Good Relations Week 2018

Good Relations Week is a fantastic platform to showcase the good work that organisations in our area are doing in the field of community relations and cultural awareness. This week will celebrate all aspects of our culture and heritage, promotes cultural diversity and tackles sectarianism and racism. It is about inspiring new ideas, promoting understanding, respect and engagement between and amongst all sections of our community.

Good Relations Week is a fantastic platform to showcase the good
work that organisations in our area are doing in the field of community
relations and cultural awareness. This week will celebrate all aspects
of our culture and heritage, promotes cultural diversity and tackles
sectarianism and racism. It is about inspiring new ideas, promoting
understanding, respect and engagement between and amongst all
sections of our community.


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<strong>Good</strong><br />

<strong>Relations</strong><br />

<strong>Week</strong><br />

17th – 23rd September <strong>2018</strong><br />

#GRWEEK18<br />

www.derrystrabane.com<br />

Community <strong>Relations</strong> and Cultural Awareness <strong>Week</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 1

<strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong><br />

<strong>Week</strong> 17th – 23rd September <strong>2018</strong><br />

<strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> <strong>Week</strong> is a fantastic platform to showcase the good<br />

work that organisations in our area are doing in the field of community<br />

relations and cultural awareness. This week will celebrate all aspects<br />

of our culture and heritage, promotes cultural diversity and tackles<br />

sectarianism and racism. It is about inspiring new ideas, promoting<br />

understanding, respect and engagement between and amongst all<br />

sections of our community.<br />

<strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> <strong>Week</strong> will run from Monday 17th to Sunday 23rd September <strong>2018</strong> and<br />

the theme of the week is Then, Now… Next? Which focuses on 20 years after the <strong>Good</strong><br />

Agreement, how far we have come and what we should do next.<br />

Over 30 events are taking place throughout the Derry City and Strabane District including<br />

workshops, training events, launches, music events, showcases of work, public events and<br />

private events.<br />

The Executive Office, The Department for Communities, The Department of Justice and<br />

other Government Agencies are supporting the week, and events are being organised<br />

by a wide range of bodies, including the Council, libraries, museums, community and<br />

voluntary groups, and youth organisations.<br />

This publication is an overview of the activities that are happening in your area.<br />

It is a week to be enjoyed by all!!<br />

2 <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> <strong>Week</strong> <strong>2018</strong>

Event Contact Name & Group Date, Time and Venue Event Description<br />

Conference:<br />

Post<br />

Traumatic<br />

Growth<br />

Towards Understanding and<br />

Healing<br />

Eamonn Baker<br />

07921210703<br />

Date: Monday 17th<br />

September<br />

Time: 9.30am – 4.00pm<br />

Venue: 8-14 Bishop Street,<br />

Derry<br />

This conference will seek to develop a<br />

safe space for participants from diverse<br />

backgrounds to explore the traumas arising<br />

from the Troubles. Keynote speaker for the<br />

conference is Professor Stephen Joseph,<br />

leading figure in exploring, describing and<br />

analysing ‘post traumatic growth’.<br />

History of the<br />

Headstones<br />

Tours<br />

History of the Headstones<br />

Seamus Breslin<br />

07935 779 498<br />

Date: Monday 17th<br />

Wednesday 19th and<br />

Friday 21st September<br />

Time: 11.00am<br />

Venue: Top Entrance,<br />

City Cemetery, Derry<br />

A shared resting place for both<br />

communities since 1853, this tour guided by<br />

both Catholic and Protestant tour guides<br />

– will inform participants about its shared<br />

history and connections with ‘The Troubles’.<br />

Various<br />

Events for<br />

<strong>Good</strong><br />

<strong>Relations</strong><br />

(GR) <strong>Week</strong><br />

Holywell Trust<br />

Gerard Deane<br />

028 7126 1941<br />

Date: Monday 17th to<br />

Saturday 22nd September<br />

Time: 9.00am to 5.00pm<br />

Venue: Holywell Trust 10-14<br />

Bishop Street, Derry<br />

A wide range of events are taking place in<br />

Holywell Trust during <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> <strong>Week</strong>.<br />

Some examples are the human library,<br />

UN International Day of Peace and Future<br />

Leaders programme. For a full list please<br />

email Gerard@holywelltrust.com.<br />

Photographic<br />

exhibition -<br />

‘Then, Now ,<br />

Next’<br />

Older People North West<br />

Christine Carlin<br />

028 7134 7478<br />

Date: Monday 17th<br />

September<br />

Time: 7.00pm<br />

Venue: Malvern House,<br />

Chapel Road, Waterside,<br />

L’Derry.<br />

A narrative exhibition which explores lived<br />

experiences through the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and<br />

70’s and how this experience will be passed<br />

onto future generations. The exhibition<br />

will be based around shared history and<br />

memories during troubled times.<br />

Seminar:<br />

‘Building<br />

<strong>Relations</strong>hips’<br />

The Villages Together<br />

Margaret McLaughlin<br />

028 7184 1365<br />

Date: Monday 17th<br />

September<br />

Time: 8.00pm<br />

Venue: Sollus Centre,<br />

Bready , Co. Tyrone<br />

A facilitated discussion in the Sollus Centre<br />

to develop the capacity of dialogue and<br />

engagement between the Orange Order<br />

and the wider community. The evening will<br />

finish with a showcase of the Sollus School<br />

of Dance.<br />

<strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> <strong>Week</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 3

Event Contact Name & Group Date, Time and Venue Event Description<br />

Obon on<br />

the Foyle<br />

Workshop<br />

Fiona Umetsu<br />

07726611862<br />

obononthefoyle@gmail.com<br />

Date: Tuesday 18th<br />

September<br />

Time: 10.00am - 12.00pm<br />

Venue: Diamond Centre,<br />

Claudy Village<br />

Obon on the Foyle will organise a Taiko<br />

drumming workshop with special guest<br />

facilitator Yeeman Mui, an expert in<br />

teaching taiko to children using the<br />

Orff method. This event is an excellent<br />

opportunity to showcase the skills of<br />

a world class facilitator and encourage<br />

interaction with local children.<br />

Seminar :<br />

Decade Part<br />

Two: 1918-<br />

1922<br />

The Junction<br />

Maureen Hetherington<br />

mhertington@thejunction<br />

-ni.org<br />

Date: Tuesday 18th<br />

September<br />

Time: 2.00pm – 3.30pm<br />

Venue: 10-12 Bishop Street<br />

Derry<br />

This in-depth seminar will cover a brief<br />

history of historical events of that time,<br />

looking at the context then and now, as we<br />

face into the centennial anniversaries of key<br />

events that have shaped the social, cultural<br />

and political landscape of Ireland today.<br />

Launch of<br />

Short film<br />

-Love of the<br />

Bands<br />

An Gaeláras Ltd<br />

Catherine Pollock<br />

028 7126 4132<br />

Date: Tuesday 18th<br />

September<br />

Time: 7.00pm – 8.00pm<br />

Venue: 37 Great James,<br />

Street Derry<br />

The Droichead Project has produced a<br />

short film focusing on the individuals,<br />

communities and families who support<br />

marching band culture. This film was made<br />

in a way highlighting the appreciation<br />

that bands get from their families and<br />

communities. This film can then be used as<br />

an educational resource to show unseen<br />

aspects of a culture often maligned and mispresented.<br />

Chinese<br />

Culture<br />

Nights<br />

Mandarin Speakers<br />

Association<br />

Yang Zhou<br />

zhouyangbetter@gmail.com<br />

Date: Tuesday 18th<br />

September<br />

Time: 3.30pm<br />

Venue: Irish Street<br />

Community Centre<br />

Date: Thursday 20th<br />

September<br />

Time: 3.30pm<br />

Venue: Foyle Youth<br />

Community Association<br />

Date: Sunday 23rd<br />

September<br />

Time: 1.00pm - 4.00pm<br />

Venue: Oakgrove Primary<br />

School<br />

These open nights will give local people an<br />

opportunity to engage positively with the<br />

Chinese community. These workshops aim<br />

to promote their culture and tackle racism<br />

and address barriers to integration.<br />

4 <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> <strong>Week</strong> <strong>2018</strong>

Event Contact Name & Group Date, Time and Venue Event Description<br />

Seminar:<br />

‘The Troubles’<br />

Melmount & East Bank<br />

Estates Community<br />

Association Forum<br />

Ivan Barr<br />

028 7188 0878<br />

Date: Wednesday 19th<br />

September<br />

Time: 7.00pm<br />

Venue: Fir Trees Hotel,<br />

Strabane , Co, Tyrone<br />

This evening will be facilitated by<br />

representatives of the Carson Project. It<br />

will involve two political prisoners from<br />

Republican and Loyalist communities telling<br />

their story of the troubles through their<br />

eyes. This will be an insight to their mental<br />

and physical struggles during this period.<br />

The evening will conclude with looking at<br />

‘What Comes Next’.<br />

Culture<br />

Inclusion<br />

Foyle Woman’s Information<br />

Network<br />

Amanda Leighton<br />

028 7126 6291<br />

Date: Thursday 20th<br />

September<br />

Time: 10.30am - 12.30pm<br />

Venue: Holywell Trust,<br />

Derry<br />

Promoting inclusion of refugee and asylum<br />

Seeking women into the community.<br />

This will include seminars and training<br />

to demystify misconceptions and<br />

preconceptions<br />

Musical<br />

Extravaganza<br />

Border Arts<br />

Gordon Speer<br />

028 8167 0636<br />

Date: Thursday 20th<br />

September<br />

Time: 1.00pm - 3.00pm<br />

Venue: Diamond, Castlederg,<br />

Co. Tyrone<br />

A musical extravaganza in the heart of the<br />

Derg showcasing local musicians, pipers,<br />

drummers and dancers from both cultures.<br />

An event not to be missed!!<br />

Then, Now…<br />

Next Family<br />

Fun Day<br />


Roisin Crawford<br />

07713598617<br />

Date: Thursday 20th<br />

September<br />

Time: 6.30pm to 8.30pm<br />

Venue: Oakgrove Integrated<br />

PS, Derry<br />

The family fun event will give families an<br />

opportunity to learn from one another<br />

about their own community and spaces.<br />

There will be team based activities centred<br />

around community landmarks and features<br />

and there will be a team prize for the<br />

winning group.<br />

Drama piece -<br />

‘Waiting’<br />

Sole Productions<br />

Pat Byrne<br />

028 7127 9918<br />

Date: Thursday 20th<br />

September<br />

Time: 7.30pm<br />

Venue: 10-12 Bishop Street,<br />

Derry<br />

This play focuses on the phrase ‘Moving<br />

On’ as it portrays people who have been<br />

victims of the conflict, either through loss of<br />

loved ones or being prisoners themselves.<br />

This play has been written by Dave Duggan.<br />

This dramatic play is one not to be missed.<br />

<strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> <strong>Week</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 5

Event Contact Name & Group Date, Time and Venue Event Description<br />

Conference:<br />

Moving<br />

forward<br />

Londonderry Bands Forum<br />

Derek Moore<br />

028 7126 5869<br />

Date: Friday 21st September<br />

Time: 10.00am - 2.00pm<br />

Venue: Everglades Hotel,<br />

L’Derry.<br />

A facilitated discussion with Martin<br />

Snodden on why the PUL community<br />

are not fully participating in the ongoing<br />

processes in local government and the<br />

national peace process. This will include<br />

six groups and will be an initial ice breaker<br />

to move forward to a more comprehensive<br />

piece of work.<br />

Exhibition -<br />

A Snap Shot<br />

in Time’<br />

Irish Street Community<br />

Association<br />

Claire Russell 028 7131 8357<br />

Hillcrest Trust<br />

Geraldine Doherty<br />

028 7134 7515<br />

Waterside Neighbourhood<br />

Partnership Rhonda Wooler<br />

028 7134 2959<br />

Date: Friday 21st September<br />

Time: 12.00 noon - 2.00pm<br />

Venue: Community Hub,<br />

Trench Road, Derry<br />

This is a joint project between Irish Street<br />

Community Association, Hillcrest Trust and<br />

Waterside Neighbourhood Partnership. This<br />

will look at memories from the three areas<br />

and will produce an exhibition and clocks to<br />

represent ‘Then, Now and Next’. After the<br />

showcase the clocks will be donated to the<br />

Shared Village Centre for display.<br />

Culture<br />

Traditions<br />

EA Youth Service Inclusion<br />

Unit<br />

Shauna Mullan<br />

028 7131 3444<br />

Date: Friday 21st Sept,<br />

Time: 7.00pm<br />

Venue: Waterside Youth<br />

Centre, Derry<br />

Young people in the Waterside will<br />

showcase the culture and traditions of<br />

people who have moved into the area. This<br />

will include countries such as India and<br />

Egypt and will include traditional food,<br />

music, dance, arts and crafts.<br />

Cultural<br />

Awareness<br />

Evening<br />

Killeter & District<br />

Development Trust<br />

Gordon Speer<br />

028 8167 0636<br />

Date: Friday 21st September<br />

Time: 8.30pm to 11.30pm<br />

Venue: Killeter Village<br />

Heritage Centre, Co. Tyrone<br />

This is an evening that will be filled with<br />

music and dance. It will be the fusion of<br />

Ulster Scots and Irish Traditional and will<br />

involve Highland dancers, Irish dancers,<br />

pipes, accordions and flutes from local<br />

traditional and marching bands.<br />

Big Culture<br />

Breakfast<br />

Glen Development Initiative<br />

Lisa Moore Maguire<br />

028 7126 8748<br />

Date: Friday 21st September<br />

Time: 9.00am - 11.00am<br />

Venue: Glenview<br />

Community Centre, Cedar<br />

Street, Derry<br />

Come along to the Big Culture Breakfast<br />

to experience an array of different foods,<br />

music and dance. This event will take place<br />

in the heart of a community showcasing<br />

the diverse range of cultures that live here<br />

within this community.<br />

6 <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> <strong>Week</strong> <strong>2018</strong>

Event Contact Name & Group Date, Time and Venue Event Description<br />

Multi Sports<br />

Together<br />

Ballymagroarty Hazelbank<br />

Community Partnership<br />

Sinead Murphy<br />

028 7127 1977<br />

Date: Saturday 22nd<br />

September<br />

Time: 9.00am to 5.00pm<br />

Venue: Ballymagroarty,<br />

Derry<br />

A multi-sport activity event promoting a<br />

range of sports and inclusivity. The sports<br />

will include soccer, gaelic, rugby, hurling<br />

and hockey.<br />

Fun days -<br />

Hurling<br />

Shamrocks Hurling Club<br />

Siobhan Doherty<br />

07717514135<br />

Date: Saturday 22nd and<br />

Sunday 23rd September<br />

Time: 9.00am - 5.00pm<br />

Venue: Sigersons Complex,<br />

Strabane<br />

An interactive two days of games and<br />

activities encouraging young people from<br />

diverse backgrounds to participate in this<br />

sport.<br />

Family<br />

Fun Day<br />

Community<br />

Triax Neighbourhood<br />

Partnership<br />

James McCartney<br />

028 7126 1916<br />

Date: Saturday 22nd<br />

September<br />

Time: 12 noon - 4pm<br />

Venue: Bishop Street<br />

without, Derry<br />

Traix Neighbourhood Partnership will<br />

organise a family fun day inviting local<br />

residents from Bishop Street, The Fountain<br />

and surrounding areas. This event is<br />

building previous work and envisaging to<br />

create long lasting friendshops.<br />

Community<br />

Choir –<br />

Allegri<br />

Allegri<br />

Margaret Kelly<br />

Margaret@allegri.co.uk<br />

Venue: Sunday 23rd<br />

September<br />

Time: Workshops 12.30pm<br />

to 4.30pm<br />

Concert: 5.30pm<br />

Venue: Guildhall, Derry<br />

An array of workshops will be on offer<br />

aimed at 8-18 years to address trauma and<br />

creativity through the medium of drama<br />

and signing.<br />

Traditional<br />

Irish music<br />

and language<br />

workshops<br />

CCÉ Cappagh Badoney<br />

Bridget Blee<br />

028 8164 8719<br />

Venue: Plumbridge<br />

Contact Bridget for details<br />

This event is encouraging children and<br />

young people from all communities to<br />

participant in traditional arts and cultural<br />

activities. An abundance of world class<br />

tutors will be there on the day to help with<br />

the workshops.<br />

Shared<br />

Stories<br />

workshops<br />

Bluebell Arts Project<br />

Fiona McLaughlin<br />

028 7126 2812<br />

Workshops taking place<br />

through <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong><br />

<strong>Week</strong><br />

30 young people from the Bogside will<br />

participate in a series of workshops<br />

exploring negative feelings and<br />

encouraging each other work together and<br />

try to come up with solutions and combat<br />

issues around anti social behaviours in the<br />

area. This is to promote the youth’s voices.<br />

<strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> <strong>Week</strong> <strong>2018</strong> 7

Derry City and Strabane District Council<br />

<strong>Good</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> Officers<br />

98 Strand Road<br />

Derry<br />

BT48 7NN<br />

Tel: (028) 71 253 253<br />

E: info@derrystrabane.com<br />

Website: www.derrystrabane.com<br />

47 Derry Rd<br />

Strabane<br />

BT82 8DY<br />

Amanda Biega,<br />

Angela Askin,<br />

Carol Stewart,<br />

Pauline O’Neill,<br />

amanda.biega@derrystrabane.com<br />

angela.askin@derrystrabane.com<br />

carolstewart@derrystrabane.com<br />

pauline.oneill@derrystrabane.com<br />

Derg and Waterside<br />

Ballyarnett and Foyleside<br />

Moor and Strabane Town<br />

Faughan and Sperrin<br />

8 Community <strong>Relations</strong> and Cultural Awareness <strong>Week</strong> <strong>2018</strong>

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