Get Connected Summer / Autumn 2018
Our tenant newsletter informing our residents of what we have been up to over Summer / Autumn 2018.
Our tenant newsletter informing our residents of what we have been up to over Summer / Autumn 2018.
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<strong>Summer</strong>/<strong>Autumn</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />
Thrive<br />
is alive!<br />
Our community space<br />
and café is buzzing<br />
We’re building new<br />
affordable homes in Birstall<br />
A peep into our new income<br />
policy and Universal Credit help<br />
In this issue:<br />
3 High Five<br />
Latest news and events<br />
Welcome<br />
4<br />
6<br />
7<br />
8<br />
10<br />
12<br />
<strong>Get</strong> involved<br />
Our resident’s<br />
federation AGM,<br />
estate checklists and<br />
a new competition<br />
New<br />
development<br />
Information on our new<br />
homes in Birstall<br />
Rock ‘n roll<br />
royalty<br />
Our older people’s<br />
activities<br />
Thrive<br />
Updates from our<br />
community café/space<br />
Neighbourhoods<br />
What we’ve been up to<br />
in the community<br />
Homes<br />
An update on our<br />
planned maintenance<br />
We hope you have all had a<br />
wonderful summer, enjoyed<br />
the heatwave and are<br />
going into the autumn in<br />
good spirits.<br />
In this edition we have<br />
enclosed a summary of our<br />
tenant report. It gives insight<br />
into how we are doing, and<br />
how the Connect Residents<br />
Federation (CRF) scored<br />
our performance.<br />
In our involvement page<br />
we report on the CRF and<br />
what they got up to at their<br />
sprightly AGM, host a new<br />
competition, and report<br />
on our estate checklist<br />
volunteers findings.<br />
We have a new development<br />
that we’re excited about<br />
at Bridge Street, Birstall<br />
and we’ve shared details on<br />
the availability of the homes.<br />
Our older person’s scheme,<br />
Hawthorn Mill celebrated the<br />
royal wedding and held a 50’s<br />
style rock ‘n roll summer fete<br />
for the community.<br />
Thrive in Dewsbury has<br />
been tantalising everyone’s<br />
taste buds and gives us a<br />
guide to what’s on there<br />
this autumn.<br />
We report on our annual<br />
programme of planned<br />
maintenance and how we<br />
have been improving homes.<br />
Spice up your autumn<br />
palate with a recipe for a<br />
family meal with our new<br />
recipe feature.<br />
We explain our new income<br />
policy and how our Money<br />
Matters Team can help with<br />
benefit changes.<br />
We hope you enjoy this issue<br />
of <strong>Get</strong> <strong>Connected</strong> –<br />
happy reading.<br />
Share your<br />
thoughts<br />
<strong>Get</strong> in touch by<br />
phone, email,<br />
Facebook or Twitter<br />
0300 5000 600<br />
communications@<br /><br />
/ConnectHousing<br />
@ConnectHousing<br />
13<br />
14<br />
Spice up your<br />
<strong>Autumn</strong><br />
With this belly warming<br />
seasonal recipe<br />
New income<br />
policy<br />
Our new policy<br />
explained and benefits/<br />
universal credit support<br />
Thank you<br />
We would like to give a warm thank you to everyone who has<br />
been a part of pulling this edition of <strong>Get</strong> <strong>Connected</strong> together.<br />
Particularly our front cover stars from Thrive, Natalie and Tracy.<br />
A big thanks to the Connect Residents Federation (CRF), and<br />
the six tenant estate checklist volunteers. Thank you to the<br />
<strong>Get</strong> <strong>Connected</strong> competition winners Emma, Josephine and<br />
Susan. Thanks to the Otley community who contributed towards<br />
the Otley Memory Wall and thanks to you, especially, for reading<br />
our newsletter!<br />
High Five<br />
News you can use<br />
Delve into Connect<br />
Our annual report is now out. Find out what we have been up to<br />
and how your rent is re-invested back into services, affordable<br />
homes and local communities. You can view the report on<br />
our website:<br />
Domestic abuse<br />
support<br />
We offer support to any person who is<br />
experiencing domestic abuse. This includes<br />
our refuge and a visiting support service<br />
in Kirklees.<br />
If you or anyone that you know is experiencing<br />
domestic abuse and would like help, contact<br />
us confidentially on:<br />
Tel: 01924 465238 (9am-5pm weekdays)<br />
email:<br />
There is also a national 24 hour hotline:<br />
0808 2000 247.<br />
If you are in immediate danger call 999.<br />
Hidden<br />
Memories<br />
Every month the kettle’s on at Hawthorn<br />
Mill in Leeds for the Dementia Café.<br />
The café offers support to people who<br />
suffer with any form of memory loss.<br />
Carers and relatives are also welcome.<br />
The next cafés are on:<br />
Thursday 4th October<br />
Thursday 1st November<br />
1pm to 3pm<br />
To RSVP call: 0113 2311 561<br />
or email: louise.clark@<br /><br />
Keys open<br />
funding for local<br />
church<br />
How are<br />
we doing?<br />
We’ve included the Tenant Report<br />
<strong>2018</strong> summary. This shows how<br />
tenant representatives rated our<br />
performance. View the full report:<br /><br />
TR18.<br />
We are supporting a new initiative<br />
run by local partners Access<br />
Locksmiths which involves<br />
donating disused, old keys to be recycled and raise<br />
money for St. Aiden’s Church.<br />
We actively support the scheme by donating our<br />
old keys that are no longer compatible, useful or<br />
are broken. If you have any old keys that you’d like<br />
to donate, please give them directly to Access<br />
Locksmiths, who you can contact on:<br /><br />
MONEY<br />
CRF AGM<br />
The Connect Residents Federation (CRF) recently held their annual<br />
general meeting in Heckmondwike, where they elected new members,<br />
welcomed a special guest from Engage Leeds Dementia service, learnt<br />
from our repairs team and held quizzes and charity raffles.<br />
CRF Chair, Eunice Clarkson<br />
rounded up the past year<br />
and thanked members for<br />
their hard work. They’ve<br />
helped shape and improve<br />
performance of Connect’s<br />
services such as repairs<br />
and anti-social behaviour.<br />
Matthew Metcalfe from<br />
Engage Leeds used an<br />
interactive presentation<br />
to show how they support<br />
people who experience<br />
dementia or dementia<br />
‘type’ symptoms.<br />
Engage Leeds Dementia<br />
Support is open to anybody,<br />
you don’t have to be one of<br />
our tenants. If you would like<br />
to find out more about<br />
the service call:<br />
0113 380 7615 or email:<br /><br />
Our repairs technicians<br />
also ran a minor repairs<br />
workshop throughout the<br />
day and handed out tips<br />
to members.<br />
Malcolm Goodall entertained<br />
the members by hosting a<br />
few games of bingo.<br />
The charity raffle raised<br />
£65.00 towards the much<br />
needed Dementia Pod for<br />
the Engage Team.<br />
If you’d like to attend a meeting or find<br />
out how to join the CRF, please contact:<br />
Lisa Longbottom, Tenant Involvement Officer<br />
T: 0300 5000 600<br />
E:<br />
Join in<br />
The CRF is run by<br />
tenants for tenants and<br />
is always looking for<br />
new members.<br />
They scrutinise Connect<br />
and help shape and<br />
improve services.<br />
Meeting dates<br />
Tuesday 9th October <strong>2018</strong><br />
1pm - 3pm in Leeds<br />
Tuesday 12th March 2019<br />
1pm - 3pm in Leeds<br />
Tuesday 9th July 2019<br />
Time / Venue TBC<br />
Tenant volunteers ensure<br />
well-managed estates<br />
After completing a comprehensive training programme, a team<br />
of six tenant volunteers carried out checklist inspections across<br />
eight of our estates.<br />
This resulted in 62 items being reported<br />
back to a Connect group made up of repairs,<br />
planned maintenance, estate and housing<br />
management staff.<br />
Action plans have been drafted up and the<br />
volunteers will be updated on progress<br />
after six weeks, with a final update in<br />
three months.<br />
Being involved with the inspection is a<br />
good way to have an impact on your local<br />
community for a small investment of time.<br />
If you would like to be involved, or get more<br />
information, contact Lisa Longbottom on:<br /><br />
The checklist items were categorised as:<br />
13<br />
32<br />
8<br />
9<br />
Estate<br />
Housing<br />
management<br />
Day-to-day<br />
repairs<br />
Planned<br />
maintenance<br />
management<br />
issues<br />
Horticulture<br />
competition<br />
Emma bags<br />
star prize<br />
Connect tenant Emma Starkie was awarded<br />
the gold prize of a £30 shopping voucher in<br />
our <strong>Get</strong> <strong>Connected</strong> survey prize draw. Emma<br />
of Dewsbury led the pack ahead of Josephine<br />
Evans and Susan Raper both of Leeds who<br />
won silver and bronze respectively.<br />
We would like to congratulate all our prize<br />
winners and thank all our tenants who<br />
took part in the survey. Your feedback is<br />
appreciated and will help us improve this<br />
newsletter in future.<br />
This is an opportunity to show us how green<br />
fingered you are in our garden and plant<br />
photo competition.<br />
To enter, all you have to do is take a photo of<br />
your garden, house plants, or anything you’ve<br />
done that’s green fingered and creative and<br />
send it to us before Monday 19th November.<br />
The photos will go to our panel of judges<br />
who will pick their favourites and award a<br />
£20 shopping voucher to the winner.<br />
You can submit photos through our website at:<br /><br />
or email:<br /><br />
Affordable new<br />
homes in Birstall<br />
We have made a positive start to work on a new development called<br />
The Smithies in Birstall, Kirklees. This modern high-spec development<br />
contributes good quality accessible homes to the area.<br />
v<br />
v<br />
Set in a vibrant<br />
neighbourhood, close to<br />
the site of a former roman<br />
road, The Smithies offers<br />
10 new homes for social<br />
rent and 11 for shared<br />
ownership sale.<br />
Built in partnership with<br />
Strategic Team Group,<br />
this development helps to<br />
address the shortage of<br />
affordable social housing<br />
in the area – offering easy<br />
access to local towns and<br />
cities with main commuter<br />
routes located close by.<br />
The 21 new homes<br />
will play a big<br />
part towards our<br />
commitment to<br />
grow our stock of<br />
truly affordable<br />
homes by 2%<br />
every year and<br />
provide affordable<br />
housing around<br />
the M62 corridor.<br />
Phil Lacey<br />
New Homes<br />
Project Manager<br />
Interested?<br />
If you want to apply for<br />
one of these homes,<br />
or would like more<br />
information, visit:<br />
www.connecthousing.<br /><br />
Our homes<br />
We know that everyone<br />
has different needs when<br />
it comes to housing.<br />
So we develop homes to<br />
suit a variety of needs,<br />
be this to rent or homes<br />
to buy.<br />
v<br />
OLDER<br />
PEOPLE<br />
Rock<br />
n’ roll<br />
royalty<br />
Hawthorn Mill is our older people’s sheltered housing scheme situated in<br />
in Leeds. They’ve had an exciting <strong>Summer</strong> with plenty to celebrate from<br />
The Royal Wedding to their own <strong>Summer</strong> 50’s rock ‘n roll themed fete.<br />
Back in May, Prince Harry<br />
and Meghan Markle tied the<br />
knot. Hawthorn Mill had a<br />
party in celebration of the<br />
happy couple.<br />
Everyone was dressed for<br />
the occasion in their finest<br />
wedding clothes. Queens,<br />
princesses and royal<br />
baby ‘Charlotte’ were also<br />
in attendance.<br />
‘Pin the veil on Meghan’,<br />
fancy dress and art contests,<br />
sing-a-longs and dancing<br />
were enjoyed by all.<br />
A cake was cut by a princess<br />
followed by a toast to the<br />
happy couple and rendition<br />
of ‘God Save the Queen’.<br />
This marked the special<br />
occasion beautifully.<br />
On 5 July, Hawthorn Mill’s<br />
tenants opened their doors<br />
to the community and shared<br />
their rock n’ roll themed<br />
<strong>Summer</strong> Fete.<br />
The place was buzzing with<br />
traditional garden games<br />
such as a coconut shy, 50’s<br />
fancy dress, table top stalls,<br />
raffles and quizzes.<br />
They had their own American<br />
style diner that served hot<br />
dogs with fries and banana<br />
splits, which brought back<br />
great memories for all<br />
present. The day was a huge<br />
success and enjoyed by<br />
visitors as well as residents.<br />
If you’d like to find out more about our older<br />
people’s scheme, please contact:<br />
Sarah Lumb, Senior Scheme Manager<br />
T: 0113 2311 561<br />
E:<br />
MONEY<br />
Since the community interest<br />
café in Dewsbury opened to<br />
the public, it’s been buzzing<br />
with activity.<br />
The café serves tasty breakfasts,<br />
lunches and snacks freshly made<br />
from locally sourced produce to<br />
the public and groups that use<br />
the community spaces.<br />
You can relax and eat-in or<br />
take-away if you are on the move.<br />
You can’t beat the coffee either,<br />
supplied by the Bean Brothers.<br />
There is free Wi-Fi and plenty<br />
of power sockets for those that<br />
need to log-on and charge<br />
up whilst enjoying some<br />
tasty refreshments.<br />
Monday to Friday<br />
9.15am - 3.15pm<br />
(from 10.30am on Wednesdays)<br />
21 Bond Street<br />
Dewsbury<br />
WF13 1AX<br />
MONDAY<br />
CHEESY<br />
TOASTY<br />
PIEDAY<br />
FRIDAY<br />
As well as the bustling café,<br />
we also have two spaces that<br />
host a range of activities such as<br />
community groups, events and<br />
corporate meetings.<br />
If you’re interested in<br />
hosting a group or hiring any of<br />
our spaces, for prices visit:<br /><br />
thrivebookings<br />
50% off for<br />
non-profits/<br />
charities<br />
WHAT’S ON?<br />
These are just a few of the<br />
groups that use Thrive.<br />
Find out more about the groups<br />
and how to join at:<br /><br />
thrivewhatson<br />
The café is looking for volunteers.<br />
It offers valuable work based experience<br />
and ‘on the job’ training. If this sounds<br />
like something you’re looking for, please<br />
register your interest by visiting:<br /><br />
0300 5000 876<br /><br />
/thriveatconnect<br />
@thriveatconnect<br />
Meet Hannah<br />
Faulkner<br />
– the new<br />
Community<br />
Housing<br />
Officer (CHO)<br />
Hi, I’m Hannah<br />
Faulkner, the<br />
new Community<br />
Housing Officer<br />
for the East<br />
Leeds patch.<br />
Some of you may<br />
recognise me as<br />
I was previously<br />
an apprentice<br />
at Connect<br />
and I am really<br />
excited to start<br />
this new chapter<br />
working with<br />
tenants in my<br />
patch. I’ll be<br />
conducting<br />
insight visits<br />
and estate<br />
walkabouts, so<br />
if you see me<br />
in your street<br />
please stop me<br />
and say hello. I<br />
look forward to<br />
meeting you all<br />
very soon.<br />
Out and about –<br />
Have you met your<br />
CHO yet?<br />
The Community Housing Officer’s role is to help you and the<br />
people in your community to create a good neighbourly place<br />
to live. Connect is working towards supporting communities,<br />
enabling co-operation and bringing neighbourhoods together.<br />
Working with you and partners, CHO’s are getting to know<br />
your neighbourhood with the aim of building safe, neighbourly<br />
places to live, through forming relationships and supporting<br />
people so that they can create for themselves the lives and<br />
neighbourhoods that they want.<br />
If you would like to have a chat with your own<br />
Community Housing Officer, please contact us on:<br />
T: 0300 5000 600<br />
E:<br />
Newall wall ignites<br />
memories old<br />
and new<br />
Tenants at Newall Close,<br />
Otley displayed their<br />
memories in photos<br />
and text form on a<br />
community memory<br />
pin-up wall that<br />
we erected in their<br />
communal garden.<br />
The wall displayed memories<br />
from people at the scheme<br />
and was successful in<br />
bringing the community<br />
together – generating<br />
conversations about the<br />
history of our residents.<br />
The board was created as<br />
part of the arrival of the Tour<br />
De Yorkshire through Otley.<br />
It was great<br />
to hear from<br />
residents about<br />
how important<br />
the area is to<br />
them and the<br />
local feeling of<br />
belonging. It’s<br />
also great to see<br />
how Connect fits<br />
into the history<br />
of social housing<br />
in the area.<br />
Gemma Thompson<br />
Community Housing Officer<br />
Your memory<br />
wall<br />
Would you like your<br />
neighbourhood/scheme<br />
to have a memory<br />
wall too?<br />
The pin board is now<br />
available for its next<br />
adventure. We can install<br />
it, help you promote and<br />
gather memories from<br />
people in the local area.<br />
Let us know if you want<br />
to try it, contact us on:<br />
T: 0300 5000 600<br />
E: chogroup@<br /><br />
Leave it as you find it<br />
A few members of our<br />
Voids/Reactive Maintenance<br />
Team whose job it is to get<br />
properties ready for the<br />
next tenants after they<br />
become vacant.<br />
Every year we spend<br />
a substantial amount<br />
clearing up empty<br />
properties when tenants<br />
have moved homes.<br />
On average it costs around<br />
£400-£500 per property<br />
to clear up, not including<br />
staff time.<br />
If you decide to end your<br />
tenancy and move home,<br />
your property needs to be left<br />
as it was at the start of your<br />
tenancy. If not, you could end<br />
up with an unexpected bill or<br />
a negative influence on any<br />
future property references<br />
you might need.<br />
If you are having any<br />
problems moving your things<br />
then please call us on:<br />
0300 5000 600.<br />
We may be able to extend<br />
a notice period, or give you<br />
details of local charities that<br />
can take items away and<br />
recycle them.<br />
HOMES<br />
691<br />
We are committed to<br />
investing in good quality<br />
homes. Every year we<br />
carry out a planned<br />
maintenance programme.<br />
This represents a<br />
significant percentage of<br />
the money we spend.<br />
We pick the replacements<br />
based on cost, energy<br />
efficiency and quality.<br />
However, if you’re property<br />
is due any planned works,<br />
you can choose in the<br />
following areas:<br />
You will be able to pick from<br />
a range of tiles, floorings<br />
and a choice of fixtures<br />
and fittings.<br />
Oakwood Kitchens supply<br />
our great kitchens, built<br />
from materials sourced from<br />
sustainable forestry. You’ll<br />
be able to pick from a broad<br />
range of handles, worktops<br />
and units.<br />
Where practical, we install<br />
white uPVC windows which<br />
are picked for their style and<br />
excellence. They are made<br />
from 80% recycled materials.<br />
We currently install Ideal<br />
Logic combi boilers which<br />
give an efficient output of<br />
heating and hot water.<br />
They are convenient in size<br />
and cost effective to run.<br />
This year the work includes the following improvements:<br />
150<br />
New boilers<br />
£410,000 investment<br />
60<br />
New kitchens<br />
£250,000 investment<br />
New roofs<br />
135<br />
New bathrooms<br />
£400,000 investment<br />
85<br />
Properties with<br />
new windows<br />
£275,000 investment<br />
11 250<br />
£150,000 investment<br />
The Connect Residents Federation (CRF)<br />
review our performance against the planned<br />
maintenance programme annually. This<br />
year, instead of a meeting, we produced the<br />
information in an easy-to-read newsletter.<br />
If you want to find out more, visit:<br /><br />
Homes<br />
decorated<br />
If you have any queries about our planned<br />
maintenance programme, please contact:<br />
Vicki Dooley, Project Manager, Development<br />
T: 0300 5000 600<br />
E:<br />
Spice up<br />
your <strong>Autumn</strong><br />
After receiving your feedback on the last issue<br />
of <strong>Get</strong> <strong>Connected</strong>, lifestyle tips and recipes<br />
were a popular choice. Therefore, we have<br />
included this recipe for a tasty, spicy dish to<br />
fill your stomachs as the summer begins to<br />
fade and autumn appears.<br />
Spiced chicken, spinach and<br />
sweet potato stew<br />
Ingredients<br />
• Three sweet potatoes<br />
• 190g bag of spinach<br />
• One tbsp of sunflower oil<br />
• Eight chicken thighs, skinless<br />
and boneless<br />
• 500ml chicken stock<br />
• Two onions (for paste)<br />
• One red chili, chopped (for paste)<br />
• One tsp of paprika (for paste)<br />
• Grated thumb-sized piece of ginger (for paste)<br />
• 400g can of tomatoes (for paste)<br />
• Pumpkin seeds, toasted<br />
• Two preserved lemons, deseeded and chopped<br />
• Four naan breads, warmed<br />
Method<br />
1. Put the sweet potato in a large, deep<br />
saucepan over a high heat. Cover<br />
with boiling water and boil for 10<br />
mins. Meanwhile, put all the paste<br />
ingredients in a food processor and<br />
blend until very finely chopped. Set<br />
aside until needed.<br />
2. Put the spinach in a large colander in<br />
the sink and pour the sweet potatoes<br />
and their cooking water over it to drain<br />
the potatoes and wilt the spinach at<br />
the same time. Leave to steam-dry.<br />
3. Return the saucepan to the heat,<br />
then add the oil, followed by the spice<br />
paste. Fry the paste for five mins until<br />
thickened, then add the chicken. Fry<br />
for 8-10 mins until the chicken starts<br />
to colour. Pour over the stock, bring<br />
to the boil and leave to simmer for 10<br />
mins, stirring occasionally.<br />
4. Check the chicken is cooked by cutting<br />
into one of the thighs and making sure<br />
it’s white throughout with no signs of<br />
pink. Season with black pepper, then<br />
add the sweet potato. Leave to simmer<br />
for a further five mins. Meanwhile,<br />
roughly chop the spinach and add to<br />
the stew. At this point you can leave<br />
the stew to cool and freeze for up to<br />
three months, if you like.<br />
5. Scatter over the pumpkin seeds and<br />
preserved lemons, and serve with<br />
warm naan bread on the side.<br />
MONEY<br />
New<br />
income<br />
policy<br />
to launch<br />
v<br />
How this affects you<br />
In October <strong>2018</strong>, Universal Credit will be in place for<br />
all of the areas we operate in. This means claimants<br />
will get one monthly lump sum payment for all of<br />
their living and housing costs and will be responsible<br />
for paying their own rent and managing their<br />
finances. We are aware that some people may need<br />
support through this transition, which our Money<br />
Matters Team can help with.<br />
Rent is our main source of income and pays for most<br />
of the services we provide, so it is important we have<br />
a policy that minimises the risk of losing income.<br />
About<br />
the service<br />
Money Matters is a free<br />
and confidential service<br />
that provides:<br />
Help with Universal<br />
Credit and benefits<br />
Budgeting and debt<br />
advice<br />
Ways of reducing fuel<br />
costs and improving<br />
energy efficiency<br />
v<br />
Digital skills training<br />
If you are concerned about Universal Credit<br />
and how it will affect you please contact:<br />
Michelle Cox, Money Matters Team<br />
T: 0300 5000 600<br />
E:<br />
Help creating CVs, job<br />
searching, volunteer<br />
and apprenticeship<br />
opportunities<br />
Health and wellbeing<br />
support<br />
Our new policy will come into force in the coming months and the main<br />
changes will be:<br />
HOW WE<br />
Our strategy is ‘Digital First’<br />
where possible. Unless we<br />
feel we need to see you in<br />
person we will be contacting<br />
you by email, letter, telephone<br />
and text. We will continue<br />
to visit tenants who need<br />
help from our Money<br />
Matters Team.<br />
ON TIME<br />
We expect you to pay your<br />
rent on time in accordance<br />
with your tenancy agreement,<br />
in advance. If you pay weekly<br />
your rent is due on the<br />
Monday. If you pay monthly<br />
your rent is due on the first of<br />
every month.<br />
Paying rent in advance means<br />
your rent statement should<br />
never show in arrears. You<br />
can still pay on any day of the<br />
week if you wish. However,<br />
if you are currently behind in<br />
your rent, we will be asking<br />
you to increase your current<br />
payments until you get<br />
in front.<br />
Ultimately we would like<br />
all our tenants to pay one<br />
month in front. Particularly<br />
those who will transition to<br />
Universal Credit so they don’t<br />
fall behind. Universal Credit<br />
can take seven weeks to<br />
make the first payment,<br />
which is causing difficulties<br />
for tenants.<br />
We will not refund account<br />
credit below one month<br />
in advance if you are on<br />
Universal Credit (until one<br />
month after you leave your<br />
tenancy). This is to ensure<br />
there is enough credit to<br />
cover your rent for the month.<br />
It is very important that you<br />
speak to us if you cannot pay<br />
your rent. If we do not know<br />
what issues you’re facing<br />
we will start arrears action<br />
for non-payment. If you are<br />
struggling to pay, we can<br />
help. Our Money Matters<br />
Team can assess what<br />
benefits you are entitled and<br />
help you to maximise your<br />
income so you can pay your<br />
rent. If you have multiple<br />
debts we can also help you to<br />
access debt advice and offer<br />
budgeting support.<br />
YOUR<br />
If you have problems with<br />
your Housing Benefit or<br />
Universal Credit you must<br />
liaise with the council or<br />
DWP to sort this out quickly.<br />
It’s your responsibility to<br />
pay your rent. If you tell us<br />
about any vulnerabilities that<br />
mean you are unable to liaise<br />
with relevant services we<br />
will ensure you will receive<br />
support from our Money<br />
Matters Team.<br />
How to<br />
pay<br />
We will continue to<br />
accept a variety of<br />
payment methods so<br />
that you can pay your<br />
rent on time.<br />
We encourage tenants<br />
to pay from a bank<br />
account by direct debit<br />
or standing order.<br />
The principle behind<br />
Universal Credit is to<br />
make it like receiving<br />
a salary, so it will be<br />
easier to pay your<br />
rent in one lump sum,<br />
monthly, straight from<br />
your account.<br />
More<br />
info...<br />
If you would like any<br />
more information, you<br />
can contact our<br />
Senior Manager –<br />
Income Services,<br />
Ilyas Lunat on<br />
ilyas.lunat@<br /><br />
or call: 0300 5000 600<br />
<strong>Get</strong> in<br />
MONEY<br />
touch<br />
0300 5000 600<br /><br /><br />
Connect Housing is<br />
a charitable housing<br />
association.<br />
Our passion is for a<br />
fairer society, where<br />
people’s homes, health<br />
and happiness matter.<br />
/ConnectHousing<br />
@ConnectHousing<br />
Leeds Office<br />
205 Roundhay Road<br />
Leeds, LS8 4HS<br />
Mon, Tues, Thurs: 9am - 5.30pm<br />
Weds: 10.30am - 5.30pm<br />
Fri: 9am - 5pm<br />
Dewsbury Office<br />
21 Bond Street<br />
Dewsbury, WF13 1AX<br />
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: 9am - 5pm<br />
Weds: 10.30am - 5pm<br />
We can help you understand this information in your language. We can also provide<br />
documents in large print or audio. Please contact us.<br />
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Carbon Balanced Publication Printer using vegetable-based inks.