01 Taxilas Children

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"Ask Taxila!"<br />

"I thought I was!"<br />

Steve shook his head in exasperation.<br />

"Do you think we could stop these bloody stupid word games? Whatever keeps coming to<br />

the surface in me is unnerving enough without having to contend with you being a clever<br />

bastard!"<br />

Danyk got up and left the room without answering. Steve sighed and shook his head. The<br />

feeling of the impossibility of a relationship with the cat man was amplified. He followed him<br />

out into the manicured gardens in front of the temple. Danyk had crooned a command to his<br />

Vix, which had been grazing off the immaculate ground cover. He mounted silently and<br />

looked down at Steve.<br />

"I will meet Zayez and escort him here."<br />

Steve nodded and watched the Vix amble across the intervening ground to the access arch.<br />

He fingered the Pentacles suspended from his neck. Zayez would be nearing the closed<br />

entrance and it was time for the portal to be opened. Suddenly, he wondered what Taxila<br />

would want with Pentacles, his power alone was sufficient to transmute the material of the<br />

wall into energy and permit the passing of the All Wise and his two companions.<br />

When Danyk re-emerged from the inner arch, he had dismounted. His Vix wandered off to<br />

resume grazing. The scrawny figure of Zayez was supported by his two Adepts. Danyk<br />

walked slowly in front of them, as if he was leading a procession. Steve descended to the<br />

bottom of the steps and waited until Zayez faced him. The old man's face was animated with<br />

excitement and anticipation. He was also wary of the blue-eyed Scarn who was capable of<br />

inflicting such mayhem on the highest Adepts of the School.<br />

"Greetings, Steve Holt."<br />

"Greetings, Master and Adepts. Welcome to the Temple of the Image. Welcome to the<br />

dwelling place of Taxila!"<br />

Zayez straightened and his eyes widened, he gazed intently into those of the stranger from<br />

beyond the stars. Once again, Steve felt his innermost self searched. It was something he<br />

didn't resist. If anyone could provide answers, it would have to be the All Wise.<br />

"Shall we enter, Father Zayez?"<br />

It was Danyk who made the suggestion. They climbed the steps slowly and entered into the<br />

shade of the main chamber. Steve stepped aside and let the newcomers precede him. The old<br />

man moved slowly to the edge of the transparent Pentagram and read the name. After a long<br />

pause, he walked around the edge towards the head. Once again, he stopped, absorbed in<br />

thought. Steve advanced to the base of the Pentagram. Zayez turned in his direction and once<br />

again, Steve was aware of a deep probing into his mind. The interrogation was prolonged,<br />

although Steve wasn't conscious of the physical passing of time. He was also not conscious of<br />

what Zayez read within him.<br />

The old Master turned abruptly and walked to the living quarters. The two Adepts, Danyk<br />

and Steve followed. The All Wise eased down into a chair and gestured for them to do the<br />

same. He turned to Danyk.<br />

"Tell me, my son, exactly what took place in your father's house when Steve Holt<br />

confronted Rho Arpor."<br />

Danyk allowed his thoughts to flow in the silence which followed. Zayez answered<br />

verbally.<br />

"If I understand you correctly, Danyk. Rho Arpor and his ten Adept companions inflicted a<br />

mind trauma upon Steve Holt, and you were the instrument which repaired the conscious<br />

mind. You drew from deep within the psyche, upon latent forces in the subconscious?"<br />

"That is correct, Father Zayez."<br />

The old man sighed and nodded.<br />


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