Foundation has done for our<br />
centre is the most gratifying<br />
thing because each child has<br />
a different disability, and these<br />
wheelchairs accommodate<br />
their needs.<br />
“There are challenges but<br />
we always find a way to<br />
overcome them, and by<br />
putting more emphasis on the<br />
talents and the skills of the<br />
individual child, we can<br />
encourage their growth and<br />
development.”<br />
Saayman said the centre<br />
donated about 10 of their old<br />
wheelchairs and other<br />
necessities to Nomzamo<br />
Special Care Centre in Peddie.<br />
ON THE ROCKS: This gorgeous photo of the sun’s soft reflection on the water<br />
was taken in June <strong>2018</strong> in <strong>Go</strong>nubie by Noorie Hammand. This is just one of<br />
the many entries received so far for the GO! & Express Photography<br />
Competition, details of which can be found on Page 8 of today’s GO! &<br />
Express<br />
Page 4 GO & EXPRESS<br />
GOT A NEWS STORY? Call our news desk on (043) 702-2125. Find us on<br />
<strong>September</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2018</strong><br />
GO! IN KING<br />
E-mail: goexpress@tisoblackstar.co.za<br />
Seminar empowers women<br />
The significant role that women<br />
play at home, in their families and<br />
within their communities, was<br />
celebrated during a seminar hosted<br />
by social workers attached to the<br />
King William’s Town Christelik-<br />
Maatskaplike Raad at the<br />
Breidbach Hall last Friday.<br />
More than 70 women of all ages<br />
braved the inclement weather to<br />
attend the seminar and take part in<br />
activities such as group<br />
discussions and debates.<br />
CMR social worker Nosiphiwo<br />
Sodo said the aim of the women’s<br />
seminar was to both celebrate and<br />
help empower women.<br />
“As Wo m e n ’s Month drew to an<br />
end, we felt that women needed to<br />
be celebrated and empowered to<br />
become the best they can be in<br />
their lives,” Sodo said.<br />
GOLDEN EMPLOYEE: King Bowling<br />
Club barman Headman Ngonyama<br />
doing what he does best: bowling and<br />
bar duty Picture: BRIAN MCLEAN<br />
“The reason is simple: they<br />
dedicate their time to other people<br />
such as their partners, children,<br />
families and their community but<br />
hardly take time for themselves or<br />
appreciate the hard work that they<br />
do for others.<br />
“So this seminar was an<br />
opportunity for us as social<br />
workers to remind them of their<br />
value and the significant role they<br />
p l ay within their day-to-day tasks<br />
as women.”<br />
The women were divided into<br />
groups and given different topics<br />
for discussion, such as the value of<br />
a woman, and how to take care of<br />
yourself with all your commitments<br />
as a m ot h e r.<br />
This was followed by a debate on<br />
the topic: Should I go or should I<br />
stay if involved in an abusive<br />
relationship with a wealthy<br />
par tner/husband.<br />
Headman Ngonyama has been a<br />
household name in King William’s<br />
Town for many years, and is<br />
affectionately referred to as<br />
“Heady” by locals.<br />
The 67-year-old, who is the<br />
current barman at the King<br />
William’s Town Bowling Club,<br />
started working there back in 2007.<br />
Ngonyama has worked at many<br />
clubs as a barman over the years.<br />
“I started working at Alberts in<br />
1971, when I played rugby for the<br />
club’s third team as a flank, then I<br />
was hired by the King <strong>Go</strong>lf Club.<br />
“Keith Kieck was the captain at<br />
the golf club at the time and he<br />
took me away to Wallies Bottle<br />
Store, where I worked for 17 years.<br />
“Keith taught me a lot about<br />
being a good barman,” he said.<br />
When he resigned from Wallies,<br />
he was hired by the new owner of<br />
the King Club, Garfield Botha.<br />
In support of the topic, Katrina<br />
Jacobs said: “I will stay because<br />
my husband has everything and<br />
will give me whatever I desire.”<br />
Yvonne Fourie, in response said:<br />
“Money and living in wealth is not<br />
everything and I will never<br />
compromise or allow anyone to<br />
abuse me or my children.”<br />
The event was concluded with a<br />
meal, and Sodo said she was<br />
overwhelmed with the success of<br />
the seminar.<br />
“It was our first time running the<br />
seminar in Breidbach and people<br />
came through in large numbers.<br />
“We have undoubtedly managed<br />
to achieve our goal and the turnout<br />
has motivated us to have this<br />
programme annually.”<br />
CMR service areas include<br />
Breidbach, Qalashe, King William’s<br />
Town, Schornville and<br />
Ngqonqweni.<br />
King barman<br />
also handy on<br />
bowling green<br />
After working a two-year stint<br />
there, he spent another two years<br />
working at Pirates Sports Club,<br />
before King bowler Nolan Hayidakis<br />
offered him the job at the King<br />
William’s Town Bowling Club.<br />
“It was there that the late Gwynne<br />
Beamish encouraged me to take up<br />
bowls.<br />
“He gave me two sets of bowls<br />
and started coaching me, and in<br />
2015 I won the President’s Eight<br />
singles title. I felt really good,”<br />
Ngonyama said.<br />
Asked what he enjoyed about<br />
being a barman, Ngonyama said: “I<br />
have been able to meet so many<br />
people and have made many<br />
friends over the years.<br />
“But there’s also a lot of<br />
responsibility that goes with the job<br />
and I have accepted that.”<br />
Speaking of Ngonyama, King<br />
Bowling Club president <strong>Go</strong>rdon<br />
McCune summed it up nicely by<br />
saying: “He’s worth his weight in<br />
gold.”<br />
POSITIVE INTERACTION: Breidbach women participate in a Women’s Month seminar hosted<br />
by CMR social workers in Breidbach last Friday<br />
Picture: DESMOND COETZEE<br />
Spes Bona win thrilling final<br />
Sport enthusiasts were kept<br />
entertained during the King<br />
William’s Town sub-union<br />
Top 8 rugby competition<br />
played at the Victoria<br />
Grounds in King William’s<br />
Town recently.<br />
Spes Bona from Mdingi<br />
emerged champions after<br />
their hard-fought 15-12<br />
victory against Blue Jet<br />
from Ndevana in a thrilling<br />
finale which had the crowd<br />
on their feet right up to the<br />
final whistle. Spes Bona<br />
dominated Zwelitsha-based<br />
Black Lion 27-14 in the<br />
quarterfinals while a tough<br />
match against Jubisa<br />
Brothers saw them achieve<br />
a nail-biting 20-19 victory in<br />
the semifinals.<br />
Blue Jet handed Balasi<br />
Tigers a 34-7 rugby lesson<br />
Today is forecast to be<br />
sunny throughout, with a<br />
7°C start and rising to 21°C.<br />
From tomorrow, there<br />
will be scattered clouds,<br />
although it will still be<br />
mostly sunny.<br />
WE ARE THE CHAMPS: Spes Bona Rugby Football Club<br />
pose with their loyal supporters after emerging as<br />
champions at the King William’s Town Sub-Union Top 8<br />
competition<br />
Picture: DESMOND COETZEE<br />
in their quarterfinal<br />
followed by a 20-7 win<br />
against Noncampa All<br />
Blacks in the semis.<br />
King William’s Town<br />
sub-union president Sabelo<br />
said: “The grounds were<br />
The temperatures will<br />
vary between 7°C and<br />
22°C.<br />
On Saturday, the<br />
temperature will start at<br />
9°C, rising to 20°C, and<br />
there will be alternating<br />
periods of sun and cloud.<br />
never packed like this<br />
before. People are hungry<br />
for rugby and I believe that<br />
we will attract supporters<br />
again if clubs continue to<br />
play this kind of quality<br />
r u g by ”.<br />
Sunday morning will<br />
dawn fairly clear, but the<br />
cloud cover will increase as<br />
the day wears on.<br />
The maximum<br />
temperature will be a cool<br />
18°C. –<br />
w w w. a c c u w e a t h e r. c o . z a
<strong>September</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2018</strong> For all your advertising needs call Cheryl on (043) 702-2031, Wezley (043) 702-2048 or Terry (043) 702-2122. Find us on Facebook GO & EXPRESS Page 5<br />
Rotary on a roll<br />
with donations<br />
Bonza Bay clean<br />
up – on the GO!<br />
The Rotary Club of Gately received a<br />
handsome donation of assorted<br />
medical equipment, such as<br />
wheelchairs, walkers and hospital<br />
beds, on <strong>September</strong> 6.<br />
The club, with its motto of<br />
“Service above Self”, also secured<br />
food donations from manufacturers.<br />
Organiser Andy Russell said a<br />
donation of 150 wheelchairs came<br />
from the Wheelchair Foundation UK.<br />
“The second-hand wheelchairs are<br />
refurbished and still in great<br />
working condition,” he said.<br />
The Rotary Club will in turn be<br />
donating the equipment to a<br />
number of organisations, such Choc,<br />
DJ Sobey Old Age Home and Salem<br />
Baby Care Centre. In total, about 27<br />
charities will benefit.<br />
Club president Jacqui Mauer said<br />
this initiative falls under their Rotary<br />
Warehouse project.<br />
“We also organise food<br />
distribution and part of our goal is<br />
to help with early childhood<br />
development,” Mauer said.<br />
Kirsten van der Merwe of<br />
Röhlig-Grindrod said they were<br />
happy to have assisted the club.<br />
“We sponsored the customs<br />
clearance for the goods to come<br />
into the country. It would be a<br />
wonderful thing if more people<br />
could come on board and assist,”<br />
said Van der Merwe.<br />
RRN Removals also stepped in to<br />
lend a hand in moving and<br />
delivering the goods to the<br />
HELPING HANDS: Rotary Club of Gately members offloading some of the<br />
wheelchairs donated by the Wheelchair Foundation UK, are, from left,<br />
Andy Russell, Rajoo Naidoo and Jacqui Mauer Picture: AMANDA NANO<br />
wa r e h o u s e .<br />
“We must be well aware of the<br />
needs of people and give to the less<br />
fortunate. As a Rotary member it’s a<br />
privilege to be part of this,” said<br />
Rajoo Naidoo of RRN Removals.<br />
Mauer added that their worry was<br />
the cost of the next shipment.<br />
“We ’ve estimated the cost to be<br />
as high as R60,000 and we need all<br />
the help we can get with this worthy<br />
cause,” she said.<br />
Anyone wanting to assist the club,<br />
can contact Andy Russell on<br />
andyr@nvestsec.co.za or Jacqui Mauer<br />
on jacquim003@gmail.com<br />
In honour of World Cleanup<br />
Day on <strong>September</strong> 15, the<br />
GO! & Express is<br />
organising a cleanup of<br />
Bonza Bay on Saturday.<br />
The cleanup is scheduled<br />
for 8.30 for 9am and runs<br />
until 10am.<br />
Those interested in<br />
participating must bring<br />
along their own plastic<br />
bags and any other<br />
equipment they might<br />
need.<br />
World Cleanup Day<br />
began in 2008 in the<br />
Republic of Estonia. The<br />
official website says<br />
approximately 4% of the<br />
Estonia population came<br />
together to help clean up<br />
their country on the day,<br />
collecting and properly<br />
disposing of any litter and<br />
illegally dumped waste.<br />
Since then, World<br />
To celebrate International<br />
Literacy Day, East London<br />
and Port Elizabeth primary<br />
schools went head to head<br />
in the Growsmart Literacy<br />
Competition held at the<br />
International Convention<br />
Centre (ICC) on Saturday.<br />
The schools each had to<br />
select teams of three<br />
DOING YOUR PART: The <strong>Go</strong>! is organising a cleanup of<br />
Bonza Bay on Saturday Picture: WORLDCLEANUPDAY.ORG<br />
Cleanup Day has been<br />
organised by the<br />
Estonia-based civic<br />
organisation, Let’s Do It!<br />
World. For this year’s<br />
initiative they are hoping to<br />
involve community<br />
members from 150<br />
countries in what their<br />
website calls “the biggest<br />
positive civic action the<br />
world has ever seen.”<br />
In a study published in<br />
pupils each in grades 4, 5<br />
and 6 respectively.<br />
Pupils from the same<br />
grades were selected to<br />
each submit a story for the<br />
story-writing competition.<br />
Growsmart founder Jewel<br />
Harris said the competition<br />
started off as a spelling bee<br />
in the Western Cape.<br />
East London’s own<br />
Khanyisa Primary School<br />
Science, an American<br />
journal, in 2015, it was<br />
estimated that<br />
approximately 8-million<br />
metric tons of plastic<br />
ended up in the world’s<br />
oceans every year. Since<br />
plastic is<br />
non-biodegradable, it<br />
remains in the ocean<br />
p e r m a n e n t l y.<br />
Growsmart competition a success<br />
came fourth and Triomf<br />
Primary School from Port<br />
Elizabeth won overall,<br />
walking away with a school<br />
improvement fund to the<br />
value of R25,000, as well<br />
as R2,500 per pupil and<br />
R1,500 for the mentor.<br />
Magqabi Primary School<br />
came second and Caritas<br />
Primary third – both are<br />
from Port Elizabeth.
Page 6 For all your advertising needs call Cheryl on (043) 702-2031or Wezley (043) 702 2048 . Find us on Facebook GO & EXPRESS<br />
<strong>September</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2018</strong><br />
GO & EXPRESS For all your advertising needs call Cheryl on (043) 702-2031or Wezley (043) 702 2048 . Find us on Facebook<br />
Page 7<br />
E-mail: goexpress@tisoblackstar.co.za<br />
Club believes in<br />
Standard high at<br />
pupils’ exhibition<br />
power of literacy<br />
Art lovers can make<br />
their way to E a st<br />
London High Schools’<br />
annual art exhibition,<br />
under way at the<br />
Belgravia Arts Centre.<br />
Thirteen schools have<br />
contributed more than<br />
400 entries to the<br />
exhibition.<br />
The works on display<br />
are a mixture of<br />
ceramics, paintings,<br />
wax figures, drawings,<br />
mixed media,<br />
assemblages and more.<br />
Belgravia principal<br />
Terry Schultz said one<br />
of the key aspects they<br />
looked for in the<br />
artworks was originalit y<br />
and sincerity.<br />
“The work here is a<br />
reflection of<br />
contemporary trends<br />
and the pupils can let<br />
their creativity run<br />
wild,” Schultz said.<br />
Some striking work<br />
includes that of Stirling<br />
High School grade 12<br />
pupil Kerryn Nel, titled<br />
Stereot ypes.<br />
Three wax soldier<br />
figures are juxtaposed,<br />
holding an iron, frying<br />
BREAKING THE MOULD: ‘Stereot ypes’, the work of Kerryn Nel of Stirling High<br />
School, is one of the many works on display at the Belgravia Arts Centre<br />
Picture: AMANDA NANO<br />
pan and a baby, instead<br />
of machine guns.<br />
Clarendon High<br />
School art teacher<br />
Natalie van Wyk said<br />
the standard had been<br />
set high.<br />
The works of<br />
Rachel-Ruth King, in<br />
grade 12 at Clarendon<br />
High School, and Alyssa<br />
Crawley, in grade 10 at<br />
Cambridge High School,<br />
are featured in the<br />
August issue of the<br />
South African Art Times<br />
magazine.<br />
“Their work, currently<br />
on display here, was<br />
chosen out of many<br />
submissions from high<br />
schools all over the<br />
countr y,” Van Wyk said.<br />
Schultz said it was<br />
encouraging to see<br />
pupils using alternative<br />
means of artistic<br />
expression.<br />
The two-week event<br />
will end on <strong>September</strong><br />
21, and is open<br />
weekdays from 8am to<br />
3.30pm.<br />
SMOOTH TALKERS: At a recent oratory competition held at <strong>Go</strong>nubie Primary School Travis Durant, left,<br />
in the grade 6/7 section, and Cade Staffen, right, in the grade 4/5 section, were the overall winners.<br />
They will represent <strong>Go</strong>nubie Primary at the inter-schools competition to be held on Thursday evening<br />
Picture: Supplied<br />
A GIVING HEART: Lutho Luke is working hard to<br />
make a difference in her community Picture:<br />
Beauty<br />
re a c h e s<br />
out to<br />
pupils<br />
Young readers took part in the<br />
Siyakholwa Reading and Writing<br />
Club reading competition on<br />
Friday, held at Floradale Primary<br />
School, in East London’s<br />
Nompumelelo township.<br />
Pupils ranged from grade R to<br />
grade 3, with 12 representing the<br />
club competing against 12 pupils<br />
from the school.<br />
Club organiser Mbulelo Bokwe<br />
said sometimes it was only n ot i c e d<br />
in the intermediate phase that<br />
children could not read properly.<br />
“Through this reading club, I<br />
want the children to see the<br />
importance of reading and develop<br />
the culture of reading from an<br />
early age,” Bokwe said.<br />
There to judge the young<br />
competitors was the Nelson<br />
Mandela Institute for Education<br />
and Rural Development (NMI).<br />
NMI language and literacy<br />
practitioner Bomikazi Njoloza said<br />
they had been in full support of the<br />
club since its inception.<br />
“We believe in creating<br />
alternative bases for learning and<br />
the club fits this criteria. When<br />
children are in a reading club, their<br />
reading gets better and they are<br />
also better able to contextualise,”<br />
Njoloza said.<br />
Njoloza said they had assessed<br />
by looking at pronunciation, spatial<br />
orientation and audibility, among<br />
ot h e r s .<br />
Having worked with the<br />
Community Police Forum (CPF)<br />
and the school’s school governing<br />
body (SGB), it helped Bokwe<br />
FUN TO READ: One of the pupils who participated in the Siyakholwa Reading and Writing Club’s reading<br />
competition, gets down to business<br />
Picture: SUPPLIED<br />
understand the community.<br />
“I also volunteered for six years<br />
at the Nelson Mandela Institute for<br />
Education and Rural Development<br />
and wondered what I could do for<br />
my community,” said Bokwe.<br />
The club also helps children with<br />
reading problems – aimed at those<br />
aged between four and <strong>13</strong>.<br />
SCRUMMING AROUND: Hudson Park Primary School was the proud host of the James O’Kennedy Rugby<br />
Festival recently. Children from schools all over East London enjoyed a great day out on the fields, with<br />
T-shirts kindly sponsored by Code Blue<br />
Picture: SUPPLIED<br />
RACING AHEAD: The Merrifield grade 5 team took third place at the Adventure Race held at Ye l l ow<br />
Sands Beach on Saturday, <strong>September</strong> 08. They are, from left, Blake Brown, Madison <strong>Go</strong>liath, Alison<br />
Wheatley and Blake Snyman<br />
THEY say dynamite comes in small packages and<br />
the same could be said of Lutho Luke, 19, who is<br />
on a journey to make a difference in her<br />
community – one step a time.<br />
The Miss Eastern Cape <strong>2018</strong> contestant and<br />
Walter Sisulu University First Princess has started<br />
a drive to deliver sanitary pads to girls in primary<br />
schools.<br />
“The pad drive is targeting East London primary<br />
school girls in grades 6 and 7.<br />
“The reason why I decided to do this is because<br />
some primary school girls are starting to have<br />
their periods and<br />
have no idea what<br />
to do,” she said.<br />
Luke said she<br />
did not only want<br />
to deliver the<br />
sanitary pads but<br />
to also help pupils<br />
gain knowledge<br />
about the process.<br />
“I will teach<br />
them about their<br />
menstrual cycle<br />
and what they<br />
should expect in<br />
the journey they<br />
are about to<br />
embark on. I was<br />
clueless when I<br />
had my first<br />
“The reason why I<br />
decided to do this is<br />
because some<br />
primary school girls<br />
are starting to have<br />
their periods and<br />
have no idea what<br />
to do,”<br />
period, because I was never told what to do and<br />
this is why I want to help other girls like me to be<br />
prepared,” she said.<br />
The 19-year-old is also collecting clothes for<br />
Breath of Life, a safe home for abandoned babies<br />
between the ages of 0-6 months. “I stumbled<br />
across this place while preparing for my grade 11<br />
exams and I have never stopped going ever since.<br />
Breath of Life provides a home for abandoned<br />
babies and is also a centre for women with crisis<br />
pregnancies and related issues. They provide<br />
hope, information and support,” said Luke.<br />
Luke is appealing to members of the community<br />
for donations for these initiatives.<br />
Anyone wanting more information or able to<br />
help can contact Luke at<br />
063-633 9045 or lutho.luke01@gmail.com<br />
BIRTHDAY BASH: In celebration of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, the CHOC children were<br />
treated to a helicopter flight up the coast on Sunday. Kevin Schroeder, owner and pilot of the<br />
helicopter, gave the children, including Amyoli, left and Asakhe Bana, an experience that none of<br />
them had ever had before<br />
Picture: SUPPLIED.<br />
Daily Dispatch Building, Cnr St Helena Rd<br />
& Quenera Dr, Triple Point, Beacon Bay.<br />
T: 043-702 2000 F: 086 545 2648<br />
Cheryl Larsen : Phone 043-702 2031<br />
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Siphokazi Vuso : Phone 043-702 2043<br />
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GOT A NEWS STORY? Call our news desk on (043) 702-2125. Find us on<br />
<strong>September</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2018</strong><br />
Win R150 meal voucher for one of Hemingways Casino and Hotel’s restaurants.<br />
SEND in a completed,<br />
correct crossword #1098<br />
for a chance to win a<br />
R150 meal at one of<br />
Hemingways Casino<br />
and Hotel’s restaurants.<br />
Either drop off the<br />
crossword solution<br />
before 10am on<br />
Tuesday Sep 18 at the<br />
Daily Dispatch building<br />
in Beacon Bay, or scan<br />
a copy and e-mail it to<br />
g o c o n t e s t s @ t i s o b l a c k s t a r. c o . z a<br />
Please include your<br />
contact number and full<br />
name on the copy. T &<br />
Cs apply.<br />
The winner of<br />
crossword 1097 is<br />
Danielle van der Leek<br />
W H AT ’S ON THE GO!<br />
Contact News Desk on (043) 7022048 or e-mail: goexpress@tisoblackstar.co.za by Monday<br />
4pm on publication week<br />
T H U R S D AY<br />
ý<strong>Go</strong>nubie Farmers Hall Dance from<br />
8pm till late with music by Ian H,<br />
ranging from country, sakkie,<br />
boeremusiek and pop. Entry R30. Bring<br />
own bar. Jenny, 083-948-1141<br />
ýThe Clothing Bank at 94 Fitzpatrick<br />
Road, Quigney. Stalls will be selling<br />
quality clothes and homeware. Call<br />
043-722-1622 or send an e-mail<br />
eastlondoninfo@theclothingbank.org.za<br />
F R I D AY<br />
ýCome and party tonight away on<br />
East London’s best dance floor with live<br />
music by Quentin at the Comrades<br />
Club from 8.15pm. Bar and kitchen<br />
open from 6pm. Entry R20. Book on<br />
083-255-3468 before 2pm on Fridays.<br />
ýThe Centenary Tennis Club hosts<br />
social tennis on Saturdays from<br />
1.30pm. All welcome. For more<br />
information, call Maurice<br />
0 8 2 - 676 - 9 70 8 .<br />
ý<strong>Go</strong>nubie flea market every Saturday<br />
in front of the municipality from 8am to<br />
1pm. Glenda, 082-714-3390.<br />
ýLavender Blue Pineapple Walk every<br />
Saturday, weather permitting. Meet<br />
Yvonne in the parking lot o at 5am.<br />
ýThe EL branch of the Support Group<br />
of Diabetes SA meet on the first<br />
Saturday of every month at the Regent<br />
H ot e l ’s Terrace Room on the Esplanade<br />
from 2.45pm to 4pm. For more<br />
information, call Vrooda Makhan on<br />
0 8 3 - 70 8 - 0 4 8 9 .<br />
ýNarcotics Anonymous meets every<br />
Wednesday and Saturday at St<br />
Nicholas Church, 22 Pell Street,<br />
Beacon Bay from 7pm. For more<br />
information, call Peter on 082-094-<br />
0959.<br />
ýNar-Anon Family Group – for family<br />
and friends affected by someone else’s<br />
addiction – meets on Wednesday and<br />
Saturday at St Nicholas Church, 22 Pell<br />
Street, Beacon Bay from 7pm. For more<br />
information, call Belinda on<br />
083-662-3442.<br />
ýFlea Market at NG Kerk Wesheuwels,<br />
83 Rosedale Road, Amalinda. Stalls are<br />
free. Bring own gazebo, table, chairs.<br />
For more information, call Kathleen on<br />
074-828-7600 or Lyn on<br />
081-536-9966.<br />
ýNight Market at Heavenly Pancake<br />
House with 14 stall-holders, live music<br />
by Purr (Leana Boshoff), food and cash<br />
bar. Tickets are R50 per person. Fo r<br />
more information, call 079-876-7973.<br />
ýGilde dance at East London Bowling<br />
Club at 7 for 7.30pm. Dress code is<br />
smart-casual. Cash bar only and food<br />
will be on sale. R40 per person. To<br />
make a booking, call Alwyn on<br />
083-461-3<strong>13</strong>8<br />
M O N D AY<br />
ýThe East London group of Alcoholics<br />
Anonymous meets at the Catholic<br />
Church Hall, in Quigney at 7pm. for<br />
more information, call Pieter on<br />
082-094-0959.<br />
ýAA Kayser’s Beach at the Chapel Hall<br />
from 7.30pm. Call 082-714 9400.<br />
ýAA Cambridge group at the<br />
Methodist Church from 7.30pm.<br />
Jumbo on 043-741-3685.<br />
ýThe Compassionate Friends will<br />
meet at the Vincent Methodist Church<br />
Hall, Preston Avenue at 7 for 7.30pm.<br />
Psychic healer Daphne Williams will be<br />
giving a talk, titled “A Healing<br />
Journey”. All bereaved parents and<br />
their families, as well as friends, are<br />
most welcome to attend. For more<br />
information, call Myrtle on<br />
043-721-0406 or Jenny on<br />
0 4 3 - 741 - 2 5 51<br />
T U E S D AY<br />
ýThe EL Caledonian Society Pipe<br />
Band meets on Tuesdays. Robert on<br />
082-897-8571 or Stephen on<br />
0 8 2 - 5 6 0 - 0 2 47 .<br />
ýAl Anon family group at the<br />
Cambridge Methodist Church 7.30pm.<br />
Elsie, 043-721 0483 or 078-628 6311.<br />
ýEL Bridge Club duplicate bridge<br />
every Tuesday and/or Saturday at<br />
1.15pm at the Berea Gardens dining<br />
hall. Jean on 043-735 4893.<br />
ýScottish dancing classes from 4pm<br />
to 5.30pm at Ham’s Club, Selborne.<br />
Call Nookie on 043-726-1100.<br />
ýBeacon Bay bridge club social<br />
bridge every Tuesday and Friday,<br />
1.30pm to 4.30pm. Meet at the Eden<br />
Worship Centre, 10 Coad Road, Beacon<br />
Bay. Olga on 083-650-6653 or Heather<br />
on 043-748-1465.
<strong>September</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2018</strong> For all your advertising needs call Cheryl on (043) 702-2031, Wezley (043) 702-2048 or Terry (043) 702-2122. Find us on Facebook GO & EXPRESS Page 9<br />
Let’s show empathy<br />
On a mission to curb instead of judgment<br />
youth alcohol abuse<br />
Most<br />
Local organisation Danonetix<br />
implemented an Anti-Alcohol<br />
Abuse Campaign (AAAC)<br />
across the province that is in<br />
its third month running,<br />
targeting the four universities<br />
in the province, Rhodes, For t<br />
Hare, Walter Sisulu and Nelson<br />
Mandela.<br />
Award-winning actor<br />
Chumani Pan is the campaign<br />
ambassador, with the Eastern<br />
Cape Liquor Board acting as<br />
the funders.<br />
The campaign hopes to shed<br />
light on the dangers and<br />
hazardous effects of alcohol<br />
abuse on the minds and<br />
behavioural patterns of young<br />
people.<br />
Pa n ’s role within the<br />
campaign is to assist in<br />
making the message resonate<br />
with the young people that it is<br />
ultimately aiming to support.<br />
“Not only is this a great<br />
initiative, but it also speaks to<br />
my own personal aims of<br />
uplifting the youth.<br />
MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE: Anti-alcohol abuse ambassador<br />
Chumani Pan, centre, with Nelson Mandela University students<br />
during the Anti-Alcohol Abuse Campaign Picture:SUPPLIED<br />
“I hope that my involvement<br />
further supports this cause as I<br />
believe that it is one of extreme<br />
impor tance.”<br />
Eastern Cape Liquor Board<br />
official Mgwebi Msiya said<br />
there was a serious problem in<br />
the province of young people<br />
becoming heavily dependant<br />
on alcohol.<br />
“It is even sadder when<br />
these youths are still students.<br />
That is why it is imperative that<br />
we do as much as we can to<br />
try and assist young people in<br />
overcoming this particular<br />
challenge,” he said.<br />
Dantonetix director Khanyi<br />
Ncana said she felt the campaign<br />
was a crucial step in<br />
ensuring that the society produced<br />
a well-rounded youth.<br />
“Part of our role within the<br />
campaign is to arm young<br />
academics with critical<br />
information that will assist<br />
them in making better<br />
informed choices the next time<br />
they wish to entertain<br />
themselves with alcoholic<br />
beverages.<br />
“This in turn will assist us in<br />
limiting the amount of young<br />
people that find their lives<br />
forever changed through<br />
consequences that have arisen<br />
from the abuse of alcohol.<br />
“The campaign is already in<br />
full swing and is scheduled to<br />
continue for a minimum of<br />
three years. It is our collective<br />
hope as an entire community<br />
that the message carried by<br />
this campaign makes the major<br />
difference that it seeks to.”<br />
of us have heard the<br />
well-founded advice, “Don’t judge a<br />
book by its cover” – a powerful<br />
concept which can prevent hastily<br />
formed opinions and flawed<br />
misperceptions that come all too<br />
easily to many of us.<br />
The old man sitting in the corner<br />
of a bar will certainly have a story<br />
to tell of experiences and obstacles<br />
encountered, of successes and<br />
failures, family<br />
bereavements and<br />
other challenges of life.<br />
Is it for others to<br />
judge his appearance<br />
and chosen location to<br />
while away his ebbing<br />
years and engage with<br />
memories that could<br />
enlighten the observer?<br />
The unsociable and<br />
uncooperative old lady in a<br />
retirement home may have been<br />
dealt cards in life that were<br />
traumatic way beyond the range of<br />
experiences that have characterised<br />
our life journeys.<br />
Do many of us too easily judge<br />
her without the perspective of<br />
insight into her defining challenges<br />
and debilitating obstacles? The<br />
beggar on the street corner or<br />
plying his trade at the traffic lights<br />
– do we have even the vaguest idea<br />
of the circumstances that have put<br />
him in that survival struggle?<br />
Every person has a story to tell of<br />
life-affecting experiences and<br />
pivotal events that have defined<br />
who and where they are. Most don’t<br />
know of or understand these<br />
because they have not travelled the<br />
unique path which is peculiar to<br />
each one of us.<br />
On another level, it can be argued<br />
that an unhealthy proportion of us<br />
are prone to judging<br />
the appeal of the<br />
opposite sex on looks<br />
and appearance, rather<br />
than on personality,<br />
values and character<br />
traits that are more<br />
likely to facilitate<br />
happy and successful<br />
r e l at i o n s h i p s .<br />
Maybe we are prone<br />
to making these judgments that<br />
have not been informed by “the<br />
book”. It seems sad that the human<br />
condition, encapsulating our<br />
abundant flaws, too readily relies<br />
only on “the cover”.<br />
“Do not judge by appearances,<br />
but judge with right judgement”<br />
John 7:24<br />
There seems to be a compelling<br />
need for much greater levels of<br />
empathy and understanding as we<br />
interact with others on our journeys<br />
through life.<br />
MUD BUDDIES: The winning photograph for week 1 of the GO! & Express Photography Competition is<br />
by Mike Geyer who has won a R200 Gift Voucher from PnA Stationers. The photo, taken at Addo<br />
Elephant Park in 2017, was a popular choice among our judges. See page 8 for more details on the<br />
competition<br />
Picture: MIKE GEYER<br />
Centre speaks up for<br />
deaf kids to be heard<br />
<strong>September</strong> is Deaf Awareness<br />
Month and to celebrate, the<br />
Carel du Toit Centre hosted a<br />
deaf awareness campaign last<br />
Friday and Saturday at<br />
Hemingways Mall.<br />
Centre administrator Lara<br />
Roux said the main purpose<br />
was to create public awareness<br />
for the centre and the work it<br />
did in helping deaf children to<br />
speak.<br />
Attention was drawn to the<br />
importance of good hearing,<br />
which enables a child to<br />
acquire language. Staff from<br />
the speech therapy and<br />
audiology department at the<br />
Frere Hospital and from the<br />
Carel du Toit Centre also<br />
answered questions from the<br />
public.<br />
Pamphlets were handed out<br />
with guidelines on what<br />
parents should look out for if<br />
the child’s language was<br />
delayed or non-existent.<br />
The Daily Dispatch reported<br />
earlier this month (“Blessed<br />
with gift of hearing”, <strong>September</strong><br />
8) that Dineo Skenjana,<br />
11, who has Treacher Collins<br />
syndrome, was able to hear for<br />
the first time in her life.<br />
Roux said Dineo attended<br />
the Carel du Toit Centre from a<br />
very young age and this was<br />
where she completed her<br />
pre-school education.<br />
“Dineo initially had her<br />
hearing tested at the Frere<br />
Hospital when she was only<br />
three months old by means of<br />
an auditory brain st e m<br />
response test. She has been a<br />
user of a conductor hearing aid<br />
worn like an Alice band from a<br />
very young age.<br />
“However, the technology<br />
available was limited and did<br />
not provide her with sufficient<br />
speech access. Through a<br />
partnership with Frere Hospital,<br />
Audiology and Medtronic, a<br />
bone-anchored hearing aid was<br />
graciously donated. This<br />
hearing aid is a discrete,<br />
surgically implanted device<br />
which offers digital processing<br />
of sound,” she said.<br />
The bone-anchored hearing<br />
aid bypasses the faulty outer<br />
and middle ear and stimulates<br />
the hearing nerve directly.<br />
Sponsored<br />
by<br />
DOBBY<br />
- I need a<br />
master to set<br />
me free.<br />
- Just because<br />
I’m grey<br />
doesn’t mean<br />
I’m old.<br />
SNAPE<br />
- I will defend<br />
you against the<br />
dark arts.<br />
Sponsored<br />
by<br />
- Be my Harry<br />
ŽĞĂŶĚ<br />
I won’t leave<br />
your side<br />
HAGRID<br />
- You’re a wizard<br />
and can cast a<br />
love spell on me.<br />
OF PETS<br />
UP FOR<br />
A LOOK.<br />
- ŽĐĂŶŇ<br />
me home in<br />
your car.<br />
Sponsored<br />
by<br />
Sponsored<br />
by<br />
Please give these pets a good home.<br />
Interested persons please phone 043 745 1441 and ask for Reception.<br />
Sponsored<br />
by<br />
Sponsored<br />
by<br />
Photo’s by<br />
Jenny Holland
Page 10 GO & EXPRESS<br />
GOT A NEWS STORY? Call our news desk on (043) 702-2125. Find us on<br />
<strong>September</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2018</strong><br />
2<br />
2275<br />
Loans & Finance<br />
3<br />
Entertainment<br />
General<br />
15 SEPTEMBER<br />
R30 ~ from 8<br />
till late!<br />
Jenny 083 948 1141<br />
5<br />
3060<br />
GUIDE<br />
5010<br />
Education & Tuition<br />
K53 q Having problems<br />
with passing your learners"<br />
'ont stress 3ass<br />
Iirst time 6t 3eters<br />
Road, Belgravia, East<br />
London. Call now 071<br />
474 3568.<br />
Professional individual<br />
tuition in Piano, Keyboard,<br />
Singing and<br />
Church Organ. Everybody<br />
welcome. Contact<br />
043 748 3167.<br />
5121<br />
Home Improvement<br />
Home & Comm. SACAP.<br />
Large & small - Entire SA.<br />
Kathy 082 939 8<strong>13</strong>1.<br />
Alterations q Extensions,<br />
Painting q Welding q<br />
Gates q Handyman q Call<br />
David 083 320 8017.<br />
5121<br />
Home Improvement<br />
(PTY) LTD: M6 Block -<br />
R6.50 each; M4 Block -<br />
R6 each; Stock Brick -<br />
R2.10 each; Cement -<br />
R90; Sand - R260; Stone<br />
- R380; Sabunga - R260<br />
* We Deliver as well *<br />
Contact / WhatsApp q<br />
082602 1196.<br />
Building, Home improvements,<br />
Electrical, Tiling,<br />
Painting, Carpentry. Free<br />
quote 066 032 9161<br />
maintenance@mopps<br />
enterprises.co.za<br />
Hire & Rent<br />
5350<br />
R40 per day. Phone 0722<br />
44 8044<br />
available in Summerpride<br />
area @ R750 p/m q Call<br />
083 675 0211.<br />
5360<br />
Garden Services<br />
'(%%,(s GARDEN<br />
SERVICE q Call 0766<br />
549155.<br />
Under R300<br />
for telephone. Kingtel.<br />
With instruction book.<br />
Paid: R600. Selling: R200<br />
o.n.c.o. 073 668 5992.<br />
ASHTRAYS: 2x old fashioned,<br />
in tyres R149,99<br />
each. 082 592 2240.<br />
BATHROOM, white wash<br />
basin, as new, R150. 043<br />
- 726 3658.<br />
battery tester. R35;<br />
Chargers q 1x torch rechargeable<br />
batteries<br />
R99. Battery car charger<br />
R40. 082 592 2240<br />
BIKE with side wheels.<br />
Small, pink, exc. cond.<br />
R299. 060836 0748.<br />
BOOKS: A Dance with<br />
Dragons Part 1 - Dreams<br />
and Dust; Outlander series<br />
by Diana Gabaldon -<br />
Dragonfly in Amber and<br />
Voyager. R50 ea. 079<br />
241 5563 / 043 726 7739<br />
BOOKS: Vampire Diaries<br />
by L.J. Smith. 4x R40<br />
each. 079 241 5563 or<br />
043 - 726 7739.<br />
assorted items. R299.<br />
073227 5420<br />
BUTTONS: New, assorted<br />
dress buttons, shoeboxful.<br />
<strong>Go</strong>ld. R150. 043-<br />
7351980 evenings.<br />
BUTTONS: New, assorted,<br />
shoeboxful. <strong>Go</strong>ld. R175.<br />
043-7351980 evenings.<br />
BASIN q Bathroom, plastic<br />
incl. 2 x Taps. R100 -<br />
Annalise 083 456 7502<br />
CAMERA: Bolex Pailard<br />
8mm movie R50. 083 320<br />
5218<br />
Pioneer, 1x JVC, 1x<br />
Sony. R50 each. 083 505<br />
7432 or 043 - 722 6924.<br />
New. R250. 0832936814.<br />
CELLPHONE with VGA<br />
camera. R299,99. 076<br />
475 4465.<br />
CLOCK RADIO: R50.<br />
072716 1547.<br />
CLOTHING: Ladies, long<br />
black pants, S: 38. R15;<br />
S: 5 black shoes. Like<br />
new. R60; Dark glasses<br />
R15. 082 592 2240<br />
CLOTHING: Ladies, size 20<br />
/ bust 44. Blouse with<br />
collar, orange black &<br />
white design collar, 3/4<br />
turn-up sleeves. As new.<br />
R80; Blouse q blue,<br />
white, grey, green striped<br />
v-neck. R20; Slacks and<br />
matching sleeveless top<br />
for summer crinkle design<br />
material R60. (043)<br />
051 2158 / 0766587228<br />
DESK with drawers. Light<br />
oak. R250. 082648 4316<br />
5541<br />
Under R300<br />
5541<br />
CROCKERY: 6x snail plate<br />
set. Like new. R120. 082<br />
592 2240<br />
CUPBOARD for kitchen - 2<br />
doors, white wood. R250.<br />
082648 4316.<br />
Knitwit. Large size. Hardly<br />
used. R150. 043-<br />
7351980 evenings.<br />
piece white with Woodrose<br />
flower R150 - Call<br />
082 450 8538.<br />
mirror. R99. 082648<br />
4316.<br />
ELECTRIC GRILL - Sunbeam<br />
R150 - Call 082<br />
450 8538.<br />
ELECTRICAL: Heavy duty,<br />
multi-plug, 4 sockets, old<br />
type, individual switches<br />
+ trip switch on side,<br />
wall-hanging. 2x R50<br />
each. 073 2275420.<br />
GARDEN LIGHTS: Moonlight<br />
5 lamp set new<br />
R150. 083 320 5218<br />
HELMET: Motorcycle.<br />
R299. 060836 0748.<br />
HELMETS: Bicycle style.<br />
Exc. cond. R120 each (1x<br />
S; 1x L). 060836 0748<br />
HOMEWARE: Curtains.<br />
R100; Linen. R100. Rob<br />
076573 9179.<br />
INSECT KILLER: Eurolux.<br />
2x 10W light. Still boxed.<br />
Cost: R400. Selling:<br />
R275. 073 668 5992.<br />
KEYBOARD for computer,<br />
like new. R95. 082 592<br />
2240<br />
pans, - the lot R150.<br />
Annalise 083 456 7502<br />
KITCHEN appliances:<br />
Rotisserie grill, R150.<br />
Electric frying pan, R50.<br />
043 - 726 3658.<br />
Empisal double bed.<br />
R250. 083 320 5218<br />
Hand-operated. R80.<br />
Annalise 083 456 7502<br />
LAMP SHADES, glass, new<br />
- honey/beige in colour<br />
2X R30 ea. 083 505 7432<br />
or 043 - 722 6924<br />
LAMPS: 2x Angle poise<br />
R100 & R150. 083 320<br />
5218<br />
LAMPS: Energy saving.<br />
R120; LED. R100. Rob<br />
076573 9179<br />
LIFE JACKET: R150. Rob<br />
076573 9179.<br />
LIGHTING: Assorted light<br />
fittings, electrical wiring,<br />
plugs, lampshades. R220<br />
Annalise 083 456 7502<br />
MASSAGER: Professional<br />
percussion Classic. <strong>Go</strong>od<br />
cond R100 083 320 5218<br />
METAL BOX: First Aid<br />
medical box. Red metal,<br />
lockable. R70. 073 668<br />
5998<br />
METAL CABINET - heavy<br />
and solid (30cm wide x<br />
72cm deep x 90cm<br />
height), 8 narrow drawers<br />
@ R290 - Call 083 505<br />
7432 or 043 - 722 6924.<br />
MIXER: Logic. Beater,<br />
hand, stand, bowl. New.<br />
R199. 072 3379 244.<br />
MUSIC CENTRE: Pioneer<br />
stereo turn table PL15R<br />
record player with book.<br />
R299. 073227 5420.<br />
MUSIC CENTRES: Technics<br />
tape deck and Pioneer<br />
hi-fi. R50 each. 083<br />
320 5218<br />
NAPPY BAG: Pretty design.<br />
Never used. Phone<br />
043-7351980 evenings.<br />
OFFICE CHAIR on castors.<br />
R150. 082648 4316.<br />
PELMETS: Wood and<br />
curtain rails single / double<br />
q the lot q R150<br />
Annalise 083 456 7502<br />
wooden picture frames.<br />
R10 each. 072247 0947.<br />
POACHING PAN: 4-egg<br />
poaching pan, Aluminium.<br />
R55. 073 668 5992<br />
PRINTER: HP Deskjet R50.<br />
083 320 5218<br />
PRINTER'S TRAYS: Corner<br />
tray + straight tray. R75<br />
each. 083 505 7432 / 043<br />
722 6924<br />
Under R300<br />
5541<br />
RACK / STAND q h 2m x w<br />
1m metal frame. R170 -<br />
Annalise 083 4567502<br />
RIEMPIE STOOLS: 2x stink<br />
wood riempie stools R95<br />
each. 082 592 2240<br />
ROLLER SKATES: Size 1-<br />
3, Paint Break. Exc cond.<br />
R250. 060836 0748.<br />
RUBBER DUCK: Needs<br />
repair. R299. Rob<br />
076573 9179.<br />
baby. R10; Upholstery<br />
squares for scatter cushion<br />
fronts. 5x R5 each.<br />
043-7351980 evenings.<br />
SHOWER STOOL: Aluminium,<br />
adjustable height.<br />
R150. 072 3379 244.<br />
SINK: S/steel double kitchen<br />
sink incl. tap. R260.<br />
Annalise 083 456 7502<br />
STAND for gents suit plus<br />
apparel. New, hardwood<br />
(46cm wide x 1.1m high).<br />
R200. 043 - 726 3658.<br />
STRETHER / pool lounger<br />
canvas. Metal frame 2 x<br />
R<strong>13</strong>0. Annalise 083 456<br />
7502<br />
TOOLS: Fragram 6pc<br />
12.5mm drive spline bit<br />
socket set. New. R100;<br />
Valve lifter. R25. 083 320<br />
5218<br />
TOYS: &KLOGUHQV wooden<br />
blocks and trailer R65.<br />
072 247 0947<br />
TV: 54cm, Telefunken,<br />
colour. Working order.<br />
R299. 082648 4316.<br />
082 592 2240<br />
WALL BRACKET: Steel.<br />
Brand new. 22x30cm.<br />
Powder coated white.<br />
Cost: R90. Selling: R70.<br />
073 668 5992<br />
WALL SHELVES: Laminated<br />
white. 90 x 30cm.<br />
Cost: R30. Selling: R20.<br />
073 668 5992<br />
WATER PURIFIER: Brita.<br />
R80. 072 3379 244.<br />
WOK: Brand new Kenwood<br />
Electric Wok R 275.<br />
072247 0947.<br />
WOOD PLAIN: Stanley No.<br />
4. R99. 073227 5420.<br />
5542<br />
Garage Sales<br />
GARAGE SALE – 40<br />
SEPT. FROM 10:00.<br />
Fridge, Desk, Outdoor furniture,<br />
Pots, Crockery,<br />
Bedding Pictures, Frames<br />
- Call: 043 – 748 1271 or<br />
084 8444 5<strong>13</strong>.<br />
5550<br />
Misc. Wanted<br />
Badges - Medals also old<br />
Coins and Banknotes -<br />
Zane 082 756 4<strong>13</strong>3.<br />
Weigh and pay Service.<br />
We collect: Copper,<br />
Brass, Aluminium,<br />
Stainless Steel, Lead,<br />
Car and Alarm batteries,<br />
Washers, Driers,<br />
Stoves Fridges, Stoves<br />
and *eyers. 2ld<br />
Vehicles, Heavy Steel,<br />
Light Steel. Etc: from<br />
Residential, Businesses,<br />
Farms, Factories or<br />
Schools. Crane Truck<br />
and Kia Bakkie available.<br />
Call Wessel or Whats<br />
app 078218 6112 Office:<br />
043Ǧ732 1204.<br />
CASH immediately when<br />
you pawn your valuables,<br />
even cars, bakkies, caravans,<br />
boats q highest<br />
prices paid 9aughns<br />
Buy and Sell and Pawnbrokers<br />
043726 4333.<br />
5560<br />
Repair / Services<br />
FRIDGE Repair Regas,<br />
Washing machines + Microwave<br />
repairs done onsite.<br />
Hendrik 0723683030<br />
5560<br />
Repair / Services<br />
PRE-PAID Electricity<br />
Meters for granny flats &<br />
cottages. Also Domestic<br />
Electrical Repairs. Call<br />
Derek 082557 4099.<br />
5640<br />
Shuttle Service<br />
ARRIVE ON TIME Shuttle<br />
Master q East London to<br />
Bloemfontein q Bloem to<br />
E.L. To-the-door-drop off<br />
q Call 071474 3568.<br />
7<br />
7020<br />
Accomm. Off / Wtd<br />
Flats to Let<br />
QUIGNEY q Bachelor flat<br />
to let. Quiet, safe and<br />
secure. 2 Mins walk from<br />
Eastern Beach. Fully<br />
Furnished. 071 474 3568.<br />
9<br />
7060<br />
9070<br />
Used Car Sales<br />
9070<br />
Used Car Sales<br />
2006 DAIHATSU Serion<br />
1.3 16V - Call Remington<br />
Ngudle 082466 1980.<br />
2010 Audi Q5 2.0 TFSI<br />
Auto Quatro - 123,000<br />
km's. Selling @ R199,995<br />
Call Shaun 083 729 4444<br />
SUVs FROM R<strong>13</strong>9,995 -<br />
Call Oswin 082 758 3566.<br />
2011 Chev Cruise 1.6L -<br />
108,000km's - Selling @<br />
R109,995 - Call Shaun<br />
on 083 729 4444.<br />
2012 TOYOTA Auris 1.6<br />
XS @ R159,995 - Call<br />
Remington Ngudle 082<br />
466 1980.<br />
2014 Nissan Micra 1.2<br />
Visia - 125, 000km's -<br />
Selling @ R89,995 - Call<br />
Shaun on 083 729 4444.<br />
2015 GMW H4 -<br />
93,000km's - Selling @<br />
R<strong>13</strong>9,995 - Call Shaun<br />
on 083 729 4444.<br />
Used Baks/<br />
Panel Vans<br />
2016 NP200 1.5 DCi Safety<br />
Pack - 140,000km's -<br />
Selling @ R129,995 - Call<br />
Shaun on 083 729 4444.<br />
BAKKIES FROM R109,995<br />
- Call Oswin 082 758<br />
3566.<br />
Motorcycles<br />
18<br />
9440<br />
MOTO MECCA q Stockists<br />
of Chinese bike spares<br />
and can source new<br />
Honda spares. We buy<br />
second hand bikes q 043<br />
722 1727.<br />
1400<br />
Church Notices<br />
9200<br />
9381<br />
Motor Sundries<br />
A Classified advert is a<br />
silent salesman. It is salesmanship<br />
in print, and the<br />
most economical way of<br />
bridging the gap between<br />
buyer and seller.<br />
CHURCH<br />
159 Oxford Street, EL<br />
09:15 - English<br />
11:15 - Xhosa<br />
(Secure parking<br />
behind the Church)<br />
UGIE<br />
Competant mechanic needed in Ugie.<br />
Welding, Auto Electrical, Diesel Engines<br />
and Farm Equipment<br />
ĞŵĂŝůĂůŝĐĂŽŶŽ<br />
wilna@farringtons.co.za<br />
ůŝĐĂŽŶĐůŽĞŽŶ<br />
18 <strong>September</strong> <strong>2018</strong>
<strong>September</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2018</strong> For all your advertising needs call Cheryl on (043) 702-2031, Wezley (043) 702-2048 or Terry (043) 702-2122. Find us on Facebook GO & EXPRESS Page 11<br />
Lace up<br />
for Sole<br />
D e s t ro y e r<br />
THE WAVES IN SPAIN: East London’s own waveski masters – Bruce Viaene, left, and Tony Dubber – have been selected to represent South Africa<br />
along with eight others at the Waveski World Championships in Pantin, Spain which begins on <strong>September</strong> 23 and will run until <strong>September</strong> 30<br />
Picture: SIPHOKAZI VUSO<br />
Eager runners are invited to<br />
the Caltex Sole Destroyer<br />
Race hosted by Oxford<br />
Striders on Sunday<br />
<strong>September</strong> 16 at Smithfield<br />
Street in Cambridge.<br />
The race is sponsored by<br />
Caltex Eastern Cape Marketer<br />
and is named after<br />
well-known athlete from East<br />
London, Chris Sole, who used<br />
the Horseshoe Valley as his<br />
training ground.<br />
“The first half of the 21.1km<br />
route is run on dirt roads<br />
through panoramic farming<br />
areas and includes several<br />
testing hill climbs, with the<br />
aptly named Heart Break Hill<br />
at 7.5km into the race,” race<br />
convener Helen Pretorius<br />
said.<br />
“At 12.5km, athletes are<br />
confronted with a steep<br />
descent followed by a<br />
relatively flat and fast section<br />
through East London suburbs<br />
until at 18km, where they will<br />
reach their last ascent, the<br />
climb up Willasdale,” she<br />
added.<br />
She said they were excited<br />
to welcome Beebiz, a BEE<br />
compliance consulting<br />
company, as sponsor for the<br />
“At 12.5km, athletes are<br />
confronted with a steep<br />
descent followed by a<br />
relatively flat and fast<br />
section through East<br />
London suburbs until at<br />
18km, where they will<br />
reach their last ascent,<br />
the climb up Willasdale”<br />
Sole Teaser 9km.<br />
The Beebiz Sole Teaser is a<br />
tough 9km that includes two<br />
very well-known hills, Batting<br />
Hill and Willasdale Drive.<br />
“The amazing scenery, the<br />
camaraderie and the fantastic<br />
T-shirts keep many runners<br />
coming back each year to<br />
take on the challenge,” said<br />
Pretorius.<br />
“Don’t let it break you.”<br />
There are T-shirts for the<br />
first 600 entrants in the 21km<br />
and first 250 entrants in the<br />
9km. Entrance fees are R120<br />
per person for the 21km race<br />
and R80 for the 9km.<br />
Entry forms are available at<br />
all participating Total Sports<br />
Vincent Park & Sportsmans<br />
Warehouse at the Hub &<br />
Caltex Service Stations.<br />
5km charity run to<br />
boost needy patient<br />
The third annual Touch<br />
a Soul 5km Charity Run<br />
will take place on<br />
<strong>September</strong> 21 at Oxford<br />
Striders in Nahoon.<br />
Kempston events<br />
co-ordinator Nicole<br />
Barnes said the run<br />
started in 2016 when<br />
one of their colleagues<br />
was diagnosed with<br />
leukaemia.<br />
“We decided on a fun<br />
run to raise money for<br />
our colleagues and that<br />
was how the charity<br />
run started,” Barnes<br />
said. This year's<br />
recipient is Charnelle<br />
Herbert, 17, who was<br />
FOR A GOOD CAUSE: Charnelle Herbert after her<br />
VA shunt operation at Frere Hospital in August<br />
Picture: SUPPLIED<br />
diagnosed with<br />
congenital<br />
hydrocephalus (build<br />
up of excess fluid on<br />
the brain) at just two<br />
weeks old (“B r av e<br />
fighter back on road to<br />
recover y”, GO! &<br />
Express, August 16<br />
<strong>2018</strong>). Herbert is<br />
recuperating from<br />
emergency surgery last<br />
Thursday to divert the<br />
cerebrospinal fluid from<br />
the brain via her<br />
external jugular vein<br />
directly to the right side<br />
of her heart.<br />
Entrants can bring<br />
their R50 on the day<br />
and place it in the<br />
donation box.<br />
Barnes urged those<br />
willing to help further<br />
to use banking details<br />
as follows:<br />
Bank: Capitec<br />
Account Holder:<br />
Charnelle D Herbert<br />
Account type:<br />
S av i n g s<br />
Account Number:<br />
1282061486<br />
Branch code : 470010<br />
Netballers outpace rivals in<br />
Twizza Fast Five<br />
The Twizza Fast Five Netball<br />
Series held its second annual<br />
edition at the Hamilton<br />
Sports Club on Friday<br />
<strong>September</strong> 7.<br />
“Fast five is a fast-paced<br />
game of netball with action<br />
from end to end.<br />
“It consists of only five<br />
players: two goal-shooters,<br />
two defenders and a<br />
centre-court player. We play<br />
shorter quarters of six<br />
minutes each,” said<br />
tournament convener, Nadia<br />
Fo s l a r a .<br />
“There are also power-play<br />
quarters where goals scored<br />
are doubled, with a different<br />
scoring zones for one, two<br />
and three points.”<br />
Foslara said this year, nine<br />
teams were participating in<br />
the series, including<br />
Stutterheim High School’s<br />
first team. Stutterheim High<br />
School is also the only high<br />
school that entered the event.<br />
“They surprised many of<br />
our senior local teams with<br />
their performance, putting<br />
wins past some good senior<br />
teams. What was also great<br />
is that we had mixed gender<br />
teams playing which upped<br />
the level of competition.<br />
“We are hoping that next<br />
year we can go even bigger<br />
and get more teams to<br />
e n t e r, ” said Foslara.
Waveskier to rep SA - page 11<br />
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Thursday, <strong>September</strong> <strong>13</strong>,<br />
Touch a soul for<br />
charity - page 11<br />
Liam<br />
makes<br />
biathle team<br />
Pupil raising funds for Egypt trip<br />
CHAMPION IN THE MAKING: Liam Prime will<br />
represent the country at the Biathle<br />
Championships in Egypt Picture:SUPPLIED<br />
KAYS E R ’S Beach local and<br />
Selborne Primary School<br />
pupil Liam Prime, 11, is<br />
raising funds to travel to<br />
Hurghada in Egypt to participate at<br />
the World Biathle Championships<br />
next month.<br />
Last year, Prime secured 10th<br />
place at the South African Biathle<br />
which earned him a spot on the<br />
presidential team which travelled to<br />
Spain at the Union Internationale de<br />
Pentathlon Moderne (UIPM).<br />
“What is phenomenal is that Liam<br />
was 10 years old and competing in<br />
the u<strong>13</strong> age group at the recent SA<br />
Champs, where he managed a<br />
seventh place. He managed to<br />
secure his spot, almost obtaining<br />
his personal best time,” said his<br />
mother, Vanessa Prime.<br />
Prime said Liam harboured a<br />
dream of one day being a world<br />
champ, and was using opportunities<br />
such as these as a stepping stone<br />
to that achievement.<br />
“Our fundraising journey has been<br />
blessed thus far as people have<br />
truly opened their hearts in<br />
supporting Liam. We on the last leg<br />
of fundraising and are selling R10<br />
raffle tickets.<br />
“Should anyone be interested they<br />
can contact me on 078-451-9965.<br />
We would like to extend our sincere<br />
gratitude to all who have supported<br />
Liam. He will proudly carry the SA<br />
flag to Egypt,” Prime said.<br />
FLYING THE FLAG: Lilyfontein School pupil Sibulele Kentane, 14, has<br />
been chosen for the South African Majorette and Cheerleading<br />
Association (Samca) national team to represent SA at the Drum<br />
Majorettes World Championships in Cape Town from <strong>September</strong> 20<br />
until 22 at the GrandWest Grand Arena. She is the only majorette from<br />
the Eastern Cape to have been selected. We wish her and the South<br />
African squad all the best for the upcoming championships<br />
Mzomhle<br />
coaching<br />
pays off<br />
RUGBY CHAMPS: Mzomhle Senior Secondary<br />
School with their coach, Xhanti Msauli and<br />
manager, Athabile Ngoyi Picture:SUPPLIED<br />
Mzomhle Senior<br />
Secondary School rugby<br />
coach Xhanti Msauli<br />
established a rugby<br />
development<br />
programme in 2015<br />
aimed at reviving<br />
interest in rugby in<br />
Mdantsane.<br />
The school is known<br />
for producing some of<br />
the best school rugby<br />
players in the township.<br />
“In 2015, 2016 and<br />
2017, the school had<br />
outstanding seasons<br />
which saw them rank as<br />
Mdantsane U15<br />
champions, U17 MEC<br />
bronze medallists, Love<br />
Life 7s Tournament<br />
champs and Regional<br />
7’s semifinalists,” said<br />
Msauli.<br />
“Teachers no longer<br />
have enough time to<br />
train or coach these<br />
pupils in schools, as<br />
they are too involved in<br />
preparing classes. So I<br />
have made it my<br />
mission to train them<br />
on their behalf.”<br />
The programme has<br />
U14, U15, U16, and U19<br />
teams which consist of<br />
children from<br />
Mdantsane, Nxarhuni<br />
and the surrounding<br />
areas.<br />
“We need assistance<br />
with rugby balls, kit<br />
bags and training<br />
equipment as the<br />
school has been playing<br />
with the same old rugby<br />
jerseys since 2008.<br />
“We train at the NU1<br />
Rugby Stadium on<br />
Mondays, Tuesdays,<br />
and Thursdays from<br />
3.30pm to 5pm.”<br />
Msauli said the<br />
organisation works<br />
tirelessly on forging<br />
relationships with the<br />
more organised schools<br />
for development and<br />
exposure of talent in<br />
previously<br />
disadvantaged areas.<br />
“Our good work and<br />
dedication has paid off,<br />
as Mzomhle was<br />
crowned champion this<br />
year at the MEC Rugby<br />
Tournament for<br />
Mdantsane schools.”