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<strong>PAKISTAN</strong><br />

Situated on the crossroads of South Asia, the Middle<br />

East and Central Asia, Pakistan is a beautiful country<br />

with a unique history and cultural heritage. Pakistan<br />

was the site for one of the world’s earliest human<br />

settlements: the great prehistoric Indus Valley Civilization,<br />

the crucible of ancient empires, religions<br />

and cultures. The land of Pakistan ranges from<br />

lofty mountains in the north, the Karakorum and<br />

the Himalayas, through dissected plateaus to the<br />

rich alluvial plains of the Punjab. Then follows the<br />

desolate barrenness of Baluchistan and the hot, dry<br />

deserts of Sindh blending into miles and miles of<br />

golden beaches of Makran coast.<br />

This complex nation consists of various ethnic<br />

groups, each with its own cultures and subcultures,<br />

but which are unified by the common values<br />

of hospitality, honor, and respect for elders. Strong<br />

family ties and respect for human feelings are at the<br />

core of Pakistani society. The differences in language<br />

have never been a cause of political instability. That<br />

the country has been able to hold together is mainly<br />

due to the strength of its workforce and family ties.<br />

Pakistan has extremes of wealth and poverty. For<br />

most people, though, daily life is full of difficulties,<br />

yet everyone knows how to cope with crises. Creative,<br />

tough, and adaptable, Pakistanis are among the<br />

most self-reliant people in the world, bouncing back<br />

after major catastrophes. They are passionate, enterprising,<br />

and remarkable people.<br />

Occupying land crisscrossed by ancient invaders,<br />

Pakistan is a young country whose history stretches<br />

back for thousands of years. It is the home of two<br />

ancient civilizations -the Indus and the Gandharaand<br />

its culture has been shaped by invaders, nomadic<br />

tribes, clans, refugees, and preachers of various religions.<br />

It was home to some of the earliest human settlements,<br />

and the region along the eastern banks of the<br />

Indus River was a magnet to the ancient Greek and<br />

Persian empires. Numerous races came here, moved<br />

on, or settled in the fertile valleys. The flow of migration<br />

continued even in modern times, with millions<br />

entering from India at the time of Partition, from<br />

Bangladesh, and from Afghanistan at the end of the<br />

20 th century.<br />


The Persian Achaemenian Empire collapsed under<br />

the onslaught of Alexander of Macedonia in the<br />

fourth century BCE. He crossed the Indus at Swabi<br />

and came to Taxila in 326 BCE, to be welcomed by<br />

the local king, Ambhi, in his palace at Bhir mound.<br />

Alexander then moved on to the Jhelum River, fought<br />

with Raja Porus on its banks, and conquered Multan.<br />

His exhausted army refused to go beyond the Beas<br />

River and he had to turn back to the Makran coast to<br />

head home. He left behind in Central Asia a number<br />

of Greeks, who founded the Greco-Bactrian kingdom<br />

of Gandhara. It lasted more than five hundred years,<br />

ruled by 13 Greek kings and queens, and its art and<br />

religion had considerable influence on the development<br />

of the region.<br />

This civilization was the result of the interaction<br />

of several peoples who followed the Greeks,<br />

Scythians, Parthians, and Kushans -who came one<br />

after the other from Central Asia by various routes<br />

and integrated into the local society. It is under their<br />

patronage that Buddhism evolved here into its new<br />

Mahayana form, and this became the religion of the<br />

contemporary people in Pakistan.<br />

Under their encouragement Buddhist monks moved<br />

freely along the “Silk Road,” the great transcontinental<br />

trade route, and carried their religion to<br />

central Asia, China, Korea, and Japan. Trade along<br />

the Silk Road was controlled mainly by the Kushana<br />

emperors, who built a mighty empire with Peshawar<br />

as their capital. The Kushana period, from the first to<br />

the third centuries, was the golden age of Pakistan,<br />

with the Silk Road trade bringing unparalleled prosperity<br />

to the area.<br />


Pakistan is in essence a multiethnic and multilingual<br />

nation that is home to people of various regional<br />

nationalities. Nation building has been a difficult<br />

process. The country has undergone a succession of<br />

traumatic sociopolitical experiences since achieving<br />

independence; but it continues to demonstrate<br />

resilience and the capacity to survive and adapt to<br />

changing circumstances.<br />

The people of Pakistan are warm and welcoming.<br />

Their love of color is seen in everyday life, in the<br />

brightly colored painted houses, doors, and windows.<br />

On the roads exuberantly decorated trucks and<br />

buses, painted with mountain scenery, religious<br />

calligraphy, or verses from the famous regional poets,<br />

are ubiquitous. Their qawwali music, performed<br />

in the shrines of famous Sufi saints in Punjab and<br />

Sindh, is unique and attracts millions of people every<br />

year who come to make a wish or offer alms and to<br />

listen to the music and poetry recitals. The Pakistani<br />

passion for cricket is proverbial, and there is a team in<br />

every locality with aspiring young players who want<br />

to be on the national team.<br />

Pakistan hosts one of the largest refugee populations<br />

in the world, mainly from Afghanistan. This diversity<br />

is more visible along cultural and linguistic, rather<br />

than religious or genetic lines. Almost all Pakistanis<br />

belong to the Indo-Aryan ancestral groups that<br />

include Punjabis, Pashtuns, Sindhi, Balochi, Baruhi,<br />

Balti, and dozens of other smaller groups. In the<br />

northern mountains are some of the oldest Aryan<br />

peoples, the Dardic, Kashmiri, and Swati. Urduspeaking<br />

migrants from India known as Muhajirs,<br />

mostly living in Karachi, are grouped on a linguistic<br />

rather than an ethnic basis.<br />

The estimated population of Pakistan is 197 million,<br />

making it the world’s 6 th -most populous country.<br />

About 95% of its people are Muslim, with the<br />

remainder made up of small groups of Hindus, Christians,<br />

Sikhs, Parsis (Zoroastrians), Buddhists, and<br />

followers of other faiths. The majority of the Muslims<br />

are of the Sunni Hanafi branch, and others are Shia<br />

THE CREATION OF <strong>PAKISTAN</strong><br />

‘Pakistan’ was originally an acronym for the five<br />

northwestern regions in which Muslims constituted<br />

a majority; Punjab, Afghania (now known as Khyber<br />

Pukhtoonkhwa), Kashmir, Sindh and Balochistan.<br />

However ‘pak’ in Urdu also means ‘pure’, making

Pakistan ‘The land of the pure’. The Muslims of India<br />

adopted the name in 1933 in their demand for a<br />

separate and independent homeland.<br />

The Independence of India Act 1947 stated that<br />

provinces with a majority of Muslims (such as<br />

western Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and what is<br />

now Khyber-Pukhtoonkhwa) were to join Pakistan.<br />

Hindu-majority areas (such as eastern Punjab) would<br />

join India, while princely states (like Kashmir) were<br />

required to pick a side. Jinnah had campaigned for<br />

a geographically contiguous state, however Muslims<br />

were not only numerous in the northwest of India,<br />

but also in the northeastern region of Bengal, which<br />

was to be divided into Indian and Pakistani halves. To<br />

complicate matters, millions of Muslims lived in the<br />

lands of central northern India, but were outnumbered<br />

by Hindus, while millions of Hindus lived in<br />

areas such as Sindh, Bengal and western Punjab<br />

which were to become part of Muslim-ruled Pakistan.<br />

Finally, Sikhs, Christians, Zoroastrians and others<br />

were given little or no consideration in the process.<br />

The process of partitioning India had all the ingredients<br />

of a humanitarian catastrophe. In the summer<br />

of 1947, millions of Muslims from Hindu-dominated<br />

areas left their cities at short notice and migrated<br />

towards the lands which would become Pakistan.<br />

Millions of Hindus made a similar move, but in the<br />

opposite direction. With nationalistic fervor and<br />

ethnic tensions in the subcontinent at their most<br />

critical point, the two groups encountered each<br />

other and the inevitable violence broke out. Entire<br />

trainloads of migrants were burnt alive. Women were<br />

raped, children kidnapped and sometimes entire<br />

families were butchered by angry mobs. Those who<br />

survived the terrible journey arrived in cities such<br />

as Delhi, Kolkata, Karachi and Dhaka to ill-prepared<br />

refugee camps. Sikhs and anyone else caught in the<br />

middle tended to gravitate towards India, although<br />

a considerable number also stayed where they were.<br />

On 14 th August 1947 Britain relinquished control of<br />

Pakistan, and on the following day, of India. More<br />

than 100,000 lay dead, more than two million people<br />

had switched sides, and Pakistan was independent<br />

with Karachi as its capital city.<br />


Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s achievement<br />

as the founder of Pakistan, dominates everything else<br />

he did in his long and crowded public life spanning<br />

some 42 years. Several were the roles he had played<br />

with distinction: at one time or another, he was one<br />

of the greatest legal luminaries India had produced<br />

during the first half of the century, an ambassador<br />

of Hindu-Muslim unity, a great constitutionalism, a<br />

distinguished parliamentarian, a top-notch politician,<br />

an indefatigable freedom-fighter, a dynamic Muslim<br />

leader, a political strategist and, above all one of the<br />

great nation-builders of modern times.<br />

What, however, makes him so remarkable is the<br />

fact that while similar other leaders assumed the<br />

leadership of traditionally well-defined nations<br />

and espoused their cause, or led them to freedom,<br />

he created a nation out of an inchoate and downtrodden<br />

minority and established a cultural and<br />

national home for it. And all that within a decade.<br />

For over three decades before the successful culmination<br />

in 1947, of the Muslim struggle for freedom in<br />

the South-Asian subcontinent, Jinnah had provided<br />

political leadership to the Indian Muslims: initially<br />

as one of the leaders, but later, since 1947, as the<br />

only prominent leader- the Quaid-i-Azam. For over<br />

thirty years, he had guided their affairs; he had given<br />

expression, coherence and direction to their legitimate<br />

aspirations and cherished dreams; he had<br />

formulated these into concrete demands; and, above<br />

all, he had striven all the while to get them conceded<br />

by both the ruling British and the numerous Hindus<br />

the dominant segment of India’s population. And<br />

for over thirty years he had fought, relentlessly and<br />

inexorably, for the inherent rights of the Muslims for<br />

an honorable existence in the subcontinent. Indeed,<br />

his life story constitutes, as it were, the story of the<br />

rebirth of the Muslims of the subcontinent and their<br />

spectacular rise to nationhood, phoenix like.<br />

DEMAND FOR <strong>PAKISTAN</strong><br />

“We are a nation”, they claimed in the ever eloquent<br />

words of the Quaid-i-Azam- “We are a nation with our<br />

own distinctive culture and civilization, language and<br />

literature, art and architecture, names and nomenclature,<br />

sense of values and proportion, legal laws<br />

and moral code, customs and calendar, history and<br />

tradition, aptitudes and ambitions; in short, we have<br />

our own distinctive outlook on life and of life. By all<br />

canons of international law, we are a nation”. It was<br />

his powerful advocacy of the case of Pakistan and his<br />

remarkable strategy in the delicate negotiations that<br />

followed the formulation of the Pakistan demand,<br />

particularly in the post-war period, that made<br />

Pakistan inevitable.<br />


It was, therefore, with a sense of supreme satisfaction<br />

at the fulfillment of his mission that Jinnah told the<br />

nation in his last message on 14 August, 1948: “The<br />

foundations of your State have been laid and it is now<br />

for you to build and build as quickly and as well as you<br />

can”. In accomplishing the task he had taken upon<br />

himself on the morrow of Pakistan’s birth, Jinnah<br />

had worked himself to death, but he had, to quote<br />

Richard Symons, “contributed more than any other<br />

man to Pakistan’s survival”. He died on 11 September,<br />

1948.<br />

It was, however, given to Surat Chandra Bose, leader<br />

of the Forward Bloc wing of the Indian National<br />

Congress, to sum up succinctly his personal and<br />

political achievements. “Mr. Jinnah” he said on his<br />

death in 1948, “was great as a lawyer, once great as<br />

a Congressman, great as a leader of Muslims, great<br />

as a world politician and diplomat, and greatest of all<br />

as a man of action. By Mr. Jinnah’s passing away, the<br />

world has lost one of the greatest statesmen and Pakistan<br />

its life-giver, philosopher and guide”. Such was<br />

Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the man and<br />

his mission, such the range of his accomplishments<br />

and achievements.<br />


Experts from:<br />

Site of the Embassy of Pakistan in Washington<br />

Pakistan: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture, Kuperard,<br />

by Safia Haleem<br />

Pakistan Traveller, Tim Blight<br />

Emerging Pakistan Gov Pk<br />

Visit Swat org.<br /><br />



Peshawar is the heart of the NW Khyber Pakhtunkhwa<br />

province, watered by the Kabul and Swat<br />

rivers, that runs for over 1,100 km along the border<br />

with Afghanistan. Here is also the heart of the<br />

ancient kingdom of Gandhara, rich in archaeological<br />

remains. It lies at the edge of the historic Khyber<br />

Pass and is well known for its historic and cultural<br />

values. The name derives from a Sanskrit word<br />

“Pushpapura” meaning the “City of flowers”.<br />

Over the years the city has seen many invaders and<br />

travelers passing it by, from around the world. The<br />

pass and the valley have resounded to the tramp of<br />

marching feet as successive armies hurtled down the<br />

crossroad of history, pathway of commerce, migration<br />

and invasion by Aryans, Scythians, Persians,<br />

Greeks, Bactrians, Kushans, Huns, Turks’ Mongols<br />

and Moghols. Alexander the Great’s legions and<br />

the southern wing of his army were held up here<br />

in 327 B.C. for 40 days at a fort excavated recently,<br />

27 km NE of Peshawar at Pushkalavati (Lotus City)<br />

near Charsadda. The great Babur marched through<br />

historic Khyber Pass to conquer South Asia in 1526<br />

and set up the Moghal Empire in the South Asia.<br />

The city is the land of the Pathans - a completely<br />

male-dominated society, who are faithful Muslims.<br />

Their typical martial and religious character has been<br />

moulded by their heroes, like Khushal Khan Khattak,<br />

the warrior poet and Rehman Baba, a preacher and<br />

also a poet of Pushto language. Today, they themselves<br />

guard the Pakistan-Afghanistan border along<br />

the great passes of the Khyber, the Tochi, the Gomal<br />

and others on Pakistan’s territory. Before independence<br />

they successfully defied mighty empires, like<br />

the British and the Moghal and others before them,<br />

keeping the border simmering with commotion, and<br />

the flame of freedom proudly burning.<br />

In the early 21 st c. the activities of the Taliban spread<br />

into the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region and<br />

then deeper into Pakistan. Peshawar increasingly<br />

became a target of Taliban attacks, which grew in<br />

frequency in 2009, as the Pakistani army confronted<br />

Taliban forces in the region.<br />

Peshawar is now, as always, very much a frontier<br />

town. The formalities of dress and manner give way<br />

here to a free and easy style, as men encounter men<br />

with a firm hand-clasp and a straight, but friendly<br />

look. Hefty handsome men in baggy trousers and<br />

long, loose shirts, wear bullet studded bandoleers<br />

across their chests or pistols at their sides as<br />

a normal part of their dress. It is also a place where<br />

ancient traditions jostle with those of today, where<br />

the bazaar in the old city has changed little in the<br />

past 100 years, except to become the neighbor of a<br />

modern university, several international banks and<br />

one of the best museums in Pakistan.<br />


mid 50’s Peshawar was enclosed within a city wall<br />

and sixteen gates. Of the old city gates, the most<br />

famous was the Kabuli Gate, but only the name<br />

remains now. It leads out to the Khyber and on to<br />

Kabul. Being an important border city the bazaars<br />

of Peshawar are the most attractive. There is always<br />

a lot of activity going on.<br />

The KISSA KHAWANI BAZAAR (Story Tellers Bazaar):<br />

It was described in the mid-19 th c. by the British<br />

Commissioner in Peshawar, Sir Herbert Edwardes,<br />

as “the Piccadilly of Central Asia”. Towering over<br />

the street are tall, narrow buildings with intricately<br />

carved balconies and window frames. Before the<br />

advent of radios and television, the art of professional<br />

story telling flourished in the traditional<br />

teahouses and balakhanas in the bazaar. The storyteller<br />

relied on his tongue and his imagination to<br />

earn his livelihood. The tales were partly narrated,<br />

partly sung to an audience of traders and travelers<br />

arriving with their caravans from distant corners of<br />

the world.<br />

KHYBER BAZAAR: Here are located many of Peshawar’s<br />

cheaper hotels and, in the evening, food stalls<br />

selling excellent kebabs and fry-ups. Meat is sold by<br />

weight and then cooked while you watch. The main<br />

street, full of doctors, lawyers and dentists, features<br />

billboards depicting sets of false teeth of nightmarish<br />

proportions.<br />

MOSQUE OF MOHABAT KHAN: The only significant<br />

remaining Moghal mosque in Peshawar was built by<br />

Mohabat Khan in 1670, when he was twice Governor<br />

of Peshawar under Moghal Emperors Shah Jehan<br />

and Aurangzeb. The mosque was nearly destroyed<br />

by fire in 1898 and was only saved by the unremitting<br />

efforts of the faithful. The extensive renovation<br />

of the mosque was done by the traditional<br />

craftsman. The mosque is a fine specimen of Moghal<br />

architecture. The interior of the prayer chamber has<br />

been lavishly decorated with floral work and calligraphy.<br />

According to the late 19 th c. Gazetteer, the<br />

minarets were frequently used in Sikh times ‘as a<br />

substitute for the gallows’.<br />

SETHI HOUSES: These houses are situated in<br />

Mohallah Sethian and can be approached from<br />

Chowk yadgaar. These are highly decorated style<br />

of building with carved wooden doors, partitions,<br />

balconies, mirrored and painted rooms. The Sehtis<br />

are the traditional business community of Peshawar.<br />

The main house was built in 1882 by Haji Ahmed<br />

Gul, who migrated from a near village almost six<br />

generations ago.<br />

BALA HISAAR FORT: This mighty Fort lies on<br />

both eastern approaches to Peshawar city. It is a<br />

massive frowning structure, as its name implies,<br />

and the newcomer passing under the shadow of<br />

its huge battlements and ramparts cannot fail to<br />

be impressed. Originally built by Babar, the first of<br />

the Moghals in 1526-30, it was rebuilt in its present<br />

form by the Sikh Governor of Peshawar, Hari Singh<br />

Nalva, in the 1830’s under the guidance of French<br />

engineers. It houses government offices at present.<br />

PESHAWAR MUSEUM: Peshawar Museum is housed<br />

in an imposing building of the British days. It<br />

was formerly the Victoria Memorial Hall built in<br />

1905. The large hall, side galleries and the raised<br />

platform, which were used for ball dances, now<br />

display in chronological order finest specimens of<br />

Gandhara sculptures, tribal life, the Muslim period<br />

and ethnography.





THE KALASH PEOPLE IN <strong>NORTH</strong>ERN <strong>PAKISTAN</strong><br />

The ancient ethnic group of the Kalash people, live<br />

high in the remote mountains of Pakistan’s Hindu<br />

Kush (an extension of the Himalayas) deep in the<br />

valleys of Bumboret, Rumbur and Birir, near the inaccessible<br />

mountain border of Taliban-controlled zones<br />

of Afghanistan.<br />

For centuries this light-skinned, pagan people have<br />

claimed to be the long-lost descendants of Alexander<br />

the Great’s world-conquering armies, which<br />

invaded this region in the fourth century B.C. and are<br />

the direct descendants of the ancient Greek-Macedonian<br />

armies who set up outposts in this region 2,300<br />

years ago. How they got there is a mystery. How they<br />

manage to survive is another. The Kalash have links<br />

with Greece in almost everything but proximity. They<br />

dance around night-time fires; they make wine and<br />

indulge in ancient Olympic sports such as wrestling<br />

and shot-put. With their piercing blue-green eyes,<br />

strong features and olive skins, even Alexander the<br />

Great was convinced of the Hellenic connection.<br />

Tragically, in the 19 th c. the Kalash were brutally<br />

conquered by the Muslim Afghans. Their ancient<br />

temples and wooden idols were destroyed, their<br />

women were forced to burn their beautiful folk<br />

costumes and wear the burqa or veil, and they were<br />

converted at swordpoint to Islam. Only a small<br />

pocket of this vanishing pagan race survived in three<br />

isolated valleys in the mountains of what would later<br />

become Pakistan. The Kalash are one of the most<br />

remarkable cultures on the planet. With a population<br />

of just over 3.500, the largest minority group<br />

in Pakistan, they are an oasis of color and warmth in<br />

stark contrast to the seemingly inhospitable land that<br />

surrounds them. The valleys are idyllic and a heaven<br />

from the hustle and bustle of Pakistan’s major cities<br />

and tourist attractions. Walnut and jujube trees cling<br />

to the lower slopes, while carefully cultivated sugarcane<br />

fields thrive along rivers at the bottom of each.<br />

It is here, deep within the Hindu Kush, that villages<br />

are little more than a scattering of wooden homes.<br />

But if the first thing that strikes you about the Kalash<br />

is their disarming hospitality, the second is their<br />

appearance. The word “Kalash” means “black” and<br />

refers to the clothing worn by the women and girls.<br />

When it comes to the way they dress, it is usually<br />

the female clothes that grabs someone’s attention.<br />

Kalash men have abandoned their traditional goathair<br />

tunics for shalwar-kameez, the pajama-like<br />

outfits worn throughout Pakistan and Afghanistan.<br />

Kalash women still wear cheos, baggy black cotton<br />

dresses brilliantly embroidered at the collars, cuffs<br />

and hems. Glass beads drip from slender necklines.<br />

Long head-dresses are decorated with regimented<br />

waves of cowrie shell and elaborate embroidery, with<br />

blood reds, shocking pinks, Byzantine blues, canary<br />

yellows and emerald greens woven together in kaleidoscopic<br />

tapestries.<br />

Colorful wool headdresses cascade to the women’s<br />

shoulders. These kupas are packed with tight rows of<br />

cowry shells brought from the Indian coast. The shells<br />

are believed to embody prayers for fertility. Unlike<br />

many Muslims, Kalash women remain unveiled and<br />

are famous for their beauty.<br />

Because the Kalash are pagans and worship a<br />

pantheon of gods including Dezao, the creator, or<br />

Jastak, the goddess of family, love, marriage and<br />

birth, rather than Muhammad, they are free from the<br />

restraints of Purdah. The Kalash people have very<br />

distinct customs from the neighboring communities.<br />

There’s a popular misconception among neighboring<br />

Muslims that the Kalash are kafirs, or non-believers,<br />

but this is not true. The Kalash follow a strict<br />

code of customs and have a myriad religious quirks,<br />

something that has brought them notoriety among<br />

anthropologists, writers (the Kalash are the mythical<br />

tribe depicted in Rudyard Kipling’s The Man Who<br />

Would Be King) and, most recently, travelers. Promiscuity<br />

is frowned upon and incest taboos dictate<br />

marriage must occur outside the valleys. The cost of<br />

fulfilling this cultural requirement is high. With an<br />

already depleted population, villagers often have<br />

little choice – either marry out, or invite insiders,<br />

Muslims, to marry in.<br />

But perhaps the most remarkable custom is that<br />

of the Bashali, a wooden hut in each village where,<br />

every month, the women retreat for the duration<br />

of their period. These houses don’t just represent<br />

a monthly break from work commitments for the<br />

women, but are a fundamental part of Kalash religious<br />

beliefs and demonstrate that everything,<br />

from location, behavior, gender and objects, is separated<br />

into the spheres of pure (Onjesta) and impure<br />

(Pragata). The pollution theory also explains why<br />

men are permitted to look after the goats in the<br />

higher pastures while domestic chores remain strictly<br />

the women’s realm on the valleys below.<br />

The Kalash have a culture where their festivals form<br />

a central point of their lives. Impure persons are not<br />

admitted to the celebrations without purifying themselves<br />

beforehand. The purifying ritual consists of<br />

fire and of brands of juniper being waved above the<br />

uninitiated’s head.<br />

While during the harsh winter there is very little<br />

reason to celebrate, once the spring comes in the<br />

valleys, people are greeting the new season in a<br />

massive celebration. This is the yearly Joshi Festival<br />

that occurs at the end of each May. Milk plays an<br />

important role during this festival. But not just any<br />

milk, but milk that was saved ten days prior for this<br />

very special occasion. Kalash people use this milk to<br />

purify newborns and houses. Newborns are fed the<br />

milks, but it is thrown on houses and objects as well.<br />

At the end of the festival, leaves are thrown on participants’<br />

heads to show the arrival of the spring.<br />

Another festival of the Kalash is the Uchau and it is<br />

celebrated every autumn. But the most important of<br />

all festivals is the Chawmos, celebrated in the middle<br />

of the harsh winter, in the month of December. This<br />

festival marks and celebrates the end of the harvest<br />

and during this time, the animals are sacrificed to<br />

provide food source for the winter.<br />

The Kalash have always been proud of their way of<br />

life and recently so is the rest of Pakistan. Traditionally,<br />

they were ostracized by their majority neighbors<br />

and forced deep into the mountains for their<br />

religious beliefs, they have been tolerated through<br />

gritted teeth. It is only recently, once communications<br />

improved and the tourist interest soared, that<br />

the Pakistani authorities have tried to understand<br />

this wonderful culture.

CHITRAL VALLEY: <strong>PAKISTAN</strong>’S PEARL OF THE <strong>NORTH</strong><br />

Chitral is a valley located in the North West Frontier<br />

Province of Pakistan, amidst the ranges of the<br />

Karakorum, the Hindu Kush and the mighty Himalayas<br />

that is Chitral’s point of view in more than<br />

just a scenic way. It reflects the peace, the serenity<br />

and the unique culture of the area. It is divided into<br />

small valleys and is a romantic, captivating and<br />

enchanting place in the majestic Hindu Kush range<br />

in the extreme north of Pakistan.<br />

At an elevation of 1,128m has Afghanistan on its<br />

North, South and West. The 7,788m Tirich Mir, the<br />

highest peak of the Hindukush Mountain, dominates<br />

this 322km long exotic valley.<br />

Chitral shares much of its history and culture<br />

with the neighboring Hindu-Kush territories of<br />

Gilgit-Baltistan, a region sometimes called “Peristan”<br />

because of the common belief in fairies (peri)<br />

inhabiting the high mountains. It has always been<br />

a very important route for many invaders to southeast<br />

Asia, including Alexander the Great, Scythians,<br />

Mangol Changez Khan and numerous others.<br />

The landscape of Chitral is extremely mysterious,<br />

with its steep harsh mountains, lush green valleys,<br />

beautiful meadows and big glaciers, which have<br />

made it one of the most difficult and inaccessible<br />

area of the world. The remote human communities<br />

live in narrow valleys dominated by mountains,<br />

rivers and prehistoric sites abound. Chitral’s biodiversity<br />

is unique, and many of the passes are migration<br />

routes between central Asia and the Indian<br />

subcontinent.<br />

Approximately one million migratory birds pass<br />

through each year, of which several are globally<br />

important species. The weather is extremely<br />

harsh and cold in winter, while the summer is very<br />

pleasant. There are certain famous places and<br />

valleys in Chitral like Garam Chashma, Booni, Golen,<br />

Madaklasht, Arandu, Birir, Rumbur and Bumburat.<br />

Chitral is situated in a multi-hazard prone zone.<br />

Every year, life, property, and hard-earned means<br />

of livelihood are lost as a result of different kinds<br />

of natural and human-induced disasters. Flash<br />

floods, glacial lake outburst floods, earthquakes,<br />

avalanches, landslides, debris flows, droughts,<br />

heavy rain and snow, soil erosion, and riverbank<br />

collapses are common natural hazards in the<br />

district.<br />

Historically Chitral was known as an independent<br />

Princely State. After the Independence, Chitral was<br />

the first state to declare the accession to Pakistan.<br />

In 1970, it was declared as district of Pakistan and<br />

attached to the Malakand Division.<br />

One of the major attractions of Chitral are the<br />

Kalash valleys-the home of the Kafir-Kalash or<br />

“Wearers of the Black Robe”, a primitive pagan<br />

tribe. A legend says that five soldiers of the legions<br />

of Alexander of Macedon settled in Chitral and are<br />

the progenitors of the Kafir-Kalash.<br />

Situated on the main crossroad to Central Asia,<br />

Chitral has a long and fascinating history. In fact,<br />

it is this strategic location that compelled invaders<br />

to capture it before any other area in the region.<br />

The recorded history of Chitral begins with the<br />

Tibetans invading Yasin Valley in early 8 th century<br />

BC, followed by the Chinese 7 th century BC and<br />

the Buddhists in 900 AD. Later, the Kalash also<br />

ruled Chitral for decades. In 1400 Chitral became<br />

a unified independent state under Shah Nasir Rais,<br />

while in 1570, the Rais dynasty was replaced by<br />

the Katoor dynasty. The famous mehtar of Chitral<br />

Aman-ul-Mulk ruled from 1857 to 1892. In 1895, the<br />

siege of Chitral Fort took place and lasted a month,<br />

after which Chitral became an independent state<br />

under British rule. Finally, in 1969 it was merged<br />

into Pakistan.<br />

Today, Chitral hosts ancient Chitrali Tribes as well as<br />

nomads who were invited by the mehtars to settle<br />

in the State. Chitral is also home to the ancient<br />

pagan tribe of the Kalash who are now confined<br />

to the three valleys of Bamburat, Rambur and Birir.<br />

The original state of Chitral covered a greater area,<br />

with its borders reaching as far as Badakhshan and<br />

Bashqal in the north-west and Kunar Valley in the<br />

south. In addition, the State extended to Sherqilla<br />

on its north-eastern front, which lies in Gilgit today.<br />

The culture of Chitral bears traces of Greek, Iranian,<br />

Tatar and Turkish influences, due to its unique<br />

location and historical links with Central Asia and<br />

Europe. The Chitrali people call the land of Chitral<br />

“Kho” and their language is Khowar. Persian is<br />

spoken only in Madaglasht Valley. Pushto and<br />

Urdu have also made their way into Chitral. Other<br />

languages spoken in Chitral include Kalash, Gujari,<br />

Nuristani, Dameli, Wakhi, Kirghiz, Yidgha, Gawar-<br />

Bati and Phalura.<br />

The tradition of hospitality can be observed<br />

throughout northern Pakistan but in few places it<br />

is offered as generously as in Chitral. Chitralis also<br />

have a strong musical tradition. The Chitrali sitar,<br />

a string instrument, can often be heard at many<br />

places and family gatherings. Polo is the most<br />

popular sport in Chitral.<br />

The town of Chitral is the main town in the district<br />

and serves as its capital. It is situated on the west<br />

bank of the Chitral River (also known as the Kunar<br />

River) at the foot of Tirich Mir . Until 1969, it served<br />

as the capital of the Princely State of Chitral.<br />

TIRICH MIR: This lofty mountain peak is the highest<br />

of Hindukush range. Tirich Mir can be viewed from<br />

a higher place of Chitral Town in a clear weather. It<br />

can also be viewed from the palace of Chitral’s King.<br />

This mountain is also highest in the world apart<br />

from Himalaya and Karakoram ranges.<br />


foreigners who visit the Chitral and Swat Valleys<br />

must register upon arrival, and are automatically<br />

assigned an armed guard from the local police<br />

force, free of charge. The registration is required to<br />

monitor who is visiting this sensitive border region,<br />

where Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and China<br />

are all within a few hundred kilometers of each<br />

other. International politics aside, the roads to the<br />

north are believed to act as a route for illegal drug<br />

trade from Afghanistan.


Swat is a valley and an administrative district in the<br />

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. Swat’s<br />

capital is Saidu Sharif, though the largest city,<br />

and main commercial center, is the nearby city of<br />

Mingora. The region is inhabited largely by Pashtun<br />

people.<br />

The name “Swat” is of Sanskrit origin. One theory<br />

derives it from “Suvastu”, the ancient name of the<br />

Swat River (Suastus in Greek literature). “Suvastu”<br />

literally means “clear azure water” and is attested<br />

in the earliest Sanskrit text, the Rigveda. Another<br />

theory derives the word Swat from the Sanskrit<br />

word “Shveta” (white), also used to describe the<br />

clear water of the Swat River.<br />

Swat, the land of abundant water, plants, small and<br />

big mysterious mountains have a long, rich and<br />

remarkable history. This land fused various civilizations<br />

and cultures, such as, the Aryans, the Greeks<br />

and the Buddhists and for most of its known history<br />

retained its separate entity. The history of the<br />

earliest settlements in the Valley has been traced<br />

back to 3000 B.C. Alexander was in hurry when he<br />

came to Swat, and the local even today say that<br />

if he had time to relax at the bank of Swat River<br />

and feel the cool breeze coming from the snowcapped<br />

Ushu mountain and to listen to the echo of<br />

the flutes coming from the mountain of the valley,<br />

he would never had left this heaven on earth and<br />

today his grave would have been here.<br />

The beautiful valley of Swat, are popularly known<br />

as the Switzerland of the East. It is part of the<br />

Provincially Administrated Tribal Area (PATA) of<br />

the North-West and it is also an integral part of the<br />

strategic and significant region where three parts<br />

of the Asian Continent–South Asia, Central Asia and<br />

China, meet.<br />

Swat was described as “Udyana” (the garden) in<br />

ancient Hindu epics. Alexander the Great crossed<br />

Swat River with part of his army in 327 BC. He<br />

fought and won some of his major battles at Barikot<br />

and Udegram and stormed their battlements,<br />

before crossing over the plains of the five rivers. In<br />

Greek accounts these towns have been identified<br />

as Ora and Bazira. After the death of Alexander the<br />

Great the Greeks quickly lost effective control of<br />

their far flung colonies and soon the northern part<br />

of the sub-continent situated west of the Indus,<br />

which includes Swat, was annexed by Chandra<br />

Gupta.<br />

From the 2 nd c. BC to the 9 th c. AD, Swat was cradle<br />

of Buddhism where more than 1400 monasteries<br />

flourished. The ringing of the bells in these places<br />

of worship used to create a strange mysterious<br />

impression all around the valley. During this time<br />

Swat became famous as the hub of Gandhara<br />

School of Sculpture, which was an expression of<br />

Greco-Roman style mixed with the local Buddhist<br />

traditional sculpture.<br />

Swat is also the historical land where the Muslim<br />

conquerors, Mahmood of Ghazni, Mughal king<br />

Babar and Akbar fought their battles preparatory<br />

to the conquest of the sub-continent. The history<br />

of modern Swat commences with the emergence<br />

of the Akhund Sahib of Swat as a charismatic religious<br />

leader and a reformer. With his help and<br />

support, Syed Akbar Shah established the rule of<br />

Shariat in Swat from 1849 to 1856. The Swat state<br />

was founded in 1917 by Miangul Abdul Wadood,<br />

known as Badshah Sahib. The princely status of<br />

Swat, along with the adjoining states of Chitral and<br />

Dir, was brought to an end by the presidential order<br />

in 1969. And all of them merged in Pakistan.<br />

Swat was once a stronghold of the Pakistani<br />

Taliban, who ruled by terror, public hangings and<br />

suicide attacks on security forces. The militants and<br />

their leader, Mullah Fazlullah, were driven out after<br />

a fierce military campaign in 2009, and the valley<br />

has since returned to a more normal life. First, Pakistani<br />

Taliban militants swept into this conservative<br />

part of northwestern Pakistan, killing more than<br />

2,000 people.<br />

Over the next two years, the Taliban gained effective<br />

control of much of Swat. It banned dancing,<br />

parties and music shops, and warned barbers not<br />

to shave beards. Residents who disobeyed were<br />

often executed, including one woman who was<br />

hanged in Mingora for dancing. The Taliban also<br />

destroyed more than 400 schools. Then Pakistan’s<br />

army showed up to battle the Taliban, forcing 1.5<br />

million residents to flee their homes.<br />

And even after the soldiers regained control and<br />

residents returned, the 2012 shooting of schoolgirl<br />

Malala Yousafzai (now a Nobel Laureate) was a<br />

reminder that life here remained cruel and unpredictable.<br />

But now, with security finally improving,<br />

residents are releasing years of stress. The residents<br />

of Swat have long been more educated and<br />

wealthier than those in many other rural areas of<br />

Pakistan.<br />

An ancient rock carving of the Buddha that was<br />

blown up by the Taliban as militants overran Pakistan’s<br />

Swat valley a decade ago has been restored<br />

after an international effort. Seated serenely in the<br />

lotus position above a verdant valley in the foothills<br />

of the Himalayas, the 7 th c Buddha of Swat is back<br />

to its former glory as a tentative calm returns to the<br />

region.<br />

The carving was half destroyed when the Pakistani<br />

Taliban swept into Swat in 2007, imposing its brutal<br />

Islamist rule. Opposed to religious icons, the militants<br />

targeted the valley’s rich Buddhist heritage,<br />

razing former monasteries, burial sites and statues.<br />


foreigners who visit the Chitral and Swat Valleys<br />

must register upon arrival, and are automatically<br />

assigned an armed guard from the local police<br />

force, free of charge. The registration is required to<br />

monitor who is visiting this sensitive border region,<br />

where Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and China<br />

are all within a few hundred kilometers of each<br />

other. International politics aside, the roads to the<br />

north are believed to act as a route for illegal drug<br />

trade from Afghanistan.


Islamabad, is located in the northwest of the<br />

country on Potohar Plateau, and it is one of the<br />

earliest known sites of human settlement in<br />

Asia. Some of the earliest Stone Age artifacts<br />

in the world have been found on the plateau,<br />

dating from 1 million to 500,000 years ago.<br />

The crude stones recovered from the terraces<br />

of the Soan River testify to the endeavors of<br />

early man in the inter-glacial period. Items of<br />

pottery and utensils dating back to prehistory<br />

have been found in several areas.<br />

The name of the city is derived from two words,<br />

Islam and abaad, meaning “City of Islam” or<br />

“Abode of Islam”. Islam is an Arabic word which<br />

refers to the Faith of Islam with many forms of<br />

variations of the Ibrahamic Religion and -abad<br />

is a Persian place name that means inhabited<br />

place or city. This area has been significant in<br />

history for being a part of the crossroads of<br />

the Rawalpindi and the North West Frontier<br />

Province.<br />

Situated at one end of the Indus Valley Civilization,<br />

the area was an early habitation of the<br />

Aryan community in Central Asia, whose civilization<br />

flourished here between the 23 rd and<br />

18 th centuries BC. Many great armies such as<br />

those of Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan,<br />

Timur and Ahmad Shah Durrani used the<br />

corridor through the region on their way to<br />

invade the Indian Subcontinen. A Buddhist<br />

town once existed in the region and remains<br />

of a stupa have been identified. Modern Islamabad<br />

also incorporates the old settlement of<br />

Saidpur. The British took control of the region<br />

from the Sikhs in 1849 and built Asia’s largest<br />

cantonment in the region in Rawalpindi.<br />

After the formation of Pakistan in 1947, it<br />

was felt that a new and permanent Capital<br />

City had to be built to reflect the diversity of<br />

the Pakistani nation. It was considered pertinent<br />

to locate the new capital where it could<br />

be isolated from the business and commercial<br />

activity of the Karachi, and yet is easily accessible<br />

from the remotest corner of the country.<br />

A commission was accordingly set in motion<br />

in 1958, entrusted with the task of selecting<br />

a suitable site for the new capital with a<br />

particular emphasis on location, climate, logistics<br />

and defense requirements, aesthetics, and<br />

scenic and natural beauty. The new city was<br />

designed by the Greek architect Alexandros<br />

Doxiadis and was built in 1960. Due to Islamabad’s<br />

proximity to Rawalpindi, they are considered<br />

sister cities.<br />

Compared to other cities of the country, Islamabad<br />

is a clean, spacious and quiet city with lots<br />

of greeneries. The site of the city has a history<br />

going back to the earliest human habitations<br />

in Asia. This area has seen the first settlement<br />

of Aryans from Central Asia, ancient caravans<br />

passing from Central Asia, and the massive<br />

armies of Tamerlane and Alexander the Great.<br />

Margalla Hills are in located in the north of the<br />

city. Hot summers, monsoon rains and cold<br />

winters with sparse snowfall in the hills, almost<br />

summarize the climate of this area. Islamabad<br />

also has a rich wildlife ranging from wild boars<br />

to leopards.<br />

Although the majority of the population in<br />

Islamabad traditionally have been employees<br />

of the Federal Government, it has become an<br />

important financial and business city. In the<br />

last decade there have been vast changes in<br />

the city’s traditional reputation. From it being a<br />

typical 9 to 5 city, has become more lively with<br />

many new restaurants and hotels springing up<br />

to service this new wealth.<br />

Even now, Islamabad remains a city where<br />

people come from all over the country to enjoy<br />

its peaceful, noise-free atmosphere with a lot<br />

of greenery and nice surrounding scenery. It<br />

also serves as a base camp for people from the<br />

south and coastal areas like Karachi visiting<br />

the valleys in the area. Islamabad consists of<br />

mainly Federal Government offices, Parliament<br />

House, the official residences of the President<br />

and Prime Minister along with the Diplomatic<br />

Enclave, an area next to the Parliament House<br />

dedicated to foreign embassies.<br />

LOK VIRSA MUSEUM: Islamabad’s premier<br />

museum featuring more than 25 large galleries<br />

in four blocks linked through passages<br />

depicting cultural linkages with Iran, Central<br />

Asia and China. There are large halls dedicated<br />

to architecture, musical heritage,<br />

textiles, romances, Sufi shrines and several<br />

other cultural themes. It has a large collection<br />

of embroidered costumes, jewelry, woodwork,<br />

metalwork, block printing, ivory and<br />

bone work on display. The Heritage Reference<br />

Library of the Museum has a great collection<br />

of data on art, music, history and crafts of all<br />

regions of Pakistan.<br />

FAISAL MASJID: Islamabad’s most recognizable<br />

landmark, a very large and beautiful<br />

mosque gifted by King Faisal of Saudi Arabia.<br />

GOLRA SHARIF SHRINE of Pir Mehr Ali Shah is<br />

a Sufi Saint located in a village of Golra that is,<br />

an Islamic religious site.


Greco-Buddhist art is the artistic manifestation of<br />

Greco-Buddhism, a cultural syncretism between the<br />

Classical Greek culture and Buddhism, which developed<br />

over a period of close to 1,000 years in Central<br />

Asia, between the conquests of Alexander the Great<br />

in the 4th century BC, and the Islamic conquests of<br />

the 7 th c. AD. It is characterized by the strong idealistic<br />

realism and sensuous description of Hellenistic<br />

art and the first representations of the Buddha in<br />

human form, which have helped define the artistic<br />

and particularly sculptural canon for Buddhist art<br />

throughout the Asian continent up to the present.<br />

The origins of Greco-Buddhist art are found in the<br />

Hellenistic Greco-Bactrian kingdom (250–130 BC),<br />

located in today’s Afghanistan, from which Hellenistic<br />

culture radiated into the Indian subcontinent with the<br />

establishment of the Indo-Greek kingdom (180–10<br />

BC). Under the Indo-Greeks and then the Kushans,<br />

the interaction of Greek and Buddhist culture flourished<br />

in the area of Gandhara, in today’s northern<br />

Pakistan, before spreading further into India, influencing<br />

the art of Mathura, and then the Hindu art of<br />

the Gupta empire, which was to extend to the rest of<br />

South-East Asia. The influence of Greco-Buddhist art<br />

also spread northward towards Central Asia, strongly<br />

affecting the art of the Tarim Basin, and ultimately<br />

the arts of China, Korea, and Japan.<br />


Hellenistic states were established in the areas of<br />

Bactria and Sogdiana, and later northern India for<br />

three centuries following the conquests of Alexander<br />

the Great around 330 BC, the Seleucid empire until<br />

250 BC, followed by the Greco-Bactrian kingdom<br />

until 130 BC, and the Indo-Greek kingdom from 180<br />

BC to around 10 BC.<br />

The clearest examples of Hellenistic art are found in<br />

the coins of the Greco-Bactrian kings of the period,<br />

such as Demetrius I of Bactria. Many coins of the<br />

Greco-Bactrian kings have been unearthed, including<br />

the largest silver and gold coins ever minted in the<br />

Hellenistic world, ranking among the best in artistic<br />

and technical sophistication: showing a degree of<br />

individuality never matched by the descriptions of<br />

their royal contemporaries further West.<br />

These Hellenistic kingdoms established cities on the<br />

Greek model, displaying purely Hellenistic architectural<br />

features, statuary, and remains of Aristotelian<br />

papyrus prints and coins. These Greek elements<br />

penetrated India quite early as shown by the Hellenistic<br />

Pataliputra capital (3 rd c. BC), but the influence<br />

became especially strong, particularly in NW India,<br />

following the invasion of the Greco-Bactrians in 180<br />

BC, when they established the Indo-Greek kingdom<br />

in India. Fortified Greek cities, such as Sirkap in<br />

northern Pakistan, were established. Architectural<br />

styles used Hellenistic decorative motifs such as fruit<br />

garland and scrolls. Stone palettes for aromatic oils<br />

representing purely Hellenistic themes such as a<br />

Nereid riding and deities such are Atlas. Dionysiac<br />

scenes represent people in Classical style drinking<br />

wine from amphoras and playing instruments.<br />

Early Gandhara creations: stone palettes (2 nd c. BCE<br />

– 1 st c. CE): The Greeks in Asia are well known archaeologically<br />

for their stone palettes, also called “toilet<br />

trays”, round trays commonly found in the areas of<br />

Bactria and Gandhara, which usually represent Greek<br />

mythological scenes. The earliest of them are attributed<br />

to the Indo-Greek period in the 2 nd and 1 st c.BCE.<br />

Artistic model: Later, Greco-Buddhist art depicts<br />

the life of the Buddha in a visual manner, probably<br />

by incorporating the real-life models and concepts<br />

which were available to the artists of the period.<br />

The Bodhisattvas are depicted as bare-chested and<br />

jeweled Indian princes, and the Buddhas as Greek<br />

kings wearing the light toga-like himation. The buildings<br />

in which they are depicted incorporate Greek<br />

style, with the ubiquitous Indo-Corinthian capitals<br />

and Greek decorative scrolls. Surrounding deities<br />

form a pantheon of Greek (Atlas, Herakles) and Indian<br />

gods (Indra).<br />

Stylistic evolution: Stylistically, Greco-Buddhist<br />

art started by being extremely fine and realistic,<br />

as apparent on the standing Buddhas, with a realistic<br />

treatment of the folds and on some even a hint<br />

of modelled volume that characterizes the best<br />

Greek work. It then lost this sophisticated realism,<br />

becoming progressively more symbolic and decorative<br />

over the centuries.<br />

Architecture: The presence of stupas at the Greek city<br />

of Sirkap, which was built by Demetrius around 180<br />

BC, already indicates a strong syncretism between<br />

Hellenism and the Buddhist faith, together with<br />

other religions such as Hinduism and Zoroastrianism.<br />

The style is Greek, adorned with Corinthian columns<br />

in excellent Hellenistic execution. Later in Hadda, the<br />

Greek divinity Atlas is represented holding Buddhist<br />

monuments with decorated Greek columns. The<br />

motif was adopted extensively throughout the<br />

Indian sub-continent, Atlas being substituted for the<br />

Indian Yaksa in the monuments of the Shunga Empire<br />

around the 2 nd c. BC.<br />

Buddha: Sometime between the 2 nd c. BC and the<br />

1st c. AD, the first anthropomorphic representations<br />

of the Buddha were developed. These were absent<br />

from earlier strata of Buddhist art, which preferred<br />

to represent the Buddha with symbols, such as the<br />

stupa, the Bodhi tree, the empty seat, the wheel, or<br />

the footprints. But the innovative anthropomorphic<br />

Buddha image immediately reached a very high level<br />

of sculptural sophistication, naturally inspired by the<br />

sculptural styles of Hellenistic Greece.<br />

Many of the stylistic elements in the representations<br />

of the Buddha point to Greek influence: the Greek<br />

himation (a light toga-like wavy robe covering both<br />

shoulders: Buddhist characters are always represented<br />

with a dhoti loincloth before this innovation),<br />

the halo, the contrapposto stance of the upright<br />

figures, the stylized Mediterranean curly hair and<br />

top-knot apparently derived from the style of the<br />

Belvedere Apollo (330 BC), and the measured quality<br />

of the faces, all rendered with strong artistic realism.<br />

Some of the standing Buddha were sculpted using<br />

the specific Greek technique of making the hands<br />

and sometimes the feet in marble to increase the<br />

realistic effect, and the rest of the body in another<br />

material.<br />

In Gandharan art, the Buddha is often shown under<br />

the protection of the Greek go Hercules, standing

with his club (and later a diamond rod) resting over<br />

his arm. This unusual representation of Hercules is<br />

the same as the one on the back of Demetrius’ coins,<br />

and it is exclusively associated to him (and his son<br />

Euthydemus II), seen only on the back of his coins.<br />

Soon, the figure of the Buddha was incorporated<br />

within architectural designs, such as Corinthian<br />

pillars and friezes. Scenes of the life of the Buddha<br />

are typically depicted in a Greek architectural environment,<br />

with protagonist wearing Greek clothes.<br />

Gods and Bodhisattvas: Deities from the Greek<br />

mythological pantheon also tend to be incorporated<br />

in Buddhist representations, displaying a strong<br />

syncretism. In particular Hercules has been used<br />

abundantly as the representation of Vajrapani, the<br />

protector of the Buddha. Other Greek deities abundantly<br />

used in Greco-Buddhist art are representation<br />

of Atlas, and the Greek wind god Boreas. Atlas<br />

in particular tends to be involved as a sustaining<br />

elements in Buddhist architectural elements. Boreas<br />

became the Japanese wind god Fujin through the<br />

Greco-Buddhist Wardo. The mother deity Hariti was<br />

inspired by Tyche.<br />

Devotees: Some Greco-Buddhist friezes represent<br />

groups of donors or devotees, giving interesting<br />

insights into the cultural identity of those who<br />

participated in the Buddhist cult. Some groups, often<br />

described as the “Buner reliefs,” usually dated to the<br />

1 st c. AD, depict Greeks in perfect Hellenistic style,<br />

either in posture, rendering, or clothing (wearing<br />

the Greek chiton and himation). It is sometimes even<br />

difficult to perceive an actual religious message<br />

behind the scenes.<br />

Fantastic animals: Various fantastic animal deities<br />

of Hellenic origin were used as decorative elements<br />

in Buddhist temples, often triangular friezes in<br />

staircases or in front of Buddhist altars. The origin<br />

of these motifs can be found in Greece in the 5th c.<br />

BC. Among the most popular fantastic animals are<br />

tritons, ichthyo-centaurs and ketos sea-monsters.<br />

As fantastic animals of the sea, they were, in early<br />

Buddhism, supposed to safely bring the souls of dead<br />

people to Paradise beyond the waters.<br />

Cultural significance: Beyond stylistic elements<br />

which spread throughout Asia for close to a millennium,<br />

the main contribution of Greco-Buddhist art<br />

to the Buddhist faith may be in the Greek-inspired<br />

idealistic realism which helped describe in a visual<br />

and immediately understandable manner the state<br />

of personal bliss and enlightenment proposed by<br />

Buddhism. The communication of deeply human<br />

approach of the Buddhist faith and its accessibility to<br />

all have probably benefited from the Greco-Buddhist<br />

artistic syncretism.<br />


TAXILA MUSEUM: Located at Taxila, Punjab, Pakistan.<br />

The museum is home to a significant and comprehensive<br />

collection of Gandharan art dating from the 1 st<br />

to the 7 th c. CE. Most objects in the collection were<br />

excavated from the ruins of ancient Taxila.<br />

There are some 4000 objects displayed, including<br />

stone, stucco, terracotta, silver, gold, iron and semiprecious<br />

stones. Buddhist, Hindu and Jain religion<br />

are well represented through these objects discovered<br />

from three ancient cities and more than two<br />

dozen Buddhist stupas and monasteries and Greek<br />

temples in the region. Taxila Museum has one of the<br />

most significant and comprehensive collections of<br />

stone Buddhist sculpture from the 1 st to the 7 th c. in<br />

Pakistan.<br />

SWAT MUSEUM: It is located in Mingora, province<br />

of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The museum<br />

was conceived in 1959 under the aegis of the Italian<br />

Archaeological Mission to Swat and the Wali of Swat<br />

to contain his personal collection of artifacts. It was<br />

later expanded with the assistance of the Japanese<br />

government, but was badly damaged in the Kashmir<br />

earthquake of 2005. With the war between the Pakistan<br />

government and Taliban in 2007, the museum<br />

was closed and its contents were moved to Taxila, this<br />

proved lucky as a bomb exploded nearby in February<br />

2008 killing many and damaging the museum. The<br />

2,700 objects were returned to the museum in July<br />

2011 and a new seismic-resistant museum was<br />

opened on December 11, 2014.<br />

PESHAWAR MUSEUM: It is notable for its collection<br />

of Buddhist artwork dating from the ancient Gandhara<br />

Empire. It was founded in 1907 as “Victoria Hall,”<br />

in memory of Queen Victoria.<br />

The current collection has almost 14,000 items based<br />

on Gandhara, Greco-Buddhist, Kushan, Parthian and<br />

Indo-Scythian life. Examples include art, sculptures,<br />

coins, manuscripts, statues, ancient books, early<br />

versions of the Quran, weapons, dresses, jewelry,<br />

Kalash effigies, inscriptions, paintings of the Mughal<br />

and later periods, household materials and pottery,<br />

as well as local and Persian handicrafts.<br />

Peshawar Museum has one of the largest and<br />

most extensive collections of Gandhara art of the<br />

Buddhist period and is considered to be one of the<br />

biggest collections of Buddhist objects in the world.<br />

The museum also contains the largest collection on<br />

Gautama Buddha. Buddhist stone sculptures, terracotta<br />

figurines, and other Buddhist objects. The<br />

display of Gandhara art in the main hall includes<br />

Buddha’s life stories, miracles, worship of symbols,<br />

relic caskets, and individual standing Buddha sculptures.<br />

It also has 8,625 coins, 4,510 of which are<br />

pre-Islamic.<br />

LOK VIRSA MUSEUM: It is also known as the National<br />

Institute of Folk & Traditional Heritage, who the<br />

museum calls “the real bearers of our cultural traditions”.<br />

Located on the Shakarparian Hills, in Islamabad,<br />

opened in 1974. The museum showcases Pakistan’s<br />

multicultural society by displaying history and<br />

living traditions of the various ethnic groups of Pakistan<br />

from all corners of the country.<br />

It displays the cultural heritage of Pakistani people.<br />

The living style of the different areas of Pakistan is<br />

exhibited here in statues, pictures, pottery, music and<br />

textile work. Lok Virsa is the finest cultural museum<br />

in Pakistan. It showcases art works that help in<br />

preserving the living folk and traditional culture and<br />

crafts of Pakistan and has a large display of embroidered<br />

costumes, jewelry, woodwork, metalwork,<br />

block printing, ivory and bone work. Traditional<br />

architecture facades exhibiting such skills as fresco,<br />

mirror work and marble inlay; tile, mosaic and stucco<br />

tracery are also displayed.







<strong>NORTH</strong> <strong>PAKISTAN</strong>, August 2018

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